reversemoon255 · 2 months
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SSSS.GRIDMAN THE GATTAI Full Powered Girdknight
Missed the preorder window on this one, but managed to snag the second one that popped up on Mandarake. And I'm glad I did, because this thing is great. This should be the same mold as the upcoming THE GATTAI FP Gridman, and it is a startling improvement. This isn't just some simple retool; it's an entirely new mold. Not even Gridknight is the same, overhauling him to better fit his role as the center of this robot, something the original Gridman failed to do.
The Good: Gone is the flimsy DX Full Powered Gridman. To start, Gridknight has been fitted almost entirely with ratcheted joints, meaning he can now much more easily hold the weight of all his machines. Not only that, but they took a page out of the Moderoid's book and made a stronger, more posable replacement torso, but also fixed the issue I had with it by giving it its own head, so you can display both Gridknight and FP Gridknight at the same time. But even if you choose to forgo it, Gridknight is perfectly capable of holding everything up.
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Onto everyone else, this set actually comes with two Calibers of different sizes, and a handle so you can use the larger one's chest piece as a shield. Max, Borr, and Sky are functionally the same as vehicles, but Max's cannons now stop at the appropriate height so you don't have to fiddle with that during transformation.
Powered Knight Zenon may not look much different from the original, but has quite a few new tricks going on under the hood. For starters, it requires no adapters; everything is designed into the vehicles themselves, including the very impressive neck joint they added (which just blows my mind how they pulled that off). They also gave it a much better A-stance, actual ankles to accommodate it, and you can use Sky's transformation joints to give it some inward arm motion.
And Full Powered Gridknight is an impressive feat, being both taller than the original and around its scale to Dynazenon seen in the film. The transformation is also so much cleaner. Everything feels better, connects better, is much more solid, even more so than Dynazenon. They even made the cuts in Sky's wings the actual transformation joint, which several of the releases haven't done. And he is ridiculously posable. It has every joint; I don't know what else to tell you. It also comes with open and posable alternative hand. They even added dedicated engineering into Borr that allows for a brand new combination with Goldburn.
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The Bad: Not everything is exactly perfect, though. While you can get the new Gridknight to work as Rouge Kaiser, the elbows are too long, meaning you have to twist the arms in a weird way to get them to fit, and Dynasoldier is less stable.
And both Zenon and FP have mediocre ankles. Like, they work, but Zenon's require a bit of fidgeting and you often have to display them on their toes. FP on the other hand just doesn't have enough rock, making more wide-legged, dynamic poses an issue. I recommend using the included stand to help with those (...which I did not take pictures of).
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Overall, the difference is quality between this and the original DX are dirt and stratosphere. If you were disappointed by the original, or if you liked the Moderoid, then I highly recommend this one, or just waiting a few months for the V2 to come out.
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Reviews while I watch Trigun Stampede: Episode 3-5
This is going to be a hefty one. Hopefully I can catch up a majority of everything I missed before I get busy again next week. Let’s do this. Time for more gender envy.
Seven cities?
Oh yeah. The son died last time. 
Oh god. There’s another one dead. And all of them have some on them. Why doesn’t he just blow all of them up? 
That is a very creepy villain. All his mannerisms are so damn good. He is also clearly very injured/scarred with all the bandaging. We don’t see any of his face. 
Who’s the random wanderer?
Oh god he really does care for the other people. He just got so serious. And he cares for any life really, even if they caused harm. 
OOOOO its the twin! And the twin killed the bomber. I love the music in this!!!!
I just realised one his jacket, he has a logo that says project seeds. And with the brother saying that the plants belong to them, I’m assuming the facility that the brother destroyed was making the plants as a sustainable energy. It’s also why Vash knew so much about them at the start of the series. (sorry if this was known beforehand. I just only picked up on it now)
The brother is so creepy. Ooo. He’s been brought back in time and the gun has been destroyed. The scientist is definitely about to die. 
They do really well with suspense and cinematography to portray the fear and chaos required for the shots to work. It is so damn good. 
And now there are monsters. And the brother’s feet are covered in blood. Good imagery. Who’s this new guy?
Yissus this episode is harsh. 
Ooo. do we get to see a face? Nope guess not. Partial one. 
