#Savae city
chop-chop-chop-chop · 2 years
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В системе верхних дыхательных путей евстахиева труба (правая, левая) (также называемая евстахиевой трубой или глоточно-барабанной трубой) представляет собой трубку, соединяющую полость среднего уха с носовой частью глотки (носовой глоткой). Одни образуются из кости, другие из хрящевой и фиброзной ткани, выстланной слизистой оболочкой. У взрослых трубка имеет длину около 36 мм и сужена в месте соединения со средним ухом. Протоки закрыты большую часть времени, но открываются во время глотания и зевания. Этот механизм уравнивает давление в среднем ухе с давлением снаружи
地球の表面 水面から大気を経て、空が水面に描かれる。緑がコントラストを作り出す。
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arcadialedger · 1 year
Tinkerbell, Annabeth and Astrid all being cast as black girls.
Me, looking at Miss Sophie Foster in the KOTLC adaptation like:
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Your turn, blondie
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oraclesblog · 2 years
Okay but the potential 🤌🏼
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rollingtsuchinoko · 2 years
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Riding the rails over the Sava River, Belgrade, Serbia
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nemanjak · 2 years
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lunastrophe · 5 months
🕷️ Drow Lore
Hello! Here is the list of my posts about D&D drow lore, organized thematically - it will be regularly updated. Feel free to take a look if you are interested in a particular character or topic, or if you are looking for inspirations for your fanfiction or artwork 🙂 I also have Ask Box open.
☕ Ko-fi - link for those who feel like leaving a tip. It is totally not obligatory, though - all my posts are free to read and everybody is equally welcome to send a question!
🕸️ BG3 Drow Lore:
🕷️ Character: Minthara
• Minthara's Social Station in Drow Society
• Minthara About Slayer
• Minthara's alurlssrin
• Minthara's ust-nor
• Minthara's Tattoo
• Nightwarden Title new
🕷️ Character: Nere
• Nere's Social Station in Drow Society
🕷️ Character: Araj
• Araj's Past and Ambitions
• Araj and Her Army
🕷️ Character: Dhourn
• Dhourn's Social Station and Past
🕷️ Character: Kar'niss
• Kar'niss' Past: Szarkai Theory
• Kar'niss' Past: Eilistraean Theory
• How to Feed Your Drider
🕷️ Cult of Lolth:
• Prayer to Lolth
• Sacrifices and Adjuration to Lolth
• Order of Soul Spiders
🕷️ Cult of Eilistraee:
• Prayer to Eilistraee
🕷️ Other:
• Eliette / Phase Spider Matriarch
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• More Drow Phrases and their translations
• Drow Phrases from Icewind Dale 2 drow sound sets (and their translations)
• Prayer to Lolth (translation)
• Prayer to Eilistraee (translation)
🕷️ Sign language and gestures:
• Sign of Dead Spider (quote)
🕷️ Drow social relationships:
• Gender Roles
• Transgender Drow + Typical Professions For Noble Females
• Hierarchy of Noble House
• Marriages in Drow Culture
• Female-female and Male-male Marriages in Lolth-sworn Drow Culture
• About Pregnancy and Labour in Drow Culture
• Education of Drow Children
• Drow Bards, Sorcerers and Warlocks
• Drow Terms of Address: Companions, Superiors, Subordinates
• Drow Terms of Address: Lovers
• Matron's Love: Zhindia and Sornafein
• Love in Menzoberranzan (quote)
• Spider's Kiss - Drow Bedroom Game new
• Favors and Debts
• Drow Diplomacy: Invitations and Hostages
🕷️ Drow spirituality:
• Lolthite and Eilistraean Clergy and Dogmas
• How Eilistraee Feels About Lolth
• Eilistraee and Corellon (and Seldarine in general) new
• Followers of Other Gods in Lolth-sworn Drow Cities
• Eilistraeans in the Underdark
🕷️ Drow cultural values and worldview:
• Eilistraean vs. Lolth-sworn Drow Worldview
🕷️ Drow and surfacers / other races:
• Drow And Sunlight
• Drow as "Beautiful" People
• You worship what? (quote)
• Drow And Slavery
• Half-drow in Drow Communities
• Valas the Black Raven, half-drow from Rilauven
🕷️ Drow free time:
• About Menzoberranzan Festivals and nedeirra
• Drow Games: Sava And Charhylniss
🕷️ Drow appearance and fashion:
• About Drow Height
• Drow And Vitiligo new
• Drow Fashion and Hairstyles - various information
• Drow Textile Markets
• Drow And Spider Silk: Part 1 , Part 2
• Drow Haute Couture - Matron's Robe
🕷️ Food and drink:
• Poisoned or Not?
