#a nurses cap for molly
theonekierce · 1 year
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i became slightly obsessed with the regeneration scene in the movie and specifically the whole sequence with the 8 reflections and broken mirrors everywhere so i did all this abt it
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Oh Molly! Could we please please have a till forever falls apart spicy Sunday???? Lt Bridgerton with his hair falling out of place must leave Nurse Sharma out of breath!
Loving the new stories xxx
Anonymous asked: Hi Molly! Can we have “till forever falls apart” spicy sunday??
PDI’m in love and obsessed with your new AUs 😍
Okay everyone, welcome these little honeymooners to Spicy sunday
"We need to stop."
Kate's voice was breathless, her shoulders heaving as she lay against the mattress, sweat clinging to her body.
Anthony's head shot up from where it had been resting on her stomach, his cheeks still flushed and his breath coming in short, sharp pants. "Why?!" His brow furrowed, that adorable little crease appearing between his eyebrows. "Are you all right? Did I hurt you?"
Kate chuckled, running her fingers through her new husband's hair, enjoying how it curled around her fingers, damp with the sweat of their exertions before she tugged him forward letting their lips brush and their tongues tangle. "You didn't hurt me."
Anthony let out a moan that she swallowed, the taste of it on her tongue making her spine shiver against him. And Kate nearly sunk into it. Nearly let herself fall into the feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. The flames there, licking at her skin from the inside out.
She'd thought herself very above it all, it was funny to say now. She'd thought herself above the way other girls seemed to giggle after handsome soldiers and fluttered their eyelashes. But truly, when it came down to it: she hadn't been any better than them.
It had grown so steadily between them that she'd been in the middle of it before she knew she'd started falling in love with him. She'd thought him handsome from the first time they'd met, of course, she had. He was handsome, with his strong jaw and deep eyes and his confident, sure smile, not to mention that little curl of hair that had fallen over his forehead when he'd removed his cap hurriedly. He was handsome, but she truly hadn't thought anything of it, she'd met many handsome men in her life, and several of them had taken an interest in her. And truly, she'd never had a problem rebuffing them gently, she'd done it with so many officers in the hospital, she'd almost lost count.
And then came Anthony. Anthony who'd wormed his way past her defences with his gentleness, with the way he smiled at her, and dropped his defences entirely. She had fallen in love with the man she'd lain next to on the grass and told her it was his deepest desire after the war to live an ordinary life. That he wanted to open a bookstore, be a husband and a father, and live his life, celebrating every mundane moment in his life. She'd fallen in love with his vision for the future and by the time his lips had touched hers as he'd taken his first, tentative steps in months, she'd already been half in love with him.
She'd fallen even deeper in love with him when she'd seen him wearing that ridiculous bright orange vest she'd knitted for him, and the matching socks, his toes poking out of his bedsheets with a ludicrous grin on his face and when he'd pulled her closer and they'd swayed awkwardly on the lawn as best they could while Anthony hummed in her ear, and by the time Anthony had stood in the hospital leaning on his cane with his shoulders tall and proud before he'd dropped to one knee in front of her, she'd never had any doubt what her answer would be.
She'd surprised herself, or maybe she hadn't been given how close she ached to be close to him, but all she wanted was to be close to him. It had been almost all she'd thought about from the moment he'd fallen to his knees in front of her in the cottage that would be their home when they returned from their honeymoon.
She'd whispered in his ear at their reception, letting her tongue trace his ear a little, delighting in the shiver that had run down his spine. "Take me home, Mr Bridgerton."
And truly, she'd hardly thought about anything since.
"One Week." Anthony had said, "One Week for us to not be at war. I'll take you to my family home, show you where I grew up."
And she'd wanted that. To see where Anthony had become the man who'd swept her off her feet. But so far, from the moment they'd stepped out of his new motorcar, Kate was yet to see anything of the enormous house that wasn't Anthony's bedroom or the kitchen.
They'd stumbled out of bed late yesterday afternoon still trading lazy kisses, the rest of his family still in Thriplow giving them privacy and Anthony had dragged her straight back to bed after they'd eaten and Kate had fallen asleep boneless and spent only to wake up in the early hours of this morning already burning for him, their movements languid and slow as they'd fallen apart together and here they still were.
"Well, if I didn't hurt you," Anthony grinned, that lock of hair falling over his brow making him ludicrously more handsome, "I see no reason for us to stop."
Kate groaned as her husband's hand slipped from her hip, trailing further down her body, his fingertips tickling her skin, and her voice was still breathless as she let the words grind out of her chest. "We need to leave this room."
"Who said?" His teeth nipped at her neck, as his fingers slipped between her legs and a chuckled escaped him as Kate murmured a curse and her eyes rolled back in her head.
"Well, we only have a week." Kate gasped her hips stuttering up against Anthony's hand. "and I've never been to Kent before."
"Oh, Kent's very boring." He said seriously, his lips capturing hers again as his hand moved over her, and already Kate could hardly breathe.
"I still think we should leave the house." She didn't mean it at all. She really didn't.
Her hips were grinding up against his hand, her fingernails digging into his shoulder as her left hand held his head in place against her neck, his lips hot against her skin as the room slowly caught fire around them.
"Tell me to stop then." His voice was serious, even gasped against her skin and she knew he would. One word, one noise of discomfort and Anthony would have stopped, no matter what he wanted, no matter how much he desired her: he always put her first.
But she didn't want him to stop at all.
"Don't stop, Anthony."
She pushed back against his shoulders, whining a little at the loss of contact as his back hit the mattress but it was only for a moment, only for a brief second until she moved towards him and his hands landed on her hips, guiding her movement to straddle him, and as they joined together, his body slowly sinking into hers until they were one person, a desperate moan fell from both of their chests.
It already felt so right. She marvelled at it as their hips started their slow grind. They'd only been married two days and yet this felt so familiar. she knew the grind of his hips against hers and the feel of his hands against her skin and the slide of his skin against hers. She knew the scent of his sweat as he clung to her and the taste of it on her tongue. But most of all she knew the look in his eyes when he looked at her.
There was so much love there, other things as well, but the way he looked at her like this had her thighs clenching around his hips and her knees feeling a little weak. Anthony's fingers were pressing against her hips, bruising the skin there and god how she wanted that. How she wanted the marks of them on her skin forever. She couldn't keep her eyes from rolling back in her head as she moved above him, her fingernails digging into his chest and she could feel the vibrations of his voice before she heard it. Deep and rich, like smooth velvet, tickling down her spine as heat coiled in the pit of her stomach.
Kate, fuck, that feels so good. Doesn't it?
She couldn't do anything but nod as her teeth bit into her lower lip and Anthony's hand slipped between them, heat building and building and-
The world seemed to shift as Kate unravelled, shuddering around him, but Anthony wasn't done. He rolled them gently, cushioning her head as he laid her against the mattress, the pace of their hips quickening to a relentless pace that stoked the fire around them, forcing it to an inferno as Kate clutched at his shoulders, her fingernails biting into his skin, deeper and deeper until she could see the red marks she was leaving against his pale skin.
Anthony caught her left hand with his, his eyes darkening as he stared down at the rings on her finger pressing their hands into the mattress so he could see them, shining in the morning sun s they hurtled towards oblivion.
Anthony's hips pistoned forward and the smell of their sweat hung in the air and his cheeks flushed as the world blurred around them until there was nothing but the two of them together. Nothing but the warmth that spread slowly through their limbs and drew them together, nothing but the way his body moved against hers and the way her name fell from his lips like it was the only thing he remembered how to say.
She could feel herself hurtling towards the edge as Anthony's chest heaved and their lips met again and again and kate's vision blurred at the edges until the entire world exploded, shaking and shuddering together until there was nothing but them. Nothing but their ridiculous giggles floating in the air.
"We really need to stop."
Anthony's head shot up from her chest again, grinning boyishly, his hair tousled from her fingers and he looked so much younger, so much happier than she'd ever seen him. "We definitely don't."
"We need to go out today."
Anthony sighed, closing one eye and squinting at her, "One more time and then we'll go out."
Kate groaned, catching his lips again with hers, "I know we're on rations but you have to feed me at some point."
Anthony chuckled, "One more time?"
Kate groaned, "One more time, and then I want to go and sit by the lake for at least half an hour."
They never made it to the lake as it turned out. Maybe tomorrow.
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shmothman · 1 year
Thank you for responding! I love the essay you wrote about what we've seen about his character thus far and you brought up good points! When you put it like that, his 'recklessness' does come from things that he planned for. While true, having the Brave Asagi fly through a thunderstorm for the sake of shaking of the Explorers is reckless, it also gave Cap a power boost from the lightning, bringing back that image of Ash's Pikachu way back in the first episode getting struck by lightning against the Spearow flock.
And yeah, instead of letting Liko just rush in like that, he held her back and put down a plan; distracting Amethio with a battle while Liko goes ahead to save her Pokemon. It makes me wonder if Amethio would wise up and makes it harder for Friede to taunt him into battles, seeing that he's done it twice now. I'm super intrigued to see the origins for the crew! Like, how did he scrounge up people from various backgrounds and ages, and where the Brave Asagi even came from. Did they build it from scratch? Repurpose an existing blimp for their purposes? It's super technologically advance to me, given that they can have an on deck battling arena plus those force fields(?) covering it. From the character sheet we've seen of him, there was one where he made this pouty face and one that I could see where he's getting reprimanded or maybe feeling sick. Given that there's Mollie on board, I just want to see moments where he's wrangled into the infirmary for one reason or another. With the stunts he's pulled thus far, I want to see one where things doesn't go exactly as plan. He strikes me as someone who maybe has a hard time staying still. I know I'm waiting every week for new bits of information cause I want to write him so much!
Right right right—the thunderstorm bit seemed risky, but I think it really mostly showed that he has confidence in what he does; he didn’t doubt his and pikachu’s ability to navigate through it safely, and he knew the tactical advantage it would give to pikachu in battle. (There’s the question of whether learning that these things would work took a lot of risk on his part in the past, and I do have an inkling that he was more reckless as a kid/teenager than he is now, but who knows what we’ll learn about his past.)
And yes I also hope Amethio is the type of antagonist that doesn’t fall for the same thing twice—now that he knows Friede is prone to Being The Distraction, I hope they’ll have to find new ways to beat them! (Though, if we’re being honest, we’re coming from the series that had ash/team rocket fall for the same things every time, so we’ll see 🤣) And I really want to see what Friede does when plan A doesn’t work 👀👀
I’m so excited to see the origins of the crew, too! I mean obviously Molly has a history with the Nurse Joys (given the pink hair, the Chansey, and the fact that she didn’t want to go into the pokemon center) so my guess for her is that she ran away from being a nurse—and what better way to leave everything behind than to join the crew of an airship. But I would guess that either they were all friends and decided to go into the adventuring business together, or Friede was the one who came up with the idea and met/hired/befriended the rest along the way. Or Captain Pikachu found them all 🤣🤣 it’s anybody’s guess right now!
I wouldn’t say that the airship is super advanced, given what we’ve seen of the rest of the technology in the pokemon world: the forcefield around the battlefield reminds me of the energy barriers in the stadiums in the journeys series—it’s probably pretty standard tech in-universe. And there have been much more futuristic methods of travel, off the top of my head I remember Hunter J’s airship from the Diamond and Pearl series; though I do get the idea that it was at least a little bit cobbled together—or at least improved by Orla and the rest of the crew when they got it. Maybe they inherited it from someone? Maybe they bought it? I can’t wait to find out!
I also agree that he seems like someone who can’t stay still (listen I know I’m always HCing my favs with at least one of my Mental Issues but this one for sure has adhd)—I would bet that he’s always looking for the Next Mystery to Solve, and would probably get restless pretty quickly if there wasn’t anything to do next. But I also think he’s okay when the thing to do next is just… make some money 🤣 because hey, more money means more adventure, right? Though I do think he took this job more for the mystery of it than the money of it 🤣 it really seems like he’d do just about anything for a good mystery 👀👀
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ammg-old · 2 years
A life outside medicine can be hard for people who have built their identities within it. For some, it’s like returning from war and mingling with civilians who don’t understand what you went through. “I met up with some friends who are really bright people but who said, ‘Wait, the winter was traumatizing?’” Molly Phelps told me. She thinks that “health-care workers are either preparing for work, at work, or recovering from work,” which leaves little time for talking about their experiences. And those who do talk can hit a brick wall of pandemic denial.
Cassie Alexander also struggled with the fact that she was struggling. “I built my whole identity around being the toughest person I knew, and it was shattering to admit that I was broken and needed help,” she said. She returned to work last week, partly for financial reasons and partly to prove to herself that she can still do it. Others have peeled off to less intense medical roles. And some have no plans to return at all—but feel guilty about abandoning their colleagues and patients. “People going into medicine want to be of service in moments of crisis, so it was hard to watch [further surges] and feel like I was on the sidelines,” Lindsay Fox told me.
Some former health-care workers have found new purpose in tackling health problems at a different scale. Sheetal Rao has helped launch an environmental nonprofit that plants trees in Chicago, especially in poorer neighborhoods that lack them. “In primary care, we focus on prevention, but that’s also about advocating for cleaner air so I’m not just sending my patients home with an inhaler,” she told me.
Dona Kim Murphey, a former physician who now has long COVID, started a political action committee to get doctors into office as part of a plan to reform medicine. “I was growing increasingly concerned about how inhumane our profession is,” she told me. “There’s no culture of physicians organizing and fighting for their rights, but that’s something we should think about to leverage the outrage and frustration that people have.” For the same reason, Nerissa Black, a nurse in Valencia, California, is staying in medicine. She was so disillusioned by her hospital’s handling of the pandemic that she almost left nursing entirely. But she changed her mind to continue being part of the National Nurses United union and advocating for better working conditions. For example, California is the only state that caps the ratio of patients to nurses, and she wants to see similar limits nationwide. “I feel more resolute,” she told me.
Phelps, meanwhile, found the last thing she expected—a sense of peace. She used to scoff when she heard people say that you’re more than your job. “I thought, That may be true for all you nonmedical laypeople, but I am a doctor and it’s who I am,” she told me. And yet, she has experienced no identity crisis. After her last shift this September, she was on a random weekend trip with her children when, in the middle of a pumpkin patch, she started sobbing. “I realized that I was happy, and I hadn’t experienced that in almost two years,” she told me. “I’m not sure I can ever see myself going into an ER again.”
– Why Health-Care Workers Are Quitting in Droves
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johnnys-green-pen · 2 years
Random E! Thoughts: S6E7 - The Exam
There’s something oddly touching about Chet not understanding why Johnny and Roy are stressing about the exam so much - he clearly thinks the world of them and their skills.