The weapon is really cool though. Terrifying but cool. 
We’re getting snippets of the face. 
And now Vash is being cast out. 
----Between episodes thoughts----
What the actual fuck? This show was already mental but now. Wow. They did so well setting the brother up as a threat. What started as just a small look has become world destroying. Wow. Just wow. They’ve done so damn well with this. 
----Episode 4----
For some reason my player has decided to break. Fun.
Ooo. New person. 
I will say it again. This opening is sick. I need to check out a translation. 
Thats a lot of bugs. 
He got properly smacked. I feel like her driving is making things worse. 
Oh god. Everyone is dead. Ominous noise is ominous. And there is a child as well. 
This man is praying for others but doesn’t know the prayers. Who is this man and what is he trying to do while carrying a cross with him?
Yes. Worm. They have been eaten. 
The reporter does not trust this new man. 
That is one nimble child. And now two people have been attacked. 
Noice. Two very different ideologies. And he might be an assassin. Nice. And Roberto is gone. 
I really like Vash’s personality. And they were just snorted out. Wow. And they’re back inside again. Noice. And the kid is a worm controller. 
OOOOO. They look so cool!! I love the kid’s design. 
The cross was a gun. Why am I not even surprised? That is such a convoluted design. It’s great. He must really hate worms. 
New party member. 
Ominous threat is ominous.
----between episode thoughts----
Not as crazy or heart wrenching as the previous one but an excellent introduction to the new characters - leading us to question their motives. Why does he want to be connected with Vash? 
There is a morse code message in the closing. 
But one that isn’t complete? Or wrong?
(.- ... .-.. -.--- --.)
The fourth letter has too many dashes, if you remove the last dash it is:  ASLYG
Anyways. Just noticed that as I was typing the between. And it is blatantly morse code so yeah. 
----Episode 5----
More new characters?
We actually know nothing about his arm, don’t we? Why does he have a metal arm?
Nicolas changed Vash’s nickname. Nice. 
Spoopy threat for the episode. Unknown monster and child. 
More shooting. And a creepy monster. Nicolas is helping him though. 
The mother is going to sacrifice the child, isn’t she? Yeup. Imagine overhearing that. Oo the scene got smaller and smaller. That was cool. 
The child was a thing from the past. Understandable. Oooooof. This backstory is harsh. It got worse!! Is the thing they’re fighting the child? 
Vash knew the kid as a baby?
Oh no. He dead. 
The wind came back when the child died. 
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Nicolas is working for the Brother!!!
----after thoughts----
Damn this show has such good writing, then the cinematography and the music/ It’s so damn good. I love it. 
Also the morse code is the same at the end of every episode. 
Just found out that the morse code says Okaeri which means Welcome home. That is so touching and devastating. In the terms of the anime as a whole its nice for a welcome home as the anime is remade. But in the case of the story with the closing showing the connections between the twins, that is terrifying if its a welcome home from the brother. Vash is in serious trouble if it’s coming from him.
I love that though. 
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earthbornstudio · 1 year
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 Last month I was able to get my hands on a copy of a book I have wanted to read for a very long time. “ The Artists Guide to Sketching” by James Gurney and Thomas Kinkade
 Both authors are well known artists with James Gurney being best known for his “Dinotopia” books, and Thomas Kinkade for his prints.
 I had heard it was a must read for anyone wanting to up their sketching game, That was indeed correct.
 The book covers sketching exercises, mindsets, techniques, and more. It is one of the most in-depth sketching books I have ever read.
 Someone watching you sketch? Here is how to deal with it !
 Weather issues? Here is how to deal with it!
 Are you a hobo looking for shelter and food? Yep kinda covers that too (Seriously)
The techniques sections have taught me a lot that other books on sketching I have read have not. For example how to create semi accurate perspective lines with no rulers.
There are lessons on how to take photographs with your mind, and how to observe a subject most effectively.
 There is a section on how to change what you see to better fit what you want to draw. How to pick the mood you want.
 The emphasis is on sketching both from life and the mind with a lesson on things not having to be fully exactly what you see (go ahead throw a dragon into the empire state building it will be fun!).
 All and all I learned quite a bit from this book and I will probably read it again just for inspiration! I would recommend this book if you can get your hands on it.
