limmysky · 4 months
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The golden trio
(gonna repost art because I don’t have anything else new :P)
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blumfrey · 1 year
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meduzza-jpg · 1 year
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More on my instagram!!!
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scary-lasagna · 2 months
Hello, I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if I could request the proxies (separately) reaction to seeing their s/o all dressed up and absolutely taking their breath away?
A few hours late today, but they love you and they're all head-over-heel buffoons
He just
He's not a huge talker, or someone to express his feelings.
But staring will suffice.
And no matter how wind-burned his cheeks are, the blush never fails to seep through and pet at his ears as well.
Maybe he'll reach out to put a hand on your waist, and decide against it.
He wouldn't want to ruin any hard work you've put into this stunning art display.
His hand will ghost over your body, too afraid to touch you, but you can still feel the warmth of his love radiating from his hands.
His eyes won't leave you the entire night, and whenever you happen to glance at him, his eyes are always trained on you.
And no matter how much he's dressed up, Masky will always shut down your compliments and focus on you instead.
Immediate possessiveness.
He's always got a hand on you, holding you close to him even after your attempts to swat his hands away.
And he's just so touchy-feely, with kisses, gentle touches, hugs, fixing your clothes/hair.
He's head over heels for you, and you love that dopey look in his eyes that tell you so.
No matter how many times he mumbles ' I love you' into your neck as he hugs you for the 42nd time tonight.
Bro just starts weeping.
He feels so unworthy of your presence, your love, everything about you.
Toby is a blubbering mess trying to tell you how amazing you look, and how he's so lucky to be in love with you, and how the lighting is complimenting your eye color, and-
You stop him, and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek while he unceremoniously snorts his weepyness back into his nose.
You guide him to calm down somewhat, and you find that he cannot take his eyes off of you, admiring all of the little details you've put into your outfit.
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sootrootdoot · 1 month
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continuation below!! (its almost 5 am i didnt color fancy the rest of the panels lol)
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once again smile is the most successful proxy in da palace. she is prom queen.
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noise || hoody
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SMUT. MINORS DNI. 18+. remember when i talked about this hoody fic 509 years ago? yeah here it is. also yeS i am aware masky & hoody belong to marble hornets this is the only time im going to address this💀 we are in 2024 in this fandom WE KNOW. anyways enjoy !! <3
If there was anything you could’ve changed about your life, you had a particular decision in mind.
Being a desperate college student for cash, babysitting and dog walking wasn’t paying the off the debt you were accumulating.
You had scoured Craigslist, confident that there would be an odd job you’d be able to accomplish for quick cash.
Looking back you wish you had known quick cash wouldn’t come easy.
A posting offering $5k a week fell into your lap about a week later. The details seemed easy enough. The ability to clean an older mansion, whilst keeping the identities of the multiple infamous residents that resided there a secret seemed like a piece of cake.
What the posting didn’t list, was that the infamous residents were unhinged killers. Some of which you couldn’t even categorize as human.
It also didn’t list that your position would be residing in the mansion, permanently.
Being a maid in the Slenderman mansion was, in lack of better words: fucking terrifying.
The residents operated at odd hours. No matter what time you cleaned, you always received the displeasure of running into someone.
The longer you stayed, the longer paranoia began to settle in. Ben Drowned, the poster of the Craigslist ad, was a perv. You learned to stray away from electronic devices he could peep his head through. Jeff the killer, one of the most unhinged, had a short temper. He was one of the first ones to opt out of having his room cleaned by you, a decision you silently praised after walking by and seeing how filthy it was.
The next to opt out with a demonic creature named Eyeless Jack, one who specifically requested you stay out of his medical lab. Given all of the blood and goop you had mopped up at this point, a fear of being eaten led you to offering to clean it regardless. EJ knew you wouldn’t be able to handle it, given his ‘hobbies’ were the most gore filled of the mansions residents. It didn’t surprise him when you left the lab green, puking immediately in a bucket he had placed beside the door for you.
