#l’ll go in this way
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Pier Bridge sur la route 1, rive droite de la rivière Tama
2023多摩川幸area散歩  044
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you couldn't keep me off for long 🤺🤺
how about the same three (dazai aku and fedya) but with a reader that runs super cold ?? i love this idea for no reason because dazai would tease, akutagawa would just be funny because haha sickly victorian children, and fedya has fuckign anemia so ofc he's cold 24/7 as well. ur writing style is also delectable i would like to eat it tysm
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(me when i read ur things)
OMG I LOVE THIS! (Bro thank you sm i seriously feel like my writing style is shit but I love you…and please never fend off)
to the anon requested the bsd men and cold fic it is underway, I currently have written half of it…the ones with all BSD men take longer to write 😞😞
off I go to writing this ✨✨
BSD Men With a Reader That Runs Cold
In this post: 💃 Osamu Dazai, Ryonosuke Akutagawa, Fyodor Dostoyevsky💃
Pairing: Fem!reader/BSDMen
Synopsis: BSDMen and a gf that runs cold.
Osamu Dazai
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Dazai is a man that burns with joy and passion in his everyday life. Consequently, his body temperature almost always runs high. And as the saying goes, opposites attract: you’re almost always cold, and Dazai, the man of your life, seems to have fire licking his skin constantly. He eagerly appoints himself to be your personal furnace, wrapping you in his arms when you shiver, and lending you his coat without you even having to utter a word. But his gestures come with a small price. Your boyfriend always teases you, his cat-like eyes smiling fondly as you glare at him, bundled in a mountain of covers and still needing his body heat. Dazai’s favorite joke is to propose sex as a way to warm you up. No matter how much he teases, however, he will always be ready to rescue you from the freezing cold that claws at your skin, enjoying the time he gets to spend holding you close to his heart.
You walked through the streets of Yokohama, shivering like you were experiencing your own magnitude level 5 earthquake. You were bundled up in a large coat, a scarf and gloves, even a small hat adoring your adorable face, and yet, you were still shivering so hard your teeth chattered.
Your boyfriend, Dazai, was walking leisurely in front of you, wearing only his usual trench coat, seemingly unaffected by the cold that held you tightly in its claws.
“D-Dazai!” You called, feeling as if you couldn’t take another step without shattering into a myriad of tiny ice shards.
“Yes, my belladonna?”
“M’ cold…”
Dazai sauntered over to you, leaning down to peck your nose. “Such a rare occasion, isn’t it, Bella?” He cooed mockingly, caressing your lips with his thumb.
You swatted his hand away, whining. “Stop teasing. I need solutions, not problems.”
“Okay, I have a great solution.” Dazai declared, looking in your eyes very seriously. You nodded, listening, blowing some warm air on your freezing hands, which still felt on the verge or falling off, even with your gloves on. Dazai’s hands took yours in his, warming them up with his own personal heat. “We go back there, and I fuck you so good — ”
“DAZAI!” You shouted, afraid someone could hear you. You rapidly checked around the both of you, terrified that a little kid might have been lurking in a corner. Returning to look at your boyfriend, you found him doubled over, laughing.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry.” He said, a hint of laugh still dancing in his tone. “Come here,” he said, opening his trench coat. You slid inside, instantly feeling warmer. Dazai closed the coat around you, holding you tightly against him, feeling a little proud when you stopped shivering. “When we get home, l’ll make you some warm tea.” He promised, already seeing your apartment complex in the near distance.
“And then we cuddle on the couch.” You said, starting feel your ears again.
“And then we make out on the couch, yes.”
Your joyful boyfriend started laughing, and you soon joined, your laughter intertwining into a beautiful melody, as you two walked home. Throughout the walk home, Dazai made sure you were completely covered by his coat, a perfect bundle of warmth. He promised himself he would always be there to hug you till you weren’t shivering anymore.
Ryonosuke Akutagawa
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Akutagawa was a normal person, who never felt too hot or too cold. When you burst into his life, all joy and laughter, he had to get used to you, and all your wonderfully eccentric behavior. But the one thing he struggled most with, was your abnormally low body temperature. Whenever you told him you were cold, he would stare at the various layers of clothes you were wearing, as well as the winter coat you had thrown over your shoulders. Akutagawa just…couldn’t understand you. He didn’t try to be mean or anything, his mind just couldn’t make sense of it. Akutagawa soon realized that his body heat helped the perennial cold that seemingly nestled, like a frozen rose, in your heart. Whenever you would be shivering at night, Akutagawa would tentatively wrap you in his arms, and warm you with his body heat. He would crank the heat up in your apartment, despite your protests about the price (he had enough money to spend). Soon, you feeling cold became another quirky aspect of your relationship, and also gave Akutagawa the opportunity to always keep you in his arms without explicitly voicing his desire to do so, which suited your touch-starved boyfriend perfectly fine.
You were at the Port Mafia’s annual Christmas Party: an event that lasted all night long, in one of the many ballrooms owned by the criminal organization. The floors were made of polished wood, and the ceilings were decorated with wonderful paintings, and delicate flowers engraved in the dark wooden beams that supported the high ceilings. The moonlight filtered in through the mosaic windows, coloring the partygoers in different shades.
You were sitting at a table, a glass of glittering champagne in your hand. You were wearing a black slip dress Akutagawa had gifted you. It adorned your body perfectly, a slit exposing your right leg. You looked gorgeous, and Akutagawa stared at you for a good 5 minutes without being able to say anything when you had come out of the bathroom, finding you the epitome of beauty.
The night had been fun: you had successfully dragged Akutagawa to waltz with you, holding you close. You could feel Akutagawa’s heart beat against your chest, a small smile twinkling on his lips. The moment had abruptly ended when Mori had called Akutagawa to raise a toast to the Port Mafia with the rest of the high executives.
You, being a low-level Port Mafia member, had given him a kiss to send him off, and had gone back to sit at your designated table. All the dancing had made you sweat, and now the droplets were cooling on your skin, making you already colder than you always were. You had decided to sip on your champagne to warm yourself up, but your exposed arms were not helping. You had started shivering, setting the flute back down on the table, and wrapping your arms around yourself to try and create a little heat.
“Are you feeling cold, (Y/N)?” Akutagawa asked, dragging a chair to join you. You nodded, sheepishly. Akutagawa glanced at you for a few seconds, his eyes zeroing on your shivering shoulders. He exhaled, not believing he was about to do this.
Slowly, Akutagawa removed his coat, an item of clothing that was seemingly fused to his body: he rarely took it off, and only in the comfort of your home, where he knew the both of you were safe from any danger.
You watched him in utter disbelief as he draped it around your shoulders: it was the greatest act of trust Akutagawa could ever commit towards you.
Seemingly not having moved you to tears enough, he scooted closer with his chair, wrapping you in his arms and holding you tightly against him, trying to transfer some body heat.
Akutagawa was known for not liking any form of PDA. You knew. He knew. The whole Port Mafia knew, which explained the shocked glance Chuuya threw your way.
But honestly, you didn’t care, and nuzzled your face in Akutagawa’s chest, glimmering tears sliding down your cheeks and ruining your makeup: Akutagawa always found proclaiming his love to you to be extremely difficult, but clumsily, through his actions, he always found a way to tell you how much you meant to him.
Your boyfriend felt your shoulders shake, and mistook you to be still freezing. He held you even closer, until he noticed the wetness on his chest, harshly pulling you away from him to check on you. “(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” His panicked tone made you laugh through the tears.
“You’re just perfect, you know.” You whispered, bringing his hands to your mouth, leaving a red lipstick mark on his knuckles. “I couldn’t have gotten luckier.”
Now it was Akutagawa’s turn to feel his heart melt, his eyes suddenly watering. He coughed, looking away, trying to maintain his cold persona.
“Akutagawa, it’s our song!” You squealed, suddenly hearing the melody play. “Let’s go dance!” You excitedly grabbed his hand, almost dragging him to the middle of the dance floor, his coat still around your shoulders.
Akutagawa almost protested, but the smile that was engraved in your eyes the minute you started swaying in his arms was a force too strong for him to resist. You two ended the night in each others arms, singing the song’s romantic lyrics to one another, the mosaic windows coloring each part of your faces with a different color.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Listen, Fyodor is anemic, he’s always cold. Russia’s harsh winters must have infected his body, because this evil mastermind is always shivering. And when the two of you got together, and you told him you were a person that generally ran cold, Fyodor smiled, saying he was the same. The two of you share the same struggles on a daily basis, and try to rely on one another for warmth, but with little to no results. The heat in your apartment is always cranked so high that Nikolai directly comes in shorts whenever has to come over. Whenever you two sleep, you have at least 5 covers and huddle in each other’s arms. Whenever you whine that you’re cold, Fyodor does hug you, but you both know it won’t be enough, so he throws a cover on both of you, and only then can you two start to warm up. A warm tea, or a warm milk, are mandatory every night, and you have a multitude of hot water bottles stashed in the kitchen. You use one almost every night. Still, even if Fyodor knows that hugging you won’t change much, he secretly adores sleeping with you in his arms, because the love that you so clearly feel for him is enough to warms his heart.
“Fyodor, I’m still cold,” you whimpered, trying to huddle in his arms. The two of you had been cuddling in bed for thirty minutes, bundled underneath an avalanche of covers and duvets, each of you holding a warm water bottle. Fyodor was feeling…okay. Not warm, exactly but not as freezing as you were. You must have been tired: you usually felt colder when you were tired. Fyodor tried his best to rub his arms against yours, but to no avail.
“I can tell, myshka…you’re shivering,” he cooed, trying to tuck the covers around you. But nothing seemed to be working that night. Fyodor leaned back, trying to figure something out, his already fast mind moving at inhumane speed. “What if I draw us a warm bath?” He asked, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand.
Your eyes shot open, a glimmer of hope in your smile. “Yes…please,” you scooted out of his embrace, watching as your boyfriend braved the cold, sliding out of the sheets. You instantly felt colder, now that he was gone. You hugged his hot water battle as well, watching as his tall form slid inside the bathroom. You heard the water running. The harsh sound of water on marble soon changing to water sloshing on water.
You waited impatiently, jumping out of the bed when you heard his sweet voice calling you. You ran to the bathroom, trying to avoid the cold’s claws that reached for you. You almost threw yourself in the bathroom, closing the door behind you to not let the heat from the heater make its escape.
Fyodor looked at you lovingly, helping you slide your clothes off. You didn’t wait for Fyodor, almost throwing yourself inside the large bathtub. You instantly felt the cold hidden in your limbs wither and die, finally feeling at peace. The water sloshed around you as Fyodor joined you in the tub, his pale skin almost taking a pearl-like shade in the dim lights.
You happily swam towards him, falling into his arms. Fyodor welcomed you with a small smile, glad to see your cheeks flushed with heat for once. “We should do this more often,” you thought out loud, playing with your boyfriend’s hands.
“Noted, milaya.” He purred, feeling a drowsy sense of relaxation spreading throughout his body. “This sure is peaceful,” he murmured, sinking further in the bathtub, eyeing your naked body underneath the trembling surface of the water.
“Stop,” you laughed, noticing his gaze, swimming away from him and flicking some water in his face with your foot. Fyodor moved uncharacteristically face, grabbing your ankle and tugging you toward him, and pressing a kiss to your soft skin. You giggled shyly, hiding underneath the water.
Fyodor dunked his head underneath the water, meeting your eyes. You smiled at him, and he wrapped his arms around your waist, dragging you against him. He pulled both of you out of the water, watching as it cascade down both of your bodies. You laughed merrily; Fyodor laid his head on your chest, closing his eyes and humming quietly. You caressed his head, diving back in the water when you felt a sudden chill caress your spine.
You kissed Fyodor lazily, watching with half-lidded eyes as he opened the tap to let more scalding water fill the tub around you.
You two cuddled in the warm water for hours, sometimes kissing, sometimes just laying in each others arms.
You were falling in and out of consciousness, and barely noticed Fyodor lifting you out of the now lukewarm water, drying you and slipping your pjs on you. He then carried you to bed, tucking the both of you in, carefully. You snuggled against his chest, and peacefully fell asleep, finally warm, Fyodor’s hand held tightly in yours.
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backtotheshitshow · 5 months
Wood & Words (part2)
Woodworker! James Potter and Princess! Reader.
Warnings: angssssst. James being kind of a dick? Kinda proof read.
Part1 part3
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For the third day in a row there was a knock on the wood shed door.
Upon entering the shed Y/n was surprised to find James not in the middle of his work but leaning against the wall gazing at the book she had given him.
“Oh your majesty. Good morning.” James said closing the book quickly and placing it on his work bench.
“Good morning Mr Potter, I see you’ve been practicing.” She smiled.
“Oh um yes:” he glanced over at the book with an annoyed expression.
“And how is that going for you.” She smiled rocking on her heels with excitement.
“I believe I had enough for today.”
James had been studying the same couple of pages for two hours this morning and had picked up none of it. The words made no sense and the sentence all mushed together.
James had a tendency to get irritable when he was embarrassed or self-conscious.
It was only natural that he was fed up after two hours of not learning to read a single word. He looked up at the princess, frustrated.
“Oh I see. Are you having trouble.” She asked.
This only made James more frustrated. “I’m not having ‘trouble’ I’m not a child.” He said bluntly.
He turned to his work bench, it looked as though he was working on the shelves of the book stand.
“I didn’t mean it that way..” she scrunched her brows growing slightly annoying at his dismissiveness towards her but she tried to stay calm . “Would you like me to help, perhaps having someone else explaining things will benefit you.”
James did not respond to her. He continued sanding one of the shelf slats.
“Mr Potter?”
“I’ve told I don’t want your help. I’ve excepted the book as a gift and now I’m studying it. Is that not enough for you?” He said not taking his eyes of his work, his voice filled annoyance.
She looked at his profile in shock, why was he being so rude.
“I’m only trying to help.” She sounded both hurt and angry by his out burst.
“Perhaps it’s best if I just leave you be then. l’ll return in a week to fetch those things I asked you to make…I won’t bother you beyond that.” She was quick to turn on her heels and head for the door.
James saw how hurt she was at his reply. He’d felt embarrassed, but he hadn’t meant to cause the Princess so much distress.
In one abrupt motion, he stepped forward and grabbed her hand, stopping her from leaving.
“Wait!” James froze when he realized what he’d done. Touching the princess without permission not to long ago would have gotten him hanged. Thankfully those rules do apply anymore but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t face serious punishment if she reported it.
He was embarrassed but he didn’t dare pull away, even if it was probably the more appropriate course of action.
“Let go of me.” She said in an annoyed tone.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I shouldn’t have touched you. Forgive me.” James rambled.
“It’s alright James..” she sighed. The sound of her calling him by his first name was sweet to him.
James was speechless for a few moments, having not expected to hear the Princess calling him by his name, again.
It was a nice reminder that she did in fact viewed him as an equal.
“You’re not bothering me. I just…I get embarrassed rather easily when it comes to my... illiteracy, You've been nothing but kind and I’m so very sorry for my behaviour." He explains.
“I…if you don’t mind I would like you to help me.” He admitted looking away from her.
“You do?” Y/n had the biggest grin on her face and look of hope in her eyes. James simply nodded.
“Come sit outside then.” She grabbed his hand and the book, pulling him outside quickly. After a few steps she took a seat on the ground near a tree.
She pulled him by his arm to sit next to her.
“Okay now where was it that you were up to?” She asked pending the book and scooting closer until their shoulders touched.
“Page 6, I believe.”
Y/n tuned to page six. ‘Silent Letters and Homophones.’ She simply smiled.
“Ahh I see…you know I’ve had several private tutors and to this day I this find these to be a pain in the back side.” She confessed.
“Really?” James asked raising an eyebrow. Her confession made him feel a little better about how hard he had found that section to understand.
“Yes I mean your telling me, that when they made the English language no one sat and thought ‘hmmm maybe we don’t need three different theres or a silent k at the beginning of knock.’ It’s ridiculous.”
James only laughed. Y/n began going over a few pages with him explaining the topics as best she could.
“Does…does that make sense?” She asked.
“So ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ are the same?” James responded chancing at the book from over the princess shoulder.
“Then what’s the point of having both.” James said
“I don’t know..” she laughed turning towards him.
Their noses were only a few short centimetres apart. She examined the specks within his hazel eyes. He had such kind eyes.
“Thank you for helping me, I’m sorry I was so harsh.” He whispered to her not breaking eye contact.
“It’s no problem at all.”
They held there places, a thick tension sat in the spaces between the two, for only a second he glanced down, the princess’s lips ever so slightly parted. He leaned forward, the tips of the nose just grazing each other….
“Y/n!! “ the voice of her mothers lady in waiting, Ms Anne, startled the both of them. “Where are you it is almost supper?!”
“Christ. Where did the time go?” Y/n was quick to her feet. “I’m sorry I must go.” She said dusting off her dress.
“No it’s alright.” James said.
His head felt cloudy. still a bit dazed by how close they had been only moments ago.
Within the blink of an eye the princess was dashing away. He watched has her hair moved along with her in the light breeze. She always look so heavenly.
The following morning Y/n was preparing for the day. She thanked her lady in waiting for assisting her with her dress and sat at her desk.
"Good morning my dear." The queen entred the room.
"Oh good morning mother. Lovely day outside don't you think?" Y/n said with a happy smile.
