#a novel by jet wolf
elegy-if · 10 months
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For the very first time in years, you’re met with the scent of fresh air. No antiseptic, no lingering smell of blood, still so thick you can practically taste it at just the memory of it. You’re not going back if it kills you. Which it very well might.
Nemisi is an 18+ modern horror/romance/urban fantasy interactive novel WIP. Play as a customizable MC, who’s on the run from Vicelie Labs.
The struggle between cosmic deities — now worshiped (or abhorred) as gods — tore its way into your planet not long before you were born. Unluckily for you, you were one of the first generations to be born exposed to Excinate, the name given to the radioactive-like sickness that comes from being exposed to magic not of your world. As your symptoms slowly got worse and worse, you were promptly ripped from your family after a doctor’s visit ushered on by your concerned parents. Since then, you’ve been shipped around and transported from facility to facility to be poked and prodded at.
Until now. No, now you’re free.
Aside from that lingering hunger for flesh you’ve had since becoming infected, of course. Just a little side effect from the radiation, along with a mouthful of jagged teeth and a jaw that can unhinge like a snake.
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Refs for RO skin tones can be found here!
Felix (he/she, bigender + bisexual): Curt, blunt, and too tired to deal with this mess, Felix really had no reason to suspect the lab next to gas station he works night shifts at had anything to hide. It’s not like the screams he heard coming from that direction were anything more than some kids messing around late at night, right? Besides, she'd met some of the employees of Vicelie Labs, and aside from the occasional lingering scent of blood, they seemed like just fine people. 
Okay, so maybe she did have a sneaking suspicion something was up. Not like he could do anything about it. Not until you show up, at least, crashing through the gas station door in such a tizzy you’d nearly run into it.
Tall and lanky, Felix often has a scowl spread across her face. He has tawny brown skin, dark brown eyes, and poorly bleached hair with quite a bit of jet black root growth. His hair is styled into a shaggy wolf cut, and of course one can’t forget the shitty stubble she’s refused to shave since it grew in. Felix has a body that might often be described as scrawny, or perhaps even gangly. A strong gust of wind could knock him over. Felix is most often seen in casual clothes; hoodies, band shirts, and jeans make up the majority of her wardrobe. Has several piercings; a bridge, septum, both nostrils, snake bites, and two eyebrow piercings side by side. She stands at 5’11” tall. Felix is trans no matter what. He will always use both he and she pronouns interchangeably. Please do not use they/them to refer to her.
Dr. Eden Neal (gender selectable, M/F/NB): Kind, but awkward. A doctor who didn’t know what they were getting into when applying for a job with Vicelie Labs. Fresh out of med school, the harsh reality of the labs was too much for them. They were assigned to examine you, and though it was hard to trust them at first (and even now) they were essential in your escape. 
While Eden seems to be a kind soul, your bitter side can’t help but wonder if their assistance in your escape was some cruel joke.
Combined with their soft, rounded features, Eden’s dark hair is in long braids, often pulled back out of their face into a ponytail. They have large golden brown eyes with thick eyelashes, and their skin is a deep brown, with a hint of a cool undertone. More soft than muscle, though they still have some tone and definition to their arms and back. It’s not easy work lifting and moving those heavy vats around the lab, after all. Eden is most typically seen in a lab coat, though they lean a bit more business casual once they start meeting up with you for check-ins after your escape. They stand at 5’4”, regardless of gender. Eden is black, with dark skin.
Sable (gender selectable, M/F/NB): A bit of an outcast, Sable is an extremely shy mortician, and one of your (limited) options for getting the flesh you so desperately crave. They spot you sneaking into the morgue one night, half lucid and drunk with the need for blood and flesh on your tongue. They offer to cut a deal with you — they’ll give you all the scraps and leftovers that they can get away with, so long as you give them any information you’ve picked up about the consequences of using cosmic magic. 
Are they seeking power, or just simply curious about the consequences of magic from a biological standpoint?
Sable is one of the tallest RO’s, standing at 6’2” regardless of gender. They have a bright shock of long, curly ginger hair, and their near ghostly pallor is covered in freckles and beauty marks. Most notably, they have beauty marks to the right of their bottom lip, as well as underneath their left eye. They have a long, roman nose with a prominent bridge and blue eyes. Their body is on the heavier side, with a soft stomach and thick thighs. Sable doesn’t dress to impress as they’re mostly surrounded by dead bodies, typically wearing neutral colored slacks and skirts. They occasionally spice things up with an interesting vest or tie, but are much too scared to stand out to do so often. They have circle glasses. Sable is plus size, with a pear shaped figure.
Eris (gender selectable, M/F/NB): A hired killer, and the only other option you have for sating your hunger besides Sable. You meet Eris as you’re hiding away from Vicelie Labs in Eden's apartment, drawn to the smell of blood from them finishing up one of their “contracts” in the apartment next door. It’s a mess of guts and gore, and you can’t stop yourself from indulging. After a moment of awareness, you go to turn tail and run, only to find Eris still there. They have an offer for you — they’ll kill for you, and you can have at their fresh meat. Certainly an offer that’s hard to pass up, considering your current predicament.
Perpetually masked, you’re actually not certain what Eris looks like behind it. From what you can see, they’re very sturdy. All you can see besides their build is their hair, occasionally peeking out from beneath their hood. It falls to Eris’ wide shoulders, and from what you’ve seen is a dark brown. They stand at 6'0" tall, regardless of gender.
???: You’ve only heard of them in passing at the lab — someone who goes after rogue assets, like you. According to Eden, they’re after you, and with a vengeance.
Good luck.
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drstonetrivia · 5 months
Chapter 232 Trivia (Part 1)
This is it… The final chapter.
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The Perseus and American planes get one final appearance, in color!
They must have landed a ways away from shore since Senku caught a fish, but the new Perseus isn't an aircraft carrier so how far did the plane fly?
I wonder if Charlotte is piloting it…
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The choice of a land vs water return has historically depended on the geography of the country sending the rocket up: Russia has a lot of land, so the Soyuz capsules are made for land, and the US is surrounded by water so they've traditionally used that instead.
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Since Treasure Island is an island, they opted for a water landing. Both types of landing have advantages and disadvantages, it just depends on which risks you'd rather take.
The Soyuz capsules Byakuya's team came down on are designed for both water and land, but because they don't have the same flotation devices that the Apollo ones have, they can't right themselves after landing. The capsules naturally float anyways.
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In Senku's case, the top flotation devices weren't needed, but it's odd that the buoyancy ring was already inflated upon touchdown— wouldn't the impact make them burst, or flip the capsule upside down? It's also unusual that they'd exit before the recovery vehicle reached them.
Maybe they were worried about Ryusui-the-stowaway using up all the air inside so they decided to open it early?
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We can't be sure of where they touched down since there's not enough landmass shown to identify anything, but given the celebration was held in Japan and the Perseus came to pick them up, it's a fair assumption that they landed in a similar area to the original Soyuz Six.
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I'm sure most people have noticed how Kohaku has fallen asleep on the stage and Stanley is going through a nicotine withdrawal/acting as if it was a proper military medal ceremony, but I doubt most people noticed that Ryusui is actually meant to be 7 cm taller than Stanley…
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Everyone's asking who this girl is, but I genuinely think she's just a random extra person, unless Boichi decided to recolor Kohaku with brown hair just to throw us off one last time. Another guess is that she's the girl with glasses from the 1st light novel, but without glasses.
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It appears the villager criteria has expanded even further past simply allowing outsiders— outer space is now fair game! Their new friend is officially a member of Ishigami Village!
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The bar in the middle of the E is also missing in E=mc², which I guess is a pretty E-Z mistake to make haha!
(Since it's now c=mc² does that mean we can simplify to m=1/c? 🤔 )
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The area reminds me of the DARPA expo in the national park rather than Corn City, so it may be a new town based around where the Americans had originally revived. It has a defensive wall which is unusual, so it may be a military research base or to protect against wolf attacks.
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I'm also a little disappointed they opted for cars and roads rather than trains, especially leaving the town, since America is very well suited for a rail network.
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This plane is unlikely to be the piston-type propeller plane that we saw earlier, but rather a turboprop: a propeller in front of a jet engine, Xeno's specialty. These types of engines are better for short flights (<480 km) because they're more efficient over short distances.
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Because of the slower travel, they can handle shorter runways better, but I'm not sure that's much of a problem when landing on the ocean.
Traditional jets are better for long distances like, say, the 8,500 km journey Gen took to get from America to Japan.
Did Francois and Gen leave Suika at the airport!?
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Gen could be talking about the old outfit design, or, because the leather didn't fully deteriorate in the 7.5 year time skip (we can see this from some of the other outfits), it could literally be the same outfit from the Stone Wars, but patched up a little.
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I assume this was because Francois is a more important character, but they could have gotten Carlos, the driver by trade, to bring Gen to the wedding.
Though he probably didn't want to leave miss Luna alone…
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Hair grows ~6in/15cm per year, and the average women's head size is 8.6in/21cm, so assuming Yuzuriha didn't cut too much off, her hair grew around 10.9 in/27.7cm, therefore 2 years have passed.
This isn't perfect because Mirai's hair didn't grow as long, but it's an estimate!
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These people are Yuzuriha's parents (despite the father's striking resemblance to Taiju), since Taiju's parents are long dead.
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Another shooting stance comparison! Stanley is obviously cool and using only one hand, but Yo is using two hands. The number of hands doesn't affect accuracy, but cops are generally trained to use two hands since it's more stable when firing consecutive bullets.
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(Next part)
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carolrain · 11 months
Desert Island Discs
Thank you for tagging me, @flowertrigger and @mostlyinthemorning.
@jamilas-pen wrote:
You're stranded on a desert island, but you can pick eight recordings, a book and a luxury item to have with you. You get the complete works of Shakespeare and the Bible/other appropriate religious or philosophical book as a 'freebie'. The luxury item must be inanimate and of no use in escaping the island or allowing communication from outside. What do you take? Say as much or as little as you like about why you made those picks.
I have some questions. Are we going to individual desert islands near each other? Will I be able to faintly hear other people’s music? How long are we staying? (Forever?) Is it really cold at night? Do I get a change of clothes? Are my sunscreen preferences taken into consideration? Is there a hairbrush, or would I have to use my “luxury” slot for that? Oh, and I’m definitely going to need some paper and a couple of pens. Could you maybe supply those?
I am assuming food is either not a concern or it’s so dismal a situation that if I packed, say, a giant chocolate bar or a jar of “everything but the bagel” seasoning it wouldn’t be worth it in the long run.
So, basically, my list focuses on keeping my brain busy and my spirits up.
Music-wise, that means I chose songs I could sing along to and/or play air piano with and/or work on memorizing the lyrics and/or play over and over and over and over again. They’re also songs that remind me of people and times I could write about or think about a lot without becoming walk-into-the-ocean depressed.
Beautiful Mess by Kasey Chambers
2. Honesty by Noah Reid
3. Language or the Kiss by the Indigo Girls
4. Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul and Mary (I really want to say John Denver’s version, but it comes down to me just not being able to sing along to him well, which would be too frustrating, so I’m going with this one instead.)
5. George Winston’s piano version of Pachelbel’s Canon in D (I feel like it might be really uncool to say you love this song? But I love this song. Ugh, and this is the best arrangement, you can trust me, because I’ve listened to them all.)
6. Red Dirt Girl by Emmylou Harris
7. Texas River Song by Lyle Lovett (Hmm, see, I have this kind of dirty parody of this half-written, but only in my mind, and I do a little harmonizing that I’ve worked out? So I feel like on a desert island I’d have plenty of time to finish it up and write down the definitive version.)
