#SLC graffiti
maxmicallef · 2 years
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#saltlakecity #slc #graffiti
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haveyouever89 · 7 months
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SLC Punk. Black Flag graffiti
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thedollisdead · 2 years
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my self surrounded by some of favorite pieces at Downtown Music practice space in SLC
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ikanografik · 3 years
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Kanos / Salt Lake City
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coldbunny · 4 years
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Hanging out with a bunch of hoodlums.
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atlas801 · 5 years
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Little painting on a bench in a park, on the head of a frog on a log in a hole at the bottom of sea
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heavygyroscope · 6 years
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London 2018
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adventurealldays · 6 years
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I <3 you... tah
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kas-e · 7 years
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SLC Burners.  My photography, not my art.  Credit the writers if you know them, I’m new to the area so I’m no help unfortunately.  Crazy good graf in this city!
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dumbiest · 7 years
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cvmercns · 3 years
hi  my  loves  !  i  just  got  out  of  work  so  i’m  sry  this  is  late  &  rushed  but  tbh  that’s  pretty  on  brand  for  me  so  (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞  .  anyways  i’m  nia  ,  she  /  her  pronouns  ,  and  this  is  luca  and  he’s  a  garbage  boi  so  here  we  go  !
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luca cameron was spotted in the fashion district adorning vltn combat boots , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to daywalker! by machine gun kelly . you may know them as @lewcuh or as that dylan minnette lookalike . their twenty-third birthday just passed . while living in tribeca , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be vagarious but on the other hand innovative . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cismale / he / him )
NAME :  luca  anthony  cameron
AGE :  twenty - three
DATE  OF  BIRTH:  december 13th ,  1997
ZODIAC :   sagittarius  
PLACE  OF  BIRTH / HOMETOWN :  jersey  city  ,  new  jersey
GENDER :  cismale
PRONOUNS :  he  /  him
ORIENTATION :  pansexual 
PARENTS :  elliott  cameron  &  cassandra  scott
SIBLINGS :  xavier  cameron
CAREER :  musician  (  the  neighbourhood  career  claim  )
MUSE  PARALLELS  :  steve  -  o  (  slc  punk  ) ,  stu  (  scream  )  ,  patrick  verona  (  10  things  i  hate  about  you  )  ,  richie  tozier  (  it  )  ,  cliff  pantone  (  bring  it  on )  ,  jd  (  heathers  )
luca  was  born  in  jersey  city  on  a  cold  ass  ,  snowy  december  day 
his  parents  ,  at  the  time  ,  were  thrilled  to  add  another  member  to  their  small  family  after  trying  to  get  pregnant  for  years  after  giving  birth  to  their  first  son
from  what  luca  remembers  of  the  first  ten  years  of  his  life  ,  it  was  pretty  normal  ,  pretty  happy  aside  from  his  older  brother  doing  older  brother  things  to  make  his  life  hell
he  was  in  fifth  grade  was  when  he  started  to  notice  a  change  in  his  family  --  his  dad  seemed  to  work  a  lot  ,  slept  on  the  couch  often  ,  he  could  hear  arguing  coming  from  their  room  at  all  hours  of  the  day
his  brother  ,  about  fourteen  at  the  time  ,  would  distract  him  with  video  games  and  skateboarding  lessons  because  he  was  old  enough  to  know  what  was  going  on
the  next  year  was  when  his  parents  filed  for  divorce  ,  and  of  course  at  the  time  he  didn’t  know  it  was  because  his  dad  had  been  cheating  on  his  mom  but  he  did  get  remarried  awfully  quick  so  it  didn’t  take  a  genius  to  figure  it  out
his  mom  had  family  in  new  york  so  that’s  where  she  moved  them  ,  close  enough  that  they  could  spend  their  mandatory  weekends  with  their  dad  ,  although  once  his  new  wife  got  pregnant  those  visits  dwindled  down  to  nothing
and  when  he  was  fourteen  his  mom  got  remarried  too  ,  the  same  year  his  brother  left  for  college  ,  leaving  luca  to  deal  with  them  alone
so  high  school  was  rough  for  him  .  he  was  in  detention  a  lot  ,  one  of  those  kids  that  you  just  expected  to  get  in  trouble  on  any  day  ending  in  a  y
