#Raven Baxter coded
rizumuj · 7 months
Raven Baxter made her fit!! (Or Galleria Garibaldi)
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mojo-is-rising · 27 days
 I Hate Him (conditionally)
Day 4 - AU (hosted by @minthe-drawings )
Baxter and Akio - What if Akio lived in Golden Groove? Baxter POV (yes, i'm doing a AU for both of my Baxter MCs, that way they get an equal amount of content C: )
Warning: Angst, Underage Smoking
Words spread fast in small towns, the autumn wind helping the whispers fly far and fast, reaching even into the depths of the forest where the solemn mansion Baxter has the privilege of calling home is. 
A boy his age has recently occupied a house long left behind in the suburbs, right next where his best friend lives.
And Baxter absolutely despises him.
He stands taller than him, taller even than Ren and his voice is already deep, drowned out by his pride and snotiness, even if he has no reason to be like that. He doesn’t go to Baxter’s private school, he's never seen prowling on the dance studio nor the band nor any extracurricular worthy of pride, his house is nothing to cry for either. Yet, his predatory eyes of overwhelming darkness always seem to find their way into the Boy’s Club usual hangout places.
He hangs out in the park with a crowd half from his own school half from Baxter’s private one. Then he invades the private bridge tucked away in the forest’s core, smoking hidden from his family and spewing teasing words towards Baxter, even going as far as desmissing Qiu’s authority because he’s just “some kid”. Not to mention the diner or the convenience store or the bicycle paths and everywhere else! Baxter just can’t catch a break.
Even late at night, when Baxter’s legs ache from the continuous lessons and he just can’t seem capable of snoozing, that incredulous person seems to find his way into Baxter’s most private, inner thoughts. Thoughts about how he so effortlessly breaks rules, right behind his parents back, while still presenting politeness in the face of the adults - something Baxter can only fantasize of doing. The way he dresses rebellious, with chains, funky patterns, earrings and black. In fact, a lot of things in him are black and white, Baxter’s most adored contrast of colors, from his raven hair to those haunting eyes all the way to his fair skin and the silver of his jewelry. Baxter hates it, hates it all, hates spending so much resting time agonizing about how his canines fang out of his plush lips when he smugly smiles - re-playing every interaction they’ve shared on that day, no matter how minuscule it may have seemed.
Baxter loudly sighs as the night goes on.
He truly hates Akio Takahara. How dare he be everything Baxter wants to be while having nothing at all.
Minutes couldn’t go slower, seconds couldn’t take more decades as Baxter waits to be dismissed from that stuffy class. He has to force himself to chant in his head over and over again how it is a privilege to afford a level of education not even half of the population can just to power through the unbearable speech of his senile professor. Trying his best to focus on the words instead of what's awaiting him after the class.
Finally, after a few more agonizing moments, he is met with such paradise. Akio Takahara - sworn enemy and rival - hangs out behind his posh school, leaning against the wall aloof while puffing his cigarette and scrolling on his phone. He’s visibly disheveled and clothed comfortably in gym clothes, he must have just left his judo lesson, Baxter concludes. 
They briefly greet each other with teasing words. “Loser”, “idiot”, “bastard”, “weirdo” and many other pejorative terms are common in their lexical of endearments, even if to the eye of an innocent onlooker it may seem like the very opposite. Baxter smushes Aki’s cheeks together, remarking how ‘cute’ he is, and Aki grazes his hand a little too close to Baxter's waist. And then they leave that place behind walking side by side.
It’s a funny sight, Baxter in his carefully-picked dress coded clothes with Akio, now much shorter than the former, dressed relaxed yet walking with pride and conviction.
They finally arrive at the diner, grab a quick lunch, and find themselves tucked away from society in that little abandoned bridge. There they can almost forget who they are, where they came from, what awaits them outside the forest and just focus on the boy before them. Both seventeen and incredibly stupid. 
Sure they kiss a few times, go even further than that. Risk their reputation much more than they should. And sure, Baxter may enamour the people from his dance hall and Akio enjoys toying with the handsome boys from school. But at the end of the day, they always find themselves together, having conversations they don’t have with anyone else, including Baxter’s childhood club who is now long gone. Hidden from all prying eyes and expectations. 
Their relationship doesn't have a label, ‘enemies’ are not exactly known for making out under bridges in the middle of nowhere. But they won’t allow themselves to address whatever they have as more of a ‘rivalry’. 
After all that, when Baxter is once again lost in his thoughts in his bed, enveloped by the night, he can’t help but wonder if he has the option to ask more from Akio. What exactly, he’s not sure. Is it commitment he wants? More attention and time? Security in their relationship? (Can he call it a relationship?) No matter how far his thoughts go, they always end up with the same answer.
No. He doesn't deserve whatever he’s dreaming about, it is not achievable or possible. A great life awaits for Akio, a life of fame and beauty. And a different life is reserved for Baxter.
He hates how Akio makes him dare to wish for more.
The last autumn leaves fall, the trees are now barren and the wind is getting chillier. Baxter looks back on his mansion as his chauffeur stuffs the last of his baggage into the car’s trunk. He finds himself leaving the comfort of his lavish conditions to venture into college life, a new beginning in his independence, a goodbye to the small mountain town he has lived in for his entire existence - he doesn't plan on rotting there after he gets his degree. 
“Mr. Ward, I must inform you that we have to stop for gas before leaving Golden Groove.” His pessimistic thoughts are interrupted by the chauffeur, Baxter weakly nods and does little to complain. A trip down memory lane couldn’t hurt, right? 
Baxter stays inside the car while his employee worries about mundane tasks, he bores his sight into the line of trees barely seen behind the gas station. He supposes that view won’t be reachable for a long stretch of time as he tries to glue the memory onto his shambled mind. But then, a certain someone is seen leaving said gas station.
Clad in black and red, holding onto two small bags of cheap snacks, drinks and, of course, a cigarette ready to be lighted. His nemesis.
Baxter forgets about the stupid forest and glues his eyes to Akio’s figure, he looks divine and Baxter wishes to remember his image for the rest of his life.  
And then Akio recognizes the chauffeur, looks into the car and freezes at Baxter like a deer in headlights. Many would call it true destiny but Baxter sees it more as miserable unluckness, to lock gazes with him just moments before they separate for…forever.
Akio understands the meaning of it all. His eyes lack their usual brightness, portraying a deep, unsettling helplessness. Silently says goodbye with a shy nod and walks away. Baxter thinks he saw tears but it must have been his hazy mind playing tricks.
As the drive towards the airport continues, Baxter finally comes to the conclusion that he won - he no longer has a rival. Akio can't get to him anymore, he has no conditions to hate anymore.
He doesn't have to worry about stumbling upon a rude, self-assured bully. Nor hide away from everyone in secluded places. No pesky feelings about wanting more. He’s at peace, at least.
Baxter is finally able to close his eyes for good, falling into a slumber while the image of Golden Groove disappears from the car windows.
He sleeps, even if his throat dries, his limbs go limp and his heart clenches with pain.
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pinkacademic · 1 year
OG PA Fashion Archetype: Disney Channel Diva
OG Pink Academia Fashion Archetype: The Disney Channel Diva
Sharpay Evans, London Tipton, The Cheetah Girls, they’re the queens who raised me, and now I’m Like This.
Essential for a Disney Channel Diva
Large bag for your small dog
accesories- accesorise your accesories
metallic fabrics
Too much is not enough
hats and scarves, regardless of the weather
a feather boa
sunglasses that are bigger than the bag you carry your small dog in
Staples for Characters
Hannah Montana: Cowboy boots, denim- especially a denim vest- leather jacket, gold scarf
London Tipton: funky headwear, sequins, knee-high boots (sparkly or shiny), a clutch that’s entirely seperate to the dog bag, Ivana
Raven Baxter: longline coat with a colourful fur trim, purple, a fun hairstyle, flared trousers, a penchant for fashion design- add patches, embroidery, and sequins to your clothes.
The Cheetah Girls: … I demand to see the Halloween besties who do colour-coded, cheetah print tracksuits
Sharpay Evans: This queen owns my heart forever. Name a better dressed duo than Sharpay and Ryan, genuinely. Pink,blue, white, gold, metallic fabric, sparkle, sparkle, more sparkle, and a fabulous attitude.
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wistfulwatcher · 7 years
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March is for Minors Masterlist
I asked followers 18 and under for some recommendations that they would want to see here on blackfemmecharacterdepency blog. A few were ones that I have already featured, but admittedly, not a lot of. A few were ones that I’ve been meaning to feature more of. A few I’ve known about but had yet to find a lot of content already produced. And some, I’d never heard of before in my life. BUT, I’ve compiled a list of the recommendations, whether or not they have existing tags prior to today, and will be finding and posting content in observance of highlighting characters that minors have asked me for this fine March 2021
Edit: I realized that I haven’t been extremely clear whenever I request recommendations for content, I never mentioned that I do not create the content. I’m not a gif maker and whenever I do aesthetics, fan art or fan fiction, it is typically for fandom that I know and love. So, IF Tumblr doesn’t already have content for the character in question, getting the recommendation filled is more difficult, as I have to try to see if there is free content out there to share, and that takes so much more time to find than reblogging content here.
Allura - Voltron: Legendary Defender
* Black Show Alert* Cocoa, Jade, Ami, M’Dear McKellan | Maybelle, Mikayla, Ava, Renee Genevieve Brooke, Candy Greene, Grace, Coach Wilson, Katrina, Aunt Dot and more! - Family Reunion * All the Black Femmes
Delilah & Robyn McCall - The Equalizer
Diamond Brooks - Star Falls
Iridessa - Tinkerbell Movies
Jodie Landon - Daria
Katie Rice - Every Witch Way
Keesha Franklin - The Magic School Bus
Luz Noceda - The Owl House
Maya - Craig of the Creek
Nia Baxter Carter & Raven - Raven’s Home/That’s So Raven
Numbah 5 - Code Name Kids Next Door
Piper & Amanda Parish - Holly Hobbie
Rocky & Marcy Blue - Shake It Up
Susie Carmichael - Rugrats
Tip Tucci- Home
Trixie Carter - American Dragon Jake Long
Valerie Gray - Danny Phantom
Wolf & Kipo - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
*List will be edited and updated throughout March. Links potentially may not work in mobile. So sorry. It happens with my master post tags too often for me not to mention it.
