#Will truly accept any suggestions lol
erisenyo · 1 year
For @zukkaweek Day 5: Touch/Touch-Starved, featuring that thin line between fighting and foreplay, absolutely healthy coping mechanisms, a whole lot of angst, and the wonders of self-denial.
[“It is a good thing to have, armor,” Uncle murmurs, shaking his head as he looks at the damage to the backplate that was probably from…the third time going through a wall, maybe, and Zuko knows he’s concussed when he nearly responds you have no idea out loud before managing to yank that thought back, too. Zuko knows all about plausible deniability, after all.] OR, Zuko keeps meeting the warrior again and again. Keeps crashing into the warrior. Literally, sometimes. And he knows he should be focusing on the Avatar, on regaining his honor, on what he's supposed to do. But from Kyoshi Island to the Earth Kingdom flats to Ba sing Se, somehow Sok—somehow the warrior is always there. Masked and hooded, fighting and grappling, straining for position, sometimes the only touch Zuko knows until he has it again. Which is the only reason Zuko can’t stop thinking about it, of course. The only reason he can't get it out of his head. The only reason he can't stop wondering how much further they can go and still call what they're doing fighting.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 3 months
sfw alphabet ft. monkey d. luffy!!!
warnings: might be a little suggestive here and there, but mostly wholesome lol <3 [not proofread so it probably has a lot of errors.]
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ENOUGH horniness, my children. time to simp. he is so cute plsplspls-
๋࣭ ⭑how affectionate are they? luffy is super-duper affectionate. not just to you, to literally anyone he calls his friends. it is not out of the ordinary for you to wake up and see luffy sitting on zoro's shoulders as the mosshead does weight training. "zoro, you'll pull a muscle. luffy, get off." nami suggests as she passes by the captain and his right hand man. luffy reacts by pouting and zoro by huffing as if he isn't carrying a 19 yr old, fully grown adult on his shoulders. so anyways, obviously he is super affectionate and cuddly towards you too. he always in clinging onto you, peppering absent-minded kisses onto your skin and giving you an himbo grins. ๋࣭ ⭑how do they show affection? by clinging onto you like plastic with static charge. he is inseparable. everything you're doing, he needs to be a part of it. everything he's doing, you need to be a part of it. but don't be surprised when all of a sudden, he leaves you to go see some weird sea-creatures with ussop and chopper. he would then get distracted by them and they would probably start their regular-schmegular shenanigans. but he remembers he has a BEAUTIFUL girlfriend, he is gonna come skipping over to you. enjoy the next 43 hours of cuddles.
💗best friend:
๋࣭ ⭑what would they be like as a best friend? like everyone else on the ship, he is super ride or die, so, him as a best friend is truly a blessing. from 3 am snack runs to gossiping (you gossip, he listens) to actual pillow fights and pillow forts (cause hes a child like that), you are in for a wild ride if you're his best friend. since he is so emotionally mature but so fucking weird, expect to receieve some bizarre anecdotes every once in a while. ๋࣭ ⭑how would the friendship start? how do any friendships start with luffy?? he just shows up and you accept him for all his dumbassery. so, thats how it probably started.
๋࣭ ⭑do they like to cuddle? yes. omg obviously yes. ๋࣭ ⭑how would they cuddle? i dont even know how to answer this because i firmly believe he just is out there doing anything?? like ofc he holds you all nice and sweet against him. but sometimes he just wants to hold onto you and it doesn't really matter how. so, he has some unconventional methods* of touching and cuddling. unconventional methods include: - sleeping on the other side of the mattress but holding you by his outstretched hands - lying a little bit apart but his toe is on your calf - look realistically if he could he would wrap himself around you like a python but um, he doesnt wanna scare you off
💗domestic :
๋࣭ ⭑how are they at cooking and cleaning? yes you do the cooking. yes you do the cleaning. look, king luffy is no sexist, misogynistic toe-nail rag who expects you to do the entire work but for the sake of saving your own life, you should do it. he has an iron stomach and can probably eat straight up poison and survive. he has survived in shitty situations so he really doesn't care how clean his room is. but can you a mere mortal thrive like that? you'd be dead wednesday. so, just do the cooking and cleaning. he will be down to help but uh, sometimes its better not to ask for his help.
๋࣭ ⭑if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it? luffy doesn't seem like he would break things off at any costs tbh. if someone's walking out, it you babes (he has terrible abandonment issues 😁) but if he had to. if he had to. then i think it'll be like getting suckered punched in the guts by a saw. he is never as solemn and quite as he is rn and even though he waves it off with a smile, you can see his lashline thick with tears. if you were the one breaking up with him, he wouldn't hold you back from leaving if he understood why you were leaving. but if you're leaving unannounced, that'll quite literally destroy him.
๋࣭ ⭑how do they feel about commitment? didn't really care about labels. not in a fuckboy way but in a "well i think you're pretty and i do wanna kiss you if you let me, so, sure be my girlfriend or whatever" way. he just truly doesn't care all that much about labels, so when you got together, you were the one who had to initiate the "What are we?" conversation. "luffy" you whisper meekly, sat beside him. his fingers are intertwined against yours and you fight off a blush as you look at him, "i- uh, you know i just was wondering. like- it's just what are we?" he looks up from your intertwined hands, dumbfounded, "pirates???" but when you did suggest that maybe you could be his girlfriend, i assure you he went about every conversation like "my GIRLFRIEND yn told me". ๋࣭ ⭑how quick would they want to get married? yk what i said about labels? 100% true. doesn't mean he doesn't wanna marry you tho?? he thought actually you like someone and just marry them. so, after a month of officially dating, you both are sitting on the deck, eating some snack sanji made when luffy gives you a bright grin, "say yn, when do we get married?" you almost choke on your food, "lu- we are niNETEEN?" "yeah? isn't sooner better?" and now you're rambling, "we cannot get married now. i mean we're young and we should focus on chasing our goals. like don't you wanna be the king of the pirates? and i really-" "i can be the king of the pirates and your husband whats the big deal?" basically, he's just ready to marry you whenever, just say the word.
💗gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?):
๋࣭ ⭑physically: because of his sheer overpowered strength, he tries to be very gentle with you but tends to forget it every once in a while. nsfw: chopper often asks you why your voice sounds hoarse and why there are random bruises on your skin. you dont have it in you to let the resident doctor know that sometimes your boyfriend gets carried away. ๋࣭ ⭑emotionally: as i said a few points above, luffy is a truly emotionally mature dude but he's kinda silly goofy and that's why you always get weird anecdotes from him. he is always there for you in his unconventional ways and is really good at deducing whether he should say something or not according to your mood. evidence: 8th of march, 11:52 pm pre-dating you he sits besides you in you room as you sob into your hands. he's tried comforting you and a part of you feels so fucking stupid for crying in front of your captain like a child. but you were drunk and ussop had made an off-hand comment about how kaya was the prettiest girl he had seen and that made you spiral if you would ever get a guy that would say things like that about you. it was a stupid fear and yet, you heaved against your own palms as luffy sat beside you. "but you're pretty!" he seemed to argue to the wall, "i think youre the prettiest!!" "i- i don't feel like it" "are you saying im a liar?" "no, you're just a nice person. you always compliment sanji's cooking and nami's navigation tactics and ussop's inventions and chopp-" "thats cause all the people on my crew are the best at what they do? i have standards, is all." "who taught you the word 'standards'?" "i overhead nami when we were docked on an island. nami was telling some crying girl in a party that men arent shit and she should have some standards" "right, that checks out." well, atleast you're not crying anymore.
๋࣭ ⭑do they like hugs? yes. physical touch is his domain thru and thru ๋࣭ ⭑how often do they do it? like atleast 15 times a day. out of which 10 times are you, rest 5 are wild cards that can come on anybody and everybody on the crew. ๋࣭ ⭑what are their hugs like? he has death-grip type of hugs. as if, if he didnt hold onto you, you will crumble. ngl its probably kinda nice and soothing for the first five mins, after that you're sweating profusely.
💗"I love you":
๋࣭ ⭑how fast do they say the L-word? pretty randomly, pretty fast. luffy doesnt exactly plan his words and since he's so honest, sometimes he just says shit. "you're pretty" "i'm hungry" "i love you" "do you think if two sea-kings had a baby that it will be a bigger sea-king? ussop asked me that today" yeah, it is indeed a whiplash inducing experience and you're left dumbfounded.
๋࣭ ⭑how jealous do they get? he's a chill dude and wouldn't honestly know if someone was flirting with you (unless that person was being very touchy feely and blatant). but he is good at reading emotions so, if someone happens to cross the line and you seem even a tad bit uncomfy, he is all for a fist-fight. nobody makes his girl uncomfy, especially not some lame ass rando. he behaves the same way with nami and robin too tho, like if someone weirds them out, the captain is ready to enter god-mode. he's just a sweet dude who cares about his crew. ๋࣭ ⭑what do they do when they’re jealous? he almost always starts a fight. you and the girls have to intervene because zoro and sanji just watch amused from the sidelines lol. afterwards, luffy does get a little pouty like "he was so weird you should have let me deal with him" but it's not something you cannot deal away with food and a lot of kisses.
๋࣭ ⭑what are their kisses like: sloppy asf!! this man is messy and all in your business, how do you expect his kisses to be any different? especially at first, he is so sloppy, kinda unsure of what he is to do. but after enough make-out sessions, he knows you better, so his technique's much much better. he always kisses you for a long while too. like even his "quick kisses" before he leaves for somewhere are long enough for the crew to get irritated lmao. ๋࣭ ⭑where does he like to kiss you: the question should be where does he not like kissing you? he is infatuated and can barely control himself around you. any part of you that's visible to him is up for grabs to him. he also is a heavy, heavy supporter of pda. not cause he wants to show you or off (which he does), but because you look so pretty looking at the sunset, what is he gonna do? not kiss you???
💗little ones:
๋࣭ ⭑how are they around children? he is really, really good with children cause he's so childish himself 😃 but like jokes apart, whenever he is interacting with young kids (anyone whos older than five), he gets like super invested in the games with them. he refuses to lose to children. yeah so what if toge is screaming???? he shouldnt have asked to a match if he didnt wanna lose. as a menace to society, he also steals those kids' candy mindlessly and then shrugs confused when you ask him why the kid is crying. tldr; he is great entertainment for kids but do not leave him alone with kids or the kids will be sacrificed to some higher, eldritch deity.
๋࣭ ⭑how are mornings spent with them? sleeping, if i am being very honest. the sunlight filters through the window of your room and you groggily open your eyes, fighting back a yawn. luffy is practically draped over you, asleep. he's drooling onto your tshirt and you look at him with half love and half "yo wtf dude" kinda expression. he is such a heavy sleeper!!! oh my god. its like someone can come and do construction in your cabin and he'd sleep thru it. but if he heard sanji yell "BREAKFASTS READY" then he's grabbing you in his arms and running to the kitchen. he would literally run to the kitchen while half asleep. but most of the times, he wakes up by himself when he's hungry and shakes you awake till you (reluctantly) wake up too. it doesn't help that he always wakes up super-hyperactive first thing in the morning too. also, i am sure he's the type of boyfriend that insists to kiss you with morning breath even if you stuff your head into the pillow to avoid it. he will chase you thru the ship if he has to to get that fucking kiss.
๋࣭ ⭑how are nights spent with them?: sleeping, again. luffy is usually tired from his day-long shenanigans and after eating an entire nuclear family worth of food for dinner, he is ready to fall asleep. but he is always so nice, he tries really hard to stay up till you're done talking to the crew/finishing your work to come in your shared room. he always greets you with a tired grin, asking you to lay next to him and tell him how your day went (as if he wasnt next to you like 90% of the time.) he tries super hard to stay up but he almost always sleeps while you're still talking. its not his fault!! he's exhausted and your voice is so sweet and your fingers are gently massaging his scalp and your skin feels so smooth against his and- you get the picture. he's asleep. ofc you don't mind. he's adorable and you let him hold onto you as you finish up some work/fall asleep yourself.
๋࣭ ⭑when would they start revealing things about themselves: he actually forgets to tell you things, not out of intention but because it serves no narrative purpose to the plot lmao. (i mean he literally forgot to inform anyone about ace and was just like "YEAH THATS MY BIG BRO!!" when ace showed up in alabasta) so, yeah, technically it does take him pretty long. but if you ask him questions about his past, he would most certainly start telling you all his life's lore without a second thought. and you'd be stuck thinking "how tf did all of this happen to a child???" ๋࣭ ⭑do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly: like i said, he will infodump if you ask him, otherwise he would just not tell things to you. so, really depends on how good you are at asking questions.
๋࣭ ⭑how easily angered are they?: he is an easy-going dude. i mean he usually fights half of his battles unserious (till some fucked up thing happens and he gets angry enough to fight for real). so, he doesn't get all that angry on a day-to-day basis. he does get pouty and offended every once in a while, but he literally moves on from that within half an hour. he never holds onto those things for a larger chunk of time.
๋࣭ ⭑ how much would they remember about you? actually, quite a lot!! like i said, he makes a genuine effort to always listen to you (even when hes tired), so, he always remembers things that are personal to you and you may have said to him in passing. ๋࣭ ⭑do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything? honestly, if it isn't something very, very close to your heart, luffy will probably mis-remember it. he remembers things but never in the right context, so, its kind of a struggle to remind him those things. but its kinda endearing cause even if you are just re-telling him a story or something, he looks at you so intently with those bug-like wide eyes and a silly smile that it makes all of your annoyance fade away.
 ๋࣭ ⭑what is their favorite moment in your relationship?: if you ask robin, the quickest way to a man's heart is through his third and fourth ribs. if you ask luffy, it's thru food. (we know how much luffy loves food omg!!) you asked sanji to help you make a very very simple soup for luffy when he was injured after a fight. you wanted him to get better and take care of him. sanji had complied happily and helped you make a simple mushroom soup for the captain. so, imagine luffy's surprise when he was woken up by your sound. you were sitting by his side, a bowl of steaming soup in your hand and you smiled at him sheepishly, "i made you some soup." no matter how good of a cook sanji is, luffy genuinely believes that soup was the best thing he had ever tasted. (now every time he gets sick, he starts dropping hints like "if only someone made me some soup... with some nice mushrooms... maybe ill feel better. if onlyyyy" "ill make you the soup luffy" "yay!! i mean," fake coughs, "thankyou... im so weak i need some soup" )
๋࣭ ⭑how protective are they? insanely protective. even an ounce of discomfort on you/the crew means he's gonna go berserk. ๋࣭ ⭑how would they protect you? hes the rubber man, he'd figure something out ๋࣭ ⭑how would they like to be protected? he doesn't typically need protection, both cause he's self-sufficient and also cause he lowkey loves fucking things up. but every once in a while, when the navy catches up to the crew and you say "it's okay, let me handle this." he falls in love. it's just so admirable of you to always step up (even when you dont necessarily have to).