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jfolschinsky · 1 month
Horror Reads Reviewed Hell Incorporated on his YouTube Show
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lamperu · 7 months
Opinión, Reseña y Crítica: Goblin Slayer: Goblin's Crown
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shortcast · 11 months
Có 1 câu nói “cái gì đã tốt thì không nên thay đổi”, mình thấy điều đó đúng khi áp dụng vào Lenovo Legion 5, nhìn qua các hình ảnh chụp sản phẩm thế hệ mới 2021 chắc hẳn anh em dễ dàng nhận ra nó vẫn mang 1 thiết kế quen thuộc, tạo ấn tượng tốt về mặt cảm quan, và tiếp tục được rất nhiều người dùng đón nhận. Cùng tìm hiểu mẫu laptop gaming mới nhất vừa được ra mắt thuộc dòng Legion của Lenovo:…
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johnbiggsny · 1 year
In Review: The Bremont Vulcan
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pkansa · 1 year
In Review: The Bremont Vulcan
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willstafford · 1 year
Raining Supremes
DREAMGIRLS Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham, Wednesday 7th December, 2022 There are many shows that chart the highs and lows of the business we call show, detailing the rise and fall of musical artistes, often involving real-life dead singers.  This one focusses on a fictional Motown-style girl group and adheres pretty much to the same storytelling formula, touching upon white exploitation of…
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jasonsutekh · 2 years
The Merchant of Venice (1973)
A Jewish moneylender demands his payment in flesh after a merchant cannot pay back a loan.
 The performances are all good, some markedly more effective than others such as Shylock who is one of the more expressive characters and Gratiano who commands the focus in most of his dialogue scenes. The portrayal of Shylock was sympathetic at some points which is one of the better representations as the character should be complex rather than a simple villain.
 There is still the very much present anti-semitic subtext as well as the open lines degrading Jews. It’s a marker of the time the play was written in but this doesn’t limit or reduce the harmful effects such narrative would go on to provoke. It also demands mercy for one’s tormentors which is a poor message in any regard since mercy is something to be given as a virtue rather than taken as required.
 An amusing feature of the court scene is that is demonstrates how a minority cannot hope to use an oppressive system against their own oppressors by expecting equity because it’s designed very specifically not to work in that way. The women are shown as knowledgeable and in some ways outwit all the men, however this is used as a comedy trope.
 Although the women save the day, they do so by abusing the system not just to correct its fault but do so according to their own whims. This is taken pointedly too far when they demand Shylock convert from his faith as a punishment. It rather undermines the drama up to that point since the laws can be manipulated to one’s ends at any time.
 5/10 -Can’t find a better example of average-
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examtimefairy · 2 years
also new on preparing for study abroad: cultural understanding of star wars
well that’s a phony excuse for binge watching Obi-wan Kenobi but anyhow
- point 1: felt like star wars is really about atmosphere. the dark side’s fortresses are extremely cool, still love the different planet’s atmospheres
- point 2: are they doing baby princesses after baby yoda, now? she is very very brave for a 10 year old, I still feel like it would have been more realistic if she cried though
- point 3: the best battle for me was the one between third sister and Vader. maybe not a battle, but the show of strength from Vader was really cool. the clash of red on red too very nice
- point 4: liked the idea of The Way. Feels like they’ve taken from the Underground Railroad to me. less happy with the way they seemed like a plot device to support Obi-wan. Feels like the Jedi are always exploiting ready-made systems & someone giving help is always going to die. heck at this point I expect at least one of them to die, which does not generate curiosity for the future episodes
- point 5: because the audience already knows Vader/Obi-Wan/Leia/Luke is going to live, it sort of dampens the suspense. Need to think of ways that challenge the characters otherwise (so, not with death, but of losing something more important/as important to them in life - so, values maybe?)
- point 6: the diversity feels good. there is an effort to portray the mothers well & the third sister but still feels forced at times because some lines to me felt like they were assigned to them in rotation, not because it fit the characters -> more about this in what I realized 4.
