#Protective Measures
amitkakkarhealthyway · 3 months
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(via How to Play Eco-Friendly and Safe Holi)
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martin-james2121 · 6 months
Have A Glance of These 7 Common E-Wallet Scams You Need to Know And their protective Measures
In today's digital age, e-wallets offer convenience and efficiency in managing finances, but they also present opportunities for scammers to exploit unsuspecting users. 
Having knowledge of the prevalent scams with respect to e-wallets is important for protecting yourself from falling prey to them. 
Check out these pitfalls and safeguard your financial security as we uncover these common e-wallet scams.  
1. Phishing Scams
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Fraudsters use deceptive emails, text messages, or fake websites that resemble those from your e-wallet service. Clicking the included link redirects you to a fraudulent website mirroring the genuine login page. Falling for this scheme compromises your passwords or personal information including login credentials, exposing them to malicious individuals.
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secondmomsvillage · 6 months
Harmful microorganisms are all around us. Despite their microscopic size, they can cause serious harm to the health of people. Germs and viruses can cause illnesses and diseases. On a larger scale, they can result in pandemics and epidemics. This is why it is best to take protective measures against them as much as possible. At home, observing proper housekeeping practices is an excellent start.
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What Have You Been Working On?A Deep Dive into Current Construction Safety Initiatives
What have you been working on? Every day, on construction sites across the globe, professionals ranging from site managers to laborers engage in tasks that shape our urban landscape. When they pause for a moment, perhaps during a coffee break or in a team huddle, the question “What have you been working on?” frequently arises. This isn’t mere small talk. Instead, it signifies a deeper intent of…
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gwydionmisha · 8 months
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Patients need to make crucial decisions regarding their recovery every once in a while. One of the biggest choices that they have to make is finding a place where they would recuperate and receive personal care services. They must carefully consider as their choice hugely impacts their health and recovery. That holds especially true in choosing a care plan. It’s a life-changing decision for patients.
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The skin is one of the first things easily noticeable in a person. It isn’t only about color and texture, but its totality. Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, it is of utmost importance for people to take good care of it. People must not wait to encounter skin problems and require telemedicine services before they realize the importance of doing so.
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amarantheia · 10 months
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Today's a personal Black Sails Anniversary for me, so posting this drawing of my faves from my fave show as a tiny celebration
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essektheylyss · 19 days
It really is so fun that Essek started mentioning "my partner" like every three lines because he probably doesn't actually get the chance to talk about it that often.
I think there can often be an impulse when you really care about someone to want to shout from the rooftops all the great things you feel and notice about them, and Essek isn't really in a position to do that. The people who he can talk freely to already know him and Caleb, and the people who don't know them likely aren't safe to tell real personal details to. It's one thing to fabricate a parental relationship knowing that there isn't someone to trace that to, but it's an entirely different thing to tell someone honestly about the people you love when any small detail might put them in danger if it fell into the wrong hands.
The Hells are safe to say that kind of thing to—perhaps mostly on a meta level, in that the DM is aware that they are the protagonists—and they also characteristically tend to offer a listening ear to anyone they meet, and I think it's delightful that Essek actually recognized and responded to that.
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Things you might not realize are affecting your ao3 readership:
Putting unrelated fics into one compilation instead of series or collections
Not tagging your fics/“haha I’m so bad at tagging!”
Tagging all of the ships in a fandom instead of the relevant ones to the story
“This is my first fic ever”/ “I’m really not a good writer” / “sorry if this is crap”
Summaries that say “sorry don’t think I will update much” or “might be abandoned idk”
Tagging “r@pe” or “unaliving” etc instead of the actual tag so people can filter/exclude
NOT tagging major, relevant tags or kinks without using the “creator chose not to use archive warnings” option
Telling people how bad your writing is and how you hate it so much and how they shouldn’t even be reading your fic (self deprecation)
Weird punctuation: not starting new quotes or descriptions on a new line, and/or putting extremely long blocks of text on the page without a break
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daily-hanamura · 7 months
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kaitokitty19 · 4 months
(from @witchhakuba it won't let me switch accs) we've seen saguru and tiny kaito. but what about kaito and tiny saguru? 👀
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Ahhhh thank you for the ask and sorry I took so long to reply (I was sick 🤒)
Buttttt god, thank you for giving me the excuse to draw tiny Saguru 😘😘😘
Imo, if Saguru were to be drugged with APTX4689, it would be because he stumbled upon the Black Org at a heist and stepped in as they were about to harm Kaito. Kaito brought him home and they work together to find the antidote (and pandora). Now, instead of chasing after KID, Hakuba is put into a position where he has to cover up KID’s trail against other detectives (which he will have moral crisises about) and fend off the Black Org.
(Kaito becomes very protective of Tiny-guru because he felt guilty Hakuba’s drugged because of him).
Hakuba’s alias would be something like Arthur LeBlanc (Arthur Conan Doyle and Maurice LeBlanc - author of Arsene Lupin and Blanc means white, which Saguru took quite an offense to, but hey, Kaito’s the one forging documents here 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Unlike Conan, I don’t think Hakuba would let his parents know about his predicament. He doesn’t seem to be close with his parents and wouldn’t want to bother/endanger them. Each of his parents just thought he was staying with the other one. At most, he tells Bayaa.
Arthur enrolled into the same primary school as Conan, and immediately arose suspicion when the Detective Boys arrived at a murder scene only to be informed that the crime has already been solved by another first grader. Ai Haibara, especially, did not trust him and avoid Arthur at all costs. Conan further suspect him when Arthur shows up at every heist.
