#Romantic triangle
thetunesclub · 4 months
Let's check out Julie Rand's haunting and romantic piano composition with her track ‘Romantic Triangle’
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merlinspussy · 8 months
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Does Marvel actually know what they’re suggesting here…? Are they aware of the explicit implications of this very shot? Do they know I am losing my mind every week because of shit like this??
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riickgrimes · 8 months
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this feels purposeful…………..much to consider
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 2 months
Amy Rose thinks that she's in a love triangle with Sonic and Shadow, when Sonic has been going steady with Shadow for years and has never had the slightest interest in Amy. In order to try to make Sonic jealous, Amy starts dating Surge the Tenrec, unaware that Surge is even less informed about Sonic's romantic situation and is also dating Amy solely to try to make Sonic jealous. Sonic is just glad that he doesn't have to worry about having Amy breathing down his neck anymore. Kitsunami gets suspicious of Surge's enthusiasm for the supposedly-fake relationship, and attempts to murder Amy; his repeated failures, which are largely unnoticed by Amy or Surge, result in a series of wacky misunderstandings which culminate him being best buddies with Silver, who genuinely is trying to be friendly with him. Whisper and Tangle have just been together perfectly happily together, independently of all this.
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bylertruther · 1 year
personally, i think they should've included a scene in s4 where argyle is at the wheel and does a crazy turn that makes will fall into mike's lap or something and they're both like "😰😳🫣😵‍💫🏳️‍🌈⁉️‼️ sORRysorrysorry that was an accident i didn't mean to do tht oh sorry i um . =>.<= ahem. wow.... look at all tht cool dirt outside haha >_> ... .. . ." will is messing with the sleeves of his shirt and staring resolutely out the window like his face isn't on fire rn and mike is staring down at his arm where will fell on him and putting his hand over it with that breathless look on his face and jonathan is up front trying his best to pretend like he didn't just witness a category 5 lgbt event amen 🙏
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lastflowerofyourhouse · 7 months
imagining a modern au with cam, pal, and dulcie where palamedes is like yes this is my wife dulcinea and then camilla walks into the room and plops down like hip-to-hip on the couch between them and pal just leans his head against her shoulder without thinking about it and dulcie starts playing with her hair. at least one of them is already halfway into her lap. and the person very reasonably asks something along the lines of "oh, are you guys poly?" and the three of them are like. no of course not why do you ask.
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margridarnauds · 8 months
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[image description: devnotes for Korrilla's line of dialogue: "As things stand, she [Hope]'s his favorite toy. We're all mad here, but Hope in hell! Why, that's the definition of insanity." The devnote says "Complicated feelings. Both jealous of Raphael's attention and sad because she knows her sister doesn't want it."]
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[Korrilla saying, in a conversation where you can ask about the diabolist, "I hope things turn out well for you, I really do. Cheers." The note says "sadly - she knows (but we don't) that things won't turn out well at all."]
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[Korrilla saying, "This current crisis has him so busy he's barely been home since he met you." The note says "proud of her boss." ]
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[Korrilla saying "I'm not for sale. My time's not for sale. My affection's not for sale. I'm here on other business." The note says, "hasn't look up from her mug yet - is muttering darkly, she's clearly said this to a lot of people who've assumed she's a prostitute. (She's standing at the bar of a brothel.)]
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[Korrilla saying, in response to Tav saying they'll stop the brain without Raphael's help, "I doubt it, but even if you do, you won't survive the fight." The note says "with a hint of sadness."]
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[Korrilla saying "The boss might be a devil, but he'll treat you more honestly than anyone else in the city." The note says "she genuinely believes this."]
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[In response to the player character asking whether she likes working for Raphael, Korrilla responds "More than anything. My old dwarven master used to beat me and feed me scraps -- Raphael treats me right and feeds me well. Better to feast in the Hells than go begging in the Heavens."]
Korrilla's devnotes casually murdering me.
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shima-draws · 2 years
SO I just finished binging all of Romantic Killer bc it came up in my recommended. And oh my god I loved it so much;;
There’s definitely mixed reviews about it WHICH IS FAIR bc the premise is about a girl named Anzu who isn’t interested in romantic relationships but she then gets pushed into typical dating sim situations with Really Cute Boys in an effort to like. Force her into a relationship. And obv this kinda comes off as arophobic. But the fact that she so stubbornly refuses to partake and tries so hard to veer away from those situations makes it so fucking funny, especially when she rejects the boys with faces like this
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And it turns out it’s really just a show about found family and overcoming trauma and developing healthy friendships with people and UGH. UGHHH it’s so good.