8. Unfinished Life by Kate Wolf
+1 song I very sadly and with much regret bumped off the list: Outfit by Jason Isbell
I didn’t think too hard about this. I’m just going with my instincts and the first thing I thought of, which is the complete works of Jane Austen, which I know can be found all in one volume. I’ve only read one of her novels (Mansfield Park—why? I do not know), but I know I’d like them. They wouldn’t be fast reads, so I wouldn’t tear through them too quickly, and they’d reward rereading.
Luxury Item
Assuming I’ve already got a ream of paper and a pack of pens to write down my Lyle Lovett thoughts and my Jane Austen essays and my fanfic and my messages for the bottles (are there bottles?), I’m going to go with a quilt that I’ve made and is at the barely-started hand quilting stage. (Can I pack my thread and needles and scissors to go with it? What if I sewed a little pocket and hid the supplies inside, then would it count as one item?) I figure it gives me something to do that’s different from writing or music, plus it has practical value in warmth and shade.
Tagging @apothecarose @mallpretzles @legalgal421 @obsessedwithdavrick @olinsghost
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dont-leafmealone · 4 months
so i was trying to draw Something with your fiction in mind acutally its probs Canon lmao
but then when i was Sketching i sadly realzied IDK HOW TOKLO LOOKS??
i can imgaine it but i dont acutally know 😭 and i went to part 1 to find Something but idk?? do u have like Something thats close to how he looks?? cuz if not i might need to cut him off 😔 or make Something up but like its easier
like did i miss Something??
Good question! So there's not actually a "canon" way for Toklo to look (he's not my OC and MuffinLance likes to leave it up to the imagination) so I don't describe him much but the version i have in my head is
kind of stocky, just a little taller than Zuko or jet; a lot of muscle and a pretty round face
lightish blue eyes similar to sokka's (not as light as Katara's or as dark as Bato's)
skin tone probably most similar to Sokka's as well
hair like Hakoda's, shoulder length with a wolf tail, but Toklo only has one braid in front. Also very fluffy.
Tends to wear fewer layers since he runs a little warm. Doesn't feel the cold as much.
smiles a lot.
One thing I'll add is the illustrations of Kavik from the Yangchen novels look a lot like how I imagined Toklo. Hope this was helpful!
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doriandistortion · 7 months
My favorite quotes
Things might not get any better but they may get a little easier - I hate sports by I hate sex
When I talk they say I'm preaching cause I'm passionate when I speak - set to stun
Bad men make their own rules and only dead men can tell not tales - set to stun
That memory is just a tinkle in the toilet - it came to me in a dream
Some people make an art of watching life pass by.
My body is a witch, I am burning it
Everything is gonna burn. Well all get turns, I'Il get mine too.
If ignorance is bliss I wish I were blissfully ignorant - dear ms. Leading - the dear
I see the horns they follow me down god fell silent when I cried out - mistakes like fractures
My tombstone was made at birth my coffin is on my back - deadringer knocked loose
The once weak will one day rule the world - Charlie by million dead
I know when it's time to let the dog decide - a werewolf by attic abasement
I distrust a mattress that smells like it feels. We can unmake the bed and we can reinvent the wheel - a werewolf
Well, you can tell by the way I move my feet that I'm a genuine insurrectionary
It's a kind of nervous shuffle that contrasts so well with bolsavic bravado - I am the party by million dead
My knife wants to hide deep inside of you - counting by heavens
I drink myself to death to be the after life of the party - love me normally by will wood
When I die I want you to die too - we will commit wolf murder by of Montreal
I envy you because you can believe in things like I never could - we will commit wolf murder
I love you, Maurice but I used to be quite a happy person before I met you. - flowers
The sadness will last forever - Vincent VanGough
Happiness became a chore - Roy's our boy by charmer
Summer without you is as cold as winter. Winter without you, is even colder - for Beatrice by Lemony Snicket
The world is quiet here - a series of unfortunate events
I know that you wish you were sick but there are so many ways of being more disappointing - Kali Masi
You watch me like a ten car highway wreck with detached. vulgar curiosity
This looking down at the tops of the hats of us passers-by from your 7th floor balcony
And from such a height you missed creatures too small for sight carry on covert conversations
As the misguided insects crown me their grasshopper king with a dance of celebration - January 1979 by mewithoutyou
Honey, it's depressing what depression does to some. - jawbreaker
Numb, some call it. Now, me and Jesus, we like to feel pain - ecifircas by SewersIvt
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. - 1899
Last of the pitchers, catfish done hunting, Harry Lundt Most of the killers never get famous and it's hard on everyone - Chinatown by jets to Brazil
I want a cut scene - beach life in death
If you cant find your friends, you can leave without them and if you run out of drugs, you can sleep without them And if you wanna go home, you can call a taxi. And if you don't wanna talk, you can sit in the backseat - car seat headrest live at rock the garden
Came a time when every star fall brought you to tears again - helena by MCR
Let's talk about all our friends who lost the war and all the novels that had yet to be written about them. - the good that won't come out by rilo kiley
I was a hater in the depths of an emotional hibernation - first time high by of Montreal
A dull mind can’t cut you. Sleeping dogs won't bite. - spinning wheel by worthikids
How senseless death, How precious life - king park
I've been asleep for half my life but l'm awake now I make mistakes and I make them well, I make 'em big so as to shake the ground by uhhhmm??? I’ll edit this later lmao
I've found that the road to happiness is paved with rows and rows of very tempting parking spaces - call me what you like by lovejoy
I honestly wanna prove improvement's possible - against the kitchen floor by will wood
I'm wide awake, it's morning! - road to joy by bright eyes
I wish I was like you, easily amused - all apologies by nirvana
People like you find it easy - atmosphere by joy division
I will speak for you, Father. I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint. - salieri in Amadeus
Focus on what is ahead and step forward. - zenophelion on tumblr (your demons have good advice actually)
Some make exhaustion a mode of expression and that's their way - Chinatown jets to Brazil
Your entire life can change in a year @bmekween on TikTok
Just to prove that I adore every inch of sanity - drowning lessons MCR
I need to recycle all the feelings I had in the past - Kylie by bear vs. shark
Thy firmness makes my circle just, and makes me end where I begin - everything was beautiful … by mewithoutyou
The time is coming where you won’t feel like you do now - woolworm by Indian summer except that part is sung by a woman who was sampled
I wanna be a horse full of fire that will never train - pig by Sparklehorse
It’s hard to remember to live before you die - lives - modest mouse
If you could be anything I bet you’d be disappointed am I right? - lives - modest mouse
Good luck with your fight
Promise me the sun will rise again - washer by slint
I am a beast among machines - set to stun
If I’ve got nothing to live for, then I’ve got nothing to die for - doomsday by set to stun
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companionwolf · 11 months
Out of context summary for session 3 (scenes 11 - 15) of my solo CtL game
- shoutout to the Freehold minivan; that thing is named after a minivan my family had (its name is Cheddar!)
- local single dad talking to himself in the urgent care waiting room; the changelings aren't particularly concerned about this though
- wait shit did he mention something about arcadia? + 1 concern
- the dads kid comes out of the back with a nurse and Oh Shit He's a Fetch
- the Fetch: o_o
- the changelings: o_o
- the changeling who got bit by the cougar and treated at the urgent care has to stay the night, the rest of the group gets directions to a nearby hotel
- woe nightmares be upon you
- the PC motley continues to not know how to stay in a place when told to
- what's that Ricky and Marty reference where he's like in and out 20 minute adventure? that's jet to the other two re going into the Hedge thru a gate near the urgent care
- me thoughtfully: can you make fruit gummy out of goblin fruit?
- OH FUCK A BEAST. oh no wait the beast isn't hostile. it's just being the equivalent of a news crier.
- breaking news: things in the Hedge are fuck
- real red riding hood wolf vibes from this news beastie; the changelings politely decline to follow it further into the Hedge
- fruit: found, hedge: left, hotel: trivago
- * in the cadence of that drake and josh meme * hey jet. axis? where's the npcs
- patrol member morning jumpscare
- so when we go into the Hedge to do a nice thing for you we get bitched at, but when you disappear in the night we get no answers. make it make sense: a novel by jet
- to be fair, they did say stay put and we didn't: a additional by toy
- everyone shut up: a footnote by axis
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oneirictrolls · 2 years
full name: riszah 'jet' vimemi
gender: demigirl
sexuality: pansexual
pronouns: she/her
family: valere, her wolf mom (she's deceased now)
birthplace: alternia, born and raised far from society during her grub/wriggler years. has some feral tendencies still today
job: errand girl (past), convenience store employee
guilty pleasures: cracking a cold one despite cracking 3 prior ones within a few hours, twilight saga, spraying whipped cream straight into her mouth out the can, cute underwear, drama-romance novels/movies
morality alignment?: lawful neutral
sins - sloth, pride
virtues - patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: lazy
otp: caffeine <3 and i guess koutah too :smirk: LOL
ot3: none
brotp: valere & jet, dorees & jet....
notp: none
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iread-studies · 1 year
Favourite books of 2022
I don't think I read even one book that came out in 2022? So these are simply the books I've read during the year. A lot of non-fiction in this list, for some reason.
This year I read 105... stories? between books and comic books but only 16 are worth mentioning.
(didn't read much fiction this year)
Medea by Christa Wolf. Read for German Literature class. It is of course a retelling of the Ancient Greek myth. It was great but I still prefer Cassandra.
Snowdrift & other stories by Georgette Heyer. A collection of her earliest short stories. I bought this second-hand in a charity shop in England (the flex) and it's such a gorgeous edition! Plus Georgette Hayer is delightful! The witty banter and humour are right up my alley. Can't wait to read more from her.
Loveless by Alice Oseman (yes, Heartstopper's author). Oh, all the aroace feels. It made me cry. Really, really recommended to any aroace-spec or questioning folks.
Lady Audley’s Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. A Victorian classic, read for a Victorian Lit class. I've never been madder at a book before. I was literally fuming for two weeks afterwards! I have the sequel on my shelf right now and I count on reading that in 2023.
Come Fly The World by Julia Cooke. A history of stewardesses of PanAm at the beginning of the Jet Age. It's fundamentally about women fresh out of college who longed to leave their hometown and travel and then they did. Plus, PanAm's involvement with the Vietnam War and the stewardesses' role in all of this and the fight for fairer contracts for stewardesses. It was amazing.
Atomic Habits, by James Clear. Game changer, especially the introduction. The way I see habit and productivity has shited a lot after this book.
Junkyard Planet by Adam Minter. The first one is about the junk industry around the planet, how the old cables you throw in the US might end up in China, where the plastic is reused for a new computer that gets then selled back to the US. It was so fascinating. I had never thought about half of it.
Secondhand by Adam Minter. This is kind of the sequel. It focuses on the secondhand business. It has a very interesting section on how Goodwill shops actually work and another on how Japan's idea of shopping secondhand completely shifted in the span of 5 years or so. Highly recommended.
The Birth of the Pill by Jonathan Eig. Read in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade. It was so bloody interesting. It doesn't only talk about the research behind the Pill. It also goes all the way back to the sexual revolution in the US during the first half of the 20th century, how the term "birth control" was coined, how Planned Parenthood was founded, etc. So fascinating!
Jane Austen and Food by Maggie Lane. It talks both about what people in the Regency Era ate and about how Austen uses food in her novels to characterize her characters. Such a different and fun approach!
Women’s Work by Elizabeth Wayland Barber. Textiles in prehistoric times AND why textiles were (and are still) considered women's work. It's mostly about weaving (and I don't weave, only knit) but it was incredibly fascinating. Recommended to all fabric crafters with an interest in history.
Diario di un'apprendista astronauta (Journal of an astronaut apprentice) by Samantha Cristoforetti. Astrosamantha was the first Italian woman to become an astronaut. This is her memoir about her experience from her being selected to the end of her first space travel in 2015 (she went back in 2022 too). Now I want to read every astronaut biography ever. Not sure whether it's available in English.
