#Rip Arc De Triomphe
pattiemayigen · 10 months
I've been wondering what he would look like as Chat Blanc Variant
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Also, rip to the Arc De Triomphe building
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operation-priority · 4 months
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Tankiste during Vehicle Maintenance
This is an impression of a French tank crewman working on their vehicle during maintenance time. Any 'free time' the tank crews had was in the form of vehicle maintenance and ensuring that their vehicle was fully operational for the next fight. While the workshop section within a company was tasked with larger repairs, it was up to the crews to maintain their vehicle in a fit-to-fight state. For this task the crews were issued tank working overalls (modern terminology would call this a coverall) to be worn over the standard light blue uniform. These were either commandeered from the civilian realm or old regulation models, which would result in several different appearances of the same style garment. Some would be one piece like the one depicted here, while others were of a two piece style. Colors also varied, from white, to off-white, to tan, to cachou, and dark blue. After the war in 1919 it was codified that the dark blue variants were to become the regulation model because these would show the least amount of vehicle oil and other debris. This particular variant is in a cachou color and features a left breast pocket, Equipements Militaires buttons, and a standing collar. Two EM buttons on the front of the chest allowed for the placement of a rank tab, denoting the rank of Corporal. The civilian black beret would often be worn during maintenance, as well as the Ceinturon Modèle 1903 modifié 1914 without any gear looped on it. The patches of light blue wool on the coveralls are repair patches due to usage rips throughout the uniform.
The display photos show a Boîte à Munitions (Ammunition Box) which of course would carry the crew's ammunition supply. On the top of the box is five Cartouche de 8 mm Modèle 1886 à balle D for the Renault FT's 8 mm Hotchkiss Modèle 1914 Heavy Machine Gun as well as one Cartouche à Obus en fonte Modèle 1888 which was the most common 37 mm round for the Renault FT's Puteaux 37 SA Modèle 1918 cannon. In the background is a periscope painted in Gris Artillerie and while not issued to tank crews, this type of periscope was an incredibly common sight within the trenches. Beside the ammunition create is a brass Pyrene Fire Extinguisher. These models came standard in tanks out of the factory with every Renault FT equipped with one Pyrene Fire Extinguisher underneath the driver's seat.
The second display photo depicts a Renault FT section maneuver on a small target per doctrine scribed on a chalkboard slate. Many household items like these would be commandeered and pressed into service within the French Army. Behind this is a photograph of Renault FT during the 1919 Bastille Day Parade. This parade would be extensively photographed and many other pictures would feature these Renault FTs moving through the Arc de Triomphe and down the parade route. Further back is a fully intact post-war Renault FT souvenir inkwell. These were very popular inkwells that often made appearances on the more enthusiastic AS officer's desk. While these two items are post-war pieces, both provide a glimpse into how important the AS and the Renault FT was in bringing final victory to the French Army and shows some ways they were celebrated post-war. Finally, behind these pieces is a regulation pair of glasses with its matching case. Regulation glasses could be purchased by the soldiers in military bazaars along with other various small kit items tailored to soldiers.
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papaverouge · 4 years
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karmaalwayswins · 6 years
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La Tombe du Soldat Inconnu (Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) Arc de Triomphe Paris, France (2017)
With respect, on this Veterans Day / Armistice Day.
Photo Credit: karmaalwayswins
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Ask HC- Umm... Somebody has dangled Raincomptrix from the Arc de Triomphe.
He is receiving a wedgie of massive proportion.
Somebody help.
Tigress: "Rip."
Viperion: "Literally. Who knows how long that underwear can hang on."
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 19
Word Count: 3,081
POV: Reader
Warngings: Language, Smut, NSFW but also kind of fluffy
Notes: This is probably going to get lost with all my comments about tonight’s game but I’m throwing it out there anyhow for you guys. I’m sure I’ll reblog it a couple times. As always feedback is always welcome! Happy Reading!
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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The two weeks in Cole Harbour went amazingly fast, considering that the pace you were moving at was much slower than when the season was going on. Sid showed you all of his favorite places during the day, while evenings were spent making dinner together then sipping wine down by the water in the Adirondack chairs. His family was over a lot or you were at their place, which Sid thought would bother you but it didn't. You loved spending time with his family and seeing how much he cared for them. It only made you love Sidney more. Sid even got you to go fishing a few times with him, which really wasn't bad until you caught one and you pleaded with Sid to throw it back because you felt bad. Sid just laughed but he did toss it back in. From there on out, you pretty much went just to watch him or more like distract him as Sid said since the two of you would end up doing things other than fishing.
There were always nights spent in the hot tub, that ended up with bathing suits being optional, to the point where you ended up not even wearing them anymore. Long mornings spent in bed were some of your favorites. You expected Sid to stick to his same regimented schedule, but he just seemed calmer and relaxed here, which you could get used to. You hoped it would continue while you were over in Europe.
 As you were on the flight to France, you supposed that you were going to find out shortly. "You know I considered hiring a private jet to fly us over here," Sid told you about an hour into the flight, when he came over to your seat. He'd flown you both in dream class, which was the airline's uber-luxury first class, but it meant that your seats were individual so you could lay down and sleep.
 "Yeah. Well after the flight home went so well; I was wondering what fun we could get up to on this eight-hour trip." You didn't miss the little wink he gave you at the end.
 "Oh no, don't even think about it." You chided him, knowing what direction his thoughts were going. "We are," you dropped your voice down to a whisper. "Not having sex on this flight."
 He scooted you over in the seat, so he could sit down with you, though you were practically sitting on his lap by the time you both got comfortable. "We can just close this little door and no one would know."
 "Except that there is not room enough in here for two people and everyone can see our heads. It's a hard no there Mr. Crosby." He stuck his tongue out at you, causing you to laugh as the gesture was uncharacteristic for him.
 "Fine, but we can cuddle a bit." He reclined your seat back into its bed form. "I'm not used to sleeping without you anymore." It was honestly the same for you. You'd grown accustomed to having his arms wrapped around you holding you close as you both fell asleep.
 "That I can do, though it's probably against regulations or something."
 "We'll be fine." The seat gave you both a bit more room laying down as you both adjusted onto your sides. You still weren't used to falling asleep on planes, like some of the guys did. Well except for the one time when you'd been with Sid and he'd just been so warm and comfortable; kind of like he was now. You snuggled close to him, your breathing evening out quickly, and soon you were both asleep. Sid had timed the flights so that you'd travel at night and then have most of the day in Paris. It would still probably cause a bit of jetlag but it wouldn't be as bad as if you'd gone in the middle of the afternoon.
 The hotel Sid booked was absolutely gorgeous and as you were shown to your room, you couldn't stop your mouth from dropping open. Not matter where you were in the suite, you could see a breathtaking view of the Eiffel Tower. The Suite also had a beautiful terrace, for dining and entertaining, that gave you a sweeping view of the city itself, the Eiffel Tower again highlighting it. Once you were finally left alone, you turned to Sidney. "This is way too much. I can't get over this view."
 "Nothing is too much for you." The two of you had made your way onto the terrace, and while maybe Sid's eyes weren't, yours kept scanning drinking in the rich history of the city.
 "It's just…so spectacular." You finally turned to Sid, and his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you close. "I've always wanted to come here. I've been to Ireland and England, but France has always been on my list and well to be this close; Sid, I feel like I could touch the Eiffel Tower."
 "Well, then we will definitely put it in on our must-see list of things to tour. What else should we put on? The Louvre, of course, I know we both want to go there, but what else do you want to see, beautiful?"
 "The Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral are both musts for me." You thought for a moment and then said. "Oh! We have to go to The Palace of Versailles. It just wouldn't be Paris without going there." He laughed and pulled you a tad bit closer to him so that you weren't sure where you ended and he began.
 "I will take you to all those places and anywhere else you want to go." You were so excited you were bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet, but you stopped so that you could kiss your boyfriend. It was a slow and heated kiss and with the Eiffel Tower as the backdrop, you thought it made for the most perfect moment.
 "Thank you, Sid," you finally breathed out and he had a questioning look on his face as if to say for what. "For bringing me here, for getting us the most perfect suite for the next few days, for just…well being you."
 "(Y/N), you don't have to thank me. I love you and I wanted to share this all with you." Oh my god! You weren't sure if he'd registered it or not but he'd just told you he loved you. What were you supposed to do now? If he didn't mean it and it just slipped out, you didn't want to make him take it back, that would be horrible, but if he did and you didn't tell him you loved him back you might combust.
 "Did you mean that?" and again he looked at you a bit confused. "The part where you said you love me."
 "Shit," He blurted out and your heart just sank into your stomach. You physically wanted to go throw up. "I had this whole thing planned out. I wanted to take you to the top of the Eiffel Tower and tell you there how much I love you, but instead, I just blurt it out like it means nothing. I'm so sorry babe."
 "Wait so you meant it?"
 "Of course, I meant it. (Y/N), I think I've loved for a long time now, but it only became clear to me that day in the elevator and I know you're probably thinking that I couldn't love you that far back but I'm pretty sure I did." He took a breath and you went to tell how you felt but then he just continued. "I analyzed it over and over, you know; like game footage. It was the way we could just talk to one another so easily and the way you'd smile at me. It's always been that way for us and I tried to fight it because I just thought that it would interfere with hockey and all my plans, but that day it all just became so clear. I actually didn't want the elevator to start back up." You knew exactly what he meant for you'd felt that way as well. "All I know is that, I just wanted it to be you and me at dinner and then the whole Christian thing happened. (Y/N), I swear I've never wanted to rip someone to shreds the way I did him. Fuck, that's not what this is about." He raked a hand through his hair. "And I know this is sudden and our whole relationship hasn't been normal by any means. Hell, I only took you on a real date two weeks ago, but I love you, and I can't hold it back anymore. And it's ok if you don't say it back, I get that this is soon, but I need you to know how I feel." His hands grabbed yours at some point and he pulled back just a little bit to gauge your reaction.
 "Is it my turn now?" You asked considering he hadn't let you speak for the last couple minutes, and he nodded. "I love you too, Sid." His smile went from ear to ear and you had a hard time not kissing him right then, but there were things you wanted to say too. "I was so scared to give you my heart after that night at the Fleury's. I thought we had a real connection, but then you just sort of iced me out, but I couldn't fight all these feelings I had for you. You just sort of wormed your way back into my heart, even though it was trying to shut the door on you." Taking his hands, you wrapped them behind your back so that not an inch of space was between the two of you. "And you're right this hasn't been normal, but I wouldn't change one bit of it. It's just made me love you more each day." You were tired of talking then and kissed Sid hard, your hands going around his neck as he pulled you even closer to his body. You'd been in Paris all of an hour and already it was living up to its name as the city of love.
 When you finally broke apart for air, Sid looked at you saying, "I can't believe this went down this way, but I don't ever think I've been happier in my life."
 "Hmm, not even when you won the cup?"
 He shook his head. "Not even then," he admitted and you had to say you were a bit shocked. "Maybe I'll be happier if we win the cup again, so I can celebrate the right way with you."
 "Oh, so I'd be allowed to wrap my legs around you on national television and kiss you senseless like Anna did Geno?" Of course, you were teasing but you wouldn't mind having that moment with him.
 His hands slid down to your ass, where he grabbed you so that you could do that exact thing right then. "Babe, you can do this anytime you want." The fact that you felt him hard against your core even through your clothes wasn't lost on you.
 "I love you so much, Sid."
 "I love you too, (Y/N)." His mouth was back on yours then, and you kissed him with all the love you felt in your body.
 "Make love to me Sid," you finally breathed out and that stupid lopsided grin that you loved so much came out as he carried you back inside the suite to the bedroom. "Watch the…" you said but it was too late as he tripped over the one suitcase and you both went stumbling onto the bed. Sid tumbling down on top of you. "Oof!" When his body landed on you it momentarily took your breath away, but as soon as you recovered you started to laugh.
 "You ok?" Sid asked all serious and you giggled out a yes as he rolled you both to his side, joining you in laughter. "Boy, I've really blown it in the romance department today."
 You cupped his cheek making sure he was looking you in the eyes. "I wouldn't change a thing." Your lips locked with his and all the silliness of moments ago were gone. Sid's hands roamed all over your body, as your leg hooked around his hips pulling your body close to his. Neither of you were in a hurry, just lazily loving one another. Grabbing the hem of your shirt, Sid gently lifted it over your head, breaking the kiss that had been going on for some time, though your lips returned to each other immediately.
 His hands skimmed along your back; fingertips still calloused from the season, but it still sent shivers over your body. There were times when things with Sidney were so heated and rushed, but this was not wanted them. It was as if both of you just wanted to take things slow; love every inch of each other's body. His hand swept through your hair, pushing it back from your face as his mouth continued to devour yours. Your hand snuck under his shirt, and you raked your nails across his abdomen, feeling it contract under your fingertips. It was that movement that had him pulling back so that he pull the garment off. He settled back down beside you and you two continued your unhurried pace.
 Time seemed to not exist anymore as you caressed and loved one another. When you couldn't take it anymore, you rolled your hips into him. Sid took the cue and pulled your leggings and panties down your legs. His hands spread your legs as he crawled his way back up. "You're so beautiful (Y/N)." His lips wandered up your inner thighs, kissing and nibbling his way to your core. You could feel his breath as his mouth hovered there and you resisted the urge to lift your hips up to him. Sid's tongue trailed over your slit, just soft little licks making you ache for more. He avoided your clit, as he delved deeper into your pussy. Your hips rising seeking more yet enjoying his mouth on you. His hand stole up to your abdomen and gently pressed down as his tongue worked its magic. Your hands fisted into the sheets, and you moaned out in ecstasy. Two fingers pushed inside you and you sucked in a sharp breath, your walls clenching around them. It was his mouth though that had your hips bucking into him when he sucked hard on your clit. Your juices flooded his fingers as they pumped in and out of you, making a come-hither motion. That simple movement was all it took and you were screaming out his name as your orgasm ripped through your body. Your legs tensed around Sid's head and his arm moved to hold you in place as he worked you through the climax.
