raineandsky · 14 days
tw: wasps
The hero turns their attention to the supervillain on the end of row with drooped shoulders and tired eyes. “And you,” they snap shortly, “what’s your superpower?”
The villain sitting next to the supervillain snorts into her hand. The supervillain frowns playfully. “Do I need one?”
“I’m not a big pattern finder, but every one of you felons has had one so far.” The hero taps their pen near the bottom of their paper, where the supervillain knows their name inevitably sits in perfect black print. “What is it?”
“Does people management count as a power?”
If the hero’s expression turned any more sour it’d be unbearable. “Your real superpower, [Supervillain].”
The way the supervillain’s lips curl upward is an answer in itself. 
“You’re all here for a long time,” the hero says with a scowl, raising their voice for the other villains further down the line before turning their hard gaze back to the supervillain. “All the time in the world for you to tell me.”
A long time, in a hero’s book, is probably several lifetimes. For a villain, it’s a few well-spent hours. 
The villains blast a hole in the wall and escape into the night with whoops of laughter. The supervillain helps everyone clamber over the rubble, leader that they are, and is carefully guiding the last of their associates through the debris when a voice rings out from behind them to ruin the fun.
“Stop!” the hero calls, as if the villains have ever been good at listening.
Ah—that little twerp from earlier, with the tired face and the scrawling list of superpowers. The supervillain pushes the villain over the last of the rubble before turning to face their new nemesis.
They hold their hands up in surrender, their head cocked to the side. “Or what?”
The hero pulls something the supervillain can’t see from their belt as they take their stride pulls them closer. “Or I might get you in prison long enough to find out what your deal is.”
They step into a swing like it’s a waltz. The supervillain sweeps out of reach like their partner in the tune.
Just enough time to make sure everyone gets away. That’s all they need.
The hero moves in for another strike and the supervillain just about ducks their arm. The air slices over their head, and they finally realise that the hero’s weapon of choice is a blade.
“I don’t have a deal,” the supervillain says easily. “You must know that by now.”
The hero darts back from a swinging punch. “You do have a deal, because you have a superpower and you won’t tell me what it is!”
The supervillain lurches for the hero, like the melee will take their mind off the dangerous ideas they’re barrelling towards. The hero pulls to the side, just, their knife already poised to retaliate. The supervillain barely has the time to avoid them, and the consequence finds itself in a burning crimson gash across their arm.
“I have nothing to tell you,” they snap, careful to keep the distance between themself and the blade twisting in the hero’s hand. “Is it so hard to believe some of us are normal?”
“Considering all you scumbags do nothing but brag about how powerful you are—” Another swipe, another near miss from the supervillain’s face “—yes.”
The supervillain falls forward into another swing, but the hero hops aside like it’s nothing. The supervillain’s spent the last three hours escaping. The hero’s probably spent them sleeping. As much as they’d never admit it, the supervillain’s at a disadvantage.
They glance over their shoulder to the hole in the wall. One of the villains is lingering outside, watching with wide eyes and restless feet. The supervillain tries to make some gesture at him to leave, and he seems to take the hint as he turns on his heel and runs.
More time to make up for. As if they need to waste any more of it.
Looking away was a mistake realised too late. The hero leaps for them in that half second, and their blade scrapes a deep, jagged gash into the supervillain’s chest.
The sudden flash of pain makes the supervillain stagger. Another hero appears on the corner, and the supervillain knows this is over if they don’t do something now.
The supervillain swings their hands in a roundabout motion, their expression stony with concentration. The hero stops the other hero as she gets close, their eyes trained on the supervillain curiously.
The supervillain’s hands clap together. The hero flinches. Nothing happens.
Then, from the hole in the wall, comes a single wasp.
The hero’s gaze flits between the supervillain and the random insect hovering next to them. The supervillain’s finger flicks out to point to them, and the wasp starts flitting towards them. 
The other hero steps back like this is horrifying. The hero raises an eyebrow. “Is… Is this your superpower?”
“I control wasps,” the supervillain says tightly, like the words are refusing to come out. They kind of are, because they never wanted to admit this. “But only one at a time.”
The wasp gets too close. The hero swats at it and its beeline is disrupted, thrown downward slightly by the force. It goes too low, and the hero shoves a foot out to crush it beneath their shoe.
There’s silence for a moment. The hero looks down at their own foot like they’re surprised by their own actions. “How the hell do you get to the top of villainy with a power like that?”
The supervillain grins, like that’ll hide the horrifying pain of having to reveal their power at all. “People management.”
And the confusion of their superpower, it seems, is their saving grace—the supervillain disappears into the evening with two heroes staring down at the splat of the insect on the ground in front of them.