- point 7: star wars feel like philosophical questions - this time, I think the question was what makes a person who they are. In that view, I think in Obi-wan’s confrontation with Vader he realized that Vader made himself, he wasn’t made by Obi-wan. But to do that I think there needs to be more building up of Obi-wan’s guilt, and he should be much more careful of his actions towards Luke and Leia because he’s a bad influence etc which I don’t think was the case. Also the fact that this needed interpretation and thought means the series didn’t get that theme across that well…? so maybe not. I’m really basing off this interpretation off on Vader’s mini declaration about him killing Anakin. + and also the action speaks more than words thing too. him helping Leia and Luke makes him who he is?
- complaint 1: perhaps I tend to only hear the stuff I want to hear, but was under the impression that Obi-wan was going to suffer more but no not really. yes he did get burnt and buried but I was expecting more inner turmoil guilt stuff life that. Heck I was expecting Vader to shake Obi-wan more be like you betrayed me etc etc I miss the emotion that went around in Mustafar (the i have the high ground fight)
- complaint 2: I thought the story was going to be about him and Vader. but feels like the story was more about the third sister. on the upside though, I did like the third sister; she had ambition.
- complaint 3: the nightmare stuff and the back and forth between the past & present, especially the lightsaber battle between Obi-wan and Anakin in the past could have been better executed. mere flashbacks… well that’s a bit lazy
- complaint 4: Obi-wan gets it too simple. when he is stuck he gets outside help immediately. He convinces others too easily. where’s the yarn? where’s the foreshadowing? ok you did it with Tala coming in late but for the fighters coming in the fortress at the right moment and with Obi-wan convincing the leader to help rescue Leia really quickly… hmm
- stuff I didn’t catch up on 1: what the hell was going on with the tomb? I was expecting them to train some of the force sensitive kids & make them be inquisitors and expected the third sister to be a part of that, especially when she was talking about her past while interrogating Leia
- stuff I didn’t catch up on 2: why did the former grand inquisitor turn up again? wasn’t he dead? and how come did the third sister live after being skewered by Vader?
- stuff I didn’t catch up on 3: so.. how did third sister come to be on the dark side anyway? she volunteered? maybe that’s it huh I did the question & answering by myself again
- what I realized 1: after Vader burnt Obi-wan and left I thought he was letting him go so he can play cat and mouse with him. Come to think of it, maybe not. But I liked the way Vader’s doing tit for tat with the burn. -> I now understand the reason why villains don’t kill heroes immediately. They want to make them suffer ya know simple death is ok for minor enemies but arch nemesis? well you gotta make it worth the wait & effort, simple death is too simple
- what I realized 2: this has been told to me before, and i’ll say it again - in the ending something’s got to be changed. but I didn’t really get how Obi-wan changed, it felt like he was the same monotone person all the time to me.. which is i do know the Jedi spirit being calm and stuff but still feels like it’s the same Obi-wan from before, just that he appreciates Leia more now -> so in short I feel like the central question, which was is Obi-wan guilty, is not really solved. in that sense I feel that Obi-wan has not changed much in the end, so it feels unsatisfying
- what I realized 3: foreshadowing is important, because it lets you be like aha so that’s why. don’t try to trick the audience though, have a reasonable background so that you can pull from the background to explain why something happened. you can use decoys but don’t try to scream that’s the answer, the audience is smart!
- what I realized 4: watching the series, I keep asking questions like is it going to be women fighting women and men fighting men, or is woman fighting man and the woman winning going to be unrealistic. the answer to both questions is, in my opinion, when the purpose fits. if they are both trained to do A, then it would be reasonable for them to fight against each other, etc. I feel like if I write all characters male and then change some of the characters to female, that would help. but gender and race are still visible things; in their invisibility they are hyper-visible (that’s what I learned last semester). their gender can be acknowledged too, at times should be acknowledged.. need to keep thinking about this. also the reality that I have these sorts of questions about woman characters when they come on shows too. but at the same time, do know that there are good ways to do this, for instance I really really loved the women fighting together on avengers: infinity war
conclusion: I still really like star wars atmosphere & lightsaber battles but the story could be better, the best drama in disney plus is still Moon Knight for me
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Reviews while I watch Ride your wave
This is the first time doing something that isn’t currently airing, I just honestly didn’t feel like watching any of the shows on my watching list so here we are. Time for a movie. 
Ooo. Extremely vibrant animation style. 
Now we wait for the backstory between these two. 
