#She may be a leader/FOUNDER of a clan but she's very silly
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mud-castle · 1 year
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Kicking off with the one and only Scourge:
Introducing the Scourge, one of the leaders and founders of the Blood Bound. In EoS, they're a neutral group. Due to their sheer size and intimidating accessories, many know to leave them be. While they're notoriously violent towards clan cats, they're relatively peaceful unless provoked. But, when they do fight, you can be sure they'll be the last cats standing.
In EoS Scourge's past is widely unknown. She appeared around three years before the start of TPB and quickly started gaining popularity among the city cats due to her intelligence and charisma. Her rapidly growing colony began to clash with Bone's, who lead the largest colony at the time.
Brokenstar taking the Carrionplace indirectly leads to Scourge and Bone's groups coming together to form the Blood Bound. While they don't get the Carrionplace back, they do send a message that ripples throughout the forest that anything past the trees is theirs under threat of a grisly death. That is until an incredibly nosy flame-colored tom comes to plead his case.
Scourge is relatively optimistic and very ambitious. She operates as the brains of the Blood Bound. She does have a tendency to gain a one-track mind when she gets interested in something, in which case it's up to Bone to reign her in.
Other Facts:
Her design is mainly inspired off of a Doberman pinscher
Scourge is declawed, which is why she wears the canid teeth on her paws (this practice is specific to her, Bone, and Brick). The dog fang in particular is never seen off her person.
Due to this she does experience pain in her paws, especially when walking or standing for long periods. She remedies this by sitting on Bone's back.
The teeth in her collars were originally just animal bones and little sharp things for protection. At some point, after gaining the purple collar she placed the teeth of defeated enemies in there. The red collar however, contains teeth of cats she's lost.
She has one scar, the dog bite. This is very unusual as most city cats have numerous scars (especially on their tails, ears, and face), but more importantly most cats don't survive an encounter like that.
Despite her resting will-kill-you-if-given-the-chance face, she has a silly sense of humor that Bone pretends to not appreciate.
Takes her role as a leader very seriously. Needs to be reminded to eat and sleep.
Quite possibly shares Fire's ability of being able to see/hear spirits, if to a lesser extent
An atheist
Scourge or "The Scourge" is more of a title than it is a name. She may or may not have one, she's oddly avoidant about the topic.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 5 years
Talk Part 1 (ft. Wen Ruohan)
Wen Ruohan knew reality better than his younger lover did. He knew that there was very, very little that he or A'Ren could do to change the Wen Elders decisions, even if his own weakling of a Father told him otherwise. Marry the Lan and you will have a lifetime of happiness and love, the old man crowed at him when he learned of their relationship. Truly a shock for the Wen heir when he remembered his father's displeasure of the other major clans and their tiresome tirades of righteousness, traditions, and propriety.
But, ever the realist, Wen Ruohan pointed out the obvious flaw in his father's decision.
"Of course, you can take one of your siblings' children as your own to carry. Though it is preferable-"
"Enough, Lord Wen. Do not inculcate your foolishness on to the Young Master." One of the elders cut in, expression severe as he glared. "Do not forget that the Young Master has duties he must fulfil if he is to become the sect leader."
"The child would still be a Wen," his father said pointedly, tone becoming ever so slightly submissive as he balked at the Elder's interruption.
"Since Founder Wen, every leader of this great house has been of the Sect Leader's bloodline to ensure our purity. It is merely unfortunate that the late Lord Wen only had one son and no capable daughters to succeed him."
Wen Ruohan slapped his hand against the table, the crash reverberating loudly through the sterile silence of an otherwise lively audience chamber.
"Enough. As the situation is currently, my relations with Lan Qiren are... on hold... till after I acquire my child from that woman. There will be no further discussions on this."
His tone left little room for argument as he commanded the situation to an end. His sorry-excuse for a father gave him a look, one-part disappointed and another part pitying, before he swept out of the room in his grandoise red and white robes.
One day, A'Ren will understand and they can put this foolishenss behind them. He can't be so naive as to believe that the world would bend and allow for them to be together and retain their stations without some compromises. And he, as the one with more experience and capability and willingness to endure those expectations so that he wouldn't have to, simply made the decision for them.
A'Ren was being foolish.
But Wen Ruohan would forgive him. It's not like he did not expect the ire that was aimed at him.
The child will be born and then he will divorce his wife and he can be together with A'Ren. There will be no issue.
He'd just have to be patient.
And so, one year later, he was married. A month followed and he was blessed with the news of his wife's pregnancy. The year that followed had all of the cultivation world waiting with abated breath for the news of the new Wen child. He had even been so nice as to send an invitation to the Cloud Recesses to Lan Qiren to meet his future step-son.
Ignored. Just like all his other letters.
Fine. It's not like Wen Ruohan was not unused to Qingheng-Jun's meddling in their affairs, and throwing away the letters he's sent to A'Ren. He could wait and extend a personal invite once his schedule cleared.
