#Son Gohan x you
actuallysaiyan · 4 months
Oh man 😂 A speed date with Gohan that turns nsfw? Sign me up please. (Yes I’m that easy)
You’re amazing as always 💚
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warnings: smut, mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, possessiveness, speed dating word count: 1.1k pairings: Son Gohan x Fem!Reader summary: Thinking you'd not be connecting with anyone at the speed dating event, a certain half-Saiyan catches your attention and eventually shows you just how connected you two can be.
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You can’t believe you let your friend talk you into this. Sure it had been a long time since you were on a date. Even longer since you’ve gotten laid. But it didn’t mean you had to actually go to this dumb speed dating event. You aren’t even really sure why you had said yes, but at the time it had seemed like a good idea. Now that you’re here and seeing everyone, you aren’t really sure it’s that good of an idea.
The conversations aren’t all that good. They are all supposed to last about 5 to 10 minutes, but you barely click with anyone. Most of the men seem to be so focused on one thing and it’s clear what it is. Even some of the women you try to talk to aren’t any better. It frustrates you because all you want is to be able to form a connection with an actual person. 
One of the guys you match up with seems to already have his expectations about you and how this speed date is going to go. He’s buff with his chest puffed out, and he’s got the kind of smile that is so white, you can basically see your reflection in the shine.
“So after this, we’re gonna be getting some drinks. You know the exclusive bar down the street? Yeah, my buddy owns it.” He’s trying so hard to impress you, but you aren’t very much feeling those vibes.
“Is that so?” You ask, your tone isn’t very enthusiastic.
He smirks, “Oh yeah! Been buddies with this guy for so long. He’s really my best guy. He’ll even cook us up some steaks and we can go back to my—”
The buzzer is sounded and you are so relieved. That conversation was getting way too ridiculous. You can’t believe someone like him is actually thinking all this bragging could even work. You’re so quick to pull away from the table, you almost slam into someone. When you look up to apologize, you see the cutest smile ever.
“Hey, that’s okay. You’re my next date, I guess.”
Your eyes widen. It was true. This was the next man you would be chatting with. For the first time since the night began, you finally felt a bit of a connection. A spark of sorts. You and the man you almost ran into sit at the table, and you can hear your last date trying to get your attention. Yet you decide to pay him no mind at all. What matters is the man in front of you.
He’s cute. Very cute. In a nerdy sort of way. You can tell he’s the intellectual type by his attempt at dressing up a bit for this event. It’s just a very casual speed dating event, and yet he is wearing a sports jacket and a tie. You can’t help but be attracted to the fact that he actually decided to put effort into this even if it was just meant to be something casual.
“I’m Gohan,” he introduces himself as the buzzer goes off to announce the time has started.
And from that point on, you and Gohan connected like nobody else in the room. You were right about him being nerdy, but he is also humble and kind and sweet. He’s got your attention, but you’re also his number one priority. It’s almost like the two of you are alone in this room and this is the only date going on.
You’re both having such a good time neither of you really hear the buzzer going off to announce that the speed date is over. Neither of you seem to care when the next pair of people meant to try and connect to you come over to your table. You and Gohan have matched up well and neither of you really want to continue trying to connect with anyone else.
“Wanna go have a drink?” You ask him, and you smile as his cheeks turn pink.
“I’d love to.”
At the bar down the street, which was neither exclusive nor was it owned by that other guy’s buddy, you and Gohan continue your conversation from earlier. One drink turns into two turns into three. You’re both sufficiently buzzed by this point. You know you want to kiss him, but you’re not sure if that would be too forward at this point.
Within a few moments, Gohan has you in the bathroom and the door is locked. A fire is present in his eyes that you didn’t expect. His hand is clamped on your mouth as his other hand is busy sliding down your pants and into your panties. You shudder as his long fingers expertly stimulate you. You’ve never met anyone who could so easily make you feel this way without even really getting to know you more than this.
“You look so damn pretty like this. I bet you’ll look even better when I fuck you.”
His words cause your tummy to erupt with butterflies. You whine against his hand. He maneuvers you to be bent over the sink. You try your best to keep quiet as he pulls your pants down and shoves your panties to the side. You try to look behind you to see how big he is, but he grips onto your hair.
“Just be a good girl and keep quiet, yeah?”
No longer is this man shy and sweet. It would seem that there is a whole other side to him, and it’s exciting you in ways you didn’t even think possible. His large hands spread your legs even more for him, and he doesn’t give you a warning as he pushes into you. You gasp at the stretch. Nobody has ever filled you up like this before. You’ve never ever ever felt a cock this big inside of you. Immediately you’re white-knuckling the counter of the bar bathroom as Gohan starts at a rough and rapid pace. His heavy balls slap against you with every rough thrust.
“You know, when I saw you talking to the last guy before me…” Gohan says between ragged breaths. “ I was starting to get pissed off. How dare he think he could take you away from me?”
You’re shocked to hear these words from him. You’ve only just met and yet he’s being this possessive? It really turns you on, and you feel yourself clenching around him as he continues to explain his feelings to you.
“Awh you like that?” Gohan asks you. “That’s good. Because I have no intention of letting you go.”
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arabaka · 11 months
God Superhero was so good to Gohan and Piccolo fuckers (ie me)
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ʚ。゚☁︎。ɞ。 anon.i wuv u. i beseech thee to leave me your ideas.... please......
like. imagine reader x gohan during the saiyaman arc. going the total opposite direction of videl and instead of going on the hunt to discover his identiy, you are SWOONING over him like your first celebrity crush. gushing to your friends in class, "he's just so dreamy..." your friends making fun of you, "you don't even know what he looks like." and you so confidently, "i don't need to!" cue gohan so red with steam practically shooting out his ears ........................
asking gohan to train you because your walk from home to school is starting to get unsafe. he agrees, teaching you how to spar but it gets out of hand and way more intimate (pg, ofc they're chil'ren) and you start to pick up on his movements and wow... they're very similar to saiyaman... hm... what could it mean....
gohan taking you home to work on project together and you see goku and tease, "wow your dad's kind of a looker." and he immediately gets defensive, "YOU KNOW, PEOPLE SAY I LOOK JUST LIKE HIM WHEN HE WAS MY AGE" and you quirk a brow, "is that jealousy i hear???"
bro where did all this come from help
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 months
May I request sfw prompt #39 and nsfw prompt #53 for Gohan where he falls in love with the reader after they have a one night stand but she's initially cold to him because she had been hurt in the past?
#39- "why are you scared of loving?"
#53- "you're more than just a one night stand"
author's note: this has been in my inbox since january of 2023 💀 but i have finally found my inspiration to get it done! there's no explicit smut but there are some nsfw mentions. this is also written as a prequel to my story protect!
pairing: gohan x fem!reader
warnings: talks of a past abusive relationship, mentions of reader's ptsd, nsfw mentions
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A sigh quells the silence in your room as you dress after a shower. While not at the lowest point in your life, you're still not far from rock bottom. Living with your mother again, only a year and a half removed from that day your ex beat you to a pulp and left with all your money and all of the problems of his absence are still keeping you from flourishing. Ruined credit score from a broken apartment lease, incalculable debt from the hospital bills that your insurance refused to cover, and frequent nightmares of him coming back to finish destroying you into nothing give you constant anxiety and each day is a new struggle.
Safe to say, you haven't really been okay.
You glance at your phone with shame, nervous for when the inevitable text comes from a man that's far too sweet and far too good for you to deserve you skipping out on him in the middle of the night following the mistake of a one night stand. You met Gohan through a friend, and he offered to guide you through ridding yourself of the medical debts and this is what you've done to repay him. Hook up with him and then run for the hills the second he was asleep.
You close your eyes to calm yourself, centering again before the bad feelings of anxiety and depression can come creeping up your spine. Gohan knows about your past, and he's a grown man. Surely one as attractive as him has a few notches on his bedpost and would understand your absence.
But the way he looked at you last night, like you were heaven-sent and perfect has you doubting such an idea. Son Gohan could be a man like that if he wanted, but your heart and your mind alike know that's not who he is. He's a pure, old fashioned good boy. He wouldn't have slept with you if he didn't romantically like you to some extent…
And you certainly wouldn't have slept with him if you didn't want to reciprocate so badly it makes your chest ache with all of the want you harbor. To have a man love you, truly, and treat you as you deserve has been on your mind for years, well before your former boyfriend finally left you. But you had that kind of hope in Tyler, at first. He was kind, he was sweet and attentive… Though it only took moving in together for his true colors to show. Lying, cheating, stealing—  That's who your ex was after all.
Your heart can't take that chance again.
You hang your towel on the back of your door, gazing at nothing in particular as you settle onto your bed. For the last few years it's as if you've had so much to plague your mind that you can't think of a single thing. It's strange to feel so empty, just entirely devoid of direction or purpose. You've got yet another set of paperwork to fill out for your medical debt, and then a few job applications as well that hopefully will last longer than a handful of months— all of these places only hiring you on as a temp is a god awful look on your résumé.
Your old laptop awaits, but you can do little more than flop back against your pillows and close your eyes. The war in your mind is something you're used to, but the usual stress on your body is gone.
You bite down on your lip as you remember the way Gohan touched you. The way he lit you up with his lips on yours, how gentle he was with your body and feelings, offering to stop or slow down— even when you were on the cusp of orgasm! He's a perfect sexual partner, and if it wasn't for how damn sweet he is you may have even thought to make it a routine thing.
You drift off to a blissful sleep that's heavy enough for you to miss that dreaded text.
I hope you made it home safely.
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Gohan absentmindedly worries his lip between his perfect teeth, typing in a frenzy as he shoots back an email to the hospital that wracked you up with an inhumane amount of debt. He's got plenty to get done today, mostly for his actual job, but he just won't allow himself a moment to make any progress until these firmly-worded emails get the message across: you will not be paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars for fighting for your life!!
The huff he lets out after sending his email doesn't ease the anxiety that's been bubbling in his chest all morning. When you came over last night to work on a résumé, Gohan had absolutely no intention of sleeping with you. You're a woman in a bind and he's here to help, that's all! Disgust crawls over his skin anyway, shame buzzing his insides as he remembers everything that led to your passionate hookup.
You smelled so nice and looked just so damn pretty… He just wanted to sit a little bit closer, that's all. But then you looked up at him (and he'll die on the hill that you batted your lashes at him!) and he was nothing but a fool for you then. He doesn't know who leaned in first or who started what, but he certainly only had the mind to end it after it was too late to stop and he was balls deep.
A shudder wracks Gohan's body as he remembers the feeling of slipping inside of you. Even with a condom on, he could feel the heat and the wetness of your silky walls as they gripped his lonely shaft and sucked him in for as many inches as he had to give. And thank goodness he even had a condom on hand, all thanks to the people fundraising outside of the grocery store that included them in their donation goodie bag!
You were so sweet beneath him, so pliable and warm and perfect. He feels his cock stir in his pants, jumpy at the memory and unfortunately eager to experience such a lovely time again. Alas, you've been through quite a lot, and he shouldn't get his hopes up for anything like that.
You walking out on him last night already dashed his hopes anyway.
It wasn't exactly surprising to wake up alone, though it did sting all the same. You're just so amazing and kind and beautiful… Gohan would have to be a real piece of work not to see how special you are. Only a waste of space like your ex could be blind to everything that you are.
Gohan checks his phone for what feels like the thousandth time, no text message back from you. He's starting to worry now, which isn't good for his nails that he habitually bites when stressed. It'd probably do him well to go for a training session, but he also feels so frazzled as his blood races through his veins that training may not yield any productive results.
He pulls his glasses off and runs his large hands over his face, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes until he starts seeing stars. Blinking until the room clears, Gohan glances at his phone once again before standing with an indignant huff.
He's fine, all of this is fine. And fretting over nonsense won't make you text him back any faster. You need your space, and he's going to give it to you. No fussing required.
He does go make use of Vegeta's gravity room, though when the Saiyan himself shows up and he's left in the face of a full-blooded, battle-hungry Saiyan, he can't help but think that perhaps he should've stayed home.
At least he's not stuck with Vegeta in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber like Trunks was.
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Gohan's text message remains unanswered, haunting you as you cook yourself dinner. You'll have to face him eventually, and soon, but what do you say? 'Thanks for the sex, it was great!'? No! Do you ignore it??
Do you have a choice?