"Yes it is. Planning on taking a stroll are you?”
"Yes actually I was.” She smiled.
"Hmm, Off to see Mr Potter I suppose." The queen gave a little smirk of amusement.
Y/n's face dropped, her mothers comment caught her off guard. "I- mother it's not... I can explain. He's simply..."
"Oh yes simply making a book stand correct?" The queen smiled with a light laugh. Y/n only nodded.
“That’s not what Ms Anne seems to think. “ the queen took a seat in the edge of y/n four post bed.
“Ms Anne?!”
“Yes she said you too seemed very close when she came across the two of you yesterday afternoon.” The queen said with a smile.
"Mother I-"
"It's alright my dear. You never did seem suited to all those stuffy princes anyway."
"Mother it's not like that. There nothing.....romantic about the situation." Y/n explained.
"Perhaps not. However have a sneaking feeling you're not happy about that" the queen stood once more.
Y/n looked to the floor. As usually her mother was right. "Mother I've known him for three days."
"Your grandfather meet your grandmother at breakfast and had proposed to her by supper time. If anything you two are dragging this out." They both laughed.
"Alright then off you go... he's probably waiting to see if you'll show up again."
Y/n hugged her mother tightly. "Thank you" she said before darting out of the room and heading towards the castle exit.
I love this series so much already.
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blumisiu · 15 days
Thinking about curly haired Prince!Leehan who’d be the most charming prince ever ever ever.
It was the night of the annual Winter Solstice ball. Unbeknownst to you, Leehan had kept his eye on you the moment you stepped through his castle gates. He’s so intrigued by you. Definitely did not watch you the entire time you were in the ballroom dancing ;). After sweating buckets you decided to go out to the gardens for some fresh air and quiet. Leehan followed you all the way through the rose garden maze (funnily enough, his favourite spot. he thought it was Fate that it was the first place you went to. he’s too romantic for his own good. Or just delusional?). He stayed back for a bit to give you space, and when he felt enough time had passed he slowly inched towards you and cleared his throat.
“Hi there” he said softly.
You turned to find the Most Beautiful Man you’d ever seen standing expectantly before you. You’d seen him before, of course, but only in pictures or from far away. He was even more heart-wrenchingly attractive up-close and in real life. You immediately got shy and started sweating and wondered if you should just run away. Something made you stay, though. Maybe it was the way he was looking at you with his head slightly tilted to the side; through half-lidded, soft eyes with a coy smile plastered on his face. A million questions for you in his look.
As you weren’t saying anything, he decided to fill the silence.
“I’ve been watching you all night, you know”. He walked closer to you, ever so slowly, never breaking eye contact. It felt like he had set you on fire and was taking lots of pleasure in watching you burn.
“Have you?” you managed to stammer out.
Leehan just chuckled. A deep, warm sound. “Yes, I have. And I was curious to know if you’d like to dance with me. You’re a very good dancer.”
“You followed me out here just to ask me to dance? A bit late for that, don’t you think?” You side-eyed him slightly, while silently thanking your confusion for giving you the courage to speak.
He scoffs playfully, smiling widely. “I suppose it is, yes. But I want to dance with you. And we don’t have to go back inside. There’s plenty of space out here.”
You blink a few times, trying to figure out how the prince is talking to you, out of all the dozens of people here. Between him just being here, telling you that he’s been watching you all night, and now asking you to dance, you feel dizzy and a bit sick.
“Are you all right?” he asks, a look of concern on his features now.
“Yes, yes, I’m fine. Um, yes.” You wait a heartbeat. “l’ll dance with you.” you tell him, getting quieter at the end of your sentence, avoiding eye contact with him.
At this point, Leehan is towering right over you.
“Good. Since I am the prince and it’s quite literally my job to be chivalrous and graceful, let me ask you properly.”
He straightens his back and squares his shoulders. You’re still not meeting his eye, so he tilts his head, leans over slightly, and searches for your gaze. Once he’s got it, he clears his throat.
“My lady, will you please be so kind and let me have this dance?”
You can’t help but giggle a bit, which makes him break into a huge dopey smile, dimples and all, and start giggling with you.
After catching your breath you say, “Yes, Leehan, you may have this dance.” Something about hearing you say his name made him go weak in the knees a bit. You see the effect in how his eyes softened. Your heart skips a beat.
He goes to take you to the very middle of the maze center, where the moonlight shines the brightest, but not before taking your right hand in his and kissing the inside of your wrist.
You two dance for what seems like forever, surrounded by blooming roses, while the stars twinkle above.
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remusslove · 1 year
Dom reader and Dom James taking care of a bratty Regulus? I love your stuff btw
Punishment~ regulus x James x reader
“Regulus.” James snapped at him, clearly tired of his attitude. “What?” Regulus answered sharply narrowing his eyes at the dominate male sitting in front of him.
“Go to our room. Now.” James replied anger laced in his tone. You watched the scene playing out in front of you silently hoping that regulus would obey at least once. James is always the soft one, so if he uses even a bit of sternness in his voice it usually doesn’t end up well.
You sighed motioning for regulus to go up stairs as he locked eyes with you. He scoffed before stomping his way up the stairs and slamming the door shut.
“Why didn’t you help me!? You know he listens to you more.” James said to you. “He needs to learn that he can’t run to you for everything. Tonight will change that.” You replied with a quiet tone.
You both finished your drinks before heading upstairs to your bratty sub. “Strip.” “No.” Regulus bit back at James causing the male to scoff at him. “Regulus enough with the attitude. Strip.” You broke the silence with a quiet tone.
Regulus gulped looking in your eyes but quickly seeing no softness in them. He slowly took off his shirt and pants deciding to leave on his boxers. James quickly hovered over him beginning to suck on his neck. Regulus whimpered at a particular harsh suck, feeling James’s teeth bite into his sensitive skin.
“I’ll be back. M’ gonna go to Marlene’s to get something.” Your words made regulus let out a sound of confusion. You smiled before making your way towards him.
“James’s gonna punish you today. Just do what he says and he won’t go as hard as you. Bye bunny.” You whispered to him placing a kiss on his pouty lips that already were a bit swollen due to the rough kiss James he just received from james.
“Please daddy m’swear l’ll be good!” Regulus whimpered. You chuckled walking into the room seeing James harshly pounding into the smaller boys hole. “Wanted daddy to punish you so bad hm? Shut up and take it” his words surprised you a little but aroused you nonetheless. “Poor baby, already shaking hm?” You taunted removing your clothes. “Mommy” he whimpered through soft sobs of pleasure overstimulation.
James groaned cumming in the boys ass causing regulus to arch his back but whimper again as James pulled out.
His hole clenched with need to be filled up as cum seeped out of his hole and onto the bedsheets. “Can you do one more baby? I’ll let you cum this time.” You answered sweetly which sounded like heaven to his pathetic little self. He nodded making you chuckle and manhandle him into the doggy position motioning for James to go infront on him. James smirked positioning himself in front of the needy boy.
He grabbed regulus jaw for a moment forcing his mouth to open wide and for his tongue to fall out. “Already ready for our cocks? Slutty little thing” James degraded him while slapping his cock on regulus tongue so the boy couldn’t answer. You pushed the tip of your strap into his ass making him whine at the contact. It took only a couple of seconds before you fully pushed it in. Regulus moaned taking James’s length in his mouth.
He gagged bobbing his head back and forth slowly. He wanted to tell James to go soft but was muffled by his cock. James groaned as the younger boys tongue moved up and down occasionally licking his tip in a circle. James let out a choked moan before tugging on regulus’s hair and shoving his cock down his throat. Regulus coughed and sputtered grabbing onto James thighs trying to breath through his nose.
You thrusted harshly into regulus giving him a few smacks on the ass. He moaned sending vibrations onto James’s dick making the boy see stars. You could tell on both their faces they were both gonna cum real soon. Regulus mewled pushing his head away from James’s pelvic bone that his nose was currently touching.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Everything I wanted (Leila Ouahabi x Leon!reader)
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A/N: Sequel to Cliche . Warning, it’s another long one. I hope you like it!
The two of you knew what you wanted and you wasn’t going to let anyone stand in the way of that but you knew as soon as you left that room things would get a little bit more complicated. Your team mates would have questions and then there was Mapi. You had the relationship you had waited years for but had it cost you your other relationship you’ve had since birth.
By now you knew most of your friends would be in your room, waiting for you to return but did they expect you to return with Leila. From the other side of the door the two of you could hear them planning your search & rescue.
“What about Mapi?” Leila asks just as you get the room key from your pocket.
“You’ll be fine. It’s me she has a problem with so I’ll deal with her” you explained.
“But that was before I was your girlfriend”
Your eyes widen at the title. It wasn’t that you hated it, you just hadn’t spoken about the two of you having an official relationship.
“Girlfriend?” the uncertainty in your voice was unsettling to say the least.
“Is that not what we are? I thought I made it clear what I wanted”
“I want you Leila”
“But you don’t want to be my girlfriend”
“I do” you lean forward and kiss her gently. There was no need for passion, the act itself was intimate enough.
The way you felt as you swiped the key card is foreign but when you open the door you see the reason why. Everybody’s eyes were on you and although you never talked about how you would tell the team about the development in your relationship you make the change crystal clear when you take Leila’s hand in yours.
“Where have you been?” Lola asks.
“My secret hiding place” you joked but nobody laughed. Maybe you should have told somebody you were still in the building.
When you meet Mapi’s eyes the tension in the room rises and it made everybody feel a little bit awkward. In their eyes your argument had reached its head but you both had so much you wanted to say to each other.
The situation between you and her brought out every emotion in Mapi and it was overwhelming. To you, it doesn’t come as a surprise when she walks past you and towards the door.
“Mapi” she turns to face you “’l’ll come speak to you soon ok?”
“I’ll be in my room”
Your friends stay in your room for a little bit when Lola decides to watch a movie. Just like you had in your apartment, Leila settles into your side. You were waiting for the teasing but it never came because your friends knew that although you watched the film with a smile, the way you felt on the inside would be the opposite and there were right. You wished you never said anything to Mapi because now you had to follow up on your word and you had no idea what you were going to say to her.
When Leila feels you shift to get up she takes her focus off the film. She knows where you’re going and she cannot help but feel bad for the part she played in the arguments you have had with your sister.
“Do you want me to come with you?” she stands up with you.
“No, I need to do this alone” you place a kiss to her temple.
Looks are exchanged between your team mates. They had never seen you so domestic but with Leila it looked like it came so naturally.
As you stood outside Mapi’s door you contemplated walking away and saving the conversation for another day but by now it was already long overdue. Throughout your entire life things had never gotten this bad between the two of you so you had no game plan, no way to know what is the right thing or wrong thing to say.
Mapi opened the door before you knock, almost like she sensed your presence from the other side of the threshold.
“I hate this” she admitted.
It brought you momentary peace knowing that you agreed on at least one thing.
“Are you dating?” The question was simple and you knew the answer but for some reason you hesitated. It was as if you didn’t want to speak in fear of saying the wrong thing so instead you nod your head.
A few days ago Mapi had planned on apologising to you but now she felt you were way past apologies. If only she knew the power the word sorry had and how badly you wanted, no needed, to hear it.
“You’ve never done this before” her words confuse you. Mapi knew that you had never been in a relationship so why was she bringing it up.
“I haven’t but I want to try with her. I really like her Mapi”
“No” Mapi shook her head and once again you feel the negative energy flood the room “you like having sex with Leila and you feel like the only to carry on doing that is to get into a relationship with her”
“That’s not true” you found it hard believing the words you were saying. Earlier on you had no doubt that this is what you wanted but your sister knew you better than you knew yourself so did she know this too.
“It is. Maybe you do want a relationship but you are using Leila as an experiment and I won’t allow it. Do you not see how much this is hurting me, to choose between my sister and my best friend.”
The rage that grows within you is incontrollable. How, after everything that has happened, did Mapi still think she had the right to dictate your love life.
“I did nothing wrong” this you were sure of “Maria I’m not here for you forgiveness and I sure as shit am not here for your permission”
Your voice remains at a reasonable level but inside you are screaming. You are determined not to let your emotions or your sister get the better of you so you leave without saying another word. As you walk down the corridor doubt begins creeping in. Mapi had planted seeds of doubt and it has you questioning whether you were doing the right thing or if you were being selfish.
The pace in which you walked back to you room gave you time to think about your relationship. It was barely 4 hours old and already you were questioning whether or not you made the right decision.
When you enter your room you expect to find Lola but instead you find Leila buried under the duvet scrolling on her phone. You had missed spending the night with her but you know you needed space from her whilst you made sense of the thoughts in your head. You mumble something about getting a quick shower all whilst avoiding eye contact with her but despite your greatest efforts, Leila learned how to see through whatever mask you choose to wear.
As the close to boiling water cleansed your skin you felt your shoulders relaxing and it brought you a brief moment of peace. You cleared your mind of all thoughts and it allowed you to go numb, it was a feeling that you knew would vanish the moment you re entered your bedroom.
"How did it go?" Leila pulls back the corner of the duvet letting you know she wanted you to join her in bed.
With Leila in your arms things felt right which made things that much harder. Why did you have to fall for her?
"I don't know if there's any coming back from this" your heart broke as you admitted the outcome of your conversation.
Again, doubt plagued your mind. Whilst you knew that Leila was special you didn't want to spend your relationship resenting her for the destruction of your bond with Mapi. The fear you felt was real because you knew what you wanted to do and the woman in your arms wouldn't like it and you would be proving your sister right. That been said you saw it as the only option, it was the right thing to do in order to fix your family.
"I love you Y/N but for the next couple minutes I want to pretend that I don't. Speak to me like you would have 6 months ago"
"I have to make a decision between two very important people in my life and no matter which I choose, I will lose. I have you" Leila playfully nudges your side "I mean this girl, she is amazing and has awoken this side of me than I never knew existed. I think I have a real shot of happiness with her"
You could write a list pages long, full of reasons why you wanted to be with Leila and each one gave you the urge to fight for and protect your relationship.
"Then there's Mapi who has been my best friend since the day we were born. She is my sister who, for some reason, sees me as this bad guy that has tainted her friend. In her mind I have already hurt you which if you ask me will happen because I am bound to mess this up at some point but a little faith wouldn't hurt. I am trying to be a good person but it's hard to do that when the person who knows you most in this the world makes you think it's impossible. I'm not asking her to trust me on this but she could at least give me a chance to prove that I am worth your love"
Leila didn't know what to say. Since the day she met the Leon's it was clear that the bond you had was unbreakable yet now it was broken, smashed into pieces, and she didn't know what to do to fix things. It is clear you are torn between her and Mapi but what was she suppose to say, leave me and chose her, no that wasn't going to happen.
"Y/N" Leila looks up but you don't move. It is only when she cups your face and forces you to look at her does she the pain that floods your eyes "you are saying you want her to see you as a good person but you don't believe that yourself but you know what, that's ok because I know it"
It's as if she knows her words aren't enough to persuade so you does the thing that will, she shows you just how much faith she has in you.
"It has been quite the day and I think we've done enough talking" Leila knew a guaranteed way to ease your mind and you wasn't going to stop her, in fact you had been craving her touch since the moment she walked in Los Rojas.
The weeks that followed were exciting and everyday you felt like you did something new. Everybody knew you and Leila were dating so there was no more hiding, you could hold her hand as you walked the streets of Barcelona and take her out on a date which has become one of your favourite things.
Mapi still wasn't talking to you which hurt but there wasn't anything you could do about it. She had made her mind up and you knew better than to fight her on it, the Leon's were known for their stubbornness. Everybody saw the divide between you yet for some reason it didn't affect the team. From what they saw, Mapi was speaking to Leila and Leila was speaking to you so the tension wasn't thick unless you two were in a room together which didn't happen unless it was necessary.
Your mood was great when you were with Leila or your friends but they saw the way you were when you thought nobody was looking. Your look would linger on your sister hoping and praying that she will give you a sign which means you will be ok but it never comes.
Leila tries her hardest to be there for you but the hole left by your sister was too big to fill and with every day that passes she saw the light in your eyes dimmer.
Your birthday got brought up at training and given that you were twins, Mapi's got brought up too. Every year you spent it together no matter what is going on or where you are in the world but Mapi made it clear this year would be different.
"Me and Ingrid are going to Mallorca for a couple of days"
She said it so nonchalantly you wondered if she realised her words felt like knives getting plunged into your heart.
"But we spend every birthday together Maria" It was the first time you had spoken properly since the national time camp.
"I'm going to spend it with my girlfriend. You should do the same, that's if you are still serious about her" Even months later she still questioned your relationship and the level of commitment you were giving Leila.
"Technically I have spent every birthday with Leila for the last 7 years only this she year won't be there as my friend"
"Well I won't be there. Like I said, I have plans" Mapi's voice held no emotion and whilst you think it's because she doesn't care, the truth is it's because once she lets herself feel one emotion then she will feel them all and she isn't ready for that.
"Ok. I hope you have a nice birthday" it was difficult to walk away from her but that's all you seemed to be doing recently.
Alexia follows you out to the training pitch whereas the rest of the girls stay in the canteen. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.
