#The Seeker
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I know it's not days of color yet, but it is pride month! So here is a repost of my days of color art from last year. Happy pride! Be yourself and be proud!
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bramblrose · 30 days
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“You and I won't lose each other, I will always find you again. No matter how well you hide. I'm unstoppable.”
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skys-haunted · 10 months
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The new Seeker characters have some fun designs so here’s some attempts at drawing Brage
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vintage-tigre · 7 months
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scribe-of-hael · 4 months
Thundercracker HCs
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TC headcanon that follow nothing in particular of Canon and is as very bias to my own au where I build him up to be kinda different because him and Sky are very underdeveloped and utilized. LETS GO
•TC is more well kept, and organized , he is able to throw down but at the end of the day he cares about himself to keep his up keep
•He is the youngest of the trine and it kinda shows with how more optimistic and far more light hearted he is than his brothers
•TC had always has had a fascination with , what? You guessed it! Writing !
•Writing is TC'a passion, it was one of the focal points he was hooked on when agreeing to join the Decpticons was because of Megatron's writing for when it first started. He was touched to his very spark with Megatron's words. He learned very quickly how words and working could affect one another.
•he researches endlessly of writing, works, and genres. He prefers stories with happy ending but he is also about drama and some dark themes.
•He is also a photographer, he loves to take picture of his brothers, the scenery or even important moments. It has gotten him into trouble for stopping in the middle to capture the moment.
•His writings are important to him, it doenst matter if he feels or even if he's hurt he will take some time out of his day to write. Because he reads do much, if its niche knowledge or even history you want to know you come to TC.
•Try to keep him on topic he will jump aorund and get a bit carried away with rambling /pos
•TC had always questioned the Decepticons almost as soon as he joined , it only grew with time and the more worried he got, worried he got for his brothers Especially Starscream and Megatron's growing abuse towards him.
•He is definitely a kind spark, who wants to see the beauty in it all, which some bots call him soft amd weak for
•he more sensitive and emotional ,this can be both good and bad. He panics and is filled with paranoia. He tends to overthink and complicate things.
•just because he is kind. Do not mistake it for being weak. He is just as fierce as Star or Sky and honestly probably could be more unpredictable about what he will do. He can be just as scheming , clever and resourceful. He is a Decepticons for a reason.
•he is prone to outbursts of emotion, if it is anger its connected to his abilities. His sonic booms can become more powerful when emotional driven. Nothing like shattering brain modules when he decides to have the pulse of five sonic booms in half a millisecond.
•His frame is way more durable than the other two because of the constant subjection to his own sonic blasts. Its reinforced but also allows its self to vibrate to allow the sound to travel.
•Oh and he writes Erotica and is kinda a freak/pos
•He is Demi though, having taken little to no partners because he could never properly feel a connection depsite having a desire for a partner. While he wants someone he wants to truly have a deep and lasting connection
•he is nothing but in love with being in love which makes him prone to being vulnerable and easily taken advantage of in hopes of finding someone fo love, which Star and Sky (mostly) intervene to stop their brothers spark ache.
•TC also loves animals, that includes his dog Buster whomst he'd give his life for
•He adore human culture so DAMN much this bot is also obsessed with vintage items humans have made.
•He wear glasses despite not needing them because he thinks they make him look cooler/smarter
•TC's main thing is he writes stories and incorporates real people into characters. There are many stories you will find character eqiailants to bots he's encounter or events he has lived. You'll come to find writing isn't just his passion, but his cope for the war and even after it.
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beastofwant · 4 months
getting your autistic introverted friend to go out one night every 6 months simulator
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myimaginaryradio · 4 days
The Seeker - Rush
Wow! This is great.
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thinplacesradio · 4 months
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stacked sound equipment and a radio with glowing green numbers. the image is distorted by VCR static. white text reads:
listen here, or anywhere you find your podcasts. transcript under the cut:
[static, radio tuning]
[traveling sales rep: don’t touch that dial! We’ll be right b-]
[a high-register voice, not the Host’s:]
Car radio, yet again. Fixed, for now. It’s from a 2005 Honda CR-V, which I know is old, but, as you know, it’s been acting up for months now, um, and it finally just gave out on me. I don’t even know what worked to resurrect it here, but, well. [tools moving] The mystery of life, I guess. I’m sure it’ll start jumping stations again any day now.
I could use a distraction so we are back to the transmitter. I’m building it from scratch instead of from a kit, uh, which basically means I’m just buying the parts that would have been in the kit separately, so I don’t really know if I’m saving money here or losing it. [tools clink] It’s pretty much kid stuff, but hey. It’s nice to go back to the basics sometimes, I guess. I think just to make it interesting I might take one of the old desktops to see if I can link it to some visuals? With different colors representing, I dunno, different letters, maybe? Maybe… make it so the words will show up as you tap the code in? Or I could just leave it with the binary, do kind of a black and white thing. I don’t know. [sigh] I don’t know.