The other members whose names you were obligated to memorize, Jane, Clockwork, Jason the something maker, all were rarely home. You learned to steer clear of Jason’s workshop, the dolls he made often speaking to you as if they had souls. The only three other residents who lived in the mansion full time (minus its owner), were what you learned to be proxies. These proxies, two of them at least, seemed to be human just like you.
Ticci Toby’s mortality was still up in the air for you. He once had tripped and fallen after you had mopped the floors, landing on the marble face first. He got up like nothing happened, giggling to himself about ‘how wet you made the floor’. After observing him throw axes in the training room, you decided to steer clear of him.
Masky seemed to be the trio’s leader, his face consistently hidden behind a doll resembling mask. He avoided you like the plague, skipping the formalities and acting as if you didn’t exist. You never asked questions, not knowing how long anyone had truly been here. But Masky in particular seemed a bit older than everyone, when you accidentally stumbled upon him coming home late one night from a mission. His nose was trailing blood, his mask broken in half. You ensured to avoid eye contact, but extended a wet washcloth to him so he could attend to his nose.
After that your dynamic remained the same for the most part. Except when both of you occupied a room together, neither of you made an effort to beeline to the door.
Hoody was the last proxy, the one that made you more at ease than the others. Hoody had spoken a grand total of maybe ten words to you, introducing himself and Masky before dashing out of the back door. The only time you really saw him was when you cleaned his room, the man doing a poor job of pretending to read magazines while you cleaned. Other than that, you only caught glimpses of the proxies when they came home in the late hours of the night from missions.
Most of the time they were soaked in blood. In a couple of odd occasions you had to assist them in carrying one another up to Eyeless Jack’s medical lab. You couldn’t figure out why the proxies were here, two humans not seeming to fit in with the rest of misfits that resided here. You had no idea soon enough you’d be up close and personal.
Late night was when you preferred to clean, most of the killers away from the mansion and out hunting. The existence of the residents here only existed because of their dedication to keep their identities a secret. Night time was the perfect cover, for them and for you. You were leaning over the kitchen sink, scrubbing at a particular stubborn pot when you heard the back door open. You tried very hard not to stare, not wanting to gain unwanted attention.
You glanced up briefly, catching a glance of Toby’s and Masky’s familiar figures as they trudged upstairs. “He cost us that fucking mission, Slender’s gonna be so pissed off,” Masky growled, rounding the corner of the kitchen. Toby trailed behind him, an axe dripping blood slung over his shoulder. “Y-yeah, what w-w-was he thinking?!” Toby exclaimed, his stuttering something you had grown accustomed to. You noted Hoody’s absence, your eyebrows raising as you returned your gaze to the pot.
The sound of doors slamming echoed through out the other wise quiet mansion, the silence fulfilling you with some sort of ease. It didn’t take long for the final proxy to stumble into frame, his hand cupping his face. You weren’t forbidden from interacting with the mansions residents, your urge to help sweeping over you. Hoody was awkwardly stumbling, immediately leaning onto you for support as you helped him stay standing.
“I got it,” He huffed. His usual ski mask was half raised, the bottom half of his face revealed to you for the first time. His chin and upper lip had surprisingly clean cut facial hair, kept to a minimum. You guided him around the counter, helping him sit onto the kitchen counter by the sink. Hastily he shoved his yellow hood off of his head, yanking the ski mask off with it. You were surprised a normal human being stared back at you, a large gash sliced across his cheek.
“Jesus Christ,” You muttered. You grabbed a clean wash cloth, running it under cold water. “Didnt ask for your commentary doll,” Hoody said dryly. You swallowed, wringing out the excess water. You could’ve done what you did with Masky, handing him the washcloth and wishing him a silent farewell. But instead you didn’t. “Sorry,” You mumbled. You craved human contact, any kind of human contact. Brushing off your skirt you stepped in between his legs, leaning forward.
