emmacreatures · 9 months
Hi guys!! little silent but I'm SO excited! Me and my fave person @niku30 decided to watch Gran Turismo in London as a sudden movie to watch. I personally am the biggest car freak so I was so excited to go and see it together. Its even a game I used to play on the PSP as it was my first game on the console and adored it since. Not realizing they made such a stunning movie! It inspired me to write a new OC that I'm extremely excited about to show. PLEASE NOTE, I'M SO RUSTY WITH WRITING BUT I WAS SO EXCITED TO GET TO THIS!!! I'll post more soon but I'm so insanely inspired! I cannot wait to write for Niku's OC too once that sets sail! Thank you guys for reading!
It was another big day in the racing world. Mccoy was close to becoming a challenger for the so called 'head' or 'leader' of the racing world, standing number one after a big event that everyone knows about. "I'm going to kick his ass, everyone's. They dont know whats coming for them." Vernon said as he was all over himself. "You got this. Previous races you've been close, but you need to win this in order to be chosen to get in the higher rac-" Vernon's trainer said, noticing an immediate displeased look from Vernon. "You dont think I know that? I've been FIGHTING FOR THIS, Dont look at me as if I'm stupid-" "NO of course not Mccoy- I'm aware that you're aware". A whole group was all around Vernon as he really thought he was ontop of this world. Sure, its good to be confident in this type of work.. But Vernon was a spoiled bastard and known to receive constant compliments.. Having had the luck of his father being in the same business, so rolling into it made it quite easier having a known family member in the game..
While in the shadows, a slighty younger man watched the whole finesse take place, passing him without even seeing him. With crossed arms he kept his distance while the energies everywhere were immense. It was a weird world. Within a glimse of an eye, accidents could happen. You could become rich.. You could be known by the world for a skill. Sometimes luck was in the game, more than might want to admit. But while all those dangers were there and risks to take, the itch to drive.. was beyond irresistible. No one knew him like they knew Vernon. But his mother, his mother knew he was well raised enough to be a racer like Vernon was.. It was just a complicated world to begin with. Everyone hated you, no one was supportive until the dollar signs popped up.. and of course, a whole setup required alot of connections. Cayden on that hand, wasnt so lucky like vernon was. The only reason Cayden was along Vernon's group, was because of his mom's connections..
Cayden's world had always something to do with the drivers.. the races, but he never got the support he possibly needed in order to get into the big game. But that didnt stop him at all to try and get close to it. When Cayden wasn't born yet, his mom got in contact with one of the most known racers back in the day, not even having a clue on what that world was like, but the two just clicked and the rest was history.. Eventually having Cayden being brought into the world, the parents noticed Cayden's interest towards that world rather fast. Though in early stages of his growth, the relationship didnt stand for long after that as much as they tried, leaving Cayden and his mom on their own. Luckily, the father left behind some of his stuff as support, having noticed Cayden had a gift.. When it came to things in that direction. A daredevil.. Someone who wouldnt stand back for a second. He'd drive down on bicycles. Fall down hard but stand up like it was nothing, and make it more extreme along the way to challenge himself to get better.. See how far he could go. Rather fast, he'd pick up on how to handle anything in the direction of cars, how to push them. Go as far as it could go before it would be beyond repair. Find the limits, and cross them. Once Cayden arrived in his teenage era, he would go in the nights, working on a car that was far more powerful than it seemed, and drive along long highways he knew were pretty much empty at those hours. His mom figured out eventually, and sometimes worried, but deep inside she knew, he had it in him. There was something that no matter what you'd do, he'd find a way. So why should she try and stop him..
