Round 1, Match 23
Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire) vs Torak (The Belgariad)
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Propaganda under break
Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion Lannister
Cersei HATES Tyrion. Hes not a big fan of her either on account of her absolutely hating him. Cersei (and her twin Jaime, who is actually a good brother to Tyrion) were born a few years earlier than Tyrion, and blames him for "killing their mother," because she died in childbirth. Everyone in their family (except Jaime) hates Tyrion because he has dwarfism, but Cersei hates him more than anyone else and has wanted him dead since childhood. (spoilers beyond this point for the books and show both) When Cersei's son is killed, her immediate instinct is to blame Tyrion and throw him in jail. She does everything in her power to have him killed.
The incest for starters. The fact that Cersei doesn’t see Tyrion as human. All the backstabbing. And that they made their own family problems everyone else’s tragic backstory and present out of their own lust for power
here's a quote from one of tyrion's chapters: "When your sister cries, you were supposed to comfort her... but this was Cersei."
They stole an orb from their eldest brother and caused a centuries long war between his people and the people of his brothers. (They are all gods).
He's also just kind of a dick
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limoncats · 12 days
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happy 20th anniversary to the book that started the best book series ever: Wolf Brother!
i highly fucking recommend this book lmao, please read it it's really good imo
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thebest-medicine · 3 months
been on a reading / audiobook binge lately and I have been going back through some favorite YA series… anyway one of them was Wolf Brother / The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness and im currently on book 7 and found this cute ass fic (takes place between books 6 and 7) of Torak and Renn that included some unexpected tickles
any other Michelle Paver fans out there? I need to write me some more obscurer interest fan works
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I'm seriously amazed over how small the Wolf Brother Chronicles of Ancient Darkenss fandom is so tiny
Like it feels like it should be big, from what I understand the books very extremely popular when they came out, and some sources indicate they still sell very well
I need more
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Torak from Chronicles of Ancient Darkness (October 29, 2023) Modeling by NJ, photography by Matt & Bee
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torak-and-human · 4 days
Okay.... First night sleeping alone. Fingers crossed!
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lasalegarce · 2 years
Torak pondering on the Orb
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+ bonus Zedar being a peeping Tom
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cassettoicecream · 1 year
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Some drawings in my sketchbook of many years ago about The Chronicles of The Ancient Darkness
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masters_photos_raulbarrero  make a 3D sculpture from iconic “He-man and the power sword” first minicomic by Alfredo Alcala.
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lilleuglesartfarts · 2 years
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Tall wolf boi and his angry mate. ... And Wolf, still having a hard time making sense of human courtship behaviour.
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limoncats · 6 days
forgot to put this here yesterday
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incorrect-belgariad · 2 years
Torak: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Belar: Nope, absolutely not.
Aldur: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
Belar: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
UL: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
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Chronicals of Ancient Darkness
Another one of my favourite books has gotta be Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver. It's just amazing.
Set in the Stone age with lots of different cultures between clans, Torak finds himself running away from the Demon possesed bear who killed his father. He finds an abandoned wolf cub and they start to bond, and later Torak gets caught by members of RavenClan but befriends a girl called Renn, who helps him and Wolf as they try and defeat the murderous demon bear.
Plus, there's eight more books after Wolf Brother! In order, they are Soul Eater, Spirit Walker, Outcast, Oath Breaker, Ghost Hunter, Viper's Daughter, Skin Taker and then finally, Wolf Bane.
The series can be called Wolf Brother Series or alternatively Chronicals of Ancient Darkness.
In Ghost Hunter, the character Dark and his companion Ark, a white raven, are introduced. He was born albino and was outcasted from his clan (SwanClan) and left to die in the mountains, and he can now see ghosts. He named himself Dark because he thought it would help give him colour. In the last book, Wolf Bane, he gets a mate called Kujai.
I think that this series deserves more appreciation because it's definitely worth reading.
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With submissions about to close, I'm going through the pictures for each of them. Most have links to images, or I've been able to find some official or fan art, but there's a few I haven't been able to track down. If you can find any, send it as a DM or ask, otherwise I'll have to use book covers or series logos for them
Belzedar, from The Belgariad
Torak, from The Belgariad (I've got a book cover with him but it's kind of low res)
Bardas and Gorgas Loredan, from The Fencer Trilogy
Helen and Richard Gansey, from The Raven Cycle
If it's fan art, I'd like to know that the artist is OK with their work being used here.
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magicpeanut3 · 2 years
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torak-and-human · 4 days
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