Johnny, as per usual, REALLY does not like unnecessary runs
“Oh, come on, you’re gonna do fine” - “yeah, that’s what I keep trying to tell him” - “well, that’s what I keep trying to believe, too”
There’s something really sweet about the implication that Roy IS telling him he’ll be alright, and, even though it should go without saying, about both Roy and Dix acknowledging his competence.
The way Johnny looks over at Roy when he says “I hope tomorrow isn’t one of those days”
The way he perks up when Dix jokingly highlights their importance
Chet knows approximately when Roy’s birthday is. He does not know when Johnny’s is, and Johnny really doesn’t seem inclined to talk about it either, at least not at first. 
November 7th (Roy) and August 28th (Johnny), and Chet’s bday is presumably in November, too, in case anyone didn’t know yet.
The way Roy looks over at Johnny when Johnny actually tells Chet his birthday.
Johnny taking one look at Cap’s Chili and claiming that, actually, learning on an empty stomach is better
Though Johnny also has a habit of not eating when something’s wrong, so who knows if he’s afraid of Cap’s cooking or stressed out or both. Well, probably both.
Dix criticizing the recertification exam
That scene in the squad is painful
They’re actually kinda talking about emotions! For once!
Johnny talking about how emotionally devastating the job can be in the same breath as reiterating just how much he doesn’t want to do anything else.
Johnny going from nearly choked up to “squad 51, available” in his usual Radio Voice is extremely ouch, too
Johnny still seeming tired after the exam
speaking of, there’s something very soft about Johnny in this scene
Also, eyelashes. That’s it that’s the post
“it’s the electronics age” BWAHAHA
Nurse Michelle is very cute, and I love her hair
Johnny seeing Molly struggle and offering to stick around, even though it’s pretty clear that he would’ve struggled with it
Dix knocking Molly into shape
Cap not letting Roy check on the car accident victims
Apparently it’s enough if two of them are gonna have nightmares about this, Roy doesn’t need to deal with it too.
Johnny’s first reaction to the missing tests being the assumption that all of it is one of Chet’s pranks
(which would mean that Cap would have to be in on it, btw)
Johnny being bothered by the re-take being So Soon
Betcha he’s gonna be cramming every second until then, again.
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madddddy · 3 years
From The Ground Up:
Buck POV:
I don't know what to do. I already apologized to the 118, especially Cap, but they still treat me like shit. It's been 8 months since the lawsuit and I haven't gone out on a call once. I know if I told Maddie or my parents, they would tell me to "go home". I'm starting to think that may be the best thing for me. At least my family knows I'm not on blood thinners anymore. Sitting at home, nursing a beer, I made my decision. I'm going home.
The next day I call up the fire chief and ask if I can get an appointment for that day. They are thankfully able to get me in at 1. I glance at the clock seeing that it's 10am. I text Maddie to have her come over. She lets herself in with her key and I get up to hug her.
"Hey Mads"
"Hey Evan. So why did you want to talk to me?"
"I think I'm going to go home. Its been 8 months and I haven't been out on a call once. I have an appointment with the chief at 1 today. I don't want this to affect your relationship with Chim. He has actually been one of the only ones who has talked to me. Him and Hen have been friends, but Cap and Eddie. They just glare or say things to my face that I just can't take anymore. I'm gonna surprise dad, but I'll call Kelly, Matt, and Boden to let them know. I'll miss you but you know where I'll be."
I look at Maddie to see her with tears in her eyes but she looks understanding. She nods and says,
"I understand Evan. You need a "new" start. I will miss you but I'm glad Chim and Hen have been there for you. I'll help you pack once you get back from the chief since I have today off. I can call Hen and Chim to see if they'll help too, but they probably will anyway."
I nod and get up. She stands up and we hug for what seems like hours, but its only 5 minutes. When we separate, she takes my hand into hers and drags me towards the door.
"Mads what are you doing?" I ask amused.
"We are going out to get breakfast at our favorite diner, then we are picking up Chim and Hen, then coming back here so you can type up your resignation and us three can start packing as you go talk to the chief. After your meeting, you will call Kelly, Matt, and Boden like you said"
I just nod and get my shoes on. We get out to the car and decide on driving my Jeep. Maggie's diner is about 10 minutes away from my loft, so it doesn't take long to get there. The hostess sees us and smiles since we are regulars here and she shows us to "our table". Patti, our favorite waitress comes to our table and smiles when she sees us.
"Well look what the cat dragged in! The Buckley siblings! Y'all want your regular?"
We both nod and Patti winks at us and walks away. Maddie looks at me pointedly so I take that as a point to start thinking of what I should say in my resignation. As if reading my mind, she pulls out a pad of paper and pencil. I start writing and once I do I just keep writing and I don't even realize our food is here until it gets set in front of me. We eat, pay and then head out. Maddie calls Chim and Hen and they agree to head over to the loft, even if they are a bit confused.
"Hey buckaroo!" Hen greets when I open the door for her and Chim. I hug them both and let them in. They already know most about what is going on at the firehouse, so they aren't super surprised when I say I am leaving. I tell them I'm planning on going home to Chicago, as soon as possible. Maddie looks at the time and tells me to get going so I'm not late to the meeting, and that them three will get packing. I thank them and head out.
45 minutes later I'm walking into the fire chief's office.
"Firefighter Buckley" Chief Torres greets and I shake his hand.
"Thank you for seeing me today Chief Torres. I am here because I would like to transfer stations. Specifically to firehouse 51 in Chicago. As for why, things at the 118 have not been good. Captain Nash and Firefighter Diaz have been holding personal vendettas against me because of my lawsuit from 8 months ago. Firefighters Han and Wilson have been the only ones from the firehouse treating me like a human. They don't participate in the jibes towards me and they still talk to me. They don't deserve to be punished, but Nash and Diaz should be. They shouldn't be fired, but maybe suspended. But I will leave that up to you. I came from Chicago and I started at the 51. I made a family there and I would love to return to it."
The chief sits there for a few before nodding and pulling out transfer papers. He signs them and then stands up.
"I hate to lose a good firefighter, but I feel after what you said, I will be looking into Nash and Diaz. Have a good life in Chicago Buckley."
I stand up and shake his hand. I take the papers and walk out to my Jeep. I call Maddie to let her know I'm on my way back. When I get back to my place, I'm surprised at how much they had gotten packed up, but then again, I didn't have much. We call a moving company and book them for the next day. Next I call the men that have become my older brothers in all but blood, Matt Casey and Kelly Severide.
*Ring ring ring*
Matt: "Hey Ev! What's up?"
Buck: "Hey Matty, can you grab Kel and see if Boden is free? If he isn't just go somewhere private. I need to talk to you all."
Matt: "Sure. Is everything alright?"
Buck: "Yeah nothing bad. Just got something to talk to you about."
Matt: "Okay Ev, I have all of us in Boden's office with the door shut."
Buck: "Okay. So I just want to say this all at once so please don't interrupt me and ask questions at the end. Things here have not been good since the lawsuit. Chim and Hen have been good but Diaz and Nash have been cold and distancing me. I am hoping that I can be transfered back home. I have the papers ready, just need a spot. And before you ask, yes Maddie is okay with it. And no I haven't talked to dad, I wanna surprise both my parents. So what do you say Boden, you want another Herrmann on your team?"
Boden: "Okay Buck, I think we can make room here at 51 for you. I told you when you left there would always be a spot for you and I meant it. I would love for you to come back here. What do you think boys?"
Kelly: "Well Cub, I wish you came to us about the 2, I understand why you didn't. I want you to come home too and Matt here is agreeing with me. You want us to pick you up from the airport when you land?"
Buck: "That would be great. Can I stay with you guys? Until I find a place? That or I'll stay with my parents. I should be out there tomorrow late afternoon. I'll text you to let you know for sure"
Matt: "Sounds good Buck. Can't wait to see you. And don't worry, we won't tell your dad."
Buck: "Okay I'll see you guys tomorrow. Love you!"
All three: "Love you!"
I want back into the living room where the three are sitting.
"Hey Mads, Chim, Hen. Boden told me I have a spot there and Matty and Kel said they'll pick me up from the airport. You said you booked one right?"
She nods, "yeah I did Evan. I'm glad Matt and Kelly will pick you up. I like that you are surprising mom and dad. Are you gonna stay there or with the boys?"
"I'm not sure yet. The boys said I can stay with them but if mom and dad want me to stay with them, I will"
"Not to interrupt this, but who are Boden, Kelly, and Matt?" Hen asks.
"Oh right! I forgot you guys don't know our friends and family from Chicago! So I was adopted after Evan wasn't able to save our older brother with a bone marrow transplant. He got adopted by Christopher and Cindy Herrmann in Chicago. He grew up there, became a firefighter like our dad and his godfather Mouch. He moved here and worked at the 118, as you know. When I moved here and started dating you Chim, I was able to reconnect with him, since I recognized his birthmark. We talked and cried. I told him how I was disowned by our birth parents because I am bi and he introduced me to our parents. They immediately unofficially adopted me into their family and so I call them mom and dad. Kelly and Matt are other firefighters at 51 and they all went to the academy together and became like brothers. Kelly and Matt are married." Maddie explained. I'm nodding along.
"Yep. Mom and dad treat Maddie like their own and I want to go home to Chicago because personally, it's toxic here for me. You guys are great and I love you but Eddie and Bobby are the worst right now. I know you stand up for me and I appreciate it a lot but I just need my original family. I'll keep in touch of course and I'll miss you but you are always willing to visit me in Chicago." I added on.
Chim and Hen nodded and got up to give me a hug.
The next hours fly by and the next thing I know, I'm landing in O'Hare airport. I see the men who are like my older brothers and run to give them each a hug.
"Hey Ev! How have you been?"
"I've been better but I'm do happy to be here." It's slightly muffled because I'm in the middle of hugging them. I pull back the they see my tears on my face and each wipe them off my face. I smile at them softly and they smile back.
"Hey Cub." Kelly says softly.
"Hi" I reply just as softly.
"Let's get out of here eh?" Matt asks.
I just nod and they each flank one of my sides whole carrying my duffle. The rest of my stuff is in the moving truck. We walk out to Matt's truck. I climb in and we take off to the 51. We stay in comfortable silence with me just watching the city go by. We get there 20 of so minutes later but it seems shorter than that. We get out and the go to each of my sides again. They have always been taller than me and I say I hate it but I secretly love it. I see my dad talking to my uncle Mouch in the break room. Sylvie Brett is the first one to see me and she gasps loudly making everyone turn toward me.
"SURPRISE!" I shout shocking them out of their frozen states.
Next thing I know I am tackled by my dad and godfather. Boden is secretly recording this for everyone.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" My dad and godfather ask at the same time.
"Well it's a long story which I will tell over drinks at Molly's tonight, but pretty much, things got crappy at 118, and I wanted to come home. Don't worry dad, Mads was the one to talk me into it. And only Diaz and Nash were the ones who were bad. Hen and Chim have been good." He just nods and they both step back so everyone else can hug me. The girls are next, Shay, Stella, and Sylvie come running up next hugging me super tight, but I'm hugging back just as tight. I hug everyone else except for 2 people I don't recognize. I turn to my dad questionably.
"Ah right. Evan, these are Darren Ritter and Blake Gallo. They are new to the house." I shake their hands and for some reason I get butterflies shaking Gallo's hand. I think the girls sensed something because they gave me knowing looks. I gave them 'the look' back.
"Hi, I'm Evan Buckley-Herrmann. I used to go by Buck but I think I'm gonna start going by Evan again." I smile at them. They smile back and shake my hand.
"Hi Evan, I'm Darren Ritter. I've been here for about a year."
"Hi, I'm Blake Gallo and I've been here about 5 or so months"
I smile and nod to each of them. When Gallo smiles back all I can think of is damn his smile is cute. Fuck I'm so gone on him and I just met him.
"Oh dad! I didn't tell mom either so I think I'll stay here until shift is done and then we can stop by home, pick her up and we'll all go to Molly's and meet up with the crew from Med and Intelligence?"
"Sounds good Ev. You wanna borrow some turnout gear and go with? If that's okay of course." He asked the last part directed towards Boden. Boden nods and so I agree pretty quickly. Almost as if it knows, the alarm goes off.
*Time skip to end of shift because I cannot write fire scenes for shit*
Dad and I walk out of the firehouse at the end of shift and get in his car. After about 5 minutes he speaks up,
"So what was that with Gallo?"
Shit. Play dumb.
"What do you mean?"
Good, good.
"Look, I know what flirting looks like, son. And I know you are gay since you came out to us in high school. I'm also not dumb, so I'll ask again, what was that with Gallo?"
I sigh. He always knows how to read me.
"He is cute, and I think I might be getting a crush on him, but it's nothing and he is most likely straight anyways."
"Well, I'm glad you told me, and I think you may have a better chance than you think."
And with that we pull into the driveway of my childhood home. We get out of the car and dad goes in first. I hear him say to mom,
"Hey honey, I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes"
After a few seconds he comes out and beckons me inside. I walk up and say,
"Hey mom."
She opens her eyes and shrieks when she sees me. She runs up to me and hugs me as tight as she can and I hug her back just as tight. Dad comes up to us and hugs us too. After a few we reluctantly separated.
"So what are you doing here?" She asks as she wipes the tears off her face. I tell her what I told dad and she nods and goes to get ready to go to Molly's. Dad and I do the same.
We get to Molly's and I'm bombarded by hugs again from my friends from Med and Intelligence. I am friends with Jay and Will Halstead, Mouse Gerwitz, Antonio Dawson, Hailey Upton, Adam Ruzek, Kim Burgess, Alvin Oilinsky, not Voight because of reasons, Kevin Atwater, Trudy Platt, Ethan Choi (he's not a dick here), Crockett Marcel, Natalie Manning, Maggie Lockwood, April Sexton, Connor Rhodes, Daniel Charles and Sharon Goodwin. They are all there and as soon as they heard I was back in town, they all came to Molly's. I also got hugs again from Kel, Matty, Joe, Otis, Sylvie, Stella, Shay, Andy, Boden, Tony, and Capp. I shake Gallo and Ritter's hands again. They all look at me expectantly, waiting for the story. I sigh and start talking.
"Okay so basically, you all remember how I was crushed under the truck? Well at my welcome back party, I had a pulmonary embolism in my ex-captains backyard. I wake up in the hospital and find out I need to go on blood thinners because I worked too hard doing my recertification. I go to dinner at my ex-captains house and find out why I can't go back on calls because of him. He is the one keeping me as a fire marshal. I make a dumb mistake and decide to sue the department and him. The lawyer threatened them all and tried to offer me a payout but I just wanted to go back to the firehouse. When I decided to come home, I hadn't been out on a call in 8 months. I got tired of it so I texted Maddie, my sister, and she came over. We went out to brunch at our favorite diner. On our way back to my loft, she called her boyfriend and his best friend, both of whom are my ex-coworkers but they were very vocal about my treatment and never shut me out. I went to talk to the chief, and he signed the transfer papers. I went back home to find that the three of them had packed all my things and Maddie booked me a flight for the next day, aka today. I called Matty, he got Boden and Kel into the office and I told them my plan. Next thing I know they are picking me up from O'Hare, we went to the firehouse, I surprised you all, went out on a few calls, went home to surprise mom, and came here to tell you my story."
