#YAY people are asking me stuff 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
stygianheart · 7 months
can we have your one piece zolu fic recs?
Well of course *pulls out ao3*
(This is in random order :) If I know their tumblr handle, they will be tagged, but if I don’t…well, just know I’m lame like that. If you know them, then feel free to tag em or something.)
I’m not very good at making recs in a way that just hooks people into reading them, but I’ll try! Here’s 10.
1. Basically anything by @swordsmans . I adore all their work. Literally anything. If I had to name one of their works as a favorite, probably Ocean Theology.
2. The Story Of Us by @mugiwat Though fair warning, you’ll hate Law’s guts in this story. I wanna punch the dudes face in. Modern AU! Absolutely amazing, and I love mugiwat.
3. You Are All I See by Anonymous. Amazing read and definitely deserves more love. I’m preeeetttyy sure I know the person who wrote it, but it’s anonymous, so I won’t say. It’s another Modern AU too. :)
4. Nothing Less (or how I met the pirate king) by Leoporidae_Lagomorpha—Lord oh good god, I think that was the first ZoLu fanfic I ever read? Definitely one of the first, and it succeeded in converting my self from “nah they’re just bros” to “oh my God they’re in love.”
5. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by @melodramaticcoffeeaddict A dark one, recommended to me by my dearest beloved, but I adore it so much. (I adore all of these but you get the point.) Like I said, it’s a bit dark, but it’s amazing.
6. riptide by nevermordor. I love first date fics, especially ones with humor, so this one has to make the list.
7. O Captain, My Captain (death and rebirth) by amghost. Protective brothers? Check. Fluff? Check. Some angst? Check.
8. In Cradles We Cry by MiniPandaBuns—hi, uh, I cried. A lot. (I’m a very emotional person alright—) We love us some traumatized Luffy and a comforting Zoro.
9. You Caught Me Off Guard by Zoet9. Zoro is an absolute simp for Luffy. Like. Honeeeey. Also Zoro’s a pillow again and I love that joke.
10. Eternity would be a Curse (Without You By My Side) by Puppypaws54672. Again. I cried like a baby. Not so happy ending, but lordy do I love this fic. Zoro’s a god and the king of hell, while Luffy is just, well. He’s Luffy.
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.∧_∧ ( ・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂  ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨)          .· ´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)           (¸.·´ (¸.·’* ☆
Well, viewing is permitted! Silently.
Slip a letter into the mailbox, or enter if you dare... Just check with the cats outside first. Give one a smooth, a purr for permission and a hiss for eviction!
Here, here's your keys!(Tags) #wizard oc, my ocs, oc blog, oc rp blog, silly oc - Just the ones I tag about each post with.
#wizards got letters!!! - For when I answer an ask!
#why the fuck is the wizard reblogging - When I do something that includes reblogging.
#nahh why the wizard be roleplaying - For when I somehow end up with a roleplay. Fun!
#announcer answers - For when my assistant is included in a letter, whether he dominates the post or not. He writes in green and [[these]]!
#the twink that i love - Posts with Mortimer included! Yay!
#anything with "ooc" in it, or in orange - Out of character stuff.
Now, I honestly hesitated putting this in, but here's how to refer to me.... (and the weirdo that watches over me??)
THE WIZARD!! > Names: The Wizard, Wizard, and for special people, Tobias. > I am a he, and a they. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [[The Announcer]] [ We are a singular person but for clarification - and because Tobias forced us to write this - we refer to ourselves as "we" because it sounds cool. [ We use he and xe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ said twink
im mortimer :-) he/him ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( The Bastard behind this blog! )
Call me Bive, or Smiler, or Dexter! Or Simon, that works too.
I use it/joy/they/he. My neos are used like this:
He = Joy
Him = Joy
His = Joys
Himself = Joyself
My main blog is @cloudxxiii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~STAY AWAY!! (Do Not Interact list)
Exclusionists!! This user uses a xenogender, neurogender and neopronouns!!
Typical DNI criteria (pedophiles, zoophiles, problematic people, proshippers, etc)
The person behind this blog is a fucking child. If you've got explicitly NSFW stuff to say, then don't. If you wanna spam my mailbox with the word "dick" that's fine, but don't give me your smut fanfiction or ask for ERP!! My ass is NOT doing that!!
Kink blogs, don't interact. If you use a kink nonsexually, then you can interact, I'll add a warning in the tags.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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2022/09/06 Blog post by Wakana 雨の中ありがとうございました!〜楽しい大阪滞在記〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Thank you for coming despite the rain! 〜An Enjoyable Stay in Osaka〜
I got some pears a little while ago! (°▽°) There’s someone who always sends them to the agency, they are super delicious every year (*^^*) Thank you! One of them is this big(°▽°) Crazy, right?? It’s quite heavy too! But funnily enough, I can easily eat a whole fruit in one sitting 🙄← I can’t help it, I end up eating too much. This makes me feel like autumn is close…🎑 [Note: YAY, we got our pear pics just as expected. Wakana is quite vague about the generous donor but I wanna believe that these pears are from Hikaru]
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
It's going to be a little cooler from now on~. I'm super happy that because lately the air has been fresher and more comfortable in the evening😚♪
Well, last week I held my Billboard Live in OSAKA! I felt a strong urge to rattle the glittery curtain at the back of the stage. And this is what the venue looked like in the midst of preparation ♪ I was happy to see everyone being able to relax while attending both of my performances that day. I am truly grateful that we were all able to gather in this amazing venue, spend precious moments together, and share our love for music. I think it's nothing short of a miracle to be able to stand on stage together and perform with such talented musicians. I want everyone's faces to be engraved into my memories. I hope you can all treasure these memories forever in your hearts to look back on them fondly.I wanna come back to Osaka soon to see all of you again! Thank you very much for coming!! (*'▽'*)
And here we have the delicious Billboard meal I had after my performances (´ω`) This time they had a buffet so I was greedy and put a ton of stuff on my plate! ! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// It was delicious〜〜〜〜❤️ I wonder what everyone else got to eat and drink? I got a glass of beer for myself. Even though I don’t usually drink it😂 I thought it was the most delicious drink in the world! It's amazing... wheat beer... 🥺🥺✨
Since my Osaka performances started pretty late in the day, we decided to stay overnight and return the next day. The next day, I wanted to use the opportunity and do some sightseeing! I was so excited that I asked all the members in the audience to tell me their recommendations. It was quite sunny the following day in Osaka even though there had been a big thunderstorm on the day of the event! 🌞 (Why is the weather like that...??!!) However, heavy rain was predicted for my shinkansen route and there was a high possibility of delays so we decided to take an early train home. Unfortunately that meant that I didn’t get a chance to check out any of your recommended places😭😭*sobs* There were a lot of people who took the trouble to send me a lot of recommendations on my social media, some of you even included a bunch of photos. I'm really sorry that I didn’t get to go to any of these places...😢 But next time!
By the way, I was thinking of going to this exhibition here [It Went Extinct For Some Reason] Sounds like a lot of fun! ? ! ? ? They apparently have a large collection of fossils and specimen...! Seems like it was a limited summer exhibtion ←So I am too late. I randomly found this little flyer in the taxi on my way to the train station and immediately thought, "This must be a message from God!" It’s very disappointing that I missed this, I really wanted to go😢 Oh well, I will continue to live my life dreaming of the day when I can eventually come back to Osaka! !
Well, next up is my Billboard Live YOKOHAMA this Friday, September 9th! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Yokohama! ! Please be patient a little while longer! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) 
Until next time☆(*'▽'*)/
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Omg, thank you for replying to my ask. (*/ω\*) Yay so excited to hear about your Lokane fic! Such a Heraklean effort! I have a similar problem with a novel-length WIP, actually near the same emotional peak and I really think it must be that last final push that's almost harder than anything else - in a way I don't want to finish mine! I had a similar rule about not starting other WIP's so I have a document where I've amassed everything I'm not writing, and that's helped me a little because it feels like I've 'done' something so I can do other stuff haha.
Regarding Solas/Lavellan: don't worry about a disappointing response, to be totally honest I was a bit worried you already didn't like it (though wanted to know what emotional chord didn't work for you), but the fact you're not familiar with it is almost kind of better!! It's one of those pairings for me that manages to hit the epic romance notes and actually consummate the romance and then affirm the narrative importance, which is already pretty hard to do with a video game (and often times I'm left disappointed by pairings grounded primarily in potential). I can't really reveal too much about Solas because learning about him is the journey but if you like your trickster god/vulnerability/concealed pain/the dinan'shiral (the Journey of Death) that love endures against etc. it's all there. A non-spoilery detail I like about him is that sometimes when he talks he speaks in iambic pentametre or the musical notes of Hallelujah, so there's a poeticism to him and subtlety to his character execution that I just love.
I think the only drawback to Solas/Lavellan is that because it's a game it's more of a time investment and you also need the Trespasser DLC for full effect, but honestly you can watch it on YouTube lol. There's a lot of lore that enhances the pairing as well. I don't think you need to really play the first two games to 'get it', but I generally enjoy Bioware games and I think they're both fun experiences. The Solas/Lavellan romance also doesn't have an awkwardly animated sex scene, if that puts you off like it does me, though it's not entirely lacking eroticism.
wank magnet tragic murder boy
I love this thank you hahahaha.
If you ever get around to playing Dragon Age or watching the romance on YouTube, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it, though my curiosity is now successfully sated! Thank you! (Hopefully my ask doesn't come off as pressuring you to get into it... mostly I'm just surprised/happy you didn't know much about it hahah!)
Also, as one final departing remark, yes, I'm actually the same regarding genuinely Nice Guy/Ingenue/Bad Boy, but I don't really gravitate towards that dynamic because it can come off as a bit superficial to me and I cannot STANDDDD love triangles unless it was only ever a matter of who she 'should' be with versus whom she really wants, it has to be true love soulmatism or I cry!!!
Hope you have a lovely day and good luck with fic writing!
Yeah, I pretty much know some memes about Solas and that he apparently betrays the PC somehow. And people debate his motives and level of sincerity a lot. But I know so little about the plot that I've forgotten most of the details I ever came across. Poetry is a selling point! but I really can't say whether I will vibe with the ship or not based on what I know. The sad murder boy really has to hit a specific way for me.
Yes, exactly! I feel exactly the same way about love triangles. I talked about this before, but I hate them unless they're the forgone conclusion kind where it's not about who she actually loves (because this is never in doubt), it's about whether she's going to choose love over pragmatism or whether true love will conquer outside circumstances, etc. I think it was in my first ramble about Fated to Love You, which is a great example. All three characters know Mi Young is in love with Gun, the tension is always about whether they will overcome both the internal and external obstacles separating them and take the risk for true love or if she'll settle for playing it safe in a platonic pseudo-relationship with Daniel where her heart can't be broken.
If there's genuinely romantic feelings for more than one person and the middle point is not just in denial about where their heart lies, I'm out lol.
Ditto! ;)
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due4amiracle · 2 years
Day 455
Oh, uh. Hi there, all like three of you Actual People who actually read this blog (for whatever reason, hi, i see you, thank you, i love you) and aren’t pronbots trying to get me to click malicious links. Whew. It’s been a week.
Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Laundry/cleaning - Laundry fully put away, ready for washing, garbage changed! ✔
Reading things - - 2 Ebooks for me, 1 Audiobook for Sir! ...Yea. 205 for the year, 11 for the month!  - Shalador's Lady (The Black Jewels #8) by Anne Bishop 50%! We continue the Reread train! - The Shadow Queen (The Black Jewels #7) by Anne Bishop 100%! 5🌟 (Reread!) - Black Wings, Gray Skies (Black Hat Bureau #4) Hailey Edwards 100%! 3🌟 - Final Heir (Jane Yellowrock #15) by Faith Hunter 100%! 5🌟sobbing IT’S OVER i don’t like this. i don’t want this. i loved it. AHHHHHH it was so damn good. - Black Truth, White Lies (Black Hat Bureau #3) by Hailey Edwards 100%! 3🌟 - Black Arts, White Craft (Black Hat Bureau #2) by Hailey Edwards 100%! 3🌟 - Black Hat, White Witch (Black Hat Bureau #1) by Hailey Edwards 100%! 3🌟 UwU♡ ✔✔✔✔
Dailies - - Waifu Did mah dailies! Also, level 3/50 BP now~! AND! Tree lvl 40/50! Also! 27/43 max friendship namecards acquired! New MONTH! new weeklies! Gem thingy now level 9/10! ♡ω♡✔ i have been playing a bit of this here and there. But. Not much.
#TTRPGThings - Uh. Yea. Had a session, another session tomorrow? Maybe? Tentative because appointment. ✔
Watching things - - SAO Alicization: Season 2 - Episode 1/12! - Vancouver by Night: Season 1 - Episode 10/19! - New York by Night: Season 1 - Episode 8/8! T_T - 100 Club: Episode 5/??! So... behind... oh no... x_x;
Other things - Daily Diarrhea Diary - Decent. CPAP timer - i have worn it. Most of the nights. i think i’m 3/9 missables now. i’m not positive. But... yea. i’ve been.. sick. i was hoping that i would be able to swoop in here and tell you all about the appointment i had today but... ok so rolling it back a little bit
The Car: Sir noticed the trunk was stuck on Friday, which is not good. He contacted my grampa to ask for help from Gooddeeds. Yesterday someone came and fixed it! Yay! ...only they left the car door open which drained the battery completely. So. When we went to try to leave today for my appointment - the car was Dead. Fully battery drain. Yep.
Appointment: So here’s a list of Stuff The Appointment Is For, ye? It’s a lot. - 6/22 totally normal period ~5ish days. Unsure of finish date exactly. - 7/20-23 started very late the 19th/very early the 20th. Seemingly normal period, but shorter. - 7/28-31 bleeding, sort of normal period. Not Heavy heavy. - 8/7 bleeding, one day, enough to tampon throughout the day, but by the end of the day, done. - Wednesday (8/31) first started very faintly spotting, Thursday big sploosh day, Friday slow down trickle, Saturday ending spotting, Sunday the very faintest spotting, essentially done. - 9/10-12 spotting again. Other Things: - Left foot swelling. - See above for period things. Thought maybe ovarian cyst burst? Terrified/paranoid about ectopic pregnancy. - Lower left abdomen discomfort, border of pain/discomfort, never quite reaches pain (constant, more noticeable when i need to urinate, eases when i've urinated), very mild (both) kidney discomfort (comes and goes, is there much more often when i need to urinate, is almost never there when i do not). - 99% of the time at least mildly chilly, if not downright Cold. Sweater is best friend.
So, suffice it to say, i probably have a uti which my actually be developing into a kidney infection, i may have had an ovarian cyst pop or i may have an ectopic pregnancy (terrifying), my thyroid is out of control (i’m hypothyroid, low, so i’m Low Low apparently), the foot could be a lot of things that could also be delving into diabetes?!, and... yea. It’s a lot. Phew.
i’ve been really really not feeling well. So. That’s why i haven’t been posting. But here i am, posting. Oh and ontop of all of that my migraines are out of fucking control, so that’s fun. Blehhhhhhhhhhh.
i did take a shower today! That was lovely. Very excited about that. Very exhausted. Uh. yea. Stuff and things.
Food: A Liquid: A Pain: D Brain: D
Tomorrow: Laundry/cleaning, Reading, Dailies, #TTRPGThings, Watching.
Ever Onwards and Upwards!
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chocochar · 4 years
ᴍɪꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ? | ᴅᴀʙɪ/ᴛᴏᴜʏᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ᴘᴀʀᴛ 4: ʙᴏɴᴅɪɴɢ
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Valentine’s Special | Part 6: TBA
(AN: So part 4, yay! I'm going to be 100% honest, didn't think this was going to even reach this point, like if it wasn't for the lovely readers and comments I don't think it would've been continued, so I'm happy, thank you readers (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ 
This one may not be as long as the previous parts since it's going to have some father son bonding, kind of fluff with Dabi and Kaoru but part 5 will be longer with what's planned. Also the writing I feel will be kinda weird at first, since it'll be through Kaoru's POV so I was trying to have the mindset of a 10 year old, kinda?? (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ 
So let's hop in, yeah?)
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[Kaoru's POV]
        I was really surprised when I woke up early this morning and went out to get breakfast. Mom was already awake and getting ready in her room to go to work, and since I have the day off I decided to make breakfast for us both, which I do when I'm off but she still has to go in. After last night I've been worried, well, actually since I saw dad the day before, but seeing mom cry I didn't know what to do. I just stood in place and it felt like my legs got really heavy. I don't like to see mom cry or get stressed, so I wanna do my best to be good and help her!
        Heading to the living room I almost missed dad sleeping on the couch, until I heard the blankets shift and his black hair sticking out which looked even more messy. I froze, eyes wide; trying to be quiet I tip toed over to him and peeked over the arm of the couch. The blanket covered most of him and was raised up to his chin, his eyes were still closed and he didn't look ready to wake up yet. I was still shocked, thinking,'Mom let him stay the night?! Sh-Should I wake him up and see if he's hungry? Or would he be mad if I did that?' 
        I stood there for a few minutes deciding on what to do before shakily making my decision by poking his cheek. Nothing. With a little more confidence I did it again, this time dad sniffs and shifts, my hand pulling back when I jump. 'He's not that scary... Well, he is... C'mon Kaoru, just wake him up and ask him if he wants breakfast!!'
        After the small pep talk in my head I look down to poke him again before freezing up, his eyes open and looking tiredly up at me. I can't tell if he's annoyed or not (dangit, I should've just left him alone!) but his voice doesn't sound like it when he asks,"What is it, Kaoru?"
        "Uh, well, sorry about waking you up so early, but I was wondering if, um, you'd like some breakfast? I was gonna start on omurice for me and mom, want some too?" I ask, fidgeting with my shirt. He blinks, before picking up his phone to check the time I think, before shrugging as he starts to get up.
        "Sure," is all he says, sitting up and scratching his head still looking at his phone. Nodding I hurry to the kitchen to start on food.
        Luckily I finish mom's as she comes out of her room in uniform and I hand her her plate and fork along with a glass of juice.
        "Ah Kaoru, you know you don't have to do this," she smiles, glancing at dad who's looking up from his phone at her. "Good morning," she says, smiling at him.
        "Morning," he yawns, stretching. I catch the way her cheeks turn pink and she steps around me to go eat in the kitchen.
        "I don't want you going to work on an empty stomach, that's not good for an officer," I say, checking dad's which is just about done. Dishing his up I start on mine and watch as mom gulps hers down once she sees the time. She's done faster than I expected and I follow her out to the living room where she stops to talk to dad before she goes.
        "I've got to work today, otherwise... Anyways, are you planning to leave after breakfast or...?" She asks, dad shrugging after locking his phone. It looked like he was texting someone, but I wouldn't know who.
        "Looking to kick me out, already? Even though you offered me the couch last night?" He turns to look at her, I think teasing her, and mom shakes her head with a sigh.
        "No, I was just wondering because... Well, while I'm at work I was going to ask if you'd like to stay and hang out with Kaoru," she says, crossing her arms. My eyes light up although I'm surprised too, but dad looks at me before back to mom and nods. He's really, uh... nonchalant? I think it's kind of cool.
        "Beats my plans today, plus I've gotta get to know my 'mini me' right?" he replies, his nickname for me sounding better than the 'chibi' one Natsu-oji and Rina-oba call me. I hate that one, but I don't try to stop them when they call me it. When he looks at me again I smile and nod eagerly, but I try to reel it in. Gotta be cool like dad! I can't seem too excited, so I nod more slowly. I don't know if he caught it or not, but he turns back to mom.
        "Okay, well, good, I'll be back around 4 then," she replies, getting ready to leave.
        "Okay, go play hero," he says, and mom narrows her eyes at him before she walks back over to him and pinches the good skin on dad's cheek. He looks at her with his eyes widening slightly touching his cheek, while I watch both not expecting mom to do that and dad to look so surprised. 
        "Next time I'll go for the ear," she tells him with a smile, I think she's teasing him, but dad returns to his nonchalant attitude and turns away from her, checking his phone again. He seems annoyed, I think, but not mad at least. "Bye boys," mom says before she leaves. I stand there staring at the door before I gasp and hurry back to the kitchen, forgetting about the food!
        I wound up having to remake mine but dad and me now sit on the couch, the TV on but neither of us really knowing what to watch. We wound up settling on the news, and it's talking about the heroes again; hen they bring grandpa on I cock my head but I flinch when dad suddenly stands and goes to the kitchen. It was really abrupt, and I could see he looked... really mad. It was hard to tell, but his eyes looked scarier than usual. Remembering how he's got the burn scars I look at the TV again and a question comes to mind: How did dad... get his scars? Mom mentioned he... cremated himself? I want to ask what that means but not right now. I think it would probably be best to avoid talking about that stuff until dad doesn't seem as upset.
[Dabi's POV]
                Bastard. That's all I can think whenever I see that mug of his. The smug air around him because he finally got to that #1 hero spot. Even if he won't admit it I'm pretty sure it kills him knowing it wasn't from all the training and work he put in to surpass All Might. But he still got to that top pedestal. Probably regrets all his imperfect breeding and sees it as a waste of time, failures he doesn't need around. Or at least that's probably how he viewed me. Fuyumi and Natsuo got lucky, he didn't try to train them or let them starve if they didn't do well enough in a training session.
        My hands grip the sink tightly and for a brief moment I nearly forget where I am as my flames start to lick at me arms and face. Whether he's only knocked off his throne, or killed, it doesn't matter to me. One way or another karma will bite him in the ass.
        My flames immediately disperse hearing Kaoru's voice. Turning around I look at him and he looks worried, my mind settling again as I ask,"So what did you want to do today? I've got a free schedule so whatever you're in the mood for we'll see what happens." 
        This doesn't seem to fully push away his concern, but he doesn't try to push the matter, instead answering my question,"Um... Well I don't mind what we do. We could play video games, or go out and do something, there's a movie theater and park nearby, I'm okay with anything."