 As you slumped back against the mattress, Sid stalked his way up your body. Juices coating his lips, as he kissed you. He flexed his hips into yours and you could feel him hard against you. Using strength that you weren't sure you had, you pushed Sid so that his back was flat against the bed. The button on pants came undone with a simple flip, and then he was lifting his hips for you to drag them as well as his boxers off his body. Cock now free you licked your lips before pulling your hair from around your face so you could dive right in. Your tongue snuck out, circling around the head of his shaft and you could taste the precum that oozed out of the slit. Sid's hand stole down to touch your cheek tenderly as your lips wrapped around his member. He hissed in a breath as you took him in, hollowing out your cheeks. What little you couldn't take, your hand clasped pumping it up and down, in time with your mouth. His hips pushed slightly into you, making him hit the back of your throat. It wasn't long after that, that Sid was lifting you off his cock. You knew he didn't want to finish in your mouth, that he'd want to be deep inside your pussy when he finally came and you wanted that as well.
 Your body lay on top of him, legs resting on either side of his hips, as his hands came down to grip your ass. He shifted you both so that your positions were reversed and he hovered above you. He pulled back from a deep kiss that you'd been sharing. Your eyes connecting with his instantly. "I love you (Y/N)." The words easily falling off his lips and caused your heart to flip. It was everything that you'd dreamed it would be and you found yourself getting choked up at your first attempt to return the sentiment.
 "I love you too, Sid." Your hand tenderly cupping his cheek as you drew his mouth to yours. He slowly entered you then. His cock sliding in between your wet folds. Hands entwining, he pressed them on either side of your head as he moved in and out of your body. That familiar rhythm the two of you shared falling into place so easily. It was as if your bodies were made for each other and no one else. While you'd always fit perfectly together this time it was like finding that piece of the puzzle that had been missing and putting it in. You were just complete.
 Sid picked up speed and that tingle built inside you, making its way to the surface. "I love you," he breathed out once more, sending you over the edge as your eyes locked with his. A single tear escaped your eye at his declaration, for there was just so much love, joy, and happiness it couldn't be contained. He followed you a few thrusts later.
 His forehead fell to yours and you whispered out another "I love you," before placing the sweetest kiss to his lips. You felt more tears forming and Sid pulled back, making sure you were ok. "I've never been happier," you breathed out reassuring him as he kissed your tears away. You'd never felt more cherished or loved then you did at that moment and god willing it would always be that way.  
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Rating: G
Summary:  An offhand curiosity leads to Ladybug and Chat Noir riding his baton up as high as it can go. Or, as high as it can go before they get distracted. (It's just nerves about the height that has Ladybug's stomach in knots, she swears.) Ladynoir oneshot for @lovesquarefluffweek, dedicated to @rosekasa who made me a ladynoir stan
Word Count: 3511
Marinette rested her hands on her hips, watching in amusement as her partner finished wedging his staff in the crack in the dilapidated rooftop.
“This is a horrible idea,” she said idly.
His tongue stuck out as he tried wiggling the stick, ensuring that it was secured fast.  “Come on, Bugaboo, none of your ideas have ever been horrible.”
Strictly speaking, this wasn’t her idea. She’d only wondered how far Chat’s baron could extend, if its length was as infinite as her yo-yo’s string.  It was her ridiculous, adrenaline-junkie partner who wanted to ride the baton up as far as it could go.  
Not that it was that dangerous, really.  They’d done it a few times to scout for some akuma or another during attacks.  Besides, it would be nice to see the city from such a height without a threat looming over them—or below them.
“It wasn’t an idea. It was a question,” she still said on principle. “I didn’t think you were actually going to test it.”  
He rested his chin on the top of the baton and grinned.  “How long have you known me? I’m not majoring in Physics for nothing.” 
“You’re not majoring in Physics.”  She leaned in to flick his nose, which only made him grin wider.  “Not for another two months, and not ever if you become a pancake by pulling some stupid stunt before then.”  
“How could I hurt myself?  I’ll have my amazing partner right there to catch me if I fall.”  He winked.
Her stomach twisted like pretzel dough—from nerves about the height, that was all.
“Don’t go treating me like a parachute, kitty.  I’ll be more likely to rip my arm out of its socket if I have to yo-yo us out of this.”  
Or she’d have to use Lucky Charm and hope for an actual parachute, but it probably wouldn’t come to that.  Silly as her kitty could be, he never let her down when it mattered.
“Don’t worry.  I’ll be extra careful, I Pawmise.”  He crossed his heart with one claw, still grinning like he was already on top of the world.  
Ridiculous or not, this idea was worth it just to see him so excited.  He’d been bouncing all night since she’d agreed.  
“You’d better,” she warned, though her voice was warm.  
His grin reached Cheshire proportions as he wrapped one arm securely around the metal staff and extended the other to her.  “One catapult, going up.”
“Oh no.”  She laughed.  “Points for the pun, but please don’t tell me you’re going to launch us.” 
“I already said I’ll be careful.  Don’t tell me the fearless Ladybug is actually scared?”
“Pffff, you wish.  You just want me to hold on tighter.”  Her fingers threaded through his teasingly before slipping out just as he tried to kiss her knuckles.  
His lips pursed in a pout.  “You know me too well, my Lady.  ...But seriously, please hold on. I know you can catch yourself if you have to, but I’d really rather not drop you in the first place.”
“That makes two of us.”
She wrapped one arm around his waist and secured the other at his shoulder.  His feet lifted off the ground to brace against the staff, leaving his thigh as a comfortable seat.  
Enjoying this, huh?  She almost expected him to tease as she snuggled closer—because she did want to be safe.  It was almost disappointing when he neglected to quip though.  Maybe she wasn’t clinging tightly enough after all.
“So high do you think we’ll go?”  He asked, holding her by the waist as she finished getting settled.  “Think we’ll be dodging planes tonight?”
“I doubt it.  Even if we technically could go that high, we shouldn’t.  It’ll be freezing up there.”  
“What, afraid I won’t be able to keep you warm?”  He teased with a gentle nuzzle to the size of her head.
Had it always been this difficult to keep from leaning into his touch?  Not that she couldn’t, but, well—if she gave into his jokes, he’d have no reason to continue.
“Why don’t you just focus on getting us up there at all.”  She kept her voice flat, hiding any trace of that brief thought.
“Whatever you say, Bugaboo.”
For all his earlier joking, their ascent started fairly slow, more like an elevator than a catapult.  It gave her plenty of time to take in the sights below—the warm lights flickering from windows, divided by the dark swath of the Seine.  Streets radiating out from the Arc de Triomphe like spokes on a wheel, cars inching their way down them like little lightningbugs.  And of course, the Eiffel Tower, sparkling in the distance, a homing beacon that never failed to bring a smile to her lips.
Paris.  Their city.
“Pretty amazing, huh,” Chat breathed beside her. With their arms around each other and the glittering lights below, it was easy to pretend they were rulers surveying their kingdom.
...Chat had must have been calling Marinette Princess too much.  Or else his My Lady’s were going to her head.
Royal daydreams or not, though, there was no one she’d rather have beside her—no one else she could have beside her. And not just because it was his baton that held them aloft, his embrace that made her feel as secure as if she stood on solid ground.  She would have been crushed under the weight of her superhero mantle if he weren’t there to share it.  Staring down at just how many people depended on them, it was impossible to forget that.
“Does it ever feel like too much?”  She whispered the doubt that had been nagging at her more and more lately. She tried to stay strong for the team’s morale, but when it was just her partner and the hushed sky, her necessary barriers wore thin.  
“Does what feel like too much?”  He replied just as quietly.  His face turned to hers, emerald irises glinting in the moonlight, closer than she’d prepared herself to handle.
The pretzel twist in her stomach made a reappearance, but she was hardly thinking about the height.
“You know.  All of this.”  She couldn’t let go to gesture to the glowing city beneath them, but he seemed to understand anyway.  “We’re the only ones standing between all of them and two adult supervillains. And even after all these years, we still haven’t found them.”
Her voice cracked a little on that last sentence. The uncomfortable truth they’d been dancing around for the last few months—longer, really, but it became more and more urgent as lycee ended and they prepared to go to University. Most of their team of miraculous wielders (not Chat, of course) would be leaving Paris. This was the last summer they would be together, and the last summer they could be kids, only they hadn’t really been kids for four years now thanks to Hawkmoth and Mayura—
And maybe that was why she agreed to this crazy idea.  Because they were kids, dang it, and she deserved to do something silly and dumb with the one person she trusted more than anyone in the world.  She wanted to spend time with him outside of taking down Hawkmoth’s villain of the day.  She wanted them to just be together.
Wait.  Not together, together—just, like, as friends.  Who could spend time together without wearing magical suits and masks.  She wanted to sew them matching shirts, and text him cat memes at two a.m., and kick his butt at video games.  Which she could do as Marinette, but—she wanted him to know it was her, too.
The sheer force of that longing took her by surprise, and only multiplied her hatred for Hawkmoth a hundredfold.
“Hey, Little Bug,” Chat said softly.  His arm tightening around her dissolved the complicated web of her thoughts.  “We’re going to find him.  And it’s not just us anymore.  Pegasus is analyzing all the data Rena’s collected, remember?  And we’ve got her and Carapace alternating patrols with Ryuuko and Viperion.  We can even call in Queen Bee or Bunnyx or King Monkey if we need to.  We’ve never been closer to taking Hawkmoth down.”
He was right.  They weren’t alone.  They never would’ve survived the combined powers of Hawkmoth and Mayura if it weren’t for their team, especially since sentimonsters started regularly joining the fray two years ago.
Still, there was something about sitting with Chat among the pinprick stars that brought her back to before then.  When it was just the two of them against the world.
Was it weird that she sometimes missed that?
“I know,” she murmured.  Her forehead leaned against his chest, where the steady thump-thump of his heart calmed her own.  “Sorry, Chat.  I shouldn’t worry.”
“I don’t think anyone could stop you from worrying.”  His chin rested on her head, his warmth and familiar scent cocooning her.  Roses and leather and cheese, juxtaposed in a way that was so uniquely him.  “I doubt Paris would still be standing if you didn’t worry.  But it’s going to be okay.  I promise.”
The rational part of her brain wanted to ask how he could say that.  The newspapers cried out against them at every mistake, at every day that drew them closer to the fifth anniversary of Hawkmoth’s appearance.
But the other part of her brain, the part that had worked in tandem with him long enough that trusting him was second nature, calmed at his reassurance.  
“Who knows,” he continued.  “Maybe we’ll kick Hawkmoth’s butt before summer ends, and then we can throw a party before everyone splits for University.  The whole team can show up.  We’ll get Multimouse to bring the pastries.  Carapace can blast us some sick tunes.  I’m sure Queen Bee can get us a venue…”
Marinette giggled at the thought of all the miraculous wielders, unmasked and just hanging out like normal friends, no more worries than what they were going to do in University.  Alix and Kim would probably (definitely) end up in some kind of competition, powered by their miraculouses or not.  Luka would serenade Kagami with his guitar instead of Viperion’s lyre.  Speaking of which, Marinette wondered if Adrien’s brief stint as Aspik would mean he would be there… and how he would get along with Chat Noir.  For some reason, she had a feeling it would be odd to see them together.
Regardless, it was a dream worth fighting for.  A dream worth hoping for.
“I’m sure Multimouse would love that,” she said, hiding her smirk against his collarbone.  By the time such a party could happen, Chat would know the truth about her dual identity, anyway.  “I know I would.”
“There’s only one thing that would make it better.”  Chat’s voice turned teasing.
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”
He didn’t answer as they passed through a cloud, the dampness much colder and all around wetter than she was prepared for.  She shivered and sneezed, feeling her pigtails cling to the back of her neck.  Chat chuckled and brushed them aside.  His claws lingered for the briefest of moments on the sliver of skin between her suit and hairline.
“A private party,” he said softly.  “Just the two of us, before everyone else.”
She pulled back just enough to see his eyes again, intending to tease him about what kind of party he was asking for—but the sincerity and softness in his features stopped her short.
“Yeah.  So we can… I mean, I know I want…” he swallowed for a moment before quietly finishing, “I want you to be the first one to know who I am.”
They didn’t talk about revealing their identities often—mostly because she made it clear that they couldn’t, and she already thought about it enough without tempting either of them by saying it out loud.  He was Chat Noir, her partner and best friend, no matter who he was under the mask.
But maybe they should talk about it more, if he thought she would want anything else.
“Of course, Kitty.”  Carefully, since they were hundreds of kilometers in the air, she moved the arm at his waist to wrap around the back of his neck instead.  A few of his damp locks tickled her fingers even though the suit.  “I’ve always wanted you to be the first, too.”
His smile could’ve powered the whole city below.  “Then it’s settled. Pegasus finds Hawkbutt next week.  We storm the castle, Queen Bee Venoms him and Mayura, you rip their miraculouses off, we pound it, and we throw the biggest party Paris has ever seen.”
His optimism, if unrealistic, was contagious.  She felt the hope untangling knots in her chest as she laughed again.
“I should’ve left the planning to you, Chaton.  Maybe then we’d have beaten Hawkmoth already.”
“Nah, we all know you’re the brains of the operation, Bugaboo.  I’m just here to look pretty.”  He flipped his soggy hair, and his bangs hit his forehead with a fwap.  
She couldn’t help the laugh that burst from her.  “You’re such a dork.  I love you.”
He froze solid as one of Style Queen’s statues.  She half expected him to turn to gold, for his warmth to bleed out like the color currently draining from her face.
She said— 
She’d said she loved him.  
She’d said she loved him, and the words had come out as easy as breathing, as sure as the pounding of her heart.  How—why?  She didn’t love him, not like that, she couldn’t couldn’t she’d told herself that long ago—
But any denials caught in her lungs, trapped like the dark butterflies snared by her yo-yo.  Only when the words were fully purified were they released again.
“I—I love you,” she whispered.  
She hadn’t meant to say it once, much less twice—but with the repetition the truth of it snapped firmly into place.  She didn’t know when her kitty had snuck past her defenses, slipped past her blinding crush on Adrien, dodged all the logical reasons she had for not falling for him.  
But he had.
She loved Chat Noir.  Of course she did.
“You—but you—is there an akuma?”  He stammered, eyes wide and disbelieving.  She’d been turning down his off-and-on (mostly on) flirting for four years now; of course he wouldn’t assume she was serious.
“No, Kitty.”  Her laugh felt suffocating.  After all this time she’d been trying to confess to Adrien, and now, when her target was her Kitty, her mouth didn’t give her a choice.
Maybe that was for the best.  She would always have a special place in her heart for Adrien, but Chat—Chat was her home.  Her partner, her friend, her everything.  
The twisting in her stomach finally unwound, swelling into something that she could hardly contain.  His face was so close, his lips still parted from the three words she’d dropped on him.  It would be so easy to lean in and kiss the shock from his face, until he melted in her arms, until they both believed this was real.