"Do you know what you're doing to her? What you not talking to her is doing? She thinks I don't notice but she isn't sleeping, she hasn't slept through the night since I don't know when. You are her best friend, you broke her heart and no matter how hard I try, only you can put it back together again"
"She slept with you, my best friend and now you're dating even though she doesn't know how to do relationships"
"What if I break up with her?" Leila stands so that she is looking down at your sister.
This catches not just Mapi but the whole room off guard. If one thing has been made clear over the past few weeks its that both of you truly care about each other yet here Leila stands ready to sacrifice her relationship so that you can get the one with your sister back.
"Leila" Patri pulls her arm.
"No. You don't see it or maybe you do but your sister is broken. I like to think I make her happy, no, I know I make her happy. She likes me, loves me, wants me but she needs you so if the only way to make her whole is to let her go then i'll do it"
Leila leaves the room speechless by the extremes she was willing to go to in order to fix Mapi and your's relationship.
You on the other had shot ball after ball into the back of the net. You had no strategy in mind other than to get rid of yourself of the pain Mapi had caused yet again.
"You're losing your power" Alexia teased in attempt to lighten the mood.
"You wasn't saying then when I put three past Atletico at the weekend"
Alexia kicks the ball away from you feet, it was her way of saying extra training is over and you didn't argue with her.
"I did nothing wrong Ale but i'm still getting punished" You sit down. The training session, gym workout and the extra shooting practice is enough to make your legs feel like lead.
Alexia felt your pain. She's would consider herself one of your best friends but she refrained from taking sides on this due to the role she played with in the team but if you were to ask her she would say she's on your side.
"Are you happy with Leila?" Alexia asks even though your actions have already given her the answer.
"I love her Alexia. At first I wasn't sure but i've found it, the thing that everyone talks about and it's her. I have tried to talk myself out of being with her so many times—“
"Don't do that"
"I'm not. I spoke with Leila about how i'm feeling and she told me to trust her decision to be with me so that's what I'm doing"
It was weird hearing you say you've talked about your feelings when for years you kept them bottled up. Alexia was proud and she wished Mapi took the time to see this side of you, the one that is the complete opposite of who you were a year ago.
"I told Leila that I didn't know if there was any coming back from this. Now I know there isn't and I think it's time I move on. Who knows, maybe in a few months or a year she will be ready for us to be sisters again"
"And Leila is worth it?"
"She is. Speaking of Leila I really should go, I’m cooking tonight"
You spent two hours slaving over the stove making the perfect pasta with spicy tomato sauce. It may not have been much but you enjoyed it and you knew Leila did too. It also gave you chance to think, maybe spending your birthday apart from your sister wasn't the worse thing in the world. In fact you planned on doing something similar to her but instead of Mallorca you had your sights set on Ibiza.
When you hear a knock at the door you have an extra pep in your step as you go to answer it. You are so caught up in the night that was only just beginning and the possibility of spending a few days just you and Leila that you don't see the look of devastation on her face. Leila tried to find the right moment to bring it up but it never came. You wouldn't stop talking over dinner and it seemed cruel to do it when you held her tightly in your arms. You had provided her a safe space and she was about to wreck it with a bulldozer.
"I can't wait. You, me, sun, sea, sand and se—“
"I think we should break up"
"What, no, why would we do that?"
Leila lifts her weight off of you and puts as much space between you and her as possible. Tears fall down her face but she makes no effort to wipe them away, she knows it will a waste of time as other will fall in their place.
"I told you I would hurt you" you are adamant that it is your fault, why wouldn't it be, Leila was perfect.
It killed Leila to know you blamed yourself for this when you did nothing wrong. You treated her like a princess, loved her like she was the only woman in the world and made her happier than ever before.
"It's for the best" Leila couldn't tell you the real reason why because then it will ruin any chance of reconciliation you and Mapi have.
"No it's not. I love you Leila and I know that I may not have been the best girlfriend but I am trying my best here just give me a chance, please" you beg for a second chance.
In her eyes Leila was doing the right thing but seeing you so open and vulnerable, it makes her want to take everything back, tell you she made mistake and hold you until both you and her stop crying.
"I wish I could be with you"
"You can be with me Leila"
"I can't bec—“
"Because what!" you didn't mean to raise your voice but you had started to panic. You didn't want to lose Leila and you would do anything to save your relationship.
"Because you need her"
You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
“I don't understand what I did wrong. If she chose you and you're choosing her, who chooses me?"
"I'm sorry Y/N" Leila kisses your cheek before walking towards your door.
"Don't leave me"
If Leila were to turn around she would see a shell of a woman that greeted her a few hours ago. You wondered if she realised she was making your nightmare, the one that kept you for up for night after night, a reality.
The next day at training something was wrong and the whole team could tell. Leila kept her distance from you and you barely talked the entire session. You didn't stick around afterwards as the team got a coffee and you declined an invite to go out for tea later in the evening. The following morning the team has been called in to go over some game film. You arrived late and the redness of your eyes were unmistakeable, you had been crying. Mapi grew concerned rather quickly and it didn't take long to figure out the cause of your pain. 
“You need to talk to her. Something is wrong” Mapi whispers to Alexia. 
It fuelled the captain with annoyance. Mapi was being so stubborn and it caused her to distance herself from you even though she obviously still scared. 
“You know what is wrong. I hate to say it but this is your fault. She turned up at my apartment two nights ago in tears because Leila broke up with her”
Mapi truly thought Leila was being dramatic and that she was trying to prove a point. Never did she think the defender would go through with it. 
“What am I suppose to do?” Mapi asks. 
“I don’t know Mapi. I think you need to apologise and hope that she is in a forgiving mood” 
Your sister knew that she had messed up but in her eyes she was doing to the right thing. She had never seen you in a relationship before and she hated that the first person you took that step with is a team mate and her best friend. 
The game footage played in the background but your focus was elsewhere. You couldn’t believe Leila had called things off for the sake of your sister and you knew you had every right to be mad at her but you wasn’t, you just wanted your girl back.
When Leila did look at you it only lasted a few seconds, she mouthed I’m sorry then turned her to attention to anything or anyone that wasn’t you. When the first session is over you are the first one to leave. You hated been able to see her, even touch her if you wanted to, yet you couldn’t and it was torture. You take a few seconds to yourself in the hallway as you try to gather your thoughts.
“Whats wrong?” You stoped pacing for only a second when you heard your sister’s voice.
“Nothing. Go away”
You knew that out of everyone Mapi was the one person you couldn’t hide from. It didn’t matter if you were talking or not. In that moment you just wanted a hug from your sister and for her to tell you everything will be ok. If you stopped for a moment to let yourself feel then you wouldn’t be able to control your emotions and the training ground wasn’t the right place for another breakdown. 
“You pace back and forth when you’re thinking and circles when something is wrong. So talk to me?” Mapi stood in front of you, forcing you to stop and look at her although part of her regrets it. As she looks into your eyes she see’s the pain and suffering. It causes guilt to grow in her gut because she knows that even though she didn’t ask for Leila to break up with you, she was the reason it happened.
“Now you want to talk after you’ve ruined everything. You once told me that you can’t wait for me to experience what you have with Ingrid. Well guess what maps, I found it and then it got taken away because instead of being happy for me you were hellbent on making me miserable. So no I won’t talk to you. You ruined the best thing to happen to me”
“I didn’t mean for this to happen”
“What did you expect? You made Leila feel like she was to blame for us not talking when that’s all on you. I tried to be a good person, to be the person Leila deserves and for what? I lost her Mapi” 
Your sister saw, for the first time, just how wrong she had been. You didn’t see Leila as a temporary fix or a trial run at what you thought was happiness. You truly cared for her and there Mapi stands, the reason for your heartbreak.
“I can’t do this with you Mapi. I miss you so much but I need space”
“Ok. I’ll go back in and tell them you need ten minutes?” 
It was the first time in long while where you felt your sister on your side.
“5” you correct her.
For the next few days you remained comfortably numb. It was a worrying sight for those around you as it wasn’t just your sadness you hid, you refused to show any emotion whatsoever. Alexia suggested that you take a few days to get your head straight but you refused and given your performance in training, Jona didn’t back the captain on her suggestion. With the El Classico only a few days away he needed you on the pitch and even though he was worried about you, he hoped you carry over whatever you are feeling into the game because he knows there’s nothing worse than when you’re pissed off, it made you untouchable.
So when game day came you stayed to yourself. You put your headphones on when you left the hotel and they didn’t come off until the warms up. It was a different mood to what you normally felt but it was a welcomed feeling. 
“Y/N” you feel someone remove your headphones and you expect to see Alexia standing in front of you.
“Leila” you couldn’t control the smile on your face. She hadn’t uttered a word to you since that night in your apartment.
“Don’t do anything stupid out there” 
You stood up so you are at her level. You glance down at her lips, it was an automatic reflex whenever you were this close to her.
“When have I ever done something stupid?”
“I can name a few but now that I think about it most of them include me” Jenni shouts from across the locker room. You laugh slightly but stop when you realise most of the team are watching you and Leila. It made you feel awkward but given the past couple of days you couldn’t really blame them.
“Y/N. I mean it, no hulking out on the pitch” 
“No code green, got it”
Mapi watched the interaction in awe. You had been miserable for days yet a 30 second conversation with Leila had you smiling and joking. It made her think if her pride had stopped her from seeing this all long. 
“You see it now don’t you?” Alexia question made it sound like everyone knew that the connection you and Leila shared was real, well everyone but Mapi. She simple nods in response.
“It took you long enough” Alexia pats her on the back when she finished getting ready.
Within the first 15 minutes of the game it was like Real Madrid had one mission and it was to rile you up. Every time you had the ball they fouled you and when you played it to Jenni they did the same to her. It caused your already short fuse to trip and you knew it was only a matter of time before you retaliate. Much to your surprise you last almost the entire first half before getting your payback. You foul Sofia Svava which results in you getting a yellow card. Misa who was the closest to you comes to argue with the ref but it’s pointless you got your card, no way was it a red, but that didn’t stop her from trying to get a rise out of you. 
It seems like both teams have been told to be on their best behaviour when the second half starts or at least much friendlier. No cards are given out for 30 minutes but it’s as if everyone was waiting for what was to happen next. Caro makes a run down the right hand side and sends a ball into the box. It goes over yours and Jenni’s head which you thought was strange but you turn around just in time to see Caro’s target get taken down to the floor after Misa makes a high clearance which should never have happen.
Leila laid on the on the grass holding her head. You were blinded by rage and you only had you eyes on one person. Misa could have serious hurt Leila, she still might have and you needed the goalkeeper to know that she wasn’t go to get away with it. You barge your way through the white shirts, pushing and shoving them aside like they were nothing. Misa knows she has done wrong because she starts taking steps back but it doesn’t stop you. You shove her one, twice, three times and your hand gets higher with every push, the fourth one sends her to the floor. Her mistake is that she gets up because if gives the chance to do it all over again.
“Mapi! Get Y/N!” Alexia shouts from Leila’s side.
Mapi comes running over but she isn’t strong enough to hold you back. The adrenaline coursing through your veins makes you unstoppable but Mapi doesn’t give up. Just before she is sent to the floor Misa pushes you back. It gave your team mates the chance to stop you but Misa doesn’t realise what she had done until it’s too late.
“You don’t touch her ever again” Mapi shoves Misa back and with one shove she is on the floor. Mapi’s protectiveness is finally used in the right way, to protect you.
You know that going after Misa is no longer an option so you go to Leila’s side but you can tell she is out of it. The sight fills you with a sense of fear you have never felt before, there was nothing to do to help her so you stood beside her hoping that your presence helps in whichever way it could.
“Y/L/Ns” the referee shouts you and Mapi over and you know what is coming. 
She hold a yellow card out to Mapi, then points it at you followed a red. In your eyes it was worth it, nobody touches the woman you love and gets away with it. You accept the cards then go back to Leila but once again the referee shouts of your and says that you have to leave the pitch. That wasn’t going to happen. The medics are still looking at Leila and you didn’t plan on leaving her side until you knew she was ok. In the end Irene and Sandra escort you off the pitch much to your annoyance. 
Once in the locker room you truly let out your frustrations. If you can grab it then it is thrown against the wall, boots, bottles, shirts, nothing was safe. You punch the wall in blind range and instantly regret it but the release of anger was needed. You were angry at Misa, the Madrid player and the referee but most of all you were worried. You sink into your locker clutching your chest when your breathing becomes staggered. It wasn’t an unknown feeling, not recently, but it’s a lot more intense than the other times it’s happen. Your hands start shaking and tears start flowing.
“Y/N look at me” your sisters voice bring you very little comfort but it does help.
“I can’t breathe. Leila”
“They’re taking her to the hospital” Mapi meant to reassure you but it only made things worse “take a deep breathe and let me look at your hand. Jesus, I thought you were out of your punching walls phase”
“I couldn’t help it. They hurt her Mapi, they hurt Leila and I couldn’t do anything to help her” as ridiculous as it sounds, Mapi has never heard you so concerned for anyone.
“You really do love her” it took Leila been injured and you almost taking on the entire Real Madrid team for her to see what you had been trying to tell her all this time.
“I do”
“Then let’s go see your girl” 
“They won’t let me see her. We aren’t family, she isn’t even my girlfriend anymore” 
“Leave that to me” you and mapi are less than a meter away from the door when she stops you “we need to sort your hand out”
“We are going to a hospital. They will do a much better job than us two” you remind your sister.
“that’s a good point”
The hospital was like a maze and between you and Mapi, it was like the blind leading the blind. You had no idea where Leila was, the main reception was no help as they couldn't legally tell you anything. You looked at the department board and narrowed down a few options where she could be. After the first two departments refused to give you any information you realised the best plan was to act like you knew where she was. You roamed the halls of the hospital on the verge of giving up that is until Mapi took things into her own hands.
"Hola!" Mapi had her charming voice on and you dreaded what was was to come next "We're looking for Ouahabi, Leila Ouahabi"
"She isn't James Bond" you roll your eyes at Mapi's dramatics.
Mapi waves you away as she turns her attention back to the nurse.
"You can help us, can't you?" Mapi asks only for the nurse to say unless you are family then there's nothing she can do.
"Listen to me. This here is my sister Y/N" you wave awkwardly "she is madly in love with the girl we are trying to find. They were dating but Leila broke up Y/N because she thought it would help me forgive this one but truth is I was scared that she wouldn't forgive me because I have been a terrible big sister and it cost my little sister the best thing to ever happen to her"
"7 minutes, just saying" you practically say to yourself.
"I'm sure your sister does love her but I cannot tell you anything, it's the law" the nurse apologies more to you then Mapi.
"What if they are married? What if I were to tell you that she is Leila Ouahabi's wife then will you tell us where she is"
"But you just told me they broke up"
You pull Mapi away making sure to thank the nurse for her troubles.
"Leave it mapi, we'll go back to the hotel and wait to hear from her"
"No!" Mapi marches over to the nurse's station but you don't have the energy to go after her.
"Where the hell have you been?" Patri all but runs to where you are. Clearly Mapi's raised voice worked, just not in the way she planned "Why aren't you answering your phone"
You had never been so happy to see your team mate. She ushered you both towards a room at the end of the corridor. Leila laid on the bed as she answered the doctor’s questions the best she could. Mapi enters first but you stay in the doorway and watch her for a few seconds. You definitely weren't seeing each other anymore but were you still friends? Did the small interaction in the locker mean you could enter her room?
Your sister talks to the team medics who leave and then pulls patri out of the room too.
"What are you doing?" you pull her arm back "She's your best friend, you can stay too"
"She is but she's your girlfriend or at least she should be" Mapi pats you on the shoulder as she walks past you.
You look back and forth between Leila and Mapi until the latter is no longer in the room. Then all your focus is on your ex. You could just make out the lump that is forming on her head but what you didn't expect to see was a small cut. You couldn't believe you didn't see it before.
"You were bleeding? How did I not notice?" Your head tilts slightly as you inspect her further.
"From what i've been told you were busy" Leila chuckles slightly but it didn't change your expression, which had worry written all over it.
"Misa deserved worse" you growled.
You knew violence was never the answer and that a punishment was sure to come but you didn't care, not when it came to Leila.
"You punched someone" she points towards your hand.
"Yes. Well no, it was a wall" you hid you hand so Leila couldn't see it.
"You shouldn't have gone after her Y/N. You could have got in trouble."
"What did you expect me to do? What part of you thinks I would stand to the side whilst my girl— whilst you get taken out. There was nothing legal about that tackle, the referee had been in Madrid's favour all game, I had no choice"
"I'm fine"
"You're in the hospital Leila, nothing about that is fine"  
You couldn't believe Leila was downplaying the seriousness of what happened. You try to take a deep breathe trying not to let your emotions start making decisions, not that they hadn't already. In all the time she knew you, Leila had never seen you this angry. She didn't know what to do or say to you. Truth is she was fine and she would get discharged first thing in the morning but you didn't want to hear that.
"You hulked out. What happened to no code green?"She needed to change the heaviness of the conversation but her attempt at doing so seemed to have the opposite.
"You think this is funny" you raise your voice slightly "Why does nobody take me seriously!"
"Y/N that's not—“
"No! First my sister didn't take our relationship seriously. You clearly didn't because you broke up with me like it was nothing. I thought I was doing the right thing today. I will always protect the people I love and I will not apologise for that"
The tension in the room thickened. Your break up hadn't been discussed up until now and even so it probably wasn't the best time. You were overwhelmed and it's as if every emotion that you have ignored over the past few days have come back and attacked you. It was too much, a huge part of you wanted to leave so that Leila didn't see your weakness but you didn't want to leave her alone. Instead of leaving, you put as much distance between the two of you and refused to look her way, meanwhile Leila couldn't look at anything but you.
