#This is my puny little dream
breadmecoshy · 2 months
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Experimenting with style on these two
I feel a little empty, since I finally finished the oumota comic. I can start drawing another one while I have the strength....
I have comic ideas that are tearing my soul apart. Or I can just draw something romantic ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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apoemaday · 3 months
my dreams, my works, must wait till after hell
by Gwendolyn Brooks
I hold my honey and I store my bread  In little jars and cabinets of my will.  I label clearly, and each latch and lid  I bid, Be firm till I return from hell.  I am very hungry. I am incomplete. And none can tell when I may dine again.  No man can give me any word but Wait,  The puny light. I keep eyes pointed in;  Hoping that, when the devil days of my hurt  Drag out to their last dregs and I resume  On such legs as are left me, in such heart  As I can manage, remember to go home, My taste will not have turned insensitive  To honey and bread old purity could love.
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macsimagines · 9 months
I cannot thank you enough for now incredibly you bring my silly little ideas to life~
May I request for Yan! Shin, Izana, & Ran on how they are as a husband to their darling and how they are as fathers? (like them after they’ve finally achieved their Yandere dreams of marrying their darling and having kids with them and everything ) ʚ♡ɞ
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Yandere!Shinichiro Sano
Is so happy that you've made him a husband and father. It wasn't easy trying to convince you to go out with him, but eventually he called in enough favors and 'saved' you enough times that you relented and dated him for a short period.
Short because after that he tried very hard to get you to marry him and when it was obvious you weren't going to relent he eventually started to just poke holes in condoms and simply waited for the great news.
"Oh? You're pregnant? Well shucks, looks like I gotta take responsibility. When are you moving in?"
Ya he's not hiding the fact that he's all too pleased to put a ring on you and have a baby in you. But he does his best to provide and make you happy.
He comes home with flowers all the time, just cause, and sometimes he'll bring your son with him to the shop. "You need a break baby, I can take over today."
Shinichiro loves having JR. around. He of course loves his son, but it does help he's the perfect combination of you and Shinichiro.
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Yandere!Izana Kurokawa
He had to force you to marry him. You had tried to leave him and he wasn't going to let you live any kind of life without him. Those first few years were less than marital bliss.
The fighting, the screaming, the crying. It was honestly hell. Izana almost let himself think you weren't worth the trouble but he was kidding himself if he thought he could live a life without you.
That all changed when he found out you were pregnant. Now it was real, now he couldn't afford to fuck up.
"Y/N, I know you hate me, I can accept that, but please for our babies sake, lets make this work."
Izana is like a changed man, he's kinder and even gentle. He can tell you're still resentful and bitter, but he'll accept that. He just wants his child to feel loved and know he did all he could to make that happen.
You finally go into labor early, Izana doesn't know why or what he did wrong but this was obviously his fault. He was going to loose you both. You really were going to leave him and take the one thing he wanted most in the world with you.
But you pull through. You and his precious and perfect daughter. She's puny in his hands, even for a newborn, just barely bigger than his own palms, but she's perfect. And he'll never let her go.
"Hey, princess. You don't know how happy I am to finally meet you."
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Yandere!Ran Haitani
Made you his wife after he found out you had his Twins. One boy and one girl. His brother was the one that had to break the news to him about it 4 years after he had told you to get lost.
"Hey bro, remember that trick that said you knocked her up?" "That bitch? Like I'd ever forget to wear a condom." "...You might wanna have a look at her insta."
Well shit. Obviously the rubber ripped because he was staring at his little clones on your feed. It was very apparent he was the father only a fool would deny it.
"You ain't my dad!" Your son hisses at him "Ya! You ain't!" Your daughter will parrot back. Clearly introducing himself as their father while they were beatingtheshitoutof playing with other kids wasn't the best idea.
"Our hair is pretty an' black!" "Ya! Yours is purple and ugly!"
Ran might not like how the kids are giving him shit, but he certainly does love the idea of another infamous pair of Haitani siblings running amok in Roppongi.
He also doesn't like the fact that you try to fight him tooth and nail for him to not bother your family. "Our family baby, C'mon. Let me take responsibility."
You have no choice but to relent to his threats of custody and courts, knowing damn well you don't have the connection he does.
And he doesn't love the fact that you're a huge bitch to him or the fact that his twins seem to live and breath violence more than he and his bother did back in his youth. But he must admit he thinks it's way more hot how cold and unforgiving you are compared to your old self. You keep him entertained at least.
"Guess who just had to bail our little ankle biters outta jail~ Why not thank your husband for a job well done."
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bunnylovesani · 7 months
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Miss Congeniality
Chapter 3
Content warnings: MDNI, masterbation, Anakin being a perv, exhibitionism, general sexual content
WC: 1.6k
Yet another Friday night spent home alone in your room, shocker. Your parents were out on a date and Jaden was God knows where, doing God knows who. Usually you’d be bursting at the seams with envy but tonight was different. Tonight, you were sufficiently entertained by just your thoughts- or your memories to be exact. Because yesterday, you had gotten a slice of what you’d spent so long dreaming about and it made you delirious. You paced up and down your room, listening to sickly sweet love songs and jumping around giddily, still in a state of disbelief that he had finally showed you attention.
You ought to know better than to spend hours obsessing over a mere man, but you just couldn’t help it. He had you in a vice and you knew you were willing to do anything to get another hit of him. You repetitively thought back to the way he grabbed your face when he kissed you- oh God his hands. So big and veiny, with fingers so long you were sure they could reach places you couldn’t even attempt to. His fingernails were clean and trimmed, his knuckles lightly bruised and reddened from a skirmish you wouldn’t ask about, and his palms fairly calloused from working out. Oh Lord and the way he smelled! Such a deliciously masculine scent that the bare recollection had you trailing your fingers down to your white cotton panties, pulling the frills to the side to feel your wetness.
A blush spread across your cheeks at the realisation, you’d never had such a reaction to a man, let alone the thought of a man. You didn’t even know you could get so wet, but the sounds of your soaked pussy were confirmation enough. Pulling yourself up to your headboard, you spread your legs further, the heels of your feet touching your butt cheeks. You lowered your panties down to your knees and started indulging in your thoughts. You imagined it was Anakin’s strong fingers dipping in and out of you and you bit your lip to suppress the urge to say his name. If you said it out loud then it would make it real; it would make you his for the taking. “Oh what the hell, no one’s home.” You thought before you increased the speed at which your fingers were working your core.
“Mmm, Ani…yes baby right there.” You squealed. “Fuckk Anakin.” Saying his name turned you on more than anything as you quickly worked towards becoming undone, dreaming that Ani was the one deliciously filling you up instead of it being your puny fingers. All this stimulation made you obliviously unaware to the sound of the front door opening.
Anakins’s POV:
I stepped in somewhat hesitantly with the house keys Jaden handed me: what the hell am I doing here? I should’ve let him retrieve the equipment instead of offering. Goddamn I’m a terrible person, posing as a friend fulfilling a favour when really I’m looking for any excuse to catch a glimpse of his little sister.
Remember: just get in, grab the spare amp and get out. Real simple, no distractions. I peruse through the storage room where he said I’d find the amp and cables but to no avail. Maybe they’re upstairs in his room? My mind instantly started wandering; is she home? Will I find her here in one of her short nighties, nipples glaringly visible through the satin fabric? No, I shouldn’t even be thinking like that. It’s wrong. She’s only 19 and Jaden would absolutely kill me. I reprimand myself as I trudge up the stairs to his room.
I see a faint light shining through an open crack in her door: so she is home. I contemplate whether to make my presence known but before I can reach a conclusion, I hear breathy little sounds escaping her room. Filled with equal amounts concern and curiosity, I sneak up to the top of the landing and press my ear against the wall.
“Mmm, ahh.” She coos. Is she moaning? “Ohh Ani…” And my name no less? I must be fucking hearing things. Against my better judgement, I cock my head to the open crack, still shielded by the cover of darkness and that’s when I see her. Legs spread wide open, her little panties wrapped around her ankles and her fingers playing with her clit. The lewd sounds of how wet she is fill my ears and my boxers instantly feel tighter. I need to leave right now. I need to stop watching, go back downstairs and leave the house immediately. But why are my feet still so firmly planted to the ground? God, I’m such a pervert.
The sight of her sopping wet pussy, slick smeared all over her inner thighs and the glistening reflection of it all under the soft yellow light of the lamp is something I will not soon be forgetting. Poor baby must be so pent up, a whole lifetime of being a good girl and not getting fucked the way she deserves.
Her approach to biting down on her fingers on one hand, pathetically trying to muffle her whines, while sloppily massaging her clit with the other has me contemplating joining her. How would she react? Would she freak out or would she let me help her? My thoughts are cut off by one last long moan:
“Anakin!” She screams, clear as day. There was no mistaking it. The little slut called out my name while she was cumming.
She lays there motionless and I know I should take this opportunity to sneak out now but I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from her. Her eyes are hazed and she looks totally fucked out; I can tell this is something she doesn’t do often. Good girls don’t touch themselves, do they?
Reader’s POV:
As you come down from your orgasm, you feel a little ashamed- though not enough to wipe the grin off your face. Oh, how good it feels to finally let go- touching yourself was not something you did often, but it was the only way you could think of to quiet your raging, all consuming thoughts about Anakin. They had been screaming at you all day and it was inevitable that it would culminate in you cumming to the thought of him.
