#This fun little guy does not turn up until Book two so You'll have a while to speculate
gallusrostromegalus · 22 days
Second AEIWAM question: does Orihime get a sword?
Like, not even a zanpakuto, just a sword, because I like giving pretty girls swords.
Uhhhhhh... Kinda?
NSFWish Spoilers With a Warning for Gore, Teeth and Blood ad NO Context Below The Cut:
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I'll let y'all speculate wildly in the comments :)
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oxymorayuri · 21 days
HI YURII, i absolutely adore the way you write and i wanted to request some hc’s or a small fic abt law reaction to reader’s pregnancy, likeee how’d he react after telling him and how those 9 months would affect law’s personality and relationship w reader
but only if u want too ofc! thx and have a wonderful dayy <3
A/N: Hi there, my darling ♡
How can I refuse such a lovely request? I feel very honored every time you guys tell me that you enjoy my stories. My heart fills with pride when I read your kind comments.
OneShot or HC? Why not both? Two are better than one!
Here are the headcanons [Law|Ace|Kid|Doffy]
Okay, let's go! Have fun with the OneShot!
✦ Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader ✦ Content: idk, not much, i guess? I'm pretty bad at this lol. bit angst, a little jealousy and endless fluff ✦ Spoiler: none ✦ Description: You're pregnant and Law's reaction is everything you could wish for *-* This OneShot doesn't completely fit the request, hence the HC, hope that's okay :3
Wordcount: 6383
❝𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠!❞
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It's quite unusual for you to wake up in the middle of the night, but you woke up with an overwhelming craving for something sweet. Falling straight back to sleep is hopeless, so you're forced to stare around the room until perhaps drowsiness sets in.
Aside from the ticking of the clock, it's absolutely silent but you feel as if the ticking is becoming progressively louder 'til you have satisfied your ravenous appetite.
You picture it, the mousse that Ikkaku made… You have no clue how she makes it. You've tried to make it yourself, even following her recipe, but it's just not the same. However, when Ikkaku makes it, it tastes heavenly.
You can feel the foamy dessert melting on your tongue and the subtle hint of dark chocolate spreads through your mouth. Your saliva starts to gather in your mouth... That's enough! You need to eat dessert. Immediately!
The chance of waking Law is high, yet you would kill for a little midnight snack! The only thing is; you have to get out of Law's arms first...
You look at the dark haired man as he sleeps with a peaceful face. One arm around your waist, face to face.
On days like this, when you two haven't had much of each other, you'll at least have your little moments in your shared bed. With your faces turned towards each other, you talk about your busy day… Until one of you falls asleep and that one is usually you.
It's mostly you who talks about your day and Law hangs on your every word while you talk enthusiastically about all sorts of things.
Law is usually a bit reserved, because in his opinion he always does the same thing anyway and you must be getting bored of that. But that's not the case. You love the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about the things he has learned from his book, or when he has got hold of a rare coin.. He always lights up like a little boy who's been at school for the first day.
“…And did you know that an adult's entire intestine is 5 to 7 meters long? Imagine that.” You raise your eyebrow in disbelief.
“Five to seven meters?! No way, how is that supposed to fit?” You stroke your stomach while Law laughs at your bewilderment. Of course you believe him, you believe anything he says. He could tell you every lie and you would believe it immediately, but luckily Law doesn't lie to you. He is sometimes very secretive towards you and keeps a lot to himself like a loner, but he is by no means a liar.
“No joke, you can believe me… I could show you if you like.” Law speaks with a confident self assurance that makes you snort.
His confused eyes look at you insistently and he repeats that he could show you while raising his hand.
“Room!” You immediately realize what he's up to and you reach out with both hands to stop him. He really is planning to show you his intestines. Ah, no thanks.
You shake your head, still chuckling.
“I always believe you, my love… It's just kind of hard to imagine…” - “Yes, I know... I could hardly believe it either. That's why I took my intestine out straight away and measured it.”
You can't take any more. Law speaks with a nonchalance that brings tears to your eyes. You love him for his strangeness, that's what makes him so human.
“Anything for science.” you whisper quietly to him.
No longer interested in how long the human intestine is, you lean over and give him a little kiss. Being with Law is always a learning experience, the special thing is what you learn about Law along the way. About his heart and mind, while he talks about all the things that fascinate him.
Gosh, you adore him so much.
[throwback end]
Law's slight movement snaps you out of your reverie and for a moment you have the chance to slip out of his arms.
Silent as a ninja, you sneak out of your room and scurry into the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen, you can't wait another second and spoon up the dessert right in front of the fridge.
Whilst you let each scoop melt in your mouth, you hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. You try to hide, but it's too late because Bepo, who also wanted to sneak into the kitchen, enters.
You look at him like a frozen deer and he gives you a similar look. With your eyes still staring at the polar bear, you slowly bring the spoon to your mouth and devour the chocolate mousse. Without your eyes parting for even a second.
“What are you doing?” You leave the spoon in your mouth and look at him with a tilted head.
“Err, what does it look like…?” Your voice a little muffled, as if you were brushing your teeth. It's obvious what you're doing? With the bowl in your hand, you sit down at the table and wave the Mink over to you.
“Come on, get over here before the mousse is gone.” A little taken aback, he blinks a few times and joins you at the table.
Of course he wants some of the chocolate wonder, so he hurries to you.
You take turns spooning from your bowl and after each bite you hold your hand to your flushed cheek. It tastes simply divine.
However, you barely exchange a word, because it goes without saying that this meeting will remain a secret. You only hear a pleasurable moan and a soft mumble in between.
A few days have passed since then and a few other unusual things have happened. Your cravings have become a little weirder, your sense of smell has increased and fish suddenly no longer tastes good to you! As soon as you smelled sushi, you felt sick to your stomach. Unusual, you thought, but it could have been something else. You didn't think anything else of it and went about your everyday duties, quickly forgetting about the oddities anyway.
Until you got up one morning and ran straight to the toilet. You felt nauseous and it came out faster than you would have liked, so you left the door open and it gushed out of you straight into the toilet.
Your dinosaur like noises woke up the grouchy Law who rubbed his eyes in a drowsy state.
Who or what is that? And why is it so loud?
Law is definitely not a morning person. Talk to him before his coffee and you will see… Well, nothing will happen except that he ignores you and turns around. He won't even talk to you before he takes a sip, but no problem. Isn't it always like this; that a bright person is together with a grumpy one?
Tired, the black haired man sits up and runs his fingers through his tangled hair while still sitting on the edge of the bed with his eyes closed.
The noise is unusually loud and seems as if it is directly in the next room… In the next room… And finally it clicks in his head. You are making that noise.
Law snaps his eyes open, being fully awake now, and hurried to the open bathroom. There he looked down at you with your head almost IN the bowl, unable to stop vomiting.
At first he stood in the doorway, looking somewhat at a loss, until he finally remembered that he was a doctor.
You weren't responsive right now anyway… So Law prepared a few things for you when you finally finished throwing up…
Concerned, he stands behind you with a glass of water in his hand. It seems to be reaaally bad. He doesn't like seeing you like this, your health is important to him, probably more important than his own.
You've noticed for a while that Law is standing behind you and you appreciate him not saying anything. You're not embarrassed, not in front of Law, he's taken care of you before when you've drunk yourself into a coma so the sight shouldn't be that strange. You had to smile a little when you noticed how he tied your hair in a ponytail, so it wouldn't fall in front of your face, while you emptied out your stomach.
“Oh god. There shouldn't be *bleurggh* anything left in my *bleurggh* stomach…” A little out of breath, you lean against the wall next to the toilet.
You're not quite sure if it's the end, but it feels all right.
“I assume it's a little better now?” Tired from throwing up, you look up at him while he hands you the glass of water with a scrutinizing look.
You can't do more than nod half heartedly.
Law walked over to the toilet and flushed the contents, which looked like two days' worth of stomach contents.
He squatted down to you and began to clean your face with a lukewarm cloth. You don't look sick. Your eyelids don't droop and your skin doesn't look too pale. You just look a little worn out, which is no wonder. After all, you've given the toilet the biggest serenade of your life.
“I should take you to the infirmary and run some tests.” His hands reach for yours. With his thumb, he gently strokes the back of your hand and pulls lightly to help you to your feet. A little wobbly on your feet, you hold on to him and smile weakly at him.
“…I'm fine, thank you my love.” A little cold water on your face should be enough, so you go over to the sink to freshen up.
“Don't argue y/n, as your captain and doctor, I'm telling you that I'll give you a check up.” You look at him through the mirror as you run your wet hands through your face and roll your eyes.
“Uh huh, as captain and doctor…”
he groans a little and takes you in his arms from behind
“And as your partner too, of course.”
He kisses you on the cheek and you lean into his embrace with a little chuckle. For just a moment, you can savor your embrace, but the very next second, you find yourself in the same position with him in the infirmary.
That whole shambling around doesn't do you any good at all, you were already feeling sick anyway and you always feel a bit dizzy when he teleports with you. You put your hand over your mouth but it's too late. You quickly rush to a garbage can and fill it with your vomit.
“Hah… Law, that wasn't so clever…” You lean on the bin with both hands as you kneel in front of it.
“Ah…uh…sorry, force of habit…” His words seem a little flustered and as you look over your shoulder you see him sheepishly stroke his beard.
Yep, force of habit… It's definitely not the first time he's teleported you somewhere. Whether he wanted to kidnap you in your busy routine or wanted to steal you away from annoying guys.
He can be a bit jealous sometimes, even if he doesn't say anything, you can see right through him. Honestly, you have to admit to yourself that you enjoy it perhaps a little too much. Law usually reacts rather passively, but at some point things start to get over his limit and he reacts, somewhat flashily…
It's a lovely afternoon on the Sunny, and before you went your separate ways, the Heart Pirates and the Straw Hats wanted to throw a nice party to celebrate your victory.
You had a good time together and formed strong friendships, it makes you a little sad that you won't see each other for a while… but you are sure that your paths will cross again soon.
You keep glancing back to where Law is drinking some sake with Zoro, while Usopp and Luffy were doing all sorts of silly things. You can't help giggling at the sight. Their conversations are also rather short, but somehow they both seem quite relaxed and enjoy the silence between them. Your sweet introvert…
You turn back to the ladies at the table and get into a conversation full of girl stuff and laughter. Right by your side, there's Bepo napping on the floor and while your chin rests in one hand, listening to Nami, you pat Bepo's head with the other.
At your service is none other than Sanji and he serves you with the most distinguished manners. You like Sanji, he is charming and knows how to talk to women and sometimes you allow yourself to have fun and go for it… You don't flirt back, no way! You're crazy about Law and everyone knows it, but you like to have a bit of fun.
“Here my beautiful ladies, I've allowed myself to prepare your favorite drinks.” With grace and style, he holds the tray in his hand and serves you some fresh drinks. He pushes a beautifully decorated cocktail glass in front of you, one with a light blue liquid, topped with whipped cream and blue glitter sprinkles.
You know exactly what kind of drink is in front of you and happily thank the Blondie. How thoughtful he is… he's made you your favorite drink; swimming pool!
You gleefully nip at the straw and let the refreshing drink run down your tongue. As you spoon down some of the cream, you notice that Sanji has used coconut milk ice cubes instead of water ice cubes. How creative! This way the drink doesn't get watered down and only gets creamier and that's exactly how you love your swimming pool - creamy!
“Aww Sanji, you're always so thoughtful and good to us!” With your eyes closed, you enjoy your drink. It's so well prepared that you can barely taste the alcohol; how dangerous.
With your hand on your cheek, you praise the cocktail. Nami gushes with you and sighs contentedly that this is her everyday life... and Sanji loves doing it! That's the best part.
“We're really lucky to have Sanji, aren't we?” Robin giggles, as Sanji loses his temper in a dramatic way. It's as if all the attention is making his heart leap through his chest, and on one knee he babbles something about how it's not just an honor to serve you, but his greatest joy.
He may be a little pushy but isn't he also a little funny? Your girl gang bursts out into laughter, oh dear, if you only knew how Law watches the spectacle from behind with an annoyed expression…
With his chin in his hand, Law taps his cheek a little impatiently with one finger. He can hit on whoever he wants, but does he always have to get so close to you? He's got Nami and Robin to ogle, but you're his!
He knows he doesn't have to be jealous. You're only being friendly to him, as you are to everyone, but the reaction of others is what annoys him. The fact that some people think you're flirting with them, when you're just very kind and approachable (yea guess who's not.) literally pisses Law off.
He is quite sure that no one but himself has a chance with you, in fact he knows that you can become quite different if someone crosses your line… If Law's line hasn't been crossed before… It's pretty different sometimes…
Like today for example, today Law doesn't have that much patience and since Sanji moves in your inner circle, his limits are crossed quite quickly. And maybe all that sake is also to blame.
Because of your lively conversation, you realize far too late, how Law has formed his blue dome over you and just as Nami remarks it, you find yourself already on Law's lap.
Bewildered, you look up at him while his gaze is somewhat serious on Sanji. When he felt your gaze on him, he looked you in the eye with his typical grin and spoke with an absolute calmness that made your heart flutter.
“You all right?” You widen your eyes a little and raise both eyebrows. Is he serious? As if it's such a normal thing to just teleport me onto his lap out of nowhere, like it's the most normal thing in the world.
You know exactly why he did it. You saw the look he gave Sanji, but okay, you just play along. Let's see what happens.
“Yes, of course. Do you need something, love?”
He comes a little closer to you, his gaze melts the ice in your drink because you're getting so hot, but you try not to show it and smile at him innocently.
Before he reaches for the straw, he looks provocatively over to Sanji and drinks from your cocktail.
“You talked so highly of it, I really wanted to try it too, you know?” - “Sure…” like hypnotized you watch him sip from your drink while his eyes rest on your lips.
“You've got some whipped cream on your lip…” you want to quickly wipe the cream away with your hand but Law holds it tight and speaks in a low mellow voice "no, let me..."
Barely a second later, his lips are already on yours and he licks the cream off your lips in a luscious kiss.
You didn't even realize what was happening to you as you sat frozen on his lap. You can only vaguely make out the annoyed murmur of Zoro telling you to get a room or Nami cheering joyfully. You slowly come back to your senses and lean close to his ear, to whisper a few sweet words…
“I love sweet kisses… how 'bout we continue on the Polar Tang?”
Honestly, you love the way Law steals you away. He doesn't do it in an aggressive way, but in a way that makes it clear who you belong to. He never confronts the others, he just shows how in love you are with each other.
If that's not territory marking then you don't know BUT you love it.
His reaction is as expected. You know that look all too well. There's something overwhelming about the way Law's beautiful eyes run over your face as you innocently bite your lip. You could swear his eyes darken and he runs his tongue over his lower lip with a grin.
His grip tightens and his laugh deepens so that you can feel the vibration of his voice.
“Good idea.” He places a small kiss on your cheek before saying goodbye to the others. The question marks are written all over your face. You really just wanted to tease him, but you could have guessed what is about to happen.
You barely managed to wave goodbye before you found yourself back in your room on the Polar Tang. And well, you know it's obvious what will happens next… ;)
[throwback end]
“All right, so far so good. Now just a small blood check and then we'll be on the safe side.” His words bring you out of your memory and you look at his back. At a small table, he prepares a syringe to take some of your blood.
With concentration, he turns around and traces along your arm to locate a suitable vein.
“Could you make a fist?” You do as he says and he nods in response. When he had found a suitable spot, you were allowed to relax your hand and he smoothly drew the blood into the tube.
You watch him in complete devotion as he looks attentively at the syringe. Your eyes meet for a moment before he quickly returns to his task and presses a band aid onto the needle mark.
“That's it.” Again, he turns away from you to dispose the materials properly. A little disappointed, you slide down with your butt from the stretcher. You wish you could have watched him a little longer. He always looks so handsome when he's fully concentrated on his work.
“When will the results be ready?” you ask curiously as you look over his shoulder. By now you're feeling much better, you're sure it's nothing serious.
“Give me a few hours and I should have something out.” - “Hardworking as ever.” You gently stroke his shoulder as you went to turn around and Law quickly reached for your hand.
He gently pulls you close to give you a kiss on the back of your hand, his eyes always have a powerful effect on you and your cheeks turn a soft pink.
“We should go for breakfast, you should regain your energy. Go ahead, I'll clean up and come straight away.” Your heart softens at his care.
“I'll make us some coffee then.” Satisfied, he nods at you and lets go. In a good mood, you walk along the corridors of the cold Polar Tang, humming a bright melody.
The day went on as usual, the work on the Polar Tang was pure routine. A few small repairs here and inspections there. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just as you were about to leave the engine room to write your report, you bump into your friend.
“Heyyy y/n, already done with work?” You look up from your notes and have a chat with Ikkaku. After an waaay too short talk, you part ways as her beeper has gone off and she quickly went back to work. Apparently she has a lot to do... Your eyes go back to your list. You need to talk to Law, because you're slowly running out of materials for the maintenance of your submarine.
You've been underwater for quite a while now and you should be ascending soon. Ikkaku could probably use some materials too, maybe you should do a general inventory and make a supply list with Law. Just as you were about to turn around to go to Ikkaku to start with her, your beeper sounds.
A quick glance at your black device tells you that Law wants to talk to you, so you turn around again.
So, then you'll start the list tomorrow. After all, you'll be traveling for a few more days before you reach the next island...
You can't quite believe your ears and you stand in front of Law with your mouth open, completely frozen. Your pretty brain has to process this information first. You actually want to say something but don't quite know how to start the sentence.
“Y-you say I'm pregnant?!!!” You automatically reach for your belly.
“How could this happen?!” you look up at Law, unsure of how you should feel. To be honest, you're a little overwhelmed, but it's not actually a bad thing. You're actually at the age where it's appropriate, aren't you?
Law, who is leaning against his table in front of you, takes a breath to explain to you HOW this could have happened, in a physical and medical sense.
With knitted eyebrows, you shake your hand in front of Law in order to stop him. You know how, but somehow you're surprised. You often hear that the birth control failed here and there and the woman got pregnant, but somehow you think it would never happen to you and now it's happened to you.
Surprise, surprise.
You drop into a chair and look a little defeated.
“Shit…” you mutter. Law takes the results of your blood report and tries to change the subject.
“But hey, judging by your results, you're perfectly healthy and have the best possible condition for the baby." He turns the page to check a few more things.
“We should probably just get some more sun and fresh air for your wellbeing. Your vitamin D levels are a little low… No wonder down here…” In his head, he makes a mental note to talk to Bepo and Hakugan about surfacing today.