But Chat had always respected her boundaries, and she would do the same for him.  Besides, what if he didn’t feel the same anymore, if his flirting was just habit?  And she’d just blurted out her feelings before even she realized them—what if she ruined the comfortable companionship they shared?
No.  No, she knew better than that.  Even if he didn’t feel the same, nothing could tear the two of them apart. 
“I know I’m late, but—if you still want me—”
“My Lady.”  She felt more than heard the tremor of emotion in his voice.  “I’ll always want you.  I always have.”
Was this real?  How had she gone from flirting with her partner to baring her heart to him?  The liquid moonlight washed aside her walls. His golden hair was spun silver in its glow, and her hands ran through it involuntarily.  She was lucky Chat had returned his grip to her waist, because otherwise she might have accidentally slipped off him.
As much as his words made her feel like she could fly, it was best not to test that theory.
“Thanks for waiting for me, Chaton.”  She rested her forehead against his, still shaking with the realization and love and longing and—how had she ignored this feeling?  How long had she wanted him to kiss her senseless before her mind would admit it?
It didn’t matter.  She knew now, and the electricity that sparked between them wouldn’t let her forget anytime soon.
“You know I’d wait forever for you.  I love you.”  His breath fanned across her cheeks, soft and hot and everything she hoped his lips would be.  “I love you so so much, Ladybug, I—”
He might be willing to wait forever, but she wasn’t.  Her lips consumed whatever it was he was going to say next— 
And all she knew was that he tasted like coming home.
He matched her passion with a surprising sweetness.  It wasn’t the intense kiss she was expecting, but maybe that was for the best.  He was the only thing keeping them from plummeting to the ground far below, and distracting him probably wasn’t the best idea, but frankly after that first touch of lips she was so gone they could’ve fallen and she wouldn’t have noticed— 
He yelped against her mouth.  Had she done something wrong?  She hadn’t kissed a boy since Luka two years ago, but she couldn’t be that bad— 
Oh.  She hadn’t noticed.
Gravity really wasn’t supposed to be tugging in that direction.  And the wind wasn’t supposed to be blowing up.
And Chat’s baton wasn’t supposed to be slipping through his fingers.
Gah!  She barely had time to think as his arms tightened around her middle so he was hugging her from below.  What was he thinking?  Did he expect to cushion her fall?
Jolting out of oh-my-gosh-I’m-kissing-Chat mode, she threw her yo-yo from her hip and lassoed the still-upright baton.  Only miraculous magic could be holding it steady, especially when she yanked them towards it—
And in a jumble of limbs and string, she promptly tangled them against the metal length.
She heard a sharp crack, followed by a dizzy groan. 
“Chat, oh my gosh, are you okay?” The world was still spinning; she couldn’t turn to see him. Mostly because her back was pressed flush against his chest.
“Purrfectly fine, my Lady.” His laugh sounded near her ear. “I always knew you’d sweep me off my feet.”
She rolled her eyes, unsure if she wanted to laugh or groan.  She was so stupid.  Making out with Chat with nothing but a pole holding them up?  Yes, that sounded like something from her romantic fantasies (which she wasn’t supposed to have with him, but—shh), but she should’ve known better in real life!
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?” She muttered.
He hummed thoughtfully. That sound should not have made her shiver, she was just—it was just cold. Even though his body was hot against her back.
Yeah, she wasn’t kidding anyone.
“I could be purrsuaded to forget,” he said to her surprise.
“Oh, yeah?” 
“Mm-hmm.” His chin rested on her shoulder. “For the low price of fifty more kisses.”
“Fifty?” She choked, face heating. Fifty brushes of his lips on hers, of his laugh filling her lungs— “I—I don’t know. Actually, you’re the one who let go of the staff. I might’ve kissed you first, but you’re the one who should be getting teased.”
“Fair enough. A hundred kisses, then. Fifty for me to forget, and fifty for you to forgive me for dropping you.”
“Bold words from a guy who couldn’t even handle kissing me once.” She would’ve flicked his bell if her arms weren’t trapped over his around her middle.
“Ah, it just means I need more practice!”
She twisted her head just enough to stick her tongue out at him. “You won’t get any practice if you don’t get us down from here.”
“Oh. Uh. About that… I can’t reach the button.” He laughed awkwardly. “You mind untangling us?”
The magical properties of her yo-yo meant she could still retract the string even tangled as it was, but it would take a minute to lasso them back to the baton properly this time.
“Only if you don’t mind falling again.” 
“For you? Never,” he said with a quick kiss to her cheek.
She shook her head.  She refused to be distracted by him this time, even if his smell was everywhere, more dizzying than their brief fall through the clouds.
“You’re such a dork.”
“But you love me,” he practically sang.
Despite the fact that they were hanging in an awkward position hundreds of meters in the air, her nerves vanished completely.
“Yeah, Kitty. I do.”
(That truth was far more important than learning how far Chat’s baton could extend, anyway.)
[And then next week they beat hawkbutt and ship him and nathalie off to jail and everyone in the whole team comforts Adrien and he and marinette live happily ever after with a hamster]
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kpopwriters0526 · 4 years
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you just came back from groceries shopping and are now in the kitchen to start preparing lunch. you have decided to make some pasta since your husband just returned from tour. in the meanwhile jeonghan is sitting in your daughter’s bedroom, apparently showing her pictures: „Min, here you see dad in one of the capsules of the london eye. we went here after this one... that’s the arc de triomphe in paris. it’s pretty isn’t it?“ however your daughter was not interested at all. „did you bring me anything, dad?” you smile at the answer of the cheeky toddler. „yes; of course i didn’t forget to bring my princess something“, you hear jeonghan and shortly after, there is the sound of gift wrapping paper being ripped and the joyful squeaking of Min. „thank you dad! can i wear it now? it is so fluffly, look“, Min gasps. you wonder what jeonghan had brought her home. the tradition of bringing her something home started, when he had to leave shortly after Min was born. Since then he had brought her something from every country he had visited and she treasures all of the items. your thoughts are being interrupted when Min is proudly bolting in the kitchen. On her head she is wearing a bright red beret and in her arms she holds a teddy bear with a loop written Harrods on it. „mama, look what dad gave to me“, she exclaims excitedly, „the teddy bear is going to be my favourite. i’m gonna call him mister fluff!“ you cannot help but smile at her with adoration, while jeonghan leans against the door frame and watches the two of you fondly. god, he is so in love with you.
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The End
Part 6 of the fic I am a Puppet, and Father Has My Strings (AO3)
Part 1 Here
Part 2 Here
Part 3 Here
Part 4 Here
Part 5 Here
Ladybug stood atop the Arc De Triomphe. It was nearly 2:00 AM on this Sunday morning, and she appeared wide awake. 
Rena Rouge and Carapace joined her soon enough. Carapace looked confused, while Rena looked like she had just been pulled out of bed.
“Ladybug, what’s -” yawn, “going on? Can’t it wait -”
“We’re fighting Hawkmoth. Right now.”
That woke Rena up.
“Wha- you mean right now right now?”
Before Ladybug could answer, Carapace cut in,
“Marinette, who is Hawkmoth? Where is he? How did you find him?”
Ladybug sighed.
“Yes Alya, it’s me, your best friend Marinette Dupain-Cheng. To answer your question, Nino, you gave me the answer yourself.”
Carapace paled. “No way. He cannot be that evil!”
“I’m afraid that he is.”
“Who?! Who is Hawkmoth?!”
“Hawkmoth is Gabriel Agreste. We’re going to go to his lair, which is in his mansion judging from the fact that he never leaves the place, we’re going to save Adrien and Chat Noir, we’re going to take Hawkmoth’s Miraculous, and you’re going to stop me from murdering him in front of his son.”
“All good except for the last part, dudette.”
“Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s really going to carry out that last bit.”
“Fair enough. Here’s the plan.”
One explanation later, our heroes silently crept to the large and obvious butterfly window in the back of the Agreste Mansion. As they were about to enact the first stage of the plan, they heard screams emanating from the inside of the lair.
“I’m sorry! Father, please, I’m sorry! It - It hurts! Stop, please!”
Sobs echoed from within, until they heard a crack! and a moment later, a heavy thump.
“Sending codes? Did you really think that we wouldn’t notice, Adrien? Your mother would be ashamed. You don’t really love her, do you? If you did, then surely you would be a bit more grateful that we’re letting you keep your Miraculous until we get that insect’s. Surely you would be more grateful that we have found a way to bring her back. Surely you would at least attempt to help her. But no. You cry and whine endlessly, about friends this and Ladybug that. You are pathetic. You cannot set aside your feelings for the sake of others, not even for an instant! You are not my son. I have no son.”
Another crack. More sobs.
“I’m sorry...” was heard, faintly.
Ladybug peeked into the window, even though she knew that she probably didn’t want to see inside.
She saw Chat Noir, huddled on the ground, curled into the fetal position, with Hawkmoth standing over him, and Mayura was just behind Hawkmoth and to his right. Chat was crying, whispering, “I’m sorry, Father, please forgive me,” over and over again. He began to cough, and it racked his whole body, and distantly she saw splotches of red hit the floor near his mouth.
Ladybug was about to jump in and kill Hawkmoth with her bare hands, she’ll rip him limb from limb -
“Mari, the plan!”
Ladybug made herself still. Her Chat was also Adrien. She’ll have to kick herself about this later, but now wasn’t the time.
A few moments later, Hawkmoth saw Ladybug enter his lair, coming towards him from the catwalk. She appeared to be flanked by two other heroes, the fox on her right, the turtle on her left.
Loud, slow, sarcastic applause rang out throughout the lair.
“Congratulations, Hawkass. You win the award for shittiest father of the year. Honestly, disowning your son for not being a supervillain and calling him selfish for - wait for it - helping people? You’ll be a tough act to follow, I’m sure!”
“Give me your Miraculous, Ladybug. We can end this peacefully.”
“Oh, I’m sure we can, Mr. Son Beater!”
“You get her Miraculous, I can handle the sidekicks -”
“Nathalie, don’t risk it -”
“Let’s cut the chatter and get to the good bit, huh?”
Both sides leaped into action. Nobody could land a hit on anyone.
Mayura was closest to the window. Her back was to it, and she was looking at what she thought was Carapace, until a yoyo wrapped around her waist, which wasn’t possible because Ladybug was on the other side of the lair, and she was forcibly pulled outside. The real Carapace held one hand on her mouth, and his other arm was securely around her waist. Ladybug quickly yanked her Miraculous off of her, and she detransformed into Nathalie Sancoeur.
“I should have him drop you.”
Nathalie shook her head and whimpered to her, pleading. She heard sirens passing by, but that was just city noise. She hoped.
“We’ve got to deal with your boss, first.”
And with that, Ladybug swung her yoyo again, pinning Hawkmoth’s arms to his sides, just in time for the illusions to disappear, along with Rena. She was in the alley behind the mansion, recharging her kwami.
“Lucky Charm,” whispered Ladybug. In her hand appeared a fishing rod.
“I know just what to do with this!”
Ladybug pulled on her yoyo string, just enough to turn Hawkmoth around, and cast the reel.
It landed just where she’d aimed - his Miraculous. She pulled, and he detransformed into Gabriel Agreste.
At that moment, Rena Rouge hopped back up on the roof. Our heroes, with Carapace dragging in Nathalie, dropped into the lair. He threw her on the ground next to her villainous boss.
“Rena, your speech was perfect, except for the cursing. I really couldn’t have said it better myself. The police are here, Gabriel. Oh, they’re going to love this! Hawkmoth and Mayura, down in one night! And the press is going to have a field day! Your brand won’t be worth the dirt on my shoes by this time tomorrow. But hey, you’ve alienated your only living family that can possibly help you in this situation! I hope that you’re satisfied with your decisions. Really. Miraculous Ladybug!”
She threw her yoyo in the air, just as the police finished handcuffing both former supervillains. They had gotten into the lair by following the instructions that Ladybug had given them - just because Chat Noir wasn’t able to tell her Hawkmoth’s name didn’t mean that he was useless.
Her healing ladybugs flew around, but there was hardly anything to fix - the only thing that they swirled around was Chat’s unconscious form.
Her earring beeped, and she rushed into the nearest door that she could find. It was some kind of storage closet, and Marinette quietly thanked her lucky stars that this wasn’t where police and/or paparazzi would be.
Tikki quickly recharged, and Ladybug stepped out in time to see Rena and Carapace help Chat sit up off the ground.
She ran. She ran like she never had before, and she nearly bowled him over again in a giant hug, and she was crying, and he was crying, and they were okay.
He was alive. And that's all that Ladybug could ask for.
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mikauzoran · 5 years
Chat Blanc Rocks the Eyeliner
Live reaction to the Chat Blanc episode under the cut. ^o^
Alix has sweet moves! I’m so pleased to see her. I love Alix, so whenever there’s Alix in an episode, I’m happy.
Dude, Rose! Yikes. I mean, I knew she had it in her, but the difference between knowing she has an intense, jump-down-your-throat, “you will do as I say because I am sick of your tomfoolery!!” side and then actually seeing that side of her in action... Rose can be intimidating, and I love it.
I love that Juleka brought her (it’s a bass, right? She plays bass? I mean, I’m sure she plays guitar too, but... Sorry. I’m more familiar with classical instruments. Like, I can tell “That’s a violin...viola...cello...double bass” more easily than I can differentiate between electric guitars and basses. ^.^;) and is just strumming it in the background. ^.^
Even when Adrien wins the fencing tournament, it’s not enough to get his father’s attention because work is more important in the Agreste household. Sad day. (Don’t worry. We’ll fix it in post--I mean fanfiction.)
It’s bigger on the inside! Like a TARDIS!! Doctor Who reference!!! It actually kind of reminds me of the Tenth Doctor’s TARDIS on the inside with all of those...circle/bubble things. See the TARDIS interiors and tell me I’m wrong.
The bowl still doesn’t make sense, but whatever.
The bloody Montparnasse Tower! WHY?! Why weren’t you destroyed when everything else of beauty was?! Why do only you remain, you gigantic eyesore?! (It ruins the skyline of Paris. It’s something I feel strongly about. ^.^)
Awwww. Sweet Baby Blanc. I’m really glad that he has feelings…even if they’re a little manic depressive. I actually love him.
Wow. Did he just say that the akuma was in his heart…but she had already broken that? That was beautiful. That was grade A snark. I loved that.