Putting a fresh pair of panties on and pulling down your nightie, you hear creaking coming from outside the door. Grabbing your baseball bat from beside the nightstand, you cautiously approach the hallway. Kicking your door open with your foot, you’re greeted with a very startled looking Anakin, standing there with his hands up.
“Woah there! It’s just me. Put that thing down.” He chuckles and you lower your weapon, a wave of calm coming over you.
“God, Ani you scared me! What are you doing here?” You slap his chest playfully.
“Jaden sent me down from the studio to grab a spare amp, our one broke and he couldn’t be bothered to drive.” He replies softly with a knowing smile.
“His laziness reaches new heights every day.” You roll your eyes.
“I don’t mind, I offered.” He smirked and you involuntarily bite your lip. Does that mean he wanted to come see you?
“Well the equipment is all in his room. By the way, did everything go alright with the, uh, guy from yesterday?” You tried to phrase it delicately.
“That’s all been taken care of, don’t you worry your pretty head about it. But I think the better question is what have you been doing, huh? Your cheeks look awfully flushed. Are you coming down with something?” He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and rubs your cheek gently.
“Yeah, I, uh think I might have a fever. Been feeling ill so I thought I’d have an early night.” You lie.
“Poor baby.” He coos and rests the back of his hand against your forehead. “You’re burning up. Let me tuck you into bed.” He ushers you back into your room, hand on your lower back, thumb massaging into your hip.
He peels back the frilly covers of your bed and lets you slide in, feigning sickness. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot your ruined panties, laying dangerously close to Anakin at the foot of your bed.
“Come on Ani, tuck me in.” You whine, attempting to get him to move away from the garment.
“Alright princess, hang on I’m getting to it.” He chuckles at your impatience and starts to push in the edges of your duvet until you’re tightly wrapped up in the soft fabric.
“There we go. Snug as a bug.” He smiles as he kisses your forehead. “I’ll grab the amp and be on my way now. Good night sweetheart.”
“Night night Ani.” You chirp sweetly, releasing a sigh of relief as you see him step right over your panties without noticing them.
“Oh, and I’ll put these in the wash yeah?” He steps back, grabbing your underwear and smirking at you before closing the door, leaving you with your mouth gaping open. Fuck. You can only hope he doesn’t inspect them.
Only in that moment does it dawn on you- he didn’t hear you earlier did he? The realisation should fill you with anxiety- and it does to a certain degree- but a far larger part of you burns with excitement. You wanted him to see. He might not know it yet but this was his pussy, after all.
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Next Chapter
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ghcstao3 · 4 months
fun fact!! today marks the one year anniversary of this account (and a year + 3months of writing ghoap!!) and that is honestly so crazy to me
i’m so very grateful for everyone here, everyone who has made my experience in this community better by tenfold. thank you all for reading my silly little posts, and thank you all for just being here!! :D
as a bit of commemoration for the fic that pushed me to make this account, here’s a few wingfic au hcs to come full circle :) ->
» since wings are such a big indicator of emotion, having lost his and constantly wearing a mask has made ghost incredibly good at hiding what he’s feeling. unfortunately for him, though, without the mask his thoughts become a little more obvious—his face is just as expressive as his wings had been
» ghost gets phantom limb sensations every once in a while. it makes waking up from nightmares that much worse—dreaming about his torture, about roba taking his wings, to waking up and reaching backward for reassurance that they’re still attached only for them to be gone, it’s made for some pretty terrible nights
» otherwise, though ghost rightfully laments the loss of his wings, with therapy and time and healing he’s learned to deal pretty well. and he can take a joke—for example, the puny little set of costume angel wings that soap bought for him one halloween
» some old habits ghost finds impossible to shake. like how much space he takes up—with large wings, he’d gotten used to making himself smaller as to not take up so much room. but now he just makes himself smaller within a larger space, which is how he manages to scare so many people by going unnoticed
» ghost likes sticking close to soap for comfort and familiarity, but also because he seems to be the only person unafraid to touch ghost with his wings. others think the contact might offend him, but it really doesn’t. because with how expressive soap is, and how in-tune they are with one another, sometimes it almost feels like ghost has wings again when one of soap’s wraps around his shoulder, shifting with emotions they both feel at a given moment
» when on leave, soap has gotten into the bad habit of not taking care of his wings as well just to have an excuse to have ghost preen them instead
» winged recruits underestimate ghost’s knowledge of how to use wings to one’s advantage out in the field. then he’ll kick every one of their asses even with their advantage and suddenly that doubt has vanished. soap himself still has trouble beating ghost in a spar sometimes, and as do price and gaz on occasion
» soap studied the one picture he’d been lent of ghost pre-roba for a long while, and now most—if not all—of his sketches of ghost have him with wings. at first he’s hesitant to show ghost, but ghost adores it
» ghost is still updating his mental catalogue of bird jokes. he will not stop
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sillyromance · 4 months
Can you make comfort vore? From Optimus?
Hello, dear evelyntyecrqzy!
Sure! Here you go!
P.S: there is angst and one heavy word in this work. Also I've written it from the first person's perspective... I really hope you don't mind it.
Have a good day and take care!
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- How do you feel, little one?
It was late evening; almost all the lights were gone, the only bright area was Ratchet’s lab: the old medic was staring at the big green screen, typing aggressively on the panel and mumbling something inaudible. He was too busy to pay attention to anything else. The rest of the team left to their quarters after they had brought the kids home. No body had shown any signs of life since then.
I was lying on the couch, curled up in a tight ball. My head felt heavy and hurt; I felt cold and lonely. It was hard to hold back sobbing, but I didn't want to attract unnecessary attention - nobody cared anyways. Why would they? Were my problems that important?
I squeezed my eyes shut, tears running down my cheeks violently as my shoulders started shuddering...
And then I heard his deep, gentle voice.
"How do you feel, little one?" - I turned my red face to the huge mech behind me. Optimus Prime, my guardian. Through the cacophony of my thoughts I hadn't heard him coming. His blue optics far above glowed with concern.
I hurried to wipe the tear tracks from my face and stand up, mumbling something like: "Sorry" or "It's fine, don't bother yourself..." But as far as I did this, his large servo wrapped around me and very soon I found myself sitting on his plain rough palm, being swirled with his kind, sad gaze. I felt nothing but guilt, though the only reason for it was my depressing mood. I couldn't look straight at him, turning away over and over, rubbing my hot cheeks in attempt to get rid of the tears. I hated myself for the mess I had become – I waited for him to throw me away as far as he would get a good look at my ugliness. However, Optimus didn't seem disgusted with me at all.
- Did someone offend you? - The mech asked again with the same sincere tenderness in his tone.
I shook my head negatively.
- Is it something in your body?
I closed my face with both hands and shook the head even more violently, crooking.
- No...
- And what’s about your soul?..
I sniffed silently; choking sensation dug its claws into my throat as it let out a pathetic "Mm-gm..." and I nodded. Everything in me just fell somewhere down; I felt my poor heart beating hysterically in the stomach. There was a crazy mix of panicking fear and complete indifference. I was trembling, wishing to be left alone. But even more, I wanted to be comforted. I wanted someone to embrace me and whisper soothing words, to say that it was going to be OK, to stroke my hair as if I was just a kid. But wasn't it too much to ask? I didn't dare to believe Optimus would bother himself to spend time with such a puny, pathetic creature.
After this cut through my head, I couldn't keep myself from crying anymore – I literally burst out.
- Hey, look at me, Y/N.
Hesitantly, I obliged. I was ready to see disappointment or distaste, but instead...
- There is nothing to be embarrassed with. Do you want to talk about it?
I wasn't sure if I heard him right. Did he really... worry about me? Of course, as my guardian, he should have, regardless... Wasn't I dreaming?
- W-what d-do you m-mean? – I replied indecisively.
- I thought, perhaps you could share your pain with someone. Sometimes it helps. - A small, understanding smile appeared on his faceplate. - I'm sorry... It hurts my spark to see such precious little thing crying.
I lost my ability to speak for some seconds.
- Does it r-really? W-why?
Prime's eyebrows lifted up in surprise.
- Because you matter. You're my friend, Y/N. Friends help each other, don't they?
His gravely voice had already had its way with me. My shudders calmed down and though my eyes were still wet, I couldn't help but smiled back at him.
- Thank you... for this... But I don't want to talk right now...
- It's absolutely fine...
- ... I'm very, very tired, though. - At the moment I said that, my spine weakened and I collapsed at the flat, warm surface of Optimus' hand.
Something childish, basic, something from the abyss of my wild, subconscious core suddenly arose inside me and escaped my chest with barely audible plead.
- Please... Don't leave me here...
A quiet sigh rambled beside me; my entire figure was washed with warm air of his exhale.
- Don't worry, Y/N. I won't.
His digits closed over my tiny form. I wasn't able to see a thing anymore, but I could say for sure that we moved away from the place.
Quite soon the sounds of Ratchet's work faded away. Optimus opened one of the many electric doors and walked into a somewhat room - I heard a soft "whoosh" as the panel shifted back to its place. My guardian set me free on his berth, and only then I understood that we were in his private room. Sitting down beside me, he spoke even gentler than before:
- You are out of energy. And so do I. But still, I don't want you to stay alone...
Do you trust me?