๋࣭ ⭑how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks? he honestly loves you a lot, but i dont think he has the brain capacity to pull off extravagant plans. one time he tried to surprise you for your birthday by planning a party with the crew. he ended up blabbering the entire plan by mid-afternoon. he is just terrible at secrets. but he loves to spoil you. anything you even show the slightest bit of interest in, he needs to buy it (doesnt matter if he has to risk getting charged a few billion berries by nami). he is super sweet and he shows that mostly through action and words. so, if you wanna do any fancy-shmancy thing, just organise it yourself and call luffy later.
๋࣭ ⭑what would be some bad habits of theirs?
๋࣭ ⭑ how concerned are they with their looks? not very concerned. he has you for girlfriend, you're the most gorgeous woman alive, you love him. does he need to care about anything else? like zoro, after getting in a relationship, he would def get better at just personal maintenance and all. if you like anything like skincare/makeup, best believe he will be the kind of boyfriend that does 3 hour long skincare routines with you just for the heck of it. (you are the reason luffy is an emperor with the nicest skin 😭✊🏼)
๋࣭ ⭑would they feel incomplete without you? yes. simply put, yes. he will be Devastated (with a capital D) incase you're gone. ofcourse, i see he doesn't seem the type to be stuck in despair forever, but it will be really really hard for him. for a few days, luffy would probably stop being luffy.
💗xtra (a random headcanon for them):
i have a personal belief that luffy sucks ass at games. let me explain. it's always the games where the rules are fairly simple where he ends up losing (he then whines and cries and the entire crew kinda pity-laughs it away) but the games with the most brainpower required? he wins those. easily. (he always just gets lucky one way or the other.) i also hc him as the kind of guy who wins chess by eating the pieces so, do what you must with this information 👏🏼
๋࣭ ⭑what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner? he likes almost everybody unless they are a chauvinistic prick, so rest assured. plus, if he doesnt like anything, you'd probably find out sooner than later.
he's already asleep. he's tired, he's a gremlin and he's asleep.
a/n: i thought i would do this for all characters but lord, the amount of work just one of these beasts requires has me quaking- (it's like writing 26 oneshots in one go 😭) but i def wanna write one for sanjiii &lt;3
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luvmist · 1 year
Hey can I request a aonung x reader
Where Aonung gives a necklace made of shell to the reader who is a Sully. The next day one of her brothers wonders why she has a new necklace.
Thank you and have a great day!!
GRAVE (1.6k) part two.
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ao’nung x f! na’vi reader.
COMPENDIUM: when thick tension turns to potent love, can it truly stay hidden?
WARNINGS: suggestive flirting, kissing, strong language, fluff and humor mostly, a bit of angst, shifts between flash backs and flash forwards, sully fam being nosy
LOLA SAYS: i liked this request sm i may have gotten carried away lol. apologies. but either way i hope u enjoy anon. still tryna explore ao’nungs character plus still extremely new to writing. so i hope this is acceptable. also ik the title sounds grimey but this fic is p lighthearted. drew inspo from a poem as well as a song. as always, please mutilate me with criticism and correction so i can improve
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you’re not entirely sure how it happened. misted vision prevailed over timeline and verity. however, it is safe to say that if someone had told you upon your initial arrival to the reef, that no less than four months later you’d be sneaking around with the olo'eyktan’s indisputably insufferable son, your incredulity would’ve been comical.
wistfully recalling the first time you’d seen him — hard eyes. firm and arrogant. guard up, unsmiling. stunning. holding tight onto kiri’s hand, your own eyes acknowledged the gradual gathering of the metkayina clan around your family. regardless, your sight was consumingly preoccupied with him. he stared back. the blue of his irises were fervid. at the time, you dismissed it as anger. a reaction to your family’s invasion and unfamiliarity. it was not that. but in the moment, you remained ignorant. a twisting enthral of unknown sentiments travelled through your stomach as you stubbornly kept his intense gaze. butterflies. you clutched your sisters hand tighter.
cerulean water engulfed your waist. an hour had passed since olo'eyktan tonowari and thasìk ronal had granted your family uturu. learning the metkayina’s craft and method seemed to be laced with under tones of compelling urgency. around you stood your siblings, and infront of you, three na’vi. rotxo, a calm and charming boy. tsireya, an unfathomably pure spirit. and him. you tried to listen attentively, but how could you? his stare was vivid. you mustn’t look, but you do. and oh, how the thrill of the sapphire orbs that you’re met with is worth the missed explanations you’re being fed by an eager tsireya. slowly, the side of his mouth curves upwards. not into a smile, but rather a smirk. smug. turning your head defiantly, you keep your focus on his sister. although, you weren’t sure if you were defying his pomposity or the ever present glittering feeling inside your own chest.
days passed, and tension thickened. you were quick to learn the boys’ name. you were quick to learn the boys’ ways. ao’nung had a knack for coming up with a snarky remark in any given situation. ao’nung was fiercely loyal to his friends, and rejected change. ao’nung enjoyed teasing people. ao’nung felt comfortable in positions of dominance. ao’nung was sly, strategic and innovative. yet often acted on impulse. and above all, ao’nung was an exceptionally determined man. once he had centred his desire, not one thing could deter his aim.
in short, ao’nung had chosen you. pridefully, you had rejected his advances. wanting to make him feel just as refused as he had made your family feel. your sister. but this only fuelled his combative love for a challenge. and thus, he began pursuing you. you didn’t deny yourself any conscious apprehension, you were attracted to him. and yes, he did have an effect on you, and yes, there was a blatant connection. but no, you absolutely would not allow yourself to be swooned. yet unfortunately unlike ao’nung, your determination falls flaccid when your riveting heart begins to enchant your spirit with an unexplainable and irrevocable emotion.
ao’nung decorated the next month and a half of your life. he would flirt, rather blatantly. staring, so much staring. he liked when you would look away. putting his broad chest against your back and whispering to you. he knew he made you nervous. but soon, the boyish smirk that remained plastered to his face, changed. it became a smile. a real, true smile. one he reserved only for you. and his eyes, cold and stern, became tender. bright. and only then did your indignant resistance finally cease. only then did you allow yourself to fall. and fall you did. you recall the moment you stopped running, it was a simple moment. all you remember was him, the waves, and his voice. he said your name. just your name. you liked how he said your name. like you, really liked it.
within a week your mind was mush. he invaded every sense, thought and moment. sitting next to him on the peer, legs swinging from the wooden dock as the fish swam below your feet. glowing coral and treasures.
“will you let me take you out, already?” he started.
“and be seen in public with you? no way.” you respond. smile evident in your voice. it wasn’t entirely a joke. after you accepted your desire, the principal reason you had avoided taking ao’nung up on his suggestions and invites (or rather pleas and desperate whining), was because of your family. it was terrifying, not knowing what they would think if they found out you had grown a feverish affection for the same boy who almost got your brother killed. the same boy who tormented your sister. your kiri. the thought of their disapproval and anguished disappointment paralysed you. he knew.
“ma yn” he spoke. a vocation, telling you to look at him. once you did, “we don’t have to tell them, for now. just please. open your heart to me—” he was crying. shit. he was really crying. he pulled you roughly into his chest, his face in your neck “it was a hunt before, i see that. but now, it’s no longer your infernal presence that tortures me. i have taken your soul into mine, and through you i have become a man.” he became quiet. “just please. fuck. please. please.” his lashes were wet against your skin. he was so desperate. aching to give you the love his hands, spirit and mind implored him to encase you in. begging. begging you to let him take care of you. you finally answered him, “we have to take this to the grave.” he only nodded in response, and with an open mouth he wrote his name on your throat. by the end of it, you were shivering.
he walked you to your marui afterwards. both of you in fits of laughter, tears long forgotten. “you’re gonna come see me ride tomorrow. my first tsurak.” he stated. he was staring at the sand. “and why would i do that, ao’nung?” he took his time responding. usually, his pace was rapid. his wit conjuring responses faster than he could process them. “cause you’re my girl.” he finally looked up.
instantly, everything ao’nung had been saying made sense. all that talk about man and woman, torture and growth. it had aligned itself in you like a constellation. you understood now. looking at him, he was grand. vast and big. towering over you. his hands, just as large and calloused as they were amatory. strong arms. thick neck. jaw clenched. deep, vehement voice. it’s like you were suddenly becoming aware of the fact that he was male. powerful. protective. tender. your mouth fell slightly ajar, his muscular arms wrapped despairingly around your waist. you felt it most then. all that man. how much he made you feel like a woman. you let out a shaky breath. only three words in all existence could express your present notion. “i see you.” it was barley audible, yet it was more than enough. and with that, he kissed you.
the deal was simple — tell no one. in public, you were mere acquaintances. yet behind closed doors, you were vigorously infatuated with one an other. he’d stare in a group setting til you were tugging him away when no one was looking. stealing kisses. part of the routine. secret whispered nothings in your ear. date nights, after eclipse. he’d take you swimming, or to the spirit tree. he quickly became your life source. your oxygen. as if you were holding your breath all day and his kisses were the only thing that could finally ease your burning lungs.
“let’s take it to the grave” you’d say
hours spent craving each other. loving words, he’d spill them while you traced patterns on his chest.
“they’ll never find out how bad we behave” he’d assure
on his lap, with his lips on your neck as you told him about your day. breathing in his musk, feeling him mumble into your throat. “i made you something” you manage to make out his muffled words. “you did, ma nung?” you say, giggling already. his grip on your waist tightens. “yeah.” he smiles into your warm skin. one of his hands leave your waist and begin rummaging around in his burlap satchel he had lazily chucked on the sand. you hear clinking before you’re presented with a necklace. a very pretty necklace. “ao’nung” you whisper, one hand flying up to cover your mouth. it’s a shell necklace, traditional metkayina ornamentation. a halitosis rests in the center with smaller trinkets circling the remaining space. he raises his eyebrows, smirking already. “you like it?” you look at him. “it’s perfect. thank you.” “let’s see it on then, turn around.”
later, sitting cross legged in your marui, you face a mindlessly unprecedented challenge. “what’s that?” asks your brother, plopping down next to you. “what are you on about.” you deadpan. “that necklace, where’d you get it?” you look up at neteyam. “huh? what are you guys talking about.” lo’ak chips in. lo’ak, who had been with you all afternoon and had not noticed the necklace, whereas neteyam pointed it out within minutes of being back. typical.
“uh, i made it.” you answer. trying your hardest to sound nonchalant. “that’s nonsense. you can’t bead jewellery for shit.” lo’ak stated. “well i managed didn’t i?” you shoot back. “yn.” neteyam, this time. “you realize you always hide your thumbs when you lie?” he continues. you sharply look down and sure enough, he was right. you were clenching your thumbs tight in your hands. when did you start doing that? indignantly you look back up at an amused neteyam. opening your mouth, only to find yourself speechless.
could you really take this to the grave?
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sugumii · 1 year
Good day or night to you, Suga! I was stalki-- i mean scrolling your blog and saw the mini event. Then the devil within me has risen and boldly ask you one more time! I don't know if it is your cup of tea or not, so feel free to accept it at your will. So here we go: As their lover, today the reader is a bit daring. For some reason, we are sitting on their lap and teasing our HSR men to our heart content. He can't hold back and wants to embrace us? Nuh-uh, his hands are tied behind (thanks to Kafka or Natasha taught us lol 💀). He wants to kiss us back, no, not yet. But little the reader knows, our men miraculously freed themselves at some point and strike back, so prepare for the consequence of teasing him. I'm thinking about tying down Blade, Jing Yuan and Sampo, or anyone that you come up with ❤ I love your writting so much ahhh i wanna keep reading them ❤🌹✨
HSR Men x Reader: Tying them up. (Suggestive Content.)
I DID MY BEST. I know it took a while, but I was really out here rewriting and re-editing this to make sure it wasn't OOC. Finally, it is here.
Part 2? Who wants to bribe me to include the last three characters or make a continuation? (jk jk... unless.)
WARNINGS: Suggestive content, mentions of biting, and blood.
18+ ONLY!!!
Jing Yuan:
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“Hush, Jing Yuan. We’ve only just begun.” You whispered seductively, lightly nibbling at the general’s ear. His body tensed as a light blush came onto his cheeks. Something that didn’t happen often at all. He was beautiful like this.
“Are you enjoying yourself, love?” You murmur into his ear while your hands traveled up and down his toned chest. Even through his thick attire, you felt the ridges and outlines of his abdominal muscles. Jing Yuan lightly tugged at the silky red rope restricting his hands as he groaned at the feeling of your soft kisses.
“Yes, I can’t deny it… You’re so beautiful. So enticing.”
You watched your husband’s reaction as you placed more tender kisses down his neck, enjoying the feeling of his struggles against the binds. You knew he wanted to touch you so badly, how his lips craved yours, but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. No… not yet.
His long silver hair was in slight disarray and you felt a few stray strands tickle your left cheek while you placed love bites on his neck. His chest heaved up and down with ragged breaths as he groaned lightly at the pleasure.
“Beloved... I want to kiss you more than you could ever imagine right now. Why don't you be a good s/o and let me free?" The general said, attempting to coax you into freeing him of his binds. Of course, he was a patient man, having encountered countless trials in his younger years. He firmly believed in the art of perseverance and patience, but as of right now, he felt a fire burning within him. The way his face felt like it could erupt into flames at any given moment and the intense heat he felt in his groin. You were truly testing his patience.
“I said no, love.” You whispered teasingly into his ear, pulling back to take in his face. With a trembling lip and slightly watering eyes, the general had what resembled a slight pout. Heavy breathing filled the empty room as his eyes held a look of irritation. “My, my, how very unlike the general. To be seen like this, why this is an unexpected reaction.”
Something in him snapped at that moment. Your words triggered a newfound anger in his veins as a sudden snap was heard. To your surprise, the binds that once restricted the larger man now lay in shreds on the floor and his hands suddenly pinned yours above your head. His other hand rested firmly on your waist, pulling you flush with his body. Jing Yuan whispered into your ear with a cruel gaze and a mischievous grin, biting the tip of your ear.
“Let the fun begin, love.”
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“Is this some kind of joke?” Cold eyes pierced your smaller form seated on his lap. He remained still, cold and calculating eyes analyzing your every moment. You shuddered.
“I told you Kafka taught me how to tie someone up… isn’t is cool?” You offered him a nervous smile.
Sweat now dripped down your neck as a shiver went down your spine. Blade’s gaze was icy and unforgiving, it was as if he was murdering you with his gaze. Even as his lover he could be quite terrifying at times, but here you were now... You couldn’t back down. Gently, you leaned into his chest as he watched you, leaning to kiss his jaw quickly.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Y/n.” Blade looks down at you with an evil glint in his eye. A slight smirk adorned his features the moment he felt your gentle kisses along his jawline. He almost shivered in excitement at your defiance, eager to put you in your place... to make you submit to him. Oh, how he wanted to corrupt you. The audacity you had to put him in such a humiliating position… you were sure to pay.