🕸️ Driders:
🕷️ Driders in drow culture:
• Driders of the House Melarn
• Sorn and Nadal, Drider Brothers: Part 1 , Part 2
🕷️ Habitat:
• Cavern of Driders (quote)
🕷️ Feeding habits:
• How to Feed Your Drider
🕸️ Drow Lore in D&D History:
• Drow First Mentioned (D&D 1e)
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djuvlipen · 10 months
I can't find an article for this that isn't in Romanian so here is a brief summary of the situation:
A Romani woman in Urziceni (a Romanian city) gave birth on the sidewalk after medical professionals refused to help her
The woman was then disparaged in media. The mayor of Urziceni called her dumb, illiterate, poor, said she was disabled, deaf and mute (as if that means she is a bad person somehow), and said she is trying to villify him.
Carmen Gheorghe, who works at E-Romnja (Romanian Romani feminist organization), has linked this incident to a series of medical malpractice cases targeting Romani women in Romania. In Prahova, a Romanian county, a Romani woman was 'almost butchered' while being stitched up after giving birth to her child. When she went to get her stitches removed, the nurse had to stitch her up again and attributed this to how badly the previous doctors had done their job (source: E-Romnja's Instagram account)
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months
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Donald Duck and his family mourn the dead in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack and bombing - Donald Duck and his family in Moscow (Russia) and Belgrade (Serbia) - Duck comics - Duckverse
Unfortunately, sorry for the long wait, because I was sick for a few weeks, and I'm recovering a bit now, so I haven't had a chance to draw and post new drawings. Yes, I'm back and will post follow-up drawings related to the previous holidays that were marked as well as the following holidays in the coming period.
Unfortunately, due to the recent events, I am publishing my sad drawings where Donald Duck and his family mourn the deceased. The first drawing shows Donald Duck with Daisy Duck, along with his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck who went to Moscow (the capital of Russia) and where they are mourning the dead and honoring the departed since a week ago (22.3. 2024) a terrorist attack took place in Moscow, in the Crocus City Hall, where over 140 people were killed and over 360 wounded. More could have been killed, if not for a few young men (Muslims and Russians) who saved the other people and took them out of the concert hall, because a concert by a Russian music group was about to take place. Among the dead were not only Russians, but also members of other nationalities who wanted to see that concert. The perpetrators are alleged Muslim terrorists from the Islamic State, and all of them were later caught. I don't want to go further into the discussion about the main principal who financed these terrorists, nor do I want to go into the discussion about the current war in Ukraine, because my blog is not about politics and please don't ask me those questions. This just shows my respect for the deceased not only the victims of that terrorist attack but also all the victims who died in terrorist attacks in the last more than 24 years. It is certainly a terrible event, which is why two days of mourning were declared after that, and I drew the Russian flag at half-mast, because on the day of mourning, the flag is only flown at half-mast, and Daisy in that drawing is wearing a coat and a black bow as a sign of mourning and black clothes are usually worn at funerals. Behind them, you can see the Basilica of St. Basil as well as the Spasskaya Tower, which is located within the Kremlin. Rest in peace to those victims.
Покойтесь с миром жертвы теракта! Слава им! Аминь.
The second drawing shows Donald with his family who are in Belgrade (the capital of Serbia) where they are mourning those who died and died during the bombing by NATO in 1999, as well as the victims in Kosovo and Metohija in 2004. I said that I come from Serbia and what happened 25 years ago was something that many residents of my country cannot forget. I was two years old when it started, so I don't remember it, except from the story of my parents. I don't want to go further into the discussion about the beginning of the war because the topic is too painful, and I doubt that many would understand what I would say. All in all, civilians did not deserve such a thing and it is very difficult to get over such wounds. Because among the dead there were also children who suffered from NATO bombing. There was also the courage of the soldiers who defended the country from the attackers and died bravely defending their country, so they are also honored. In addition to Donald, there are also Daisy Duck, Grandma Duck (Elvira Coot), Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck (Donald's nephews), April, May and June Duck (Daisy's nieces) where they pay tribute to those who died in that war as well as in the violence in Kosovo and Metohija that occurred in 2004, when there was also a mass exodus of Serbs, Roma, Bosniaks and other non-Albanian people from Kosovo and Metohija and the demolition of numerous Orthodox monasteries and churches by Albanian fanatics. Behind them is the Church of St. Sava, one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world, as well as the Beogradanka building, where one of Belgrade's television stations is located. On that grave is written the dedication to those victims as well as the flowers brought to that grave.