That sounds as if…
“Do you want me to keep the child?” You look up at him, a little surprised. A pleasant excitement spreads through your chest at the thought that Law will be the father of your child.
His eyes peek over the edge of the paper, looking down at you. He examines your glazed eyes, places the papers on the table and crouches down in front of you to be closer to you.
“Do you want to keep the child, y/n?” he notices that you're a little unsure, but that's okay. That's normal... but he will follow your final decision. No matter what you decide, he will stand by you and make sure you are both safe and happy.
Somehow it all feels surreal. You and Law are having a baby. That will change everything now, but you're longing to find out what it's like. You shrug your shoulders a little sheepishly.
“Uh-huh… kind of, yea.” Somewhat embarrassed, you smile at him. For you, getting together with Law has always been like hitting the jackpot, but you'd never thought about you two becoming parents.
But dear, if you only knew how Law sees you… He'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy about becoming a dad, but right now you're coming first, since you're feeling 'a little under the water'. [sorry but I couldn't help myself, lol]
“Well, I guess we have something to celebrate, don't we?“
Law's grin makes you smile. Somehow he always pushes the right buttons with you. With his charming looks, his cunning manner and clever little head, he always manages to mess with your feelings. You've never felt this way about anyone before and you weren't exactly a virgin before… Now that you're becoming parents, you feel like you're starting to really mature with Law.
“How are we going to tell them?” Parties are not his thing, you know that, but as soon as the others find out, they want to throw a party anyway.
He seems to be thinking deeply as he plays with your fingers.
“Maybe we'll just throw a party…” you look down at him in surprise, but he explains why.
“I know for a fact that we won't be able to avoid it…” a small giggle slips out of your mouth and you gently squeeze his hand, but Law breaks your eye contact.
“Well, I won't be able to get around it…” You're never against a fun party, but after an hour Law's social battery is usually drained and he disappears into his study.
“Not a bad idea, actually. If we plan the party, we can be sure that it won't be too chaotic. Let's keep it simple.” Law is pleased that you share the same thought. Well, it's probably because you can't party as hard as usual, but it doesn't make you sad. Somehow the joy slowly sets in.
Law gets up and pulls you up with him while you both hold hands. Without saying a word, he takes you in his arms and you breathe in his calming scent. At this very moment you just feel so good, even though you were so scattered until a few moments ago, you are sure that everything will work out with Law by your side.
You're kind of excited. The crew thinks you're throwing a party because you're resurfacing today and they believe that cheap lie, but what pirate crew needs a reason to throw a party? They probably don't give it a second thought and are happy to have food and booze under the sun.
In a good mood, you hum a little tune in the kitchen while you prepare a few treats in the kitchen. At some point, Shachi comes by and you tell him that he shouldn't be snacking, but he just laughs cheekily at you and stuffs a filled onigiri into your mouth. You hum contentedly as you taste the tuna cream.
“You're getting better and better y/n, the shape is a real triangle this time too!” you smack him on the back of the head and huff in offense.
He's used to it and your blows don't even really hurt so he just laughs as he rubs his head.
“I'm sure Law will be more than pleased.” Without a care in the world, he picks another treat from the little buffet you've set up and disappears into the corridor.
Your gaze rests on your bitten onigiri. You are secretly thrilled that he thinks Law will be happy. You wonder if he is looking forward to your current situation in general.
After you surfaced with the Polar Tang, Law and a few others set up the deck. Tables and benches were set up and you and Ikkaku hung up some hanging garlands to make it look more festive. After putting the finishing details on the final appearance, you put your hands on your hips in satisfaction while Law stepped to your side.
“They really don't suspect anything…” he whispers in your ear.
You just smile to yourself. After all, it just seems like you're having a party as usual. The buffet, the decorations, the festive lights and a small bar on the deck are just the same as usual.
Law doesn't know it, but you couldn't help yourself and had to tell Ikkaku about it immediately. After all, she's your best friend. You can definitely trust her not to spill the beans and it shouldn't be too difficult because you're throwing the party today anyway. She even offered to prepare a few desserts. With hearts in your eyes, you accepted her offer, of course.
All in all, it was an evening like any other with your crew. There was laughter, some dancing, a lot of goofing around and singing. Avoiding the alcohol was quite difficult, but luckily Ikkaku was your knight in shining armor. She always swapped your cup with hers, with only water inside, in an discreet fashion.
As the sunset glowed over your submarine and the atmosphere on deck calmed down allowing everyone to enjoy the last rays of sunshine, Law decided that now was the perfect time to spread the news.
He raised his glass and tapped it lightly with his fork so that everyone's attention was drawn to him by the clinking sound.
A few of the pirates look up at him in surprise. It's not that unusual for Law to make a speech from time to time, but there shouldn't be any special reason for him to make one today. Or maybe there is?
Glances go round among themselves. You smile knowingly to yourself as you watch the confusion on their faces.
“Sometimes there are unexpected twists and turns on our travels and sometimes it's the best thing that could have happened to us. In the end, everything always turned out well and that's only because we trusted and helped each other. We may be pirates, but we are also…” - “A FAMILY” Penguin and Sachi cry and shout in unison.
Law's words are unexpectedly touching. His words are always wise and uplifting… but this time he not only speaks from the heart, but with it and everyone is moved to the core.
You could cry because you know why he uses such beautiful words. With a satisfied grin, he agrees with the men.
“Exactly. We are a family and today y/n and I want to announce something to you.” Little by little, questioning glances wander to you and Law nods to you with an encouraging expression on his face. He now leaves you the honor of continuing.
“I'm pregnant!” you blurt out in a squeaky voice.
The looks go back and forth between you two in a rather funny way while the surprise is written all over everyone's face.
All of a sudden, the group erupts into a joyful roar and congratulations are given to you. Ikkaku can finally take you in her arms, her eyes overflowing with tears. A few of the men are shaking hands with Law while Bepo rushes up to Law and almost crushes him in a hug.
Your heart bursts as you watch the cheering crowd and stroke Ikkaku's back in a soothing manner as she utters some incomprehensible words of joy…
In the chaotic happiness, your and Law's eyes met. He seems as happy as you feel.
The atmosphere were already great before, but now it's just amazing.
They raise a toast to both of you and your little one, while Penguin and Shachi fight over which of them gets to listen and feel your belly first. You have to laugh at their goofiness, because there's not much of the typical pregnancy belly to be seen yet.
Bepo comes running towards you with cute beady eyes and gives you a warm embrace. He snuggles up to your head and you brush against his soft fur…
You hear his soft sniffle and in a low voice he whispers to you how happy he is for you guys.
“You're going to be great parents!” You wipe a small tear of joy from his face and pull yourself together so that you don't burst into tears yourself, but you're just too emotional. Your walls collapse and the tears roll down your cheeks.
The rest of the gang decides to come up to you and engages even Law in a huge group hug. It touches you more than anything how happy your friends are for you.
You can hardly wait to tell your friends the Straw Hats. You wonder how they will react. You secretly hope that it will be the reason you'll see each other sooner than you thought.
You really want to go shopping with Ikkaku, Robin and Nami for the baby!
You let the evening fade away together until at some point it was just you and Law.
The evening got a bit chilly and before you could even get cold, Law put his coat around you. Thanking him with a quiet smile, you can still see the joy on his face… And you? You can still hardly believe it. You're going to be parents… but you're still thinking about how Law really feels. He's obviously happy but you wish you could hear what he's thinking.
“Law, tell me, how do you feel?” Your eyes are fixed on the sea. You watch the glittering reflection of the moon in the water, while his gaze rests on you.
“I don't know. I kind of feel everything. Excitement, joy but also some fear.” Your gaze quickly goes up to him, but his eyes are now on the open sea.
The fact that he feels the same as you is somehow reassuring. You're a bit jealous of him for always keeping such a cool head, because unlike you, he seemed so calm and confident the whole time.
“You know y/n, when I went through the results today I could hardly believe my eyes when I realized why you were feeling bad.” With his arms leaning against the railing, he smiled down at you.
“I thought my heart stopped working and when it started beating again, a new feeling was born...” The glimmer in his eyes is as calming as a fire, that is about to fade out.
You are not used to so many touching words and your heart starts beating quicker with each word. The way he says everything is saved in your brain like a video and you dare not to speak a word.
He turns his upper body towards you and moves a little closer to gently brush a strand of hair out of your face. A little hesitantly, he begins to speak again, as if searching for the right words in your eyes.
“A feeling... that I thought I had long lost… The feeling of having a family.”
Okay y/n don't cry. Don't cry!
Law kisses your forehead as he wipes a tear from your face. The feeling of his warm lips disappears faster than you'd like, though, and Law takes a step back to get down on one knee.
With his gaze fixed on your eyes, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. You know what this means but you fail to move or say anything. Wide eyed, you follow Law's movements.
“I wanted to do this much earlier… but somehow I didn't find the right time… or maybe I was just waiting for this very moment?” Law isn't quite sure himself where he gets these words from, but so much has changed after today. He opens the box and your gaze falls on the sparkling ring.
“Y/n will you marry me?”
With quivering lips, you nod at him while tears flow like a waterfall and you throw yourself onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You usually have a lot to say, but this time Law has left you completely speechless.
You could have said yes a thousand times but it would never be enough to make it clear how much you want to be his wife.
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A/N: Oh well… Law. I bet you'd be great as a dad.
I hope you enjoyed it ♡
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ckret2 · 16 days
Ages ago I made a post about what Ford thinks about Bill (in a billford context), and I've had an infodump on what Bill thinks about Ford floating on discord for months, and an ask finally prompted me to post it, so here ya go:
If asked why he likes Ford, Bill himself claims that Ford overthinks everything, but in such fun, interesting ways, and Bill likes the way Ford thinks about things.
But really, Bill overthinks everything too; it's just he overthinks social things. He's always calculating how to persuade, control, manipulate people. He never has a conversation that isn't a chess game, it's exhausting and he won't even admit it's exhausting. When's the last time his top priorities weren't either "how do I convince some sucker to make a portal" or "ugggh I'm so SICK of the PORTAL I'm gonna THROW A PARTY and NOT THINK AT ALL"
Whereas Ford is guy who'd hear someone say something incorrect and bluntly go "no you're wrong" and accidentally offend the hell out of them because he's SO excited to share this fantastic information they don't know. The social world DOES NOT EXIST for him until he's reminded of it.
And so he's free to turn all his brainpower instead to. Like. The environmental impact of barf fairies on fern fertilizer or whatever.
Bill knows Everything™ but he's gotten tired of doing anything with that knowledge. They're all discrete points of information to him. He doesn't have time to muse over things, he's got an inventor to manipulate at 11pm and then a party to get to at midnight. He's never once in his life thought about the impact of barf fairies on the local flora. But he does happen to know the plants in that part of the woods are more acid-resistant and wow is that why???? He's never even thought to think about that before. Thousand year mystery that Bill didn't even notice has been solved.
(On the other hand "Ford doesn't think to think about the intricacies of social interaction" is also part of what makes him so easy to manipulate, he's so much more inclined to just accept at face value a friendly offer of assistance on a big academic project. Sure Bill's helping for the sake of scientific advancement in and of itself, why wouldn't he?)
Bill wants to just, fling random facts at Ford and see if he can think up connections between them. Go nerd boy go nerd boy go
"... So there you have it Ford, that's the problem you'll have to overcome with adapting alien machinery to human fuel sources, now I wanna hear YOUR thoughts on how to overcome that problem." "Well—" talks in an uninterrupted stream that by thirty minutes in has drifted over to the history of kerosene production, which he read an interesting book about between semesters in college— "... I've gotten off topic, haven't I?" "No no, I think you're on to something. This is how brainstorming works, free association of concepts. Keep going."
Ford in the morning: "... oh no I didn't let my muse get a word in edgewise for the rest of the dream, i didn't bore him did I?" Bill: "damn, I never noticed the patent process for hurricane lamps was so contentious. There's little dramas everywhere"
When things are going well, their relationship is,
Ford: "I just wanna hear Bill teach me things about the multiverse forever."
Bill: "I just wanna hear Ford think deeply on any topic that crosses his mind forever."
Both of them when they're in peak harmony: excitedly jabbering at each other at 200 words per minute about the stupidest topic you've ever heard, but you'd need a phd in at least two fields to comprehend it
That's love!!!
Ford, having historically been socially shamed: "... am I being weird?"
Bill: "💕❤️💓yeah❣️💖❤️‍🔥"
Sometimes I think about Bill watching Ford in his sleep and being in awe at this human-shaped genius: you with your beautiful electric mind, packed into this soft flawed uneven body. one would never know it from the outside—but you're in there. This genius with a mind like a galaxy. ... and he's like, growing hair and stuff. wild.
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m00nlight-ramblings · 8 months
Eddie Munson Boyfriend Headcanons
I love Eddie. Here are some fun things I think happens when you start dating him!
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First things first, I see this starting either as a friends-to-lovers, or enemies-to-lovers. Eddie isn't one for trying to find people to date, the people he dates are already in his life, and they develop into something more.
Friends-to-Lovers: classmates in school, you were always kind to him. Never judged him, and got to know him and his friends. He'd talk to you about metal and D&D (even though you may not know much about each), and you'd talk to him about your interests, too. Being friends in school turned into hanging out on weekends, or talking on the phone until late at night, and eventually, you both naturally fell into a romance.
Enemies-to-Lovers: again, classmates in school, except Eddie was a little apprehensive to befriend someone who was so different than he was. Maybe it was because you were close to valedictorian, or maybe it's because you called Metallica stupid one time, but ever since then, you rubbed him the wrong way. But when you were paired together for a science project, you finally got to know each other outside of school, and you both realized there was something more there.
Eddie isn't necessarily the most romantic guy - definitely not a poet with his words - but what he lacks in words he makes up in actions.
He carries your books, he'll tie your shoe lace, he'll remember to bring a sweatshirt for you because you'll get cold (even though you claim you won't!)...he loves to do things for you.
PDA. HE LOVES IT. If he's not holding your hand, he has his arm wrapped around you, or is hugging you from behind, or is peppering you with kisses. He does not shy away from affection - not only because he loves you, but also because he wants everyone to know you're his.
A perfect date that you two do often is setting up a projector and watching movies outside when the weather is nice, projected onto the back of his trailer. He'll get snacks and sodas and you bundle up on sleeping bags under multiple blankets, watching scary movies under the stars. Sometimes you even fall asleep until dawn there too.
Eddie loves to play around and be dramatic - if he opens a door for you, it's immediately followed by a bow and him shouting "M'LADY!" as loud as possible.
Another thing you two love to do is listen to music while he writes his campaigns and you read. Just being in each other's presence - even if it's not doing something TOGETHER - is something you two find comfort in.
Eddie will be big spoon, but he loves little spoon.
Eddie can sleep through anything (and also snores). However if you ever find yourself anxious at night, or having a nightmare, even though you have to wake him up, he'll immediately wrap his arms around you and hold on tight.
You two love to pass notes in class, and often get caught because his hand/eye coordination is awful and will often drop them (again, very dramatically).
NICKNAMES. Pookie. Sugarbabe. Honey bunny. Lil' love. Angel Baby. The list goes on.
You are both each other's biggest cheerleaders. You support each other in everything you do, whether it be homework, or music, or college applications.
Eddie loves when you braid his hair, but he'll never tell anyone.
He loves when you wear dresses. He'll take one look at you, and like clockwork, will shout, "ALRIGHT EASY ACCESS!" Before doing a stupid little dance he always does when you were dresses that he calls "The Dress Dance".
(Even though he doesn't think of you in terms of access or not, he actually just thinks you are the most beautiful creature to walk this Earth and will also tell you that).
You two exchange media that you love with each other - Eddie tells you about a great song he wants you to hear, you tell him about an amazing book you just read, etc.
While watching movies, you often fall asleep in his arms, which is something he always lovingly teases you about (but he secretly loves it).
Eddie often daydreams about your future together, and will always vocalize the daydreams he has about you two.
Ta-da! I hope you all enjoyed! I could've gone on for a loooooong time...does anyone want a Part 2?
REMINDER: my inbox is open for suggestions, so I'd love to write some stuff!
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
I’ve just seen that you did my request and I love it, ty!! (I was the one that requested the weird sleep scenario)
I’d like to request something again, bad sanses + star sanses with a gender neutral skeleton reader that sorta has powers like a genie. They can float, turn invisible, (still has most of the powers a usual sans has) and are very mischievous. The way they can grant wishes is giving someone a marble looking thing and when that person makes a wish, the marble will break and they’ll have to repay reader with something (can be either something shiny or some bones to chew on) they also don’t have a bottle, that’s the only genie thing they don’t have lol
Can i be 💤 anon?
Ah! Hello again anon💤! :D
Yes, that request was quite fun to write! Ok, since there are so many characters, they're probably not gonna be very long, still, I hope you'll enjoy this!
(Sorry for taking so long!)
Au Sanses x Genie reader
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Error, Dream, Ink, Swap)
Nightmare actually found your powers quiet mesmerizing at first.
He interrogated you about the powers, and pronounced that your powers aren't very much helpful to him..I mean, yeah, you can grant wishes, but what exactly can- OH MY GOD IS THAT THE LIMITED BOOK HE WANTED BUT COULDN'T MANAGE TO GET?!
Keeps you around simply just for granting wishes 💀 (Asshole)
Doesn't really like the way your powers operate, but can't really do anything about it 🤷‍♀️
Please, don't try to scare him by turning invisible, he might just kill you.
Your relationship has a very rocky start...but you both slowly started to get along.
I swear...he has a constant headache just by your friendship with Killer.
He would do anything in order for you two to stop pulling these stupid pranks on him.
Sometimes likes to stare at you while you're floating around. He just finds that really cool. (Bitch is not gonna admit that 💀)
He hates how much he loves you 🥰
Killer always felt like the odd one among the bad sanses...they all had their own perspective best friend, but he didn't have one.
Until you came along.
Killer's so clingy towards you after you became best friends...
You guys do a lot of stuff together! Many of them include pranking the others though..
Killer keeps on flirting with you in hopes of scoring a date with you. And if you don't get his flirting, then he'll just cover it up by saying that it's just a friendly banter. (It breaks his nonexistent heart though :(
The first time you scared him by turning invisible, he got very angry, until noticing it was you. Then his whole mood shifted as he just laughed it off. (Bro is a simp)
He was, and will be, so confused that you don't have a bottle. Like what do you mean that it doesn't work like in Aladdin?!