You were careful to avoid eye contact, focusing on dabbing the wound. Hoody silently winched under the feeling, inhaling through his teeth. As gently as you could you dabbed away the blood. “Do you want me to get EJ?” You asked. Hoody’s face was stone cold, from what you could see out of the corner of your eye anyways. “Dont bother, i’m sure he’s sick of patching us up all the time,” He grumbled. The wound didn’t look deep, just very long. Thankfully most of the blood was gone, the rest of his face covered in specs of dry blood (that you presumed to not be his) and dirt.
Turning on the sink you washed out the washcloth, the crimson paint drifting off down the drain with the water. You then returned to Hoody, wiping off his face. You weren’t sure what compelled you to be so compassionate, Hoody’s eyes fluttering shut. He took a deep breath, his shoulders seemingly relaxing. You were gentle of course, not wanting to piss the killer in front of you off. But even Hoody knew your action wasn’t callous.
Once you were done you awkwardly stepped aside, putting the rag in the sink. “You want a cig?” Hoody asked. He dug in his jeans, pulling out a beat up cigarette box. “Is this your way of showing gratitude?” You asked. The man in front of you smiled, extending you the box. “This right here is the only kind of buzz you’re getting around here doll,” He explained, allowing himself to half smile. You had never smoked a cigarette before, nor had you really planned on it. Not like it mattered now.
You put one to your lips like people did in movies, watching Hoody do the same. He pulled out a lighter, flicking it and igniting the end of his cigarette. You leaned forward, watching Hoody attempt to flick the lighter again. The flame refused to ignite, the sight of small sparks making him sigh. “Masky always takes the good lighters,” He muttered. He inhaled his cigarette, blowing the smoke to the right. You found the gesture of attempting to not violate you with smoke a little sweet.
“Well I appreciate the offer. I’ve never smoked a cigarette anyways,” You admit. Hoody shook his head. “That just won’t do then. Put it to your lips and stay still,” He ordered. You did as instructed, watching him lean closer to you. His fingers went under your chin, keeping your head held high. You felt your face beginning to burn, the end of his cigarette lighting yours as you inhaled. You both avoided each others gazes, until the second he began to back away.
For a brief moment you shared eye contact, searching each other’s eyes. For what? You didn’t know. You properly inhaled, coughing immediately. “You guys like this stuff?” You asked in between coughs, continuing to choke. Hoody nonchalantly took another drag of his, watching you struggle. “It’ll grow on you, trust me. I didn’t like it at first either,” He confessed. Once you regained strength in your lungs you properly stood up. Hoody remained seated on the kitchen counter, with you standing beside him.
“How long have you been here?” You asked curiously. You were stepping over a hundred boundaries, ones you could die for if you stepped over the line too far. “A while,” Hoody answered honestly. You took another drag of your cigarette, the taste of tobacco growing on you. “How long are you going to be here?” Hoody countered. You exhaled, glancing back at the proxy. He had exhaled through his nose, boldly making eye contact with you.
“A while.”
You found the courage to turn around, facing him fully. “You aren’t lonely?” You asked. Hoody gave you a smile, tossing the bud of his cigarette into the nearby trashcan. “I am, are you?” He asked curiously. You followed his lead, tossing the bud of the cigarette into the trashcan. If it set the kitchen on fire, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. “Yeah I am,” You admit. Hoody slid off of the counter, his tall height towering over you.
“Do you uh, wanna change that?” He asked. For a killer who had a victims blood splattered across his face moments ago, he seemed so awkward. You wondered how long it had been since he had been with a woman. How long would it be before you could be with a man again? “Please,” You sighed. Hoody kissed you just as rough as you expected, both of you melting into the other. Both of you were undeniably needy, touch depraved and lonely. You were sure this was forbidden for both of you but as his tongue slid into your mouth, you just couldn’t find it within yourself to care.
