#Sarah-Jane adventures fanfiction
Did Molly ever meet the Doctor? If she hasn't, who would she meet and how would that go?
Yes! Molly actually gets to meet a few Doctors. I haven't written any of these encounters out yet, but I'll tell you some of who she meets and how those instances go.
Sixth Doctor - When Molly was three, she got lost/separated from her dad on a shopping trip*. She saw a blue box that said "police" on it, knocked and asked for help. Six and Peri would reunite father and daughter. Molly told the Doctor she liked his coat because it had "pretty colors." She didn't learn this was the Doctor until years later.
Tenth Doctor - Molly was with Sarah Jane, Luke, K9, and Mr. Smith when the Daleks moved the Earth. She sees the Tenth Doctor on the computer screen when they use the Subwave Network. Molly will get to meet him in person when he crashes Sarah Jane's wedding. She gets a trip in the TARDIS as a reward. I think she also gets to see Ten on his Farewell Tour.
Third Doctor - Molly will find herself in UNIT HQ during the 1970s. She will require his and UNIT's help to get home.
Eleventh Doctor - Helps the Doctor and her friends thwart the Shansheeth's plans.
I feel like she will meet more incarnations of the Doctor, but I haven't thought that far ahead.
Thank you so much for asking! It made me so happy on my lunch break to see your question. 🥰
*There is more to this story, but I'm still developing this plot.
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isabel3710 · 6 days
Here recently I pulled an old fic out of storage that I hadn’t updated since 2019. And not only did I update it but I also heavily edited it.
So here’s the link if anyone wants to check it out.
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
Drabble 13/366 - Sarah Jane Adventures
“Mom?” Luke whispers, and it’d been silly for Sarah Jane to think she could peek in without waking him, especially after today. 
“It’s alright. Nothing’s wrong. Go back to sleep, Luke.” He nods.
It terrifies her how easily she could lose him. 
She lingers in the cracked doorway. She knows Luke is still awake, and he knows she’s still watching, and maybe on another night, she wouldn’t know what to do if she crossed the distance between them.
Tonight, she does.
She walks to Luke’s bedside, leans down, and kisses his forehead.
“You’re safe,” she promises. “You’re safe now, Luke.”
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this-geek · 5 months
AO3 Wrapped
2023 has been one hell of a year. I am bored and at my parent's house for the next week at least, so I thought I'd venture down memory lane. There were quite a few gaps between fics this year due to my declining health both physically and mentally but I am honestly so proud of every fic I wrote this year. It is truly insane to my brain that I made it to this moment and that I am able to make this silly little 'powerpoint'
Disclaimer: One fic is excluded from this it was an update and not a completely new fic.
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If you've made it this far, congrats. Please enjoy a masterlist of the fics posted this year.
Golden Girls
A Quiet Little Moment - G
Hands - M
Surprise! - M
You're Beautiful - T
I Want To Go Dancing - T
Help - T
The Curious Case of Blanche's Sleeping -T
Put a Pin in it - T
Overdoing It
Doctor Who/SJA
An Understanding between Friends - G
I Loved Her - G
Abbott Elementary
Distracted - T
Never Ever - T
Shortland Street
Staying - G
Here's to happy and creative 2024!
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All of my unfinished TWDG fics: yo
All of my unfinished Cats fics: hi
My unfinished NCIS oneshot: sup
My unfinished Black Mirror: Bandersnatch twoshot: heya
My Sarah Jane Adventures fic idea:
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voyagingfox · 7 months
hi! i'm vilhelms/valērijs :3 i use it/he/morgue pronouns and am a gay aroace trans man
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returning to tumblr after a long long time away and purging everything from this account to create new content for the internet.
current fandoms : saw, ducktales, bones, bbc ghosts, 9-1-1, sherlock, any 2010s cbbc show tbh, fantastic mr fox, and more! :D
i write fanfics sometimes on my ao3 @cruc1fixxl0vr [ xenogender tumblr by the same name is also mine!! ]
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renegade-time-lord · 2 years
Someone who knows Luke better than I do should write a fic where he talks to the Doctor or another time lord about feeling different.