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meoem-blog · 2 months
i don't have anyone to share this with
so i'm writing it here.
they killed my wasps today.
i have been required to work in a certain room, almost always alone. outside, there's been a paper wasp nest.
When I was a child, I was terrified of wasps but I generally loved insects. So I decided to overcome my fear.
I learned everything I could about Hymenoptera (the social insects: largely bees, wasps, and ants). They are fascinating. Some wasps are predators of common pests in the garden. Wasps can learn to identify people and react differently to each individual.
i learned to catch them in a cup and open the window to let them outside. i live with a few different nests of them at home. i find one or a few indoors most days in the summer. they have never harmed me or acted aggressive towards me.
i became friends with the wasps at work. i met three different species. three! every monday, i let one outside. sometimes a few more during the week, sometimes not.
it is so lonely at work. i really hate it there. i don't want to be there. these wasps have been one bright spot in an otherwise gloomy day. i love them.
the exterminator came today.
red barrel of pesticides on his back,
ready to kill them all, once and for all
(until the next nest, as it's a good location outside this window).
the windows are weird so he couldn't get out there directly. he needed to go around. i left shortly thereafter.
i have no one to tell how much i loved those wasps, so i am telling you. they were gentle and they didn't need to die.
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elliottnotyet · 18 days
It's a bug!
Specifically a red paper wasp, because that's the one I see buzzing around my garden. I think it's cute the way their lil legs dangle when they fly.
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[Image ID: a red paper wasp next to the words, "I don't hate you I just need Space." End ID]
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1000fingers · 2 months
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PSA to people drawing the wasps nest in jane prentiss’s attic: ITS NOT A HANGING NEST ITS IN THE CORNER!
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unorcadox · 1 year
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Ever find yourself feeling out of place?
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wild-berry-wine · 2 months
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at work
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guairescp · 10 months
Why do all the cutest and coolest insects have the most dangerous bites or stings? It's so unfair
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You all cannot tell me in good faith you don't want to be near these animals.
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
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Submission 68
Wasps are good
Wasps are fantastic for the environment! They can help pollinate flowers and provide a valuable food source for birds. Wasps are not only a necessary part, but a good part! They are truly not deserving of the hate- and all for stinging humans. In fact, wasps typically only sting humans if they feel threatened- say, if someone gets near a wasp nest and starts waving their hands. I speak as someone who got stung by a wasp and started screaming like my leg got cut off when I say I genuinely love wasps.
Pre-preliminaries will be used to determine what qualifies as a hot take. Propaganda is encouraged!
Also, remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure! (exposure like when you’re exposed to the fact that the KISS Scooby Doo crossover does actually exist, scarring you for life)
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Undertale Sans - As soon as he heard a massive "bzzzzZZZZZZZ", he shits his pants and teleports out of here. That was scary, but he's fine. He's never going in this park ever again though. He doesn't want to die, thank you.
Undertale Papyrus - Thank god he has gloves and huge boots. He throws the nest in the air and kicks it as far as he can like it's a ball, before running in the other direction, screaming to everyone to run. He finds shelter in a shop and stays there a full hour until people of the town comes to take care of the situation.
Underswap Sans - Blue thought he couldn't run faster in his life, but that was before hornets all came out of the nest to get his butt. Blue is trying to feint the wasps to lose them but that isn't working very well. He runs like that all the way back to his car and locks himself in, taunting the hornets who are circling the car angrily.
Underswap Papyrus - That's not really fun as Honey is allergic to wasps and hornets stings. He tried to limitate the damages but he is not fast enough and got sting a good twenty times. Some people managed to drag him inside the shop where he is choking on the floor and having a panic attack because he can't breathe. Honey is good for a trip to the hospital. Blue went to scream at the park owners for not preventing more these types of accidents.
Underfell Sans - He's dumb. So, his first reflex was to teleport. He arrived in his room, relieved. ... Before he realised he still has the hornets nest in the hands. Red lets go of everything. The nest explodes on the ground, freeing hundred of hornets inside the house. Red jumps by the window, and, gulping, calls Edge to tell him there's a "little" problem at home. Edge is so going to kill him.
Underfell Papyrus - His first reflex is to attack the nest with a bone, breaking it in half. He didn't expect hundreds of angry hornets to come out of here. Instinctively, Edge locks himself in a tight bone cage. Nothing can get in, but he can for sure hear the hornets trying to break his defenses. Edge calls Undyne for help, even if he knows his pride will never survive this. Undyne decided to fight the hornets with her fists and soon after is locked in his bone cage with him, hands as big as pineapples. The two jewels of the mighty Royal Guard everyone.