I look around and see many shocked and furious faces.
"Okay I know those faces, you don't need to murder them, I told the chief what happened and recommend he suspend but not fire Diaz and Nash."
They all look more satisfied at that, but still mad. Gallo and Ritter just looked shocked.
"Wait wait wait, you are telling me that YOU WERE THE GUY TRAPPED UNDER THE TRUCK?!" Gallo asked, shocked.
I nod sheepishly.
"Yeah some kid was tryna blow up my captain but I was in his seat for the day. Don't remember why."
He just blew out a breath.
"Okay less sad things, what have I missed with you all?"
Jay speaks up first.
"Well Mouse and I finally got engaged!" He said, showing me his ring.
I jump up and go hug them both.
"I'm so happy for you two!"
They thank me and Connor goes next.
"Will and I finally got our heads out of our asses and got together."
I hug them both too and congratulate them.
"Matt and I are still together obviously" Kelly says. I roll my eyes and smack him on the head.
"I got a new girlfriend." Shay says slyly looking at Sylvie.
"I broke up with my boyfriend." Gallo says shrugging.
I feel both the girls and dads eyes on me but I very clearly ignore them. Everyone else is kinda confused but brushes it off.
"Chole is pregnant with my son!" Joe says excitedly.
"Oh my god dude congrats! I'm so happy for you!"
Everyone else shares something or say nothing new.
Couple hours later, it started to wind down and I'm at a table with the Halstead brothers, their other haves and Shay, Kim, and Hailey.
"So what's that with Gallo?" Mouse asks me pointedly. They all turn to me and I know my face is heating up.
"Nothing! There is nothing going on with Gallo!"
They all give me a 'drop the bullshit' look and I sigh.
"Okay fine, you all can stop giving me that look. I might have a slight crush on him. And it may be a little more now that I know he likes guys. But what if he doesn't like me?"
They all look at me in understanding.
"Evan, I love you, but why the fuck would he not want to go out with you? You are good looking, you are sweet, and anyone who wouldn't date you is dumb. And I'm a fucking lesbian." Shay says to me, everyone nodding along showing they agree with her.
"Yeah Cubby, I may not be a lesbian but you are like my brother, anyone who wouldn't date you is dumb" Kim adds on.
I sigh and nod. They all smile at me and we start talking about Jay and Mouse's wedding. Little did I know there was a very similar conversation at the table with Gallo, Ritter, Stella, Sylvie, Adam, and Andy.
Gallo POV:
"So Gallo, what was that with Evan?" Stella asks me.
"I have no idea what you are talking about"
"Cut the bullshit Blake. We all saw what was going on between you two" Andy says to me.
Fine, guess I'm not getting out of this one.
"Okay, I like him, but he is Herrmann's son! And I don't even know if he likes guys."
They all snort and start laughing then they look at me. I'm confused.
"Gallo, Evan is as gay as a fucking rainbow." Adam says to me in between laughter.
Wait, what?
"He's gay?"
They all nod.
Okay, I have a better chance now. They must've seen me thinking because Sylvie pats my shoulder and gets my attention.
"You should go for it. I've seen the way he's been looking at you all night. Just, maybe wait until tomorrow." She says, then walks over to Shay and grabs her hand. And pulls her up and out of the bar. The rest of them are not far behind and soon it's just Ritter, me, Evan, Cindy, and Herrmann. I go say goodbye to my best friend, the Herrmanns and Evan.
"Hey Evan, I'm gonna head out but it was nice to meet you" I hold my hand out for a shake but he pulls me into a hug shocking me at first before I hug him back. Once we pull apart I realize he is drunk because he plants a kiss on my cheek. My face heats up bright red. Ritter is looking at me amused and so I flip him off before we head out since he drove me and didn't drink tonight.
We get to my place and I wave goodbye. I fall asleep to the thought of Evan Buckley-Herrmann...
Buck POV:
I don't remember much from last night cause I ended up getting more drunk than I wanted too. I do however remember hugging Gallo. My face heats up at the thought of him. Oh god I can't believe I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He is never gonna wanna speak to me again. I'm pulled out if my spiral by dad knocking on my door.
"Come in!" I call
"Hey son, I thought you might have a headache after last night so here's some water and Tylenol. Also because I know you, I saw what you did to Gallo and just know, he doesn't hate you and actually texted me asking for your number, so if you get an unexpected text from a unknown number, that's all me. Love you, I'll see you in a few before we have to head in."
I nod and he closes the door. Well that's good that he doesn't hate me.
I look over at my phone and see:
Hey Evan! This is Blake Gallo. I hope you don't mind that Herrmann gave me your number. I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner tonight? As a date?
Hey Blake! I would love to! I also wanna apologize for last night, I was super drunk. I didn't mean to get that drunk. I'll see you at work today.
It's okay! I'll pick you up around 7? We get off shift at 6.
Sounds perfect! See you later!
See ya!
I groan and lay back on my bed. I stay there for like 30 seconds before I shoot up and start to freak out. Oh god I have a date. I have a date with Blake Gallo. I HAVE A DATE WITH BLAKE FUCKING GALLO! I lay face down on my bed like a teenager and stay there. I hear my door knock and I just groan. He comes in and chuckles at me.
"What's wrong?"
I just chuck my phone at him. They know my password since I don't ever really have much to hide from them, and if I do, I hide it good.
He reads the texts and laughs.
"Isn't that a good thing?" He asks me, amused.
"Yeah. But I have nothing to weaaar." I say sounding like a child.
"Well how about your mom goes and gets you some new clothes, since she knows your size, and then you are ready for your date. Sound good?"
I nod and get up.
"Okay. Now get dressed! We gotta leave in 5 minutes!"
I scramble to get dressed and we head out. I'm excited to have my first full shift at the 51. We pull in and get out. I smile when I see the "WELCOME HOME MINI HERRMANN" banner hanging up. We get ready and as soon as we are all ready, the alarm rings out. It was a quick one, a car accident. We were pretty busy today so it went by quick. I couldn't help but look at Blake when I thought no one was looking but a certain pair of husband's certainly saw this. They pulled dad off to the side to talk to him when we had a free moment.
"So why does Ev keep looking at Gallo?"
My dad laughs and tells then about the texts from this morning, but makes then promise that they won't let me know they know. (Yes I pulled a friends). They agree and as soon as they are done talking the alarm goes off one last time. Our last call went all the way to the end of our shift so I hurry and make dad leave quick, much to the surprise of those who don't know about the date. Gallo is not far behind them rushing out and a few people have knowing looks.
We get home and I see what clothes mom got me and decide on a maroon button up shirt and black jeans with my black doc martens. I gel my hair and about that time is when I get a text:
Hey! I'm outside!
Okay! I'll be right out!
I double check I have everything and head out, saying bye to my parents. I walk out and see him leaning up against his car. He hugs me and I hug back, taking in his scent that seems oddly comforting. We break apart and he goes to open my door. I smile at him as I get in the car and he smiles back. He gets in and starts driving. I tentatively reach across the center console to grab his hand and he holds it. We smile at each other and he pulls into a small hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant. We get out and he grabs my hand again as we walk in.
"Reservation for Gallo" he says to the hostess. She nods and grabs 2 menus taking us to our table. We look at them and decide what we want. He gets the chicken enchiladas with a coke and I get fish tacos with a sprite. She takes our orders and walks away. I reach across the table and hold his hand. We start talking about our childhoods. He learns I wasn't born to mom and dad and I learn about how his family died. We talk for so long we don't realize our food is here until it gets set down. We eat, and he pays even though I try to protest. He just says "I asked out on a date. If this goes well, you can pay for the next one." I sigh and realize he wasn't going to give it up so I relent. We head back out to his car and he drives us out to a ledge to look over the city. He has a truck and backed it up so we can lay on his bed to look at the stars. We cuddled there since he brought blankets to lay down. We didn't talk, I just had my head on his chest, watching the stars.
"Evan?" He asks softly.
I look up at him and respond, "yeah?"
He looks down at me and asks, "can I kiss you?"
I nod and meet him halfway. His lips are so soft and sweet. His tongue is asking permission to enter my mouth and I let it. I moan into his mouth and he does the same when I put my tongue in his. We make out for a few minutes before we have to take a breather. We rest our foreheads against each other.
"That was amazing," I breathed out.
He just nods and we sit there. He then leans in to kiss me again, this time much more chaste.
"Do you wanna come back to my place? We don't have to have sex, but I just want to snuggle you" he asks after a few.
I look up at him through my eyelashes and nod. We get out of his truck bed and he grabs the blankets and shuts the tailgate. I climb in and let my dad know I won't be home. He just sends back winky faces and tells me to be safe. I sent him the middle finger emoji and shut my phone off. He climbs in and we head to his place. He turns on the radio and I hear one of my favorite songs, From The Ground Up by Dan+Shay. I start humming along and then when Blake turns it up I start to sing which causes him to sing along too. We both laugh and are so joyful when the song ends that we keep singing along with the radio. We pull into his apartment complex and get out. We get up there and I realize I don't have pajamas. I tell Blake this and he tells me I can borrow a shirt and sweats from him. He hands them to me and I go change. We fall asleep pretty quickly, him spooning me from behind. I feel so comfortable in his arms and it just feels right. I never believed in soulmates, but Blake Gallo is making me believe in them now.
I wake up the next morning to see Blake looking at me lovingly. I smile back up at him and kiss him. We both smile into the kiss.
"I gotta get back to my parents before shift since I don't want to go in my nice clothes" I murmur against his lips.
"Or you could borrow my clothes if you want?" He says with a shrug.
I agree, not really wanting to head back to my parents. I borrow a pair of jeans a t shirt, neither of us looking at it closely.
We head out and go to the firehouse. I hold his hand across the center console again, occasionally pulling out joined hands to kiss them. On the way there he asks me to be his boyfriend and I agree immediately. When we pull in, we smile at each other and get out. We keep our hands joined, not wanting to hide this from our family. We hear wolf whistles and cheers and we just shake our heads with smiles.
"Hey kid! Nice shirt!" I hear Mouch say.
I turn around confused a little bit before Stella takes pity on me,
"Cubby, your shirt says 'Gallo'"
We both blush and walk away. I hear Ritter going to talk to Blake and I see the resident hubby's walking over to me. They pull me into Matt's bunk and push me onto the bed.
"Talk" they both say.
I sigh and say, "okay, so the day before yesterday, I got a text from Blake asking if he wants to go on a date. The night before when it was just Ritter, him, me, and my parents, when he came to say goodbye, I was so drunk I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. I apologized the next morning but he asked me on a date and I said yes. He picked me up from my parents house, opened the car door for me like a gentleman, and we went to a Mexican restaurant, then out to the ledge that looks out over the city. We laid in the bed of his truck just watching the stars when he asked if he could kiss me. I said yes, we kissed a few times then he asked if I wanted to go back to his place. He said we don't need to have sex and that he just wants to snuggle me. I agree, let my dad know, which was a mistake considering he is a kid at heart. We sang along to the radio on the way back since my favorite song came on, we got back to his place and he gave me sweats and a shirt to wear. We laid in bed, with him as the big spoon. We woke up together and I was at first gonna ask him to drop me off at home but then he just said I can borrow clothes from him so we don't have to go back. He hands me what I'm wearing, we don't look at the shirt obviously. On the way here we hold hands across the console, I keep kissing our joined hands. We then walk into the firehouse and you know the rest."
They nod along to the entire rant and finally Matt asks, "Are you happy?"
I nod enthusiastically and say, "Very. I haven't been this happy in a long time"
They both nod and get up to give me a hug. I start to tear up because having their and my parents' approval are very important to me.
"As long as you are happy Cub, we are happy." Kelly says, Matt agreeing. At that, I finally let my tears fall and they hug me again and kiss my forehead. After a few, I finally get it together and head out of the bunk. I see Blake talking to Ritter, Otis, and Cruz in the bunk room, so I go up to him and hug him. He hugs me back, a little confused but not complaining. He kisses my forehead ignoring the other three who are looking at the couple with a fond look. They walk away to give us a little privacy, shutting the door.
"What's wrong baby?" He asks me.
I sniff and then look up at him, "Nothing. I am just glad that they are accepting of our relationship. I know we just had our first date last night, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
He looks down at me with tears in his eyes too, and kisses my forehead again then my lips.
"I can't imagine my life without you too. All I could dream about last night was marrying you someday and adopting kids with you. I genuinely feel like you are my soulmate. I love you."
At that, the tears start flowing, he wipes my tears with his thumbs and kisses me.
"I love you too" I tell him softly. At that, the alarm goes off and then we are off, but not without one more kiss.
When I climb into the truck, dad asks me if I'm okay. I nod and smile at him, telling him I'll talk to him later. He nods and we are off.
When we get back, Blake and I go to talk to Boden to fill out paperwork for our relationship. He tells us he is proud of us and thanks us for filling out the paperwork. We nod and he hugs us both.
We head into the lounge and decide to cude together on the couch, but not in Mouch's spot. I close my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder. I feel him lay his head on mine and then I am asleep. We wake up when the alarm goes off again.
"Rise and shine lovebirds!" Capp yells at us. We flip him off together. The fire goes out pretty quickly and we are headed back to the station. Blake asks me if we can talk when we pull in and I nod and ask Kelly if we can use his bunk to talk. He says sure, so we head there.
"Okay, I know we literally just started dating, but how would you feel about moving in with me? I know you are looking for a place and your stuff will be here soon. If you don't want to, that's fine, but I figured it would be better for you, and we can split the rent. Whatdya say?"
I take that in for a moment before nodding with a bright grin coming across my face.
"Yeah?" He asks, a hopeful look on his face.
"Yeah." I confirm with a bright grin.
"Yay!! I'm so glad you said yes!"
"I am too. I meant what I said when I said I want to grow old with you. I want to get married and have kids with you. I love you."
"I love you too." He then leaned down to kiss me and I kissed back.
We walk out of the bunk holding hands and smiling. As the shift comes to an end I tell him that I'll head back to my parents for the night and let them know what I'm planning on doing. He says okay and we kiss and head off in different directions. Dad and I get to their house and see my Jeep is there finally. I'm glad, because as much as I love my dad driving me, I need my own vehicle. We walk in and mom greets us. We eat and then I tell them I need to talk to them. They look concerned so I reassure them it's nothing bad.
