#Rwby fandom
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Team RWBY had to face themselves, yet you can't even look into those innocent eyes. Tarnished, in every sense.
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bluearc009 · 17 days
?: Jaune...Jaune..wake up.
Jaune open his eyes and his vision clearing up he saw.
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Pyrrha: Jaune it's time to get up.
Jaune:(shock) Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: wha.....
Before she could finish he grabbed her and pull her into a kiss
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But when Jaune pull back to his surprise it wasn't really Pyrrha he kissed but....
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Jaune:(shocked) RUBY!....I'm sorry...I...I thought you were...
Ruby:(blushing) It's ok Jaune I...I understand you were still half a sleep so come on Ren and Nora are waiting for us.
Jaune:(blushing) right tell them I'll be ready soon.
As Jaune got up to change and as Ruby leaves his room she touch her lips.
Ruby:(whispering) wish that kiss was ment for me.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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The hiatus is upon us. This was less than 24 hours after the RWBY Season 9 finale.
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tinyfrog-jpg · 1 month
I did a silly
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Part 2
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candytoothart · 3 months
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RIP rooster teeth 🌹
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bumblebybelladonna · 10 months
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Girlfriend. Finally.
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fatalhdton3 · 8 months
Should I?
So, I have some spicy Whiteknight fanart I commissioned over the last month, but been debating if I should post it on this website for everyone to see or put in under the mature tap. Probably the second option if I'm being honest, what are your thoughts?
177 like and I post the naughty stuff 😶
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iamnotveryweiss · 28 days
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RWBY battle of the bands au part 9!
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Who says magic has rules? Part 1
Jaune is running with Cinder in hand after he came to save her from Salem. She took a hit for him before they could escape. Now they flee trying to find a way out of Evernight
Cinder: *Being carried by Jaune* You know the worst thing about dying like this is?
Jaune: You are not dying on me! Not now! *Starts using his semblance*
Cinder: I don't know who the power should go to *her eye starts to close*
Jaune: *Still running trying to find a way out* Its staying with you! You are the Fall Maiden, no one else!
Cinder: *Her breathing starts to slow* Its no good, we both know its over.
Jaune: No its not, not when I just found you! *panting heavily as he sets her down against the stone wall to focus on healing her*
Cinder: I wonder if I can give it to you...
Jaune: Cinder, you know that wont work... its magic, it has rules
Cinder: Who says... *she struggles to breathe*
Jaune: Ozpin made it-
Cinder: I was't supposed to be able *sighs with a hard breathe* to steal
Jaune: *Still trying to heal her as best he can* What is there to lose Huh?
Cinder: Just hold me.
Jaune: *holds her in his lap. Arms around her. Still using his semblance to heal her.* Please, don't leave
Cinder: I don't want to. *She sighs long and falls still*
Jaune: Cinder?
Cinder: ...
Jaune: Firelight?
Cinder: ...
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ketoopsart · 10 months
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Team rwby headcanons!
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My Pyrrha Nikos Atlas era design!
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behindabook2807 · 22 days
Chapter 2 of my Yang Helsing fanfic is out now! Scenes will be very familiar to you if you have seen the Van Helsing movie, is to get the plot moving. I hope you enjoy!
A massive thank you again to @dae-stuff for creating the beautiful artwork that inspired this fic and for letting me use the piece for the banner. Check her out on Twitter: @dae_stuff
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iamafanofcartoons · 7 months
I wish that someone should make a video that debunks all the "criticisms" people have about RWBY and that it's actually a good show. It would repair RWBY's reputation and teach people that you shouldn't listen to lies said by toxic people on the internet.
"RWBY Positivity" right? There's FOUR of those people here on Tumblr. @tumblingxelian and their video
@markzschiegnerii and their video
and of course @marylizabetha and her video
Finally, there's also @hypeathon and their content
Hope that helps, anon! Have a great day!
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lara-prism-light · 3 months
I hate RWBY rewrites haters!
Sorry the show isn't perfect!
Sorry that some fans are not satisfied with the original story!
Sorry that some fans are more creative than the writers of the show itself!
Sorry that you have to complain that everything isn't exactly step by step identical to the original!
You guys complain that male characters are getting attention but you don't realize that this is exactly the same problem as the canon show!
Stop bothering or harassing rewrite writers!!! They just do it for fun and you can't just treat the show as if it were the most perfect thing in the world because it's NOT!!!
Arrg, I'm going to block everyone who hates RWBY rewrites because you guys only know how to complain about the same shit but refuse to accept criticism of the show!!