he’s  done  it  all  --  smoked  cigarettes  behind  the  bleachers  ,  spiked  the  punch  at  dances  ,  graffitied  any  available  surface  ,  argued  with  teachers  over  the  smallest  things
he’s  generally  not  a  dick  ,  so  the  therapists  his  stepdad  sent  him  to  said  he  did  it  for  attention  and  also  probably  because  he  has  add  (  he  just  sold  whatever  they  prescribed  him  so  joke’s  on  them  )
his  stepdad  wasn’t  terrible  ,  but  obviously  not  the  paternal  type  ,  always  acting  like  luca  was  some  cat  that  he  just  had  to  make  sure  to  leave  food  out  for
but  jeez  was  he  rich  ,  some  soulless  businessman  type  that  liked  to  make  money  but  liked  to  spend  it  even  more  ,  always  flying  his  mom  out  to  tropical  vacations  and  buying  luca  whatever  new  iphone  or  playstation  just  came  out  ,  probably  just  to  keep  him  from  bitching  too  much
his  mom  ,  though  he  loves  her  to  death  and  knows  she  was  just  trying  to  give  him  the  best  possible  life  ,  was  easily  won  over  by  the  money  ;  she  loved  the  nights  spent  at  expensive  restaurants  and  hotels  ,  loved  going  to  broadway  shows  and  spending  thousands  on  a  single  shopping  trip
so  she  wasn’t  around  much  either  ,  but  luca  kept  his  mouth  shut  because  he  figured  she  deserved  it  after  dealing  with  his  dad  for  all  those  years
and  luca  figured  he’d  make  the  best  out  of  the  situation  ,  asking  his  stepdad  for  music  lessons  and  drum  sets  and  guitars  because  he  had  always  been  interested  in  learning  to  play
he  met  his  best  friends  and  bandmates  through  school  --  at  first  they  were  just  fucking  around  and  jamming  in  one  of  their  garages  ,  and  when  the  idea  of  making  a  band  came  up  he  just  went  with  it  ,  never  having  been  all  that  interested  in  academics  anyways
one  of  them  had  a  family  member  in  the  music  business  which  is  how  their  first  ep  got  made  when  luca  was  eighteen  ,  and  unexpectedly  shot  them  into  the  spotlight  when  their  song  sweater  weather  blew  up  (  the  neighbourhood  is  his  career  claim  --  lead  vocals  anyways  --  and  as  of  rn  they’ve  put  out  the  albums  i  love  you  ,  wiped  out  ,  and  the  neighbourhood  )
luca  is  ...  for  sure  a  sagittarius  askdflj
he  loves  change  ,  loves  switching  things  up  constantly  because  he  gets  bored  faster  than  the  flash  can  run  a  mile
for  that  reason  ,  he’s  kind  of  a  terrible  boyfriend  .  not  that  he’d  cheat  or  anything  ,  but  it’s  hard  to  hold  his  attention  and  keep  him  in  one  place
he  does  try  because  he’s  a  very  loyal  person  ,  like  will  for  sure  go  to  jail  for  you  if  he  loves  you  ,  but  it  does  take  a  lot  of  dedication  to  become  someone  important  to  him
he’s  a  super  fun  person  to  be  around  ,  always  up  for  anything  ,  doesn’t  stay  in  a  bad  mood  for  too  long  (  partly  because  he  has  a  shit  memory  but  oh  well  )
but  he  does  have  his  mood  swings  here  and  there  ,  you  never  rly  know  what’s  gonna  set  him  off  ,  he  could  be  laughing  one  minute  and  then  throwing  things  at  a  wall  the  next
should  probably  go  to  therapy  again  but  he’d  sooner  eat  glass
might  have  a  partying  problem  but   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  he  got  super  famous  at  eighteen  what  else  can  you  expect
probably  high  99%  of  the  time
he  likes  to  think  he’s  a  bad  boy  but  he’s  a  fucking  sweetheart  ,  11/10  cries  at  tiktoks  of  dogs
speaking  of  which  ,  he  has  an  alaskian  malamute  named  squidward
idk  what  else  to  add  here  ,  the  backstory  was  pretty  long  so  i’ll  give  y’all  a  break  <3
so  that’s  it  !  if  u  wanna  plot  (  which  i  would  luv  )  u  can  like  this  &  i’ll  come  message  u  ,  or  u  can  dm  me  here  or  on  discord  𝔡𝔯. 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔬𝔟𝔬𝔤𝔤𝔞𝔫#9874  .  can’t  wait  to  rp  with  all  u  cuties   ❤️
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shootiikill · 7 years
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nexasvoid · 7 years
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deanandgoost · 7 years
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silaslibraryclub · 5 years
Discord Diamonds ep6
Published by @jg-firefly in response to a prompt from @ukulelekatie in the #Prompt channel in the SLC Discord Server earlier today:
Carmilla and Laura are competing food truck owners
She was late, and she knew it. Never mind that it was only 6:58 AM, or that the top parking spot didn’t open until 7 on the dot. She was still two minutes away, even pushing the limit around the narrow city turns, and she knew full well who would be circling like a shark, her timing impeccable, her eye-liner perfect...