        I rub my neck knowing if I even stepped one foot out of this place in daytime I'd be found out, so I can't exactly risk that until I think of something that would make it possible. So looking back down at Kaoru I say,"Let's hang out in here for the time being, I can't exactly go outside, don't want to scare people, y'know?" I point at my face with one corner of my mouth lifting, 'mini me' seeming to understand since he nods and doesn't really seem disappointed. To be honest I've been pretty surprised by the way he's been handling all of this; either he has no idea who 'Dabi' is, or he doesn't care. Like when he first saw me, he looked scared for a second but then that changed to what I'm guessing was amazement maybe? Or intrigue. Anyways, he's pretty calm, I could tell he was eager for me to stay today.
        I follow him to the living room and when he suggests video games I admit,"I'm not really the kind of guy who plays video games, so don't expect me to play well."
        "That's okay! Mom is okay, but it's still fun to play," he smiles, getting the system set up as well as two controllers. I watch him getting it all ready, getting lost in thought.
        It's weird, this whole situation, 10 years living on the streets and becoming who I am today I'm not sure how to feel about this whole 'dad' thing. I still have no idea why I came after (F/n) and him, I don't know what my goal was, if I even had one. I just saw the kid, then her... And before I knew it I followed them home and even broke in, twice. Did I miss (F/n) since I'd seen her all those years ago? Yeah, can't really deny I did. Back then she was the only thing I really had that kept me from breaking down or let me vent all my frustrations about home, while she sat and listened. She once nearly stormed to my house to rip my dad a new one, but luckily Fuyumi and I stopped her. Being able to see her again and talk is nostalgic, even if we're now on different sides of the law. And seeing Kaoru I got remembering everything with him. My own childhood, where I didn't really have a father, more like a tyrant. Something about not only the thought of Kaoru missing a dad along with having that bastard to look up to... That was a huge push for me to confront (F/n) and reveal myself.
        Granted, it was a pretty stupid plan knowing her job. At least it went smoothly, for the most part.
        I blink out of my thoughts when Kaoru hands me a controller and I look it over as he sits next to me and gets the game started. 
        "Are you sure you didn't lie to me? I bet you have played this game before!" Kaoru exclaims, pointing at me accusingly as I beat him, again. We've been playing a few hours, it's already noon now, and I briefly think about (F/n). I'll stay around until she gets home, and see if we can talk about the situation more before I go so the League doesn't think I'm skipping out on meetings.
        Smirking I say,"Nope, never in my life, just happened to watch some of my teammates play it but I doubt that's enough for me to catch on. Guess your dad is just that good." He gives a pout, which immediately makes me think of how much it matches his mom's, before he gets up to switch out the games.
        It's quiet for a minute or two while he does this, but he breaks it when he asks,"Dad... Is it true you're a bad guy?"
        I don't respond at first. So he does know.
        "Technically, yeah," I reply, scratching the back of my head as he looks back at me. He looks surprised, probably because I didn't deny it.
        I take a minute to think about how to respond, staring at the floor a few moments before meeting his eyes again and saying,"It's a lot to explain, but I'm trying to... 'clean up' the hero society, well, society as a whole. There are a lot of heroes out there who aren't as 'good' as they try to pass themselves off as, and I'm trying to get rid of them or show their true colors."
        He stares at me taken back but also confused, looking down and I'm guessing trying to understand. 
        "So, like that one 'hero killer' kind of?" He asks, which I wasn't expecting. I didn't consider he knew about Stain but it saves me the time trying to explain more. 
        "Yeah, kind of."
        He hums, mumbling,"Grandpa is kind of like that, he's really scary but he's a big hero... Mom doesn't like him." Good to know, (F/n) still can't stand him.
        "You're mom is right in not liking him, kid, Endeavor is one of the worst out there," I tell him, my eyes narrowing. Kaoru turns his head back up to look at me before standing and facing me.
        "Is it true, th-that you had trouble controlling your quirk?" He asks out of nowhere. I cock a brow and nod, lifting my hand and turning it over, letting a small blue blaze dance on my palm. He stares at it almost mesmerized as it flickers but doesn't grow or go stray as I control it.
        "I've got better control now, but yeah, used to burn myself a lot growing up," I explain, moving the flame around my hand before it rests in my palm again and I close my fingers into a fist, the flame disappearing. I take notice on how much he's fidgeting, so I proceed to ask,"Are you struggling using yours or something?"
        He scratches the back of his before he nods, explaining,"Y-Yeah, it's getting really bad and I don't know how to stop it from getting out of control... I can do force fields like mom, but they, um, they have blue fire on the outside of them, so when I use them I panic... And they get big and the fire gets worse." He looks ready to show but shaking his head decides not to and instead continues with,"Mom is having Shouto-oji help me this Saturday, b-but I'm nervous..."
        I narrow my eyes hearing this; Shouto is training Karou? It's not a bad idea, I guess, won't deny the brat's learned pretty well how to use his quirk, but something about him being the one training Kaoru bothers me. I don't have a clue why it irks me, but my mouth moves faster than my brain this time.
        "What about me training you?" I ask, and Kaoru's eyes widen at the suggestion and I rest my elbow on my knee and my chin on my palm gauging his reaction. It's probably not a good idea, but too late to take it back now. "Unless you'd prefer someone like Shouto, I doubt I'd be the easier teacher-"
        "N-No, I'd like that!" He cuts me off, my eyes slightly widening. He looks embarrassed, and tries to hide it by acting nonchalant, continuing,"I mean, uh, you've been in my shoes, so I, um, think you'd be the better choice. Plus I'd get to see my dad, which would be pretty cool." He's definitely not convincing me with his aloof act, but I smile and chuckle, finding it kind of cute. 
        "Then I'll talk to your mom when she gets home, okay?"
[(F/n)'s POV]
        When I get home I'm fairly surprised Tou- Dabi is still there, and he and Kaoru look like they're playing a board game; the winner is pretty clear, by Kaoru's pout and Dabi's smirk. They both look at me when I walk in and I ask,"Hey boys, did you two have fun today?" It's still a weird feeling that Dabi is here, and it feels normal. Well as normal as it can be.
        "Yeah, but dad's a cheater..." Kaoru huffs, arms crossed glaring at the game.
        "I told you I'm not cheating or lying about playing these games before, you're dad is just that good." Dabi teases. He turns his attention back to me and stands, walking up to me and putting his hands in his pockets. I look up, meeting his cerulean gaze as he speaks,"I was looking to talk to you about something." Puzzled I tilt my head and nod, letting him continue. I still can't read his face, but it at least doesn't seem serious.
        "Kaoru told me about how you were planning to have Shouto train him, which I guess isn't a bad idea," he shrugs, although I'm not sure why he's bringing this up. "But I got a better one: me training him."
        I blink a few times, not sure what to say to this suggestion. It's not outlandish, but it is a little odd. It could give them more time to see each other, I suppose. Although he and I will see each other quite a bit more too... Which has my heart thumping harder than expected.
        "It was going to be Shouto and his friend, but you... Want to train him, instead of Shouto?" I ask, repeating his suggestion. 
        "Yeah. I used to be in his footsteps, remember? I'd know better than Shouto how to help him learn some control. Just let me know when and where and I'll meet you there," he tells me, while I'm still surprised he's offering. But glancing at Kaoru I meet Dabi's eyes again, and with a nod I agree, a little hesitation there.
        "Alright, I guess it won't hurt. We'll have the first training day Saturday, around 2 PM. It's in a training area a friend of mine owns, I'll give you the address," I tell him. My face heats up slightly when he flashes a lazy grin, his eyes never leaving mine.
        "Fine, sounds like a plan, little miss cop."
(AN: So like I'll be honest, this chapter was fun to write buuuut it might not be the most exciting since there isn't much Dabi x (F/n) (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ But next chapter will have more (F/n) come in since it'll be the beginning of Kaoru's training.
I hope you guys enjoy, let me know if you are? (i feel like i'm makin dabi too soft when it comes to kaoru, if i am i am sorry)
(ps I've got another fic series in mind for Shouto fangirls, it should be started within a few days so keep an eye out (˵¯͒⌄¯͒˵) ))
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taejeonie · 4 years
what if jaemin and taehee dated…
Tumblr media
honestly i think that this would start off as a blur to them
like jaemin didn’t even know when or why he suddenly liked taehee
once he fully acknowledged his feelings,,it felt like they were there from the start
and unconsciously, he would have the audacity to FLIRT with her
the dreamies were all video calling, mark and taehee on the other end of the line due to 127’s schedules
hyuck was talking about something when jaemin suddenly said
“noona, you look so pretty today”
the other dreamies were completely thrown off
“that’s so sudden,” mark said while laughing
most of the dreamies has surprised looks on, meanwhile hyuck was baffled
taehee: ahh thank you
she said it as if it’s nothing,,,like this was completely normal she’s still shy tho
and ever since that day, jaemin made a silent pact with himself to get taehee to fall for him
so he sends her good morning texts and good night texts
texts in the middle of the day asking if she ate already, or if she’s taking care of herself properly
these surprised taehee at first but soon she learned to get along with it thinking it was like,,to fit their dynamic of being kdrama people
sooner or later, jaemin would call her and ask her to meet in front of their dorms so that they could go eat in the cafe taehee wanted to go to
“on second thought, i’ll go to your dorm so you don’t have to go to mine”
“but i could just-“
“i don’t want you to get tired from walking to our dorm”
“jaemin, your dorm is literally-“
“no this is final i am going to your dorm and you won’t move a step until i get there”
“alright see you!”
when the line cuts she looks to mark beside her like (・・;)?
“is it just me or jaemin’s acting really weird these days?”
“do you think…do you think he,” then she moves her eyebrows up and down like in a weird way
and mark gets all the more confused
from another person’s pov, this situation would look rather comical due to the fact mark has no absolute clue of what taehee’s referring to and why was she moving her face like that
and then taehee leans closer to mark and whispers, “do you think he likes me?”
then mark’s like Ö
“you think he lIKES YOU?”
“nO! he’s just so weird we never go this far with our jokes”
then there was a pause on both ends until mark says, “well do you like him?”
then there’s a knock on the door and both of their eyes widen
“that’s jaemin,” taehee hurriedly whispers
then before they know it taehee’s already out of the door sweating buckets- wait why is she nervous
maybe bc ur starting to acknowledge ur feelings dumbass
“why are you so red?”
“im what?”
“are you sick?,” then jaemin tried to check if she was hot but taehee pulled away before he could touch her forehead
“im not i was just,,,doing stuff with mark”
jaemin’s face falls slightly when he hears this but then proceeds to ask, “oh? what stuff?”
“we fixed our room- enough about mark. let’s go!!”
unconsciously, taehee grabbed jaemin’s arm and whined like a baby which the latter found ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE.
he scrunches his nose at her before pinching her cheek, “alright (*´꒳`*) whatever my cutie noona says (*´꒳`*)”
then taehee felt her face get hotter when she heard ‘my’
jaemin interlaced their hands together and although he’s done it a thousand times before, it made taehee the most flustered person to ever exist at this moment
when they got outside, taehee let go of jaemin’s hand, causing him to pout
and he made sure she was gonna see his frickin pout.
