#Ramona fumbled
mccqrmick · 6 months
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Hey guys. Girl Matthew. Girl Matthew Patel save me
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dash-n-step · 7 months
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If I was Ramona I would simply not have a 4th ex
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beaniebearz · 5 months
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Future Ramona 📀✨
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jinglebellrockstars · 7 months
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ramona stronger than me cuz if i fumbled a man like this i would kill myself
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
back to back requests, if you are okay with that. r finding out that she’s pregnant, and then hobie finding out? or maybe they both find out at the same time? up to you!!
Another banger request, bestie! Thank you 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), CW vomiting, description of illness, pregnancy talk, Billie and Ramona AU, Dad! Hobie, Mom! Reader, FLUFF
The portal opens in the living room, from the force of it opening has the boat rocking in the stagnant water. the sounds of your trinkets falling and crashing on the floor has Peter B. Cringing, while Mayday giggles excitedly in his arms. MJ follows close behind, all dressed up and pretty for their anniversary. The portal closes behind her in a mechanical sound.
“Hobie! Y/N?” Peter yells across the small space.
Mayday babbles to what sounds like your names. She tries to escape from her father's hold, kicking and squealing excitedly.
“Maybe they're still asleep?” MJ looks behind the kitchen island, she shrugs, having no idea where you or Hobie are.
Meanwhile, Mayday escapes, crawling across the floors. Upon your request, Peter took off Mayday's web shooters because in their last visit, well, the toddler almost gave you a heart attack.
Peter scratches his head, eyes flicking towards the closed bedroom door. “Do you think they're, you know?” he asks his wife with a slight whisper, wiggling his eyebrows.
MJ side glances, “Come on, really, Pete?”
Mayday points at the bathroom further down the hallway, Peter's enhanced hearing picks up retching and dry heaving inside the closed bathroom, the sound bouncing off the tiled walls.
He picks up Mayday, cradling her head. Looks like date night is postponed when the only person who volunteered to babysit Mayday is sick.
“Everything alright in there?” he knocks softly on the door.
The living room window slides open and out jumps Hobie holding onto a brown paper bag.
“You're early, hey MJ.” He says nonchalantly.
“Hi, Hobie, is she okay?” MJ grimaces after another round of retching continues inside the bathroom.
“Dude,” Peter makes way for Hobie to enter the small hallway. “Is she sick? You know I can't drop Mayday off while there's some sort of infection happening in here–” he gets a thwack upside the head from his wife.
“She's fine” Hobie says it to the couple but it's more of a reassurance for himself. “We both think she ate something bad a few days ago and she's been like this every morning.” He knocks twice on the door.
MJ looks like she's thinking.
Your pained muffled voice echoes out. “I'll be out in a minute, sorry.”
“Don't be sorry, love. I've got your meds, yeah? Come out so you can drink it” he says through the door.
With a click of the doorknob, you reveal yourself to the party in Hobie's jumper and a very old sweatpants hanging on your hip. Your eyes are flushed, sniffing to hell and back.
“Hi, sorry I don't think we can take care of Mayday today.” You say dejectedly, eyes forlorn as you look at the toddler who's equally devastated to hear the news.
“Aww man but we've got reservations–” MJ slaps Peter upside the head again.
Hobie helps you walk with his arms wrapped around your shoulders, thumb massaging comfortingly. He whispers to you. “How do you feel?”
“I feel like my stomach is doing somersaults.” You groggily say. Hobie sits you down on the settee, handing you a water bottle and medicine.
“Y/N, sweetheart, when was the last time you had your period?” You almost did a spit take when MJ asked you the question.
“Honey, what the he–cow” Peter fumbles, realizing that his daughter's still in his arms, watching him with her big eyes.
Hobie looks at you with wide eyes, slowly realizing something. You ate the same thing he eats everyday so why are you the only one with the stomach bug?
“Uh I'm late this month…” you side eye Hobie who looks like he's about to vomit right there and then. “Why? I'm probably just stressed and…” MJ gives you a soft look.
“Are you fatigued?” MJ softly asks, you nod while Hobie observes you and you only. “Any tenderness in the chest” you nod again. Hobie flicks his eyes down to your stomach. “Y/N, darling.” She smiles at you and Hobie, Peter gives you two the most awkward thumbs up. Mayday copies her dad, nodding along.
You chuckle nervously, facing Hobie, your bottom lip wobbling.
“Y/N” Hobie looks at you with glistening eyes. “Love, I think I should swing by the chemist again.” He holds your hand affectionately, eyes never leaving yours as a smile spreads across his face.
Peter's spidey senses warn him, covering Mayday's ears in one quick dad movement.
“Holy shit! Am I pregnant?!” you screech.
One agonizing fifteen minutes later, two lines appear on the small plastic stick, confirming MJ’s suspicion. Hobie was with you the entire time, holding your hand, caressing your back as he whispers ‘I love yous’ in your ear. You know you and the baby will be okay.
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toriliashine · 6 months
Ramona and Scott fumbled bad bitches and sweethearts all their lives they r so perfect for each other sjdbdnsn
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scottpilgrim-kgl · 4 months
Word Count: 2,856
19 people—other than Scott Pilgrim—exactly how Gideon described it.
Other than the mandatory attire, there were cocktail drinks being handed out by butlers left and right. Of course, Wallace Wells and his friend, the Other Scott, as people called him, had run off to chase down just about every butler he could find to get more drinks once the ones they were currently drinking had run out. Scott’s gaze ran from one person to the other, naming off each of them in his head.
Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, and Young Neil were all back up against one of the walls, idly talking to each other. Knives Chau was snagging food from the small buffet and pushing it into her mouth while having a conversation with Ramona Flowers. Envy Adams—oh God, why did she have to be here—was trying to coax Todd Ingram into dancing with her, but he was too busy trying to find wherever Wallace was running off to. Julie Powers, with no one to shit–talk to, sat alone on the living room couch, taking gentle sips of her cocktail. Scott’s younger sister, Stacey Pilgrim, had just walked over to Kim, Stephen, and Neil to join their conversation. Lucas Wilson and Joel Macmillan were sneaking off into the backyard—most likely to get high off of whatever weed they managed to smuggle in. Jimmy Monet was also near the buffet, glaring enviously at Wallace as Other Scott followed him around the first floor. The rest of the five previous evil exes—Roxie Ritcher, Lucas Lee, Matthew Patel, and the Katayanagi twins—were all talking to each other on the other end of the living room.