Kind of wanted Chat Blanc’s Cataclysm to be something other than “Super Cataclysm”, but… Oh, well. The little spirit gun (Yu Yu Hakusho anyone?) bullets he fired were neat.
At the death of the Montparnasse Tower: YEEEEESSSSS! Die, you monstrosity! It’s like the time in Anansi when they destroyed that freaking Ferris wheel in the Place de la Concorde. I hate that thing too. If you stand near the Louvre and look through the arch at the Place du Carrousel, there’s a clear view down the Champs-Élysées to the Arc de Triomphe at the other end (They line up!!!)…that gets a little obstructed by that bloody Ferris wheel. :/ The view between the two arches is a wondrous feat of architecture and planning that gets ruined by the Roue de Paris.
So…I’m disappointed in canon Gabriel on a couple different levels. Like, I know he’s really hyper-focused on his plan, but messing with Adrien’s love life…that’s not okay, Gabe. That’s really bad parenting. Also, unacceptable reaction to finding out your son is Chat Noir. You’re supposed to feel remorse for having hurt him. You’re supposed to be horrified and have character development and stuff. I like Nathalie’s reaction of shock better. Maybe she can talk some sense into her man.
I think…I’m going to take my Gabriel headcanons and go back to my fanfiction where they’ll be safe from canon. I feel like canon is missing out on some really interesting exploration of character psychology by making Gabriel a kind of flatter villain. He has so much potential to be a compelling character!
Gorilla gets the prize. I’ve always thought he would be really fond of Adrien and secretly care about his emotional wellbeing. I’m glad we got that scene where he let Adrien go after Marinette. It made me feel better.
Less neat is giving your child the power of infinite destruction, Gabriel. Trust me. I have destructive puppy children. Giving them free reign is a bad idea. Things get broken. People get hurt. Solar systems get hurt. The whole Milky Way Galaxy could get hurt, Gabriel. Bad idea.
On the subject of Adrien’s names…Adrien Émile ? ? Athanase Agreste? What are the other two names if Athanase is the fifth one? Because Émile is definitely one of them. You can rip that out of my cold, dead hands. I wonder how many prénoms he has.
Alix is secretly The Doctor from Doctor Who. There. I said it. I love her even more now.
I looooove Chat Blanc’s eyeliner. He rocks it!
The Lady Noir moment at the end made me happy. I’m really glad that no present timeline Adriens were hurt in the making of this episode. At the end of the day, I really just want my baby boy to be happy.
*Looks intimidatingly at writers* Give him his foursome with Luka, Marinette, and Kagami and let him be happy already. Adrien deserves all the good things.
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blogs-from-europe · 4 years
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We did not intend to come to Paris. We had planned ot head to Venice, but the coronavirus outbreak in northern Italy was kicking off and it seemed stupid to charge into the middle of it. Instead, we re-routed to Paris with no real plans for what we were going to do for the next month.
We took the Eurostar high speed train from London to Paris: there was wifi, cushy chairs, and some catered snacks we purchased from Marks & Spencers. The dining in London was meh, but their store-bought snacks blow Australia out of the water. Down with the Coles / Woolworths duopoly!
We arrived into Paris around 9pm and walked from the train station to our hotel. This may displease some of the parents reading this missive, but Matt and I did not check Smart Traveller before booking to go to Paris. It turns out that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade considers France quite dangerous! The whole country has been slapped with an "Exercise a high degree of caution” warning, and this isn’t because of the coronavirus, this is down to the amount of violent crime tourists are likely to encounter (armed robberies on trains, car theft, etc.) and the riots. Oh and the likelihood of terrorist attacks. We certainly noticed in France that the cops were heavily armed: we saw a police officer cradling a machine gun during a friendly exchange with a citizen to give directions.
On our Sunday night walk from the train station to our hotel, the streets were mostly empty. We passed a number of sex shops, massage parlours with red lights, groups of men standing around apparently doing nothing, sex workers, and suspicious men selling cigarettes on street corners. We were on high alert for pick-pockets and the violent crimes which Smart Traveller had warned us about: with our enormous backpacks we were effectively wearing neon signs saying ‘We are tourists! Please rob us!’. Despite our fears we made it to the hotel safely. The hotel was a last-minute booking as part of our rescheduling to avoid Italy so we didn’t have many options when booking online: I think it would be safe to say that our hotel was one of the worst in Paris. We were given tokens to access the shared shower down the hallway from our room: for our three night stay we were given four tokens, effectively rationing our showers for the stay. (Again, parents reading this may be troubled to learn that we only ended up using three of the four tokens – the person who only showered once has a name beginning with ‘M’ and ending with ‘atthew’.)    
Another charming feature of the hotel was the low ceilings, roughly only two meters in height:
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For our first day in Paris, it rained all day. 
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To stay out of the rain, we picked a couple of indoor activities: a visit to the Musee de Cluny (famous for its Lady and Unicorn tapestries and various other medieval art) and a visit to the Pantheon. After paying to get in, we realised that the Lady and Unicorn tapestries section of the museum was closed. Disappointingly, a promising section of the museum called ‘Treasures’ was also closed – I must confess, Matt and I did inadvertently go into the Treasures section and stole a fleeting glance at a magnificent tapestry before a strict Frenchman told us (in French so this may not be an exact translation) “Can’t you see this section of the museum is closed? No treasures for you! Get the hell out!”. Utimately we only got to see some old rocks and a bath. Overall rating for Musee de Cluny is 1/5. Matt observed that it should really be called the “Musee de Close-y”.  
Next we trudged uphill through heavy rain to the Pantheon. Matt had expressed his indifference towards visiting churches, but I thought Foucault’s pendulum (housed in the church) might be of interest to him. Turns out, the Pantheon has many great qualities: it’s an amazing sandstone church built in the 1700s. During the Enlightenment, the church became a sort of secular shrine to the great figures of France including writers, politicians, scientists, etc. In addition to looking through the church (which included a huge dome, Foucault’s pendulum and some cool paintings of Joan of Arc) we got to explore the crypt which was much more pleasant and well-lit than you might expect a crypt to be.
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Contrary to popular opinion, we did not find the waiters of Paris to be particularly snooty (maybe this is because we are residents of Fitzroy, which is home to many snooty waiters – mostly with fluoro hair and ripped jeans) but we did notice that they would greet us assuming we were French with a ‘Bonjour!’ or ‘Bonsoir!’ and when we would respond in attempted French they lose a little of their joie de vivre and would immediately switch to English. This was obviously intended as a kindness and did make things easier for ordering and finding a table, but meant we were robbed of the chance to practice our French. This also suggests that our pronunciation of ‘Bonjour’ is so poor that we cannot even pass for particularly uncultured or stupid Frenchmen.
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To get around we tried renting electric scooters and bikes via Uber, with mixed results: there was terror, joy, and some frustration with Uber’s capricious parking rules.
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For the super-interested, here are some other things we got up to in Paris:
Montmarte: We rode our electric bikes to Montmatre, an area famous for Sacre Coeur, an old church with a fantastic view, and the Moulin Rouge. The ride was mostly uphill, but on the electric bicycle was quite easy.
Wine tasting: We also did a wine tasting via Airbnb. Key takeaway: Chardonnay in France is not aged in oak barrels, meaning it doesn’t have that strong oaky taste (which I often find to be kind of cloying). Matt and I never really liked the taste of Australian chardonnay, so this was probably because of the barrel flavour. We also learned about tannins (broken down grape skins which appear in red wines) and about how rose is made (red grapes, but the skin is taken out sooner!)
Catacombs: There are old mines under Paris, which were the source of the sandstone used to build many of the city’s great buildings. These were later filled with bones after the central cemeteries were filled. We both regretted visiting the catacombs as it was very somber and confronting: millions of bones, hundreds of years old, piled on top of each other in a network of disused mines. Who enjoys this stuff?? We both felt sad and flat after the Catacombs, but then stopped for a hot chocolate and apple pastry which improved the mood. Afterwards we agreed to not visit any more mass graves.
Champs Elysées: We walked past the Louvre and gardens, Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe – a lovely area. We stopped for crepes and paid 1.5 euro (~$2.50 in Australian dollars) to use a public bathroom.
We also spent some time watching street hustlers. In the photo below, just below the Eiffel Tower you’ll see a ring of people in black. 
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We watched them for half an hour or so. They stand together all day pretending to play a three-shell game, betting 100 euro a pop. The idea with the game is that the dealer hides a ball under one cup, then quickly shuffles all three cups to ‘hide’ the ball - the person who paid to play can then pick the cup which they think holds the ball. If they are right, they get 200 euro; if they are wrong they lose the lot. We inferred the people dressed in black are working with the dealer, spending all day pretending to play. They win some, they lose some, they clap and say “bravo!”. The idea is to make it look like riotous good fun for people passing by so that they might be tempted to play. They’re essentially just shuffing money around within their group. A key part of the scam is that after each shuffle one of the group picks a cup which, if you’ve been paying attention to the shuffle, clearly does not hold the ball - the incorrect guess is jeered at by the group and then someone else guesses correctly to much cheering. This makes the game look easy, and probably fools observers into thinking they’re especially good at the shell game because they can find the ball every time. I can only assume that when someone is playing the game for real, the shuffle is much faster and tricker to follow.
After watching for a while, we saw a middle-aged tourist approach the group, watch from the side for a while, and then scurry away to pull cash out of his money belt. His friend tried to talk him out of it. He played anyway. We watched him lose. His friend walked off in disgust. He lost again. He walked off to find his friend. The shell game people packed up after that. I assume they also pick your pockets when they can.
There were a few more tourist-scams going around, but we didn’t have any trouble. We don’t know why these three golden retreivers were standing sentinel outside the subway...
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... but we can only assume it was a part of some kind of elaborate hoax.
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Matt and I are now in Chamonix, a ski town in the French alps. He is practicing the ukulele and I am writing this. We’re staying in an Airbnb - our hosts are have at least three cats (two of whom have deigned to let me pat them) and we were warned that if we hear a noise like someone tapping on the window during the night it is just the local deer inadvertently banging their horns on the window while they try to eat whatever bits of grass near the house aren’t under snow.
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vgckwb · 5 years
ML: Are They Worthy? Chapter 7: Nino’s Feelings!/Re: Anansi
“Ladybug and Judgement Wolf were standing over Nino. “Doesn’t this seem a little…” Ladybug began asking.
“Creepy?” Judgment Wolf finished. “I know, but I thought doing it in broad daylight would be worse. Especially because the subject has to be knocked out.”
“I see” said Ladybug.
Judgement Wolf readied his sword. “Wolf Mist!” he called. He thrust the mist onto Nino. “Alright, now to catch the little green kwami.”
“Wayzz?” asked Ladybug. “He isn’t here.”
“What?” Judgement Wolf asked. “Forget it, you can explain it to me later. Right now, I have a job to do. Take my hand.” Ladybug did. Judgement Wolf walked into the Wolf Mist with Ladybug. They are in an empty white area, and Ladybug is befuddled. Judgement Wolf put his thumb, index, and middle finger together than then separated them to bring up a screen. “This is what Nino is dreaming.” He said.
Nino was walking by himself, listening to his headphones, walking passed the ferris wheel. He takes note of the fireworks. Suddenly, a large woman with six arms, wearing headgear that looks like a spider, and whose uniform is gold and brown hops onto the ferris wheel. She begins spitting webs and then crawls up to one of the carts. She rips it off, jumps back down, and takes out one of the passengers.
“Don’t I have class with her?” Nino asked himself. The spider-lady ran off with the passenger, while another gets out. Nino rushes to her. “Are you alright?”
“NINO! It’s awful! That spider-lady took my friend Alya!” said Marinette.
Nino then remembered that this was his class rep, Marinette, and the person that the spider-lady ran off with was her friend Alya. They didn’t know each other too well, but he at least thought that this Marinette would make a better class rep than Chloe. “What should we do?” Nino asked.
“Wait, how come Nino doesn’t seem to know me too well?” Ladybug asked.
“Good question” said Judgement Wolf. “I’m not sure myself. The only thing I asked was ‘what would you do if Anansi attacked and you and Alya weren’t dating?’ I guess Nino’s mind took it to a place where you guys don’t know each other too well.”
“Well, we should try to rescue her,” said Marinette. “But, I don’t know if we can hold our own against that spider-lady.”
“Well, we’ll think of something when we get there, dudette” said Nino. “Let’s go!” Nino and Marinette ran down the web-covered Champs-Elysees and confronted the spider-lady, who had made a web in the Arc de Triomphe, and was holding Alya there. Marinette and Nino hid behind a car.
“Nora! Let me go!” Alya shouted.
“The name’s Anansi now!” Anansi said. “And I’m not going to let anything happen to my baby sister.”
“I’m not a child anymore! Let me go!” Alya kept demanding.
“Should we wait for the authorities?” Marinette asked.
“They might not shoot cause she has a hostage. The last thing we want is for your friend to get hurt” Nino said. Nino sees a metal bar by his feet. He picks it up. “Marinette. I’ll distract this Anansi character, while you see if you can’t do anything about that spider web.”
“Nino wait!” said Marinette. “What if you get hurt?”
Nino smiled. “I’ll be fine. I’ll get out of the way if the situation gets too hairy. Just focus on freeing your friend.” Nino ran out, metal bar in hand. “Hey Spider! Let her go!”
“Seriously? And what are you going to do about it?” Anansi said.
“I’ll...I’ll fight you!” Nino said.
“Now THIS I gotta see” said Anansi, climbing down.
“What are you doing?!” Alya asked.
Anansi met Nino. “Just to make this interesting, I’ll only use 10% of my strength.”
“You’re going to need that other 90% when I’m through with you!” Nino said. He swung his bar, but Anansi blocked it. She then threw a punch, which sent him to the ground. Nino got back up and charged at Anasi.
The two kept fighting. Alya watched in horror. Her sister was going to pulverize this guy. She then heard footsteps approach. She looked down and saw her friend. “Marinette?” Marinette put her finger in front of her mouth to signal to be quiet. Marinette began inspecting the web as best she could. It was far up, so she decided she needed a closer look. She found a ladder and climbed up to the web.
When she touched it however, she got stuck. “WAH!’ she yelped, as the ladder fell out from under her and she was now hanging from the web by her arm.
Anansi was staring down Nino when she heard that. She turned around and saw Marinette hanging from her web. “Thought you could fool me” said Anansi, walking toward the web.