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Tagging all who interacted with the CTA for recs @juliesdahlias @mistyskiesrambles @jacksope-lives​ @cosmic-ribbons @bi-se-xu-als-posts @sunsetcurve
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peterstanslizzie · 5 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.4 (Pool Party)
The Actual First Episode
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A classic Lizzie Mcguire episode
- For some strange reason, this episode was considered episode #4 and the fourth episode to air even though the production code for this episode is '101′. Meaning that chronologically, this is episode #1 and probably the series pilot. It’s no wonder that all the kids look a lot younger here than in other episodes.
- That being said, let’s begin my episode recap. Lizzie is running through an obstacle course during P.E. class and she’s having a miserable time; I can definitely relate. Side note: Coach Kelly is played by Dot Marie Jones, who also played Coach Beiste on the hit Fox television series, Glee.
- Cartoon Lizzie, who is Lizzie’s conscience gives us a brief commentary on the different social circles in her gym class and she describes herself as someone who doesn’t fit in any category. I can also relate to her in that aspect just because during high school, I didn’t fit into any sort of clique. And that’s fine because having multiple interests and friends from different walks of life was beneficial to me.
Introducing Lizzie’s BFFs and Classmates
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This is so pure, I love it
- Babies! They look so young here for real. Miranda is first introduced as Lizzie’s best friend and they basically confide in each others secrets. But more about Miranda later on.
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Gordo is so cute but extremely wise for his age
- Lizzie knew Gordo since she was a day out of her mom’s womb. She describes him as “smart, funny, creative and right about everything”. That’s our Gordo for sure.
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Kate looks quite different here and it’s not because of the face she’s pulling
- Kate Sanders, as you all know is Lizzie’s frenemy but former best friend because she hit puberty and became popular because of that. I kinda need more info on how that happened. Did the other girls suddenly look up to her? Or did Kate suddenly develop a lot of confidence and a mean attitude to pair?
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Danny Kessler was more visible at the start of the series. I wonder what happened?
- I believe Danny was meant to play a larger part in the show; However, his character just kind of faded into the background later on only to be somewhat replaced by Ethan Craft, who is a far better character in my opinion. He serves the purpose of being the hottest boy in school who girls go gaga for and that’s about it really. Danny invites Lizzie and Miranda to a pool party on Saturday and they lose their minds from the invitation. 
The Mcguire Household
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Lizzie vs Dad and Matt lol. Jo as referee.
- I found this scene, which introduces us to Lizzie’s parents and brother to be a little chaotic; Lizzie tells her family that she’s been invited by the ‘hunk-in-training’ of the school to a party. We also get mentions of spit-swapping and strip poker as well as her dad thinking she has been kissing Danny and having second thoughts on allowing her to go to this party.
- Well, Lizzie doesn’t have to worry about it because she can’t go either way because her Nana’s 80th birthday party falls on the same day. Lizzie gets mad and storms off. I’m guessing her Nana lives out of town and so, it isn’t possible to go to her birthday party and also come back for Danny’s party on the same day.
Miranda’s Betrayal
- Lizzie vents to Miranda and Gordo about not being able to make it to Danny Kessler’s pool party and because of that, being the best friend Miranda is supposed to be, she tells Lizzie that she too won’t be attending his party either in order to show her support for Lizzie.
Side note: Knowing that this episode was written by Terri Minsky, I made the connection that Gordo’s parents who are shrinks is similar to Andi Mack Cyrus’s parents and step-parents being therapists too.
- Kate approaches Miranda and asks her a favor to ask her mom to draw some fake, temporary tattoos on her and her friends for the upcoming party. Miranda accepts and agrees to hang out with Kate after school, which pretty much means she’s re-attending the party and hence, betraying Lizzie in the process.
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Miranda is disliked by most fans because of instances like this
- I honestly cannot be too hard on Miranda because she’s only 13 and everyone at school keeps talking about the pool party. Plus, she has a crush on Danny. So, I can’t fault her for ditching Lizzie but she could have at least asked Kate if Lizzie could come along to her house.
- However, I didn’t like how Lizzie was sitting by herself in the same school bus as Miranda and Kate and Miranda did not bother to ask her to sit with them. Even if Kate isn’t willing to let her, she should definitely stand her ground. Poor Lizzie has to sit with this one kid who proudly picks his nose and flicks it.
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“Eww! Ya Nasty!” *in Raven Baxter’s voice
Obligation vs Being Forced to do things
- Jo Mcguire is on the phone talking to someone about trying to get out of volunteering to write for a newsletter. Lizzie overhears this and confronts her mom for being hypocritical as she is forcing Lizzie to attend her Nana’s birthday party whilst she herself is trying to come up with an excuse to get out of doing something else.
- I get what Lizzie means; how is it okay for her mom to make excuses while she can’t? Well, Jo is an adult, so excuses are something that she is able to make and bear the responsibilities that come out of it. Lizzie is still a kid and I believe that her old grandma’s birthday is more important than some middle school party.
Heart to Heart
- After Lizzie confines herself in her room, Jo deploys her husband, Sam to try to get Lizzie to open up by asking him to use a simple yet complicated technique known as the ‘hairbrush routine’, which is making an excuse to look for something in the room and proceed to talk about a neutral topic and only engage with the questioning at hand when she makes eye contact and speaks in full sentences. Lol, that’s a mouthful.
- Luckily, we did get this beautiful moment in the end:
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Give me some tissues :(
Gordo is the Man
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This is some good acting imo
- Can we first talk about that long stare between Lizzie and Miranda in the hallway when Miranda, Kate and her crew were walking past Lizzie by her locker? Their expressions were so believable; I can almost read the dialog between their faces alone.
- Lizzie complains to Gordo and accuses Miranda for being a hypocrite but Gordo tells Lizzie that she shouldn’t be mad at her because the party was something Miranda really wanted to go to.
- Ughh, it’s hard. The position Miranda was put in is so difficult. It’s either she doesn’t go to the party to show her loyalty or she does go and have the best time of her life but risk having her friend hate her because of it. Either way, I think Lizzie shouldn’t be mad at Miranda regardless. There are plenty more episodes for that in the future.
- Gordo delivers the final blow when he says that he wasn’t even invited to the party and that pretty much cancels out all of Lizzie’s arguments.
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Another cute Lizzie x Gordo moment
Lizzie makes up with her Mom and Miranda
- Jo enters Lizzie’s room and tells her that her Nana is going to Las Vegas to play poker and so, Lizzie is free to go to the pool party. What a grandma haha! I’m happy they hugged it out. I don’t like Lizzie being mad at her mom.
- Lizzie decided to skip the party (good for her!) and she and Gordo played in the backyard and made art by dipping a huge piece of cloth in some color dye to create a really cool effect.
- Miranda unexpectedly shows up at Lizzie’s backyard after leaving the pool party and turns out, she had a bad time because Kate’s ankle swelled up from the tattoo and she had to sit with her in the locker room. She also admits being a bad friend to Lizzie for blowing her off.
- Lizzie doesn’t hold any grudge and she and Miranda are back to being besties!
Overall Thoughts
- There was a lot to talk about in this episode from Lizzie’s relationship woes with her best friend to her feeling like her opinions and thoughts are not seen as valid by her family. I do think that for how Lizzie was so upset at Miranda, she kinda forgave her too easily. But I don’t think I would want to see them continue to not be on speaking terms for more than 1 episode.
- I am glad that there was no unnecessary sub-plot involving Matt and Sam in this episode. His story-lines are really a hit or miss to me. I prefer the ones where his relationship with his friends and family are tested as well as when he faced situations that gave him character development. I don’t like the goofy, comic-relief ones like last episode’s cooking fiasco.