Why did Gideon Graves invite him—Scott—in the first place? Didn’t he hate him? Or at least he’s supposed to hate him. But now that the League is disbanded, he wasn’t sure anymore. But what if this was just some elaborate plan to—
“Maybe you should stop overthinking and enjoy the party while you’re here, guy.”
Scott whipped his head around, eyes meeting the source of the sudden voice. “Wallace? When did you get over here?”
“I saw you just staring off into space from across the room.” His roommate explained, cheeks flushed, gently rocking from one foot to the other, and another drink in hand. It was safe to say that he’d already gotten drunk. “You gotta stop worrying! Who cares if it was hosted by Gideon? He’s throwing this awesome party for us… so… like… enjoy it. And if he comes out and tries to kill you or… something… then you’re allowed to tell me ‘I told you so’.”
Scott furrowed his brows, the corners of his lips angling in a similar fashion. After some silent contemplating, he decided that he should probably listen to Wallace. “I guess… maybe you’re right.” He sighed in defeat.
“I’m always right.” Wallace gave Scott a gentle shoulder pat. “Now, do you wanna raid the upstairs with me while Gideon isn’t here?”
“I’ll only go to make sure you don’t throw up on his shit.” Scott mumbled, hand already being grabbed as he was weaved through the first floor.
“I can control my stomach a lot better than you can, Pilgrim.” Wallace explains as the two of them reach the bottom of the staircase. As the first step was taken up the stairs, another step was taken down, from the top of them.
“Sorry, guys, upstairs is off limits for now!” The man himself, Gideon Graves, descended the staircase, fumbling his staff in his hand.
“Boooooo, we were totally gonna raid your stuff.” Wallace called, stepping aside to let the other raven–haired man through. Scott also took a step to the side, but kept his lips sealed as he did. Despite the quietness that came from the tawny–haired male, the daggers he glared were deafening. The music came to a stop—as if on command—and 18 other heads turned towards the stairs.
“Sorry it took me so long to get down here, I had to do a couple of last minute preparations.” Gideon explained, passing the two and entering the crowd.
“Preparations for what?” Scott asks, however his question was not met with an answer, which just let his suspicions grow. The other’s sudden appearance even got Crash and Joel to come back inside—albeit eyes red. Now, with everyone’s attention, Gideon ordered for everyone to gather in the family room, and that he had a special announcement to make before the party “really started to get going”. Just more red flags that began to show up in Scott’s field of vision. How was no one else seeing this? Or at least mentioning it, if they are? And people tell Scott that he’s the oblivious one. Or maybe he’s just reading too much into it, like Wallace said… he sighed, taking a seat on the wide couch right next to the aforementioned raven–haired male. Gideon stood before them all, right below the television that hung up on the wall. People crowded into the living room, trying not to knock over the expensive prized possessions Gideon had displayed on just about every flat surface.
“I just wanted to start off by thanking you all for showing up!” The other raven–haired male in glasses began. “There were a few others I sent invites to, but I guess they didn’t make it. A shame, really, but we’ll just have lots of fun without them!”
Scott gave Wallace a worried glance out of the corner of his eye. Wallace notices this and returns with a look of tiredness. Scott sees this as the other silently telling him to stop worrying, and glances back forward without a response.
“I never really… decided on an ending time for this party…” Gideon continued, fumbling with his cane. “When do you guys think it should end? In a few hours… midnight… tomorrow morning?”
The crowd was quiet, but they shared confused glances, as if some of them were genuinely contemplating an answer to the question.
“Or how about…” He quickly fished into one of his suit pockets, and pulled out a small remote. “Never?” His thumb landed on one of the buttons and pressed it down against the plastic remote, and sudden rumbling could be heard from outside. That’s when everyone else’s faces dropped. Everyone else’s… besides Wallace. He wasn’t buying any of this.
“What?” Piped up Lucas Lee, brows furrowing over brown eyes.
“I KNEW IT!” Shouted Scott, angrily leaping off of the sofa, which turned everyone’s shocked and confused gazes towards him.
Gideon’s eyebrow arched upwards. “You knew what?”
“You’re—” The ginger stuttered, immediately losing his confidence, “you gathered us—me—here… for… something!”
“Yeah, he gathered us here for a party.” Wallace spoke, condescendingly.
“Oh, no, he’s right!” Gideon hummed. “About my true intentions, that is. You really thought that I just gathered you all here for a party? Maybe Scott is the smarter one afterall.”
That’s when Wallace’s face finally dropped. “Okay, I’m with Lucas on this one. What?”
“Y’know how parties have games?” The other explained. “Well, I’ve always wanted to host a murder mystery!” Gideon snapped a finger, and a handful of butlers flooded into the living room and handed each house guest a small tablet with the three-G logo they all knew too well engraved on the back of them. “These G-Pads—G-Handbooks—whatever you want to call them, will be a major helping hand!”
“That’s a stupid name for them.” Kim called out, green-hazel eyes narrowed into an unamused glare.
“Oh?” The party’s host turns his attention towards the girl in the suit with the red bob. “Would you like to be our first example of why we follow the rules on those tablets? And keep your mouth shut when your host is trying to speak?”
Kim snorted out a chuckle. “You wouldn’t actually hurt us just for some party game.”
Gideon glared back, pressing another button on the remote in his hand without even giving it a glance. That was when a small portion of the back wall opened, and a mechanical claw flew out of it. The claw latched onto Kim’s arm, tightened its grip, and yanked her off of the couch and placed her next to Gideon. With the wind practically knocked out of her, the redhead tried to pull out of the claw’s grasp, but failed. Another claw emerged from the wall, this one holding a long blade. The claw pressed the blade up against Kim’s arm.
“I wouldn’t?” Gideon threatened. “Keep talking then, and see where that gets you.”
The redhead parted her lips to say one more snappy remark, but decided that it wasn’t the smartest option, and opted to stay silent, and pieced her lips back together. The claw let go of her arm, and she stomped back over to take her spot on the couch, gently rubbing at the spot on her arm that started to form a bruise.
“And before you guys look for an escape route, the button I pressed just a couple of minutes ago unleashed a giant dome around the entire property! You can take a look for yourselves!” It was almost like it was instinct, everyone got up all at once and rushed outside. Calmly, the game’s host followed them all.