"Mom, dad, as I'm sure you know by now, Blake Gallo and I are dating. And I know we just started dating but I feel as if I've known him my entire life. He is the person I want to grow old with. He is the person I want to marry someday. He is the person I want to adopt kids with. And I know he feels the same cause he told me. I love him and he loves me. So he asked me to move in with him just because he knows I'm looking for a place and the rent would be cheaper. So I said yes. I hope that's okay."
They look at me with proud looks and tears in their eyes.
"Evan, of course it's okay. After hearing that, I firmly believe you two are soulmates. I don't always believe in love at first sight, but I saw you guys the first time you saw each other and something clicked. Your mother and I will always love you and always be proud of you. We will help you move your stuff along with I'm sure the rest of the firehouse. They all saw something there, and I know you two are meant for each other."
At this point, all of had tears down our faces. I nod and don't say anything because I don't trust my voice. They pull me into a hug and we just hug for a long time. Eventually I speak, "I think I'll stay here for the rest of the week, since we have this weekend off, we can move my stuff then"
They nod and we all head off to bed, but not before they both kiss my forehead. I fall asleep that night thinking of the names Evan Gallo and Blake Herrmann.
The weeks goes by quick. Blake and I explain what we are gonna do and they all agree to help us that weekend. Saturday rolls around and we get everything unpacked pretty quickly since Ieft all my furniture and didn't have much. Next thing I know I'm FaceTiming Maddie, Chim, and Hen to introduce them to my Blake as my boyfriend a few weeks later. They are shocked at first but by the end, Maddie and Chim are coming over for Christmas in a few months. We say bye and hang up the phone. I sigh contently and look over at my boyfriend. He looks back at me lovingly. It's been about a month since we got together. I already bought a ring, but I'm gonna wait a little longer.
*Time skip*
It's now December, getting closer to Christmas time. I want to propose on Christmas in front of our family. Since we became more serious, my family accepted him more. They already liked him since they knew him before, but it's different than being a coworker vs your son's boyfriend. Maddie and Chim are coming like they said they would. They'll be here tomorrow. The firehouse tease us about our relationship, but we both know they are happy for us. They do the same thing with Kel and Matty and Shay and Sylvie, but it's all joking. Christmas rolls around and I'm nervous and excited at the same. We show up at my parents and they let us in. Maddie and Chim are there since they are staying there instead of a hotel. We start opening presents and when it gets to my turn for Blake, I get down on one knee and pull out the ring. Behind me I hear mom and Maddie gasp but right now in focused on Blake.
"Blake, ever since I first laid eyes on you in the lounge room, I knew I liked you. That then morphed into love. I can't see myself with anyone else. I want to have children with you. I want to grow grey and wrinkly with you. I want marry you. So Blake James Gallo, will you marry me?"
He nods yes and falls down to me and we hug and kiss each other like our life depended on it. I slip the ring on as our family cheers for us and gives us all hugs. I see Blake reach into his pocket and pull out a velvet box.
"I was gonna ask you later this week, but Evan Buckley-Herrmann, will you marry me?"
I nod and we kiss again. We put our rings on and keep celebrating Christmas with our family.
We also bought the rubber rings for at work. We aren't telling anyone right out, we are gonna see who figures it out first. I bet on Shay, Blake says Matt, dad says Sylvie, mom and Maddie say Otis, and Chim who has gotten to know 51, says Stella. In the end, mom and Maddie were right. He noticed our rings and congratulated us prompting everyone else to do the same. The girls offered to plan it with Maddie. I ask Maddie to be my best woman and Blake asks Ritter to be his best man. We asked Boden to officiate it. My dad will walk me down the aisle. We each took turns deciding who we wanted for our groomsmen/women. We ended up doing a fall wedding because that is our favorite season and we had many people from intelligence, med, and firehouse 51 and a few people from California. Our first dance is the song we sang together on our first date. About a year into our marriage Blake and I decided to adopt twins. We now have two girls named Maeve Gallo and Robin Gallo who are 4. They love all the aunts and uncles they have from everywhere in Chicago and LA. They also love their "Papa Herrmann and Grammy Cindy. But also their grandpa Boden". Everyday I am thankful that I decided to leave LA and I'm thankful that the Herrmanns adopted me because if they didn't I don't know where I would be. But I thank God the Buckleys didn't want me and that captain Nash shut me out.
And we'll build this love from the ground up
Now 'til forever it's all of me, all of you
Just take my hand
And I'll be the man your dad hoped that I'd be
And we'll build this love from the ground up
For worse or for better
And I will be all you need
Beside you I'll stand through the good and the bad
We'll give all that we have
And we'll build this love from the ground up
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
Costume Party
Pairing: Will Halstead x reader
Summary: Y/N and Will are going to a costume party together, and they each agree to choose what the other person has to wear
Requested: No
Warnings: light swearing, sexy costumes (if you even count that as a warning), and a reference to sex
Word Count: 1,120 Words
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“Don’t even think about it,” I tell Adam as I walked into the bullpen of the Intelligence Unit. Being a cop was amazing, but embarrassing myself in front of my friends was not.
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” Adam said and tried to hold a straight face as he glanced at what I was wearing.
“Why are you dressed like that?” Jay asked me.
“Why don’t you ask your brother? He’s the one that picked it out,” I answer and look down at my costume. Will and I were attending a costume party tonight that one of his co-workers was having, and to make things fun, we decided that we would get to decide what the other had to wear. However, I didn’t think things would end up like this. Will had chosen for me to be a sexy nurse, and the costume, well, it was definitely more revealing than I had planned. The V-neck at the top went down a bit too far, showing off way more than I would have liked, and the dress itself wasn’t that long. And when I say that, I mean it barely went down mid-thigh. I could barely move without feeling like some part of me was being exposed.
“Its not that bad,” Jay admitted. “I mean, I’ve seen more revealing costumes.”
“If I sit down anywhere, I would moon half of the people in the room! I call that being bad. There’s no way I can wear this out. No way!” I confess.
“Well, you look great,” Adam pointed out. “I’m pretty sure most of the women in Chicago can’t pull that costume off. You should be proud.”
“I hate men sometimes,” I mutter to myself and take a seat on the edge of my desk, which just so happened to be the closest to Voight’s office. “Shit! Voight’s not still here, is he? If he sees me in this, I’m dead.”
“Nope. He left a while ago. The rest of us are just here to finish up some paperwork” Jay responded and wrote something down on the piece of paper in front of him.
“Wait. Who else is here?” I ask. Before either Jay or Adam could respond, I got my answer in the form of my blonde haired, badass bestfriend.
“No. Uh-uh. You can’t wear that out anywhere,” Hailey spoke as she emerged from the hallway that led to the locker room and interview room. “You need to go change right now.”
“Oh come on! Its not that bad,” Jay exclaimed, which earned him a smack across the back of his head from his partner. “Hey! What the hell was that for?”
“You know what that was for,” Hailey replied and took her seat before flicking her eyes over to me. “At least tell me you got Will back for making you wear that.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I did” I say and smirk. At that moment, I spotted my ginger haired boyfriend making his way up the steps, and I chuckled softly when I saw him in his costume. While Will had made me dress up as medical professional, I made him dress up as a police officer, but the costume was, well, lets just say stripper-like. The costume was split into two parts. The shirt, which read POLICE, went down just past Will’s pecs, and was made from a see-through material. Because the shirt was so short, the rest of Will’s abdomen was out in the open with nothing covering it. Then there were the leather shorts, which were not even close to making it halfway down Will’s thighs. There was also a cute little leather cap that came along with the costume, and it tied the whole outfit together perfectly.
“Y/N, I can’t wear this. I cannot let my co-workers see me like this,” Will told me as he climbed up the last step. Jay tried to hold in his laugh, but at seeing his older brother up close, he let it slip past his lips.
“Yeah? Well Adam already saw my ass as I walking to my desk, and Jay has seen more of my chest than he did when I went undercover as a stripper, so its your turn” I inform him. “Man, I can’t wait to see the faces Natalie and Maggie make when they see you in this.”
Will shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “I hate you. I hate you so much. I don’t even know why I’m dating you.”
“Would someone care to remind Will why he’s dating me?” I ask my three co-workers.
Hailey was quick to respond, and immediately spun her chair so that she was facing Will. “Because Y/N is the bravest, most headstrong woman to ever set foot in Chicago,” she spoke. “She’s also the only woman who can put up with your attitude.”
“That was spot on, Hails. Good job,” I praise.
“So are we really going to wear these out? Because I’ve gotten about 5 wedgies already, and I’ve barely had this thing on for 20 minutes,” Will said and pulled at the legs of his shorts.
I laughed and walked over to Will, placing my hands on his chest. “Oh, we’re definitely wearing these to the party.”
“What? But don’t you hate your costume as well?” Will asked me.
“Yeah, but that’s not the point,” I say. “You know I only picked that costume out for you because you picked this one out for me, right? You started this whole thing, and now you’re going to have to live with it for the night.”
“Send me pictures. Please send me pictures,” Jay begged.
“Y/N, don’t you dare,” Will retorted, but he was too late because I had already managed to take a few pictures with my phone.
“I’ll delete the pictures on two conditions,” I say.
“Okay. Anything,” Will responded.
“One, we never pick each other’s Halloween costumes again,” I state.
“Yeah. Of course. What’s the second thing?” Will asked me.
“You’re buying the next time we head to Molly’s,” I conclude.
“Done. I’ll do anything to never have this happen again,” Will said.
“Um, guys? Don’t you have a party to get to?” Jay questioned and smirked at us. I laughed and walked over to his desk, giving him his second back-of-the-head smack for the night. “Hey!”
“You deserved it,” Will and I comment at the same time as we headed towards the stairs.
“Have fun you two,” Adam shouted after us.
“Be safe,” Hailey added.
“Oh, and don’t do anything you’ll regret. I’m not ready to become an uncle just yet,” Jay called out.
“Shut up, Jay!” Will and I say in unison before heading down the stairs.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @king-crockett​ @winterberryfox @anotherfan07 @i-like-sparkly-things​
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ikleesfiction · 4 years
Will you follow through if I fall for you?
Fandom : One Chicago Word count : 2,409 words Disclaimer
Previously on this fic : Part 1 🞂 Part 2 🞂 Part 3 🞂 Part 4 🞂 Part 5
Part 6
It's been a few days since your date night with Jay. It went much better than you expected. You knew from the start that Jay is a good guy and probably a sweet lover too. But after that night, you found out that there's more to him than his good look and easy-going attitude. Jay's gentleness soothes your insecurities. His understanding warms you from inside. It's hard to feel miserable when he's around. You cannot help but latch on to him.
You and Jay keep texting and calling each other every day, but you only got to meet him once since then. For a coffee date before he ran to work while you went for your PT session. His job doesn't leave a lot of spare time, so you relish all the time he spends with you.
You hear your phone rings when you have your lunch. There is a video call request from your best friend and work-mate, Alex. "Hey, you! I miss your stupid face!" you greet him.
"You know what's not stupid?" Alex ignores your greeting. "The new material I received this morning
He refers to an email you sent him last night. Instead of sleeping, you wrote some lines and tinkered some notes on your electric keyboard. It was still very rough, but you and Alex swap ideas all the time. They could be a bar of melodies or chord progressions. Or maybe a single line that you cannot get out of your head, even there's no context to it.
"Wanna work on it soon?" Alex proposes.
"Yeah, sure!" you easily agree.
"You know I'm gonna ask how you come up with that song idea, right?" Alex probes further. He got an idea about your sudden burst of inspiration, but you haven't told him anything yet so far.
"You can ask. I might not answer", you nonchalantly retort. "Are you asking now?"
"I would, but I just arrived at my parents' house for our weekly dinner", Alex turns his camera phone and shows you his family dining table. "Say hi to Y/N, Pop" He lets his parents know that you're on the phone.
"Hallo, Liefje" Alex's parents greet and wave at you. "I miss you, Y/N. How are you doing, darling?" Alex's mom squeals at you.
"I miss you guys too. I miss home," you utter mournfully.
"I saw your dad last week. He and your mom cannot wait to have you back home next month. As are we." Alex's dad informs you.
Your face gets even more upset. "I haven't told my parents yet, but it's gonna be another two months. It's not working out as good as they wanted"
Alex's parents let out a sympathetic noise. "Oh great, I still have two more months to hide all my chocolate from you" Alex teases you instead. He knows if he doesn't throw any humor here, you're going to weep. The family laughs at your offended look.
"Where's Sara?" you ask them when you didn't notice Alex's little sister on the table.
"She's getting ready for a date after dinner. Said they will go stargazing. Can you believe it?" Alex skeptically recounts to you.
"Hmm, that sounds romantic. Good for her." you hum your appreciation. Alex can see twinkles in your eyes.
"Of course, you thought it was charming", Alex sounds vexed.
"Why are you so grumpy about this? You have a hit song that compared someone's eyes with the moon", you remind him. "Last time I checked, that song already got more than 400 million streams on Spotify". Alex just grumbles incoherently, while you can hear his father's booming laugh in the background.
"Alex, would you please call your sister down for dinner?" Alex's mom orders him.
"Alright, ma. Gotta go, Y/N. I'll call you later when I'm back at the studio. Bye, sis!" Alex ends the call.
Kelly Severide comes to your place in the evening after he finished his shift. He called you on your cell several times, but you didn't pick them up. He knocked on your door for a few minutes without answers. Worried that something bad happened to you, he uses his key to open your apartment door. You gave him a spare when you began your recovery from the incident. Since you got nobody in town except for the 51 Family, you thought at least one of them should have access to your place, in case you need help.
Kelly sees you sitting on your corner desk with headphones on. Your head is nodding to the beat you're working on. Relieved to know you okay, but feels a bit annoyed, Kelly taps your shoulder lightly. You jump in surprise, almost fall from your chair if Kelly doesn't hold you down.
"Kelly! What..! Why are you..??" your heart is still pounding in shock, makes you unable to finish your thoughts properly.
"I knocked! And called you many times! Neither you answered! I was afraid that you fell and unconscious so I used my key", Kelly exclaims.
You check your phone and see seven missed calls from Kelly. "Sorry, I left my phone on mute, somehow"
Kelly goes to raid your fridge and takes a bottle of apple juice. "Your fridge needs beers" he judges. "Go, get ready! We'll hang out at Molly's. Everyone misses you", Kelly orders you.
"I'm working, Kelly. Just because my work has no shifts, doesn't mean I can go anytime you want", protest you.
"You work for your best friend, who's in another continent right now. You can slack off for a bit" he dismisses your complaint.
"I'm making big progress here. My writing juice is flowing", you point at your laptop.
"One hour. I give you one hour to work. Then I'm hauling you out of here. In the meantime, I'm gonna order take out for us", Kelly decides.
You only mumble your disagreement, knowing that you're gonna lost the argument anyway. So you just put your headphones back on your head. However, Kelly pokes you again five minutes later, with his phone on hand, "Hey, do you want Thai or Greek? I'm in the mood for Greek right now", Kelly playfully asks you.
