#Turkish love stories
booasaur · 9 months
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Special Ops: Lioness - 1x01 - requested by anonymous
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bobemajses · 3 months
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Jewish and Turkish smugglers, exiled to the Omsk region, Siberia (USSR), 1927
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danielle-b · 3 months
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Çağatay Ulusoy In DELIBAL 2015 ♡
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noovva · 1 year
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~FaHir 🫶🏻
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moltage · 7 months
i've tried everything, different ways, different times, different places. i just can't seem to find my passion for writing back.
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nesrinslittleworld · 1 year
The Sultan's request.
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Lale Hatun has a conversation with her Uncle when she visits him with the second portrait.
Book: Romance Club: Dracula A Love Story
Pairing: none
Characters: Lale Hatun ; Sultan Murad II
This scene takes place slightly before the events of Episode 1 Season 4, in the Ottoman Empire, when Lale decides to visit her sick Uncle.
She stayed at the entrance for a moment, watching the physician, Shirvani, as he treated his honorable patient. The dim room smelled of incense and medicines. This combination of scents brought a certain feeling of uneasiness to Lale, and she tightened her grip on the canva carefully rolled in her hands.
Shirvani eventually headed towards the door, bowing respectfully once he reached the Sultan's niece level.
"Lale Hatun", he cautiously started. "I'll ask of you not to linger for too long. Our Padişah must rest in order to regain his strength".
She only bowed her head in agreement, the lump forming in her throat preventing her from uttering a single word. She waited for the door to close behind the physician before taking a few more steps toward the imposing bed, where the Sultan was laying.
As he heard her, Sultan Murad turned his head in her direction, and happiness appeared in his tired eyes.
"Aisha! My beloved sister.."
Lale felt her heart sink as she heard him, and she allowed herself to come closer.
"No Padişahım" she softly corrected. "It's me, Lale."
"Lale..." He repeated as he eyed her with confusion, before smiling weakly. "Forgive me, my sweet Girl ; when I look at the beautiful young woman you've become, I cannot help but seeing your dear mother." The sultan barely had the time to speak that a fit of coughs seized him, and Lale immediately placed the roll on the bed, rushing toward the jar of water and pouring its precious content in her Uncle's glass before helping him drink it.
The Sultan gratefully took several gulps, then winced as he layed back on his bed.
"You should not be here, Lale" he eyed her with some sadness in his eyes as she picked up the roll. "A sickroom is not a place for a young woman."
"I will do as you say, Uncle" Lale started softly. "But I was hoping that I could lift your spirits with this humble gift." She gestured to the canvas in her hands, and unrolled it once the Sultan nodded to her. Alaadin was staring back at him as if he really was in the room; yet the sultan remained unmoved, as if he could no longer remember him.
"It is your second son, my Lord. Alaadin... " Lale muttered softly, but only earned a pensive glance from the Sultan.
"My son. Yes..." he eyes went from the portrait to his niece, and his expression became serious once more. "My dear girl, I am so grateful for your forgiveness towards my son. I know... that his past behaviour wronged you deeply."
Lale could feel her fingers shake slightly, and she crossed her hands in front of her to conceal it, once the painting placed aside.
" As you yourself have said, Uncle, the Şehzade has changed. He seems to have gained wisdom and truly wishes to make amends." She disliked discussing of Mehmed, with anyone. The Şehzade was a topic she preferred to remain private, for herself only to ponder upon. Especially after what had happened in his chambers, when she asked him for the sword.
" Yes. It brings joy to my heart to see that you are now getting along, as you did when you were only children."
She felt a lump in her throat as she heard him, and anxiety seized her gradually. What if someone had reported them? What if Mehmed himself told him about the sword?
Her Uncle's voice called her back.
" Lale, you have always had the wellbeing of your family at heart." He looked at her with tenderness, and pride. "You have grown into such a brave and clever, beautiful woman..." he raised his hand to her, taking her own hand in his. "I'm not a fool; I know that I might not last 'til winter. So I'll ask you this, my brave niece: if I were to join our Creator, would you find in your heart the will to give a chance to Mehmed?" He raised his free hand as she was about to speak, thus interrupting her." I know, I know. But you and Mehmed are equals, Lale. I am not referring to your statut, but to your characters. Mehmed, and our Empire, will need someone strong and brave by the new Sultan's side. Someone whose pure heart will protect our people from wrong, and help my son to bring glory to our Empire as he so often wished to." he paused, looking at her with a spark of hope in his eyes. "This vision brings some peace to my tired heart. Please, my dear girl, at least promise me that you'll consider it."
Lale remained silenced for a moment, considering her Uncle's plea. But the moment the Padişah thought he might never get an answer, she softly said:
"I wish you a long and healthy life, Hünkarım." She bowed deeply, her hands folded in front of her, then took three steps back before turning around and leaving the room.
"May Allah hear you, my dear child", Murad's reply barely managed to reach her ears before the door closed behind her.
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laces-and-pearls · 4 months
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Me and who????????
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aconstantache · 2 years
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Dear Ekin Su, I understood you the first day that you walked in. Do you think that I'm stupid? This is the reason why I wasn't opening up myself. Because I'm scared to be hurt by a woman like you. I hope you find the love of your life but with me you’re closed. (Episode 12)
Dear Ekin, Ti amo e ti voglio per me (Episode 57)
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hojiteaversion · 2 years
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baby vlad left no survivors wherever he went and I respect him so much for it
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lamia111 · 1 year
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Had an idea for a Jerusalem AU snippet about the beginning of Charlie's and Dilan's unlikely friendship. So enjoy their - supposed - first meeting while Charlie stays behind as a pawn in Jerusalem, so that the rest of the Pilgrims can explore the area around the city in peace.