With ease, the binds that once restricted the man were broken as he immediately trapped you with his strong grasp. You gasped when his lips were on your neck, biting harshly at the delicate skin and drawing blood. The dark-haired male smirked against you and with his tongue, lapped up the delicious crimson liquid. You almost moaned in response.
With that, Blade pulled away and looked you straight in the eyes. He had a sadistic smirk, his eyes lighting up with mischief. The gloved hand on your back easily conquered both your hands in one swift motion rendering you motionless.
“You naughty girl/boy... How dare you go this far with your tricks.”
And now… 4/5 were to pay a price. One of them was you.
Dan Heng:
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Dan Heng found himself in quite the predicament.
He looked up at you with a pleading gaze, pulling at the restraints that bound his hands together behind his back.
“Darling… please… let me touch you.”
You sat on top of his lap with a sadistic smirk, looking down at him in amusement. It filled you with joy to see your lover begging to let him touch you- something you didn’t get to see often. You’re surprised he even let you do this to him. The fact he agreed was enough to send an excited shiver down your spine and to quickly pull out the silky rope you had bought at a toy shop in Jarilo-VI.
“Maybe if you keep begging…” You whispered into his ear with a seductive tone. With your free hand, you lightly traced it up and down his chest, oozing with anticipation at the delicious reactions he made. The way his eyes widened and how his chest heaved up and down with every touch you made on his body, pleased you- fueling your ego. Who knew your boyfriend could be such a bottom after all?
“Pl-please… Y/n… I want to touch you.”
“You’ll have to wait, my love. Be a good boy for me and wait for me, won’t you?”
Shivers went up and down your lover’s spine as he watched your each and every move with eagerness. His heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest with the amount of pleasure he felt. The way you placed gentle kisses all over his neck, nipping and sucking at the bare flesh until it left a hickey, turned him on. His desire to turn the tables and return the favor intensified. Oh, how he wanted to touch you. To place his lips onto yours and to worship your body.
He needed you. Badly.
Again, Dan Heng bargained, tugging at his restraints in an attempt to free himself.
“Please, darling… I just want to make you feel good. I can’t any mo-“
“Quiet, Dan Heng. You don’t speak unless spoken to." You said with a stern voice, watching as said male’s eyes widened even more.
You… since when did you become so demanding? Did you really think you were in control of the situation? That’s it… Dan Heng had enough. He wasn’t used to being bossed around in the bedroom and it sure as hell wasn’t going to continue any longer now. You’ve had your fun while it lasted.
“You’re asking for punishment, darling.” Dan Heng’s voice lowered an octave as his eyes glared at you with slight anger. So this was how it’s gonna be? Fine. He’ll just have to force you to remember your place, just as he always had before.
With a newfound strength, Dan Heng's dragon form emerged as he pulled hard at the rope and with one powerful tug, freed himself. He watched as your mouth parted in a gasp at his brute strength, not having expected him to break free. Your face held a nervous look and you stuttered, “A-ah… How…? Dan Heng… I was just playing, you know!”
“Playing?" His face drew in closer, lips mere centimeters apart.
"Oh, I'll show you playing."
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“Hey, hey…! Love, please let me…”
“No, Koski. This is your punishment for scamming me again.” You smiled, placing sloppy kisses all over his neck. The man whimpered and groaned in response.
“But- mmph…!”
An evil grin was plastered against your face as your teeth sunk into his delicate skin. This had to be his sweet spot if it made that loud of a reaction from him. You continued nipping and sucking at it, grazing at his tender flesh with your bare teeth. The action caused a shiver to go down the male’s spine as he released a shaky sigh.
“Please… I won’t do it again! Honest… I’ll even give you a cut of the spoils… just let me-“
“Koski.” You said with an irritated tone. “Shut. Your. Mouth.”
Sampo’s eyes widened at your hostile tone and he silenced immediately. His face was warm to the touch and his eyes were in a daze. He felt as if his whole body was tingling at your every touch. Fuck… he wanted to touch you so bad. To hold you and kiss you.
He once again pulled at the restraints, attempting to free himself. He was gasping and groaning at your every kiss, mind high in pleasure at the pleasure you gave him from your mere kisses alone. Was this really happening? The Sampo Koski being at the mercy of his loyal client. Oh, how the tables have turned. He drew in a sharp breath at the sensation of your lips on him.
“Please…! Don’t make me beg. Sampo wants to touch you.”
“Hmm?” You pulled back on his lap and chuckled at his facial expression. His cheeks were a dark red and his mouth was parted open, drawing in deep breaths. His hair was a bit sweaty as it stuck to his forehead. “Is this another one of your tricks, Koski? How can I be sure you won’t scam me again?”
“You have my word…! Just please- lemme touch you!”
The sight before you made an excited shudder go down your body. You were pleased, ecstatic even at his change in demeanor. The oh-so-cunning and sneaky salesman was now reduced to a begging and pleading man. How delicious.
You smiled at the sight of his eyes lighting up and his body eagerly leaning into yours to allow you to untie his ropes. The moment you loosened them, he immediately broke free and grinned mischievously. His arms engulfed your smaller body and pulled you impossibly close to his chest. You blushed as you felt his lips at your ear, grinning widely and nibbling at it.
“Now… allow me to make amends. I wouldn’t want to leave a customer unsatisfied, after all.”
(This is my first time writing romantic stuff like this. Nobody judge me if it’s bad.)
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iridiss · 11 months
Garroth growing up in a blood family that doesn’t treat him with any love, so as a kid he wishes so hard for the destined, perfect love of his life to come and save him, whisking him away like a knight in shining armor, to a life where he’s truly loved, and it’s that escapism in fantasy that he’s constantly using to cope and keep himself sane growing up
He dreams of the day someone will love him, unconditionally and truly, and though he doesn’t really know what that’ll look like yet, it’s something that he just knows intrinsically in his heart and yearns for desperately. He’s a big lover, he’s super empathetic and sensitive, he has a big heart, especially as a kid. Whenever he falls for anyone, he falls HARD, but he can’t seem to find anyone who would love him back as much as he loves them (especially since people keep seeing him as The Prince and not lovey little Garroth)
Then Garroth being forced to marry a woman he had never loved and barely even met before. Marriage being used as a giant weapon to forever seal him into the horrific life as heir to the throne, as one of the permanent pieces of this broken and abusive monarchical system, when marriage and love was supposed to be one thing that got him out, and it breaks him so much that he abandons everything and runs away. If no perfect and magical knight in shining armor will save him, then he’ll do it himself, alone.
And then he meets the most romantic knight in the world.
Laurance is so extremely homoerotic and suggestive and flirtatious with him all the time, even in canon, especially in canon
Laurance loves LOUDLY and a LOT, he’s very honest and up-front about all the emotions in his heart, and when he falls in love with someone (as opposed to falling in surface-level lust with someone) he falls HARD, but unlike Garroth, he is NOT shy about it lol
Laurance sending love and affection Garroth’s way in droves, and Garroth being utterly confused and clueless about it, because no one has ever spoken to him this way, hell, I don’t think his sheltered Princely blood has even SEEN any other person talk this way. Like Laurance just honestly and bluntly telling him “Hey big guy, I think you’re hot and cute as fuck, we should fuck on the beach right here, whaddya say?” like how is his brain going to compute that, he’s never even SEEN an affectionate relationship before, let alone seen someone be so clear and forward about it
And Laurance is honest and means every word he says, he’s not trying to play or trick Garroth. At one point Garroth thinks he is and gets super suspicious of him, but then Laurance laughs and denies it so casually and easily, and now Garroth is lost again
He literally meets the most affectionate person ever. He’s honest and upfront about his affections, he’s patient enough to give Garroth all the time in the world, he’s emotionally intelligent enough to know why he’s struggling so much with his gestures, and he’ll just patiently stand there and watch him while he has an existential crisis trying to figure out what love even means after Laurance gave him a bouquet of hand-picked flowers. Trust Issues Garroth would eventually try to accept all these kind things Laurance says about him, rather than deny the compliments and insist he’s all the things Zane and his father called him as a child. He leans into the affections, and Garroth learning how love actually works, as the very man he dreamed of as a child holds his face in his hands, and does not mock or beat or hurt him, but kisses him on the cheek instead.
Garroth learning how to love from Laurance’s unconditional and obnoxious affections, slowly becoming less and less afraid of it, until he embraces it completely and starts to give Laurance So Very Much Loving in return like he was always capable of doing. And Laurance is perfectly capable of handling the immense amount of affection, he finds it exciting actually
And though I don’t think homophobia is a thing that exists in this fantasy world, I think it’s also thematically perfect that Laurance is the exact kind of person that Garroth’s parents would HATE having as a son-in-law. Laurance’s rebellious pride is perfect for that role of breaking Garroth free of the abusive strings of his evil monarchical family and learning how to love himself instead
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🦅Russell Adler Headcanons
{Author's Note} Since I'm literally obsessed with this man, I thought I'd post my headcanons for him. All of these are based off of his canon backstory and character with bits of my own speculation thrown in so nothing should be too out of left field here. I may end up posting more of my thoughts on him soon so we shall see. Hope y'all like it and I'd love to hear what you think, as well as any headcanons you guys might have! Tagging @littlemissclandestine for this since she's an Adler fan. Let me know if I did this man justice lol🤭
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‼️Content Warning: swearing, suggestive themes‼️
~ ~ ~
-Badass asshole
-Takes awhile for him to soften enough to really love someone
-Flirtatious jerk when he has a crush
-Shows he cares through small actions that can be hard to notice, as well as vague, rather backhanded compliments
-Shamelessly stares from behind those glasses of his
-Thinks it’s really cute when you wear his shades but would never admit it
-Stylish with heavy 70s influence
-Probably modeled for a male fashion magazine at some point LMAO
-Definitely knows how to dance
-Seems like the type to meme a bit on British people (specifically Park lol)
-Very sarcastic, sometimes to the point that you don’t realize he’s actually joking because he's always so monotone
-Secretly loves Belgian waffles (this is a reference to that one Bruce Thomas TikTok lol)
-Has a soft spot for the Beach Boys (I mean, look at that 🎶bushy, bushy blonde hairdo🎶 of his)
-Since so many people have asked and teased him about it (I see y'all in the fandom and I will not accept this slander lol) -> his hair isn’t fake, it’s actually pretty soft, very bouncy, he likes styling it
-Very particular about his appearance as it is one of the few things that he can truly control
-Prefers cats over dogs
-Can get obsessive about certain things and lose himself to them (i.e. his search for Perseus) -> Mason quote: “He spent so long searching for Perseus, he didn’t notice when he lost himself.”
-Still struggles with PTSD from his time in Vietnam, which, alongside his obsession with finding Perseus, is what led to his divorce
-Carries a lot of guilt and regret that he doesn’t like to acknowledge
-Started smoking to cope with the trauma of war, now has a nicotine addiction; when he’s really stressed, he chain smokes like a chimney
-Gets restless if he doesn’t have a cigarette
-Doesn’t sleep well and when he does, he usually wakes up every few hours
-Scars - Shrapnel? Abuse? Torture? Animal attack? No one knows and he’ll never tell
-Kiss or trace those scars and he WILL melt
-Difficult for him to let his guard down
-Has a tendency to isolate himself -> Mason quote: "You were never alone, Adler. Only in your own stubborn head."
-Always wearing those damn glasses cuz STYLE but also to hide his eyes to remain as a sort of blank, emotionless slate to other people
-Absent parents who never showed him real love or support as he grew up so he struggles to do the same for others -> they were the reason he joined the army as soon as he turned 18
-When it comes to cuddling, he loves holding you against his chest and running his fingers along your arm, cheek, or through your hair; small but intimate actions like that are his favorite
-Doesn’t like to show emotions at all, even during more intimate moments; he needs some coaxing to relax in that way, which takes time
NSFW Below👇🏻 (it's really not too bad tho)
-Sit on his lap👀
-Will pin your wrists during the sexy times🫣
-After his divorce, he's tended to view sex as more of a transaction where both parties are fulfilling needs for each other so he'd be selfish at first but as your relationship progresses, he'd become far more generous
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
ok since we’re being dirty filthy whores….. i want eddie pissing INSIDE me, making me hold it, releasing it on the toilet myself.
You… have no idea what you’re asking of me. My residency on hell road is solidified. I tweaked this a bit, so I hope you don’t mind? :P
Filth is below the cut! Obviously we are gonna have watersports, so… Master kink too! This is pretty intense, be warned, lol.
You really didn’t mean to be a brat all day, it just… well, it happened. Combine that with the stress you’ve been under lately and you’d sort of taken it all out on Eddie. He had raised a chocolate brow, a look of incredulous wonder painted on his defined features. He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and tutted, then told you to ‘get the fuck in the van and keep your mouth shut.’ You knew Eddie would never be so casually mean with you, not purposely. And his tone suggested where it was headed.
And that is how you’re in your current predicament, laid out in the back of his van on several old blankets, accepting another water he’d given you without any protests. You’d stopped begging him to let you pee an hour ago. He’d driven you to a clearing out near Lover’s Lake after filling his cooler full of sodas and waters, a sneer on his plush mouth, a plan in his devious, curly little head. Eddie crushes a can of Coke in his fist, tossing it behind your head, furthering his vehicular clutter. You whine and shift, pressing your tight clad thighs together.
For a fleeting moment, as Eddie turns to look at you in the Autumn breeze, his hair billowing out behind him, you think he’s going to give you a break. When his chocolate irises give way to dilating pupils, your stomach sinks into your cunt. He lets his hand slide down against the growing swell in his denim jeans, snapping his fingers at you. “Everything from the waist down comes off. Now.”
You know better than to protest him, that look in his eyes shaving off any remaining color his irises hold. It’s embarrassing that you’re this wet through your leggings and they cling to your soaked panties, that also pull off strings of your arousal when you tug them down and place them behind you, the cool air making you tighten your muscles and close your legs automatically to resist that urge in your bladder. Eddie shakes his head as he’s shrugging out of his leather jacket and denim vest, throwing beside your head, undoing his belt.
“Spread your legs for me and lay back.”
This time you can’t hide your nervous whimper, an ache slicing through your tummy. You bite into the top of your lip and nod. “Yes, sir.”
Eddie’s stance shifts, his cock rock hard. It’ll be less difficult for him since he’ll be inside of you. He can’t contain the words that flow off his delicious lips. “I’m gonna fill you so fuckin’ full of my piss that you’re gonna cry.”
You choke on a soft cry, Eddie briefly faltering, raising a brow as he tilts his head. “That… good? Okay?”
You throw caution to the wind, eager to have something this filthy occur between you and Eddie. Without being asked you edge your ass on the end of the van floor, still on the blankets but hovering over the dirt below. You fall back, chest heaving with pained breaths, heart beat rushing through your ears, drowning you in static. Eddie steps into the space between your thighs, truly seeing how soaked you are, his doubts about your want for the situation become obliterated. He’s surprised at how gone his voice is when he rasps out his next sentence, thumb slicking down the soaked seam of your cunt. “Fuck, sweetheart. Someone really wants to be filled with her master’s piss, doesn’t she?”