He was right about the dome. It surrounded the entire property of the mansion, which luckily still included the yard around the building itself, so they had places to roam, but it was still quite cramped. The front courtyard was still accessible, and the roundabout with the fountain in the center, but beyond that was past the walls of the dome. Scott secretly hoped that the pool was still inside the dome… from the looks of it, it was a really nice one that he wanted to take a swim in sooner or later…
No, what on earth was he talking about? He just learned that he was trapped here inside of this dome with all of his friends—and Gideon Graves. The pool didn’t matter, unless it was going to help them all escape. He needed to find a way out of here, and fast.
“The only true way you guys are able to escape is if you kill one of the other House Guests and get away with it! I suggest you all start getting settled in and look around, because you’ll be here… forever, basically!” Gideon piped up, as if he was reading Scott’s mind. He probably was, too, Scott thought angrily.
“Your dinner’s at 6:30 PM, meet in the dining hall when the time comes! And read through the manual in the handbook. It’ll tell you everything you need to know about this place! Your first killing motive will be presented tomorrow morning! I’ll wake you all up bright and early for that! But you have most of the rest of the evening to explore, by most means. Certain areas will be locked for obvious reasons, though.” And with that, he had walked off. There was a thick cloud of silence that hung over everyone’s heads for about 40 seconds. A mixture of feelings arose amongst the crowd. Disbelief, shock, and fear were the most prominent.
“This—… This isn’t real. Right? Gideon’s just… playing a prank. An early April Fool’s prank. Yeah. Totally.” Stephen Stills anxiously broke the cloud of silence, face already covered in sweat, crossing his arms uncomfortably over his chest.
“Two months early? Would he really be that dedicated?” Wallace commented back, tone still lighthearted despite the situation they’re in.
“Wallace, this isn’t the time for your one liners.” Ramona Flowers said, gaze landing on the slender dark haired man. “Our lives are at stake here.”
“Please. You really believe that this is real? Yeah, Gideon’s a douchebag but he wouldn’t go this far.” Wallace argues back.
“I think we should at least listen to what he said… about investigating.” Scott interrupted the two before a proper argument could break out. “Why don’t we break each other up into groups and take different areas… and then… regroup for dinner and tell each other what we found?”
The group fell silent for another moment.
“Let’s… read the handbook first though, yeah? It might have some important information we’d need for investigating.” Stephen suggests afterwards. “Maybe there’s a map or something? Then we can settle on where everyone should look.”
They all agreed, some silently, others muttering “okay’s” and “right’s”. They all opened up the handbooks, finding the button on the sides of them and holding it down until the handbooks lit up. The same logo that was engraved on the back of them was shown on the screen once they were turned on.
“Oh, yeah, there’s a map, Stephen was right.” Neil mumbled, clicking on the tab and opening it, as everyone did the same once they had also found it.
“The fourth floor is… locked? Why?” Scott questioned.
“It’s probably where all of Gideon’s personal stuff is, like… his bedroom and stuff.” Todd replied, quietly, mostly glancing over towards Wallace in search of a praising reply for the minimum effort he put into answering Scott’s question. With no response, he glanced back down at the tablet, brows furrowed in annoyance.
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” Instead, Scott just responded back, then began to separate everyone into scouting groups. “Okay so… me, Wallace, Stephen, Neil, and…—” Scott paused, eyes casting towards whoever was left. After a few beats of quiet, someone volunteered.
“I’ll—uh… I’ll go.”
It was Matthew Patel, awkwardly picking at his fingernails with a flickering gaze. He wasn’t really sure where this sudden confidence came from either, but this was good right? He wanted to help.
“And Matthew. Sure. We’ll all investigate the… first floor.” The tawny–haired male gave a slow nod. “Kim, Ramona, Envy, Julie, Knives, and Stacey. You’re on the second floor. Todd, Lucas, Ken and Kyle, and Roxie, third floor. And that leaves Crash, Joel, Other Scott, and Jimmy to investigate the… surprisingly big basement, and the outside of the mansion. Front and back.”
“And who made you leader, Pilgrim?” Envy spat, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Do you see anyone else trying to lead?” Stephen spoke back, irritation slipping into his voice, and hands shoving into his pant pockets.
“Yeah, Envy, I agree with them, for once. Let’s just go investigate. Maybe we’ll find a way out, without the guys, too.” Julie tried to coax the tall redhead, the last part coming out in a mutter.
Stephen was about to snap back another scolding statement, but he found his words entangled and knotted up in his throat, unable to come out. He clamped his jaw shut, settling for giving the brunette a disappointed, annoyed stare, letting his words untangle. Now that he was able to properly speak, he parted his lips once more. “We’re all stuck here together, Julie. So we’ll find a way out together.”
“We’ll see about that.” She said, avoiding eye contact, and silently gesturing for the other people she was assigned with to follow her.
The first floor group had only just noticed that not only the second floor group, but the other groups had already departed while they were talking. “Oh, okay. Everyone’s gone.” Scott informed the others, as if they weren’t there, also seeing that everyone else was gone.
“First floor, you said?” Matthew asked in confirmation. “The floors are pretty big, should we split up? Three of us take one side, two of us take the other?”
At that, Neil shuffled closer to Stephen, and grabbed his hand. Stephen flashed him a smile, and squeezed his hand in return. However, knowing that Wallace and Scott probably wouldn’t want Matthew to tag along with them, the scruffy brunette took this chance to try and befriend the former Evil Ex, at least. “You can come with Neil and me, Matt.” He offered, beckoning him over.
“It looks like the Dining room, Kitchen, Laundry room, and a bathroom are off to the left, and the Living room, two more bathrooms, two of our bedrooms, and a Study room off to the right…” Neil says, still staring down at the map in his handbook.
“Scott and I will take the right, you guys take the left.” Wallace says, giving his roommate a soft pat on the shoulder. “Come on, Scotty, I’ll prove to you that this is all fake.” The jet–haired male said, his calm and cool composure still shining through, standing out against everyone else’s panicked states. He then walked off, back into the house.
Scott gave Wallace a cold glare as he walked off. How was he still so relaxed about this? This could be entirely serious, and he wasn’t taking it that way at—...