“Call me Brian but only when it’s us, okay? Thats not who I am anymore but that’s who I want to be with you, okay?” Hoody asked. You nodded, the normal name bringing your comfort. Brian’s hand snaked down your waist, squeezing and kneading at the flesh of your ass. You whimpered into his mouth, the sound only making him harder. There was no telling how much longer you’d be around, the residents of the mansion unhinged enough to snap at any moment.
You couldn’t fully undress here and going upstairs was out of the question. “This has to be quick, we can’t get caught,” You whispered. Brian nodded, slipping his hand up your skirt. He rubbed against your wet cunt, your panties preventing any further stimulation. Brian had zero control over his life but he did right here, right now. You had no control over yours either, the decision to fuck each other to release steam the only free will decision either of you could make. You palmed him through his jeans, his cock practically busting through the fabric.
He guided you to the counter, grabbing the sides of your panties and yanking them down to your ankles. He shoved them into his pocket for what you thought to be safe temporary keeping. But Brian had other ideas.
“Fuck, please, wanna feel you Brian,” You whispered, trying hard to not groan loudly. Brian quickly undid his belt bringing his lips back to yours. It had been so long since he had kissed anyone, your soft lips driving him mad. It wasn’t long before his cock was at your entrance, awkwardly shuffling with his jeans at his ankles. He fell a bit backwards, causing you to laugh. “Fucking hell, sorry-” He began apologizing. You giggled, hopping off of the counter.
You brought him fully to the ground, pushing his back against the oven. “This might work better,” You replied, lowering yourself down onto his cock. Brian’s cock felt like heaven, your mouth falling open. Both of you let out a sigh of relief. You had no way to masturbate, no way to possibly release the stressful tension building inside of you. As you pressed your forehead against Brian’s, you realized that this was what you got. This was your outlet.
Brian’s gloved hands met your waist, helping you roll your hips. You let out a loud groan, one of his hands flying to your mouth. “Shh, you can’t make any noise,” Brian warned, your inability to stay composed only making him more hot and bothered. He took control, guiding your hips to ride him at a pace that worked for both of you. You were as wet as a virgin, your body yearning for more as Brian abused your g spot. Your sinful moans were muffled by his gloved hand, his other attempting to guide you.
He brought himself close to your ear. “If you wanna get off, you’re gonna have to ride me by yourself mkay? Do that and i’ll play with that pretty clit of yours doll,” He huffed, trying to control his own noises. You nodded yes profusely, trying to concentrate on grinding your hips against his. With his spare hand he found your clit, drawing sloppy circles around it. For a brief moment he was worried about his ‘skills’ not having slept with a woman in years. Whether he was good or bad at it, you didn’t appear to give a shit. You were still a panting mess, your hair sticking to your forehead from sweat.
Your walls clenched tighter around Brian as you felt yourself closer to euphoria, your eyes fluttering shut. With your forehead pressed to his you pawed at his hoodie, grabbing handfuls as your orgasm washed over you. Your sinful noises were muted by Brian’s hand, the muffled sounds music to his ears that he had made you feel that good. Your walls fluttering around him triggered his own orgasm, his cum flooding inside of you. He dropped his hand from your mouth, both of you taking a moment to breathe.
In a moment of true loneliness you leaned against Brian’s shoulder, ignoring the faint smell of dried blood and sweat. Unsurely Brian stroked your hair, trying to remember if that was comforting or not. He licked his dry lips, a bold question on the tip of his tongue.
“You wanna share a cigarette again tomorrow?”
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corgi-cthuwu · 1 month
Comments on creepypasta TikToks I found funny:
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Why did we all get into this fandom when we were so young--
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theladyoracle · 26 days
Kate found an old, beat-up mannequin in the woods once. She brought it back to the Proxy cabin and places it in random spots to scare the others. It gives Toby the creeps.
Also I like to think she sits on the couch with it and talks to it like a real person.