“Please, baby.” You whine, gone, tears gathering in your eyes.
Eddie shushes you and finally pushes down his pants and boxers, his cock flushed and ready for you. He grips around the base, slapping your clit with it. You can’t see anything from your position, choosing to feel what he’s bestowing upon you. Still, he checks in.
“Gonna put my cock in now, yeah?”
You simply moan in response, widening your thighs, exposed more than you’ve ever remembered being as your feet plant into a prop on the bumper of Eddie’s van.
He slides in easily, a squelch echoing in the vast expanse of the woods surrounding you. Your hands fists into the blankets at your sides, Eddie pushing it until his full balls are nesting at the globes of your ass. He bends to meet you, kissing your chin in a stretch of his lanky body, shirt riding up and exposing his happy trail. You open your eyes to watch his hand slide into your sides and brush his fingers along your cheek, whispering into the cove of your mouth, pausing to give you time to adjust. “You’re so fuckin’ wet, you know that? M’ proud of you, princess. Doin’ so good taking me, holding it.”
“Eds, I don’t think I can much longer.” He drinks in your soft sighs and moves himself into the first stroke, both of you losing yourselves into it.
“Just gonna give you a little, then you’ll get filled up, kay?”
“O-okay. So much. Love you.”
“Oh, baby. Master loves his little angel too. More than anything.”
Eddie gives you a few more languid thrusts, that achingly, slippery glide making your toes curl. It’s when he stops that you’re lifting your head in time to see him toss his head back, clench his teeth, nose scrunching, and you’re flooded with a deep warmth. Your mouth drops open as you arch your back, panting, raising up to try and see what you can. Eddie’s having trouble not cumming on the spot, cupping the back of your neck and bringing you upright, both of you watching as he slides out enough that you see his piss spilling out all around his cock and from your cunt.
“Fuck, sweetheart. You feel me using you like this? Pussy full of my piss.”
He suddenly hisses through his teeth as you clamp down on him, trying to close your legs, begging yourself to be good. And he loses his resolve, abruptly sliding from you in a wet plop, his cock covered in his own spray and your creamy arousal, soaking the curls around his shaft. All of his release pours out and soaks the earth, and he steps close to you, beginning to stroke himself, teeth nipping your ear as he leans in close and says, “Piss for me. Fuckin’ do it now.”
Your body obeys Eddie before you do, hand in hand, jumping into off of that pleasurable precipice. It’s a filthy mess when you let go. Loud and a lot more than you anticipated, Eddie growling, tugging his cock directly underneath the spray as he noses your top away from your shoulder and bites into the flesh. He’s encouraging you, nipping, hand drenched and fisting his fat cock. “Pussy looks so pretty pissing for me.”
He lets his other hand slide against your cunt and presses his thumb into your clit, thrumming it fast circles, now nosing into your neck. “M’ gonna cum. You wanna cum with me, princess? Think you can do it while you’re—“ He cuts himself off with a throaty laugh, and you’re a goner.
That coil is so violent, combining with the relief of letting yourself pee after holding it for a while, and you’re cumming so hard that Eddie has to hold you upright by pressing himself against you, eyes wide. “Shit, baby. You cummin’ right now? S’ a good girl for me. Innit that right, princess? Cum and piss all over your master’s cock.”
Your head falls into his shoulder as you literally sob, fucked out and drunk on the haze of lust. Eddie twists his hand and aims himself at your cunt, you stopping once there’s a puddle beneath you, ass soaked, bumper wet, and both of you a mess. He spreads your lips apart as he spurts his release right against your clit with a loud and throaty cry, hand gripping the van door from the intensity of his own orgasm. It takes a few seconds, and he is huffing and moving away to survey the damage, trying not to let his shaky legs take him away. He spots a mixture of translucent cream and piss dripping off your cunt and down your ass.
You are looking at him with your glassy eyes and he recognizes those tears, separates them from anything bad. He leans in for a kiss, then another, nosing your nose with a cute smoosh. “You were fuckin’ incredible, baby. You alright? Still with me?”
“For now.” You manage with a knowing smirk.
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someone else on here suggested the idea of a Bro zone story where Branch gets turned back into a little Kid and the Brothers consider the idea of leaving him like that and starting again and I just wanna talk about this idea a little more.
like imagine it as an episode of a Tv show or something yeah I know its probably a bit too heavy and serous but hey its fun to imagine lol.
cause this idea has some sweet emotional potential like for whatever reason Branch is somehow magically turned back into a little kid and he's lost pretty much all of his life memories.
so he's well and truly naïve innocent and carefree again and Despite them eventually figuring out a way to turn him back to normal there's a bit of a divide as to Wether they should.
maybe early on in the episode Branch has a big argument with his Brothers yet again probably due to one of his paranoid or overcautious tendencies annoying them so much finally causing them to call him out on it.
and Branch hits back at him only being this way in part because of them because he had to be to make himself feel safe and have piece of mind since he had no one else and he storms off into the woods.
which is where he gets affected by something that transforms him back into a child with no memories.
I imagine JD would be the first one to suggest the idea of leaving him this way as in a way it'd give him a chance to fix one of his biggest mistakes.
as they could stick around and be there for Branch growing up like they weren't before and he could get a chance at a normal childhood without the Burden of Grandma's death traumatising him throughout his life.
not 100 percent sure about the other's reactions I feel Floyd would be against it at first feeling it isn't their place to make such a life changing choice for him.
but who knows maybe he'd be Tempted after JD guilts him over his broken promise.
maybe Clay would also be against it but Bruce to everyone's surprise actually sides with JD secretly showing a bit of deeper guilt over the whole thing.
being a parent himself and thinking no one should have to grow up that quickly by themselves and thinking of it as if it were one of his children and how he wouldn't want that for them.
so yeah it leads to a nice bit of Drama between the brothers btw I wouldn't have poppy involved in this story as its obvious what she'd choose and I kinda feel like she wouldn't even allow a Debate as far as this is concerned.
given she loves Branch and likely wouldn't even entertain the idea of permanently changing him from the man she's with currently.
anyway in the end of the story obviously the Bros do change him back after tearfully saying a final goodbye to the young innocent Branch who they hadn't seen in decades and who they'll never see again.
with Grown up Branch not having any Memory of anything that happened and the episode ends with maybe something like all the Bros sat around having dinner.
and one of the Bros out of somber curiosity asks Branch if he ever thought about changing the past so things could have been different for him.
but Branch actually kinda surprises them by saying that he has thought about it but he realises that just isn't the way life is meant to work ultimately your experiences do help shape who you are.
and he doesn't think its really helpful to look back on the past at least not anymore given the amount of time he used to spend doing that and he just thinks its better to accept the past and make the best of the present.
making his bros all hug him while sobbing in an over the top way because of how wise their baby bro grew up to be while Branch is just confused as to what is happening 😂😂😂😂
like I said I feel there's some very cute emotional potential with this little story idea.
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AO3 Link
18 year-olds MC and Ominis are called upon for a fancy dinner with members of the Ministry of Magic to discuss MC's abilities with ancient magic and how they might serve the Ministry. But the party has devolved into another networking event for stuffy officials. The two run off for a much-needed moment alone to blow off some steam.
Ominis x fem!MC
NSFW—sexual content
Smutty stuff here; Ominis leans into his carnal side. Dirty talk, fingering and oral ensue
Word count: 4,066
A/N: just a fun self-imposed challenge to write nsfw outside my normal fare. There are a few minor historical inaccuracies for the sake of a good, saucy story. Hopefully nobody even notices, but if you do, just... ignore them please lol :')
It felt as if this Ministry of Magic dinner would never end. Ministry officials ingratiating themselves to one another, despite this function not even being about them, was dreadful to watch, and MC had had enough. She had only graduated from Hogwarts a year prior, and already her abilities with ancient magic were being recognized outside of the school. She suspected it had all started with Professor Black attempting to garner Ministry favor by taking credit for raising up such a prodigious student, but where matters started and ended in this perplexing network of magical politics was a complete mystery to MC. She wanted desperately to put this ancient magic business behind her after all she had endured defeating Ranrok and his followers—and because she wanted to focus more of her attention on her beloved young man.
MC had invited Ominis Gaunt to this dinner as her escort, mostly in an attempt to maintain her sanity. Ominis knew what he was getting himself into when he accepted, having extensive experience with such dinners as a child growing up in the House of Gaunt. The family had done all they could to maintain their connections as the house's fortune slipped away, Ominis being among the youngest to be trained in the art of overlong dinner events. This particular dinner had been going on for four hours, and with no end in sight, even Ominis was growing quite restless and frustrated sitting politely at the huge dining room table, old men and women four, some five or six, times their age prattling on without paying them any mind.
"Surely that man knows he's had a few too many fire whiskies," MC whispered to Ominis, who stifled a laugh as MC narrated to her blind sweetheart the disastrous scene before her: a low-ranking official was drunkenly stumbling his way through a drawn-out and unamusing joke to some higher-ups, his only accomplishment being embarrassing himself.
"If I ever turn into a pitiful and horrific Ministry beast like that," Ominis whispered with a wry smile, "please do the humane thing and leave me for some basilisk to find."
"Mr. Gaunt," she muttered back in mock horror, "are you suggesting a basilisk's gaze would be preferable to an evening of wearing uncomfortable clothing and being treated to incomprehensible jokes?"
Ominis chuckled and placed a hand on MC's lap from under the table. "I must admit, I am rather saddened that your dress has been causing you discomfort all evening. Even just with my wand and my touch, I can tell you are simply ravishing in it."
MC blushed a deep crimson. While she did enjoy how the dress looked, pastel pink taffeta with flower designs running along the hem and bodice with short lacy sleeves adorning the square neck and shoulder line, it was terribly itchy and stiff. Her corset was particularly restrictive, and her hair was also done up in a bun that was quite pretty, but had pins and flower ornaments that irritated her scalp. She hoped Ominis was faring better in his handsome black formal jacket and neatly pressed trousers. What MC truly wanted in that moment was to go back home and draw up a hot bath. Her mind was in full walkabout, pondering what she might do with a few moments alone with Ominis after this hypothetical bath, away from the ever-watchful eyes of her handmaids.
Ominis rose from his seat next to her. He gently took her silk-gloved hand and beckoned her to join him. "I need some air," he groaned. "This is simply too much, and I have the impression that none of these partygoers will miss their supposed guest of honor."
MC laughed in agreement, and with MC on Ominis' arm, the two strolled out into the night air in the gardens just beyond the dining room.
MC was not entirely sure whose house this was. She could have sworn that at least three different names were given to her when she asked various attendees, and she wondered if anyone else really knew, either. Whoever the owner, their taste in parties might have been lacking but their taste in gardens was exquisite. The gardens seemed to stretch on endlessly, and MC began to wonder if they had been enchanted to do just that. The two walked past burbling fountains, topiaries of all manner of magical beasts, the most perfect hedges she had ever seen, and impossibly intricate marble statues of wizards and witches.
MC and Ominis felt at liberty to make bawdy jokes at the expense of the officials as they wandered deeper into the peaceful night. "Do you suppose they're even interested in offering you a job, or are they just proud of themselves for stringing us along this far?" Ominis groused as their laughter faded.
"At this point, I wonder if everyone assumed someone else would be in charge of that task," MC sighed. "I must admit—I was hoping that throwing your name around would at least scare them into doing something, even if I don't want to work for them, but it appears that even Slytherin's heir couldn't get some of these men to care about anything except their own political onanism."
Ominis snorted, always delighted at hearing the out of pocket things his otherwise proper and feminine beloved said when they were alone. "It was worth a try," he smiled.
MC had gone from holding Ominis' arm to holding his hand, which she always preferred, and she felt his hand constantly brushing the skirt of her dress. She smiled, wondering if his mind had also begun wandering.
The two found themselves in a quiet part of the gardens, the crickets dully thrumming as they breathed in the scent of flowers and carefully manicured greenery. They seated themselves on a hidden stone bench some ways off the path to take in the peaceful ambience. MC sat with her knee touching Ominis' as she chastely placed a hand on the space between them for him to hold. He eagerly took the opportunity and laced their fingers together. "This is a lovely place, but I wish I didn't have to attend these stuffy events," MC sighed.
"I'm thankful they at least they afford us moments like this," Ominis murmured. MC realized that he was, once again, fully engrossed in her dress. He had been seemingly obsessed all evening. From the moment they departed for the party, he had been commenting on it or finding opportune moments to touch the skirt and its soft, shiny material. She wasn't sure exactly what it was about this dress that made it different from the other pieces of evening wear she owned, but he was presently enjoying the sensation of the taffeta under his fingers and had begun tracing the neckline of her dress with his other hand. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead—a kiss that felt hot and restrained. "Merlin, how you're beautiful tonight," he whispered.
"Three sickles I know what's on your mind," she smirked. He didn't respond, and before she could open her mouth to ask why, he had straddled the bench, put his arm around her lower back and roughly pulled her towards him. A small squeak left her mouth, which was almost instantly muted by a kiss. Ominis began trailing firm kisses down her neck, accompanied by quiet moans echoing in his throat. "How dare they keep you from me," Ominis muttered, deep and amorous. She had never seen him so aggressive, but she was fascinated and couldn't help but want more.
"I'm upset that I had to spend so many hours this evening being prim and proper, waiting for any opportunity to get away with you—all while you teased me in that pretty dress," he complained. She reached a hand up to soothingly hold the side of his face, but he smiled against her neck and grabbed her wrist, keeping her hand firmly away.
MC let a moan escape her lips. While she was typically vigilant for other people who might see or hear them, she cared very little at this point. Her frustrations had worn her nerves to the quick, and Ominis clearly felt the same way. She desperately needed some quality time with him to make up for the dreadful evening.
Ominis decided that she still was not close enough to him, and quickly pulled her into a deep kiss. Her dainty breasts pushed against his chest, and he sighed sharply. He ran both of his hands down MC's sides, his fingers dancing along her hips. "You're positively intoxicating," he breathed through ragged breaths. “And I am so very frustrated that I can do relatively little about it." His hands moved to her thighs before he stopped. Although his irises rarely moved or betrayed emotion, MC could tell by looking at them that he was deep in thought, deciding his next move. After a moment, he took off his jacket and folded it neatly behind MC.
"Ominis, what are you—" MC wasn't able to finish her thought before Ominis laid her back with her head resting on his jacket, pushing her legs apart so one rested on either side of the bench.
"Hush," Ominis growled, pushing his legs slightly underneath hers and pressing himself down on her with a hand to the side of her face. His command sent a wave of heat through her entire body, and she felt his growing erection pressed deliciously against her core.
Ominis dragged his lips down to her collarbone and took hold of her hips, slowly rubbing them as he rolled his own hips languidly against her a few times. She cried out softly before Ominis leaned closer to her ear. "Louder," he ordered. "I don't care if anyone hears us. I am fed up and I need you. I need to hear and feel you."