I nod, already predicting where he was heading to. Cybotronian friends committed this small ritual with humans regularly; many were fond of it. However, I had never tried it with him. I couldn't claim that I was completely inexperienced too, but those previous times were emergencies which I couldn't truly like – they were harsh and distasteful like a rotten fruit. Now... It promised to be much more intimate. And it depended only on my wish.
I glanced at him through my eyelashes - I was too sleepy to keep the eyes wide open - and murmured:
- I do.
Optimus nodded. I was lifted up again - straight to his mouth.
Slowly, controlling every his movement, my guardian guided me inside his maw and laid my feet on his squishy glossa - there was a faint blue light twinkling at the back of his depthless throat illuminating a humid, warm chamber. Thanks to him I didn't even touch the sharp dents – their deadly blades loomed right above me, but stayed harmless, serving simply a reminder of what power Optimus actually had over me. The glossa curled around my legs as soft, thick blanket, then released them and I was pushed further to the glowing entrance of the esophagus.
I stared down, processing what was about to happen. I appreciated the leisure pace Optimus chose with me; his gentle licks and steady, rhythmical ventilating brought me nothing but comfort and peace. I sensed my toes in his pharynx and waited for inevitable with dull thrill - to be unceremoniously drugged into misty, humid confines of the muscles’ trap, to be deafed and choked. That what I was usually met with before, every time I was gulped down. However, when Optimus swallowed, his artificial, metal flesh contracted just slightly, pulling me so carefully inside that I almost missed the moment. It was like... A hug. The next swallow was just a little bit stronger - I gasped as he let his hand go off me and my tiny being got engulfed into his soft throat. It felt better than anything I knew before. Surrounded by the pulsing alien flesh, I finally felt protected and loved – the state I sought for so desperately all that fuckin’ day.
For some time he just held me there, his head titled back. I didn't make a move, trying to avoid hurting him. Living heat of his soaked into my bones and made me so drowsy that I thought I would fall asleep. However, at that moment the muscles came to action and lovingly tugged me deeper. The light grew brighter, though it didn't bother me at all; I was easily slipping in a long wiry tube constructed from the smaller ones, thinner and more solid, poured with viscous, bubbling energon – I was watching little sparks floating in there as I was passing by and a weak flame of forgotten happiness flickered in my soul once more.
Finally, I arrived at his fueltank. Its walls greeted me with a friendly squeeze, forcing me to curl into fetal position. I didn't cry anymore; all my worries and demons disappeared long ago, at the second I heard: "How do you feel, little one?"
God! I was so horribly wrong. I thought no one needed me, that I was lost, abandoned... And still, there was someone who couldn't bare me cry.
I felt Optimus' servo laying down on the lump I must have made on his waist, caressing me. I rubbed my head against the spot where I could recognize the pressure and smiled.
I did matter.
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octuscle · 8 months
Twinkiest Twink
I was invited to a Ko-Fi yesterday by a colleague. And we discussed your case:
The colleague convinced me that my personal taste should not matter. So sweetheart, your wish is my command. All I had to do was give my supervisor a blowjob. That's all it took to get the authorization code…. He didn't even ask what I wanted it for. But between us: I blow like the devil. All the more to satisfy you…
And you are sure that we should start the transformation now? Honey, to reverse the process, I need a code again. And I can't promise anything… Okay, at your own risk. The code, by the way, is 123twink456.
You're sitting in the diner with your buddies having an after-work beer. The lads are talking about football. Suddenly, you say in a fispy voice, "Did you see the quarterback's butt? Oh my Gaaaaaaaawd! He's really tight!" Your pals look at you uncomprehendingly. You take a sip of your beer, burp and say in a normal tone of voice that he could fuck you anytime. The evening becomes increasingly boring. Football, cars, fishing… All topics that don't interest you. You order another Cosmopolitan and start drumming with your fingernails on the tabletop. You're freshly manicured. Your nails are painted taupe. French manicure. Your pals ignore you completely. Every now and then Pete, who is sitting next to you, strokes the inside of your thigh. Pete is a dirty hillbilly. But he is also so sweeeet! You get a hard-on. A puny boner. Hard maybe just 4 inches. But that is also good. So even with a boner you can share the silky underwear with your bestie. Your butt may be bigger. But in the waist you are both almost identical.
Even if you have a hard-on, you have to pee. Maybe that was one too many Cosmopolitans. You sway a bit when you get up and giggle on your way to the toilet. Since you pee sitting down anyway, you go straight to the ladies. There's more chance of gossip there anyway. Unfortunately, there are no gossips today. Too bad! In front of the mirror, you correct your hair after peeing. The platinum blond has turned out great. Sugar from the beauty salon in the next town is simply an artist. Old Sam from the barbershop here would refuse to bleach a man's hair.
By the time you get back from the bathroom, your pals are pretty drunk. It's time for you to go. Not long now, and they will make dirty jokes about you. That's okay, you know it, but today you feel more like sitting in front of the make-up mirror at home and plucking your eyebrows. You say goodbye and make your way to your little car. You love your pink MX-5. It's not the newest anymore. But usually reliable. But today it just won't start. And you don't understand why. One of your pals is standing by a tree smoking and pissing. You ask him if he can help you. He looks into the car for a moment and says that maybe you should set the transmission to "D". You are really stupid. But you just don't understand anything about technology. Giggle.
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The eyebrows are perfect. You've taken off your makeup. Time for bed. Shoot a quick selfie and post it with the comment, "Sweet dreams, sweethearts." A good night's rest to you, too.
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kouchabu-archive · 1 year
Tori Himemiya 4☆ Feature Scout 2
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Title: Lured in by a Flowery Scent
Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Winter
Tori: Hm? Sniff, sniff… Something smells really good.
Smells like flowers… and fruits? Or not? I wonder what that is. Looks like it's coming from the kitchen?
I'm really curious, so I guess I'll check it out ♪
[ Scene change: Dormitory Kitchen ]
Tsukasa: *inhales*... Marvelous! Ah, what a wonderful aroma this is! It is such an adequate accompaniment for this glorious afternoon reprieve ♪
Tori: Ugh… I just got lured by a pleasant scent and suddenly I see someone who's the exact opposite of pleasant.
Your idol aura was so nonexistent that for a sec I thought you were a commoner who slipped in the dorms. I was just about to make a call and report you~
Tsukasa: Oh, my? It seems like I can hear Tori-kun's horrid voice from somewhere, but I can't seem to see him.
Well, I suppose it's only natural I cannot see someone who is hardly taller than a single pea!
Tori: Mugyiiiiiiiii!
Tsukasa: Guaaaaaaah!
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Tsukasa: —Hmph. In any case, could you not get in the way of my valuable tea time? I'm quite sure my precious tea would become unpalatable should you stay here.
Tori: Tea? Is that what smelled so good from earlier? It smelled like flowers and fruits. It's really fragrant.
Tsukasa: That's right. I got my hands on some rare cherry blossom-flavored tea, so I am having quite a good time with it.
Tori: Cherry blossom-flavored tea? Uh huh… Hmm…?
Tsukasa: …Oho? Oho, oho? Is that perhaps a pleading look on your face? Is your mind filled with the need to have a sip as well?
Tori: N-Not really! I was just thinking how it was kind of different, that's all!
Tsukasa: Is that so? Ah, ah~ How blessed am I to have a taste of this delicious tea! Ah, how delightful…♪Fufun~
Though if someone is willing to put their puny little head on the ground and beg, I guess I wouldn't mind sharing some of it.
Tori: Mugyiiiiiiiiii! As if anyone would willingly bow their head to you! In your dreams!
If anything, I pity that cherry blossom tea in your cup. I bet that all it wants is to be enjoyed by a real, fine noble but it just ended up within the hands of a fake one like you~
Tsukasa: Guaaaaaah!? You really do run your mouth so carelessly, don't you?! Suit yourself. You will not be getting a single drop from me!
Kohaku: Hey, sonny boy. I've been hearin' ya since earlier. Give it a break already. I didn't give ya those tea leaves for ya to be so mean.
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Tsukasa: Oukawa! I-I wasn't really… Rather, it is Tori-kun's fault for provoking me!
Kohaku: I don't wanna hear your excuses. If ya can't sit down and just enjoy it with people around ya, I'm gonna take that tea right back.
Tsukasa: Uuuu…
T-Tori-kun! We get along just fine, don't we?! A-Aren't we about to have a nice cup of tea together?!
Tori: Haa?!
…I mean, yeah. It's just as you said, Tsukasa~ After all, we're good, good friends~ ♪
Tsukasa and Tori: Fufufufufufu… ♪
Kohaku: That's the spirit. Look at ya two go ♪
[ Scene change: Yumenosaki Garden ]
Tori: Ehehe~ Yesterday was just sooooo annoying, but because I was so mature and sat through it, I've gotten some of those special cherry blossom tea leaves~ ♪
(Since Eichi-sama and Ritsu-senpai have already graduated, Hajime is now all alone doing Tea Club activities. I'm gonna go deliver these leaves to him as a souvenir and check up on him~)
(Aren't I so nice thinking about my friend like this~?)
Hajime, off screen: —I've made this blend for today ♪
Tori: Hm…?
(It sounds like Hajime is talking to someone… That's weird. I thought he was the only one left in the Tea Club. I wonder if someone paid him a visit?)
(If that's so, then it's not good if I end up disturbing them. I'll just take a quick look. If he does have a guest, I'll just come back tomorrow.)