The child was born, and the Lord Wen grinned as he was thankfully given a strong son. Yet, the elders insisted he have another ready. A spare, just in case anything were to happen to the current one. Wen Ruohan understood the purposes and fulfilled his marriage roles dutifully.
Then it became two years, then three, then four, then five, six, seven
His eldest was already learning to form a core and Wen Ruohan had yet to divorce his wife, even if the paper sat neatly in one of his drawers, ready to be filled and signed and handed to the court officials within the hour.
It was... peaceful. Though Wen Ruohan couldn't claim to love his wife as he did- does A'Ren, there was no doubt he was fond of her company and what she had done for him.
There was very few in the clan whom held his trust and respect, and whom he went to for counsel. He couldn't just ruin her reputation by divorcing her and sending her back to her maiden family. Even the most amicable of separations had been subjected to crude gossip, always finding a fault in one person or the other. With his reputation, though, the blame would fall entirely on her shoulders and where would that leave her? Disgraced and shamed.
He was realistic. There was no real, pressing need to divorce her and cause a rift between them, especially when his sons still tightly clung to their mother like they were still young toddlers in their crib.
He could take A'Ren as his husband. True, he'd legally be of lower station than his wife as his second spouse, but Wen Ruohan would have him treated as if he were the first and would force anyone who dared to say, think, or do otherwise into submission.
When he proposed the idea over a cup of wine with his wife, she hesitated, then quietly proposed that he did not go through with it.
"Think clearly, Husband. Second Master Lan had already declared his position on the matter, and by retracting your earlier proposal to marry him after divorcing me, which I must remind you you have yet to do, will only further strain your relationship."
Wen Ruohan mulled over the idea, the clear wine swirling gently in his cup as he looked over the balcony that gave him a clear view of the Nightless City.
He used to roam those streets with A'Ren at his side. Now he only ever does so to instruct Wen Xu of the sect's various properties.
"Seven years is rather long," he muttered at last as he drank his wine. The bittersweet liquid burning his throat as he swallowed, and warmed his belly. "I am not fond of his absence, and... Well, if I have to hear another of Qingheng-Jun's ramblings of introducing him to some suitor, I may go mad and stab the man right then and there."
"Qingheng-Jun has been spouting that nonsense for years and not once has he made the serious effort to espouse his brother to anyone. Do not concern yourself with his rambling." She sighed, blood-red lips pursued slightly as she continued, "And if Lan Qiren was truthful of Lans being unable to love again, then he has no other choice but to marry you, or enter a loveless marriage, or not marry at all."
"He's been doing that last one very well," the Lord Wen said somberly, a slight sneer on his face before he lowered his cup. "He won't even entertain any prospects even if they’ve already arrived at his home. Nor does he deign himself to see me when I go to Gusu."
"Did you expect him to?"
"He used to."
"When he was still your lover."
"He loves me." Wen Ruohan declared with all the certainty of a man who knew the sun would rise tomorrow. "I know he does, and he knows it too. He only needs to stop being so naive and apologize. If he just accepted that he could not provide me a blood-related heir and thus my need for a wife, then we wouldn't have fought."
"...What?" She gasped, eyes wide as she looked at him with disbelief.
He sneered, "If he wasn't so naive and understood the implications of our stations then we would've never fought. You'd think that he, being more worldly than his entire clan, would've understood but instead he threw a fit and demanded we go our own ways. Hopefully he's matured out of those silly notions by now."
She looked at him, a pensive emotion on her face that he hadn't seen since their wedding night, when he told her that his heart would belong solely to the white-robed, golden-brown eyed beauty of the Lan clan.
"Wen Ruohan... did you not know that..." She struggled, seemingly at loss of words. Funny, considering how eloquent she usually is.
"Did I not know what?"
"Second Master Lan, he... Did you not know he..." She paused, sighed, then recollected herself.
"Do you remember when the Lans went on a night hunt to the ruins in the east?"
"Yes... A'Ren said that he had been interested in investigating something in the area. An artifact of the old Xie Lian empire, if I remember correctly." Wen Ruohan mused as he recalled that conversation of many years ago. "I never did learn what happened on that hunt, since his return was also the day I informed him of our engagement."
"Did you know what that artifact was?"
"Some love artifact or something similar. I supposed he was interested in it because of the romance poetry he'd been reading. He didn't talk about it much."
"The artifact that he went looking for was one which allowed two people of the same sex to have a child together. A child that would carry the same blood as its parents."
Liar. Lies.
"How'd you know this?"
"My cousin married a Lan and he told her of it. It was quite the controversy when the elders and Qingheng-Jun learned of the artifact's existence. He was sent into seclusion for punishment for two years."
"They told me he was too heartbroken to see me. His asshole brother told me that he never wanted to see me again."
"... You had too much to drink. I think its time you went to sleep, Lord Wen. Quickly, before you lose your temper."
The floor cracked beneath his feet as he stood. He felt rage fuel his being as he stalked to the balcony, hand on his sword and ready to take flight and have a word with his the Sect Leader Lan.
"Control yourself!"
