#Wally West is alive
morgansunflower · 1 year
I'm So Sorry, Y/N
Bruce Wayne X Wife! Reader
Batmom! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, showering, explicit language, injury, and heavy angst.
Arthur's notes! Third P. O.V.. Loosely based on young justice season 3, episode 1-3 and episode 22. Oh and Wally's alive!
Grayson fakes his death, he leaves Gotham to investigate a meta-human trafficking lab across the globe but he disappears. Meanwhile Bruce desperately searches for his son but he needs her. Even after he broke her heart he's hoping she'll forgive him. Or he might go insane.
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"Bruce?... Are you ok?" his wife asked over the phone, in the most saddening voice his heart heavies deeper knowing he hurt her.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing his true love was going to hate him "it's.. Grayson..." Bruce felt he failed his son, his family.
She felt someone took their hands to her throat as she felt she was suffocating ".. I'm listening"
"wait five minutes"
Bruce raised to his feet from the Café chair, walking down the alleyway. He had to be sure he wasn't to be detected before he gave her details. He went into the abandoned factory. Rather than a normal factory, Bruce made the communication from both receiver and caller, undetectable or traceable. Can never be too careful.
"I've been unable to contact him, I contacted the team he's been working with however they haven't been able to pinpoint his location, he's been M. I. A. for 3 weeks.. I found out a week ago. I have been trying to find him and.. "
"where are you.."
Bruce sends her his location. The parents worked tirelessly to find their son. They went to Moscow, the last location known of their son. Y/N and Bruce found much disturbing evidence one inside the building. The pods for children that had meta-human gene's were destroyed. They knew Nightwing must've destroyed them. They found a suspicious black goo among the broken pod, which was only found in Markovia. The tar entirely covered the victim in the pod enhancing the person's gene's. Nightwing must've been abducted here but where was he now? Batman found compelling evidence piling against Markovia residents disappearing and that with the tar connection. He hacked into his son's files. BANG!! Glass breaks from Gunfire. Bruce tackles his wife to the ground. He looked for any bullet wounds on her as she checked him. He took her behind the wall far, from where the bullet was shot.
"you're not leaving me" she demanded
"you're staying here!" he snapped, he couldn't jeopardize her getting hurt, she was already here. He shouldn't have called her..
He shoots his grappling gun onto where the broken window laid from the bullet. He bends his knees looking for the bastard. He sees a helicopter with a rope ladder. He zooms in with his spy eye contact, to see Deadshot. He grunted, there on the right trail. Though they know their on to them. He can't waist time on a wild goose chase, he has to find Robin.. His son.
-"Deadshot?..." his wife asked over the intercom
"affirmative, we need to lay low for the night"
They went to the safe house Bruce had in Moscow. It was a old hotel long abandoned. With his finger scanned and code typed both Y/N and Bruce went inside. She walked to take a shower not saying a single word. Her heart couldn't calm down. Bruce's mind could not calm down. He was scared if they moved too quickly Grayson would be killed to hide their evidence.
"Bruce..." his fist grip tightly ready for a fight, no one was going to take him "Bruce" He didn't know what they were planning on doing to him. Would he be used for ransom? One wrong move and they may.... What were they going to do to him? Would he be too late, again? "my love..." he lifts his head to see her with only a towel wrapped around her chest stopping below her waist. "are you ok.."
He couldn't bring himself to lie to her and he couldn't admit how truly scared he is. He didn't utter a word, he couldn't even look at her. He missed her so much it was breaking him apart. She was right there and he couldn't hold her. He walked passed her to go take a shower himself. She wanted to stop him and let him hold her close. She laid in the bed laying against the pillows. Her heart was in turmoil. She can't stop hearing Grayson screaming in pain. She was scared they would be merciless to him. Crying in pain. Terrified he won't make it out. She lost Jay but he was alive now, even some days he lied to them saying how little they meant to him. She feared what would happen to Grayson. Sometimes she forgot he is grown and out of the nest. Bruce stepped out from the shower, he is exhausted from his heart aching. He slipped on his boxers and walked into the room. Y/N laid with her body nearly shaking as water seeped through her tightly closed eyelids. She knew Bruce was right behind her. He froze his heart crying out to her own, what should he do? This was his fault. He should lay on the couth. He stepped to walk away--
"pl-please stay" she begged brokenly.
