#Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye
usagi-s2 · 1 year
Dad for one fic rec!
All for You by GinkoTracks
summary: Izuku was born too early. all for one's world crumbles. Hisashi Midoriya's world crumbles. he crumbles. all for one, all for izuku. Angst... Fluff
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peterokii · 8 months
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serious business single father mirai sasaki and his sunshine adopted daughter
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delaware-lemme-smash · 5 months
Hii! May i request some headcanons were mt. lady, sir night eye, present mic, eraser and all might react to their s/o wearing their clothes after sex? Like if they didn’t have any clothes with them what weren’t… dirty so they stole some! Sorry if this is boring but I thought it was kinda cute :)
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Hope you enjoy these, lovely!
Characters: Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady, Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye, Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Contents: gn!reader, mild nsfw
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Takeyama Yuu/Mount Lady
Perhaps it was an impromptu tryst, because you’re at Mount Lady’s apartment and your only clothes are dirty. Perhaps your stuff got torn up in a fight with a villain and now you’ve come back to hers to ‘celebrate’, you find yourself left with nothing but your underwear. Perhaps not even that. 
You could sleep naked, but it’s not the most comfortable situation to be in. So you wander over to Yuu’s wardrobe (really a walk-in closet). She might only be a debut hero, but she’s very popular and spends a lot of time in the limelight. This translates to making absolute bank, and she spends a lot of it on beautiful clothes. Obviously, you’re not going to wear a gala dress to bed, so you grab a t-shirt that looks pretty old, and maybe a pair of yoga pants. 
Depending on your size compared to her, they might be fine, or they might be a tight fit. When she comes back into the bedroom, her skin gleaming from her nightly skincare routine, she stops in the doorway and pouts at you.
“If you stretch those out, you’re going to have to replace them.”
“...says the woman who turns into a titan?” The irony is too much for you.
“Only my hero costume stretches with me, duh.” A pause. “Your butt does look good in those yoga pants, though.”
Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
It would seem that if you’re dating Sir Nighteye, you’ve at least got some sense of planning and responsibility. But you’re only human, and sometimes you’re going to find yourself caught short. Short on clothes, in this case. Even if your clothes are clean, you couldn’t fathom sleeping in your work clothes.
You wait until Sir Nighteye is in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, before sneaking open one of his drawers and grabbing something at random. You end up with…
A pair of boxers and a vintage All Might t-shirt.
It’s hardly the sexiest of nightwear, but you make it work. He leans back into the doorway to tell you to borrow some clothing, and you’re lounging on his bed, all “Paint me like one of your French girls”. 
“I’ve been waiting for you~” you purr.
He nearly spits out his mouthwash, and disappears back into the bathroom to gather himself. You distinctly hear him chuckle under his breath, then clear his throat.
“If you want to entice me, darling, don’t wear the face of my former boss on your torso.”
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic
Hizashi’s always trying to get you to wear his clothes, anyway! He drapes his little moto jacket (the casual one, not the studded one he wears as part of his costume) over your shoulders a lot and tells you how great you look. 
Seeing his partner wear his clothes just gives him this little kick and makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 
You’ve got a variety of options in Mic’s wardrobe. In the t-shirt section, you’ve got a lot of band t-shirts, weird, bright coloured ones covered in fruit or English slogans, a few rare Eraserhead merch t-shirts he got done to piss off Aizawa, and if you want to borrow some boxers, you’ll be hard pressed to find some that don’t have a loud, zany pattern on them. 
If you want to be (moderately) sexy, grab a vintage band t-shirt and a pair of his black boxer briefs. If you want to make him laugh, grab the stupidest t-shirt you can find and pair it with an eye watering set of boxer shorts, especially if they have bananas on them. 
Hizashi grins wide enough to split his face in half at the sight of you in his clothes. It doesn’t matter if you went for sexy or stupid, really, because he’ll just try to get you out of them again, if you know what I mean~
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
This is one of those things that Aizawa doesn’t know he likes until he sees it for the first time. He’s probably dragged himself out of your post-coital snooze to get you both some water or feed the stray cat on his balcony, leaving you to ponder your clothing situation. 
When you open Aizawa’s wardrobe, it’s 75% loose black shirts and pants, with a few non-black items crammed at one end, including those infamous pink sweatpants. 
It seems he’s not totally averse to colour, just not when he’s working. He has a few t-shirts (gifts from Hizashi) covered in cats (as opposed to just covered in cat hair, like the rest). 
If you’ve cuddled him at all, which you have, thoroughly, you know that all his clothes are surprisingly soft and comfortable. He tends to end up with raggedy cuffs on his sleeves, but even so, the shirt has that soft texture clothing gets when it’s been washed many times. You dig out some random black shorts he has, though you’ve never seen him expose his pasty legs in public, so they must be old.