That’s a lot of boxes. Two very different foods. Shame she is seriously struggling. 
And we have a trainee firefighter. 
She is really cute. And got soaked for a second time apparently. 
Oh god. Is that her house that is on fire? Shit it’s spreading quickly. 
Why the hell are people taking an elevator in the middle of a fire. ALso why the hell is she going up the stairs. 
Noo the doll. 
Yissus, firefighters are strong to be able to run with all their gear. And some intense training too.
Aw, they’re really cute. Amd seem to have decent chemistry. 
I went surfing for the first time last year and it was honestly so much fun. It is really difficult though. 
Aww. It’s progressing quite quickly. Its so cute. We’re going to get trauma aren’t we. 
I’m loving the singing over a montage though. It’s really sweet. 
It will either be a fire, or drowning. I will cry. 
BACKSTORY! She saved him from drowning. 
Yeup. He’s the one dying. 
Here it comes. It is all black and white. He’s dead. And while trying to save someone else. 
I was expecting a cute romance. Not a story about grief. Ahhh. I’ve been reading so many stories about the fragility of life and how people work through grief and then all the shit happening in the world currently. Why did I manage to get onto another story like this. 
Grief is so weird. Honestly such a painful thing. And the sister is not helping. 
Heh? When did this go supernatural???
And people think she is crazy. Honestly not surprising. I don’t know if this is actually supernatural or it’s going to end up being a dream/major hallucination. I am concerned. 
Oh god, he is disappearing. 
The colours of this anime are extremely well done. 
Also really interesting take on grief and the whole process. 
So the partner also likes her. 
Oh god. Accident. And it looks like Minato has disappeared. Not fully but definitely going. 
Drownings really happen so quickly. It’s so great that she inspired him to help others. It’s crazy how life can work that way. 
She’s going to become a life guard. And now he has inspired her to save others just like she did for him. So sweet. 
There is going to be another fire isn’t there. Or the sister will call the cops before then to ensure it doesn’t happen. Nope. It will still happen. And they will be trapped in a building on fire. 
Shit is going down again. 
Yeup. Weird supernatural shit. 
Thank god all the firefighters have oxygen tanks. 
And he has finally ascended. 
Don't really get the point of the partner’s love confession throughout this. 
Now there seems like the normal grief process. 
----after thoughts----
That was not what I expected it to be at all. 
I really do like the fact that they don’t make grief linear in this. There is constant back and forth between the different stages. The cycle of grief doesn’t really end - even after acceptance as it can always come back, especially if there’s any reminder like she had at the end there. But it doesn’t mean you haven’t healed. 
It’s a really great message. I really enjoyed this.  
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oneminuteonebook · 2 years
ஒரு வீடு பூட்டிக் கிடக்கிறது..?!
ஒரு வீடு பூட்டிக் கிடக்கிறது..?!
பிறந்த வீட்டிலிருந்து தன்னுடைய வீட்டிற்கு அன்று அதிகாலை தங்கை விஜயாவுடன் வந்து சேர்கிறாள் தாரிகா. நான்கு நாட்களுக்கு முன்பே கணவன் புஷ்பராஜ் வேலை விஷயமாக திருவனந்தபுரம் செல்வதாக தாரிகாவிற்குத் தகவல் தந்து விட்டுச் செல்கிறான். தன்னிடமிருந்த சாவியை உபயோகித்து பூட்டியிருந்த வீட்டிற்குள் நுழைந்த தாரிகா, சுவரில் இருந்த ரத்தத் துளிகளைப் பார்த்துத் திகைத்தாள். போலீசிற்குத் தகவல் தெரிவித்த அவள்,…
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adobe-outdesign · 8 months
Review of sudowoodo/bonsly?
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Bonsly is one of those pre-evos that was added after the gen that its evo debuted in. Bonsly probably didn't have exist, as I do feel like Sudowoodo is strong enough to stand on its own, but it's a fun addition to the line regardless.
Visually, I like that's mimicking a bonsai tree—makes sense from a progression standpoint. The way it has a "pot", combined with the single branch of "leaves" on the head, give it a very different body shape from the much longer Sudowoodo. Also, the way its eyes become the spots on Sudowoodo's torso is a neat touch. Overall, it does a good job of visually connecting with its evo while still being unique enough as its own thing.