He likes to bother you with very useless wishes, "I wish for that remote on the table to appear in my hands." It was in front of him.
Bro is BROKE ASFF!!! His wallet cries after every wish he makes.. he could repay you with something else than money..but he didn't like to give his stuff away.
Dust is a closeted nerd...so of course the first thing he does is whip out his book and write down everything about you.
It's his first time seeing a genie. Of course he's gonna ask a lot of questions!
He loves to study you, to the point where you felt like a wild animal in the Zoo.
He's silently sitting on a nearby chair as you grant Horror his wish, staring at you.. studying how your powers work.
It's gotten to the point where you're getting kinda creeped out..
You, at first, thought that he wanted to make a wish or something, but when he denied it just as you asked him.. you got confused even more.
Bro is staring so much that he eventually stops studying your powers, and is instead studying you.
He now notices even the smallest things about you.
Is getting a little obsessed, not gonna lie, but it's cute. So you'll allow it ;)
His reaction to you being a genie is actually very wholesome.. (surprisingly). He wishes for his Au to not be in deep starvation..and for them to finally get out of the underground. Basically, kinda resetting everything that's happened after Frisk left.
You sadly can't grant this wish of his, which leaves him sad and angry. But you do give him a giant meat. (Which made his mood a little better.)
You started to feel sad for him after this moment, so you started to talk to him regularly. Which he enjoyed.
Horror's not much of a talker, so he'll just listen to you most of the time.
It's also partially because he likes to listen to your voice.. ❤️
Horror likes the sound that your powers make whenever you grant a wish, so he's always nearby whenever you're granting wishes. (It's just a little bell that sounds off)
Becomes attached to you, very quickly.
Defends you from Nightmare to the best of his abilities.
Horror's the tallest of the Sanses, (my HC) so he'll be so mesmerized when you float up higher above him. He won't lie, he likes this change. Having to look up for once instead of down.
He likes how your powers operate. It seems fair to him. 🤷‍♀️
He immediately took advantage of the fact you can grant wishes.
He wished for so many things! Such as; getting Classic's autograph, make Ink disappear, have a popcorn maker, wishing for chocolate,...
He actually doesn't like how you can float. He can't wrap his strings around you and pull you along now! >:(
You're getting on his nerves by being friends with Killer though.
After Nightmare, Error's your next target. Every.time.
Seriously sick of it. If he could, he would seperate you and Killer.IN HEARTBEAT.
He really, really.. really wants to hold your hand, but his Haphephobia doesn't allow him to 💀
Please, don't try to scare him by turning invisible. He WILL crash.
He thinks that you must carry a big burden on your shoulders, if you're a Genie. So he gets really concerned if anything really.
He tries to pull you away from granting any wishes, every.time.
He's so cute.. dragging you away to hang out with him to forget about your work.
But he does want to see how your powers operate.
Finds it amazing that you can float, turn invisible... everything really!
After your long persuadation, he gives in and makes a wish.
His wish is really sad...he wishes to have his brother and Au back. He wants to reverse time! Which, as we know, you can't do. It's against the rules to change what was already done. So you politely decline, explaining him exactly why.
Dream's a really understanding person, so of course he doesn't mind it or isn't angry.
What was past...is past. What matters now, is that you're here in the present. Nothing else should matter. ^^ (his words)
Immediately, Without hesitation, nor any filter, he asks; "Can you make me feel emotions?"
You don't grant his wish -> he sulks.
He's a forgetful shit, so he'll forget that you're a genie at times.
It's like he's on repeat at the start of your relationship. He finds out you're a genie -> wishes to feel emotions -> you decline -> he sulks -> forgets 💀
Be prepared for this at times.
But after knowing you for awhile, he finally remembers and stops asking you that damn question.
He doesn't have much opinions about you tbh. He's seen some shit, so he's not all that fazed from you being a genie.
The part that shocks him the most is that you don't have a lamp. (His reaction is similar to Killer. Bro confused you for Aladdin 💀)
Y'all have a rocky relationship 🤷‍♀️
Don't worry though, after you get to know each other a bit more, he'll cling to you like a Koala.
Similar reaction to Dream. He feels concerned for your mentality.
Everyone's always going to you to grant their wish, but Swap's soul is too kind for his own good. Instead of wishing something for himself, he asks you; "What do you wish for?"
You cried that time. (He was scared that he did something wrong 💀)
You started treating him as if he was some precious gold. Which got him flustered.
He treats you as if you were his queen. Brings you food, helps you out a lot... You name it.
He just feels so much love for you, it's unbelievable.
Doesn't mind your little pranks with Killer. He just sees that as your little escape from work. Which he feels happy for. :)
He just smiles softly whenever you prank him with Killer in tow.
He's so patient and kind towards you😭
Doesn't mind you floating around or the fact that you can turn invisible, you're you, and that's something he never wants to replace.
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leegemma · 11 months
hiiii, I love your writing and I’m hoping you can do a ZB1 Lee! Hao and Ler! Jiwoong with lots of teasing and prompts 12, 47 and 93!!! <3
Thank you for your request! This was so fun to write! I didn't really know how to end it so you'll have to forgive me for that, haha
12 - “come on, let me see that smile!”
47 - “i think that i like this. can you do it some more?”
93 - “you’re too cute.”
With the group's very recent debut and extremely tight schedule, the tension and stress at the zb1 dorms was greatly felt. Affecting each one of the members in different ways. And while they all tried to be there and listen to each other as best as they could, the oldest members were definitely up on their feet and running around between the younger ones more.
Take Zhang hao for example, he hasn't
slept for a whole day now. It started with him helping Ricky understand something in Korean, to him helping Gunwook with a dance move, to making sure Matthew was eating well, to him helping Gyuvin picking out outfits, to trying to calm Hanbin (who was obviously also extremely stressed) down.
Hao finally got the time to take a break when coming back from Taerae's room after practicing some vocals with the boy. He let out a deep sigh as he took a place next to Jiwoong on the sofa in their lounge.
Jiwoong, who was reading a book peacefully up until that moment, looked up from the book and at Hao. "You okay?"
At this moment, it was as if the whole brave and strong face Hao has been putting on just refused to stay on any longer. Hao broke down in tears, his little pout coming out.
"Oh Hao." Was all Jiwwong said as the oldest scooted closer and hugged Hao close.
"I'm sorry... I feel selfish for even crying right now. I know I'm not the only one who has it hard right now." Hao shook his head slightly, tears not stopping.
Jiwoong poked his side lightly, smiling gently when the younger jumped slightly
"Don't you dare say that. You're human and of course this is hard and stressful for you right now. Don't apologise for doing nothing wrong."
"But I'm the second oldest, I'm supposed to help the younger boys and stay strong for them. I can't brake."
"You can and you will, Hao." Jiwoong shook his head. "Of course as the eldests we have to look out for the others, but that does not mean we can't look out for ourselves too. Besides, I'm older than you and it is my job to look after you as well."
Hao smiled at that. "And then who will take care of you, hyung?"
Jiwoong rolled his eyes, a bigger smile making its way into his face. "You know very well all of you guys take good care of me."
"I guess." Hao shrugged, going back into a serious mood.
Jiwoong was quick to notice that though. "Alright, smile." He separated himself from Hao and held him by the shoulders instead.
"Huh?" Hao looked at Jiwoong in confusion.
"You heard me. Smile." He poked Hao's tummy.
"Hey!" Hao tried covering his body with his hands when Jiwoong continued to poke all over it.
"I'm not stopping until you smile!" Jiwoong himself was grinning now, looking at Hao as the cute boy grabbed a pillow from next to him and covered his face with it, somehow managing to keep the giggles in.
“come on, let me see that smile!” Jiwoong urged.
"Nohohoho" Hao broke into hysterical giggles as the older's pokes turned to quick jabs and squeezes. He still kept the pillow up.
"Hao~ I'm giving you five seconds to put the pillow down before this turns into a whole tickle attack~~" Jiwoong warned.
Zhang Hao blushed. "Nahahahahaha!"
"Five... four..."
"Three... two..."
"Andddd... one!"
Jiwoong jumped to sit on Hao's hips the pillow falling off the sofa in the process, Jiwoong dug his fingers in Hao's sides as soon as he was sat comfortably. "There's that smile!"
"YOUHUHURE SOHOHO MEAHHAHAN!" Hao trying pushing at Jiwoong's hands, to not avail.
"And you're so ticklish!" The older said. "You're ticklish here, and here, and here and here... and especially...." Jiwoong poked at different places until he started wiggling his fingers right above Hao's armpits area.
"NAHAHAH PLEASE DON'T!" Hao pleaded, though did nothing to stop Jiwoong even though he had his hands fully free.
"Right... here!!!" Jiwoong dug into Hao's armpits. "Oh no! I think my hands are stuck!"
"IHIHIM NOHOHOT FAHAHAHLLING FOHOHOHR THAHAHAT!" Hao shook his head from side to side desperately.
Jiwoong kept his game going for a little longer, eventually taking his hands out of Hao's armpits when he watched the younger boy falling in and out of silent laughter. Jiwoong kept smiling down at Hao, wiping his thumb on his cheek affectionately.
"Hyung..." Hao let out after recovering quickly. “I think that i like this. Can you do it some more?”
Jiwoong was quick to process Hao's words as his shocked face turned into a shiny beam. “you’re too cute.”
As if he's been waiting for Hao to ask for more, Jiwoong started right back again, this time going for the thighs and squeezing them both.
"HYUHUHUNG" Hao let out a snort.
"Awwz did you just snort? That's so cute!" Jiwoong laughed along.
"NAHAHAHAHA" Hao was happily laughing and squirming as he felt Jiwoong moving on to his knees.
After a while on his knees, Jiwoong decided he was getting a better reaction on the upper body, as so his hands found Hao's ribs.
"Hey Hao, should we count your ribs to make sure your sadness didn't take any away?" Jiwoong's questions were often strange, but never this strange.
"And how can you be so sure? I just want to check to make sure you're actually okay now... just looking out for my younger brother." Jiwoong winked and started counting, shaking his fingers into Hao's ribs as much as he could in the process. "One... two..."
"Which one? One or two?" Jiwoong moved up. "Or three and four?"
"AAHAHAHAA ALL OF THEM!" Hao was fighting himself trying not to let his arms in the way.
"But if you had to choose one..."
Jiwoong kept the ribs game up until the tenth rib, when it really looked like Hao would pass out. He then stopped and got off the younger boy. "Have we had enough?"
"For now... thank you." Hao was now in a mood where he couldn't stop smiling.
"Always... okay? If you ever want to laugh some more, just come to me." Jiwoong nodded and pat Hao's head.
"Thank you... would you uhm... would you mind if I just close my eyes for a minute?" Hao made sure as his voice was still resting in the older boy's lap.
"Of course not. Go ahead." Jiwoong encouraged, picking up his book again. Smiling as he felt Hao dozing off.
Only around 5 minutes later the group's youngest came in the room looking for Hao.
Jiwoong was quick to shoosh him and point at the sleeping Hao. "You need anything? He's sleeping."
Yujin quickly understood and whispered back to the oldest. "I just need help with homework."
Jiwoong nodded and looked down at Hao again, lifting his head from his lap and resting it on the couch gently. "We'll let him sleep, okay? I'll help you."
Yujin nodded along and walked out of the room, telling Jiwoong he'll wait in his room.
Jiwoong assured him to go ahead and that he'll be right there, making sure to cover Hao with a blanket and even whisper a sweet little: "sleep well..." before even thinking about leaving the room.
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howlingday · 2 years
I don’t know if you remember but that one team shuffle:
RBCN - Rubican, made up of Ruby, Blake, Cardin, and Nora.
How would that dynamic work because I worry that they tend to use force against one of their partners (Cardin no surprised) but my friend made a interesting point about that ask: how far is too far to use force?
I mean without ren to calm Nora and Blake’s…self righteousness I worry that they will go too far in hurting Cardin. Yes Cardin needs to learn from mistakes but wouldn’t that lead to abuse if you keep physically hurting for any action he does?
To me personally is honestly scary scenario…

This is a great question, and that would be a great episode.
Ruby sets up her bunk bed with Nora, but Blake keeps her bed as far away from Cardin as possible. Blake all the away on one side, Ruby and Nora towering in the center, and Cardin on the other.
Things go along fine... until the jokes start. Cardin is giggling to himself when Ruby asks him what's so funny. When she asks, he tells her it's about a joke he thought of.
"You know that girl from the second year? With the rabbit ears?"
"Uh, yeah?"
"You, uh... You think she's good at multiplication?"
"...I don't get it."
"Me neither."
Blake gets it, and she slams her book shut. "Do you actually think that's funny, or are you just too stupid to know what a joke is?"
"Excuse me?"
The two glare at each other, but Cardin scoffs and walks away. Blake explains what the joke means and how inappropriate it is on multiple levels. The two gasp in horror. This is when they notice Cardin's past behaviors, and worry their new friend might be a racist!
Nora sees Cardin talking with some guys from the other team and they all share a laugh. As she gets closer, she notices it's the same joke as before. She drags him around the corner, easily, and puts him against the wall.
"Why are you telling that joke again? You know it's wrong!"
"It's fine." Cardin waves off. "You just don't get it 'cause it's guy humor."
"Guy humor?"
"Yeah, guys makes jokes all the time, don't they?"
"...I guess? I mean, Ren didn't really make jokes."
"It's just some harmless fun. You don't have to worry."
"Mm, okay, fine, but don't do it around the girls."
"Yeah, sure. You got it!"
Blake catches him and the other boys snickering as a very nervous Velvet runs away. When she asks, he blows her off, saying it's just guy humor. Unfortunately for him, Blake doesn't fall for it.
"Just guy humor, huh? And what kind of guy humor leaves a Faunus girl running away in tears?"
The other boys sneak away.
"It's just schoolyard teasin', Belladonna."
"That's how it starts, then it escalates, and pretty soon, you'll be no better than the people the White Fang want to hurt the most."
"The White Fang? That Faunus terrorist group?"
"They're not terrorists! They're just... misguided!"
"Wait, wait, wait! Are you a White Fang sympathizer?!"
"What, no, that doesn't-! Don't turn this around on me!"
"You are, aren't you?!"
"I'll... I'll meet you back in the dorm."
The girls and Cardin sit and discuss in their dorm. Ruby and Nora try to explain why bullying is bad, while also trying to explain why terrorists are bad. It... doesn't go well.
"Why do you care so much about me making one little joke?"
"Because it's important to me, Adam!"
Everyone stares at Blake.
"Adam? I'm... I'm Cardin."
"Who's Adam?"
"Adam's... nobody! Okay?! Good night!"
Cardin grabs her shoulder.
"No, no, no. You get back here. You're the last to bed, remember?"
"And you're a racist pig."
"At least I don't have a thing for murdering psychopaths."
Everyone looks at Ruby.
"We're a team, and that means we look out for each other. We hear the other side of each other's stories, so that when the Grimm come after us, we can trust each other."
Nora claps her support. Cardin and Blake look away, but sit back down in their chairs.
"Now, let's talk."
Cardin explains his racist childhood. He lived in one of the few "anti-faunus" communities left in Vale. One time, a family of faunus moved into town. Their son was constantly teased, and Cardin thought nothing of it. Two months later, the boy and his family were gone. Until Beacon, things were normal for him.
Blake explains the White Fang, and how they started off non-violent, only to then become corrupted into their more violent methods now. It made sense to her at the time until she watched Adam take it too far.
"Wait a minute. Blake, are you telling us you're...?"
Blake undoes her bow, and her ears wiggle until they flatten.
And scene.
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
may i have ler!cancerlord hcs from the tickly alphabet with A, C, E, F, K, and J pls?
Your wish is my command, mon amour (∗˃̶ ᵕ ˂̶∗)
Headcanons ✨
A - What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
He won't be gentle or soft with you after such an intense session. He'll just leave you on the ground, watching as you regained your breath after such a merciless session. The most he would do for you is squatting down right in front of you, like a dear friend offering advice and complement you for your efforts, giving you a hard pat on the shoulder to congratulate you.
"You suffered a humiliating loss, but I must say, your endurance is quite impressive~ The next time you challenge me to...such a childish activity, be ready. Have a nice day, good sir~"
The guy would shockingly leave you alone, ending it with a sort of ambiguous grin; does he await your rematch or is that just his pride, glad he reduced you to such a level?
C - What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
If you happen to be the one targeted, you'd better be a fast runner; Cancerlord would never hold back on a challenge. Initially, when you proposed the idea, the concept made him scoff but he agreed. And boy, he had fun. Cancerlord would allow you to get a headstart, the scariest game of hide and seek you'll ever play. He will prowl around the area, taunting you, growling sinisterly. Cancerlord knows exactly where you are, he just wants to relish in the chase. Once he gets to you however, it might as well be a jumpscare, he would just appear out in the corner of your vision, you won't notice until it's too late. It's game over for you at that point
Cancerlord, being such a powerful man, isn't used to being targeted. So once it's time for the tables to be turned, he would be slightly confused. Does he hide like a coward or does he just wait for an opportunity to ambush you? It's going to be the latter option. You can look up and down everywhere and you'd never find the guy...most of the time. The moment he's caught slipping would be the best opportunity to sneak up on him and ambush him from behind.
E - How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
Being king and all, Cancerlord would beckon one of his many subjects closer, appearing completely innocent with a somewhat innocent smile. It is only when you get a little too close, he strikes, grabbing you quickly and pinning you before absolutely destroying your shit. The little beckon with his finger would be your only warning he wants something more. Worst part about it, he uses it regularly for requesting the most benign of things, so you're never gonna know if he's gonna ask you something completely unrelated or attack you so fast, the wind in your lungs is wiped out.
Cancerlord, when he first heard of the concept of tickling amused him to such a degree, he asked one of his subjects to purposefully tickle him. Lifting his arms to make access to his body easy and quick. That's how he found out his underarms are a very sensitive spot, along with some others. Needless to say, he hates being tickled now.
F - What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
While prideful as hell, he won't hesitate to play dirty. Headlocks are his strong suit, using his other hand to wreck the shit out the lee, but will occasionally pin them down using his body weight. I wouldn't recommend engaging in a tickle fight with them, he will use every underhand tactic in the book, but if you manage to break apart from him and confront him head-on, he would be very impressed. You guys might as well be actually fighting since the guy likes to throw punches and blast people with his arm guns (what lol).