"Yeah, Greek is fine" you start to feel bothered.
He leaves to order the food while you're back to do your work. Ten minutes passed, Kelly drags a chair from the kitchen island to your side. He knocks on the table to catch your attention.
"Hey, I just remember, Brett said they saw you rescued somebody at the swimming pool last week. How did that happen?" he questions.
You let out a desperate sigh. "You're not going to let me work in peace, are you?"
Kelly just grins. "C'mon, we haven't hung out for a while. Lots of drama to share"
You save your work in defeat and then move to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Kelly sits on the couch with legs resting on the coffee table. You place yourself next to Kelly.
"They extend my therapy for another month" you restlessly play with your bottle cap.
"Is it not going well?" Kelly asks in concern.
"I got cramps that day at the swimming pool. They worried I damaged something. So they prefer to be cautious" you fill him in.
"That's when you rescued Dr. Manning's son " Kelly tries to clarify.
"Well, I just pulled him out of the water. The pool guard was the one who helped him breathe" you shrug.
"You assisted. It still counts as a rescue", Kelly insists. "Bet if Dr. Manning knew, she would buy you drinks at Molly's forever"
"More like got invited to dinner at their place," you mutter.
"Hmm, that's probably true" Kelly pauses for a moment, thinking. "Wait, did you meet her?" he grills you.
"Yeah. And her fiancé. I came to the hospital to check on Owen. Then next thing I knew I'm having family dinner with Manning/Halstead clan", you convey to him.
Kelly's phone chirps interruptedly. "Food's here" He goes to pick up the food from the delivery guy. "Alright, let's eat then we can go to Molly's"
Jay is nursing his first beer as he watches Will bottoms up his third glass of whiskey. Will called him earlier in the evening, claimed that he needs bro night out after a shitty day at Med. Jay's initial plan to have dinner with you got scrapped before he even asked.
"Maybe you need to pace yourself, Will", Jay suggests to him as Will signs to Otis for a refill.
"Yeah, Doc. Maybe you want to switch? We have a nice Dutch craft beer chilling here", Otis offers. But Will is still holding out his empty glass to him, silently demanding for more. "Okay then" sighs Otis as he fills the glass.
Jay hears the commotions at the other end of the bar. He recognizes some people from Firehouse 51 there. Christopher Hermann is cackling, while Matt Casey grins widely. They pay attention to someone that is sitting among the group, but he cannot see who because Severide is blocking his view.
Jay checks his phone while he finishes his beer. He received a text from you beforehand, told him that she's going out to meet her friends tonight. He texted back, wishing her to enjoy her night out, but got no replies. Will notices Jay's scrolling on his phone and asks, "Do you need to go back to work?"
"Nah, just checking my texts" Jay puts his phone back in his pocket. "Are you feeling better now?"
"Not in the slightest. But I still have to go to work tomorrow. If I wanna do better than today, I cannot do that with a hangover" Will sulks. "Hey Gabby, I would like to try that craft beer Otis suggested" he requests to Gabby who passes by.
"Would you like one as well, Jay?" Gabby offers him.
"Alright, why not.." Jay accepts the new bottle.
"Is this a new batch? Don't think I ever have it here before", comments Will after his first sip.
"Yeah! Just start to come in this month. It's a friend's favorite. She hooked us up with a supplier directly from The Netherlands. You like it?" Gabby enthusiastically claims.
"It's good. But still not Bourbon", Will pouts. Jay lets out a snort while Gabby snickers.
Jay looks around the bar as he savors his beer. He paused when he thought he saw you sitting among the 51 Gang. Will notices and looks in the same direction. "Is that Y/N?" asks Will.
Jay stands up for his seat, "I'm gonna go say hi to her"
You feel a palm pressed to your back as you hear someone's saying from behind, "Didn't expect to see you here tonight"
You turn your back immediately as you realize whose voice it is, "Jay!" shout you excitedly. You open your arms to hug him. Jay lands a chaste kiss on your lips before hugs you back.
Kelly and Matt look at each other over your head with eyebrows raised. "Well, that's something I didn't expect" goads Kelly.
"Severide, Casey" Jay gives them an acknowledging nod with his hands stay on your hips.
"How do you know each other?" Matt asks curiously.
Jay opens his mouth to reply, but you hear Will's interruption, "You guys finally made it, huh?" Jay rolls his eyes at his brother.
"These guys have been sending heart-eyes at each other since they first met" Will tips off the 51 gang. "Which I arranged, by the way. But this result was unintentional"
"No, we're not!" you try to deny.
"I was there, Y/N, at your almost first kiss" Will divulges.
"Oh my god!" you hide your blushing face behind your palms. Jay smacks a kiss on the side of your head, amused while the group makes fun of you.
"I guess this happened after Y/N rescued Owen?" Sylvie asks to confirm.
"Ooooh yes, our next year candidate!" Hermann yells. The others just clap and whistle in response. You thud your head to the bar table, abashed.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed. We are proud of you" Casey remarks. "That said if you want to go to the academy..." he continues.
"Nuh-uh, I love my job, thank you very much" you quickly state.
You spend the rest of the night beside Jay, chatting and laughing with 51 Family and Halstead brothers until you let out a big yawn. "Tired?" Jay asks you softly.
You nod, "Beer always made me sleepy"
"Let me settle the tabs, then I'll take you home" Jay squeezes your shoulder as he stands up.
Kelly observes you and Jay throughout the night. When Jay left your side, he lowly speaks to you after making sure everyone else is busy conversing elsewhere. "So Jay Halstead is the one who got your juice's flowing, huh?"
"Kelly!" you slap his arm, agape.
"I mean your writing juice! You said it earlier!" Kelly yelps, but his smirk contradicts his words.
"You're the worst" you just shake your head.
Kelly's face turns serious for a moment, "Does he know about your situation?"
"What situation?" you try to sound innocent, but Kelly just gives you a look.
"Told him about the collapsing stage" you deflated.
"Have you told him that you're leaving in two months?" Kelly pushes.
"It's still too early. Who knows, Jay might end this soon", your voice sounds unsure.
"Don't think so. He looks quite smitten by you. Should probably tell him soon", Kelly disagrees.
"I'm happy right now, Kels. Can I just enjoy this for a while?" you start to lose patience with him.
"He deserves to know" Kelly persists.
You look down at the table, your fist is clenched in frustration. Jay comes back and notices the tense atmosphere. "Is everything okay?"
You reply with a forced smile, "Yeah, let's get out of here" then stand up from your seat and give Kelly a quick hug, "Thanks, Kels"
You move to say goodbye to the rest of the group, which takes a bit of time since everyone wants a hug or has something to tell you.
"C'mon guys, my boyfriend has waited long enough" you cry out when Sylvie and Gabby hold you back from going. The group guffaw even louder and playfully nudges Jay, who just beams brightly at you.
"Good night, guys!" you casually shout, finally getting away from the rest of the group, with Jay's hand in yours.
Next on this fic : Part 7
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@shipshipshipau @itsdesiree86 @thevelvetseries @annaallicce
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thebluenoteblog · 4 years
Summary: When some guy starts getting a little handsy with you while the guys are warming up, Colton takes it upon himself to handle the situation.
Player: Colton Parayko
Word Count: 1.6k
Requested: can you do a joel edmundson or colton parayko and go to a game with the other wags and some guys come up to you during the game and start to talk to you and wont leave you alone and starts to touch you and then colton or joel slams into the boards and yells at the man till he leaves you alone and after the game he seems really upset and you comfort him and tell him how much you love him
“I swear, if it gets any busier, I’m going to throw my hat in and call it,” you said before taking a drink from your water bottle.
Cris nodded, “I feel you. Sort of. I mean I don’t get the whole nurse thing, but I get the running around like a chicken with your head cut off thing.”
“You don’t have to be a nurse to understand being swamped at work,” you said, screwing the cap back onto your water bottle. You only turned away from Cris as the boys started to filter out onto the ice for warm ups.
“At least you got the night off,” Molly said, leaning around Cris to look at you. “Even I didn’t want to miss this one and I’ve been to so many hockey games that they star in my dreams.”
You laughed, “Yeah, you’ve got to love when the Blues play the Preds. It’s always a good match up, especially this late in the season.”
Jayne smiled, “Such a good match up that we all got babysitters, so we could go out tonight. You’re coming right?”
“Of course,” you said, “Wouldn’t miss it.”
You were distracted from Cris’s reply by someone coming up beside you. He took a seat next to you and turned in your direction. He smiled, “Are you sitting here for the game or just down for warm ups?”
You smiled politely back at him, “For the game,” then turned back to Cris.
You were about to restart your conversation with her when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Jayne looked around the two of you at the man. Maybe she was curious who was disrupting your evening, maybe she was hoping that he would recognize her and put two and two together, then back off. If her goal was the latter, it failed.
He continued to tap until you turned to face him again. You gave him another polite smile, “Yes?”
“I was wondering if I could get your name?” He asked, “After all, we will be sitting by each other all night.”
You frowned, but being the good conflict avoiding midwestern girl that you were, you answered him, “(Y/N),” you said, and immediately regretted it when his eyes lit up.
He held out a hand, “It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N). I’m Tom.”
You begrudgingly took the hand and after releasing it, halfway turned in your seat before he spoke again. “So how did you afford these tickets?” He asked.
Did you avoid conflict? Yes. Was this an exception? Also, yes. You narrowed your eyes at him. This was your way out. You should have told him the truth. You were Colton Parayko’s girlfriend of two years. You were at every home game that you weren’t working or sleeping through after a twelve-hour shift, like the supportive girlfriend that you were. He bought your season pass.
However, the implication that for some reason you shouldn’t be able to afford these seats? Oh, no. Oh. No. “Why shouldn’t I be able to afford them?”
He paused for a moment, face flushing before responding, “I was just saying that I practically had to sell a kidney for this ticket. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
You nodded slowly, pretending to believe him. “Okay,” you had made your point. He knew he’d made a mistake. You tried to turn back to the group and he grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to face him. You took a deep breath and bit the inside of your cheek. You could practically feel the women behind you shifting uncomfortably in their seats, unsure of whether or not to make a scene yet.
“So, what do you do for a living?” He asked.
You sighed heavily, “I’m a nurse practitioner.”
He nodded, “That’s really cool. I work construction.”
You nodded but didn’t say anything. You also didn’t try to turn away from him because his hand was still on your shoulder. He slid it lower, now resting dangerously close to your breast. You attempted to flinch away, and you heard Molly finally say something behind you, but it was completely drowned out by what sounded like a car crashing into the boards.
Tom jerked his hand away in surprise and stared wide eyed at the player who had just rammed himself into the glass right in front of you. You stared in surprise as Colton slammed the side of his fist against the glass. “Leave her alone!” He yelled.
You, and all of the women sitting beside you sat in shocked silence as he stared Tom down. The look Tom was getting, was honestly turning you on a little bit. However, if you had been the one on the receiving end of it, you probably would have gotten up out of your seat and left until warm ups were over.
That was exactly what Tom did after about thirty seconds of this stare down. Colton watched him retreat with harsh eyes. When he had disappeared, Colton turned to you, his eyes softer, but you could still see his jaw working. He was still clearly angry.
He smiled at you then nodded his head and skated away.
Ten minutes later a security guard was standing at the end of your row. He didn’t leave once throughout the entire game.
Colton wasn’t typically clingy. He wasn’t usually clung to your side, following you to the bar when you went to get a drink. He had never walked you to the bathroom before. He wasn’t typically possessive. He didn’t make a show out of kissing you in an explicit way anytime he caught another guy looking in your direction, even his single friends. He usually didn’t keep and arm around you at all times, even when you were clearly getting annoyed because you were trying to move through a tight space. This is how you knew something was wrong.
It was after you had spent an extra five minutes pushing your way through the crowd in an effort to get to the bar because he was clung to your side, only to have him pull you into a lip bruising kiss when you got there that you finally broke. When he pulled away, arms still around your waist, you looked up at him and asked, “What’s wrong with you?”
His eyebrows came together, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You crossed your arms which was one interesting task because you were still pressed against his chest. “You don’t know what I’m talking about? Really?”
He shook his head, “Really.”
“Okay, let me fill you in. You’re acting like I’m a helium balloon, for starters,” you said.
He snorted, “What?”
“Like I’m going to float away if you take your hands off of me,” you waved a hand through the air exaggeratedly.
He frowned, “I am not.”
“Then let me go,” you said, attempting to take a step back.
He dropped his hands from around your waist but took your hand in his before ever losing contact with you. You didn’t say anything about it, just turned and walked toward the exit. You knew he would follow. “Where are we going?”
“Outside to talk,” you said. “There’s to many people in here, I can hardly hear you.”
You pushed your way through the door and the cool February air hit you like a truck. You sucked in a breath and he noticed right away, “(Y/N), let’s go back inside. It’s cold out here.”
“I’m fine. It isn’t that bad,” you said, turning to face him. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Colton said quietly as he stepped around you to block the wind.
You brushed your fingers over his jaw, “Colt, please. Just tell me. If you’re planning to act like this forever, then I guess I don’t mind too much but it’s going to get really inconvenient.”
He sighed and reached up to play with a strand of hair that the wind had blown into your face before he had moved to protect you from it just like he had been trying to protect you all night. “I didn’t like it.”
“What didn’t you like?” You asked, continuing to stroke your thumb over his jaw.
His head tilted to the side and his eyes scanned over your face. Studying? Assessing? “He was harassing you. I was watching it happen the whole time and there was nothing I could do to stop it.”
“You did stop it though,” you said.
He nodded slowly, “Yeah, but he didn’t have to listen to me. I couldn’t have done anything to him from the other side of the boards. If I could have, I would probably be looking at an interesting suspension right now.”
You pulled your lip between your teeth and looked away from him before saying, “I really don’t believe you. You have more self-control than that.”
He placed both hands on your waist and tugged you against him, “We both know that I have no self-control when it comes to you, (Y/N).”
You laughed softly, “You have enough not to hit someone over me.”
He didn’t look so convinced but he nodded, “Whatever you say.”
You stood up on your toes and pulled him down to you. He pressed his lips to yours and this kiss was unlike any of the others that you had shared that night. It wasn’t possessive or designed to put on a show. It was slow and sweet and just for the two of you. When he pulled away, he had a smile on his face. “I love you,” he said, brushing his hand over your neck, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” you said, “More than you know.”
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darlingsdevil · 4 years
Lover Tell Me If You’re Able (Arthur Morgan x F!Reader)
“N.13 shy reader! x Arthur Morgan”
A/N: Original ask was seemingly deleted rip. Wasn’t too happy with this, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for so long I’ve decided to post it.
Summary: You’re in love with Arthur Morgan, but you’re a background character in his story.
N.13: I could kiss you right now!