“where’s the car? ( ^ω^ )”
“actually, we’re walking (⌒▽⌒)”
“we’RE WHAT”
“kidding!!! we’re taking the bus stop over there,,”
“oh okay, you looked serious-“
“i don’t want my baby to get tired (*^ω^*)”
never did taehee know that there would come a day where she wanted to punch jaemin in the face
it was strike #3 baby
now the actual cafe date!!!
taehee would get stuff like red velvet cupcake, chocolate cake, hot choco,,,stuff like that
and jaemin goes, “we went here to this nice café just for you to order that? we have those in our cafeteria”
“you’ll know the cafe is good if simple snacks like these are good”
“whatever you say”
jaemin would also take lots of pictures of her using his phone, then he sets his favorite one as his lockscreen
“jaemin, no”
“taehee-ssi, the cake isn’t going to eat itself”
“obviously,,,im gonna feed myself”
“but i want to be romantic so aaaaa”
she gives in anyways
when she gets home mark was like, “so you did enjoy your date”
“shut up it’s not a date”
so mark knows taehee has feelings for jaemin
best friend tingz
as for jaemin, i think that the first person to know
would be renjun
like days after their cafe date, renjun would see jaemin’s lockscreen and JOKINGLY say
“you like taehee noona, don’t you?”
“maybe i do”
“you sound so serious you weirdo”
“its the truth”
renjun: chokes on his water
meanwhile jaemin’s just going through his camera for all the taehee pics
so when renjun looks at what’s causing jaemin’s fond smile
he’s like “yeah this kid is nuts”
there were times where jaemin would randomly buy stuff for taehee
like clips and hair ties
127 and dream were together in the practice room once again to prepare for the year end concert
taehee was on the floor talking with hyuck
and when hyuck’s about to kiss taehee on the cheek that’s when jaemin steps in
“here’s your coffee, darling (*^o^*)”
hyuck feels something cold against his lips and pulls away in confusion
jaemin pinches taehee’s cheek when she says thank you and walks away
“darling??? that’s new”
“i know. hes so,,,,weird these days i don’t know what’s gotten in to him,,”
“but he got me coffee so *shrugs*”
“that’s his coffee though how are you not dying”
“no it’s not it’s sweet, here”
“*sips coffee* hmm that is weird”
in reality, jaemin got that type of coffee so he could share with her
jaemin ain’t slick tho
when jaemin walks off mark wiggles his eyebrows like those uncles during christmas and jaemin’s like
“oh no he knows…”
“bUT!!! why does he know?”
“does perhaps,,,,taehee noona have feelings for me too?”
it kept jaemin up and attentive the whole practice schedule
thinking if he should confess or not
days later of jaemin making moves on taehee, taehee felt her feelings grow for jaemin more
and tHEN she starts to worry about the outcomes
“what if jaemin’s just really joking? but if he’s not then we’re kinda fucked? oh no what would the others say”
and she just looked really out of it that it caught mark’s attention
“what’s wrong? you look out of it today”
“is this about jaemin?”
mark turns off his phone like the good friend he is and turns to taehee
“you have to stop overthinking”
“what if he doesn’t like me back?”
“will you believe me if i say he does?”
“probably not”
mark smiles amusingly, “you are so stubborn”
“what if the others find out?”
“you’re worrying about that as if you’re already in a relationship”
and taehee gives him like a sad glare that makes mark stop joking around
“if you’re talking about the members, of course they’ll be happy for you both without a doubt. the fans…there will always be a good and bad side of everything taehee. the only thing that matters is how you’re gonna handle it”
taehee goes silent for a moment, thinking
yes, mark IS right. she’s just scared of the consequences
she’ll act on her feelings, but not now
taehee presses her forehead to the side of mark’s face in a loving gesture before standing up and saying thank you
meanwhile jaemin and renjun are planning how jaemin should confess
“i think noona would like it straightforward”
“you mean plain,,,”
“well if you want to have bonus points then i think you should use a pickup line,,like an original one”
“well if it’s for her then i’ll do it then”
“whatever,” renjun thinks jaemin’s too cheesy for him, “but tone it down with your shamelessness,,,i think you’re scaring her”
later in the vlive,,,taehee was kinda out of it
she didn’t notice jaemin was talking
“nooooo i only like noona (*´꒳`*),” he said in aegyo
then mark’s like “really?,” while laughing his ass off in the corner
then it’s like one of those movie stills where the male lead *lovingly* looks at the female lead
and taehee’s like ‘oh shit he looks serious’
but then the all but’s come in and shes back to being a chicken about her feelings
later into the night, the dreamies start to head home
as everyone bids their goodbyes, jaemin tries to kiss taehee’s cheek but she pulls away
“….you know you have to stop doing that right?”
“what?,” taehee baby,,you just hurt na jaemin’s feelings :((
“what will others think if they see us like this,,they’re going to think we’re in a relationship. what will your fans say?”
“but we’ve been like this since we were younger…you do this with the others too!!”
“but it’s different with you!”
“noona, can you please explain it properly because i don’t like…i don’t like talking with you as if we’re fighting”
“you’re so sweet and caring and- and…”
jaemin sighs, “and what?”
“jaemin, you don’t know what you’re doing. you’re so loving and i really appreciate it, but tone it down. please?”
jaemin looks down and taehee thinks their relationship is already fucked
“how can i do that if i like you noona?”
“what did you say?”
“i like you more than i should. i want to be your boyfriend, noona, and i’m ready to face whatever outcomes we will go through. i want to hold your hand and tell you i love you before we go to bed,,i want to cook with you and hug you and do all the cringey stuff with you!! i was trying to give you hints the other day but your pretty little head couldn’t get it”
a tear slips from taehee’s eyes making jaemin laugh softly
and he knows, he’s got her already
“huh?,” jaemin wipes her tears away, “why are you crying, baby?”
the pet name makes taehee laugh as she punches him weakly and proceeds to bury her face into his shoulder
“you’re so cheesy, i hate you”
“no you don’t”
“i do”
“you love me,” jaemin wraps his arms around taehee and leans his head on hers
taehee sighs, “okay”
jaemin smiles at her as he pulls away, “so this means you’re my girlfriend now, right?”
“yea ٩( ‘ω’ )و”
i see cheeks kisses happening a LOT more often 
off cam and on cam 
nctzens: they’re just friends!!! ^-^
whenever taehee would pass by, jaemin would suddenly pull her into his lap and taehee would have to struggle for a bit 
holds hands a lot 
there was this one vlive where jaemin was playing with taehee’s hands 
mark was talking about something,,apparently hyuck saw them being all sweet and lovey dovey 
he wanted to have taehee time too >:(((
so he RIPPED their hands apart and placed his arms around them and did ( ^ - ^ )
speaking of the members knowing,,,
obv renjun and mark would know first
shortly followed by chenji, hyuck, jeno, then the rest of the group respectively 
they all would be super happy for them ofc <33
found it endearing their anniversary is on new years 
the couple would DEFINITELY act cringey just to annoy jisung 
jisung in one of his voice only vlives: “these days jaemin hyung and taehee noona are so weird, REALLY. one day we were in a room together and tHey TalK sO WeiRd!! i had to leave the room”
you know that video of a girl holding her bf’s hand while he plays on the keyboard then she lets go of his hand but then the guy pulls the girls hand back and continues playing?
taehee would def do that for fun
but then get SUPER flustered when jaemin grabs her hand back
taehee would be immune to his aegyo
and even when jaemin knows that already he’ll still continue to use it ,,, BUT!!!
there are cheek kisses in the end which taehee will succumb to
jaemin @ taehee : <3 __ <3
obsessed to the point that’s all what she’s staring at even if jaemin asks for kisses
“sorry you just look so handsome wow im- wow…..”
taehee would do a live reacting to the dreamies’ aegyo
when it was jaemin’s turn she’d be like ???????
“i can’t believe i d- know this boy…..really”
coffee dates would be very sweet
if taehee was curious enough she would grow to be immune to jaemin’s coffee
would visit the dreamies a lot more when she’s free even if jaemin tells her she should rest
“noona only came for jaemin hyung :(((“ - park jisung, who is also in need of his noona’s attention
“what?? i love all of the jaemins and non jaemins equally (*´꒳`*)”
“she’s using twitter slang again”
but there are times where jaemin’s really stern and like: don’t come to the dorms u. need. to. REST!!!
so they facetime each other instead!!!
the reason why jaemin would scold her a lot bc he notices taehee falling asleep when she visits them so 1) they don’t get to spend *time* with each other properly 2) she’s not getting the PROPER rest she deserves
therefore jaemin values the health of taehee very much
jaemin would L O V E taking taehee’s pics
would set her as his phone wallpaper AND desktop wallpaper
would def ask her for an album pc (esp. the punch one) and would keep it in his phone case
overall taehee and jaemin would be a vvvv cute couple
it’s like their kdrama-like relationship turned into a LITERAL kdrama,,,except the sad parts
taehee would be very supportive on her part as jaemin would be the literal caring, sweet, cute, lovable boyfriend she needs
he just wants to look out for her ;(
“you know i love you right?”
“yes i know (⌒▽⌒)”
“like really really R E A L L Y love you?”
“i know, jaemin. i hope you know i love you just as much (*´-`)”
“i know that, love. now sleep, you still have an early schedule tomorrow”
“okay,,i love you…goodnight, baby”
“good night, my love. i’ll see you in my dreams (*´ω`*)”
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huehnerkoenigin · 6 years
hello :) if you don't mind me asking, did you and your gf knew each other before, outside tumblr? if not, how did you start dating? i'm asking because i think i fell for my internet best friend and i wonder if maybe you had similiar experience.
(oh. it’s kinda interesting that i’ve never ever saw this ask, because tumblr mobile, what i’m using the most, isn’t showing me anything (〃ω〃)) and, i don’t mind - why i should? even if you weren’t serious at all, i’m not even to close to embarassed that i call this cute girl mine. we met outside of tumblr seven years ago. and, it all started on a cosplay convention, yay! we became friends, good friends after a while. we were four people, my ex-girlfriend and one close friend we still see to this day. we had the best conection to each other, from the begining. laughing about unfunny jokes and bounding with stuff we were talking about (like, oh, you ship the same couples, i thought i were the only one who likes this - and sometimes serious topics). back in 2016 we came together, after i already broke up with my ex-girlfriend and we started to work things out - as a couple. sorry for the wall of text, but i’d like to say something at this point. it’s easier and nicer for the relationship that both want to work things out - to fight, to argue and then find a solution. talk to each other, tell her/him how you feel, listen to them in reply. don’t put them in some kind of cage or set rules for your relationship. if something bothering you at all, tell them. and don’t be some kind of ruler, who enjoys setting rules and see the other in pain. Tell them and be serious with what they tell you. it’s about both. it’s sounds silly, but that’s why i choose her. i’d choose her again and again. that’s why i married her. because we’re free. free together.