K - As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
Two things: his analytical teasing and fingers. If the guy has you pinned but as a hand free, he would make the experience unbearable in the worst kind of way. Always speaking of how you react to certain touches, able to read you to a tea. Somehow this guy is able to learn everything about your body with just his fingers, so anything is new to him. Meaning he will never shut the fuck up. Next up is his hands, the guy has strangely hot hands, it won't burn but when they touch bare skin, it leaves a pleasant tingling, so even after he's moved on to a different spot, ghost spiders are roaming and skittering all around.
J - Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
Power trip, the authority it gives him with such a stupid, childish thing. While Cancerlord would mostly establish this through demonstration of his powers or intimidation, he can't help but feel smug a few wiggling fingers can get someone to beg and plead for their life. Sometimes, the lee will ask for more, confusing and amusing the king, but he won't fulfill this, letting the lee soak up in all their lee-mood. He knows damn well you're thirsty for more, so he'll subtly touch you, adoring the way your face turns red and how you wrap your arms around your sides.
"Such a silly way to tease, is it not?"
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
TftW: The Girl In Black
Lydia Deetz TG
Brandon was a teenager who loved all kinds of horror related things as long as it wasn't Twilight - he hated the Twilight books and movies. But he loved Tim Burton and wanted to be a film-maker just like him, he even wrote stories about his own monster creations exploring the Tim Burton universe. One night he was exploring the attic when he came across an old mirror and a model of a small town. The town model looked like the model from the 1988 movie Beetlejuice and there were even little figurines of the characters. Carefully he trodded over to the mirror and grabbed a copy of the Handbook of the Recently Deceased, he had won this copy in a contest. 'I wonder if this really works like it does in the movie and in the cartoon.'
He picked up the book and turned to the page with the Beetlejuice incantation on it, and he read the incantation aloud to see if anything would happen. 'Though I know I should be wary…still I venture some place scary. Ghostly hauntings I turn loose, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!' The room started to spin for a while as the mirror glowed a ghostly dark green colour, he suddenly felt quite dizzy. That was due to a series of strange sensations he was experiencing…as he was about to go through a set of changes. The first was that his hands were shrinking and become feminine as black nail polish was applied on his nails - his nails grew longer as well. His shirt tore apart and reformed into a black top, which was followed by his dark blue jeans tearing away and reforming into a pair of black leggings. He felt a tugging sensation as his sandals hardened and became a pair of black shoes, his legs grew longer and thinner, becoming feminine.
"Ooh….this is odd."
He sighed a little bit as his 'little friend' shrank away until it reformed into a vagina, his waistline grew slimmer as well. His body hair fell out as two small lumps grew on his chest, this lumps rounded slightly and formed into a pair of feminine breasts, they weren't large - just the size that regular teenage girl breasts usually look. He felt his hair as it turned black and contorted into a familiar looking style, as his skin turned pale and purple makeup was applied around his eyes and a little on his cheekbones. His lips became more feminine as his nose shrank and his neckline grew longer and thinner, this was his followed by his eyebrows turning black and thinning out, his voice was the last to change as it grew higher and feminized…when his transformation compled - he was now a she - and not just any female either, but Lydia Deetz. She looked around before examining a few more items of interest, most of which were supernatural.
"Now I wonder where BJ is…"
"Right here, babe!"
Swirving around, she noticed that the ghost with the most had manifested himself right next to her.
"It's so good to see you again."
"Same here. So what's new?"
"Nothing much."
"Wanna have some fun?"
"Alright.. what will we be doing this time?"
"I was thinking we could pull a few tricks on people, really scare up a storm."
As BJ made that quip, a storm cloud appeared over his head and he was briefly zapped with a lightning bolt.
"Are you alright?"
"Sure…babes, you'll be surprised what I can live through."
"Alright. I'm ready to play. But I think that Otho might be watching from somewhere else in this house."
"Ah, no sweat. You stay here, and i'll go and handle Round-Boy."
BJ teleported himself over to the hallway, where Otho and Delia were redecorating as usual. Otho was examining the portrait gallery and admiring quite a few of them, he turned to see a black and white painting that looked a bit like Dorian Grey. 'Hmmm…I don't remember this being here.' He examined the painting for a while before continuing on with the redecorating, but the minute he turned around - the painting changed to a ghoulish looking creature and then to a picture of BJ. It was then that BJ leaped out of the painting and grabbed him.
"Hey, big guy! How is it going?"
"Oh no…not YOU again."
"I noticed..you're doing a bit of redecorating. Can I help?"
"No, you cannot."
"Please? With extra pickled eyeballs and a spider on top?"
"I said no. Now, please leave!"
"As you wish…"
BJ turned around, almost like he was leaving but of course he wasn't, he turned himself into a giant octopus monster and squirted him with ink. Otho grunted for a few seconds before shaking his head and attempting to go back to work, but BJ used his ghostly magic to turn him into a cartoon animal that looked like a bear in a tutu.
"Gah! What am I wearing?"
"Nice tutu."
Humiliated by BJ once more, Otho ran off to one of the other rooms with Delia following him. BJ teleported back to the attic where Lydia was waiting. He took on the form of a messenger.
"Lyds…the cost is clear…let's have some fun!"
With that Lydia and BJ went around pulling all kinds of supernatural pranks, even Barbara and Adam joined in as well. As for what happened later, Lydia decided to check out the library containing all the horror books and she decided to sit down and read them. Remember, if you ever need a ghastly good time- call the ghost with the most, just say his name 3 times and he'll be there.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
road trip headcanons [ genshin guys ]
prompt: road trip hcs for the genshin guys characters: albedo, childe, dainsleif, diluc, kaeya, scaramouche, xiao, zhongli w/ gn!reader word count: 2.3k words warnings: none? fluff, modern!au
a/n: for all the guys,,, besides the unreleased ones/ones we haven't met in quests HAHA
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when asked to create a road trip playlist, albedo is the type to queue up scientific podcasts. he says they're relaxing and that being idle in the car is a great time to learn.
if he's not the one driving, he 100% has a blanket and is cozy in the passenger's seat. if there's no conversation, he might as well use the time to sleep, right?
but, if you ask albedo about his current research or begin to tell him about your day, he'll be wide awake and either listening or blabbing away. unlike how he reacts to most people, conversations with you never bore him.
if you do nag him into playing music instead, he'll play classical music. it's mentally stimulating, okay?
he'll have fun telling you species of trees that the two of you pass.
is an excellent driver. he's smart and driving is a piece of cake for him. probably the best driver of all of the guys listed here and he's very quiet with his frustrations as well.
if you let albedo fall asleep, he'll fill the car with soft snores before abruptly shaking his head as he sits up, awake.
if conversation lulls and he's not driving yet can't sleep, he'll pull out his sketchbook and (not-so-secretively) draw pictures of you.
... will likely ask to stop for ice cream. he has a sweet tooth... use it as a chance to steal a kiss with the excuse that he has ice cream on the corner of his mouth!
will plan what hotels you stop at ahead of time because albedo knows you'll get tired and he wants to ensure that you're well-rested, as compared to having to sleep in the car for part of the time.
is a pretty decent driver but takes aggressive drivers as competition, so don't let this man drive in the city.
childe will stop for fast food if you'd like, but also enjoys preparing snacks for the two of you to take. look, he cut you a little bag of strawberries in the shape of hearts! he's kind of a dork about this so hype him up, he'll get flustered but in a good way.
has a playlist of 00's bops that he knows every single word to. WILL make you duet promiscuous with him.
he's pretty noisy, but burns out quickly in energy. after an hour or two of singing, he'll likely suddenly get kind of mellow and go quiet for a few minutes hehe.
will find anything and everything to talk about. he doesn't want you to get bored!
tries to drive the car more than you because he doesn't want you to feel obligated to drive ;;; he just wants you to relax!
will point out weird license plates or bumper stickers he sees on other cars.
whenever you two stop to use the bathroom, he probably ends up kissing you for several minutes in the parking lot lol
inadvertently messes up his sleep schedule by napping too much
definitely dreams of you in his sleep and sleep talks through it. the two of you can have a conversation while he naps in the car, but he won't remember any of it nor will his contributions even be coherent.
naturally, he's just kind of a... quiet presence. you'll have to handle the aux cord or start conversation, otherwise dain will sit there brooding in his own thoughts.
probably hasn't been on a road trip with anyone before, but finds himself really appreciating your company as he drives!
is a good driver but absolutely gets confused by toll roads. forgets his wallet in his luggage, which is packed securely in the trunk, so he's fumbling for spare change whenever the two of you pass one.
probably doesn't like fast food but will begrudgingly eat french fries from mcdonalds if you stop. (get him a happy meal... you can watch him fumble with the toy for a few minutes)
doesn't like to sleep if you're driving. he knows you're capable, he just has a natural tendency to worry that something will happen if you're not awake.
dainsleif will tell you stories of his past if you ask him, but only if you've been on the road for a few hours. there's something about the soft intimacy of being in the car with you for that long that makes him want to share parts of himself with you, but only if you wish to hear them.
if you two pass a truly scenic area, he'll stop to take your picture. he's sentimental, okay? it'll take a bit of coaxing to get him to take a selfie with you, though.
refuses to go above the speed limit. dain says they're there for a reason. however, if you call him a bootlicker for this, he refuses to go no less than 5 over the speed limit from then on.
doesn't recline his chair whatsoever. his legs and torso are perpendicular.
... will want to hold your hand as he's driving. sure, two hands is safer, but he likes the feel of your hand in his!
offers to just buy the two of you first class plane tickets to wherever you wish to go, even if it's only an hour or two drive away.
doesn't really get the appeal of a road trip at first, yet agrees to go anyways... he can't resist when you look at him with such pleading eyes.
after you explain the appeal to him, diluc nods as if he understands, then offers to pay for a driver so the two of you can sit in the backseat together. he clearly does not understand.
making diluc eat mcdonalds for the first time on a road trip. is baffled by the concept of a bts meal. eats it anyways. is slightly mad you got a happy meal and he didn't because he's jealous of the toy.
probably packs a whole charcuterie board as a snack or whatever lmfao but FRESH GRAPES,,, fresh grapes galore,,,
whips out a clear cup full of grape juice and starts chugging it while driving until you lecture him that a cop will probably think its wine and pull the two of you over.
if you're driving, diluc unabashedly just stares at you when he thinks you're not paying attention. he finds you pretty, okay?
doesn't really know the songs you play on the aux too well, yet hums along to them under his breath if he can pick up on the melody.
doesn't like small talk, but it's not small talk if it's you! diluc... might not be the best conversationalist for the hours you're in the car together, but he'll try, just for you!
will book a really nice hotel for the two of you then immediately just tugs you into bed with him. just because the two of you spent the whole day in the car together doesn't mean he's had enough of you yet -- it's not like he could just reach over and give you a hug in the middle of driving!
the best music of all of the guys. easily the most trustworthy with the aux. probably has a pretty decent singing voice, yet won't sing louder than a soft melody.
likes to stop for fast food on the road, but also really tries to find local restaurants in the area for the two of you to eat at. he figures giggling with you in a booth is a nice break from the eyesore of the same repetitive scenes while driving.
whines if you don't hold his hand, whether it be you driving or him driving. you can't sit there looking that cute and not hold his hand.
will snore if he falls asleep so you're probably gonna have to wake him up whenever he dozes off if you want to stay sane.
definitely speeds but then nearly breaks whenever he sees a possible cop car. if you weren't awake before, you certainly are now whenever he abruptly changes the speed.
is really experienced with city driving, so if it makes you anxious, he's your best bet.
will randomly comment on how cute you look while driving and will also curse out anyone on the road who makes you angry while you drive. he's supportive! plus he finds it fun
likes to drive into the night. its especially nice for him if you're in an area with low light pollution. he finds the night sky fascinating and, much to your surprise, knows little constellations and will point them out to you.
likes to play a game when the two of you are on the road. he describes a person that the both of you know in abstract terms and your job is to guess them. whenever kaeya starts off with a negative description, you know he's talking about diluc.
he's often busy with work and kaeya finds that love is stored in the little things, so being able to spend this time with you, even if it's the mundane task of driving, means the world to him.
surprisingly doesn't get road rage. instead, he gets passenger road rage, in which he gets really angry if people seem like they're trying to fuck with you while you're driving.
very knowledgeable about little hole-in-the-wall places to stop on your drive... no, he didn't make an itinerary, stop looking at his phone!
doesn't really like to stop for fast food either. would prefer to stop at a sit-down restaurant, mainly so you can relax.
it's hard for you to irritate him, but you realize you can push his buttons by asking 'are we there yet?'. scaramouche will passive aggressively gesture to the gps and estimated arrival time.
if you ask him again immediately after he does that, he'll start muttering prayers in snezhnayan that you can't understand. if you didn't know him better, you'd be petrified.
this is your ONE CHANCE to smother him in compliments. he has nowhere to run away. instead, he has to sit there while you tell him how lovely and cute he is, all while slowly turning into a tomato in the process.
probably only wears pajamas during the road trip. why look fancy when you could feel comfy?
subtly offering snacks and drinks all the time to you. he just wants to make sure you're well taken care of, even if he can't necessarily communicate it in the nicest way.
you can tell he's about to fall asleep when he starts getting all sappy to you. you're his soft spot and scaramouche just... really wants you to know how much he appreciates you. no, he's not crying. harbingers don't cry. look away. your eyes are deceiving you, just like the stars.
bounces his legs constantly in the car. he doesn't ride them very often and is unused to the mechanical movements, so bouncing his leg soothes him.
also gets a bit antsy after a while, so he's nearly clawing at the walls by the time the two of you stop to take a break and walk around.
clenches the steering wheel a bit too hard... but you don't comment on it. he looks tense enough while driving.
surprisingly has pretty decent music. it's likely just a generic lo-fi playlist he found on spotify, but its a far cry from what you expected him to actually play.
like diluc, xiao will stare at you while he's driving. he's an admirer, and he finds the way your brow subtly furrows as you see something in the distance to be utterly mesmerizing.
call him out for it and he gets all embarrassed, but will also grumble about how he loves you under his breath.
he's kind of clumsy with a kamera whenever the two of you stop, but he likes to take pictures of everything!
sometimes, when the two of you are sightseeing wherever you decide to stop, you'll suddenly notice that xiao is no longer by your side. look behind you and you'll find xiao stopping to pet and talk to any dog that the two of you pass.
likes to buy you little trinkets from gift shops if they remind him of you. oh, the little sculpture is the same color of your eyes? oh, it's an object that has your birthstone in it? oh, it's a cute stuffed plush of your favorite animal? xiao's secretly buying it while your distracted and giving it to you in the car.
music isn't very necessary when you have thousands of years of information stored in one being right next to you!
likes to use the road trip as driving practice... he's still acclimating to living with humanity.
uses a gps just in case roads have changed, but is very familiar with the terrain and tells you stories about different areas you pass through.
isn't too familiar with the human side of things, so it's up to you to figure out where the two of you will stop for lunch and dinner. just... no seafood for him, please.
likes to hold your hand while he's driving and rub his thumb back and forth of your knuckles. he finds it comforting.
you had to explain to him what a road trip consisted of before the two of you set out (as, y'know, he used to be a god and is used to teleporting places) and zhongli is utterly enthralled by the concept.
part of humanity that zhongli is still trying to grasp is how it's okay if results aren't immediate. sometimes the fun is found in the journey, not the destination, and zhongli truly understands that during his road trip with you.
while he has eons of information of his own life to share, zhongli also enjoys sitting back and discussing your own life stories. sure, they might not be as grand as tales of the archon war, but they're you, so zhongli adores them nonetheless.
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moralesispunk · 3 years
Old Guys Rule
Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Summary: With a birthday coming up, Frankie's insecurities about the age gap in your relationship start to get the better of him
Warnings: legal age gap relationship, insecurities about said age gap, mentions of children but no mentions of how they came to be in the relationship
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I found this hat in a shop in Cornwall and I had to write this!
"Are you wanting to do anything on your birthday? I was thinking about booking a table down at that Italians you like and asking your Mom to watch the girls but if you have plans with the guys I can find a different day?" you looked over your shoulder at Frankie from where you had been scrolling through the booking page of the restaurant.
"Hmm? No, dinner sounds fine," Frankie answered, his head not lifting up from his phone as his face stayed firmly unbothered.
"We don't have to do anything if you don't want to..." you trailed off as you turned back to the laptop that was resting on the kitchen counter, not convinced by Frankie's response.
"What?" you could tell that his head had whipped up to look at yours now you had turned around, "No, dinner sounds good, yes. Thank you."
You didn't answer, instead scrolling up and down on the page for a minute as you tried not to take his response too personally. It had been a while since you and Frankie were able to go out for dinner just the two of you, finding it more difficult to get some alone time since the new baby came along and you now had the two girls, so you thought he would like the idea of a romantic dinner alone.
You could hear Frankie's footsteps pad across the kitchen floor until he was leaning against the counter next to you. Avoiding his gaze as he crossed his arms over his chest, mimicking the way his ankles were now crossed over one another, you filled in the booking information before closing the laptop. Without looking at him you turned in the chair to stand but Frankie's hand fell on your wrist stopping you.
"Hey," his voice was soft, "I do want to go out for dinner with you and thank you for booking the place that I like, I just-." Frankie sighed and let you wrist go before dragging his hand down his face as he let his eyes drop to the floor, "I'm just not looking forward to this birthday. I'm in my late forties now!"
"I think you're still mid-forties."
"So much better," he rolled his eyes.
"So you're not looking forward to your birthday because... you're going to be a year older? Forty-six years and thats you just realising how birthdays work?"
"It's not funny."
"I'm not laughing, I'm wondering why that's upsetting you. Whether or not you're looking forward to it you can't stop it."
"You'll make fun of me if I tell you why," his foot was swinging out in front of him before crossing it back over the other again.
"Maybe, but we've been married for six years so I think I'm allowed to make fun of you."
A smile was tugging at the corner of Frankie's lips when he finally looked up to you, his head leaning slightly to the side as he met your eyes. Frankie loved everything about you but he especially loved how relaxed you made him feel. Even though he wasn't in a good mood when you started talking birthday plans, instead of giving in to it you pulled him back from it. You had done it ever since you met him. Frankie could tell you, and has told you, his deepest, darkest secrets and fears and you don't shy away. You don't pull him further into the darkness; you just listen and make him feel comfortable until you help him out the other side.
"I know there isn't a bigger gap between us now that there had been when we first started dating because thats not possible but it just feels bigger now? Like, you're still able to keep up with Sofia when she runs rings around us even after you've been up all night with the baby. You don't have to hold the menu back to read it more clearly when we got out for dinner. You don't have to think about having a sore back for a week if we fall asleep on the couch when watching a movie. You don't even fall asleep when watching movies at eight at night but somehow I do!"
