#Pleasure and Engagement
artspace11275201418 · 6 months
The Complexities of AI-Human Collaboration
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing many facets of our lives, from improving our ability to make decisions to automating repetitive jobs. The cooperation of AI systems and people is one of the most important advances in this sector. Despite all of its potential, this alliance is not without its difficulties and complexity. The complexities of AI-human collaboration will be discussed in this blog post, along with its advantages, disadvantages, ethical implications, and prospects for peaceful cohabitation with machine intelligence.
I. The Potential for AI and Human Cooperation
1.1 Improved Judgment-Making
AI systems can process and analyze data faster and on a larger scale than humans can because of their sophisticated algorithms and large datasets. They can offer priceless insights in group settings, assisting others in making better judgments. This is especially true in industries like healthcare, where AI can help physicians diagnose more difficult-to-treat illnesses by examining patient information and medical imaging.
1.2 Efficiency and Automation
Automation powered by AI has the potential to optimize workflows in a variety of sectors, lowering labor costs and boosting output. For instance, in manufacturing, humans can concentrate on more sophisticated and creative aspects of the work while robots and AI-powered machinery perform repetitive and labor-intensive jobs with precision.
1.3 Customized Activities
Many internet services now come with AI-driven customization as standard functionality, from customized marketing campaigns to streaming platform recommendation algorithms. Businesses may increase user pleasure and engagement by working with AI to provide highly tailored experiences for their customers.
II. The Difficulties of AI-Human Coordination
2.1 Moral Conundrums
AI creates ethical concerns about privacy, data security, and justice as technology gets more and more ingrained in our daily lives. Ethical standards must be followed by collaborative AI systems to guarantee responsible data utilization, non-discrimination, and transparency. The difficulties in upholding moral AI-human cooperation are demonstrated by the Cambridge Analytica controversy and the ongoing discussions about algorithmic bias and data privacy.
2.2 Loss of Employment
There has been a lot of talk about the threat of automation leading to job displacement. Although AI can replace repetitive activities, it also begs the question of what a human's place in the workplace is. Businesses must carefully weigh the advantages of efficiency brought about by AI against the social and economic ramifications of job displacement.
2.3 Diminished Contextual Awareness
Despite their strength, AI systems frequently fail to comprehend the larger context of human relationships and emotions. This restriction may cause miscommunications, erroneous interpretations, and even harmful choices, particularly in delicate or emotional situations such as healthcare or customer service.
2.4 Accountability and Trust
For AI systems to be successfully integrated into a variety of disciplines, trust is essential. Establishing and preserving trust in AI calls for openness, responsibility, and resolving the possibility of biases and mistakes. Trust-related issues may make it more difficult for AI and people to work together seamlessly.
III. AI-Human Collaboration in Real-world Locations
3.1 Medical Care
Healthcare practitioners have benefited from the usage of AI-powered diagnostic systems, such as IBM's Watson, to help with disease diagnosis and therapy recommendations. AI and medical professionals working together may result in quicker and more precise diagnosis and treatment—possibly saving lives.
3.2 Self-Driving Cars
AI-human cooperation is essential to the development of self-driving cars. The AI system drives, but humans are needed for supervision, making decisions in difficult circumstances, and handling unforeseen circumstances. The goal of this collaboration is to increase traffic safety and lessen accidents.
3.3 Client Assistance
Chatbots and virtual assistants are widely used by organizations to respond to standard client inquiries. Artificial intelligence (AI) can effectively respond to routine inquiries, but human agents are on hand to handle trickier problems and add a personal touch, resulting in a flawless customer care experience.
3.4 Producing Content
AI is being used to create content, including music compositions, news articles, and even artwork. AI systems work with journalists and artists to discover new avenues for creativity. However, questions remain regarding the validity and uniqueness of information created by AI.
IV. Getting Past the Difficulties
4.1 Development of Ethics in AI
It is imperative that organizations and developers give ethical AI development top priority by integrating values like accountability, transparency, justice, and data privacy into their operations. Strong legal frameworks, moral standards, and continuous supervision can help achieve this.
4.2 Training using Human-AI
Promoting effective collaboration requires educating people about AI and its capabilities. Users can operate more productively with AI technologies by understanding the advantages and disadvantages of these systems with the aid of training programs.