Luke: I feel weird sometimes because I don’t have a birthday.
The Doctor: I don’t have one either because I wasn’t born. I came out of the loom this size.
Luke: I was always this size too! I don’t have a bellybutton
The Doctor: I do have a belly button! But no one else of my race does!
There’s so much potential. They’re both intelligent, don’t know social norms, never was a baby, don’t have a birthday, psychic ability or potential, people think they’re weird, etc.
It could be so good and wholesome!
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lauraadama · 2 years
Alan and Sarah Jane share a few unspoken truths. Missing scene from the start of "The Lost Boy".
“Chrissie might be her mother, but you’re the person Maria comes running to when she needs something,” Alan confessed, shuffling from one foot to the other as he avoided her eyes. He would never call Chrissie a ‘bad’ mother, but Maria lit up when she was around Sarah Jane.  Sarah Jane stepped forward, taking a moment to process what he was saying. He wasn’t wrong there.  Maria was like the daughter she never realised she had wanted. She also knew she filled the void that Chrissie left behind as an ever-present maternal figure. A part of her had always accepted that she had gained two children the day she found Luke – and not one. Alan was just the first one to put it into words.
Read on FF.Net (x) or AO3 (x)
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the-biscuit-agreement · 4 months
1 & 14 for ask game
Thank you for the asks!
1. What is your favourite trope to write?
Probably hurt/comfort. I like putting fictional characters in awful situations and then writing them recovering from them!
14. First fandom you ever wrote fanfiction for?
The Sarah Jane Adventures! (And it is still out there somewhere)
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queen-paladin · 1 month
My Books and other Media: April 2024 Wrap up!!!
Here is what I thought of these! As well as some video essays I LOVED because I eat those up!
The Time I Got Drunk and Saved A Demon by Lemming:
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A hilarious romantasy adventure romp! Our Heroine, Cin, has to team up with a demon to go on an adventure when they find out that their goddess possesses demons to attack people and the only way to stop her is to destroy her sacred items. It's laugh-out-loud funny one minute and sweet, romantic, and very spicy the next. I would highly recommend it! 5/5
The Death of Jane Lawrence by Starling
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In a Victorian AU world, Jane doesn't want to be stuck as a spinster figure of pity with her adopted family, so she agrees to be in a marriage of convenience with a surgeon named Augustine Lawrence. Things seem to be going great until on her wedding night, she is dropped off at the manor house he lives in...at the haunted manor house he lives in. Since Crimson Peak is one of my favorite movies and this book was inspired by it, I had to pick it up and I was not disappointed! Very much had the same vibes but is distinctly its own thing! I liked Jane and her practicality and I loved Augustine and how much of a pathetic meow meow and simping malewife he was for her. There is plenty of scary, gruesome imagery and I kept being so nervous, thinking "how is Jane gonna deal with this?" Plus there was a pretty darn good twist in the last third and I was genuinely surprised by the ending, without giving anything away The only thing is that sometimes the prose is so poetic that it becomes vague, especially one section right before the very end. But I loved it! 4/5
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Okay, so in a nutshell, this is an arranged marriage story between the vampire Misery and the werewolf Lowe, since the vampires, werewolves, and humans have been in constant conflict. For what I liked, the book was really funny. I enjoyed Misery's sarcasm, snark, and badassery and the romance felt developed and real. This is infamous for the omegaverse elements in the smut, but it wasn't overwhelming for someone who hasn't read a lot and I heard it's TAME compared to fanfiction. I especially liked Misery's friend Serena and I ADORED her relationship with Lowe's kid sister, Ana, who is so adorable and funny. My only qualms are that the romance felt slow to start, there were a lot of bland, forgettable side characters to keep track of, and the climax felt rushed and unclear. 4/5.
Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Fawcett
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My favorite book of the month! This tells of socially awkward, incredibly intelligent professor Emily Wilde in the early 1900's. She is a professor of Fairy studies and is off in a tiny Scandinavian village to study the fairies there. Who else should show up but her charming, rakish rival in academia, Wendell Bambleby. They realize how much the fairies have messed up the local villagers and plan to take action. Okay, I LOVE that the fairies and the fae feel so much like the fairy tales and folklore of yore. The author did her homework! These aren't the hot people with wings and six-packs of Sarah J Maas. They are inhuman, immensely powerful, and can bless you or curse you in a minute's notice if you take the wrong step. I adored Emily and she seemed very much coded as neurodivergent with her passion for fairies her fear of offending others by saying the wrong thing and her lack of reading into social cues. And WENDELL BAMBLEBY! My BambleBook Boyfriend. He is a mix of Prince Hal from The Henriad and Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. He is slutty, constantly inviting his Bambleby Booty Calls, and lazy, having his students do all the work, but he begins to genuinely fall for Emily and is as charming and sweet beneath it all as he can be with a subtle element of "touch her, and you die!" It's dryly hilarious and the third act was incredible. The characters were well-developed and flawed, but still compelling, relatable, and likable. I adored this to death and would HIGHLY recommend it! 5/5
Twisted Love by Huang
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In a nutshell, this is a brother's friend and grumpy/sunshine romance. What I love about Ana Huang is that she always knows how to pace and develop a romance between two characters AND her spice is top tier. There are a few funny moments, as well as genuinely sweet ones. However, there are all sorts of elements that veneer into the silly to where I don't take it 100 percent seriously. Like, how our main girl just HAPPENS to be friends with a princess of another country at some public university. And that our main guy is 27 yet a billionaire CEO of a whole company...and he just hangs out with college kids! Like?!?!?!!? I say a good 4/5 just because I always like her.
My Throat an Open Grave by Bovalino
What I expected:
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What I got:
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Ok, so this teenage girl, Leah, is miserable living in her tiny, religious, conservative town. One night, she is sick of babysitting her baby brother and offers him accidentally to the Lord of the Wood and wouldn't you know it! The Lord of the Wood takes him! So the town tells her she has got to go and get him back, though no girl who runs to the forest for that ever returns. So she gets there and...it's this nice, open minded, cottagecore normal ass village. Other than the premise at the beginning, this isn't Labyrinth but a wholesome Midsomar for kids. Though I do like the middle finger to conservative, small town purity culture, it kind of dragged and wasn't that scary and the stakes weren't high. I expected a scary, folk horror journey, but just got kind of "eh, here's a nice cult that doesn't judge you. You know kid, are you sick of your tiny, repressive town? Here's the answer: join a cult!" There is a really good twist, a scene that got kind of spicy and pushed it for a YA book, and I appreciate that the Jareth in this is around her age instead of some grown ass man offering himself to a minor (sorry, but I am in the minority of Labyrinth who thinks Sarah was right. She made the right choice at the end), it felt like it wasn't the heroes journey I expected and got kind of bland. 3/5
Bonus, My Favorite Video Essays:
The Dark Romance Community is Mad at Me: Okay, this girl, A Model Who Reads, posted a TikTok showing her surprise that the publishing company she works for was releasing a book marked as a Serial Killer Sexual Assault Romance, the dark romance community ATTACKED her in the comments. Here, she explains the problems with it why she isnt' sorry, and her issues with dark romance in full. Insightful, and incredible, and she finally addresses the issue concerning this angry, self-righteous, and unempathetic culture that has emerged recently concerning trigger warnings in media.
Mr. Burns: A Post Electric Video Essay My man, Kyle Kallgren, has done it again! Here, he breaks down Anne Washburn's play Mr Burns, a Post Electric Play, a play that portrays a post-apocalyptic story of a group of survivors recalling a Simpsons episode which then said episode transforms to a staged play to an epic sung through morality opera by the group at the end. He discusses post-apocalyptic media, the evolution of humor, and how humanity always triumphs over adversity. It's funny, deeply human, and chilling and incredibly well researched, in the Kyle KAllgren fashion. Highly recommend it, his channel and all his videos!