Nino was panicking. Two of his classmates were now caught in this web. Even though he didn’t know them well, he still knew he had to do something.”Hey Anansi!” he shouted. “We’re not finished yet!”
Anansi turned back. “You still wanna go?” she said. “I’ve got better things to do.”
“What? Are you scared?!” Nino said. “Why did I say that? He said to himself.
“Scared!” said Anansi, now giving him her full attention. “Fine! If you wanna go, I’ll go! But I’m not holding back anymore!” She charged at him, readying her fists to strike.
Nino was out of breath. He was scared. But he was determined not to give up. As soon as Anansi began to punch, he jumped backward and slammed the bar against her head, sending her to the ground. Nino landed and propped himself up with the bar and was breathing heavily.
“HER HEADGEAR!” Alya shouted. “IT’S THE SOURCE OF HER POWERS!” Nino nodded, took the headgear off, and ripped it, revealing and Akuma.
Anansi turned back into Nora. “What happened?” she asked. She looked up to see Nino. “Who are you?” she asked.
“I’m just the guy that saved your sister” Nino said.
The dream started to fade into all white. Nino looked around and saw Judgement Wolf and Ladybug. “Congratulations,” Judgement Wolf said. “You passed.”
“Ladybug? And...YOU!” Nino said.
“Yes me” sad Judgement Wolf.
“Nino, how are you feeling?” Ladybug asked.
“I feel...fine” Nino said. “But what are you doing here?”
“Well, apparently Cat Noir’s dream got very intense” said Ladybug. “I just came along to see how Judgement Wolf operates. He trusts me to protect the city, so I need to trust him to do his duty.”
“Of course” said Judgement Wolf. “Trust is a two-way street. So, how did I do?”
Ladybug smiled. “I think you did fine. Just be careful when you do this.”
“I will” said Judgement Wolf. “Goodnight Nino. My kwami should meet you tomorrow to tell you what he thinks.” He grabbed Ladybug’s hand, and together they lept out of the Wolf Mist, as Nino fell back asleep.
Ladybug and Judgement Wolf leave Nino’s house. “Before we part ways, I want to get back to what you said earlier” said Judgement Wolf. “Why doesn't Nino have his miraculous with him?”
Ladybug was shocked. “The truth is, there’s a guardian of the miraculous here in the city. He lets Cat Noir and I keep our miraculouses full-time. But when other miraculouses are needed, he asks me to only give them out temporarily.”
“I see” said Judgement Wolf.
“I would like it if everyone kept their miraculouses” Ladybug said. “And I would like it if we could tell everyone who we were. But it’s just…”
“I get it” said Judgement Wolf. “You have to protect your identity from Hawk Moth. Tell you what? I do plan on meeting this guardian, but I’ll do it on his terms. Just as a courtesy to you.”
Ladybug smiled. “Thank you Judgement Wolf” she said. She left.
“I guess it’s time for me to leave as well,” said Judgement Wolf.
The next day, Nino arrived at school and walked up to Alya. “Hey Alya. Wanna go play some Super Penguino?”
“Sure thing” said Alya. The two of them went to a corner to play it.
Just as Alya was about to kiss Nino, Nino interrupted and said “There’s something I need to tell you. I got visited by Judgement Wolf last night.”
“What happened?” Alya asked.
“Well, he used his power to make me dream of a situation where Anansi was attacking. In the dream, I hardly knew who you were. Yet I still tried saving you.”
“Nino” Alya said.
“I actually kind of feel relieved” Nino said. Alya was confused. “See, I’ve been having doubts myself. The only reason I became Carapace was to save you. I sometimes wonder if I’m an actual hero. But now knowing that I’m willing to save someone I barely know, I feel better.”
“Nino” said Alya. “Come here.” She gave her boyfriend a hug.
Nino spotted Beyyo floating around. He went to whisper in Alya’s ear. “Hey, do you want to get tested as well?”
Alya thought about it. This meant having to tell someone other than Nino her secret. But as she looked into his eyes, she could see that her boyfriend came out the other end stronger and more confident. “OK” she said.
“Great” said Nino. “Hey little dude” he said, waving down Beyyo. Beyyo was shocked and hid while Alya was turning around. “No need to be shy. I just want you to meet my girlfriend. You might know her as Rena Rouge.”
Beyyo popped back in. “I was going to give you my approval, but if you go about blabbing secrets like that, I may have to reconsider.”
“Don’t worry, he asked me beforehand” said Alya. “It’s fine.”
“Are you sure about this?” Beyyo asked.
“Well, you seem dead set on testing every miraculous holder, and I’d rather you not hit my girlfriend with that Reveal Claw” said Nino. “Besides, if Ladybug trusts you, why shouldn’t I?”
Beyyo nodded and left. “Wait, when did Ladybug say she trusted him?” Alya asked.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Ladybug was with him last night” Nino said.
“Jerk. You could have told me that sooner” Alya said.
“Sorry” said Nino.
“It’s fine” said Alya. “Now, how about that kiss?” The two started to make out.
Beyyo returned to Vlad and whispered the information he gathered. “Alya is Rena Rouge?” he said. “Why am I not surprised? But I am intrigued.”
More people were walking into class. Eventually, Alya and Nino walked in holding hands. “Oh you two” said Adrien.
“Oh yeah” said Nino. “Adrien, we need to talk to you about something.”
“Huh? What is it?” Adrien asked.
“Well, it’s-” Nino began. Lila then walked it. “I’ll talk to you later about it.”
“Oh. Um, OK” said Adrien. Everyone took their seats as class began.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years
10 lines
Post the first line of your last 10 published fics, then tag 10 people.
1) Ladrien Story Part 2
"No good night kiss my lady?" Adrien questioned, watching his wife climb out the window, about to do her patrol.
2) Marichat May 2019 Edition!
“So what yer sayin is that this… thing, will be able to get us to new places?” Carapace asked, poking the strange box.
3) Adrinette April 2019
“What do you mean????” Adrien exclaimed, staring at his best friend, dumbfounded.
4) The Mermaid Princess and The Pirate Captain
Marinette stared in horror at her mother. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
5) Lunax Christmas
On this Christmas Eve night, a light was on in a small house in Paris, France. Rustling and squealing and all sorts of noises could be heard as one girl was busy wrapping a very important gift.
6) You're Both My Best Friends!
Marinette sat in the park, crying. She had just been pushed into the mud by Chloe. Her dress now dirty and ripped. Chloe and Sabrina scampered away laughing. Marinette's favorite dress was now covered in mud. Adrien ran over to her, helping her stand, he wiped her tears away.
7) When You're Hurt
Another akuma was wreaking havoc in Paris. Ladybug dodged another cerulean blue beam from the akuma. The beam, turned people into animals. There was a fox Alya, a Tortoise Nino, a chihuahua Chloe, etc. Chat Noir dodged another cerulean blue beam.
8) Chat Noir Is Amazing (from Chapter 10)
Luna cursed into her mic as she was getting shot in Fortnite, having gotten it highly recommended to her by her fans.
9) You're my Home
Chat paced along the top of the Arc De Triomphe. Debating whether he should run over to her house or not. His heart was telling him to run to her, embrace her comfort, but his head was thinking that maybe he  shouldn't be getting so affectionate with her. She liked someone else, no matter how much it hurt him. He sighed, his pacing halted.
10) Au August 2018
Chloe felt privileged not having her soulmate’s name labelled on her. Though it also saddened her a bit. Had her soulmate not been born? Whatever it was, it meant she didn't need to hide her shoulders in these final days of the school year, it was rather hot, and she was glad to leave without her usual over shirt.
There we go! I am tagging @tbehartoo @perditaalottachocolate-blog @fuckingchatnoir @edendaphne @midnightstarlightwrites @overworkedunderwhelmed @their-destinys-writer
And anyone else who hasn't already been tagged!
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ecofinisher · 5 years
The Adventures of Super Nathan 2 - Chap 30
Chapter 30
On the top of the Arc de Triomphe Kagami Tsurugi was tied together with Nathaniel, Rose and Adrien‘s mother Emilie Agreste with their back to each other. The four had their heads hung down having their eyes closed and their mouth covered with a cloth, beside Kagami, which still had the ripped curtain piece from the manor of the Agreste‘s.
Rose lifted her head up, opening her eyes to observe the location, realizing they were all alone, then looked back to Nathaniel and Kagami, which was with her back vice versa to Nathaniel.
„Kagami“ Rose mumbled under the cloth. The blonde frowned her face, then tried to move the cloth off her mouth by moving her lips under them slowly succeeding in pulling it down. Rose managed to get it a little more down, then bite on the top of the cloth and tried to pull it off her head, but she couldn‘t, but only managed to loosen it. „Kagami can you hear me?“ Asked Rose lifting her chin up in the air as slowly the rolled-up cloth slide down at the neck. „Kagami, Nathaniel, wake up!“
Kagami opened her eyes followed by Nathaniel and the two looked back at Rose, discovering they were all trapped.
„How did you get here?“ Asked Rose looking at Kagami twitching inside the rope, therefore she opened her mouth under her cloth and attempted to free her mouth from it by mashing it together with her teeth and managed to bring it down at her chin after almost a minute.
„How did you two get caught?“ Asked the Japanese girl looking back at the blonde girl.
„Nathaniel was tricked by the akumatized Miss Vixen and I tried to help him, but I got tricked out by an illusion of her, which looked and felt so real“ Rose explained disappointed. „She called me up at the roof to hug me and then…..she took the miraculous off my head and the real her tied me up and brought me here to Nathaniel“
„And did Miss Vixen‘s akuma version trick you out too Nath?“ Asked Kagami gazing at Nathaniel, which gazed at her with sad blue eyes and sank his head down again in disappointed.
„We‘re going to be okay Nathaniel. We‘re going to get Lila back and kick Monarch into her butt. Trust me“
„Ho ah eh go do tha?“ Nathaniel mumbled making Kagami raise her eyebrows in confusion.
„I think he asked, how we will do that“ Rose mentioned looking at Nathaniel, which nodded in correspondence with the short friend.
„Cat Noir and Viperion are still out there. Marinette also has the other miraculouses and if necessary she‘s going to join the boys or call others to assist“ Kagami explained the boy, which shook his head. „Think positive Nathaniel, we‘re going to make it out here“
„We‘re superheroes Nath, we‘re the good ones and the good ones will always win“.
„But this is weal wife. Not game“ Murmured Nathaniel loud under his cloth.
„Nathaniel try to chew on your cloth and move it away from your mouth“ Kagami ordered the boy. „It takes a couple of tries, but you can do that“
„Yeah come on Super Nathaniel“ A voice said making Nathaniel wide his eyes and look up at the sky to see Volpina appear and land in front of the four.
„Miss Vixen, why are you working for Monarch?“ Kagami asked annoyed looking up at the akumatized superhero.
„I‘m Volpina for all of you, get it?“ Volpina hissed at the four, then she looked beside Rose to see Emilie Agreste there glancing at her, making Volpina smirk and place her hand over the covered mouth to pull the cloth down. „Soon Monarch will be here to see you, get ready“
„Miss Vixen, can we talk?“ Asked Nathaniel. „You don‘t need to take your anger out on the citizens. It was an accident“
„Oh but I already have and my clones are taking care of the rest“ Volpina pointed down to an alley, where a small group of guys were fleeing from an illusion of Miss Vixen riding a wild tiger.
„How can they be afraid of their own illusions?“ Kagami asked looking at Volpina. „They disappear if someone touches them!“
„Those illusions aren‘t like the ones from Miss Vixen. They‘re more solid and they feel very realistic“ Nathaniel explained. „You can‘t destroy them easily“
„You‘re a very clever boy, no wonder Miss Vixen liked you“ Volpina pouted frizzing the redhead‘s hair, causing him to feel annoyed.
„I know you don‘t mean it that way“ Nathaniel said glancing up neutrally at the akumatized girlfriend.
„Oh don‘t be sad, there are other girls, that are worth your attention“ Volpina said making Nathaniel sink his head down in sadness.
„Nathaniel don‘t listen to her. She‘s akumatized, she doesn‘t know, what she‘s saying to you“ Kagami said to comfort her friend. „You know the real Lila is deep down inside of her and regrets everything she‘s saying right now to you“
„You‘re right Kagami“ Nathaniel said looking up at the smirking supervillain, then from under the arc de Triomph a vehicle gave out a loud, long-lasting honk, calling Volpina‘s attention, which walked to the side of the arc to look down at a black sedan, where a purple-dressed person came out from the driver side and made the way to the second door to open it and before the person, that sat inside the car could go out the purple-dressed person took the cane she was carrying on the side of her body out and removed the top of the stick for it to be revealed as a sword and she used it to order the person to leave the vehicle and that person was revealed to be Master Wang Fu, the previous guardian of the miraculouses.
„Looks like the boss is here“ Volpina said glaring at the tied-up group.
„Oh boy“ Nathaniel replied a little nervous, then heard beside him Kagami groan as she tried to loosen the rope around them.
„I think it‘s no use Kagami, it‘s too tight“ Rose mentioned looking back to the blue-haired girl.
„Where does the rope start?“ Asked Kagami looking at Rose, which looked around the rope and saw it between her and Emilie.
„Next to me and Madame Agreste“ Replied the blonde girl.
„Do you think you can pull the top with your teeth?
„I don‘t know“ Responded Rose. „What if I make the knot even tighter?“
„Just try it out“ Kagami demanded watching Rose bend her head down opening her mouth reaching the point of the rope, but she couldn‘t bite it. Rose then stuck her tongue out to get closer and touching it, afterward she tried to bite it again, trying harder to reach with her mouth on the rope and succeeded in grabbing it. She tried to pull the cord, but it was too difficult for her, cause she didn‘t have enough strength in her mouth.
„I think she can‘t handle it“ Nathaniel said, then he looked at the place to see Volpina was gone, but she appeared seconds later coming from the ground carrying Master Fu, after than the purple-dressed being from before appeared jumping from under the arc up at the monument carrying a box along with a brown, old book and landed beside her minion.
„Monarch?“ Nathaniel asked surprised at the revelation of the villain.
„She has stolen the miraculouses too!“ Kagami mentioned, followed by Rose looking from behind the Japanese girl and shriek at the sight of the box, she had in her arms.
„You‘ve got to be kidding me?“ Nathaniel asked unpleased as he saw the box, which was supposed to be with Marinette.
„What have you done to Marinette?“ Rose argued glaring at the two villains.