Over the time, when Cayden finally grew older, the two stayed around in the racing world due to connections, and his mom got in contact with another racer, that eventually turned more serious. Cayden was hesitant, liking to just be together with just his mom, but he too wished happiness for her, as the first break up hurt her quite alot.. Cayden however didnt realize that this new boyfriend of his mom turned out to be the head racer of the known mccoy family, Carlo, who has a son.. Vernon. Lets say that.. As Vernon and Cayden became brothers due to their parents becoming a serious couple and got married, the brothers on the other hand did not match at all. Cayden himself was someone who would never turn back from the biggest challenge and was a rough and real man (that was, what he thought of himself comparing to vernon).. While Vernon was a spoiled brat, who rolled into the world with luck of his family and bought his way into it. Cayden wanted so desperately to have a chance to race himself, and as he had moved in along the more luxurious life of Vernon and his dad after the family offered cayden and his mom a safe place to stay that was very much safe.. Cayden did misbehave at times. The mccoy family had a complete training circuit in the back of their garden, where every equipment possible was there. Cayden would sometimes sneak in there to either upgrade his own car, or take some of the cars they had to drive in the middle of the night, test his skills. While the father wasnt too approving of the rather reckless behavior, Vernon especially got beef with Cayden because of it. His mom managed to soften the rather strong reactions from the mccoy family, excusing him on behalf of her.. But as much as Carlo loved her, he did have troubles with the reckless behavior, despite he may or may not had a gift for driving. They tried to keep it rather low on the radar, but Vernon wanted to grab any moment to bring it up or bring Cayden especially down, making their connection rather difficult.
Cayden and his mom went along every race for the last few seasons. They did make sure not to put Vernon and Cayden in the same hotel rooms, as the spoiled brat would throw a complete tantrum if they did. It was hard to get used to, but seeing his mom so happy.. Made up for going through all the trouble. But his own tendencies of wanting to do things that werent allowed never slowed down. He was the worst daredevil.. and he hasnt gotten his chance yet to show his true potential but he wanted to, and would eventually. He wanted to kick Vernon's ass for continously slowing him down or make sure he got belitted. 'Behave okay, for me?' his mom said before the next race they were heading to.. Having promised to behave this once, as he stayed in the shadows and didnt interfere, which was a first this time, but man.. How badly he wanted to make that spoiled little shit trip.
"I'll be upstairs.. You're sure you want to stay here?" Cayden's mom, alissa, asked as Cayden nodded. "Yeah.. I dont like to be among carlo's group." "Thats okay, I know its still a journey for you, but i'm thankful you come along, just, come up whenever, you have the badge right?" alissa said as she pointed at the vip card she was wearing herself. Cayden just nodded, as she softly rubbed over his shoulder before leaving. Cayden just watched Vernon get ready for the race, as luckily some of Vernon's pitstop.. actually did like Cayden. They sometimes were tired of Vernon's behavior as much as Cayden was.. "Seems you guys are good on schedule. Hows the baby doing?" Cayden said as he smirked, making Trent, one of the pitstop guys, laugh. "So far he got his bottle. Seems to shut up when you just keep nodding, everything is ready though" "I know that feel." Cayden said as he looked at trent. Seeing he excused himself to get Vernon to the starting line. But that was just the beginning of today.