Another thing that's neat about Bonsly is that it sort of has a secondary form of mimicry—it sheds "tears" from its eyes that are actually just excess water (because it's a rock-type, and they tend to not like water that much).
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It also isn't as good as holding still as Sudowoodo is, and has to know mimic in order to evolve—basically, it doesn't evolve until it gets better at pretending to be a plant, and I think that's neat!
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And Sudowoodo itself is honestly just a classic. The idea of a rock-type—the type that resists most of a grass-type's weakness—that disguises itself as a tree is just insanely memorable and fun. I love how this is played up in the games as well—for example, it can be found in hordes with Trevenant in XY, and in PLA they freeze if you get close to them.
I also like that, visually, it kind of looks like a tree, but not really. Like, those ball-shaped "leaves" on its forelimbs look enough like stylized branches that you'd probably accept it without questioning anything, but in reality, no other grass-types have leaves shaped like that. Same thing with the spots on its torso—they kind of look like a wood texture, but most actual tree 'mons have lines or a wood grain instead of perfect yellow ovals like that. The out-of-place twig on its head also adds to this, and the lanky body shape is unique and works well with the concept. Great stuff, and super simple to boot.
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So yeah, really great line. Fantastic concept and execution, memorable, simple designs, and a lot of personality. It's impossible to not like these guys.
Also, side note: we need a Sudowoodo convergent line, and it very specifically needs to be a grass-type that disguises itself as a rock. That one speaks for itself, I think.
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evilgoldphish · 28 days
Criminal Minds Point Key
My mummy dearest and I are big fans of criminal minds. Today we decided to rewatch the show and use our beautiful autistic nerd powers to create a somewhat logical point system to determine what are actually the best and worst episodes. 
Every episode starts with 100 points and either gains or loses points according to the following point key:
Jack appears physically in person. (+10)
Jack is heard or shown not in person. (+5)
Henry appears physically in person. (+9)
Henry is heard or shown not in person. (+4)
Victim actually does something smart or plays the long game. (+15)
Hotch/Morgan/Rossi isn't an asshole at all during the episode while being in it. (+20)
Reid’s interesting fun facts. (+5)
Awwwwwwwww that's so sweeeet (+5)
Okay, that actually made me laugh. (+5)
Hotch shows emotion. (+10)
Oooh they smexy. (+5)
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. (+2) 
Actually wholesome. (+2)
*Jazz hands* (+10)
Someone picks up evidence using a glove without even wearing the damn glove in the first place. (-20)
There is a very obvious and easy way to do something that helps with the case but no one even mentions it. (-20)
“Why did you shoot him??? What was the point of that???” (-10)
“How in god's name are they still alive??? Are you immortal???” (-5)
Someone in the team going completely rogue. (-5)
Ruining an entire relationship with a single line of dialog. (-15)
✨Sexism✨ (-10)
✨Racism✨ (-10)
✨Homophobia✨ (-10)
That. Isnt. Possible. (-10)
A cognitive interview turning into blatant hypnosis. (-10)
Someone being immune from legal consequences. (-15)
Being insensitive to victims and/or survivors. (-15)
I understand… but still, WHERE IS YOUR WARRANT (-5)
Someone says something blatantly obvious. (-2)
This doesn't concern you! (-2)
What is that outfit??? (-1)
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Shōgun: A Historical Masterpiece.
Set in Japan in the year 1600, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.
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Based upon the acclaimed novel, Shōgun is a historical retelling of Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu's (Yoshi Toranaga) establishing the Tokugawa Shōgunate in early 17th Century Japan from the point of view of an English Pilot named, William Adams (John Blackthorn)Premiering on the small screen in 1980, the series received mass critical acclaim and earned an Emmy for Outstanding Limited Series. Four decades later, it returns, breathing new life into the television with its unparalleled storytelling. Breaking away from the mediocrity that often plagues the streaming industry, Shōgun stands as a monumental historical epic of a real-life struggle over the throne for Japan. 