Comic books
Dimentica il mio nome by Zerocalcare. This one is only in Italian, sorry. If you are curious about Zerocalcare and/or Italian, I'd recommend looking up his cartoon series Strappare Lungo I Bordi (it's produced by Netflix). This was my first time reading Zerocalcare which is such a shame! My sis owns another one of his comics so guess what I will be borrowing in the new year...
Secret Playlist by 2F. Korean webtoon, available on Webtoon. It just ended a couple of days ago and I'm so going to miss it! It's about Hanju, who posts songs online as Plii and doesn't want to reveal her secret identity, and Doguk, an idol who wants to collab with Plii. And they are classmates!
Positively Yours by Jung Lee. Another Korean webtoon. This one is about a surprise pregnancy after a one-night stand. It's also extremely cute. I read it 2 times in one year.
Persepolis by Marjani Satrapi. Read both volumes in the aftermath of what is currently happening in Iran. I'm 100% certain that you've seen at least one drawing from this comic. I didn't know anything at all about Iran so this was a nice introduction to the subject.
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
Oh boo-hoo, darkness, get over yourself, or, Rei Hino: Comfort Lesbian
We’ve been building to this for the past several episodes now, this moment where we finally get confirmation of all the turmoil Ami is feeling, about Usagi and about Naru and, especially, about herself. All of which is delicious and complex and everything I wanted but could hardly believe they’d give us. It’s not a good look for Ami! It’s angry and lonely and uncertain!
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Ami especially, I think moreso than any other character across Sailor Moon iterations (character who actually gets screen/page time, anyway) is boiled until she’s lost most of her flavour. I think the anime tries hardest, but often replaces “the smart one” stereotypes for “the nice one” and calls it a day. For whatever reason, it’s like Ami’s an action figure they’re afraid to take out of the box because they might get her dirty and diminish her value.
Not PGSM, though. PGSM is just “AW YEAH LET’S PLAY” and pitched everyone in a mud puddle.
I’ve talked about this again and again, how much SENSE this makes for Ami. Completely ostracized for her entire life, she’s got her first taste of what it means to not be alone, and she’s hooked. Usagi is like a drug for Ami, she’s the entire focal point for everything positive Ami’s feeling, and she’s terrified that without Usagi, she’ll go back to the way things used to be, and she CAN’T, she just can’t.
And she needn’t be! PGSM has gone out of its way throughout the series so far in showing us how much Ami has already grown and changed for the better. Fuck, look at just this scene! There’s something wonderful and precious about the bond between Ami and Rei. They’re each other’s first friend that they made THEMSELVES, using the things that they learned through their friendship with Usagi. Ami has reached out to Rei more than once, able to see through her stoicism and bluster and navigate through it (versus, say, Usagi just flat out ignoring it). She allows Rei to keep those defenses while still reaching for her, making Rei that much more willing to reach back.
Rei also sees Ami. She’s never been smitten a day in her life, and Rei isn’t inclined to throw every little questionable thing into the spin cycle until it comes out gleaming and perfect. Ami’s weird and awkward, but so what? She’s a good person, and she tries. Every single time Rei would rather deal with someone who tries too hard rather than not enough.
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They can do this. AMI can do this. She HAS. Even in this scene, where she’s confessing to Rei, it’s abundantly clear how much stock she puts in Rei’s opinion. Particularly BECAUSE it’s Rei (really, it had to be Rei), who wouldn’t even know where to start trying to give someone an insincere platitude, Ami trusts what she says, and at no point in any of this, even at her lowest and most intense self-hating, does Ami think Rei isn’t her friend. The problem is that Ami has pinned so much on Usagi, and so little on herself. Usagi is the keystone; pull her out, and it all collapses.
Again, all of my love to PGSM for going here. For looking at Ami, really thinking about how broken her life would have made her, and being willing to follow that thread. She confirmed -- directly, in the text, by her own words -- everything I hoped we were building to.
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There’s so much going on, Ami is having a fuck of a day, but this is perhaps the thing she’s most upset about: the realization that she might just be kind of a shitty person. There’s been nothing in Ami’s life that would have even hinted she could be like this. Hell, there’s basically BEEN nothing in Ami’s life before now. But here it is, she finally gets something worthwhile, and this is how she acts? No wonder she went without friends this long, if this is who she is. Usagi was just wonderful enough to try and see past it, that’s all, which only makes Ami feel even worse for “deceiving her”. God, what a beautiful inescapable spiral Ami’s built for herself, I’m almost impressed.
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SHE’S SO NOT HERE FOR ANY OF AMI’S BULLSHIT. Not the deep dark confession, not Ami eating herself up over it all. Ami’s barely started, and Rei’s already had enough.
Sidebar to say how much I fucking LOVE how they shoot all this. Rei’s angry stomp slicing across the camera, interrupting Ami’s efforts to drown herself in all this. Her angry clenched fist (A REI HINO FAVOURITE), the way the camera rises as it follow’s Rei’s towering presence. She carries so much authority in this scene, you can FEEL her and how little she is going to put up with all this. The way Ami gazes up at her, too, once again giving Rei all the power between them. It remains to be seen how much of this will stick, but what’s clear is that Ami will listen to Rei, and believe her, even if just for this moment.
The way Rei completely brushes all of Ami’s angst away though, AAAAAHHHHH I DIDN’T KNOW I COULD LOVE HER MORE BUT SHE ALWAYS MANAGES TO FIND A WAY TO MAKE ME. Ami’s completely undone by this, and Rei’s just “Psshh, whatever, this is entry level ‘dark’, get over yourself.”
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But she also makes it an invitation. “Congrats! You’re human.” Ami’s sin here, if she could be said to have one, is in not dealing with it all very well, and she’s basically an emotional newborn, so even there, it’s understandable.
One of the best things about this, though, is how Rei is meeting Ami on much the same level Ami connected with Rei. Not ignoring how they feel, nor dismissing it, just accepting it and moving forward. We STILL don’t know why Rei was so bothered about going to that guy’s house to protect his not-the-ginzuishou, but Ami didn’t chase down the why or convince Rei it wasn’t a problem, she simply offered to go in her stead. Here, Rei doesn’t insist Ami is the purest pure snowflake gumdrop who would never think a bad thought in her life, she just says “Bitch, you ain’t special.” Usagi’s all-inclusive love is wonderful, and I don’t doubt the power of its constant dopamine hit, but it’s also in so many ways unrealistic and impractical (much like Usagi herself), and once again, I tip my hat to PGSM for being the ONLY Sailor Moon incarnation willing to go there for its main character, too.
(I don’t know if PGSM had a mission statement, but you could tell me it was “Each and every one of these girls is fascinating and wonderful AND DEEPLY FLAWED” and I would just nod in emphatic agreement.)
What about Rei’s darkness? I don’t know! THANK YOU FOR ADDING IN A BARELY RELATED MYSTERY. The specifics aren’t important right now, and maybe never will be. It’s Rei, she’s a constant bubbling cauldron of stewing rage, even here in PGSM where she’s able to keep it to a low simmer. It could be about her mother’s death, all the gossipy assholes, her father’s everything. It could be Usagi bumping into her this morning, IT COULD BE ALL OF THESE.
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The point is, Rei knows all about thinking and feeling some negative shit at someone, but she also knows there’s a difference between what you feel and what you DO. You can’t truly be part of life and never fuck up, it’s just not possible.
AND NOW HERE’S WHERE REI SHOWS HOW MUCH SHE’S CHANGING TOO. Her point made, her lecture done, Rei peers down at Ami and sees that it’s just not working the way she wants. Rather than lose her temper, or double down, or wash her hands and walk away, she instead CHANGES TACTICS.
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She doesn’t demand Ami immediately bounce to her feet, instead she drops down to Ami. She stops lecturing and tries comforting. NONE of this is natural for Rei, all of it goes against the kind of person she is and always strives to be. Slowly but surely though, Rei’s learning that her way is not the only way, and to temper her impulses.
Still though, Rei is Rei is my beautiful ridiculous marmoset Rei.
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Blessed, friends. I am blessed this day.
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henryobsessed · 3 years
The Veterinarian and the Werewolf - Chapter 24
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Word Count: 1626
Warnings: none
A/N eeep another one where on the race to the finish my friends, I think I am wearing out @sillyrabbit81 and @amberangel112 ?? I hope everyone is doing well out there in tumblr world I am truly loving all your comments they bless my heart :)
Chapter 24 – Jessie
Jessie had never felt so uncomfortable. She was far more at home around the sounds of cows, horses, dogs and cats than the cackle of men and women all gossiping about this and that.
After being dragged away from Henry, she had been shown to a large room full of what she could only guess were pampering stations. From one end of the room to the other, women and men were getting their faces primped, plumped, and plucked. Hands and feet were soaking and some special rooms were opened with people walking in and forty-five minutes later coming out, hair dishevelled and bodies like limp puddles of muscle.
Not one of these things appealed to Jessie, instead, she had found a corner couch and was attempting to people watch. She had been successful for the last two hours to hide, that was until a woman who appeared in her forties came and sat next to her. She chuckled before saying, “We are surrounded by hormones! Man, was I glad to see a more mature face in the crowd! My name’s Honey, what’s yours?” Honey had jet black hair just like Jessie, her completion however did not show the sun like Jessie’s did. Instead, it was more like a porcelain china doll’s which also was reflected in her almond-shaped eyes but stopped there. The rest of her skin from her neck to her fingertips was etched out in various coloured tattoos.
Jessie smiled timidly and replied, “My name is Jessie, are you a new mate too?”
Honey chuckled, her voice like velvet. “Yeah, it’s a rush to find out that after all the dip shits I’ve tried to make it work with, there was this mate all along who wanted to cherish me. Like who does that any more? It’s like they stepped out of one of those dime novels and swept me off my feet. I still don’t think this is real. I still feel like I’ve fainted from low blood sugar in my tattooist chair and any minute now I’ll wake and be like, ‘Fuck! That was a trip’.”
For all her rough edges, Jessie was finding her genuine nature refreshing and comforting. It seemed to her that everyone else must have been werewolves, finding their mates at sixteen and waiting to pair up at this mating ceremony at eighteen. Their whole lives were this world and it felt like Jessie and Honey were intruders, humans who the goddess had deemed worthy of a werewolf mate.
Honey was fascinating. She had no real family, apart from a shitty father who had only looked after her because her mother had spilt after she was born. He did his best but was so ill-equipped to look after her that social services had stepped in. That was it for her. Independence and control was her motto, and no one was going to try to take that from her.
Jessie had been interviewed for the last hour by Honey who wanted to know every little detail of her story. But now it was her turn. “How did you meet your mate, Honey?”
Honey’s face shifted and almost for the first time that night became vulnerable. “She walked into my shop, sat down and asked for a tattoo of a wolf.” Honey sighed and gave her a soft smile. “When she looked me in the eye, it was like the Fourth of July, I have never had sparks fly before, it was made even worse cause her tat was on her upper thigh. Each touch of her skin was electric, and I almost had to stop ‘cause I didn’t want to stuff her leg up. After, she thanked me and said I’ll see ya round and left. I thought yeah right, the nice ones never do, but by closing, she was sat outside the shop with a small bunch of Iris’s in her hand. She asked me to dinner and well…” The smile that softened on Honey’s face as she reminisced had Jessie's heart squeezing for the woman.
Together they watched and laughed at the young people’s antics. Just when they thought they had gotten away with being unnoticed, an elderly lady walked over with a no-nonsense look on her face. “Right. If you two have finished being wallflowers, you have to join the circuit. We want you to look your best for your mates tomorrow and that means starting now. Up and join at that table.” She pointed to two vacant spots at the primp, plump, and pluck station. Groaning, Jessie realised she didn’t have much of a say. Reconfirming to herself that Henry would pay for this, she stood along with Honey, and they squared their shoulders and headed into battle.