You were undeniably in love with Arthur Morgan. You had been since day one. But he was older than you, stronger than you, wiser than you, he had no time for a silly, foolish, young person like yourself. You had no chance with him at all.
Mary Beth fantasized with you about your romance, leaving out his name, but she knew who you were talking about. When you would blush when he walked by your shared tent, or when Arthur walked too close to you and brushed his shoulders against yours, she could see exactly who you were in love with. It was driving you crazy that you felt so strongly towards him.
The women slyly glanced at you when they noticed you frozen from your daily chores to watch Arthur chop some wood for the fire later that night. And they noticed when you couldn’t help but stare at those perfect lips of his, and how they would feel against your own, or those strong arms and how his shirt deliciously fell across his chest when it was hot out. It was too much.
You tried to be discreet about your lovesick eyes, but apparently almost everyone in camp knew about your little crush, besides the clueless men, which left only a few of them who knew about it. Javier, the ever romantic claimed he could tell by the look in your eyes and the way you seemed a little bit dreamy and out of it lately, but you were sure he had heard the whispers in camp. Arthur had probably known already, if Javier hadn’t already told him. John was clueless, but you were sure Abigail had mentioned it to him at one point or another. Hosea and Dutch had asked about your feelings towards him once, but you brushed them off. You noticed the look they gave each other. You couldn’t quite tell what it was.
You had been picked up by Dutch and Hosea with John, you were 16 and he was 12. Arthur never paid you much attention, since Hosea didn’t want you on jobs much, the men in this world are cruel to young women, especially young girls who steal their platinum pocket watches. You were never able to prove yourself to him, since Hosea only took you on con jobs starting when you were around 17. While John and Arthur grew to be close brothers, you were the outcast sister who never did much. Arthur cared for you dearly, but you were never very close, and you fell for him when you were 18 after he saved you from the Mayor of Richfield, a city in Kentucky. You robbed the corrupt mayor blind and his men unfortunately caught you, you would have been killed - or worse, but Arthur showed up in the knick of time like your knight in shining armor.
You were a background character in Arthur’s story, and it shattered your heart every time you saw him flirt with the girls in the saloon, or when he received a letter from Mary, the girl you had learned to envy.
One night though, when the moon was held high in the air and the stars danced across the sky, the fire flickered in your eyes and in your heart, liquid courage filled your veins making your beat even faster than usual when you were in Arthur’s presence. You nursed a bottle of cheap whiskey, it tasted awful and gave you a mean hangover, but it did the trick. Uncle snored loudly, draped across the game table. Javier plucked chords on his worn guitar, John hadn’t succumbed to drink yet, but you were sure he would soon, he struggled to keep his head up. Dutch’s gramophone played a muffled tune and you found yourself trying to hold back your swaying to the tune. And then there was Arthur, infamous Arthur. The gentle outlaw you had learned to love. He scribbled something with the charcoal pencil you had gotten him a while back, after you noticed the pencil he was using was terribly worn and shorter than his pinky.
You worked up the courage to ask him to dance. He had every right to refuse you, you were a foolish, tipsy girl.
Javier watched you eye Arthur, his light hair reflected the flickering flames and you admired how well his hair caught the light. Arthur was like an angel sent from above, and you had to keep yourself from giggling after imagining Arthur with a halo and a harp.
But he looked up at you, as you attempted to quiet your small laughter. His eyes were like emerald waters, dazzling and breathtaking.
Arthur stared at you for a moment, confused at first, and you were like a deer in front of a stagecoach, dazed and frozen. His gaze softened, and a large blush developed across your face, you quickly looked away, taking another swing of the whiskey. But he still stared at you, with watchful eyes. Those eyes you had admired for so long seemed to stare straight into your soul, like he could hear your heart whispering your unconditional love for him. You toyed with the cap of the bottle, praying he would just look away, even though you would do anything to get him to notice you.
“Will you dance with me?” He asked you. You froze once again, the blush getting even wider.
You were silent, staring at the bottle. Did he really just ask that?
Arthur stood up, putting away his journal. He stood in front of you, reaching his hand out to you. You watched his hand, contemplating your choices.
And then you gave your hand to him, and he led you closer to the music. Molly and Dutch swayed, Mary Beth and Kieran giggled, and Tilly and Karen danced without a care in the world. They didn’t mind the two of you much, besides the women who looked at you with a grin.
You didn’t know what to do, should you just start dancing, should you put your arm on his shoulder? What should you do with your feet? You can’t dance!
But he brought you back to the present. His strong hands wrapped around your waist and you naturally felt yourself lean into him. His heartbeat was loud and comforting. Arthur felt like home. But he wasn’t your home, it seemed like he just realized you existed.
You danced with him, it felt so natural, despite rarely ever having a partner to dance with, and sure, you stumbled but it didn’t matter. Arthur wasn’t exactly a ballerina either.
The music slowed, into something much richer and deep, rather than the fast, upbeat orchestra you heard earlier. Karen and Tilly left, as did Kieran and Mary-Beth.
Then Dutch and Molly.
And then just the two of you.
The stars illuminated your faces. He looked even prettier underneath the midnight sky.
You hadn’t said much of anything since he asked you. His lips looked so perfect, your heart swelled with emotion. This was your chance, you should take it. If he refused, then that would be a problem for the morning. You had every right to enjoy the night as of right now.
“I could kiss you right now.” You whispered. Maybe it was just the liquor talking.
“You’re just saying that ‘cause you’ve been drinking.” He grumbled, continuing to sway. But you saw that barely covered shock the second you saw it.
“No, no I mean it, Arthur.”
“You sure you mean that?” He asked you, eyes filled with wonder.
You nodded slowly against his chest. Was this really happening, had Arthur actually noticed you? It was quiet for a moment, until you finally looked up and he kissed you.
His lips were soft. You’d always wondered what they felt like.
It felt like forever, and forever was just what you needed. He kissed you like he was afraid he would push too hard and you would shatter, but you wouldn’t shatter, as long as you were with Arthur. When he finally pulled away, you shook with joy and disbelief. You were blushing something mad, and Arthur was trying to hide his sheepish grin.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
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floatingpetals · 5 years
One Last Call || Maybe Not
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Angst, language, eventual fluff
Word Count: 2400+
Summary: A mission had gone horribly wrong. She knew things were grim, and she had something she desperately needed to get off her chest. All she needed was one last call.
A/N: HA YA’LL THOUGHT I WAS GONNA LEAVE IT LIKE THAT?! HAAAAAA!! APRIL FOOLLSS!!! But seriously, I couldn’t leave that story off the way it did. It just hurt too much. I’m not gonna give much more away, so I hope you enjoyy!! 
Gifs not mine, credit to the creator!
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Natasha was there the second the phone slipped from Steve’s fingers. She knew how important Y/N was in his life, how quickly he had grown to care for the woman. It was heartbreaking to watch; he was just forced to listen to her dying breath and there was nothing he could do about it.
Tony let out a heavy sigh, biting back his own set of tears. His gaze swept around the rest of the team, seeing similar reactions on the rest of the team. They fought back their own tears, the air was thick and somber. With heavy steps, he walked over to the discarded phone on the floor and picked it up. He paused when he heard shouting from the other end. The line must not have dropped. Raising the phone to his ear, he winced after a loud shout and snapped back.
“Hey-What’s going on?”
The officer on the other end let out a string of words in Ukrainian before letting out a sigh of relief.
“Добре. Ти все ще там.”
“Yup. Gotta speak English.” Tony said flatly. He figured they’d need to discuss where to pick up Y/N’s body, no doubt they’d have to take her to a corner before they could get her back to them. To bring her home one last time. The words the officer spoke next made Tony’s heart burst with hope.
“She’s still breathing.”
Sinking back into his seat, Tony let out the breath he was holding. Voice shaking he asked the man to repeat himself.
“The woman. We were able to get her breathing.” The officer said. He could hear the sirens pulling away in the distance, the officer closing his car door. “She’s in critical condition, but she is alive. For now.”
“Oh-That’s-“ Tony was at a loss for words, fresh tears now streaming down his face. Only this time they weren’t for sorrow. “What hospital are you taking her to?”
“A local hospital. They need to do surgery. There’s still a bullet in her side-.”
“Yes. Get her in and get it out. Do not let her code on us again.” Tony said firmly, spinning around in his seat to go at the controls. He kicked the jet into overdrive, pushing it to its limits.
Behind him, the rest of the team listened in shock. Steve’s sobs had stopped, his eyes wide as Tony explained that they were a few hours away. He glanced at Bucky, whose eyes were just as bloodshot as his. Was this a joke, or was Y/N still alive?
“I’ll send you the coordinates to our landing site. We’ll need transportation to the hospital. You can? Great.” Tony flipped off his tears and switched into the leading role. Y/N meant a lot to him as well, but someone needed to step in until Steve could recollect his emotions. Tony understood, he was the same and is the same when it comes to Pepper. “What’s your number? I’ll text you from my phone when we’re close and you can keep us updated.”
Natasha passed Steve a tissue, a happy smile spreading on her face. This was good. Y/N was still alive. Barely, but she was alive.
“Talk to you later.” Tony hung up the phone and spun around to address everyone. “We have great news and bad news. Good news, Y/N might have coded before they arrived but by some miracle, they were able to bring her back. Bad news; she’s hanging by a thread, needs surgery and we’re still five hours out.  Petro, the cop who answered her phone, says she’s got a bullet they need to get out and is suffering from significant blood loss and definitely has internal damage. She’s probably going to just get out of surgery by the time we get there if the damage is as extensive as they thought.”
“But she’s alive?” Natasha asked, resting a hand on Steve’s shoulder. Tony smiled, although grimly, and nodded.
“She’s a fighter apparently.”
Steve stared down at his hands on his lap and gave a watery chuckle.
“That’s my girl.”
True to Tony’s word, six hours later the jet landed in a field just outside of the village Y/N was sent to. Right where he said he would be, was Office Petro and four squad cars. He shook hands with Tony and directed them to pile in the cars. Steve joined Tony with Petro, eager to learn about Y/N’s status.
“She just got of surgery,” The bigger man said in his heavy accent. His voice was rough but gentle. He understood their concern for the woman he thought too was dead. She would have been another unfortunate statistic to the death of drug crimes around the area. “If you don’t mind me asking, why was she in the area we found her. You say she is an agent?”
“Yes,” Steve replied. “She was supposed to be tailing some of the drug dealers around this area. They’re small, but the demands for the drugs they supply is quickly growing. It’s a mix of molly and Adderall that a lot of younger teens seem to prefer.”  
“Ah, yes. They have quickly become a problem around here. But how would they know they were being watched by anyone, let alone a single woman?”
That caused Steve and Tony to pause. Petro was right. How else would they have known about Y/N? The gang wasn’t known for its use of guns and violence as of yet. They both shared a look, fury starting to build in their chests. Someone tipped them off.
“Anyways. The last thing they told me was she’s in ICU. She coded once on the table, but they were able to bring back once more.” Petro sounded impressed. “I don’t know what you give her to eat, but she wasn’t ready to leave just yet.”
Tony grimaced a part of him proud of Y/N but worried she wasn’t going to make it through the night.
“She’s a stubborn one, that’s for sure.” He clapped a hand on Petro’s shoulder. Petro pulled up to the front entrance of the hospital, throwing the car in park. Steve was out of the car before it stopped, desperate to see Y/N, to make sure she was still breathing.  
The nurse at the front desk had seen a lot of things in her days. Bullet wounds, people with limbs handing on by a thread, even people with screwdrivers embedded in their thighs. Looking up to see The Captain America, Ironman and party rush up to the desk looking like they were ready to tear the walls down was a different level of terror she experienced that day.
“There’s a woman, Y/N Y/L/N. She was brought in a few hours ago for a bullet wound and just came out of surgery.” Steve demanded, leaning over the desk. The nurses’ mouth fell open, her wide eyes darting frantically between the Avengers that loomed over her desk. She shook her head, unable to understand English. Petro tutted and pushed the overbearing Captain aside.
“She doesn’t speak English.” He explained and then turned to the woman. He explained quickly, asking for the room number Y/N was in. Relief washed over the woman, nodding quickly and leaned over the desk to point down the hall as she spoke. Petro turned to the Avengers. “She’s on the third floor, room 308. I’ll come so you don’t scare the other nurses.”
Steve bit back a snarl but nodded. He needed to get to Y/N, not get thrown out for terrorizing the natives. He followed a step behind Petro anxiously. The ride up was excruciating, and the walk to her room was terrifying. Petro stopped him at the door, waving to a sink.
“They want you to wash before you go in and only one at a time.”
“You go ahead.” Tony patted Steve on the shoulder. Steve stay rooted to the spot, staring blankly at the door in front of him. “Go on Cap. The team and I have things we have to take care of. Go see your girl.”
As he walked over to the sink, the reality of what happened and what he was about to step in to hit him. His stomach felt like someone filled it with lead, and his legs struggled to hold up his weight. He was terrified. He already thought he lost her once, just seconds after admitting how much she meant to him. She was nowhere near out of the clear. The second he’d open that door, it meant this was all real. It wasn’t some twisted nightmare he was forced to live through.
Nothing in his line of work could have ever compared to slowly opening the door and seeing Y/N hooked up to all machines. The door shut softly behind him, the click releasing the silent tears he held back. She looked so frail, her skin a sickly shade lighter than her usual tone. His heat shattered in his chest. He moved to stand beside her, afraid if he took her hand in his he’d hurt her further.
Letting out a heavy breath, Steve pulled the chair closer to her beside and delicately reached out to take her hand in his. Her skin was clammy and cold, but he could feel her faint heartbeat. It was enough to soothe his fears for now, even though he knew she still had a long recovery ahead of her. Pressing a kiss against the balk of her hand, he settled in beside her for the long wait for her to wake.
The door popped open, startling Steve awake. He blinked, blearily looking for the newcomer. Bucky walked in with a fast food bag in one hand, and a giant drink in the other.
“Hey.” He greeted, passing the food over to his friend and sat in one of the large armchairs. Steve mumbled thanks and turned his eyes back to Y/N. They had taken her out of ICU three days ago, her body healed enough that she didn’t need to be on constant care. She, however, had yet to wake up. The doctors assured the team it wasn’t a bad thing, she went through extensive trauma and her body would wake on its own. Now in a new room, Tony made sure she got the best treatment he could get her. After two weeks sitting on the painful plastic chairs, Steve was grateful for the soft chairs in the nicer room.
“How’s she doin’?” Bucky asked, his eyes growing sad looking over her prone body.
“Same as yesterday,” Steve replied solemnly. Bucky grunted and reached in his pocket, pulling out a phone. He passed it over to Steve.
“Tony fixed it for you. Also wanted to let you know we found the assholes who did this. Natasha made sure the rest that went into hiding wouldn’t ever come back.” Bucky said with a hint of pride. Steve felt the corners of his lips turn up in a smirk. “Doesn’t mean they’ll stay there long. Natasha and Wanda both took this to a whole other level.”