Bruce's heart leaped, he did exactly as she asked him. He laid beside her. He reaches taking her hand to comfort her.
"you have every right to hate me, to blame me" Bruce said, his guilt covering his heart to hatred for himself. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Bruce touches her cheek "forgive me, Y/N"
Her heart couldn't take it. She wraps her arms around him burying his face in his neck. Bruce held her close scolding himself for the swelling that came to his eyes.
"Bruce, you were trying to protect him. You love him, I don't doubt that. I love you that's not ever going to change. We will f-find him" she began to cry from her own words "and we will bring him home"
They knew this operation was bigger than both of them. Nothing was going to get in their way. That early morning Y/N contacted Wally, Artemis, and Conner. She knew they could help best and that it would be best for her son to see, his friends. Wally and Artemis wore their formal attire for Markov's pre-coronation reception to intend to investigate possible suspects for the king and queen who were murdered. Knowing it could very well be connected to the crimes against the meta-human's. Once done they would accompany Batman and H/N, who were searching for their son. They were going to get their son, and then end the meta-human trafficking once and for all. In the underground lab they saw, Helga Jace touching the pod where Grayson stayed. She had a smile, that made Y/N's skin crawl.
"get the hell away from my son!!" Y/N shouted to her
"intruders!" she shouted
Bruce knocked out the guard. Vertigo came forth with his power sending Bruce and Y/N to their knees. As he stopped his bone crushing painful vertigo. Batman remained still, the blonde villain laughed in a mocked manner
"the great Batman--" Quickly Bruce threw three batarangs one to Vertigo's effect headset, one to the pod that held his little boy and one to the lab system.
Y/N runs catching Grayson as he fell into her arms. Bruce turned seeing Baron Bedlam. She tore off the electrodes attached to him.
"Batman, H/N so nice of you to join us" he made his skin turn to stone
Bruce threw his batarangs to Baron, they explode but did nothing to harm him.
"it's gonna be OK son" Y/N muttered to her son
Barbara was sobbing as she could see everything Y/N could. Y/N laid Grayson gently down as Helga approached with her gun in hand. Y/N quickly turned with her leg in air, hitting her jaw. Helga fell to the ground, Y/N kicked the gun across the floor. Conner, Wally and Artemis came just in time. Superboy speeded to punch Baron repeatedly. Kid-flash ran to bring a stretcher and medical supplies. Artemis used her crossbow to shoot at Baron with explosive arrows. Wally returned helping Mrs Wayne bandage her son.
"there he is!" Gregor Markov announced as he came with guards loyal to him
"Baron Bedlam you are under arrest for the murder of King Viktor, and Queen Ilona!!" the captain announced
"lies!!" Baron announced
"it's too late uncle, these hero's have shown me the evidence. You will never be crowned King under Markovia" Gregor coldly said
Conner put Baron in a head lock and with the inhibitor collar they were able to take him into custody. Bruce and Y/N quickly took Grayson home. In the Bat-cave. Grayson's fever became higher as, his body shakes on the stretcher. His Dad held his body from thrashing as his mom took the cold cloth to wipe away his sweat. Grayson thrashed his head the pain was causing tears to fall.
"hold him steady so he doesn't hurt himself, we need to strap him down" Bruce said
Alfred brought ice to place around his grandson to bring his temperature down. Y/N continues to wipe away the sweat avoiding the nasal breathing tube. Her hands shake from exhaustion that she fought. Bruce touched her arms gently but also firmly.
"I can't leave my little boy"
Grayson weakly opens his eyes seeing Y/N laying in Bruce's arms as he held her securely with his own eyes closed. Grayson feels safe with their presence after the torture he went through. His eyes flash a bright blue as now he could hear Barbara crying in his room in the Manor.
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whereswallly · 2 years
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Guys, Wally made it to the wedding just in time! So glad to see him back from the dead 🥰
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yjcrap · 2 years
I’m so ready for Batman to find out Jason’s alive in the next season of Young Justice so Flash can run into the speed force and get Wally cus he’s not gonna be the only one in the “my protégé/close family member is dead doing the job I trained them to do” club.