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The ABCs of cartoons
A: Aang (Avatar: Last Airbender); Shino Aburame (Naruto); Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan); Prince Adam (He Man); Agamotto (Marvel); Agumon (Digimon); Reiji Akaba (Yu Gi Oh!); Akamaru (Naruto); Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Mio Akiyama (K-On); Aku (Samurai Jack); Aladdin; Maka Albarn (Soul Eater); Alice (Superjail); Alpha (Up!); Alucard (Hellsing); Alvin (Alvin and the Chipmunks); Padmé Amidala (Star Wars: Clone Wars); Anastasia (Disney's Anastasia); Alexander Anderson (Hellsing); Archie Andrews; Angelica (Rugrats); Anger (Inside Out); Angie (Shark Tale); Dr. Animo (Ben 10); Motoko Aoyama (Love Hina); Apocalypse (X Men); Applejack (My Little Pony); Arak (Highlander: The Animated Series); Arceus (Pokémon); Argit (Ben 10); Ariel (The Little Mermaid)*; Albert Andreas Armadillo (Schoolhouse Rocks); Henry Armadillo (My Gym Partner's A Monkey); Armodrillo (Ben 10); Arrietty (The Secret World of Arrietty); Priss Asagiri (Bubblegum Crisis); Asami (Legend of Korra); Astral (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Astro (The Jetsons); Astro Boy; Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty); Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion); Ayu Ayukawa (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Azula (Avatar: Last Airbender); B: Babar; Bagheera (The Jungle Book); Balalaika (Black Lagoon); Rune Ballot (Mardock Scramble); Bambi; Bamm-Bamm (The Flintstones); Batman; Batou (Ghost in the Shell); Dash Baxter (Danny Phantom); Beegle Beagle (Great Grape Ape); Hair Bear (Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch); Beavis (Beavis and Butthead); Beetlejuice; Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers); Belldandy (Oh My Goddess); Belle (Beauty and the Beast); Jeremy Belpois (Code Lyoko); Bender (Futurama); Kimber Benton (JEM and the Holograms); Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop); Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test); Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends); Blossom (Powerpuff Girls); Blu (Rio/Rio 2); Bluto (Popeye); Bolin (Legend of Korra); Boog (Open Season); Boomhauer (King of the Hill); Betty Boop; Boris (Balto); Brain (Pinky and the Brain);  Reiner Braun (Attack on Titan); Johnny Bravo; Lonnie Brewster (Everyone's Hero); Chief Broadbeak (Free Birds); Brock (Pokémon); Brook (One Piece); Django Brown (Phineas and Ferb); Bubbie (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time); Bugs Bunny; Bulbasaur (Pokémon); Bullwinkle (Rocky & Bullwinkle); Bulma (Dragon Ball); King Bumi (Avatar the Last Air Bender); Ace Bunny (Loonatics Unleashed); Buttercup (Power Puff Girls); C: C.C. (Code Geass); Caillou; Cal (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs); Calcifer (Howl's Moving Castle); Calculon (Futurama); Caldina (Magic Knight Rayearth); Calvin (Calvin & Hobbes); Clutch Cargo; Eric Cartman (South Park); Catdog; Catwoman; Cera (The Land Before Time); CHAD (Totally Spies!); Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures); Charmcaster (Ben Ten); Prince Charming (Shrek); Sandy Cheeks (Sponge Bob); Chef (South Park); Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland); Chii (Chobits); Chim Chim (Speed Racer); Chip (Chip 'n' Dale); Chip (Voltron); Chowder; Chowder (Monster House); Carl Chryniszzswics (Johnny Bravo); Chuckie (Rugrats); Cinderella (Cinderella); Clare (Claymore); Clayton (Tarzan); Cluck (Fat Albert); Lacus Clyne (Gundam Seed); Cobra Commander (GI Joe); Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast); Mr. Cogswell (Jetsons); Coldstone (Gargoyles); Kid Comet (Teen Force); Conan (Conan the Adventurer); Captain Copyright; Sarah Cornwell (Chaotic); Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog); Cow (Cow and Chicken); Ichabod Crane (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad); The Creeper / Mr Carswell (Scooby Doo); Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio); Cutey Honey (Cutey Honey); Cyborg (Teen Titans); D: Vampire Hunter D; Daffy Duck; Daisy Duck; Dale (Chip 'n' Dale); Dandy (Space Dandy); Daria (Daria); Mystique / Raven Darkholme (X Men); Darkwing Duck; Darla (Finding Nemo); Darwin (Amazing Adventures of Gumball); Dick Dastardly (Wacky Races); Bill Dauterive (King of the Hill); Dr. David Q. Dawson (Great Mouse Detective); Death (Soul Eater); Death the Kid (Soul Eater); Demyx. Kingdom Hearts II; Deneve (Claymore); Deputy Dawg; Derpy Hooves (My Little Pony); Cruella Deville (101 Dalmatians); Lady Devimon (Digimon); Dexter (Dexter's Lab); Diego (Ice Age); Dilbert; Donald Duck; Doug Dimmadome (Fairly Odd Parents); Dudley Do-Right*; Duck Dodgers (Looney Tunes); Dojo (Xiaolin Showdown); Dokkoida (Dokkoida); Donkey (Shrek); Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb); Dopey (Snow White); Dora the Explorer; El Dorado (Super Friends); Doraemon (Doraemon); Dot (Animaniacs); Doug (Doug); Doug (Up); Natsu "Salamander" Dragneel (Fairy Tail); Drak (Drak Pack); Dr. Drakken (Kim Possible); Drizella (Cinderella); Duckman; Dug (Up); Elmyra Duff (Tiny Tunes); Dukey (Johnny Test); Dumbo; E: Echo Echo (Ben 10); Éclair (Kiddy Grade); Eco (Corrector Yui); Eek! the Cat; Ed (Ed, Edd n Eddy); Edd (Ed, Edd and Eddy); Eddy (Ed, Edd n Eddy); Captain Eddy (Scooby Doo); Edward (Cowboy Bebop); Eevee (Pokémon); Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh); Egg Bert Egbert (Looney Tunes); Eglantine (The Guardians of Ga'hoole); Conan Edogawa (Case Closed); Ein (Cowboy Bebop); Nina Einstein (Code Geass); Ekans (Pokémon); Elastigirl (Incredibles)*; Elfman (Fairy Tail); Queen Elinor (Brave); Eliphas (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Emily Elizabeth (Clifford the Big Red Dog); Elle (Urusei Yatsura); Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist); Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist); Elsa (Frozen); Emeraude (Magic Knight Rayearth); Ms. Endive (Chowder); Chiaki Enno (Zenki); Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist); Eon (Ben 10); Ernie; Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame); Espurr (Pokémon); Etemon (Digimon); Eudora (Princess and the Frog); Eugene (a.k.a. "Flynn Rider" -- Tangled); Eunice (Ben 10); Aunt Eunice (George Shrinks); Eustace (Courage the Cowardly Dog); Evangeline (The Princess and the Frog); Soul Eater Evans (Soul Eater); Evergreen (Fairy Tail); Cleao Everlasting (Orphen); Evil-Lyn (He-Man); Evinrude (The Rescuers); Nathan Explosion (Metalocalpse);   F: Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama); Fawn (Disney Fairies); Febri (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Felix the Cat; Shirley Fenette (Code Geass); Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom); Hozuki Ferrari (Galilei Donna); Fillmore (Cars)*; Ms. Muriel Finster (Recess); Finn (Adventure Time); Fiona (Shrek); Trevor Fitzroy (Marvel); Ned Flanders (The Simpsons); Flapjack (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Adam Flayman (Bee Movie); Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb); Flexo (Futurama); Fred Flintstone; Wilma Flintstone (The Flintstones); Flora (WINX Club); Parco Folgore (Zatch Bell); Hak Foo (Jackie Chan Adventures); Fortuno (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Numbuh Four (Codename: Kids Next Door); Francine (American Dad); Frankie (Drak Pack); Frankie the Frog (Meet the Robinsons); Franky (One Piece); Freakazoid; Fred Fredburger (Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy); Freddie/Prince Frederic (Freddie as F.R.O.7); Carl Fredricksen (Up); Freya (Thor comics); Frieza (Dragon Ball); Froakie (Pokémon); Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians); Frosty the Snowman; Frozone (Incredibles); Philip J. Fry (Futurama); Frylock (Aqua Teen); Elmer Fudd; Yusei Fudo (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Furigaro (Zatch Bell); Fuu (Samurai Champloo); Deputy Fuzz (BraveStarr) G: Ga Ga Ga Girl (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Gaara (Naruto); Gourry Gabriev (Slayers); Inspector Gadget; Gally (Gunnm / Battle Angel Alita); Gambit (X-Men)*; Galatea (Claymore); Garfield; Gargamel (Smurfs); Monkey D Garp (One Piece); Mr Garrison (South Park); Genie (Aladdin); Genkai (Yu Yu Hakusho); Gigantor; Ginyu (Dragon Ball Z); GIR (Invader Zim); Gilag (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Giratina (Pokémon); Ga Ga Ga Girl (Yu Gi Oh Zexal); Dr. Girlfriend (Venture Bros.); Gizmo AKA Louis "Sweet Lou" Dunbar (The Super Globetrotters); Godzilla; Godzooky (The Godzilla Power Hour); Goku (Dragon Ball Z)*; Gokudo (Gokudo); Golem (Pokémon); Johnny Gomez (Celebrity Deathmatch); Gongenzaka (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Speedy Gonzales; Goofy; Gorgon (Marvel Comics); Magilla Gorilla; Gossamer (Looney Tunes); Gothorita (Pokemon); Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist); Zelgadis Greywords (Slayers); Stewie Griffin (Family Guy); Grimlock (Transformers); Grimm (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy); Chief Ted Grizzly (Hoodwinked!); Grob Gob Glob Grod (Adventure Time); Gorilla Grodd (DC Comics); Miss Alordayne Grotkey (Recess); Gru (Despicable Me); Solomon Grundy (DC Comics); H: Captain Haddock (Adventures of Tintin); Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon); Hades (Hercules); Hagar the Horrible; Haku (Naruto); Halinor (WITCH); Hamtaro; Hank (Dungeons and Dragons); Mr Hankey (South Park); Hannibal the Hunter (Birdman and the Galaxy Trio); Happy (Fairy Tail); Harmony (Care Bears); Haruna (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Sakura Haruno (Naruto); Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland); Mad Hatter (Batman); Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet); Hayley (American Dad); Witch Hazel (Looney Tunes); He-Man; Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail); Heathcliff (Sword Art Online); Helen (Claymore); Helga (Oblongs); Integra Hellsing (Hellsing); Henry (Henry); John Herbert "the Pervert" (Family Guy); Hercules; Hex (Ben 10); Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho); Hank Hill (King of the Hill); Him (Powerpuff Girls); Hyūga Hinata (Naruto); Yui Hirasawa (K-On); Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes); Homily (The Secret World of Arrietty); Horakhty (Yu Gi Oh!); Horace Horsecollar (Disney); Ruri Hoshino (Martian Successor Nadesico); Howl (Howl's Moving Castle); Howler (Drak Pack)*; Huckleberry Hound; Hulk; Humungosaur (Ben 10); Hundun (Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness); Hypnotoad (Futurama); I: Iago (Aladdin); Lt. Carmen Ibanez (Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles); King Ice (Adventure Time); Strikemaster Ice (Jackie Chan Adventures); Yūko Ichihara (XXX Holic); Ken Ichijouji (Digimon); Ickis (Aaahh!! Real Monsters); Iczer-1 (Fight! Iczer-1); Ifurita (El Hazard); Igor (Igor); Ike (South Park); Ganta Igarashi (Deadman Wonderland); Igneel (Fairy Tail); Ignignokt (Aqua Teen Hunger Force); Igoo (Herculoids); Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles); Incrediboy (The Incredibles); Index (A Certain Magical Index); Infant (Inuyasha); Infernape (Pokémon); Infinity-Man (DC Comics); Ink (Marvel Comics); Inque (Batman Beyond); Inuyasha; Lina Inverse (Slayers); Iona (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Ioz (Pirates of Dark Water); Iria (Iria: Zeiram the Animation)*; Iridessa (Tinkerbell); Iris (Pokémon); Irma (W.I.T.C.H); Iroh (Avatar: Last Airbender); Iron Fist; Iron Man (Marvel Comics); Ironhide (Transformers); Irwin (Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy); Matt Ishida (Digimon); Strong Ishijima (Yu Gi Oh!); Ishizu Ishtar (Yu Gi Oh!); Itchy (Simpsons); Ivan (Ivan the Incredible); Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe, the King's Knight); Poison Ivy (Batman); Konata Izumi (Lucky Star); Izzy (Total Drama Island) J Jabberjaw; Jackie the Jackal (Kim Possible); Jadal (Scooby Doo); Jafar (Aladdin); Jaga (Thundercats); Jake (Adventure Time); Jake (Jake and the Never Land Pirates); James (James and the Giant Peach); James (Pokémon); J Jonah Jamison (Spider-Man); Jango the Hypnotizer (One Piece); Jared (Superjail); Jasmine (Aladdin); Jean-Bob (The Swan Princess); Thomas Jefferson (Liberty's Kids); Dr. Jekyll (Scooby Doo); Jericho (Teen Titans); Jerry (Tom & Jerry); Jessie (Pokémon); George Jetson (Jetsons); Jane Jetson (The Jetsons); Judy Jetson (Jetsons); Jigen (Lupin III); Jigglypuff (Pokémon); Jin (Samurai Champloo)*; Katsuhiko Jinnai (El-Hazard); Jinx (Teen Titans); Jiraiya (Naruto); Jirōbō (Naruto); Ro Jisei (History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi); Joat (Pirates of Dark Water); Ghost of Injun Joe (Scooby Doo); Joey (Back at the Barnyard); Booger Johnson (Sanjay and Craig); Mojo Jojo (Powerpuff Girls); The Joker (Batman); Jonathan/Johnnystein (Hotel Transylvania); Jerry Jones (NFL Rush Zone); Melody Jones (Josie and the Pussycats); Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Lilo And Stitch); Jubei (Ninja Scroll); Jubilee (X Men); Juggernaut (X-Men); Jughead Jones (The Archies) K: Kaa (Jungle Book); Kagome (Inuyasha); Seto Kaiba (Yu Gi Oh!); Kakashi (Naruto); King Kai (Dragon Ball Z); Kala (Tarzan); Kami (Dragon Ball Z); Kamina (Gurren Lagann); Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Kanga (Winnie the Pooh); Katara (Avatar: Last Airbender); Mary Katherine (EPIC); Kawazoe Tamaki (Bamboo Blade); Kei (Dirty Pair); Kevin (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Governor Kevin (Teamo Supremo); Killjoy (Marvel Comics); Kilowog (Green Lantern); Kimimaro (Naruto); Skeleton King (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!); The Ghost of Elias Kingston (Scooby Doo); Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura); Kirara (InuYasha); Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan); Captain K'nucles (Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); King Kong (The King Kong Show); Kongo (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Korath (Marvel Comics); Korra (Legend of Korra); Tsumugi Kotobuki (K-On); Kowalski Sisters (Monsters University); Kris Kringle (Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town); Kristoff (Frozen); Krusty (Simpsons); Krypto the Superdog; Kumiko (Heroes); Kodachi Kuno (Ranma 1/2); Ukyo Kuonji (Ranma 1/2); Ichigo Kurasaki (Bleach); Kuroko Shirai (To Aru Majutsu No Index .. To Aru Kagaku No Railgun); Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell); Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho); Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove); Madoka Kyouno (Lagrange); Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); L: L (Death Note); Lady (Lady and the Tramp); Lambert the Sheepish Lion (Disney); Lelouch Lamperogue (Code Geass)*; Lois Lane (DC, Superman); Lana Lang (Superman); Tuun-La (The Tick); Larfleeze (Green Lantern: The Animated Series); Larry (Teen Titans); Peppermint Larry (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Vince LaSalle (Recess); Justin Law (Soul Eater); Lazlo (Camp Lazlo); Juniper Lee (Life & Times of Juniper Lee); Rock Lee (Naruto)*; Ty Lee (Avatar: Last Airbender); Turanga Leela (Futurama); Leeron (Gurren Lagann); Lenny Leonard (Simpsons); Leroy (Lilo and Stitch); Kevin Levin (Ben 10); Lexington (Gargoyles); Lady Liberty (Schoolhouse Rock); Lickitung (Pokémon); Light (Death Note); Lilandra (Marvel Comics); Panther Lily (Fairy Tail); Lillybot (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Abigail "Abby" Lincoln a.k.a. "Numbuh 5" (Kids Next Door); Ling Ling  (Ranma 1/2); Ling-Ling (Drawn Together); Lion-O (Thunder Cats); Linus (Peanuts); Littlefoot (Land Before Time); Lizard (Spider Man); Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail); Loki; Susan Long (American Dragon Jake Long); Loo-Kee (She-Ra Princess of Power); Lorax (The Lorax); Frugal Lucre (Kim Possible); Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)*; Lum (Urusei Yatsura); Lumiere (Beauty and the Beast);   Lung Lung (Ranma 1/2); Lydia (Beetlejuice) M: Mr. Mackey (South Park); Mad Mod (Teen Titans); Mai (Avatar: Last Airbender); Mako (Legend of Korra); Mala (Battle for Terra); Mandarin (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!); Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory); Mannaka Junpei (Ichigo 100% / 100% Strawberry); Manny (Ice Age); Marceline (Adventure Time); Miss Marvel (Marvel Comics); Marvin the Martian; Tenchi Masaki (Tenchi Muyo); Dungeon Master (Dungeons and Dragons); Maximus (Tangled); Mari Maya (Samurai Flamenco); Kenny McCormick (South Park); Lightning McQueen (Cars); Olivia Mears (American Dragon Jake Long); Megamind; Melman (Madigascar); Melomelody (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Meow/Merowmreowreow (Space Dandy); Meowth (Pokémon); Meta Man (The Incredibles); Reiko Mikami (GS Mikami); Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone); Miroku (Inuyasha); Mikoto Misaka (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Captain Yurika Misumaru (Martian Successor Nadesico); Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth); Gaëtan "Mole" Molière (Atlantis: The Lost Empire); Mom (Futurama); Takeshi Momoshiro (Prince of Tennis); Morbius (Marvel); Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls); Mordecai (Regular Show); Mort (Madagascar); Micky Mouse; Mighty Mouse; Fievel Mousekewitz (An American Tale); Mousse (Ranma 1/2); Mugen (Samurai Champloo); Fa Mulan (Mulan); Captain Hank Murphy (Sealab 2021);
I'm always still in trouble again You're by far the worst poster on TWeb -- starlight
PART II N: Naga (Legend of Korra); Nagamimi (Requiem From the Darkness); Azusa Nakano (K-On); Tsubaki Nakatsukasa (Soul Eater); Nala (The Lion King); Nami (One Piece)*; Nancy; Napoleon (The Aristocats); Shikamaru Nara (Naruto); Naraku (Inuyasha)*; Naru "the Narcissist" (Ghost Hunt); Naru Narusegawa (Love Hina); Nazz (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Zorc Necrophades (Yu Gi Oh!); Kida Nedakh (Atlantis The Lost Empire); Ned Needlemeyer (Nightmare Ned); Dr. Nefario (Despicable Me); Negaduck (Darkwing Duck); Yuzuriha Nekoi (X); Nemo (American Dad!); Nemo (Finding Nemo); Elemental Hero Neos (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Nerdator (Freakazoid!); Jimmy Neutron; Nibbler (Futurama); Nia (Gurren Lagann); Nick (Chicken Run); Niddler (Pirates of Darkwater); Nightcrawler (Inhumanoids); Nightcrawler (X-Men); Nightshroud (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Nightwing; Number Nine (Schoolhouse Rocks); Ninetales (Pokémon); Ninja Ninja (Afro Samurai); Mr. Nishi (Whisper of the Heart)*; Noah Nixon (Generator Rex); Noah (Total Drama Island); Noctowl (Pokémon); Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara (Shin Chan); Norman (ParaNorman); Nova (Magic Knight Rayearth); Nova (Ultimate Spider-Man); (Hello) Nurse (Anamaniacs); Nyla (Avatar the Last Airbender) O: Oa (Green Lantern); Professor Samuel Oak (Pokémon); Obelix (Asterix and Obelix); Octagon (Thundarr the Barbarian); Dr. Otto "Octopus" Octavius (Spider Man); Odie (Garfield); Mama Odie (The Princess and the Frog); Odion (Yu Gi Oh); Chihiro Ogino (Spirited Away); Ollie Oilslick (Galaxy High School); Olaf (Frozen); Oliver (Oliver & Co.); Ollie (Family Guy); Shu Oma (Guilty Crown); Omi (Xiaolin Showdown); One (Generator Rex); Numbuh One Oogi (The Legend of Korra); (Codename: Kids Next Door); April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles); Onix (Pokémon) ; Dr. Tofu Ono (Ranma 1/2); Onslaught (Marvel Comics); Oogway (Kung Fu Panda); Ookla (Thundarr the Barbarian); Oonoki (Naruto)*; Opacho (Shaman King); Ophelia (Claymore); Opus (Bloom County); Orochimaru (Naruto); Orphen (Orphen); Dr. Byron Orpheus (Venture Bros.); Otto Osworth (Time Squad); Mutsumi Otohime (Love Hina); Otter (Franklin); Otto (Simpsons); Overlord (Blackstar); Owen (Total Drama Island); Owl (Winnie the Pooh); Oyuki (Urusei Yatsura); Olive Oyl (Popeye); Firelord Ozai (Avatar: Last Airbender); Ozzie (Over the Hedge) P:  Pablo the Penguin (Three Caballeros); Pacha (Emperor's New Groove); Paddlefoot (Clutch Cargo); Pain/Pein (Naruto); Peter Pan*; Panini (Chowder); Pink Panther; Panthro (Thundercats); Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants); Relena Peacecraft (Gundam Wing); Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch); The Penguin; Alfred Pennysworth (Batman); Peppa Pig; Peppermint Patty (Peanuts); Perdita (101 Dalmatians); Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb); Joe