[phone ringing] [voicemail]
Hey, it’s me, you know what to do!
[phone ringing] [voicemail]
Hey, it’s me, you –
No one knows where she is, why does nobody know where she is. I - I think there’s something wrong.
[phone ringing]
We’re sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected, or is no longer in service. To -
I didn’t quit my job today. This isn’t really a project log, but I almost quit my job today, and I didn’t, and I, I think that deserves to be noted down, somewhere. I love what I do. But - doing it doesn’t seem as important anymore when I could be looking for her. I know I haven’t found a single thing, but that’s no reason to stop. I - [sigh]
I don’t know why I’m talking around it like this. Someone that matters to me is gone, and no one knows what happened, or why, or if - 
I wish she was just ghosting me, specifically. Like, that’s not something I want, at all, but I would take it if it meant that she was safe, living her life somewhere else. [sigh]
I don’t. I don’t think she’s dead. I really hope she isn’t dead. Sometimes I’d be at work glancing at the chat and there would be no new messages. Or at home with my phone on the table building myself a new desktop, and there would be no new messages. But I could still feel her on the other side, connected to me with that, I don’t know, electronic tether. Even when she wasn’t there, it helped knowing that she was somewhere.
That’s how it feels, still. I think she’s somewhere. I just don’t know where.
Hiiiii, iris! Hi-riss! That’s nothing, sorry.  I texted you but I guess you must’ve lost track of time? I’ll just scale the building here and crawl in the IT window - you guys have windows, right? I feel like I imagine you in like a scifi basement most of the time. Anyway. I’m here, I’ll see you soon. Get down here before I bribe the security guard to let me in. I... yeah. See ya. I’ll be here.
[morse code beeping] 
T-E-S-T. S-O-S. [pause] Where… are… you? 
Stupid, Iris. Just, stupid.
[beep] [equipment rustling, clinking, scraping]
It was, um, same company, different cities. I called her on the phone before I ported in to fix her computer, and she was – warm? Tired. Not exactly funny, but trying to make me laugh. I didn’t, but I thought about it, just to see if she’d laugh back? She messaged me on the company chat after, to thank me, and sent me a link to an article we’d been talking about while I worked on her desktop. I don’t remember what it was about even though it feels like I should. There are a lot of things I’m already forgetting. But I messaged back, and then we didn’t stop messaging. Until eight months ago.
I always want to know more about everything. Too much, probably. I can never stop digging. But she was the only one who really wanted to know more about… me.
I’m glad I got to meet her, but - I was supposed to keep meeting her - I - 
[morse code beeping]
Don’t… be… dead.
[beep] [equipment moving aggressively]
Rob told me today that if I’m not going to go out for drinks with them after work anymore my only hobby can’t be looking for someone who’s been missing for a year. Really kind of insensitive, honestly. [huff] But I have been reading too many police reports, so today I will be starting a new project altogether.
It’s the car radio, again, always the car radio. I should just buy a new one at this point, but then I’d never find out what was wrong with this one. Alright, okay, we’re trying scanning again, here we go.
[channels scan] [we hear the Sales Rep, and then the Host, cutting in and out:]
- Thank you for - feel - on - as always, our number is 71–
[Iris scrambles to stop the station but misses it. She tries tuning it back.]
Wait, wait wait wait wait. W-wait wait wait. 102 point 1. Oh my god. Oh my God. Wait. Hold on. 102 point - Wait, come back. Come back. 
I don’t – I don’t understand – [the road prov-] that’s Ha -
[beep] [keyboard clacking] 
I’m not the only person who’s heard her. There are people on subreddits talking about catching a radio call-in show on one frequency, exactly when they needed to hear it, but then not finding it again when they look for it, but just - How do I not need to hear it?
Here’s what I know about “the Host,” from what they know about the Host. Um, she’s always moving somewhere. She cares about her listeners. She’s experiencing impossible things, and so are the people calling in. And there’s a number.
Here’s what I know about my friend. She listened. She hated her job and always wanted a longer break. She loves pigeons and thinks that if aliens exist they’re single celled and acidophilic. She misses her mom. She was always reaching out for something. She was my friend.
[frantic music begins]
I know her voice, even if I haven’t heard it again. I know it was her, and I know I’m going to hear it again. I’m going to find the station. I’m going to find her.
[static] [Traveling Sales Rep: visit us at the - diner just off -] [Various Garbled Voices: the - road - provides - the - road - provides -]
Thin Places Radio is a podcast written by Kristen O’Neal and produced by Kaitlin Bruder. 
The voice of Iris is Kaitlin Bruder. 
The voice of H[static] is Kristen O’Neal. 