„She‘s lucky, I didn‘t decide to dismember her back when I was at her house“ Volpina answered, then looking along with Monarch at the box „There‘s no way Adrien and Luka are going to deal with us all alone and Marinette without a miraculous, even less“
„It‘s still worth to try, “ A voice said and from behind the two supervillains appeared Viperion landing on his feet behind the female supervillains.
„Oh great to see you here, “ Monarch said turning around to look at the young superhero. „I wonder, how you could spot us that easy“
„Drones are very useful to have a better view of the city. I have to admit...and the quality is also top“ Viperion said holding his thumb up to the left side, where the supervillains had look to see a white drone flying nearby.
„That‘s Alix‘s drone“ Nathaniel mentioned with a smile and stared in shock as Volpina grabbed the drone and removed the camera on the drone and showed it to Monarch.
„I think I could use this right now“ Monarch announced taking the camera off Volpina‘s hands to show the group, that was tied together with a rope.
„Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste or shall I say Cat Noir?“ Monarch said thinking about, what she was going to say in front of the camera. „Guess, who I‘ve caught?“ Monarch said zooming closer to Emilie, which looked at the camera with a sad gaze.
„Where do you think, you‘re going?“ Volpina crowed watching Viperion sneak beside them and she kicked him away from her with her flute, watching him land on his back.
„Take off her miraculous! That‘s where the akuma must be“ The Japanese girl shouted, then yelped as for another time Monarch threatened her by holding her sword under her neck.
„Shut up!“ The butterfly-themed supervillain ordered the blue-haired girl, that glared up at her a little annoyed with the short temper she had in dealing with the group. Monarch held the camera in front of her showing now Kagami on screen, then pressed it closer to her under the chin, making her swallow hard. „If I were you, I would hurry up or she will be a head shorter“
„What exactly do you want from us?“ Viperion asked pushing Volpina away from him, which slide on her feet back at her boss, then Monarch grabbed Volpina on the shoulder.
„As I went to jail I‘ve had enough time to think about my revenge on you all for having ruined my chances in changing my life and all this is even going better than I expected. Someone of you lost the miraculous and thanks to that mishap I could akumatize one of the greatest superheroes to follow my lead and I‘ve almost caught all of you“
„Just because you almost got all of my teammates it doesn‘t mean we‘re going to give up“ Viperion said crossing his arms, soon from above him coming from under the monument a light-gray colored smoke passed by heading towards Monarch, which squinted her eyes, afterward she shrieked as she saw a black and red-dressed superheroine appear in the smoke carrying a sword in her hands to attack Monarch and thrust her away, causing her to fall on the ground of the arc de Triomphe.
„Ladybug!“ The group cheered as they saw a different dressed Ladybug in front of them.
„I think Dragon Bug is the most suitable variant“ The heroine corrected placing the sword over her shoulder.
„I didn‘t know, they was a dragon miraculous“ Rose mentioned.
„Neither did I. Didn‘t I take all the miraculouses before at your house?“ Monarch asked getting up to her knees.
„Not this one“ Responded Dragon Bug, then Monarch got up from the ground to attack the heroine and fought her backward, while Dragon Bug tried to deflect the attacks of the villain with a little difficulty due to not being used in sword fighting.
In the meanwhile Volpina had made her way up to Viperion to fight him with her flute back to the death end of their ground. Viperion stood with his feet on the edge, close to fall down, then watched Volpina smirk at him as she held her flute ready to smash with it on the raven-haired superhero, but as she aimed the boy with her tool, Viperion grabbed it with both hands and pulled her down, followed by the female put her leg in front of his to bring him down on the ground with her.
„Oh no Luka!“ Dragon Bug said, then Monarch kicked her away from her as she shortly got distracted.
„Marinette, get up!“ Ordered Kagami. „Hurry up!“
Down on the ground near the Arc de Triomphe Viperion landed on his back with Volpina on top of him, afterwards the villain quickly took her flute and held it on Viperion‘s throat to avoid him in getting up.
„Nah ah ah“ Volpina said while shaking her head at the boy. „You‘re not going anywhere pretty boy“ Volpina said making Viperion wide his eyes as he had an idea.
„I‘m sorry Nathaniel, but it‘s for a good cause“ Viperion said, then looked up at the eyes of the supervillain. „You look very gorgeous under the moonlight, did someone ever tell you that?“
„So now I get it why Marinette is getting out with you. You‘re the exact same flirt as her black stray cat“
„You‘re jealous aren‘t you?“ Asked Viperion with a smirk, making Volpina furrow her eyebrows.
„You‘re joking aren‘t you, I‘m more than just a simple girl“
„You‘ve forgot the word beautiful between simple and girl“ Viperion added making Volpina blush a little, then she shook her head and covered his mouth.
„Stop it!“ She ordered earning a nod from the raven-haired boy.
„You know…..you deserve someone better than Nathaniel, someone who‘s more suitable to you.“
Volpina raised her left eyebrow, then saw Viperion slowly move the flute away from him and approach her face with his.
„You have probably many desires that Nathaniel can‘t fulfill to you, aren‘t they?“ Asked Viperion making Volpina shrug her shoulders.
„What could you do for me, that Nathaniel couldn‘t do?“ Volpina asked raising her eyebrow, making Viperion smirk and lean in to Volpina pointing his lips, then Volpina smirked and closed her eyes leaning in for a kiss and slowly go with her hand down at his miraculous.
Viperion opened his eyes to see Volpina going to kiss him and at the same time trying to get down to his miraculous, after that Viperion quickly ripped off the fox necklace from Volpina‘s neck shrieking her and he threw it at the ground, afterwards as Volpina leaned her hand wanting to grab it, Viperion threw his lyre at her miraculous causing to break it to reveal an akuma coming out from it.
„Yes!“ Viperion shouted in victory, seconds later he observed Volpina transform back into Miss Vixen and after it into Lila Rossi.
„Oh my god, what happened?“ Lila complained holding her hands in front of her forehead, then Viperion went closer to her placing his hands on Lila‘s shoulders to comfort her.
„You were akumatized“ Viperion explained. „But now you‘re back“
„W….what?“ Asked Lila, then saw in front of her the broken miraculous. „My miraculous?….And where‘s Trixx?“ Lila asked in panic looking at the Frenchboy.
„Damn I think you‘ve got to wait, until we have defeated Monarch“
„You were fighting Monarch?“ Asked Lila in shock.
„And now only Marinette with the dragon miraculous is up there alone and I don‘t know, where Cat Noir is“ Viperion sputtered making Lila gulp.
„Is Nathaniel alright?“
„He‘s tied up along with Kagami, Rose and Adrien‘s mom“ Viperion responded. „I need to get up and help her, before Monarch takes her down, now that you‘re not under her control anymore“
„I can‘t believe I betrayed my friends to work for that cow“ Lila cursed annoyed. „Bring me up, I‘ll help you“
„You can‘t do anything without the miraculous.“ Viperion told, then heard Marinette yell and the two looked up.
„I‘m going, wheter you like it or not!“ Lila hissed. „They‘re also my friends“ Lila told the older superhero making him sight.
Up at the monument, Monarch had managed to remove the choker off Dragon Bug‘s neck, which slipped off her sword down at Kagami‘s knees, followed by the dragon kwami land beside it on its back.
„Quick Longg, put your miraculous around Kagami‘s neck!“ Marinette ordered the red dragon kwami, which picked it up and levitated in front of the Japanese girl.
„You?“ Asked the kwami earning a nod from the blue-haired girl and he put it on around her neck.
„Don‘t you dare!“ Monarch roared running towards Kagami with her sword aimed at her.
„Hurry up!“ Kagami cried in panic as the kwami tried to lock it behind her neck.
„Leave them alone!“ Shouted a voice causing Rose to look away from Kagami and smile excited as she saw Cat Noir in the air using his staff as a helicopter rotor for himself and he landed in front of Kagami blocking Monarch‘s sword from her.
„Cat Noir“ All cheered beside Kagami and Emilie, which had called him by his real name.
„Back off!“ The cat miraculous holder hissed at the villain fighting her back to protect his teammates.
Master Fu helped Marinette sat up, then she quickly walked to the miraculous box, that had been dropped on the top of the monument and looked for another miraculous she could use.
„What are you doing Marinette?“ Asked Master Fu and Marinette moved her head up in confusion.
„The other miraculouses are missing“ Marinette mentioned. „You know from Kagami, Nathaniel and Rose“
„She left them back in the car in case her plan would fail and they would get the miraculouses back. Their only chance would be those ones and most of them don‘t know how it works or have in this situation no time to learn it“
„Oh right“ Marinette said, then looked back at Cat Noir sword fighting the supervillain. „But you could try use the turle miraculous?“
„I don‘t think I can‘t use it as before“ The senior denied the option of the teenage girl.“ ….but you could use it?“ Master Fu suggested giving Marinette an idea.
„I‘ve got an idea“ Marinette shouted and looked back at Cat Noir. „Cat, use your cataclysm on the Arc de Triomphe and I‘ll use the turtle miraculous to protect the others“ Marinette told the blonde superhero, which nodded, afterwards he extended his baton to kick her away from him.
„I‘m on it!“ Responded Cat Noir activating the power of destruction. „Cataclysm!“
„Watch out!“ Nathaniel fret as he noted along with the others Monarch ran towards him with her sword, then Cat Noir tried to fight her with only one hand, but shortly he got kicked away on the ground by the villain, while losing the staff.
„The monument, destroy the monument!“ Shouted Nathaniel.
„No he will bury us alive with it!“ Kagami corrected it out loud at the redhead, which gulped at the girls comment.
„Come on Longg, what about the lighting?“ Kagami asked, afterward she wide her eyes as she saw Monarch lying on the top of the shorter superhero holding his hand with the cataclysm closer to his chest, making Kagami gulp at the fight between her boyfriend and the villain.
„Don‘t worry Mrs. Agreste, Adrien will get out of there“ Rose assured the mother, which had sinken her head down in sadness about seeing her son being fought by the villain.
„Try to Cataclysm her!“ Shouted Nathaniel looking back at Cat Noir, which heard his comment, but Monarch was getting closer with Cat‘s hand to his chest, while he groaned to avoid her to use it on him. Cat Noir then wide his eyes as he found out a way to get out of there.
„Plagg, Claws in!“ Cat Noir shouted, soon his cover started to disappear over his body. Sadly before his hand with the cataclysm could disappear, Monarch had pressed his hand against his chest, which wasn‘t now protected by the suit, now he only had his black shirt on and Monarch managed to cataclysm the Frenchboy, causing him to cry.
„ARGH!“ Adrien hollered in pain, shrieking Monarch as she made Adrien cataclysm himself on the chest.
„Adrien!!!“ All yelled about the accident. Monarch held her hands in front of her mouth in shock as she had seen she injured Adrien on his chest, which was now scratched with cat-like claws and bleed flow slowly from the wound.
„How could you do this to him?“ Emilie asked with tears forming in her eyes, rolling the cheeks down.
„I…how could this happen?“ Asked Monarch getting up on her feet. „I didn‘t want to kill him I….I wanted to avoid myself to get hurt“
„None of you could get killed when transformed, only unable to combat for a specific amount of time“ Master Fu said approaching the boy to see him.
„Is he alright?“ Asked Kagami with watery eyes, then Wang Fu shook his head.
„A cataclysm on an unprotected person like him is very dangerous“ Responded the man. „It could even kill him“ Master Fu said watching Adrien‘s groaning slowly disappear and his back head drop down, followed by his arms. „That was the latter option“ Wang Fu said, then the two heard a female voice screaming, causing them to jump and behind them Kagami had transformed into a dragon-themed superhero.
„Lighting Dragon!“ Shouted Kagami disappearing and a yellow lighthing crossed the way up at the sky cracking in midair, causing a loud thunder to rang all over the metropole.
„We‘re free!“ Rose announced as due to Kagami‘s disappeareance the rope has slipped their bodies down.
„Where is actually Kagami?“ Nathaniel asked looking at the place, she was sitting before, then the lighting went down on the monument and the lightning before hitting the arc, disappeared and Kagami Tsurugi now in a different-themed supersuit appeared wielding a sword on her back.
„You‘re a monster!“ Shouted Kagami taking her sword up to attack the villain, which got scared of the enraged girl and tried to riposte the attacks from the heroine, but Kagami‘s strikes on her swords made Monarch‘s sword almost slip of her hands away due to the force, after not even a minute Kagami managed to smack the sword off Monarch‘s hands, causing her to fall down on the head of the Arc de Triomphe and crawl backward away from the girlfriend.
Viperion finally got up on the room, now carrying Lila on his arms with an annoyed expression and both shrieked as they saw Adrien lying lifeless on the ground and another dragon miraculous holder harming Monarch.
„That‘s Kagami!“ Mentioned Lila and the two made their way to the others.
„Calm down Kagami!“ Nathaniel asked getting closer to the girl, then she pushed him away against Rose and used her sword to strike the butterfly miraculous off Monarch‘s front, which flew over the group and Viperion ran off to catch it.
„It really is Nathalie, “ Rose said surprised, then behind her Nathaniel wide his eyes in surprise as he saw Lila was back and she did the same and run towards the boy to give him a hug.
„Great job!“ Master Fu complimented, then shrieked as Kagami placed her feet on Nathalie Sancoueurs‘ stomach, causing her to yelp and Kagami held her sword up in the air, making the woman afraid. „Kagami don‘t do that!“ Master Fu ordered.
„You don‘t understand that she killed Adrien!“ Kagami hissed angry levitating the sword up to hurt the raven-haired woman, then Lila ran towards her best friend and grabbed her on the arm.
„Don‘t do this Kagami, this won‘t bring Adrien back“ Lila warned getting the friend to glare at her and look surprised as she recognized her best friend. „I don‘t think doing this would be better either.“ Kagami looked at Nathalie, which was shivering from anxiety and from the other side Rose placed her arm on Kagami‘s to talk to her too.
„Adrien wouldn‘t want you to do that either. Only that she gets, what she deserves“ Rose said, then wide her eyes in confusion as Lila waved her index finger in disagreement with her comment. „What, it‘s true“
„I mean, she gets what she deserves, but not a dead sentence, mostly by superheroes“ Lila explained the other friend.
„Oh right“ Rose said turning a little red in embarassement. Kagami‘s eyes got more filled with tears and she dropped her sword on the floor and fell down on her knees, covering her face to grieve for the loss of her boyfriend.