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kanasmusings · 6 years
I love reading your thoughts on your favourite songs! From everything that you've posted about Tsukipro, I've been wondering about the songs you like so yay! I'm new to the fandom so I'm glad you answered my ask, now I'm gonna go listen to all those songs. XD Okay! Next question, top 5 favourite Tsukipro Characters and why?
First of all, welcome to the TsukiPro fandom  ~ヾ(・ω・) I hope you’re havingfun!I’m so glad you enjoyed reading my thoughts on myfavorite songs XD 
I’ll put the answer under the cut for length asusual ^^
Here we go  ヾ(☆▽☆)
Number1: Sakuraba Ryota (Growth) (hence the username XD)
Lol aside from the fact that he’s voiced byYamashita Daiki, I really love everything about Ryota. I like how he looks andhis personality. Oh! Fun fact about me is that the very first TsukiPro unit Ilistened to (aside from Tsukiuta) was Growth ^^
Ryota’s personality is complex to the point thateven he himself knows what part of his personality he should work on but hedoesn’t know how to fix it lol. He’s very self-aware but doesn’t know howto hold himself back sometimes. He has a sharp tongue usually but he’s veryloving and protective of those that he cares about (specially Koki XD) I thinkhe’s a very well-written character and I love that. He’s not afraid of achallenge and will do anything he can to help his friends. I also really likethe fact that he’s so tsundere aroundMamoru~ It’s also funny how he’s such a neat-freak and how much he’s afraid ofbugs. Like, he even threatened to never forgive Mamoru if he uses bugs to scarehim lolol.
Number2: Kuga Issei (QUELL)
The first time I saw Issei I knew I’d love him! Alsobecause Shuugo. He loves QUELL so much I don’t even know how to react tothe pureness that is Issei’s personality. 
What I really find appealing about him though isthe fact that he wants to learn and experience a lot of things. He doesn’t wantto just rely on anyone all the time because he fears that he’ll never learn tobe independent if he does (aww bby ) It’s also cute how he likes takingpictures because he says that it’ll make happy memories last longer. It’s alsoreally cute how he’s Ichiru’s “voice of reason” XD
He’s a really innocent child who just wants to provehimself useful to the people he really loves. And I just, wow, I really admirethat about him.
Number3: Satsuki Aoi (SIX GRAVITY)
Aoi was my first ever bias in Tsukiuta. Mostlybecause he’s voiced by KENN lol. But after listening to the Tsukiuta drama CDs,I noticed how cute he is and how hardworking and loving he is towards the othermembers and so I just started to like his character a lot. His friendship withArata is very cute, too, and I like their dynamic. It’s also really cute how he’svery close to both Yoru and You as well. (Nenchuu for the win!!) 
On aside note, I really love Jonin Tatsuki when he acts as Aoi XD He’s cute andrefreshing and always doing his best lolol. Even though he’s still so shy at doingfan-service from time to time (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Yumemigusa’s still my favorite play because it focuses a lot on Nenchuu-gumi.
Number4: Kagurazaka Soshi (SOARA)
Papa Soshiiiiiiiiiiiiii is the best thing to happento SOARA. Lol, I’m joking. I like how responsible and mature he is and how he’sso caring towards the members. I don’t know how he can manage to handle andtolerate Sora AND Nozomu but it seems like he enjoys doing it anyway. One ofthe things I really love about him is how brotherly he is towards Ren and howmuch he loves SOARA. He’s mild-mannered but can hold his ground duringadversity and yet he’s childish, too, from time to time. One funny thing Iremember about him though is how Mamoru thought that Soshi was already of legalage to drink when they first met (the 2016 setting) because he seemed so “mature”and “adult-like” according to Mamoru.
I also like how he enjoys teasing Sora because it’salways funny listening to their arguments in the drama CDs  ∑d(°∀°d)
Heappears so cool and tough outside but really, he’s just a big teddy bear wholikes looking out for his children brothers XD
Number5: Izumi Shu (QUELL)
This was really a hard choice because I love everyone of them but I’ll have to say Shu. Nozomu was a close choice, though. He’s such a doting dad lol. I love howmuch he loves QUELL and how he wants people to notice not only him but theother members as well. He’s so nice and sincere and it’s always great seeing a malecharacter saying unashamedly to others that he loves them or that he caresabout them. Like, he doesn’t even hesitate at all and there’s none of that “but we’re both guys” crap. He’s even happy to be called “Dad” and didn’t react negatively when Eichi compared his role in QUELL to being like a wife. (I’ll have that drama track translated soon, don’t worry XD) It’s so refreshing to see boys having a deep friendship with none of that “no-homo” stuff (o´∀`o)
Shu’s a really refreshing character to me and that’swhy I can’t help but have him on my favorites list. He’s hard-working andearnest and wants the best for the people he calls his family. It’s also niceto see how much he’s willing to open up to Issei and Ichiru and how comfortablehe is around Eichi. It’s always heart-warming seeing them act as a familyspecially considering how the twins’ and Shu’s circumstances were before theybecame QUELL.
Whew~ That got a little longer than I expected but I hope you enjoyed reading ^^
As usual, everyone’s free to message me or send me an ask to fangirl about our TsukiPro boys XD I’d be really happy to talk with new fansヽ(o^ ^o)ノ
If you have more questions, Anon, don’t hesitate to ask me ^^ I find it really fun doing this (*´▽`*)
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sehoglows-blog · 7 years
its not all shits and giggles (chp. one)
yg vs sm groupchat
milkbunsehuu: baek
chanchan: he’s not here rn, at work, but whats up boo?
milkbunsehuu: idk not much. like, jongin got me hard again.
chanchan: why is our name still called yg vs sm
chanchan changed the group name to sekai initiation
milkbunsehuu: yeol. yeol. yeol. stop calling him kai.
baekiepoo: im of work sluts. yeol get ur ass over here take me home.
milkbunsehuu: why is the bottom saying this and *off
chanchan: ur a bottom too sehunnie
baekiepoo: how do u know i dont switch
chanchan: LMAO NO
milkbunsehuu: right because, “y-yeol, fuck pleasepleaase let me come oh shit. oh fuckk” is SUCH a switch
baekiepoo: oh shiete
you heard tht?
milkbunsehuu: yeah bb, i fell asleep and when i woke up i needed to take a piss so i walked 2 the bathroom n heard that shit
chanchan: fuck
baekiepoo: you should’ve joined つ´Д`)つ
milkbunsehuu: uhm no. ew ion wanna see that mess
chanchan: we all know you like being wrecked bby
baekiepoo: wait
can i add someone?
he doesnt have many friends and he goes to our school!! please??
milkbunsehuu: who?
chanchan: sure
milkbunsehuu: i am so sure you saw me ask who
baekiepoo: yay!!!! its a guy named jongdae. he’s v nice and from China!!!
baekie added jongbae to the groupchat sekai initiation
jongbae: uh hi~
milkbunsehuu: hii
chanchan: dont be shy.
im chanyeol.
call me yeol.
thats sehun he has relationship problems with Jongin.
jongbae: i already know u guys. baek told me about you.
chanchan: do u know about sehun’s daily masturbation sessions infront of his roomie.
jongbae: dont u think he heard?? i mean…
milkbunsehuu: that might be why
he hates me so much
baekiepoo: dumbass!!! dumbassss! u gotta apologize.
jongbae: what’s ur roommates name?
milkbunsehuu: yixing.
jongbae: omg!! ik hiM!! he’s so chill.
milkbunsehuu: he HATES me. like seriously. (T⌓T)
chanchan: not the emojis. pls no.
baekiepoo: u’d better get used to it.
jongbae: lemme talk 2 him.
jongbae: yixing!! yixing!!
dinoxing: whats up?
jongbae: ik your roommate!!
dinoxing: oh ew. ew. ew. how??
jongbae: im in a chat with him!! he’s super nice.
dinoxing: oh? he keeps jacking his cock in front of me so like
sekai initiation
jongbae: he knows
baekipoo: you’ve been found out kid! go run. get a room transferrr.
chanchan: add him!!! HURRY JONGDAE.
jongbae added dinoxing to the chat
dinoxing: Sehun.
milkbunsehuu: IM SORRY.
dinoxing is typing...
chanchan: ur done for. me andw im gonna go pick up baekhyun.
baekhyun: u mean u havent been coming voer?
jongbae: voer
dinoxing: Okay so like, I know you have this huge ass crush on Jongin and shit and you know that he’s my friend and all, but you can’t keep on masturbating in front of me like that. Usually I wouldn’t have a problem with it but holy fuck you’re such a bottom that it’s a tiny bit of a turn-on and I don’t wanna get hard. So, can you go into our bathroom and beat off? That’s helpful. Oh, and, I haven’t told Jongin so ur lucky. (´・ω・`)
jongbae: too much words~
dinoxing: not even that many
milkbunsehuu: uh thanks?? ill go to the bathroom to beat off?? just dont hate me.
dinoxing: why did you think i hated you?
milkbunsehuu: because you give me death stares and scowling and i hear u whispering about me.
to ur friends.
on the phone.
five times.
how many friends do u fucking have?
dinoxing: well there’s minseokie, there’s junmyeon, satansoo, and jongin, i didnt tell him tho.
milkbunsehuu: shit. whyyyyy??????
dinoxing: uhm. go fucking masturbate idk.
jongbae sent a gif <img src="http://i.imgur.com/lOwiVsp.gif"/>
dinoxing: u meme.
milkbunsehuu: why did u???
dinoxing: im adding them.
milkbunsehuu: dont bitch.
dinoxing: fineee. l8ter
milkbunsehuu: no never
im going home. keep the door open.
chanchan: are u saying u were texting during class? bad sehunnie.
milkbunsehuu: are you saying u were texting n driving??
chanchan: stfu im dRIVING SJDALGSJ FUCGHK
dinoxing: if he's dead i want his room
baekiepoo: so u fuck good i presume?
dinoxing: yes why i have a bf u homewrecker
baekiepoo: chanyeol + death + new roommate = me needing a new boyfriend to fuck
oh wait he's here ur lucky
 Sehun walked into his dorm room with a sigh to see Yixing sitting on the couch watching a new episode of  some drama on TV. He didn’t really know what to say to Yixing because of the weird series of texts they just had, but he was at least glad class was over. He set down his books onto their kitchen counter and went into the fridge to look for something to snack on, like an apple, because he had dance class in an hour and he didn't want anything to really take over too much time. He settled on a small cheese dish and platter from Publix and as he was walking out, Yixing was staring at him, amused.
 “Sehun-ah. Come here.” Sehun stared at the black haired boy before walking over to him warily. "Bitch, walk quicker, I don't bite." Sehun wanted to retort but instead he walked over to the couch Yixing was sitting on, Yixing motioned for the boy to sit on his lap and Sehun hesitated. "Are you serious?" Yixing reached for his hand and latched onto to it, he pulled him down onto his lap and held him there. "Now kid, let's talk. Why do you like Jongin so much?" Sehun though for a moment, chuckling awkwardly as he messed around with his jacket string.