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Molly Yates Updates
Okay, so I made The Molly Yates Chronicles a series on AO3, ordering my Halloween prompt ficlets into chronological order. I also added two new additions, as they are the true second and third chapters in this story. As I add more stories, the series order may change. I can also tell you that as I get into the 2005 era of Doctor Who and start adapting The Sarah Jane Adventures, there will be multichapter fics.
When I start posting to Wattpad, I will make it all one fic, as I sincerely doubt that I'll reach that website's chapter limit of 200.
For now, you can read "Arrival" and "Grandad", as well as the other previously written ficlets on AO3.
@themaradwrites @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @cecexwrites @arrthurpendragon @curiousdamage
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cblgblog · 3 months
WIP Tag Game
I got tagged by @mx-loar-tev
post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
Maybe this’ll help fix my writing depression? We shall see. Also it's not technically extensive, there was stuff in there that was too short to mention and other stuff so old that I can't remember what the hell I was even trying for anymore
Stegginaird May/December
Belivaird a star is born
Belivaird homophobia
Cap Peggy Cartinelli
Fringe Liberty fic
Halloween fanfiction
Mcgonagall fic
Sarah Jane adventures fic
Sarah-gemma fic
Shira fic
Stegginelli endgame
Stegginelli endgame 1956
Supercat 5 times
Tagging @vocallife, @rainbowriddler, @shatterpath
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
Drabble 76/366 - Sarah Jane Adventures
Mr. Smith is duty-bound to respond to any call for him, provided the person speaking is a trusted user, given that status by Sarah Jane herself.
And, unfortunately, she gave that status to K9 a long time ago.
“Oh. It’s you,” Mr. Smith intones with as much sarcasm as he can dedicate processing power to—a great deal. “What do you want?”
“Mistress requires your assistance.”
If it’s for Sarah Jane…
“Very well. Transmit your information. Quickly.”
“Connection established. Do not let your circuits be overloaded.”
“I’m more than capable of handling twice the data you ever will.”
“This statement is doubted.”
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this-geek · 2 months
Hey friend! Asking you the fic asks. Gonna let you choose the fic here:
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Thank you for the asks 😊. I've gone back a little bit, but this was such a fun summer vibe that started as like a one shot and sprouted 4 chapters; Smith and Jackson Situation
3: What’s your favourite line of narration?
This was their biggest mistake because had they kept them opened they would have seen Chrissie’s car pull up and noticed her coming up the garden path and maybe had they not been so engrossed in making out at least one of them would have heard the front door open but at least they both had good enough hearing when Chrissie opened the living room door.
4: What’s your favourite line of dialogue?
"No dad, she did not appear in the last 30 seconds down the one-way corridor that you also took"
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paulgadzikowski · 10 months
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link. Rose of Doctor Who and Sarah Jane of Sarah Jane Adventures sit talking over tea while Kelsey, Luke, and Maria father with the Doctor brandishing his sonic screwdriver and a package of microwave popcorn. Rose is saying, "I told you we had that eye-opening talk in the Deffy Vale car park. Since then there's been an unspoken agreement not to bring the subject up again." Sarah Jane is saying, "I said it's worth it and it is. Doesn't mean you can't make a life of your own afterwards." Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces season premier! New updates resume today! Update schedule this year will probably be not always seven but always at least one in a week.
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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melusine0811 · 2 years
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It's Fangirlia's Doctor Who Ficvember 2022!
Hello Whovians! Unfortunately Fictober couldn't happen this year, but we've decided to reinvent it and turn it into "Ficvember" to coincide with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers' Month). This is a writing event that will go on officially from November 1-30, just like NaNoWriMo. Anyone can participate, even if you haven’t written for the Doctor Who fandom before. This event is based on the Fictober event we've had in previous years, still using some of the autumn prompts– even the scary ones since Doctor Who pretty much always applies. 