Rest in peace to those victims! Amen.
Вечна слава настрадалима и нека почивају у миру! Амин.
Also, since tomorrow is Good Friday, the day of the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, which is a sad day for Christians.
These are my tribute to those victims as well as those who suffered, and that the victims should not be forgotten and history should not be forgotten, because if it is forgotten, it will repeat itself again. Feel free to share this, but please do not use this for other people's purposes and please do not complicate it with political issues, because this blog is not dedicated to that. May God welcome the victims into the Kingdom of God and may they receive eternal glory! Rest in peace! Amen.
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germanpostwarmodern · 3 months
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On the left bank of the Sava River and opposite the old town lies Novi Beograd, New Belgrade, the Serbian capital’s fastest growing municipality. It is a planned city and today’s inhabitants and businesses benefit from its rather modern infrastructure, a distinctive advantage over the old town. Novi Beograd’s construction began in 1948 but especially during 1960s and 1970s the municipality grew and numerous housing blocks and public buildings were erected. Because of these Novi Beograd in recent years has become something of a brutalist icon that is roaming social media platforms but is simultaneously subject to great change due to permanent new construction.
But while most photographers focus on the undeniable appeal of the architecture, Norwegian Marius Svaleng Andresen takes a closer look at the intersection of architecture and everyday life and the architecture in relation to the individual. In his book „Life in the New“, published last years by Kerber Verlag, Andresen explores the actual life going on inside, outside and in between the architecture: in view of the little stories of life the monumental architecture recedes into the background and becomes the stage of day-to-day life. People peeking out from behind the curtain, old men playing cards, a woman cleaning her windows and children running around, all of them populate Andresen’s photographs and bring up the question of what it is actually like to live in Novi Beograd. Apparently the photographer, who is also a journalist, asked himself this question too and met with 12 individuals who tell their own story of living in New Belgrade: there is Mirjana, the widow of a former military airport commander, who has been living in Novi Beograd for more than 50 years and at first didn’t really like it. And there is also Filip, the dog loving graphic designer and rapper, who philosophizes about the stepped volumes of the blocks and how they symbolize his daily struggle to reach the top.
In tandem with his sensible photographs Andersen provides an unusual, more humane portrait of Novi Beograd that is both visually stunning and emotionally touching. A warmly recommended read!
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theonlinemuse · 3 months
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“Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great — You have no power over me.”
[ labyrinth remake ] ➼ requested by anonymous
leah sava jeffries as sarah williams
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bobemajses · 11 months
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Sephardic Jewish woman from Belgrade, 1910
The settlement of Jews in the Belgrade area goes back to Roman times. Ashkenazim from Italy and Hungary came to the city in the 13th century and were joined by Sephardim from Turkey in 1521. After the capture of Belgrade by Austria, Austrian soldiers looted and killed the Turkish and Jewish population. Some Jews managed to flee to Bulgaria, but the majority were taken prisoner and deported as slaves to Austria. Only when in 1815 Milosh Obrenovich was recognized ruler of Serbia the Jewish community really began to flourish. When the Germans entered Belgrade in April 1941, 12,000 Jews were living there. The ethnic Germans of the city led the soldiers to Jewish shops and homes. The Ashkenazi synagogue was turned into a brothel. Jewish and Roma men were trucked to a killing site outside the city and ordered to dig their own graves. Then the German shot 100 men for every soldier the Yugoslav Partisans killed and 50 for every one wounded. Jewish women and children were transported to a camp on the Sava river, where they died of cold and starvation and were buried in the village of Jaintsi.
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silverskull · 1 year
Before This
You’ve never felt like this before.
It’s a cliché - and you hate them as much as the next well-read college grad - but it doesn’t make it any less true; You’ve never felt like this before.
Everything is the same - you get your morning coffee, you drive to work, you do your rounds, you meet your colleagues, you go home. Sometimes you make dinner, sometimes you go out for food. Everything is the same.
Your friends still love you, your roommate still pesters you, your dog still refuses to greet you with anything but the utmost enthusiasm.
