#Still don't trust those writers btw
mondritter · 4 months
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If you dance, I'll dance I'll put my red black dress on, get it on And if you fight, I'll fight It doesn't matter now, it's all gone
I had drawn this as an air bag for the today's potential dissaster.
Pls let them be happy and make it permanent for God's sake 😭
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ioniiaa · 3 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 1)
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Quick Notes:
This is when both reader/you and Alastor are both alive. (... we'll probably end up in hell later on btw...)
Reader is an artist/painter.
*disclaimer: i'm not a great writer, nor am I good at writing characters*
Part 1:
On a cold, dreary night, you take solace in a speakeasy to escape your dreadful home life.
You, the reader, are stuck in what feels like a hopeless, loveless, and potentially abusive marriage that was arranged by you and your husband's parents as more of a political/business move.
So you find yourself sneaking out to the next town over at night whenever your "husband" is away. On nights like those, you left the ring at home. It was only a reminder of your hellish life, you wouldn't let anything reminiscent of your husband come with you to your little escape/happy place.
During your occasional outings, you befriended the speakeasy's owner/proprietress, Mimzy, who becomes your most trusted confidant because you didn't have any "friends" or family you could trust- they were the ones who put you in your living hell after all.
Mimzy also became your biggest fan and patron once she found out you're an artist/painter. Many of your paintings became centerpieces at the bar and your art became synonymous with this prestigious speakeasy of hers.
You pocketed all this money and didn't even have to hide the fact that you were painting. He hated art, so as long as it didn't stay in the house, he didn't care where it went. It was the one good thing you had going for you.
After a particularly prolonged period of time of your husband being home and having to endure so much of his bullshit, you find yourself seated at Mimzy's bar with a drink in hand.
A while into the night, but while the night was still young, you hear Mimzy's voice talking to a voice you've never heard before. You were a regular, so you knew all of the other regulars (you were more of an irregular regular, due to your visits being erratic because it all depended on when your husband was out of town).
But this voice caught your attention immediately. When Mimzy and this unknown man round the corner, your head whipped around, just to lock eyes with this new visitor to the bar.
Upon meeting your gaze, you are met with an unexpectedly warm smile, which makes you gasp and make you debate if the man or the alcohol was the culprit of the blush on your face.
Mimzy walked over with the man and introduced him and you to each other. You extended your hand towards him, and much to your surprise, he laid a gentle kiss upon the top of your hand and told you his name. "Alastor."
After witnessing this exchange, Mimzy giggles and runs along and goes to chat with the other patrons, leaving you and Alastor to chat on your own.
Oh and chat you do, yes indeed. You lose track of time and before you knew it, it was time to head home.
Not once in your life had you lost track of time talking to someone before. Never had you felt the butterflies in your stomach like that. The kindness and genuine interest this man showed you, being attentive to your every word, you felt alive. You don't know the last time you felt like this, if you ever have.
-> Part 2
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I'm sorry, but if the first thing you do to your dead-and-resurrected son after he reveals his identity is to beat him mercilessly, maybe consider therapy??
I get it, Jason did all sorts of stuff that's, how do I put it, frowned upon, but he went after people who trafficked children and sold them drugs- not after innocents or minor criminals.
"I'm what this city needs." sums his whole character up. If violence against the violent is what it takes to ensure the civilians' safety, then so be it.
Can you blame a kid who was raised in a house that was constantly on fire (fig.) because of drugs and abuse if he grows up to despise those things especially when kids are involved? Can you? I, for one, can't, and don't want to.
Jason was 101% right to do what he did. And he was 101% right for telling Bruce off for his clouded judgement and useless moral code.
Again, "I forgive you, for not saving me. But why on God's earth is he still alive? [...] I'm talking about [killing] him [the Joker], just him, and doing it because he took me away from you."
You can't not get what Jason means with those words, they aren't hard to decipher, there isn't any hidden message. Jason wanted Bruce, his father, to get rid of his son's murderer because said son was pried away from his father's hands, starved, tortured and blown the fuck up. A kid, barely a teen, was fucking killed, and his father brooded and mourned but didn't get shit done to avoid violating his own moral code.
I don't believe in the "once you start, you don't stop" myth, because trust me, if Bruce had let Jason kill the Joker, if he'd "supported" his decision (not like "Yes, do it!" but at least "I understand, I see your point, I won't stop you.") Jason would've probably stopped killing after that. Or, maybe he'd have stuck to major drug dealers and lowlives involved in human trafficking and underage prostitution- maybe only the ones that had been in and out of Arkham for decades and didn't show any remorse.
Jason would have, 101%, become less violent, less murderous, and less scared. He would've healed.
(BTW I love the whole Under The Red Hood arc and I'm happy that things went the way they did because, as a fic writer, I have lots of fun with all the angst! I love it, wouldn't have it any other way. Just- you know, just saying what could've happened!)
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dduane · 1 month
Salutations and good wishes to you. I am an Indie Author seeking to go Pro. Some good advice and guidance might help minimise the mountain of my anxiety about doing this. I know you got your start with fanfiction, but did you find a publisher/agent through that door? [lots sneer at these days. Still] How many rejections did you suffer before you found your place in the literary world? Thanks for your time and sorry for bothering you <3
Hi there! And don't sweat it: this is no bother.
I have to apologize in advance, because my own career arc isn't likely to serve as much of a good example. In terms of how I got into this business, I'm a serious outlier.
Quickest and easiest to discuss: my agent and I got together after my first book was already bought and published. (Which back in the day was seen as a good enough way to go forward, and then still entirely possible.) He was recommended to me by one of my editors, as—like me—he was just getting started in the business: a likely-looking newcomer then scouting new talent. We met up and chatted, and it seemed to both of us that we'd be a good fit for each other. After forty-odd years of working together, we still are.
About the fanfic: (Adding a cut here so as not to carpet people's dashes with wall-to-wall text...)
What writing all that fic did for me—from about age sixteen onwards—was give me a whole lot of practice in getting the initial garbage associated with a story written and out of the way. Best to admit it here: we all have plenty of crap writing in us. And yeah, even long-term professional writers do. Whether you're at the beginning of your career or right in the middle of it, this is what "zero drafts" are for. You tell yourself the story, first time out... and routinely at this stage a lot of what proves to be unusable stuff emerges, and can be discarded in rewrite. (Of course crap writing can also emerge without warning in the later stages of a project, but there are many reasons for that, all beyond the scope of this discussion.) And you learn even more from reworking the material after you've gotten rid of the dross.
During the period when I was executing what might have been, oh, half a million words of fanfic—Trek originally, and then LoTR—and while reading a whole lot of everything, as I'd been doing since I was first allowed to go raid the town library by myself at age eight—I learned a fair amount about writing without realizing it. Some of it was simply about writing inside a set of rules. (Which I hadn't been doing previously: between eight and sixteen I was writing original fiction, mostly fairy tales.) Naturally in fanfic you have to obey the laws of whatever universe you're working in... or even if you wind up flouting them consciously, you do have to be conscious of them. But this work also led me to something that I hadn't really spent a lot of time thinking about: the concept that fiction writing as a whole had rules. I realized I'd better find out what those were.