You let his breathing settle a little before you pulled him to stand between your legs, resting your hands on his chest.
"Is it about all these small things or is there something bigger to it?"
You tilted your head to catch his gaze as Frankie's eyes fell to the floor again, stopping him with two fingers under his chin and lifting his eyes to meet yours.
"I just worry that you don't want to be with an old guy like me," he sighed, his hands resting on your thighs.
"I'll have you know that I love that your an old guy. I fall more in love with you every day as you get older. I love that you run around enough with Sofia until you're tired because you don't want to stop. I think you're cute when you have to squint at the menu because you're too stubborn to get glasses, even though I think you would look very handsome in them. And I like giving you back massages when it gets sore because its just an excuse to get my hands on your very sexy, super hot, handsome DILF self."
Frankie barked a laugh, his forehead falling against yours as his hands reached up to cup your face.
"I love you so much, you know that."
"I do, and I love you."
His lips found yours, pressing a soft kiss to them. Just as his mouth opened to push his tongue into yours the sound of tiny footsteps running into the kitchen pulled you both away.
"Mama, Papa!" the voice cheered as Frankie leaned down to swing Sofia up, groaning as he did so.
None of what you had said to Frankie was a lie. You truly did love him more and more every day.
As time went on it had been kind to Frankie. He had fought off his demons for the most part, nightmares only sneaking in every so often, and it showed. He carried a lightness with him, not being weighed down by his past anymore. His eyes crinkle at the side when he smiles, which he does more now than ever. His face has filled out a little more in a healthy way. His jaw is also covered in a patchy beard that now has spots of grey that you love the most even if Frankie doesn't believe you.
You let Frankie lie in on the morning of his birthday, getting the girls up and ready so you could have a lazy breakfast together before you dropped them at their Gran's while you and Frankie go out for dinner. After sorting out a breakfast, having to start again after Sofia wanted to help and ended up spilling the batter over the countertop instead of in the pan, you carried it upstairs with the girls in tow.
Frankie was already waking up as you opened the door, his face lighting up with a wide grin when he spotted you balancing the baby in one arm and carefully carrying the tray in the other as Sofia carried bags of birthday presents.
"Happy birthday," you and Sofia chimed with a small gurgle coming from your side.
"My beautiful girls, thank you!"
Frankie lifted Sofia onto the bed with the presents, settling her into his side, before taking the tray of pancakes from your hands. Once it was safe on his lap he lifted his head, catching your lips in a kiss, before you sat across from him.
You managed to get through breakfast before Sofia had spoke about opening the presents again and once the tray was placed on the bedside table you got to opening the gifts. With baby girl back asleep and placed on Frankie's chest, Sofia pulled the paper off them more so than Frankie, handing him the opened presents as he thanked you all. Once all the presents that were on the bed were opened you leaned across and pulled another from your bedside.
"One more," you smiled knowingly and Frankie narrowed his eyes at you as you handed him the small bag.
He snaked his arm from around Sofia, holding baby girl close to his chest as he put his hand inside the bag and pulled out a hat.
"Oh a new hat, thanks babe I love-" he stopped when he read the front, looking at you with a grin on his face.
"What does it say?!" Sofia asked, pushing her head in front of her Dad's to see the cap he was holding.
"It says Old Guys Rule!" you exclaimed.
"Because Dad is old," Sofia flung her head back in a fake laugh that bellowed around the room.
"Is that right?" Frankie tickled her sides until she was giggling for real and her head was lying next to her sleeping sister's on Frankie's chest.
"Dad is old, but he's still cool isn't he?" you reached across and pulled Sofia onto your lap as she nodded.
"How does it look?" Frankie pulled it onto his head, a little wonky as he was only working with one hand with the other resting on the tiny body on his chest.
You and Sofia both put your thumbs up and you laughed.
"Four out of four thumbs up!"
"Thanks babe," he chuckled, lifting his hand to settle the cap a little tighter on his head.
"You're welcome, you look even more handsome today. Forty-six suits you," you winked and he smiled.
Yes, Frankie was getting older but he was becoming happier and healthier and you were falling more in love with him every single day.
Permanent tag// @phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 @sarahjkl82-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @blackmarketmummy @bison-writes @dihra-vesa @queridopascal @sfr99 @rosiefridayrogersunday
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mistaeq · 3 years
the stardust crusaders' hogwarts adventure: HCs
tw // none
dora's note: is this dora posting? what the hell? yes it is, i'm finally working. hopefully. i promise i'm doing by best yes ^^ i felt like doing this today, so... finally got to finish a draft that has been there for quite a while.
DISCLAIMER !! y/n is NOT a student in joseph's HCs, they're a GROWN ADULT with a JOB. !!
taglist: @fragolaaaaaaa @outofthiszawarudo @sky1mercy @cheemerthebebopfreak @berryvalentine @yandere-lovebites @catboy-kira @komaeda-kinnie [if you wanna be removed or added, all it requires is a dm or an ask !!]
kujo jotaro
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♥︎ when he first sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't know what to expect and did not care in which house he would have ended up. everyone in his family, though, always had been one of two precise houses: slytherin or hufflepuff. so, very deep down, he hoped in one of them. but a different one would have been cool with him too, he would have been the first in his family with a different house sorting. he waited for a time that seemed neverending, but earlier than expected, the sorting hat said: "slytherin."
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time during a quidditch tournament. jotaro was a seeker, one of the most precise ones hogwarts had ever had. you caused him an accident, running over him with your broom, causing the two of you to fall to the ground. needless to say, he held a grudge on you for several days, until you had to get along to train for quidditch again.
♥︎ you wouldn't expect it from a wizard like him, but his favourite subjects are care of magical creatures, to study them, protect them, and get on an empathetic level with them, and muggle studies, to get to know more about muggles, in honor of his father, kujo sadao, who's not a wizard.
♥︎ it didn't take long for jotaro to manage to manifest his patronus. he had tried to practice that spell, since before the arrival of the dementors at the school. the two of you used to practice together after quidditch trainings, making you the first person - apart from him, of course - to witness the awaking of his patronus: a beautiful dolphin, a symbol of intelligence and protection.
♥︎ you will probably have to be the one to ask him first out on a date. he's not the best one when it comes to grades, and he spends quite a lot of time with his friends, trying not to think about it. no, he doesn't really care about having the best marks. you should ask one of his best friends, kakyoin noriaki, about what to do to convince him to go out on a date with you. most likely, he'll say yes because he trusts you enough to feel safe.
♥︎ jotaro does not underestimate your powers and doesn't feel the need to constantly protect you, but he must admit that as soon as the teachers of defense against the dark arts start disappearing every year or try to attack the students themselves, he's a little bit worried about you. he starts showing up outside your classroom at the end of every lesson, to check on you and keep you company until you get to you next lesson's classroom.
kakyoin noriaki
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♥︎ when he sat down under the sorting hat, he was really nervous. what if it said that he wasn't even a wizard? what if he ended up in a house that would have disappointed his family? the redhead was shaking like a leaf, even at the point that the sorting hat itself asked him to calm down to allow it to examinate him better. noriaki's terror soon disappeared, as soon as the hat spoke. "okay, okay, my guy. you can calm down. ravenclaw!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time in the library of the school. you were looking for a specific book, the one about the fantastic beasts of the wizarding world and where to find them, when a guy who wasn't looking where he was going, hit the ladder you were standing on, making you fall, right... in his arms. ugh, that sounded like a pathetic love story beginning. until you heard a giggle from the corner of the room. the guy that was making fun of that scene was kakyoin.
♥︎ noriaki's favourite subjects are transfiguration, since he always says he has a talent in transforming objects in what he wants, and defence against the dark arts, since he wishes to become a professor one day. why is it related to that? well, since the professors of defence against the dark arts seem to change every year for some reason, his turn will come sooner or later, or not?
♥︎ for kakyoin, it was a little bit more complicated to manifest his patronus. he kept on focusing on the technique and the way he had to move his wand, instead of focusing on his inner power and mind. but after many efforts, it finally showed up: a beautiful fox, symbol of wisdom and guidance. he told you first thing.
♥︎ noriaki will probably be the one to ask you out for a date first. but he would do it through a letter. he's smart enough to write one that will convince you that he's worth it and that he's perfect for you. the redhead can't imagine you already think of him as such. either way, the letter will be very sweer and heartfelt, even if a little bit awkward sometimes. but you'll say yes regardless, he put a lot of effort in it, and has always been respectful towards you.
♥︎ he wouldn't be much worried about you at first, hogwarts is a safe place for the students, after all, right? right? oh, what? in a bathroom the little hermione granger almost got killed by a troll? you know what, nevermind? the guy is gonna be glued to you the whole time, he'll even skip lessons for it, despite how much they mean for him. you're not gonna get attacked by anything, with him by your side.
muhammad avdol
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♥︎ everyone envied him when he sat down under the sorting hat, because despite the young age at the time, he looked absolutely calm and collected. he had no anxiety, and his eyes were closed, in complete relaxation, as if him and the sorting hat had some sort of mental communication going on. his smile was endearing, his fingers intertwined in front of his chest. but the hat seemed to take a lot of time sorting him. "your heart said gryffindor, my dear boy. but your soul spoke hufflepuff to me." the hat declared. but then... "hufflepuff!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time on the stairs. yes, the ones that like to change. your books had fallen from your arms on the stairs, and since he was passing by, he decided to lend a helping hand. what you didn't notice, was that you were standing right between the stairs and the floor. when the stairs changed, hadn't it been for muhammad's quick reflex of pulling you on his side, you would have probably fallen down several floors.
♥︎ avdol is naturally gifted, when it comes to subjects like astronomy, or his favourite one, divination. he seems to be the only student who doesn't stare at mrs. trelawney as if she were completely crazy. the majority of the ravenclaws, his friend noriaki included, sometimes don't even listen to her. but avdol does, and he's completely in love with the subject.
♥︎ it hadn't been difficult at all for avdol, to manifest his patronus. almost natural, for him. you weren't there to witness it, but you studied and practiced with him for it several times. the last time he tried, a beautiful and graceful phoenix escaped muhammad's wand, symbol of resurrection and life after death, a patronus that the student took as a symbol of hope.
♥︎ none of you two will ask the other out for a date. the love between you and avdol would bloom spontaneously, without the need of dating. you would find yourselves behaving like a couple just naturally. he likes to give you tarot readings and to stargaze with you. the stargazing sessions are the ones that get the two of you closer to each other.
♥︎ avdol would be protective over you since the very beginning. he can sense something's off in the school, and his tarot readings about hogwarts's future keep getting darker and more mysterious everytime. but every single reading hints at an upcoming source of danger, that most likely would be voldemort, he supposes. he has to keep an eye on you. he's scared.
jean pierre polnareff
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♥︎ oh boy, this guy was mad nervous when he sat down under the sorting hat. everything but slytherin, everything but slytherin. surely, he knew he wouldn't have ended up in ravenclaw. he wasn't that much of a smart guy, but he did his best. either way, everything would have been cool to him, apart from slytherin. it just didn't sit right to him. but luckily, before jean could ask the sorting hat why was it taking so long, it spoke. "okay, okay, i get it. gryffindor, no doubts!" it said, making the young wizard feel relieved.
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time while he was trying so hard to find his way to the next classroom he had to be in. the school was huge, and polnareff couldn't help but to get confused in the corridors. you offered him your help, but he tried to play it cool, running away and dropping a book. well, you would have brought it to him.
♥︎ polnareff's favourite subjects are charms and flying. they're pretty basic, but he finds them the coolest things about being a wizard. he's a huge fan of quidditch too, but he wouldn't see himself playing. flying lessons give him the same feeling of freedom though, and he loves it so much.
♥︎ it took pretty long for jean pierre to manifest his patronus. he just couldn't focus enough. you've been practising with him, and you manifested it first, so it would have been good to try to help him. until he managed to do it. from his wand, a beautiful horse was freed, a symbol of power, independence, freedom, and nobleness. you could tell jean was satisfied, and grateful to you for helping him in manifesting it.
♥︎ he'll definitely be the one to ask you out first, probably not much time after you helped him to manifest his patronus. that event made him so happy and made him grow so fond of you, that he genuinely wants to improve your relationship, and hopefully, get something more from it. hopefully your heart, hopefully a kiss. but he means it genuinely. he's not trying to exploit you to get your help with assignments. for real.
♥︎ as the years go by, polnareff would start noticing hogwarts isn't the same place that it's always been, or that dumbledore claimed it was. he grows more and more protective of you, every year a worse mess happens, and it's always connected to voldemort. he's not liking it at all. not to mention you're worried, since the gryffindors seem to be pretty involved in it. more than you and jean pierre like to admit. he knows something he's not telling.
joseph joestar
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♥︎ in his youth, when he sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't give a shit of what house he would have been sorted in, all he wanted was just start learning magic stuff. joseph was laughing with some handsome boys and pretty girls at the table, and was hoping it wouldn't take long to sort him, his adventure had just started. but the hat actually took really little time to figure out where he was gonna go. "slytherin." it announced, almost immediately.
♥︎ going through the corridors of hogwarts reminds him of many years ago, when you first met. he would never forget the way you told him to go fuck himself, while he was just standing on a chair, reminding everyone that him and his best friend of the time, a young lucius malfoy, were the best kind of wizards because they were purebloods. that was a bunch of bullshit he truly used to believe. luckily, he grew up to understand it wasn't true.
♥︎ now, joseph is a teacher. the last student you would have expected to become one, but he did. a teacher of defense against the dark arts, and he's not planning on leaving anytime soon. he'll keep his eyes open, he heard teachers have been disappearing every year. not to mention a lot of scary stuff is happening at hogwarts. he didn't choose a good time to work.
♥︎ he's always been a quick learner, and he managed to manifest his patronus quicker than many of his classmates. a really cool eagle, a symbol of truth, majesty, strength. despite his attitude, it was clear that joseph was a good wizard, it had to be given to him. and you grew to be into it. to admire it. he secretly liked you, too.
♥︎ joseph took the first step towards you, but he didn't quite ask you out, let's say that to keep his cool, he TOLD you that you and him were gonna date. as if to announce you. you were okay with it, and didn't accept just because you were feeling forced. you accepted because you liked him, and recognized it as a great opportunity to get closer to him. you would have worked on improving the romantic field throughout your relationship.
♥︎ now that he's a teacher, he has to recognize that there's so much going on, that the students do not see. joseph is acknowledged about how dangerous the situation is getting, and more than ever, he reaches out to you, or phones you, no matter the fact that you're working. everyone is talking about voldemort, and he doesn't like the smallest bit of it. he just wants to make sure you're safe.
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part three] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A man is murdered and things get interesting as the investigation starts. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai]
2,981 words
note: no smut in this one hehe, but things are gonna get fun. enjoy!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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"Hey... are you okay?" Kenji asked me a few days later, noticing the scowl on my face and realizing that I had been tapping my nail on my desk repeatedly for the last fifteen minutes. "You seem... pissed?"
I grunted, closing my eyes and slowly taking a deep breath. "I'm okay, Kenji. Just having a bad day." The others shared looks with each other, but chose not to pry. The frown on my face never left, my fists clenched as my blood continued to boil.
Then that all went away, when I felt a gentle hand against the back of my neck. I looked over at Dazai, who had lazily rolled himself in his chair over to me. He grinned. "I could see the steam coming from your ears!"
His hand never left my neck, moving until his fingers loosely wrapped around the column of my throat. Strangely enough, my anger had completely gone away when he touched me, and it felt nice to finally breathe. "With the day I'm having..." I sighed, the whole world seemingly melting away, Dazai's thumb stroking along my jaw.
Kunikida was clearly unimpressed, the man gritting his teeth. Atsushi looked shocked, his face tinged red while Ranpo and Kenji just touched their own necks gently.
"Does she like to get choked?"
"Who knows, man."
"Hey, I know what will make you feel better," Dazai suggested and I tilted my head, waiting for him to continue. He leaned in and would have kissed me if it weren't for a book smacking right into the side of Dazai's head.
"Do that on your own time! We have a schedule!" Kunikida fumed while I quickly turned around to cover my face, simply to muffle down my obnoxious laughter.
"Oh, dude!"
"Kunikida! What was that for!"
"Public indecency!"
Dazai rubbed his head, whining from the pain while I just giggled behind my hands. Dazai almost looked betrayed at me laughing at him and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Hey, that's what you get for trying to play grab ass."
I purposely ignored Dazai's pouty face for the rest of the day, the man clearly upset that he didn't get to kiss me. I shook my head, glaring at him from across the office while threateningly pointing my pen at him.
"Work, dammit."
"I don't wanna! Bella, don't be so mean!"
I fixed him another glare before going back to my work, finishing up the final report for the last case we were on. After going through and making sure it was perfect, I saved and emailed it to the President, just as the door to the office slammed opened.
"He's gone!"
"Keiko?! What the he- Keiko, what's wrong?"
I stood up from my desk, my best friend standing before me in a frazzled state. She looked extremely distressed, tears falling down her face. I rushed to her, the woman collapsing into my arms as we both fell to our knees.
"He's gone!" she exclaimed before she started to sob into my chest. "He's gone! He's gone! He's gone!"
"Keiko..." I looked up at the others with wide eyes, them looking on with alarm. I turned back to Keiko, rubbing on her back as she continued to sob.
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Taichi was killed. He was found in an alleyway with multiple stab wounds. Keiko had received a call from the police after his identity was discovered, the detectives revealing the tragic news to her.
"I'm so sorry, Keiko..." I said to her softly, sitting with her in one of the small areas of the office, separated by simple dividers. "... how the hell did this happen? We just saw him last night when he dropped you off at my place..."
Keiko had finished crying, but the terrible sadness in her eyes was a clear indication of how devastated she was. I clenched my fists, feeling my anger from earlier building up again.
"I'm going to have to make my statement," Keiko said softly, chewing on her bottom lip.
"Do you want me to go with you to the station?" I asked and she shook her head.
"No... it's okay..."
"The thing is, you are also one of the last people to see him alive," Kunikida spoke up, standing by with Dazai and Atsushi. "You'll have to give your account too..."
Sighing deeply, I absentmindedly reached under my skirt, pausing when I didn't feel my knife against my thigh where it usually was. I gritted my teeth, shaking my head to myself before I went back to rubbing on Keiko's back in an attempt to comfort her.