Hooking up again isn't an option. Pursuing something more with him, something romantic and fulfilling, definitely isn't either. He's been a wonderful help to you and for absolutely nothing at all in return; you don't have any extra money to pay him anyway. The kindness of Gohan's heart isn't even something you can repay, not after what you've done to him. A sour feeling crosses your mouth, your appetite fading as your mind races.
He's a good man. Too good for where you're at in life, and there's always some kind of catch with nice guys. It's too risky, all of it. Will he demand more sex for more of his help, now that he's already gotten it once? You need his assistance to whittle down the medical bills— his stubborn insistence with insurance and the hospital itself is astounding, and runs deeper than anyone else you know. Left to your own devices, you'd have given up a long time ago.
He's not like that. The reminder scolds your terrible line of thinking. Gohan would never leverage your quality of life at all, let alone with the ultimatum of sex. He's not your ex, he's not a bad person in the slightest.
But you didn't know your ex was your ex at first either.
Your plate of eggs and toast nearly run cold by the time you've found it in you to send a response. Typing and erasing it several times over, you finally end up with a passable response message over twelve hours since his text to you in the first place.
I'm alright, thank you. Would you mind sending the copy of my résumé? I forgot to download it onto my laptop.
You are such a dick.
But the job applications are just sitting pretty without it right now, and you can't afford not to include the carefully-crafted résumé Gohan spent so much time on. He made it for you, it's literally yours, and the shitty little paycheck you got just a few days ago is already about gone. You're cold, and it'll surely throw him for a loop at minimum, but it's the best way to protect yourself.
"Chase a check, never chase a bitch." You murmur the cold lyric to yourself and bite into your dinner, waiting for Gohan's timely response. He's a busy man with a career of his own, but he always messages you back in mere minutes. He's a great multitasker like that, and you certainly aspire to be as efficient as he is.
Though you begin to doubt things when hours pass and there's no response. Ice slowly frosts your veins with every further minute that Gohan doesn't respond with your résumé; surely there's a good reason? He wouldn't have thrown it out or be the type to withhold it— your friend would never associate themselves with Gohan if he was like that, much less connect the two of you if he were the sort of man to manipulate things in such a way.
But the cold, paranoid dread doesn't let up even in the morning. Your phone has no notifications at all, and you even check the chat to make sure the message is sent. It has, and he's seen it.
Anger bubbling beneath the surface of your chest is overshadowed by the trembling of your bottom lip. How foolish could you be?? If there was ever going to be a hookup, you could've at least waited for your shit to be in order! Now it's all lost and you're on your own again, left to navigate debt that's threatening to swallow you whole and job-hunt in a market that doesn't want you.
Your mother's gone for work already as you begin your routine; your scheduled shift at work is a short one and not for several more hours, but to sit around and do nothing in the meantime will only spell certain doom. If you're given too much time to think, lord only knows what sort of outburst or meltdown you'll have. You're fresh out of the shower and part way through brushing your teeth when the doorbell rings, confusion etched to your features. You're not expecting anyone, though perhaps your mother has a package that needs signing for? Dropping your head, you quickly spit and rinse with mouthwash before jogging to open the door.
On the other side stands a damp man with crooked glasses, a dazed look in his eye and all the anger in you fizzles out. He's here. And the look on your face must scare him with the way his lip nearly trembles when he speaks.
“I am— I— Sorry!” Gohan stumbles over his words and you sigh softly as the trickle of relief siphons through the rest of your body. Gesturing him further in, Gohan slips off his shoes and hands over a folder.
“I got busy with my uncle,” Busy being a bit of an understatement; the moment Vegeta caught Gohan with his phone as he was reading your message and forced him right back into the gravity room for another training binge. “And I went as fast as I could to get this to you. I am so sorry about this.”
Your eyes soften and you carefully wipe a few suds from his hair. “I appreciate it… But you could've finished your shower first.”
Gazing up as if he can see the soap in his hair, Gohan’s cheeks redden as he laughs nervously. “Uh… S-Sorry.”
Reluctantly dropping your hand once you've fixed his glasses, you open the folder to find a physical copy of your résumé alongside a flash drive that presumably has another copy downloaded onto it. “Thank you.”
Sticking his hands in his pockets, Gohan bites his lip. “Um… Can we talk for a second?”
“A-About what?”
Oh no.
“I… Think you have an idea.” Gohan says softly. He can't leave it behind or anything unsaid; one night stands aren't his thing. “Listen… What happened between us was…”
“Sex. It was just sex.” You murmur, setting the folder down on the coffee table. “People have sex all the time… It happens.”
Hurt penetrates Gohan's chest. He knew you were jaded, knows exactly why and he does understand… It doesn't mean it can't hurt him. He likes you, appreciates your mind and admires your strength in a way that may have a bit to do with his Saiyan heritage. “Sure… Other people do that. But I don't. And… And for me, I…”
Tears start to well in your eyes. This man, this wonderful, caring, smart and lovely man is about to cross that line, isn't he? The one that can't be crossed again, the one that's going to end this friendship on a burned bridge and broken hearts. “Gohan, don't—”
“You're more than just a one night stand.” He says it anyway, taking your hands and holding them so warmly, protectively and securely. “To me, you are… Inspiring, and beautiful, and… And someone I really, really like. And that night was so great, and I was on top of the world until I woke up and you were gone.”
“I'm sorry.” You whisper, screwing your eyes shut tightly and ducking your head. You just can't stop messing up, can you? “It's not you, Gohan. You're a great man and there's a woman out there that will make you happy and take care of you.”
“The woman I want is right in front of me.” His hand comes to rest on your cheek, brushing away the salty tears that fall when you meet his gaze.
“Gohan… You don't want this. Do you know why I left that night?”
Gohan’s other hand comes to the other side of your face, cradling you like the daintiest china. “You had your reasons.”
Your hands come to his wrists, not tugging his touch away as you feel his warmth bloom within you, lighting you up in unfamiliar but pleasant ways, encouraging the leap of faith that your hopeful heart cries out for. “Because I get nightmares. Nightmares so bad that my momma has to come and wake me up almost every night and hold me to stop the panic attacks. I'm broken in so many ways Gohan…” Your lip trembles, and Gohan gently swipes his thumb just below the curve of it, mesmerized by every inch of you.
“If you only knew just how much I understand being broken…” Gohan whispers, his “eventful” childhood flashing through his mind from his kidnapping and all the way to his father's most recent death. “Then you would understand me more than anyone, and I’d get to understand you.”
“You don't want this.” You whisper again, and Gohan leans in for the softest, warmest kiss to your forehead. It clears the rain, just a bit, and you lean into it.
“Why are you so scared of loving me?” Gohan murmurs against your skin. “You've never said you don't want it… Me. Just that I won't want you, like you're a used car or something.”
You come to hide your face in his chest and he wraps you up tightly, his strong body anchoring you from your fears. “I'm afraid to get hurt again. When you didn't answer my message, I thought the worst of you! That you were some asshole that was only gonna help me if I kept sleeping with you! All because you didn't text me back. That's just the tip of the iceberg, Gohan!”
“Honey…” Gohan whispers, swaying gently as he holds you, one arm wrapped tightly around your middle while his other hand rests at the back of your head. “You’d know my heart if you knew your place. So come find yourself… I'll wait for you.”
The fog breaks, and your smile is brighter than a thousand suns and Gohan has never seen anything more breathtaking.
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givemeonereason · 2 months
Meditations: First, the Friend and then, the Son
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Photo Credit: Here
Dragon Ball Masterlist Givemeonereason Masterlist
Plot: Krillin seeks out Gohan to get some more information about the girl who lost her "Piccolo." A warmth between friends and family.
A/N: Hello, and thank you for patiently waiting for me to write up this next installment. I kept saying I was writing and I kept pushing it aside. Depression is so real and writers burn out is really real too. I think I just overdid it.
I'm so excited and happy that this series has taken off. Seems like there really is an audience for Piccolo. And he deserves it! I'll keep it going for as long as the story needs it. Tall, green, and handsome love for all.
The police speeder came to an abrupt halt outside Son Gohan estate.
When Krillin gingerly unhooked his regulation helmet and hung it from the handlebars of his unit, the elderly man who was tending to flowers in the garden was swiftly walking towards the main house.
After he disappeared through a side door a kind-looking, middle-aged woman came out to greet him.
"Good morning, sir." She bowed her head politely. "To what do we owe the pleasure of the local law enforcement?"
The formality of the situation made Krillin perk up his shoulders. "Sorry, ma'am I need to speak with Gohan. Do you know if he's around?"
"I believe he is in the library." She turned on her heel. "Please follow me."
What seemed like an endless amount of stairs for a pair of small legs, the door to the library was ajar. Gohan was buried among several piles of books, a laptop, and three mugs, which presumably had an unknown concoction of caffeine.
"Gohan." Krillin called out to him as he walked towards the desk, but Gohan only pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He scribbled vigorously at the notepad before him.
"Gohan?" Krillin repeated with a little more oomph. Gohan began to mumble to himself.
with the help of prefectural flora cultivation, this can provide direct resources to the habitat of-
"Gohan! Snap out of it."
Gohan shook his head and blinked his eyes a few times while readjusting his thick black frames. "Whoa, Krillin I didn't see you there."
"Obviously..." Krillin rolled his eyes.
"Gosh, how long have you been here." Gohan finished the sentence he was muttering and almost stabbed the notepad when he poked the paper at the period.
"Well, I've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now."
"Okay, I'm sorry I'm on the verge of a breakthrough here." He picked up a large blue mug and took a swig, only to spit it back into the glass. His face contorted when he tried to wipe his tongue on his sleeve.
Krillin had picked up a book nearest him and flipped through a few pages. "Cognitive Ecology of Pollination: Animal Behaviour and Floral Evolution." Too many words. He set the book back down and crossed his arms. "This might be out of left field, but have you seen Piccolo lately?"
"Not today, no."
"No, I just mean recently. There is something fishy is going on. I don't know if you know about the girl?"
"There's a girl?" Gohan took a sip from a different mug garnished with a Satan City logo. He set that one down quickly. "Did Piccolo do something to a girl? I'm not sure I understand."
"That's what I'm trying to find out." Krillin took a seat in a wooden car adjacent to the large desk. "This is going to sound odd. Considering we've seen and experienced some very odd things in the past, this one is hard to place when it comes to weird."
Krillins folded his hands and relaxed his shoulders. "Well, here goes. Long story short; I got a report of a girl screaming on a hillside about an instrument. When I went to investigate the girl said she lost her piccolo. I put two and two together and figured she might be talking about our Piccolo. So when I went to The Hideout to ask Piccolo about this girl, he got defensive and said he did something to her. And I think he couldn't forgive himself, or I don't remember fine details."
Gohan sat for a few moments in silence thinking. "Do you know this girl?"
"Never met her a day in my life...until I spoke with her."
Gohan scratched at his hairline, pushing the rouge tuft of hair out of his face only for it to fall back down towards his eyes. "Piccolo hasn't said anything to me about a woman." His shoulders were undulated with confusion.
Before Gohan could circle the same conclusion, he spoke again. "Whatever it is, he seems to care enough about this girl. You know him. He's a pretty unfazed guy. Very serious. Not too emotional, or softish. You know what I mean."
Gohan reached out for the last mug on the desk, hesitating before grabbing the handle. He stared down at the contents swirling around in contemplation and decided against it. The mug clanked against the desk surface as Krillin's pleaded with him.
"I was kind of wondering if you would go talk to him? He practically demanded I leave The Hideout when I pressed the issue. If he's going to talk to anyone it's got to be you. You're practically his son."
The last bit made Gohan chuckle. "I don't know Krillin. If he didn't want to talk about it, maybe we should just leave it alone."
Krillin stood up and walked towards Gohan. "Could you just at least try. If he doesn't open up to you then I'll let it go, okay?"
"Okay, okay." Gohan stood up, pressing his palms against the armrests of his chair. "I'll go to talk to him tomorrow morning. I'll call you when I get back."
Krillin smiled widely. "Thanks Gohan. I just think, you know, he does.. has done so much for us that we can try and help him too sometimes. Even if he says he doesn't want it."
When the morning light touched the western side of The Hideout, Gohan walked through the threshold Piccolos room. “Hey, Piccolo.”
Piccolo turned towards the similarly dressed young man, putting down the small, leather bound book in his hands on the small desk beside him. “Gohan, what brings you here this early.”