Horrortale Sans - That's not fine. He's not fine. A part of the nest fell in his hole, and now his head is buzzing with angry hornets who are attacking him again and again. Oak is just weakly calling for help, entirely blind because of the nest. Eventually, he will fetch the nest himself, hurting his hands. He comes homes with hundreds of stings, but somehow he doesn't feel them anymore. That's probably concerning. Willow screams, horrified, when he sees how he's looking. Willow is taking him to the hospital. It's the first time Oak actually says nothing to go there. That's not his best day anyway. Poor guy.
Horrortale Papyrus - He got sting once, but only once. After that Willow goes full berserk mode and eradicates all the hornets by crushing them under his boots or with the book he was reading. The book is covered in hornets rests, but he succesfully destroyed the entire nest with his hands. He's in a bad mood the rest of the day though, it ruined his fun.
Swapfell Sans - Nox always learned that when there's danger, you have to go as high as possible. Instinctively, Nox climbs the tree behind him, screaming, to try to get away from the nest. Only, once sitting on a branch, relieved, he remembered the hornets are... FLYING. He screams in fear as all the hornets goes for his butt. Someone is going to be in a terrible mood all week.
Swapfell Papyrus - He looks at the swarm of hornets and lets go a very small "please don't" before all the hornets attack him. Rus is running in circle, screaming as the hornets are stinging him again and again. Rus comes home covered in stings, crashes in his couch and refuses to move for three days. Why is he such a loser? Is someone hating him or something?
Fellswap Gold Sans - He's walking with dignity, a swarm of angry hornets behind him, stinging him once in a while. He acts like it's nothing. He's not giving them any attention anymore. Inside though? Inside, Wine is dying internally, trying his best to not scream at the top of his lungs. He manages to go home and locks the door. He then faceplants into the ground and stays there for the rest of the day.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Years of gaming prepared him for this moment. He grabs the bug net from his inventory and catches the hornets! The hornets quickly escape though, forcing him to run in fear, screaming "ANIMAL CROSSING LIED TO ME" as he's trying to save his own life.
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notjustbees · 2 months
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tubes-ann · 13 days
Litttle feller hitch hiked on my motorcycle when I was going home from school.
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Little feller did NOT pay.
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hawnks · 8 months
Continuation of this
Pietro clutches at her skirts, but reels back obediently when she smacks his desperate hands.
“Please, my sweet,” he begs, trailing after her, resisting the urge to grab her again. “Please talk to me. Tell me what you’re thinking.”
Kelsi doesn’t deign to look at him, simply storms through the estate — a historic castle that had been rather beautiful before her death — hunting down any scrap of her old life.
Her satchel and carpetbag are still in the downstairs closet, exactly where she left them. Even the contents is untouched, a few crumpled receipts and an expired granola bar buried inside.
She grabs both, and the big, red rain coat. Pietro always used to hide candies in the pockets; she stops herself for checking for one.
When she emerges from the closet, he’s directly behind her, so close she can see the tears budding in his eyes, not yet fallen. She doesn’t soothe him—she won’t.
The kitchen is dilapidated. She can’t find anything edible, only food so spoiled it can hardly be considered food at all, and a staggering amount of coffee grounds. Maybe he’d been surviving on caffeine alone, these past years.
“Please,” he tries again. “Kelsi, please?”
“You know my thoughts, Doctor.” She pushes past him, up the stairs to the second floor. The boards creak miserably under her weight, untreated, in poor condition. “I am very, very, very upset with you.”
Despite the derelict condition of the rest of the castle, her room could almost be considered clean. There’s a fine layer of dust on most of the surfaces, but it’s clear that the bedding has been washed somewhat recently, the curtains beaten to get rid of the worst of the residue buildup.
Her wardrobes contents is different, although not how she would expect. New clothes, garments shes never seen before, are hung amidst the rest. They’re soft to the touch, don’t show the signs of deterioration and rigidity that come with neglect.
Pietro had regularly washed each each of them by hand, ironing them carefully before returning them to their rightful place. He wasn’t sure why. During the first few months, he thought she should be comfortable, when she returns. Soon enough he hardly thought at all. It was more of a ritual, a lower-brain habit, to tend to her things, to hunt for any remnants of her scent among the items, to imagine her, vital and alive in these spaces.
She understands this, somehow, without a word. Another exhibit of the madness that consumed him in her absence. Grimacing, she starts shoving fistfuls of fabric into her bag, indiscriminately.
At the bottom, tucked away in the corner, is a pair of boots. Pretty, but functional, fine, embroidered details and treated leather.