He paused. As his glare lingered, his eyes made a mishap and slipped down Wallace’s body as he walked away. Watching him walk in that dress just furthered his glare as his eyes flickered back up. This wasn’t the time to think about that. Their lives were at stake here, and they had to find a way out of here. Scott let out a breathy scoff as he followed the other back into the mansion.
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lttl3babybug · 5 months
since requests are open maybe lil scott with cg wallace 👀👉👈 like either general hcs or like the first time wallace saw scott like genuinely regress idk wjqkqlnd whatever u want is fine 😋😋
EEEK FIRST SCOTT PILGRIM REQUEST!! Ofc I can sweetheart!! Very excited abt this!! I’m gonna do headcanons for both bc I’m very excited
Regressor!Scott and Cg!Wallace Headcanons!
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The first time
🎸 The first time Wallace caught Scott regressing was at 2 in the morning
🎸Scott hadn’t head the best day and he was trying his best to sleep it off from the moment he got home till he had to get up the next morning
🎸Didn’t work, what a shocker!
🎸Anyway, he ended up waking up at 2am and just couldn’t get back to sleep so decided to play sonic
🎸While the volume was done the bright light coming from the centre of the fully dark room made Wallace stir in his sleep till eventually he woke up to see Scott sat in front of the tv playing on his game
🎸He looked oddly relaxed for it being 2 in the morning. So he got up to check on him (aka tell him to get his ass back in bed)
🎸When Wallace approached Scott he noticed that his roommate was snuggled under a blanket with a pacifier lodged between his lips
🎸Now sure Wallace knew Scott was somewhat aware of age regression due to his friends but he had no idea Scott partook in the recession
🎸He was stumped.
🎸So he leaned down and gently tapped him on the shoulder, Scott nearly jumped out his own skin. Immediately the paci was disgraced somewhere across the floor and Scott’s face filled with a panic as he fumbled out an explanation before Wallace just sort of shushed him
“Oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for you to see that at all, it’s nothing weird honestly it’s like what Neil and-“ “shhhhhh, use your inside voice buddy”
🎸The way Wallace spoke so sweetly to him immediately made him stop talking. He was flabbergasted.
🎸Wallace had really just brushed this off like it was nothing?? Of course Scott wasn’t complaining. He was glad Wallace was okay with this he was just in shock really
🎸Safe to say the rest of the night was spent with Wallace and Scott talking about the insistent and setting some boundaries about this newfound relationship they’d gained
General headcanons
🎸Scott regresses either very small or slightly older. I’d say from either 1-3 or occasionally 5-8 depending on his feelings
🎸If he’s regressing from stress then it’s 5-8 but for bedtimes and general cuddles or naps he regresses to his younger state
🎸He has a sonic themed paci!! Ofc he does (yes Wallace bought it for him)
🎸Lots of stuffies. So many stuffed animals.
🎸If he regresses in the night and Wallace isn’t awake he’ll manage to shuffle his way into Wallace’s arms so they’re snuggling while Scott sucks his thumb
🎸He also uses teething toys! The little bubble circle ones are his favourite, he has a red one that’ clear and sparky
🎸He LOVES the movie cars. Like he adores that movie. Will watch it religiously. Watched it so much Wallace has BANNED it from the apartment unless Scott has had a particularly bad day
🎸Ramona co-caregivers with Wallace! Wallace is his main cg with Ramona taking care of him when he’s at hers
🎸Scott doesn’t necessarily bite but he’ll put your hand in his mouth and just sort of…hold it there
🎸He won’t suck on your fingers or anything it’s just in his mouth
🎸Wallace calls him ‘little dude’ and ‘little man’ a lot while ruffling his hair. Scott pretends he hates it but secretly he loves it
🎸He called Wallace ‘Wally’ and Ramona ‘Mama’ when small
Thats I can think of rn, Ty for requesting!! <33
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mintmatcha · 7 months
Ramona Flowers is great bisexual rep because she fumbles every bad bitch for a mediocre dude
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randomly assorted scott pilgrim headcanons!
(mostly involving roxy)
(some involving future scenarios)
envy & roxy have the same weak spot behind their knee. they are also girlfriends. this is the most important headcanon & i have a whole separate thing that goes more in-detail on this but this is all you need to know
kim is a huge tegan & sara fan (she’s from canada and definitely bi so it makes sense). she likes their earlier albums (since it takes place in the mid-2000s it would probably be around the time so jealous and/or the con were released), and when heartthrob and lytd came out she tried to pretend she hated the new pop sound but she secretly loves it.
lynette lost her arm while performing a show with tcad that brought the house down. literally. the frequency of the vibrations emitted from their performance was powerful enough to cause a minor earthquake, and while the band was trying to escape the venue, her arm was crushed by falling debris.
envy is bilingual, having grown up in montreal, and speaks both english and french.
roxy & matthew are best friends. however, when they first joined the league, they absolutely could not stand each other. each thought the other was totally obnoxious, and they would constantly bicker and fight with each other. they also definitely got into the pirates vs ninjas argument on more than one occasion. eventually, after a sparring match gone wrong, they bonded over the fact that ramona had used them in some form while they were dating her (matt for his powers, roxy for her sexuality), as well as their love of too much black eye makeup, and they’ve been inseperable ever since. they definitely have a partners-in-crime dynamic, and their friendship is 80% snark and 20% chaotic dumbass.
later on, lucas gets roped into their friendship as well, and they form an unstoppable friend trio. roxy sees him as a cool older brother type. matt has such a huge repressed crush on him you don’t even KNOW and roxy teases him about it literally all the time
after the events of the series, they form a 3-piece punk band called roxy & the hooligans (title derived from a book i read when i was a kid). roxy is the lead singer and bassist (she learned how to play out of pure spite just to flex on scott & todd), matt is lead guitarist & backup vocalist, and lucas is the drummer. matt is also their special effects/pyrotechnics guy.
they’re also housemates for a little while, then matt & lucas start dating and roxy moves in with envy when they start dating. of course, this does not affect their friendship, and they have double dates frequently.
after she starts dating envy, roxy also forms another best friend group with julie powers and lisa miller. at first envy is worried roxy and julie won’t get along bc she thinks julie will be jealous of roxy for “stealing” envy’s attention, but they end up bonding over their shared hatred of scott.
lisa and roxy are identical twins who were separated at birth. (this was bc they’re both portrayed by mae whitman but i might retcon this one, idk)
meanwhile, roxy & todd actually, genuinely HATE each other. todd was always kind of a bully to her when she was in the league & she hates how much he gets on her nerves. to make up for it she loves to rub in his face how much he fumbled the bag with envy
envy was genuinely hurt by lynette going behind her back with todd bc she thought they were friends. lynette is pretty indifferent about it.
after the events of the comic, ramona starts a support group for all the women affected by gideon.
envy is a natural redhead, but started dyeing it blonde once she had her big rockstar makeover, and often alternates between the two shades.