And he’s still there.
In fact, that’s literally the only difference.
He’s still everywhere he used to be - in the corridors, at the meetings, on the scenes - but now he’s everywhere else as well.
He’s across your couch and in your kitchen; inside your car and on your desk; under your sheets and behind your eyes and surrounding your body and thoroughly, completely, irrevocably ingrained on your heart.
You started off very differently. Different feelings, different conclusions.
For some reason, they didn’t last as long as you thought they would.
It was another thing your friends never quite understood about you - how you could put up with him. It seemed his friends had similar thoughts about you. Initially, at least. Of course you won them over (because everyone adores you), but - it turns out - others could see that thing between you both, even if it took you forever to see it for yourselves.
There had been little moments now and then, obviously. He was a boy and you were a girl; how could there not be? But it wasn’t necessarily sincere. A roll of the eyes, or a witty one-liner, and you were done. Not a thing.
It was the other moments that stood out. His holding on to your ring. Your not-so-bright joke about “feelings”. Him giving a home to your beautiful dog. The way your heart dropped when you thought he wanted to marry someone else.
And, most glaringly of all, the fact that neither of you thought that kissing one another (amongst the most candles that you had ever lit in your living room) could be a Bad Idea.
You were both put soundly in your places after that.
For a minute, you gave in. Took the opportunity the situation presented. The privacy of the airplane bathroom. The suffocating fear running through your body. The memory of his heartbeat, his heavy breaths, his strong arms, all pulling you into the solid safety of his chest and back to loud and vivid life.
But you couldn’t let him know that, obviously.
Have him think any less of you.
You pretended it was something else.
He called you out on it, and all your fears of rejection and desertion flooded to the surface. (Looking back, you don’t even really know why. He has never, ever, abandoned you. Not in any way that really counts. He gave you learning opportunities, and he’s played his pranks, but since the first day you met him, you’ve barely left each other's sides.)
So you threw out some gibberish about biology and its effects.
His reaction threw you again.
Soft, enquiring, almost regretful. You thought.
And then you thought it couldn’t be.
And when you swallowed against your suddenly dry throat, you felt the ghost of his lips on yours; his breath, his tongue, his hand in your hair.
You still can’t believe you invited him into your apartment.
What was that? Who was that?!
Definitely not you. Not Lucy Chen.
It must have been some mix of Juicy and Sava, the one hour jetlag and the night-long watch over the unconscious thugs on the bedroom floor. The relief of being home and the knowledge that Rosalind was presumably long-gone from the city. His slicked back hair and his tired eyes and his self-deprecating smile. What happens undercover, stays undercover.
You hardly knew what you were suggesting, but there it was. Floating in the corridor between you.
And then he did it.
He came in.
You could hardly believe your eyes.
In fact, your eyes saw nothing but him. Filled to the brim with his soft smile, his stubbled jaw, his searching eyes. You could already feel his chest below your hands, imagine it without the light covering of his t-shirt; see your fingers slip beneath the band of his underwear, no wrist-ties in sight; his arms with their fake tattoos reaching for you, wrapping around you, pulling you into him…
But it hadn’t ended like that. Not at all.
And your fears finally came true: he sent you away.
And you left, willingly (or so you led them to believe).
Months and weeks and days and hours without him.
It was unbearably lonely.
Sure, you made new acquaintances. You developed your patrol skills. You found depths within yourself you hadn’t explored up until then.
You were surrounded by your friends - your family - and the people you had chosen to include in your life.
And you were still so alone.
It was an unfathomable conundrum.
Until the Sergeant shoved you both back together and neither of you had any choice but to face the music.
You were honest, as always. Honest, but lost. And confused.
He took you by surprise.
He was clear headed. He was forward. He was sure.
He wanted you.
He didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but he wasn’t going to beat about the bush. He was sick of this. He was as lonely as you were. He missed you. He wanted you.
There were fits and starts - times you were both unsure what to say - but you had a shorthand, and you both found your way back there time and time again. You found your way to each other.
And, (you eventually realised,) you’ve never felt like this before.
It was amazing. It was honesty, respect, love. It was ‘girlfriend’ and ‘boyfriend’ almost from the get-go. It was jauntily dismissing any suggestions that you should break up, and casually chatting about your future children. It was serious. It was doing anything to make the other happy, and forgetting even the most important news of the day when distracted by a shared shower.