After that, the race started, starting pretty fine.. Cayden was just watching along the pitcrew, eventually noticing a rather annoying racer, tailgate Vernon, making him dunk firmly on the side against concrete as Vernon started cursing. But Vernon wasnt alone, right behind him, more collissions started to occur, giving a blockage. "VERNON. You're close to the pitstop, does the car still work-" "IS THAT YOUR BIGGEST CONCERN RIGHT NOW?! I MIGHT'VE BROKEN A GODDAMN BONE-" "Listen to me. People are catching up on you. you need to quickly drive here if it works or else we'll end up in-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP" Vernon said as Trent took out his earbuds as he glared.. Cayden noticed the tense behavior from all of them.. Looking at the screens as they notice the car finally did move towards them. After some minutes, Vernon managed to get the car to the pitstop, whining like a little child as he slammed on the inside of his door to get someone to open it. Due to his rather heavily response of having something broken, the whole team expected him to be in agonizing pain, as he did hold his arm, but now the biggest stress started to pile up. Was he still able to drive.. or would they loose their title. "We cant- OUCH. GENTLE- I think I BROKE MY ARM" Vernon yelled, glaring at all the help he was about to receive.. Trent however, became more serious. "Check him quick. We're falling behind from place 5th to 12th already. There's still a security car upfront.. But once thats gone we will loose any chance on restoring this mistake. Werent you so keen on bringing the title home for your dad?" Trent said as Vernon glared while telling the crew to make sure the car got its tires, got the fuel and got checked if it was safe to drive, which it did. "You're calling me a liar.. I'VE BROKEN SOMETHING. The other one should be SUED, get my laywer immediately" Vernon said with his big mouth, making Trent glare, but Cayden... Oh he was becoming furious. His reckless behavior was about to snap. "We either take this on, and you get back in that goddamn car, or it'll be over. Sueing them or whatever you want to do has to be done afterwards. Now, we NEED to get this car on the road" Trent said angry.. Making Cayden eventually step in. "you're so scared of loosing your name? Why arent you sitting back and take it like an ACTUAL man. You have no broken bone. You wouldnt be able to move it" Cayden said as Vernon was on terror mode at this rate. "you have NO right to talk to me. You're no MCCOY. You're nothing but a fucking parasite. You better stay back or i'll make sure my dad kicks you out for GOOD" Vernon said as he still held his other arm, but one of the nurses did agree it shouldnt be broken.. Maybe a big bruise at most.
The way Cayden heard Vernon speak, was his final straw.. He couldnt goddamn care what he was going to do. He knew Carlo found this competition very important.. But he wanted to prove them wrong on the view they had on himself. Without much of a hesitation, he ran into Vernon's studio, grabbed one of the suits that didnt have the damn logo of the mccoys on there out of pure spite, putted it on with godspeed, grabbed the helmet and decided to walk up to the car and jumped into it without anyone stopping him. It almost seemed now for the news that Vernon had gotten himself back into the game, but as Trent noticed what seemed to be Cayden jumping into that car, and seeing that thing HAD to leave now in order to even get a chance to regain themselves for the mccoys.. Knowing whatever he had to argue with Vernon would be a lost cause.. He just went with it, possibly doing the most illegal thing possible. "Kill them. GO" Trent said as he closed the damn window and gave the 'go'. Within seconds the car drove off.. As Vernon turned to the sound. "Wait. WHO-" He yelled as he ran to the edge, seeing his car dissapear.. For trent realized what was happening, Cayden decided to just go for it. "son of a bitch".. He whispered with a smirk.. Knowing in the dark that reckless youngster had been doing things, but this.. This was the biggest dare he could've pulled, and trent couldnt wait to see how he'd do.
Vernon started to scream, taking the microphone off of trent's workers, trying to make whoever got into his car turn. "WHO DID TAKE MY CAR-" Vernon said as he saw the smirk on Trent's face.. Knowing enough. "GET THAT FUCKING BETRAYER OUT OF MY CAR-" "Sorry Vernon.. He might be the best you got for that 'broken' arm of yours" Trent said as Vernon looked as deadly as possible. "You better wish you have a nice backup for your life.. Because you'll get fired. I'll make sure of that" Vernon said as Trent scoffed. "I'd like to see you try" Trent said as the choice that Cayden made, made him finally show his true colors on how dissaproving he was on the behavior of Vernon as well, despite he knew it would risk his job.