That night Jessie slept well, she was so exhausted, so sore, and yet felt surprisingly good. There were even some things that she had experienced that she might do again. Like the facial that had left her skin feeling soft to the touch. But she wasn’t sure she would do that massage again or the primp and pluck. Both had felt too much. Sleep overtook her, and in less time than it took to shut her eyes, she was at the tree.
Jessie laughed so hard, of course, Henry was not going to let her go without saying goodnight. In fact, it would be the first night they had spent apart since they met. She waited until his form came walking towards her. His cheeky smile made her chuckle, “Hen, how did you know I needed to see you? They are torturing us.”
A frown marred his face until he realised she was still smiling. Walking into his arms, they sank to the base of the tree and cuddled. “Torture huh? It’s a pity I can’t see your new you. Must be the goddess stepping in because you look how you did all those weeks ago.” She had wondered why he was still in his cut off pants and shirtless, not that she was complaining.
They fell into a companionable silence, just as they had so many times before, they communicated through touch. Her head resting above his heart, his arms wrapped around her body, nothing between them, just the sense of belonging. Before long, Henry lent down and kissed her head. “I have to go love. The boys will be waking me soon to go for a run before our special day. I haven’t run with the pack in so long. At least we will be safe to do so here.”
Jessie frowned for a moment before it registered that he said they would be safe. “Is it all the Silver Moon’s lands?”
Henry nodded and looked over his shoulder as if he had heard someone call. “I have to go, love, sleep well, I’ll see you soon.” He gave her one more kiss, then he walked off into the brush.
They woke well into the afternoon the next day, the group was even noisier if you could believe it, the excitement levels in the mate’s room were beyond acceptable. But Honey and Jessie had managed to gather their food and hide again, this time on a balcony overlooking the valley. For that brief moment the chaos stilled, and even her mind quietened. As she relaxed and took in the majesty before her, the sun slowly sinking behind the hills casting the sky a rosy pink, she felt as if she was surrounded by her mother, father, and Aunt Bet, their hands on her shoulders, their voices whispering on the breeze, “We are so proud of you Jess, you have stayed true to yourself. We will stand witness today, as you and your precious man pledge to each other. We love you Jessie girl.”
A solid hand startled her out of her moment as Honey said, “Sorry girl, but they are calling us in.”
Jessie wiped at the tears that had been falling silently down her face and smiled at Honey. “Sure, I wonder what’s next.”
She should have stayed silent, hid on the balcony until the ceremony, walked up to Henry wearing her dungaree slacks and a shirt. Instead, the rest of the morning they had pulled, curled, and pinned her hair into some ethereal fantasy style, that matched the soft make-up the was now plastered on her face. Her nerves and anxiety were really starting to bubble to the surface and if it hadn’t been for Honey she would have run out of the place and caught a taxi straight home. She had never been this poufy princess, her hair was always in a bun, to keep it out of the way of the muck she ended up in. And her face, make up really wasn’t necessary. But now as Honey and Jessie were escorted to a private room with four other mates and presented their gowns her heart stopped.
Jessie struggled to hold in the tears, it was beautiful, perfect for her long torso. It would not make her look like a powder puff or like she was going to a ball. It was the dress she never knew she wanted with delicate lacework, and its soft but fitted style was elegant, a princess who was no fuss. The women worked to get them fitted into their gowns, more noise and giggles, but Jessie was now in a trance. Nothing happening around her registered as she saw herself in the mirror, the old woman walked up next to her and smiled at her through the mirror before adding the final touch. A silver woven circlet with small moonstones sat nestled in the creation on her head.
“Now my child, you are ready to meet your mate.”
Chapter 25
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cutiedi3 · 3 years
* loves talking about planes
* He loves when you sit and listen to him gush about planes
* Likes to have dates in the sky
* Wishes he could live in the clouds
* As a child he used to dream he was a pilot
* Takes Faith on plane rides
* Treats Faith like his little sister and is very protective over her
* Sometimes he and Faith have sleepovers and they stay up all night talking about anything and everything
* He secretly loves to bake
* Makes amazing cakes
* Has a pet siamese cat
* His name is Jet ( of course)
* He loves him with his full heart and would never blame him for anything and so help you god if you hurt his cat
* Has a huge bed and shares it with Jet plus a lot of stuffed animals
* Faith got him all his stuffed animals
* Likes cats more then dogs
* Plays piano
* He has a great singing voice but is too anxious to use it
* Sometimes he takes Jet flying with him
* He and Jet have matching P.J.‘s
* Cares about his cat like it’s his son
* Faith loves music
* She’s always writing songs and singing
* She wrote most of the cults music
* Loves to swim
* Has swam in the river so many times to even count
* Like to catch frogs
* In love with reptiles and insects
* Has a pet wolf spider named Lilly
* And a pet milk snake named Fred
* Both of her pets love her to death and would never harm her
* She cares for every animal (but bees or wasps)
* 100% vegan
* Gets very angry if she sees someone harming a animal
* Loves to garden
* Has a huge garden of vegetables
* She planted it all by herself
* Paints Jacobs nails but no one knows but them
* She makes flower crowns and hands them out to project members
* Loves cuddles and hugs
* Lays in trees and reads the word of Joseph
* He really spoils the judges
* He has reading glasses and gets embarrassed when anyone sees him using them
* Like to go hiking them have a picnic after
* He makes his family hike with him
* He hums Set Those Sinners Free all the time
* Can play guitar very well
* Pretty good dancer
* Let’s a few of the Judges sleep with him a night
* Likes to spend time with John
* They can do literally anything and Jacob will be happy to spend time with him
* Loves to see Joseph preaching
* He and Joseph play chess
* Jacob watches Faith swim in the river and sometimes he will swim with her
* Loves to have his nails painted but only red and black
* Reads romance novels all the time
* He loves to go fishing
* If you took him fishing you’d make his day
* He reads the word of Joseph to his family sometimes
* It’s usually A very special family moment with Faiths head in Joseph’s lap as he plays with her hair and John sitting beside Jacob with his head on his shoulder
* Loves to have his scars kissed
* He loves his project members and family very much
* He treats Faith like his daughter and will do anything for her
* He enjoys walks as he reads
* He has a tree with his wife’s name carved in it and he goes there and tells her about his day and what’s going on in his head
* Always singing project songs
* Likes to spend time with the children of the project
* He will make them flowers crowns
* Will help anyone project member or not if you need help you will receive it
* Likes to spend time with John
* They eat dinner together or just read together
* He and Jacob do a lot together
* They play board games and hike
* Is hard on John because he wants him to reach the garden
* Treats John like his son
* Likes to spend time with dogs
* He vents to the dogs and sometimes cries
* At his wife’s tree his family will decorate it with flowers without him knowing and when he sees it he breaks down and cries feelings so lucky to have them
* Wants what’s best for everyone
* Some days he sits in the middle of the compound and his project members sit about him as he read books
* They aren’t always the word of Joseph they can be any book
* He makes dinner for all his members and they have a huge family dinner every Saturday nights
* Treats Jacobs scars even though they are healed
* Learned to braid hair
* He will style Faith and any members hair
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belonareyna · 3 years
I just have one good explanation to Darry Curtis, because I wanted to focus on the age of the character, because I have seen a lot of recast-dreamcast, where the chosen one is 35-45… and the character is only 20 so…
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Described as: “tall, lean, cocky, and smart.” He likes to comb his hair in thick complicated swirls. - The Outsiders Wiki
I think this one was the easier one to choose, I just watched some photos and they completely give me the vive for Steve
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Described as: “[having] an elfish face with high cheekbones, a pointed chin, small, sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx. Dally didn’t like haircuts nor hair oil, so his almost white-blonde hair fell over his forehead in wisps. He had blazing blue eyes which Ponyboy describes as ‘cold with all the hatred in the world.’”- The Outsiders Wiki
I know this actor for playing Chic in Riverdale, and the role of Dallas was made for this man, he can transmit to the audience that fear sensation that he produces, that Ponyboy describes. He had blonde hair, light eyes, that even that they are not blue, give me this petrifying sensation.
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Described as: “around six feet tall, stocky in build, and was very proud of his long, rust-colored sideburns. He has grey eyes and was always wearing a wide grin. In “The Outsiders” novel, Two-Bit’s hair is described as ‘rust colored.'” -The Outsiders Wiki
I really look for a red headed, and I founded some cool actors, but I just watched this image from the actor with actual sideburns and I just said: he’s the one
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Described as: “smaller than the rest, with a slight build. He had big black eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but it was so long that it fell in shaggy bangs across his forehead.” - The Outsiders Wiki
I felt he could really play Johnny really well, he can give this nervous look and this terrified face to the camera, but he can also can show the strength that Johnny is provided with, his leadership, his cold head in the difficult times…
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Described as: “‘movie star handsome,’ and has silky, dark gold hair (real tuff) that he combs back with dark brown (recklessly, dancing) eyes and a goofy grin that you can’t help but love (which is noted by Ponyboy after getting jumped by the Socs).” - The Outsiders Wiki
Oh men, I really really thought about Peyton Meyer, but in the very last second, I remembered Froy Gutierrez and I couldn’t help myself, because he is so gorgeous, and once I visualized him, I could not see anyone else in the role.
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Described as: “[having] light-brown hair and greenish-gray eyes. He has a good build for his size and is a fast runner. At the beginning of the novel, Ponyboy’s hair is long and squared in the back, but after his haircut in Windrixville, his hair is short and bleached blond.”- The Outsiders Wiki
I just knew this actor for playing a role in Anne with an E, and I feel that he actually could make an incredible acting as Ponyboy Curtis, the character he played in Anne with an E, Cole, is an artist, like Pony, he also likes the loneliness, he has being bullied, he is shy…
Also, the actor has light brown a little read head hair, green eyes…
I think he’s perfect for the role
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Described as: “a large man, of 6’ 2" and he is broad shouldered. His hair is said to be like his father’s- dark brown that sticks out in the front of his head with a cowlick in the back. His eyes “are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice.” He is said to look exactly like his father, but with different eyes. Also, he looks older than his actual age, which is twenty. Ponyboy says he would be better looking if his eyes weren’t so cold.” - The Outsiders Wiki
I think that Colton Haynes is one of the best options to play Darry, I have only followed his career through Teen Wolf, and even if in their firsts seasons he played a spoiled egocentric brat, in the cameo he made in the last season, we can notice his evolve, his “growing up”, and this without having followed a path in Teen Wolf, I mean that he left the series and then he come back as a mature person without the actor to actually feeling that through the character because, well, the character left the show. Showing us that he can make both, the pride brother, and the responsible one, the caring one, the mature one.
I also thought about Matthew Daddario, but I thought he was too old (38), and I realized that I wanted a younger actor, because in the book, Darrel is just 20 years old, he is really young to be anyone’s father and still, he takes care of his family with two jobs, paying the bills… But I think is really important to show that he is really young, that he is learning how to deal with the fact that he is in charge of his two little brothers, to show how unfair it is, I want the audience to empathized with him, because I really did that in the book, and giving him a young actor around the age of the character… Well, I think is a wise option.
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osgoblins-a · 2 years
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novel ! norman things
norman belongs to an all men’s club referred to as the ascot club. ( it was easy to detect, with just one whiff, the history, pipes, fine cigars, and testosterone that filled the atmosphere. )
norman can and will just sit in the shower for hours. ( he felt as if he wanted to climb into a shower and just stay there for days. )
osborn the elder exuded an odd mix of power and barely controlled anger. harry had never been able to figure out just with whom his father was mad, exactly. the world, it seemed.
norman and j jonah jam.eson consider each other as friends, they get into verbal sparring matches which they are both apparently fond of. ( truth to tell, osborn enjoyed these rare verbal fencing matches that he indulged in with jameson. ) 
jameson growled this time. osborn was starting to wonder if the man wasn’t part wolf.