4.3 Combo Positions
Fears of job displacement can be reduced by designing employment positions that combine human and AI activities. By utilizing AI's potential while retaining human supervision and knowledge, this strategy creates a hybrid workforce that benefits from the best aspects of both approaches.
4.4 Creating Collaborative Designs
AI-human collaboration should be considered while designing user interfaces and systems. This entails making certain that AI systems are simple to operate, offer understandable feedback, and blend in with current workflows.
V. AI-Human Collaboration's Future
5.1 Intelligent Augmentation
The idea of enhanced intelligence, in which AI systems complement human abilities rather than replace them, holds the key to the future of AI-human collaboration. AI will become a crucial tool to unlock human potential across a range of domains as it develops.
5.2 AI as an Adjunct Complement
AI will increasingly function as a  human providing support, insight, and automating repetitive chores. This collaboration could increase productivity and efficiency in a variety of fields.
5.3 Frameworks for Ethics and Regulations
The establishment of moral and legal frameworks that uphold user rights and promote responsible AI use will be necessary for the growth of AI-human collaboration. These frameworks will aid in addressing the issues of algorithmic bias, accountability, and data privacy.
5.4 Ongoing Education
To properly interact, humans and AI systems will both need to constantly adapt and learn new things. While AI systems will need constant training to increase their comprehension of human context and emotions, humans will need to stay informed about AI capabilities and limitations.
In summary
There is no denying the complexity of AI-human collaboration; it raises issues with ethics, potential job displacement, and comprehension and trust. But by working together, AI and humans can create tailored experiences, increased decision-making, and automation, which makes this an interesting direction for the future. We can create the conditions for peaceful coexistence of human and machine intelligence by tackling these difficulties through ethical growth, training, and hybrid employment roles. This will open up a world of opportunities that will benefit people individually as well as society at large. Future AI-human cooperation has the potential to be a revolutionary force that ushers in a period of expanded human capabilities and augmented intelligence.
If all of my readers want to know more about Artificial intelligence at the current time please read This book to enhance your knowladge: https://amzn.to/3Sr5Tbo
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tiredyke · 1 month
i’m the one oppressing straight people in fandom btw . when someone complains about people being too mean and unfair to m/f shippers they’re talking about me
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frogintheair · 2 months
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help I'm being dragged back into my drarry era what's happening
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
4k words of valentino rossi lezzing out in the saw trap here merry christmas everyoneeeeeee
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captainschmoe · 1 year
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vimbry · 2 months
joel ending up in the blackpool pleasure beach on a geoguessr stream is surreal
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kaus-quietis · 1 year
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Come take... this... hand... at twi... light’s... door... I’ll meet...  you... there We’ll share the moonlit floor through the driving rain –
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phoenixmetaphor · 7 months
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welcome to the Resident Evil/Star Trek fusion literally nobody asked for. sorry for the handwritten notes; i really cannot be bothered to typeset on the ipad.
but i really like orions, okay guys. and this one has his clothes on so maybe tumblr won’t delete him.
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kaurwreck · 2 months
how does it feel to have some of the best bsd takes i've seen on tumblr dot com omg
like a pleasure and a burden
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zenmom · 3 months
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I’m sorry? I thought Disney would be focusing on its own business…. Now it’s supporting the country that’s just killing people! Where is the logic in that, hmmm? Some of those people would really be grateful and pay for some of your stuff if you support Palastine but nooooo, you have to support that genocidal country who would be more than happy to destroy people’s lives in countries nearby them…
I’m devastatingly disappointed. To think that you must’ve given Nintendo the green light to refurbish the game for you so that you may get a bit more money from that (hopefully, for you. Because you’re a greedy ass company) what you did will increase the boycott.
Never thought I would get into this Palestine thing. I hate politics.
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spnshortcake · 1 year
Forbidden Skies.
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Topgun Maverick fanfic.
Chapter one
Pairings: Jake “hangman” Seresin x y/n Female!Pilot “Stinger” callsign.
Summary: hangman and y/n really hated each other but , secretly wants to fuck each-other. Two hardass, cocky pilots. What will happen when they go on a mission? Will it make feelings come to the surface or will history continue to repeat itself.
Chapter Two
🚫 18+ MINORS DNI 🚫
“Hi y/n how is your training going?” Your mom asks as she smiles while your dad gets into the frame of the computer screen. “Hi sweetie how is flying going” he asks.