"It was a mistake"
Your head snaps in her direction. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Those 4 words had the power to break whatever was left of your heart.
"Our relationship wasn't a mistake. How could you say that?"
"Not our relationship. Me breaking up with you"
"Then why do it? You told me that nobody would get in the way of what we want but that's exactly what you let happen"
It was hard to explain and Leila knew you wouldn't see if from her point of view no matter how hard she tried. You had the right outlook, you loved her and that's all that mattered but it was the love she had for you that made her break up with you despite what it cost her.
"Because I saw that you missed your sister and I didn't want you to look back and hate me for getting the way"
"I could never hate you Leila. Trust me I have tried but the anger that I feel towards you fails in comparison to the love I have for you"
You thought you were been sweet with your words but by Leila's reaction you must have said something wrong. Her bottom lip begins to tremble as tears brim her eyes but it is only when tears fall do you go to her. Sitting on the edge of her bed you use your thumbs you wipe the tears that have already fallen, preparing to the same if new ones fall.
"Did I say something wrong?" Leila shakes her head "then why are you crying?"
"I ruined us"
You agreed with was she was saying but it sounded permanent, like your relationship was beyond fixable. It wasn't though, you knew this and Leila needed to know it too. What you had with Leila was rare and when she broke up with you she didn't give you a chance to fight for her, that wouldn't happen this time.
"We're not ruined Leila. I never wanted this to happen. I was very happy spending my nights with you—“
"Sure you were" a small chuckle escapes her lips.
"Not like that, well kind of like that but in other ways too. I loved the side you brought out in me, for the first time in a very long while I felt true happiness and I'm not ready to give up on us. Are you?"
The silence is deafening and you can't tell if Leila is trying to talk herself into it or if she is overthinking what happens if you do give things another try. It is only when Leila looks towards the door do her thoughts become clear.
“Please don’t think about her” 
“I can’t not think about her Y/N”
Little did you know that Mapi & Patri had been eavesdropping on the conversation from the other side of the door and when she’s hears you talking about her, Mapi makes her presence know. 
“Y/n’s right Leila” Mapi pops her head through the door “don’t think about me. I got in the way once and it cost me both on you. I promise you it won’t happen again”
You never needed your sister’s blessing but knowing you have it makes things a lot easier. You only hoped she would keep her word or at least give you and Leila a chance to show her what you have isn’t a fling. Ultimately Leila had all the power, you told her you wanted her and Mapi made her promise, now it was up to her. 
The smirk that tugs at her lips gives you all you need to know and you couldn’t be happier. You didn’t care that your sister was in the room, you kiss Leila. It is short and sweet but just as you pull away Leila leans forward making it clear that she wasn’t done.
“Not in front of me please” Mapi uses her hand to cover her face.
“Then leave because I’m not done kissing my girlfriend” Leila didn’t have to tell her twice. She might have been on board with your relationship but she wasn’t going to stick around to see her little sister make out with her best friend.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Liking Jen for Jen
Jennifer Walters x Reader
When Jen clearly has a crush on you, her best friend encourages her to ask you out. When another coworker is talking to you, she’s afraid she’s waited too long to ask
Note: I’m back with more Jen! I just adore her. No spoilers once again. Enjoy!
Jennifer Walters Masterlist, Main Masterlist
“Jen? Jen? Jennifer? Earth to Jen!” Nikki tries to get Jen’s attention as she walks into her office.
“Oh my bad, sorry hey,” Jen says although her attention isn’t fully on her best friend.
“What’s your deal?” She asks her, but when her eyes follow Jen’s she sees the culprit. “You know maybe if you just asked her out then you wouldn’t get so distracted by her talking to everyone else,” Nikki says.
“What? Who?” Jen tries to play dumb.
“Don’t be silly with me, Jen. I know you like her, so why not ask her out?”
“Oh, I don’t know there’s a million reasons,” Jen says with a sigh. “I’m just- I’m not going to ask her out. Can we drop it?”
“Okay, fine. But I think you should ask her,” Nikki says before she changes the subject to what she had come into her office for.
Today is one of the partner’s birthdays and everyone goes out for happy hour. You sit at the bar not really that interested in the celebrations.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Your coworker, Pug, asks as he sits next to you.
“Thinking about ordering another drink,” you reply. He laughs and asks the bartender for another round for you. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” he says. “So, hey y/n I was kind of wondering if you’d like to go out sometime? Like on a date?”
You’re stunned, honestly. You didn’t think he thought of you that way.
“Oh, I um- I’m not really looking to date right now. It’s just- yeah,” you explain.
“No worries,” Pug says.
Just then another coworker joins you at the bar and the conversation is over. You thank goodness for Mallory’s timing. Pug excuses himself to go play darts.
“So, that was interesting,” Mallory says.
“Right? I didn’t expect that to happen.”
“Me either. If anyone was going to ask you out, I expected it to be Walters,” she says.
You choke on your drink.
“Jen?” She nods. “You think Jen likes me?”
“You don’t?”
“Well, I mean I guess I just kind of didn’t think she wasn’t straight and/or into me,” you say.
“It seems to me like she likes you and remember that I know everything,” Mallory says before she takes her drink back to her booth.
You sit there a little dumbstruck at the idea of Jen being into you. Of course you’re into her. She’s gorgeous, talented, and an absolutely brilliant woman.
What you didn’t know is that Jen was sitting at a close by table with Nikki during all of this. She heard Pug ask you out and she got an undeniable pang of jealously in her gut.
“Go get her, Jen,” Nikki says.
“But what if she doesn’t like me?”
“Jen, if you can just conjure up the confidence of one man and ask her out then you’d know. You gotta do this for you. You can do this,” her best friend hypes her up.
“Okay, yeah. Okay. It’s just she said she wasn’t dating right now and-“
“Okay, I’m going,” she says as she stands up from the table.
She walks up to the bar and nervously sits next to you.
“Hey y/n,” she says.
“Oh, hey Jen. It’s good to see you as Jen,” you say with a laugh.
“Ah yes, technically it’s a work event, but I was tired of hulking out,” Jen says.
“I like this look best,” you say, your eyes don’t miss the way Jen’s cheeks flush a light pink.
“Thank you. Um- can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” you say.
“Would you maybe want to go out to dinner?” Jen asks you.
“Like a date?”
“Yeah, if that’s what you’d like to do. No pressure of course and l’ll just go and leave you alone and I’m sorry I haven’t asked a woman out before and-“
“Jen, hey it’s okay,” you ease her worries with your hand over hers on the bar top. She smiles softly at you and you feel a warmth in your chest. “Yes, I’d like to go on a date with you Jen.”
“Yeah. Thank you for asking me,” you say.
“Thank you for giving me a chance,” she says.
Your hand is still over hers and you run your thumb over the back of her hand. The celebrations are almost over and you’ll be heading home soon.
So, you move closer to Jen and drop a soft kiss to her cheek.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You ask her.
“Tomorrow works, yeah,” Jen says. “I can’t wait.”
“Me either, Jen,” you say before you leave the bar.
Jen sits there smiling. She finally found someone who likes her for Jen and not just for She-Hulk. And she’s got a great feeling about you.
Tag list: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @inluvwithfictionalwomen @notbornbutforged @makegoodchoices @anabananas13 @cosimasluvr @ijustthinkevilunoisneat @theprinceofmarvel @bookfrog242
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bb-eilish · 2 years
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pairings; bodyguard!beomgyu x fem!reader
warnings; Rough sex, doggy, riding, condom use, jealous beomgyu, sir kink, dom!gyu, sub!reader, slight nipple play, fingering, masturbation(F), wet dreams, mutual pining, car sex.
A/N; i loved writing this omg, and btw L/n means your last name just in case you didn’t know!!
i am not responsible for the media you consume but pls do not read if you’re a minor 💗
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“I’m a big girl, I don’t need a babysitter”
You can’t believe this, just because your father is unbelievably wealthy suddenly means you need to be babysat like a child. All because of some random threat about ransom or something that was mailed to your house, whatever.
You eye him as your father explains. His hair sits at the back of his neck, almost like a mullet. Dark strands frame his face and make his eyes darker than they already are. He wears black dress pants and a white dress shirt, maybe this won’t be so bad.
“Y/n this is for your safety, he’ll escort you places and i’ve decided to give him the spare bedroom” Your dad insisted, you knew there wasn’t a way around this so you settled with a small smile as he shakes your hand and introduces himself.
"Nice to meet you, Ms. L/n. Looks like we're going to be seeing a lot of each other". You nod and excuse yourself.
Is he seriously going to ‘escort’ you everywhere? What’s next? Is he gonna wipe you too?
Your scowl deepens as you finally make it through your bedrooms door frame, it’s late and maybe everything will be okay tomorrow when you wake up.
“Are you going to come to the mall today?”
Karina asks over the phone, you groan in remembrance—she asked you the other day and you said yes. But that was before you got a babysitter.
“Yea l’ll be there”
She cheers and quickly says her goodbyes. There’s no way you’re going out with a babysitter, you’re 19 not 5. You’d be the laughing stalk of your friend group.
Great. Now you have to figure out how to sneak out without the warden finding out. You’re gonna have to be careful. Peering outside your window you notice the tree perched right next to it, could you make that work? The tree wasn’t very big, but there was a branch that stretched right to your window.
Checking the time on your phone you shove the device in your purse and shrug it on. The window opened with a flick to the lock and you gripped the branch firmly before inching closer and closer to the edge. You could probably just-
“And what do you think you’re doing?” An amused voice sounds from behind you.
Your eyes close with a deep sigh and you take a second before gazing over your shoulder, Beomgyu tilts his head to the side and cocks an eyebrow. “Nothing, I was doing nothing. Now if you excuse me I’m going to the kitchen”. You might’ve been caught but that doesn’t mean you won’t keep trying.
“You wouldn���t mind if I went with you then. Right, Ms. L/n?”
“Why would you? I’m just going to the kitchen” Your lips are pulled into a tight-lipped smile. “Exactly, so you wouldn’t mind, correct?” You narrow your eyes at him and clench your fists, “Fine”.
You have one more trick up your sleeve as you both step down the stairs and through your elegant living room. You stop at the entrance of the kitchen and turn to him, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, i’ll be right back”.
You think he doesn’t see through you as he nods and takes a seat at the oak table sat to his far left. The closest bathroom was a corner away and you try and hold back your smirk on your way there. The bathroom is a pristine beige color and it almost sparkles because of how clean it is. The toilet is to your right, the sink is to your left, and the window is right in front of you. It’s higher up so nobody can look in so you have to step on the trash can to shimmy your way through it.
‘I knew this would work’ you think, your feet hit the ground with a soft thud and you haul ass to your car that’s waiting prettily for you. Your phone dings in your purse as you pop open the door and angle yourself into it. You only get to the passcode screen when someone clears their throat. Almost dropping your phone in terror you whip your head to the passenger side and stare in awe at Beomgyu.
“What the fuck?” It’s almost a whisper but you know he heard you as he smugly smirks. “Didn’t think I was that gullible did you, Ms. L/n? Where are we going?” He starts pulling the seatbelt over his broad chest and shoulders while you try and not kick and scream in annoyance.
Fine, he wins. “The mall”. You mutter as you press down the brake and turn on the car.
The drive to the mall was quiet, and yet, still annoying to you.
You park the car and turn to him, “Please don’t embarrass me infront of my friends, I really don’t feel like being laughed at today” You sigh, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Ms. L/n” He says as he exits the car, you try not to think about it as you do the same and walk through the busy parking lot. The entrance is flooded with people because of a, apparently, really popular kiosk. The minute you almost get knocked over is when Beomgyu settles his left hand on the small of your back and guides you.
Your breathing hitches for a second and you pray he doesn’t hear it. The food court comes into focus and he drops his appendage from your back, the loss of heat and contact catches your attention until you spy your friends. Sighing, you prepare yourself to be teased.
“Hey guys” You smile as you find an empty seat, Beomgyu finds an empty table behind you and sits down—spreading his legs hotly as he peers around the building.
“I don’t mean to alarm you, but I think you’re being followed” Momo whispers to you, a nervous chuckles leaves you and you explain, “Heh…that’s just Beomgyu. My..uh..bodyguard..” You flinch at the giggling that erupts after that. Typical.
“Why doesn’t he sit with us then? Beomgyu pull up a chair, you never know if Y/n might start choking” Karina cackles, causing the other girls to start as well. Looking down at your lap you hear him get up and settle into the seat at the end of the table you’re closest to.
“It’s nice to meet Ms. L/n's friends, I'm Choi Beomgyu. You are?” He wears a blank expression at Karina, who is currently leaning on her hand at the moment. You know her and the exact thing she’s doing right now. Yea Beomgyu was attractive, but he was also your bodyguard. Karina wouldn’t shoot her shot right?
“I’m Karina, how old are you? I mean, you look so young..” She scrapes her bottom lop with her teeth, giving him a flirty smile. Your eyebrows furrow at her blatant flirting.
“I’m 21”
Wow, that suit makes him look a lot older. Who knew he was only 2 years older than you. Karina’s smile deepens as she goes to say something else, “I’m 21 too, Y/n’s only 19 though, she’s such a baby compared to us” She giggles into her hand.
You make eye contact with Beomgyu but you can’t hold it for long, this was so embarrassing. You were constantly mocked for your age in this group, now you know why.
“Karina, it’s only 2 years…” You trail off, playing with your fingers.
“You’re right but look at you” She reaches over and pinches one of your cheeks before a firm grip lands on her wrist. She lets go out of shock, gasping at the act Beomgyu performs. When she’s far enough away he lets go of her. Your eyes widen and heat rises to your cheeks.
Somehow she isn’t phased at all by this, it seems to only spurr her on further. “Wow, Beomgyu. You have a firm grip, I can tell you’re good with your hands”. You roll your eyes and stop yourself from scoffing.
Soon, Beomgyu looks at his phone and lets you know your father needs him. Which means you both have to leave. Sighing in relief, you say your goodbyes and borderline run out of the mall.
Pulling into your driveway you settle your head on your steering wheel for a moment.
“Are you okay, Ms. L/n?” His voice is soft and you sigh before answering, “Yea, I guess so”. He doesn't pry any further as you both shuffle out of your car.
That was so embarrassing, you haven't left your room in hours because of it. Also because you keep thinking about how hot it was for Beomgyu to do that. Surprisingly, guilt starts to consume you. He hasn't even been here a day and you've already been such a bitch. Your shoulders fall as you make a deal with yourself to try and be nicer.
Flinching at the loud squeak of your bedroom door as you exit through it, you find yourself at the blocked entrance of the spare bedroom. The dark oak of the wood almost taunts you, you raise a hand to knock, hesitantly. Light shuffles can be heard behind it before it opens to reveal Beomgyu dressed in a black shirt and black sweat pants, a small towel hangs around his neck as he actively drys his hair off.
"Yes, Ms. L/n? Is something wrong?" He looks at you, waiting. "I, uh, wanted to apologize. I understand you're here for my safety and I appreciate it". You don't meet his eyes as you mutter out the apology.
You almost gasp when he presses the pad of his index finger under your chin and lifts your head up to his eye level. A kind smile is on his lips and you hope he can't read your facial expressions. "Nothing to apologize for, it takes time getting used to. I think we're going to..get along..just fine"
You only offer a smile in return, you do not trust your voice right now. The shuffle back to your room was quick, as your mind is racing with thoughts of him. Your heart is going crazy under your ribcage and you wring your fingers together as you think about it. The way he phrased his sentence, ‘I think we’re going to get along just fine’, it had you already overthinking.
Closing the door behind you, you throw yourself on the bed and trace the spot on your chin that he touched. You've never been like this with other people you've found attractive, but Beomgyu just...makes you feel so vulnerable.
"Ms. L/n, dinner is ready. Would you prefer to eat in your room?" That's probably your chef, Mrs. Kim.
"I'll be down in a minute. Thank you". You respond, she hums and you sit up, pushing some stray hairs behind your ear. Your clothed feet pad against the wood flooring as you leave your bedroom. At the same time you see Beomgyu enter his with a plate, slightly frowning you once again knock on his door.
He opens it with his hands free, "Yes, Ms. L/n?"
"You should eat downstairs with me..y'know since my dad is usually busy..." You try and play off the kind gesture cooly, he stares at you for a second before nodding. "Alright" he turns around as you walk off to the kitchen. At the dining table there's already a pre-prepped place for you along with some water. Your heart rate spikes at the thought of you two eating dinner together, alone—well almost, Mrs. Kim is currently doing the dishes.
As you take a seat you spot Beomgyu enter the kitchen, heading right for you. He picks the seat right across from you and silently sets his stuff down. You pick up your fork and start twirling the pasta with it, trying to remain as clean as possible while you eat.
"So, Ms. L/n, any plans for tomorrow?" His voice cuts through the silence like a knife and it almost scares you, you eventually meet his eyes even though you still find it difficult. "Not yet, I might try and see a movie, though. I'm not sure"
"Sounds like fun, I could use a movie" His humor is dry and it causes a giggle to leave you. Your mouth opens as you go to respond but it closes quickly when his foot brushes against yours. You play it off with a clearing of your throat and go back to poking and twirling your food.