The best stuff I found out during this period was what I picked up by direct example from other writers, whom I'd immediately start imitating and then sort of leave by the wayside when I found others I liked better; at which point I'd start imitating them. (This being a great way to learn and hone new skills, and to start getting a sense of what a writer's "voice" is and can come to mean. I think every writer does this, to some extent: because it's really, really tough to learn how to write without reading. And the more extensively the better.)
I have to emphasize here, BTW, that the fanfic that came out of me as I started slogging up this learning curve was all almost uniformly terrible. All of it, mercifully, along with my earliest original fiction, is gone now: long since burnt, shredded, composted under many layers of time. Trust me, it's just as well. Gah was it awful! Nobody else ever saw the stuff, for which I thank great Thoth every time I think about it. ...What's interesting, too, in its way, was that I didn't even know that what I was doing was fan fiction. I had as yet no contact with any kind of organized fandom, and it would be a long time yet before "online" was invented. I was working in utter isolation, unaware that anybody else might have been doing the same thing. (And it's difficult to describe the sense of astonishment and joy that hit me the first time I went to an SF convention, saw fanzines for the first time, and found out that I was not alone. All unsuspecting, I'd stumbled onto one of my tribes.)
But somewhere along the line, as the years went by—as I finished high school and went to college, and then from there to nursing school, and graduated and started working as a psychiatric nurse, and kept on writing—at some point, as I started writing original fiction again, as well as fanfic, the quality of the output began to improve. The combination of constant practice and voracious reading of better writers outside my chosen genre was slowly having an effect. Trusted friends who saw this later material started saying, "This isn't bad, you should try to get it published!" But since none of these folks were writers, I didn't pay too much attention to their opinions.
I did pay attention, though, when my good friend and mentor David Gerrold said something similar on reading my first novel in 1976. And when that was bought by the first publisher who read it, I had to admit he might have had something there.
This too, though, is unfortunately also a way I'm an outlier: I haven't had a lot of rejection. (Even in my TV work, where rejection is pretty much the rule rather than the exception.) Speaking very generally, just about anyone I've pitched something to in the prose market has bought it—or if they didn't like the idea I came in with, they've immediately said "But would you like to do this instead?" And often enough, what they've offered or suggested has been something that sounded like fun. That's how I wound up doing the Star Trek: Rihannsu books, for example: they were "instead of" a Romulan dictionary. Paramount essentially ringfenced an entire AU-area of Trek and gave it to me to play in, which struck me at the time as amazing. And continues to do so.
Now all this may make me sound almost unfairly lucky. But things do tend, slowly or quickly, to balance out. Over time the universe has made up for its relative kindness at the rejection end of things by making sure I knew plenty about the non-rejection forms of writer-career pain: projects from which I was not rejected but which went terribly wrong (wheels come off a huge deal just before signing, promised actors or directors fail to materialize...), projects where I did the work but didn’t get paid, or where I was brought on board and then got fired/ghosted unreasonably or for no reason at all, or sometimes (mortifyingly) for quite good reason. And let's not forget how, as what could seem a very pointed shot across my bow when my career-vessel was just pulling out of port, half the print run of that very-much-buzzed-about debut novel wound up being pulped in the warehouse because another, far better-established writer's new book needed the pallet space that mine had been taking up. (insert rueful smile here) Believe me, entropy is running, and will catch up with you one way or another. So make yourself as ready for it as you can.
I don't mean to increase your anxiety. Yet that said: you're preparing to enter a business in which, for a freelancer, at least some level of anxiety is more or less part of the basic ground of being. You are going to have to develop ways of dealing with the everyday forms of that to keep it from routinely derailing your work.
I find it helps a little if you can come to consider this as a modern form of Going On An Adventure. Good things will happen; bad things will happen; and all of these will be in service of building your career. Think of yourself as being on a quest.
Your job now becomes the business of suiting up with the best equipment and advice you can find (ideally not from outliers like me). The web is full of useful pages on subjects such as how to query and how to find an agent.
Here are links to some.
Compare these resources one against another to see how their different kinds of advice seem to stack up, and which ones are the most congenial for you.
Then use this data to start drawing your personal roadmap across the terrain. Get as clear as you can in your own mind about what you're trying to get out of being in this business: what kind of writing you want to do and what results you want to produce. Then set out, redrawing your road map as necessary as you keep moving forward through the new terrain.
And I wish you good fortune on the journey! (Because luck, as you can see from the above, can definitely be part of this... but fortune favors the prepared.)
Meanwhile, get out there and have a blast. :)
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Once again I'm here because I'm angry. There's been a lot of talk about Boston and what Jojo wanted or not to say about sluts and whatever. I, and other people I think, were struggling with the idea that Jojo would actually want that message out. So I went to see some interviews. And got kinda shocked about one thing that he said. (btw this is an actual quote.) He was talking about Boston reasons for his behaviour Jojo: Bad people don't need to have a backstory. They are just born sluts. A bad character doesn't need... (and then the interviewer says - he doesn't need tragedy to be bad) Exactly. And then he gets asked if he thinks Boston needs redemption and he emphatically says NO. And then talking about how much fun is writing the character he says this: Boston is such a fun character to write. yeah unpredictable he's like, he doesn't care. he doesn't have morals so we just like goes with the flow. bad people? no morals? humm... i don't know... So yeah, now I don't really know what to think about it. I was wondering what are your thoughts about this. I'm still gonna watch some more of this, because I'm a masochist that needs all the information, but yeah, I thought I would share. Thanks for the space
Yiiiiiikes. Okay, first let me preface this by saying that whenever I am reading/watching something that was either translated to English or spoken in English by a person with a different first language, I try not to get too hung up on specific word choice. By necessity we tend to go for the simplest possible words to convey meaning in those situations, and thus a lot of nuance gets stripped out.
That said, the sentiment is clear: Jojo saw Boston as a villain character without a moral code that he could deploy to cause chaos wherever he liked in the story. And he is definitely conflating his villainy with sexual promiscuity, which is the worst part of this quote and unfortunately aligns with the way that finale, and ultimately the themes of the show, were written. It definitely makes me side eye Jojo and as I’ve already said, I won’t be so inclined to trust him nearly as much next time.
Only Friends, however, has more than one writer, and I don’t think they all see it this way. If you think Boston is purely an irredeemable slut, you don’t write his breakup and reunion with Nick in the way that this show did. You don’t give depth to his situation with Atom. You don’t show his sincere emotion, his hurt, and his earnest desire to be with Nick while he can. With all the info we have now and in retrospect, it kind of feels like there was a bit of a tug-o-war going on with Boston’s story.
My understanding is that Den Panuwat, one of three writers on the show, is the one who adapted the novel version of the story, and there he changed Boston’s final arc significantly. Rather than Boston fucking Atom, he made his final conflict about his dad’s political career with Boston’s sexuality being used as a weapon against him. He wrote Boston and Nick ending on good terms. And he wrote a final chapter for Boston where he arrives in New York, finds a more accepting society and queer community who accept and understand him, and thrives.
I’m sure there were some non-artistic reasons why we couldn’t get this version of the story in the show (the politics story was likely vetoed for censorship reasons and they probably couldn’t afford to show us Boston in NY, for example), but the fact that Den wrote it signals that his perspective on Boston is not fully aligned with what Jojo said in that quote above. Perhaps we have him to thank for the empathetic portrayal and humanity we did see in Boston despite Jojo’s perspective on him. And Den has another show coming soon, so maybe we’ll see a clearer read of his own perspective on queer sexual politics without the GMMTV restrictions when we watch Playboyy.