Soon, Keiko and I left the Agency and headed on over to the police station. We gave our accounts of the night before when we last saw Taichi, us talking separately with a different agent.
"Now you know, Mr. Kamiya was in the Port Mafia," the agent said and I nodded. "And they have quite a bit of history with your little organization."
I didn't like the condescending tone in his voice, but I kept my cool. "Of course, but none of us have anything to do with this man's murder, and you have no evidence proving otherwise."
He just rolled his eyes at me. "Well, this is all we need. You're free to go."
I nodded before quietly making my way out of the interview room. I met with Keiko, who looked like she had been crying again and I pulled her into a comforting hug. "It's okay. This will be over soon."
Later on, I found myself back at the Agency, Keiko choosing to go home, despite my protests. My head was buried in my arms, not moving as I felt someone put their hand on my head, lightly scratching my scalp.
"Looks like the police will keep on investigating Taichi's murder," Dazai said and I peeked one eye out to find him leaning against my desk. "Thing is, I'm sure the Port Mafia will also be conducting their own investigation. Ohh, this is gonna get interesting~"
"So is it better if we stay out of this, then?" I asked, sitting up in my chair. "I mean, unless we're asked... we don't have to touch this."
Dazai regarded me for a moment, a mysterious smile growing on his face before he just threw his hands up nonchalantly. "I get it, you were friends with the guy."
"Not really," I corrected him immediately. "Keiko is my friend."
"Ohhhhh," Dazai just hummed, tapping his forefinger on his chin. "Well anywho, the police are gonna have their hands full if the Port Mafia really gets involved! It wouldn't hurt to help, right?"
I hesitated, a small smile soon growing on my face as I nodded. "Sure. Let's start tomorrow."
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"How about tonight instead?!" Dazai asked with a cheerful smile while I just glared at him angrily, the two of us now standing in the middle of the crime scene.
"Why do I even bother believing a word you say?" I hissed at him, attempting to kick the man but he quickly side stepped me. I gritted my teeth. "Ugh, plus it's already dark, Dazai. It's gonna be harder to find any evidence." Indeed, the only light we were getting was from the full moon up ahead, and the shitty lights above the side door of one of the buildings. "Are we even allowed to be here?"
Dazai simply nodded his head. "Of course, we were assigned to this case, afterall."
"... you told me the police were keeping it," I said, eyebrows twitching in annoyance. Was he serious?!
Dazai just smiled and threw his hands up. "Guess I was mistaken," he hummed and I sighed deeply, rubbing my temples.
"Okay so... what now?" I asked, finally looking around the crime scene. It was obviously taped off and Taichi's body was removed. All there was left was a giant stain of blood, which I now looked at with a worried face.
"Just by the nature of the crime alone, we can easily say it was a crime of passion. If this was a local gang or rival, he would have been shot, or even jumped and beaten to death. Official word is, he was stabbed over sixty times," Dazai explained, standing beside me and staring at the blood. "There is no sign of the murder weapon, no other physical evidence besides Taichi's dead body and blood. We'll have to wait for forensics to give us their final word, but I can tell... this might not be so easy to crack."
I nodded solemnly, my fists clenched tightly.
"Or... will it?"
I took in a deep breath before turning and sending Dazai a sheepish smile. "Well, we got our work cut out for us, huh."
Dazai chuckled softly. "Yeah, but that's what makes it fun."
"So Dazai," I started, crossing my arms over my chest. "I have a question."
"I may have an answer."
"Have you ever killed anyone before?"
Silence followed after my question and I turned to look at the man. His hands were in his pockets, a weird smile on his face. "I have. Quite a few."
For some reason, the answer didn't shock me as much as it probably should. "How do you sleep at night?"
More silence, before Dazai stood before me. I looked up at him, heart thudding when I saw that same dim look in his eyes. His lips curled up and he leaned in, making me hold my breath as he whispered.
"Like a baby."
My breath hitched in my throat, eyes going wide. I licked my lips nervously, nodding my head slowly. "I see..." Just... wow.
"You know, I could have gone without seeing your ugly face, Dazai."
A look of distaste grew on Dazai's face as the newcomer came sauntering up to us. He wore black, a familiar hat resting upon a familiar head of red hair. Blue eyes stared daggers into my coworker, mouth curled into a displeased snarl.
"Ah, Chuuya! It is a small world, after all," Dazai sang, the glare in his eyes not meeting the jovial tone of his voice.
Chuuya scoffed. "I thought you'd be fucking dead by now, but of course, you always love to piss me off."
"'Cause it's so much fun!"
The two men clearly didn't like each other, but that was the least of my concerns. All I could do was stare at Chuuya in shock. Of course, Taichi was one of his subordinates, he would want to find out who his killer was and get retribution. That was just how the Port Mafia worked.
I gulped, carefully trying to back away from the two. They could stand there and bicker with each other all they want. I had to get out of here before-
"Oh wait, meet my new friend!" Dazai wrapped his arm around my neck, wrestling me to his side effortlessly as I tried to break free. He knew I was trying to escape and made sure that didn't happen.
"Hey, let me go!" I hissed, not pleased with being pulled into a damn chokehold.
"Not until you meet my old friend!"
Chuuya growled. "We're not friends, damn traitor!"
Traitor? I grew confused, eyebrows pinched even as I fought against Dazai's hold. Chuuya narrowed his eyes when he finally got a good look at me.
"Hey... do I know you?"
Crap. "Uh..." I laughed sheepishly, Dazai now confused as he looked back and forth between the two of us.
"You know each other?"
"We met a few months ago," Chuuya spoke up, his eyes widening in realization before his eyes narrowed and he snarled.  "Knew you couldn't be trusted."
"Wait!" I exclaimed, making it out of Dazai's hold and holding my hands up to Chuuya. "I swear... I didn't even know about the ADA when we met. It was just as I said that night, I lost my job and was there to drink my pain away."
"Tch," Chuuya sounded, his eyes still narrowed. "And now you work with this traitorous bastard. Lucky you."
There was that word again.
"What do you mean by traitor?" I asked, at the same time Dazai spoke up.
"How the hell do you two know each other?"
Chuuya scoffed. "I fucked her."
I squeaked, Dazai's eyebrows raising.
"Interesting. I'm fucking her too."
I squeaked again, waving my hands wildly before either man could respond. "D-don't we have a murder to solve, huh?!"
It fell on deaf ears, the two men staring each other down, all before their eyes were on me and my trembling form.
"You know... I feel like we've been here before, Chuuya."
Said man snorted. "When you fucked my girls?"
"Like you haven't fucked mine?"
Okay, now I was confused. "Um... I don't understand..."
"Oh yeah!" Dazai exclaimed a bit too cheerfully, putting a hand on Chuuya's shoulder, earning a withering glare. "Chuuya and I go way back. Were the best of friends."
"No we weren't."
"We were partners! The best there was!"
"... tch."
Partners? What the hell did Dazai mean by partners? I looked between the two men, lips formed in a thin line. Then, the answer struck and my mouth fell open in shock. There was no fucking way... Dazai? I swallowed thickly, shaking my head for this was not the time or place to be thinking about this.
"Okay... I can only imagine just how deep this shit goes," I started, the men looking at me curiously. "But we have a murder to solve. Whatever... this," I gestured my hand between the two of them. "Is... it can wait. Y'all can make out or whatever later."
That was my attempt at breaking whatever tension there was, but I was the only one cackling when Dazai and Chuuya immediately protested.
"I will kill you!"
"That is not funny, bella!"
"Ugggh, I don't have the time for this. I should have known that the ADA would be investigating this, and that just pisses me off. You two should just stay out of my way," Chuuya said, hands in his coat pocket. "Though you... word is that you were one of the lasts who saw Taichi alive."
My heart dropped when Chuuya looked at me and I frowned. "And I told the police that I saw him when he dropped Keiko off at my apartment. There are cameras in the lobby that will show that I never left the apartment. We even ordered food in."
"Fuck. And there is no other evidence right now. No weapon, no hints of DNA. It's like the killer just vanished," Chuuya said to himself and I glanced at Dazai, seeing the amused look on his face.
"What if it was an ability user?" Dazai suggested. Chuuya gritted his teeth.
"Shut up! I don't need your help!"
"Really? Are you sure?" Dazai taunted the red head, quickly ducking when Chuuya swung his foot in a wide kick. Dazai didn't get hit, but the wall behind him took the damage, large cracks forming on the surface. I swallowed thickly. Just how strong was Chuuya?
"H-hey," I started nervously, foolishly getting between the two men before they could start a fight. "We're after the same goal, right? Why don't we just... work together?" The fierce glares I got made me shrink. "O-o-or! Or not! That's fine! Just don't fight!"
"Bella is right... fighting is so beneath me," Dazai said wistfully and I sighed deeply.
"Dazai, I'm being serious. This man was my best friend's boyfriend. I want to find his killer too."
"Just stay out of it," Chuuya growled. "This has nothing to do with either of you. The Port Mafia will handle this."
"Let's make it a race then." Both Chuuya and I were dumbfounded as we looked at Dazai, waiting for him to continue. "A competition to see who figures this out, the ADA or the Port Mafia."
"Dazai... what the hell?" I asked in disbelief, Chuuya stepped closer to him.
"What's the prize?"
Dazai smirked, raising a bandaged hand and pointing right to me. "Our bella."
My jaw dropped. "You're fucking kidding me?"
"No," Dazai answered rather seriously. "I'm not."
Chuuya is strangely quiet, his unreadable eyes now trained on me. I fidgeted under his gaze, looking away to find Dazai staring at me all the same. I shivered. I hated this; hated being part of such a stupid competition as a prize, and I hated that I fucking loved it. I screwed my eyes shut.
"Deal," Chuuya finally said and I gasped when I felt his familiar leather clad fingers cup my face, him moving my head to make me look at him. "Gotta say, I didn't expect to see you again, but I'm glad our paths have crossed a second time." I became extremely flustered and Chuuya smirked. "Tell me, Dazai. What was it like having my sloppy seconds?"
I gasped sharply with Dazai only laughing darkly, suddenly feeling his presence behind me. "Can't say it was too bad..." he answered and I just completely clocked out, breath hitching as I felt a bit embarrassed. And turned on. They knew exactly what to say to get me riled up.
"Okay, I'm leaving! It's late and I still haven't eaten dinner yet! Bye!" I was frantic trying to rush away from them as fast as I could. I didn't even turn back when Dazai called after me.
"See you tomorrow, bella!" Dazai chuckled softly, watching me disappear, hands stuffed in his pockets.
"A race? Really?" Chuuya asked incredulously, eyes piercing as he stared at his old partner.
"It will just make this all the more fun," Dazai hummed.
"You're a bastard," Chuuya scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Just stay out of my way. Taichi getting himself killed just ruined the investigation we had on him."
"Oh?" Dazai raised his eyebrows, amused. "Was he being a naughty boy?"
"Shut the fuck up, Dazai."
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I have this headcanon that Dazai and Chuuya definitely stole each other's girls and even shared them and had threesomes when they were partners and ya'll CANNOT tell me otherwise.
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b0rista · 3 years
WARNINGS: light angst & swearing.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: he's one of my ultimate favorite snk characters, and i needed to cleanse my page of the heavy ass warrior content djjfjf.
"you're either a blessing, or you're a lesson. either or, you and i met for a reason."
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with all of the gore and the misfortune that comes with your livelihood, it's connie that gets you through it.
as expected, you first fell in love with him for his humor. not for the humor itself, but for how it shed the smallest flicker of joy upon a heaping tower of despair— as soldiers, you needed that. fortunately, he was the one that brought it to the table. even during your days as cadets, connie lived to make you laugh. hearing a chuckle flutter from your core served as a form of therapy for him, and with time, he grew addicted.
with that being said, he does the stupidest shit in order to get your attention. even when you're together, he'll do what needs to be done. for example, one time, he tried to impress you by doing a trick while saddled up on his horse. in an attempt to twirl like a jackass ballerina, the horse decided that it deserved better, and kicked him clean off its back. at the sight of his 5'2 ass being hoisted eight feet into the air, you nearly choked.
prepare yourself, he's a cuddler. after a particularly hard day's worth of work, connie finds solace in bedding up with you, knowing that you're safe, and with him. he asks that you don't tell anybody, but he actually really enjoys cuddling as the little spoon. to have his head pressed against your chest, his ear to your heartbeat, brings him comfort. of course, he'll never detest to being your big spoon, either. he absolutely loves the feeling of you buried within his touch.
^ if you ever want to go an evening without cuddling, he'll be immediately offended. never, ever, ever will the two of you fall asleep back to back. he simply won't have it, it makes him feel as if something's wrong. and if that is the case, nobody's falling asleep until you've talked about it and successfully sorted it out.
at the beginning of your guys' relationship, everyone worried for you. did he coerce you, y/n? are you being forced? has he threatened you, has he threatened your family? nobody could grasp the fact that connie motherfuckin' springer had managed to pull you.
if there's any sort of sour talk regarding you, no matter how little it is, this man will leap to your defense. one time, jean called your bedhead ugly, and connie propelled a moldy roll of bread into his forehead. in the end, a massive food fight erupted, and you were just standing there with your bedhead like 🧍‍♀️
HOWEVER, there was an instance that actually led to a genuine, real fight between you two as a couple. you'd managed to scuff up your leg during the battle with kenny the ripper and his associates, and when it came down to who was and who wasn't going to tag along for the eren & historia rescue mission, connie belittled you to the team behind your back. not because he actually felt that way, but because he'd do anything to maintain your safety— even if it meant hurting your feelings. telling captain levi that your abilities were inadequate for that particular mission hurt him, but he did what he felt was necessary.
in the end, though, levi saw through the charade. to connie's dismay, you came with to save eren and historia. and during the entire journey, you didn't even utter a word to him. of course, though, during the battle, you put your frustrations aside. once you saw your lover's head nearly get kicked in during combat, you understood his intentions, and you forgave him. as expected, he replied to your forgiveness with humor,, his go-to coping mechanism.
"considering how sexy i looked on the battlefield, i knew you wouldn't be able to resist."
whenever his hair starts to grow out, you're the one that gets to cut it back down! he's able to do it himself, but he really likes it when you do it. you're typically propped up in his lap, sitting face to face as you file down his edges. he always loops his arms around your waist, intently staring you in the face— seeing you so concentrated on his hair, he can't help it.
you wouldn't expect this from connie whatsoever, but he likes it when you read to him. pick a literature of your choice and let him kick back and rest his head onto your lap, pleasE. he'll close his eyes, and for the first time in forever, stay still. the only time he and books ever coexist is when you're reading one to him. he'll also make fun of you whenever you stumble over a sentence,, so get ready.
the day you realize that this motherfucker is nearing six feet tall, you're ready for the holy spirit to whisk you away. literally, you measure his height on the weekly once you realize he just keeps gaining inches. that, and when he starts growing more into his face? lawd, take you now.
"connie, you're getting seXY-"
"what the hell does thaT mE A N-"
many, many proposals. none are meant to be taken seriously, which the both of you know. still, there are far too many proposals between the two of you. one time, you killed a fly midair, and he thought you were the baddest bitch on the block.
"marry me."
another time, he swooped you into the air with his maneuvering gear, and as you held onto him for dear life, you looked him dead in the face: "marry me, you baldheaded bastard."
it can be a reel, how many times the two of you say that bullshit. somehow, it's cute.
he doesn't really take basic boundaries into consideration. like, one time, you caught him using your toothbrush because he couldn't find his. it wasn't fun, you had to give him a serious talking to.
he is, without a doubt, constantly prepared to lay down his life for you on the battlefield. during his time as a soldier, he's grown significantly strong— and once he fell in love with you, he's felt even stronger. not only do you give him drive, but you lend him strength. with that being said, you're somebody he'd die for without even an ounce of hesitation. and knowing him, he's probably made that more than obvious.
when connie's village was destroyed and it was discovered that his entire family was turned into titans, you were one of the only ones to actually comfort him. you were absolutely enraged at how nonchalantly your lover's loss was set aside, and although he'd tried his hardest to conquer the grief alone, it was you who sat at his bedside at night, cradling him in your arms as he wept. never in your life had you seen him so distraught. after that period of time, your relationship with him only deepened in its seriousness. 
as expected, you and sasha spend quite a bit of time together! after all, that's your boyfriend's best friend. given her easygoing nature, it didn't take long for sasha to absolutely adore you. naturally, she wonders how the hell you manage to operate with a boyfriend like that, but she tries not to ask questions.
speaking of the wonder twins, they love getting you in trouble. whenever the two of them think up an astonishingly moronic shenanigan, there's a solid 50/50 chance that you'll be looped into it, too. one time, they purposefully dulled jean's razor, and when he went to shave, it only ended in him splitting his face open due to placing too much pressure. as a joke, those two jackasses carved your initials into the handle. when jean decided that he'd murder you, connie tried playing the hero, lEapiNg to your defense. it was stupid, and it didn't work. you still laugh about it, though.
there have been several jokes regarding starting a family and growing old together— secretly, though, connie doesn't want them to just be jokes.
he stole a stray cat for you. yup, yes he did. the two of you were walking about the city, and you saw a gray-haired sleeping beside a trash bin behind a local vendor. you compared its fur to the color of his hair, calling it cute. out of impulse, connie went back to that exact same vendor later on that day, trapped the cat in a box, and brought it to your doorstep.
his forearms and fingertips were covered in claw marks, but to see your face light up the way that it did, any amount of pain was immediately worth it.
after the nickname that shadis had given connie on the first day of cadet training, you named the kitty q-ball. 🥺
during the season four era, the two of you share a house. at first, captain levi argued against it— "put a pair of horny teenagers in a home together, what do you think is gonna happen?"
y'all said fuck it, and lived together anyways. it's you, him, and your lovely child, q-ball. occasionally jean, too. some nights, he doesn't want to be alone.
eskimo kisses. during the prepping of every single mission, you'll get eskimo kisses. it's a small, loving gesture the two of you do before heading into the battlefield. as a sign of your love, you'll press your foreheads together and rub noses, weapons holstered and ready for combat. it's a serious tradition, and it'll never be ignored.
and after a mission, connie has this habit of pinching your cheeks immediately after rushing towards you. it isn't to be cute, either. it's so that he can scan you, and check you for any harm. basically, it's him squeezing the life out of your face while bombarding you with questions.
expect supremely cheesy pet names! bae, biscuit, buttercup, baby thing, sexy bitch, and so on. if it were anyone else, he would 100% make fun of them. but it's him, therefore adorable.