“and here i thought, norman, that you were a man after my own heart.” hey JJJ… that’s. . . .bud idk if that’s something friends say. 
he felt as if his mind were splitting in two. on one level, he was fully aware that stromm was dead, dead at his hand, and the aspect of norman o.sborn that realized it recoiled in shock and horror. but there was another part of him that not only didn’t care, it reveled in it. stromm had been weak, and the new osborn despised weakness.
he’d never heard his father sound like this: vulnerable. even scared. for once his dad actually needed him.   ( harry please he’s having a moment. ) 
then he threw his arms around himself in a joyful expression of self-adoration, and jetted away into the night sky, his laughter drifting behind him
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jonah-aesthetic · 3 years
That One pt. 4 I Jonah Marais
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Jonah Marais X Reader / Ivette X Daniel Seavey
Plot: Jonah escorts the reader to the gala finding out the pull to her wasn’t one sided.  
Word count: 6.0k+
Author’s Note: I really struggled with this piece but I got her done! It’s been almost two weeks and I’m happy I got it finished. The piece is a whole roller coaster so enjoy!
Rating: 16+
One Two Three 
The sapphire dress was pulling tight around the small of your waist to your bust. The sleeves were circling your upper arms and resting just below your shoulders. The skirt of your gown flared at your hips lightly and continued to cascade upon the floor. There was a slit in the left side of the blue skirt reaching your high thigh.
Most of the day was spent with Ivette pampering yourselves for the gala that was taking place tonight. When you both came back Ivette’s entire team had been waiting in the den impatiently. Caroline a blonde stylist rolled her racks of shoes and jewellery. Aurora a brown skinned British hair stylist with a curling wand glued to her waist. Gamila an Arabic Makeup artist itching to use her brushes. 
Together they made an incredible team and you knew why Ivette always picked them for her events. Aurora respected your request for a simple hair style and only vaguely curled it into soft loops. Gamila created a stunning blue cut crease smokey eye look that colour matched your gown. Caroline picked silver heels that went with your gown like a perfect combination. 
The wounds on the tops of your feet had officially healed perfectly into light scars. You were now ready to slip into a pair of heels without wincing in pain. Just in time for the gala. 
Staring at yourself in the body length mirror resting in Ivette’s bedroom. You could hear the fashion team bonding out in the den as if they did projects together often. It blew you away at how they could make you look like a Richie in a few hours of work. You didn’t know if you enjoyed the view or despised it.
You watch your best friend’s head pop in pass the door frame. A proud smile stretching onto her red lips, “He picked a good dress, fits you like a second skin.” Her voice light as she came into the room hands resting behind her back out of view. Her black gown flowing around her body like the damn dress was made of her. Scratch that the dress was definitely made for her.
“I knew Daniel was a scheming little devil, but you? I trusted you.” You playfully narrow your eyes at her in fake accusation. She shrugs and the gown follows the movement. It was parallel to her personality, a stunning jet black gown. A deep ‘V’ neck ran down the front and kissed the waist band. Revealing the curves of both her breasts, and circled her shoulder into a long sleeve. The skirt of the gown flared and parted in the middle, the slit reaching her thighs.
“Just give him a chance he’s a good guy.” You turned around and faced her, taking a step back not realised how close she was.
“I’ll think about it as soon you stop doubt Mr. Drummer.” Her face falls at that,
“I brought a gift.” Her voice optimistic as Ivette steered from the topic of the man in question.
“I know. Did you really think I didn’t notice your hands hiding behind your back the entire time you’ve been in here?”
“It was worth a try.” She playfully says pulling her hands front behind her. A dainty crown immersed in diamonds sat into the palms of her hands. Your heart beamed recognising the head piece instantly wanting to melt in the presence of it.
“It’s a replica of the crown Harlow Reed wears in the book to movie adaptation of The Redemption Of The Wolf. This gala is the closest thing to ball and I don’t think you’d be complete without this.” Ivette’s eyes were hopeful as she offers the crown to you.
Your hands were claps to your lips holding the excited shock you wanted to let out. The chilling accuracy of the diamond placement and the detailing in the swirls. Almost made your blood run cold, you could’ve swore this was the exact crown Mavren gave Harlow as a piece offering.
“How much was that?” Were the first words to spill from your tongue. Ivette gives you a bored look saying ‘Really I’m offering a prop from your favourite book series. And that’s what you ask?’
“Come nerd, Aurora is itching to thread it into your hair.” Ivette links her arm in yours guiding you out of the room. 
The overwhelming aroma of the gala made you excuse yourself from your table, leaving Ivette, Daniel, Jonah, and Corbyn behind. the contents in your stomach was threaten to pass your lips. A tightening sensation pulsed in your abdomen as you reached the most expensive ladies room. The main door blurred out most of the suffocating noise of people.
You rushed for the first open stall, shutting the door you realised it was more of a mini room then a stall. Locking the knob you could finally hear your own breathing letting the sound of it calm you down. It’s been years since your last panic attack. At first it didn’t click in your brain that you were having one. Must of been the reason why Ivette kept asking if you were okay, she knew.
You were laughing and in deep conversation and all of a sudden it dawned on you. The loud noise of many people and the rumble of the music, you began to suffocate in your mind as your body heated at the first sign of panic. The shine of the slowly spinning car in the middle of the room made your breathe quicken and bile raise in your throat.
Back pressing against the door you slid to the floor and paced your breathing pattern. How did Ivette live and survive a life style like this? You couldn’t last a few hours without wanting to throw up and go home.This was a horrible fucking idea, you didn’t belong here with all these high held people who knew they could afford that car without a dent. A car like that would cost your entire life and some.
You wondered if Jonah and Ivette would notice if you slipped out the door and into your bed?
You closed your eyes pretending to wrap your hand around a paint brush and create a new story. It surprisingly helped with negative feelings like this. Wasn’t long before your heart slowed and your body heat regulated. Gathering yourself on your feet you unlocked the door and headed for the sinks. You looked as if you didn’t experience a panic attack on the floor of the bathroom. You were fucking grateful.
Not a single crinkle creased into the skirt of the gown. The crown threaded into your hair never loosened nor was a strand of hair out of place. Ivette was right this was the closet you were going to get to a ball and it was damn close. although you never anticipated your fear reaching the surface. You weren’t Harlow, she was a badass with a dagger and you were....well you. As much as you wanted to be something from a fantasy novel you had to be patient with yourself.
“Not all of us were made for this life.” The sickly sweet voice had you twirling around. Julie stood there wearing a delicate pastel green gown gasping the aesthetic of princess Tiana perfectly. Confidence oozed out of her pores as she took in your entire outfit. “I must say you do look the part, but your expression tells me you’re overwhelmed.” She says watching your vulnerable presence fumble for words.
“Once you’re sucked into this life everyone knows your business. Enjoy the normalcy while you can.” Julie says not letting you grab onto words to share with her. As quick as she came Julie disappeared behind a bathroom door leaving you confused. Was that a threat or a warning.
Shaking the entire encounter away you catch the door handle in your hand. Stepping out you collide with another body, embarrassment gathering in your cheeks you’re about to apologised. But Jonah’s green wolf eyes catch your glance and you sigh. The plan to sneak away without catching their attention flew out the window.
Massive hands rested on your bare shoulders to stead your wobbling form. Familiar warmth bloomed against your skin. Beginning to travel down to your wrists, caressed the wings of your shoulder blades. You fought the instinct to shudder under his comforting touch. Your body reacted to him in such a way you didn’t want to admit.
Concern was carved into his eyebrows. “Are you okay?” His voice was chillingly gentle, Ivette must of told him.
“Yes, I just needed to use the rest room.” You cleared your throat with a forced grin that never reached your ears. “You sure?” He softly pressed with an expression that was unreadable. Sighing in defeat you caved into his gentle presence.
“No, It’s all a little much for me, I’m not cut out for any of this.” You felt frustrated with yourself. As if you didn’t finish something in time when you know you were fully capable of doing it. Angry at yourself for not adapting to this life the way your mind adapted entering a new book world.
“Close your eyes.” He says,
“What!?” You asked a little too loud catching a few eyes. His small command threw you off the train track.
“Close your eyes,” He repeated with a light smile. You stare at him searching for any wrong intention but you come up dry. Maybe it was his soft smile or the way his hands were placed, thumb rubbing comforting circles into your skin. But you comply closing your eyes cutting your vision into the dark trusting him fully.
“Now breathe. Inhale the positive through the nose, exhale the negative through your mouth.”
“Why?” You asked with a small giggle feeling like the exercise was childish.
“Just do it.” Jonah playfully snaps at you making you laugh more, taking the anxious thoughts away.
“Okay.” You say before doing the breathing excise you learned when you were six. You did it once, twice, and a third time. Your brain was calm and content once again and you were perplexed on how a useless calming exercise worked. Or so you believed when your mom told you to use it to chase away the icky bad feelings.
“Take my hand I want you to come with me.” You kept your eyes closed as you felt his hands leave your shoulders. Tracing the warmth down your biceps and down your forearms. Causing you to genuinely smile at the sensation but fought against the shudder your body wanted to make. Softly his hands entered your palms, heat spread like it always seemed to.
“Keep your eyes closed, follow my body.” Before you could respond you felt the muscles in his fingers and hands tense. Gasping lightly Jonah pulled you slowly and your body followed him.
“Good.” He says watching the way your body followed him. Trusting him with everything you had. Faster he pulled you through the ocean of people. A colossal of a function held in the city’s legendary museum, massive rooms connecting with spacious hallways.
With your vision gone your other senses heightened. Your nose drowning in his cinnamon scent. Callouses embedding into his finger tips from the strings of his guitar. You could feel the aroma of other people passing, hearing conversations near and distant.
You clung to Jonah’s arm then knowing he was guiding you through the sea of nightmares. Anxious blood running in your veins then washing  out of your system as him warmth engulfed your whole body.
Jonah’s head strained down to see you nuzzle into the sleeve of his blazer. Crown digging a tiny tear in the fabric, he could care less as a proud smile grazed his lips. “Are you okay?” His voice was dripping in honey, “I am now.” You hold on tighter to him feeling content like this with him as he never once tired to pull away.
It was a small journey to his destination.  You had a hunch he had brought you to the ball room. Delicate music flowed louder and bounced off the halls carrying it back to the centre of the room. The flooring was more slick like butter under your heels a lot different then the other rooms.
You knew Jonah was planning to stop as his muscles strained and weigh sifting in his body. Standing beside him you relied on the movement of him more then anything. He was silent as he grabbed your hand and placed it upon his left shoulder. Seconds later his slender fingers dug into the fabric of your gown and pulled your waist to his.Your body pressed into his fitting like missing pieces from the same puzzle. You let a breathy gasp pass your lips as you felt the shudder work through your body on its own accord.
“Follow my lead.” His voice smooth and deep at the close proximity of you. Words lodged into your throat and all you could do  was nod at his words. Now familiar with the way his muscles strained and shift you fell in sync with him on the first step. Slow pacing into the shape of a diamond. Jonah began to pick up the pace in the same pattern, noticing you syncing with his foot work perfectly.
“Why are my eyes closed?” You asked getting familiar with his body and falling into the melody of the music. “Personal experiment.” He says continuing his dancing pattern. Adding a body circle letting your dress flare with the quick movement.
“And would that be?” You asked feeling his fingers crawl to the middle of your back. Pushing your body further into his causing your breath to hitch. Your arm instinctively wrapped around his neck as your breath began to mingle with his.
“To see how your body reacts to mine with your eyes closed your reaction would be raw and real. because your mind isn’t conscious of who you’re with.”
You’re quiet as Jonah brings you into two ratios of his dance pattern.“Why would you want to know that?”
“I’m drawn to you in a way I cant explain and no matter how much you want  to deny it you are too. Tonight proves it.”  At that pure fact your eyes flick open. Jonah’s immediately connect while fierce passion swam in them. Your face mere inches away from his and you could spot out the things he’d might find as flaw. The crease in the middle of chin, or the way one side of his top lips was bigger. You couldn’t help adore those things.