I actually adore Riri lmao they’re SUCH a little shit and I very much enjoy insanely chaotic characters like that. And we start off thinking okay wow this person’s kind of an asshole for forcing a girl to get a boyfriend by taking away her cat, her favorite hobby and her favorite snack, but then we find out OH, they’re just a cog in a corporate machine and they don’t really have much of a choice about it. And we slowly see Riri actually gain true affection for Anzu, and see how much they come to care about her as a person rather than just as a test subject, to the point of them actually breaking the rules of their contract just to make sure she’s safe. AND NOT JUST HER. They make sure the people she’s associated with are safe too, even if it risks them getting in Big Trouble with their boss. AND the fact that they canonically go by they/them pronouns but can ALSO transform into a boy or a girl depending on their preference, and they playfully flirt with Anzu in both forms?? It’s so good. Also thinking about the effort that Anzu goes through to make sure Riri gets to stick around;; like even tho she’d never admit it. She’s come to care for them too in some very strange way lol
And Junta;; the fact that Anzu is actually so concerned about him possibly being brainwashed into the position of childhood friend? Like she doesn’t immediately push him away or shut him down, she actually cares about him as a person and wants him to find happiness and wants to get him out of the situation she thinks he’s in. But then she finds out oh wait he actually IS a childhood friend. And he’s such a good boy. I love love LOVE how they handle the love triangle aspect in this, because obviously yes there’s a bit of jealousy, but not enough for things to get petty between him and Kazuki. They actually treat each other with respect and regard each other as friends and are kinda rooting for the other in their own way. Kind of “may the best man win” sort of thing. There’s no toxicity, there’s no classic “fighting over the female love interest” trope, they actually genuinely like each other after a bit of awkwardness enough to feel comfortable with living together and living with Anzu. They’re SO fucking sweet god dammit //shakes fists
(Honestly tho I really wish we got more episodes focused on Junta. Bc he really seemed like more of a background character and made the whole “love triangle” aspect not feel as prominent. Which is fine I guess?? But I felt so bad for him lmao)
And Kazuki 😭 My beloved. My poor sweet boy who deserves the world and everything in it. Just the build up. The subtle hints of his trauma that pop up every now and then. And when it all comes together you’re like oh!! Ohhh. THAT’S why he acts so aloof and cold all the time. THAT’S why he doesn’t like being the center of female attention. THAT’S why he gets distressed at things that, at first, seem so insignificant. THAT’S why he got attached to Anzu so quickly. And I love the way they handle his trauma, how they don’t make it seem any less important or alarming just because he’s a guy. And how Anzu’s there for him through everything 🤧 How she’s the person to pull him out of the darkness, how she stands up for him time and time again, how she just KNOWS when he’s uncomfortable and steps in to protect him. She ends up caring about him so much despite how they were set up to encounter initially. And he cares about her so much too. And I just 🥺 I care them
Also the fact how everyone came to help Kazuki when they found out what was going on. No judgement, no “you’re making this up”, no “isn’t this your fault to begin with?” They all just step in without even hesitating and support him through his trauma and immediately go “Okay we’ve got a problem so here’s our gameplan.” SEE. IT’S REALLY ABOUT THE FOUND FAMILY,
And one of my favorite things. Riri 🤝 Hijiri using their influence and power to protect both Anzu and Kazuki despite the risks to their reputation and social standing
OH AND I wanted to mention. I love that all of the classic romantic tropes i.e. something happening to your cute neighbor’s apartment so that they’re forced to live with you while it gets sorted out--those are generally really cheesy and make huge plot holes and don’t make ANY sense in the narrative. But that’s the thing about RK, they make it funny, yeah your cute boy neighbor’s apartment flooded bc we need him to come live with you. We did it with magic. Yes your childhood friend is living with you now bc we had a weirdo break into your apartment--with magic. So now he feels like he needs to stay with you and protect you. Yes you got hit by a car with a really rich boy inside and now he’s interested in you. We also did this with magic. Everything that would be regarded as a “coincidence” and is a badly written plot point just to push two characters together is actually explained through the hilarious concept of magic and I LOVE that it’s so fucking funny
Honestly this show is really up to interpretation too which I like a lot? Some people think hey yeah, maybe Anzu will end up with someone. Others say you know what the message here is that friendship is the most important thing and sometimes platonic relationships are better than romantic ones. The ending is pretty ambiguous so it could really go in any direction.