[ Scene change: Garden space ]
Hajime: Thank you for your patience, Eichi onii-chan and Ritsu onii-chan~ ♪
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Tori: Uwawawawa!? Hajime, what on earth are you doing?
Hajime: Huh, Tori-kun?
Tori: What's up with those life-size standees of Eichi-sama and Ritsu-senpai!? You're really scaring me with how you're just cheerfully talking to them, you know?!
Hajime: Oh, these ones?
Well, I'm used to always having Eichi onii-chan and Ritsu onii-chan around, so whenever they're not here, I just can't seem to get in the mood at all…
So I had these made through a special order! Ehehe~ ♪
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Tori: "Ehehe", you say…
Ah, but these look pretty well-made. How nice~ Maybe I should put one of Eichi-sama in the Student Council room too?
Hajime: If you like, Tori-kun, the Tea Club can always lend him to you.
By the way, what made you come here, Tori-kun?
Tori: Ah, that's right! I was so in shock that I forgot!
I got some rare tea leaves from Tsukasa yesterday~ Wanna have some tea together?
Hajime: Oh, is that so? I'll be happy to have tea with you~ ♪ I'll have it ready in a jiffy, so please give me a moment~
[ A few moments after ]
Tori and Hajime: *sighs happily* …….♪
Hajime: This is really fragrant~ There are a lot of other cherry blossomed-flavored teas out there, but this is surely the best one I've had to date.
Tori: I'm sooooo happy you like it, Hajime!
Mitsuru: Sniff, sniff… Hiiro-chan, it looks like the scent came from here— Huh, Hajime-chan and Hime-chan?
Hajime: Mitsuru-kun and Hiiro-kun? It seems that there are so many visitors today. Is there anything I can do for you?
Hiiro: Umu! Mitsuru-kun and I were wondering why there's a nectar-like scent wafting round and about, so we looked around together to find out!
Hajime: Nectar… Oh, maybe it's this cherry blossom tea that Tori-kun brought?
Mitsuru: Sniff, sniff… Yup, this is it! Smells soooo good!
Tori: If you guys are curious, why not come here and try it?
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Mitsuru: Eh, is it really okay?! I reaaaally wanna try it now~!
Hiiro: If you two don't mind, then I'd like to try it too.
Hajime: Of course, we don't mind at all. I'll go pour you your own cups~
Fufu. If it's this lively in here, then Tea Club activities wouldn't be so lonely anymore~ ♪
Tori: If you're lonely, you know that you can always call for me, right? I'll bring you tea like this again~ And I'm sure other guys who are also free around then won't mind joining us.
Cherry blossoms may symbolize parting ways, but they can also mean new encounters!
Translation: Sophie
Proofreading: Quin
TL notes:
You might be wondering why Tori has mentioned about Ritsu graduating despite them still wearing their blue neckties (2nd year). There is no confirmation if the same applies to Yumenosaki, but graduations in Japan usually happens in March while the next school year starts in April. This story most likely happened between these two periods! (Thank you Quin for pointing this out!)
This isn't the first time that Hajime has been caught interacting with life-sized standees of his senpais. See this 4-koma.
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sevlinop · 18 days
The Winhill dream
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This has always easily been my favorite Laguna dream sequence, there's so much packed into what is only maybe 15 or 20 minutes of play time. It helps contrast Ellone who's not just stuck in the past but lives and breathes it, versus Squall who doesn't remember much of it and tries to forgot the little he does remember. (And he's terrified of the future, so he really only lives in the present.) Ellone has more than her fair share of trauma, but also has a period of time that was very idyllic, sandwiched between the pain of losing her parents and then her new family being broken up. No wonder she wants to fight to return to it. Or at least make the past change so her present isn't so painful.
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And of course this was also the happiest time in Laguna's life. While he had his two best friends, domestic life with Raine and Ellone changed him. Kiros even points this out at one point!
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And finally, while I couldn't find a good screenshot of it, I absolutely love Laguna's last line right before Kiros' comment.
"Please let me be in this puny bed when I wake up!"
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immacaria · 1 year
Fluffbruary: February 6 - Trust
Tags: Fluff; A wild appearance of Robyn and Orpheus; Humans AU; College Professor AU; Parent Trap AU; Yes, Robyn and Orpheus are trying to get their dads together; Mediaeval History Professor Hob; Psychology Professor Dream; I’m using my very limited experience on this, be kind; Crack
Please ignore that I am three days late for this one and enjoy Robyn and Orpheus trying to make their dads date. Also, this is for @firemandeanbuck just so you can see that I still write fluff, it just takes longer than the angst.
  "Walk, walk, walk, old man," Robyn says behind Hob, pushing him out of the movie theatre with all the force he had. He has been doing this since he was a kid, pushing or pulling Hob with all the force he had in his little, puny arms.
  Doesn't mean he is letting his son win any time soon anyway.
  "Hey, hey, now, young man, who do you think you are talking with?" Hob says, leaning back against him and bracketing his feet.
  "Would you trust me this once, Dad? We are going to lose the freaking cab!" Robyn has turned around, his shoulder replacing his hands as he tries to make him move. "Old man, move!" With all his force, Robyn pushes him and Hob starts to laugh, loud and clear as he stumbles ahead.
  The people getting out of the theatre look at them out the side eyes, but Hob doesn't care. His boy is rolling his eyes at him, the smile on his face too much like Eleanor's and his heart is full. Robyn has grown up so much since her death, changed so much and it's so good to see him smiling like this, open and wide, happy.
  "I love you, Robyn, you are my pride and joy," he says, his hand coming up to Robyn's cheek.
  "Thank you, Dad," he says, voice soft and gentle and Hob knows he knows it's true.
  Ever since Eleanor's death, Hob did everything he could, possible and impossible, to make sure Robyn knew he was loved. All the time he could find, he passed with him. School meetings, doctor appointments, all the hobbies.
  He tried to do everything he could for his little boy, letting the grief appear only when he was alone. Their kitchen had hidden his tears one too many times until he learned how to live with the hole in chest. Robin, thankfully, turned well, maybe a little bit too much like him but Hob thinks Eleanor would have liked that.
  Robyn is in college now, English classics like his mother. He is living at the dormitory, despite their  house being only three hours away and Hob going almost every day there because of his classes. Almost every day they see each other at lunch, just to talk or sit together.
  "This address, please," Robyn says to the driver, showing the address on his phone the moment they got into the cab.
  "Why don't you say the address, boy? Where are you taking me?" Hob says, leaning against the door and lifting an eyebrow.
  "It's a surprise, Dad," Robyn says, sitting back down and rolling his eyes at him. Grey eyes stare back at him, one more thing he inherited from his mother, and Hob makes a face at him, pulling his upper lip up and scrounging his nose. A laugh bursts out of both of them when Robyn does the same face, crossing his eyes and shaking his head to the sides.
  People tend to say, when they see both of them together, that they do not look like father-son, but rather two friends. Not only because Robyn looks more like Eleanor than like him, but because they apparently joke too much together to truly be father and son. Hob particularly finds that bullshit, it's not because they joke together that there isn't respect between them.
  The only one to understand that has been Robyn's roommate's father, Morpheus. Like him, he is a teacher at the college the boys study, one of the big names of the Psychology department. The first time they met was an accident. Robin and him were lunching together when he saw his roommate from far away and called him to sit with them. Morpheus appeared along with him.
  After that, there were few occasions when they found each other again. Once when Hob was running from one lecture to another and found the man in the hallway, looking utterly lost, he had to stop to help him. Needless to say that he was late for his second lecture. There was another time where they found each other, but none of them were lost this time.
  He liked Morpheus. For the few times they talked, he seemed like a decent guy who loved his son more than anything in this world. More than that, the man was beautiful as fuck, the type to inspire tells and stories about his beauty and eyes.
  "How is Auntie Pru?" Robyn says beside him, taking him out of his thoughts.
  "Prudence is alright, I think. Didn't see her much this week," Hob shrugs, turning to him. "And you? What have you and Orpheus been up to?"
  "Nothing much, studying, planning, plotting. Why didn't you see Auntie Pru these last days? She found a boyfriend?" He asks, both eyebrows up and staring at him with shining eyes.
  "That I know of, no, I was just too busy with classes," and thinking about it now, most of his week was spent either in class or talking with Morpheus. "Why do you ask?"
  "Oh, look we are here!"
  Behind him, the facade of one of the most expensive restaurants in London shines right into Hob's face. There are couples coming in and out, families standing at the side while they wait for the valet to bring their car. All of them are wearing designer clothes, some of which he is sure would cost a year of his salary.
  This is not a place they usually go and certainly not one he inured Robyn to frequent. So, why the fuck are they here?
  "Err, Robyn? What are we doing here?" He asks as his son climbs out of the car and pays the driver, waving goodbye to him.
  "C'mon, Dad, it's a surprise! Trust me on this one!" Robyn says and waves for him to get out of the car.
  "Everytime you say that, I get more and more afraid of what you are doing," he is shaking his head, trying to decipher what the hell is his son doing when he hears a voice that gives him goosebumps down his spine.
  "Afraid of your own son, Professor Gadling?"
  "Of his machinations," he says, looking up to see Morpheus standing between Orpheus and Robyn. His hair is as wild as ever, but his clothes seem more soft and casual than Hob has ever seen him using before.