It was fear.
A dreadful, gaping fear.
Fear of losing him. Of being lost to him.
Of what that loss would do to the one left behind.
I can’t lose you.
I can’t lose you.
As the rain buckets down around you, the night dark and shrill with sirens, that’s the only thought that goes through your head.
You can feel your hands sticky and slick, rain running red, red, red into the puddles below your knees.
You’ve never felt like this before.
(part 2)
(💖 and comments on AO3 are also love!)
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furordinaricvs · 2 months
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"Belgrad oder Griechisch Weissenburg"
Belgrade or Greek White City, copperplate engraving made by Gabriel Boedener in Augsburg in 1730. Author is Gabriel Boedener the Younger (1705-1792) son of Gabriel Boedener the Elder (1673-1758). After inheriting his fathers workshop and skill he quickly became one of most esteemed engravers of his time eclipsing the works of his ancestors. First engraver was Johann Georg Boedener (1631-1704) who started seven generation long tradition.
This specific engraving is from Gabriel's most famous work "Europens Pracht und Macht", a series of engravings depicting city views, plans, fortresses and castles in Europe. Many plates often show fortifications in Hungary and southeast Europe, Spain, Belgium, Austria and Germany. This particular engraving and his work "Europens Pracht und Macht" were considered very unorthodox for that time and their format. Half a century later this format became popular.
Belgrade was known by many names through history, one of the names that remained in use the longest was "Alba Graeca", Latin for "Greek Dawn". In German, name retained Greek denomination since Germans referred to Serbian as Illyrian until beginning of XVIII century. In Serbian language name of city is Beograd/Београд which means "White City". This veduta of the city shows flow of the Danube and confluence of the river Sava as well as view of the city from the north with most important landmarks being shown.
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rollingtsuchinoko · 2 years
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Стари савски мост
Old Sava Bridge, Belgrade, Serbia
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foxboyclit · 3 months
writing patterns
tagged by @space-writes, thank you!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
sharp wit, dull swords (Forgotten Realms)
In the courtyard settled on a cliff face carved out of West Wall was the second home to House Nydalla’s swordsmen. Here, the Matron and her consort engaged in sparring-and terrible jokes.
stubbornness: the best medicine (Forgotten Realms)
Minisstra was known for her brutality, both with knives and words, but she mastered what other matrons could not- knowing when to release her wrath and to the appropriate extent. Today, however, her patience wore thin, seemingly as did her energy.
val and iphis side 2 (Forgotten Realms/Baldur's Gate 3[technically])
Every noble worth their salt attended the gladiator arenas, some of them going as far to sponsor the fighters. The act of watching was a bloodsport on its own- whether a House placed bets or funded a gladiator directly, there was always more to the exchange than pocket money and jewels.
Three Times Iphis Kissed Minisstra (and One Time She Kissed Him) (Forgotten Realms)
The empty corridor provides a sweet sigh of privacy from the cacophony of the ballroom, and it was here Iphis has found himself against the wall, his back against cool polished stone and his chest soaking up Minisstra’s touch.
one year, post mortem (Forgotten Realms)
The day that marked his first year as Iphis was like any other. Heat climbed the tower of Narbondel, its light signaling the beginning of a new day, and with it rose the city’s usual bustle. This morning, Iphis blinked sleep from his eyes and looked around.
bad sava opponents get assigned dishwasher (Forgotten Realms)
Iphis leaned against the east wall of the kitchen, in the corner next to the pantry and stove. There he idly watched the House cook bustle about. She moved quickly, with purpose and urgency, all her movements intentional.
a new creature (Forgotten Realms)
Iphis followed Minisstra through the winding corridors to the chapel attached to her estate. The main area was emptied and open as ever; with its seats and collection plates and large stained glass depictions of Lloth and Her greatest conquests, the vast emptiness of the room welcomed them like the mouth of a starved animal.
reaching up for sunlight (Forgotten Realms)
Your name is Faeryl Drathir’knif. You were taught there is meaning in a drow’s name-how your ancestors chose their own House name, wrenching free of Lolth’s claws in favor of moonlight.
bird song (Forgotten Realms)
It had started in their early teens, age thirteen to be exact. Inky black shapes blotted their cheeks, nose, forehead, Her marks flickering about their face like smoke in the air.
perfect genius of hands (Forgotten Realms)
Minisstra held her boy, the two’s breathing softening from ragged pants. Words returned to him in the form of thank yous under his breath as he lay curled up against her chest.
the biggest pattern i see is how the first lines describe the setting, or characters. i use the first lines to say Our Story Begins Here, With This Character. they're also usually 2+ sentences, as i try to keep things concise
leaving this as an open tag, and feel free to tag me if you do this!