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hyenax · 4 months
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Rouge The Proxy. 🐱
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littlelalaland · 11 months
Ok- but this could be us…
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But you say you’re not into it… :(
Don’t be lame, join meeeee!!!
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annakenziesworld · 5 months
Creepypasta Revival Project
Calling all creepypasta fans! Old and new, our fandom and community is dying! But there's still so much we can do to rebuild it. Although all good things can come to an end, there's always a chance to give it a second chance in life. So I'm proposing that those whom are interested message me and we could start what I'm calling Creepypasta: The New Generation. Anyone and everyone can participate, no matter what your skill set is any type of help is appreciated! Even if it's merely getting involved in conversations and giving support. Whether your someone who loves the found family trope of creepypasta, whether you love the gore and violence of it, whether you make the creepypasta characters into uwu smol beans, if you do creepypasta roleplay no matter where you stand your useful towards knocking this plan into action! Because even though this community can have very split opinions everyone is a vital part in it. The main idea is to work together to make new creepypasta characters and assist each other when help is needed, making fanart for each other and posting it online to try and gain traction to these characters! And the biggest thing from this project I wanna work on, is after we have at least five characters created, we can begin work on discussing how to write a story that connects the characters. A plot, story name, story goal, and everything in between will need to be agreed upon. All the writers who wanna write will work together to get pages done! Artists who wanna draw for the story will also work together. There is no person limit to this project if people join we can figure out a way to wiggle their character into the story. Spread the word wherever you can.
Be sure to message me if interested! :3
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nikaizkool · 5 months
You’d have to initiate the kiss. Man dosent care about intimacy but when you do he just can’t get enough and it turns into a makeout
he dosent really care if your closet you get a kiss, it’s more of a peck than a kiss but a kiss is a kiss
full on grabs you and makes out with you, a lil too confident
he’d try to be a gentleman and hold your hand but hint he wants a kiss “I wish I had someone to kiss” so dumb but when he does he’s so happy
He’d keep his mask on. Mask kiss, like a teeny tiny peck, any longer than 3 seconds is too much
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meduzza-jpg · 1 year
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The tree that walks👁️
More on my instagram!!
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scary-lasagna · 3 months
Could I request some lore headcanons for the proxies and their relationships with each other? :] Take care of yourself and drink water!
me, who only drinks carbonated water and grapefruit juice :sunglasses:
I'll keep it brief since it can get lengthy
Tim is the leader.
He's the responsible one of the group, and is always looking out for others more than himself.
He has a nasty habit of just charging in headfirst when it's only him on the line.
So, his sense of self-preservation is awfully skewed.
But he loves his friends, and them as a whole team. He's just proud of how well they all keep each other in check.
And if they ever need advice, Tim is always the one to go to considering how bluntly he'll dish advice.
Brian is Dad #2
He's like the boring parent who ensures you're always safe if you're doing something stupid.
But there's no learning experience unless you get hurt sometimes, so he'll let the others choose for themselves.
Brian is also the primary medic of the proxies and deals with any on-field injuries. He learned everything from EJ and they're pretty good acquaintces.
Brian is always checking in on everyone, wanting to know how they're doing mentally and to talk if they need a shoulder to lean on.
He's the most trustworthy one of the proxies.
Toby is the (lovingly) stupid younger brother everyone must look out for.
Despite living well into his 20s, he still hasn't quite grasped how to navigate everything with CIPA and neurodivergence.
He'll make impulsive decisions, like diving over an open flame, nearly sending Brian into cardiac arrest because he does NOT know how to handle 3rd degree without the proper tools.
And Toby is assigned the role of a Scout, meaning he's always in front.
This is good and bad, but mostly good, considering he can't wander off and shove things in his pockets.
(He's found a lovely way to work around this, of course).
Kate only pretends she hates everyone.
If it really came down to it, she would take a bullet for any of these idiots.