  Orpheus is smiling beside him, waving to him, and Hob feels his eyebrows furrow. There is something wrong here, but he can't point out exactly what it is. He just knows there is something wrong.
  "What a coincidence, right, Dad?" Robyn says and Hob squints his eyes at him.
  "Yeah, what a coincidence..." he says through his teeth and turns to Morpheus. "What are you doing here?"
  "I could ask you the same thing," Morpheus retorts, a smirk on his face, as he helps him out of the car.
  "Oh, then the two of them can have dinner with us! We just arrived," Orpheus says, hands deep on his pocket, and turns to Morpheus with a smile on his face. By the look on Morpheus' face, he is finding this just as strange as Hob.
  "If you two are hungry, we wouldn't mind," He says slowly, still looking at him.
  "Amazing!" Robyn says and then promptly wraps his arm around Orpheus and turns to the restaurant. They watch as the two of them walk in the restaurant talking with the woman at the front - God, Hob doesn't even know what he should call her - and point to them, saying some thing more and nodding before finally disappearing inside.
  "What do you think they are doing?" Hob asks, still watching the restaurant in front of them warily.
  "I do not know, but it does seem like they are trying hard to make us spend some time together,"
  "Should we tell them that we are seeing each other?" Morpheus shrugs by his side before shaking his head.
  "No, let's see how far they can go with this." And after a beat, he adds. "Do you want to have dinner with me?"
  "Oh yes!" Hob nods and then follows him up to the restaurant.
  Let the kids figure out what they want. They have their own plans.
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kusanagim91 · 15 days
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“Are you afraid? Can you feel them? Mmm? Can you feel them rewiring your little, puny, brains?” 
Misantropía chuckled, amused by the horrors.
He was beautiful and eerie, hair like snow, a pretty face, a wide smile of many fangs, a black eye, dark as night, and the other one the color of honey, many gears rotated in there, like a clockwork. 
He was inhuman, half monster, half machine. 
And, as his name said, he didn’t value the humans in front of him. 
“Don’t worry, the pain is going to end soon and you aren’t going to remember a thing, no even like a bad dream”. 
He looked in glee as the heroes twisted, contorted in pain, tied to the operating tables. 
The girl was resisting way more than the man, so Misantropía took another syringe, full of a clear liquid. 
“Your body is fascinating Miss Grentina, you’re composed of powerful enzymes, they make your body resilient and flexible, but also capable of dissolving everything, of course your absurd moral code prevents you from doing such a thing, but my babies are going to change that...”.
The woman looked in horror at how he injected her with that thing again. 
They were invisible to the eye, but she could FEEL them, like ants burrowing under her skin, making tunnels to her brain... or whatever she had in the place of a brain. 
And her body tried to fight them, her will tried to keep her being herself, her soul tried to be relentless and her heart brave, but it was useless. 
That boy, that monster, smiled at her as she slipped away, her true self taken over by something else, a new mind, a new way of thinking and feeling... But it was still her, it was still her for the rest of the world and for herself, the change was undetectable. 
G-Lo wasn’t G-Lo anymore, but she didn’t know that, nothing had changed for her, and the next morning she woke up tired on her bed. She had a dream, but she couldn't remember what it was exactly. A nightmare? And, by the time she ended her breakfast, she forgot completely about it. 
She went to work, she was an efficient and well loved hero, but she was secretly unhappy and unfulfilled.  
She always felt like that... Didn’t she? 
Yes! Exactly! She never liked that job, she never liked PEACE, and she never liked the path of good! 
For many her change in career came out of nowhere, but for her it felt natural, something destined to happen, something she always planned to happen. 
Misantropía smiled once again, admiring his work, the gelatin girl made a whole spectacle on public television, a quite... aggressive revelation of villainy. 
“Hail Black Hat!” she had proclaimed with pride. 
Misantropía laughed, playing with a flask in his hands full of that clear liquid. 
“Oh, my babies” he said, looking at the nanobots with his mechanical eye “We are going to do so many beautiful things together”. 
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 3 months
Winx Season 1, Chapter 1
(first draft)
“Bloom! Bllooom!”
Eyes still closed, Bloom swipes her hand in the air, trying to get the voice to leave her alone.
“Aren’t you and Selina walking to school together today? She's outside waiting for you,” her mom chirps.
Bloom’s eyes shot open, she flies out of bed and scrambles to get dressed, “what- why didn't you wake me up earlier? Oh first day of school and im la..te-” her lands slow on the hem of her shirt, “- wait a minute i’m on vacation. Selina’s probably not even awake.”
Falling back on her bed, she tries to go back to sleep, but Venessa rips her covers off of her. “Its noon, sweetie. you can’t sleep the whole vacation away.”
Bloom drags herself out of bed, mumbling something about why not. Her mom scolds her about staying up so late last night reading about fairies.
Downstairs, bloom walks past her dad and towards the stove. Grabbing toast, she tells her dad about the trip her classmates are going on and not-so-subtly asks if she can join them. Mike tells her that she can when she’s older while Bloom groans that she is already 16.
“Only. 16. You mean. You’ll always be my little girl.”
“It's not fair, all my friends holiday by themselves now,” Bloom says as she thinks about their family vacation at the same old beach every year. 
Just as thoughts of being seen as a baby for the rest of her life begin to devastate her, Mike excitedly says, “well, as a consolation, we have a gift for you outside. A little something to help you get around Gardenia,” Bloom brightens up and rushes outside to see what her present is, hoping that it was a scooter. 
Her excitement left as fast as it came when she saw her present. A bike.
“Oh. thanks mom and dad, i- i love it." Bloom's disappointment seeps from her words as she walks towards the bike and starts to move it.
Mike puts an arm around Vanessa, proud of himself, while watching bloom start to pedal away. Vanessa frowns, telling Mike that bloom was probably expecting something more “sophisticated”.
“A bike with a speedometer?” Mike asked.
“A scooter, Mike.”
“But scooters are dangerous, Vanessa, and they cost a bundle.”
“We'll try to put some money aside. Maybe next year...” They continue discussing as they go back into the house. 
Bloom rides away from her parents with kiko in the basket. On the way to the creek, Mitsi stops her, sneering, “Heyy bloom. No vacation again? Poor thing”
“Hello to you too, Mitsi. And we are going away soon.” Bloom rolls her eyes.
“Same old beach huh? I'll send you a postcard from Italy. Give you a glimpse of an actual vacation.” Mitsi turns away, yelling at the people who were unloading her brand new scooter. 
When Bloom reaches the creek, she sets Kiko down, letting him run around while she prepares to sit by the stream. Just a second later, Kiko comes running back into Bloom's arms. She asks what's wrong and Kiko only shakes his head. Bloom holds him in her arms and starts to walk further from her bike. She starts hearing fighting sounds, the deeper she goes.
Reaching a clearing, she sees a battle between a girl, and a few monsters.
Bloom watches as bright light is shot out from the girl’s staff, hitting the smaller monsters that disintegrate into piles of ash on the floor. The larger, putrid yellow monster shouts almost unintelligibly, “Hand over the sceptre, little fairy.”
Bloom was convinced she was dreaming because fairies… didn't exist, did they?
The fairy reacted a little too late, getting knocked down by the yellow monster, dropping her sceptre. The monster waltzed over and picked it up, “thanks, fairy.”
Bloom’s legs moved before she could think, running in front of the monster, “stop!”
Laughing at the puny human before it, the monster grabbed bloom by the wrist and shook her around. Bloom shut her eyes, expecting the worst as her wrists felt as though they were going to be crushed. In a moment she could barely explain, her body felt warm for a split second before falling onto the ground. 
The fairy used this moment to dart over and snatch her sceptre back when the monster loosened his grip on it, taken aback by what happened.
“SOLAR BEAM!” The fairy shouted, pointing her sceptre at the monsters, killing them in a huge wave. One of the little monsters ran up to Bloom and bit off a chunk of her pants before running away. 
The yellow one came to his senses just in time to command the rest to retreat, and disappeared. Back to the cave where they came from, to report their doings to their Masters.
After that, the creek was silent. Bloom and the fairy were lying on the ground, both exhausted. Bloom got up first to look around for any more dangers, and approached the fairy next. 
A fairy. 
She could hardly believe it. Shaking the fairy by the shoulders proved that she had fainted, so bloom brought her home, not forgetting the sceptre next to her. 
It wasn't easy cycling with a girl on her back, but bloom made it. Her parents rushed out of the house to help her bring the fairy in and laid her on the couch. After they made sure the fairy was settled in, Bloom started telling her parents everything that happened.
“Bloom, I'm not sure I understand. Could you run that by me again?”
Bloom was exasperated, she already recounted the story to them 3 times, but her dad still did not believe her. 
“I think we should call the police and take this girl to a hospital.” Mike insisted. 
“Dad, at least wait for her to wake up, we don't even know what she is yet.” Pacing around, Bloom runs her hands through her hair.
“Wait, she’s coming to,” Vanessa turns to the fairy, “how are you feeling, dear?”
The girl slowly sits up, groggy and unsure. However, that all seemed to go away when she felt her left hand empty. 
“My Ring! Where’s my-”
“ - It's on the table next to you,” Bloom sat down next to her, “i thought it was a sceptre, how did it shrink like that?”