Viperion looked in sadness at Adrien‘s mother pulling the boy‘s body up at her laps, caressing his cheek and start to cry hopeless about the lack of opportunities they have to save Adrien. Kagami embraced the mother of the blonde to cry, therefore she sat beside her to lean her chin over his head to cry more louder than before, making all feel devastated about seeing the two in that state.
On the top of the Arc de Triomphe Kagami Tsurugi was tied together with Nathaniel, Rose and Adrien‘s mother Emilie Agreste with their back to each other. The four had their heads hung down having their eyes closed and their mouth covered with a cloth, beside Kagami, which still had the ripped curtain piece from the manor of the Agreste‘s.
Rose lifted her head up, opening her eyes to observe the location, realizing they were all alone, then looked back to Nathaniel and Kagami, which was with her back vice versa to Nathaniel.
„Kagami“ Rose mumbled under the cloth. The blonde frowned her face, then tried to move the cloth off her mouth by moving her lips under them slowly succeeding in pulling it down. Rose managed to get it a little more down, then bite on the top of the cloth and tried to pull it off her head, but she couldn‘t, but only managed to loosen it. „Kagami can you hear me?“ Asked Rose lifting her chin up in the air as slowly the rolled-up cloth slide down at the neck. „Kagami, Nathaniel, wake up!“
Kagami opened her eyes followed by Nathaniel and the two looked back at Rose, discovering they were all trapped.
„How did you get here?“ Asked Rose looking at Kagami twitching inside the rope, therefore she opened her mouth under her cloth and attempted to free her mouth from it by mashing it together with her teeth and managed to bring it down at her chin after almost a minute.
„How did you two get caught?“ Asked the Japanese girl looking back at the blonde girl.
„Nathaniel was tricked by the akumatized Miss Vixen and I tried to help him, but I got tricked out by an illusion of her, which looked and felt so real“ Rose explained disappointed. „She called me up at the roof to hug me and then…..she took the miraculous off my head and the real her tied me up and brought me here to Nathaniel“
„And did Miss Vixen‘s akuma version trick you out too Nath?“ Asked Kagami gazing at Nathaniel, which gazed at her with sad blue eyes and sank his head down again in disappointed.
„We‘re going to be okay Nathaniel. We‘re going to get Lila back and kick Monarch into her butt. Trust me“
„Ho ah eh go do tha?“ Nathaniel mumbled making Kagami raise her eyebrows in confusion.
„I think he asked, how we will do that“ Rose mentioned looking at Nathaniel, which nodded in correspondence with the short friend.
„Cat Noir and Viperion are still out there. Marinette also has the other miraculouses and if necessary she‘s going to join the boys or call others to assist“ Kagami explained the boy, which shook his head. „Think positive Nathaniel, we‘re going to make it out here“
„We‘re superheroes Nath, we‘re the good ones and the good ones will always win“.
„But this is weal wife. Not game“ Murmured Nathaniel loud under his cloth.
„Nathaniel try to chew on your cloth and move it away from your mouth“ Kagami ordered the boy. „It takes a couple of tries, but you can do that“
„Yeah come on Super Nathaniel“ A voice said making Nathaniel wide his eyes and look up at the sky to see Volpina appear and land in front of the four.
„Miss Vixen, why are you working for Monarch?“ Kagami asked annoyed looking up at the akumatized superhero.
„I‘m Volpina for all of you, get it?“ Volpina hissed at the four, then she looked beside Rose to see Emilie Agreste there glancing at her, making Volpina smirk and place her hand over the covered mouth to pull the cloth down. „Soon Monarch will be here to see you, get ready“
„Miss Vixen, can we talk?“ Asked Nathaniel. „You don‘t need to take your anger out on the citizens. It was an accident“
„Oh but I already have and my clones are taking care of the rest“ Volpina pointed down to an alley, where a small group of guys were fleeing from an illusion of Miss Vixen riding a wild tiger.
„How can they be afraid of their own illusions?“ Kagami asked looking at Volpina. „They disappear if someone touches them!“
„Those illusions aren‘t like the ones from Miss Vixen. They‘re more solid and they feel very realistic“ Nathaniel explained. „You can‘t destroy them easily“
„You‘re a very clever boy, no wonder Miss Vixen liked you“ Volpina pouted frizzing the redhead‘s hair, causing him to feel annoyed.
„I know you don‘t mean it that way“ Nathaniel said glancing up neutrally at the akumatized girlfriend.
„Oh don‘t be sad, there are other girls, that are worth your attention“ Volpina said making Nathaniel sink his head down in sadness.
„Nathaniel don‘t listen to her. She‘s akumatized, she doesn‘t know, what she‘s saying to you“ Kagami said to comfort her friend. „You know the real Lila is deep down inside of her and regrets everything she‘s saying right now to you“
„You‘re right Kagami“ Nathaniel said looking up at the smirking supervillain, then from under the arc de Triomph a vehicle gave out a loud, long-lasting honk, calling Volpina‘s attention, which walked to the side of the arc to look down at a black sedan, where a purple-dressed person came out from the driver side and made the way to the second door to open it and before the person, that sat inside the car could go out the purple-dressed person took the cane she was carrying on the side of her body out and removed the top of the stick for it to be revealed as a sword and she used it to order the person to leave the vehicle and that person was revealed to be Master Wang Fu, the previous guardian of the miraculouses.
„Looks like the boss is here“ Volpina said glaring at the tied-up group.
„Oh boy“ Nathaniel replied a little nervous, then heard beside him Kagami groan as she tried to loosen the rope around them.
„I think it‘s no use Kagami, it‘s too tight“ Rose mentioned looking back to the blue-haired girl.
„Where does the rope start?“ Asked Kagami looking at Rose, which looked around the rope and saw it between her and Emilie.
„Next to me and Madame Agreste“ Replied the blonde girl.
„Do you think you can pull the top with your teeth?
„I don‘t know“ Responded Rose. „What if I make the knot even tighter?“
„Just try it out“ Kagami demanded watching Rose bend her head down opening her mouth reaching the point of the rope, but she couldn‘t bite it. Rose then stuck her tongue out to get closer and touching it, afterward she tried to bite it again, trying harder to reach with her mouth on the rope and succeeded in grabbing it. She tried to pull the cord, but it was too difficult for her, cause she didn‘t have enough strength in her mouth.
„I think she can‘t handle it“ Nathaniel said, then he looked at the place to see Volpina was gone, but she appeared seconds later coming from the ground carrying Master Fu, after than the purple-dressed being from before appeared jumping from under the arc up at the monument carrying a box along with a brown, old book and landed beside her minion.
„Monarch?“ Nathaniel asked surprised at the revelation of the villain.
„She has stolen the miraculouses too!“ Kagami mentioned, followed by Rose looking from behind the Japanese girl and shriek at the sight of the box, she had in her arms.
„You‘ve got to be kidding me?“ Nathaniel asked unpleased as he saw the box, which was supposed to be with Marinette.
„What have you done to Marinette?“ Rose argued glaring at the two villains.
„She‘s lucky, I didn‘t decide to dismember her back when I was at her house“ Volpina answered, then looking along with Monarch at the box „There‘s no way Adrien and Luka are going to deal with us all alone and Marinette without a miraculous, even less“
„It‘s still worth to try, “ A voice said and from behind the two supervillains appeared Viperion landing on his feet behind the female supervillains.
„Oh great to see you here, “ Monarch said turning around to look at the young superhero. „I wonder, how you could spot us that easy“
„Drones are very useful to have a better view of the city. I have to admit...and the quality is also top“ Viperion said holding his thumb up to the left side, where the supervillains had look to see a white drone flying nearby.
„That‘s Alix‘s drone“ Nathaniel mentioned with a smile and stared in shock as Volpina grabbed the drone and removed the camera on the drone and showed it to Monarch.
„I think I could use this right now“ Monarch announced taking the camera off Volpina‘s hands to show the group, that was tied together with a rope.
„Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste or shall I say Cat Noir?“ Monarch said thinking about, what she was going to say in front of the camera. „Guess, who I‘ve caught?“ Monarch said zooming closer to Emilie, which looked at the camera with a sad gaze.
„Where do you think, you‘re going?“ Volpina crowed watching Viperion sneak beside them and she kicked him away from her with her flute, watching him land on his back.
„Take off her miraculous! That‘s where the akuma must be“ The Japanese girl shouted, then yelped as for another time Monarch threatened her by holding her sword under her neck.
„Shut up!“ The butterfly-themed supervillain ordered the blue-haired girl, that glared up at her a little annoyed with the short temper she had in dealing with the group. Monarch held the camera in front of her showing now Kagami on screen, then pressed it closer to her under the chin, making her swallow hard. „If I were you, I would hurry up or she will be a head shorter“
„What exactly do you want from us?“ Viperion asked pushing Volpina away from him, which slide on her feet back at her boss, then Monarch grabbed Volpina on the shoulder.
„As I went to jail I‘ve had enough time to think about my revenge on you all for having ruined my chances in changing my life and all this is even going better than I expected. Someone of you lost the miraculous and thanks to that mishap I could akumatize one of the greatest superheroes to follow my lead and I‘ve almost caught all of you“
„Just because you almost got all of my teammates it doesn‘t mean we‘re going to give up“ Viperion said crossing his arms, soon from above him coming from under the monument a light-gray colored smoke passed by heading towards Monarch, which squinted her eyes, afterward she shrieked as she saw a black and red-dressed superheroine appear in the smoke carrying a sword in her hands to attack Monarch and thrust her away, causing her to fall on the ground of the arc de Triomphe.
„Ladybug!“ The group cheered as they saw a different dressed Ladybug in front of them.
„I think Dragon Bug is the most suitable variant“ The heroine corrected placing the sword over her shoulder.
„I didn‘t know, they was a dragon miraculous“ Rose mentioned.
„Neither did I. Didn‘t I take all the miraculouses before at your house?“ Monarch asked getting up to her knees.
„Not this one“ Responded Dragon Bug, then Monarch got up from the ground to attack the heroine and fought her backward, while Dragon Bug tried to deflect the attacks of the villain with a little difficulty due to not being used in sword fighting.
In the meanwhile Volpina had made her way up to Viperion to fight him with her flute back to the death end of their ground. Viperion stood with his feet on the edge, close to fall down, then watched Volpina smirk at him as she held her flute ready to smash with it on the raven-haired superhero, but as she aimed the boy with her tool, Viperion grabbed it with both hands and pulled her down, followed by the female put her leg in front of his to bring him down on the ground with her.
„Oh no Luka!“ Dragon Bug said, then Monarch kicked her away from her as she shortly got distracted.
„Marinette, get up!“ Ordered Kagami. „Hurry up!“
Down on the ground near the Arc de Triomphe Viperion landed on his back with Volpina on top of him, afterwards the villain quickly took her flute and held it on Viperion‘s throat to avoid him in getting up.
„Nah ah ah“ Volpina said while shaking her head at the boy. „You‘re not going anywhere pretty boy“ Volpina said making Viperion wide his eyes as he had an idea.
„I‘m sorry Nathaniel, but it‘s for a good cause“ Viperion said, then looked up at the eyes of the supervillain. „You look very gorgeous under the moonlight, did someone ever tell you that?“
„So now I get it why Marinette is getting out with you. You‘re the exact same flirt as her black stray cat“
„You‘re jealous aren‘t you?“ Asked Viperion with a smirk, making Volpina furrow her eyebrows.
„You‘re joking aren‘t you, I‘m more than just a simple girl“
„You‘ve forgot the word beautiful between simple and girl“ Viperion added making Volpina blush a little, then she shook her head and covered his mouth.
„Stop it!“ She ordered earning a nod from the raven-haired boy.
„You know…..you deserve someone better than Nathaniel, someone who‘s more suitable to you.“
Volpina raised her left eyebrow, then saw Viperion slowly move the flute away from him and approach her face with his.
„You have probably many desires that Nathaniel can‘t fulfill to you, aren‘t they?“ Asked Viperion making Volpina shrug her shoulders.
„What could you do for me, that Nathaniel couldn‘t do?“ Volpina asked raising her eyebrow, making Viperion smirk and lean in to Volpina pointing his lips, then Volpina smirked and closed her eyes leaning in for a kiss and slowly go with her hand down at his miraculous.
Viperion opened his eyes to see Volpina going to kiss him and at the same time trying to get down to his miraculous, after that Viperion quickly ripped off the fox necklace from Volpina‘s neck shrieking her and he threw it at the ground, afterwards as Volpina leaned her hand wanting to grab it, Viperion threw his lyre at her miraculous causing to break it to reveal an akuma coming out from it.
„Yes!“ Viperion shouted in victory, seconds later he observed Volpina transform back into Miss Vixen and after it into Lila Rossi.
„Oh my god, what happened?“ Lila complained holding her hands in front of her forehead, then Viperion went closer to her placing his hands on Lila‘s shoulders to comfort her.
„You were akumatized“ Viperion explained. „But now you‘re back“
„W….what?“ Asked Lila, then saw in front of her the broken miraculous. „My miraculous?….And where‘s Trixx?“ Lila asked in panic looking at the Frenchboy.
„Damn I think you‘ve got to wait, until we have defeated Monarch“
„You were fighting Monarch?“ Asked Lila in shock.
„And now only Marinette with the dragon miraculous is up there alone and I don‘t know, where Cat Noir is“ Viperion sputtered making Lila gulp.
„Is Nathaniel alright?“
„He‘s tied up along with Kagami, Rose and Adrien‘s mom“ Viperion responded. „I need to get up and help her, before Monarch takes her down, now that you‘re not under her control anymore“
„I can‘t believe I betrayed my friends to work for that cow“ Lila cursed annoyed. „Bring me up, I‘ll help you“
„You can‘t do anything without the miraculous.“ Viperion told, then heard Marinette yell and the two looked up.
„I‘m going, wheter you like it or not!“ Lila hissed. „They‘re also my friends“ Lila told the older superhero making him sight.
Up at the monument, Monarch had managed to remove the choker off Dragon Bug‘s neck, which slipped off her sword down at Kagami‘s knees, followed by the dragon kwami land beside it on its back.
„Quick Longg, put your miraculous around Kagami‘s neck!“ Marinette ordered the red dragon kwami, which picked it up and levitated in front of the Japanese girl.
„You?“ Asked the kwami earning a nod from the blue-haired girl and he put it on around her neck.
„Don‘t you dare!“ Monarch roared running towards Kagami with her sword aimed at her.