Laura let out a growl of frustration as the light ahead of her turned yellow, a hatchback already pulling to a halt ahead of her. A woman in a pencil skirt crossed the sidewalk, gaze buried in her phone. An empty school bus on the way to its first stop grumbled past.
Her fingers drummed on the steering wheel.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.”
Craning her neck, she watched the crosswalk counter tick down to zero, the cross traffic light turning yellow and then red.
Her light went green, and the hatchback slowly rolled forward... and then waited. Blinker on, tail sticking in the road and blocking her route. A pair of baristas were crossing the other way, fumbling with their green aprons and taking their dear time.
The hatchback pulled through, and Laura hit the gas, eyes scanning the road for any foolish pedestrians as she hummed just over the recommended city speed. She took the last turn, the buildings familiar with their big blue graffiti lettering, their Great Gatsby style eyeglass portrait reigning three stories up... and there it was.
Cosmic Cookies splashed in purple across the side, the brake lights just clicking off.
In her space.
The greatest tragedy in the moment, though, was not the lost parking, or even the lost revenue she was going to face when she had to find a home for her truck over in the West End. No, the worst part was that there was no way to turn around without driving past the other chef.
“Oh, hey, Hollis!” Carmilla called, waving a casual hand out of her window. The other reached up to push her sunglasses—absurd accessories that they were, given the early hour—down the bridge of her nose. She raised an eyebrow. “Fancy seeing you here!”
She let Big Cheese roll to a halt, glaring across the narrow gap between their vehicles.
“You’re in my spot.”
Carmilla’s mouth dropped open in mock shock, a clutch-my-pearls level gasp falling off her lips. “Your spot? I must have missed the big ownership sign...”
Laura rolled her eyes as the other woman leaned back and forth in her seat, as though she were scanning the nearby area for this supposed sign.
“I’m here every Tuesday! My customers are going to be confused!”
“I mean... not any more confused than they were last week. Or on Friday, or yesterday... What’s that make the score, cupcake?”
“I hate you.”
“I think it’s... four to two?”
“You sabotaged me!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Laura huffed. “You hid all of my coffee last week. And then my keys on Friday—and don’t try to tell me that I put them in the freezer; I’m not that scatter-brained!” Carmilla was merely grinning. “And this morning! I got in the truck and found that my seat was all the way back, all the mirrors were out of alignment, and the windshield wipers would not stop going.”
“Huh, imagine that.”
“I don’t remember there being rules. I just remember you promising me naming rights, and something about best out of seven... and I also noticed you didn’t include yesterday in your list of complaints against me... can’t imagine why...”
Laura could feel her face flushing red, Carmilla’s wide-eyes somehow both innocent and seductive as they blinked back at her.
“Yesterday morning wasn’t... that’s not... we aren’t naming our cat Socrates!”
“Ah-ah, I don’t remember there being a ‘we’ in the rules...”
“Caaarm,” she whined.
“It won’t be Socrates.”
“Thank you.”
Carmilla flipped her sunglasses up, settling them on top of her head, and grinned softly. “I got LaF to save you a spot on River Street. Just, y’know... FYI.”
Something curled warm in her chest, and Laura bit her lip around a smile.
“Oh. Thanks.”
Her girlfriend turned to fumble in the passenger seat, and a moment later returned to extend her arm across the distance. Laura accepted the pastry-parchment-wrapped offering.
Confetti cookies. And still warm.
“Still hate me?”
“You know I never did.”
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