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ohdeerfully · 1 month
OhDeerfully's Discord
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I already have a post like this, but since it's been some time and the server has been flashed out a bit, I wanted to make a new post with more details!
Click to Join!!!
All About It
first of all, if you like my writing, the discord is a great place to get in touch with me! i love chatting with everybody. plus, i have my own little corner where i post sneak peaks to my fics and links to new posts as soon as they come out
we also accept all citizens of alastor nation
also just a general place to chat with other writers, get feedback for writing, request writing, etc. etc. all about writing!
the server has come a long way in just a week (or two i dont really know tbh), and still growing!! help me build this empire >:)
everybodys welcome! you dont have to write your own fanfiction to join or anything; just connect with other hellaverse fans!
also i may plan a hazbin hotel (or something else) watchparty later on, so u should totally join for that it would be awesome
as stated above, there are a handful of writing related channels from self-promotion, requests, feedback, etc.
share your art too! and OCs if you have them. we eat those up like crazy. theres a "share your OC" tax to joining the server btw (im joking)
fresh baked roles. standard color, gender, and interests roles but also choose which of the seven deadly sins you are, and where you are in the hellaverse hierarchy! fun stuff. we are overrun with overlords and its awesome
honestly just a fun, little growing community of real nice people who all share a passion for hazbin hotel, helluva boss, and fanfiction!!
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^also we have this emoji specifically which i think is neat I JUST LOOKED AT THIS ON MOBILE AND REALIZED HOW HORRIBLE IT LOOKS IM SO SORRY
Really Simple Rules
rule #1 be awesome B)
also please be respectful. considering my blog is an 'x reader' type blog, there's no shortage of that! if that makes you uncomfortable (especially alastor x reader), this server may not be for you. if you still join, just be polite!
minors are welcome. i know hazbin is pretty NSFW, but please don't post anything explicitly nsfw. i can make an 18+ restricted channel if needed
tbh i trust yall to behave so i dont need to be more strict
Click to Join!!!
still not sure? no worries! you can easily access the link later on all of my fanfic posts! or, you can find this post under the '#ohdeerfully discord' tag
if you have any questions, feel free to DM me!
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masezace · 8 months
little off topic for my blog, but i started watching a new show since a friend mentioned it was good and i'd heard positive things about it, so i just wanted to talk about it a little bit (probably never again after this since this isn't a fandom blog, but it's the only one i have rn so idc it's going here)
the show is Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous, and just going on looks alone, despite my love for dinosaurs and the Jurassic Park franchise i never would have considered it. it appears to be very much for kids, and as i'm in my late twenties now i'm not particularly interested in especially kiddy media. however a friend my age enjoyed it and mentioned it has a canon lgbtq+ couple in it among the main characters, so of course i just had to watch it. i had already been hearing that despite its initial appearance and premise, it was surprisingly good for a kids' show, so i had already been curious, but i was even more keen after knowing there were queer characters, and not even the adults, the kids themselves (in a kid's show?!! what a time to be alive), so i finally sat down and watched it.
[spoiler warning, both minor and major, for the rest of this post btw, so continue reading at your own risk if you haven't seen it yet/are still watching]
the show overall
okay so firstly, i am coming at all of this from the perspective of a writer, so my observations are from a technical standpoint more so than just as a fan of the show. and honestly, it really is a well-written show as a whole. is it geared towards kids? definitely. there are plenty of jokes/gags in it that just don't appeal to me as an adult, but beyond that, there was plenty to appreciate as an adult.
the writing is actually phenomenal? there were several points in the series where i just sat back and mulled over the way a scene went, what the thought process behind writing it was like, how well it was executed, and how important it was to the characters and overall plot.
the suspense is spot on, nothing gets dragged out too long, and i will admit there have been a few scenes throughout that actually got me; i jumped! it's actually scarier than i expected a kid show to be, but i'm so glad they went where they did because it really elevated the experience.
the pacing overall is very good, adequately engaging for kids' short attention spans (and us adhd adults 🥲) but not too short either to a point where things felt abrupt or unfinished. plot arcs are well developed and tied up nicely. also, as a bit of a dinosaur nerd, the array of dinosaurs in the show is super broad and satisfying! very fun stuff.
character element
imo the real gem of this show is the character development. honestly it's just *chefs kiss*
the characters grow and change so much and so realistically over the course of the show, it's honestly so much better and more satisfying than the character growth in most adult fiction/media recently.
the growth in ben (who btw was def my favorite character by the end of s1) and kenji in particular were my favorites and, in my personal opinion, the most interesting. the way ben started out anxious, cowardly, and rule abiding to a fault, then grew into a brave, confident, adventurous little pyromaniac gremlin, then had that stint later in the series where he regressed a bit-questioning himself-until eventually ultimately striking a great balance and really coming into himself was just... peak character writing.
kenji started out overconfident, lazy, and overly concerned with money/status. but that arrogant overconfidence and laziness slowly turned into responsibility, and a desire to protect his found family, and the realization that it's the people in your life that really matter most.
honestly what i mentioned only scratches the surface in terms of those two characters, there's certainly more that can be said about them (as well as all the others) but i'm not really in the mood for a deep dive character analysis atm. just trust me tho when i say these characters are so well done and each one of them have arcs that are super satisfying to watch play out.
queer representation
and as for the queer couple? yasmina and sammy are PERFECT. it was so beautiful watching their relationship grow from one-sided to mutual friendship, to loyal devotion, then to love. they were set up incredibly well and incredibly naturally. i have like, no complaints when it comes to them. i don't even know if there's anything i can say that would add to things, they were just a really awesome couple to watch become canon, they're the beautiful and painfully needed representation we all beg for in tv and movies.
shipping, chemistry, and intent
but oh goodness... probably my only real complaint about the entire show would be how benji (ben x kenji) and kenji x brooklyn (kenlyn? brookji? idk and idrc) were handled. because for all that this show did SO much beautifully right, they really screwed the pooch here, sadly.
i'm gonna start by saying that the writing in this show, as with most, is deliberate. what i mean by this is that despite having no clue who it would be because my friend thankfully did not even spoil me as far as the genders of the queer couple, i clocked yas and sammy as the would-be queer couple as early as season one (actually it was between them and benji, but more on that later). i could already see the chemistry, because it was deliberately written in.
shipping is subjective. anyone can ship any character, and in most cases it's pretty easy to see how there could be (romantic) chemistry between fan pairings based on their personalities, their arcs, etc. and that's okay! ships don't even have to have any canon support to be valid, because shipping is for the fandom, and it's for fun (i have a few rarepairs and crack ships across different media that i just love).
but onscreen/written romantic chemistry is a lot less subjective (to clarify, it is subjective whether or not the chemistry is good, but it's not subjective about whether or not it exists). there are literally scenes written with the sole purpose of building the romantic tension and/or chemistry between planned couples (some of which even have absolutely zero plot relevance, which usually is not advised tbh, and most of which are the cliches/tropes you see in literally any romance ever written, some are just disguised a little better than others. but make no mistake, it's all the same set of cliches. there is nothing new under the sun), as well as intentional, key moments within scenes that have other purposes. they are essential to establish romantic pairings.