Gohan stretched his arms, his elbow popping loud enough to warrant a light echo. He laughed with some embarrassment. “Well, I guess I’m just a little rusty. I was wondering if we could spar?”
The upturned smirk told all Gohan needed to know before the two of them were passing blows hovering over the ground far below them.
One after the other, fists flying, blocking, dodging, power surging. Time was passing as the sun arched across the sky, but it only felt like moments. The adrenaline of the fight.
When Gohan began to tire slightly he landed a singular hit that propelled Piccolo back that anyone with even the best eyesight wouldn’t have seen. The super Sayain gives his all in the last throes of battle.
Piccolo gathered his equilibrium, and wiped the blood staining his lip against his forearm. He laughed as he landed on the grass below them. “You say you’re rusty, but you still got it, kid. You just got to put your mind to it.” He gently patted Gohan’s head, shaking his hair lightly.
Gohan plopped down to the ground and lay sprawling, taking in breaths. Piccolo sat down near him cross-legged. "I still think you have it in you to be the strongest, Gohan. But you've got a family now and your studies. You have more important battles to fight than just with your fists."
Gohan put his hands behind the back of his head. "I get discouraged sometimes. Everyone chastizes me for not keeping up with training. I'm 'a shame to the Sayain race,' or 'If only he could have---'" He shook his head. "Sometimes I wonder if Dad is still proud of me, even if my progress is strictly academic." He pondered on the thought. "It really doesn't matter, does it? Between Dad and Vegta there won't be anyone as strong. There won't be anyone who can't save the world." He looked over at Piccolo. "You're pretty strong too Piccolo."
Piccolo let out a deep, humph. "You are still stronger than me. And I only get involved when I am needed."
"Right. Why should we constantly have to be ready for a threat that might never come?"
"They always do."
Gohan sighed, closing his eyes. "Well, if they need me I will always be there. I won't let anything happen to anyone. Not after all the things we faced before."
The subtle sounds of nature became more apparent with this silence. The shallow sounds of breathing between them. Piccolo looked off into the near distance, his voice calm and relaxed. "If it accounts for anything, I am very proud of the man you've become."
Arms were tightly wrapped around. "Thank you for never giving up on me Piccolo."
Piccolo smiled to himself as Gohan sat down next to him. "I've been meaning to ask you something. Do you have a girlfriend?"
"A what?" Piccolo's voice turned deep again with seriousness.
"A girlfriend. You know, someone who you like and date." The look in Gohan's eyes was hopeful and sweet.
Tch- "I know what a girlfriend is. Why are you asking me this?"
"Well, Krillin stopped by and---"
"Not this again. Did that small man send you to do his bidding?"
Gohan got up and followed Piccolo when he began to walk away. He shouted, "I told him to stay out of it."
Gohan picked up his pace to meet the Namekian. "I don't even understand what Krillin was saying. But I wish you would just tell me what's going on. If not, you know he's going to get my dad involved."
Piccolo stopped and grunted. His arms crossed in defiance. Anything but Goku getting involved. Piccolo will NEVER hear the end of this. And if Goku makes a big deal out of this, it's everyone's problem.
But it's just his problem.
He stood quiet and tense. Gohan stood beside him stretching his legs and preparing to leave for home.
"I--" He started and stopped.
Hmmm, Gohan turned towards him.
"I don't even know how it happened. She came out of nowhere. Day after day, she prodded me with questions about myself. She sat with me as I meditated. She wasn't frightened of me." Piccolo was speaking so fervently and fastidiously that he was almost out of breath. "And I didn't know why or what to do. So I tried to show her that she shouldn't be so curious. I tried to scare her. I tried to stop her from coming around." His arms were tight against his chest. His chin pressed down into his collarbone.
Gohan watched Piccolo in awe. He's never seen this man act in such a way. The sorrow within the tightness of his shut eyes. The deep purple across his cheeks. Piccolo usually being a towering man, now pulling inward at his middle.
Gohan reached out and hugged him again. "Okay..." He looked at Piccolo, who bent his shoulders, which would normally be difficult to see over his shoulder pads. "Okay." Gohan's hand on Piccolo's forearm. His voice was so sweet and kind. "What did you do to scare her?"
Piccolo only took a deep breath. His booming voice was now almost a whisper. "I picked her up and took her in the air, flying. I flew and made myself out to be like another version of myself. I tried to make myself into King Piccolo." He's bent over near Gohan's shoulder, and Gohan lets him rest his forehead. "I made myself into something worth being frightened by. I didn't want her to trust so easily because she can easily become fodder like so many others have." His voice was almost nonexistent. "I could have killed her."
"But you didn't kill her, right?"
Piccolo shook his head. "But I could have."
"You didn't though. Sure, you could have maybe got your point across in a different way, but she's alright, right?"
"The look of terror in her eyes. The tears. I don't know why-- why I went--"
Gohan could hear the choked sobs before he pushed Piccolo back to face him. "Piccolo, I have known you my whole life and I've never seen you like this. You're like a whole different person. Usually, you're a very reserved guy, but I know these types of feelings. You must care a great deal for this girl. You're beating yourself up over the smallest thing." Piccolo kept his eyes closed shut, but his head lifted slightly, his arms relaxing as much as he could muster. "Hey, at least you don't explode or anything. You don't resort to your power because a lady is hurt or in danger. Blame it on the Sayain blood.”
Piccolo tried to straighten up and fix his posture. He wiped the tears that escaped from his eyes against his sleeve. Swallowing down his feelings deep into his chest.
“Piccolo, you’re allowed to have feelings like everyone else. Look at Dad, he’s an alien and he’s insane half the time.” Gohan laughed. “It’s okay to care about something for once. I know you care about me, about my family. But you can also care about something for yourself. If you care that deeply about this girl then I think you should talk to her. I think you should set things right between the two of you. Even if nothing comes of it and you just get closure.” Gohan pointed to Piccolo’s chest, pressing down into the fabric of the Namekian’s purple Gi. “If for all of us, but just for you.”
Gohan turned and started to walk away, calling over his shoulder. “You don’t need to bare the weight of this on your own. We’re always here for you. This is just a different type of fight.” He began hovering over the ground. “I have to get home before Videl gets angry.” He laughed. “Responsibilities.”
Piccolo could he his voice fading as he flew away. “All you have to do is try, Piccolo.”
Piccolo stood there, silent. The weight in his chest was still heavy. Do I care about this woman this greatly? He pressed his palm firmly against his chest, his cape flittering in the wind behind him. A heart beating strong behind his fingers. Is this love or understanding?
What I was once so sure about, I am at a loss.
Who do I want to be now?
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(Just an extra reference photo here of our precious, green boy) Credit
© 2024 givemeonereason
Don’t steal other people’s works! Respect creators!
Reblogs and likes appreciated :)
Tag List:
@jadew-08, @sussybacca, @imaginarydreams, @oriistar, @mddbsf, @boogeysmoth, @stefnarda
To be added or removed from the tag list reach out through asks or messages. Please and thank you.
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thebirdy74 · 2 years
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can’t stop thinking about entomologist gohan and this damn movie
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eddiezhere · 1 month
Another wip.. crossover.. kill me.. my hyperfixations...... ARE... MIXING...!!
I have designs for all these guys END ME..
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pixel-dwagon · 1 year
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I've been watching Dragon Ball Z Kai with my squad. 0_0
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rwac96 · 9 months
Type: Ask
AU: Original Male Stud AU, Fusion AU: Crossover AU
Fandom: Dragon Ball x Overwatch
Summary: What happened when Lena tell that because she liked and dated girls doesn’t mean he is safe from her sexual predation as “Tonight…You” wasn’t a joke but a warning and a promise for what is about to happen to him.
Meme: Tonight You Meme
Tracer: *blinks in front of Gohan* Hey, luv!
Gohan: *cornered* GAH!
Tracer: *lowers her eyelids slightly* Tonight...You.
Gohan: *confused* Aren't you Gay--?
Tracer: *leans in towards his face* Did I bloody stutter?
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
Thanks Dragon Ball Z Abridged! Now I ship Gohan and Dende!
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actuallysaiyan · 8 months
Kinktober Day 19: Cockwarming(In my heart, I have but one desire...)
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warnings/kinks: Student-teacher relationships, slight age gap, cockwarming, slight exhibitionism, slight blackmailing, smut word count: 0.7k pairings: Professor!Gohan x Student!Fem!Reader teaser: “Care to explain this?” He asks, waving the test in your face. Your bottom lip quivers a little, “I’m so sorry. I just… I had a hard time with the test material.” taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom. @dreadsuitsamus. @pyrofanatic. @butterflieskeepcominback
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He watches you from his desk, a mean look on his face. You know you’re in a lot of trouble, but you really never expected it to get to this extent. You wring your hands nervously behind you as you wait for him to address you. You have to look away when his stern eyes lock with yours.
“Do you have any idea why I called you into my office, miss?” Gohan asks, finally looking down at his papers. 
You shake your head, “N-no…I don’t know why, professor Gohan.”
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He smirks at you, but that’s quickly replaced with a very stern look on his face. He shows you your latest test and it’s not a good score at all. You were clearly much too distracted by something to be able to focus. And Gohan knows exactly what was distracting you.
“Care to explain this?” He asks, waving the test in your face.
Your bottom lip quivers a little, “I’m so sorry. I just… I had a hard time with the test material.”
A sarcastic laugh falls from his lips, “Is that so? I think I know exactly what the issue is.”
He gets up from his desk and he towers over you. You feel so trapped in here all of a sudden. You’re not really sure where this will lead, but you’re really hoping you won’t end up getting expelled. You truly wanted to finish your degree, but you had never expected one of your professors to be so sexy.
“I know I’m a distraction, miss. It’s written all over your face whenever you’re in my class.” Gohan explains, crossing his arms across his chest.
You frown, “Professor Gohan, sir…I didn’t mean it! I can make it up!”
He considers your words before grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you forward. You nearly crash right into his perfectly sculpted chest. You look into his eyes, a pleading look behind your own.
“If you’re so desperate to make up for it, I have some options for you.”
You nod your head, so eager to please your professor. You want to make sure he’s going to be taking you seriously and that he knows you want to finish up your degree. But when his proposition hits your ears, you’re taken aback.
“You can either stay behind in class every afternoon and help me grade these papers and learn a thing or two from your peers, or…you can sit on my cock while I grade them.”
You nearly faint from these words. He can’t be serious right now, can he? You look at him, red in the cheeks. He laughs at your reaction to his proposal. He knows you’re more than likely going to chicken out, but you shock him when you say you’ll sit on his cock.
And that’s how you ended up with his fat cock so deep inside of you as he grades the rest of the tests. Whenever you whine or try to move, he slaps your thigh harshly and reminds you that this is indeed a punishment and not a reward. You can’t help but grip against his cock, shuddering rhythmically as your cunt pulses. It’s much too good for you to consider it a true punishment.
Gohan, on the other hand, can’t believe you were so quick to agree to this. He knew you had a crush on him, but he didn’t think you’d be so willing to have this kind of relationship with him. He knows he’ll probably have you on his cock a lot more often than just the one time. Especially when he’s considering bumping up your grade if you continue this for the rest of the week. He can’t deny that having your tight, wet heat wrapped around his throbbing cock is just another benefit to him.
Once he’s done grading the papers, he holds you back against his chest and he begins to look for more work to do. Gohan realizes how much he feels motivated to finish up work with his cock buried deep inside a tight cunt.
“Remember,” He says as he nips at your neck. “If you’re a good girl and you come do this with me every afternoon for the rest of the week, I’ll bump your grade from a D to a B-,”
How could you refuse such a good offer?
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baegetas · 8 months
》 blackout.
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son goku x afab reader
summary: sitting at the bar after a hard day, you're joined by none other than your friend gohan's father, and he knows how he can cheer you up.
warnings: minors do not interact, explicit content: age gap, multiple orgasms, (slight, if you squint) implied cheating, overstimulation, drunk sex, alcohol consumption
word count: 1.7k
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you were alone at a bar. you'd completely flunked an exam that you'd studied hard for, and you were downing shots like they were nothing. even the bartender was asking if you were okay, to which you'd reply with a simple, "i will be."
while you were mindlessly scrolling through social media, a giggle cut through your brooding silence. it was familiar. you looked over your shoulder, finding that you were face-to-face with a "friend" of yours: goku. well, correction: he was gohan's father, and you were a friend of gohan's. you were a little scared of goku at first, but warmed up to him once you knew he wasn't some scary muscle-head. he grinned at you and promptly mused, "hey!"