(tentative, still figuring out whether i wanna make this a full headcanon) roxy is a natural brunette, but dyed (and maybe also cut) her hair after ramona broke up with her, as the gays™ are known to do. she also used to wear her hair in space buns instead of pigtails (whaat nooo this totally wasn’t inspired by spinel what are you talking about)
roxy doesn’t really care about the spelling of her name; she spells it with a “y” and with an “ie.” (alternate idea: she spelled it with an ie before the breakup and with a y after the breakup?)
barbie movies exist in this canon, and envy recorded “hope has wings” for the magic of pegasus when she was a teen (back when she was still going by natalie) but she’s super embarrassed about it. she has literally done everything in her power to hide it, but as soon as her friends find out about it they refuse to let her live it down.
likewise, finally out of pe exists in this verse except now it’s just part of envy’s early discography, which she wrote before she formed TCAD.
technically the events of the story happened at the same time the early barbie movies & brie’s album came out but we can afford to move the timelines around a lil bit just for funsies
kim created the maid costume herself, & she’s a closet geek/cosplayer. later on she & envy end up bonding over their secret nerdy sides.
she’s also a closet theatre kid
roxy is the kind of person that tries to put on a tough front to avoid getting hurt & being seen as weak but if you give her even one (1) single tiny bit of affection she will instantly fall apart (especially if you happen to be a pretty girl)
when gideon was messing with everybody’s memories, he ended up causing a rift in the universe that caused the timeline to branch into two separate realities (the books and the movie, respectively). when he was defeated, they merged into one again, but the characters now have memories from both realities. it’s a little confusing
wallace ends up getting together with stephen later on (maybe? they seem like they’d have a fun dynamic), and they’re happy together, but once wallace finds out about matt & lucas dating he’s so fucking salty about it bc HE HAD A CHANCE WITH LUCAS LEE THIS WHOLE TIME
ramona eventually becomes the lead singer of shatterband. scott & kim decide the two-person lineup isn’t working out for them; they need a frontman, someone with charisma to tie them all together. then they hear a voice coming from the bedroom. they go to investigate and find ramona singing softly to herself. she’s a bit hesitant to join at first bc she’s not super confident about singing in front of others, but they manage to convince her by telling her how she could totally one-up envy.
matthew is a proud, unabashed theatre kid. roxy is the kind of person who acts like she absolutely despises theatre kids (even tho she’s really just as melodramatic as matt but won’t admit it) until karaoke night rolls around & she suddenly knows all the songs
roxy is a mixed media artist & is proficient in quite a few different techniques, but her specialty is graffiti. since being a ninja takes a lot of discipline & she often got criticized for letting her emotions get the better of her, it gives her an outlet to be more uninhibited.
the twins are pretty aloof & don’t really talk to anyone else besides themselves; they just kinda do their own thing while viewing everyone else with either mutual respect or smug superiority. gideon doesn’t really give a shit about the other league members, but the twins are his “favorites” (relatively speaking) just bc of how efficient & powerful they are
scott & ramona end up in sort of a semi-throuple with kim. no one really knows what their exact situation is; whether they’re an open relationship, friends with benefits, or just officially all dating each other, but wherever they are, kim is usually also there, & they don’t question it. (honestly the more i think about it the more i like the idea of polyamorous ramona just bc there’s so many characters i ship her with)
maybe wallace also gets involved. just for funsies
in the future, roxy ends up taking knives on as her ninja protégé. as a mentor, she’s pretty no-nonsense bc she wants her to be able to reach her full potential, but she also tries to keep her temper in check & not be overly harsh on her just bc of what she went through in her own training (at the ninja academy she was looked down upon for her half-ninja status & constantly belittled for being too soft, undisciplined, emotional, etc. which caused her to push herself to the brink of total physical and mental exhaustion to prove them wrong, & that led to her parents pulling her out bc they were worried she was gonna push herself so hard it would kill her, & that whole situation is the main source of most of her insecurities). at first she’s put off by how relentlessly upbeat knives is, but then she sees how eager she is to make her proud & roxy can’t help but see a bit of herself in her. over time she comes to see her as sort of a kid sister, especially when knives eventually comes out to her, though she refuses to admit how much of a soft spot she actually has for her. she knows knives can handle herself, but she’s also grown more than a little protective of her (and scott is terrified of her for this reason)
i have a LOT of other HCs regarding specific backstories/relationship dynamics/etc that i might post later if i get the motivation for it but these are just some of my shorter ones
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kosmicc · 6 months
Ramona is stronger than me cus if i was her and i fumbled 7 bad bitches i'd have to kill myself
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fiststornasunder · 3 months
Been rewatching some episodes of Scott Pilgrim Takes off and man, it's impressive how easily this show achieves its goal (to give depth to the exes) while completely fumbling the bag on being an engaging mystery.
On an episode-by-episode basis, it's a great show. Once you consider how Ramona never really gets closer to finding Scott and that nothing her or the rest of the gang do matters due to him just coming back on his own, the show kind of falls apart as a whole. I enjoy it as something fun and interesting done with characters I love, but I try not to think too much about its overarching plot because it's severely lacking and very anticlimactic.
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knightsickness · 6 months
haven’t watched the new scott pilgrim show but it is extremely funny that it’s caused ramona’s seven evil exes (all of whom were clearly conceived as some shade of loser) to be discussed in terms of ‘god ramona fumbled seven consecutive times’
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omenofchoas · 3 months
Despite having an account for like four years I’ve never posted anything but hey I’m kinda proud of this Gideon x Julie fic so I guess I’ll post it here too?