and typically, the foundations for these couples are laid VERY early on. always within the first or second season (well, at least they are when the writer actually knows what they're doing and has at least a rough plan/outline for the entire series & characters. this is usually a large part of what separates the good chemistry from the poor chemistry. an author who knows who the couples are going to be and has a plan from the beginning to build them up is going to be more successful in creating a believable relationship with good chemistry. one who does not plan, or makes last minute plans will almost certainly fail, and the couple is just going to suck). when the set of characters you're working with are going to stay the same for most or all of the story, you start immediately.
i don't mean to toot my own horn, because i think it's because i'm a writer so i just pick up on narrative patterns very easily, and pretty much always clock the planned couples within the first few episodes of any series, and by the end i am right like 9 times out of 10.
that being said, do you know whose deliberately written chemistry i also clocked in jwcc? ben and kenji's.
kenji and... brooklyn?
no offense to people who like/enjoy kenji and brooklyn, you are free to love them, but the way their romance was written is... quite possibly the weakest point of the show. it felt like they were just trying to appease the upsetto heteros in charge, because there was definitely another het pairing that had a lot more potential than kenji and brooklyn (hello darius x brooklyn aka darilyn, you would have actually made sense because your relationship had amazing buildup and multiple standout scenes from s1 on. dgmw, i love that we got a m/f strong, supportive, purely platonic friendship out of them, i live for those and we really need more of them. but we could have had that with kenji and brooklyn, or darius and sammy, or ben and yas, literally any other pair instead).
kenji and brooklyn as a couple came out of absolutely nowhere. i honestly think they decided to shove them together last minute, and had no actual plan for them until they were working on s4. because their development barely started at the VERY end of s3 (the abruptness of him caring about her being held hostage so much more than literally anyone else in their group despite them having like zero buildup to that point gave me whiplash), but honestly didn't really even become "meaningful" development until s4, over halfway through the series. the two spend the first 3 seasons basically not particularly gaf about each other individually, only as part of the whole group and on an equal level with everyone else. they otherwise have no deliberate narrative foundation. it just starts in s4 with no prior hinting. which makes their development rocky and difficult to believe. the funny thing is their characters literally have dialogue (in s4) trying to draw comparisons/parallels between them to say that they especially have a lot in common and like??? no? they really don't? not any more so than any other two kids in the group. their relationship just, really falls flat.
it was disappointing to see it take such a massive spotlight in the series for almost all of seasons 4 and 5, overshadowing the friendships that have been the focus of the show and should have remained so, to the point where at times it just felt like i was watching some stereotypical het highschool romance. genuinely, it made s4 & 5 more of a drag to get through. yasammy and ben and yas' growing bond (which by the way was so sweet, it had the strongest queer solidarity vibes good lord, i sure wonder why yas chose ben out of everyone to come out to first, hmmm) were some of the few things that kept me invested, otherwise i would have dropped it if it had leaned much farther into becoming the kenlyn show than it already was. especially when it was that pair so much of the focus was given to, even though we had so readily and perfectly available, the pair that could have, should have been: benji. which finally brings me to:
ben and kenji
benji's foundation was laid in s1. their interactions, the situations they found themselves in, were deliberate (on the writers' part). i'm even gonna go out on a limb here and say the pairings were fully established in s1e3, even with parallels between yasammy and benji (sammy clinging to yas and ben clinging to kenji throughout the episode), and darilyn gets the beginning of their development too.
even though they bicker a lot in the beginning, they clearly care about each other? kenji protects/helps ben multiple times, and there are definitely some looks ben gives kenji at times. at the end of s1, the one who seems the most deeply effected over ben's "death," other than darius (understandably since he's the one who failed to save him), was kenji! immediately after it happens, we get two close up shots, darius and brooklyn then yasmina and sammy. after which, we go back to the whole group with kenji in center frame, the focus is intentionally on him. it is only kenji who drops to his knees at the loss, and then we get a close up of just kenji. he was saved for last, and he was alone in frame (tbf bumpy was in frame too, but i'm talking humans here), which implies his feelings are especially important in this moment. that is the reason for solo close ups.
after ben's "death," kenji takes to always wearing ben's fanny pack, and up until bumpy--who ben cares VERY much about--got separated from them, kenji was the one who (however briefly) took over her care, ensuring she got off the monorail with them, and he's extremely distraught, more than pretty much all of them, when they can't find her, and he's last to leave when they decide to accept that ben's gone. even when they do leave, he's distant and distracted and his mind is clearly still on ben.
other than darius, kenji is the only one (if i'm remembering correctly) to mention ben/say his name after they lost him, upset because he was actually trying not to think about him. he has clearly thought about ben, probably a lot, because it's hard not to be reminded constantly when you wear something that belonged to a deceased loved one. and frankly, he appears to be the only one who dwells on him that much.
when ben reappears alive (which btw he found the group again because of kenji's butter knife, hello), the frames literally purposely focus on kenji's reaction. he's the one in the foreground every time they show him and brooklyn in that scene. he is the first one to say ben's name, the first one to go to him and hug him, and the scene takes special care to highlight kenji's strong emotions at ben's reappearance, lingering on his teary face as the focus for a bit even after brooklyn enters the frame to hug ben (because she is not at all an important element in the scene at that moment). just like when ben "died," the way this scene is written and shot HEAVILY suggests that ben holds significant importance to kenji, specifically. because again, the focus here is on kenji and ben almost exclusively, with brooklyn as only an afterthought lol. and quite frankly literally everyone else's reaction to him being alive was pretty lackluster compared to the special attention they gave to kenji on this.
and then in s3 we have the infamous hat scene, where darius and ben are in the limo and ben sees and mentions kenji's sailor hat, looking sad and sounding like... longing?? then directly after we switch to kenji realizing he forgot his hat?? the scene has no real significance tbh other than to draw a connection between ben and kenji. like, it acts as a transition to switch to the pov of the group on the boat, but it was entirely unnecessary? why not just have darius say something about the others and then show them on the boat? if there were no special relationship between ben and kenji, it would have made far more sense if they really wanted it to be ben to say something, that he sees the hat, and sadly says something along the lines of "i hope the others are okay/doing better than we are right now/etc" which implies that the hat made him think of everyone, their whole group. rather than what we got... which very much implies that he was mostly just thinking about kenji 💀 and then kenji thinking about the hat at the same time ben's looking at it and thinking of kenji. like, this is.... a very blatant connection being made by the writing/directing here.
all of that. so many deliberate connections made between ben and kenji, they had a very solid foundation laid for a romance to develop, and by all intents and purposes one already WAS developing according to the show's own subtext. which was why up until s4 obliterated the idea, i was positive the queer couple in the show was either going to be yasammy or benji. it was extremely obvious imo. but as soon we started getting the typical, loud, cliche "we are going to pair off these characters" scenes for kenji and brooklyn, i knew we were getting yasammy and not benji (to be clear, i'm not at all upset about yasammy, they're beautiful and i love how their relationship was done, i wouldn't have had it end any other way for them. but i do personally prefer benji, i just like their personalities and dynamic more. and i feel they had so much potential that got wasted to make way for a far less interesting pairing between kenji and brooklyn. why can't we have 2 queer couples, huh? and if we really needed a minimum of one hetero pairing to appease whoever needed appeasing, darilyn was right there).