The fairy regains her composure after putting the ring back on, saying it's sort of a magical family heirloom and introduces herself as Stella, thanking Bloom for helping her at the creek. She notices Mike inching closer to the landline and casts a simple transmutation spell to turn the phone into a carrot. 
“Oops, Sorry did you need that?” Mike drops the carrot, nervously laughing as Stella turns it back into what it was. Bloom looks at him smugly.
After a bit of discussion, Mike and Vanessa relent and let the girls go to Bloom’s room, turning in for the night. 
Stella explains that she is a fairy from a planet called Solaria in the Magic Dimension, or Magix, where magic is integrated into everyday life, and that the monsters were an Ogre and its minions. She also compliments Bloom on her energy blast, saying that she must be quite a powerful fairy.
“Wha- no- i’m not a fairy, i don't think…”
“You have to be. Humans can't just shoot energy blasts like that, you know?” She says as she angrily fiddles with what looks like a phone.
“But, I can't do it now.”
“Well, strong feelings like fear, could have summoned your dormant powers. I’m sure they were always there, you just didn't know it. And - magic takes practice and concentration… I suppose you could learn that at Alfea, if you want to come, that is.” After some intense tapping, and a small magical burst, she smiles at her phone, and puts it away.
“It is the top school in Magix for young fairies like you and me,” Stella throws down a postcard from her pocket and it enlarges as it lands on the ground. “C’mon, just follow me.”
Stella steps on the now floor mat sized postcard and starts sinking in. Bewildered, Bloom follows her and stands on the card shakily, jumping a little after she starts sinking in as well. 
On the street outside, the Ogre from before is followed by an even larger blue monster tracking bloom’s scent with the piece of her pants. As bloom and stella sink into the postcard and take a look around, their scents disappear, leaving the blue monster confused.
Their scent reappears to the blue monster when the two girls return from the postcard, and they advance on Bloom’s house. 
Stella is more on edge when they return, sensing something dark nearby.
“Fairies! It's totally ridiculous.”
“Mike, it's not ridiculous. It's true. Come on, admit it! You and I both know that Stella is a real fairy, but you're afraid to believe it.” Vanessa watches as Mike worriedly stalks the kitchen and adds, “Mike, if this is Bloom's true nature, who are we to stop her?” 
Mike sighs, but just as he was relenting to the fact that his daughter is a fairy, the blue monster bursts in through the back door. 
“Where is the Sceptre!”
“Right behind you, Troll!” Stella shouts right before she starts to transform into her fairy form. Stella extends her staff and begins to fight. Bloom starts to lure the Minions and the Ogre away, leaving Stella to deal with the Troll. 
“I did not think this through,” Bloom mumbles to herself as she stands in front of the monsters that followed her outside. Seeing one of the minions try to attack her, Bloom instinctively raises her arm, shooting another energy blast at it. Killing it Instantly. Before she had any time to think, the ogre charged at her, and bloom tried to summon her blast again to no avail. She was sure she was dead. 
Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, a rope flies in and wraps itself around the ogre’s neck, pulling it back. Stella gets blasted through the window, landing next to bloom. 
“Oh they're here,” she gets up, getting ready to fight again.
“Who?” Bloom asks, moving behind stella. She watches the guys, holding what seems to be holographic swords, fight the monsters. 2 of them held the troll and ogre at bay, while the other 2 easily sliced through the smaller minions.
“The specialists. I called them earlier just in case.” She lifts herself off the ground, using her staff to shine a bright light at the monsters, distracting them so the specialists have an easier time fighting.
After incapacitating the troll, the ogre disappeared once again in a puff of smoke, and the specialists have no choice but to put the troll in the spaceship they arrived in. 
“Finally. Bloom, meet the specialists,” waving a hand at the 4 boys, “Riven, Timmy, Brandon, and finally crown prince Sky of Eraklyon.”
“Awh Stella, princess of Solaria, you don't have to introduce me like that,” the brunette jokes and turns to look at bloom, “just Sky is fine, and this is our Owl. And you?”
“I’m Bloom. what‘s an Ow-” 
“-Well it was nice helping you girls, but we gotta bounce.” Riven cuts in, pushing the troll into the Owl. 
“Don’t mind him, it was nice meeting you, Bloom. See ya at Aphlea,” Brandon says, walking into the Owl. Stella and Bloom wave the boys goodbye, going back into the house to turn in for the night.
Stella walks into the battle torn kitchen in the morning, using her magic to help fix the bigger messes while Mike uses a broom to sweep up broken glass and debris. They make light conversation about Alphea and Magix. Behind them, Bloom and her mom come down the stairs.
“She's ready.”
“Are you sure about this, honey?” Mike wipes away a tear.
“Yes, dad. I want to go to Alphea and learn about my powers.”
Mike gives Bloom a tight hug, “Call us as soon as you get there and let us know everything. What if you get sick? What if you meet the monsters again? Wh--what if–”
“Dad, I'll be careful, I promise i’ll come home as soon as the semester is over.”
“Did you really think we'd let you go, just like that?” Vanessa puts her hands on her shoulders, “We want to come with you, at least for today.”
“Really? Stella, is it possible?” Bloom's eyes lit up, facing stella.
“Hm, well, i'm not sure, but we can try.” She extends her staff, telling the family to stand closer together and taps the floor twice. A warm glow envelops the 4 of them, temporarily blinding them while they are transported outside Alphea. Mike gawks at the building that stood before them for a few seconds.
“Come on, let’s get going. Registration’s already begun.” Stella says, gesturing to the courtyard in the middle of the sprawling pink building. 
Mike and Vanessa walk forward but are stopped within a few steps by an invisible force, “hey, what is this?”
“I forgot, that's Alphea's magical force field,” Stella sends a spell to react with the forcefield so that Bloom's parents can see it. “I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can't go any further.”
Bloom drops her suitcase and hugs her parents, promising to contact them as soon as she can. Stella offers to send them home with her sceptre. Mike continually spouts tips and advice until, in a second, they appear back in their home.
“Do you think she’ll be ok, Vanessa?” Mike worries for his little girl, resuming his sweeping.
“Our girl is a tough one, Mike. Remember how we found her?” Vanessa reminisces about the night of the fire, and puts hand on his shoulder, “she’ll be just fine.”
At the Alfea courtyard, Bloom notices a stern looking lady carrying out the registration of the new students. She worries about getting in as she didn't register, or even know about Alfea until a day ago. Pulling out a letter from her pocket, Stella assures her that she will be fine, “That’s just the discipline master, Miss Grizelda. All you have to do is pretend to be my friend, Varanda, the princess of Callisto.”
Bloom picks at her nails, slightly uncomfortable with having to lie about her identity, especially if she is found out. Stella reveals that the real Varanda is not attending this year as she is taking a year off to focus on herself. She gave Stella a letter to give to the headmistress, but since no one else in Alfea knows Varanda, without the letter, no one would suspect a thing. 
Stella makes the letter from Varanda disappear just as Miss Grizelda comes closer, “Ah, princess Stella of Solaria… I wasn't expecting you here this year, considering what you did last year." She looks at the gaping hole to the potions lab, making a comment about how it cannot be used for a while because of the potion effects that were still active in there.
“And you are?” She asks, turning to Bloom, but only paying attention to the names on her clipboard.
“Varanda, princess of Callisto, and my good friend.” Stella tells her.
“Hm, welcome Princess Varanda.” Grizelda extends her hand to Bloom after checking her list and allowing Bloom in as Varanda.
She then gathers the new students and introduces them to Alfea, its rules, and its history. The rest of the teaching staff slowly appear next to Grizelda, introducing themselves as they do so. The last to show herself is Headmistress Faragonda. After Grizelda finishes her speech, she starts the school tour, explaining the architecture and layout of the school while telling the students what their goals should be at Alfea and the 2 other schools around the area, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain.
“Alphea is a 3 year programme, at the end of which you girls will graduate as full fledged fairies, hopefully with your Enchantix.” Faragonda stops at the grand staircase, waiting for the girls to finish checking the names posted on the dorm room doors,” this brings us to the end of the tour, now you're free to roam around, your class schedules are posted in front of your dorms. And for the final time, welcome to Alfea.”
Stella brings bloom to their dorms to start off, telling her that they could explore the rest of the  school more after classes tomorrow. Bloom asks what Cloud Tower is, and Stella starts explaining the three schools in Magix. Alphea, Cloud Tower, and Red Fountain.
“There are many many more magic schools in the dimension, even a few on my home planet, Solaria. But Alfea, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain are the best ones. That's why so a lot of royalty come here.” Entering their dorm, they walk past the common area, looking at the room doors for their names.
“Wow Stella, you’re so lucky having a whole room to yourself. I have a roommate.” Walking in, Bloom accidentally steps on a vine that lets out a screech. This gains the attention of a girl, who introduces herself as Flora. She picks up her plant, soothing it while apologising for messing up their room so quickly. 
“I’m bl-,” Bloom almost gives herself away until Stella reminds her that she is Varanda. “ - Varanda of… Callisto.”
“Wow, Callisto is quite a ways away,” a voice says behind bloom, “hi, im Techna, i'm from Zenith.”
The girls continue to introduce themselves to each other, until their last dorm-mate arrives, who introduces herself as Musa from Melody.
Another screech interrupts the girls, turning around Bloom and flora realise kiko is being flung around by another plant. Flora rushes to make her plants let go of Kiko and starts scolding them, but Bloom tells her not to, saying “Kiko probably tried to eat him, it's not his fault.” 