He was lucky to have what he had. The clothes in his back, a cracked phone and his wallet which had his notes and nearly all his cards apart from his ID removed. Matthew was 'graceful' enough to leave Gideon's change alone. Apparently Matthew wasn't a monster after all but right now Gideon had a hard time believing that. He wished he had just had his hand kicked off as he was holding onto the roof of his building for dear life but no, Matthew showed him mercy, to live with the consequences of such an arrogant bet.
The bus has finally stopped in Toronto. He used the change he had for the bus fare. He had a plan but due to his partly destroyed ego he had no clue if it was going to work. There was one person he wanted...no...needed to see.
The memory of the day he was rejected back in high school has been playing in his mind every so often ever since that day. Especially during relationship problems. But recently it had been different. After Ramona left him a week or so prior the memory played more and more but something was different about this time however, it wasn't like the others. The way he remembered it was the popular girl dropped his business plan to the floor she proceeded to laugh and the rest of the school followed as he fell to the floor in embarrassment and regret. The one difference this time however was someone wasn't laughing. A girl. She looked sad for him? Something like that. It had been wracking his brain for a while but now he couldn't push the memory to the back of his mind and focus on his work.
As he wandered the streets as the rain had a dreadful downpour a name kept ringing in his mind. Julie Powers. That must be her name. It must be.
He stumbled in pain down a street and into another street. There was a car light on with the left and on the right there was a house with a porch light on and a woman who too was clearly soaked by the rain fumbling to unlock her door. Though at first he paid her no mind as he walked down the street, he didn't know she had turned to look at him until she spoke. "Gideon Graves? G-man?" She said with an airy sort of shock.
He pulled out the collar of his shirt and little as he quickly glanced. It was her. She would know it was him if she remembered right? "You don't remember me.." He said quietly. She was visibly very confused as she continued to look at him. "Huh?" She said.
"Gideon Graves wasn't my birth name. It was an identity I created." He said as he was slowly walking to the corner to turn so he could get closer to her porch as she watched him. "I left my part behind and levelled up." He continued as the rain continued to drench him. "But back in the day you knew me by...another name." He added as he slowly took off his glasses and looked over at Julie.
Julie stood there confused for a moment before the memory snapped at her. After all these years it was him. Of all people she didn't expect it to be him but the way he was looking at her, it was undeniable. "Gordon? Gordon Goose from North Bay Ontario? Fearless..." She said. She wanted to reach out to him but was still in a state of shock. The dorky kid who moved away after being made a joke of by the entire school, he was Gideon Graves and now he was in an utter state. Beaten and bruised. Damaged both mentally and physically.
Gideon's...no Gordon's face fell a little "Then you do remember me." He sighed a little, "You may be the only one who does." He said, he was clearly holding back from crying. He couldn't cry in front of her. Not like this. Not now. Nonetheless he began to explain. "Julie I-...I lost everything...my empire is gone. My billionaire friends have shunned me. Even my millionaire friends have turned their backs..." he said quietly. "I couldn't even get a reservation at McDonalds. They laughed at me when I called." He added. It has been so long since he would have eaten at such a place and had been used to eating at highly popular and high end restaurants where if you didn't reserve a place there was no chance of you getting in.
"So I spent the last of my money to get a bus fare to Toronto. Just to see one sympathetic face..." He finished. The memory of the day he ran away has been playing in his mind. The way she looked at him. The only one who felt bad for him. She was the only person he could go to. He held back tears as he winced in pain while she continued to look at him. He didn't know what she would say or do but seeing her again made him feel a little better as maybe she still cared? He didn't know.
She turned away and opened her unlocked front door a little and she then said "Gordon" then turning to look at him "Get your butt in here." She said with a slight smile.
That was it. The floodgates were down as tears quickly began to fall as he took one step onto her porch stairs. Looking up at her, she still cared, out of everyone in his life. Somebody still cared. It felt like the world had stopped as he looked up at her this time with hope rather than pity. His saviour. The one person who cared about him.
((Let me know what you think!))
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Chapter 3: The Meeting (Emetophobia warning!!)
Gideon sat in his office, checking his watch. He read 12:50 pm, realizing you still hadn't come back from the store yet. He was just about to call for you when suddenly the old rotary phone that was stationed on his desk rang, he picked it up and held it to his ear.
He listened closely, recognizing the voice on the other end to be one of his security guards which he had double as sort of spies for him. His heart dropped as he heard the information he was being given, his stomach twisting.
“Ramona Flowers has a new boyfriend.” The man said, the sound muffled from the phone. Gideon’s head began spinning, it finally dawned on him. He was growing affections towards you to forget about his ex-girlfriend Ramona who left him a few months prior. His blood began to boil, and his jealousy rose.
He hung up the phone before the man even finished adding onto what he was saying. It finally hit him that she wasn't coming back to him, which wounded his ego severely. Why wouldn't she come back to him? He was the best guy around, or so he thought.
He rose from his desk, storming over to the mini fridge he kept in the corner hooked up. He pulled out a bottle of Whiskey and poured himself a glass. He hadn't eaten since that donut you gave him around 8 which certainly wasn't good. His mind was racing, he didn't care about anything else at the moment.
He grumbled and groaned, downing his first glass of whiskey without even tasting it. Why did this have to happen now? Couldn't she wait another day to move on? He poured another glass sipping on this one slowly. The taste was horrendous, causing his face to scrunch up.
He grabbed the bottle and glass, sitting down in his chair and slumping. “That bitch.” He spoke under his breath, unable to grasp the fact that she left him. He had forgotten about her momentarily, being too absorbed into his work. He finished his second glass, already starting to feel a slight buzz.
He opted out of using the glass, picking up the bottle and beginning to chug it instead. He sat it down after a moment, hiccuping because he drank too fast. “She'll come back.” He mumbled, still in disbelief. His mind was in a horrid state, he was in between choosing you or Ramona which he never expected himself to be in that position. He came to the conclusion that his attraction towards you was only temporary and that'd he'd decide to get Ramona back. She was obsessed with him anyways, how hard could that be?
Gideon took another large swig from the Whiskey bottle, feeling the effects of it hard. He opened his laptop, hastily typing something into Google. He clicked the first link, his vision a bit blurry from the alcohol mixed with his throbbing headache. He maneuvered the website he was on horribly, barely able to comprehend what he was even doing.
He was certainly drunk, so he continued to sip at the bottle. Having downed half of it. He typed away furiously at his keyboard, writing up a post on Craigslist. He barely thought about what he was writing, just letting the words flow from his mind which included some very vulgar language.