but then??? their like entire bond just gets dropped (honestly ben himself gets pretty heavily sidelined for almost all of the last two seasons, which is criminal imo). mostly so that a rushed kenji x brooklyn can be established. like there are still a few small moments here and there in early s4, and one episode in s5 (ep 10), but from early s4 till pretty much the end of the series we hardly see them have any meaningful conversations or interactions, meanwhile literally every other combo in the group does.
it's so weird? why build up benji so deliberately over the course of multiple seasons just to like, fully discard it for a pairing with far less chemistry, even after the chemistry-building scenes they shared, some of which literally had no other purpose than to affirm their connection? even though they were very sparse, the moments benji had were just so blatant (kenji leaps into the rock crevice right onto the back of a saber tooth to save ben?!!?? like he literally was just willing to exchange his life for him like that?? he basically says that he wasn't really thinking, he just did it. so he moved out of what, emotional instinct, that's what we're meant to intuit from that series of events? implying that he specifically has strong emotion and doesn't think things through when it comes to ben? because he doesn't do that kinda stuff for any of the others in the group! even better, this parallels when sammy jumped on the nothosaurus to save yasmina. and then the way benji look at each other after it's over??? hello??? and then how kenji pulls both brooklyn and ben in for that hug a couple minutes later... side eyeing the writers for that choice. they knew what they were doing there and they were evil for it). i just can't see any reason to have dropped them like they were, after all the development they shared for 3 seasons. confounding. biggest disappointment of the series.
i know this probably reads to some as just "wahh, my ship didn't become canon" nonsense. but that's not why i'm bugged. this wasn't just a ship i liked and wanted canon despite no actual narrative support, as most ships tend to be. this ship did have narrative support. there was intent behind many of their scenes together, lingering looks and little things that matter narratively and are always used to signify a stronger/special connection. and it led nowhere, for no good reason. that bothers me. writing that implies and promises something, but never delivers on it. like a person who never finishes their sentences (think Dr McPhee from Night at the Museum). ultimately it's not a HUGE deal or anything, at the end of the day it's just a ship and just a kids' show. but as a writer, it's just irritating to see something like that be done. what can i say 🤷
even despite the wasted potential between certain pairings, and even though i do think the first three seasons were superior to the last two, overall i really enjoyed the show, and for what it was, it was really well-made. the overarching focus was of course on found family and friendship before anything else, which i absolutely love, and it was masterfully done. out of 6 kids, all of them had at least one or two meaningful bonding moments one-on-one with another in the group, so every possible combination had their moment to build strong, believable friendships with each other. i'm just so surprised by how good it was as a whole honestly, good enough to binge over the course of a week. i will happily recommend jwcc to anyone willing to give it a watch regardless of age, because i definitely think there's no age limit for a good story, no matter the medium it's told in. :)
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negrowhat · 9 months
Top 5 “oh” “oh” moments? (Aka when one person realizes the other person likes them.)
Oh fun! Btw I thought you meant "oh moments" like the main realized they fell in love so thanks for clarifying! Top 5 "Oh he likes me?" Moments
Love in the Air. Payu notices Rain likes him pretty early on and the exact moment (for me) is when Payu shows up to the code party and Rain is literally sending Payu the "come fuck me" eyes and that was basically all the green light Payu needed to devise a plan.
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Gameboys the Series. Gav and Cai were just reconnecting after Cai finally felt like he was ready to return to the online world after the tragic passing of his father. He and Gav were preparing to play an online game and Gav couldn't find Cai's screen name because he changed it and he's typing in the new name as Cai tells him, "Baby ni Gav." This was the moment Gav realized that Cai did in fact like him back.
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Kinnporsche the Series. Ep 6 aka The Forest of Realization. I think both Kinn and Porsche had their moments in this ep. For Kinn I think he realized Porsche liked him when Porsche was willing to sacrifice his hand to free them from cuffs. And for Porsche I think he realized Kinn liked him when he was willing to let him run away. Like I know they were vibing but I think those moments really confirmed things for them.
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Lovely Writer. After Nubsib picks up his drunken crush Gene actually admits to liking Nubsib but I don't think Sib actually trusts the confession. I think later when Gene tells him he's confused and Sib asks him why and Gene struggles to answer, that was the moment. That was the moment Nubsib realized Gene liked him even though Gene wasn't sure, Nubsib was.
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We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd. The reconciliation scene. Shi De FINALLY tells Shu Yi the whole truth behind their breakup and genuinely apologizes. It's clear he's not expecting anything from Shu Yi at this point. He just wants to tell his truth. The absolute RELIEF and shock on his face when Shu Yo reveals he still has their couple's bracelet. It's then when he realizes that Shu Yi still loves him and wants to get back together and, most importantly, forgive him. It was indeed an "Oh he STILL loves me" moment.
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This was fun! Thanks anon!!
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yonemurishiroku · 4 months
Hiya yone! Recently my brain has been infested with bugs that want me to make a Circe Nico AU (Nico is Circe?? Kinda.) You are the glorious fanfic writer who can conjure up anything from anything, so please do your magic.
I'll try my best, however I only know like. 2 stories about Circe at best? So please don't put too much trust in me lol 😅😅
The first one is when Odysseus visits her during his return voyage to Ithaca. I forgot most of it (typical me) except that she turns his crew into animals, which Odysseus managed to convince her to undo and if I'm not mistaken, they live together for a while?? Let's just go with it.
As for this story, I think it would fit best with Jasico? Mainly bc they have that sort of enemies-to-lovers air (Jason distrusted Nico at first). Jason is best fit to be a returning hero, too. Though the Cupid debacle is like heaven and earth with mere convincing on Odysseus' part, I reckon we can work around it with enough maneuver. Why does Nico accept to turn them back? - Maybe he's feeling generous, maybe he's a petulant lonely witch who wants people to stay but never knows how to voice it, and ppl often run at the first sight of him, so he just turns them into animals to keep them by her side.
In the end, Odysseus leaves Circe. This aligns well with the fact that Jason just dropped dead shortly after he and Nico became friends. Which is a funny (and depressing thought) if you put thoughts into it. Which I can't atm lmoa.
Anw. think of it as a piece of quiet Jason has given Nico in the expanse of his loneliness. That, though he was swept away by the natural order of things at the end, Jason did try his best to alleviate Nico's pain. So I reckon there should be a little bit of affection - if not love - in there.
The second story is, well, Circe and Scylla. And the male lover whose name I forget.
This is a classic case of jealousy - so who fits it better than Percy, the canon epitome of every jealous trope in the history of fiction?
sorry that was my pettiness talking. Anywayyyyy, I suppose I don't need to talk about this... I mean it's pretty clear who is who and how the story transpires: Circe is in love with that-something-sea-god, who is in love with Scylla, so Circe turns her into a monster. The only difference between Circe and Nico in this is that he doesn't do anything to Annabeth (even refuses to hate her still. gosh).
But that wouldn't be Percico, is it? So I say just say fuck it and make Percy a sea monster or something Idk. A witch living secluded in an island with his beloved sea monster? I'm in.
Another choice would be to make Annabeth the bad one but I'm in no position to make that propose.