Shouta shuffles back into the room to find you asleep, curled up in your borrowed finery. There’s something about the sight of you lying in his bed, wearing his clothes, looking so warm and comfortable. It’s like a little gut punch of domesticity. 
“You’re meant to ask, you brat,” he says fondly, flopping onto the bed next to you. 
Still, he reflects, as he pulls you closer, that shirt’s gonna smell like you now. Maybe he should make you wear it every time you sleep over.
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
All Might’s still pretty nervous about being in a relationship so he’s not 100% sure of the protocol, especially when you’re at his place and you don’t have any clean clothes to wear to bed. He gets flustered and goes to see if he can quickly wash your clothes, forgetting the entire wardrobe of clean clothes right there.
All Might or Small Might, his clothes are going to absolutely drown you no matter what size you are. Toshi’s a titan. Any t-shirt you try to borrow is basically a giant nightshirt. 
Toshinori splutters a little at the sight of you swimming in the fabric of one of his shirts. Once he’s done coughing into his elbow, he offers you a toothy grin, his eyes crinkled up.
“That…might be a little big on you,” he says, tugging playfully on all the excess fabric. “Are you sure it’s going to be comfortable?”
You tell him that you like the feeling of the soft, loose fabric, and the fact that it smells a little like his cologne, even after being washed. He’s chuckles at that, wrapping his large hands around your waist, the fabric cinching in against you.
“Well, never thought one of my old shirts could look so adorable.”
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underratedmhapoll · 2 months
There can only be one #1 fan!!
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frickingnerd · 10 months
workplace crushes
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pairing: mirai sasaki / sir nighteye x gn!reader (+mirio togata)
summary: mirio can't help but point out sir nighteye's crush on you
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"are you seeing anyone?"
sir nighteye looked up from his paperwork and at the blonde boy, grinning at him. 
"mirio, if you're trying to ask me out, then i'd like to inform you that this relationship would be highly inappropriate…"
mirio just laughed and shook his head. for a man as humorous as sir nighteye, he surely hadn't expected him to give such a serious reply. 
"i'm not asking because of me! it's just… i've worked here for a while now and you've seemed so different recently. in a positive way, of course! i was just wondering if it had anything to do with your new sidekick… y/n was their name, right~?"
sir nighteye didn't reply, but mirio could see his eyes wander towards your desk for just a short moment. the grin on mirio's face got bigger as he noticed, before chuckling quietly and taking a step back. 
"i see how it is~ no further question, boss! i'll get back to work then~"
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lesinquietes · 5 months
Oh god hold up let’s consider how Sir Nighteye realizes he has feelings for you that are… inappropriate… and he tries to mitigate them so they don’t interfere with your job as on of his sidekicks, but he simply cannot stop thinking about you in nasty ways. Seriously. He clocks the age difference between you, and while you’re two consenting adults, he doesn’t feel it’s okay for him to make a move on you. Guilt strikes him from merely fantasizing about you when he’s alone at night, cupping his balls, pumping his cock to your memory. You grazed his arm once and it lit his blood on fire. He feels like a schoolboy when you’re in his presence. It’s infuriating as it is fascinating.
And he’s not sure why, but you make him incredibly hard when you crack a particularly hilarious joke.
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sassypantsjaxon · 8 months
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Save them.
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squishytenya · 2 months
I heard soft sir nighteye and im here. just imagine sitting on his lap when he is doing paperwork and him throwing down the pen and cuddling you until he feels better.
god nighteye is just brrrrr // tw lots and lots of fluff
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He probably gets so annoyed with the people he has to work with, either because they're not funny enough for him or they're just incompetent in general. You're one of the only people he spends long periods of time around that doesn't aggravate him.
When he has to bring his work home, it comforts him to have with sitting with him - on his lap or next to him is fine. So when you immediately curl into his lap on him setting his work up, he's more than happy for you to be there.
There were several moments where you noticed him getting frustrated at the paperwork his sidekicks had shoddily filled out, so it came as no surprise to you when he threw down his pen in frustration.
"Mirai?" you questioned, looking up from your book.
He rubbed his creased eyebrows, sighing heavily. Shaking his head, he removed his glasses and placed them down on the table in front of the both of you.
"why" he groaned, "why can they fight villains all day and not be able to do very basic paperwork?"
You giggled at his dramatics, pulling his arms away from his work table. Mirai groaned again as you reached up and ran your hands through his hair. His shoulders slumped and he sank further into your hold.
"They're only young, Mirai, they'll get better" you comforted.