Meanwhile, most assumed that Vernon was the one back in his own car.. The commentators of the whole race were continuing to speak again "Alright- many are still on our repair tracks but will you LOOK at that! It seems Mccoy has picked up faster than we assumed" "Thats great to know Gordon because it was right on time.. Our track is cleared and the race is BACK in the game. Now its awaiting who WILL take that title" both men were talking as Cayden realized what he was doing as well.. Stretching his hands on the wheel before he breathed out. "This shouldnt be too complex.. Lets go" the man smirked before he saw the signs that he could give full speed, having a determined face as he was finally on the tracks he's been wanting to be for YEARS. "and they're OFF." One of the commentators was saying as Vernon in the meantime tried to get through their center, to reveal he was infact not in his car, and trying to get Cayden in jail for whatever activity he was pulling.. That was how extra vernon was. "HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A TRUE LICENSE- GET HIM BACK NOW" Vernon yelled at his crew as they all moreso watched the screens.. All being in a quite disbelief that Vernon's car was already bumped up from 12th place to 5th within the few seconds he was driving.. "for not having a license, he's getting the hang of this better than most in the back" Trent said as he was in awe. Each turn and speed control was far more advanced than trent had expected. He knew Cayden went places and had a very daring energy.. But this.. This was baffling to see. "IS ANYONE EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" Vernon said as he went to the area his dad and team were sitting.. Trying to call the commentators on trying to stop Cayden or at least get him expelled to never drive again. He got more and more furious to notice he was GOOD. More than just good. Not to mention that Cayden out of precaution deactivated the microphone so no one could yell at him or try and stop this. Meaning as well that this man had no help when driving, making this whole activity extremely dangerous. He couldnt be warned or put through any tips or hints that could potentially save him should it come to it. This was his own choice.. And the most crazy for sure.
Cayden smirked as he was as focused as one could think, noticing the previous driver that tailgated Vernon and make him slam into the side, tried to stop Cayden as well.. Not knowing he wasnt Vernon. With just a low laugh, he managed to dodge the several attempts before passing him wirh speed and pressing firmly on the gas pedal, as if it was his second nature.. making everyone stare more at all the screens that showed all around the area. Eventually, Vernon got contact with the commentators "Hello this is Michael and gordon speaking, you do realize we're in the midst of this race?-" "SOME BLOODY ASSHOLE TOOK MY CAR AND IS ON THE TRACKS RIGHT NOW. YOU NEED TO STOP HIM" Vernon said as both commentators became silent. "Wh- Who is this?" "Its VERNON MCCOY YOU- GET THIS MAN OUT OF MY CAR". The whole group handling the audience, hearing the news all frowned.. Who was in the damn car that was slowly getting closer to the front.. "Who is... In your car then Vernon?" "HE'S MY- TECHNICALLY NOT BLOOD RELATED BUT HE's my- WHATEVER. his name is CAYDEN CRUZE. Make that name be heard so he can be expelled, removed, and taken from any possible race EVER" Vernon said as he wanted to break the phone at this rate, making Alissa, who sat with carlo in the same room.. Overhear some of the people who handle everything.. That there was a sudden. Change in racing.
"Well guys, I just got told the one driving Vernon mccoy's car isnt our usual driver. The racer just called us personally, from his pitstop" Michael said as the whole audience started to make noise. "then who is this secret masked racer driving the vehicle Michael?" Gordon asked as everyone got curious. Carlo and Alissa were just minding their business, as Carlo's immediate reaction was turn to Alissa.. with worry. "well whoever he is, he can drive. To make it all the more interesting for everyone, we even got the confirmation this secret driver does NOT have his license yet." Michael said as Gordon laughed. "illegal or not Michael, this might be the first time I dare say I like to see where this is heading" Gordon said strong, as everyone got cheerful almost, seeing how well Cayden was doing. Meantime, Cayden was getting closer to the front, having upmost control as he sat as steady as one could think, feeling alive... "Common.. You have your first and perhaps final chance. Make it count" Cayden was whispering, noticing no one stopping him yet, so he gave his best.. "I cant believe my eyes Gordon.. But, is our secret driver coming close to the first place" "I believe you're right Michael. He's like a phantom driver, maybe the most fearless I've seen in a while, and unstoppable at it too." Gordon said as he followed up. "He's going at full speed, with incredible precision and no fear. I see no single hesitation, is he going to make it? A rookie, with no license, managing to become 1st in this qualification of these professionals?" The commentators said as the whole crowd started to go crazy, seeing how vernon's car was getting closer to first place.. Doing the impossible. The mccoy team was hoping to perhaps make it to 5th at least.. But cayden, took it a next level. Something the world has never seen so far. "FINAL ROUND, and he's catching up on the one in front row, I cant BELIEVE IT" The commentators couldnt stop yelling about cayden, making the whole audience go mad. Alissa, who was in absolute disbelief, having heard via via its his own son, watching every step as Carlo himself was silent.. Having to realize he was so impressed by this guy, having underestimated him far too much. Cayden became a new phenomon already, and the race wasnt even over. It wasnt even his own car. This rookie.. Was making history.. But he had a feel that despite many were amazed, he was doing the most illegal things right now, possibly having to pay for them later, but this opportunity was something he couldnt let go off. Even to see Vernon's mad face was enough to make his day.