Seriously though, I feel like when they find Jason after the whole Conner debacle everyone is just gonna be in a “death isn’t real” mindset and figure out how to find Wally and bring him back home.
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t-mulxifandom · 1 year
wally is literally coming back in season 5
if not like near the beginning/middle of the season, definitely in the last episode to like start the next season’s focus 😌
i am no longer 100% certain of this, im now 200% certain
now we literally just need to get the green light for season 5 so i can prove to everyone that i’m right and not delusional ✋🙄
literally my 14 page essay that i wrote last year is so good
truly very educational
so very informative
a lot of evidence is provided
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
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uh oh bro u have bewitched me mind body and soul
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biterflies · 2 years
batfam being cryptids: boring, over done, theyre just some people in masks if you shot them theyre done-zo
flash fam being cryptids: new, exiciting, they are intrinsically tied to an eldritch multiversal force that gives them the power to change the very fabric of time *by Accident* and that when not harnessed properly will Kill them and possibly destroy entire universes 
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out-of-context-flash · 8 months
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Unmasked Wally in Titans (2023) #3
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stephstars08 · 8 months
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My top favorite male characters from DC comics!
(Not in particular order)
Have a top ten request? (Submit Here)
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I think people who write de-aging kid fics about DC characters are great because it's all like "oh my god! Through totally random and unpreventable circumstances X character has been hit with magic/sci-fi bs and is now an adorable lil guy who needs the love and support of family and friends!" And that's 100% my kryptonite. I love it.
I do think people are sleeping on speedster controlled aging though.
I would kill for a fic where Kon gets deaged to five and Bart just shrugs and deages to five as well because it looks like fun. Then the two of em get into shenanigans and enjoy the childhood they never had.
Or if Hal gets turned into a child and Barry joins him so that Hal has company. And the two of em get to interact as kids and just have fun for once in their lives.
Or if Dick gets hit with a magic spell and shrinks back down to nine and Wally's like "Oh god, we were terrible as kids! I don't want to get stuck babysitting him..... 💡! I CAN'T GET STUCK BABYSITTING IF I'M ALSO A CHILD!!" And then it's just gremlin Dick and Wally running around together being the absolute worst.
I just think their selective aging thing is nifty and the fact that they can manually switch their ages is a fantastic plot device that rarely gets used.
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vertigoartgore · 19 days
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1993's Flash Vol.2 #80 cover by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer.
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You know, there's a lot of things you can say about how Wally West treated Bart Allen. Dismissive, harsh, took him for granted, just plain rude. But the one thing you can't say is that he didn't punish people that hurt Bart. Like, Wally West set the gold standard for "over the top punishment of someone who killed his sidekick".
For those that don't know, Wally captured the person that killed Bart Allen, ripped his speed directly out of him, trapped him as a statue in a living death and set that immobilised teenager facing a statue of Bart Allen, forcing him to, in the words of the comic, "stare with eyes that take a thousand years to blink at the better man he could never be"
Like damn! Jason Todd hears about that he's gonna be trying to get Wally to adopt him!
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leethefirelord · 1 year
Wally West is alive. He's in the Phantom Zone, the fact that Conner saw him there in PZ colors proves it. And yeah its 2023 and I'm still in denial about his death.
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mahoushojounightmares · 2 months
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Iris and Wally …… how he emphasises that she made him Wally West as he is today ….How she isn’t just his aunt but his “best friend ” ….. killing me ….. Imagine how much she must miss him while still being aware of all he managed to achieve…..
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t-mulxifandom · 9 months
and people still have the nerve to say the speed force doesn’t exist in YJ and think wally isn’t going to return 🙄 JASON LITERALLY ALWAYS MENTIONS THE SPEEDFORCE IN POSTS ABOUT WALLY
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(happy birthday to jason spisak btw !!!! ☝️🎉)
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7weaslesinacoat · 9 months
my husband
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I wanna see if he really is the fastest man alive 😻🫶
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rorimoon9597 · 3 months
Just saw a post with 'dumb + stupid + god I'm sick of this how did I end up here' and thought of Wally, Dick, and Kaldur.
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