"I hope so or I'm going into early retirement"
You snorted, tucking your head into the grumpy mans neck. Mirai rested his head on top of yours - snuggling into your hair.
"maybe it's time for you to get some sleep, hmm?"
The only response you got was soft snores from on top of your head.
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random little drabbles are my fave! thank you <3
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delawaredetroit · 5 days
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And this was probably the first time All Might ever heard something like this from a member of the public. That someone would prefer him alive over a heroic death, and that there was no need to sacrifice himself.
Yes, Nighteye wanted All Might to live as well. But he framed it in terms of preventing a bad thing from happening to All Might. And his solution was for All Might to give up his only reason he had to keep going at that time - his hero work. So his attempts only deepened the rift between himself and All Might.
Inko encouraged him to live by giving him a task that he must continue to live to complete - raise Izuku.
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greenhappyseed · 8 months
MHA 405 leak reactions
Hori has to spell out for this fandom that this was the moment Nighteye foresaw, and that Toshi did in fact twist his fate.
Toshi jokes about “the mentor’s role”…. Is this the first time he’s meta-aware????
All the citizens around the world recognizing Bakugo’s heroism, yeeeaaaah!
Of course Toshi’s first words are asking Bakugo if he’s okay.
EDGESHOT????? Whaaaa!?!??!??
“Not an ideal body for fighting” uh huh sure. As if we didn’t just have 10 chapters of disabled All Might holding his own against AFO. As if disabled Aizawa wasn’t on the battlefield….
Bakugo has quite the collection of senpais, come to think of it. Mirko, Jeanist, Edgeshot.
Hehe, Bakugo restarted his own heart using the willpower of heroism (waves at Toya).
Bakugo takes action to dismember the glowing child and saves his questions for later. To be fair, the glowing child was trying to hurt All Might, and that’s all I’d need to see to activate Instant Kill Mode.
OHMYGODALLMIGHTKNEWKATSUKISHERONAME!!! They…they share the broken gauntlet made by Melissa….passed from mentor to student and Bakugo SMILES.…I may never recover!!!
Meanwhile, AFO realizes he’s losing time as soon as All Might isn’t directly in front of him. AFO is a baby without object permanence, confirmed. In his head, AFO is thinking of all the heroes he and TomurAFO have fought, and it’s making him angry. UH OH. AFO FEELS SOMETHING.
Haha, Bakugo gets in AFO’s face and shouts that he, the ultimate angry foul-mouthed gremlin child, is the final boss. He’s once again harnessing his misunderstood villain-like energy and using it for good, helping Izuku stay focused on Tomura.
If AFO’s opening move is a haphazard ranged attack, and All Might’s is a “mad charge, no dodging,” then Bakugo definitely follows All Might and leads with up close, in-your-face explosions. Who says he can’t win facing the big bad guy head-on????
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sharklng · 1 year
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AU where nighteye survives and smokes with all might for their ✨chronic pain✨
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battydora · 1 year
some my hero academia men (pro heroes) trying their hand at pegging ♡
masterlist | rules
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nsfw ahead, minors dni !
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characters: small might, endeavor, sir nighteye, hawks
content: nsfw, pegging, sub!heroes, afab!reader, fem!reader, strap on, safe word-ing, healthy sex, fluff
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small might: he is very nervous at first, mostly scared he might feel pain but you make sure to vanish all his worries away. lubing his ass took some time, because that area has never been explored before, not even by toshinori. “let's put that ass to use, shall we?” you tease playfully as you push your strap carefully and slowly inside him. he was laying on his tummy and he couldn't help but moan into the pillow he was holding onto for dear life, you pushing your way through his tight walls so slowly was painful yet satisfying. his toes twirled the more inside you got, gasping english expressions such as "oh-my-god" or "shit". once you filled him up entirely you made sure to check on him. "babe, are you okay?" he flashed a thumbs up at the question "can i move?" you saw him nod, he seemed so quiet, from embarrassment probably "don't worry, mommy will make ya feel good", you gently began to thurst into him, catching a pace you were both comfortable with, you couldn't see it right now but toshinori was already so sensitive and overstimulated, all of his senses were on peak, you weren't even going fast but your thrusts didn't last long. "california, california!" he moaned his safe word. toshinori let out a huge sigh when you stopped moving, he wished he could continue, he wished he could take all of you, but it was too much, he was too nervous. he hid his face with embarrassment as you pulled out from his ass carefully in a slow motion "i'm sorry... i really wanted to do this, but i'm not ready" "don't be sorry, silly! we can try this again when you are. you still took a lot in so bravely like the good boy you are, i'm proud of ya', babe."