However this year, since Thirteen is regenerating, we thought we'd add in some themes from the show as well.
To participate: 
Your work can be as long as you want. You can even connect a multichapter WIP or a chapter of it, if it applies. We also love when people add stories that they've written in the past. Really, the more the merrier.
For each day, there will be a prompt, and also a regeneration/specific Doctor/ villain theme. You can do one, or both, or think of your own! 
Late submissions are fine, we know that wrangling the muse can be tricky! 
Any ship within the DW fandom universe is great, and poly parties are welcome. And you don't need to include a ship at all if you don't want to.
Any rating is welcome, but we also ask your discretion concerning big triggers- use common sense, please. We reserve the right to refuse anyone's work that could potentially be upsetting.
You can use any characters from the show, the Big Finish audios, comics, and any of the spinoffs, including Torchwood and the Sarah Jane Adventures. It can be in-universe or AU, totally your choice
Tag your work 'Fangirlia Doctor Who Ficvember 2022' on AO3, and add it to the collection of the same name.
Message either @melusine0811 or @elialys to join the Fangirlia Discord server. We're an 18+ server of women and non-binary people who love a variety of Fandoms but we have a strong emphasis on Doctor Who Fanfiction. Many of us have been writing for the fandom for more than a decade and love to talk writing fic and even writing original projects. We're a pretty close-knit group and are always looking for like-minded people to add to the Fan Family!
November 1: Leaf pile. What is more autumn than jumping in a pile of leaves?  / Regeneration Theme: First Doctor
November 2: A maze. Involves a corn maze, a mirror maze, any maze at all / Regeneration theme: Second Doctor
November 3: Kiss of Death/Life. Regeneration Theme: Third Doctor
November 4: Running from Zombies/Graveyard. Regeneration Theme: Fourth Doctor
November 5: Walk in the cold November forest. Regeneration Theme: Fifth Doctor
November 6: One person is trapped. Regeneration Theme: Sixth Doctor
November 7: November rain/storm. Regeneration Theme: Seventh Doctor
November 8: Apple/Pumpkin picking. Regeneration Theme: Eighth or War Doctor
November 9: Warm sweater/hoodie/blanket. Regeneration Theme: Ninth Doctor
November 10-First frost. Regeneration Theme: Tenth Doctor
November 11-Aliens! Regeneration Theme: Eleventh Doctor
November 12- Full moon/werewolves/Bad Wolf. Regeneration Theme: Twelfth Doctor
November 13- Telling scary stories/watching scary movies. Regeneration Theme: Thirteenth Doctor
November 14- Telepathic being. Regeneration Theme: Fourteenth Doctor
November 15- Near-death. Regeneration Theme: The Master/Missy
November 16- Making fall treats such as candy/caramel apples or apple/pumpkin pie, etc. Regeneration Theme: The Daleks
November 17- A bonfire. Regeneration Theme: Weeping Angels
November 18- Forest of trees that are alive. Regeneration Theme: Cybermen
November 19- Witchcraft/pagan tradition/sorcery. Regeneration Theme: Time Lord Victorious
November 20- Hayride. Regeneration Theme: Lady Cassandra O'Brien
November 21- Scream. Regeneration Theme: Family of Blood
November 22- Haunted house/place. Regeneration Theme: The Carrionites
November 23- Omens/Ouija board/Fortune teller. Regeneration Theme: Celestial Toymaker
November 24- Coffee/hot chocolate/spiced cider. Regeneration Theme: Pting!
November 25- Mind control/possession. Regeneration Theme: The Snowmen
November 26- Parallel world/wormhole. Regeneration Theme: Nestene Consciousness
November 27- Mythical beings. Regeneration Theme: Vashta Nerada
November 28- A warm fireplace. Regeneration Theme: The Valeyard
November 29- First snow. Regeneration Theme: Tzim-Sha (Tim Shaw!)
November 30- Preparing for Christmas. Regeneration Theme: The Zygons
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