Shōgun unfolds like a meticulously played game of Shogi, where every move, character, and line of dialogue is infused with purpose and significance. This captivating narrative takes viewers on a journey through a power struggle that shapes feudal Japan, weaving together political intrigue and human drama in a rich tapestry of storytelling. From the intricacies of Japanese society to the cunning maneuvers of rival warlords, Shōgun immerses audiences in a world where every scene serves a distinct purpose. Each twist and turn of the plot is carefully crafted, drawing viewers deeper into the heart of the conflict and revealing the complex web of alliances and betrayals that define the era. The dialogue and monologues in Shōgun are masterfully written, brimming with both context and subtext that add layers of depth to the narrative. Like beautiful lines of poetry, they flow seamlessly together, driving the story forward with precision and purpose. At its core, Shōgun captures the essence of one of the most pivotal moments in Japanese history, offering a compelling exploration of power, ambition, and the human spirit. As viewers are drawn into this world of political conspiracy and personal sacrifice, they are treated to a mesmerizing blend of drama, suspense, and historical authenticity that commands the screen from start to finish. 
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Shōgun derives its true essence from its characters, each intricately woven with layers of complexity and depth, enriching the overarching drama. Among them, Cosmo Jarvis's portrayal of John Blackthorn emerges as a standout performance, deftly navigating the challenges of embodying a character whose natural loudness and clumsiness contrast sharply with the subtleties of his Japanese counterparts. While some may initially interpret Blackthorn's demeanor as a flaw in the performance, Jarvis's deliberate portrayal serves a greater purpose—to underscore the cultural abyss between him and the people of Japan. Through his portrayal, Jarvis adeptly captures the profound culture shock experienced by his character, allowing viewers to witness a compelling transformation from a brash and ambitious Englishman to a man deeply immersed in Japanese customs. It is in these quieter moments that Jarvis truly shines, infusing his character with depth and nuance.
Similarly, Anna Sawai's portrayal of Toda Mariko exemplifies the art of subtle acting. With a mere glance, Sawai effortlessly conveys a myriad of emotions, her thousand-yard stare speaking volumes about her character's inner turmoil and quiet resilience. Her performance is a testament to the power of restraint, as she deftly navigates Mariko's journey of suffering and hope, her emotions simmering beneath the surface until they erupt with raw intensity. Even in moments of despair, Sawai's portrayal radiates a glimmer of hope, underscoring the resilience of the human spirit.
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The ensemble cast of "Shōgun" shines brilliantly, each member delivering performances that leave a lasting impact. From the charismatically charming yet brutal portrayal of Tadanobu Asano as Yabushige to the scheming and cunning rendition of Fumi Nikaido as Ruri, every actor breathes life into their character with skill and precision. Moeka Hoshi's portrayal of the broken yet resilient Fuji, and Takehiro Hira's power-hungry depiction of Ishido, further solidify the ensemble's strength, while Tokuma Nishioka's powerful and wise portrayal of Hiromatsu adds depth to the narrative.
However, it is Hiroyuki Sanada's performance as Yoshii Toranaga that truly stands out, marking a triumphant moment in his career. Despite being typecast and overlooked by Hollywood for years, Sanada seizes the opportunity to showcase his talents as both an actor and a producer in Shōgun. In his portrayal of the powerful and intimidating Toranaga, Sanada commands the screen with a commanding presence, embodying his character's intellect, ambition, and prowess with aplomb. What sets Sanada's performance apart is his ability to infuse Toranaga with an unpredictable nature, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they anticipate his next move. With each moment on screen, Sanada captivates audiences with his depth and nuance, delivering what can only be described as his finest performance to date. Finally given a role where he can truly shine, Sanada proves himself to be a force to be reckoned with, cementing his status as one of the industry's most talented actors.
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Every aspect of this series is a visual feast. The cinematography is nothing short of breathtaking, capturing the stunning landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of Feudal Japan with remarkable skill. From the intricate costumes to the meticulously crafted production design, every detail is thoughtfully considered, drawing viewers deeper into the immersive world of Shōgun.
But Shōgun is more than just television—it's an immersive journey into one of the most pivotal moments in Japanese history. With its masterful storytelling and captivating characters, the series transcends the screen, offering viewers a profound exploration of the human experience against the backdrop of historical upheaval. In a landscape dominated by formulaic narratives, Shōgun stands as a shining example of the power of the historical epic, reminding us of the importance of stories that not only entertain but also enlighten and inspire.
My Rating: A
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