You both finish eating around the same time and he goes to pick up your plate for you, "It's okay, Beomgyu". He dismisses your concerns and picks it up anyway, thanking Mrs. Kim as she takes it from him.
"Thank you for eating with me, Beomgyu. I'm gonna go to sleep" You rub at your eyes, and he doesn't respond for a second as he gazes at you.
"Of course, Ms. L/n. Goodnight". He smiles warmly and you try not to ogle him too much.
You're sprawled out under your covers, tossing and turning before sitting up. Your dream was scarily realistic. You were never a wet-dream type of person, but it started with you running your hands through his hair, something you think about quite a lot. Then the dream took a drastic turn and he's soon dragging his lips over the skin of your neck as he hovers over your bent over position.
His dirty words still fresh in your mind, "Take it" "My girl" "You're mine". The memory brings your attention to the heat flaring in your lower abdomen. Your core pulses in need and you tip your head back and groan in frustration. Falling flat on your back again, you sigh and drag a hand down to the waistband of your shorts.
Are you seriously gonna do this right now? Yes, yes you are.
Your fingers meet your clit and you buck up at the flicker of pleasure. Images of Beomgyu pop into your mind and it has the feeling of your fingers against you heightening. "You like it when I touch you? Hm?" You picture him saying, the fingers rolling your clit stop so they can circle your opening and dip themselves into it. You know his fingers would feel so much better in you.
The slight stretch of your own fingers probably wouldn't even compare to his, the thought has you biting your lip desperately trying to keep down the whimpers and moans threatening to spill. Beomgyu's room resides next to yours and you couldn't look him in the eyes if he caught you.
You fasten the pace imagining what he’d look like pleasuring you. The coil in you tightens and you're already so close.
"Aw you're gonna cum? All for me?" You imagine again, the imaginative dirty talk has your free hand gripping your sheets, and your hips lift helplessly as you ride out your high.
When you come back down a wave of exhaustion hits you and find a comfy position to fall back asleep in.
“Did you sleep well, Ms. L/n?” Beomgyu asks as he joins you in the kitchen. You’re mid sip into a cup of tea and the question has you choking. His eyes widen a fraction and he strides over to you to give you a pat on the back. You swallow the liquid and cough slightly before answering.
“Thank you, and yes, I did. Hopefully you slept well in your new room”. Hesitantly taking another sip, your eyes drift down his face to the expanse of his clothed chest before looking away from him completely.
“I did, have you decided on any plans today?”.
“Oh, yea. A movie sounds good”.
He smiles at you and nods, “Great, what time does it start?”.
“Uh, 6:30 I believe” He nods at you again and you excuse yourself to your room. What should you wear? You’re not exactly trying to seduce him…..but. You have a giant walk in closet, inside is probably thousands of items of clothing. The fuzzy rug under your feet calms your nerves slightly as you take a seat on the chair to your vanity.
The movie starts in about 8 hours but you don’t really have anything better to do, plus your anxiousness has time warping in your mind. Peering around the bright white room, you try and think of an outfit. It’s summer but it’s usually really cold in theatres. You’ll just pair whatever you wear with a jacket or something.
It took you about 30 minutes to think of an outfit, but you were finally done. Next is to shower. Thankfully there’s a bathroom connected to your room. Reaching it, you switch on the light and make a B line for the shower. The handle is cold under your grip as you turn it, but nothing happens. Your eyebrows furrow as you push the handle further, but still, nothing happens.
You grab your phone that you put on the counter and scroll through your contacts until you find your dads number. It rings for a second,
“Dad I think my shower is broken, I keep turning the handle but nothing comes out”.
You hold back a whine, there’s only like 3 showers in this house.
Your dad might be incredibly wealthy, but he’s smart. He decided to not buy a giant mansion so he could use his money for other things.
“I’ll call the plumber or something, try my shower?”.
You nod at his suggestion before realizing he can’t see you, “I will, thank you. I love you”.
“I love you too, bye”.
The call ends and you let out a huff, you turn on your heel—grab your towel, as well as different soaps, and exit your bathroom and then your bedroom. Your dads room was right at the end of the hallway, pushing open the double doors you pad into his bathroom and try his shower. Nothing.
“Goddamnit” you groan.
Taking out your phone you decide to text him this time.
Your shower isn’t working either, what do I do?
He responds quickly.
Try the one in the spare bedroom, I’m sure Beomgyu wouldn’t mind sharing.
You stare at your phone in shock, Beomgyu’s? But that’s in his room…
Your nerves flare but you do it anyway, the walk to his door suddenly feels like miles. Gripping he towel hung over your arm, you stop at his door and knock softly.
“Can I help you, Ms. L/n?”. The polite name he uses for you is fine and all, but you kinda wish he would just call you Y/n.
“Can I use your shower? Mine and my dads aren’t working”. You practically radiate nervousness as you ask.
“Yea, of course. Go right ahead” He steps aside to let you in. You’ve been in here only a few times but you know it’s changed. It has personality now, there’s clothes neatly laid out on a chair in the corner. The bed is made but is slightly messed up, and it smells heavenly.
You spot the bathroom and shuffle to it, letting out a shaky sigh when the door closes behind you. Taking a glance at the sink you spot a razor, a tooth brush, and toothpaste. Nothing crazy.
You place your shampoo and conditioner on the ground of the shower as well as your body soap. This shower was almost as big as yours, it wasn’t part bathtub either. It was a nicely sized, walk-in shower.
You stare at the handle before grabbing it and turning, you sigh in relief as the water actually comes out of it. Turning it to your preferred temperature you undress yourself. A thought has you stopping—shirt half way off. Beomgyu is on the other side of this door, and you’re going to be showering…..naked.
You shake your head at the thought and finish taking off the clothing.
The water feels nice on your tense shoulders, you try your hardest to pay attention to the actual shower instead of Beomgyu, which is proving to be difficult.
Finally you wash the soap off of you and work the conditioner out of your hair, you’re finally done. Turning off the water, you wring out extra water from your hair and grab your towel. Drying off your hair went fast as well as drying off the rest of your body.
The towel is quickly wrapped around you, one hand is occupied holding your towel together securely so you decide to come back and get your stuff later since you wouldn’t be able to hold it all. You have to leave now. Through the door. You stare at the white wood and hype yourself up. It seems to have worked but the second you open it, all of the confidence drains from you.
“Thank you” You mutter while walking through the room, to the door. He looks at you and, slightly, tilts his head.
“It’s my pleasure, Ms. L/n”
Trying your best not to gawk at him was tricky but you managed to leave his room in one piece. There’s a part of you that’s relieved but a bigger part of you that’s a little disappointed.
Your clothes are splayed across your bed and you drop the towel around you before slipping on the new outfit. Now you just gotta do the rest.
Looking over yourself in the mirror, you deem your work finally done and stand up. You stretch for a second before picking out your shoes. Should you wear heels? Sandals? Maybe even boots? Tapping your finger lightly against your chin, you make your decision and drag out your choice of shoe.
There’s a large clock on of your wall and you peek at it. It’s currently 1:30 PM. Unexpectedly, a knock sounds from your door.
Gingerly opening the door you’re met with Beomgyu, he gives you a polite smile and asks, “What movie are we seeing?”. You notice the way he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth and you yearn for something, you’re not sure what but the urge is there.
“Oh, yea, uh, some rom com. I forgot the title, sorry if you don’t like rom coms”. There’s a tinge of guilt that strikes you, you didn’t even ask him what movie he’d like to go see.
“No no, it’s okay. Thank you, Ms. L/n”. His smile deepens before he walks away, you watch him as he descends the stairs. Would it be crazy of you to think of this as a date? You know this is his job but there’s a small part of you that might believe he has a thing for you. That’s probably just the delusion though.
The time reads 6:10, it’s finally time to leave. You’ve been alternating between the kitchen and your room for the past several hours. You pull on your shoes and grab your purse—shoving your phone into it. Swinging open your door, you step into the hallway and down the stairs.
Beomgyu is on your couch, doing something on his phone before he takes notice of your presence. “Ready?” He asks, you nod and wait for him to get up and put his shoes on before opening the door. The way he’s walking next you to has one of his hands brushing up against your arm and you fight the urge to grip your heart.
Your car comes into view and you dig out your keys from your mess of a purse. The car responds to the unlock button and you both get in. The theatre isn’t too far away so you have plenty of time, as you put the car into reverse you spot Beomgyu’s thighs. They would probably make the best seat, you’re so attracted to him it’s crazy.
You come to a stop light and see his hand in your peripheral rub the clothed skin of his thigh and give it a light squeeze. That has you clenching your thighs together, his hands would feel like heaven against you.
The light turns green and you let out a, silent, shaky breath. Another turn and you’re pulling into the theatre’s parking lot. It’s always packed in the summer so you hope you find good seats. The place is crowded and in, apparent, Beomgyu fashion he settles a hand on dip of your lower back until you get to the front desk.
You greet them and ask for 2 tickets to the movie you were gonna watch, the lady smiles at you both and says, “This movie is perfect for couples, enjoy”. As you give her the money. Your eyes widen and you go to deny it.
“Oh, N-“ But you were cut off.
“That’s great, thank you”. Beomgyu speaks over you, pulling you to the concession stand by the hand on your back. Your face and ears feel hot and you hope it’s not noticeable, but you don’t say anything to him about it as you wait in line. He rubs his thumb on your skin ever so slightly and you kinda just wanna jump his bones right now.
The menu is filled with different candies, drinks, and greasy foods. Your eyes land on your favorite candy so you add that to your mental food cart. You’ll get a water too.
As you’re almost done ordering you forget to add the last thing, “Can I also get a large popcorn, please?”. The cashier nods and gathers all of the food and drinks you both ordered, you pay for the last time and search for theatre 18.
“Do you think it’s this way? Or that way?”. You mutter at him, there’s a fork in the road and a sea of people. He drags you one way with a hand now settled, snuggly, against your waist.
Turns out he was right , theatre 18 is at the end of this long, crowded, hallway. The hand on your waist maneuvers you around people and it has you thinking of some pretty inappropriate thoughts.
You enter the theatre and look for any open spots, there’s single chairs sprinkled through out but you can spot 3 empty ones all the way in the back. Getting his attention, you point at them.
So far the movie is okay, you expected better but it’s kinda boring. You’re half way through the popcorn Beomgyu is currently eating. You discreetly watch him, that ransom threat was the best thing to ever happen to you. You now get to hang out with Beomgyu for god knows how long. He takes notice of your staring and turns to you, “Do you want some?”. Her refers to the popcorn and you panic, if you don’t take it how will you explain your staring? If you do take it you will pop, you can’t eat anymore.
“Oh, um. I’m okay, thank you…” The sheepish look on your face is obvious even if he can’t see you very well. You turn back to the screen and swallow the nerves beginning to build in your throat. The shadows cast upon his face made him look even more chiseled and it did things to you.
The one thing that made your insides turn into literal soup was when a loud scene was unfolding, Beomgyu tapped you on the shoulder to say something but you couldn’t hear him. You mouth ‘what’?’ so he leans in and brushes the shell of your ear with his lips.
“Can you pass the popcorn?”.
The question was innocent, yet a shiver runs through your spine and goosebumps bloom across your neck. You seriously wouldn’t mind if he bent you over infront of everyone in this theatre.
Your breath is shaky as you exhale while plucking the bowl off the ground. You assume he says ‘thank you’ as his lips move.
“Good movie, what did you think?” You agree and think about what you liked about it. Honestly, you were barely paying attention. Beomgyu takes up your mind 99% of the time.
“I loved that one part…with the flowers”.
“Oh, me too. What about that one part with the bear?” He looks at you excitedly and your eyes slightly widen.
“Loved that part, too. It was great”.
Your eyebrows furrow at the sudden guffaw he lets out, “There wasn’t a bear in the movie, you weren’t paying attention were you?”.
He laughs harder at the look on your face as you get closer to the bathrooms, still giggling he says, “I’m gonna be right back. Stay here”
You purse your lips until you giggle too. There’s a bench directly to your left and you go to set everything down, sitting after. People of all shapes and sizes walk through the hallway as you sit.The unexpected tap on your shoulder has you whipping your head to the side.
A man stands there, he wears sunglasses—indoors, and carries a flirtatious smile. You’re immediately not interested, “Can I help you?”.
He’s already getting on your nerves and he hasn’t even said anything yet. Other men just aren’t as good as Beomgyu.
“I see you’re sitting here alone. Need some company?” He says before taking a seat WAY too close to you. You hold back the sound of disgust and laugh nervously. “I’m okay”. You scoot away from him but it only seems to egg him on as he scoots closer.
“Listen dude, can you fuck off? I’m not interested”. You huff at him, his smile drops and his mouth opens ready to say something.
“Listen, you bi-“.
“Can I help you?”. You hear, Beomgyu stands to your right with an, incredibly, intimidating look on his face. Just like when you met him his hair falls infront of his eyes and it fully catches your attention. You don’t even look towards the other dude, completely forgetting about him and the interaction.
Beomgyu huffs and just like before, you want to jump his bones. Your underwear sticks to you uncomfortably and you wish you could ask him to help you out. His shoulders drop slowly and he grabs your wrist, yanking you up and through the dispersing crowd. You trip over your feet a few times before he lets go of you in the parking lot.
“Give me your keys”. His deep voice almost startles you, rummaging through your purse you finally find them and give it to him. Unlocking your car, he politely opens the passenger door for you before rounding the front of the vehicle and hopping in the drivers seat.
“Are you okay?”. You ask in a small voice, you stare at him wide eyed and a bit afraid. His, large, hands grip your steering wheel tightly. The veins in them popping out deliciously.
He looks over at you and your blood freezes, he’s never called you that before. And the look he’s giving you through his hair has your hands clenching.
“Y-yes?”. Your voice is shaky and soft as his, harsh, gaze pierces through you.
He sighs and fishes out the phone from his left pocket, “Hello?”.
You don’t hear the other person on the line as Beomgyu swallows his anger.
“Yes, Sir”. He pulls the device away from his ear as the call ends.
“We’re going home”.
The entire car ride was tense, with sexual tension or normal tension—you’re not sure. Either way you open your window to alleviate the rising heat in your body.
Beomgyu is silent even after you park and enter the house. Your shoulders slump as you enter the threshold of your room, but of course, your phone rings at the same time. ‘Karina’ pops up and you mentally pepare yourself.
“Hey, y/n. We’re all going out clubbing tonight, you should come”
“I’m gonna have to break out my fake ID but okay, pick me up in an hour?”
“Sounds good, and bring that bodyguard of yours” She giggles.
You let a fake laugh and say your goodbyes. There’s no way you’re bringing him, you’re gonna actually have to sneak out successfully this time.
“Ms. L/n, can I come in?” The voice is distinct and has you almost swooning.
“Yea, come in”
He wears a tired expression, “I’m going to sleep but I wanted to apologize for earlier. I’m not sure what came over me”.
“Oh, it’s okay. Don’t apologize”. The reassuring smile on your face mends his overactive mind and thoughts. “Thank you, Ms. L/n. I’ll see you in the morning”. When he leaves, you feel guilty for trying to sneak out, but you honestly wanna find someone to take your mind off of him.
Your closet is full of dresses and you’re stumped between 3 cocktail ones. Holding them up by the hanger, you pose with them infront your mirror. Your mind is made up relatively fast as you pick the 2nd one. It’s a short, black, dress with a deep v cut.
Now onto shoes, should you wear a taller heel? They’re cute but moving will be painful. Flats? Ew no. So, you meet in the middle and settle on some really cute mary janes.
After you’re done getting ready and take a seat on your bed, what if Beomgyu saw you in this? Would he be grossed out? Would he think you were pretty? Wow, you have such a fat crush on him. You usually weren’t one for lovey dovey stuff. But Beomgyu brought out such intense feelings from the bottom of your heart. Just thinking about him has your heart rate spiking. A ding from your phone startles you.
karina; Be there in 20
Letting out a soft sigh, you lean back to grab at your remote, putting on some random show. Maybe that’ll make it seem like you’re really in here later, you’re hoping.
You get the text that she’s waiting for you so you slip off your shoes and quietly pad across the hallway. The house is pitch black and you have to use your phone flashlight while you descend the stairs. You unlock the door quietly and open it the same. Standing on your porch, you ever so slightly close the door, relief floods you as you get it closed.
Her headlights light up your garage door and you worry that might wake Beomgyu up.
“Aw you didn’t bring your boy toy, you’re no fun y/n” Karina whines, you hold back the eye roll as you jokingly apologize. Excitement courses through you as you think of the guys that might be there, they might even be hotter than Beomgyu. But you’re honestly not sure if that’s possible. Clipping back on your shoes you buckle your seatbelt and lean back.
The ride there was full of loud music and giggling. When Karina wasn’t teasing you you really enjoyed spending time with your friends.
“Alright, we’re here ladies”. She says as she finds a parking spot. The small purse in your hand is snug in your palms as everybody stumbles out. The line to the door isn’t very long, thankfully. Getting in you all crack jokes and laugh until you spot someone who’s ahead of you in line. Tonight is gonna be great if theres more people that look like him.