Dancing in his arms all you could see and feel was him. Unaware of the other couples dancing in one of the most historic ballrooms the world as seen. Taking away the fact Jonah wrote you into your own fantasy world.  
Noticing your stare he smirked, green eyes shifting to your lips. Tongue poking out as he began to stare at them like they were the only source of his survival. “It’s rude to stare, Rockstar.” You mumble not sure if you should lean in and bring your lips to his. If you did you had no idea if you would be able to stop, Jonah was right you were drawn to him and you had no fucking idea why.
“Not when it’s you, Princess.” the intimate nickname caused the blood to rush upon your cheeks. You broke eye contact quickly looking at the way your feet chased his on the dance floor. A deep chuckle erupted against his chest and vibrated into yours. “I’ll let it go this time since there happens to be a crown on my head.’ You threaten playfully.
His eyes caught the sight of it in all it’s glory, “You should wear it more often, it fits you perfectly.” The diamonds sparkled into the green rings rounding his pupils. You almost snorted as you asked “Do you really think aimless flirting is getting you anywhere?”
“Usually does. Especially with the professors.” He winks at you teasingly. “God you’re so cheesy it wounds my soul to hear it.” You giggle and watch him beam at the happiness he managed to pull from your soul. Your eyes were brighter in the presence of him and Jonah never failed to notice it.
“Do you trust me?” A sudden question out of the blue,
“Seems like a trick ques-” You yelp as he twirled you a few times, hands still connected over your head. Anxious butterflies enter your stomach at the fast motion. You began to miss the warmth he brought you as if you were always meant to me in Jonah’s arms indefinitely. You giggle as Jonah pulls you back and you're relieved by his cinnamon presence.
“I trust you.”
“I know.”
The rest of the night is spent dancing in his arms, Giggling and feeling genuinely happy for the first time in along time. So distracted in him you both missed the auction. So lost in him that you hadn't noticed the couple danced a few feet away had been Julie with Trey.
A few weeks later 
The moon hung high in the night sky as the harsh wind howled against your old windows. The blue glow of the television washed over your sleeping form. Curled like a kitten into the wall until a loud pounding at your door woke you. Mind hazy and confused as you were brought to consciousness. The loud banging started again as you heard a deep slurring voice. “Y/n? Y/n are you home?” 
You almost felt like you were still wandering in dreamland. Who would show up at your dorm in the dead of night drunk out of their mind? Scurrying out of the covers you walked a couple steps to your door, your dorm was the small. Pulling the lock free you turn the knob and open the door. 
Jonah stood in the hallway swaying on the balls of his feet. The bitter scent of alcohol engulfed you. He looked so wasted, a state you’ve never seen him in. you always saw him sober even at parties his frat liked to throw. Crinkles and strains littered his clothing, a rip was torn in the collar of his shirt, blotches of dried blood spotted the light fabric. Eyes dazed as he glanced at you, dark bags weighed under his eyes. Bruises and cuts were spread across his face.  
“Jonah?” You asked beyond shocked, 
“I saw him and I lost it.”  Jonah lazily shrugs losing balance and his shoulder run into the frame of your door. Groaning he continues to lean against it too drunk too hold himself up. “I needed to see you..b-because you’re the only one that-” 
“It’s late Jonah you should go.” You say regretting your words, holding the door you’re about to close it. “Please.” Jonah begs trying to nudge the door with his shoulder. But leans his entire weight against the door instead causing it to fly out of your grip and bang upon the wall. Jonah falls to the floor with a softer then you thought. 
Without thinking you’re at his side helping him to his feet and you wonder how he got into the building. Once he’s onto his feet you guide him slowly to your desk and tell him to sit. He already barged in there was no point on kicking him out now. Shutting the door you flick on the light and your brain scolds you for it. Turning back to him you noticed blood seeping through his shirt on his side. 
“What the hell did you do?” You asked him gently shaking your head as you walk to him. Jonah doesn't say a word as he watches you gather his shirt in your hand. Lifting it you spot a large scrapping wound running up his rib the chest. Dried blood covered his chest not too badly scraped like the side of his rib cage. Blood ran down his side that wasn’t there before. The wound tore open when he face planted to the floor.  
“Take your shirt off I’ll fetched the first aid kit.” You speak to him sternly. “Yes ma’am.” Jonah chuckles darkly in a flirtatious manor and you ignore it. He didn’t have a right to that, not after dodging you like the plague for the last week. 
You could’ve swore Jonah’s chest is something forged by angels. perfect sets of muscles tempted you to drop the aid kit and sit in his lap. A lazy smirk played on his lips and you had to look away, Swallowing the attraction down you forced yourself to focus. 
“I don’t  want to know how you achieved to look like this.” You sitting down on stool and catching the rubbing alcohol from the kit. “I wasn’t planning on telling you.” He pointed and your heart wrenched at his response. 
In silence you drown cotton balls in the liquid and dab it on to his rib. They slightly shrink and expand sharply as he seethes through his teeth. You pull your lips in tight to stop the laugh that wanted to come out. It amused you to see him squirm at your hand. It was short lived as you remembered the situation between to two of you.
“Why are you dodging me like a bullet right now.” The liquid slides down his middle with ease. “I’m not.” He sucks onto his teeth as you work your way through his wound. Disinfecting it like he had that night at Chocolate Spot, taking care of you like no one else ever would. 
“How can you say that when we were..friends or whatever you want to call it. We saw each other every day from dawn to dusk, almost spending every hour together. I accidentally fell asleep in your bed one night with Sawyer when we were watching Cars. We got ice cream every second day cause if we went every day Marcel would cut us off. We walked through the city and you showed me your favourite places. You pushed me to start painting again, I came to your band practise so often Jack started calling me your groupie. “
“Then one day you didn’t answer my text, you weren’t answering my calls either. Daniel was a complete asshole when I dropped by the fraternity house. You stopped getting coffee with me and you never saw the way I progressed with my painting. You abandoned me Jonah, but maybe you’re right that you didn’t.” 
Your focus was surprisingly on the task at hand, not once did you look up at him. If You did you knew you would crumble into the palm of his hand and you were making good process. He was silent as he watched you work through it. You honestly didn’t know what you expected from him but it wasn’t silence.
Just over halfway through his wound and a few cotton balls later is when you felt  your eyes sting. Blinking softly hot tears rolled down your cheeks and you could feel you nose get stuffy. “I’m sorry.” His voice is a gentle slur. 
“Why are you sorry? It’s my fault for thinking I was different. It’s pathetic the way I believed you.” You both fell into silence vulnerable hearts beating the same rhythm, scared to say the wrong thing. 
Wasn’t too long before you finished disinfecting the wound. Plastering a bandage to his rib cage where the wound was deeper. Leaving the cuts on his face alone because that’d take too much mental energy to tend to them. 
“I don’t know why you chose to come here, but I think you should take your shirt and leave.” You say throwing the bloodied cotton balls in the trash and sliding the first aid kit back under the bed.  “Which one?” He noticed the shirt that your body was clad in. First failed band merch he lent the first time you were at his house and you weren’t planning on giving back. You liked sleeping in it. 
“The one you came in.” 
“It has blood on it.” 
“I don’t care, just get out.” You say heading for your bed way too tired to deal with him at the moment. “Wait.” Jonah’s hand catches your wrist and slender fingers wrap around it. A small shiver runs down your spine as if you were deprived of his touch. Body soon growing content from the skin to skin contact of him. Pulling lightly he turned you to face him, regret dripping in his eyes.  
“What?” You ask sharply almost in a snap. 
“I loved the time I spent with you, watching you fit into my life like you meant to be there. I see the way you get along with the band goofing around with them like they’re siblings. How you treat Sawyer as if he’s your dog, doesn’t help that the canine is in love with you. I just can’t help think that you deserve better then me. You know my past and you know who I was...still am. You don’t deserve to worry about me and expect to clean me up.” Jonah’s green eyes sparkle. 
You narrow your eyes at him. Yanking your wrist from his grip and cross your arms over your chest. “What gives you the right to tell me what I deserve Jonah?” Your voice filled with anger. “I think I’m the one who decides that okay?” You asked pointing a finger to his still bare chest. He only nods watching the fury burn from your ears. 
“I know who you are Jonah, and I’ll keep choosing you because no one. And I mean no one as ever made me feel the way you have in those few weeks.” 
Passion burning in Jonah’s eyes like nothing you’ve seen before. Fingers dig into your wrist again as he pulls you into him. You yelp at the sudden action and let yourself get entirely lost in him. His hands are delicate as they cup the sides of your face. Soon guiding your face to his giving you time to reject him, but you don’t. 
Once your lips meet his you swore you felt the entire world fall into place. He tasted of harsh vodka and coca cola while his whole being was drowning in the scent of it. You could care less in this moment as you melt into his arms perfectly. His kiss is gentle and careful as if pressing more into the kiss would shatter you into dust. 
Pulling away from the kiss you look to your nightstand breathless and rosy cheeked. Instantly you felt bare without his warm touch upon your skin. It was weird the way your body always reacted to him as if this man was your whole life line. Like your body couldn’t get enough of him. 
Jonah’s fingers caught your chin in his soft grip forcing your attention on his drunk hazy eyes. Exhaustion was wearing on his body now and you watched a dopey smile spread on his lips. “Beautiful.” His mumbles a soft slur of syllables as he tucks a few strands of hair behind your ear. 
“You’re tired,” You respond back with fond smile.
“Can I stay with you?” Hope begins to dance in his eyes and you nod, “turn the light off.” was all you said before you pull from his grip and crawl into bed. 
The light flicks off and you’re engulfed into the darkness only hearing light shuffles that Jonah makes. Soft thud of jeans hit the floor before you feel his body sink into the mattress of your bed. You giggle feeling him press his head into your stomach. The giddiness reaching your brain as his weight pushes into your legs. 
“God I love the sound of your laugh.” He says into the fabric of your shirt. You smile in response and thread your fingers into the curls of his hair. Jonah pulls you thighs tighter against his bare chest and you feel his sigh contently in your arms. And you too were content in him and you begin wonder if this is what home felt like. 
Jonah is quiet for a long while before you sense his breathing patterns slow and light snores erupt from him. You pull the blanket to your chest and surrender to sleep for the second time that night. This time was more rewarding then the first, because you had him. 
Late morning sun light floods into the dorm through light mesh curtains. Mind growing conscious while you felt the man cuddling against you nuzzle his face deeper into stomach. Looking like a sleepy puppy while doing it. You smile softly to yourself and comb your fingers into his chocolate curls enjoying the moment. 
Until the Tuesday morning dawned on you, and by the bright light you knew you missed the first half of your eight am lecture. Desperately trying to get out of Jonah’s grip, he pulls you closer to his body instead. Rolling your eyes you try again, prying is arms from your thighs, but his hold is stronger then your resistance. 
“Jesus what the hell is in your protein shakes?” You asks more to yourself, 
“Protein.” Jonah murmurs into the fabric of your shirt. “You’re awake?” You asked surprised still trying to force yourself out of his grip. “Yes. Now stop trying to escape.”  
“Can’t and because of you..” You groan digging your fingers into his bare bicep and push. “..I’m really late for my morning class..” Your grip slips and you yelp. “...Let me go!” You sigh in defeat and fall back into your pillows. 
“I might be able to spare you.” He says reluctantly and pulls his arms from around you. You missed the feeling of them circling your body and as much as you wanted to put then back you couldn’t. 
“Thank you.” You say gratefully and scoot yourself to the edge of the bed. Jonah crawls higher on the bed, back muscles glistening against the sun beams. He face plants into the pillow abruptly and moans into it sending shivers down your spine. Wondering what it would sound like on the shell on your ear as you reach of your phone.  