Petto (The Boondocks); Piccolo (Dragon Ball); Pickles the drummer (Metalocalypse); Tommy Pickles (Rugrats); Pig (Kipper); Piglet (Winnie the Pooh); Pikachu (Pokémon); Mr. Ping (Kung Fu Panda); Pinky (Pinky & the Brain); Pinocchio; Pinocchio (Shrek); Penelope Pitstop (Wacky Races/Perils of Penelope Pitstop); P.I.X.A.L. (Ninjago); Polly Pocket; Polaris (Marvel Comics); Ponta (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Ponygon (Zatch Bell); Poopdeck Pappy (Popeye); Popeye; Mr. Popo (Dragon Ball); Porky Pig; Jane Porter (Tarzan); Pepper Potts (Iron Man); Presto (Dungeons and Dragons); Primera (Magic Knight Rayearth); Priscilla (Claymore); Pumba (Lion King) Q: Q ([C] - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control); Dr. Q (Dirty Pair); Master Q (Old Master Q); Q-Bert (Wreck It Ralph); Q-chan (Petshop of Horrors); QT (Space Dandy); Quacker The Duck (Tom and Jerry); Quackerjack (Darkwing Duck); Glen Quagmire (Family Guy); Ida/Dan Quagmire (Family Guy); Quailman (Doug); Quake (Marvel Comics); Quakemaster (DC Comics); Quarry (Generator Rex); Rose Quartz (Steven Universe); Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame); Queen (A Bug's Life); "The Queen" (of Corona-- Tangled); The Evil Queen (Snow White)*; Galaxy Queen (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Queenie (Claymore); Marquess of Queensberry (Mike Tyson Mysteries); Dr. Benton Quest (Jonny Quest); Jonny Quest; The Question (Justice League); Quetzal (Dragon Tales); Quicksilver (Marvel); Quilava (Pokémon); Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy); Moon Dragon Quilla (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Chief Quimby (Inspector Gadget); Mayor Joe Quimby (Simpsons); Quincy (Bubblegum Crisis); Ashley Quinlan (Recess); Quinn (Daria); Quinn (Ergo Proxy); Harley Quinn (Batman); Dr. Quentin Q. Quinn (Sealab 2021); Quint (Timon and Pumbaa); Quintesson (Transformers); Quinze (Gundam Wing); Qwilfish (Pokémon); Quisp (Quisp comics and commercials); Quiver (Marvel Comics); Q-vier (Valvrave the Liberator) R: Mumm-Ra (Thundercats); The Winged Dragon of Ra (Yu Gi Oh!); Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit); Roger Rabbit; Raditz (Dragon Ball Z); Raichu (Pokémon); Rajah (Aladdin); Ralph (Wreck-it Ralph); Ran (Urusei Yatsura); Raphael (TMNT); Rapunzel (Tangled); Rasputin (Disney's Anastasia); Razoul (Aladdin); Solty Revant (Solty Rei); Raven (Teen Titans); Remy (Ratatouille); Ren (DearS); Ren (Pirates of Dark Water); Ren (Ren & Stimpy); Renji (Bleach); Reptar (Rugrats); Revy (Black Lagoon); Rico (Penguins of Madagascar); Flynn Rider (Rapunzel); The Riddler (Batman); Rigby (Regular Show); Manny Rivera (El Tigre); Dr. Nick Riviera (Simpsons); Roadrunner; Robin (Teen Titans); Nico Robin (One Piece); Wilbur Robinson (Meet the Robinsons); Rocko (Rocko's Modern Life); Roger (American Dad); Rogue (X-men); Rojo (Ben 10); Rokujiro (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); King Roland (Sofia the First); Rolf (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Nene Romanova (Bubblegum Crisis); Rosie (The Jetsons); Rothbart (The Swan Princess); Lyle Tiberius Rourke (Atlantis: The Lost Empire); Barney Rubble (Flintstones); Russell (Up); Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayearth) S: Saber (Fate/Stay Night); Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Samehada (Naruto); Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty); Sango (Inuyasha); Sanji (One Piece); Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2); Sartorius (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon); Scar (Lion King); Schnitzel (Chowder); Scooby Doo; Scruffy Scruffington (Futurama); Saint Seiya; Samurai Jack; Sebastian (Little Mermaid); Hashirama Señor Senior, Senior (Kim Possible); Senju (Naruto); Sesshomaru (Inuyasha); Shaggy (Scooby Doo); Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force); Shampoo (Ranma 1/2); Shang (Mulan); Shenron (Dragon Ball); Sherman (Mr Peabody and Sherman); Shippo (Inuyasha); Uchiha Shisui (Naruto); Shrek; Maggie Simpson (The Simpsons); Skeletor (He-Man); Skips (Regular Show); Skuld (Oh My Goddess!); Berry Shirayuki (Tokyo Mew Mew); Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles); Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Metalocalypse); Ranger Smith (Yogi Bear); Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion); Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop); Patrick Star (Sponge Bob); Starfire (Teen Titans); Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben (Liberty's Kids); Sue Storm (Fantastic 4)*; Jorgen Von Strangle (Fairly Odd Parents); James P. "Sulley" Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.); Superman (DC Comics); Sylvester the cat; Syndrome (Incredibles) T: Tailfeather (Valiant); Takao (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Trixie Tang (Fairly Odd Parents); Tantor (Tarzan); Tarrlok (Avatar Legend of Korra); Tasmanian “Taz” Devil;  Rikki Tikki Tavi; Tayuya (Naruto); Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2); Ben Tennyson (various Ben Ten); Tenten (Naruto); Tenzin (Legend of Korra); Teresa (Claymore); Terk (Tarzan); Terra (Teen Titans); Thomson and Thompson (Adventures of Tintin); King Throktar (Dave the Barbarian); Tiamat (Dungeons and Dragons); Tiana (Princess and the Frog); Tigger (Winnie the Pooh); Tigress (Kung Fu Panda); Tigress (Young Justice); Timmy (South Park); Timon (Lion King); Tinkerbell; Tintin (Adventures of Tintin); Mister Toad (Beware the Batman); Tohru (Jackie Chan Adventures); Token (South Park); Tom (Tom and Jerry); Ashley Tomassian / "Ashley T." (Recess); Bob the Tomato (Veggie Tales); Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Top Cat; Toph (Avatar: Last Airbender); Tornadus (Pokémon); Tramp (Lady & the Tramp); Bolivar Trask (Marvel Comics); Tundro (Herculoids); Turtwig (Pokémon); Tennessee Tuxedo; Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents); Tweek Tweak (South Park); Tweety Bird; Tyrannosaurus (Meet the Robinsons); Mike Tyson (Mike Tyson Mysteries) U: Ubik (Berserk); Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto); Kosuke Ueki (Law of Ueki); Uglor (Herculoids); Nyota Uhura (Star Trek: the Animated Series); Kazari Uiharu (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Ukon (Naruto); Ultron (Marvel Comics); Umagon/Ponygon (Zatch Bell); Umbreon (Pokémon); Gurio Umino (Sailor Moon); Iruka Umino (Naruto); Unalaq (Avatar The Legend of Korra); Uncle (Jackie Chan Adventures); Underdog (Total Television); Allison Underhill (Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters); The Underminer (The Incredibles); Captain Underpants; Undertaker (Black Butler); Weevil Underwood (Yu Gi Oh!); Uni (Dungeons and Dragons); Unico (Unico); Unicron (Transformers); Steven Universe (Steven Universe); Nigel Uno (Codename Kids Next Door); Upchuck (Ben 10); Upgrade (Ben 10); Upin (Upin & Ipin); Ur (Fairy Tail); Kisuke Urahara (Bleach); Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho); Urd (Oh My Goddess!); Forever King Urian (Ben 10); Urouge (One Piece); Ursaring (Pokémon); Keitaro Urashima (Love Hina); Ursula (Little Mermaid); Ururu (Bleach); Urutori (Utawarerumono); Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon); Usagi Yojimbo; Usopp (One Piece); Utakata (Naruto); Professor Utonium (Powerpuff Girls); Uvogin (Hunter x Hunter); Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) V: V (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Chester V (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2); Vaatu (Legend of Korra); Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop); Mai Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh!); Skeeter Valentine (Doug); Jimmy Valmer (South Park); Valmont (Jackie Chan Adventures); Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack (Duck Tales); Vaporeon (Pokémon); Varrick (Legend of Korra); Vash the Stampede (Trigun); Miss Vavoom (Droopy); Vector (Despicable Me); Vector (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z); King Vegeta (Dragon Ball); Velma (Scooby Doo); Venger (Dungeons and Dragons); Venom (Spiderman); Dr. Thaddeus S. "Rusty" Venture (Venture Brothers); Rune Venus (El-Hazard); Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail); Vermouth/Sharon Vineyard (Case Closed/Detective Conan); Vexen (Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories);.Vetrix / Tron / Byron Arclight (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Vicky (Fairly Odd Parents); Seras Victoria (Hellsing); Aerial Viking (Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix);Dr. Viktor (Ben 10); Vincent (Regular Show); Virulina (Visionaries); Vitalstatistix (Asterix and Obelix); Nefertari Vivi (One Piece); Vlad Vladikoff (Horton Hears a Who); Vladimir (Tangled); Volcasaurus (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Yukio Hans Vorarlberna (Bleach); Canal Vorfeed (Lost Universe); Vortex (Transformers); Vostok (Generator Rex); Ma Vreedle (Ben 10);  Octagon Vreedle (Ben 10); Pretty Boy Vreedle (Ben 10); Rhomboid Vreedle (Ben 10); Veronica Vreeland (Batman:The Animated Series); Vulpix (Pokémon); The Vulture (Spider-Man) W: Waddles (Gravity Falls); Wakko (Animaniacs); Bismarck Waldstein (Code Geass); Wallace (Wallace & Gromit); Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents); Wardrobe (Beauty and the Beast); Toki Wartooth (Metalocalypse); Baron Wasteland (Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?); Gumball Watterson (Amazing World of Gumball); Bruce Wayne (Batman); Mike Wazowski (Monsters Inc.)