The scarlet sun robed cultivator glared at the moonlit sky as he drew his sword, its scarlet gleam reflecting a bloody glow against his visage as Qi swirled around his silhouette.
"I'm just going to have a talk with him."
"Wen Ruohan!"
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mhess-writing · 4 years
Fictional Map - Carre D’as
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I finished my first detailed fictional map; I’ve decided to take up drawing them since they’re super fun! This is the world from my first series of novels, The Consequences of Weariness / The Caveats of War. It’s called Carre D’as, and it’s vaguely post-apocalyptic but also medieval; history lesson under the cut.
Things I’d do differently: 
- larger canvas size, so you can read the details.
- Not Purple
If you want to know more about any feature / region, lmk! I could spout off about this continent for ages.
Let me first say that this world is a mess. A beautiful, silly mess. I started writing within this world when I was sixteen (read: a while ago) and I basically shat it out as it went along. The result was a continent with cool features but little to no believable world-building. That said, I retconned an explanation for the way it was a year or two later. Retcon goes thusly:
In about 200 years, give or take, people get tired of and even a little scared of technology. Maybe there was a robot war or something, who knows. Either way, tech is rolled WAY back pretty much across the globe (by this point, the world is a big network and pretty much on the same page-- imagine centuries of internet and connectedness that we can’t even comprehend). 
Another century later, and tech is still used but limited. Infrastructure is low. The globe is warming, and everything starts catastrophically flooding. Without the technological advances society collectively abandoned, it’s tough to get everyone to safe areas, but a couple clusters of people manage to start gathering in protected places. One of these places is central Europe. People from all over start to go there.
Then, a CME hits. Coronal mass ejections, for the uninitiated, ain’t great. This is a massive one, and because Earth’s magnetic field was due for a flip and left the planet mostly unprotected while it was doing its thing, it wipes out all the remaining limited tech. 
The Earth finishes flooding, leaving a few very disconnected continents floating in the newly-named Perseic Ocean, named for Perses, the Titan of destruction. Because people were already on the no-tech track, modern ways are all but abandoned in the following decades. It’s every man for himself until, finally, a few people from large families step up. 
The most domineering of the four is French, which is why we see a lot of French names in Carre D’as. Of the remaining three, one’s family came from both Scotland and Japan, another’s crossed the Atlantic from Mexico and the U.S., and the third’s family came from Nepal with some members from Bavaria in Germany. [NOTE: though cultures have really mixed in these “safe” areas Post-Flood, people do try to keep fondly in mind where they came from.] These leaders are friends, and spend the uncertain nights playing cards. 
With the backing of each of their families-- so large they’re clans, really-- the four decide to impose order on the unruly and violent Post-Flood world. But they find that, while they are close friends, each has a wildly different idea of what imposing order means. Eventually, and painfully, they decide to divide the remaining continent into four quarters, which each will work to civilize as best they can. The quietest friend, the young man whose family hailed from Mexico, volunteers to draw the borders of this now-small world, knowing that because of this, he’ll choose his quarter last. They decide to draw cards to choose the quarters: whoever draws Spades will choose first, Hearts second, Clubs third. The young man draws the borders and, content, takes the Diamond card. He waits as his friends draw.
The Scottish-Japanese woman draws Spades. She chooses the mountainous eastern country, rich with rivers and well-fortified by granite cliffs. It is surrounded by seas on three sides, which she hopes will grant great naval and commercial power.
The French woman draws Hearts. She chooses the plains to the north, well-irrigated and flat, though somewhat exposed to attack. Farming, she’s sure, will be the foremost concern in the coming years, as well as ease of travel and settlement. No one is itching for war quite yet, after all.
The Nepalese-German man draws Clubs. He’s excited; his first choice was the southern country, dense with trees and rolling hills, with a powerful river cutting the land in half. It provides plenty of lumber for new construction, and though the land may be hard to navigate, it looks to have the mildest climate of the four.
The Mexican man looks at what is left, a semi-arid desert surrounded by the sea. A nearly-uncrossable set of arid dunes cuts his new land off from the rest of the three countries. To the others, he knows, it looks as if he’s given himself the short stick. But the young man did not approve of the others’ proposed ways, and predicted that they’d shortly grow violent with each other. The isolation of his new land promised safety from war, as well as the freedom to grow the kind of society he had hoped for.
Some of the leaders attempted to name their new countries something creative, but in the end, the suit that had dictated each land’s borders became its calling card. The mountainous Spade country became known as Pique; the Heart plains became Coeur; the forested Club hills became Trefles; and the Diamond desert in the west became Carreaux.
Six hundred years later, our story takes place...
[A note on ethnicities: I planned these as a teenager, before I created the worldbuilding retcon. In creating each of the countries in my story, I was primarily inspired by the listed real-world countries, and found that the most plausible in-world explanation was that the founders brought their own beloved cultures into the land they ruled. In reality, a society so far into the future probably wouldn’t have such clear cultural definitions (at least as can be recognized by us today), but I wanted to make sure to pay homage to the real-world places that were cool enough to inspire me.]
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