Anyway I have so much more to say but. Just watch Romantic Killer it’s really good thanks bye
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(Trigger warnings include sexual harassment/assault, stalking, panic attacks/PTSD, and attempted murder, so please take care while watching <3)
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fraudulent-cheese · 1 month
Actually no, i want to expand on my relative dislike of WT. Because when people talk about this season's faults, i BARELY see people mentionning the complete flatterning of like half it's cast!
Oh sure, people are super willing to throw shit at TDA and especially TDAS for it's flanderisation of characters, but outside of some rogue posts by mutuals, i don't see ANY OF YOU pointing the finger at World Tour when i'd argue it's especially eggregious.
Owen's the easiest example of this, and while it didn't start this season it got so much during it. Nearly all of his lines revolve around food, his aerophobia, or Izzy for a single episode. His relationship with Alejandro is also super indicative of this; im willing to accept the HC that he was aware of Alejandro's dislike of him and just wanted to win him over, but that's absolutely not what the writters intended, no way in hell. He's just completely oblivious to his shitty behavior when he seemed at least somewhat aware of Heather's shifty behavior back on Island, or at least able to stand up for himself (shoutouts to that one Action episode). It's not fun to watch, either.
Bridgette too had her personality reduced to one or two traits, for either comedy reasons (because apparently people making out 24/7 is funny) or story reasons (establishing Alejandro as a threat who uses flirting and his general attractiveness to advance his strategy) and it suckssssss because she was! an actual character! and World Tour especially benefits from having a 'straight man' type character that can look at the other's weirdness and react to it like a normal-ish person! That and she could be an interesting presence to have on Team Victory, with her friendships with Leshawna and Courtney for instance.
DJ too is a BIG victim of the flanderisation thing; his personality is dumbed down to just being a huge scaredy cat, and his character is just The Curse. That's all he does and that's all he is, all he talks about. And that sucks because he too, was an actual person in Island and even Action! Sure, he was sometimes a pushover and had an accident-prone bunny, but he was also kind and could actually go out of his way to play pranks on people! But all of that is just gone in WT.
There's also the characters that weren't flanderised, and more just. Written entirely out of character. Outside of the entire Love Triangle (which i will get to) the biggest example of this is Leshawna to me. The writters straight forget the episode in Action where she's entirely dsitrustful of the Pizza they were offered (which did turn out to be tampered with) due to Chef being uncharasterically nice to them. Guess what Alejandro was doing. Being overly nice to her out of nowhere. Frankly she fell victim to the same thing Bridgette did; needing to be sacked for Alejandro's villany to be better established.
Ok fuck i need to mention the Love Triangle too because while people complain about it alot i don't think they complain about the correct stuff. i'll go rapid fire because it's been talked to death however; Gwen's liking of Duncan is a retcon, her acting like this is out of character for her frankly, Duncan's out of character by trying to emotionally manipulate his ex and the lore established to justify it makes it worse (remember the "At least im straight with people" line?), Courtney is villanised from even before this point which while her anger might've been targetted at the wrong person she was justified in being upset imo, Courtney's entire character is thrown out of a window in general this season, blah blah blah.
I'll end on the whole "the writters forgetting entire character traits/arcs" Cody still hitting on Gwen this season makes no goddamn sense and is super uncomfortable to watch. He's really such a nothing character man. Sierra deserved better than being a manic pixie stalker girl.
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xysidhequeen · 2 years
So sorta a prompt/sorta a brain worm that got stuck in my head.
What if.... When Jason died originally he came back as a ghost and he and Danny met. Jason helped him fight ghosts and taught him some tricks of the trade. He offhandedly told Danny that if he ever needed help to go to Gotham/Blüdhaven (depends if you want to spin Jason still feeling kind towards Bruce or him being more in Dick's corner). Jason vanishes when he's resurrected and Danny doesn't hear from him for years.