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honesthammie · 3 years
Te amo
I am working on a few of the other prompts and a part 2 to prompt 4 the soulmate au I just recently got another puppy and I still have uni work to do so I'm a bit behind schedule with these and I'm so sorry. Hopefully this little kinda songfic makes up for it.
13th doctor x female reader
Warnings: swearing as usual, fluffy, sad thoughts, twist the original songs meaning, long as fuck.
Probably terrible as its my first songfic
I don't know much Spanish so some of the examples later on are Google translated and I know it can be wrong so I do apologise for any mistranslations
This is based off Rhiannas song Te Amo but I'm switching it up a little. I dont why 13th doctor came into my head when I was listening to it but it gave me this lil oneshot idea so enjoy! The picture is not mine but the rainbow effect added is done by me! Same for the picture later on.
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I've been travelling with this amazing alien for a whole year now. The adventures are always amazing if she's there! The others sometimes complain and say its boring, especially on a junk planet but to see her face light up with excitement makes my day and it well worth the dirt we cover ourselves on by the time we are done. And when she finds something that she thought was useful and it turns out, it's not her scrunch is amazing.
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm in love with this alien. I know, weird, a human and an alien together? But I can't help it! I'm completely besotted with her. If she even looks in my direction, my legs go to jelly and I get butterflies. I know, cheesy. But thats exactly how I feel around her. I barely want to touch her because I nearly fainted the last few times. And I fear she may pick up on how I'm distancing myself from her. I don't want to break her heart and leave, the thought of her look kills me as is so I'm trying to get her to kick me off.
It doesn't seem to be working though. I've been distancing myself since I found out about how I feel, which is now 6 months ago and she's trying to get me to be as close as I was with her.
I'll tell her. On one of our amazing adventures but I can't do it straight forward, it's making me sick with anxiety just thinking about it. I'll fancy it up, make her work it out. Whenever we are next to each other and the moment is right, I'll tell her in another language!
I finally get out of bed after I finished writing in my diary. I slip some comfy clothes on and head out to the TARDIS library and hope no one is there, especially her. I'll be distracted and right now, I need to concentrate. I wonder the warm halls, grateful that the TARDIS had considered my preferences. I think the TARDIS likes me more than the others because I talk to her and show her gratefulness for taking us somewhere amazing and I chat to her regularly and I try to involve her in my conversations. The others find it weird, except for the Doctor, she just smiles and joins in with me. Im still learning how to translate her but I think I've sort of got it.
I reach my hand forward and grab the aged bronze doorknob and open to the giant room. There were so many floors that an elevator had to be used to access some of them as the Doctor said "walking would literally take weeks to reach some floors". Thankfully the TARDIS organises them to make them easier to find. I looked forward and saw an interactive map in front of me. My hands touched the screen and many subjects and categories came up. Anything ranging from kiddie tales to straight up smut, I have a feeling either River or Missy are to blame for that addition.
I've never met them but the TARDIS showed me videos from her database and brought books to my attention about them. They both seem very dirty minded people so I'm not surprised those are there. I wonder if the Doctor has ever stumbled upon this section or is it for none Doctor eyes only? If she does know about them, has she ever read one? No, don't go there you stupid brain! She probably doesn't know!
I quickly stop that train of thought and catch my breath. I've never thought about those kinds of things about anyone before. Stupid Timelord, making me go all weird and think dirty things. Now my face is all red, I really hope I'm alone in here. I quickly focus back to the task at hand, finding a new language to learn. The TARDIS seemed to know where to go and blue arrows appeared, guiding me to the right section in what could be a maze.
As I walking, I felt excitement rise within me. What if she felt the same way? What if she was impressed by how far I wanted to go just to say those 3 words? Would her hazel honey eyes sparkle with delight? Would she scronch her nose in amazement?
Before I knew it, I'd arrived at the language learning section and there were many alien languages but the TARDIS seemed to have a better idea of what would be perfect for me as a white hardback book fell off the 4th shelf onto the wooden floor. I picked it up and noticed how smooth the cover was and how old yet unused it looked. The white was a little off, almost a dull cream from ageing which made the gold writing harder to read. The title was simple:
Spanish basics and need to knows.
I did always find Spanish in school fun to learn, more than French or German anyway and I don't wanna stereotype this into a typical French is the language of romance. I never really found it romantic sounding compared to Spanish.
I picked up the book and quickly flicked through to the right page and took a note on my phone as to what the translation was and put the worn book away. I quietly thanked the TARDIS and rushed out of the library and back into my room where I could practice without getting caught.
A few weeks have passed since I picked up the new words and practiced them until I was confident and had the TARDIS' approval that I was saying it right. Today the Doctor wanted to take us to this party in the 18th century and we all decided to dress for the part once we landed.
Yaz was wearing a beautiful black and red ballroom gown, accented with little bows around the bottom and lace cuffs. She had her black hair curled into a ponytail. It was simple and cute, much like her style normally. Graham and Ryan wore similar suits but Graham wore green accents and Ryan wore yellow accents.
I let the TARDIS pick my dress. She picked a black and dark blue ballroom gown with blue roses on the bottom. It had black lace underneath and blue lace as the cuffs. The gown also seemed to glitter slightly in the light making me sparkle very subtly. I put my comfy boots on as you couldn't see my shoes as I walked anyway so why did it matter? With all the running we do, I'm not risking my ankles with heels, thank you very much. I had my (h/c) hair in (fave style). It suited my dress perfectly.
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I nearly choked on oxygen when I saw how hot the Doctor looked in her suit. It took me a few moments to realise we match. We both blushed at the realisation. Of course the TARDIS makes us match! No wonder why she was more than eager to help me pick an outfit! Stupid sentient ship, shipping us already!
I quickly cleared my throat and complimented everyone on how amazing they looked but I just couldn't take my eyes off the Doctor for long. She was like a magnet for my eyes. Someone help before she realises!
"Don't we all look brilliant? Perfect for the party! 18th century Yorkshire to be exact! What a great century for you guys. Now then, this party is for Nobles and higher, as per usual in these times. Ryan, I suggest you keep in mind about any racist comments that may come out. But as long as you say your Graham's personal butler, you should be welcomed with little resistance. And Yaz, I want you to be (y/n)'s personal maid. That does mean you'll have to follow your so called "masters" around and do anything they ask unfortunately and Graham, (y/n), please act like the others around you and use them. Unfortunately this is the only way all 5 of us can join the party. You'll be fine as long as you bite your tongues. Now the Noble Edward Collins is the host so be sure to thank him for inviting you, even though you technically weren't. And try not to get too drunk, I know what you humans are like! Now follow me." The Doctor explained. I was going to tell the Doctor today, but I guess, I'll have to wait.
The Doctor opened the doors and we were in a cupboard under some gorgeous marble stairs. As we walked towards the party I noticed some family portraits along the walls. They were a very beautiful looking family. The mother had long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The father was buff, long brown hair and daring brown eyes. There were two children, a girl and a boy. The girl had long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, whilst the son had blonde hair and brown eyes. They also had a brown greyhound dog laying by the sons feet. The son must be the host, Edward. He looked not much older than 10 in the last painting but the daughter was no where to be found in the portrait and theu all looked mournful. Is she dead and is that the picture capturing the moment of grief? Why would anyone want that? It's so strange, even for this time period.
The Doctor held me and Yaz close, stopping us in our tracks. My heart was racing at the simple touch. But as soon as the touch was there, it was gone. "I hope its okay with you (y/n) but you're going to have to be married to someone."
My heart stopped for a moment and I nearly choked on air. "What? Why?"
"Because women like yourself would have been married as young as 13 or 14. Now your only choices are me and Graham. You can't choose Ryan as he's supposed to be a butler and you can't choose Yaz as she's your maid. The choice is yours, I just need to know wether or not I should refer to you as my darling wife or not?"
What. The. Fuck.
Why did her even calling me that l, turn me on? Obviously, I'm going to choose her but I'm going to have to perfect my reasoning here.
"As much as I love Graham, it's going to be awkward if I have to kiss him or anything because he's like my grandad! I guess you'll do Timelord. Come on then husband, we don't want to be late to the dancefloor!" I spoke clearly hoping she didn't notice how excited I actually was to have even a hint of a relationship with her. It may be fake but ill take anything when it comes to her.
We arrived at the welcome committee and handed our cards over, aka the psychic paper. We were going as Mr and Mrs (last name). The Doctor was holding my hand this entire time and it's driving me insane. I don't know if she can feel my racing pulse under her fingers but if she can I hope she puts it down to excitement! We walked down the most grandest staircase you would ever lay your eyes on.
First we walked around, greeting everyone as they came up to us or if she dragged me to someone she knew, but not personally. She was cute when she was fangirling over these people. Yaz found it annoying as she just wanted to party but I couldn't help it. The way her eyes shimmer with recognition was more beautiful than any galaxy she could ever take us. Sometimes her eyes flickered with admiration and it did make me have jealousy for just a moment before I remembered, I'm staying with her and they aren't .
As the party moved on we met the host Edward. He looked a lot different than in his paintings. He was around 20 years old now and his blonde hair was below his shoulders. He looked a lot like his father with his muscley build. And he was very charismatic which I did not like as he poured all his charm into the Doctor. Does everyone here know that he's gay or does he see through the Doctors disguise? Either way, it was rubbing me the wrong way. I quickly excused myself with Yaz and walked into the bathroom.
"I did not like him. I do not like this Edward guy. Something about him rubs me completely wrong. He's handsome but something is telling me he knows the Doctor isn't a man."
"I felt the same way. He knows something we don't. Before we go out there again, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Yaz asked. My mind was racing a hundred miles an hour. She knows. The jig is up with Yaz. "How do you feel about her, honestly? One minute you 2 are inseparable, then you distance yourself and now you are a nervous wreck around her! I won't judge but I just want to make sure my theory is correct."
Shit. I guess I really was obvious. Does she know?
"If your theory is about me falling hopelessly in love with the Doctor then you'd be correct. I can't help it. I'm going to tell her how I feel without being completely stupid. I just need a right moment to say it." I spoke with a heavy sigh. Hopefully, Yaz can help create that moment thay I need. She nods her head and opens the door. We walk back to the Doctor and notice Edward has gone to other guests and she was talking to Graham. I looked around and saw Ryan flirting with a pretty lady near the food table. Why am I not surprised?
A few hours had passed and the Doctor seemed bored with standing and talking so I made a plan in my head. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dancefloor as the next song came on. I didn't quite know how to dance properly but I knew the basics if it. She has to lead and I simply follow suit. It took a few moments but I got the hang of it with the Doctors help. Soon we were dancing so gracefully underneath the most beautiful candelabra that lit up her face perfectly.
Her hair swayed to our perfect dance ever so gently. Her eyes sparkled with amusement and her lips were in a permanent smile. She even laughed a couple of times. Then as the music slowed down to a pace that was perfect, I grabbed her waist and looked her. My heart was going crazy and my legs were about to buckle but I had rehearsed my lines. I can do this.
"Hey Doc. Its been an amazing time with you but I can't continue this without being honest with you. But everytime I get close, I back down in fear. So I'm going to let you figure it out. Doctora te amo. Entiendo que si no sientes lo mismo y me iré si quieres. (Doctor i love you. i understand if you don't feel the same way and i'll leave if you want.)" I spoke with as much passion and intention as I could. I looked into her eyes and saw her confused and trying to work out what I said. I would find it cute if my heart was beating right out of my chest. "Well, I've had a great time but I'm fucking knackered. I'm calling it night. I'll be heading to the TARDIS if you need me."
"I'll come with ya. I'm knackered as well and we both need each other to undo the corsets and mine is starting to hurt a little bit. How we used to do this for a full day, everyday, is beyond my understanding. As beautiful as we look, I don't think its worth the pain this will bring in the morning." Yaz spoke with a slight mumble as proof of her mental state and finishing with a yawn. I chuckled at her state and walked back to the TARDIS with a small amount of chat along the way.
She is right though. These corsets really do hurt you after a while, I'm glad I chose not to wear heels or else I'll be fucked for in the morning. I would literally scream. I think the Doctor had the right idea in wearing a suit, no pain. I do feel bad for leaving her but I just need some space after basically admitting everything that's been built up within me for too damn long. Maybe I should tell Yaz how it went and maybe she can help determine if the Doctor is happy or not.
We walked back into the wardrobe room and I helped Yaz out of her corset. She immediately sighed in relief. She finished getting herself into comfy clothes and started to untie my ribbon.
"So did you tell her?"
"Sort of. I basically told her everything but in Spanish. I just hope it doesn't change anything, except in a positive way, of course! If she wants me gone, I've told her that it's fine and I understand. She's very socially awkward and as cute as I find it, it may not help me in this situation. Do you have any clues on how she may react once she figures it out?"
Yaz stopped untying my corset for a moment and placed 1 finger upon her chin in thought. Her eyes were almost shut and seemed almost completely black in the light. After what seemed like forever, she took her finger off her chin and beamed a toothy smile. Her eyes sparkled as she remembered something and seemed to gleam slightly menacingly. A smirk replaced her smile soon after.
"There's a few times she's shown affection towards you. And I mean romantic affection. She always chooses to hold your hand over anyone else's if given the choice. She always steps I'm front of you when an enemy threatens to kill us all or hurt us in anyway. When you go wandering around on your own, she's terrified thats she's lost you forever to an enemy we don't even know of!" Yaz starts explaining carefully as if she's worried on how to word it.
"Those are just friendly affec-"
"I wasn't done. I was warming up." Yaz interrupts me as I was about to go into a self deprecating speech on how I'm just a friend to everyone and never a lover. "She always looks to see your face on adventures because she secretly loves your reactions, bad or good. When the Master revealed himself, she looked straight at you for support on how she should react. When she came back from the Kasavin, she ran straight to you and made sure you were ok first before any of us. When we were in the Tsungra medical ship, the first person she asked for was you! Whilst she was unconscious on board the ship, she kept mumbling your name, over and over again. When she saw how gorgeous you looked today, I thought she'd take you right there on the spot! She fucking loves you (y/n)! You're just so unbelievably blind to it all!"
Yaz was almost red with rage. Did she really do all that, for me? The TARDIS mustve read my mind and seemed to hum positively in reply. If everything Yaz said is true then she'll be so happy about it and maybe we can be a thing! But then again, maybe losing so many in a similar position as me will turn her away. Maybe her soul is awry and she's asking why right now.
Once I had gotten changed I went to sleep almost straight away, I suppose all that dancing and social ques having tired me out more than I thought.
I woke up to a soft knock on my door. I rubbed my (e/c) eyes and told them I'd be a few minutes as I've only just woken up. It wasn't until I finished brushing my (h/c) hair that I remembered what happened yesterday. All the panic rushed within me at once and I nearly threw up. I took several deep breaths and opened the door.
"GRAHAM THANK FUCK ITS YOU!" I almost shouted at him. He looked a little bewildered for a moment before he seemed to remember what brought him here in the first place.
"Hello Love, I'm here because Doc wanted to speak with you privately in the library. She says that the TARDIS will guide you to her location. She seemed a little off after you and Yaz left. Did something happen? Is everything ok?" Graham asked cautiously. He must be so confused.
"Sort of. I'll explain more when I get back but what do you mean by "a little off"?"
"Well she seemed lost in all sense of the word. She kept muttering "Te Amo" all the time. She was all over the place aswell. She got me and Ryan back here not long after you guys. Something about not trusting Ryan to not get alcohol poisoning without her around. She hasn't really left the library since if I'm honest. She's been in there for 12 hours. I only know she wants you because she whattsapped me on my phone. Whatever is going on, please sort it out, she's starting to really worry me. She hasn't been the same since that Master guy came around." Graham spoke clearly, albeit confused. I nodded my head and walked in the opposite direction to him and hoped the TARDIS would take me there quicker than normal. I want to treat this like a plaster, rip it off in one go.
Sooner than I realised, I grabbed the all too familiar door knob of the library. I took a deep breath and walked in. A blue line appeared towards the interactive map. I awakened the console and I saw a black screen with a few words on it. It looked like a message with how it was presented.
Hello (y/n)! Don't walk until you calm. Breath deeply and try not to panic. I promise you, all will work out in the end. I see more than you realise and I know my thief better than anyone whoever stepped foot into my being. I know of her main problem about the situation. If she loves you, drink this. It won't hurt, she'll know what it is.
I should have been surprised by this new knowledge that she could speak to me, in a way, but I've seen so much and I am so tender hooks so I didn't take much notice of it. I quickly sat down and tried to control my breathing. After about 5 or so minutes, I felt calm enough to finally meet up with her and hear what she has to say.
I followed the blue line carefully until I spotted her in a comfy room. She mustve gotten changed at some point as she was wearing her usual rainbow outfit, minus the jacket. She was sat on a deep purple sofa, legs curled into her body. Her shoes were on the carpeted floor underneath her, seemingly forgotten for the moment. There were many books surrounding us from many cultures and spieces. One wall had a cozy wood burning fireplace crackling within the silence that surrounded us.
Her face was scrunched within deep thought. Her eyes sparkling with an emotion that I couldn't quite put my finger on; hope, sorrow or excitement? Her lips had a small smirk gracing them and her teeth had bitten a small part of it. Her hands were holding a book in a way where I couldn't quite see what it was.
I didn't want to disturb her as she looked so ethereal with the warm glow of the fire highlighting her in the perfect way. Unfortunately, it's plaster time and I wanted this sorted sooner rather than later. I took a deep breath took in the picture for memory.
"Hey, Graham said you wanted to talk to me? Is everything ok?" I asked gently and as softly as I could so she was carefully brought out of her little world. I didn't want to scare her. She raised her eyes from her book for a moment and bookmarked the page she was at with a little TARDIS paperclip. She placed the book on the table at the side of her and patted the seat next to her.
As I sat down my nerves were through the roof. She gave nothing away as she stared at me for a minute, as if assessing something about me.
"Why are you so nervous? Calm down. You are right, It is to do with last night. You left pretty abruptly after basically confessing your feelings to me. I was so confused, not just about what you said but about myself and what I wanted to do about you." The Doctor spoke monotonously. Did she mean get rid of me? "I had to first of all, find out what you said, well done on learning a new language by the way, one even I'm not fluent at. I'm guessing the old girl had something to do with that idea. Not that, you aren't smart enough but you don't know what languages I do or don't know."
The Tardis seemed to chuckled at the accusation and I simply nodded my head. "I wanted to buy myself time and to impress you."