Toby especially loves to annoy her until she starts yelling at him, and then he has the audacity to get upset.
Kate is hot on her feet, and the fastest out of everyone, being a chaser.
But she's also terribly hot headed, and quick to jump to conclusions which can lead to tension between her and everyone.
So, she distances herself, because that's what she feels is safe.
The only one that can relatively get through to her is Clock.
She holds Clock in a really high regard, whether it's because Clock beat her ass the first day they met, or because she thinks she's pretty, no one will know.
Like Brian, she's quite level-headed.
She's the most cautious one, and will usually stay toward the back of the group.
Clock might be the only one to think all of the different outcomes through if given enough time, but if she has to make a quick decision, it never ends well.
She panics easily, not out of fear, but because her brain just doesn't compute quick-time-events.
She's close with Kate and Toby, and sometimes Brian, depending on the day.
Toby had the biggest crush on her when she first arrived, but she shut him down, letting him know that he's probably going through a trauma response of latching onto people.
Toby thought long and hard after that (in tears).
And then he gifted her a little goldfish as a peace offering, to which she still has to this day.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 9 months
I don’t know how to say this but I am in love with your polyproxies. Your writing is so well thought out and amazing I AM BEGGING FOR MORE. I’ll do anything! You’re amazing btw
Hi love!! I’m so glad you like it! I’ve honestly been having a really hard time getting motivation to write smut so I hope this will do! You’re absolutely amazing too!! 🖤🖤
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Fandom: Creepypasta
Plot: None just poly with the proxies 🫡
Warnings: SMUT, face fucking, cum swallowing, recording, unprotected sex, creampie, oral female receiving, nutting on the readers face 😎
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Fucked brainless, that’s what you were. Taking them all so well whenever they wanted. You were theirs and they let you know it. They loved the way you took them without complaint. Letting Toby abuse your mouth and Tim twist you into whatever dirty position he wanted you.
You know… Tim doesn’t exactly take lightly to complaints. So when you tell him “yes sir” it’s like music to his ears.
Currently Brian’s sits in the chair on the opposite side of the room, slowly stroking his throbbing cock. His video camera in his other hand, which currently, is zoomed in on your drooling mouth as Toby goes to town. The boy was fucking your mouth like an animal in heat. Like he hadn’t gotten his rocks off in months. And you, being so damn good, were taking him so well.
Toby’s desperate moans and sinful whines filled the small bedroom as he absolutely abused your mouth. He could barely open his eyes to watch you he was so washed away by the bliss that was slowly building inside him.
“Yes! Yes- F-fuuuuck-“ Toby cried out desperately only taking two more harsh thrusts for him to come undone. His hot seed slid easily down your throat as he collapsed next to you on the bed. His chest was heaving and his mind so clouded he couldn’t do anything but hold your limp hand as Tim fucked you further into oblivion.
Brian focused the camera on your pretty pink pussy that he was so desperate to get a taste of. He watched Tim with envious eyes, watching as your hole happily invited his cock in. He watched as your slick ran down the insides of your thighs, seeing the shine against Tim’s lower abdomen. He could barely wait for his own turn.
Tim let out low grunts and growls with every thrust, praising you for being so so good for him.
“Damn sweetheart, your pussy wants me to come fast huh?” He groaned out as his head rolled back.
He loved the way you squeezed around him, like your tiny hole was desperate for more. More of his deliciously thick cock that filled you up just the right way to have your toes curling. 
“So pretty for me too~” He harshly grabbed your jaw, pulling you up to meet him so he could catch your lips in a deep kiss. His strong arms made holding you in the complex position look easy. His large fingers found their way to your mouth, replacing his soft lips and prodding you to suck them like the dumb little bitch you were.
You felt his thrusts getting sloppy, or at least you thought so, honestly your mind wasn’t processing much more than the ecstasy you were feeling.