If you still want to keep the story, and if you're any of an unhinged person like me, just make Nico the villain. Well, Circe is the villain in this story, yeah? Embrace it - Nico as the powerful witch, whose loneliness-induced jealousy wreaks havoc on even a sea god. What's left is not love - because love is the last thing Yone needs in fanfics srsly - but an impression of terror, of how disastrous Nico's love can be.
The concepts mix well in this case btw. I remember a painting of Circe pouring a plate filled with poison into the sea. Just imagine it - a blinding blackness spreading rapidly across the lapping water with just a touch of Nico's dainty finger. The shadows overlap with the roaring waves - the black undercurrents raging all the same - and darkness swallows all those whom he call enemies. If Percy's the sea and Nico's the lightless bottom, dark, mysterious, and full of threats.
That's everything I have atm, I guess. Sorry for not being able to help much :(((
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yiminsuu · 1 year
Can you like.... Write something (maybe like Nsfw of Fluff) about Freyr? I really loved the one with Tyr BTW
You mean write a headcanon or no...? Please be more specific for writers. And thank you, I’m happy you liked it! 😊💕
↳ NSFW Headcanons
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The first thing you need to know about Freyr is that he is very charismatic and competent, and Kratos might say otherwise, but we all know Freyr is probably the only god that has been able to unite realms in war to stop one common enemy (correct me if I'm wrong).
So you meet Freyr and he doesn't trust you immediately, as any good leader should, but time passes and you keep protecting and fighting for Vanaheim and he develops a small crush that he prefers to ignore... Until he can't that is, and Lúnda keeps staring at him with an amused grin that just makes him uncomfortable.
Freyr is the first one to check on you when you get hurt, he won't leave your side even if you are safe and sleeping.
Makes one or two mistakes daily when you catch each other staring, he’ll smile like an idiot in love.
Sometimes he just enters your tent to see how you are doing and if he can spend some time with you without thinking about war. Those are the moments he adores.
You need to go into the wild and pick up some stuff? No probs, he goes with you, there's no way he's going to let you go alone, he's there to watch your back... And ensure that no certain Aesir will touch a single string of hair.
Loves touching you, without realizing Freyr might get cozy when you are near. Places his hand on your shoulder, caresses your arm down to your hand slowly, and sometimes even touches your hair if only a little.
You'll be the first person he thinks about when he wakes, and the last thought to drift off to sleep.
The second thing you need to keep in mind is that he is an absolute funny/awkward flirt (don't change my mind), he'll try hard to get your attention.
Doesn't care if you are shy or extroverted, I think the kind of person he would want to be in a relationship is with someone loyal, someone he can cry onto when the thought of Freya haunts his mind, someone he can trust to be himself and not be judged. He is opening his heart and soul, and he'll still be afraid.
Protective. Freyr always puts you before him when you are in danger, you are everything he desires in life, and he won't let anything happen to you now that you are his.
Freyr feels distressed the first time you see him taking the Vanir 'herbs', and it is an addiction and he admits it, if you are willing to stay and help him, he'll see you as the angel that saved his life multiple times.
Kisses, kisses and more kisses. All the time and everywhere.
He also loves kissing you even in front of others.
"Later, Freyr... Not here..."
He chuckles. "Don't be ashamed now, last night you didn't mind me at all."
(I swear Brok and Freya are so done with the two of you).
When he's asleep he will cling to you like a koala to a tree, some nights he’ll whisper the fluffiest and sweetest phrases in your ear. If you try to pull away he'll snuggle you closer.
He loves the little things like your hands interlaced, or brushing your lips together in the dark.
If you perhaps stay at camp and the group goes off to protect Vanaheim, when he comes back he tackles you to the ground, happy to see you again.
Nicknames! Freyr loves to call you 'sunshine', 'darling', and he's getting used to 'princess'. There are times he'll mess with you and call you 'my cutie patootie', he says you are adorable when you get mad.
Dances in the moonlight, Freyr will take you somewhere more private and spend the rest of the night with you, and there is no need for music to make it perfect, looking into his eyes is enough.
Freyr loves you, and he shows his feelings for you every day. Understand that he has a lot of work to protect Vanaheim and he stresses over it often, you are the only one that gives him light and warmth.
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zepskies · 5 months
Hey Zep!
I love your writing, especially been enjoying the Soldier Boy series stuff and the latest with Smoke Eater!
(Btw are you taking inspiration from One Chicago (Fire, PD, Med) with it? If so kudos and I love it, big fans of those series myself 😊)
Anyway! I’ve really been enjoying your works, been pouring through them and the stuff you have on AO3. I also thought your tips for writing were super helpful!
I’m back to writing myself after a long ass break, but always struggle keeping inspiration so a lot of my work sometimes goes unfinished. I’d like to ask how you keep motivated and continue a fic even if sometimes you’re not into it? Do you have any tips or tricks?
Thank you and again, love your work!
Hey there, lovely!! ❤️
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked Break Me Down and are enjoying Smoke Eater too! ❤️‍🔥
(Oh yes, indeed I am! 😊 I love all things Law & Order and One Chicago. I based firefighter!Dean on Lt. Matt Casey in Chicago Fire, with a little Severide flair lol.)
Thank you again for reading my work, both here and on Ao3!! I'm also glad that my writing tips have been helpful to you in any way. I came back to Tumblr and writing in general after about a year break myself, so I feel you there.
I absolutely LOVE your question though...
Because it's something I still battle with myself. I think all of us writers and artists struggle to stay motivated, no matter how much we love our craft. I do, however, have a few tips that help me immensely.
5 Tips to Stay Motivated to Write:
Be organized. Create a realistic, attainable schedule. ✍️
My brain works in checklists, bullet points, very methodical. I can't write chapter five before chapter 1. I can't write a series (even a mini series or a long one-shot) without outlining first.
So my first step is creating a schedule for myself: from sketching the premise, to bullet points/outlining, to actually sitting down to draft, to then editing. When I'm working on a series, I write the first 3 to 5 chapters before starting post it.
This means I have a head start. I commit to writing a chapter per week after that until the series is done. This give me lots of time and wiggle room for editing before posting each chapter afterwards. For example, I wrote the first 5 chapters of Smoke Eater before I started to post. I'm now in the middle of drafting Part 19 out of 20 even though I just posted Part 11.
Now, this doesn't mean I don't slack off lol. If I don't follow these steps I lose my discipline. I can get lazy. (We won't talk about And So It Goes. 😅 I've been sitting on writing the last 5 chapters for a painfully long time.)
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But I have other tips that help me get my head back into the game.
2. Revisit the thing that gave you inspiration in the first place! 🍿
Rewatch, reread, revisit the episode, movie, book, story, artwork that stroked your muse and had you daydreaming and brainstorming about the WIP you're working on. That can be a good way to revitalize you when you feel your motivation lacking.
3. Create a music playlist. 🎶
I love doing this, especially for a series. I often create a playlist of songs that remind me of the setting, the characters, the romance I'm trying to create. Whether it's the words or the tone/rhythm that get me going, music inspires me greatly.
(For Break Me Down, for example, I listened to songs like "All My Living Time" by Radio Company for the vibe of the plot, and oldies like "If I Didn't Care" and "You're Getting to Be a Habit With Me" by Mel Torme for nostalgic 40s vibes/the romance.)