Well something happens. (Either everyone he loves dies, and he runs to the GZ or away to prevent himself from turning into Dark Danny, or his parents find out his secret and react Badly. Or maybe they react well but the GIW takes them out)
Danny runs to the only place he thinks can offer sanctuary, Gotham/Blüdhaven. Running off the words of a friend he hasn't seen in a long time.
He arrives and is probably exhausted, stumbling around when he feels a familiar energy. He follows it, only to nearly collapse at Jason's feet as Red Hood. (This is probably post Outlaws when Jason has a more peacefulish relationship with the Bats) and looks up.
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paradox-n-bedrock · 6 months
The Doctor eventually stops correcting people when they call him Dr. Noble. He doesn't encourage it and he certainly doesn't intentionally introduce himself that way, but he does grin and rock on his heels and needle Donna about it a little.
And Shaun is very Shaun about it. Unthreatened and chill and rolling with the nebulous limits of this queer alien's friendship with his wife. Dryly joking that if they weren't going to exchange names, it's fitting someone take Donna's. But something about it does prickle a tiny bit, after a while. He's not sure why and he's not sure how to approach it.
And then the fam is out one day and someone happens to call Fourteen Dr. Temple. And the Doctor still doesn't correct the person but when the interaction is over the three of them laugh so hard it brings him to tears. It loosens something, and later Shaun can mention the feeling to Donna, even as he realizes it doesn't bother him anymore.
He throws an "excuse you, Dr. Noble" in Fourteen's direction the next time he's put an empty box of cereal back in the cabinet for Shaun to find and gleefully watches them both sputter.
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frickingnerd · 1 month
being in a love triangle with chat noir and claw noir
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pairing: adrien agreste / chat noir x gn!reader x claw noir
tags: set during the paris special, romantic rivalry
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when ladybug and chat noir ended up in a universe different to their own, where they were villains called shadybug and claw noir, you ended up stumbling into that universe as well!
the first person you ran into there was claw noir, who was the obviously evil counterpart to chat noir
upon meeting you, claw noir seems to be head over heels for you! he might be a villain, but he has a bit of a soft side for you and immediately starts flirting!
and when chat noir sees the two of you together, with his evil doppelgänger being all over you, he HATES it!
chat noir feels super weird about seeing ‘himself’ flirt with you and he hates that the person he's jealous of is kind of himself…?
claw noir has an easier time to separate himself from chat noir! he doesn't think he has anything in common with chat, aside from his miraculous, their feelings for you and… well, their face! or whole body, really–
when flirting with you, claw noir is far more brash and suggestive, while chat noir stumbles over his words in comparison to claw!
but chat noir is always around you, to prevent claw noir to get the chance to flirt with you! he's very protective, as he doesn't trust claw noir at all, despite the two of them being the same person
claw noir and chat noir are both very jealous! that's another thing they have in common but hate to admit!
chat noir hates the idea that you could fall in love with a villain, while claw noir believes villains are more fun than those boring heroes!
they constantly try to find a moment alone with you, but are constantly crossing each other's plans!
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comradekatara · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about Aang and Zuko sm lately, they’re just so platonic soulmates it’s kinda crazy, like destined for each other 😭
yeah the whole aang katara zuko triangle is crazy. well-constructed narrative parallelism will always make me so insane it’s just so structurally satisfying. and it helps that they actually have chemistry and are so cute together beyond just complementing one another thematically. aang and zuko really do have the cutest friendship ever like “the firebending masters” has always been one of my favorite episodes just bc it is truly so adorable. such a perfect culmination of the buildup of waiting nearly 3 seasons to actually see them follow through on aang’s promise that they could be friends, and what a beautiful friendship it is!!!! obviously they’re also significant in the ways they inform the central themes of the show, but i honestly don’t even know if those themes would be communicated as well as they are if not for how cute they are together. like i cannot stress this enough. they are sooo cute.
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starbuck · 10 days
the thing is, it’s always a triangle. it’s never not a triangle. i cannot just write about two characters. where’s the third character? i need them..
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augustameretrix · 2 months
very juicy how laios learns to ask the impossible of marcille (see falins resurrection, the bunnies etc) while falin is hesitant to ask even the bare minimum of marcille ("you went this far for me" after yeeting her out of the dungeon, the weird berries at the academy etc) and in both cases marcille does. well. everything and anything that she possibly can.
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