Liquid fire spread through her entire abdomen, and MC was quite certain she was thoroughly soaked. He rolled his hips once more, and she cried out with no reservation, his name rolling off her tongue. Appearing satisfied, Ominis moved on to the next part of whatever scheme was on his mind. He reached a hand up and underneath her dress, and ran a hand along the bare skin of her thigh.
MC wrapped her arms around his neck and whimpered. She tried to move her hips just enough to encourage him to keep his hand moving, but he didn't budge.
"Tell me exactly what you want me to do," he murmured. "I want to hear you say it.”
MC began to protest, but was cut short by another kiss. "No excuses, little hummingbird," he growled again. "Say it."
Her cheeks flushed the deepest red. "I want you... to pleasure me," she murmured in his ear. The rush of saying it out loud was intoxicating.
"And how might I do that?" he purred, his hand beginning to move at an excruciatingly slow rate towards her core. MC moaned, partly out of frustration, and partly at the thrill of it all.
"Ominis," she breathed, feeling bolder as the seconds passed. "Please... your fingers, I want them inside me." Her confidence was building, and she was determined to turn this night around. She closed her eyes and savored her memories of the most recent time they had gotten away with doing things they shouldn't have been doing: they had snuck away after a formal courtship dinner at her home, and after they were sure they were alone in a disused room, she had practically melted on his hand. "I... also need you to rub my clit. Long, slow circles. Just the way I like it."
Ominis got a hungry look in his eyes. “Good girl,” he murmured in her ear, hot and needy breath fanning across it and sending yet more fire through her abdomen. “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” He slid his hand upwards until he could feel how wet she was, and he couldn't help but smirk. “My my, someone is quite excited." His fingers slid easily over her entire core, and her hips moved to help. He frowned and placed his other hand firmly on her hips. “None of that now,” he scolded. “Unless you want me to stop.”
MC merely whimpered in agreement as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying with every fiber of her being not to move.
“I want to hear every single moan and sigh,” Ominis purred as his fingers lazily swirled around the exterior of her slick core.
"Anything for you, Ominis," she breathed. "Just keep going, please."
He chuckled, soft breath hitting MC's ear, and plunged two slender fingers inside her. The palm of his hand was almost hot over the rest of her core, and he slowly moved his palm in large circles as she requested. MC groaned long and deep as she resisted bucking her hips. This was the most pleasurable torture, and Ominis was clearly enjoying inflicting it. He held her there for a moment, slowly crossing his fingers back and forth inside her as he felt her walls around him occasionally pulse uncontrollably. From outside, he shifted his palm away to let his thumb swept slowly across one of his favorite spots on her body. He leaned in close again, gently nibbling at her ear. “Your cute little clit is so swollen and sensitive, isn’t it? When was the last time you even pleasured yourself?”
MC considered if she would let question hang, but thought better of it after seeing the utter delight he was getting from talking dirty to her. “It—mmh—has to have been… perhaps a week now,” she gasped, still fighting her body to keep it from helping his hand. “Please,” she whimpered without thinking.
Ominis tutted. “Oh, you poor thing, that is entirely too long a time.” His fingers slowly began moving in and out, and she exhaled sharply. “Tell me exactly what you did. I’m feeling rather jealous of those pretty little fingers of yours right now, and I want to know what they did without me,” he hissed.
MC whimpered again, fearing she might move her hands to help him before she could catch herself. “I…” she nervously gulped, hesitating.
“Yes?” Ominis asked expectantly. “Every detail, my little hummingbird.”
“I… it started when I was lying in bed. I was thinking of you,” she panted. “I couldn’t sleep, I missed you too greatly. I... began running a finger up and down my clit."
As she spoke, she felt him imitating what she was describing. He had taken his index finger out from inside her and did exactly what she had done the week previous. She shuddered with pleasure and continued, finding the task easier as she went. “Then—mmh—I felt myself getting wet. I slid a finger inside myself—yes, just like that—"
Ominis once again followed along, his large, warm hand heating her entire body. It felt as if electricity was gently buzzing throughout her entire abdomen, now, and she needed release desperately.
“I… I also did what you like to do: I rubbed my clit between my thumb and finger. It reminded me of you, and—aah, yes…” MC bit her bottom lip, orgasm so tantalizingly close. Her heart felt as if it might burst from beating so fast. Every time his hand moved, the cool night air kissed her core; it was irresistible.
“I kept going, just like that, imagining your kisses along my neck until—” Ominis had barely planted the first kiss on her neck when her back arched and she nearly screamed his name, her entire body shuddering beneath him. He kept steady pressure on her and dragged his lips up and down her neck until she had ridden out her climax, and she gazed up at him with a relaxed smile, chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. He gently felt her face for her smile with his other hand, and a look of smug satisfaction came over him.
“You make the prettiest sounds," he purred. "It seems as if I did far better than your fingers."
"Oh, Ominis, you absolutely did. I only wish you were with me every time so I would never need to use them again," she smirked, watching Ominis' attention falter and his commanding air momentarily slip as he got lost in that idea.
Eventually, he came back to reality and sighed sharply. “Well, it seems as if this is the perfect moment for you to help me, now." Ominis sat back, helping MC back upright, and began unbuttoning his trousers. An idea crossed her mind as he did so, and with a sudden rush of boldness, she placed a hand on one of his. “Now it's my turn: I want to know what you think about when you pleasure yourself without me," she murmured as she slowly leaned in next to his ear.
Ominis slowed, savoring her words. “Well, of course I think about you,” he replied. His voice was smooth, but there was color rising in his slender cheeks.
“Tell me more,” MC murmured with a dangerous glint in her eye, “and perhaps you’ll get some help with your current situation."
Ominis sighed. He was slightly annoyed at first, but his own game was quickly growing on him. “As you wish, my darling.” He finally undid his trousers, and his cock now stood tall before her, occasionally twitching impatiently. Ominis frowned after a moment, realizing MC was going to make him work even for the first touch.
"Very well," he sighed. He refused to let his bravado fail now, but he was quickly realizing what MC learned: saying it all out loud was quite difficult—and his struggles with it were inevitably going to goad his lover into further teasing him. "I... like to remember the way your skin feels beneath my fingers. And your soft moans. Merlin, the sounds you make in the throes of pleasure," he sighed. "And... I imagine how your pretty breasts might feel under my hands—how you might feel as I have you bent over a table with my cock buried inside you."
When he still felt nothing from her, he grew nervous and tilted his head. "MC? Was... was that too much?"
MC had been sitting, enraptured by her mental images of him lying in the middle of a large bed, his bare, pale body standing out in stark contrast to dark sheets as one arm laid over his face with his other hand around his erection, shuddering with pleasure and moaning MC's name. She shook her head slightly and drew herself back to the present moment. "Not too much at all, darling," she flirted. "Such a good imagination you have, too. I only hope that, someday, we may make that a reality." She voice had lowered until she was nearly whispering in his ear. "Now, tell me how you do it when you're lying there by yourself; how exactly you use these beautiful hands of yours to pleasure yourself." She ran a hand up his thigh, stopping just short of where he wanted, eliciting something between a sigh and a growl from him. He reached for his erection, and MC stopped him. "You can only tell me, my dear. No fair doing this yourself."
"I had no idea you were such a little tease. But I'll be remembering this," Ominis smirked. He then sighed heavily and leaned back on his arms, a deep blush once again washing over his delicate features. "I like to start with gentle touches. Those are—" he was overcome by a whimper, eyes squeezing shut as MC ran a single finger up the underside of his cock. He had no idea know how long he would last like this.
"What next?" MC whispered as she pressed herself closer, not letting him recover.
"Wrap your hand around my cock—gently," he panted. She beamed as she watched his boldness melt away under her touch, reaching a thumb up to gently massage the underside of his tip. He gasped again, throwing his head back. "That feels... Merlin..."
"Don't get too distracted yet," she cooed. "Surely there's more."
"Y-yes, please... move the skin up and down—just like that." Ominis was now almost breathless, moaning MC's name. Before he could give further direction, MC leaned down and pressed her lips to his tip. He nearly shouted her name and gripped her hair on the back of her head. She looked up at him to see that his head was lolled to the side, eyebrows knitted together and half-lidded, unseeing eyes languidly gazing into nothing in pleasure. His perfect lips were parted slightly as he panted.
MC slid her lips further over the tip of his aching erection, listening to his cries and teasingly resisting his hand's pushes.
"MC... Merlin, please..." His chest was heaving, and he gripped her hair tighter.
MC slid her mouth off, his pathetic whine causing a smile to spread across her face, and began kissing up and down the underside of his cock, gently sucking at the skin and running her tongue along every little vein and outline she could find.
When she decided she had teased him sufficiently, MC returned to Ominis' tip. She gently cleaned up the precum that was dripping from his cock with her soft tongue, delighting in his incomprehensible muttering, and slid her lips back over his tip and down further.
Another cry escaped Ominis' lips, and his hips bucked, hitting MC in the back of the throat. Tears stung at her eyes, but her mouth remained firmly around him, hot breath rushing over his excruciatingly sensitive skin. She started bobbing her head up and down, slowly at first but picking up speed. Ominis' fingers wove themselves further through her hair and gripped harder as he doubled over.
"I... don't know how long I can last," he panted. "Your mouth... Merlin..."
MC took her mouth away just long enough to give him one final order. "I want to hear everything you say when you climax by yourself. I want to hear what it's like," she smiled mischievously. Ominis quickly agreed, his hand trying desperately to get her mouth back on his cock.
MC followed the pushes of his hand, delighting in the violent push he gave the moment her lips had enveloped his tip again.
MC had moved her head up and down a few more times before she felt his cock pulsing and Ominis' voice died to a quiet whimper. A second later, his hot seed spilled down her throat as he cried out. "Fuck! MC... ohh, fuck, my little hummingbird..." his speech devolved to animalistic groans as his body convulsed, and he thrust against her mouth a few more times, the last few bursts of seed escaping into MC's mouth before he finally relaxed. His grip on MC's hair loosened, and she released his softening cock, savoring his taste on her lips and moving up to kiss him.
"Are you feeling better?" MC murmured. "I don't recall ever hearing you utter a single harsh word before now. It must have been quite good."
Ominis leaned into her kiss, hands placed gently on her hips, and he groaned regretfully against her mouth. MC giggled and kissed him again on the cheek. "Please. We've been in love for three years now. I think it's all right if your manners aren't perfect at all times."
"Considering what we just did in the garden of a stranger whose name we still don't know—and likely never will—you have a point," Ominis laughed as he made himself presentable again. "But yes," he continued after putting his jacket back on, "that was simply indescribable."
"It was the most fun I've had in a long while," MC sighed, leaning against Ominis and resting her head on his shoulder. "I really ought to find a way to bring out that side of you more often. It almost makes these parties worth the trouble... Almost." MC rolled her eyes.
"I am quite sure we could find other ways to get some time alone together," Ominis replied, weariness in his voice. "I don't know if I could tolerate any more of those officials."
"Perhaps another dinner is in order," MC pondered. "Maybe next week?"
"I think I would like that very much," Ominis replied with a sly smile. "I do hope you'll wear that dress again, too."
268 notes · View notes
002yb · 6 months
Blanket apology on the lateness to all of these replies.  ┬┴┬┴┤・ω・)ノ
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Head bonks when they’re brushing their teeth over one sink
A persisting argument of Dick wanting to save any stray bugs that make their way into their apartment while Jason wants to eradicate them (because Dick thinks they’re neat, but Jason associates them to an unkept home)
They don’t own a mop, so they make a conga line where Jason shuffles through with a wet towel and Dick shuffles through with a dry towel behind him
Dick coming home with groceries, only for the both of them to go back out again because he forgot the top thing on the list; it happens consistently and Jason has an inkling Dick does it on purpose (he does)
Whipping each other with towels and vaulting over furniture to escape impending doom
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Tucked away in this ask, only I’m not sure what else to add hahaha.
Just Jason consciously falling in love with Dick over a series of mundane moments
So he associates all these little things with Dick in that way young lovers do
A certain route they patrolled, the flickering of a neon sign, the wind pulling through their hair as they sat up high on a skyscraper.  The pounding of his heartbeat as they chased each other, the sweltering heat of a humid day or the smell of a coffee – warm where Dick pressed it to Jason’s cheek and warm throughout his body when Jason sipped at it and let it chase away all the fatigue.  Dawn on the horizon with Dick at Jason’s window - lingering just a moment longer.
Jason being very aware of how smitten he is and doing nothing about it.  Just basking in the present moments as they come and being content in their afterglow.
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This is perfection.  No notes.  Superb.
Uaaaaaahhhhhhhh an art like this must exist, right?  It’s too good not to!!  Damian being ornery with Dick in this sort of capacity (with them both fawning over Jason) is probably my most favorite dc fanon thing hahaha.  Thank you for the visual of this, anon!
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Hahaha, how Dick keeps his degeneracy under wraps is beyond Jason, truly.  Truth be told though, it stops being discreet because Jason’s reactions to all of Dick’s dirty talk is so obvious.  That’s okay though because Dick doesn’t mind.  Even if he goes down, Jason goes with him; they’re partners in life and in their perverse ways.  An accusation Jason adamantly refuses because they are not the same; no way!
To which Dick will roll his eyes but it’s whatever.  Denial is the first step to acceptance.  That besides, it’s not like Jason isn’t the one pulling Dick aside or beckoning him someplace private after Dick drops those suggestions. ;)
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Hahaha, the perpetually single ones for sure.  But I think those who are in committed relationships would be overwhelmingly fond and nostalgic.  Seeing dickjay’s young love, so new and sweet and exciting, would remind them of back when they were first falling in love.  And it’d maybe spark some rekindled romance in their own relationships as they reminisce.
Meanwhile dickjay admiring those who have been in relationships longer because they’re comfortable and settled and really?  They can’t wait to be there, but for now Dick and Jason just enjoy each other day by day. //u///
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There’s a story sitting in my drafts that covers this.  It’s been done for months but tbh having to tag on ao3 is such a daunting thing.  I’ll try to get this posted for you soon, anon.
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This exchange is the closest to eldritch!Dick as I can imagine.
Will-o-Wisp!Dick lives in my head rent free and it’s the closest I think I can get to something eldritch (because I’m dumb I don’t actually get what it’s supposed to be LOL).  Or something akin to a will-o-wisp.  With Dick being able to twist his voice and image to lure people into the bog that is Gotham’s bowels.  He usually makes himself known as a robin chirping in the night; a warning song.
Other times he’ll appear as a child, dashing through shadows with laughter echoing through alleys.  A beautiful boy that lures criminals away from the main streets and any lingering lights, or guides innocents someplace safer.
And then there’s Dick Grayson, grown and bewitching with the mirthful light in his eyes and a wicked smile; bared teeth and a jaw that might be too sharp.