4. Go for a walk. ☀️
I walk for exercise, but it also gives me time to daydream and run scenes in my head while vibing to my music (sometimes looking like a crazy person as I nod and make hand motions lmao). This helps me clear my head, get some fresh air, then come back to my laptop with a little more pep in my brain, ready to write.
5. Encouragement and feedback from others. 💞
This really helps, of course. Whether it's someone you trust to read over your work, or seeing how people react to your initial chapters after you post them. Both can be very motivating to keep going, at least for me!
And I'll be transparent, I've gotten a bit fatigued while writing the back half of Smoke Eater. I have a lot going on at work and my personal life at the moment. But seeing how people have been commenting and giving feedback on each chapter -- the mystery, the connection between Dean and the reader, the various storylines happening -- it's been incredibly motivating for me to read those back and remember that people are enjoying what I'm coming up with. It helps give me the push I need to get the rough draft out.
And a rough draft doesn't have to be perfect on the first try. That's why it's rough. I call it the "throw up draft." Just get it on the page. The editing process is where I truly find the nuance in the dialogue, refine the plot, exposition, etc.
Anyway. I'm long-winded again, as usual. 😂
I hope this helps you! If you have any other writing questions just let me know. I love talking about this stuff! 💕
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dallonwrites · 7 months
I'm reading Real Life by Brandon Taylor right now (love btw) and it's basically showing me in real time what I've thought about prose for a while as someone who mainly learnt from writing "flowery prose"
Brandon is really good at having this smooth, precise prose that I think really works with the type of book Real Life is ("slow" plot, only covers a few days and really sinks its teeth into small moments about relationships across those few days). But I think he's also really good at knowing when to go deeper with the prose and when to keep it simple. Like there's this part that sticks out to me because there's a line that literally is like "the grass is very green and very straight" and all I can think about is how in a lot of writing advice I've encountered about prose and descriptive writing, that would be used as what not to do. That you should use something more "interesting" than something like "very green". But in this scene it worked really well for me because it fit! IMO it suited the rhythm of the scene, the vibe, what the focus was on, the narrator's character voice. The scene already had a lot of atmosphere, emotion, conflict, urgency etc. and this line still effectively added to it in a way that was quick and simple that suited the rhythm/beats. It's not just that Brandon chose not to be descriptive then, it's that what he chose to do what JUST AS if not MORE effective for the moment!
And like I LOVE playing and experimenting with language and prose I think it's so fun. I think a lot of the advice about prose and descriptive writing, things like show don't tell and advice about adjectives/adverbs and using "too simple" words, words like "very", are great introductory tools to intentionally think about exploring your prose deeper. But like all writing advice they will not apply to every writing situation. These advice and craft ideas are important but what's imo more important is understanding when and how to use them to best benefit a moment. Knowing when prose will benefit from being more intricate and descriptive and when something simple and bare will not only do the job but do it more effectively. And it doesn't just vary from writer to writer or from story to story, but scene to scene imo! Brandon has some beautiful descriptive lines in this novel that to me are not inherently "better" than the very green line just because they are more complex, both do what they need to do and are effective in their own moments
And this is all stuff I already felt. I have projects that benefit from really saturated, dense prose and others that benefit from really sparse prose. But seeing an author who I admire a lot use these "simple" descriptions and not just use them, but use them well, because he has thought about what moments will benefit from simplicity and what won't, was really reassuring. Writers trust yourselves!! You know your prose, your voice, your book, and you are allowed to do what others may consider "breaking" the rules if it feels like the right move for your writing
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the-jester-doc · 5 months
If you would allow me to talk about dumb shit:
Hyaline.exe, as a ship, kinda shows off things... I'm not sure what but I feel like I'm onto something. Please note each bit is completely unrelated
First: the disbelief phrases.
Writer above.
The writer is the god above gods. And in a culture where gods walk among men, he obviously ends up being the closest thing to a capital G God. He is the WRITER the god ABOVE gods. There is a linguistic evolution of them shortening it.
Meanwhile, from what I can tell, peaks.... Is just a place. It's probably important, but... It's replacing god. How important can a mountain be? This is a genuine question please help me make my mini essays this little bit easier.
Second: the two idiots scenes together
The easiest one.
The ghost wrote his experiences into thinly veiled fanfic. You could read him like a book (Literally)
Meanwhile, hyaline basically tells nothing, other than who they hate, and who they don't.
And, of course, the most important scenes, the kisses, and the "I love you"s.
The ghost has been, possibly, my most changed character who still stays in their own logic. His redemption was never planned. I just thought it would be funny, and now he is genuinely one of my nicest characters. This is not a joke. He wears his heart on his sleeves around those he trusts. And he trusts hyaline WITH HIS LIFE.
Him leaving his pocket dimension for anything could spell years of agony for him, followed by Being un-existed. Yet he left repeatedly to go hang out with... Well, let's be frank, a mean weirdo loser who everyone hates.
And that's who he is risking his literal existence on.
Because he sees something.
Someone who has made the same mistakes as him.
But hyaline stood up for him too. When the ghosts of the past (or, let's be frank, the shittiest co-worker imaginable) came knocking, they were also ready to risk life and limb just to help him. If they know it or not is up to you.
And three: they both really need therapy
Oughhhhh I love your thoughts btw— and here’s a little Evershock lore rundown to explain the Peaks thing!!
Evershock (the game Hyaline and Hyper are from) is centered around three heroes who all fit the criteria to a prophesy to save the world. Basically,, waaay in the past, a bunch of wizards and sorcerers created the Great Peaks (physically, it’s literally just a mountain range) to purify the evil monsters into beasts docile enough to benifit the world. (Basically, they invented animals by making a magic mountain) Well,,, the wizards prophesied that the mountains wouldn’t always work and a hero would wield the sacred weapon, the Evershock, and save the world forever. One day, the largest of the Great Peaks cracks in half and the spell is undone, spurring the prophecy.
The Peaks are effectively god: a higher power that protects and gives. Saying “Great Cracked Peaks” is like saying “Jesus fucking Christ” etc etc. Hyaline says it more than Hyper does because Hyper has been exposed to the internet.
And the thing about Hyaline only saying who it hates and who it doesn’t— VERY intentional. Hyaline is a textureless faceless shadow of Hyper, and sees itself as such. Hyaline doesn’t think it’s anything more than it’s hatred for Hyper, and so Hyaline’s opinions on people become the only thing it thinks it is. Hyaline wants to make Hyper pay for what he did to it, and wants to do it without help.
And BRO. Hyaline would ABSOLUTELY endure torture specifically to piss off someone who tried to boss it around— even more willing for Apples.exe. Because ‘he’s different’— I said that was just gayness but it’s really true because no one treats Hyaline the way Apples.exe does, and Hyaline notices it even if it can’t fathom why. (Everyone hating on it is totally deserved btw— hyaline is a jackass) Also let me just paraphrase the “[[ I don’t feel anything. I wonder if I’d prefer constant pain…]]” line here cause uh- yeah.
And yeah. Get these mother fuckers a therapy session. Like, yesterday.