“It’s going good my squad is actually a family. We have a mission coming up in a few months so we are always training. How are you two? Did you get my Mother’s Day gift? I sent it a few days before.” I love getting to see my family. They are all the way back in Texas, where I am from. I’m here in California for duty for Top Gun. I am a Lieutenant in the U.S Navy. Practically one of the best pilots in the buiz. I have one confirmed kill under my wings.
“Yes sweetie the necklace and flowers you sent came actually on the day of Mother’s Day. You made my day special even if you are one thousand miles away.” I hate not being there for most of the holidays but, they support me fully in the navy. They love my career.
“That’s good mom. I am glad I got to send you something.” I smile at them. Being away from them and being the only daughter it sucks but , got to do what you got to do.
“Now tell me about your squad you said they are actually like family.” Dad asks. He finally is starting to get gray haired.
“Well there is rooster, Bob, fanboy, coyote, ohama, halo , Fritz, Yale, Harvard, payback, Phoenix and bagman. Those aren’t their real names it’s their callsigns it’s easier to talk to them using callsigns. They are all part of this new mission we are doing. Our captain , Maverick we are training for this “off the wall” mission.” I explain as I use quotations in the hair with my hands.
“Bagman? What kind of callsign is that all the others sound tough.” I chuckle as my mom asks me confused.
“Well his callsign is actually hangman but we all joke and call him bagman cause he is a serious dickhead.”
“Oh so he ruffles your feathers.” My mom looks at me as she sips her wine. Man when that women gets a taste of red wine she never thinks before saying whatever is on her mind. You roll your eyes.
“Definitely not mother.” I say as her and dad exchanged a look between the two. How could hangman ever “ruffle” your feathers as she puts it. Makes you rather gag as you are thinking about it. You have been single for a while now trying to focus on your career in the Navy. While your parents want you to be popping out grandkids. Something they say is “they won’t be getting any younger if you wait to long they won’t have any grandparents alive.” I mean you would love to settle down and have children with your future husband but after fuck face did what he did when you was going to basic training to go into the navy you swore you would just focus on your training and forget about him.
“Sweetie how long has it been? 4 years.” Your mom finally spoke up making you focus back on her and not on your spiraling brain.
“Congratulations New navy graduates. May you look at this day as a new life. Make everything count. Your adventure has just begun and I belive your future is bright. May God bless the U.S Navy.” Admiral Simpson spoke as we all graduated and became Navy sailors. I made my way to my family and everyone is there except the one I wanted to be there the most. “My fiancé” Jackson. We have been together for such a while now probably three and Half years. He proposed to me the weekend before I shipped out for Basic. He knew how much this meant to me. I looked at my mom and dad disappointed.
“Where is Jackson. He said he would be here.” I asked looking around obviously not seeing him.
“He said he had to work today and he couldn’t get off.” I nod as my mom hands me my phone and I turn it on to a bunch of texts and calls congratulating me on graduating mom tagged me a post. She is always posting. She loves social media more than me. But the one thing that still bothered me as Jackson has yet to text me or even call. I press his contact and it goes straight to voicemail. Maybe his phone is off. I end up going to dinner with my parents and going back to the hotel where they have a room and I look at me in my service dress white uniform. I can’t believe I’m in the military I have worked my ass off for this.
“He still hasn’t called?” My dad looked at me.
“No it’s not like him, in Texas he should be off work by now.”
I look at my caller ID and it’s my best friend Rachel. “Omg look how hot you are!!! Congratulations y/n”. She screams at me. I chuckle. She is always been literally in my back corner and never lets me down.
“Hi girl and right back at you. Thank you” I say.
“Y/n I am flying out right now , I’m in the airport I had a layover. But before I get on the plane I had to call you because..” she seems nervous.
“Because what Rach tell me what is going on? Are you okay.”
“I’m fine girl it’s Jackson..”
“ what. What’s wrong I tried calling it went to voicemail is everything okay?” I sit on the end of the hotel bed.
“Yes everything is okay well no it’s not y/n I don’t know how to say this.” She looks around nervously
“Rach I swear to god if you don’t spit out I’ll beat you when you land.” I say to her. My mind is going to the worst thing possible.
“He was at the airport with another girl. They where headed to Jamaica. Looked like they had a kid with them.”