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
first birthday- p.p
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Summary: peter parker celebrates his first birthday after the events of no way home. you ask him about some things that are still a bit of a touchy subject for him
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of loneliness, sad!peter, nwh spoilers, happy ending, reader being a sweet and good partner
Request?: No
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: hi everyone! it’s been a hot minute since i’ve written mcu/ peter parker and his birthday was earlier in the month, so i thought this post-nwh story would be fun. enjoy!- sava
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The busyness of the city surrounds the apartment you’ve found yourself sleeping in, the location of the tiny living space located in the heart of Manhattan. You smile as you continue to cook the breakfast you’re preparing, careful to keep quiet as you glance at the sleeping figure in the bed by the windows. Peter Parker, your boyfriend, always liked having you over at night and loved waking up next to you. You always saw how hard he worked and admired him for it, even if that meant constantly telling him he needs a good nights rest, which you always made sure he got when you'd come over. 
You push around the eggs you had on the pan a few times and smile at the finished product, sliding them onto two plates and tossing the pan into the sink gently. Given the fact that Peter was still sleeping, you'd worry more about the mess after he wakes. Opening the box you had just come back from retrieving, you place a donut next to the eggs and bacon you’ve prepared, doing so on the other plate. Turning to the box of unused candles, you pull one out and jam it into one of the donuts carefully.
The sound of stirring coming from the other side of the room catches your attention, seeing your boyfriend sit up from his spot on the bed and looking at you with a tired smile. You return the gesture and look for the lighter you’d brought over last night, flicking it and catching the wick of the candle on fire in a flash. Picking up the plate, you carefully walk over to the bed, your hand shielding the flame from the wind of your movements as you sit on the foot of the bed, presenting your masterpiece of a breakfast to him.
“Happy 19th birthday Petey,” you tell him, handing him the plate. You watch his smile grow at your kind gesture, taking the plate and quickly blowing the candle out. He admires the food in front of him, the hunger in his eyes wanting to devour it so badly.
“Thank you so much, Y/N. This is so nice,” he tells you. He leans forward and presses a quick kiss to your lips before removing the candle from the pastry and taking a big bite. With a laugh, you rise from the bed and go to grab your own plate, coming back and taking a piece of bacon into your mouth.
“I promise that’s not your big birthday dessert, we can get a cake, or some cupcakes…or whatever you want after our dinner tonight!” you notify him. He chuckles and shakes his head before grabbing a fork full of eggs and stuffing them in his mouth. 
“I’d still be happy even with just this, love,” he says, smiling with his cheeks full of eggs. You giggle and continue to eat the food in front of you, laughing at his silly antics and sharing conversation before taking both plates to the sink. Turning the faucet on, you rinse out the dishes and pour a copious amount of dish soap over them before grabbing the sponge Peter kept by the sink and start scrubbing away.
Peter’s figure moves to come hover over you, his hands snaking around your waist and pulling your flush against his chest as his chin rests on your shoulder. You melt into his touch, his cool hands comforting you in the warmth of the August weather that seeps into the apartment. Once you’ve finished the dishes, you turn around quickly, taking Peter aback but laughing nonetheless.
“So…” you begin to say, wrapping your arms around Peter’s neck and swaying a bit with him. “What do you have planned for the rest of the day?”
“Ummm…spending the day with you? That is, if you don’t have plans from now until dinner. We could catch a movie or something?” Peter suggests, shrugging his shoulder and wiggling his eyebrows. You smirk at him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I’d totally be down for that! I just thought you’d go hangout with your family or friends and really bask in the birthday celebrations! Hell, I’m surprised you didn’t want a party tonight instead of a dinner,” you tell him with a giggle. You retreat from his shoulder and look him in the eyes, your happy expression faltering when you take in his change in demeanor. The smile he wore earlier was gone, a haunted expression etched into his eyes.
“Pete? Hey, you okay?”