I like RWBY in concept, in execution the show is an inconsistent mess!! Stop treating it like it isn't!!
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candytoothart · 3 months
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🌹Ruby Rose🌹
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dextixer · 3 months
The fandoms unfathomable arrogance in demanding how RWBY should be revived
As some of you might know Dillon Goo has expressed interest in acquiring and working on reviving RWBY from its current state. He is a very talented animator who has worked with Shane Neville for quite some time now and released animations that were even shared on our subreddit. Even GLITCH animation studio has expressed a passing interest in Dillon Goo talking about RWBY.
Regardless, this has of course received a positive reception for the most part, but it did not take long for detractors to come out of the woodwork and take issue with possible involvement of Shane, and saying things like "If CRWBY isnt a part of this, im not interested" "If CRWBY isnt in this, Montys vision is ruined.
This is a rant against those people, warning, high amounts of sodium ahead
I have seen many people say that if anyone ever aquires the RWBY IP, that CRWBY should then HAVE to be hired or these people will NEVER support the projects in question. They say that its because people like Miles and Kerry know "Montys Vision", that they know what he wanted and thus without them, RWBY would not longer be RWBY.
Let us be very clear here you entitled shits. You dont have much of a choice. RWBY is dead, its laying down on the fucking medical table, its heart is no longer beating. Its clinically a corpse. Who the fuck do you think you are to make demands of any kind of revival the show can get? You are not in a position to choose or demand anything, you either accept any kind of revival of RWBY, even if its not perfect in your eyes (Welcome to the shoes of the critics) or you quit and let RWBY die.
But let us fucking remember that many people in the fandom were gleefuly saying that they will support RT and RWBY when it was revealed how mismanaged RT was and how they abused their workers. I saw multiple people go and say "Yeah, this sucks, but i will still support RT because i want RWBY to continue". We had multiple threads in r/RWBY saying to support RT so that RWBY would continue and even moralizing that people who engage in piracy are just selfish people.
You were willing to kneel before an abusive corporation and open your wallets to it without fucking question to keep RWBY going. But now when there is a possibility that RWBY might continue on and just MIGHT possibly do so without CRWBY (Which is not even a guarantee). You throw in the fucking towel? THIS was your fucking red line? CRWBY not working on the show?
At that point, just be honest and say what you really believe.
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You are fucking DICKSUCKING Miles and Kerry as if they were the ONLY ones working on the show alongside Monty and know his "vision". Well, let me ask you then why in the fuck do you put so much effort in shitting on Shane huh!?
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Its always "Oh, we need the people who worked with Monty" but EVERY SINGLE FUCKING time i go on twitter right now i see someone whining or being worried about "Well, but what about Shane".
Shane worked with Monty from the very fucking start! When he was eventually booted out of the company and made his open letter, most of the things in that letter were then confirmed MORE AND MORE with each passing year! He cared about Montys vision so much he was willing to call out RT before ANYONE ELSE! And we know for a FACT that MK did not follow the "vision" because the things that Monty and Shane worked on for Volume 3 were not used in Volume 3 and were then reused in later volumes.
I repeat, NONE of you shits cared about Montys "vision" nor do you genuinely care about it now. What you care about is CRWBY. What you care about is the parasocial relationship between you and creators of a show you like when it panders to you.
Because Shane was there from the very fucking start. And now hes the fandoms fucking Satan who the fandom tried so fucking hard to demonize over the years. Didnt care about Montys vision then did you!?
Oh and by the way, didnt we hear for YEARS now that there is a RWBY bible? That everything in RWBY is planned? That we had an outline for like 11-13 seasons!? Well if there exists such a bible, who gives a shit if CRWBY is involved in any kind of Volume continuation. If the bible exists anyone with skill and interest can read it and create what is meant to be created!
Of course unless the bible has always been a crock of shit fed to the fandom to try and pretend that the show wasnt writen by the fucking seat of its pants. (Which it WAS!)
So let me end with this.
Miles and Kerry are not gods. They are not angels. They are not perfect beings and bearers of the "Word of Monty" they are WRITERS! And just like with ANY part of CRWBY, the companies that might want to remake RWBY or write Volume 10 can choose to NOT take them onboard.
And that is FINE!
I do not mind if people wish or prefer that CRWBY were involved with any kind of RWBY continuation. What i fucking hate is this hypocritical DEMAND to keep CRWBY on board or otherwise "Its not real RWBY". Because i will repeat for the third fucking time.
The Fandom seems to not give even a single solitary fuck about RWBY, they seem to only care about CRWBY.
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