"You impressed me a long time ago Miss (l/n). That is just a cherry on top. After I figured out what you said, no thanks to my old friend here, I went through a lot of thinking. I've not been in many relationships and you know my history regarding the ones I have been in. You know, River and Missy? And I have such a bad past with it ending in nothing but tears for me. I always lose those I care for deeply." She spoke with tears spilling from her gorgeous eyes. I grabbed her face gently and wiped away the stray tears that managed to escape their home.
"That was when you were a man. You're a woman now, everything is so different. Relationships can be heartbreaking. I know what you're main problem is and the TARDIS has a solution to that. I just need you to tell me the truth. How do you feel about me? Do you want me to stay or not?" I stated holding the small shot glassed amount of liquid in my hand. The liquid was golden and sparkled slightly in the light. There were specks of orange and silver within it and it was as hot as a nice cup of (hot drink). Her eyes sparkled with hope and shock. Her lips were smiling wide. And she seemed to giggle at the sight of it. She held it for a moment as if examining it like a rare artefact, maybe it was. Either way, I trust her judgement and if she's happy about it, then so am I. Once she had analysed the drink, she practically leapt into my arms and pushed me down on my back. She smelled of custard creams and the TARDIS which was odd but completely her and I couldn't imagine her smelling any other way.
"That does solve our problem! What she has just given you is the rarest liquid in the universe seeing as only one thing in the entirety of space can produce it. That drink is known as the nectar of the chosen ones. It's rare as the race that used to make them has practically gone extinct. There's only 3 left in the known universe and you're living in one. That drink is the blood of the TARDIS. It grants you immortality if you drink it. It is said to resemble your favourite beverage no matter who you are. However, it only lasts 100 years and you must drink it every century or else your body clock will kick in and you will age and be as mortal as you are now." She speaks with a warning as we sit up holding holds.
"I have no problem with that. I would sacrifice everything if it meant I got to call you mine. Just please tell me and I'll drink it." I told her with adoration in my eyes.
She held me close and planted a soft and gentle kiss to my lips. It was short but it sent more fireworks than you can imagine through my body. I knew I had found her. She grabbed my waist and whispered next to my ear:
"Te Amo"
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rumor has it [1/2] • jung hoseok
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plot — your best kept secret comes out and it becomes a hot topic around your university. it also brings you and hoseok closer.
words — 3.5K
You are going to lose it.
Seriously. The next person who asks you if the rumor is true, Lord help them, you are going to go bat-shit crazy on them.
You also swore off drinking indefinitely because if you hadn't been so inebriated, you would have taken another shot instead of telling the truth. Well, maybe not because it was because of drinking shots that you ended up in this mess in the first place.
So, yeah, drinking was out of the picture for the moment.
In all honesty, you weren't embarrassed about it. About still being a virgin. You made your choice a long time ago, and you choose to stick by it. You didn't want a perfect first time, or to wait until marriage, but you want to be comfortable with the person and you want it to feel right. You've never felt that with anyone before.
And if that made you a prude in the eyes of society, well then they can go fuck themselves for all you care. You'll wait until the time is right.
You looked up, to see where your feet had taken you and was it was in the Quad. It was just a large patch of grass with picnic tables place in it. For either eating or studying or just taking a break.
You sat down at a table, and barely twenty seconds after you sat down, three guys approached you. The one in the middle opened his mouth, "Hey! Y/N, is it true?"
You sincerely hoped it wasn't what you think it was, so you decided to give the idiot the benefit of the doubt. "Is what true?"
"That you're a virgin. I wanted to know if it's true, that's all." He said with a dirty smirk, making no secret of the fact that he was trying to check you out - the picnic table hid most of your body so it didn't work as well as he hoped.
"Yes, it's true." You snapped, voice harsh as the last of your patience swiftly ran out. "Rumor also has it you're an insensitive moron. So glad we could both confirm the running gossip. Now fuck off."
The guy scoffed, "Now wonder you're still a virgin. No one likes an uptight bitch."
"Now wonder you're still single. No one likes an stupid dick." You smirked up at him, watching in amusement as he stalked off with his two friends that looked a little embarrassed.
Ah, how you love using people's own words against them. Nothing makes a person angrier than that. It's really amusing too.
There was two more incidents - two girls that were curious, and one guy who offered his experience to you. Ugh.
Your stomach dropped when you saw the next person who approached you because you actually like this guy.
"Oh, not you, too, Hoseok." You groaned when you saw him, dropping your head down on your books.
"What?" Hoseok asked, bewildered, as he slid into the seat opposite you.
You peaked at him, cheek laying on your books, "Aren't you here to find out if the rumor is true and then mock me and judge me?"
"What rumor?" He asked, a little confused, as you sat upright. You just gave him a flat look and waited. You saw the dots connect in his mind. "Right. That rumor."
"Yeah." You gave him a humorless smile.
Hoseok shook his head, expression gentle as he looked at you. "Well, no. I'm not. One, it's none of my business. And two, it'd be hypocritical if I judged you."
"Why would it-" You cut yourself off as realisation set in, your eyes widened in disbelief as you inhaled sharply. "No way."
Hoseok laughed, his face lighting up and dimples on display, "It's true."
"I don't believe it." You laughed in disbelief. Hoseok had to be pulling your leg.
"Believe it." He nodded.
"You? Seriously?" You couldn't wrap your head around it.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He frowned at you.
"I don't mean anything by it, it's just . . ." You paused for a moment, gathering your thoughts and then settled with your default setting: brutal honesty. "Well, to be perfectly honest, you're like a wet dream come to life and it's a little hard to believe."
Hoseok's cheeks flushed and a satisfied warmth stirred in your belly, "I, uh, I've never wanted to. I mean, I've had girlfriends before but never enough to want to take them to bed."
"Now that, I understand. I've had two boyfriends and both of them I dropped when they kept pressuring me for more and I didn't want too." You told Hoseok who nodded along with what you said.
"Yeah, I know right. I mean, one of my ex-girlfriends accused me of not loving her." Hoseok actually pouted a bit as he spoke. You giggled at the sight, endeared by him. "She was right thought, I didn't love her. I liked her a lot, but it wasn't love. I don't think I've ever been in love. Not really." He looked at you. "Have you ever been in love?"
"I don't know." You admitted. "I mean, how do you know when you love someone? It's not like you can measure it."
"That's a fair question. I mean, I guess it's something you just know. Like, when you listen to a song and you know you love it after listening to it once. Maybe it's like that." Hoseok said and then suddenly he looked down, seeming embarrassed. "Sorry, you probably think that's dumb."
"No, no, not at all. I think it kind of fits." You said hastily, not wanting him draw the wrong conclusions. "I actually understand what you said more than when someone tries to tells me about how sometimes love is fate or destiny or written in the stars." You pulled a face.
Hoseok laughs and it makes you laugh back.
"Did you want something?" You asked him, when you both calmed down, still smiling.
"Huh?" He asked, clearly a little confused. You thought he looks adorable.
"You came over here," You reminded him. "I assume it was to ask or tell me something."
"Oh yeah." Hoseok's cheeks flushed again as realisation lit in his eyes. "I just wanted you to know that Jae is adjusting nicely to the classes."
A smile automatically spread on your lips at the mention of your nine year old sister. She recently started hip-hop classes and that was actually how you met Hoseok, he's her teacher. One afternoon your mother asked you to pick her up after practice and you and Hoseok talked a bit, and you found out that you go to the same university but just different major's. His is dance and yours is business.
"I'm glad." You smiled wider at him. "You didn't have to come all the way over here to tell me that though."
Hoseok let out a nervous laugh, rubbing at the nape of his neck as he looked at you shyly. "I also wanted to know if I can buy you a coffee sometime, maybe? I wanted to ask you out the day we met, I didn't think it would be appropriate, 'cause I was at work and all."
Now it was your turn to blush, pleasantly surprised by his offer. You had found yourself liking your sister's dance teacher, too, but you didn't know if he would say yes. And he wasn't some random guy could ask out and just forget if he says no.
You smiled, cheeks on fire as you looked at him. "Yeah, I'd like that."
"How does Saturday sound?" Hoseok asked excitedly and your stomach dropped.
"I can't, sorry." You told him, watching as his face fell. "Not because I don't want too. It's just, I promised my mom I'd spend the whole Saturday with her and my sister because according to her she doesn't see me enough." You hurried to explain.
Hoseok smiled again and your heart lifted, "Okay, how about Sunday afternoon?"
You don't think you've ever nodded so fast in your life. "Yes, that's perfect."
That Saturday when you went home, your mom squinted at you as you hopped on the kitchen counter as she made breakfast. "What is going on with you?"
"Nothing." You smiled innocently at your mother. She's been giving you looks since you arrived.
"Am I suppose to believe that all this smiling and the happy sparkle in your eyes is from nothing?" She asked, raising a brow. You decided to tell her because you and your mom have always been close. And you've been wanting to tell someone who won't tease you about Hoseok. Your best friends Minji and Jamie does that enough. You also wanted to tell her before she finds out by herself. You would never live it down.
"I'll tell you, but I don't want you to make a big deal out of this, okay, mom?" You said, grinning excitedly.
Her curiousity effectively peaked, your mom nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, I won't. Promise."
"Okay, so, there's this guy I really, really like and we're going out tomorrow." You gushed, barely holding in a squeal as your cheeks hurt from smiling so wide.
Your mother gasped, a smile of joy spreading on his lips. "Oh, oh! This is wonderful news. Who is this young man that's managed to capture your attention? Is he nice? I hope he's not a troublemaker like your second boyfriend. Why, I heard the other day that he got arrested from breaking into someone's home. Can you believe that?"
You winced at the reminder of your second boyfriend. Not one of your proudest moments but you had a lot of fun with him. Right up until he wanted to get into your pants. The relationship went downhill pretty quick after you said no.
"I can't say I'm surprised." You admitted, because he always liked to skirt at the edge of the law, it was only a matter of time before he broke it. Luckily you got away before it went that far.
"Enough about him, though. Tell me about this boy of yours." Your mom pushed with glittering eyes.
You cheeks flushed, "Well, he's not mine yet, mom. And it's just a coffee date."
"Tell me his name then." She prodded hopefully.
You gave her a sheepish smile, "I can't, sorry."
"Why not?" She frowned.
"Because you know him." Now you smirked at her, knowing she'll drive herself crazy, trying to figure out who he is.
You couldn't remember the last time you were this nervous.
Oh, no, wait. You could. It was right before you went to get your final results for high school. You didn't sleep that night and you barely slept Saturday night. Falling asleep early Sunday morning and sleeping until finally your alarm woke you up at 11:00AM.
You immediately started getting ready. You took a shower, used a hairdyer for the first time this year (air-drying is much easier and more fun) before taking a hair straightner to your unruly mop of curls. You picked a nice outfit but decided to forego make-up. That would be too over the top for you.
Your phone buzzed with a text a little after 03:00PM.
You smiled widely when you saw who it was. You and Hoseok had exchanged numbers after he asked you out and kept in touch over the last week.
See you in a bit.
Can't wait!
You walked to the cafe you two agreed to meet at, nervous but also excited. You entered the cafe and heard your name being called by a familiar voice.
A smile automatically spread on your lips as you walked to the table where Hoseok was waving from. You couldn't even find it in yourself to care about the people staring at you. He stands up when you arrive at the table and goes to pull out your chair but you wave him off with a smile.
"Hey, I'm not late, right?" You asked with a nervous smile.
Hoseok shakes his head, beaming at you. "Nope, I'm early."
You looked at the time on your phone and smiled. 03:24PM. You're both early then. Sure, only six minutes, but it's a good sign, right?
"How've you been?" You ask as you pushed your phone into the back pocket of your jeans.
"Good. I actually caught up on some overdue work, yesterday. You?"
"I'm fine. It was nice spending time with my mom and my sister."
The waitress comes up to your table with a notebook. "Are you ready to order?"
Hoseok's sunny grin dims a bit. "I forgot to give her the menu."
"It's okay." You laughed brightly. "I come here often, so I know what I want." You assured him, then looked at the waitress. "I'd like a bubblegum milkshake and a big chocolate muffin."
"Okay," The waitress nods, repeating your order as she writes and you confirm it. She turns at Hoseok, "And for you?"
"I'd like a hazelnut latte and a waffle with peppermint and chocolate ice cream." He orders. You both wait until the waitress leaves before resuming your conversation.
"Interesting choice. The hot with the cold." You grin at him.
"Mmn, I didn't take you for having a sweet tooth."
You froze for a bit because normally you don't have a sweet tooth, not really, but it's not like you could tell him you're having pre-period cravings.
"Depends on my mood." You said instead, and it was the truth. You ate whatever you were in the mood for in general, not just when you are on your period. But you also like salty food more than sweet, but whenever you crave something sweet, it's usually because of your monthly gift from Eve.
Hoseok nods, accepting the answer. He tilts his head at you, "How's your mom and sister?"
"Well, my sister is an adorable little pain in the ass like always and my mom is starting a list of all the guys she knows, but overall they're good." You told him, laughing a bit as you spoke.
"Do I want to know?" He looked at you, equal parts curious and wary.
"I don't know, do you?" You asked teasingly, smiling at him, wiggling your eyes brows.
He thought for a moment, "Yeah, I do."
"It's nothing bad. I just told my mom about our date, and when she asked for your name, I told her that I can't tell her because she knows you."
Hoseok frowned ever so slightly, "Why didn't you want to tell her?"
"Because I don't want her to bombard you with personal questions until we figure out where we want this to go." You explained, gesturing between the two of you with your index finger.
Hoseok's eyes twinkled with mischief and laughter as he asked, "Ah, so she can ask me the personal questions after we start dating then?"
"Oh, yeah," You nodded, liking the idea of dating Hoseok all too much. "You'll have to prepare yourself to answer anything from what your first word was, to what brand and colour underwear you wear."
Hoseok burst out laughing and you smiled as you watch him. You like the way he laughs, unrestrained and so fully. It makes you feel warm inside.
You talk about this and that until your order arrives. Technically it was dessert, rather than food but eh, neither of you minded. And this was supposed to be a coffee date. It was already better than you two planned.
"Jung Hoseok." You called him seriously, after you finished eating your muffin, fiddling with the straw of your milkshake.
He sobered up, looking a little startled, "Yeah?"
"I adore you." You said, giving him a soft, slow smile.
His cheeks flushed and you realised you like making him blush.
Hoseok looked at you, eyes serious despite his red cheeks. "I really like you, Y/N."
Blood rushed to your cheeks and your heart picked up its pace. You looked down, sipping on your melting milkshake. When both of you were done eating and finished drinking, you ordered another milkshake and Hoseok ordered another latte.
Neither of you were ready to go home yet.
"So, why dance?" You asked him somewhere after your third milkshake, curious.
"I've always found it easier to express myself with my body rather than words." He shrugged, looking a little shy. "It's my greatest passion. When I'm dancing, I'm free."
"I'd like to watch you dance sometime. If you don't mind."
"Yeah, sure. I don't mind." Hoseok shook his head. "Why business?" He asked in return.
"Promise you won't laugh?" You asked first, looking at him seriously.
"I promise."
"And you can't tell anyone and I'll know if you have because I haven't told anyone. Not even my mom, but I think she suspects."
"I won't." Hoseok swore, sitting a little straighter.
"I want to start my own shoe store. Originally I wanted to study something in a fashion direction, I like designing shoes, but the industry is tough to get into. So, I figured I'll start smaller and work my way up." You looked down at the table, fiddling with a serviette.
"Wow. That's like . . .your whole future planned out." Hoseok said, looking at you with wide eyes.
You snorted, "Not really. It's just a dream. It's going to take hard work to make it into a reality."
"You can do it. I believe in you." He said, so sincere that you had no choice but to believe him.
When you finally went home, it was dark and Hoseok walked you back to your dorm room. Halfway there, he brushed his hand against yours and when he slid his palm against yours, you happily entwined you'd fingers.
You opened your door and turned to him, ready to say something but he beat you to it.
"I had a really great time today." He said with that ever present sunny smile that made your heart sing when he directed it at you.
"Me too. It was much better than I expected." You said, only realising after his smile dropped how that might have sounded to him. "Not that I expected it to be bad, just a little awkward because you make me nervous. Really nervous. But it wasn't awkward at all. I was comfortable from the beginning."
"Oh." Hoseok breathed softly, and you could heard the relief in that one syllable. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe we could do it again, sometime?"
"Oh, we better." You told him seriously.
"Well, I should get going. We have class tomorrow." He took a step back from you, clearly intent on leaving. You looked at him with raised brows.
"You're really not going to try for a goodnight kiss?" You laughed.
Hoseok let out an indignant huff, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hey, don't laugh at me. I'm trying to be a gentleman here."
You positively melted from his words, heart speeding up. You gave him a look full of adoration. "Hoseok, you are always a gentleman and I appreciate it," Your gaze turned a bit mischievous. "But you should know that I've been wondering what it would be like to kiss you since the day we met."
His eyebrows rose, jaw going slack as he looked at you in surprise. "Really?"
"Yes, really." You nodded, amused. "So, whenever you're feeling like being ungentlemanly, just know I wouldn't be opposed to it."
"Okay." He nodded dumbly and you laughed.
"Good night, Hoseok." You told him fondly.
"Night." Hoseok echoed, taking another step back and then turning away from you. You waited until he reached the stair case before you closed your door, letting out a squeal of happiness.
You took of your shoes, haphazardly kicking them into the shoe rack, pulling off your baby pink sweater as you padded to your room, humming with a gigantic grin on your face.
It wasn't five minutes since you arrived home when a knock sounded on your door. You threw your sweater on the bed, heading to the door.
"Yeah, I'm coming." You called, and the incessant knocking ceased. Probably Minji or Jamie that wants to borrow a book or some paper to print a project. You opened the door, frowning slight when you saw who was on the other side, "Hoseok? Is everything okay?"
"I'm not feeling very gentlemanly right now." He declared before stepping closer, grabbing you by the neck and kissing you until you were breathless, your socked covered toes curling.
"Good night." He said when he pulled away, then added on, "For real this time."
You laughed a little, feeling so ridiculously happy. You wondered if you could combust from it.
"Text me when you get home." You blurted, still catching your breath.
"Promise." He nodded, licking his lips. You leaned forward to peck them one last time. For now.
You laughed again, practically vibrating with giddiness as you closed the door for a second and final time.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: !!this is not the end!! *pouts* Tumblr told me that I filled all of my 250 boxes, so I have to split it. It's like my fic duet all over again. *le sigh* Idek how people write 12K fics and still fit it in.
part two
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