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bitin-and-barkin · 6 months
Demon Slayer Fic
Hey I was dead for five years because I was busy sucking too much dick
ANYWAYS, I have another possible fic, but this time a demon slayer one. It's really shitty but hear me out:
For hundreds upon hundreds of years, humanity had been ripped apart bit by bit. Families torn apart, people forced to helplessly watch as their loved ones fell, and thousands upon millions of lives lost. All gone, lost, and dead as the result of one man’s selfishness, arrogance, and cowardice. Muzan Kibutsuji, the first demon and the king of them all. Even a man sent from the gods above to end it all ultimately fell, with Muzan still living on despite it all. Hundreds of lost souls and spirits refuse to rest until he is put to an end. Until all demons are put to an end. And as the numbers of those lost souls increased, their anger festered and festered until something was made. The culmination, a being from light, made entirely out of all of those souls anger, agony, and grief was created. You were created, and you collected Muzan's dues. He had ran for too long, and now his time was put to an end, just like how he had ended so lives many before. But now that he was put to an end, that meant one thing. You were now the demon king, and your work wasn't finished. You still had many demons left to reap.
But you know what happened to them. You know what happened to the demons that got them here. You know this isn't your world, and neither is the anger, the power, the drive that got you here. The souls are still screaming for vengeance, for peace. But you don't want to slaughter them, do you? How do you make victims forgive their killers? How can you find it in yourself to have pity for them? How will this story play out? Who's side will you take, the demon slayers or the demons? How will the demon slayers find it in themselves to trust the Demon King? Are you any better than the demons you were sent to slaughter? Is there something that can be done? Can peace be made? What will you do?
But, no matter what choice you make, the light that you came from shall shine through.
Anyways pretty much it's sort of a demon king reader x slayer corps x upper moons. Kinda cringe but also cool since I'm tired of "soft submissive readers" who bend to the hashiras/demons will. I want a reader who could squish the other like a bug. Reader is gender neutral (referred to by they/them, but will wear clothing uncaring of how fem/masc it is) and I'll try to keep the description of them like that. If theres any smut reader is dom/top, no exceptions. It's also going to be reader interactable where the readers will be able to vote on decisions your character makes.
It heavily inspired by another writer as they came up with the concept but I don't remember what's their name so if you're able to find a demon slayer writer who made this tell me.
Btw I have no plot in mind other then what I wrote here so I'm bullshitting this as I go along.
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nalyra-dreaming · 10 months
Hi! Do you remember Sam saying that "lestat needs to understand it's his fault all people he turned into vampire left him" including Gabrielle and Nicki. Do you agree with him? Because unless they'll majorly change dynamics between Lestat and Gabrielle and Nickistat it's not his fault? Gabrielle and Lestat couldn't stay together because they ultimately needed different things and I always felt they understood that, and Nicki was mentally ill... I'm honestly scared how they'll spin those relationship because they changed a lot from loustat dynamic in IWTV (book), while they added more romance, they added more physical abuse too and outcome turned out completely different (in book there's grey area concerning Claudia murdering Lestat, in show he deserved everything and way more etc) I just really hope they know what they're doing. I saw too many takes and theories how bad Lestat was to Nicki and Gabrielle, and if those turned out to be true I don't know what to do. I get that Rolin wants character redemption arc, but the way lestat's character morally made way worse for that is not a good thing IMO. Lestats antagonistic role in first book was more because of Louis general misunderstanding of lestats character, who he truly see in the end of the book. In the show Louis knows way more about Lestats past already AND lestats way more awful to Louis and Claudia. It can't be simple miscommunication (in simplifying terms). So I truly trust Sam with lestats character but I don't trust writers and unfortunately Sam can't influence them (at least majorly) Basically I'm afraid of them making Lestat even MORE removed from book!canon for the sake of future arc when there's no need for that
Sorry for the rant, but you're one of my favorite blogs in fandom, and your answers always do thoughtful, I thought I'd share my concerns with you
Glad you like my blog!
Tbh, I differ a bit with the judgement of Lestat being removed from the books... The show pulled all the subtext up (*ducks away from Sam*), not just the implied sexual components, but also in regards to the abuse. The abuse is in the books, it's text, it's good to remember that.
And Lestat can be quite capricious, and an ass, and he is a killer. They all are. I don't think he is that much removed from book!canon actually, especially when you consider that... we haven't even seen the real Lestat yet.
The only(!!!) "real" Lestat we get in season 1... is "Come To Me". And if you look at the text there, it is surprisingly insightful, I've written about it here (and I'll go over it in today's chapter of 'Laden').
Louis is telling us his story, for an effect. He wanted to omit Lestat in Paris, and for that he had to be dead, and it had to be inevitable for him to be dead. The reason for this interview is still unclear at this point, though I believe it has a lot more to do with Daniel and Armand than the need for an actual second interview^^.
I'd be very careful with theories and metas taking only what is the "first level" of it all at face value, namely what Louis is telling to Daniel. That is a tale, and that tale has already been broken apart at the end of episode 7. Was it all a lie? No, most certainly not.
But it was not the (whole) truth either and told for an effect.
So, I'd... suggest not to fret just yet.
From what I've seen and what I've heard... there is literally no reason to worry. 😅
For all the characters btw, not just Lestat.
I think they did their homework, and magnificently so, too. That will show in all the relationships, in the one to Gabrielle and Nicolas, too, but... remember we are likely on Lestat's POV then... and that will be massively different.
The writers are playwrights, let's let them tell their tale :), and then we can judge after.
But I'm not worried at all tbh. Just giddy.
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idioticbaguette · 6 months
So... that David thing is pretty disheartening huh.
I don't want to believe that they truly have written Will's story to be about unrequited love, but I don't really know who to trust with queer storylines anymore.
If the Duffers want to finish off their show with an obvious, repeatable, and unoriginal ending so be it. If they don't want to preach their own shows message from WITHIN THE SHOW, then who am I to complain. If the show about feeling different, being different, and embracing those differences ends with an unhealthy het couple, OVER the queer one then I truly did give the Duffers too much credit.
It hurts like hell, because it was right there, right in front of them, and they just decided to throw it out??
This show could've and still could make history, both within lgbtq+ spaces and outside of them, but I'm extremely worried that we may have trusted the wrong writers with that responsibility.
I don't believe the Duffers would change the storyline due to Noah's behavior, (btw, what the fuck?? hello?? You're a grown ass man sir, keep your horrifying political opinions in your own skull and out of the ears and eyes of impressionable children please) If they did change it, not only are they cowards, but they're idiots. If they're so worried about him, fire his ass? recast Will? But, truly I don't believe they'd do any of that to begin with.
I still want to have faith, actors ACT, they lie to the press all the time, but this one scares me. I just hope that all the young queer kids that watch st, that root for Will or byler, realize that, despite what this show may be telling you, you do not have to settle for acceptance, you don't have to settle for 2nd best. You DO NOT have to put your feelings on the line to make others happy. You can be loved, and ARE, and SHOULD BE.
And I hope that the kids who may get reinforcement that you should stay in an unhappy, unfulfilling, loveless relationship learn that it's untrue. If your partner is making you unhappy, courtesy of El, dump his ass. If you feel unloved, dumb his ass. If you think your emotions are not being taken into consideration, dump his ass. If he needs his back rubbed and positive affirmations whispered into his ear by his "best friend," before he can tell you that he loves you, dumb his ass.
Anyways, I know I'm not helping here, but have hope. Remember that we cannot be told the ending, an actor cannot give us the answer we want, especially regarding situations like these. Byler canon is still possible, and it will hit harder than before knowing how many people may have given up on it.
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