 "Well, for one, he's a spectacular dancer and, uhm, well he's really hot. Have you seen the kid? Jesus Christ he's so cute. And I may have saw him naked, he has a big dick, but that's not the whole important part, there's also the fact that he's actually really nice to me. T-the few times we talked, he was nice.”
 Yixing nodded his head, "So...you saw his dick?"
 Sehun stuttered and turned to look at him, "N-no, it's not like that. I mean, I walked in on him after dance practice because I needed my deodorant and I left it in there, and I'm really clumsy and stuff and I fell and when I looked up i could see inside the stall and I saw his...cock." Yixing nodded and checked his watch.
 "I have an idea, so you can like, talk to him better. I know you don't really talk because he always calls you, 'that weird kid in my dance class.'" Sehun's face fell, is that really how he felt about him? That one weird kid, okay that's great. Amazing, actually.
Sehun was hurt, he wouldn't admit it but Jongin's validation is really all that he cares about.
 "What's your idea?" Sehun asked, begging to Yixing to help him even after he obviously bugged him with his "sessions" but he wasn't really begging Yixing himself. He just wanted Kai.
 "If you want to know all you gotta do is add my friends to the groupchat, minus Jongin." Sehun bit his lip, he didn't know his friends, but it really couldn't be that much harm, now could it?
 "Fine then, now what's your idea?" Yixing showed him his watch.
 "Get to dance practice, you might miss Jongin." He smirked as Sehun struggled to get off of his lap.
"I'll be back later!" And he ran out the door. Yixing laid back against the couch and sighed, he turned over and looked at the television sullenly before getting up to grab a snack.
“Alright class, today we will be looking at our dances from last week and reviewing them! Now, you remember than you were separated into groups for your duo, so you won’t be reviewing your own dance, and it’s a group project!” The class broke out into whispers as the students contemplated the what group they wanted to be in, “Students! I’ll be choosing your groups.” The class groaned as their teacher reached into her bag, pulling out a sheet of paper with names on it.
 Sehun didn’t really pay attention until the teacher called Jongin’s name, and then his name followed, which made Sehun make a tiny whimper sound, Jongin scooted over to him and the teacher gave him a disk with what Sehun guessed was someone’s dance.
 “Also, students, you will be doing a whole project on this! So, yes, I want poster boards and a nice report on the dance itself, and techniques that could have been used to make it better! Now go discuss.”
 Sehun turned to look at Jongin, he was quickly tapping away on his phone before shutting it off and looking at Sehun. “Alright. Let’s get this over with.
sekai initiation
dinoxing: can i add my friends now?
baekiepoo: did sehun say u could, i added yeol and he got upset
dinoxing: yeah dw. we talked about it.
chanchan: so u tried to get w/ my bby???? @dinoxing
dinoxing: no
chanchan: sure u did. i can scroll up…
baekiepoo: ur an idiot yeol did u even READ it
chanchan: … nvm im an idiot
dinoxing: ik
dinoxing added marshmallow™, mom, satansoo to the groupchat sekai initiation
marshmallow™: oh new people hihihihihi
satansoo: who the fuck
mom: sekai?? what’s a sekai??
dinoxing: sehun’s groupchat, idk where he is right now.
marshmallow™: the masturbating roommate? the one who masturbates to jongin?? who’s kai???
baekiepoo: oh thats my fault, see, i didnt know his name because sehun wouldnt tell us so i called him Kai. after that singer idk.
chanchan: ^^^
marshmallow™: and who are you people?
baekiepoo: bitch we could say the same to u whores we’re the originals. jongdae added yixing and thne BADBVAFM BAM!
milkbunsehuu: im gonna die
satansoo: not important right now masturbater
mom: soo dont be mean
okay hii! im junmyeon. im now ur mom.
satansoo: im kyungsoo. i hate you~
dinoxing: omg he used a ~
satansoo: i wanted to rhyme
dinoxing: bs ur cute admit it
mom: yixing dont harass him babe
chanchan: mooore couples!!
mom: yeah me and yixing are an item
baekiepoo: WAIT
jongbae: gasp shocker!
mom: oh yeah i dont talk much
marshmallow™: unless he’s drunk or lecturing. like at last weeks party
dinoxing: y weren’t u guys at jongin’s party?? he has one like every fucking week
baekiepoo: we’re unpopular we dont get invited
chanchan: ^^^
milkbunsehuu: ^^^
jongbae: yeah pretty much
satansoo: pathetic
milkbunsehuu: says the fucking egghead
milkbunsehuu: U’VE BEEN IN MY DORM
marshmallow™: i want intros from “the originals”
baekiepoo: im baekhyun im amazing i have a tight ass (not as nice as sehun’s tho) nice af legs and fabulous hair?? my bf’s yeol and he’s the best.
chanchan: im tall
im also a fucking yoda
i rap
milkbunsehuu: uhm
marshmalow™: we already know u yixing was telling us about u
dinoxing: sozzz
jongbae: hii im jongdae and i like candy!!!
santansoo: i like this one 4 minseok
marshmallow™: o ya im minseok and i like jongdae already!
milkbunsehuu: i got jongin’s number.
link to rest of story: click here
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osakaso5 · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tamaki Yotsuba Birthday Photobook Rabbit Chat Part 3: Tamaki And His Senior Idols
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for gathering here today..! This project was created to show more of Tamaki-san's true nature as a way to commemorate the release of the Tamaki Photobook. 
Tsumugi: I'm sure you must be busy, but I'd like for you to talk as you usually do. We'll be in your care! 
Tamaki: Yea, I'll be in your care. 
Momo: Tamaki~~! It's Momo-chan~~!! Can you tell?? 
Tamaki: Yes, I can. 
Yuki: And I'm your beloved Yuki-chan. 
Tamaki: Yes. 
Gaku: Hey,  what's up with Yotsuba... Where'd his usual attitude go? 
Tenn: Perhaps he's trying to act serious. 
Ryunosuke: I think he's fine the way he usually is, though! I want to be called "aniki" again. 
Tamaki: Can I act normal? 
Yuki: Go ahead. 
Tamaki: Yay. 
Ryunosuke: Can we share our thoughts on the Tamaki Photobook!? 
Momo: Ryu's way too excited, lololol
Tamaki: Did my pics get you excited, Ryu-aniki? 
Ryunosuke: Huh!? 
Yuki: Crap. I can't stop laughing
Momo: For the record, Yuki's laughing so hard that both the sofa and me are shaking over here.
Tenn: You don't have to tell us every little detail. 
Gaku: For the record, Tenn's shoulders are shaking over here (lol)
Tenn: I'll remember this later, Gaky
Momo: A typo, lolol
Tamaki: Heeeyyy Weren't these guys supposed to say what they thought about my book!!! 
Tsumugi: P-please go ahead..! 
Momo: Sorry, Tamaki!!! Then, let's start with the cover--! 
Tamaki: That's the morning shot--
Ryunosuke: As expected of Most Desired Embrace  No.5! I think you might outrank me soon. 
Yuki: No.2 over here doesn't seem too bothered by that. 
Gaku: I'm not giving up my No.1 spot, though. 
Tenn: I'm sure you'll be dependent on that title no matter how old you get. 
Gaku: Huh? 
Momo: Ah! Also, there was the one where you got a Cocona-chan plushie from a crane game, right?? You looked super happy in that shot, it was so cute~~! 
Tamaki: Well yeah. Nagicchi asked me to do it
Tamaki: He called me a god
Ryunosuke: I already left a comment on that picture, but you really are good at that kind of stuff, Tamaki-kun! I'm not really good at those  things, so I respect you for that. 
Tamaki: Do you suck at games, Ryu-aniki? 
Gaku: He's not great. This one time we happened to stop by at an arcade, and he almost missed all the notes on this drum banging game (lol)
Momo: Even though he's an idol!! 
Tamaki: Can't you get into the rhythm, Ryu-aniki
Ryunosuke: I can, but my hits were still off... 
Yuki: I know the feeling, Ryunosuke-kun. 
Tenn: Aren't people who are good at games more rare than people who aren't? 
Tamaki: So are Momorin and me the only ones here who are good at them? 
Yuki: Maybe. Momo  can be so quick with his fingers that my eyes can't even follow him. 
Momo: So it's just the two of us--!! Isn't that nice, Tamaki! ☆彡
Tamaki: Heheh. If there's anything you want me to get from a crane for you, ask me anytime
Gaku: That's your specialty, huh (lol)
Ryunosuke: Then, let's go to an arcade together! Don't you have a plushie you want, Tenn? When I had that teddy bear for work, you stared at it a lot. 
Tenn: Ryu, you've just stepped into a landmine. 
Ryunosuke: Huuh!? 
Tamaki: Manager, ask me everyone's questions now
Tamaki: I'll answer anything
Tsumugi: Yes! Understood. Here they are! 
1. Let's go to a sweets buffet again. I know a good place.
Tamaki: I wanna know if Tenten's stomach is a black hole, so let's do it. I'm not gonna lose
2. Do you have a favorite sport? I'd like to try it together with you!
Tamaki: Hmm, basketball. Wanna have a 1-on-1? 
3. Do you play farming games?
Tamaki: Ah, nah. They make me sleepy and I only wanna buy stuff that doesn't take long to grow
Tamaki: Everyone who likes me after reading my book raise your hands
Momo: ノシ
Yuki: ノシ
Tamaki: What's that? 
Ryunosuke: Gift wrap (1)? 
Yuki: Momo, we've been feeling a generational gap  more and more lately
Momo: Could it be: an outdated meme
Tenn: They're waving a hand in agreement. 
Tenn: (・ω・)ノシ
Tsumugi: Ooh..! I see! 
Gaku: So you didn't get it either, Tsumugi... 
Tamaki: So that means Momorin and Yukirin like me now
Gaku: Dumbass, everyone here feels that way. 
Tamaki: You say pretty cool things, Gakkun... 
Tamaki: Crap, I'm kinda embarrassed now
Momo: Ah geez!! We always loved you, Tamaki!! Let's play games together again sometime!! 
Yuki: That's right. I hope you'll grow up to have pectorals as gropable as Ryunosuke-kun's. 
Ryunosuke: Me!? 
Tenn: Senpai, please stop it with the sexual harassment. 
Yuki: Oh no, it's just skinship. 
Yuki: You've got a promising future ahead of you, in more ways than one. You're still young. Make sure to gather all sorts of experience and become an even more radiant idol. 
Tamaki: What should I do? I wanna change more
Gaku: Don't forget your real self. You don't have to become anyone else. Just keep going your own way. 
Tamaki: I'm scared that I'll fail
Tamaki: 'Cuz my dad was a scumbag. I'm scared unless someone tells me that I'm going the right way
Tsumugi: Tamaki-san... 
Gaku: It's fine, Yotsuba. If you ever go the wrong way, we'll pull you where you need to go. So you just do what you want to do. 
Tsumugi: Once before, you were the one who pulled me up on stage by the hand, Tamaki-san. It may not have been an appropriate thing to do, but I was very happy. Happy that you let me share that incredible feeling with you. 
Tsumugi: You're such a kind person, Tamaki-san. 