Ahhhhh please feed me more ideas! This was fun. I’d likely draw more atpx!Hakuba in the future!
Click here for the mini comic I made for this AU 🫶🏻
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canisalbus · 3 months
realistically, i know fur cannot tan. but in my heart i believe vasco would love to sunbathe and would develop an even warmer golden brown from it, while machete would turn pink-red from merely going outside for more than 10 minutes
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zvaigzdelasas · 4 months
Okay, i wont vote biden. If trump wins we get illegal trans care in multiple states, stricter border patrol thats only gonna get worse, probably a pipeline to fix gas prices, more bans in florida, more police funding, still no financial aid, more covid denial, more republican jurisdiction actions, AND israel will still be funded to bomb palestine. What do we do. No solution has been provided people just keep saying dont vote and dont think about your future.
anon you really need to stop being so self-absorbed. literally nobody cares that you're voting for biden, in fact most probably assume just by your mannerisms & political disposition. Nobody on the post is telling you not to vote, you're not important or novel enough that your actions take up any mental space whatsoever.
All that's being asked is to not have an aneurysm when people say they're not voting for biden & to stop acting like normal people's decisions on voting is based off of who's most belligerent to them online, instead of their degree of subjectively-experienced engagement with the candidate's promises/track record & whether they believe the candidate will materially improve their lives. Most people dont vote because they don't feel the political process materially benefits them. The only way that will ever change is if the political process materially benefits them. Until then you're yelling at a brick wall.
said the same thing in the comments of that post. I've provided this solution time and time again. This isnt even that radical of a solution nor is it something vague and indeterminate 'burn down the system!!!1!!'. Today unionization is in a massive upswing, meaning this is actually much easier to do with much more tangible outcomes than any time in the last like. 40 years. Concrete steps can be taken, today.
Or you could just continue trying to shame and berate the brick wall. your choice idgaf, just go whine somewhere else that's not my inbox
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bloodfreak-boyking · 22 days
Thinking about S8 again and how Sam didn't wanna hunt alone and like...yeah. No shit. I think it's VERY fair that he doesn't want to hunt without Dean, especially considering his track record with it:
Mystery spot - Dean dies "for real" and for six months Sam is a a terrifying, cold, and robotic kind of unhinged killing machine. He still sets out two meals, lets hunting consume him completely, even cuts off contact with everyone unless they have info on the trickster.
Dean goes to hell: Sam hunts alone, tries to basically go out suicide by hunting. Ruby worms her way into his life by being Off Brand Dean Replacement and gets him addicted to demon blood. He's so consumed by the thought of revenge against Lilith for holding Dean's contract that he destroys himself (and helps start the apocalypse) in the process.
Dean's living his normal life with Lisa: Sam hunts alone and hurts a LOT of people. He's soulless during this time, but he DEFINITELY still blames himself for it. And to be honest, the only difference I see between Sam during the other times Dean isn't alive/around to hunt with him and his soulless era is that soulless Sam doesn't have the anger Sam did. But the actions, I could ABSOLUTELY see regular Sam committing them in an effort to save Dean if it came down to it.
(This one's in s9, but it still follows a very clear and fucked up pattern we see) Dean's a demon: Sam tortures demons in a way that makes them think he doesn't have a soul. He also leads a guy into a "fake" demon deal knowing full well he'll sell his soul and go to hell, all just to maybe find Dean.
Conclusion: Sam knows the kind of monster he turns into when he's hunting without Dean so he only wants to hunt if his big brother is there to keep him grounded.
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Let me elaborate just a tiny bit on what I mean by using chat AIs as tools because I'm already seeing some alarm in the tags. To be clear, Chat AIs in their current form... Suck, basically. They've improved a lot, but they still suck, which is why you should not use them to replace research or work. You don't know if the AI is giving you accurate information. The AI doesn't know if it's giving you accurate information, because that's not what it's designed to do.
However! It's still filled with some exciting possibilities and will greatly aid in a lot of tasks in the future. I'm not against using Chat AI to augment doing schoolwork or assisting in creative projects. They can be used to fix up grammar, better structure your paragraphs, and work out plot points. You do need to be aware that chatbots take the information you give it and keep it to use in the future, so be very careful about using personal material or identifying information. Don't feed it your whole novel or anything.
You also need to be wary in how you use it to assist with doing schoolwork. Like online proctoring programs, education chatbot detectors are designed to assume the worst when it comes to plagiarism, but you can also use them for your benefit. Some detectors, like Grammarly, offer a free tool for students to check their own work to make sure it sounds original, and you can also talk to your instructors on how they would prefer these tools to be used.
And let me stress, a chatbot is merely a tool! If you use them to write computer code, for example, you still need to check that code to be sure it is correct. If a physical therapist asks a chatbot to create a therapy plan based on certain symptoms, they will still need to verify that plan is the best path forward based on their own education and experience. A mechanic or an electrical engineer using AI as a diagnosis tool still needs to verify that diagnosis actually fits the situation. If you use a chatbot to work out a thorny writing problem, you will still need to be sure it works with your own instincts for what's good with your story.
We are absolutely going to see some shitty usage of AI and automation because, you know, capitalist hellscape and all that. For good reason people who work in the field are pushing for regulation and oversight. But a chat AI is like a calculator, not Astro Boy. Remembering it's merely a tool, not a replacement for thought and creativity, and using it as such can be for your benefit.
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