thatgecko0606 · 2 months
Some Stardew fans when they marry the recovering alcoholic just to find out, he’s actually recovering alcoholic 
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sher-ee · 26 days
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They certainly are.
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devine-fem · 2 months
aren’t jon and damian brothers???
OH. my. motherfucking god. are you serious? 😭😭😭
no, they are not blood-related. no, they are not legally related. no, they don’t think of each other as brothers, the closest it's gotten to that was Jon wishing he had a brother LIKE damian.
Damian’s parents are Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne.
Jon’s parents are Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
never have these two paths crossed. superbat is not real. Lois Lane has dated Clark since before either of us has probably been born.
and besides ONE off universe as to where Jon and Damian do not exist. Talia and Clark have never had a thing. I don’t even know if they know each other.
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EVEN IF THEY DID think of each other as a family if they are not legally or blood-related then this still doesn't mean its inc*stual.
but NO! they are not brothers. WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP THINKING THIS BRUHHH
this is Timsteph and stephcass discourse ALL OVER AGAIN
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hobiebrownismygod · 5 months
I just saw Pavitr Prabhakar smut
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When will the torture end
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doumadono · 6 months
you're a fucking bitch for not accepting emergency requests during christmas time. selfish cunt. I hope you rot in hell, fucking pig
Initially, I had half a mind to ignore this message, you know, let it drift into the abyss of unread notifications. But then, on the flip side, I figured it might be worth my precious time to drop a line or two and enlighten you on a couple of things.
About six months ago, I graciously introduced emergency requests as a feature on my blog. Since then, I've effortlessly tackled nearly 80 emergency requests, rejecting just one which contained explicit content. I'm consistently available when others need to let off steam, doing my utmost to lend a listening ear and offer advice.
You see, I'm practically donating my personal time to craft these requests and provide a dash of solace to those desperately in need of it. I want to clarify that my availability to fulfill requests may be limited during certain times, including holidays, due to personal commitments or high demand.
Listen up, you self-righteous hypocrite. Calling me names just because I need a bit of time for myself? That's some next-level hypocrisy right there :) Thanks to folks like you, I'm seriously contemplating shutting down emergency requests as the new year kicks in.
In case you haven't noticed, I've got a truckload on my plate. I'm waging a freaking war against leukemia, juggling the responsibilities of raising kids, and still, I manage to get back to work to help my patients going through awful situations. And what do I get in return? Your snide remarks? Bitch please.
I usually brush off stupid comments, but your words hit a nerve today. I bust my ass to aid others, often when I'm feeling worse than low. Am I being selfish now? Damn right I am. But who can blame me?
As for those emergency requests, who the heck knows? The decision will be made by the end of the year. Right now, I'm feeling lower than low, and I don't have the time or patience to deal with this crap. So, do me a favor and save your judgment for someone who gives a damn. If you're feeling a bit Grinchy, maybe a cup of cocoa or some jolly tunes will do the trick.
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
Same anon from before, and I take back my question about voting. Was catching up on your blog and saw that you have been anti-Hamas despite your only source is an article from Newsweek (Zionist publication) written by an author who is followed exclusively by Zionist on Twitter and has almost no online footprint otherwise
For a historian, your analysis is shockingly ahistorical and I doubt you have much to add on the convo around voting
Sorry for both asks, wish I could unsend the first, but I hope in the future you take additional time to look into non white histories and opinions before spreading posts that are ultimately harmful
I'm sorry, being anti-Hamas is controversial now? I don't want ANY group harming ANY civilians, and if you feel differently, I don't think I'm the one who needs to look into additional opinions.
here is an article from Amnesty International which, while it doesn't solely focus on Hamas, definitely agrees that they have been known to commit human rights violations against Palestinians
also, Israel's response has been wildly disproportionate and horrific, but Hamas very much did directly kill over a thousand Israeli civilians. Like. That is a thing that happened. it does not justify what the Israeli goverment has done since; I want to be very clear on that. but they still did it. no analysis of history can make that okay in my eyes
like. my god. yes, I'm opposed to them. anyone with an ounce of compassion should be. I thought we were all supporting Palestine because we wanted less senseless killing, not because we wanted different people to be doing it to different targets
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scratchtovoid · 3 months
Why is the HOTD fandom on some mission to push out everyone who actually tries to give this fandom life?