Tamaki: Cut it outtt---
Tamaki: I don't have any tissues in my room right now so I don't wanna cry... 
Tamaki: But, thanks. I'm glad I met everyone. 
Tamaki: I'll keep going my own way
Translator’s notes..? 
1) ryu thinks momo and yuki are typing the word 熨斗 (meaning a long, thin strip of paper that’s tied around a gift) in katakana here
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candies-and-sweets · 7 years
As like a drawing??? (*~*) idk(for genderbend Camilla) I don't want to bother you....
You’re not bothering me, the ask box is always open, I just cannot always guarantee that I will fulfill a request. 
To be fair though, I was about to delete your first ask but decided to answer it instead. Just bear with me for a while? Maybe? =)
I’m honestly not intending on making feel you or anyone bad, I just want to give you a chance to understand my feelings. I generally believe that talking and speaking is more useful than making that angry flame inside grow. So!
I came back home and I was really tired. When I saw that there was something in the ask box, I was hoping that it would be something nice. 
But instead I saw some words that were thrown in there. Of course I knew what you meant! It’s just that… Drawing a request may take several hours of my time. And I’m always asking myself:
Am I willing to spend these hours on a drawing for a person whose name I do not even know?
The main point being, I’m happy when I get requests, especially for characters that I know and love. But you can further heighten your chances if you show that YOU care as well. Because nobody can guarantee that I will ever hear a thank-you, especially when someone is on Anon. In fact, I have noticed that as an artist, I (generally) receive less gratitude when I offer something for FREE. That’s how life is, people value things that they have to pay for. The free stuff is just free, yay.
I know that artists on tumblr accept these kinds of requests all the time. And that’s good I suppose. But think about how much happier you could make them by actually showing that you CARE.
I’m hoping that by explaining myself things will get better for us both! 
Who knows, maybe someone will read this and make an artist somewhere out there really happy!
Also, I would LOVE to draw genderbend Camilla for you! (I saw some male Camillas out there they were really amazing (♥ω♥ ) ~♪) That sounds really fun! I just need to do some other things first so that may take a while. 
So yeah, that was my long way of saying yes.
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oisugasuga · 7 years
Tagged by: @wakatooshi-kun, thank you lovely<3
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs.
A - age: ugh, 23 B - birthplace: kentucky C - current time: 2:19 p.m. D - drink you had last: iced green tea latte E - easiest person to talk to: my sisters and my parents definitely, but also some really close friends that i’ve known since we were five F - favorite song: STOP ASKING ME THIS QUESTION DAMN IT too hard to choose, so pass G - grossest memory: ummm, i guess when i fell running and took the skin off my entire right knee... sorry for the image, i know it’s gross H - horror yes or no: yes, definitely, i used to read so many horror novels when i was younger and i’m always down for a good horror movie (it’s not my favorite genre, but it’s fun to watch with friends so you can be scared together lol) I - in love? eh, not yet J - jealous of people? i try not to be, but i do have my days K - killed someone? lol, why is this always a question?? (the answer’s no btw) M - middle name: don’t have one N - number of siblings: 2 O - one wish: to make a difference P - person i called last: my youngest sister Q - question you’re always asked: what are you? (again, for anyone who doesn’t know, i’m mixed, dad’s from india, mom’s from kentucky, and i get that question all the time) R - reasons to smile: lots of things tbh, but right now, because i got a job straight after graduation (。>ω<)。 T - time you woke up: i was up until 3 watching alien: resurrection (which i hated btw, sorry to all you alien fans... i’ve never watched any of the movies but the new one looked interesting so i dabbled... and then i regretted) and then i had to wake up at 8:30, so yay for sleep deprivation for the second night in a row  U - underwear color: black V - vacation: japan or ireland W - worst habit: i get overly critical of my own work when i read other really great writing, so it’s sometimes exhausting when i obsess over everything i write afterwards and/or get down on myself about stuff i’ve written in the past X - xrays: just for the dentist and orthodontist Y - your favorite food: seafood definitely, but i also really love glass noodles and chili paste pork and naan and mac n’ cheese and fish curry and literally anything else you can think of (those were just dishes i thought of on the spot) Z - zodiac sign: virgo<3
Gonna tag: sorry to do this again, but i tag anyone who follows me!! i’m trying to make time to write the next chapter of tshoe so i’m rushing
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levusska · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
i’ve been tagged by @etherealbatwing! 💓 Thank you! It’s a great opportunity to know someone :г
1. Nickname: Leva mostly, sometimes it’s Lev, sometimes even kitty to precious ones, and how cheesy is that ;;;;;;
2. Star sign: Cancer!
3. Height: 5′ 8′’ (173 cm) ((questions like this always reminds me that I was tallest girl in my class back at school, heh))
4. Time right now: 8:33 pm (+3 gmt, and I miss all the fun on tumblr always because of the timezones, hahah ;;;;)
5. Favorite music artist: There’s too many to list, I depend on music so hard... But I guess I’ll remember the last ones I listened a lot, and that will be: Audace, Mogwai, Asgeir, Hyukoh, Metronomy, La Dispute, Mewithoutyou, Hotel Books (I’m going through phase with this whole “speaken word” genre, and at the same time I always loved instrumental music the most)
6. Song stuck in your head: this one! It’s really warm and have a stichy tune, in a good sense :з
7. Last Movie Watched: Les Choristes, it’s such a heartwarming story about teaching kids, but at first I refused to watch it and my friend who came over with this film literally forced me to, hahahh c:
8. Last tv show/anime watched: TV show - Sherlock Holmes BBC, anime - I think it will be Mob Psycho 100?... I don’t watch serial things too often 
9. What are you wearing right now: black jeans, banana socks, and  black evagelion sweatshirt, the one with EVA-01 on it ^^
10. When did you create your blog: uhh back in 2012, if I remember it correctly. I just started a new blog to post my drawings here, but even nowadays I do it occasionally
11. What kind of stuff do you post: my art and from now on everything that catch my eye for one or another reason, mostly it’ll be other artists and Mystic Messenger stuff, I’m too deep in this fandom ^^
12. Do you have any other blogs: only main blog ((yeaaah this is side one)), but I don’t post there anymore
13. Do you get asks regularly: Nah, I’m loner, maybe only sometimes people will ask me something like permission for reposting or stuff like that. So write me anything pls I’m even doing requests for this reason hahah
14. Why did you choose your url: It’s a wordplay in russian which I refuse to explain (^~^;)ゞ
15. Gender: ima gurl ;з but depending on mood/situation I can go with male role
16. Hogwarts House: pottermore told me that I’m from ravenclaw!
17. Pokemon Team: team aqua ant team plasma!! Did I mentioned that I’m nerd for pokemons? A game series that was with me from childhood (*゚∀゚*)
18. Favortie Color: I LOvE ALL THE COLORS. ALL COLORS ARE BYOTIFUL. But if in case of clothing, I guess it’ll be black, green and violet
19. Average hours of sleep: usually around 6, but I’m a hard sleeping kid and on vacations I can maximilize it to like 9 hours!! YAY 
20.Lucky numbers: 7, 9 and 13
21. Favorite characters: TOUGH ONE...... It’s impossible to count and memorize all of them!! But at least honorable mentions goes to Jumin Han, Jihyun Kim, Saeyong Choi, Reigen Arataka, Karamatsu and Ichimatsu Matsuno, Chloe Price, and Misato Katsuragi   ฅ(*°ω°*ฅ)
22: How many blankets do you sleep with: I’m good with one, but in cold winter times like now it’s 2 with my both cats all over me (*´∀`*)
23: Dream Job: I always wanted to hold my own book- or art- shop, also wanted to study animation and become a good animator, but dreams are only dreams... I consider that I can be a translator (hhnnngh I’m studing korean for almost a year now), or a vet, because I already graduated from medical school, and if I want to study veterinary, it’ll be easy since first two years in university practically the same x) They say dream big, well, here I am
24: Following: 436 (ah, i love artists and generally people here)
I didn’t wanted to tag anyone, because I’m not sure of how people will react to it, maybe you don’t like such things at all... ^^”’ But recently I don’t miss even single post from the following ones - @internalscreeching, @peekabooitsmiko, @jaenabi.... If you will feel like it, I want to know more about you! If you’re not, it’s totally okay too, just think that all I wanted to say that I appreciate your blogs and your art a lot! 💕
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frankiethezombie · 7 years
Internship adventures! Part 1/?
Since last week, I’ve been in an internship and working with @sihaofskyhold! This is of course a part of our game developer training, and we’ll be working on a new game project (we’re doing pretty much everything), yay! Being a pixel art lover, I’ve been asked to take care of the whole visual of the game and damn, it's so scary! Also, I have to use Photoshop cc, which would have been great if I knew a damn thing about the program! But I did learn a few things: - color wheel is for pussies. In Photoshop cc, we do color picking on a ridiculously small bar, like real warriors. - making said color wheel appear is supposed to be achieved with ridiculous manipulation and/or shortcuts. Also, none of these solutions works. - webmasters of color scheme designer be too lazy to make a damn redirect on the new, functioning website(paletton.com). There is a link. Grey over dark. Some people know I like to complain (sorry (^_^;)), but I've decided to balance this little rant with all the good things happening in this internship: - Paletton is actually saving my life, it's great!!(ノ^o^)ノ - I might get my hands on Aseprite. My bosses are happy to get it if it makes my work easier for me (。・ω・。) - The project we're working on is so cute, I die of cuteness every time I work on the sprites! - It's scary, but I'm learning so much about what I can do! - Also, having your boss telling you he likes your crappy art feels nice! (*´∀`*) - Books! On level design, team leadership, art, and game creation in general! - I made a Steven Universe playlist to go with the mood of the game 💖 - I get to work with an Intuos 4! I swear working with good material does wonder! - Two motherfucking screens! - Both bosses are nice. That's a huge plus (。・ω・。) - Free passes to the next Made In Asia Brussels! - Might sound stupid, but we're allowed to drink and eat near our computers! (It was forbidden during our training) So yeah, big changes for me, and I'm gonna make it work! *Will update later with more good stuff 💖 Hugs to you all (づ^ ³^)づ
0 notes
moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
The Chocobros going to the chocobo moogle carnival! (bonus if it's their first time attending one)
Actually, today was my very first time in the Chocobo Moogle carnival, as well! So I totally keep those bonus points. That you didn’t say were bonus points but I’m taking as bonus points anyway. Cause I can. Yay for first time in the carnival!
(Beware Keep Reading line for mobile users)
The first impressions when walking up into the carnival.
“Wha- what is going on now…? Look at all these people…( ‘’’o﹏o)”
“HOORAY, this means a lot of food, yo, guys! Betcha all I’ll get more prizes than you. o(○`ω´○)9 ”
“This seems like an unnecessary waste of money to me. But it does look like good entertainment. ( ̄︶ ̄)”
They tried to stay together at first.
They failed.
But let’s see what they did manage to do together first.
There was a happy, calm walk of the four around Altissia to look around, entertained and satisfied enough with only that.
Noctis was asked by someone in a Moogle costume to go do the moogle dance.