"hello, goku."
he sat next to you, looking at you like a dejected puppy. "aw, what's wrong? you looked bored from over there, but man, you seem pretty sad."
you sighed, failing to hide the smile from him. "i guess. but i didn't expect to see you here, out of all people."
"whaaat?" goku giggled and spun the barstool around. "are you kidding? this place is so fun!"
"no, i mean, like, i didn't see you as much of a drinker."
"eh... if it's sweet, i don't care what it is. i'll drink it. heeeey!" he flagged down the bartender, grinning happily. "you have jello shots? yeah? you should give us a few!"
you gave him a slightly agitated look, to which he giggled and said, "don't worry, i'll pay! i don't know what's got you so down, but it's time to cheer up!"
that giggle would be the end of you, and you knew it. as the shots slid onto the counter in front of you, you sighed. it wouldn't be horrible to have a little fun, right?
next thing you knew, goku had convinced you to join him on the dance floor. there had always been something so charming about his idiocy. something charming about how oblivious he was. however, now that he had you in your own little corner of the place in the dark, you could see something else behind those sweet eyes. you could see intention, like he was aware of exactly what he was doing. he was aware that it was the two of you. he was aware that you were both tipsy. he was aware that he was double your size. he was very aware.
with the lights spinning again, flashing a multitude of colors, you found yourself lost in music. lost in liquor. you and goku had been gradually getting closer to one another. you found yourself dancing right against him, and his rough, calloused hands were sliding up and down the sides of your torso, with a focus on your hips. swaying back and forth in rhythm, you could feel his muscles against your back. you could feel his breath against your neck. you shuddered, and looked up at him for some sort of clue as to what he was thinking. and looking back at you were two serious, calculating eyes. like a predator. "heh. you look surprised."
your lip shook ever so slightly. "you... are you?"
he smirked. "am i what? gotta finish the sentence."
you hiccuped, trying to clear your throat. "flirting?"
"i dunno," he hummed, feigning innocence. "problem?"
your eyes flickered down to his hands on your hips. they were gripping you. "...no."
his voice dropped an octave, getting raspy. "nice. you mind if i do something?"
"to... to me?" he nodded, and you were having trouble suffocating the butterflies in your stomach. you swallowed roughly, leaning your head back against his shoulder as you stared up at him. he was holding you against him. for a moment, you thought, what would gohan think? i mean, this was your friend's dad. this man was twice your age. but nonetheless, you replied, "you... can do anything you want. to me."
within a split second, he flipped you around and pressed your back against the club's concrete wall. you had no time to breathe. goku was kissing you with a passion. your hands gripped his clothes, pulling him as close as you could. his thigh pressed in between your legs, and at that point, you were putty in his hands. all you could do was whine. this was a completely different goku, and you were loving it.
he sank his teeth into the side of your neck, and you moaned out loud. when you noticed someone staring at the two of you, your eyes widened. "ah- goku! hey."
he pulled back from your skin by just inches. "something wrong?"
"we... we can't do this. not... in public."
his voice was gravelly. "why not? i'm sure people would love to watch. make 'em jealous."
you blushed and stammered out, "it... it's indecent... and a little illegal... to do things like this in public. my apartment would be a better place."
"your apartment?" he stood straight up and pressed two fingers to his forehead. he gripped your shoulder tightly. "gotcha."
and suddenly, you were both standing in the front hallway of your apartment. you blinked a few times, unsure of what the fuck just happened, but all of that was thrown to the wayside when goku's lips found yours again, pressing you against the wall of your living room.
your belongings fell to the ground, and your hands started to pull his shirt up so you could feel his torso. every muscle, every divot - he was so fucking ripped. and his hands weren't wasting time with you, either. traveling up your thighs, he tore your panties off with one finger. his hand grabbed your entire ass, and he took in a deep inhale, smelling your scent on the skin of your neck. "god, you smell so good."
"you... ah!" you lost your train of thought when he started grinding his crotch against yours. with flushed cheeks from a drunken stupor, you mumbled, "you... want me, don't you?"
shedding his t-shirt, he growled, "what do you think?"
he was biting at your skin as his hands discarded the rest of your clothes, albeit in a more refined fashion. once you were completely nude, he couldn't hold himself back anymore. he picked you up like a doll. like you weighed absolutely nothing to him. he was quick to find your bedroom, and he quite literally threw you down onto the bed. then, he followed. and his tongue found your slit, rough hands pushing your thighs apart so he could taste you as much as he possibly could.
your hand tangled in his thick hair. he was so sloppy, but it was quick to send every nerve in your body into a frenzy. he would grunt and groan, and his nose would bump against your clit, sending a jolt through your body. when his tongue actually plunged into you, you lost all of your bearings. you came all over his face, and he replied to it with a pleased groan, unwilling to pull away until your body relaxed. with one eye open, you looked down at his messy face. his dark, widened pupils. his flushed cheeks. then, he grinned. "i thought you'd taste good, but that was better than i thought."
panting, you whined back, "goku... i..."
"already on it." he was quick to remove his pants and boxers, and he was quick to climb back over you, trapping you in another kiss. with the full weight of his body against his, you realized just how small you were. his length slid along your folds, and you could taste yourself on his tongue.
your hands found his back when he got the opportunity to press himself into you, and he did so with a guttural groan. at that point, you couldn't think. the slow stretch was just too good, and your foreheads rested against one another until he was fully sheathed in you. he panted, "so... tight... i gotta..."
you panted back, "just... just fuck me."
and when his hips started snapping back and forth, you couldn't help but whine. your nails dug into his back, and his face was buried in your neck. he was relentless, keeping a fast, steady pace. as your moans got louder, you heard his voice in your ear. "shh... be a good girl. i know you can handle it."
hitting that sweet spot over and over, it didn't take any time for you to come undone a second time. and a third time. goku hadn't even broken much of a sweat, and he had you completely folded over underneath him. your eyes were locked on his as he cooed, "yeah, that's it. good."
in that moment, you understood that he was going to finish inside you. and you didn't care one bit about it. as if on cue, his huge frame leaned down to trap you in a tongue-filled kiss, hands gripping your ass. you weren't going anywhere. he had you completely pinned.
you'd lost count of how many times you came before his thrusts started to get sloppy. he was grunting more often, shaft head poking at your cervix every now and then. it hurt, but you were far too blissed out to care. "good girl. just... a little bit more, okay?"
by now, you were a babbling mess, but you managed to nod in response. the bed was slamming against the wall, and you knew that your neighbors on all sides would be complaining about the noise, if they hadn't already. his grunts were going right into your ear, and he grunted especially loudly as he said, "you ready?"
you nodded and mewled, "yes, please."
goku growled, then moaned beautifully has he came right into you. his hips didn't even stop, riding out his own orgasm with a blissful look on his face. when his hips eventually stopped, he collapsed onto you, breathing heavily. you were doing the same. your head was spinning. after only a minute, he propped himself up on his elbow. "whew... that was... amazing."
"i... know." you said this so quietly that you could barely hear it yourself. "it was."
then, goku gave you that trademark giggle. that trademark grin. you looked at him through half lidded eyes as he said, "i think we're gonna have to do that again. way more often than just once. i'm gonna need it."
you smiled and wrapped your arms around his torso. you couldn't respond vocally, but pulling him closer was the answer he needed. he giggled again and relaxed atop you, with no intention of moving any time soon.
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Protect | Gohan x Reader |
author's note: this lil story is inspired by an ask @loki-love answered, which i encourage you to check out here! thank you so much again for inspiring and approving me writing this short lil thing haha i appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. i just really wanted to write protective gohan!!
pairing: gohan x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of reader's past abusive relationship, gohan's anger
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A ping breaks the amicable silence between you and Gohan, and you groan at the realization it's your phone that's gone off. Gohan absentmindedly rubs your thigh as he continues staring at the bright light of his laptop screen as he works and your eyes flick to the message on your phone instead of the raunchy comedy on the television.
I miss you
"Ugh." You grumble under your breath. Your ex, once again. Lately he's taken to messaging you, not just through your phone number but even social media outlets. Ignoring him hasn't been working; he just keeps trying!
Please leave me alone.
You silence your phone and tuck it between the couch cushions, wrapping your arms around Gohan's and focusing on the movie again. He kisses your hair sweetly, resting his head on yours and watching as a naked man on the screen emerges from the trunk of a car and begins beating up three men with a crowbar. "What on earth are you watching?" He chuckles, perplexed but entertained anyway.
"A dumb movie." The murmur is sour on your lips— every time that bastard of an ex messages you, your mood turns. Where someone finds the nerve to harass their ex after the way they treated them in the relationship, you've got zero idea.
"You alright?" He murmurs in your ear and sets aside his laptop to turn his body your way.
"Yeah, yeah." You nod quickly. "Don't worry. Just… Watch the movie with me?"
"Of course." Gohan's smile is so damn pure; he loves you so much, and that's exactly why you love him just as much. He builds you up, telling you he loves you every day, listening to your boring workday stories, complimenting you even when you look a hot mess first thing in the morning. He's never left anything but a good mark on you, never ever caused one bad day.
Gohan and the movie are quick in breaking your downward spiral, and you cuddle into your lover just a little closer, grinning ear-to-ear when his lips press against your cheek.
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I'm sorry for everything. I've changed, just let me prove it to you
A low growl leaves your throat as you read the text. Bastard left you alone for one day! Instead of the rest of your damn life! Your thumbs tap quickly against the screen and you send the message with a huff, shoving your phone in your back pocket as you resume working; it's a busy evening at the rowdy Texas-themed restaurant you work at, and you've certainly got no time to text a shitty man.
I will never go back to you. Leave me alone!
The evening goes by quickly, your shift just about over as you're collecting your tip from your most recent table when there's a tap on your shoulder. And when you turn, it's none other than that bastard that literally left you for dead staring you in the eye. He's grown his hair out and started shaving, and in those green eyes you see images of the past— the way he berated you, cheated on you, beat you and then drained your joint account of all the money and skipped town when he left you.
"Babe-" He begins, and you gasp sharply and step away as if burned by his very voice alone.
"I am not your babe. Leave me alone!" You nearly drop the wad of cash in your hand as you scurry away to the employee lounge and call your boyfriend.
Gohan answers immediately, the angel. "Hey baby, are you off work already?"
"Yes." You fiddle with the hem of your shirt, hoping your voice isn't shaking like your hands.
"I'm on my way. See you in five!"
"See you." You quickly tap the red button and rub your face. Hopefully your ex is gone by the time Gohan comes.
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Gohan makes the quick drive between home and the restaurant in record time, and walks in as always to come and walk you to the car himself. He's done that ever since you took this job, as it's simply a gentlemanly thing to do, and also because who knows who's lurking in the shadows at this time of night? You're far too precious to him to go unguarded, so to speak.
He smiles and looks around, black hair wild as always after a research binge. Some of your coworkers wave and he waves back politely, smiling still. He can't remember the last time he's felt this happy all the time, at peace even during the most frustrating days at work. You've brought a balance to his life he can never thank you for enough.
"D'ya know where she is?" Gohan asks, and one of the blonde waitresses moves in closer to speak in a whisper.
"She ran to the break room, I'll go get her… And I'm not for sure, but that guy over there seems like trouble and won't give anyone his order or anything. We were just about to ask our manager to call the police and have him removed."
"Hmm…" Gohan looks over, the days of his vigilante justice flashing briefly in his mind when he gets a look at the man. Gohan doesn't love to judge, but the vibes of the man alone raise the hairs on the back of his neck. "Can I go with you to retrieve her?"
"Yeah, absolutely." The waitress nods and takes Gohan to the back where the lounge is, opening the door and allowing him in, leaving the two of you in private.
"Honey?" Gohan asks carefully. Something is definitely wrong, at this point. You're curled into a ball with your head tucked into your knees; and if he's not mistaken, it sounds like you're crying.
Dear Lord, forgive me if I have to fuck someone up tonight.
You sniff and look up at the light of your life— and subsequently surge into his arms as he gets closer to you.
"Baby…" Gohan murmurs, holding you in those deceptively strong arms. He's got every bit the look of a typical nerd, but underneath those clothes lie a very strong, durable Saiyan that should maybe train more than he does these days, but is still plenty strong enough to beat many, many foes. Especially human ones. "What's wrong?"