The time displays on the screen and you swore under your breath as Jonah stirs in your bed and hums in question. “It’s 11:30am I missed the entire lecture, I still have time to get to my second class. I might have enough to grab a coffee on the way.” 
“Me one too?” He asked in a coo and looks up at you. Gasping lightly you rush to him and grab his face to inspect the swelling of a yellowing bruise. It definitely didn’t look like that last night and must’ve grown in the night. Softly you finger tips dance onto the swell and Jonah curses at you and winces out of your grip. You muffled a small laugh, “Sorry, I wanted to see how bad it was.” 
“Yeah I bet you did.” He snaps at the pain you caused him. 
“Okay I’ll let you rest Mr. Attitude..” You tease him. “..I have a class to get to, and you know your way out.” You gather up your bathroom things in your catty and before you head out the door, you glance to see Jonah already sleeping peaceful in your bed. 
After a long lecture you walk into Golden Biscuit and find Ivette already waiting for you. Ready for your two o’clock lunch date as she had ordered you an iced coffee and a sandwich. she sits in a spacious booth and you wonder how long she’s been sitting there scrolling on her phone. 
“Hey.” You greet sliding into the seat across from her. Instantly she puts down her phone, screen kissing the table. “Finally what took you so long?”  
“You do realise I don’t have a car right? Not to mention it’s a twenty minute walk from the lecture hall.” You reach for your sandwich and sink your teeth into it. “Calm down I know I was only teasing. I missed you and your dumb ass.”  She says and you roll your eyes as your mouth was full of a deliciousness. 
With Jonah on hiatus for the last week you kept to yourself. You didn’t think it was fair to come in between her relationship with Daniel. Especially since he was Jonah’s best friend and band mate. And in that time Jonah was avoiding you Daniel told you ‘if he wanted to be found you would’ve found him’ Honestly a dick move on his end of the plate but you understood his reason. 
You knew Ivette would tear out his throat for that one despite what she felt for him. She’d do absolutely anything for you, that’s who Ivette was. It’s the reason you never told her about it and said you needed space. Because at the end of the day Daniel was the only whose ever made her feel secure in a relationship. You weren’t about to take that away from her,  she’s happy with him.
“I missed you too and your loud personality.”  You take a sip of your coffee to wash down the bread down. 
“Speaking of loud I heard that a certain someone forced his way through your dormitories last night.” The excitement glowed in her brown eyes as she took a sip of her own coffee. 
A small smile crawled onto your lips at the mention of the man that slept in your bed last night. “Yes..” You start and tell her everything that happened last night. That he woke up at two in the morning absolutely wasted and bruised from the waist up. How you weren’t too pleased to see his face after everything that happened between the two of you. Yet you still tended to his massive wound that ate at his side, saying how you felt the need to do it even after feeling that resentment for him. How you two made up and kissed and fell asleep in each others arms like you were meant to. 
By the time you finished your coffee was gone and your sandwich was half eaten. Ivette held her coffee in both hands looking at you with an expression you couldn’t place. “The way you describe him tells me you’re in love with that one.” He voice is soft and light. 
You choke and cough on a piece of bacon, shocked by her words. “Me and Jonah aren’t together together. At least I don’t think we are, he never asked. I can’t be in love with him, not yet. That-that would be almost im-impossible.” You scramble for the words. Desperate to deny the idea out of your mind.
“The way you talk about him is as if your souls are made from the same stars. It wouldn’t be that impossible.” 
You muffle a small laugh, “That’s from a movie.” You point out, 
“I know. What do you expect from a theatre major who doesn’t devour books the way you do?” She shrugs and takes a bite out of her panini.  
You shake your head playfully as your phone vibrates in your back pocket. Eyebrows knit together while you fish it out. A white notification from eBay with a picture of you lion painting pops up. Blocking a picture of you and Ivette when you went to Disneyland last year. 
You tap on it and it takes you to your listing of the painting. A green banner is displayed at the top and in white lettering SOLD is written inside it. Your eyes fall upon more zeros then you could count, your phone slips from you grip. “Holy fuck!” you shout and clamp your hands to your mouth in pure shock at how much your panting sold for. Phone clattering to the phone and you could care less if the screen cracked. 
“What?!” Ivette leans onto the table with an urgent expression. eagerly wanting to know what caused you to respond the way you did. Hands shaking vigorously against your mouth as your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Ivette watches you like this for the next five minutes letting you comprehend what the hell just happened. 
Slowly you remove you hands from you mouth and look at her bug-eyed. Still in shock. “My painting sold.” Your voice is just above a whisper as if you said it any louder it’d go away. 
“How much?” Ivette matches your tone, 
“Five-hundred-thousand dollars.”   
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me through this series. It honestly means so much to me since I’ve struggled heavily with this part.
Which was your favourite part? Mine personally was when Jonah took the reader to the ball room and danced with her. 
Don’t be afraid to message me if anything offended you with my POC characters. This is a safe space for everyone and I want to make it right!
Taglist:  @jonahlovescoffee​ @randomlimelightxxx​ @someinsanefangirl​ @evans-dejong
38 notes · View notes
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Fashion is an instrument through which you show you belong to a group.
- John Weitz
John Weitz was a man for all seasons. Handsome, intelligent, and debonair. He was a novelist, historian, businessman, spy, and above all a renowned mens and ladies fashion designer. James Bond was fiction but he was the real deal.
Born in Berlin in 1923, Hans Werner Weitz was the son of a prosperous clothing manufacturer and German first world war hero, who had won the Iron Cross in the infantry. The family was living well when Christopher Isherwood visited. But they were Jewish, quick to understand what was about to happen, and, in the early 1930s, moved to London, where the young Weitz went to well known private school, St Paul's in London. At St Paul’s he said it was normal to be caned if he didn’t wear morning clothes to class, so he always did with lapels rolled properly. “On weekends we wore blazers…correctly…with the collar up and with a scarf and with brown suede shoes, which were very new then….but never, of course, after six,” he once reminisced.
He was an apt pupil and Oxbridge seemed to be a seamless next stage. However he lasted only a year studying at Oxford University.
Instead he headed off to Paris to begin an apprenticeship with the women's tailor, Captain Edward Molyneaux. In 1938, at the age of 18, Weitz was falsely arrested as an enemy agent while working in the London office of the Paris fashion house Molyneux.
His father was already in America and in 1939, and when France was overuun at the outbreak of the war, Weitz could see he had to get out of Europe. After a tortuous trip through Shanghai, China and later Yokohama, Japan to reach the USA.
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In 1943 and now a naturalised American citizen and aged 21, John (as he was now dubbed) was recruited by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, operating in Germany until 1946. He was fluent in both French and German which came in handy in his work during the war in Europe.
He would only ever describe his work in Germany until 1946 as "sensitive," though, much later, his publisher John Fairchild told the New York Times that Weitz "loved all that romantic part of his past. He was a perfect gentleman."  What is known about his OSS work was that he was part of a 1944 mission in support of the plan to assassinate Adolf Hitler  formulated by German Wehrmacht officers, under the instigation of Claus von Stauffenberg. After the war, Weitz helped to liberate the Dachau concentration camp
Weitz was also a man with connections, as when he confirmed that a former OSS boss had shown him gangster blackmail photos of the longtime FBI director J Edgar Hoover with his boyfriend, Clyde Tolson. In the 1970s, Weitz's friend Albert "Cubby" Broccoli, producer of the James Bond movies, teased him about his resemblance to the character - adding that Weitz was better looking.
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Weitz returned to New York in the 1940s, a young garment trader well placed to pick up on American women's new taste for informal sportswear, leather coats and men's shirts.
Weitz founded his women’s sportswear business, John Weitz Designs, in 1954, and launched men’s wear a decade later. For his women’s wear, he often tailored the best of men’s designs for the female figure, with looks such as shaped houndstooth checked coats, formal shirts with jet buttons and cuff links, and corduroy pants.
“Whatever happens in women’s pants comes from the men’s pants,” he said in 1965.
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In the Sixties, Weitz began phasing out his women’s and children’s apparel business to concentrate on men’s wear. By 1977, Weitz had 18 licensees and $150 million worldwide retail sales of products bearing his label, including sunglasses, belts, umbrellas and even cigars. That year, he also reentered the licensed women’s apparel category, because, he said, he saw the need for an alternative to coordinated sportswear merchandising.
“I’m rather sick of seeing American working women treated as children with prepackaged clothes,” Weitz said at the time.
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In 1964, he launched his menswear range, applying the technical standards of manufacture he had learned from his father. Unusually, in that era of obsolescence, he went for ease and wear - clothes, he said, should be worn "as if they are old and valued friends".
Of course he committed fashion faux pas here and there. This was the 1970s after all. But the previaling zeitgeist had to be understood before we laugh or wince at the designs today. None left a lasting impression quite as strong as the posthumously awarded ‘king of the ‘70s’—the leisure suit.
Once hailed by top designers John Weitz and Calvin Klein as a garment with staying power, the leisure suit was ostracized from the kingdom of en vogue before the 1970s ever came to an end. Just as it had swiftly risen to the top of fashion, it fell into the leagues of comic relief twice as fast.  Today we laugh at the cheesy styles, feminine colors, and garish plaids. But what we seem to have forgotten is that the leisure suit did more than just provide us with years of laughs. The leisure suit helped men open themselves up to new ideas in clothing. It allowed them to experiment outside of the style box they’d been locked in for too many years. If the 1970s had passed without the leisure suit, “business casual” for men might never have developed as soon as it did. The leisure suit may have been a fashion catastrophe, but it laid the groundwork for men to strut their fashion stuff for decades to come.
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He was his own dream model - "healthy and scrubbed," with a flat stomach - and toured stores showing off his new line of narrow, European-cut shirts, half the width of the standard American style. His navy suit, alphabet-patterned ties and aubergine socks are commonplace now, but were then part of a new, executive self-presentation, more about putting it together than design. By 1974, he had become a household name, with annual earnings of $18m and a Coty Award, fashion's prize for innovation.
Weitz skilfully let his name generate money by itself, using witty advertisements to maintain a high public profile. A poster on the back of New York buses announced, for example, "She ditched him, John Weitz ties and all".
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He also used his writing abilities to promote the business image: his book Man In Charge, The Executive's Guide To Grooming, Manners And Travel (1974), became a bestseller, but was really just part of his trade in suavity and martinis. Even his headquarters was above Madison Avenue. There were also two well received novels, Friends In High Places and The Value Of Nothing.
Two other books, however, marked out Weitz as a historian of the Nazi period. He wrote Hitler's Diplomat, a biography of the third reich foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Hitler's Banker, about the president of the Reichsbank, Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht.
He was repeatedly asked about reconciling the sale of navy blazers and researching von Ribbentrop, but he saw no clash: "Who else but a fashion designer would understand such a worldly man?" Weitz certainly comprehended the Nazis genius for the projection of personal image, and, though never a major historian, established a sufficiently solid reputation as a researcher that the president of Germany consulted him on the subject.
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Meanwhile, he lived the life of his executive book, raced cars at Sebring in the 1950s, and belonged to the New York Yacht Club and the Vintage Sports Car Club. In his Park Avenue apartment, a Chinese chef cooked dinner parties for his friends - among them the novelist Tom Wolfe- and film people.
In 1964, he married the actor Susan Kohner, and their two sons, Christopher and Paul, remembered Ingmar Bergman taking them to the circus, and film directors John Huston and Billy Wilder dropping in for coffee -"just nice old men around the house every once in a while". The boys' chief complaint about their father was that he made them wear blue blazers. Both Chris and Paul would go on to forge their own Hollywood careers as the producers and directors of such movies as American Pie (1999) and About a Boy (2002).