„Hurry up!“ Kagami cried in panic as the kwami tried to lock it behind her neck.
„Leave them alone!“ Shouted a voice causing Rose to look away from Kagami and smile excited as she saw Cat Noir in the air using his staff as a helicopter rotor for himself and he landed in front of Kagami blocking Monarch‘s sword from her.
„Cat Noir“ All cheered beside Kagami and Emilie, which had called him by his real name.
„Back off!“ The cat miraculous holder hissed at the villain fighting her back to protect his teammates.
Master Fu helped Marinette sat up, then she quickly walked to the miraculous box, that had been dropped on the top of the monument and looked for another miraculous she could use.
„What are you doing Marinette?“ Asked Master Fu and Marinette moved her head up in confusion.
„The other miraculouses are missing“ Marinette mentioned. „You know from Kagami, Nathaniel and Rose“
„She left them back in the car in case her plan would fail and they would get the miraculouses back. Their only chance would be those ones and most of them don‘t know how it works or have in this situation no time to learn it“
„Oh right“ Marinette said, then looked back at Cat Noir sword fighting the supervillain. „But you could try use the turle miraculous?“
„I don‘t think I can‘t use it as before“ The senior denied the option of the teenage girl.“ ….but you could use it?“ Master Fu suggested giving Marinette an idea.
„I‘ve got an idea“ Marinette shouted and looked back at Cat Noir. „Cat, use your cataclysm on the Arc de Triomphe and I‘ll use the turtle miraculous to protect the others“ Marinette told the blonde superhero, which nodded, afterwards he extended his baton to kick her away from him.
„I‘m on it!“ Responded Cat Noir activating the power of destruction. „Cataclysm!“
„Watch out!“ Nathaniel fret as he noted along with the others Monarch ran towards him with her sword, then Cat Noir tried to fight her with only one hand, but shortly he got kicked away on the ground by the villain, while losing the staff.
„The monument, destroy the monument!“ Shouted Nathaniel.
„No he will bury us alive with it!“ Kagami corrected it out loud at the redhead, which gulped at the girls comment.
„Come on Longg, what about the lighting?“ Kagami asked, afterward she wide her eyes as she saw Monarch lying on the top of the shorter superhero holding his hand with the cataclysm closer to his chest, making Kagami gulp at the fight between her boyfriend and the villain.
„Don‘t worry Mrs. Agreste, Adrien will get out of there“ Rose assured the mother, which had sinken her head down in sadness about seeing her son being fought by the villain.
„Try to Cataclysm her!“ Shouted Nathaniel looking back at Cat Noir, which heard his comment, but Monarch was getting closer with Cat‘s hand to his chest, while he groaned to avoid her to use it on him. Cat Noir then wide his eyes as he found out a way to get out of there.
„Plagg, Claws in!“ Cat Noir shouted, soon his cover started to disappear over his body. Sadly before his hand with the cataclysm could disappear, Monarch had pressed his hand against his chest, which wasn‘t now protected by the suit, now he only had his black shirt on and Monarch managed to cataclysm the Frenchboy, causing him to cry.
„ARGH!“ Adrien hollered in pain, shrieking Monarch as she made Adrien cataclysm himself on the chest.
„Adrien!!!“ All yelled about the accident. Monarch held her hands in front of her mouth in shock as she had seen she injured Adrien on his chest, which was now scratched with cat-like claws and bleed flow slowly from the wound.
„How could you do this to him?“ Emilie asked with tears forming in her eyes, rolling the cheeks down.
„I…how could this happen?“ Asked Monarch getting up on her feet. „I didn‘t want to kill him I….I wanted to avoid myself to get hurt“
„None of you could get killed when transformed, only unable to combat for a specific amount of time“ Master Fu said approaching the boy to see him.
„Is he alright?“ Asked Kagami with watery eyes, then Wang Fu shook his head.
„A cataclysm on an unprotected person like him is very dangerous“ Responded the man. „It could even kill him“ Master Fu said watching Adrien‘s groaning slowly disappear and his back head drop down, followed by his arms. „That was the latter option“ Wang Fu said, then the two heard a female voice screaming, causing them to jump and behind them Kagami had transformed into a dragon-themed superhero.
„Lighting Dragon!“ Shouted Kagami disappearing and a yellow lighthing crossed the way up at the sky cracking in midair, causing a loud thunder to rang all over the metropole.
„We‘re free!“ Rose announced as due to Kagami‘s disappeareance the rope has slipped their bodies down.
„Where is actually Kagami?“ Nathaniel asked looking at the place, she was sitting before, then the lighting went down on the monument and the lightning before hitting the arc, disappeared and Kagami Tsurugi now in a different-themed supersuit appeared wielding a sword on her back.
„You‘re a monster!“ Shouted Kagami taking her sword up to attack the villain, which got scared of the enraged girl and tried to riposte the attacks from the heroine, but Kagami‘s strikes on her swords made Monarch‘s sword almost slip of her hands away due to the force, after not even a minute Kagami managed to smack the sword off Monarch‘s hands, causing her to fall down on the head of the Arc de Triomphe and crawl backward away from the girlfriend.
Viperion finally got up on the room, now carrying Lila on his arms with an annoyed expression and both shrieked as they saw Adrien lying lifeless on the ground and another dragon miraculous holder harming Monarch.
„That‘s Kagami!“ Mentioned Lila and the two made their way to the others.
„Calm down Kagami!“ Nathaniel asked getting closer to the girl, then she pushed him away against Rose and used her sword to strike the butterfly miraculous off Monarch‘s front, which flew over the group and Viperion ran off to catch it.
„It really is Nathalie, “ Rose said surprised, then behind her Nathaniel wide his eyes in surprise as he saw Lila was back and she did the same and run towards the boy to give him a hug.
„Great job!“ Master Fu complimented, then shrieked as Kagami placed her feet on Nathalie Sancoueurs‘ stomach, causing her to yelp and Kagami held her sword up in the air, making the woman afraid. „Kagami don‘t do that!“ Master Fu ordered.
„You don‘t understand that she killed Adrien!“ Kagami hissed angry levitating the sword up to hurt the raven-haired woman, then Lila ran towards her best friend and grabbed her on the arm.
„Don‘t do this Kagami, this won‘t bring Adrien back“ Lila warned getting the friend to glare at her and look surprised as she recognized her best friend. „I don‘t think doing this would be better either.“ Kagami looked at Nathalie, which was shivering from anxiety and from the other side Rose placed her arm on Kagami‘s to talk to her too.
„Adrien wouldn‘t want you to do that either. Only that she gets, what she deserves“ Rose said, then wide her eyes in confusion as Lila waved her index finger in disagreement with her comment. „What, it‘s true“
„I mean, she gets what she deserves, but not a dead sentence, mostly by superheroes“ Lila explained the other friend.
„Oh right“ Rose said turning a little red in embarassement. Kagami‘s eyes got more filled with tears and she dropped her sword on the floor and fell down on her knees, covering her face to grieve for the loss of her boyfriend.
Viperion looked in sadness at Adrien‘s mother pulling the boy‘s body up at her laps, caressing his cheek and start to cry hopeless about the lack of opportunities they have to save Adrien. Kagami embraced the mother of the blonde to cry, therefore she sat beside her to lean her chin over his head to cry more louder than before, making all feel devastated about seeing the two in that state.
Cliffhangar!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA my evil plan has worked! Jokes aside, the last few chapters have been a pain in the back to deal with, mostly this one. What do you think will happen next chapter? Do you think Adrien will ever live again? Is there actually even a way? You will discover that as soon as I finish the next chapter..
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antoine-roquentin · 5 years
'Red scarves' protest as France's 'yellow vest' movement splinters 
Some 10,000 people wearing red scarves marched through Paris on Sunday to protest acts of violence and vandalism on the sidelines of anti-government demonstrations by the largely peaceful "yellow vest" movement.
The "red scarves" demonstration came amid growing divisions around the 11-week-old "yellow vest" phenomenon, which has led to rioting in Paris and other cities, exposed deep discontent with President Emmanuel Macron and prompted national soul-searching.
Protest damage to the Arc de Triomphe monument in Paris in December was a turning point for many of the counter-protesters at Sunday's march.
"We don't share all the demands expressed by the 'yellow vest' movement, for instance demands about overthrowing the government, brutalizing institutions," Laurent Segnis, a member of Macron's centrist Republic on the Move party, said.
Others lamented their sense that the "yellow vest" movement — which appeared in mid-November as a grassroots response to a fuel tax rise — is radicalizing as it approaches February.
except it’s the french state that appears to be doing most of the damage
Use of Force in France’s ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Fuels Anger
There has been particular outrage at serious injuries caused by rubber balls, about the size of golf balls, that the police fire at demonstrators with specially made guns — wounds that have made headlines for weeks. Among Western European countries, experts say, only France and Northern Ireland use such tools.
The latest controversy erupted on Saturday, when Jérôme Rodrigues, a well-known figure in the movement, suffered an eye injury as he was streaming live video on Facebook of a protest in Paris. Before he was hit, he warned that hard-left agitators were fomenting violence, and advised demonstrators to disperse.
Mr. Rodrigues and his lawyer said he had been hit by both a rubber ball and a “dispersal grenade,” which explodes and sprays smaller rubber pellets.
“He will be handicapped for life,” the lawyer, Philippe de Veulle, told BFMTV. “It is a tragedy for him and his family.”
Since violent clashes began in November, 11 people have died, and 1,900 protesters and 1,200 law enforcement officers have been injured, according to the Interior Ministry. Independent counts by the newspaper Libération and the journalist David Dufresne say that 109 protesters have been seriously injured, including 18 who have become blind in one eye and four who have lost a hand.
“We weren’t afraid of the police, but this has changed,” said Fiorina Lignier, a 20-year-old philosophy student who lost an eye at a Yellow Vest protest in Paris on Dec. 8. “They are more offensive, more repressive, blind in their actions.”
A rubber ball “rips the skin apart and can fracture the bones, as if someone had been violently hit with a truncheon,” said Chloé Bertolus, a facial surgeon at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, who said she and her team had operated on at least 16 wounded protesters.
Christian Mouhanna, a sociologist at the National Center for Scientific Research, said the use of force had profound implications for opinions of the police, whose harshest tactics were applied in minority communities and to people on the political fringes.
“Through the Yellow Vests protests, many working or middle-class French, usually calm and mostly white, have discovered that in France, police violence can also target them,” he said. “The police have become the symbol of the government’s refusal to negotiate.”
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pentakillmaven · 5 years
Cold December Night
I wrote some Christmas Ladynoir fluff! Hope you enjoy!
Read on AO3
They call it the season of giving I'm here, yours for the taking They call it the season of giving I'm here, I'm yours --Michael Bublé, "Cold December Night"
Christmas Eve in Paris was always a beautiful time; the City of Lights had an even more ethereal beauty to it with the snowfall and the twinkling of the Christmas lights.
Chat Noir and Ladybug looked out over the city from atop the Arc de Triomphe, a blanket spread beneath them to protect them from the cold stone. Between them sat a picnic basket with pastries and a thermos of hot chocolate, lovingly hand-made. "So, Chat, what's your Christmas wish this year?" Ladybug asked.
"Hmm…" Chat Noir thought for a long moment, reaching up to brush snowflakes from his bangs with a clawed hand. "I think it would probably have to be that Hawk Moth turns himself in, so we don't have to fight any more Akumas. What about you, Ladybug?"
Ladybug reached for another cream puff, biting into it and chewing as she thought. "I mean, I don't want to steal your answer, so… I'll say that I wish for good luck in applying for an internship in the spring."
"That's fair. Well, whatever program you're in, I'm sure you'll get a great internship. You can do anything you set your mind to!"
Ladybug couldn't help but smile. "Thank you for the vote of confidence, Chaton . Oh! I almost forgot!" Digging into the picnic basket, Ladybug pulled out a thin, rectangular box with a red bow attached to the front. "It's not much, but… I wanted to make you something special."
Chat Noir's eyes widened, his fingers trembling as he accepted the gift. "Bugaboo, you shouldn't have…"
"I wanted to, Chat. I was making gifts for all my other friends, and, well, I can't forget my partner, can I?"
"Thank you, Ladybug… that's paw -fully sweet of you." Chat's claws ripped through the paper and ribbon to get to the box inside. When he finally got into the box, he let out an audible gasp as he drew out a sweater. But not just any sweater--it was clearly handmade, soft wool in a green so dark it was nearly black. Emblazoned across the front were the words "Meow-y Catmas!" in bright green, with the face of a black cat wearing a Santa hat below. "B-Bugaboo… I… I love it!"
"I hoped you would!" Chat's happiness was infectious, bringing a smile to Ladybug's face.
"But--I don't have anything for you…" Chat's face fell at the realization.
Ladybug shook her head quickly. "You don't need to give me anything, Chaton . I just wanted to make you something special to thank you for being my partner all these years."
"I know, but they say this is the season of giving, and I…" Chat trailed off for a moment, his cheeks flushing red. "The only thing I can give you is myself. I'm yours for the taking, if you want me."
"Chat, I…" Ladybug's cheeks flushed as well, rivaling her costume in color. "If you're sure…"
Before Chat Noir could reply, Ladybug's lips were on his. Eyes widening comically, it took him a moment to return the kiss, but once he'd recovered he did so eagerly. Her mouth was soft and warm, and when he swiped his tongue across her lips, she opened to him without hesitation. Her mouth tasted of hot cocoa and whipped cream, making him groan. Chat pulled her closer until she was practically in his lap, both of her legs on one side of his as he changed the angle of their kiss. When they parted, Ladybug's bluebell irises only a thin ring as she gasped for air. Chat's eyes were similar, pupils blown wide.
"That was…" Chat buried his face in Ladybug's neck, holding her tight. " God , Bugaboo…"
Ladybug slid her hand up the back of Chat's neck into his hair, lightly tugging until she could look down into his eyes. "I need to get going, Chaton … but after Christmas, let's talk about us." Chat nodded, his gulp audible in the quiet night. She pressed another soft kiss to his lips briefly, a promise of good things to come. "Merry Christmas, Chat."
"Merry Christmas, Ladybug."
Adrien: *Wears the sweater when meeting up with his friends on Christmas Day afternoon for their gift exchange*
Adrien: A friend of mine gave it to me! Isn't it great?
Plagg: Kid I told you not to wear that sweater
Tikki: Marinette are you okay?
*Marinette.exe has stopped working*
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