“ID’s”. The staff asks, he’s a giant burly dude with a beard and watermelon sized biceps. You’re the last to be checked and you almost think he sees right through your bullshit. The man narrows his eyes at your ID and hands it back to you.
“Good to go”.
You smile brightly and stride into the club. It’s unbelievably loud, red and blue lasers litter the air and you instantly recognize the song. “Let’s go drink first”. Momo chimes in, holding as many hands as she can so nobody gets lost. You all shimmy through the crowd and you could really use Beomgyu right now, you’ve gotten a bit used to being guided through large groups of people.
The bar is surprisingly empty as you all take a seat next to each other, it’s nice being a good distance away from everyone for once in here.
“What can I get you ladies?”.
They spew off their orders, and to be honest, you’ve never heard of half of them. When the man turns to you notice he has similar hair to Beomgyu.
You seriously need to stop thinking about him, oh my god. You don’t need anything strong so you settle with a margarita, just something to loosen you up a little. He nods and turns around, grabbing bottles and cups.
“I’m shocked you were able to sneak out, Y/n. I’ve taught you well”. Karina giggles, almost tripping over air. Karina can be such a good friend when she wants to be, but when men are involved she’s completely different.
“Thanks for asking me to come along, I appreciate it” You softly smile.
Her features soften and she smiles back, turning to the bartender when he gives her her drink. The margarita that sits in front of you looks tropical and delicious. The little umbrella makes you chuckle as you take a sip, you’re not a big fan of alcohol so it’s nice.
“Oh my god, did you hear about Taehyun?”. Momo giggles, you don’t really bother paying attention to the gossip so you scan the area you’re in. It’s hard to see very far, because of the people and how dark it is but you can just barely make out the guy from the line earlier. He’s walking towards the bar, his lips seem to form a natural pout as he saunters over to a seat not far from you.
The bartender notices him and you can’t figure out what he ordered. You don’t even notice how long you’v been staring for until he makes eye contact with you. Loose strands of his hair fall in front of his enticing eyes and it draws you in.
You watch as his eyes drift from yours, down your figure and then back up. His lip is trapped under his front teeth as he checks you out. Surprisingly, he gives you a flirty wave and a wink after he downs the shot he ordered.
His face is undeniably attractive, his obvious confidence only adds on to it. The man looks away eventually so you do the same, turning back to your friends who are shoving each other at the moment.
You almost jump at the voice to your side, turning to it you discover it’s the guy from before. Wow, he looks so much better up close. His hair is pushed back aside from some strands in his face.
“Hi, can I help you?”. You hope the smile on your face makes your sentence not as off putting. He glances away for a second as he lightly chuckles, his thumb comes up to swipe at his bottom lip.
“I’m Yeonjun, I just wanted to say that you look stunning”. His voice is sultry and laced with honey, if you weren’t sitting your knees would probably buckle. You shyly giggle and wave off his compliment.
“I’m y/n”. The smirk on his face is alluring as he checks you out up close.
“Well, Y/n. Would you like to dance?”. His hand brushes against your waist and you try not to be too eager as you respond. “I’d love to”. Turning to your friends you nod at him so they get the idea, they all give you the thumbs up and wink at you playfully.
Yeonjun stands and holds out his hand, “Shall we?”. You grin at him and take his hand, he guides you through the sea of people to the filled dance floor and places his hands on your hips. You get the idea pretty quickly as he presses into your backside, the first grind tests the waters and the second is more needy. Soon you are grinding into him to the beat of the random song playing, your hand slithers up his form to his nape and the other one grips one of his own holding your waist.
Yeonjun leans down to whisper into your warmed ears, “You’re really good at this”. You almost moan when his lips skim over the skin of your neck, when you grind into him harder he meets you halfway and you’re basically fucking on the dance floor.
He takes it a step further and lands open mouthed kisses on your neck, the scrape of his teeth against your pulse point has you clenching your thighs tightly.
“Do you wanna-”. Yeonjun is unfortunately cut off when your arm is harshly tugged, you’re ripped from him and only get to let out a “Call me”. You really hope he remembers the girls you were with so this isn’t the last time you see him.
Now…what the fuck? You can barely see the person dragging you because they’re weaving through so many people, the lights don’t help either. You think the person would stop once you’re off the dance floor but they drag you fully outside.
“Beomgyu?”. Oh shit, how did he find you? Is he gonna tell your dad?
He doesn’t say anything as he drags you to your own car. It’s already unlocked as he pushes you into the passenger seat, memories flash back to the first time this happened. He gets in and anger quickly floods in your brain. You were so close to forgetting all about your suffocating crush on him, Yeonjun was the perfect person to take your mind off of Beomgyu.
“What’s your problem?”. You finally say as he drives down a busy road, you can’t see his face because of his hair but you honestly don’t care if he’s mad.
“Like seriously, I was having a great time and you just had to ruin it. Thanks a lot, asshole”. You spit at him, you wanna cry so bad. Just being with Beomgyu taunts you. That seems to strike a nerve with him as he jerks the car to suddenly turn, you end up in a dark and empty parking lot. The only light is from a dim light post at the entrance.
You don’t try and stop your word vomit. “I was finally getting along with my friends too, everything was going fine. Do you realize how hard it is to be around you?” Knowing where this is going your eyes well with tears, it has to be said. “I was finally distracting myself from you and what do you do? Mess it up, i’m so tired of pining after you. All I wanted to do was forget how much i fucking like y-” Your words are silent as one of his hands cradles your face while he leans down to kiss you.
His lips are just as soft as you expected them to be, maybe even more. You can feel how nervous he is as he presses harder into you, changing the atmosphere of the kiss. He breaks away for a split second to harshly pant against your lips before connecting them again and almost devouring your lips. You kiss back with just as much force, a gravelly groan escapes him at your action and he maneuvers the hand on your cheek to grip your jaw.
Wordlessly, he ushers you on his lap—never breaking the searing, lustful, kiss you’re sharing. His hands roam your abdomen but end up on your waist.
“You look so slutty for me in this dress”. He mutters against your lips. You reply with an experimental grind into his crotch. Both of you react with a light sound and his grip on you tightens to help you swivel your hips on him correctly.
He’s getting harder by the second and it has your mind reeling. You fully pull away to whine, “Touch me, Gyu”.
“Watch it, pretty girl. I don’t think you’re the one in charge here, hm? Get in the back”. His voice is cold and you don’t have to be told twice before crawling into your back seat—taking off your shoes the second you sit down. Beomgyu tips his head back for a second and palms himself over his pants before meeting you in your backseat.
He’s on you in seconds, lips attaching to your flushed neck instantly. His kisses move up towards your ear and over your shoulder until he gets to the strap of your dress, his fingers trail up your arm until they take ahold of the strap and pull it down. He pulls down the other one and peels the dress until it’s under your breasts. His lips never leave your skin as he concentrates trailing his mouth down your collarbones and chest.
He nips at the valley in between your breasts and runs his tongue over the red skin. Your hands are currently fisting his thick shirt as your hips try and find any possible smidgen of friction. Beomgyu notices how quickly you melted and submitted to him.
“You’re so needy, do you want more, Angel?” His voice is breathy as he speaks against your neck.
“Please, please give me more Beomgyu”
He stops for a second, moves his head away from you so he can look you in the eyes. His gaze pierces through you in the best way possible.
“It’s Sir, understand?”.
You’re like a deer caught in headlights as you nod dumbly at his erotic statement.
“Yes, Sir”. You mumble through the prominent pout on your lips. He seems pleased with your answer and goes back to assaulting your neck and chest. The feeling of your skin being sucked between his teeth is heightened when his fingers sneak up to your breasts. He gropes the flesh and groans into your marked neck.
“I knew you’d have perfect tits, Angel”.
You let out a whine as he continues, “Ever since I saw you in that towel I knew”. Your hands get lost in his dark brown hair as you’re put under his spell. His hands abandon your breasts to push down the dress fully, the clothing lands on the center con.
Beomgyu leans back and settles on his knees, he takes one of your legs and spreads it wide so he can get a good view of your damp underwear. He’s silent as his fingers drift up and prod at your center, first at your clothed hole and then your clit. The finger he uses swirls around the bud for a second before he grips the waistband of the material and yanks it off of you.
You watch him in awe as he takes care of you, you’ve been wanting this exact thing to happen ever since the dream you’ve had of him.
“Angel, do you remember the first night I slept at your house?” He talks casually as if his fingers aren’t spreading you open for him. It’s difficult to respond due to your heart dropping in humiliation and his fingers delving into your opening.
The stretch of his middle and ring finger is addicting and intoxicating. A swift pinch to your thigh brings you back, “I asked you a question, Angel”.
“Yes, I remember, Sir”. He bites his lip at your breathy voice, he can’t believe this is happening.
“I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and what do I hear? The woman i’m supposed to be looking after pleasuring herself. You wouldn’t happen to know what i’m talking about, would you, Angel?”. He’s smug as he calls you out, the air is sucked from your lungs and your legs would’ve closed if not for the death grip he has on one.
Instead of getting embarrassed you decide to try and embrace it, yea you did touch yourself to the thought of him. “Yes, Sir. Had a dream about you”.
Your confession flicks a smirk onto his features.
“Oh you did? Tell me, Angel, what happened?”. He’s loving this way too much, you had a dream about him? And to add fuel to the fire, you touched yourself to the thought of it.
Your cheeks are unbelievably hot as you relive the dream, “I was on my hands and knees for you..” You stop there, the embarrassment you were trying so hard to push down found it’s way back up again. “I’ll make a deal with you, Angel. If you cum for me right now…I’ll make your dreams come true, hm?”.
You eagerly nod and grind your hips as his fingers become faster, he bends them in a ‘come hither’ motion and pairs it with a rub to your clit with his thumb.
“Doing so good for me, fuck you’re so wet”. His praise is even better than what you imagined that night, his thumb picks up pace and you’re whimpering and whining in return. “You sound so pretty for me, Angel”.
It doesn’t take his praise long before it has you throwing your head back and loudly moaning. Your skin feels like flames as the delicious waves of pleasure roll through you. He helps you ride out your high and then pulls out his fingers, sticking them between his lips. The sight has you in a trance but the way he tells you to open your mouth before sticking the same fingers in has you gone.
“You taste so good, don’t you?”.
You nod your head, whining and looking up at him expectantly. “Since you did so good for me, get on all fours, Angel”. You don’t waste a second before you’re sticking your ass up and leaning on your folded arms. He darkly chuckles at you before you see his shirt fall onto the floor of your car, next the sound of his belt clinks and it has you clenching around nothing.
He stops what he’s doing for a moment and asks, “Can you open this for me?” You turn your head in curiosity to see him holding a silver foil, he brings it closer to your lips so you bite the corner and tear it open. Beomgyu watches intently and feels himself pulse after. He lets out groans as he rolls it on, his fist is tight but he knows you’re tighter.
His hands soon meet your back and they feel amazing as they rub the skin of your hips and waist. “Ready for me, Angel?”.
You moan and push your ass back, his erection is pressed into you and it has you letting out a wanton moan.
“Words, Angel. Use your words”. He reprimands lightly. “Please, please fuck me, Sir. Need you so bad”.
“You need me? You need me to make you feel good, hm?”. He’s getting off on the fact you only need him, nobody else. He gives in at your whiny yes’ and lines himself before pushing in.
“Sir-fuck”. Even with a condom you can still feel every vein and ridge on him, your toes curl at the initial breach and you unknowingly hold your breath. He bottoms out as he groans, nails digging into your skin. Beomgyu looks down at where you’re connected and almost comes right then and there, you’re so wet that you’re dripping onto the seat. His hips jerk forward at the sight and you clench at the sudden moment.
His pace starts slow at first, he drinks you in. Your smell, your voice, how wet you are for him, and how good you look bent over. But, soon after he goes faster he’s fueled with jealousy once more.
“Bet you wish I was that guy you were with, hm? You want me to go get him?”. He grits out through clenched teeth, voice cold.
“Only want you, Sir. Nobody else”. He smugly smirks as he tips his head back, pace never faltering. “You’re mine, Angel. All mine, no one else’s. Understand?”. His voice is commanding and has you trying your best to answer, but the relentless push and pull of him inside of your most intimate areas has muttering and babbling taking over. He gets how you feel but there’s no way he’s letting you out of this without answering, so he leans over you and wraps your hair around his fist—pulling your head up.
“I said, understand?”.
You breathe deeply and try your best, “Y-yes, Sir. I’m a-all y-yours”. He drops your head back down but doesn’t move back to his original position, instead he wraps both arms your stomach and hammers into you. You moan and whine as you drool onto the seat, your legs tremble and threaten to give out any second.
“God, I love seeing you like this. Can barely speak because you love my cock so much”. He lets out a loud moan at the way you clench at his words. He’s drowning in you and couldn’t love it more.
Your noises pick up in volume, along with the way you clench more, he deduces you’re probably gonna come soon.
“You close, Angel? Come for me”. He eggs you on, he loosens a hand wrapped around you and pinches your throbbing clit. The action pushes you over the edge and you’re coming again, you babble out random praises and curse words as you clamp your eyes shut.
Beomgyu pulls out of you and sits down, tipping his head back against the seat and waiting for you to catch your breath. When you come to again it takes you a second to push yourself up. Looking over at him, your jaw almost drops. His lip is caught between his teeth, his eyes are hooded in lust, his skin is flushed and sweaty, and he’s lazily stroking himself while looking you in the eye.
“Come over here and ride me, Angel”. He beckons you over, you couldn’t possibly resist such a request so you scoot over and straddle his thighs. His cock is pushed directly against your cunt and it takes every ounce of restraint in you to not keep grinding against him like this. You raise yourself and he once again pushes himself into you.
He leans forward and grips your ass, kissing the sweaty skin of your neck. His rushed kisses move down to your breasts once more and he takes one into his mouth, both of you moan at it and you stop for a second to grind your hips against his. He lets it go to flattens his tongue over it, swirling over the bud.
“S-sir, oh my god”. He leaves your nipple and tips his head back again, moaning. You’ve never been with someone so vocal before, it’s so hot when he lets out noises and it pushes you closer.
“My angel is so perfect for me, this pussy is mine”. He mutters out, his hips start to meet yours as he thrusts upwards. It takes you by surprise and a small wave of pleasure racks you, so you almost fall onto him and wrap your arms around his neck. You stop moving as his hips fully take over, the hands on your ass push you into him and bring you directly to the edge.
“Gonna cum again, Sir”. You slur out, he hums at you and thrusts faster. “Coming again, Angel. That’s so cute, do it”. His pubic bone rolls against your clit and that’s all it takes for you to come again, your walls spasm around him as you momentarily forget where you are, he’s everywhere all at once and it has your mind hazy.
He’s soon stilling and pushing you further down on him, his hips stutter a bit as he groans out your name while filling the condom. You both are left sweaty and panting.
“Sorry I snuck out”. You mutter as you detach your arms from him, he smiles and lightly chuckles. “It’s okay, I understand”.
He pulls out of you and you both find your respective clothing, you’re pulling up the straps of your dress while he’s getting rid of the condom, but a thought has you pausing. “Did you mean what you said?”. You murmur towards him, he runs a hand through his damp hair and looks at you. “Did you mean what you said?”.
Warmth floods your face again and you can’t look at him as you nod, “Yea, I did”. He doesn’t answer your previous question as he scoots closer and takes your face into his hands, planting a loving kiss onto your swollen lips.
“I like-”. He’s cut off by the ringing of your phone, your heart stops in your chest. What if it’s your dad? Beomgyu seems to think the same as his eyes widen. Your purse is left on the front seat and you grab it before searching for your phone.
Both of your shoulders visibly drop in relief as you read the contact name.-‘Karina’.
“Y/n, where are you? We’ve been searching everywhere”
“Oh, um-”
“Why do you sound like that? Oh my god did you have sex?”
Your breathing stops and Beomgyu tries his hardest not to laugh loudly.
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taglist; @kyrkitten @tyunlovie @loverhyunn @gyufemboy @rencarnationofangel
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goosewriting · 1 year
Pink 31 with Raph and a reader who's going through a bad day mentally, so they have a comfort movie night that ends with scenario 23, where Reader falls asleep on Raph's shoulder (or i guess arm would be more realistic lol)
Please stay (rottmnt Raph x reader)
scenario 23: A falling asleep while sitting next to B, as their head falls onto B’s shoulder, B stays as still as they can, afraid to wake A. prompt 31: “Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” “l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
summary: reader is having a bad day and falls asleep on Raph’s shoulder. 
relationship: Rise
warnings: angst and comfort, raph being a sweetheart 🥺
word count: ~790 
A/N: oh to have a giant turtle to cuddle with on bad days 😩<3 ended up having Raph move the reader to the bedroom instead of sitting still whoops
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
– – – 
Saying that Raph was worried was an understatement. You hadn’t been answering his texts or calls. He assumed you’d be home by now, but you never replied to his message asking if you got there okay. Apparently you hadn’t even read them. 
Assuming the worst but trying his best to get the worst-case scenarios out of his head where you were hurt, he made his way to your place in record time. Climbing down the fire escape he hopped onto your balcony and softly knocked on the glass door, calling your name. 
You were sitting in the dark, curled up between the couch and the coffee table, after one of the worst days you’d had in a while. Illuminated only by the lights from the street below, you lifted your gaze with tired eyes and tear-stained cheeks to look at the balcony when you heard the knocks. Seeing Raph’s worried face looking for your eyes in the darkness, it both filled you with relief as well as it brought a new wave of tears, as you were longing for his comfort. 