I’ve seen too many artists, fic writers, and tiktok creators harassed over works of art they’re just giving us for free.
I’ve seen people make hate videos over someone just posting in depth theories where they quote the book as evidence. Literal death threats over opinions!
And now this bizarre personal attack on someone who took their time to go to the very real (I’ve literally been there) WGA library to hand write - which they let you do! - scenes from scripts just to share with other fans!
And instead of just saying “Thank you!” as you should. We get this mess!
What is wrong with this fandom?
Like seriously! It’s exhausting! I don’t blame anyone - artist, writer, content creator - for dropping projects because it is not worth the toll it takes on your mental health.
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ringleader-inky · 3 months
I had no idea Ugigiugi was still active. For those who don't know this person is a total creep. She shipped her self insert with multiple characters. Which is fine, by itself I mean I do it sometimes with my oc. However her self inserts age was 26-27 and most of the characters she shipped herself with were minors or freshly turned adults. The oldest out of the harem were 20 and 1,000, but the majority were 16-18. Yeah. You read that right, a 26-27 year old made a harem where most of guys were minors or freshly turned adults. I'll give it a minute to sink in.
On top of being a predator, she's a tracer. Even going so far as to trace from the offices sprites of twisted wonderland as well as other people's artwork. I'll leave a link to someone who has exposed her traced works:
However I'd like to take a moment and spotlight her other crimes. Being that she just… puts the sprites of characters in her art work instead of… oh idk drawing!
I don't see many people talking about it so I decided to be the first. The sprites will be posted as well. They're not the exact sprites since I don't have all the cards. And I don't feel like screenshotting for a specific pose for this, but it's still the sprite.
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siickwithsadness · 3 months
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rjalker · 9 months
no one is fucking putting themselves in life threatening danger by being out as trans and transitioning because they're a misogynist.
If you think trans men are putting their lives at risk to be who they are because they just hate women, you are horrible fucking person. You are not an ally to trans people. You're not a feminist. You're just a fucking bigot.
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naughtyneganjdm · 6 months
Yeah. Still not giving you a platform to spew your homophobia anonymous. I'm sorry you are jealous of Hilarie. Bigotry is not welcome on my page 🙃
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always-is-always · 6 months
Someone has already leaked photos of them on X, claiming they came from a source affiliated with the Ministry of Defense. They are not actually giving the source, but protecting it, in my view.
Since the soldiers cannot have phones in class, who is taking photos of Jungkook and Jimin?? Why do they think it’s okay??
Geez. It is not cool.
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sher-ee · 15 days
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Memorial Day 2024
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imbringing-hollaback · 8 months
I'm in the middle of the Briarwood story arc right now and it's making me so sad with how mean the chat is being to marisha/keyleth. She's literally just trying to stay in character and true to her alignment
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demonir · 2 months
There’s no fucking way I actually saw a spyscout shipper in the tf2 tag what the FUCK, BEGONE VILE BEAST!!!
Take this as a warning, if I see you ship spyscout I’m gonna end you
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unholy-romeo · 28 days
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Hot take, which it shouldn’t be.
BUT DEATH THREATS, R//PE THREATS, HARM THREATS, should lead to people getting arrested. Or atleast a ticket with the law.
Wishing harm on someone else, in their dms or publicly, is a major red flag. Likely should be made illegal.
It is not okay in the slightest, and you should probably get some help for it. It can lead to people ACTUALLY committing. How can people not see how wrong that is when they do it?
The only instances I can see where it is even OKAY, is if a person is a predator, abuser, or r//pist.
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-Frolinde (He/Fluff)
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