“Good,” Steve stated, digging the food out from the bag. Bucky smirked.
“Tony threw a fit when he couldn’t get us the suite in the only hotel here in town. So, they set us up in the honeymoon suite.” Bucky muffled a groan and rolled his head to look at Steve. “It’s been an interesting few weeks. You ever gonna come up to the room?”
Steve shook his head, chewing on a bite from the burger. The room had a shower, and he had Natasha bring him a change of clothes and deodorant. The only time he left was when he went to get coffee or food from the cafeteria. The nurses and doctors stopped trying to push him out after visiting hours, instead opting to just ask him to stay in the room with Y/N. Not that he ever had plans on leaving her side for too long.
“Come on man.” Bucky started up. “You can’t stay here the whole time. You need to sleep. In a bed. And not curled up on a half stuff ottoman in a hospital.”
“I hear what you're saying, but no Buck. I can’t leave her.” Steve said firmly. “I wasn’t there for her when she needed me, but I’m going to be here for her when she wakes up.”
Bucky fell quiet, observing Steve for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh.
“Alright. But when she wakes up and bitches you out for not taking care of yourself, give me a heads up. I want to get a seat and popcorn for that show.”
“You’re hilarious,” Steve stated dryly. Bucky flashed him a toothy grin and swung a leg over the arm of his chair.
“That’s why you keep me around.”
“Hey now. That's rude.”
The two froze, their eyes going wide at the scratchy feminine voice that entered the fray. Their heads snapped towards the bed, both their eyes growing wide in shock. Steve moved first, vaulting off the chair to rush to Y/N’s side. He grabbed her hand while Bucky shot off outside to grab a nurse, giving the two a moment before the doctors would come rushing in.
“Shit, sweetheart.” Steve croaked, the tears starting all over again. “I’m so glad to see you’re awake! How are you feeling? What hurts?”
“Slow down, Stevie.” Y/N giggled, wincing at the flash of pain that shot up her side. “Clearly, I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
“Jesus, you gave me a heart attack. I thought I lost you.” Steve stated his voice cracking. “I heard you die. I just-.”
“Hey.” Y/N interrupted. She reached her free hand up, and cupped his cheek, brushing her thumb along his lips. “I’m so sorry you had to hear that. I didn’t though. I’m here. That’s all that matters.”
Steve couldn’t say a word, his voice caught up in his throat. Instead, he did what he’d wanted to since the day he realized he started to fall for her. He closed the distance between them and pressed a searing kiss against her lips. Y/N melted under his touch, tugging him closer. They didn’t pull back until the door swung open, the doctors filtering in.
Stepping back, Steve’s eyes never left Y/N as the doctors went through the motions. A smile spread on his face, his eyes shining with fresh unshed tears. He wasn’t going to mess this up. He was tired of being careful. He had a second chance, and he wasn’t going to ruin it.
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reverieinsimlish · 5 years
Shift Change
“When they were calling for those three beds from one day, I have to admit I was happily thinking not for us!” Lara said with her usual sassy aplomb and mashing the best button, the one for the ground floor and parking lot.
I leaned back against the side of the elevator and crossed my legs as it started to whoosh down. I felt relieved to get off the floor without getting a new patient whose paperwork would keep me stuck in the hospital far past the end of my 12 hour shift, too. “Yeah,” I agreed, “was worried for a minute they’d bring them up at 18:55 and we’d have to take them.″
She laughed, “They love to do that!”
“And it isn’t even Shelley day!” I added, referring to Wednesdays, when one urologist notoriously turned procedures meant to go home into overnight stays at shift change.
The elevator stopped on the third floor. Two secretaries, going by their maroon scrubs, entered. Middle aged and graying, I knew Molly, since I occasionally had to retrieve special wound dressings from her. The other, I didn’t know. I assumed she must work in obstetrics, a wing I hadn’t visited since the last time I had a baby, almost 8 years ago. 
Patsy, the shift supervisor stood nearby, looking at her phone. “Hold the door a minute,” Patsy said and Lara pressed her stubby thumb with its tomato orange nail polish on the door open button while Molly held her arm in front of the door. 
I had seen the out of order sign, and knew that only one staff elevator was running that day. Two nurses in gray scrubs and cloth caps sewn from pastel printed fabric rounded the corner. Operating Room staff wore that color. They squeezed past the plump secretary into the elevator and Patsy followed. 
One of the OR nurses carried a red bio-hazard bag with a rounded lump about 18 inches long in the bottom. I had just returned from a hiatus this week, and hadn’t met this pair. Curious, I wanted to ask what they had, but I shouldn’t. And if I had, they couldn’t tell me.
“Where you headed with that? Lab?” Lara asked, her finger hovering over the level selection buttons.
“Morgue,” Patsy answered. 
Lara and I exchanged a look. The floor we’d stopped on only housed surgery and, more ominously, obstetrics.
“Is that-- Is that from today?” the younger secretary asked. She had make-up on and her blonde hair pulled into a high pony tail. She stared at the bag with a frown, her eyes bulging.
“Yeah,” Patsy said, with a tone of voice that implied DUH!
A hush fell over everyone, but Patsy just kept thumbing her phone nonchalantly. Suddenly, I couldn’t take my eyes from the bag, trying to judge the size and shape of the contents. When an aging OR nurse had brought back a patient from PACU, I remembered she said that one suite had delays because of a D&C  add on. But the thing in the bag seemed way too big and solidly formed for that kind of procedure. It couldn’t be what I thought it was. 
We all filed out of the elevator and down the hall solemnly and silently. The morgue was three doors down from the time clock, so we all trudged in the same direction. The younger secretary walked right by the clock until Molly scanned her badge and the familiar bing-bong sounded. 
“Oh, Lordy!” the blonde exclaimed, turning around and returning, “I nearly forgot to clock out!”
Patsy and the OR nurses passed us with their burden. The secretary, Lara, and I scanned our badges and made for the exit. I glimpsed Patsy opening a small bottom drawer in the morgue as I went by. Molly beat us all to the door to parking and swiped her badge again and we heard the short beep that indicated the door would unlock for a few seconds. She opened the door and Indian summer heat wafted over us. 
“What did you mean, from earlier?” Lara asked the secretary once the four of us trailed down the ramp.
“Dr. Merritt did a D&C this morning. She hardly looked pregnant, though...” the girl answered.
“Surely they’d treat a baby with more dignity than throwing it in a bag and lugging it out like trash!” Lara exclaimed and hefted her tote higher on her shoulder. I’d worked with her a couple of years, and I could tell she was getting indignant.
I covered my mouth with my hand. I agreed. Every stillborn I’d seen as large as that bag had been dressed. Had photos taken. Spent time in the room letting the family say goodbye. Taken away by morticians in small caskets. But, they’d been wanted. What would they do with an unwanted... body? I’d already made plans to meet friends at the bar after work, but now I thought I might need something stronger than a glass of wine. 
“Oh God! You don’t think that was!.... That?” the young secretary stammered. But we all thought it. It didn’t make any sense, but we thought it anyway.
Every shift in the hospital was emotional Jenga. I built up my defense structure in the morning, then some situation punched a hole in it and more stress stacked right back up on top. It might be a rude doctor or family member. It might be a heartbreaking situation. It might be the overwhelming feeling of needing to be in three or four places at once and only able to be in one. The idea that the place I worked would so callously handle a dead baby tumbled my pieces across the table top.   
Lara suddenly stopped, “Wait a minute! Dr. Easter was doing that BKA! I bet it was the leg!”
I stopped next to her. “The leg?” My eyebrows furrowed. I remembered Wendy said something about needing to get her BKA prepped when she asked me to help her by checking another patients finger stick and hanging an antibiotic. I thought about the dimensions of the bag. “Was she a large lady? Do you know?”
“Yes!” she exclaimed, “I had her a few months ago when they amputated just the two toes!” 
“They take that to the morgue?” the blonde asked.
“Yes!” Lara shouted.
Molly stopped at the ruckus and turned around. “Yup, that was the leg!” She laughed at us, “You guys are somethin’ else!” She trundled off, still shaking her head.
We started walking again. A leg. I sat in my stifling car waiting for the air conditioning to make it tolerable and cackled to myself . A leg. It was terrible. A woman lost half her leg. It was a tragedy. Still, it was just a piece, and she’d live. I decided wine would work, after all. Somehow, I could stand a leg in a bag. 
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howlingheartdemigod · 5 years
Someone else was doing a "bad things happen bingo" and i saw 'gunshot'. Modern au. Beau gets shot doing... Uh... Not legal things? Who does she go to for help? Caleb? (Brother?) Yasha? (Crush?) Fjord? (Friend?)
Okay, so fun fact, I started working on another version of this that featured vignettes of Beau pondering all the people she could go to, but as I was writing that, this popped into my head. I will still be writing that, so I’ll tag you but, hope this will suffice!
tw for blood and mild medical gore. Beau gets shot, so it’s what goes along with that, folks. 
don’t bring your fists to a gunfight
Beau hissed, holding gauze against her side as she stumbled towards the apartment door. She should have knows better than to stand up to the league’s organizer. He didn’t like people who mouthed back. He’d decided she was the heal, which meant she was the heal, even if that was obviously bullshit, and probably racist, while she was at it. She hadn’t expected him to fucking shoot her. What kind of maniac did that? The Gentleman, of course, waving her and her bleeding torso out of the room with a promise he hadn’t hit anything important, and a warning that if she came back without a good attitude she’d never box in the city again.
Beau knew better than to go to the hospital. She wasn’t that stupid, at least, so she went to the only person she knew for a fact had knowledge about pulling bullets out of people. She knocked on the door, leaning heavily on the frame, and waited, hoping someone was home. She was bleeding a lot. She wasn’t sure what she’d do if no one was home. She was about to lift her hand and knock again, when the door opened, revealing a tall woman, wearing black pyjama pants, a sports bra, and a pissed off, sleepy expression.
“Yasha!” Beau greeted, a stupid smile on her lips. “You’re up. Good.”
“You woke me.” Yasha replied, looking pissed off. Yasha looked fucking hot when she was pissed off. “You better have a good reason.” She said, looking Beau up and down. Her eyes couldn’t see the blood on the black hoodie Beau was wearing, but they could see how she was standing, slumped, and the pale tone to her skin. “Beau, what’s…”
“Ah, well… I tried to take initiative at work, and advocate for myself, and all that like Molly was telling me I should to make myself less of a train wreck, and, well, uh, My boss is a fucking madman.” She said, pulling her hand away from the wound, showing the blood coating her fingers. “So, the whole raise conversation didn’t go over well, exactly…”
“Oh, dear God.” Yasha said, before grabbing Beau’s wrist and pulling her inside. “Molly,” she called over her shoulder. Beau scanned the space, as Yasha pulled her hoodie up, an action that would probably occupy more of her thoughts if she wasn’t dealing with severe blood loss. She realized that Molly was sitting on the couch ten feet away from the door, and had just decided not to get up. Beau wasn’t sure what Yasha saw in him as a friend. Except of course, when she did. Molly was an incredible friend when he wanted to be, and a horrible inconvenience when he didn’t. He wanted to make the world deal with him, even when the world didn’t want anything to do with him. It was admirable.
Wow, Beau thought, I’m a fucking philosopher. I wonder if that’s the adrenaline or the lack of oxygen to my brain.
Molly looked over, and his eyes went wide, seeing Beau bleeding heavily on to their welcome mat. “Jesus, fucking christ.” He said, springing to his feet. “Holy hell.”
“Towels, Molly.” Yasha called, leaning Beau to lean against the now closed door.
Molly nodded and headed off towards their linen closet.
“You’re great at giving orders, Yasha.” Beau said, head tilting back a little. “I’m good at taking them, if you ever wanted to… That sounded… Why did I say that.” She said, eyes drifting shut. “Jesus fuck I need to shut up.”
“Don’t you dare.” Yasha said, before blushing and stammering a little. “Talking, is, it’s good. It’s, it shows that your brain is still functioning, still has enough running to it. And I don’t… I don’t mind your compliments, Beauregard.”
Before Beau could think of a proper response, Molly was back. “Towels.” He said, arms laiden with them.
“On the couch, please.” Yasha said.
“The couch’s pleather, so it’ll be easy to clean.” Beau muttered, as Molly headed over and laid the towels out.
“Correct Beau.” Yasha said, moving and pulling one of Beau’s arms over her shoulder. She walked her to the couch. “Molly I need my first aid kit from under the bathroom sink, and the rubbing alcohol next to it.”
Molly nodded and headed back off.
“you’re so good at this.” Beau said again. “Like, I don’t know how to get a bullet out of people.”
Yasha let out a little breath. “It’s all practice.” she told her. “War gives you skills you didn’t know you would need.”
Beau hummed. “I never went to war.” she said. “I did commit a few felonies though.”
Yasha’s eyes flicked up to her. “Oh?” she asked.
“Yeah. Couple forms of espionage for the american government. It’s illegal for an operative of the state to perform on US soil. I’m not supposed to talk about it, though.” she said, eyes lifting to the ceiling.
“I didn’t know that about you.” Yasha said, tugging Beau to sit her up. Yasha unzipped Beau’s sweatshirt and tugged it off her shoulders. Not the context for that action Beau had been hoping for, if she was honest.
“Well,” Beau said shrugging. “I was young. They told me I wouldn’t have to go back to high school, or go to juvie if I worked for them, and my father was more than happy to have me occupied with something worthy of our family name. I never got shot though. This is a first.”
“I have so many new questions about your life.” Molly said, coming back with a red case, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol.
Yasha lowered Beau back down. “Molly, if you’d be so kind, call Jester. I need her help.”
Beau let out a low groan. “She’s gonna call Nott and Deuces, who are so gonna lecture me.” She complained.
“Molly, get Jester.” Yasha repeated, fixing Beau with a look. “She is the only certified nurse we know.”
Beau let out a sigh, grumbling about how Jester didn’t even use that degree, as Molly walked away to dial the phone
Beau watched as Yasha doused her hands in rubbing alcohol. “this is gonna sting.” she said, overturning a quarter of the bottle on Beau’s stomach before Beau could ask what would sting.
“Shiiiit.” Beau muttered, arching a little.
“Still, Beau.” Yasha said, voice remarkably low and sweet for the situation. “How about, uh, you tell me about this boss of yours. I think I’d like to have words with him.”
Beau looked over at her. “He’s… He’s not my boss, he’s like… my bosses bosses boss. He’s who my contract is with. For the questionable legality of the fighting ring, it’s remarkably structured.” She said, “And you can’t, Yash. He’s… he’s a bad dude. He’s dangerous.” Beau shook her head. “I should have listened to Darion.”
“Who?” Yasha asked, finger prodding at Beau’s stomach, trying to find the bullet.
