#emo girl save me...
mccqrmick · 6 months
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Hey guys. Girl Matthew. Girl Matthew Patel save me
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greengirllover · 1 month
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super-gearboy · 4 months
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sally face art I’ve made!! Eeee
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tinyfantasminha · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast got me feeling caca again so I NEED to share this theory/HC I have on Jack
Here we have Jack and Vil's hometown, as shown in Vil's flashback; there are lots of resemblances to Bella's hometown in BATB as we can see,
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So let's consider for the time being that their hometown is indeed based on the village from BATB. If that's the case, then we could think that the Beauty and the Beast tale is passed down on the town as a tradition (similar to how the HoND story is passed down on the City of Flowers, which is supposed to be twst-ver of Paris.) So we could have instaces like this; (example:)
That's the library of the town - A myth from 300 years ago says that during that time only one girl in town would ever come here. Her story is passed down to everyone who comes to work in this library, and it has become a famous turistic attraction in town.''
Now, returning to Jack; Jack said that he never had too many friends when growing up (Vil could have been his only childhood friend, for all we know) but why is that? Is it truly because he had a lone wolf personality ever since a kid or maybe... the other kids would avoid him? (screenshots and tls from Shel_BB on YT)
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If the BATB tale is well known to everyone in town, then surely one of the most jarring parts of the tale would be ''when the lone girl went to the woods to look for her father, she was brutally attacked by wolves.''
So because of that, wolves are seen as a bad omen in town, and depictions of wolves are seen as inheritently evil/dangerous. While the tale is obviously a myth and that statement does not apply irl, Jack is notheless faced with social exclusion for being associated with the wolves from the story. Vil said so himself ''those kids can't separate fiction from reality, so they had a problem with me. How stupid can they be?'' which again could be seen as a nod and parallel to the narrow-minded and overall ignorant mentality of the villagers from BATB.
It makes me think that Vil was not the only one who suffered bullying as kid, but Jack did as well; even if he was still independent as a kid, that could also very much be one of the factors that strengthened his current mentality of ''I didn't came here to make friends'' and self-betterment. Since he had almost no people to actually trust in because they were too scared of him, he embraced his ''scary big bad wolf'' persona as an exterior mask to the people around him. Only people who earn his respect and trust eventually can see just how Jack truly is; big-hearted, sensitive and loyal. (just like the Beast?)
tl;dr: jack could be twst from the wolves that attacked belle and also he deserves the entire world thanks for coming to my ted talk
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sippihippie · 14 days
You say you’re a bad boy but I hear sad boy, can I save you now?? Please 🥺
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mychemicalromancer69 · 4 months
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Baby girl we’re gonna go to Costco and you can pick out whatever you want🖤
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possumteeths · 3 months
I like fall out boy and patd as much as anyone else but theres a ~vibe~ to ppl who are still like batshit insane abt these groups who go out of their way to be like “im a cool adult i used to be emo” that i cant put my finger on
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memoirsofaghost · 2 months
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jadesticide · 4 months
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whenever you tell me im pretty thats when the hunger really hits me..~
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Wish me happy birthday🖤
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mercurydusttt · 6 months
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blacked out + woke up covered in blood w this drawing on my laptop
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zestys-world · 6 months
i am so horrifically bad at understanding fighting mechanics I will struggle for 5 months then go "OHHH THATS HOW YOU DO IT". I legitimately didn't use artifacts for months in genshin and wondered why I kept dying. My little farmer in stardew kept eating mushrooms and praying while swinging around a stick. Its not that I'm a "lover not a fighter" it's just that I do not understand tutorials no matter how easy. So, you can see how i was not prepared to try baldurs gate 3
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demichii · 1 year
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girlspecimen · 1 month
despite it all. black butler saturday
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spectrestar · 2 months
Some guy at emo night came up to me and grabbed my hands and was like ‘BILLIE EILISH I AM A HUGE FAN!’ and I am still so perplexed by that.
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