With languid movements and shaky limbs, you couldn’t even muster the strength to stand up, so you all but crawled towards the balcony, undoing the lock. Without wasting a second, Raph opened the door and came rushing in, crouching down to your level and asking if you were okay or hurt.
Between choked sobs you told him about how bad your day had been. Every single thing that had gone wrong ended up piling up and now here you were, just so done with everything.
Raph sighed in relief to himself, seeing that you hadn’t been physically hurt by someone or something. He decided not to bring up his many texts and calls that went unanswered, as to not throw even more of a burden on you. 
Picking you up from the floor, he closed the balcony door and brought you to the couch. Settling you down, you crawled back down to your original spot on the floor with a whine, wanting nothing more than to wallow in your misery a little longer. With a soft smile, Raph moved the coffee table away from you so he could fit in next to you. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked, and after thinking about it for a moment, you shook your head, bringing your knees up and hugging them to your chest.
“Alright” he thought of something else to do. “Then do you want to watch a movie?”
You supposed it would be a good distraction so you agreed. Raph took the remote (which looked comically small in his huge hand) and put on one of your comfort movies. You had watched it a thousand times by now, half of those with him, but it brought a smile to your face and warmth to your heart every time without fail. 
As you two were propped up against the couch, the only thing that could be heard in your living room was the sounds of the movie and your sniffles every now and then. As the time passed, you kept cuddling closer to him, and he let you practically melt into his side, enjoying how warm you felt against his skin. By the end of the movie you were fully asleep, leaning onto his arm, with your own looped around his, holding onto him tightly. 
Raph looked down at you for a moment, memorising your sleeping face, which looked much more relaxed than before. Your eyes were still slightly puffy from crying but you looked so much more at peace right now, your natural beauty coming through. 
He tried removing his arm as gently as possible from your death grip without waking you up, which took him a couple of minutes with the way you were clinging onto him. Once he was successful, he picked you up again and brought you to your bed. As he was tucking you in, your eyes fluttered open. He was about to apologise about waking you up, but you spoke first.
“Can you stay?” you whispered, not finding enough strength to speak in your normal voice. “Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” 
“l’ll stay for as long as you need” he responded and sat down on the floor by your bed, with this torso leaning on the mattress at your side. He didn’t want to shred your bed with his shell.
You thanked him and took his hand in yours, slowly falling back asleep. Raph smiled to himself at the sight, gently stroking over your knuckles with his thumb. With a whispered promise of always being there for you, he too felt his eyelids getting heavier, slowly being pulled into dreamland. 
🐥 taglist: [more info in my pinned post!] @hearteyedracoon, @maribatshipper, @whygz
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cloudygeorge · 2 years
hero on standby
pairing: george weasley x reader
summary: in which getting involved with you is a bad idea george can't pass up 
warnings: allusions of assault, harassment, violence, cursing
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"Stop it! Get off of me!"
It was probably a terrible idea to do this, for multiple reasons. One, you were you, and George was himself. No, you weren't rude or anything. A wealthy pureblood but you had real class and elegance, believing in equality. George thought that if he did the math that equaled out to you being a blood traitor, but apparently, he was missing something because everyone knew that half of the old Slytherin families were trying to marry off their sons to you. Not that that within itself was bad but with someone of your class, George would surely stand out.
"Let go!"
Not to mention, drawing that much attention to himself would make it awfully hard to be as sneaky as he needed to be in order to pull the pranks he and Fred had to pull. And his mother would have about a billion questions that he personally didn't feel like answering.
"Leave me alone!"
But this was also about the fifth time this week George had seen this pain in the ass Ravenclaw harassing you and not only was that far too much, but his father had raised him better than to be a bystander, even if it was supposed to be a fun Hogsmeade trip. He took a deep breath before walking over to where you were simply trying to walk away and grabbed the male by his blue robes, turning him around to face him. He opened his mouth to smart off, probably something about how the redhead needed to mind his own business but before he could get a word out, George had already pulled back and sent his fist into his cheekbone.
You were out of breath, jacket ripped and half on just from trying to get the guy to leave you alone. Still, George looked good as Pierce fell to the ground from the second punch that broke his nose. You probably should have felt guilty, but you didn't. Pierce had been harassing you for weeks and when you had tried to report it, his friends had jumped you on the way to McGonagall. The Ravenclaw looked like he was going to get up until George kneeled down and grabbed his collar. "I can't believe that my hands got dirty for someone like you," he scoffed before his grip tightened and he yanked him until he could feel the way his breath hitched in fear when his wrists bent, and his knuckles scraped his neck.
"If I ever see you near her again, I will be securing myself a nice spot in Azkaban... Don't look at her, don't go near her, you better not even breathe around her. Are we clear?"
His eyes drifted to you. "Why didn't you just tell me you were dating one of them?" You didn't get a chance to answer before George was rolling his eyes letting out a curse, easily letting go of Pierce and pushing him to the ground. "Because you would have left her alone if she was taken? Because her saying no wasn't fucking enough for you?" he moved like he was going to step on him. "Get out of here before I change my mind."
Pierce ran at the speed of light and all you could do was stare up at George, whose face softened as he turned to you. He noticed how you didn't flinch when he reached out and helped you get your coat back on, zipping it up for you. "Thank you," you whispered. "No one would listen when I asked for help. They just said it was normal."
"Well, it's not, and you didn't deserve that," George said firmly. "Sorry to spring a relationship on you sweetheart, but this way he thinks l'll always be around."
"I'm not opposed to that." Don't tell anyone but his heart fluttered at that, and he cracked a smile at you. "If he bothers you again, you find me, okay? l'Il take care of it."
You laughed drily, but he could tell that you were feeling a little better than you were a moment ago.
"What, so you're just going to be my hero on standby?"
George let out a real laugh at that. "Sure, if that's how you want to think of it."
Oh, right. That was what he was forgetting. The third, and biggest reason that getting involved with you at all was a bad idea; he'd been head over heels in love with you for years.
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chop-chop-chop-chop · 2 years
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В системе верхних дыхательных путей евстахиева труба (правая, левая) (также называемая евстахиевой трубой или глоточно-барабанной трубой) представляет собой трубку, соединяющую полость среднего уха с носовой частью глотки (носовой глоткой). Одни образуются из кости, другие из хрящевой и фиброзной ткани, выстланной слизистой оболочкой. У взрослых трубка имеет длину около 36 мм и сужена в месте соединения со средним ухом. Протоки закрыты большую часть времени, но открываются во время глотания и зевания. Этот механизм уравнивает давление в среднем ухе с давлением снаружи
地球の表面 水面から大気を経て、空が水面に描かれる。緑がコントラストを作り出す。
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me-loving-woso · 1 year
Prompt List
Hi everyone, I hope you are having a great day! This is my prompt list for some imagines/ficlets that I want to write, if you like you can decide to chose up to 3 prompts per fic. If you like any other prompt other than this, feel free to write me, and I’ll try my best to write it.
“Just please, don’t leave me.”
“It hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much? I just want it to stop.”
“Forget it. Just like you forget everything else.”
“I never ask for help because I’m not sure I know how.”
“It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
“I feel like I’m falling apart.”
“What is it about me that isn’t good enough?”
“I wish I was brave.”
“Whats the point in trying if only one of us is willing to?”
“You almost died and you’re making jokes?”
“I would give up everything for the chance to hear your laugh again. To see you smile. To see you happy.“
“You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”
“For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!”
“Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.”
“No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving.”
“You said you wouldn’t leave, and then you did.”
“I’m a fool for believing you meant what you said.”
“You are not your past.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“I just cant see myself ever living without you.”
“If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
“I didn’t believe in soulmates until I met you.”
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Go with me?” “Only if you hold my hand.”
“I’d feel much better if you’d let me walk you home.”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?”
“You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.”
“I’ve never felt this way before, and truthfully it scares me. But, the idea of never trying scares me even more.”
“I promised to love you forever, and that is a promise I intend to keep.”
“Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
“You give me a reason to be better, to do better.”
"All I’ve ever wanted was a place to belong. Somewhere I could call home. And you gave me that. Because you are my home.”
“They don’t compare to you. No one does.”
“No matter how much time we’ve spent apart, I never stopped loving you.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“You brought me breakfast?” “Well you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I’d make sure you ate something.”
“Everything feels right when you are with me.”
“I don’t care what others say, I want to be with you and that’s all that matters to me.”
“You bought me flowers?” “Yeah, well I noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up.”
“I’ll be damned if anyone makes you feel like you aren’t worthy of being loved.”
“I wasn’t sure what love really felt like until I met you.”
“I can braid your hair for you- I mean, only if you want.”
“Maybe if you stopped staring at them and actually talked to them, you might have a chance.”
“I want you. All of you, and not just halfheartedly, but wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
“Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” “'l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
“You are my family.”
“We’ve been by each other’s sides for years, you think I’m gonna leave now?”
“Take my jacket, I don’t want you catching a cold.”
“I’d wait a thousand lifetimes for you, because you are worth waiting for. So when you are ready. I’ll be right here.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind”
“Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” “Say it.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this.”
“How long have you had this planned?” “Since the moment I fell in love with you.”
“You came all the way here for me?”
“Why are you staring at me?” “Because I think you’re beautiful.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you.” “I think I’m okay with that.”
“What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“The world gets a little brighter when your around.”
“They say we wont last.” “Then lets prove them wrong.”
“You kissed me.”“You kissed me back.”“And I’m not here to apologize.”
”you deserve so much more than what you’ve gotten,”
“maybe we could go get coffee…tomorrow?” “yeah, i’d like that.” “you would?!? uh- i mean great, i’ll text you the details.” 
 “i missed you.” “you just saw me,” “yes, but i missed holding you.” 
"Perfect,""What?""You're perfect,"
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before.”
“I’ve never told you that before.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“At least it couldn’t get any worse.” “I really wish you hadn’t said that.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“Wake me up when it’s over.”
“I think… everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.”
"Abort mission, I repeat abort mission.” “What? Abort what mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor?” “Yeah, and they’re too attractive. I can never speak to them again.”
“At least I kept my promise.”
“I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you.”
“…Did you just sniff me?”
“Of course I noticed, I notice everything about you.”
“Are you alright?” “Yeah, why?” “You look mad.” “That’s just my face…”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Since when did you open a bakery in your house?” “Since I got bored.”
“Can someone explain to me, in not so many words, why they are here?”
“For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which should count for something.”
“I hate that I let you convince me to do this”
“What are you doing here?” “I got locked out of my house.” “Again?”
“Where are we going?” “It’s a surprise.” “I hope the surprise involves food.”
“I am nothing if not consistent.” “Yeah, a consistent pain in my ass.”
“What happened?” “Do you want the long version or the short version?” “Uh, short?” “I made a mistake.” “Okay, long version.” “I made a very very big mistake.”
“Do you take constructive criticism?” “Not without crying.”
“Are we all on the same page?” “Yes. Just of different books.”
“Why did you break up with them?” My dog didn’t like them, and that is never a good sign.“
Scenario Prompts: *For prompts with Characters A and B; you can choose who is who in your request (who is reader and/or character)
Fall asleep in same bed, on opposite sides, wake up in each others arms.
Separated forcefully or for reasons you can’t control, run into each other again years later on accident.
Get locked in somewhere together.
Continuously running into one another for days after having a meet cute.
Hands brush as you stand next to each other, you think it’s on accident until their hands gentle wrap around yours.
Caught staring too many times for it to be a coincidence.
Size difference hug; they engulf you.
You refuse to leave so they pick you up and throw you over their shoulder.
Character A can tell Character B is getting nervous in a big crowd, so A slips their hand into theirs to help them calm down.
B taking care of A when they are sick.
Holding hands underneath the table.
Bandaging the other and then kissing the injury gently.
B sitting/standing behind A and leaning into them as they show/teach them how to do something.
As you begin to fall asleep, you feel a gentle kiss pressed to your temple and a blanket draped over you.
B comforting A as they wake up from a nightmare.
A realizing that they have feelings for B when they see them with someone else.
A game of 20 questions that ends with “Can I kiss you?”
There’s a big storm going on outside while A is at B’s house, so B insists they sleep over.
A hears that B got hurt and rushes over in a panic to see if they are okay.
A falling asleep while sitting next to B, as there head falls onto B’s shoulder, B stays as still as they can, afraid to wake A.
Cloudgazing or Stargazing together, as you lie next to each other, their hand slips into yours.
Looking around for the shirt you left at your s/o’s house; only to find it in a drawer with other clothes and items you’ve left.
B get’s so nervous about their dinner date with A that they accidentally make enough food to feed ten people.
A hand written love lover left at your doorstep.
B dancing to music as their cooking or cleaning, and as they spin around A suddenly appears, grabbing onto B and continuing to dance with them.
A buying B groceries because they knew they forgot to buy themselves food again.
A finding a hand-sketched photo of them on B’s desk.
B helping A step down from a high place by taking their hand, and then not letting go as they continue to walk.
Comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together.
Dancing around the living room of the first home you’ve bought together.
Long distance relationship; receiving a good morning text every morning, until one day you don’t. You are worried, but then there is a knock at your door.
B is sunshine, rainbows and kindness. A is night, rain-clouds and anger. But when A meets B, they bask in the sunshine and never want to leave.
B asking A to attend a wedding with them, to get out of going with someone their parents tried to set them up with.
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red-rage-machine · 1 month
Here’s a little intro to my TMNT X ANIMAL CROSSING “au” there’s an island attached to this, so l’ll share the dream address. But here’s the master post
WELCOME TO HIDEOUT! A town made from the remains of New York City, for mutants and mutant ally’s. Walk around! You’ll find amazing restaurants and beautiful cites!
back in the day, HideOut was a city full of humans. However, most of them were wiped out by creatures called “Kraang.” Only leaving mutants and a few humans. However, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made a new city, us!
Casey Jones (named Raph on my save- oops): Casey Jones was one of the founders of the island, having fought along the ninja turtles. He’s often seen assisting fellow residents.
April O’Neil: A very helpful guide! April O’Neil is always willingly to assist you if anything goes wrong! She’s got powers too!
Baxter Stockman: he’s been missing for some time. We don’t know where he went.
Hazel: She’s been living here since the founding of the island, she’s a mutant squirrel. Really nice, if April or Casey aren’t available, please go ask her for assistance!
Simon: A cute monkey who’s always out fishing! He’s our local fish expert, got a fish question? He’s your guy! Spike: A rhino who looks mean, but is actually a really nice guy! He works at our gym, making sure everyone is healthy!
Purrl: Purrl used to be an ice cream cat called “Ice Cream Kitty”, but now (thanks to further mutantion) is stable outside a freezer! She now helps new comers!
Henry: Henry’s the child of a mutant frog from an alternate universe, we legitimately don’t know where he came from. However, he’s smug.
Lucky: Lucky used to be Casey Jones childhood dog, well before he died. Then he came back to life thanks to a spill! Hes extremely shy.
Snake: Ex-Foot Clan member. He was mutated whit his pet Rabbit. He’s still trying to heal from the trauma he induced from the foot clan.
Stella: She’s a goat, and the mother of the island. She’ll often bring you food right to your door step!
Bertha: She’s a hippo who’s always kind and cheery! She’s the town’s therapist!
Rasher: He was an experiment by Baxter stockman, he wanted to see what would happen if he combined Bebop and Rocksteadys DNA. So he’s basically their “child”, in a way. Really cracky however.
we have other residents, who would like to stay anonymous.
Why us?
well, we’re a save haven for both mutant and human. We have lots of services, like food and disability aid, which insures every single person has a home and a stable environment to trive.
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shurishoe · 2 years
Prompt lists
Bc why not
Ps.My cousin made this bc she said I was too boring 😒🙄
Characters: Shuri, Riri, Jamie, Scotty, Peter, T’Challa, Erik, M’Baku.
(Learning when it comes to guys)
“The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
“You make a sound and it’s game over.”
“No touching.”
“Does that feel good?”
“Let’s take this outside.”
“We’ll have to make it quick.”
“You’re such a tease.”
“Choke me.”
“Are you just gonna stare?”
“Please, please let me come.”
“If you want it, beg for it.”
“Don’t stop.”
“Come sit on my lap.”
“God, you look good.”
“I could really use a fuck right now.”
“We can take a quick shower.”
“Someone’s happy to see me.”
“Are you sure you want to do this in the car?”
“Don’t come until I tell you to.”
“Where are your manners?”
“I bet you want me pretty bad right now, huh?”
“Are we really gonna do this in public?”
“I’ve been thinking about doing this all day.”
“You’ve got too many clothes on.”
“Have you been good?”
“I want you so badly.”
“I can’t wait any longer.”
“Someone’s gonna hear you.”
“I just cant see myself ever living without you.”
“If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
“The closest thing to love at first sight I’ve ever experienced happened when I first laid eyes on you.”
“I didn’t believe in soulmates until I met you.”
“Did you just tell the person I was gonna go out with that we’re dating?”
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Go with me?” “Only if you hold my hand.”
“I’d feel much better if you’d let me walk you home.”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?”
“You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.”
“I’ve never felt this way before, and truthfully it scares me. But, the idea of never trying scares me even more.”