You and Peter haven’t been dating long, so meeting each others families hasn't been the subject of any conversations the two of you had. You met him when he delivered pizza to your dorm from your favorite place close to school, and being a valued customer, you’d become familiar with all the delivery workers. So naturally you were curious when a cute brown-eyed boy delivered your go to pizza order back in April you hadn't seen before, and it was no coincidence that you ordered again the following day to strike up a conversation with the newbie. 
The two of you bonded quickly after he asked you out. You’d spend days together and not be sick of one another, bonding over your love of Star Wars and you quickly became fascinated over his love of science. But even after all these months, there were still things you were learning about one another, very shocking things as well. And some things you just never thought to ask or speak on, because it just didn’t come up.
Peter backs away from you a little and runs a hand through his hair, looking to the ground for a second. His stressed expression begins to worry you, thinking you struck a nerve. You try to meet his gaze, but he turns around and lets out a heavy sigh. What did you just do?
He walks over to his bed and plops down, patting the empty area next to him for you to join him, making you feel slightly better. Making your way over, you slowly sit on the unmade bed, your eyebrows furrowed in concern. 
“I, um…I don’t exactly have family to go to on my birthdays. Not…not anymore,” he reveals. His voice was full of saddness as he looked at you for a moment, before turning his attention to the hardwood floors of his apartment.
“You don’t have to tell me anything you're uncomfortable with Peter, I’m sorry I-“
“No! I, um, I want to! I do,” he exclaims, his hands reaching towards yours and carding his fingers with yours. He continues to look at the ground, the gears turning in his head as he tries to think of the best way to explain things to you.
“My parents died when I was young, so I lived with my Uncle Ben and Aunt May for a while,” he lets out, his voice breaking at the mention of his aunt. You rub your thumb along the backside of his hand, trying to soothe the sadness you sense in his voice the best you can. 
“But, years later, I lost my uncle too. There was an accident, and I’m still not sure about what exactly happened, but it was just me and my aunt for a while.”
“Was?” you question, your voice coming out soft. He nods and takes one of his hands away, wiping away at his face, but you were able to see a single tear drop off the slope of his cheek. You felt your heart break a little at the sight. No one deserves to cry on their birthday.
“Uh yeah,” he manages to get out, letting out a breath to steady himself, his lip wobbling as he blew the air out. “She passed late last year. So…yeah,” he finally manages to look at you, his eyes red with tears pooled at his lash line. He runs a hand over his face and lets out another breath.
“I’m really sorry Peter. I didn’t mean to bring all this up for you, especially today,” you tell him, scooting closer and trying to wrap your arms around him. He lets you in, and you bring his body flush with yours, rubbing his back. He pulls away from you a chuckles for second, finding his way back to your hand and now rubbing his thumb against it.
“It’s okay, really. I-I’m glad that I got to tell you sooner rather than later. And I’m glad it came up because it’s who I am. I don’t have a lot of friends, we kind of…parted ways as college grew closer and closer. It’s usually just me here, or at least that’s how it was in the beginning, before I got the job at Joe’s. But this is my first birthday where I have don't have them anymore, just the people at Joe's and you,” he explains. You smile at him at the mention of the pizza place and of you.
“Yeah, you got me too, and don't forget it,” you let him know. He looks up to you with a genuine toothless smile, leaning his head down on your shoulder. You lean yours on top of his and sit there for a moment, just basking in the closeness of one another while holding each others hands.
“I totally get if you want to dump me now that I’ve shared my sad life story with you,” he teases. Letting out a huff, you rise from the bed and lower yourself in front on him, hands resting on his knees to look him in the eye, your expression stern.
“Listen to me baby. I’m not going anywhere Peter. You make me so happy and I’m really glad you trust me enough to tell me about your life. If anyone’s going to be the one to dump each other, it’ll probably be you, because I knew I wanted you the first time I saw you,” you reveal. His eyes light up at your confession, genuine happiness smeared across his face. You understood how difficult it can be to open up to others, especially so early in a relationship, and you admired him for doing that and not being the type of guy who just bottles up their emotions and takes it out on you later on.
You rise to your feet once more and pull Peter up as well, bringing your wraps around his neck. He leans his forehead against yours before catching your lips in his for a sweet kiss, making your heart fill with the purest of love. You thread your fingers through his small brown curls and deepen the kiss, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip to ask permission to break inside. You pull away and shake your head, walking towards his dresser. 
“Let’s get dressed and see what movies are playing today. Or do whatever you wish,” you smile towards him, before digging through the clothes you’d began keeping at his place. “Let’s make 19 count.”
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