Dick becoming an urban legend in his own right.  Where he’s ‘passive,’ only not really.  He guides people through Gotham and depending on the situation, Dick will bring them home.  Or he’ll walk them off a building’s ledge, into oncoming traffic, or for those most wicked – infront of the muzzle of Red Hood’s gun.
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This post.
Ahahahaha, thank you so much!  Jason getting all flustered after being exposed (by himself, no less) is so charming.  For as much as I love maiden!Jason, he’s probably a bit of a freak ngl.  Like Jason probably kink shames himself after bringing up something he’d like to try with Dick and Dick sputters because the depravity is !!!
Just Jason basing the validity of some of his kinks on Dick’s reaction to them because Dick is the most depraved man he knows.
Of course even when Jason catches Dick off guard (surprisingly often), Dick gets on board real quick.
But yeah, without fail I think it’s always Jason that exposes his own kinks.  And he’s not casual about it at all once he realizes and that exposes himself further and it’s the most vicious of cycles, hahaha.
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In reply to this ask.
Tbh, no change LOL.  Dick’s domesticity kink and how he reacts to Jason being domestic transcends time and circumstance.  So, basically:  Simp King!Dick Grayson.  Who is genuinely turned on by stupid, mundane domestic things but who also plays up his reactions because it makes Jason laugh and fluster and Dick loves to see that.
The visual of Dick being taken out at the knees or falling into the wall for support or just keeling over a bit while biting his sleeve because Jason is cooking/cleaning/doing laundry is just so silly hahaha.  Or even Dick just being all sparkly and flowery because yeah, check out his boyfriend (only don’t, thanks) being so sweet and caring and wonderful.  //U////
But also the heated moments because of course.  Where Dick:
Hooks his chin over Jason’s shoulder as Jason cooks something over the stove.  Hands on Jason’s hips and peppering kisses just below Jason’s ear (and in abo setting getting a little high off of Jason’s scent because nothing is more tantalizing than that).  And Jason tries to turn around so that they can fool around a bit, but Dick is all, ‘nope, keep cooking //W////’ and proceeds to just shower Jason in some heavy petting
Oh.  Basically the above, but Jason is washing dishes.  And Dick manages to make Jason come with only the graze of Dick’s teeth at his nape and some dirty promises
Dick pushing Jason back onto a pile of unfolded laundry and having his way with him right there.  ANd Jason loves it in the moment, caught between still hot clothes and Dick burning above him.  Up until they get off and Jason realizes he has to redo laundry.  Again.
It’s cool though.  Dick joins him and they fuck again with Jason bent over the wash, detergent spilling everwhere.
Omg they’re fooling around as the washer is going only to have it flood with suds because they accidentally spilled in too much detergent ahhhahaha
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Honestly torn between Damian wholeheartedly believing possessiveness = protectiveness, or whether he's aware of the difference but was impacted by losing Jason (when Jason left the League) and that loss fucked him up in a way that makes him believe that to keep someone close, you've got to own them. 🤔
Either way, Damian rates Dick low because there's always room for improvement.  There's potential, surely, but generally Dick is too nice.
As for something that constitutes Dick being bumped up to a 10?  Ahahaha, Vampire King!Dick turning Jason and making him his vampire queen and doing so in a way where Jason can only feed on Dick to survive.  And when Jason tries a hunger strike, Dick retaliates by starving Damian somehow.  It's an inconceivable thought if only because Dick is so soft on him, but it would prove very telling.
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Hello, hello~ I’m getting by alright.  Sorry that I’ve not been posting much though!  And that it took so long to reply to this ask. ;3;
But yeah, Talia and Jason.  Because I’m a sucker for Jason whump forever and always, I’m partial to a relationship where Talia only cares for Jason because of his relationship with Bruce.  So there’s no love or genuine affection there for Jason as an individual, just as a convenient means of achieving a faroff goal.  Where Jason is, once again, collateral damage.
That’s a disservice to Talia though so like, reserved mother figure or just a lady who is fond of the nanny/bodyguard she found for her son is cool, too!
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Thank you for reading so many of my posts!  It makes me happy that you enjoyed enough to read more. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
Jason winning over the hearts of all the shop employees because despite his intimidating stature, Jason is a timid maiden as he wanders the shop.  His gaze keeps wandering to the delicate lingerie and corsets, but Jason’s convinced it’d be dumb on him because he’s not exactly dainty
Queue encouraging salespeople and clientele and Jason being so flushed that everyone falls in love with him
Also everyone being like, hot damn, because that bust to waist ratio?  Sinful.  Who’s the lucky guy that landed him?
It’s the atmosphere of the place that gets Jason sharing a picture of Dick and oh boy does Jason preen as everyone admires his boyfriend.
Just Jason having a good time despite the initial (and persisting because he’s a maiden) embarrassment lol.
And then he gets home and omgggggg Dick
Dick sneaks in and catches Jason trying to lace up the corset on his own and Dick is such a goner because hot damn hot damn he’s fainting don’t call for help though, just cushion his fall with those bolstered tits; let Dick catch himself with hands braced on that cinched waist fuuuuuuuuuu–
For real, Dick is just so delighted because Jason is so gorgeous (and cute and sweet, because of course he flusters and tries to explain everything away, but Dick isn’t a fool; he’s fully encouraging and supportive)
Then it’s just Dick pulling the corset tight for Jason
And marveling at the way he pulls Jason’s breath from him
Looking over Jason’s shoulder to watch Jason watching himself in the mirror
Then running his hands over Jason so that he can watch through the mirror
And when their eyes catch Jason is blushing red and the corset already has him short of breath, but seeing Dick’s heated gaze has him feeling faint–
Then Jason wakes up and Dick is all sheepish because he might have pulled the corset too tight, whoops; they were both a little overzealous
Dick wanting to go with Jason the next time he goes shopping.  He wants to pick something for him, too ;)
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This ask.
Bahaha for comedy the baby is absolutely Clark and Jason's. Logic be damned, Bruce would be positively teeming with rage directed solely at his 'partner,' his 'better half,' his 'we're divorced now' bestie and just. One would think Superman went and impregnated Bruce's babygirl as opposed to the cloning that actually happened.
But yes, basically Bruce being mad because:
Clark 'knocked up' Bruce's darling babygirl
Clark is the father
The baby isn't Bruce's
Poor Clark can't catch a break, either, because Dick? He is his adoptive daddy's son through and through and is also teeming with rage directed solely at his 'hero,' his 'most revered mentor,' his 'i'm disowning myself now' second father figure because like. Really?? Dick just bought a ring?? ('But you haven't had your first date yet?' Clark would note, to which Dick would bristle because, 'It's serious-- ;n;').
Let's not forget Damian 'brocon' Al Ghul-Wayne, either. Because ahahaha. Even while Jon is dropping the biggest hints about being disappointed and wanting to start a family with Damian, Damian is zeroed in on Jon's dad because Clark and Jason? Absolutely not. As you might guess, Damian is teeming ahahaha. Because to him, Jason is simultaneously mother and babygirl. In that same vein, Damian's place as t h e b a b y in Jason's life has been stolen from him and he's distraught.
Meanwhile Tim is with Kon and they're just like, PHEW. Thank fuck. But then just a few seconds later they're fooling around because, 'no clones here; I'll put a baby in you myself,' and 'yeah? go ahead and try. ;)'
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 2 months
Listen, as someone who also simps for Atticus I think the content with him is way too tame.
Yandere!Atticus x reader, pls 🙏
Are you my soulmate? My angel?
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Yandere! Atticus Finch x Gender Neutral! Reader Warning: talk of manipulation, (slight???) abuse, yandere content, mention of physical violence (not detailed) Word Count: 1.3k A/N: This is lowkey one of the wildest first requests I've gotten, especially for a nearly 50-year-old man from a book written in the 1960s. Either way, thank you for requesting lol. ˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Of all the people in Maycomb, Atticus is probably not the person you wanted obsessed with you. He’s well known and pretty well liked so there’s a possibility anything you find odd about him won’t be taken seriously.
His obsession started after Scout talked about you when she was over at Miss Maudie’s house. She went on about how you were nice like Miss Maudie. It didn’t affect Atticus too much since he just thought they thought you were kind or just Miss Maudie in a different form.
When he had a day off, he went over to find Scout, hoping she hadn’t gone off to disturb the Radley’s since he went off about it and needed a little assurance with it. Miss Maudie had gone off to buy azalea seeds for her garden and had left you behind to guard the house. And he realized how underwhelming Scout’s description of you was.
Atticus knew it felt off when he first saw you, he hadn’t felt that overbearing feeling in his heart since he had been with his wife. Even then, his heart wasn’t always pounding as hard as it is now. When you said Scout had gone off with friends, he hesitated to leave. He hoped you’d keep the conversation going but he’d accept if you didn’t without a word.
The obsession would grow as time went on, especially if you stay over the entire summer. Any time Atticus would find you outside the house, he’d stand by the window to admire you. If Scout, Jem, or Calpurnia found him looking out the window for those periods of time, he’d chalk it up to be an old man thing and just his thoughts.
If you were to ever go back to your hometown, he would be beyond disappointed about it. Throughout the summer, he had gotten closer to you out of habit and the want for your presence.
It takes Atticus several summers to confess his feelings for you. Over that period of time, he had gone out of his way to talk to you, saying he found you interesting and no matter how many times you came to Maycomb, he’d always talk to you like you were new. Either way, by the end of the third summer, he had gone with you to the train station and had confessed to you. Now, Atticus can’t deny it wasn’t in an act of trying to guilt you into staying in Maycomb with him.
You inevitably leave no matter if you reciprocate his feelings or not, he accepted it and went along his life with a bit of sadness. It was like seasonal depression for him, you weren’t there for him to admire and know you were nearby for his comfort. It would be nearly unnoticeable for his family since he acts so calm.
Over the winter, you went back to Maudie’s home in the winter season and witnessed the house fire. You were naturally devastated at the event but the same couldn’t be said for Atticus. He needed every opportunity to be near you and if a house fire was needed for it, so be it.
After it was proven you weren’t hurt, he’d suggest you stay over at his home for the time being, claiming you shouldn’t stay in a hotel, especially with how expensive they may be.
As the winter goes on with your relationship with Atticus, you gradually notice how much he truly watches you. You would read in the living room with him, silent, and you’d look up and find him quickly looking away from you.
Violence isn’t prominent in the relationship since he knows the law and knows its consequences. And it’s just not prominent in his personality either, he may threaten you but it’s more so to keep you safe. Atticus knows the law and knows how it bends to people depending on how they were. If you tried pointing out how some of the things he did were possibly illegal, he’d be simple about his explanation.
Since Atticus is a lawyer, arguments aren’t going to last long. You try pointing out how you know he’d come to the room you stayed in and check if you were there in the night, going back to bed after a couple minutes. Atticus would say it’s because he did something similar with Scout and Jem and wanted to make sure you weren’t hurt or wander off in the middle of the night.
To even out his odd behavior with you, he’d be gentle with you. Atticus is old, he’s admitted it himself. His affection will more so be about close proximity, just being in the same room is enough for him. It would mainly be sitting in the living room, reading quietly, whether on your own or not doesn’t matter. Once you get comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed, he’ll get more affectionate with you while sleeping. Probably out of habit.
If you ever did ask him why he treats you the way he does, he would just say why. Why keep you from that information? Atticus doesn’t do it with Scout or Jem, why would you be an exception? Though, he will use his words in specific ways to drive you in a direction that he wants you to go in. A lot of big words will be used specifically.
Atticus will never be violent with you; he’s never been fond of that sort of treatment anyway. He’s never physically punished his children, never been to war, and gave up using guns years earlier. He might threaten you with a hit, but it’ll never come.
He will be beyond quick to start treating you like a partner, no matter how long he’s been with you. Atticus gives it up to the idea that he’s gone so long without romance in his life.
Atticus would treat his justification similar to a court case to himself, using the things you and he have done in order to understand why something must happen. He doesn’t always let you go back to your hometown to visit family? It’s not a holiday! Oh, why does he go into your room at night and watch you for several minutes? He’s making sure you don't flee in the night! He only watches for several minutes because he has terrible eyesight. You’re his lover, it’s a natural worry (it’s not).
Atticus wouldn’t always be against the idea of manipulating you or making you think you owe things to him. It would go hand in hand with the fact he’s a father, it’s natural to want to take care of you. If you can see past his odd behavior and threaten to leave out of worry, he’ll try using the fact he’s housed and took care of you well. It will eat him alive, but he wants to keep you with him.
Free will is still prominent no matter how obsessive Atticus gets. The times when he manipulates you and keeps you with him no matter how many times you try leaving will eat him alive, causing you to have open options for many things. He will not force you to dress differently, get a different job, or stay home without any interactions with others.
You will still be held from many things, like contacting family to get them to help you leave him or leaving for another town without him with you.
If you heard about how Atticus was good with a gun, he wouldn’t try pushing the notion that he’ll never use one again but won’t say whatever he’ll use it for. He’d definitely won’t hate you knowing if you think it’s cool, though he won’t always want to demonstrate. It will be a definite ‘no’ if you suggest he teaches you, especially if you constantly threaten to leave him. He doesn’t want to be shot when he isn’t looking.
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
This might be OOC but thank you for requesting!!
My TKAM masterlist
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thegoldenuzi · 8 months
Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory.
Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
Long Post incoming lol
In this day and age social media has become increasingly more toxic. People feel they have the right to be hateful, the right to have opinions on strangers and actively tear them down. Even I have fallen into the trap of allowing people like this to distract me from my path of inner peace. It’s hard seeing people be so nasty everywhere. Sometimes you just wanna reason with them but it’s all in vain. They don’t care. They’re content with the way they are. Just today I seen two popular figures get into a misunderstanding. The way fans rushed to tear one of them apart. It was disgusting to watch. Someone even uploaded a 2 year old clip with a fake caption claiming it was in reference to the current situation. They spared no resources to try and garner more hatred toward this person. Admittedly it frustrated me, because I allowed it to. Now that I have had time to reflect I have a different perspective that I want to share with you all. Just in case you might find yourself feeling this way.
I’m currently reading a book called the Mastery of Love. This book covers the way we relate to others, to ourselves and to life in general. Most people live off fear. They don’t accept themselves they don’t love themselves so they put on this fake persona in order to be accepted. We see this the most on the internet. People do and say things to gain validation from strangers. The sense of community they feel when someone also hates the same person they do. It’s exciting for them because they are disturbed inside. When I dislike someone they don’t exist in my reality. I don’t go out of my way to post about them or join others in a smear campaign. I simply don’t engage with them or their content. I love myself enough to not allow another person to have that much control over my attention. It’s cliche but misery does love company. It gives them that acceptance they can’t give themselves because they don’t respect themselves.