"M-My ex, Tyler, won't leave me alone." You sob into his shirt. "He keeps texting me and I tried ignoring him and I tried telling him to leave me alone but it didn't work and now he's here and-" Another sob breaks out and you lose your words, but Gohan's got more than enough information now.
"Is he that man sitting out there?" He murmurs lowly, body beginning to tense with adrenaline.
"Yes." You pull back and wipe your eyes, looking into Gohan's. "I'm sorry I didn't-"
"No, no." He says quickly. "You have nothing to apologize for. Not one single thing."
"But I didn't tell-"
"That doesn't matter, baby. You stay here— I'm gonna go talk to him."
"Gohan!" Your fingers curl into his white Henley shirt, holding him to you as best as you can. "You can't just…"
His warm hands cradle your face, swiping away your remaining tears with his thumbs. He looks at you as if you're a netherite ingot— the most valuable thing he could ever have. "I'm just going to talk to him. Okay?"
You falter, taking a deep breath. Of course your ex isn't scary at all to Gohan; he could obliterate the piece of shit with a single snap. And you know what lurks beneath Gohan's surface— the rage of the great beast within sometimes seems to buzz just beneath his skin. That alone should send your ex running.
Gohan smiles gently and kisses your lips so sweetly, so lovingly. "I'll be right back, okay? And then we'll go home and snuggle."
Your smile is hard for Gohan to break away from, but the memory of your tears anytime a nightmare arose that featured the man you used to be with is enough to pull him away from your arms and out to the table your ex is at, his back to Gohan's approach. Gohan sneers, the tingle of Super Saiyan crawling up his spine and he has to will it away as he firmly grasps the back of your former boyfriend's neck, leaning down to speak directly into his ear.
"Step outside with me. Now."
"Who the hell-" Tyler stops short when he turns his head and sees the fury in Gohan's eyes.
"Son Gohan." The half-Saiyan spits out. "Let's go." He practically drags Tyler out of the booth, his hold on his neck still strong. With just a simple squeeze, he could end this man's life as he'd nearly ended yours, and the beast on his shoulder yearns for it.
But he promised you he would only talk it out, and he'd certainly never break a promise he made to you.
Gohan releases Tyler when they're outside and at the perimeter of the parking lot, pushing him a short distance away. "Do you think harassing my girlfriend is going to do you any favors?"
"I'm not harassing-"
"She's asked you several times to leave her alone. And yet, you don't listen. What do you call it?"
Tyler's fists clench and god the fury inside of Gohan is hard to contain. This person, the one that tore you down to nothing stands before him, and words could never express the desires his primal, Saiyan blood has in the face of this cruel man. He's a threat to you, the one Gohan loves and will protect with his life, if needed.
Gohan speaks again before your ex even has the chance. "I love that woman with everything I've got. She means everything to me." He fishes a small box out of his pocket, opening it and showing Tyler the beautiful ring inside. "This is hers; it's just waiting for me to ask the question."
"Me and her have history, and if she would just hear me out-"
Gohan laughs rather menacingly, carefully putting the ring box back into his jeans pocket and stepping closer to your ex. "You still don't get it. She's with me now, Tyler, and she's happy."
"She was happy with me too."
"I don't doubt that she was at some point." Gohan shrugs. "Until you cheated on her, abused her emotionally and physically, and left her for dead in that old apartment."
Tyler blanches, as if he stupidly didn't expect Gohan to have the nitty gritty details. And that's when Gohan grabs him by his shirt so forcefully, pulling him close and ripping his glasses off his own face so he can truly look the scumbag in the eye.
"This is the only warning you get from me. Eye-to-eye, man-to-man. Leave my girl alone, and you won't have any problems. Understand?" Gohan growls, the inner beast screaming at him to destroy this man, to not even leave a corpse behind. He doesn't deserve to live, it calls. He hurt her, it reminds. 
"I'm not fuckin' scared-"
With a roar, Gohan releases Tyler's shirt and instead slams his fist into one of the nearby trees, splintering it to hell as it's ripped clean in half by the single punch. The nerve of this fucking guy! Gohan glances over his shoulder as the rest of the tree falls to the ground, and he can't fight the smirk on his lips when he sees the coward running for the hills.
"Guess I made my point."
Gohan wipes away any pieces of wood from his clothes, pulling a splinter from his hand and grimacing lightly at the scratches. They don't hurt, but they'll worry you. He jogs quickly into the restaurant again, and smiles when he sees you're out of the break room and sitting at a table with that same coworker from before.
"Hey!" He greets you with a swift kiss. "Ready to go?"
"Yes." You nod and perk a brow, but wait until you're at the car to ask any questions.
"He's not gonna bother you anymore." Gohan prefaces as he opens the door for you.
"You're sure of that?"
"Well…" Gohan gestures in the direction their conversation took place in, and you gasp at the sight of the destroyed tree.
Even with the beast inside proud of his work, Gohan blushes with a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't hit him."
Your arms slip around Gohan's waist and practically crush him in a hug. His arms are gentle in contrast, but so warm, like a blanket around you. He smiles again and kisses the top of your head before bringing you home to snuggle, as promised.
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witchofcustom · 11 months
Saving The Girl (Great Saiyaman (Son Gohan) x Reader)
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Summary: After being saved by the mysterious Great Saiyaman, you wanted to repay him. He knew the perfect way to do so.
CW: Very minor mentions of violence at the start, NSFW
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I’m in my “I actually feel like writing for once” phase that happens like once a year. The idea for this one has been at the back of my head for a while.
Two men had been holding you at gunpoint, demanding you to hand over your capsules and money. However, before you could do so, a man swooped in, kicking the guns out of the men’s hands and catching you in the process.
He was wearing a green suit with a red cape, along with a helmet. It felt almost like a childishly stereotypical depiction of a superhero, but there wasn’t any time to complain.
“You two better not do anything like this again! Or The Great Saiyaman will come to uphold justice once more!” The man says before striking a pose. His voice sounded familiar, but you weren’t sure from where. Before the two men could retaliate further, Saiyaman picked you up bridal style and flew off, taking you somewhere safe and secluded.
“T-Thank you so much mister! You saved my life!”
“It’s no problem. That’s just the job of a hero such as myself.”
“Is there any way I can repay you? I don’t have much money but…”
“Don’t worry. I do this for the sake of justice. I have no need for payment!”
“I’d feel bad if I don’t though…”
Your teary eyes and innocent face made Saiyaman’s heart skip a beat. He could feel his pants tightening and blush developing on his face. He was thankful that he was wearing his helmet so you wouldn’t notice.
“W-Well… I do know a way you can repay me… But we’ll have to go back to your place first!”
You agreed, not noticing the chuckle from Saiyaman as he grabbed you and flew to your place.
“Um… If you don’t mind me asking… How do you know where I live…? The last person around your age who came over to my place was a classmate who was helping me with a school project.”
“O-Oh don’t worry citizen! I once fought off a villain near this house and remember seeing you!”
You weren’t sure if you completely believed him, especially as you could tell his super hero persona was starting to slip up, but you were curious as to what he would do, so you didn’t say anything. Not to mention, on closer inspection you could tell how attractive he was. Despite the dorky outfit, his body was very well toned and sexy.
“My parents aren’t home right now, is that okay?” You said while unlocking the front door.
“That’s no problem at all.”
You took him to your room, sitting down on your bed. You talked with him a bit about things like school, hobbies, and the like. You brought up one of your best friends at school, Son Gohan, and how he’s the only other boy your age who’s been in your room. Saiyaman couldn’t handle holding back much longer and kissed you on the lips. It was a long and passionate kiss. Saiyaman had very soft lips, but there was also a sense of roughness as he grabbed your left breast.
“Well citizen, are you willing to repay me?”
You nodded enthusiastically. Even if you weren’t sure where this would go, you didn’t want to risk losing an encounter with such an attractive man.
Saiyaman began to remove his pants and then underwear. His cock sprung free, already leaking some precum. He was very embarrassed, he’d never done anything like this before. He began to wonder if what he was doing was wrong, but after seeing you undress, he knew he had to go through with it.
He began to play with your pussy, mainly rubbing your clitorus. You began to moan from such pleasure. This made Saiyaman get even more turned on. Your voice was the cutest he had ever heard, and he never imagined he would be in a situation like this. He then stuck two fingers into you, eliciting an even cuter moan. You thought he would have taken his gloves off, but the silky feeling of them on the inside of your vagina made it feel all the better.
“I-I’m sorry Great Saiyaman… I’ve never done anything like this before…”
“Don’t worry citizen, I’ll treat you right! You’re doing great.”
Saiyaman kept fingering you with one hand and rubbing your clit with the other. His gloves were soaked. He wanted nothing more than to take his helmet off and devour your juices, but he didn’t want to risk exposing his identity. If only he wore his sunglasses and turban…
“Well citizen, it’s time for the main course! Are you ready?”
You nodded enthusiastically. Saiyaman took a gulp and lined up his penis with your vagina. You just now fully realized just how big it was. You were excited but also a bit nervous.
“Alright citizen, it’s for me to take your repayment!”
He then thrusts into you. You didn’t expect such fast movements from the man who had just been so soft. But you weren’t complaining at all. He was so rough and animalistic.
As Saiyaman grew closer to climaxing, he started to think of all kinds of things. It was like something awoke within him. Things such as biting you or tying you up. But he quickly pushed these thoughts away. He’s a hero after all!
“Are you about to cum, citizen?”
“Y-Yes Saiyaman… I am!”
“Let’s release together then!”
He picked up the pace of his thrusts, as the two of you reached climax together. He was too engrossed in the throes of pleasure that he forgot to pull out. The idea of you becoming pregnant with his baby, someone you thought you didn’t even know, was really appealing to him however. He wanted to keep his cock inside of you for much longer, but he knew he had to go.
Eventually he did pull out and helped clean you up. He treated you with such care.
“Um… If you’d like to stay the night you can… Saiyaman…”
“That is an appealing offer, however I have to uphold justice, and bad guys could be roaming the streets at any time!” He said as he began to put his clothes back on. He could still smell your scent from his gloves and it made him want to do everything all over again.
“However citizen if you are ever in trouble, call for Great Saiyaman, vanquisher of evil and ally of justice, and I will be there to save you!” He said while striking a pose.
You laughed before saying, “Well if I can repay you in ways like this then maybe I should get into trouble again~”
Your flirting made Saiyaman almost lose his cool, and he quickly gave his goodbyes and flew off.
He returned home rather late, which made his mother quite angry. He was quite worried that she would find out about what he did, but thankfully he wasn’t caught.
The next day at school some people were talking about the Great Saiyaman, most insulting him for his outfit and mannerisms. You, however, stuck up for him, saying how he’s a true hero.
“You agree that Great Saiyaman is amazing, right Gohan?”
Your classmate, and best friend, Son Gohan, nodded. He had been acting odd all day. His face had been red and he had been looking away from you.
“Y-Yeah I guess…”
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Smutember 2022 - Day 5 Don't Get Caught
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Title: Risky Business ☆☆ Pairing: Goku ( SS4 ) x Human Female Reader ☆☆ Word Count: 1k+ ☆☆ Contents: ( M / 18+. MINORS DNI. au: gt timeline, humor, established relationship, reader is gohan and goten's mother ) ☆☆ Warning: ( explicit language, risky kitchen quickie )
The serving spoon slips from your grasp onto the cooling stove, the warmth of the fresh awaiting food rising to your face as a shivery moan melts through your lips. You bite into your bottom lip to suppress your voice from carrying any further. There was so much of yourself you lose to him when he gets like this and from so little effort on his part as of late. But the outcome was such a thrill, the love so rewarding. Modest or otherwise, it was worth every second with your husband.
Now, however, was not the time.
"You want to do this now?" Falls from your trembling lips in a hushed whimper. The warmth around you couldn't match the heat pressed into your bare skin where Goku's nose was buried, nor his hot tongue dragging across the goosebumps in the crook of your neck. His form enlarged from his transformation was heavy with the scent of his training and pressed so close against your backside, he was not shy to show his eagerness to have you despite the circumstances. Already, his hand found itself between your legs and was stroking through the thin layer of your underwear to mess with your slit while his golden leer hangs over your shoulder watching you.