“Darion. She… she got me out. Of the whole, working for the American government thing. I mean, she trained me to use what I’d been taught for good. And she taught me how to fight. When I cut ties with her, she told me I needed to be careful. I needed to keep my rage in check. I miss her. She was great.”
Yasha was digging around in the case. “Why’d you leave?” She asked, eyes flicking over to Beau.
“I got scared.” she admitted. “I… I thought I couldn’t be a good person.” She tried to shrug, but seeing as she was laying down, it wasn’t the most effective thing. “I thought I was too broken. Too much of an asshole.”
Yasha had stopped moving, starting at Beau for a moment. Beau found herself marveling at how close Yasha’s face was to hers. “You are a good person, Beau.”
Beau looked at her, the rawness in her gaze catching her off guard. Beau took a breath, then broke the connection, not wanting to think about how it made her heart skip. It wasn’t just a normal ‘holy shit hot girl’ feeling. It was worse, scarier.
Beau shut her eyes. “Keep telling me that, I’ll try and believe it.” She muttered.
Yasha’s words came soft and measured. “I will. I’ll tell you until you believe it.”
Beau looked over, just as Yasha looked down, pulling a pair of surgical tweezers from some packaging. She dumped some more rubbing alcohol over them, then looked to Beau. “I need you to stay still, okay?” she said.
Beau took a breath, then leaned back. “Yup.” she said. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, trying to get into a meditative state. She curled her hands into fists, starting to seperate a little. But then she felt the rough skin of Yasha’s hand pressing into her stomach. She felt Yasha’s thumb drift back and forth, a little comfort. She again became painfully aware of how close Yasha was. Then she felt the tweezers enter the hole the bullet had ripped into her body, and hissed in pain. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“I know, I know.” Yasha said. “Still, Beauregard.” She felt Yasha pull the hand she had braced on her stomach away, and dig around in the case. “Here, bite this so you don’t bite your tongue.” She said, and Beau felt her hold something leather to her lips. Beau opened her mouth and used her tongue to slide it into place. She wanted to ask Yasha why she casually had a leather mouth guard in her first aid bag. She didn’t want to know the answer, figuring Beau wasn’t the first person she’d had to patch up without anesthetic. She figured, in fact, that some of the patching up had been on herself.
Yasha got back to work, and after a few painstaking moments, Beau felt and heard the squelch of the bullet being removed. “Okay, okay, okay. It’s in tact. There aren’t any other pieces.” Yasha said under her breath. “Beau, I’m going to need to feel around inside, to make sure that it didn’t hit anything.” She said, and Beau heard her undoing the cap of the rubbing alcohol again. Beau opened her eyes, and looked over to see Yasha dousing her hands over a towel again. Beau looked past her, seeing the small dark bullet, coated in blood, on a nice white hand towel.
‘Molly is going to hold this over me forever. I ruined so many towels.’ she thought.
“Yash.” Beau heard Molly call. “Jester’s on her way. Fjord’s with her, they were out together. I also called Caleb, who’s insisting on coming. Nott and Caduceus were both already with him.”
“Fuck.” Beau said though the mouth piece, so it sounded more like ‘Phuac.’
Molly smiled moving around by her head. “I like this. Can we put a bit in her mouth all the time.
“Phuac houa, Ollieauk.” Beau muttered, shutting her eyes again. She took a deep breath, and felt Molly put his hands on her shoulders, half comforting her, half holding her down.
Yasha pressed her fingers against the wound, searching for anything that would require internal stitches. She prayed there wasn’t. That would mean, at best, Jester’s more intense expertise, at worst, going to the hospital. Beau hated hospitals.
“I think we’re good.” Yasha said, pressing some gauze to the wound. “If you don’t want a nasty scar, we should pack this and for Jester to get here.”
Beau shook her head. “Ah dunn-” She reached a hand up and took the guard out of her mouth. “I don’t care. Stitch me up.”
Yasha looked up at her. “Jester is still coming, and she will still insist on looking you over.”
“But,” Beau had to take a deep breath, a wave of dizziness hitting her. The adrenaline was wearing off. She was gonna start feeling the pain a lot worse a lot sooner. “If I’m patched she’ll have less to stress about. And my only life philosophy is ‘keep Jester from stressing.’” She cracked a smile, but she had a tough crowd, who really didn’t think she was funny in the moment. Yasha and Molly locked eyes, then Yasha sighed, and moved to retrieve her suture supplied from the kit.
“Put the guard back in your mouth, Beauregard.” Yasha said, turning to start stitching her up.
Beau did as she was told, ignoring Molly’s ‘Let me leave the room at least.’
Beau shut her eyes again, not wanting to see herself get stitched up. She didn’t like medical stuff on her own body. It’s why her nose was set crooked. It’s why her ankle popped when she walked. It’s why her shoulder had been stiff since she took a bad fall off a balcony onto a flower bush at age 17, two years into her career in espionage.
After a few minutes, or an hour, or whatever, Beau felt the tugging sensation stop, and heard Yasha let out a breath. “Okay. Beau.” she said, “I just need to wrap this.”
Beau let out a little sigh. She took the mouth guard out, dropping it off the couch. “Good.” she said. She felt Yasha’s fingers move to start wrapping the wound. There was a pounding knock at the door, that Molly headed off to answer. “Hey, Beau.” Yasha said.
Beau turned her head, letting out a little, “Hmm?” her noise was swallowed by a gasp of shock as Yasha kissed her. Beau barely had a chance to kiss her back, to tilt her head, to smile into it, before Yasha pulled away again.
“Don’t you ever scare me like this again.” she said. “And we are going tomorrow to buy you out of your contract.”
Beau had a dopey smile on her face, as Jester bounded into the room, checking Beau over. She still had it an hour later, long after the rest of her friends, family, had arrived to dote over her. She still had it when she fell asleep on the couch. And it returned as soon as she woke up to find her friends sprawled around the room asleep, Yasha, in the old recliner, asleep, a hand stretched towards Beau on the couch. Beau took a breath, one hand going to the gauze on her stomach. She reached the other towards Yasha’s hand, and let out a sigh of relief, deciding that she’d picked the right person to come to after all.
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atlanticcanada · 5 years
Halifax family grieves dog who died after eating wild mushroom
A heartbroken Halifax family that had to put down their beloved pet down after he wolfed down a wild mushroom last week is urging other dog owners to pay close attention on trail walks.
With a new daughter arriving just weeks from now, these should be joyful times for Jessica Schroeder and her husband Derek.
Instead, both are nursing broken hearts as they grieve the loss of another family member, who'll never meet little Molly.
Almost five, Doug was an energetic soul, the life of the party, and the centre of attention until their son was born 17 months ago.
He was friendly and funny and always held a special place in the Schroeder home and still does.
"He just means so much to us, and I just can't believe how fast it happened," said Jessica Schroeder.
It all unfolded just last week when
Doug gobbled down a wild mushroom while out for a walk on a nearby trail.
He got sick overnight, rallied Friday, but then took a turn for the worse Friday night.
Emergency testing at the vet hospital revealed a failing liver.
With the prognosis grave, the Schroeders were forced to make one of the hardest decisions of their lives.
"When we were lying with him, he could barely even walk," Jessica Schroeder said.  "He threw up blood on me, just looked at me, so I just knew then."
The Schroeders believe Doug must have eaten what's commonly known as a death-cap mushroom, but verifying that would probably require a sample and a lab testing.
While not unheard of, vets say it's fairly uncommon for dogs to be poisoned this way.
"(It's) very uncommon," said veterinarian Dr. Jeff Goodall. "Most dogs, while they're curious about mushrooms and things like that, they usually don't ingest them."
Goodall says it's always a good idea to err on the side of caution if your dog has eaten a wild mushroom.
Quick veterinary intervention is sometimes the only thing that'll make a difference.
For their part, the Schroeders just want people to know that this type of mushroom is out there and what happened to their beloved Doug so others don't lose their pets the same way.
With files from CTV Atlantic's Bruce Frisko.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/2le5g7V
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Happy Holiday’s, Nutteh! We are thrilled to “invite” Ron Weasley (fc George Mackay) back to Hogsmeade for a little forced Winter Cheer. It was lovely to see someone giving Ron his due as a character since he gets overlooked so often and this app took time to delve into the aspects that make him great in canon and in divergent games. 
Please pack your bags and send in your tumblr. Additional information can be found here!
AGE (must be 18+): 25
ACTIVITY ESTIMATE: Out of 10 with 10 being the most active, I’d say I’m probably a 7 or 8. I have a full-time job and critters to take care of, but I’m on every night pretty consistently.
FULL NAME & NICKNAMES: Ronald “Ron” Bilius Weasley
BIRTHDATE: March 1st, 1980
BLOOD-STATUS: Pure-blood
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: He is comfortably heterosexual. I think there is a part of him that’s slightly bi-curious, but he has never been moved to experimentation and doesn’t imagine he ever will be. But, stranger things have happened.
HOUSING: He, Harry, and Hermione share a flat in muggle London. It’s very close to the Ministry, but their muggle neighbors keep the wizarding media at bay. Best of both worlds.*
*Note: This is simply a personal headcanon. I would be happy to alter it pending discussion with fellow players.
SOCIAL STANDING: The papers call him a “war hero,” and the entire Weasley family has gained favor throughout the wizarding world for their role in Voldemort’s downfall. Despite having always coveted fame, Ron doesn’t consider himself a hero; but, he takes the attention in stride even though he doesn’t fully understand it, and he no longer feels miffed playing second fiddle to Harry. There are worse things than being recognized as Harry Potter’s best friend, and he’s come to terms with that. Besides, he has faith he can make a name for himself as well.
TALENTS/WEAKNESSES - (+) - Strategy, defensive magic, mimicry  (-) - Wandless magic, potions, stealth
STRENGTHS/FLAWS - (+) - Loyal, friendly, generous  (-) - Insecure, bitter/grudge-holder, short-tempered
Growing up with approximately ten thousand siblings wasn’t the ideal recipe for good self-esteem. To add on to that, Ron was caught in an awkward place - the youngest boy of six, and only proceeded by Ginny, the long-sought-after girl of the family. Ron would never pretend that he received less love from his parents as a result, but it always seemed to him that something was missing, that he somehow lacked what it took to stand out amongst his own kin. He wasn’t as brilliant as Percy or as cool as Bill, and his own wit seemed to pale in comparison with that of Fred and George. He was just sort of…there - a normal kid preceded by greatness in some form or another.
The feeling of being “second-best” was hard to shake, especially after velcroing himself to the Boy Who Lived and Hermione Granger. However, they never intentionally made him feel “less than” and, as the world darkened around them, Ron found a reason to bury his insecurities. The Weasleys had a mixed reputation, but Ron’s faith in their “blood-traitor” beliefs never wavered; he knew he was fighting for the right side, and he wouldn’t let his low self-esteem get in the way…
That is, until it did.
It hadn’t been easy to abandon his family and the life to which he’d become accustomed in the summer of ‘97, but he did it. At times he was uncertain of the task they’d been assigned, but with Harry and Hermione by his side he had to have faith - if not in himself, then in them at least. It turned out to be more challenging than they anticipated, though; and, always more of a slave to his emotions than he wanted to admit, Ron acted rashly. His bottled anger and fear blew its cap, but it was the jolt he needed, and upon returning to his friends (who took him back, thank Merlin) his outlook had changed.
Loyalty was everything, and it was the force that drove him in the battle to come.
Ron didn’t know what he expected to happen once the battle was over. After watching his brother die, it didn’t seem like there would ever be a concrete end, and for a while it felt as such. He was relieved Voldemort was gone, of course, but he was also overcome by a numbness of the spirit that he didn’t know how to handle. It stemmed, he thought, from spending much of his childhood helping Harry fight Voldemort; now that he was no longer a threat, Ron realized just how quickly they’d been forced to grow up. He had always tried his best to keep things light, to keep some semblance of innocence in their lives, but with the great weight of evil lifted from their shoulders he realized just how much they had missed. They had so much lost time to make up for, but the end of the war wasn’t going to be as black and white as Ron first assumed.
Things were not suddenly okay, not with Fred’s absence so blatantly obvious, and Ron was caught between what he felt was a duty to his family and the overwhelming urge to distance himself from it all. Auror training helped, and he threw himself into it with more gusto than he’d ever shown for his studies at Hogwarts. It healed him, in a way, and it was a hell of a lot healthier than the bottles of Ogden’s Olde he sometimes nursed in the wee hours of the night. Time passed, wounds began to scab over; he and Harry became real Aurors, and Ron couldn’t help but embrace their newfound purpose. They’d done the work - they’d helped rebuild their world - and now it was time to relax.
The Weasley family doesn’t follow any hard-and-fast Christmas traditions. They are always together, though, if that counts, and it’s a given that Molly will have Celestina Warbeck crooning through the wireless. Since the war, Ron in particular has been known to hit the sauce a little hard when it comes to yuletide celebrations, and he plans on doing things a bit differently this year. He has returned to Hogwarts a few times since the battle, but it admittedly isn’t something he’s ever eager to do. The many happy memories he has of the place can’t help but be eclipsed by the death of his brother, but the prospect of spending the holiday with old friends (and perhaps redeeming himself for the disaster that was the Yule Ball in his fourth year) has him more excited to return than he wants to admit.
SHIPS: Romione is my OTP and I would die for them. I won’t try to force it on anyone, but there is no question that my Ron is head-over-heels for Hermione regardless. What happened in canon meant a great deal to him, and even if they aren’t together in this scenario I have a hard time believing he could just brush it all away. However, in the absence of Romione I ship Ron with happiness and chemistry, and I think some Lavender stuff could be fun too!
FACECLAIM: George Mackay or Rupert Grint!
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soviet-ghost-story · 2 years
‘ i’m not leaving you behind. ’
Seriously. Seriously. What was it with these die hard bleeding hearts and their damn determination to make sure he never got left behind? Steve was bad enough - and never mind that he wouldn't have left anyone behind either - but Mollie was a nice Brooklyn girl and a damn good nurse and had been with the field hospital the Commandos had just liberated from the edge of HYDRA's front line. Bucky growled a little as he tied off a rough bandage over his left arm to stop some bleeding, and shouldered his M1903A4 over his shoulder. "You're not leaving me behind," he told her seriously as he caught her arm in a firm, but gentle grasp. "I'm sending you back to clear the way, okay? We'll need a camp set up on the Allied side of things when we get back, and I can't think of a better nurse to run the operation. I'll be fine, I've been in worse scraps than this back home." At that, Bucky flashed her a million watt grin, and released her from his grasp. The grin didn't quite go to his eyes - no delight really went to his eyes ever since his rescue from Azzano in '43 - but he was making a damn good effort regardless. "Get on now. Cap's counting on you all. We all are. Unless you're gonna grab a gun and wade right into HYDRA's forces with us."
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