Noctis…is not a good dancer.
Prompto recorded everything.
Ignis is trying not to laugh and failing a bit because
Gladio’s bursting in laughter.
“Enough, you all! -`д´- “
Noctis won’t get a break from the guys constantly bringing it up as they continue going around.
They’re still walking just to see what pops up.
“What is it!? Troubles!? The Empire!?”
Ignis is in denial and lectures Prompto on how innapropiate and childish and silly that is and-
They end up buying identical outfits. 
Ignis will  never forgive them for making him wear that stupid hat with the fake pompom.
Ignis secretly loves his pompom hat.
There wasn’t a shirt Gladio’s size, but they still bought the biggest they found.
This is Gladio walking around in a tight crop top that’s not supposed to be a crop top.
It’s chocobo races.
Prompto wants to go first because he thinks he’s the best on it.
Prompto’s currently in the water. He fell off the chocobo mid-race.
They all insist Ignis gives it a go, but the man insist of refusing.
Ignis decides there will be no harm on trying once.
Ignis is not allowed back in the chocobo races because he just broke an impossible record and the kids are upset no one can beat it.
Do you have an idea of how many moogle theme stuff Gladio’s going to buy for Iris?
It’s ridiculous.
It was too much, Noctis has to start saving all the souvenirs in his magic storage.
The guys meet this guy that lost 15 baby chocobos and asks them to track them.
“CHOCOBO”    (୨ ●ꇴ●)୨
That was Prompto.
The party is going around Altissia looking at stalls and chocobos and different stuff while keeping in mind they’re searching for the little fellas.
They find one and it goes fine! ^ᴗ^
They spotted the second one across the water and on a lower level than the one they were in. 
Noctis suggested he warped to make it quicker.
Noctis took too long chasing the chocobo.
The guys decided to catch up with him.
They got lost.
Needless to say, when Noctis warped back they were gone.
While looking for Noctis, Prompto spots another chocobo.
Prompto’s tiptoeing towards it to catch it.
Gladio and Ignis are busy talking about what to do to find Noct to notice their other son friend is tiptoeing away.
Prompto ends up chasing the chocobo in silence for so long he doesn’t notice he goes too far away.
He gets lost.
It’s a mess.
Gladio and Ignis worry for a moment.
They get easily distracted with moogle-shaped and chocobo-shaped cotton candy.
They also get distracted at some game stalls in which Gladio’s endlessly breaking more records and winning endless plush toys and other souvenirs.
Ignis’ arms are full of stuff and toys.
They stop only for a moment while Gladio’s helping him with all the things.
“What is it, Iggy?”
“You know, Prompto’s lost on his own…Noct is wandering around on his own as well…and we two are together looking for them, with you on the lead and I following close.”
“It feels…oddly familiar.”
None of them can remember or say why, so they easily shrug it off and continue their oh so desperate seach for the other guys.
…they’re stopping at every game stall they find.
They’re also taking a gondola just to relax and stare at the beautiful city and carnival.
Day off from those two, thanks the astrals.
Noctis did try to look for the guys.
He ended up distracted cause a kid lost her ballons.
Noctis warped to recover them for her, but spotted another child in the same distress.
Noctis has somehow ended up gifting balloons.
“Isn’t this supposed to be somebody else’s work…?”
Noctis still tries to look for his friends.
He ended up too tired (mentally) to do that.
He’s too lazy for this shit.
Noctis is sat at a dock, fishing.
He doesn’t care anymore.
Prompto did catch that chocobo and made it return with the guy by the fountain.
Prompto tried going back on his steps to see if he found Gladio and Ignis, but no luck.
Prompto’s a bit stressed.
Prompto’s asking around if they’ve seen “A huge guy with a tiny shirt, a man of glasses with this ‘scary dad look’, or a black haired guy that can’t dance.”
Some people tell him Yes and send him places, but Prom doesn’t catch up in time with the others.
Prompto’s actually putting effort in looking for his friends.
But he’s very easily distracted by the baby chocobos.
His search for friends makes him inevitably walk up into the chocobos, and he loses time into catching them.
Prompto doesn’t know how to hold this many chocobos.
Prompto bought gyshals for them and gave each a try so they can stick to him without needing to carry them.
Prompto is currently walking around Altissia with a baby chocobo army walking behind him in a straight line.
Prompto became Chocobo mom.
Chocomom. Momcobo. He’s Mamocobo. Chocomama. 
Hahaha, chocomama, that sounds like the worst Final Fantasy rapper name ever.
Prompto’s not noticing he’s become a main interest point.
This blond guy with this carnival outfit walking around with like 10 baby chocobos walking behind him all lined up, omg, mom, take a picture! .A.
Prompto really is trying to find his friends, but now he’s also distracted by the people that walk up to him asking for photos.
Prompto spots Noctis later on.
The man already caught 20 fishes, 15 of which had prizes to them.
Prompto was so excited about finding him that he didn’t stop to think Noctis could warp towards him safely.
Instead, Prom threw himself to the water and swam over to him.
The chocobos are following.
They swim better than Prom, tbh.
Noct and Prom team up and start looking for the other pair.
They’re distracted by this guy in chocobo costume that asks Noct to do the chocobo dance.
“Why do they always ask me…?”
Prompto just recorded that too.
Noctis really can’t dance.
Prompto’s taking his turn.
The guy is ROCKING the chocobo dance.
Prompto’s adding his own movements.
Prompto just became main attraction again, dancing professionally with the guy in chocobo costume, with these other 14 chocobos around him.
“We’re supposed to be undercover, you know that, Prom?”
“And we are doing a FANTASTIC JOB! ╰(・∇・╰) “
Prompto really hasn’t noticed he’s like the star of the carnival.
Noctis is recovering balloons for so many kids, somebody help this man.
They find and chase the 15th chocobo.
It was a mess.
They ran, fell, stumbled, screamed, ran into glass doors, against walls, Noctis fell off a bridge into the water, Prompto ended up hanging from an edge, and the chocobo is enjoying of this.
But, hair messed, a hat lost, dirty and bruised, they recover the damn little ass.
They go give it back to the fountain guy, hoping maybe Gladio and Ignis are waiting there.
They weren’t.
The guy was grateful and gave them tokens, but Prom is just SO SAD right now.
The chocobos were so cute, he was Chocomom for a day, he misses the little idiots. (◞‸◟;)
Noctis feels bad for him.
Noctis is taking him to see the big chocobos.
Prompto’s frantically taking photos of everything, lots of selfies with Noct and chocobos, and enjoying of the sight.
Noctis tries to be the best friend and win a chocobo plush for Prom.
It’s a shooting game, you can’t expect Prom to stay still.
By the time Noct wins the chocobo plush for his friend and turns to see him, Prom just won 10 of those for himself.
It’s getting late, so they decide to keep looking for Gladio and Ignis.
Prom and Noct, still messed, soaked, dirty and bruised, catch up with them.
They’re in a restaurant.
Ignis is smiling.
Gladio’s busy chomping and chowing down this huge dish, while Ignis watches him saying something about being “impressed, this is your fifth dish, I’m not sure if I should be amazed or terrified”.
“…hey, guys.”
Gladio and Ignis turn to look at them and entirely freeze.
Gladio has this huge trail of noodles hanging from his mouth.
There’s an awkward silence.
Noct and Prom look at the huge bag filled of toys and badges, at Ignis hugged to this moogle toy, wearing a pair of toy, huge ass chocobo glasses, a bigger pompom hat, funny moogle face paint, and Gladio still with half-his-bite hanging from his mouth, bigger hat as well, brand new shirt, chocobo face paint and the hair braided with flowers.
“…a-ah, Noct, Prompto, we were so worried… (⌐▨_▨) ”
“Yeah, it looks like you were exhaustingly looking for us.”
“Oh yes, you have no idea, thank the gods we found you already.”
“Ignis, WE found you two.”
“AND in case you’re wondering, we fell into the water, got lost, wandered alone, chased a chocobo that made us run into walls and fall off bridges, while we’ve been looking for you two this entire time.”
There’s an awkward silence.
“Oh yes, we…were desperately looking for you two as well. We…won these…this is…all these are…to…sell…so we could set Missing posters up and…the dinner is…because…we were so worried…that…Gladio almost passes from the worry, and needed some-”
“The time is still counting, gentleman! You’ll be the first to finish the trial of all five dishes in only an hour and earn this dinner all for FREE! Don’t stop!”
Ignis is staring at the waiter in silence.
There’s awkward silence.
“…we may have gotten a little distracted, I admit.”
Gladio and Ignis spent the entire evening very nicely, tbh.
Well, the guys are reunited now.
So it’s time to visit THE ARENA!
Gladio’s first to try the one game of hitting the cactuar (sorry, non-english speaker here, not sure what the game’s called for you).
Gladio thinks it’s going to be easy.
Gladio requested they set the REAL cactuar and not the one for fair display.
Ignis is currently attending a 1000-needleed Gladio.
Noct tried with the for-entertainment-use catcuar.
He damn rocked the game.
The shooting game.
Of course, the guys sent their best player.
Maybe he got a bit too excited.
Maybe he just broke the mechanism out of excitement and accident.
BUT he won candies for all the gang!
Prompto’s going to be taking selfies of all four of them across the evening/night.
They’re having so much fun, omg, Square Enix, please let them be this happy forever.
Prompto’s also taking pics of them while they’re not seeing.
He likes to capture the real reactions/emotions.
He has this picture sequence,
Noct is smiling to the camera, Gladio’s giving his back.
Gladio’s turning around.
Gladio’s accidentally hitting Noct with the huge bag he’s carrying with souvenirs and toys.
Noct is falling back and Gladio’s waving at the camera.
Next picture is Gladio alone dropping the bag and trying to catch Noctis, who’s missing in the photo except for the tip of his foot that’s poking from behind the edge of the bridge.
Next picture is Gladio’s butt and legs at the edge of the bridge.
Next picture is nothing.
Next picture is Ignis laughing and pointing at Gladio and Noctis coming out of the water in the background.
Next photo is a selfie of Prom and Ignis laughing and pointing at Gladio and Noct still in background unaware of the photo, arguing.
These guys are a mess.
The fireworks!
The guys are pretty excited, sharing convos on the experience of the day.
Ignis is cleaning his glasses during all the gondola ride even though they’re already perfectly clean.
He doesn’t want to miss a single detail of the colors and lights.
The fireworks start.
The chocobros sometimes laugh in awe or clap or let out a little ‘Wow’, but there’s almost no words sharing between them.
Too busy looking at the stunning fireworks.
Prompto takes his camera out, but stops midway through putting it up.
Prompto snapped a picture of the fireworks, an individual photo for each of them, one of the bros without him, and a selfie of them all.
But that’s it, he put the camera away.
“Oii, Prompto” it’s Gladio speaking “this is so good, I’d thought you’d be dying to take photos of every second.”
“Nah, man. These are enough. I’d like to look at them myself, now. :)”
The chocobros are all in the most comfortable and bonding silence, looking up at the sky.
It’s stunning.
Best damn day EVER.
Lots of fun for the Chocoband! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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