Flora grabs a starter pot from her desk and magically grows carrots for Kiko, apologising to him. 
Stella speaks up, asking the girls if they want to get dinner in the city. The rest agree, taking this opportunity to chat and get to know each other. They each go and get ready before leaving to catch the bus to Magix.
Upon reaching Magix City, Bloom practically jumps off the bus, excited to look around. She had expected it to look enchanted, magical, but the sight in front of her just looked… like every other big city. 
The girls realise that Bloom’s demeanour changed and just had to ask, “Whats wrong bloom?”
“I- i just expected it to look more… more?”
“Like in the books, the fairy tales. Where’s all the magic?”
“That's all imaginary stuff, this is the real world. If you want magic, well… just take a closer look around.” Techna steps forward saying, eyes on her phone searching for a place to eat.
Bloom turns back around to look closer and finally sees the magic. She sees the hover cars, the people levitating their shopping bags, virtual changing rooms through the store windows and colour changing buildings.
“Wow this is even better than i imagined.”
“Told you magic is everywhere,” stella says as she drags bloom forward to catch up with the rest of the girls who were already making their way to a cafe Techna found
At the cafe, the girls bond over favourite foods and music. Techna even started to jam with musa over some techno music. At some point, Bloom tries to take the chance to call her parents but her phone didn't get any reception. Techna asks to take a look, and is fascinated by her phone, saying that its practically ancient technology. Techna magically adjusts her phone and hands it back to her, saying there is an empty corner nearby where she can use to call her parents in private. 
“Hey, mom- yeah i'm doing ok… yeah it's amazing here, i wish you guys were here to see it.” Bloom gets a little misty eyed, slowly adjusting to being so far away from her family for so long.
When she is ending the call with her parents, Bloom sees the ogre from her house and follows him as he sneaks up to the other girls. She prepares herself for a fight but the ogre turns and dashes away. Bloom continues to follow him and finds the trix. She texts the girls about them and to leave but she is noticed and caught by Darcy. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?”
“A little fairy.” Stormy chimes in.
“S - stay back” Bloom tries to cast a spell but she's too weak and it sprinkles onto the floor.
The Trix laugh at her and Icy charges up her ice spell, taunting Bloom in the process, “you call that magic? Let me show you what magic really is.” She snaps her fingers and freezes Bloom in a block of ice. 
The rest of the winx come just in time, not wasting any time, they transform and begin exchanging blows. They distract the trix while moving to shield bloom. Once they were all close enough, Stella uses her sceptre to transport the girls away. 
“Bloom!” Stella rushes to her side, warming her up with her sun powers, “are you ok?”
“Bloom?” Musa cuts in, looking at Stella expectantly. 
Stella freezes up for a moment, awkwardly laughing. She whispers to Bloom if it’s ok letting her real name slip, leading the girls to be even more suspicious.
Once Bloom falls on the floor after being thawed from the ice, she shakilly tells the girls about herself as they return to alphea. “Yeah, so… thats me”, bloom says as they enter through alfea’s gates, only to be greeted by Miss Grizelda and Headmistress Faragonda.
Here they are told my Miss Grizelda and Headmistress Faragonda that they also know the truth about Bloom, and threaten expulsion. Bloom thinks about everything she has been through so far and decides to make her case. 
“Wait, Headmistress Faragonda, please let me stay.” 
“Yeah Headmistress, she is quite a powerful fairy, she would do well here.” Stella starts, and the other girls all join in, talking over one another about why bloom should be allowed to stay.
Faragonda puts her hand up to quiet the girls and analyses bloom for a second. She lets out a breath and lets a gentle smile grow, and accepts her as Bloom of Earth. The girls cheer and exchange hugs until Grizelda yells over their commotion to go back to their rooms before curfew.
“Headmistress, how could you just let Bloom join Alfea like that, she doesn’t have any documentation, where does she live, how will she pay her school fees?”
“It's okay Grizelda, I sense that she is going to be a good addition to Alfea.”
“Well, alright, but-”
“But what”
“I thought all the earth fairies disappeared because of Ogron and his wizards.”
“I thought so too, i guess they must have been a little careless in their mission,” they walk back to their respective staff dorms, “for now we focus on what’s in front of us, have a good night Grizelda.”
The girls giddily make their way back to their dorm, Musa suggesting that they should have a name for their friend group. The girls start thinking of group names back in the dorm common area and Bloom suggests “Winx”
“Winx? What does that even mean?” techna asks. 
“Oh, i don't know. Just, Winx,” Bloom moves her fingers around, letting thin shimmers of magic draw an “X” in the air.
The girls start to smile, testing out the group name in their minds, and decide that it sounds nice, short and sweet. Bloom grabs a piece of paper to doodle their new “Winx” logo. The girls commend her skills and put it on the inside of their dorm door.
The Winx… she could get used to this, Bloom thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.
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cosmicluzer · 11 months
Ao3 being down on the FIRST DAY I have an account has to be some sort of fucked-up pipe dream. Please tell me I’m fucking joking. Complaints aside, proud of the Ao3 volunteers for not giving up on the site yet. I, along with an ass ton of other people, are rooting for you to kick whatever the fuck that is interrupting my abusive style/comfort k2 fic in its flat, tiny, puny little ass!
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tsintotwo · 2 years
[Being With Morpheus x MidnighTS tracklist. (Part 2/4)] 
You’re On your Own, Kid
They corner you right after dinner. You had a feeling this would happen. All throughout, they were watching you. Not subtly, either. You don’t think Desire does subtle.
If fire were frozen into a person, it would be them- that’s what you thought when you saw the infamous sister-brother for the first time tonight at dinner. Family dinner for the Endless. It’s bizarre, it’s in danger of almost being meaningless under the weight of its own magnitude, and it’s happening. It’s also making you feel unbelievably out of your depth.
Morpheus brought you with him, and you know this is no small matter. First of all, you are (were? You are not technically alive anymore) a human- far, far from being an Endless. Secondly, you aren’t family- or at least that’s what they argued. ‘She is’, you heard Morpheus declare, resolute. ‘She is my equal half now, and is to be included in all decisions that I should be a part of.’ It made your inside glow with a fierce sort of pride, love, and gratitude. They relented in the end, and welcomed you, some more enthusiastically than the others. You were determined not to let Dream down. You held your dignity. You presented yourself as capable and intelligent. You observed, you emulated their sense of gravity. At least, you tried to. It’s increasingly harder.
You’ve been with Morpheus for a while now, and you haven’t even gotten used to his aura fully yet. Often, just watching him do things, talking to him, seeing him, it hits you- how other he is, just how powerful and vast- it’s almost impossible to wrap your head around it. And that’s just Morpheus, the one you love and are loved by. Here, with not only him, but all the Endless (well, except the Prodigal), this space feels like it’s vibrating, humming, relentlessly buzzing with an uncontrollable energy. And you’re the only one it affects, because you’re the only puny human among all these millennia-old beings of power.
You could ignore that. You could. So you feel nauseous, a band of pain wrapping increasingly tight around your forehead, your limbs feel jerky and clumsy. Okay. You could get through this. But the dinner discussion quickly turned into things and decisions about your universe- not your planet, mind you, not just humankind, the universe, and they all have something to say, do, they all can influence those. They are deciding the fate of everyone in existence. And you- you’re here too. You’re listening. And you’re drinking soup.
You’ve never felt like this before. This thought has legitimately never occurred to you. But now it does. That maybe…maybe you and Dream don’t belong together. That he shouldn’t be with you.
Desire noticed your edges fraying, you could tell. Morpheus had warned you about them- they’re dangerous, manipulative, have a personal vendetta against him, and never not scheming. They saw your fidgeting fingers, shifty glances, bitten-down lips, and they smiled, they marked you. You knew then that they would come after you. And now they have.
‘A pretty little thing.’, they say, circling you slowly, smile wide, golden eyes aglow and crinkling with wicked pleasure. ‘My darling brother certainly knows how to choose them.’
‘Every move is calculated’- you remind yourself. They have immediately brought up others- exes Dream might have- to unsettle you. You can’t pay heed to this.
You don’t, and you watch them, quiet. You have to play smart, and the first step to play is to know your opponent. They push further when you don’t react, ‘…but none of the other ones were so ordinary, so my dear sibling’s high standards have quite degraded, I must say.’
‘Must you?’, you say, trying to keep yourself calm- they knew exactly where to hit you, ‘You can say nothing at all and leave me alone right now.’
‘Oh, no, no.’, their voice is silky smooth, and they are so close, you feel their breath on your neck, ‘Do not take offense. I merely made an observation. You might even learn something, if you pay attention.’
‘Such as?’, you say despite yourself.
They’re in front of you now, and they reach out and touch your chin, lifting your face up lightly. Their presence makes you feel liquid, something not entirely possible to be held within a body, slipping and dripping through the cracks, taking unknown shapes. You are standing here rigid, but you feel out of control.
‘Pretty things are good for pretty fucks’, they say, every word clear and sharp, and still somehow seductive, ‘and Dream is not one for indulging in such pretty times for long, let alone forever. Trust me, I should know.’ An angel’s smile, a wolf’s smile, ‘He is vulnerable now, not many days since his imprisonment ended- and he thinks he changed, he found love, he can be with a human forever. He cannot. I am his sibling. I know him. Take it from me, poor little dear, he will be bored of you soon.’