Gideon's entire paragraph upon paragraph of post was all about Ramona, how he wanted to bring her back to him. To document how much she meant to him, not because he truly loved her but because he needed to own her like a trophy. It was his possessiveness, his jealousy getting the best of him. His girlfriend's weren't allowed to leave him, only he could break up with them.
He requested in the Craigslist listing for anyone else who had dated her in the past to step forward and contact him. He had no idea how long any of this was going to take, but he was too wasted to care. He finished the bottle, burping loudly and acting rather unruly. He was just thankful no one was around to see him. His vision went in and out of focus, his stomach turning. This would be bad.
Gideon fumbled with his hands, his body heating up. He loosened his tie hastily, close to pulling it undone and throwing it off. He unbuttoned a few more buttons on his shirt, chucking off his blazer while he was at it. He stumbled forward in his seat, his head slamming down on the desk. He groaned out of misery, pain, and worry. He had begun feeling ill rather quickly, something that would bite him in the ass later.
Gideon glasses cracked as they hit the laptop resting on the desk, causing him to freak out momentarily. He had other pairs, it was just a hassle he didn't want to deal with. He picked his head up just barely, taking his glasses off and dramatically throwing them to the floor which only caused them to shatter beyond repair.
His entire state was ruined, he was disheveled. His hair draping over his face, his typical well put together appearance a mess. He didn't look himself, and he didn't look well. Gideon's eyes fluttered open and close, eventually giving up this battle and resting his eyes. He fell asleep within seconds, snoring loudly which he never did.
You returned back from the store with an hour left to spare. You figured that would be enough time to get everything set up. You headed up to the seventh floor as usual, heading over to Gideon’s office to inform him you would be setting things up now. You walked nervously over to his office, unable to get the cashier's words out of your head. You wondered if he was really that type of man.
You arrived at his office, going to knock on the door until you saw it partially cracked open. You were surprised, he never kept his door unlocked. You slowly pushed the door open, peering inside to see the raven haired man slumped at his desk in an unconscious state.
You panicked, immediately rushing into the office to help him. Gideon passed out cold, his snoring had stopped. You ran to his side, placing your index and middle finger on his neck to check for a pulse. Your heart rate has spiked, your anxiety causing you to shake. You prayed he was okay, what could've happened to him while you were gone?
You let out a sigh of relief as you felt his pulse against your fingers, he was alive just asleep. You leaned over to whisper into his ear, not wanting to be too loud. “Mr. Graves, wake up.” You spoke softly to him, your hands now resting on his shoulders but he didn't budge one bit.
He continued to sleep, which worried you greatly. You had never seen him in this state. You noticed his disheveled appearance, eventually your eyes landing on something in the corner of his desk. You stood up, approaching where your eyes landed. You picked up the glass bottle, turning it around until the label faced you. You read that this was a bottle of Whiskey, realizing he had drunk the whole thing most likely.
You sighed heavily, unsure of how to continue on. You knew he wouldn't wake up soon, his body clearly too weak in the moment to do much. You couldn't bring yourself to leave him alone like this, in case of an emergency. Even though you despised Gideon you didn't have the heart to let him get hurt. You grappled with your thoughts, setting the bottle down.
You thought carefully on it, you knew Gideon wouldn't want anyone to find him in this state. You decided you would let him sleep longer, only calling for help if you found it absolutely necessary. You sat down in the seat in front of his desk, watching him momentarily while he slept.
You didn't know what to do still, you felt like he needed sleep but also that you should at least wake him up once to see if he was okay. You sat there for a while, doing nothing except watching him. You got incredibly bored, getting up from your seat and walking over to one of the bookshelves that were in the back of his office.
You grabbed the most interesting book to you, sitting back down and cracking it open to read to pass the time. Your gaze occasionally went off the page, looking bacl up at him to see if he was okay. Gideon would occasionally grunt and move around a bit, his head still against the desk. He rolled his head to the side at one point, his cheek pressed against his laptop.
You finally saw his face, his hair covering most of it. He looked so peaceful, his eyes shut and his mouth agape. You sat your book down in your lap, leaning forward a bit and getting closer to him. You brushed some of the hair out of his face, able to tell how exhausted he was. Then that's when you noticed it, his face was stained with tears.
This immediately sent a punch to your gut, your stomach turning. What had caused him of all people to cry? Someone so high strung. Your heart melted, seeing this humanized him in your mind. Your fingers ran through his soft locks slowly, admiring him. Your hatred for him was wiped away in this moment, only wanting to care for him and ensure his safety.
You brushed a hand across his cheek, caressing it for a moment. You had gotten so caught up in what was happening, not even considering the possibility of him waking up any moment. You were acting without thinking, letting your inner most desires do all the work. He stirred in his sleep, moving underneath your touch. His eyes began fluttering open, causing you to retract your hands from his head.
Gideon’s vision went in and out of focus, slowly lifting his head up to see you sitting in front of him. He was taken aback, but too tired to react physically. He let out a grumble, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He seemed angry and sad, as if he were about to explode.
You looked upon him as he slowly woke up, a smile creeping its way along your face. He most certainly didn't seem okay, but seeing him awake brought a bit of joy to you. You were about to speak when he suddenly cut you off, your mouth agape. “Get out.” He commanded harshly, not even giving you time to explain yourself.
“But–” You began speaking, trying desperately to explain why you were there in the first place. He cut you off again, this time staring you down. “I said out.” He repeated himself, getting frustrated with you. You weren't going to take this, you wanted him to know you cared. “You're clearly ill.” I responded, hoping for an instance that you would accept my pleas to help you.
Gideon furrowed his brows, sitting up in his seat despite his horrid state. He was still quite drunk, not thinking straight whatsoever. He rested his elbows on top of the laptop, intertwining his fingers together. “Shut up.” He growled at you, snapping his fingers suddenly and pointing towards the door. “I want you out of my sight.”
You couldn't understand why he was being so harsh all of a sudden, you knew he was mean but you'd never expected him to be this mean to you. You swallowed your pride, no longer fighting him on things anymore. You scooted the chair back, standing up. You headed towards the door, looking back at him.