*; Wendigo (Marvel Comics); Wendy, the Good Little Witch (Casper the Friendly Ghost); Werewolf (Scooby Doo); Professor Ogden Wernstrom (Futurama); Wally West ("Kid Flash" DC Comics)*; Joey Wheeler (Yu Gi Oh); Carl Wheezer (Jimmy Neutron); Snow White; Wild Child (Marvel); Chilly Willy*; Wilt (Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends); Mr. Wink (Codename Kids Next Door); Quatre Raberba Winner (Gundam Wing); Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist); Winston (Oliver and Company); Witch (Scooby Doo); Witch of the Waste (Howl's Moving Castle); Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun); Wolverine (X-men); Wonder Woman; Amy Wong (Futurama); Woodcarver/Witch (Brave); Woody Woodpecker; Woodstock (Peanuts); Woody (Toy Story -- and sequels); William Walter Wordsworth (Trinity Blood); Wordsworth W. Wordsworth (Catillac Cats); Warren Worthington III (Marvel Comics); Wrath (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood); Hsi Wu (Jackie Chan Adventures); Chang Wufei (Gundam Wing); X: X the Eliminator (Birdman); Agent X (Marvel Comics); Alien X (Ben 10); Awesome X (Frisky Dingo); Crashbug X (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Doctor Double X (DC Comics); Racer X (Speed Racer)*; Red X (Teen Titans); Samurai X (Rurouni Kenshin); Truman X (The X's); Tuesday X (The X's); WarGreymon X (Digimon X-Evolution); X-9 (King Features); X-cutioner (Marvel); X-Ray (Marvel Comics); XANA (Code Lyoko); Madame Xanadu (Young Justice); David Xanatos (Gargoyles); Petros Xanatos (Gargoyles); Xander (Drawn Together); Xanxus (Reborn!); Xatu (Pokémon); Xavier (Xavier: Renegade Angel); Charles Xavier (X-Men); Francisco Xavier III (Samurai Champloo); Red-Eyed Xaxa (Sword Art Online); Xanxus (Reborn!); Xellos (Slayers); Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts); Xenocyte (Ben 10); Xenovia (Highschool DxD); Xerneas (Pokémon); Xerxes (Aladdin); Xibalba (Book of the Dead); Xigbar (Kingdom Hearts); Li Xingke (Code Geass); Xion (Kingdom Hearts); XJ-1 (My Life as a Teenage Robot); XJ-2 (My life as a Teenage Robot); XJ-9 (My Life as a Teenage Robot); Megas XLR (Megas XLR); XLR8 (Ben 10); Xnfe (Black Rock Shooter); XR (Buzz Lightyear); Xylie (Barbie in A Mermaid Tale); Professor XXXL (Cpodename: Kids Next Door) Y: Tai Yagami (Digimon); Yagura (Naruto); Yajirobe (Dragon Ball); Yakko (Animaniacs); Ino Yamanaka (Naruto); Miyu Yamano (Vampire Princess Miyu); Tatsu Yamashiro (Beware the Batman); Yamask (Pokémon); Julie Yamamoto (Ben 10); Captain Yamato (Naruto)*; Kira Yamato (Gundam Seed); Linna Yamazaki (Bubblegum Crisis); Yamcha (Dragon Ball Z); Yan Yan (American Dragon: Jake Long); Tenzen Yanagi (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Yao (Mulan); Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan); Yellowbird (Yellowbird); Miss Yelp (Horton Hears a Who!); Y'Garon (Marvel Comics); Yin (Darker Than Black); Yo (Yin Yang Yo); Yobi (Yobi, the Five Tailed Fox); Yoda; Yogi Bear; Yoh (Shaman King); Yoko (Gurren Lagann); Yokochini (Bleach); Yolei (Digimon); Val Yor (Teen Titans); Yori (Kim Possible); Yoshi (Mario Bros); Chizuru Yoshida (Kimi ni Todoke); Fujieda Yoshino (Digimon Data Squad); Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown); Yubaba (Spirited Away); Yugo (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Yui (Sword Art Online); Jaden Yuki (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Yukime (Jigoku Sensei Nube); Yuto (Yu Gi Oh); Azusa Yumi (Soul Eater); Yuri (Dirty Pair); Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing); Inori Yuzuriha (Guilty Crown); Yzma (Emperor's New Groove) Z: Z-one (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Zabar (Aladdin); Mike Zacharius (Attack on Titan); Zagato (Magic Knight Rayearth); Zaheer (Legend of Korra); Athrun Zala (Gundam Seed); Zan (Wonder Twins); Zancrow (Fairy Tail); Zandor (The Herculoids); Zane (AstroBoy); Tensa Zangetsu (Bleach); Zangoose (Pokémon); Zarbon (Dragon Ball); Zarina (Pirate Fairy); King Zarkon (Voltron); Zatara (D.C. Comics); Zatanna (Justice League/Young Justice); Zartan (GI Joe: Sigma 6); Zazu (The Lion King); Zazzala (DC Comics); Zelman (Black Blood Brotherhood); Baron Zemo (Marvel Comics); Inspector Zenigata (Lupin III); Zenki (Zenki); Zephyr (Marvel Comics); Zeref (Fairy Tail); Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas); Zero (Schoolhouse Rocks); Zero (Vampire Knights); White Zetsu (Naruto); Zeus (Disney's Hercules); Zigzagoon (Pokémon); Zim (Invader Zim); Queen Zinn (Dungeons and Dragons); Chet Zipper (As Told by Ginger); Zix (Jimmy Neutron); Nosferatu Zodd the Immortal (Berserk); Zoey (Total Drama Island); Dr. Zoidberg (Futurama); No-Face Zombie (Scooby Doo); Lightning Bolt Zolt (Legend of Korra); Zombozo (Ben 10); Queen Zonthara (Dave the Barbarian); Zoom (Battle Force 5); Zorak (Space Ghost); Roronoa Zoro (One Piece); Zs'Skayr (Ben 10); Zuko (Avatar: Last Airbender)
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kindly-creatot · 7 years
boss ass barista
based on the prompt idea i had a little while ago. 
this is what it became. c: 
a little one-shot for my fav DP pairing, dash baxter/danny fenton.
Danny normally likes his job, really. There are days when it's not exactly his favorite thing to be doing but you know, most days it's chill. It's next to the university he's attending so he can go from work to class pretty easily. It's also usually quiet in the mornings when he opens.
It's the weekend shift that he doesn't enjoy. At least he wasn't alone in his misery as Tucker also had the early weekend shifts with him. Sam, the lucky rich bitch, had everything paid for by her parents so she usually hung out in a corner of the shop while the boys worked.
"God, this blows, Danny," and listening to Tucker complain all day wasn't high on the list of things that Danny likes to do on the weekends. In fact, it was pretty gosh darn low.
"You've said so, Tuck. Like 10 times already…" he mumbles because he was sure Tucker wasn't looking for a reply. Danny would rather focus on his text book since there was a huge test coming up soon. History was never his strong suit so he'd need all the help he could get for this damn test. Saturday mornings were never that busy so he usually had a good amount of time to study. He was interrupted in his little study session by the door opening and the chime going off. He glances up at the two guys coming in the shop and had to blink because they weren't the usual hipsters that liked to come by.
The two guys were fit. Like, Danny would bet money they were in college on some kind of sports scholarship. The blonde guy was pretty easy on the eyes too, lightly tanned skin, bright eyes and an easy smile. He had broad shoulders and a tapered waist, at least from what Danny could tell since he had low slung sweats and a tank top on under an unzipped hoodie. The other guy was obviously  Asian, built almost  the same as his blonde friend but a bit more stocky. He had on the university's sweatshirt and a pair of sweats as well, basically confirming Danny's initial thought of 'jocks'.
"Hey, what can I get you guys?" He greeted them as they made it to the register to order. They glanced at him for a second before going back to the menu board. Tucker had been playing around with it earlier and had drawn a coffee machine as a robot in one corner with a speech bubble that said "can I take your order?"
"Well, I doubt he can make it right…" the blonde guy spoke to his friend and Danny's easy (fake) smile fell just a bit. "This doesn't even seem like a good coffee place… just because Star likes it…"
"Dude. Don't be rude, just order your drink," the Asian guy smiled at Danny like he was sorry. He should be for such a shitty friend, Danny thought. "I'll have a large caramel macchiato,"
"Ugh. I guess I'll have… a medium mocha frappe with soy and no whip," the blonde said as much with a slight sneer to his mouth. Which was a shame since Danny thought he had such a good looking set of lips.
"Right, that'll be.." and as Danny was about to say the price the blonde guy just waved a $20 in his face and frowned. "Thanks. Names?" He got the change and grabbed his sharpie to write their names on the cups, like any good hipster coffee shop does.
"Kwan," the Asian guy smiles. Danny smiles back at him and writes his name.
"Dash," the blonde grunts out. Danny frowns and writes the name 'Crash' on the cup before setting it aside and out of the way so the blonde doesn't see it.
"I'll have them right up for you guys," he states and turns away. Tucker is grabbing Kwan's cup to make his coffee and Danny is slightly glad that he can make the blondes drink to show him he knows his shit. Aka his job.
He's finished quickly and taking care of another customer when Tucker calls out the names on the cups.
"Order up for Kwan and Crash!"
"You've gotta be shitting me," he hears as he writes the name of the customer he's helping out, Amhika , as she leaves a small tip in the jar.
He does smirk in the blondes direction as he leaves with his frappe and a chuckling friend behind him. The friend, Kwan, waves as they leave the shop.
Danny feels that today was a good day, even if it was only 10am. -----
The next time the blonde jerk comes through is a Wednesday. He was with the Asian guy again, Kwan, if Danny remembered. They were dressed for school though and not looking like they stepped out of the gym a second ago.
The jeans that blondie wore were a heaven-send to Danny though as they seemed to be that somewhat in-between of tight and just right fitting. The shirt though was form fitting yet woefully covered by a worn letterman jacket from a high school.
He gets up to the register before realizing who was behind it, Danny assumes, because he sees Danny and instantly his easy smile is gone and replaced with a flat look.
"Hi, what can I get you guys?" Danny is smirking at them when they finally glance his way.
"Yeah, hey is Star working today?" Kwan asks with a smile and Danny honestly can't imagine this guy frowning. Danny looks behind him to see where his blonde coworker went to.
"Uhm, she's supposed to be. I think she's grabbing more caramel sauce from the back," Danny answers with a shrug. "Oh! Are you the boyfriend I hear about all the time?"
"Oh, yeah. That'd be me, sorry," he's blushing now and Danny just laughs a bit as Star finally makes her appearance from the back.
"Kwan! You didn't tell me you were stopping by!" She smiles wide and sets the caramel on the counter before going to hug Kwan around the neck. It's cute as he lifts her up and kisses her cheek.
"Well, we have a test today in Sports Med so Dash said we needed caffeine," he tells her and Danny can only nod along as Star does too.
"Well, good. Danny here is, like, the best barista we have," she smiles at Danny and he feels the blush on his cheeks.
"Yeah, if only he could actually spell…" the blonde grumbles as he crosses his arms. Star looks confused for a moment before a look of enlightenment graces her delicate features.