His smile grows across your skin, Goku delights. "You just smell especially good today." He answers in a gentle tone. As a matter of fact, since obtaining the Super Saiyan 4 form you have only ever smelled pleasing to him. So potent to his senses that if he weren't careful he could lose himself in it. Even surrounded by your beloved cooking, smothering you with his own scent felt necessary for your sake and his. It made his tail swing with joy. He can't help but feel excited about anything that got his blood pumping. There was no telling if he was drooling because of the freshly cooked food or the desire to bury himself inside your warmth. His vigorous fingers brushing over your clothed clit gave more intrigue to the latter.
"Y-You can't... keep doing this after you train with Vegeta." You feebly protested while showing no signs of defying the pleasure coursing through you. "Goten is-...he's right there Goku-" Your breath hitched at your underwear being stretched to the side to let his bear fingers spread the wet coating through your bloom. "-He's expecting his dinner a-any minute."
Your youngest son was just a wall away, a slip of a forbidden sound away, already seated at the dinner table and most likely too engrossed in his phone to mind your delay or Goku's powerful ki. To his discretion, Goten's been pretty adult about how openly affectionate you and Goku have been lately but he has experienced enough awkward encounters with you two in the build-up and aftermath of your "super saiyan relations". It comes with the territory of still living with one's parents, but your privacies are your own, and that caution prior to Goku's transformation was exercised very well. Goten was just thankful to not find you both in a manner that would scar him. But this was cutting it close. Almost a deliberate breach of trust on the unspoken agreement.
Obviously, none of you expected Goku to obtain this higher state of being or could you have predicted his interest in your body to become almost compulsive as a side effect, making this all the more difficult to be subtle. Let alone how handsomely the form suited him. There were no complaints from you when he favored your company at any given moment, yet the order of this chaos needed to be reestablished before Goten wandered in looking for his dinner.
—At least that was what you tried to do. It was too late to take back your willpower now, not with Goku's large fingers nestled deep inside your warmth and edging you closer to climax. You were fighting just to keep your voice inside your throat and breath at the same time. How the beastly saiyan husked in your ear as he humps his freed cock against your ass with his sharpened canines scratching your delicate skin made your legs weak. Right about now, Goku would have you powerless from absorbing that heavy ki of his and begging him to rough you up with those fangs, but thankfully his training has made him more guarded in the control of his ki.
It was his other senses that were drunk and loose to whatever felt good right now. You tilting your head back into him and exposing your neck and cleavage was no help. Hearing Goten's ringtone from the dining room was like a song of salvation to drive his impulses free. Once Goten was on that phone, he could waste hours in an oblivious spell talking on it. Goku knew he could be a little less careful and wasted no time then.
He leans his exposed chest against you and replaces his wet fingers with his strong cock, able to pick up the pace where his fingers left off. How much deeper he stretched your insides made you muffle a squeal with pursed lips. You had to adjust yourself as he was already making the most of opening you up, spreading your legs just a little wider to take his cock more comfortably. One of your hands fumbles across the stove to brace yourself only to knock the serving spoon onto the floor. Hoping that wouldn't draw any attention. Your other hand clasped over your mouth to mask your voice as lips alone was no longer enough.
You both took comfort in the inflections of Goten's voice sounding like he was stationary and engrossed in his phone call, none the wiser to what was going on just a few steps away. The suspense of it all was starting to get to you. Not that you want your son to see you like this, but with yours and Goku's blood pumping and affections so bold and forthcoming it made your heart race in the excitement. That you could lose yourself in your pleasure in spite of the consequences of getting caught fucking in the kitchen. Right now you should all be sitting at the dinner table eating like a family, you would be reprimanding Goten for using his phone at the table and warning Goku to chew his food before he chokes. Instead, you're trying to keep your voice behind your hand with your sweet spot being brushed against repeatedly, you're pressing your hips back into Goku to muffle the wet smack of his thrusts into you, and you want to cum so bad.
Sacrificing his own vigilance to fuck out his orgasm, Goku wraps his arms around your waist and quickens his pumps into your tight walls sucking in his cock. When he straightens, he practically lifts you off your feet and bounces you up and down his length to better meet his movements. With the warmth of his breath on the shell of your ear and his tail wrapped around your thigh, it was impossible to see yourself anywhere but a place where he could be this wild and free with you, and you could let your body fall into the heat of bliss without shame. When Goku leans forward with you again you end up sinking under the pleasure. Both of you fucking to cum in this squatted position with his heated grunts filling the kitchen.
"Really? Sure, That'd be fun!... Yeah, I could make it with some time to spare." Goten's voice comes over the corner of the entrance before he suddenly appeared before your eyes. The lustful haze shatters and it all came to a frightening halt when your youngest wandered by the kitchen threshold. With his cell phone held up to his ear, it was the only blockage that spared his peripherals the sight of his parents' awkward position. You and Goku are frozen like gargoyles and wide, startled eyes staring down the entrance before Goten completely passed by with an ecstatic response to the other end of the call. You both watch as his voice doesn't seem to dwindle for the longest seconds of your life. It was then you hear his footsteps from further down the hall and he calls out to you.
"Hey mom, I gotta run out to meet someone! You can wrap my dinner up!" Goten announces from the front door of your home, then corrected himself to ask. "I-I mean, if it's okay? It's really important if I go right now! Or I'll miss a big opportunity! Please!" You can hear the excited rattling on the locks from here as if he was going to bolt out the door anyways. You took advantage of the opportunity, clearing your throat and fixing your voice to mimic a calm disposition.
"D-Don't be out too late, then. No excuses Goten!"
A joyful "yes!" and the front door opens and closes shut behind him. Both you and Goku huff out a sigh of relief. What a miracle.
Before he knew it, Goku then felt the wooden spoon whack him square between the eyes, clenched in your grasp with an annoyed expression present on your face. Forced to let you go and nurse the unexpected blow, you wiggle yourself free and stumble up onto your feet, turning to face him with an embarrassed glow on your cheeks. Or is that just the flush of lust still in them? "That was too close, Goku! You are getting out of hand!" You fussed, waving the spoon at him. He sinks down onto his bottom with a pained groan.
"Sorry. I couldn't help myself." He answers, lifting his head to you with a sheepish, guilty smirk. He doesn't regret it. You didn't seem to hate it up until this point. Even if it was ruined, it was still an enjoyable moment between you. He has come to like unwinding from training this way. The Super Saiyan 4 training felt more complete that way. Truthfully, it was going to take more than a serving spoon to deter him from his heightened attraction for his wife. He'll just be certain to pick his "sneak attacks" more carefully.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Hiyo! Just wanted to say that I've been reading for a while and have hooked ever since! ❤ But I wanted to ask for a part 2 fic to the Raditz x Sanji! Reader? (Feel free to delete this if it's too vague)
-It had been several months since Raditz came into your life like a wrecking ball, but it’s also been several months since Raditz found the one he wanted to be his mate for life.
-You were a great cook and you always seemed to stuff him full, you were extremely powerful and did have a nasty temper, but you were also gentle and sweet to his nephew, Gohan, constantly cuddling him.
-Raditz and Goku reconnected, getting to know each other and enjoyed their time sparring with one another.
-Raditz was able to send a message to Nappa and Vegeta secretly, telling them about this world and that it was a world worth living in, full of food and was mostly peaceful and had tons of feisty women and strong people to spar against
-Raditz told everyone that these two would be coming soon, and originally they were going to assist with invading and enslaving everyone on the planet, taking everything for themselves, for Frieza’s army, but hearing this, they were curious about this planet.
-After a lucky freak accident, that may or may not have been planned by the other two Saiyan men, Frieza was killed and his army disbanded, letting those who had been forced into his army be free.
-When Raditz got word of this, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing this world was going to be safe, that you were going to be safe, as he was vying after you, bringing you large catches, showing that he was a provider, showing you that he was a good mate.
-Unfortuneately you didn’t see it like that, not being a Saiyan so you didn’t know customs, you just thought he was bringing you meat that he wanted you to make food into, which was technically true, since he always ate so much.
-Bulma, Goku, and everyone else was made aware of the other two Saiyans that were coming, one of them being the prince, and he told you all about the destruction of their home planet of the same name, by Freiza and how the survivors were forced to become soldiers for him, but now with his death, everyone was free and Raditz told you all that he invited the two other remaining Saiyans here to live.
-While not bothered with it, Goku did warn Raditz that these two would have to behave and not make any trouble, just like him, and if they did that, they would have homes, clothes, and food provided for them, thanks to Bulma and Capsule Corp.
-When Nappa and Vegeta arrived, they weren’t expecting such a warm welcome, Bulma greeting them alongside Goku and Raditz, telling them that she arranged living arrangements for them, in exchange for them not attacking or hurting anyone that wasn’t in sparring matches.
-It was a pretty fair trade and the two met Gohan, who was a little shy, but they saw his tail and that he was also a Saiyan, something Goku confirmed, that his son was half, which showed the two new arrivals that humans were compatible to have children with.
-You exited your restaurant that was near Capsule Corp, “Food’s ready!!” Gohan and Goku both cheered happily, running towards you before Raditz followed, “This female runs her own eatery and can easily feed Saiyans.”
-Nappa and Vegeta laughed, thinking he was joking, teasing them all after you seated them all, after you closed the restaurant for the day for them. You took that challenge and kept bringing out more and more food, only stopping once all five Saiyans all had full distended bellies, unable to eat another crumb.
-You smirked down at the prince, hands on your hips, “Don’t underestimate me again or I’ll stuff you again!” he couldn’t help but smirk up at you before knocking out, just like the others who were fast asleep.
-Your food was one of the few things that kept these three non-natives calm, as you would always feed them, and you were happy to do so, seeing your food being enjoyed.
-Raditz, despite being lower in rank compared to Nappa and especially Vegeta, let them know early on that you were his mate, even if you didn’t know it yet, and while annoyed at first, Vegeta found himself drawn in by the hot headed but creative Bulma, and Nappa found Lunch to be the perfect woman, she was delicate and gentle, but whenever she would sneeze she would turn angry and violent, easily getting his heart.
-However, just like with Raditz and sometimes Goku, they had to go out and hunt their own meat if they wanted large amounts which they had no issues doing, until it turned into a competition between the three, sometimes, four, of them on who could get the biggest creature.
-Raditz was scowling while stuffing his face, seeing Gohan on your lap as you cuddled him, a bright smile on your face, giving him all your attention, something Nappa teased him for and the two meatheads quickly got into a fight.
-Holding Gohan on your hip, despite wearing heels, you leapt up and delivered a guillotine kick to each of them, sending their heads down to the ground, “If you’re going to fight do it outside!”
-Vegeta couldn’t help but grin, leaning over to Bulma, “I can see why Raditz likes her.” Bulma agreed as the two got up, hanging their heads as you scolded them, despite being half their size.
-That evening, Raditz approached you to walk you home, the normal routine for the two of you, but you noticed he was a bit quieter today, more withdrawn.
-When you inquired, he glanced over, as he had been feeling conflicted since you disciplined him, seeing you yelling at him with a child on your hip, you looked so good like that, “I want to give you a child and make you my mate.”
-Despite being so confident in yourself, you immediately froze, holding your bright red cheeks, turning from him, “What- what are you talking about- dummy?!” you were so cute when you were shy, calling him names.
-Raditz swept you up into his arms, holding you princess style as your arms went across your chest, looking away from him, cheeks burning bright red as he took to the skies, flying with you in his arms, “I don’t know if I’m ready for children yet- maybe after a couple of dates we can discuss going to the next step.”
-He chuckled warmly down at you, enjoying seeing you so shy, but if you wanted to wait and go on some of these ‘dates’ he would oblige to keep you happy.
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dballzposting · 10 months
A bit ago I was looking through someone's blog on the tumblr and they were a big Bura x Goten proponent and I was looking at all of the stuff and marveling at how much there was and how much people cared.
Well I was just thinking about that the other day ... my personal dballzposting interpretation of that pairing is that they're like those two scenes from Clone High (season 1) where Joan moves her arm and JFK reflexively flinches (seen below)
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Cartoonish rendition seen below
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Sorry I gave Goten this epic swag ninja rattail thing. Don't know why it came to me. Won't happen again sir. Also I gave him a facial scar becasue one day he and Trunks were playing with swords and Goten wasn't paying attention and Trunks got him good. Well anyway
It's like well there is an age gap of 13 years between them so this wasn't easy for Bura to pull off. But she's a force unto herself and as soon as she set his eyes on him she wasn't gonna take no for an answer. At first it was just sort of uncomfortable but as she got older and more serious Goten started to get the sense that he was in over his head. And that this was a battle that he wasn't going to win.