Isn’t that what you were thinking over dinner, when they were being Endless and you were still just you? That you’re so far beneath what they are. Maybe you shouldn’t have wanted Morpheus. Shouldn’t have loved him. You don’t deserve him. And you shouldn’t be here.
You try to find your voice. But nothing comes out. You feel so alone, suddenly. 
Desire runs their palm along your arm, what looks like genuine sympathy in their face. ‘This must be so difficult for you. Trying to fit in? Trying to be equal to an Endless while you are not even a goddess or a queen or- oh. He was cruel to do this to you, my brother.’ They lean in and whisper in your ear, ‘But I would never be so cruel.’
You step away. It doesn’t seem to bother them. They close the gap again, lifting up their hand to trace their finger on your cheek, ‘It is not too late. Come with me, and in my realm, you will know your place. We could have such fun, pretty little girl, you and I-‘
‘What’, Morpheus’ voice is like the crack of a deadly whip, ‘is going on here?’ Even Desire flinches a little.
They recover quickly, drop their hand, and smile at him. ‘Just getting to know the lady, dear Dream.’
‘Are you.’, Morpheus comes to stand beside you, placing one hand on your waist.
‘Oh, yes. She is something, isn’t she? I merely suggested she could visit me some time, and she could very well be agreeing to the idea right this moment if you didn’t firghten-‘
‘I-‘, you open your mouth, indignant. Then you stop, because Morpheus is laughing silently. That is not what you expected, and neither did Desire. They watch him, wary.
‘Oh, my sibling’, says Morpheus, still that smile on his lips, eyes glinting and sharp, ‘you would love that, would you not? Because you know. My knowledge of humans is not expansive like yours is, and still I know, so you would too- that I have found something special. Someone special. Now you are jealous, and you want her for yourselves. Oh, Desire, sometimes you are so predictable.’
Desire curls their lips, jutting up their chin, the smile gone, ‘Please, brother. I do not nurse such high notions about any human, or any being, for that matter. Nobody or nothing is special. Everyone is made of variations of desire-‘
‘That we might be.’ Dream pulls you close, arms around your back and waist, and starts caressing hair away from the side of your face, (what is happening?)- ‘that does not negate what I know’, your hair in his fist, Dream’s lips are next to your ear, but he’s looking at Desire and talking to them, ‘or what you want.’
Dream kisses you on the mouth, slow and full, while Desire watches silently. You have just a fraction of a moment to think- ‘what- this is weird- but maybe not- you mean, what even is weird anymore- also, not like they are blood-related- do they even have blood’- but then every thought evaporates, because Dream is being excruciatingly sensual and deliberate, his lips and tongue on yours like liquid heat, and the physical presence of Desire makes you feel like a pile of dry tinder with a matchstick just thrown on. Alight, you quiver in Dream’s arms as his open mouth trails along your jaw and throat, then hungrily kisses your shoulder. By the times he has stopped, your knees are so weak you feel like you won’t stand straight. But Morpheus holds you, slowly turning you around, your back to his front, his arms around your stomach. You’re both facing Desire.
Desire’s eyes are like twin fiery nova, their lips pursed. After a pause, they smile. ‘You have to do better than that, Dream. Such a boring show.’
‘Is that why you were watching the whole time?’, you say, ‘And didn’t you just now unclench your fists?’
Morpheus shakes slightly with laughter. Then he says, ‘You heard my lady, Desire. And,’ his arms get tighter around you, his voice gets sterner and dangerous, ‘She is my lady. Listen very carefully, sister-brother: this is my woman, my partner. I know you are burning to have her as your own. But she-’ Dreams chin brushes the curve of your neck, his hands slowly travel up and down your body, caressing your stomach, breasts, arms, thighs over your dress as you shiver, ‘every part of her is mine and mine only. Do not dare touch her. Do not even stand near her ever again. If you do…’
Dream is behind you, so you don’t get to see the look on his face. But Desire does, and what they see must be terrible, because they don’t look smug anymore. They say, after a beat of silence, ‘We will see, won’t we? But this is a matter for idle thoughts, and my time is better spent on things other than your misguided escapades. Farewell, sibling.’ 
They vanish in a shower of gold sparks.
You turn around and hug Dream. It feels so good, just you alone with him, the malice gone from the air. He holds you, and he says quietly, ‘I apologize, my lady. The conversation at dinner occupied my thoughts, and later Destiny wanted to discuss a matter with me alone- I did not attend to you enough tonight. I never should have let Desire prey on you.’
‘I could handle it.’, you say against his shoulder, because now you know. Momentary confusion is one thing, but you don’t believe that you and Morpheus don’t belong together. You never really did, and you never will. And you know- as long as he claims you as his, you are never alone, never helpless, never on your own. ‘I promise I wouldn’t have abandoned the Dreaming for ‘The Threshold’ or whatever.’
You said it as a joke, but Morpheus pulls away and takes your face between his palms, eyes boring into yours, ‘No, you would not.’, he says, voice cutting like a jagged, sharp rock, ‘because I would burn both realms down to ashes and cinder if you did. You. Are. Mine.’
You haven’t seen this side of him before. It’s possessive, and dark, and textbooks and good people say you should be afraid, maybe. But you are his queen after all, and you wouldn’t be if there weren’t darkness in you too. So what you feel is wonder, and love, and lust, and you want him right now, and you know he wants you too, so he pulls you under his cloak, and let them wonder where you two went because you’ve disappeared into a place of breathless heat and peaceful bliss.
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iphigeniacomplex · 2 months
my dreams, my works, must wait till after hell by Gwendolyn Brooks
I hold my honey and I store my bread In little jars and cabinets of my will. I label clearly, and each latch and lid I bid, Be firm till I return from hell. I am very hungry. I am incomplete. And none can tell when I might dine again. No man can give me any word but Wait, The puny light. I keep eyes pointed in; Hoping that, when the devil days of my hurt Drag out to their last dregs and I resume On such legs as are left me, in such heart As I can manage, remember to go home, My taste will not have turned insensitive To honey and bread old purity could love.
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ecargmura · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky! Precure Episode 8 Review: The Orange Bird
A two-parter? Wow! I’m actually pumped up for what happens next episode with all the tension that happened towards the end. This episode also gives us a lot of information about Skyland with the introduction of the new character and also gives answers to some questions I had in previous episodes!
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One particular question I had was back in Episode 3 about the Skystones. This episode shows that storms causes cracks in rifts which causes a portal to Skyland to be accidentally opened. When it does open, things from Skyland fall into Earth like Skystones. I think this makes absolute sense now as storms always come and go and if Yoyo has been on Earth for the past fifty years or so, it makes sense that Skystones can accumulate as much as they can here. This is a brilliant detail!
The mystery of the orange bird is finally unveiled! The bird is part of a bird tribe in Skyland called Puni Bird Tribe. They are bird folk that traded their flight to become humans. In this bird’s case, he can change into a human boy named Tsubasa. He came to Sorashido City by accident one year before Sora did because of an accident during his attempt to fly. He’s a character who’s fascinated with the idea of flying because he’s a bird that can’t fly. He has been staying with Yoyo for the past year in order to study aerodynamics and use the knowledge to teach himself how to fly.
Tsubasa is a rather sweet character in general. He means no harm at all. I think he has the potential to be my favorite character in this anime, but having one particular favorite is hard since Sora and Mashiro are already likable. I’m just anticipating the epicness of Cure Wing’s debut. I just pray that his transformation scene is better than Cure Prism’s. Also, I know for a fact that Cure Wing is the first main male Precure in the franchise, so it will also be a historical event for the franchise. Hearing Ayumu Murase’s voice makes me happy because he has such a nice voice.
Princess Ellee gets some development too! She’s growing up fast! She’s already trying to walk step by step. She’s also eating baby foods and not just milk now. However, the fact that she commands the sling to come to her and is rushing towards where the Precures are makes me worried. She’s definitely going to get captured by Kabaton at this rate! Despite this, I know that Ellee has been plot device, but seeing her have a bit more focus here makes me wonder if she’s going to have a more important role other than being the mascot and plot device. I wonder if something big will happen once all four Cures come together.
Sora reveals that birds in Skyland talk and that humans and birds coexist harmoniously there. It makes sense as the messenger bird in the first episode was talking to Sora in the beginning. The fact that birds are important beings in the world itself is also interesting world building. Mashiro is going to freak out if she goes to Skyland.
Also, Sora was a little annoying in this episode, but it makes sense as she’s dedicated to protecting Ellee. Though, the way she was barking at him was funny. I do like how the animosity she had towards Tsubasa immediately fades as she learns about his dream of flight. She’s someone who has a broad dream of her own, so it would be weird if she continued hating him even after learning about his dream.
Kabaton is actually being a menace for once with his Drone Ranborg actually being threatening. I’m actually on edge on what’s going to happen next. It does make me wonder if this will be Kabaton’s last stand and he’ll get replaced with a new villain or if he’ll still be the recurring villain throughout the rest of the show.
Because this is a Skylander focused episode, Mashiro doesn’t get much screen time. Hopefully, she’ll get some next episode. Ageha makes an appearance too! I think dedicating this episode to Yoyo, Tsubasa, Ellee and Sora makes absolute sense because we need to build on Skyland lore too. I can’t wait for next week!
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