"Come on.. Lets dance" Cayden said as he started crawling close to the one on first place, feeling the car's engine was getting close to its limits, but it didnt stop him.. He proved to himself he can feel if he gets too far.. The final stretch was getting closer and closer.. The whole audience was going mad, cheering for this unknown racer on one of the most difficult courses there were. To beat those that wanted to qualify for the big guys, and them getting wrecked by a new racer who had never shown its face yet... Just the thought of that was crazy right? A new legend to test the grounds, and possibly spice older racer's their life, to challenge them again, throw things alive. Everything Cayden was doing was right above the edge of safe.. This man would push anything that he could. "Is he going to do it?" alissa said as she stepped closer to the screens, seeing the car getting right next to the one on first place, as the engine of vernon's car was getting roasted.. But it still held on, which seemed impossible. "A little more.." Cayden whispered as he went as fast as he could, almost flying as he felt the car about to spike above what it could take, but he figured.. This might be his only shot before getting removed from the races for good, so why not take what he has now.. Just that extra bit of fearless energy managed to get him right upfront.. In the final lap. "I cant believe it. He's ahead.. HE'S GOING TO MAKE IT. I CANT BELIEVE MY EYES" The commentators kept yelling as the noise of vernon's care echoed over the whole course.. Before he actually made it as number one on the race.. Vernon's entire crew started to jump, yell on the fact they were number 1 for once. Making the whole entire audience jump out of their chairs as Alissa was silent.. Turning to Carlo.. "I knew he had.. a feel for this but.. I never expected him to pull something like this. I'm sorry Carlo. I didnt know he'd.." Alissa said as Carlo raised his head, but had the sweetest expression. "I underestimated him, thats my mistake for not looking past his possible opportunities than him stealing our cars every now and then 'innocently'.. but you must realize my love, he did just cross about 10 rules that are unacceptable.. There's no way he can be considered to continue in this world if you start like this" Carlo said as Alissa nodded slowly, receiving a kiss on her hand before Carlo decided to go down.. and see how this could escalate.
Cayden smirked as he noticed he actually kicked everyone's butt, but after coming back to the cockpit, he realized that there were some things waiting for him. At least he made a print. Trent walkes up to the car that smelled burned almost.. Seeing a bit of smoke of the heat of the car and seeing the damage on the wheels.. and yet, the car maintained to be fine. He had the senses for it, trent thought, as he opened the window to let Cayden out. "Not bad kid.. You hid alot of this away huh. I knew you had some type of feel but.. this?..." Trent said as he softly shook his hand, before Cayden heard some aggresive stomping his way as most people clapped at first.. "YOU ALL BETTER FUCKING STOP YOUR CHEERING." Vernon said as Cayden was ready to fight. "you wanted to save your family's name? Here is the one time I actually helped you. I FIXED IT" Cayden said reckless as he knew he put gasoline into the fire. "NO you didnt help me. you didnt fucking fix it. You wanted to take a piss on me and my whole fucking family. MY CAR IS ROASTED. Do you have ANY IDEA HOW MANY RULES YOU BROKE? YOU'LL BE DISQUALIFIED ANYHOW BECAUSE YOU WENT WITH MY CAR. MY CREW. YOU DONT BELONG HERE. YOU'RE SO DEAD CRUZE" Vernon said as he wanted to start a fight, grabbing Cayden at his clothing as some of his pitcrew pulled them apart immediately.