Still though he held out for as long as he could and there would be momenbts where Bura would show up at the sword training dojo that he runs with Trunks and he would Not Look At her and focus on the sword in his hands and say "Don't bother me Bura I'm busy training with swords. Your brother is in the other room" and she would say "You know that I'm not here to see him you darn dirty candied son of a bitch."
Like OKAY: Here's my complete explanation. But first here are some memes for them
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^ I couldn't find the precursor to this one which as I recall said "me and my bitch don't argue she tell me to shut up and I do." well thats the one that I want here
First here's the shit that I think is true about Goten and Bura always, no matter your purpose:
Goten has lived a really well-lived life I think. Which is to say, for the most part, he has had total autonomy. Obviously he will always bow to the orders of his mother, and he has always been respectful toward his elders, but it comes from a place of love and respect and he feels that those things are reciprocated. His perception of life has been expansive and sunshine-filled. He's always excited for another day. He feels as though he has power over himself and his actions, but also, he's comfortable enough to surrender a certain amount of control to fate. He's secure enough to be vulnerable.
He's always been Trunks's BFF and he hangs out at Capsule Corp quite a bit. When Trunks's new sister was born, it was a time of growth for the both of them: Trunks began to internalize for himself all the big-brother-habits that he's seen in Gohan over the years, and Goten finds the joy of witnessing a new generation below him. It's not a tough transition for him to relinquish his baby status to his new niece and Trunks's new sister; rather, he's excited to be a loving support figure, same as was always and still is shown to him.
So while he's been living his life to the fullest, he's also been somewhat present for the younger crowd. But keep in mind that he's still a youth himself. He definitely does have the virile life energy of a nubile tomcat. He definitely does make throes of city friends and he definitely does become an honorary member to many frat houses over the years. And by the time we arrive at GT times, he's self-absorbed and sort of shallow, in the way that a 23-year-old man might be. He's got one thing on his mind, and he's always been self-honoring. He's chatting up GIRLS.
We can assume that as he gets older he becomes more worldy and wise because .. well that's natural. We can also assume that more of his energy is spent sitting on deck chairs and cracking open a beer than it is spent on doing keg stands at parties.
Eventually, and I don't know if the timeline was ever disclosed, but he does canonically open a sword-training dojo with Trunks. Fuck yeah. That's the coolest shit.
So that's a schema of Son Goten right there.
Goten has always been nice to Trunks's sister becasue yknow that's what you do but he definitely is not obligated to care about her the way that he is about his niece. That's one of the strong points of Trunks and Goten's relationship actually, that they're not under familial obligation to give a shit about the other, which is why it's extra meaningful when they do bond, and it keeps channels of honesty open. And yknow, Goten and Trunks aren't gonna be MEAN to Trunks's kid sister, but it's no surprise that, in their self-serving interests of youth, they frequently find her to be a nuisance.
But here's the thing about Bura. She's a freak of nature. She's perfect. She's the perfect blend of her mother's insanity and intelligence and her father's fierceness and conviction. She's born knowing that she's of a special family and she takes to it very well. She was born with a Saiyan regality that Trunks just does not have. And she's damn stubborn. As a kid, if she wants to hang out with her family, then she will. Trunks isn't allowed to be mean to her so he has to kind of do what she wants to do. He can roll his eyes or complain or avoid her, but if she demands Mario Kart then Trunks has to play Mario Kart with her. He can set limits and compromises but she's still getting some Mario Kart time out of him. She's not the princess in a mocking way, she's genuinely a born princess.
Furthermore, she frequently considers GOTEN & TRUNKS a bore. As a baby they're fun but more and more as she ages, she's sort of fed up with them. She's 6 years old and she thinks they're annoying as hell when they're not bringing her to fun places. At age 7 she's speaking computer lingo like her mother and grandfather, and finding camaraderie in the 1's and 0's. She has friends of her own, and I know this because a spirit like hers would not content herself with isolation. She goes out and grabs life by the horns. She takes what she wants. She has this inborn fire. By age 10 it's undeniable: her presence of character way exceeds that of Trunks. Trunks finds himself avoiding certain rooms in the building that he senses are her territory, and though we can all pretend otherwise, on some level he knows that he no longer holds any sort of seniority or power over her: if he speaks and she complies, it's only by her grace. And it's a relief when she chooses to listen, because you will not win in a fight against her. This she gets from both parents: Bulma's womanly way of bringing the hammer down in verbal battles, and Vegeta's fiery persistence and confidence. When dealing with Bura, you get the sense that she has something unbeatable in reserves, and it's best to quit while you're ahead.
She's taken to power in the house naturally, and it makes perfect sense, given the circumstances. But Trunks just completely isn't like that. He never knew there was power to claim, and even as an older sibling, he could never establish a respectable presence. He bossed around Goten their whole lives, but then even the healthy Goten emotionally matured ahead of him. Maybe it's just Trunks's personality - in good health, he's easy and cool and chill and doesn't want any fire or electricity or anybody to hold power over anybody else. Or maybe some early life event set him in a weak direction, like a difficult birth or Bulma's inadequate new-mother habits. WHO KNOWS. But he just doesn't have what Bura has.
This is all something that is believable always. I will say this always. By age 9 Bura had already MASTERED fashion, as her outfit in GT so clearly shows.
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You literally cannot improve upon that. She nailed it. And I'm of the belief that she stays winning.
So anyway. That stuff is true always. Now back to the bullshit
So essentially if you ask me how I think a Bura x Goten plot could go, there is really only one answer and it goes exactly like this:
Bura for whatever reason sets her eyes on Goten and that's it. Her will is written in stone. As soon as she set her eyes on him his fate is decided and that's it. She's an unstoppable force and he is not an immovable object. This is inevitable fate. Not even King Yemma can help him now
What happens is that Bura, for whatever reason, as she moves through puberty, decides that that Son Goten fellow is worth her attention. This is already so funny on its own. Do you know those stories of endangered birds in zoos imprinting on humans, and then falling in love with a zookeeper, so the zookeeper has to hang around and act as a bonded pair with this bird in order to encourage it to raise eggs properly? And it's so fucking bizarre but so so so beautiful too? It's kind of like that. When she's 15, he is a straight-up a 28 year old man. LIKE....? WHY......?
HE IS A FULL-ON 28 YEAR OLD MAN .......... WHY ?! He walks around in man jeans. He picks his nose when he thinks that no one is looking. He listens to Rob Zombie. He's sort of a disappointment. WHY HIM...??
I..... It's so funny but you can't argue with her becasue she's always right. She sees something beautiful and we're all going to let her have this. But it's just ... yknow ... she could have her pick of anyone in the world. She has friends her age I'm sure. She has boy band dudes at her disposal. She doesn't have to be this way. Why would she be this way. I was trying to make the argument that she's beyond formidable but maybe with great power comes great insanity...? That seems to be a trend. For example Bulma is a genius but she's also crazy. Dr Briefs & Bikini are crazy. Everybody's a weirdo here
I don't even think there's any "reason" like "her parents had her when they were old so she imprinted upon older individuals and can't help but to be drawn to them and to find herself in their midst" like NO that is NOT BURA. She's improbably invincible and won't be affected by reasoning like that. She's just weird. Or maybe she could sense that Goten is the kind of guy who would let a chick eat him alive and so she's just feeling chemistry between their natures idk. Either way, Goten looks young for a 30 yr old given his Saiyan blood, and it's not uncommon for pubescent kids to crush on matured adults, right? So this is a harmless situation, right?
Bura is very forward when she has something to communicate so this little crush of hers doesn't remain a secret for long. And Goten is whimsical enough to have a laugh of it. He's like "haha Trunks not to brag but it seems like your sister thinks i'm cute. I just turn all the heads. Poor thing can't help it. I'm sort of the epitome of male attractiveness so it makes sense ... she's a girl becoming a woman after all." and Trunks tells him to PLEEEAAASE shut up but Goten thinks it's funny. He lets himself be flattered but wholly unaffected. If anything he's sympathetic: "I remember being that age. I got a crush on a mannequin I saw in a window once. It's a weird time but I've no doubt that she'll persevere."
Trunks is frowning over it but Goten has a laugh of it. Ultimately, he's too busy being TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD to care much. Trunks is still president of Capsule Corp, but the both are talking these days about getting back to their roots. This is the seed that'll later become their sword training dojo, but for now it's just bittersweet reminiscing and a subtle sense of being lost.
They don't know that Bura's little fixation is anything more than ephemeral and senseless, or that it'll become a viable problem. Goten doesn't know that when Bura visits Pan to hang out, she's begun to ask her questions like "your uncle doesn't usually stay with a girl long, right? Do you know why? What are the odds that he'll be married away in the next, oh I dunno, 10 years?" and Pan every time is like "Bura I'll shoot you in the forehead if you ask me that again."
Bura is like "Pan your uncle is cute af" and Pan is like "YOU'RE INSANE!!!"
Bura is like "the boys at school are cute and all but they all have so many opinions that they think I care about. The only opinion I care about is whether Goten would want a big wedding or a local affair" anbd Pan is like "THERE is something WRONG WITH YOU....!"
I mean they have the ability to hang out as normal and talk about Literally Anything Else, and they do, but Pan just has to be made aware that her friend Bura has evidently dedicated herself to weirdness with a fierce conviction, and this is just who she is now. Pan is trying to look ahead and figure out a career while Bura already KNOWS that she's going to usurp her brother as President and make a husband out of that Son Goten yet.
So now: while Goten has had an expansive and sunshine-filled life thus far, he's beginning to settle in spirit, and he's beginning to feel a touch of discomfort at the semi-frequent moves made by Trunks's teenage sister. At first it was endearing, but now - just a bit - Goten is starting to feel affected. Like he's involved. He wasn't really involved before. He was free to do as he pleased. But now he's feeling a smidge uncomfortable, and he feels pressed by circumstances to say something.
It's just a bit, at first. In theory, he still has total autonomy. He could turn around and walk home at any point. But he says something like "Okaaaaaaaaaay Well Trunks would you mind having a chat with your little sister about boundaries and personal space and appropriate language and whatnot?" But all Trunks can do is shrug and concede that "I don't really have any power over her Goten......."
It's a little harrowing. But ultimately harmless: she'll grow out of it.
But again, Bura is a force to be reckoned with. This does not diminish with time, but instead she picks up not just INTENSITY but EFFICIENCY. She becomes more and more sold in her ways. Goten can't "Does Your Mother Know" by ABBA his way out of this one
(sidenote this is in my top 10 fave songs and has been as long back as matters .. the looping bassline drives me crazy .. And i think it's really classy too. So tbh just let me have this)
Anyway. So over the years one gets the sense of "oh shit she wasn't messing around." "Oh shit she really means this." "Oh shit this isn't going away." "Oh shit."
Goten has always enjoyed his freedom, but lately, he's begun to feel like a shark is sniffing him out in the water. He keeps pretending that there's nothing going on and nothing to fear, and this denial keeps him safe from the realization that: Bura is a strong-willed Saiyan woman who has made her decision. It's only a matter of time now.
Goten for a while at least has the defense of "Not until you're a day over 18 sister" but that's all semantics. Time is inconsequential and will dutifully pass.
It's like this growing spiral of constriction, if you will - every new attempt at rediscovering that old sense of a boundless world is met with another hang-up or closed door, and it's subtle, but Goten can't run forever from the reality that he is being tracked like an animal and that his place of power has long since melted away.
And there's a lot of hang-ups - life is tumultuous right now. In the family, Pan is undergoing a spiritual discovery herself, and her ineffective searching is unnerving even to others. She eventually works on the family farm for a while, which is something that Goten is trying to uproot and leave behind. But he can't seem to keep a woman, and if left to his own devices, he would settle into the melancholy and respect the beautiful sadness he's seen until love blooms anew again; but seeing as his single status is a threat to his livelihood as it is tantalizing to the shark, he is nervous. Trunks is at his breaking point when it comes to his job, and Goten hasn't felt nourished by their friendship in a long while. He wishes he could help, but Trunks can't realize his fantasies of running off and playing with swords in the mountains until there is somebody to take his place --- and it all comes back to Bura doesn't it. She's 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, then 21 - Goten is in the middle of nothing until she finally relieves Trunks of his presidential duties and takes the chair.