"Oh! This is what Dash was complaining about when he was talking about coffee this weekend?" Star giggles into her hand and moves behind the counter. She scoots Danny out of the way of the register to punch in her code for the employee discount as she gets their orders. She gives Danny blank cups with a smile, and pointing to either cup as she says their names. "Kwan, Dash," and then goes back to talking with her boyfriend.
He sees Dash watching him but makes no move to be subtle about writing the name 'Rash' on the cup. Danny finishes the drinks easily enough and sets them by Star, since she was still chatting with Kwan, and goes back to surfing through Twitter on his phone.
"Oh, here. This ones yours, Kwan and then…" she pauses to giggle just a bit before handing the cup to the blonde. "Uhm, here's yours, Rash," she giggles into her hands as the blonde takes the cup and glares at Danny. His brows furrows and he's got a cute little wrinkle to his nose that makes Danny think, "cute," and turns away quickly. Kwan follows his friend out the door after kissing Star goodbye.
Star turns to him with a smirk and just shakes her head.
"What?" Danny chuckles as he keeps scrolling through the feed. -----
They go through this process a few times a week now.
"Order up for… Bash?"
"Order for Lash?"
"Order for Smash?"
"Flash. Order up for Flash,"
It's getting fun, honestly. Danny gets a mental exercise out of rhyming names and he gets to see that expression on the blondes face every time. It's great, because he's so open with his anger or irritation. It makes Danny wonder if he's open with other emotions.
"Dude, you re spending way too much time figuring out rhymes for this guy," Tucker tells him one Saturday shift. "It's like you have a crush or something on the guy,"  and Tucker seems to hit it head on as Danny stares at him like a deer in headlights.
"Uhm," he can't find a response and that's all the response that his best friend needs before he's busting a gut laughing at the raven haired boy.
"You do! You do have a crush on angry captain america!" And that's when Sam chimes in. He was hoping that her skull headphones wouldn't allow her to hear this conversation.
"What's this I hear about Danny having a crush?" She's smirking like a Cheshire Cat and Danny suddenly feels flayed open. She's always had a way with knowing exactly what was on his mind.
It. Was. Freaky.
"Nothing! You hear nothing, Sam," Danny tries desperately to diffuse this conversation like the bomb that it was but that proved fatal. To Danny at least.
"Oh no you don't, bub. If you have a crush, you have to tell me," she smiles like she's innocent and Danny narrows his eyes. "I mean, aren't we best friends? Do you keep secrets from your best friend that buys you the newest video game?"
Low blow, Sam. Low blow, he thinks.
"Ugh, no it's.. Its just this guy that comes in with his friend. He's kinda rude so I put the wrong names on his cups," Danny crosses his arms and looks out the window as Sam laughs now.
"That's classic 'Danny Flirting'," Sam tells him and he can't help but gawk at her. "It is!" She defends and tucks a strand of inky hair behind an ear. "You are snarky and that's how you flirt,"
"Whatever," -----
The next few times that Kwan and the blonde come by Danny tries to not deal with them. Since revelation of the crush, Star has found out. Which means that Val has also found out so if they come by at night, then blondie probably knows the snarky barista has a crush on him.
Yeah, Alex. He'll take 'embarrassing situations for a coffee shop employee' for $200.
Yeah, no.
Danny makes excuses instead, like any sane and rational person with a crush.
"Oh, we need more beans. I'll get them,"
"Look, we're out of caramel sauce,"
"I've gotta mop the bathrooms,"
There were only so many times that he could avoid them though. Well, not them but more the blonde. They seemed to be a package deal though, never one without the other, as Danny saw it.
"You're avoiding us," Danny froze up as he was walking backwards from the bathrooms and mopping as he went. He knew that growl. Blondie.
"No, I'm not," he replies without looking. "I do actually work at my place of employment. You know, it's a job?" Danny can't help but drawl out the word 'work' as he continues mopping.  
A large, muscled arm reaches over his shoulder and grabs the mop handle to stop him. Danny can only imagine the strength in his grip and swallows as he can imagine those strong arms around him, gripping his hips hard enough to save bruises.
"Let go! What're you doing?" Danny speaks out and turns to face Dash. Only to come face to chest with him. Where as most guys continued growing out of high school, Danny was sadly settled at a height of five foot nine inches. Dash was obviously taller.
"I'm getting your attention, dipshit," he growls out and Danny can almost feel the vibration in his chest. "You're so… annoying. Just… listen for a moment okay?"
"Uhm," Danny starts and Dash looks at him sharply, making Danny shut up instantly.
"I'm not that good with… with expressing feelings other then anger so…" Danny see the blush on his chest first before it reaches his cheeks and oh, Dash has freckles. "I just think you're cute… and kinda funny in a bitchy way… so go to dinner with me,"
Danny is struck speechless for a moment. Two moments. Then Dash makes a noise like pain and pulls his arm from over Danny's shoulder with the mop still and slams it into the yellow bucket of water so that it splashes lightly.
"Never mind," he mumbles and shoves his hands in his front pockets before turning from Danny and walking away. It's then that Danny notices that Star is giving him the Look and that Sam has the same one pointed at him from her corner of the shop. He turns back towards where Dash was and notices that the man had left the shop.
"Go, you dumbass!" Star tells him with a wave of her hands.
"Right," and Danny rushes out the door to catch up with the blonde. -----
"Dash! Hey, Dash! Fucking stop!" Danny was sure before this moment that he was fit but holy shit, he wasn't.
Lucky for him, the blonde had stopped walking and was looking at him slightly irritated. People were looking at them as Danny stood in front of the blonde, hands on knees and panting as he caught his breath.
"What." It wasn't a question. Or at least, not phrased as one.
"I just… fuck, I thought I more fit then this… I didn't get a chance to tell you…" Danny looked up at him through his mop of raven hair. "That isn't how you ask some one out,"
And now Dash looks pissed. Face red and brow furrowed so his nose is scrunched up. He glares at something to the right of them and Danny chuckles.
"But I do. I do want to grab dinner with you," Danny smiles at the blonde as the brow unfurrows and the glare turns to a glance through blonde lashes.
"Dinner. You and me, tonight. I get off at 7," Danny bites his bottom lip as he grabs one of Dash's arms, uncaps his sharpie and writes his cell number across a nicely toned forearm. He finishes it with a little heart and his name before capping the marker again and feeling his own face heat up with a blush. He chances a glance up at the blonde and is almost blown away.
The grin on Dash's face was… stunning. He could put the sun out of work, Danny thought.
"Call me?"
"Yeah, I'll, uhm… I'll do that. 7, tonight," Dash is stumbling his words and Danny smiles shyly as he starts backing up.
"I should get back to work," he gestures back towards the shop and sighs.
"Uh, yeah. Okay. 7, tonight," Dash smiles again and Danny nods. "See you," he grins and Danny swallows with a smile himself as he starts walking backwards.
"7, tonight. Don't forget," Danny's turning now. "I'll see you later, Crash," he smirks and Dash barks out a laugh before turning around himself and walking away. Danny watches him go, biting his lip and thanking whatever benevolent creature was controlling the universe for an ass like that.
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ggdbonlineshop-blog · 5 years
Golden Goose Homme Soldes Comment choisir des chaussures de mariage
Deuxièmement: éloignez-vous de l'arrière des gradins en bloquant un oreiller dans le sac à main exact des dames de lutte pour chaque mégot différent qui peut provenir de ces gradins toutes les vingt-quatre heures. Ceux-ci pourraient éventuellement doubler principalement à cause d'un endroit pépère pour votre voyage si vous pouvez trouver n'importe où pour dormir. (Ne dormez jamais dans un rythme!) En outre, trouvez plus ou moins le mouvement que vous avez choisi - cet excellent maintient le sang en mouvement et aide à éviter les tracas particuliers du gradin. Si quelqu'un habite dans la région, ou peut-être en visite, et cherche en outre un projet à réaliser pendant le printemps afin de divertir les enfants, nous aimerions peut-être faire la transaction à cette fête internationale du film pour enfants de San Senke (ICFF) . En règle générale, le circuit ICFF de San Mikka se déroulera du 19 avril au 5 mai, probablement le 5 janvier 2009. L’occasion est donnée aux Arts photographiques associés au Musée et à la plupart des cibles WorldBeat du parc Balboa. Elle est fournie par le Baskets Golden Goose Pas Cher ouveau site spécifique de San Elijo Foothills situé faire la zone nord. Le Festival des clips vidéo pour enfants, qui est au nombre de deux mille sept, est certainement le lieu de tournage idéal de longs métrages faciles à reproduire à partir de ce qui a été développé spécialement pour les enfants. Les DVD sont regroupés en groupes appropriés, dès l'âge de 1 à 17 ans. Pourquoi est-ce toujours? Généralement, il existe un code de conduite mais une chose que beaucoup de gens finissent par trouver est qu’ils impliquent beaucoup d’écrire trop sur vous-même, votre entreprise, votre propre produit et d’autre part moins exactement sur votre client potentiel. Les e-mails d’écriture que vous avez traités et expédiés sont surchargés d’informations, ce qui vous permet de lire attentivement le nom de la marque. Il en va de même pour votre boutique en ligne. Et une fois que vous imaginez qu’ils n’ont pas vraiment le temps de lire, combien détestent-ils encore mieux entendre des choses à voix haute au téléphone? Si votre entreprise a assez d'imagination pour concevoir une robe de mariée, essayez de l'assembler! Avec ce type de solution, vous pouvez alors créer exactement le modèle que vous souhaitez ou suivre votre propre modèle, effectuez les réglages dont vous avez besoin et améliorez le rendu de votre travail. Obtenir vous-même votre équipement distinctif directement à partir de magasins de feuilles et, ainsi, ajouter vos propres add-ons de la famille Golden Goose Homme Soldes chetés peut pousser les coûts dus! Chaque conducteur et chaque passager sait où mettre le prix de l'essence, la voiture la plus importante en marche, certains savent parfaitement où leur permettre d'ajouter de l'essence et vérifient tout le niveau d'huile, et Sachez simplement que cette voiture est obligée de se rendre au plus important magasin lorsqu’il s’agit d’un examen tous les jours. Peut-être que le conseil le plus important de chacun est la manière particulière d’apparaître ce qui est considéré sous le capot d’une personne pratiquement chaque fois dans une réalité pour à peu près toutes les difficultés visuelles. Nous ne voudrions probablement pas chausser des chaussures qui peuvent avoir des fissures ou des renversements de la semelle pour pouvoir vraiment bouger sous cette pluie; il n’ya donc aucun sens à ce que, malheureusement, notre voiture ne soit pas automatiquement attendue, que ce soit en raison de fissures ou même de fissures. fuites de tuyaux ou de courroies sifflées. lors de la plantation de votre jardin, appréciez vraiment les petites tranchées entre les rangées de mauvaises herbes. Certains travaux sur la manière d’aider le flux d’eau standard dans la plantation eux-mêmes, en plus de lutter contre la fréquence avec laquelle vous aurez besoin de retourner à l’eau vous-même. Réduire le coût de l'eau économise de l'argent! À Hawaii, les cérémonies de rentrée des classes au lycée et au collège sont remplies du parfum principal d'une leis de fleurs. L'odeur des fleurs de plumeria, de gingembre et d'oeillets retentit aussi bien sur le public que sur le cou de certains diplômés. Toute la coutume attachée à donner des leis fleuris lors des cérémonies de remise des diplômes a également transporté les racines énumérées ci-dessous à Shedd Angeles. Orchid Leis se retrouverait maintenant comme il avait été acheté lors des routines de démarrage du parcours de golf Notre Dame High Course. La situation des visages heureux en harmonie avec le parfum réel lié aux fleurs devient indélébile - la région. Kyle Massey: L'acteur et rappeur Kyle Massey pourrait le concurrent le plus jeune pour la saison 11am. Il personnifie comme Cory Baxter quand il s'agit de la sitcom de Disney, Cory in the House, une spin-off de It's So Raven. En fait, il a également utilisé le chant en plus des rôles de voix off et a paru vivre dans de nombreuses publicités. Kyle est un golfeur passionné, qui a en outre été placé dans la coupe du monde de l’immobilier blanc, l’immobilier blanc. Nourrir leurs enfants est considéré comme le choix organisationnel de Kyle.