His grunts slowly turned into low moans as he finished inside of you. He pulled out slowly, replacing his cock with his thick fingers, stuffing your pretty hole and making sure not a drop could escape. He motioned with his head for Brian to come closer, finally letting him have his turn.
Brian couldn’t even keep the camera still as he jumped up and raced over to have you. He pushed Tim out of the way, handing him the camera which Tim grumpily focused on the scene that would unfold in front of him. Brian practically jumped at the chance to taste you, taste your slick and Tim’s seed combined. With one long stripe of his tongue he already had you whining, your pretty thighs about suffocating him.
But god did he love it. He loved how close you made him just by crushing him with your perfect thighs. And on top of how absolutely delectable you tasted?? He could die happy now.
He held your thighs apart just enough to give him breathing room as he attacked your clit with kisses and licks. He absolutely loved how he could get your thighs to shake when he pulled away just before you were about to come. Once, twice, three times, four times. By the time he had finally let you finish you were on the verge of passing out. Cute tears in your eyes, thighs shaking, and sobs wracking your body.
Oh how it was too much for you to get used by the three men around you. It made them all laugh how ruined you looked.
“Come on pretty, give me a lick.” Brian smirked as he got up, putting his cock inches from your swollen lips. “Come on, I know you got it in ya’.”
Being so good like always, you took his length in your mouth, tears falling as you did as he asked. Brian ripped the camera from Tim’s hands, putting it in your face to get a nice close up angle. Watching through the viewfinder it didn’t take long at all for him to finish. How absolutely filthy you were being was just the icing on the cake for him. He let his load go right on your pretty face, painting you just how he wanted before he turned the camera off and put it down on the side table.
Toby happily licked your face, ‘cleaning’ you up and giving you a sloppy kiss right after. Brian laid on your right, giving you a soft forehead kiss, silently letting you know how good you did.
“Toby you know your place.” Tim grumbled, pushing him off the bed and taking his place next to you on the left.
With an irritated glare to Tim, Toby helped put your shorts on and took his place in-between your thighs, resting his head.
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lexi0widow · 1 year
Nah because everyone says Masky gets no pussy- BUT THAT MAN GETS IT, IYWIM?
So, could i get Masky trying to rizz up his crush, and she’s just like:🫣🤭 LIKE A BLUSHING MESS. Brain shut down, she can’t talk because all she’s thinking is “oh my god he’s talking to meoh my god he’s talking to meoh my god he’s talking to meoh my god he’s talking to me-”
her face is so red and so heated up that shit could power solar panels. She’s practically glowing-
Its no secret that people say that Masky doesn’t pull
However when you heard this for the first time you were shocked
Fucking flabbergasted even
You’ve always had a thing for your masked companion
Even though you vowed to never tell him in the hopes of not ruining your friendship
So when you came down for breakfast morning it wasn’t suprising to see Masky sat at the kitchen island
You two greet each other as usual befor eyoy take a seat beside him
‘What are you doing today? Everyones on missions and if you’re not busy i was hoping we could chill in my room.’
‘I’m not doing anything buy now that you mention it- I’d much rather be doing you.’
You instantly go red
Where did thag come from?!?!?
Was it a joke?
How do you respond?
And then he laughs at you!
‘Calm down darling i’m only playing.’
The nickname makes you weak at the knees
‘Though judging by the look on your face you wouldn’t mind if i wasn’t joking huh?’
You feel like you’re gonna pass out
‘I- Masky? What are you doing?-‘
He just cuts you off with a kiss
‘I’m gonna be doing whatever you want me too for the next few hours’
Hes holding your face looking at you with a sinister smirk
‘Masky- I- whats up with yoy today?’
‘M’ pretty sure i should be asking you that.’
Your mind is RACING
Hes so pretty
He smells so good
I want him
‘I love you pretty girl~’
She softens and smiles
‘I love you too Masky’
I hope that way okay!! Thank you so much for the request anon!🫶🏻
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