The silence was heard when Carlo called it once.. Creating tension in the room as he made sure everyone stepped back. "Cayden. Follow me" Carlo said as Cayden frowned.. Showing no fear again.. But Vernon was just smirking wide to assume he'd get the worst possible.. "Just get inside, answer all questions. Be honest." Carlo said threatening in his own way, making Cayden frown as he entered the room.. Seeing many interviewers, but specificially a big investor he recognized from several racers, but only the best.. "So this.. Is our phantom driver?" the head person of the group said as Cayden nodded "Yes sir".
"Whats your name?" He asked as the tension was spiking.. "The name's Cayden Cruze". "Alright Cayden.. From what I've heard, you're a rather new driver. You've possibly heard of the various rules you've crossed illegally, in order to do what you just managed to do" "I'm aware.." "And you still stand by it. If you had a chance like that again, with its risks, would you do it?" "I would. I still stand by it.."
"Well good news Cruze, you might be thrown out of a group you've never been with.. Or registrated, so.. You might wanna look at your own" The man said as Cayden showed a slight surprised look.. "Our head racer.. Is getting close to retirement, and we like supporting the more exceptional. and since you're placed on number 1 and made history, despite it might not be set in stone, getting you that license wont be too much of a problem" The man said as Cayden needed some time to process. "Dont get me wrong, but.. So far, everyone in my surroundings, made aware that due my actions, i cant possibly get a chance to ever return on these grounds". "Maybe never on these grounds again but from seeing your stance, your energy.. That wouldnt stop you.. you'll have to start on your own, from scratch, and we want you. We think you'll become a danger to the professionals, and its exactly what we hoped to find. We just didnt know what exactly" the man said as Cayden felt more strong in his shoes. Finally, he got a righteous response.. No longer having to be in the shadows either. His reckless behavior got him where he wanted to be.. "so, what do you say Cruze?"
"I'm all in".
Within minutes, it was the biggest hit on the news for everyone to see.. Becoming a worldwide phenominon.. Cayden cruze shall soon hit the real grounds, driving among those that were known for years, challenging those... Who knows what might occur or happen..
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mizukkay · 29 days
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selfshipping-haven · 3 months
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that's the mood for tonight amirite fellas
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invasive · 3 months
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d-does-art · 3 months
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Just a little guy.
More thoughts on this.
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ryonello · 2 months
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im playing my favorite dating sim again 💌
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queerdraws · 9 months
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projecting on luffy again. get bited.
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pandeesall · 3 months
What Vince thinks about during his smoke break:
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rebelsafoot · 30 days
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this trend Also could have worked for foreman, cameron and chase
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slocotion · 8 months
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Moonglass, Dewdrop & Honeyjelly. Three of the five posable minis going up my secret patreon store, 1st Oct, 19:00 GMT+1.
This shop is visible to patrons at any tier; Link
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encycllia · 4 months
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i really like these guys
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sjonni33 · 2 months
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from the river to the sea, palestine will be free!! 🍉🇵🇸
all proceeds from print and sticker orders of this illustration will be donated to PCRF! i will try to match the amount donated for the remaining half of april! shop the print and sticker here💐
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nicandragon · 7 months
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Really good artwork I did while definitely not delirious as all hell
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littlenimart · 23 days
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toe to toe with you, losing control with you
wanna know would you rip me to pieces?
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
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calling it right now that season 3 starts like this
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joleanart · 2 years
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don't mind me, i'm just spreading my "what if nancy and eddie were besties" agenda
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