Editing and sound design are by Kaitlin Bruder, and the music track you heard in tonight’s episode is: Junoon by RANA. If you have a question to ask, a story to tell, or a suggestion for the host, give us a call at ‪(717) 382-8093. The lines are always open.
[Junoon plays]
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booktomoviebrawl · 9 months
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We are not judging how bad the movie is, we are judging which adapted the book the worst. There are good movies that are bad adaptions.
propaganda below the cut (spoilers may apply)
The Seeker: The Dark is Rising:
Painfully generic-dumbed-down-fantasy-action trying to channel better film franchises instead of the atmospheric, mythopoetic and lyrical children’s book it is technically based on. Bonus points for the open contempt people involved had for the source material, both in how they treated it and what they said about it.
BAD. Bad bad bad!! They completely changed Will's character. In the books he does get frustrated sometimes, but is mostly kind and patient and really makes you believe that he is both an ancient being and an 11 year old boy and in the movie they changed it so he's like really mad and angsty and just the total opposite of his actual character!! Absolute butchery. And they cut the Wild Hunt! And changed a bunch of other plot stuff and it overall just sucked.
where do I even begin. they made the main character American for no reason (this is perhaps the most egregious change), aged him up to 14, and added a straight romance subplot. they were so indecisive during production that they CUT AN ENTIRE MAIN CHARACTER in the time between the trailer and the actual film release. they completely fucked up all of Will’s family stuff. in pursuit of “relatability” they got rid of everything that makes the book good and put in THE most generic, poorly written, poorly acted (except Christopher Eccleston, who did okay), and poorly produced garbage. it was in theaters for like…less than a week; we were supposed to see it for my birthday but it was already gone. it doesn’t even have, like, half-decent special effects. it is an insult.
The Princess Diaries:
Haphazard approach to the plot
Look. They're good movies, but they're just not good adaptations of the books.
ik everyone loves the movie but, sorry, it's an awful adaptation of the book! mia in the book isn't a curly-haired glasses wearer whose "transformation" hinges on changing those two things about her! mia's close friend tina hakim baba (as well as their pals shameeka and ling su) were left out of the film which i think was blatant racism. changing the setting of the story from new york to san francisco is a travesty. killing off mia's dad is a terrible choice. mia and her mother's loud, open feminism is not present at all in the film. there are so many things wrong with this movie i can't even begin to explain it.
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curlyheadedfuck · 1 year
My Forever Ships
… through the years
Xena & Gabrielle
The OG lesbian ship that brought me here.
They’re the first women I ever see kiss
and I see myself like never before.
Elphaba & Glinda
My first ever ship. My first fandom.
The first time I learn subtext is another word for longing.
Pink and green look good together.
Olivia & Casey
Because who hasn’t had a Law & Order: SVU obsession.
I don’t believe Olivia is straight,
have you seen those ADAs?
Olivia & Alex, by association.
Why not? It’s hot.
Rizzoli & Isles
I love the opposites attract trope, a total fucking sucker.
These two are the weird curvy edges
that fit perfectly together.
(and holy subtext, heterosexuals)
Bo & Lauren
What is love without a lion and a lamb?
Neither can help themselves
and love always finds a way.
Kahlan & Cara
The pairing born from the actresses sexual tension.
Enemies to loves is more compelling than
two good guys falling in love.
Myka & Helena
The love story that should have been, the romance I’ll always want to write,
so justice finally meets a happy ending.
All I have to do is change the rules.
Bradley & Laura 
My current favorite, with similarities too close to home.
I’ve been here before, although my Laura did not have her shit together.
I’m both of these women. I have been and I will be.
Happy Valentines Day
To: All the ships that made me believe love is not a lie
Love, D
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fruzmig · 8 months
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amongustober day 17: teeth
do you ever think about the anatomical differences between the impostors and the seekers or are you normal? because i lost it when they did the pointing soyjak meme and one of them had a seeker mouth and the other an impostor mouth, KINDA solidifying that there's a clear difference there (kinda bc it's just a random promo artwork they made) but yeah..
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thestarbornpilgrim · 2 months
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I finished it!!! Happy days of bloom!
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rely-able · 1 year
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Drew my twt mutuals ocs, but sharing here as well! @thestarbornpilgrim @trinhpxl thank you again your babies are adorbs and i love them!
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A long long time ago it was @arrenkae's birthday and a lot later I finally drew her a gift!  Learning more about Barovia and its gods is just so much fun and of course it's all thanks to our DM. So here they are:
The Weaver, the Huntress, and the Seeeker, the true Gods of this land eheh
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bloody-spider77 · 5 months
Clockwork doesn't get emotional to music but I think if my oc (the seeker) were to show her Barren by Nicole Dollanganger she might cry cuz of the whole message of not being able to love and her relationship troubles with Toby that I'm brewing in my soul
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
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My   f a v o r i t e   Eric & Donna Moments #29
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