My heart instantly stopped. What? Jamaica. Another girl?? A kid? Couldn’t be Jackson.
“Rachel, it couldn’t be him are you sure.” I questioned as I look up at my parents my mom has a sad face expression holding her heart.
I look at the picture in disgust and disbelief. It was him and the girl. How could he do this and lie to my parents after everything. I look at my ring and I rip it off throwing it at the wall.
“I am so sorry y/n I’ll be there as soon as I can. Let’s get drunk with your mom and give the rest of the day for you. This couldn’t sit well with me and I just had to tell you before boarding. Girl you know I truly am sorry but he had a big forehead anyways and now you are such a bad ass and can get anything you want.” She smiles at me.
“Rachel I just can’t believe he could do something like this. I was gonna marry him.”
“Maybe you need someone to ruffle your feathers.” Your dad commented getting you back to reality.
“Dad mom I’m on a mission and besides I am so focused on training to figure who would be ruffling my feathers at night. “
Phoenix: 🍺 🍺 🎯 ??
“Well mom and dad I love y’all my friend is asking me to go out with them tonight so I’ll talk to y’all soon. Bye”
You finally make your way to the hard deck and already see everyone inside at the pool table. You don’t see Jake yet so that’s a good sign he might just not be here.
“We’ll look who we have here. Stinger finally came out for once” hangman says behind you. You groan as you turn around to see those green eyes you loathe so much. You can practically smell the arrogance on him.
“Bite me bagman I do come out just not when your here.” You smirk and walk to the door but he stops you from opening it and he holds the door for you.
“After you darlin, and don’t tempt me with a good time I will definitely bite you.” He says
I walk in and make my way to the bar and penny pops open two Budweisers putting them on the bar top.
“I got the first round sting.” Jake says as he pays for them.
“I didn’t ask you to.” I put the beer up to my lips drinking the cold beer.
“STINGER! Your here. There is just too much testosterone in this damn bar tonight.” Natasha says pulling you tit he pool table where Bob and rooster are playing.
You look around and you find the back of a blonde hair man, Jake, walking toward the jukebox finding a song to play. Man the back muscles on that man— I shake my head and turn back to the group of people talking about how rooster just kicked bobs ass in pool.
I can’t be thinking of Jake that way. He is to arrogant and just exactly like me. I couldn’t possibly be thinking of him like that.
“That’s 3 games in a row Bob how are you so bad at pool.” Rooster laughs bringing his bottle of beer to his mouth. Rooster is like a brother I never had. Having no siblings makes you look at your squadron as your real blood brothers and sisters and you would do anything for. Now for Jake he is like a annoying cousin fair down the family tree that you just can’t flick away. Something about him just makes your skin crawl.
“Maybe y/n and I should play.” Hangman says making his way back to his seat.
“Oh so you can get your ass beat on the ground as you do in the sky.” I say to him smirking as I drink my beer earning a laugh from the rest of the group.
“Now sweetheart we all know who gets beat in the sky and it’s not me.” He brings his bottom lip inbetween his teeth biting on it siping his beer.
“Names not sweetheart bagman you should know that by now.”
“Can you both stop arguing like a old married couple.” Rooster finally speaks up.
These next few weeks are gonna be the worst cause of him. He just always knows how to get under my skin.
Hi lovely! This is my first series so please if you have any feedback please let me know! My requests are open and you can find my Masterlist here. I don’t have a posting schedule so please just bare with me. I’ll post and write when I can. If you enjoy this first chapter please reblog and comment it helps with engagement.
Over and out ,
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scrollll · 5 months
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All rise for his badass-ness Zouey himself!👑
<prev more>
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anglerflsh · 1 year
Hello, I recently started following you and I noticed that you have an interest in terms of philosophy... I wanted to know if you have any recommendations or opinions of your own in terms of aesthetics of beauty and ugliness
I'll admit that I'm not an expert in philosophy - though, the topic of aesthetic is quite interesting, so I'll try my best.
In terms of ideals of beauty, the most interesting take in my opinion comes from the romanticism movement first and dandyism second: art for art's sake, beauty for the sake of something that is beautiful, all that, of which I can name the classics - Oscar Wild, D'Annunzio, even Kant (I do have to recommend reading "The Aesthetic of Uglyness: a Kanthian perspective", by Kuplen, on this specific topic. I liked it).