I’ve learned that it is not our job to change someone who’s mind is already made up. They feel the way they feel based on their perception of the world. If that doesn’t align with mine, then I don’t need to be involved with that person. It’s best not to try to make it a goal to change these people. Our job as Neville said, is to change ourselves which in turn will change our experience with unwanted situations. If we choose to be happy and to feel love within, then people and circumstances will replace what we currently experience. Instead of looking at these people as dumb frustrating beings, look at them for what they truly are. Hurt people who live in their own mental prisons. They are sick and it’s their job to heal themselves.
The Mastery Of Love says we are only responsible for our dream. Our truth is only the truth for us and nobody else. We don’t know what the other person is dreaming in their minds. In any relationship we are only responsible for our dream. If there is baggage we are only responsible for our baggage. It’s our job to clean up ourselves. If we feel the need to control or fix others, we don’t respect them. We don’t respect people to make their own decisions and their right to choose. So let’s do as Neville suggests and leave the world alone. Let them be, wish them well and remove your attention. Our highest selves wouldn’t waste their time debating with miserable people. They are responsible for their own realities. All we can do is change our relationship to the situation. Remember you always have the power to change your role and shift perspective.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing and just wanted to know who you think the size queens of BNHA would be? Anyone that would be relieved if their Alpha had a smaller dick? Thank you!
Hey!! Thanks so much!! I hope you enjoy <3
n-sfw discussion below :D
Size queens:
Midoriya - When he first starts a sexual relationship with someone, he unlocks a massive part of himself that laid dormant before. That part is his floor length list of kinks and fetishes. Being a size queen is one of them. He loves to feel like he’s being ruined fully and completely, sobbing, drooling, the works. He also likes the idea that he can only get enjoyment from his alpha’s cock because they’ve conditioned him and ruined him to the point he can’t feel pleasure from small dicks. His pain/discomfort tolerance is very high, and he loves to prep himself for his alpha in advance, so no issues there. Midoriya is kind of a cockslut ngl. 
Dabi - If sex doesn’t hurt at least a little bit, he probably can’t get off. He takes pride in being able to take it as well, he has that smirk on his face every time he bottoms out. Rearrange his guts, make it hard for him to walk, he dares you. 
Those that enjoy a big dick, but not too big:
Bakugou - He likes to feel it deep, in either orifice, so bigger dicks are ideal. He also lowkey feels pride in his alpha’s dick being bigger than average lol. That being said, he’s not a size queen. There is a limit where he draws the line. He wants it to feel good, not hurt. He’s not a masochist. 
Aizawa - He likes sex to hurt a little bit, ngl, so a bigger dick does give him the pleasantly uncomfortable stretching feeling that he chases. But too big and blowjobs become uncomfortable and prep takes too long and he can’t fit it into his schedule. There’s a happy medium in his mind. 
Shigaraki - He’s a massive cockslut and definitely likes to think that he loves a massive cock to worship, but he’s also a massive wuss, and he doesn’t like it hurting too much. And he’s impatient and hates prepping himself. So, he’s a size queen in theory, but in reality, he just likes a slightly bigger than average dick. 
Sero - It’s just his personal preference. He likes how a slightly bigger dick feels and that’s it. 
Those that don’t care:
Mirio - He’s very much a believer of ‘size doesn’t matter’. He doesn’t care, he really loves whatever his alpha has to work with. 
Todoroki - It doesn’t even enter his mind to have an opinion on what size dick his alpha has. His alpha’s dick is his alpha’s dick. That’s all there is to it. 
Mic - Emotions turn him on, so as long as the dick in question is attached to someone he loves, then the size couldn’t matter any less. 
Kirishima - Another big believer of ‘size doesn’t matter’. He thinks it’s very manly to work with whatever you have to please your partner, so if he’s pleased, he’s happy. 
Hawks - Whatever it is, it’s his alpha’s. That makes it safe and perfect and beautiful. He finds average size easier to deal with, but honestly, whatever the size, he wouldn’t change anything. 
Those that prefer an alpha with a smaller dick:
Tamaki - He finds the concept of a massive dick to be terrifying. He was very relieved to find out his alpha had a manageable size that Tamaki was very comfortable with.  
Shinsou - He cannot stand alphas with big dicks. It truly pisses him off. He believes that the bigger the dick (physical), the bigger the dick (personality.)
Iida - He never watches porn and he waits until marriage, so he’ll accept whatever as the normal, but if he could choose he prefers a smaller dick. If you ask him why, he’ll just say it’s more ‘reasonable’. I don’t know what that means 🤷‍♀️
All Might - He’s a small man who’s injured and getting on in years. He doesn’t want his legacy to end because he was fucked to death, that would be embarrassing. A smaller dick is perfect for him. 
(I genuinely couldn’t decide for Denki... Idk, I’m open to suggestions for him haha.)
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suchawrathfullamb · 6 months
I'm loving the conversation about Will's past! I have one question and maybe everyone who was adding into that post can answer too? How do you guys think their lives/the plot would've been like if they ran away together in Mizumono, "after he served the lamb, and no one had to die"?
Ugh that was the dream ;_; @bleumushyroom this is for you too since you were on that post :) Personally I would've loved for them to be the murder husbands, but realistically, Will had to lose it to realize he truly wanted that. If he accepted to run when Hannibal suggested, I feel like he'd always be one foot in, one foot out, or he'd just be convoluted all the time, Hannibal would become stressed out trying to figure him out and how to help him dive fully in, I feel like it would've been beautiful, yes, but very far from ideal. But ): I would've love to see it either way. But if we're also including Abigail then I think things would be even more complex. Will realized she was "helping" her father kill and we never got to explore how he would've dealt with that, since she "died" right after and grieve is of course stronger than any resentment or anger. It would've been interesting to watch this dynamic. Would Hannibal literally make them kill with them? If the "now you'll hunt with me" is any indication. They'd also have to be extra careful towards her since she could've fuck things up if she decided to leave, who knows...She meets someone, falls in love, she runs. She was too young for us to know if she would've remained loyal. I mean her father was killing girls cause she was leaving, and as far as we know, that was not stopping her from leaving, she was still trying. Another thing that intrigues me is, would they immediately fall into a romantic dynamic? I'm still not 100% convinced they never had sexual intimacy in the honeytrap plot, because of some lines, specially Bedelia's, but again, it's not something I'm totally sure of. It's just a "maybe yes maybe no". But let's go with that we see, in that case, no, so I wonder how they would be like, as "fathers" of a young girl, who live and murder together and have long therapeutic walks on the beach, like ?? lol. I think Hannibal was dying to be domestic and have a sense of "family" with them, I think it would've been really interesting to see him try, most likely by taking care of them and their home. And I would've love to see Will having to interpret this dynamic in his head and how he'd deal with his feelings towards Hannibal and specially I would've love to see Abigail just "....okaay??" in the middle of them hahahaha poor girl would third wheel to an extreme level, she'd probably be like "wtf is happening".
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kitabread · 3 months
-> arrow one: Radio Romance
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Genre: Fluff, maybe angst?, happy ending but getting there takes a while lol
Pairing: Atsumu Miya of Haikyuu x Black female OC
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Misunderstanding, profanity, a tad bit suggestive at the end, quite a bit of italicized font, in case that is an issue for anyone
a/n: it's been quite a while since I've written (for a number of reasons) but I hope everyone enjoys !
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"From the moment I saw her I knew this one was worth the broken heart." ― Atticus
“Come on, Hima. Surely you must be into somebody on the team!”
“Negative. Nobody wants to deal with guys that can’t take anything but volleyball seriously, anyway. Why would I want to deal with that?”
Those words rang through Atsumu’s head like a siren as he watched the owner of the voice pass by, her laugh disrupting the flow of the busy hallway in the best way possible. He watched as her primly pressed hair cascaded down her back in layers, brushing up against the backpack that hung off her shoulder.
In all honesty, Atsumu didn’t quite notice Himari at first. She kept to herself in class, and they didn’t have any mutual friends so run-ins were scarce. He just didn’t have the opportunity to truly see her, until…
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The sun was high in the sky, and the four walls of the gym did very little to keep the heat at bay. The match had already started by the time the girls got there, with the second set in full swing as they managed to find just enough seats for their group of four.
‘Coming through, sorry!” The girls recited like a mantra until they made it to their destination.
“This all could’ve been avoided if Himari would’ve just accepted to come in the first place.” Satomi chimed in, avoiding the glare the other girl shot her way.
“You guys could’ve come without me.” She pouted, slumping down in her seat.
“No, we agreed this would be a GROUP outing. No one left behind.”
“Why did we even have to come at all? None of y’all are into sports.”
“I may not be into sports, but I’m into him.” Satomi nodded towards the curly-headed #15.
“Kiyoomi? I should’ve known. He never talks, and that’s exactly your type.” Himari said, laughing when all she received was a smirk in response.
“What about you, Himari? Who's your type on the team?” Sakura asked.
“Don’t have one.” Himari shot her down immediately.
“I can see you with Shugo, Hima!” Satomi enthused.
“You girls are impossible. I shouldn’t have come.” Himari sighed, standing up to leave. This was a waste of her time after all.
“Hey dumbass, duck before you get hit!” Someone shouted. Himari turned to see a ball flying her way. Her fight or flight failed her, and their less popular sister ‘freeze’ presented herself at what had to be the worst time possible. She closed her eyes, awaiting the object’s brash introduction to her face.
Yet, it never came.
Instead, she heard cheers all around her. When Himari opened her eyes, she came face to face with a man much taller than her holding a ball and donning a dazzling smile.
“You okay?” He asked, his bleach blonde hair drenched in sweat.
Himari nodded frantically, unable to do anything but sit back down.
The game quickly resumed, but the swift movements on the court did very little to slow the thumping of Himari’s heart.
They stayed until the ball rolled off the court and into the team manager’s hands. The girls kept in close proximity to each other as the whole gym attempted to shuffle through the double doors.
Himari sighed. Nothing good ever came when Satomi used that tone of voice. “Yes, Satomi.” She replied flatly.
“I saw that smile Atsumu gave you. What do you think?”
Atsumu. So that was his name.
“I’m appreciative of him catching the ball before I lost my face.That’s it.”
Satomi groaned. “Seriously? Not even a little interested? He was totally checking you out! You guys would be so cute together! Star volleyball player and academic prodigy!” She said dreamily. “Even if it isn’t Atsumu, maybe somebody else? “Come on, Hima. Surely you must be into somebody on the team!”
Knowing she couldn’t get herself out of this conversation any other way, Himari said:
“Negative. Nobody wants to deal with guys that can’t take anything but volleyball seriously, anyway. Why would I want to deal with that?”
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Ever since that day, Atsumu kept his distance despite his feelings. After all, pining after a girl that saw athletes as a waste of time surely wouldn’t end well for him, right? Yet, the young setter just couldn’t shake how he felt. He observed her on her way to class, greeting professors in the hallways. He noticed how she took the time after class to help others with the material. He even ran into her occasionally feeding the stray dogs in town. Surely someone like that couldn’t possibly dislike sports players for such a futile reason…?
But that’s what she said.
His stupid brain reminded him every time his eyes lingered. Every time he found himself laughing at the jokes she’d tell her friends right before class began. Every time she wore that one skirt to class that flowed just a little too fluidly when she twirled around-
“Athlete. Not her type. Right.” Atsumu mumbled to himself, snapping out of his thoughts.
He walked the halls, nearly walking past a group of students putting up a large sign near the entrance.
Don’t Kiss, Just Tell! Do you have someone you’ve always wanted to confess to, but just couldn’t bring yourself to? Let it all out in a radio message! Tell them everything you like about them, and leave nothing out. Calls are accepted both identified or anonymous. Will you be brave enough to proudly profess your love? Who knows, you might just land yourself a Valentine… Courtesy of the A/V Club
Atsumu read the number and date at the bottom of the poster. The event was two days from now.
“Thinking of finally manning up and confessing to your genius girlfriend?” A familiar voice said behind him.
Atsumu rolled his eyes and turned around to face his gray-haired brother. “Fuck off. I was just reading it.”
“It might work if you ask me. You’re so obvious she’ll realize it’s you even if you stay anonymous, she’ll marry you out of pity and your future kids will have a fighting chance at being smarter than you.” Osamu listed off his reasons only to barely dodge the punch Atsumu sent his way.
“Sheesh, tough crowd.”
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Atsumu laid in bed that Friday night, twirling his phone idly. It was radio show night, and “Don’t Kiss, Just Tell!” was in full swing. There were multiple, rather public displays of affection, including some loser from the soccer team practically objectifying some poor girl, insisting he wanted to “see them tiddies.” That one nearly made Atsumu cut the broadcast off altogether. He wouldn’t blame Himari for hating someone like that.
The small device in his hand buzzed, his brother’s name appearing on the screen.
Samu: haven’t heard you profess your love yet, Romeo
Atsumu rolled his eyes, of course Osamu was tuned in while working at his on-campus stall and anticipating his contribution.
Atsumu: don’t you have customers to attend to?
O: it’s this pretty little thing called multitasking. Call the show! Unless you want someone else to call about her.
The boy sighed, sitting up. He definitely didn’t want that. But what was he going to say? What if he sounded stupid? Atsumu wondered if Himari was even listening.
No. It didn’t matter if she was listening. There was the option to be anonymous, so he could just call in, get these feelings off his chest, and move on from the one-sidedness of whatever this was.
Atsumu’s fingers tapped his phone screen in quick succession before his brain could catch up and potentially stop them.
“Wooo! Everyone settle down and listen up because we have another caller!” Fuck.
“Caller, either state your name or speak your mind! Either way, no judgment here. Just say what feels right!”
Atsumu didn’t give his brain time to second guess itself OR time to think of what to say.
“Well, I’m not sure what to say, but I guess I can start at the beginning. The first time I ever noticed this person was in the middle of a match. I was frustrated as the odds weren’t in the team’s favor at the moment. I was close to losing it until I saw you. It was the first time I’d smiled since the game started,” He rambled, trying his best to keep any specific details out. “Ever since that day, I can’t get you out of my mind. You walk through the halls, laughing with your friends and you’re the only person I see. Your laugh is quickly becoming my favorite song. Professors announce the highest marks on recent tests and your name is called every time. Of course it is, you’re so smart. With that level of intelligence, I wouldn’t even blame you for being stuck up or presumptuous, but you’re not. You take time out of your day to help people that are confused and you’re so patient. I even see you tending to the stray dogs in the area, and it warms my heart how sweet you are.” Atsumu sighed. He was sure people were sick of him, but it felt impossible to stop once he opened the floodgates. “I’ve longed to get to know you for months, but I doubt you’d ever like me back. So, I just wanted to speak on my feelings so I can move on.”
“Excuse me, but if I can just interject.” The host spoke up. “Are you sure you don’t want to identify yourself? This is the most genuine confession we’ve heard all night!”
“Uhh, yeah. I’m good, man. I’d love to treat her the way she deserves, but I don’t think she’d go for a guy like me.”
“Do you at least want to say your crush’s name? They should at least know they’ve made someone feel this way.”
Atsumu hesitated. He hadn’t thought about revealing who Himari was. Should he? It’s not like she’d figure out who it was regardless.