The night before she died, she’d complained about her feet aching. They’d surveyed the entire surrounding woods, an arduous endeavor that left her exhausted, sore. He’d gifted her a warm balm, of his own recipe. Awkward as he placed it into her hands; he’d wanted to rub it into her tender muscles himself, she could see the desire in him. But it was a line neither of them had ever broached, a delicate, tremulous thing.
He’d pulled her out of deadly mires. She’d plucked poison barbs from his skin. They’d both risked their lives and reputations for each other, again and again. They knew one another better than anyone. At times it seemed like they could read each other down to the flickering soul.
And yet, there was another distance impossible to broach. Not due to lack of courage, but careful sensibility. It required investigation, a steady hand. Whatever it was between them, it often felt as fragile as spiders silk.
Now it was snapped, forever.
Kelsi shoves into the boots, swallowing down her distaste. It was this, or go barefoot on her journey. She snaps her bags closed. She’s ready to be gone.
Pietro stands in doorway, preventing this.
His head is bowed, fearful of her gaze, but even hunched his height is imposing. She always thought of his as a sproutish man, lean and lanky, but facing him now she’s not sure she could beat him, physically.
“Can you please—“ he bites his lip. “Can’t you be very, very, very upset with me here? Where you’re safe? Where I can see you?”
Kelsi just breathes for a moment. She’s so incensed her rage has surpassed physical revile; she’s only focused on undoing what’s been done, now. “No,” she tells him.
She takes a step forward. And another. They’re toe to toe, and she can almost feel his heart beating, a rabbit-quick pulse. His cheeks flush.
He presses himself into the doorframe, letting her pass. Yielding.
He falls in stride behind her. “Dearest, please. Things are not as you remember them.”
“I know,” she snaps. “You did that.”
His fingers brush her sleeve, cautious but beseeching. “Where are you going?”
“To get them out. I will extract them. Somehow.”
It takes a moment for her to realize Pietro is no longer right behind her. He’s paused in the center of the lobby, staring at her. His expression is hard to decipher, agony and confusion and something without a name.
“You can’t,” he says. She can barely hear it.
“I’m certain I’ll find a way. If there’s any trace of them left in me, I will pluck it out.”
“You can’t,” he says again, louder. “You’ll die.”
She shakes her head. “I already did.”
The great door was never her first choice for access. It’s twice her size, and so heavy she has to throw her entire weight against the wood to budge it. Pietro is saying something to her, but she can’t make it out, too focused on escaping his madness to try.
Finally, the door rocks open.
On the other side is a giant, bloodwasp.
The creatures, roughly the size of a toddler and infinitely more dangerous, had all but vanished from the estate and its surroundings after Pietro’s carnivorous plants took root. Kelsi hadn’t seen one for years after she moved in.
She’s certainly not prepared to deal with one, now.
In her shock she doesn’t hear the click of the bullet in the chamber, but the sound of it firing her knocks her to the ground.
The wasp falls too, dead, a perfect shot through the eye.
Pietro rushes to the door, shutting it quickly. Beyond him, Kelsi spots the thrumming bodies of at least three more wasps. Who knows what their numbers are, how many lurk outside.
Pietro sinks to his knees at her side, bundling her up with an arm around her shoulders, a look of ardent concern on his face. In his other hand, the revolver is still steaming.
“I meant to tell you that the roads are no longer safe,” he says, “but you wouldn’t listen. Now, let’s talk about this like civilized adults.”
But he makes no move to release her. Simply holds her there, against his chest, reveling in skin that’s warm again.
Weakly, Kelsi asks, “Dr. Pragma, where did a scholar learn to shoot like that?”
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envy-stims · 16 days
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🇺🇸 • 🤍 • 🥗 • 🐝 • 🍔
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“White people when there’s coleslaw at the function”
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coleslaw at the function stimboard
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thatonepizzaman · 6 months
you know what day it is
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Ah yes my favorite tumblr moot back at it again
I present to thee
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Waddle wasp
This is me irl if you even care
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featherridge · 7 months
I’m going to Starbucks you want anything?
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- @ask-a-skipbadger
Cup of wasp.
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honeygrahambitch · 8 months
Why people like me shouldn't have free time:
A wasp entered my flat cause I had an open window. I sprayed it and murdered it in a few seconds and closed the window immediately.
Another wasp started bumping aggressively into my window and for the sake of the story I decided that was her soul mate looking for her.
But because I wanted it to be clear that this is my territory and insects are not welcomed I decided to leave a message to the wasp who kept bumping against the glass. I picked up the corpse of the first wasp and put it outside my window.
I hope her soulmate gets to mourn and since they are social insects, I know my message will reach its audience.
However now I just remembered these are very vengeful insects...so...wish me good luck.
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