endeavor: "i swear if i don't like this..." dealing with a man whose fragile masculinity was as high as his ego, wasn't easy we must admit. you both agreed to try this sometime despite enji being somewhat puzzled about the thought of a woman fucking his ass. it just sounded so... unnatural. but things change, todoroki, now you are laying on your tummy beneath (y/n) as she gets your ass ready for what's coming. "you can always safe word if you want" "yes, whatever...". once ready, you slowly introduced yourself into his tight hole, giving yourself support on the hero's lower back. with the face buried in the pillow, enji remained quiet, he didn't seem bothered at first, but as you fastened you pace, you dedicided to ask "enji, are you ok?" but you didn't receive a clear response, as far as you were worried, you rubbed his upper back with gentleness "enji-?" you stopped speaking when you saw the man rested the side of his face on the pillow, that was something you've never seen before, his face tinted in crimson red, teeth clenching and eyes frowned from complete arousal, you could swear you saw some tears threatening to fall off his eyes. before you could ask anything else, the todoroki lifted his hips towards the strap as he gripped the sheets, looking directly at you "d-deeper, please". a devilish smirk appeared on your face at the view "you naughty little thing" you said as your hips thrusted further and faster, stealing moans and incoherent pleas and sentences from the man each second, "you like your ass being fucked so much you can't even formulate a coherent sentence. number one, i'm going to have to teach you a thing or two about speech~". enji fantasizes about this everyday now.
sir nighteye: he is shy okay? but not innocent. mirai had already fantasized about you pegging him but he remained uncertain about how he should ask you and explain the huge strap on he bought for you to use on him. certainly he didn't expect to be roughly pushed to his desk, legs being spread open as you placed yourself behind him. "h-hun i'm not sure if we should do this here..." he tried to get any excuse to try and stay reasonable but having his chest pressed against the desk, wrists being held against his back and a boner aching inside his pants made the task difficult for the hero. the strap was recently bought and it was in his office, he didn't even get the chance to drop it home and wait for you to talk about sexual intimacy. you were there to supposedly drop some paperwork at his agency and go back to work but your day turned out to be much more interesting the moment you asked your partner what was inside that purple bag next to his chair. "oh come on, both of us have the most busy schedules already, we barely spend time home. consider this your lunch break~" your hands released mirai's and unzipped his pants, shamelessly pulling them down along his underwear, his legs were tense as arousal spread to every corner of his being. you reached the bag and took a view "wow look at the size, you even bought lube too. shit, aren't you ashamed of being this perverted, mirai?" you mocked as you squished his slim ass, he shut his mouth at the motion, he prayed to everything to not be caught like this, it would ruin him completely. and you knew it. playing these risky games pushed both to a new adrenaline level. you took your time to finger his ass to get it ready for the big thing, so the moment you put the strap and introduced it in him, it slided perfectly. you took it slow of course, mirai rested his forehead on the desk moaning softly trying to get used to the feeling, you had to cover his mouth after a while, you could really get caught for how loud he got. it was a better sensation than he expected.
hawks: i can't stress this enough: hawks. loves. anal. play. he finds way more satisfaction and fulfillment playing with his ass than just orgasm to genital stimulation so the strap idea came to him early. having him laying on his tummy for you for the first time was such a view, toned back adorned with wonderful crimson wings, lower back arched and hips lifting for you, silently pleading for your attention. keigo's body was tense when you first introduced the strap, but on the inside, he was very excited; you have played with his ass before so he entirely trusted you to move forward. "my little bird, how is it going?" you ask, griping his hips tightly and sliding in him so slowly and romantically passionate "oh, it's great, babe. fill me up, fill me up with your cock~" he pleads with a smile adorning his face "yeah? you want mommy's cock? will you be able to handle it?" "yes, yes! all of it, please- i'm your good boy, i can handle anything you give me~" his words almost made you melt, he was adorable when he begged for you like that "okay, if that's what my sweet boy wants, who am i to refuse?" those were your last words before giving your loving boyfriend the night of his life, full of pegging and pleasure just for him ♡.
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peterokii · 1 year
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delaware-lemme-smash · 5 months
Could we have some hcs of reader referring to some of the older MHA men (coughAizawacough) as "beekeeping age" and then they make her explain it? LMAO.
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For those who don’t spend all their time on TikTok like I do, ‘beekeeping age’ refers to an attractive older man, usually in 40s/50s. Some of these guys technically don’t apply but we’re putting them in anyway!
Characters: Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori/All Might, Maijima Higari/Power Loader, Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
Contents: The existential struggle of trying to explain a meme to people who aren't chronically online.