He seemed to grow impatient with you, standing up out of his chair and stumbling towards the door. “What don't you understand? Are you that much of a bim–” That's when he stopped speaking completely, his stomach turning. He felt something clawing at his throat, forcing to come out. His cheeks puffed out, closing his mouth the best he could. That's when you knew he was about to hurl.
You noticed the signs instantly, trying to grab the trash can he kept in the corner of his office but by the time you grabbed it it was too late. Gideon coughed and in one swift action he threw up onto the linoleum floors, thankfully all of it landing in one place.
You panicked, seeing the mess and feeling sick yourself but knew you had to stay strong. Gideon stared down at the floor, his blood boiling as he realized the vulnerable state he was in. Everything was ruined to him in his mind, his life, career, his relationships. One slip up and he figured he'd be canned immediately from his own empire.
Gideon gripped the wall in front of him, clutching his stomach as he tried to stop himself from anything else happening. Tears beading in the corners of his eyes, he felt horrendous. The alcohol had left his body somehow, but he still felt the buzz. He was in such a fragile mental state, his ex-girlfriend finding a new guy mixed with the drinking didn't pair well.
He sniffled, biting back more tears from flowing. He couldn't be like this, not now, not when he wasn't alone. He didn't bother looking back at you, but you heard silent sobs coming from him. Which worried you immensely, you wanted to comfort him and to cradle him.
“I-I'll call a janitor.” You muttered out, feeling like he was about to yell at you for even suggesting that someone else witness what had happened. Gideon didn't say anything, only nodding slowly. You stepped over to his desk, using the phone that sat on it. You dialed up a janitor, explaining the situation and hoping they'd arrive soon.
In the meantime you stepped over to Gideon, placing your hands on his shoulder and arm and began leading him carefully back to his desk. You got him to sit back down, setting the trash can on one side next to him. You kneeled next to him, holding his hand and squeezing it tightly. You never would've done something like this but his sorry mental state made you feel something for him.
He appreciated the gesture deep down, but couldn't let you know. He instead pretended to be strong still, pushing your hand away from him. He didn't however let you leave his side, he liked looking down at you.
Within minutes a janitor arrived, letting himself in. He began cleaning the mess immediately, finishing his work within a short amount of time. The man left shortly after, leaving you two alone. Gideon looked awful, his face puffy and his eyes red. He was in no state to work, he needed to get home as soon as possible.
“Mr. Graves..you need to rest.” You whispered to him, knowing he'd be stubborn and refuse to comply. Gideon almost never took breaks from his work, finding it far too important to get away from. He always had something new to do, something he could improve on.
His face turned sour, immediately going to fight back against you. “I'm fine. I will decide when I go home.” He scoffed, turning his head away from you. “Please sir, you're in no state to work.” You begged with him once more, trying to get him to see the truth of the situation.
After forever of back and forth he finally agreed, but very reluctantly. You smiled once he did, thankful for the win. You stood from the spot were kneeling, calling the company you were meant to be meeting with in less than an hour and rescheduling it for a later date.
Gideon stood from his desk with your help, his arm around your shoulder as you supported his weight. You helped him out of his office, and to the elevator. It was far too early for him to be leaving in his eyes, but he knew he had to go home. You had used his phone to call his limo, knowing it'd arrive soon.
Once you stepped outside the building the long black vehicle arrived shortly after, to which you helped him inside. He waved his hand for you to leave and get back to work however you refused his request, climbing in the back seat of the limo too. “I'm coming home with you. Don't try to fight back.” You told him firmly, needing to set him straight for the time being.
Gideon was going to fight back but he knew it was useless. He let you come home with him, something he'd never do if he were sober. After a short drive the vehicle was pulled into his garage, arriving at his mansion. You were in awe, but had to push down these feelings to focus on him. Gideon was helped out of the vehicle, leading him inside of his home. He hated this..there was no way he was going to let you nurse him back to health…right?
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piningpercussionist · 4 months
HOLY SHIT KIM IS DEAD???!?!?!?!?!?
(ooc: the following was drafted a week or so ago, maybe, and has been slightly tweaked to reflect blog canon! It has also been cut in half, for the purpose of receiving audience interaction/response :3c I am taking some liberties here. Enjoy, and thank you for giving me a funny ask to reply to with it!)
Kim comes into existence again with a whimper, at first simply ashamed by her demise, with a linger ache- but the sound rapidly progresses to a pained shriek, a response to the state she was entering the world in- lines of code flashing wildly and flying by as they attempted to snap themselves into shape, giving her form. It was a painful, messy thing- and not something she'd experienced before, to know if something was amiss. When the code settles, she stumbles forward while clutching her sides, gasping for breath as she tries to orient herself. She fumbles around, gripping at her chest and her hair- no holes, no burns....
Did I... Did I just die? The question echoes out around her, despite having thought it- it makes her jump, a little, looking around wildly with a spin. All that surrounds her is nothing- nothing presented as dark void and a small circle of white beneath her feet, which moved along with her. Kim tries her best not to freak out, but she knows her face must be a sight, tears already coming to the corners of her eyes.
No. No, no, no! I can't- things were going so well for once, and I just- FUCK!
Kim falls to her knees, punching at the "ground" as she grits her teeth.
How the FUCK did I let this happen?! No goddamn snacks on hand- FUCK! You're such a FUCKING IDIOT, Kimberly!
Angry tears start to stream down her face as she continues her punching, vision blurring rather quickly. She doesn't stop until her arms are tired and the sides of her hands are throbbing and red, shakey as she painfully uncurls her fingers.
... God, what are they all gonna think of me? What's Ramona gonna think of me? I couldn't even get passed the first one...
Her breath hitches with the familiar hiccup of a sob wanting to start, and Kim slams a hand over her mouth as she clenches her eyes tight, trying to calm herself. It takes several minutes before she can rise to her feet, a little unsteady, but the tears keep coming even after she's wiped them away a good three or four times. She supposes its a reasonable reaction to her own demise, so she stops trying to get rid of them, grimacing as they drip down her face.
She turns, expecting to see nothing, but ends up surprised- before her, hovering in massive text up above, reads: GAME OVER! She blinks at it for a moment, confused, as it does a sort of fading blink, then begins scaling down, until each letter is maybe the size of her head. The letters pulse gently before the exclamation point fades out, and below the text, two boxes fade in instead. To the left the box is labeled "RESTART," and to the right, "LOAD SAVE."
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