No. Himari is a pretty reserved person. She wouldn’t like her name attached to such a public announcement. She barely enjoyed the praise in class. Also, wouldn’t naming her make it seem like Atsumu wants to seduce her? His intention was purely to get it off his chest.
“Are you still there?” the host asked, yanking the blond-haired man out of his internal dilemma.
Without responding, Atsumu lowered the phone from his face, hitting the red button.
“That’s the end of that.” He mumbled.
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Himari tossed and turned in bed, sighing deeply. Her phone had been going off for the past hour, and she’d been waiting patiently for it to die down so she could go back to sleep because who could possibly be bothering her at 9 AM on a Saturday?
The buzzing subsided for a while, and Himari thought she was in the clear. Until she heard her ringtone, that is.
She slammed her pillow on her head, screaming into the muffled void.
She checked the screen. “Satomi, what do you want?”
“Come open the door.”
Himari shot up from the bed. “There’s no way you’re at my house right now.”
The banging on the front door was confirmation enough. Trudging out of bed, she swung it open to reveal her two best friends on the other side.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“You weren’t answering the phone.” Satomi brushed past her, making a beeline for the living room.
“That’s because if you’re having an emergency, you need to call the police.” Himari fell back on the sofa, closing her eyes.
“It’s not that kind of emergency, Hima. Did you listen to the A/V club’s episode last night?” Sakura asked.
“You know I don’t listen to that mess.”
“That means you missed your love confession, then.” Satomi mused.
“My what?”
“Allegedly, Satomi.” Sakura side eyed the younger girl. “Hima, listen to the recording. We really think this could be about you.”
Himari watched as her friends pressed play.
“The first time I ever noticed this person was in the middle of a match.”
“Professors announce the highest marks on recent tests and your name is called every time.”
“You take time out of your day to help people that are confused and you’re so patient.”
“How do you know it’s about me? He never said a name. He didn’t even say his own!”
“But,” Satomi raised her finger in the air, “He did say the first time he saw her was during a match where he was losing. Our team has either been losing or lost at all the matches you’ve been to.” She pauses. “Hmm, on second thought, maybe you’re the problem.”
Himari ignored Satomi’s sly remark. “Lots of girls are there…”
“But most girls that are there, Sakura and I included, have been there before. It sounds like this guy’s first encounter with the girl was recent, so of all of us, who could that be? The girl that just recently started going to matches or girls he sees on the regular?” Satomi raised an eyebrow and nodded toward her friend. 
“So,” She started, choosing her words carefully, “If the confession’s about me…now what?”
She sighed as she saw smiles spread across her friends’ faces. “Oh my gosh…” Sakura leaned forward, her chin resting in her hand.
“I knew it!” Satomi shot up from her seat. “I knew you liked someone on the team! You couldn’t peel your eyes away from the court that day! I even tried to get you to admit it but you spewed some nonsense about not wanting to deal with any athletes. But then you kept going to matches with us! Why would you come if there’s no benefit? Who is it? Tell us!”
Sakura yanked Satomi back down on the couch, giving her a look when she complained. “Do you like someone on the team, Hima?” She asked.
Himari fidgeted in her seat, thinking back to the first time she saw Atsumu. The way he swooped in and caught the ball so effortlessly, tossed it to his spiky-haired teammate, and then turned to her with the brightest smile before asking if she was okay. Himari was even sure he was glowing. How the heck do you even glow midway into a volleyball match?
But that was just it. The Atsumu she knew was a star player. He was outgoing, brash, and a jokester. Surely, he’d never sound like the dejected caller from last night that sounded so unsure of themselves, right?
“I do, but I don’t think this is him.”
“Huh? Are you sure?” Satomi asked, pouting when Hima nodded, “I was hoping for a perfect love story. Two people crushing on each other coming together for a whirlwind romance!” She exclaimed.
“Well, why don’t we try tracking down who it is? Even if it isn’t the guy you like, maybe you’ll gain a friend? Something more?” Sakura asked.
Already feeling like her friends aren’t going to let this go, she shrugged and looked up at them:
“How do we do that?”
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“Thanks, Atsumu!”
The blond smiled, waving the customer off before sitting on the small stool for a break. Osamu had run off to see some girl, leaving his twin in charge of his on-campus food stall.
Must be nice, Atsumu thought.
The past week had been…interesting, to say the least. Atsumu had to endure his teammates’ pestering as well as his brother’s teasing from his confession. The whole team wanted to know who had stolen the star setter’s heart. Atsumu didn’t entertain the conversation (He did, however, make Bokuto promise to not say anything when he guessed correctly as to who it was.)
All Atsumu wanted to do was head home and wallow study, but here he was selling onigiris while his brother was off falling in love somewhere. He sighed, resting his head on his arm atop of the counter.
“Just go ask, Hima.”
Atsumu’s ears perked up. That sounded like Himari’s best friend, which means…
He peeked out the corner of his eye, and there she was. Dressed in a hot pink crop top that revealed her melanin-kissed midriff, light blue jeans and white sneakers, her high ponytail swayed back and forth as she approached Kaito, a guy Atsumu recognized from his Psychology class.
“Hi! Kaito, right? This might seem really awkward but it’s about the radio episode from last week…”
Atsumu watched as Himari mentioned his confession to another guy, asking if it was from him. So she had heard it. Atsumu was conflicted on if he should feel happy that she heard it, or sad that she hadn’t figured out it was him. Did she really think Kaito was the type of guy to pour his heart out like that? Did she like Kaito? Had she spoken to any of the other guys? Why hadn’t she come to ask him yet?
He pulled the hat further down onto his head, covering his eyes. As much as he wanted to go over there and admit it was him, he already made up his mind that he would let it go. How could he be so sure her reaction would be positive? For all he knew, she was probably prepared to tell Kaito off. Maybe it was for the best that she hadn’t suspected him. He watched her walk back to her friends and leave the area before calling Osamu:
“Get back here before I close your stall for the day, I’m going home.”
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Himari rubbed her temples as she shut off the radio show. She spent the past two weeks talking to more classmates than she ever had since orientation. She was met with many confused expressions from students either wondering why she thought it was them or why she was sure this person was talking about her. In the end, she resorted to listening to the radio special in hopes that the confessor would change his mind and call back to either reveal who he was, who he admired, or in an ideal situation: both.
Of course, this was to no avail. All she heard was call after call of people using cheesy pick-up lines and practically begging to not spend tomorrow alone. Himari walked over to her front door, slipping her sneakers on for a quick walk to the convenience store. Maybe some fresh air would calm her thoughts.
She zipped up her coat as she turned the corner, watching how the snow settled on the treetops and glittered on the roofs of the cars.
I wonder how the dogs are holding up, she wondered. She made a mental note to stop by on her way back. The bell rang as she stepped through the threshold, signaling her arrival. She waved at the cashier as she headed to the fridge, grabbing a few drinks and some ice cream to eat at home. Noticing the dog food on sale, she grabbed a few to take with her.
“Nice to see you again, Hima!” The cashier smiled, scanning her items. “Heading to see the dogs today?”
“Yep! Just for a bit. I wanna see how they’re doing in the snow.”
“Oh! Take this with you. They can use this.” She turned to a small cubby area, procuring a fluffy, gray blanket. “I don’t use it much so don’t worry about it. It’ll keep them warm.” She handed the blanket over along with Himari’s purchases and receipt.
“This is amazing, they’re going to love this. Thank you so much!”
“Don’t mention it, see you next time!”
The snow had let up a bit, but Himari still made haste to the small alleyway where she usually found the dogs. She walked in, but instead of hearing the usual barks and pitter patter of paws heading towards her from them, she saw open, half-eaten tins of food. She saw the wagging tails of the dogs who were facing away from here.
And she saw very distinct bleach blond hair peeking out of a black hoodie.
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“Leave me alone.”
“She’s been running around campus trying to figure out who you are, and you still think you don’t even have the tiniest chance?” Osamu asked.
Atsumu pinched the bridge of his nose. Osamu had been following him around the house, pestering him about his inactivity in the matter. He just couldn’t understand how his extremely outgoing brother was suddenly taking a vow of silence regarding his feelings.
Atsumu grabbed his keys off the hook. “I’m going out for a walk.”
“I’ll come with you.” Osamu said.
“I’d rather take my shoes and socks off and walk through your collection of Legos.” He replied, slamming the door on his way out and ignoring his brother’s giggles.
He walked aimlessly for quite some time, pulling his hood over his head at the first sign of snowfall.
Is Osamu right? Isn’t just leaving her be the right thing to do? He thought to himself. It’s true that he’s never been the type to back down, but is that really the best course of action with someone he likes this much? Or maybe, his focus should be on proving to her that her thoughts about athletes are wrong. He can care about more things than just volleyball. That’s it! He’d prove her wrong and when she’s finally seen the truth, he’ll-
Atsumu was dragged out of his thoughts by a strong thump against his leg. He looked down to see a brown-fur dog wagging its tail at him.
“Now what are you doing out here in the snow like this, huh?” He smiled, leading the dog back into the alleyway. He noticed the other dogs sitting next to a trash can, also getting wet from the snow.
Finding a discarded wooden door, Atsumu laid it atop of the trash cans, giving the dogs a roof.
“There you go, that should be good enough at least for tonight. You’re probably hungry, huh? Should I get you something to eat?” Atsumu laughed at the increased wagging at the mention of food. He ran to the store around the corner, coming back with a few cans of dog food.
“Hmm, come to think of it, doesn’t Hima usually feed you guys? I guess it makes sense that she didn’t come out in the rain.” He crouched down, watching the dogs dig in. “How crazy would that be, running into her here?” He laughed to himself.
One of the dogs suddenly ran out of the makeshift doghouse, darting down the alley.
“Hey, where’re you going? You’ll get wet!” He called out until he noticed the dog stop just shy of a pair of white sneakers. The same brand he saw Hima wearing earlier that week.
His eyes fluttered upwards to meet a round, brown pair. “Oh, shit.”
“It’s you.” She said.
“Sorry?” He asked, finding his way back to his feet.
How did Himari ever think it was anyone else? “‘The first time I ever noticed this person was in the middle of a match.’ The first time I ever went to a volleyball match, you saved me from a ball to the face. ‘ Professors announce the highest marks on recent tests and your name is called every time.’ You congratulated me last time that happened. You even mentioned me feeding the stray dogs, and here you are! Oh my gosh, it’s you.” She blurted out, taking a step closer.
Atsumu scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, I heard you’ve been looking for me everywhere. I’m sorry.”
Himari furrowed her eyebrows. “Wait, why are you apologizing? Wait, wait, if you knew I was looking for you, why didn’t you just say something? I ended up in the awkwardest conversations looking for you.” Himari’s face contorted into one of disbelief.
Atsumu laughed softly, finding her adorable in the moment. “I thought it was better this way. I knew you wouldn’t like me.”
“You said that in the call, too! Why wouldn’t I like you?”
It was Atsumu’s turn to look confused. “ …You said so. You said nobody wants to deal with guys that take volleyball seriously. That same day you were talking about.” He said, pointing at the much shorter girl.
Hima stared at him blankly before it clicked. She scoffed, looking off to the side. All this time, the guy she liked thought she didn’t like him for some off-topic comment she made to Satomi.
“I didn’t mean it that way. I just wanted Satomi to leave me alone. I had just developed my crush on you, and I knew if I had admitted it right then and there, I’d never hear the end of it. I never meant for you to hear that. It’s not true. I’m sorry.” She looked down, focusing on the gravel below.
Atsumu disregarded her apology completely, a dazed look on his face. “You…what?”
“Say it again.”
“Say what?”
Atsumu groaned. Now was not the time for miscommunications. “What you just said. I need to hear it again.”
Oh. He meant that. “I…developed a crush on you that day. I’ve liked you ever since.” She felt heat rising across her cheeks as she spoke.
“Huh,” Atsumu said incredulously. “I can’t believe I owe that idiot an apology.” He mumbled.
“What idiot?” Hima asked.
“Can I walk you home?” Atsumu said abruptly. “Please?”
“Oh.” She said, surprised. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
They left the blanket for the dogs, deciding that Himari should take the rest of the food home to give to them another day. They made the short walk back to her building, squeezing themselves into the small hallway leading to the lobby.
“I can’t believe you liked me back this entire time. I should’ve just said something.” He shook his head.
Himari smiled. “That makes two of us. Well, this is me.” She motioned to the lobby.
“Right! Well, good night! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled, turning to the door.
She giggled. “Really? You’re just going to leave?”
Atsumu turned back to face her.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” She laughed harder when she saw the mental gymnastics visibly etched on his face. “Think about what day tomorrow is. There’s a very specific question to be asked.”
A lightbulb went on in Atsumu’s head. “Ah! Um…” He tugged at the sleeves of his coat. “Right, um..Hima?”
“Yes?” She asked, loving how her nickname rolled off his tongue.
“Can I be your Valentine?”
She smiled. “I’d love to.”
A rosy hue dusted Atsumu’s cheeks, reaching the back of his neck. “Wow. Okay. Well, as your Valentine, can I make a small request?”
“What’s that?”
“Maybe, tomorrow when we inevitably go on a date, you could probably wear that skirt you wear sometimes? The really flowy one with the slit?”
Himari quirked an eyebrow. She knew exactly what skirt he was talking about. “Hmmm, for you, I think that can be arranged.”
“Yeah?” He stepped closer.
“Yeah.” She closed the gap between them.
“I’m quite the lucky guy, then.” He whispered.
“You have no idea. Even though you had no hope of this working out, you still got your radio romance.” Her eyes fell to his lips.
Atsumu took this opportunity to press them against her own, sighing in relief like he’d been holding in the urge this entire time. Maybe he was. He gave her pout a few chaste pecks before resting his forehead against hers. They both let out a soft laugh before their lips found each other again. 
arrow one: complete
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tvlandofficiall · 11 days
because i’ve been seeing discussion of it, i’m curious, what are your thoughts on the idea that darkners dont “really” have family (ex that they’re just filling a role, that kind of thing) because i have… thoughts. lol
in general, i think that darkners do have families in a fated sort of way. we see this primarily with spades king and lancer, who are not biologically related but who are designated as “father” and “son” and are largely accepted as such. i like to think that some darkners are just designated as family from creation – as soon as the deck was made, the fates of the cards within were sealed. (or something like that, anyhow!)
however, i do think that chosen family is quite a big deal for darkners. rouxls isn’t fated to be lancer’s father (and seems taken aback by the suggestion at first), but lancer still considers him his “lesser dad”. in the tvland story, ralsei loves tenna like his own aunt, and tenna loves him in turn like one of her own guy’s (as well as in that same familial way). choosing to care for someone you’re not fated to care for is a tall task, especially in a world that primes darkners to be ruthless even to those they are fated to be close to. and choosing to do so also comes with the caveat that it won't work out – whether by cruelty or by fate or a combination of the two. can caring of any kind truly stand the test of fate?
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