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Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Age: 31
Yes, he’s only in his thirties, but Aizawa has the vibe of a retiree. He looks like someone who should be muttering “I’m too old for this shit” at any minor inconvenience. In fact, he often does. He’s said it several times today. 
Most especially when you looked over at him and told him that he looks like he’s ‘beekeeping age’. Now, as a teacher, Aizawa isn’t as out of step with popular culture as he might like you to think he is. Even if he doesn’t really bother with social media himself, he has twenty students who are all hooked to their phones like it’s a dialysis machine. He picks stuff up just by proximity, and it’s not the first time he’s heard the phrase ‘beekeeping age’. And while he might have a vague idea of what it means, he’s not just going to let you get away with calling him that. 
He looks straight at you, lifts an eyebrow and asks, “What does that mean?”
Which leaves you floundering a little, because you have to explain to Aizawa that it means you think of him as an attractive ‘older’ man. 
While he’s the furthest thing from vain, he finds himself a little bit offended.
“What the hell do you mean ‘older’? I’m thirty-one.”
“You have to admit, Shouta, you do give off the vibe of a grizzled older man.”
“I’m too old for this shit.”
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Age: 55+
Toshinori’s the only one who really qualifies for this trope, and naturally, he has absolutely no idea what you’re referring to when you tell him that he’s beekeeping age. He grins uncertainly at you.
“I’m…not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but I’ve always thought that beekeeping looks like a relaxing hobby! As long as you’re not allergic!”
Of course, you take a little pity on him and explain that it means he’s a hot older guy. 
“Oh, are you referring to a DILF?”
Once you’re done spraying your coffee or whatever you were drinking everywhere, you demand to know where Toshinori heard that word and if he knows what it means. Let’s be real, Toshinori doesn’t run his own social media and doesn’t know squat about memes.
“Oh, a charming young lady walked up to me at a signing once and informed me I am what the young people call a DILF. Still can’t get anyone to tell me what it means! Slang these days! Ha!”
I dare you to try and get Toshinori to refer to himself as a DILF in front of Aizawa. Just for the hell of it. 
Maijima Higari/Power Loader
Age: 41
Higari can’t catch a break. Not only is he very short and look a couple decades younger than he actually is, leading to a lot of unfortunate misunderstandings, now he has some whippersnapper calling telling him to go start a beehive. 
He’s probably the only one on this list that actually knows what it means. I feel like because he’s so in line with cutting edge technology that he’s pretty on top of social media as well? He doesn’t seem like the type to lose step with the rest of the world when it comes to these things. So you don’t even have to explain what you mean when you tell him he’s beekeeping age. 
“Buzz off.” 
Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye
Age: 38 
At first Sir Nighteye thinks you’re making some kind of joke. He stares you down, looking rather menacing even while his mind is turning over the phrase ‘beekeeping age’, looking for the pun or the play on words. When he can’t find it, he finally has to admit defeat and ask you gravely: 
“What does that mean?”
Sir Nighteye’s a little put out when you tell him it’s about good looking older men, because he doesn’t consider himself particularly old. Pacify him by telling him that he just gives off the dignified air of a mature man. He might scoff, but he’ll be somewhat more mollified. 
“I suppose I can accept that as a compliment. Although I think you ought to come up with better jokes. That one didn’t even contain a pun.”
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coolshadowtwins · 10 months
I think Sir Nighteye should have survived for the sheer amount of humor you could get from him and All Might afterwards.
Nighteye, forcing himself out of the hospital bed after recovering from life saving surgery to go make sure Mirio and Eri and Deku are alright
All Might, coming in the room at the wrong time: Wha- Sit back down! What do you think you’re doing?! You just lost a lung, you can’t just get up and- *cuts off with an annoyed expression, hearing himself for the first time*
Nighteye, giving him a look: No no, go on. What important lesson were you about to teach me? Mm?
All Might: ……never mind.
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frickingnerd · 9 days
sir nighteye seeing his own death in his s/o's future
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pairing: mirai sasaki / sir nighteye x gn!reader
tags: established relationship, angst with an open ending
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sir nighteye had broken his own set of rules when he had taken a glimpse of your future
it happened in a moment of weakness, where he wanted to see how you future together might look like
only for him to then realize that there actually wasn't a future…
through your own eyes, he witnessed his death. and the supposed date for it was ever so close…
he had tried to change someone's fate before, yet he had never been able to stop someone's death
and he knew that he wouldn't be able to change his own death either
the best thing he could do now was spend his last few days with you by his side and make some good memories
he was hoping that he wouldn't have to die and that a miracle would happen, preventing his death
but if that couldn't happen, then he at least wanted to be by your side until then…
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