John Weitz had a deep fondness for cats which raised eyebrows amongst his more masculine following. But Weitz was unrepentent. Weitz adored their elegance, and was quoted on them more often than on the Nazis. "Even overweight cats instinctively know the rule: when fat, arrange yourself in slim poses," he wrote.
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John Weitz died on 3 October 2002 at the grand old age of 79. He remained a dashing figure and aged well - like the American version of Gianni Agnelli. He had throughout his life the air of adventure, even danger. He was stylish fashion designer who lived up to the executive image of his clothes. It’s no wonder no one balked when he made a name for himself with the nowadays unthinkable ad slogan, “John Weitz designs for the woman who wishes her husband could afford her.” His was a life well lived.
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xbunnybunz · 3 years
Daybreak (2/?) [Wolf Keum x Reader x Alex Go)
Summary: The day brings to you Alex Go, and in the night, Wolf Keum. Your past is inescapable. They build you up and tear you back down, but this is what you need to survive.
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
When you wake up to the alarm in the morning, the ringing thrums a migraine in your head that could only be a hangover.
You blearily open your eyes and look to your alarm clock to the right, the intense sunlight piercing through your curtains further inflaming your headache.
You roll over and slap the snooze button, flopping back down onto your back with a sigh.
You lay in bed for a while, running through your classes for the day. You didn’t recall having any tests or quizzes, so you take the day to heal from your drinking binge instead.
The next time you open your eyes, it’s 1:43PM.
The sunlight has dwindled from sweeping over your face to sitting shyly in the corner of your room, refracting through the window and streaking a rainbow onto your wall.
Wolf and Alex Go flipped through your mind like a stop-motion movie, and only looking back on it did you realize what entirely different characters both were.
Wolf was cold. Everything about him was so goddamn cold, his stare, his presence, his mannerisms. But Alex Go was warm in a soft way, warm in the way the sun would feel washing across your face at the beach.
You wondered what business fate had in bringing both boys to you in one night but abandoned the sentiment as soon as it popped into your head.
You were tired of hearing about fate and of destiny, it reminded you too much of what he used to say. Life was fickle, and you knew it, lolling from one side to another, one moment in your favor, the other against.
Heaving a sigh, you push yourself to sit up and swing your legs over the bed.
Your shadow played across the floor and traversed to your desk, messy with the clutter of books, journals, and half-written novels.
You pay them no attention and stroll over to the closet, pulling a shirt from a hanger to wear to the local food mart. A grumble erupts from your stomach and find yourself salivating at the possibilities of different ramen flavors or day-old cold cuts.
You head out to the market after freshening up, and the trip there takes a little less than a few minutes.
The elderly lady at the register gives you a sweet smile and welcomes you, and you return the gesture with a bow. Your eyes skim the wall of chips and baked pastries until your gaze lands on the shelf you were looking for.
You peruse the selection of gourmet instant ramen, tapping your chin thoughtfully and pondering the root of all human struggle, beef flavor or chicken flavor?
The door chimes distantly and a few people walk in, exchanging greetings with the cashier.
You close your eyes and let the sound of others around you seep into your soul. It was days like this that everything felt normal again, like time had finally begin to move forwards again. You craved it, but always knew this relief never lasted for long.
You open your eyes and see the slight furrow of your brows in reflection of the vending machine beside you. You also notice a pair of legs trailing up to a familiar white and blue uniform, and whip around.
“Alex Go?”
“Hey!” He smiled, and even in the blue-hued light of the fluorescent bulbs, he shone like the midday sun. “I thought I recognized you, but I couldn’t be sure.”
You turn to face him and rub your arm, giving him a tiny grin. “I knew we’d be seeing each other around, but this soon? You sure you not stalking me?”
You reach out to give him a playful punch, and he barely budges.
“Stalking?” he seems genuinely taken aback until he sees the look on your face. “I mean, if I was stalking you, I’d hope you hit harder than that!”
He laughs and the sound is melodious, boisterous, but not grating. The way his shoulders shake mesmerizes you for one, two, three seconds.
“Hey, you’re lucky I didn’t use this hand instead!”
You wave your right fist at him and pretend to swing, and right on beat, he feigns impact with a dramatic pop of his shoulder.
There’s a light feeling in your chest, and it flutters with each beat.
When was the last time you spoke to anyone like this, the last time you spoke to anyone at all?
“What are you doing here?” He asks, green eyes alight and curious. “Other than looking at instant noodles, I mean.” He gestures to the shelf you were both in front of, and you shrug.
“I had a pretty shitty hangover, so I skipped class and stayed home instead.”
You feel a bit abashed admitting that aloud, but continue regardless.
“I also forgot I don’t have a lot of food back in the apartment, so I had to crawl out and get my rations for the week.”
His gaze is gentle but piercing.
You hadn’t noticed yesterday in the shroud of night, but his hair was exceptionally dark. You wouldn’t liken it to the pitch-black darkness of nighttime, but to the gentle shadows cast by foliage on a peaceful afternoon at the park.
His eyes were a lighter variant of green, like the pale olive of leaves right after the end of winter, just before the start of summer. It was a delicate kind of beauty that felt tender to behold, and you cherished it every moment you could.
“Cutting? Come on, there can only be one delinquent here.”
He bumped his shoulder into yours, but it was mostly your shoulder colliding with his bicep.
“And I’m no professional, but I don’t think cup noodles are the best thing to eat during a hangover.”
You let your fingers dance over the flimsy cardboard packaging, humming.
“Well, it’s the fastest and easiest. So unless you’re going to help me, I suggest shutting your trap.”
You poke him in the chest and your breath gets shallow when you feel lean muscle under the modest uniform.
Alex flusters as well, though much more outwardly. He clasps his hands over his chest where you jabbed him, and his voice comes out an octave higher than usual.
“What? What do you need help with?”
He looks to you for an answer and finds you brandishing two boxes, one chicken and the other beef, trying desperately to hide your awkward reaction with an equally as bizarre question.
“Noodles. Fresh, hot, preserved noodles. Chicken or beef?”
You don’t really care what flavor he chooses but you hope the diversion works.
Alex falters a bit at the sudden change in topic and mood, but much to your relief, eventually eases his sights on the boxes in your hands. He has to stop himself from rolling his eyes, but he can’t stop the cocky smile from overtaking his features. He places a hand on your shoulder and raises an eyebrow.
“Uhm, duh?” He gestures to the box on the right. “Chicken.”
You beam at him and put beef back on the rack, plucking a few more chicken ramens off the shelf.
“You, my good sir, are a man of good taste.”
Alex drops his hand from your shoulder and winks at you with a chuckle, his words igniting a fire in your cheeks.
“Oh trust me, I know.”
You can’t stop the smile that creeps across your reddened face. “Don’t be coy with me, Alex Go. I still remember the way you stuttered yesterday.”
“Coy? Who’s being coy?” He laughs and feigns ignorance, but his jittery feet, bobbing this way and that, give him away.
He eyes the fridge behind you and sighs, shoulders slumping almost comically.
“Shit, I almost forgot why I came here.”
He busies himself with grabbing handfuls of ice cream, and you peer at him curiously. He catches your stare and explains himself as he counts the number of cones he has.
“I’m on snack duty for the group today, those lazy bums were ‘too busy’ teaching Gray and Eugene how to play pools to come out with me.”
He steps away from the fridge and closes the door with his hip, the suction of air making a fleeting ‘thwump.’
“They’re just broke and won’t admit it, fucking losers.” He says this, but there’s a smile on his face. You smile with him, because now seems like a good excuse to be happy.
You both walk to the register and Alex goes first, but still waits until you have everything in a bag.
When you step outside, the sun is intense but warm. You have to squint to see anything, and when you look at Alex you see he’s doing the same thing. He catches your eye, and you both laugh at each other until your stomachs hurt.
“I guess this is where we part ways.” Alex says, still slightly out of breath, wiping a tear from his eye.
“Yeah, guess so.” You wring your hands a bit, feeling a bit jittery at the thought of returning to solitude.
Alex hesitates too but you barely have time to register it before he freaks out, seeing the time on a clock hanging from a nearby shop.
“Holy crap! I’ve been gone for that long? Ben’s gonna chew my ass out!”
Alex grabs your right hand to shake it and misses the way you flinch.
“It was so nice seeing you again! I just feel like we kind of click, yaknow? If that makes sense.”
He retracts his hand and ties a knot on his bag, he’s moving and talking so fast you can’t keep up. You’re still stuck on how he says you both click, because you think so too and you’re so glad he feels the same--  and you don’t want to go home and you don’t want to be alone.
But he’s taking off before you can even understand he was saying goodbye.
“I’ll see you later! Get home safe!”
He waves and takes off charging, and he reminds you of a soaring jet.
There’s a noise in your throat, but no words come out.
Your hands clench and unclench, heart still hammering from when he took your palm in his.
You don’t want to wait to see him again, you think. You don’t want to leave it up to chance, or fate, or whatever the fuck they called it.
How long have you waited for someone to hear you? To see you? To feel you?
“Wait!” You shout, and it pushes all the air from your lungs.
You give yourself half a second to inhale then take after him, the plastic bag with your noodles tugging on your wrist.
By some miracle, he hears you and turns around, stopping short in his sprint and waving at you.
He cups his hands over his mouth and shouts something you can’t hear over the whistling of the wind and the rustling of the bag at your side.
When you finally catch up to him, you’re totally winded. You wonder what kind of superhuman stamina Alex had because he didn’t seem to be struggling at all.
You place your hands on your knees and double over, taking deep breaths of air that burn your lungs but make you feel so goddamn alive.
“Woah there!”
Alex braces you with two hands on your arms.
“I told you I’d wait for you. Why’d you keep running like that?”
“Give me your number.”
Alex’s eyebrows shoot up, and his hands fly off your body.
Your voice comes out raspy and weak. You’re only able to speak between inhales, but it doesn’t stop you from repeating yourself.
“Give me. Your number.”
Alex’s bewildered expression greets you when you look up, face red from exertion and embarrassment. Upon seeing your ruffled state, Alex makes a weird noise at the back of his throat and reddens as well.
“O-oh. I thought I misheard you…” He swallows thickly and rubs the back of his neck again. “Did you run all the way here to ask for that?”
You give him a look and drop your head again, giving one last exhale before rising again.
“Yeah, I did.”
Alex’s blush spreads to his ears, and his green gaze flickers from you to whatever thing wasn’t you. His dark hair tousles in the wind, and he rubs his nose.
“Oh wow. I mean you didn’t need to sprint, I’d be flattered regardless.”
He gives you another smile, and you notice that when he’s nervous his smiles are close-lipped. Either way, it warm your chest.
“I was just afraid I couldn’t catch up to you.”
He reaches for his phone and extends it to you after unlocking it, and you try hard to ignore the background he has of a tall, tan redhead face-first on the floor at a bowling alley.
“I would’ve waited.”
You type your number into his phonebook and call it, waiting until the buzz of your phone resounded from your pocket.
“I wanted to be sure.”
You hand the phone back to him. Your fingers brush and you don’t miss the way he jolts a bit.
He shifts a bit back and forth, like he couldn’t decide between staying or going. Or maybe you were just hoping that was the case.
You notice the bag he’s holding is dripping something, and you point it out to him.
“Oh crap-!” He opens the bag and is relieved to find its just condensation, but remains jumpy.
“Ah, thank god. But it’ll be the ice cream next. I really gotta go this time, I’ll see you!”
He takes off for a bit, and you watch, baffled, as he stops short and runs back to you, jogging in place. The condensation from the bag flies off and hits your arm.
“And uhm- I’ll call you.”
You blink in surprise, and can’t help the bubble of laughter that erupts from your lips.
“I’ll be looking forward to it, Alex Go.”
He returns the smile and it’s radiant as ever. It leaves you warm when he turns to leave, warm when his back is just a speck in the distance, and warm still when he’s out of your sight.
Alex Go, you think. Your fingers flex a bit at your side. And you smile.
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