“You’re telling me you believe in love at first sight?” “I’m starting too.”
“I promised to love you forever, and that is a promise I intend to keep.”
“Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
“You give me a reason to be better, to do better.”
"All I’ve ever wanted was a place to belong. Somewhere I could call home. And you gave me that. Because you are my home.”
“They don’t compare to you. No one does.”
“I thought I had the worst luck, until I met you.”
“No matter how much time we’ve spent apart, I never stopped loving you.”
“I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I’ve met.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“You brought me breakfast?” “Well you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I’d make sure you ate something.”
“Everything feels right when you are with me.”
“I don’t care what others say, I want to be with you and that’s all that matters to me.”
“You bought me flowers?” “Yeah, well I noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up.”
“I’ll be damned if anyone makes you feel like you aren’t worthy of being loved.”
“I wasn’t sure what love really felt like until I met you.”
“You owe me.” “I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to be your boy/girl-friend to get your parents off you’re back.”
“I can braid your hair for you- I mean, only if you want.”
“Maybe if you stopped staring at them and actually talked to them, you might have a chance.”
“You said you wouldn’t fall in love with me.” “I lied.”
“I want you. All of you, and not just halfheartedly, but wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
“Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” “'l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
“You are my family.”
“We’ve been by each other’s sides for years, you think I’m gonna leave now?”
“Take my jacket, I don’t want you catching a cold.”
“I’d wait a thousand lifetimes for you, because you are worth waiting for. So when you are ready. I’ll be right here.”
“I will never stop fighting for you. I will never stop protecting you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind”
“Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” “Say it.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I don’t want you to die for me, I want you to live for me.”
“I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this.”
“How long have you had this planned?” “Since the moment I fell in love with you.”
“You came all the way here for me?”
“Why are you staring at me?” “Because I think you’re beautiful.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you.” “I think I’m okay with that.”
“What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“The world gets a little brighter when your around.”
“They say we wont last.” “Then lets prove them wrong.”
(love that sad shit)
“All I’ve ever wanted is for you to see me.”
“When did you stop loving me?”
“Just please open your eyes.”
“Wake up. You have to wake up. Please. For me.”
“Just please, don’t leave me.”
“When was the last time you said you loved me, and meant it?”
“Why does everyone always leave?”
“It hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much? I just want it to stop.”
“Forget it. Just like you forget everything else.”
“I never ask for help because I’m not sure I know how.”
“It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
“I feel like I’m falling apart.”
“What is it about me that isn’t good enough?”
“I wish I was brave.”
“Whats the point in trying if only one of us is willing to?”
“You almost died and you’re making jokes?”
“I’m scared.”
“I don’t need you to tell me who I am!”
“I don’t miss you. I miss us.”
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
“Will you even miss me at all?”
‘“You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren’t there!”
“I would give up everything for the chance to hear your laugh again. To see you smile. To see you happy.“
“If I never see you again, just know that I love you so, so much.”
“All I wanted was a happy ending.”
"Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
“You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”
“What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
“You said we’d be together forever, but I guess forever really isn’t that long.”
“I’m not leaving you here.”
“You left without saying goodbye.”
“For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!”
“Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.”
“Whatever you do, do not turn around.”
“No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving.”
“You said you wouldn’t leave, and then you did.”
“I’m a fool for believing you meant what you said.”
“For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
“You are not your past.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“This is the third time you’ve broken a promise to me, I’m starting to think you are doing it on purpose.”
“Whatever you do, do not close your eyes.”
“I know you’re tired, but you have to stay awake.”
“I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
“You would risk letting all those people die for one person? Why?” “Because it’s not just one person…it’s you.”
“I’m just tired of being tired.”
“Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
“I always said I’d die for you.” “I didn’t think you meant literally.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before.”
“I’ve never told you that before.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“At least it couldn’t get any worse.” “I really wish you hadn’t said that.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
“I’m telling you, I’m haunted.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“Wake me up when it’s over.”
“Next problem… we might die.“
"Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you”
“I think… everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.”
"Abort mission, I repeat abort mission.” “What? Abort what mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor?” “Yeah, and they’re too attractive. I can never speak to them again.”
“At least I kept my promise.”
“I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you.”
“…Did you just sniff me?”
“I hope you find it someday.” “Find what?” “Whatever it is you’re looking for.”
“Of course I noticed, I notice everything about you.”
“Are you alright?” “Yeah, why?” “You look mad.” “That’s just my face…”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“You don’t actually have to like me, you just need to pretend you do.”
“Since when did you open a bakery in your house?” “Since I got bored.”
“Can someone explain to me, in not so many words, why they are here?”
“I don’t think I’m alone in here.”
“This place creeps me out.”
“I thought I saw something.”
“Why didn’t you answer your phone?” “Why didn’t you text?”
“You’re bleeding.” “No shit.”
“In case you haven’t heard, there is a bounty on your head.” “Is that why you’re here? To kill me and take the bounty?” “No. I’m here to protect you.”
“For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which should count for something.”
“Stop grumbling and just tell me where your medicine cabinet is.”
“Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”
“I hate that I let you convince me to do this”
“We really need to stop meeting like this. "Then stop breaking into my house!”
“Why are you creeping outside my bedroom window?!” “I thought it would be romantic if I climbed up here.” “You gave me a heart-attack!”
“What are you doing here?” “I got locked out of my house.” “Again?”
“I can’t stand you!” “Then sit down.”
“Where are we going?” “It’s a surprise.” “I hope the surprise involves food.”
“You wont regret it!” “Already am.”
“I like being wanted.” “You should NOT like be wanted by the police!”
“I am nothing if not consistent.” “Yeah, a consistent pain in my ass.”
“What happened?” “Do you want the long version or the short version?” “Uh, short?” “I made a mistake.” “Okay, long version.” “I made a very very big mistake.”
“Do you take constructive criticism?” “Not without crying.”
“Are we all on the same page?” “Yes. Just of different books.”
“Why did you break up with them?” My dog didn’t like them, and that is never a good sign.“
"I’m sorry were you talking to me? I tend to zone out whenever you stark speaking.”
“What happened to your hand?” “I hit my hand on something.” “On what?” “Your ex’s face.”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“I’ve been thinking-” “Uh-oh”
“If I survive this, I’m killing you.”
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
❛ There comes a time for every vampire when the idea of eternity becomes momentarily unbearable. ❜
❛ Immortality seems like a good idea until you realize you’re going to spend it alone. ❜
❛ With one sentence, I betrayed everything about my kind. Betrayed our code of secrecy. ❜
❛ All that you’ve ever dreamed of, I’m going to make yours. This is your lucky day. ❜
❛ Giving the world a new god. Me. ❜
❛ I’ve hidden in the shadows for centuries. It’s time to share myself with the world. ❜
❛ Could you prove it? You know, give us a demonstration of your powers. ❜
❛ Won’t these vampires be pissed off that you’re giving away secrets? ❜
❛ Come out, come out, wherever you are. ❜
❛ A voice calling to me in my dreams. ❜
❛ I don’t want you to go. But you must. ❜
❛ You must be with your own. ❜
❛  l’ll always be watching over you. ❜
❛ I want to stay with you forever. ❜
❛ I think that it’s a vampire coven. ❜
❛ We record and observe, but never interfere. ❜
❛ I had to see it for myself. ❜
❛ Promise me you’ll never go back to that place. ❜
❛ I doubt they’ll find you. You’re a long way from home. ❜
❛ You’re weak, near passing. I can barely hear your heartbeat. ❜
❛ You will help me understand these times. That’s why I chose you. ❜
❛ Drink and live. ❜
❛ Don’t be afraid. It’s only your body that dies. ❜
❛ A vampire’s life is a life of discretion. ❜
❛ Why must we hide? We are the powerful, we are the immortal. We should walk fearless in the open, no? ❜
❛ You must be dead to the world. ❜
❛ You still have a few lingering mortal emotions. They’ll serve you no good, my friend. ❜
❛ The faces of my victims haunted me, reminding me of my fate. ❜
❛ Would you like me to play for you? ❜
❛ She respects nothing except the taste of blood, human and immortal alike. ❜
❛ My teacher left me to my darkest lesson. That in the end, we are alone. ❜
❛ There aren’t any ancients left. They all turned to dust. So unless you’ve got him in a bottle somewhere. ❜
❛ Now this will only hurt a little bit. In fact, you might even enjoy it. ❜
❛ You should be more careful. ❜
❛ How presumptuous. ❜
❛ I know a lot of things. ❜
❛ What else do you think you know? ❜
❛ You’re shaking. ❜
❛ Go on. Tell me more about me. ❜
❛ Well that makes you a very clever librarian. ❜
❛ Don’t worry. Your kind never satisfies my thirst. ❜
❛ Listen to me very carefully now. You are no longer seeing things clearly. ❜
❛ Still wearing the old fashions, I see. ❜
❛ How did you manage to slip through the ‘50s in red velvet? ❜
❛ After all this time, what’s the occasion? ❜
❛ Oh, please. It’s a little too late to come over all paternal now. ❜
❛ You almost cost me everything. Now you’ve done it again. ❜
❛ Vampires don’t settle old scores. We harbor them. ❜
❛ I’ve always known where you are. ❜
❛ Besides, l just had to look for the most gauche house on the block. ❜
❛ Did you think of anyone but yourself? ❜
❛ I only have myself. You taught me that. ❜
❛ It may be time to get ready for some company. ❜
❛ Can’t you hear it? Or is the applause all you can hear now? ❜
❛ We were once mortals too. It is our heritage we protect. ❜
❛ Such reverence for mortals. Then you should have left me as one. ❜
❛ All he’s going to remind you of soon is a pile of bones. ❜
❛ Better dead than alone. ❜
❛ Oh, my God, I can’t believe it’s really you! I’m your biggest fan. ❜
❛ Why are you following me? What do you want? ❜
❛ So you come all this way just to return this to me? Out of the goodness of your heart? ❜
❛ I want you to show me what it’s like. To be like you. ❜
❛ How are you going to spend your last night, as you always have, alone? ❜
❛ You’re beautiful to me because you’re human. ❜
❛ Your frailty, your short years, your heart, even as you think it’s breaking. All that seems suddenly more precious than anything I have ever known. ❜
❛ I’m not as precious as you think. ❜
❛ Let me be with you. Let me know everything. ❜
❛ Now you see?! Are you ready?! Now do you want it?! ❜
❛ Why so surprised, my love? You called, I have come. ❜
❛ You thought it was all you? The ego of a king as well. ❜
❛ I know that you crave to have the world at your feet. And I have come to give it to you. ❜
❛ We live everywhere and anywhere we choose. The world is our garden. ❜
❛ For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m home. ❜
❛ Strange that this journey should lead me here. This place that’s haunted my dreams. ❜
❛ Forever is a very long time. ❜
❛ You haven’t aged, you haven’ t changed at all. ❜
❛ My way of coping with eternity. ❜
❛ You are what keeps me connected to the world of the living. ❜
❛ This is but a taste of what we shall share, my love. ❜
❛ They believed in nothing. Now they are nothing. ❜
❛ We will give the world something to believe in again. ❜
❛ My children. It warms my blood to see you all gathered, plotting against me. ❜
❛ We’ve found other ways to coexist. ❜
❛ They are nothing to us. They are merely food. ❜
❛ You think you can change my will? ❜
❛ I’ve had enough of this discussion. Join me or die. ❜
❛ You will not touch her! ❜
❛ You still think to challenge me? ❜
❛ You kill me, you kill yourselves. ❜
❛ She’s not dead. She sleeps. ❜
❛ No, I’m too old to live forever. ❜
❛ Well, if you ever change your mind… ❜
❛ So this is goodbye. ❜
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sotwk · 5 months
I’m a bit late to the party, but thank you SO much for answering me super fast! I so appreciate your ultra-in-depth response about Mirion and Arvellas’s fates. Although I still weep on weekends, it’s helped me so much with my own story! And all the supplemental headcanon info on Mirkwood as a society has been invaluable to me as well! (Also thank you so much for your update on my Lindir fic! Please don’t worry about the length of time! When I submitted the request I shot for maybe having it as a Christmas present or New Year’s treat! But any time I receive it l’ll savor it all the same!)
I wanted to ask though, are there any writing exercises or prompts that you do to train your writing muscles? I find that I have a tougher time placing dialogue intentionally where it needs to be, and I struggle with showing, not telling. I plan my stories and chapters, which helps me a TON, but I still have issues. I’m coming back to writing after abandoning it in about 2018 because of uni and life. But now I wanna come back, which is why I’m writing my story, but I feel so rusty. Any tips/suggestions on how/what to write to improve on these skills?
Thank you so much for all your help. I really appreciate you. Your account’s richer than the mines of Moria for great writing content!
- Mithril
Hello Mirthril my friend!
Boy, am I glad I was able to answer your Ask quickly last time, because this one is laaaaate. I hope you'll forgive me that, but I have been pondering over your question since I received it.
My impostor syndrome tends to rear its ugly head whenever someone asks me for writing advice. I am against false modesty and all for giving oneself due credit, so I will say that I am a pretty damn good writer. (And I certainly hope so; I suck at math and most left-brain skills, so this is all I've got, haha!) However, I wouldn't call myself top-tier in the fanfic writer's world. Even though I have been doing this for many years, I still struggle with any aspects of my writing--in the same ways you described!
But you asked so kindly and I want to be able to offer you something, so here are the few tips I could think of that personally work for me, in addressing the challenges you described:
SotWK's Writing Strategies and Tips
Writing exercises or prompts
I actually suffer from having too many ideas, so I don't seek or invite new prompts often. I lean on the endless stream of wackadoo ideas in my brain, or the lovely suggestions and requests that come into my (always open) Ask Box.
I exercise things that I'm weakest at, and right now that's my speed and focus. I currently write at an abysmal 6-7 wpm (about 200 words every 30 minutes). Embarrassingly slow! I very recently discovered sprinting on Discord servers, and so far it's been effective in training me to focus on just getting words down as quickly as I can. I highly recommend it! I think with time it will gradually bump up my wpm.
If you really would like prompts to get you going, there are plenty of prompt games floating around the Tolkien fandom. You can also source them from writing groups, such as @fellowshipofthefics, the one I currently belong to. Their January Trope Roulette, for example, is so much fun! Amazing support group for Tolkien writers, and more importantly--very chill, no pressure.
This is tricky for everyone, and definitely exposes a writer's style and ability to speak in the voice of different characters (I think that's why writers stress about it). You gotta do it with accuracy and range, so it IS a challenge!
If you want to get as close to the characters' voices as Tolkien wrote them, then the obvious strategy seems to be to immerse yourself in the source material. Read the books. Watch the movies (which are pretty faithful, tone/dialogue wise).
When writing Tolkien fanfic, I am constantly browsing through my books (having ebook copies helps), playing the trilogies in the background, or listening to the audiobooks (I have the Andy Serkis versions). It's a little bit like method acting. If you drown yourself in the character's voices enough, you'll actually start talking like them in your head. You'll pick up on the language, the word choices, the pace of the dialogue within the story.
This is the reason I personally don't hop around fandoms (Tolkien only), and I stay away from modern AUs or crack fics. I prefer to preserve that Middle-earth tone and voice and keep it consistent in my writings.
You can also draw inspiration from other period/medieval/fantasy works! My frequent go-to's are ASOIAF/Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon, Pride and Prejudice, and even Downtown Abbey works!
This last one might be extra weird, but I am a writer who leans heavily on fancasts/actors for inspiration. I like seeing a clear face and hearing a distinct voice for the character I am writing. It truly helps me write dialogue. For this reason, I fancast every major character that appears in my fics, and I usually pick big-name actors. Why? Because they have more movies/tv shows I can watch and listen to!
Fun fact: While writing my Éomer fic (which was VERY dialogue heavy), I listened to the first 7 minutes of Dredd SO MANY TIMES over and over just to imbibe Karl Urban's voice--I'm surprised the Netflix app didn't crash.
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Showing, not telling
Here's one thing to try: Use "said" or "said + adverb" more often than you think you should, instead of trying to force a substitute. Or don't use a speech verb at all. This will force you to get a bit more descriptive about the characters' specific condition or actions. (Example from my fic: “Anywhere. Far enough to take you away from all this--” Éomer swung out his free arm in a gesture as wild as the fervor in his eyes. “Away from everything that is confusing you.”)
Visualizing a clear picture in my head helps me with the showing, and writing descriptions. Besides daydreaming and staring off into space, watch cinematic masterpieces, and train yourself to use words to describe what you are seeing.
But personally, I think purple prose and lack of brevity is the bigger issue in many fanfics (including my own). We need to remember there's nothing wrong with being straightforward in our storytelling and descriptions, because it speeds up the story pace or at least gives it more variety.
Shaking off Rust
Nothing else to do but just do it, my friend! :)
Whenever I feel rusty or blah about my current projects, I just shuffle over to a different WIP, or if it's really bad--start a new one!
As long as you're getting words down and you're happy and satisfied, you're doing it right.
Lean on writing friends for help and inspiration. We are a community here, regardless of the whisperings that "fandom is dying". It will stay alive and thriving if we keep it so!
Anyway, that's my non-professional, semi-bogus advice regarding things that work for me! Hopefully you can find something in there that works for you too.
Thank you as always for your kind words, and I wish you the best of luck--and LOTS OF FUN--in your writing!
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