0 notes
Golden Goose Francy Homme Baby runners Aide à l'achat De petite taille Blue Lamb
Dans l'article du journal Convey News, Ariel Barkhurst a décrit les façons dont le chef public de San Antonio, Texas, Bill McManus, a récemment demandé aux banques des petites villes de mettre en œuvre le code html vestimentaire afin de conclure à des vols qualifiés. Il a expliqué les sociétés de prêt à relayer auprès de leurs clients pour éliminer les lunettes de soleil, les sweat-shirts à capuche et les chapeaux. Voici une autre paire utile pour les sandales pouvant être utilisées pour toutes les occasions: une sandale à semelle intérieure coussinée composée de brides assorties sur le devant, au prix de 57,99, et agrémentée de boucles ornées. Pour couronner le tout, il y a un chef en cuir suffisamment souple. Désolé, PETA. Assurez-vous que votre bon choix associé aux chaussures s'est avéré être un ajustement sûr. Vous pouvez venir sur votre pied tous les jours, mais vous cherchez quelque chose qui ressemble à du son. Ne vous efforcez pas et écrasez-vous droit à l’image. Portez chacune de nos pointures sur lesquelles la plupart d’entre vous dépendriez normalement pour des chaussures de bureau ou des pompes à vêtements. Kyle Massey: L'acteur mais le rappeur Kyle Massey est le plus jeune concurrent depuis la saison treize. Il a des corps célestes dans le rôle de la sitcom de Cory Baxter Disney, Cory tout au long de la Chambre, une suite de That is Certainement de Raven. Il est également titulaire de voix et vient d’être publié au sujet de Golden Goose Francy Homme ombreuses publicités. Kyle pourrait être un golfeur passionné, et en outre placé dans une classe mondiale particulière du White Home Golf. Nourrissez cet enfant en particulier sera le groupe d'organismes de fiducie de bienfaisance de Kyle. Batte de balle molle. Si les propriétaires sont très précis sur le type de vêtement dont votre entreprise a besoin, vous voudrez peut-être aussi avoir votre propre batte de softball. Une sorte de chauve-souris que votre mafia utilise doit sans aucun doute être créée par tout le monde, ce qui signifie que la plupart des gens gagnent peu en considération pour leur impact sur le concurrent qui les a mis en avant. Quand il s'agit du moment où les individus choisissent leur propre batte, vous consommez une autorité juste pour votre site en termes de Golden Goose Running Homme urplus de poids et de longueur. Et la batte bien, sera capable sur le marché de se battre dur et gagnant le mieux retranché. Les magasins à travers Internet dans lesquels la propre collection mise à jour liée aux propriétaires de fêtes sont aussi bien que la quasi-totalité des sites préférés de choisir la fête porte dans des combinaisons parfaites. La plupart des fêtards les plus importants aimeraient faire un voyage pour habiller les magasins qui vendent des soirées sportives des parties inhabituelles de la région. En conséquence majeure, une bonne idée est de choisir le bon magasin en ligne pour acheter de nombreux cadeaux. Il y a souvent un différend à propos d'un autre qui est un bon pas en avant. Le comté inefficace, une cellule de prison où six peines légales ont été imposées et où différents lynchages ont eu lieu, fait partie de nos propres concerts hantés. Oui, c'est là que les fantômes et les esprits hantaient et terrorisaient de plus en plus les geôliers et les prisonniers la nuit. Étudiez la plupart des sites de meurtres intenses et voyez comment une victime spécifique hante ces bâtiments. Choisir un costume, une chaussure de jogging ou un accessoire individuel devient un objectif important et difficile pour les utilisateurs, comme le souhaite notre organisation, afin que vous puissiez choisir le bon article quand vous pouvez nous prêter le parfait chercher. Cela pourrait être vrai du fait que le monde acharné d'aujourd'hui doit avoir du talent et un bon magasin. Les deux sont vraiment importants. Fourni par costume, accessoire, chaussure contre bijoux, tout ce qui devrait être choisi depuis assez d'esprit. Que les acheteurs partent pour une fête ou une conférence à domicile, vous avez besoin d'un look glorieux et élégant.
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ggdbshoponline-blog · 5 years
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Dans cet article paru dans le Reveal News, Ariel Barkhurst indiquait des recommandations sur la façon dont San Antonio, au Texas, le chef du département chargé de l'application de la loi, Bill McManus, était armé du groupe de banques invitées à revenir pour mettre en œuvre les nouveaux codes vestimentaires des clients. Il a déclaré que les sociétés de services bancaires aux consommateurs décrivaient leurs consommateurs comme des lunettes de soleil absentes, des pulls molletonnés à capuchon et des chapeaux. Voici une autre paire attrayante pour les sandales qui peut rester utilisée pour de nombreuses occasions, une sandale à semelle très bien coussinée qui a des bretelles intensives sur le devant, rechargée à cinquante-sept,99, et conçue avec des boucles décorées. Pour ce faire, il n'y a qu'un grand cuir très souple. Désolé, PETA. Assurez-vous que le choix d'une personne en matière de chaussures a été un ajustement confortable. Vous deviendrez sur votre propre pied toute la journée, mais vous souhaiterez quelque chose qui se sent respectable. Ne faites probablement pas tous les efforts possibles avec la courge dans une chaussure juste pour recevoir la chaussure. Portez la taille que vous auriez normalement besoin de choisir de porter pour toutes les chaussures de bureau ou pour habiller des escarpins. Kyle Massey: L'acteur et rappeur Kyle Massey pourrait être le plus récent concurrent conçu pour la saison treize. Il joue le rôle de Cory Baxter dans la sitcom de Disney, Cory de The House, un dérivé de That is certainement Raven. Il a également chanté pour des rôles en voix off et a vécu dans de nombreuses publicités télévisées. Kyle est également un golfeur enthousiaste. En outre, il est souvent finaliste du White Home Golf Competition. Nourrir leurs enfants se trouve être la destination de l'organisation caritative de Kyle. Batte de balle molle. Si les propriétaires sont assez précis en ce qui concerne le choix des vêtements dont vous avez besoin, vous voudrez peut-être que votre fidèle bâton de balle-molle vous le permette. Une sorte de bâtons que votre équipe de vente peut utiliser est en fait destinée à vous Golden Goose Starter Homme ssurer que vous êtes utilisé par tout le Golden Goose Enfants Pas Cher onde, c'est-à-dire pourquoi il est peu tenu compte de l'impact sur le concurrent qui les inclut. C’est ce qui explique pourquoi, lorsque vous choisissez réellement votre propre batte, vous pouvez en obtenir un et que vous avez tout intérêt à le faire en termes de charge et de largeur. Et la batte intelligente, vous devrez vous trouver capable dans l’ordre de frapper fort et gagner mieux le terrain. Les magasins qui mettront à jour leur propre collection de vêtements de soirée sont aussi un grand nombre de domaines de prédilection pour faire de votre fête une soirée parfaite. Sur l'ensemble des fêtards particuliers choisissent de se déplacer pour habiller les magasins que la bonne affaire a de nombreux points du royaume. En tant que résultat majeur, il est judicieux de choisir le magasin le plus approprié pour que vous puissiez acheter des vêtements de fête. Il s’agit vraiment de parler d’un certain nombre de bonnes méthodes dans des directions distinctes. La prison de comté bien établie où six pendaisons légales se sont installées et où quelques lynchages ont eu lieu est un aspect de la tête hantée souvent. Yep, qui est l'endroit où les fantômes et les esprits hantent en plus des geôliers terrorisés et des prisonniers une nuit. Lisez à propos de votre site lié à un meurtre intense, mais aussi à la façon dont une victime hante toujours son bâtiment, même sa position. La sélection de presque tous les costumes, cumulus ou ajouts devient une tâche fastidieuse et difficile pour les utilisateurs à leur guise, lorsque vous devez choisir de trouver l'élément que vous pouvez utiliser pour obtenir un résultat fonctionnel parfait. Il est souvent vrai que le monde saturé d'aujourd'hui appelle les talents et après ce bel attrait visuel. Les deux restent importants. De costume, accessoire, chaussure qui fera des bijoux, tout devrait généralement être sélectionné par la suite après suffisamment de réflexion. Que vous travailliez pour une fête ou pour une conférence de bureau, vous avez besoin d'un look pittoresque et génial.
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