Estheticism, of which those authors are also part alongside Hegel, is what I'm specifically talking about - the kind that takes in count the romantic ideals of Beauty From The Terrifying, the Sublime, and in a way the beauty of the Ugly (thought that's stretching a bit).
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firstkanaphans · 11 months
Your fics have the incredible ability to always always leave me wanting more. I need to see Aye’s reaction to finding out he slept through his proposal dinner 😂. I don’t think you posting extra scenes is good for my heart!!
Here you go! Enjoy 💛
Read on AO3
“So…what was your plan?”
Akk groaned into his pillow. He was utterly exhausted despite spending most of the day in bed and every time he tried to sleep, Aye would wake him.
“What are you talking about?” Akk grumbled, but despite his annoyance, he rolled over and faced his new fiancé. Aye was still staring mesmerized at the ring Akk had given him and it warmed Akk’s heart to know that he had done this one thing right. That if Aye was the only thing he ever got right, it would still be worth it.
“What was your plan?” Aye repeated, shaking Akk’s shoulders as if the meaning of his question should be obvious. “How did you plan to propose? Because as much as I enjoyed being proposed to half-naked in bed, I can’t imagine that was how you meant to do it. I know you had a plan—you’re you!”
“I really didn’t,” Akk said with a laugh. He felt so much freer now that the ring was out of his pocket and on Aye’s finger. “I’ve been carrying that thing around for months, just waiting for the perfect moment.”
“Liar,” Aye pouted.
“I’m not lying!” Akk said, but he knew Aye well enough to know that he wasn’t going to get any sleep without first giving him an answer. “But I had considered doing it at dinner last night.”
“The dinner I slept through!?” Aye cried, appalled. “Akk!”
“What?! You’re the one who slept through it—not me!”
Aye smacked him on the shoulder like a toddler having a tantrum and Akk couldn’t help but laugh. “You should have woken me up!”
“I tried!”
That, apparently, was not a satisfactory answer. Aye tackled him to the bed, straddling his lap and pinning his wrists to the mattress. “That’s not fair, Akk! I didn’t know! I would have woken up if I’d known I was going to get a proposal out of it.”
“Well, maybe now you’ll actually listen to me, huh?”
Aye bared his teeth like a rabid dog, but gave up the effort of being intimidating when Akk once again started laughing. Aye fell back down onto the bed next to him and chose a new tactic—one that had never failed to get him exactly what he wanted. He begged.
“Please, Phi. Please. Just tell me. How were you going to do it? Ooh, what if I guess? You were going to put the ring at the bottom of a glass of champagne, weren’t you? Or, no—ring baked into the dessert?”
“With your appetite?” Akk joked. “We would have ended up with no ring and a trip to the emergency room.”
“Akk,” Aye whined, shaking him to really emphasize his annoyance. “Tell me.”
“Fine,” Akk finally relented. “After dinner, I was going to take you down to the beach with a bottle of champagne and propose to you there—under the stars. You like the beach.”
“And the stars,” Aye agreed, his hands still latched onto Akk’s arm. His eyes were wide and lovestruck and Akk was starting to feel a bit bad for not waiting for a more poignant occasion to pop the question when Aye added, “I like the way you did it better, though.”
“You do?”
Aye nodded. “It was more us. Now, whenever I wake up and see you lying in bed next to me, the first thing I’ll think of is the happiest moment of my life.”
Heat rose to Akk’s cheeks and he wasn’t even sure why. It was just…sweet. It made him feel very loved. “Oh,” he said.
Aye smiled as if he could read the emotions in his eyes. “Plus, I wouldn’t have been able to fuck you on the beach. We would have had to change locations to have engagement sex. What a waste of time.”
And there it was. Akk rolled his eyes. “Yes, that is exactly why I did it. Thank you so much for noticing.”
Aye reached out and pinched his cheeks. “My boyfriend is so smart.”
“Fiancé,” Akk corrected, swatting him away. After all, he hadn’t bought that ring just for show.
Aye smiled, soft and satisfied and happy, and then leaned down and kissed Akk with all of the tenderness in the world. “Fiancé,” he agreed.
And finally, they slept.
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malewifesband · 8 days
u have to treat the top right. u have to put the work in for the top u cant just say its their job to give u urs and and also their job to get their own
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