Suddenly, the door opened and Charlie lifted his head.
He winced the next second when he was faced with a tall woman; her face was wrapped into veils, as was the custom for the place.
He didn’t know that the Na’ib was married, but of course he’d be. The woman seemed to have gotten lost on her way to or from the Harem.
Instead of that, all he got out was a “Greetings?” while she cocked her head.
She said something in the native language – Arab it must have been, though Charlie understood not one sound. As no time passed but she also made no effort to move, he realized it might have been a question. “I’m sorry, I don’t … I don’t … Translator?” he asked. When she frowned, he pointed to his mouth and then his ears while he repeated the word. “Translator ...” He kept eye contact, the brown eyes the only point in her face he could focus anyways. “Dragoman?” A spark of recognition seemed to light up. “Frank! Dragoman … “ he pointed to his mouth again. “Frank.”
She nodded. “Frank,” she said as if she spoke to a little child. Then the door closed and he was left alone again.
Not for long however, as she returned with another man, clad in the customary wear of a Christian or Jew of the place, but with features that very well would have made a French person of him.
And Charlie was in luck, since he did speak French, albeit it broken, and introduced himself as Nicolo. He knew he would have had no luck looking for someone who knew Irish or the Norse language in this place. Harry only ever had found a familiar tongue when he met another Latin speaker.
“She’s asking who you are,” Nicolo said.
“Oh! Well, I’d honestly love to know what I am, here, and all – “
“She means your name.”
“Oh. Right. Charles of the Higgins Clan, from the Liberties.” When even Nicolo gave him a blank stare, he sighed. “Tell her that. And that I am a knight.”
So he did. She seemed pleased with the answer, now interested in giddy. In fact, she squatted down to look at him on his eye level. Something about those eyes seemed familiar …
“She wants to know about the place you're from and your family,” Nicolas said.
“Well, the Liberties are outside of Dublin, which is in Ireland, which is a rich island next to England, Wales and Scotland,” Charlie said. “My father’s name is Connor. We come from Irish and Norse people … Vikings? Ask her about Vikings, does she know what a Viking is?”
Apparently she did, because she said something and then looked with big eyes at Charlie.
“She said that Vikings haven’t come here in a long time. And that … well, she said that the Na’ib did his job right.”
The next moment, the man in question made himself heard and she got up, before she shouted back to him. There was another voice, calmer and more quiet than either the woman or the Na’ib.
She gestured to Nicolo to come with him, so Charlie was alone once the door closed. There were however, windows in the room, and he let his curiosity get the better of him. At least it’d be a story to tell to the others.
And what a story! The woman was standing with her back to the room, but she evidently had taken her veil off while she talked with the Na’ib, just another indicator that she was his wife. Something about the silhouette seemed oddly familiar however …
She then turned to the side as she laughed about something.
Charlie’s eyes went wide and he knocked his nose against the grate in front of the window.
An action he immediately regretted when his eyes met the Na’ib’s. He wondered whether or not he should have ducked when he said something. She – or he? – in turn said something to him. The cheery expression on their face hadn’t darkened a single shade. At least their words seemed to change the Na’ib’s expression from grumpy to merely uninterested.
He used the chance to duck. The two talked for a while longer, sometimes a third voice cut through from further away. Then Charlie heard receding steps.
He wasn’t quite sure what to do with the revelation. His head was too confused to think clearly about what he witnessed.
So lost in thought was he that it came as a surprise to him when the door opened again.
In the doorframe, they stood. The Na’ibs right hand. That’s why the brown eyes had been so familiar. Nothing of the former appearance remained, however – They were clad entirely in the familiar uniform of a Mameluck official.
No veil covered the wide grin.
Half behind her stood Nicolo, who faithfully translated again.
“She tells you to get up. She’s in charge of you now,” Nicolo said.
Charlie forgot to get onto his feet. “She?”
Nicolo made no attempt to translate his surprise until she nudged him. She laughed and then responded.
“Well, only a man can do the job. So she’s a man in the military and a woman in the house.” Nicolo grimaced, obviously very unhappy with what he had just relayed. “She also said that no one in the city would believe you if you told of what you saw … So you might as well know.”
Another thousand thoughts ran through his head. She asked Nicolo something, who responded with “Up”.
She held her hand out to Charlie. “Up!” Finally he got onto his feet. She said something to him.
“We’ll show you the stables and the soldiers training – that should be of interest to a knight like you.”
“Sweaty men on horses? Sure is,” Charlie responded. He put all the confusing thoughts at the back of his mind for now as he followed her and Nicolo. One question had to be asked though: “What is your name?”
She turned around to him after Nicolo had translated. “Dilan,” she said. It was translated with the string of words that followed:
“Dilan, son of Kerîm, right hand of the Na’ib Sadık, son of Alaattin. A military leader.” She beamed with pride.
The mess in his head wouldn’t stay quiet. It was as if he had discovered both an enigma that only ancient philosophers and fairies could come up with and at the same time, the solution to a problem that had plagued him all throughout his life.
“Very well, Sir. Lady. I – “ Charlie looked to Nicolo for help, but received no reaction at all. “Dilan. Very well, Dilan. Thank you for your hospitality.”
She smiled as an answer and then gestured him to follow her again.
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Cause if we don't this town, we might never make it out.
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maviyuzuklukiz7 · 2 years
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eli-zaaaa · 2 years
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A couple that never gets old🤤
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noovva · 8 months
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Engin Akyürek x Demet Özdemir ❤️‍🔥
~Adım Farah photos -> Episode 17 (2x3)
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turkishdizicz · 5 days
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Elif & Omer • Perdón • Kara Para Ask (Black Money Love)
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