Then Goten and Trunks are free to run off and fuck off, which is cool, and life is good again. It was a bit tense for a moment there but it's good again. It was a bit scary for a moment there, and Goten in a moment of weakness had seen for himself the inexorable reality that is his romantic predispositions as a male saiyan, and he had grabbed Trunks by the shoulders and begged him to please do something about his huntress of a sister, becasue Goten was only a man after all and of the stock of his father and he knew how it had gone with his parents and he knew how it had gone with his brother and he knew how it was going to go for him and he wasn't ready to lie down and take it yet and he needed Trunks to do soemthing to stop this becasue Goten at this moment felt that if Bura made one more convincing pass at him then he wouldnt know what he would do. And Trunks, feeling affronted, and in the knowledge he too is powerless, and in a transitory time in his life as well, could do nothing but punch Goten in the jaw and then cry into his chest.
But that was like a few months ago and it feels like years and it's all good now. They can forget all about all of that. That was all bullshit anyway. Now they can follow their passions and play with swords. Bura is too busy with the new job to be a nuisance. Trunks doesn't have to mourn the way that he feels like he never got to have a relationship with his sister becasue he was always fecklessly trying to keep her away from his BFF and he just had to pick one. It doesn't matter because he can play with swords now. He doesn't have to think about the devout fearful aversion that he holds for the strong-woman-eats-man dynamic because hes out in the mountains playing with swords with Goten. He doesn't have to witness that pattern in his parents and grapple with the way that his own conception revolved around the dynamic of a man lying his spirit down, or submitting to a womanly force. He doesn't have to think about the way that his father of strong character had warned him about women like that. He doesn't have to witness that dynamic in his parents, or in Goten's parents, or in anyone, because right now it's just he and Goten up there in the mountains playing with swords. Trunks doesn't have to face the horrific distress of bearing witness to his best friend being hunted and shot down by a woman of will. He doesn't have to see Goten grip at his shirt in fearful desperation, the fear of a man who already knows who is in possession of his soul; the fear of the body wanting to live and fighting against the spirit who can see and accept death. And Trunks especially doesn't have to sit and try to digest the ungodly amount of rage he feels toward his own sister, who has always gotten her way, who is trying to steal Trunks's most important friend from him, and who has forced Trunks to reconcile with his own weakness and vulnerability at the courtesy of her own strength.
So everything's good up there in the mountains. And I'm unsure on the timeline but they play with swords and do some exploring and traveling and discovering and eventually they see it fit to open their own dojo. Life is good.
But Bura will still come around like she always has and she'll walk into the dojo that they're trying to renovate and her red heels will clack on the ground like it's nobody's business. And she'll talk to Goten and he just has to stare at his sword and avoid looking at her and sweat stoically and insist "I'm with another girl again now you can't keep pushing your shit Bura..." and she just stands there in her perfect outfit with her hands on her hips knowing damn well that this battle was over with as soon as it started. And over the years life has been good and bad and scary and fun and they've had their laughs and tears. And it's really no big deal. Bura could have anyone in the world, if she wanted them. Right now she's perfectly satisfied in her professional life. She sort of misses the female camaraderie but she's willing to wait until Pan is done with her soul-searching journey before reconnecting with her again. She trains enough and socializes enough and feels enough that she's doing really good for herself, like always.
She's 25 years old and she stands at the attention of this poor 38-year-old bastard. Goten avoids looking at her in the eye, or at all, same as Vegeta did to Bulma when he first started to feel her effect. Bura instinctively knows the signs.
Goten is an open kind of person. He doesn't like denying and repressing things for long. It's counterintuitive to him, someone who places a certain amount of respect in and relinquishes a certain amount of control to fate, to keep fighting against the current for forever. He craves the comfort and relief of lying down with grace. Saiyans keep fighting until they're dead, but only for interests of the self, and Goten doesn't see it fit to keep fighting against himself like this.
He doesn't look at her because he knows that she's already won. He's just biding his time. Obviously he would have preferred that things had gone differently, and he wishes that a woman of his generation would have committed to him the fierce way that Bura has, but them's the cards. At the end of the day, Goten is very much a "Oh well. Play the cards that I'm given" kind of guy. Meanwhile Bura is the one who's dealing the cards.
He doesn't look at her until all of him is ready to. There's still some fight in him that hasn't accepted fate yet. That's fine. We've all the time in the world. It marches dutifully on.
There's literally a day where Goten and Trunks are cloudgazing in silence and then Goten slowly gets up and says "........yknow what Trunks. I'm um. I'm gonna go visit Bura.. See what she's up to." And he doesn't hang around for a response, he just starts walking away. And there's nothing of worth that Trunks can say because he knows exactly what that means and he can't stand to see it. He would rather spend his whole life fighting the will of a woman, to prove that he has power, and that it's possible for him to win. He could never accept the outlook that it's inevitable, that that's just biology. He's been fighting on Goten's behalf for years, keeping he and Bura in seperate rooms, trying to vain to talk some sense into the both of them, making sure to keep Goten's fighting spirit up - and to think that all of that effort could amount to nothing...? That Trunks cannot vicariously heal the wound and insecurity that he inherited by circumstances of his conception and by witnessing his parents' relationship...? That Goten's submission is a mark of grace and strength, and not of anything else, is obvious but incredibly difficult for Trunks to digest.
Anyway, though. I don't know why a 25 year old woman would want to be with a 38 year old man but Bura is just funny and crazy that way. They get married too. She marries a 40 year old. IDK why but it's funny. And BTW I forgot to weave this in but all of their parents have opinions on this arrangement too. Sort of. Goku doesn't care. Chichi has many qualms, such as the age gap, or Bura's busy lifestyle hamstringing her housewife potential, but she's also glad that FINALLY her second son is to be married! Bulma takes start but of course sees beauty in the way that her daughter will do as she will. She probably thinks it's funny in the end. Vegeta's opinion is really the one I want to talk about though because it's so simple and straightforward and factual to him
See unto his son he's imparted the idea subtlety that: women are stronger than men. He tells Trunks to never stop training, to keep improving, to be stronger than the world, etc. Out loud, he says things about minding your own strength and that chivalry is needed when it comes to women, because you cannot abuse your own strength. But in his BEHAVIOR, it looks to Trunks less like chivalry, and more like getting pussywhipped. Vegeta TRIES to argue with Bulma and ALWAYS loses. This has set up Trunks to feel distrustful about his own vulnerability and about aggressive women in general.
Unto his daughter, Vegeta has implicitly imparted these beliefs of his. While he never SAYS outloud anything about men and women and their dynamic, his beliefs regarding do come through. He raises Bura to be completely confident and self-loyal. He encourages all whims and passions of hers. He even bends to her opinion sometimes, like in GT when he shaved his mustache because she said that he looked awful with it. Why would she have that opinion? She's just a fashionista 9 year old who is saying shit. She may change her mind tomorrow. Who's to say that she's right about anything? She's 9. BUT he not only honored her opinion, but deferred to it. This is the reality of Bura's upbringing. And when she bears witness to strife between her parents, she always feels assured that it is her side who will win in the end.
So when it comes to Bura maintaining a committed crush on Son Goten, Vegeta's opinion is simple: GO FOR IT GIRL! The fuck! What're you asking me for?! You come from a long line of people who win hard. Furthermore, all of your opinions are correct and your spirit is perfect. Your path of maturity has been only beautiful and your potential is pure. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that nobody will surpass me and I expect you to do the same and if I die by your hand I will be proud of you. That won't happen because I'll never quit ever but if it did happen I'd be proud of you. Anyway. Love is a woman's prerogative and you've made a decision. We are all going to respect that.
And then Vegeta looks at Goten for 3 seconds one day and in that 3 seconds perceives the perfect truth: That this bloke will be a respectful husband and will absolutely do as his wife says. He'll be the strong man behind the even stronger woman. This is fine and natural. All is right in the world.
You may think that he'd have opinions about his daughter being with a son of Kakarrot but he doesn't. He's always treated his children as self-realized individuals and they are free to do as they do. Their ways aren't up to him. He can do his best to inculcate nerve and honor in them but he cannot, and is not interested in, controlling them. He has absolutely no opinion on his daughter getting with kakarot's son.
Anyway. Back to Goten and Bura and the ever-apparent vortex that she has him in that he eventually concedes to.
See Goten has Saiyan blood first of all so of course he likes strength in a woman. Nothing speaks of strength more than the tenacity of a huntress. Second of all, his upbringing. Look at his mother... she's strong, strict, decisive, forceful, stern, controlling. This is Goten's perception of women. He has been trained to respond to sharp orders by a woman. He responds well to it, actually. His mother has always loved him and he feels like he belongs when a woman tells him what to do. He feels like a good and proper husband when his wife tells him what to do. And he does what she tells him to do, too! He doesn't want to cause grief like his father caused his mother by being defiant or careless. This is his nature and upbringing. He responds very well to forceful treatment. Reciprocation to this is his love language, in a way.
He began to sense this with Bura a few years in, which is what fueled the fear - the idea that he was up against something that he was weak to. But eventually, he does have the grace to accept love, in any form, as it comes to him, and he does bow his head to circumstance, and he feels love by doing so.
This is the very thing that Trunks is so strongly against, and perhaps part of why his romantic exploits have always gone cold is because he in unwilling to accept that a piece of this is in his nature as well.
But yeah. Bura marries a man 13 years her senior and it's her prerogative. She and Goten have 3 kids exactly 2.5 years apart in age. Goten is a househusband and he's soooooooo happy to do it. He learns how to cook from his mother and he loooooves taking care of the kids. He's soooooo proud to have them and he loves them. He is so touched by beauty and pride for his wife's offspring, and he's so honored that they're his kids too. He's 40 years old and was starting to fear that he wouldn't have the time to be a father. He's so grateful that a young woman with ample reproductive potential chose him, because he almost missed his chance there. Sometimes he feels that it's too good to be true. He loves being a parent
When the second one was born he was sitting with Trunks and holding the baby and Trunks could see the remarkable tenderness, gratitude, and humility radiating off of Goten, and it made his stomach tie up in a knot. And then Bura (who has taken maternity leave to nurse the baby) calls from the other room - some sort of command - she summons her husband or something or another - and it's not a bark, because she's much too dignified and serene, it's just the loving order of a wife - and Goten responds reflexively - "yes dear" - and then seems to feel love as though the reflex were deliberate. He rises with the babe in his arms - and it's a healthy baby, too, though it's too early to say much else - and he doesn't properly excuse himself from he and Trunks's conversation because he assumes that Trunks, as a man, would understand and respect the beckon of a wife. This is the necessity of family.
But obviously Trunks hates every single part of this. He hates his sister for this, and the hate is too strong for him to engage in without losing himself so he just shoves it away. He misses his BFF and feels like he has nobody. Ideally Goten would have taken on literally any other woman as a wife, and then Trunks could maintain some closeness, but his sister has lived a pervasive pattern of running him out of his own territory (house space, parents's attention, work) so he can't even just sit here. He wants to be delighted by his nephews but he feels so difficult inside about it.
It's soooooo miserable for him but Goten loves it. He LOVES not having to think too hard or make difficult executive decisions - Bura already has opinions, a plan, Bura already knows. I imagine that their age gap makes it weird sometimes - Goten has this old man wisdom while Bura is a girl of the city - but they are able to close this discrepancy with surprising frequency and efficiency. Bura can maintain a thoughtful, emotional, perceptive conversation. Goten can feel honored by her words. She responds to him with consideration, in her assertive way, and he even forgets his place sometimes and tries to get her to open up before she chooses to. She likes this about him.
Obviously everything to up to her and she decided that she wanted 3 kids 2.5 years apart and he was like Ok. And she already knows what she wants to name her first son and her first daughter, and she not only lets Goten but WANTS Goten to name the other(s). She does love him. For some reason. We still don't know why. But now that it's all said and done, they do play well together.
The first kid is a boy and she names it something like Thong or Sock idk to fit the nomenclature on her mother's side. The next one is another boy so Goten gets to name this one - and obviosuly obviosuly OBVIOUSLY he names it Gohan III. The last one is a daughter named Eschalot. Obviosuly.
Anyway that's my post and unsolicited opinion on Bura x Goten.
Take care
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