lannegarrett · 2 months
I know adverbs are controversial, but "said softly" means something different than "whispered" and this is the hill I will die on.
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littlemizzlinguistics · 6 months
Studying linguistics is actually so wonderful because when you explain youth slang to older professors, instead of complaining about how "your generation can't speak right/ you're butchering the language" they light up and go “really? That’s so wonderful! What an innovative construction! Isn't language wonderful?"
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neil-gaiman · 3 months
explain the difference between adverbs and adjectives in a way that makes sense i need help
Adjectives describe a thing or a quality. Blue, big, happy, lost. They tend to attach to nouns (or pronouns). The lost manuscript. The big blue box. I am happy.
Adverbs describe how something was done. Happily, dangerously, mostly, fast, fabulously. They tend to attach to verbs and change or modify the information the verb gives us. I danced happily. I walked fast. I am mostly funny. He waved his weapons dangerously. We were all fabulously drunk.
How's that?
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see-arcane · 2 years
3/4 of the Dracula cast, including side characters: -takes 10 pages of yammering to get around to making a single point-
Quincey Morris, King of Brevity, reading the situation for 0.5 seconds: Uh huh, cool. So where’s the blood going? 
Jack Seward, in tears, both from the Lucy issue and gratitude at not sitting through another corn metaphor for half an hour: I don’t fucking KNOW-- 
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0x1000 · 4 months
Praise be! It's "Gabe actually probably would be really into suddenly getting dominated like that" Saturday.
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(It would be Sunday, but he's at church.)
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allurared · 11 months
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cookie-nom-nom · 1 year
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The situation as I understand it
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 2 months
Apple Seed 9: Auncle
Charlie: (sitting pregnantly in a bra and underwear in the communal sitting room with a fan on her, surrounded by bags of ice, and demolishing cold leftover chicken wings as sweat rolls down her body)
Lucifer: Alright, Duckie! (Hangs up the phone) Vaggie said she's on her way back from the store with all the ice cream the limo can carry. (Gently takes Charlie's free hand and gives it a supportive squeeze and tap) How are you doing, sweetie?
Charlie: (puppy eyes as tears well up) It's so hot, Dad.....
Lucifer: Awwww, I know, sweetie. I know. I'm sorry there isn't more I could do. At least the belhop is steering clear! Who-da thunk that nearly nakedness would be his repellent?
Angel: (struts into the room like he owns the place with all 4 arms filled with stuff) Alright, Toots! Time we broke out the big guns!
Charlie: Angel?! What is all this?
Angel: (ignoring the question as he piles everything on the coffee table one by one) Here's my softest, thinnest, fluffiest robe, my ankle massager, a couple of my favorite bath bombs that help with aches and pains, self-cooling rag, and a wonderful little scrunchy I got ya to help keep your hair up in this Hellish heat.
Charlie: (puppy smile and soft eyes) Awww, Angel. You didn't have to do that.
Angel: Hey, if it works for aching porn stars, it'll work for a pregnant gal. Now! (makes a grabby motion with his hands and gives puppy eyes) Can I feel the baby???? Please????
Charlie: (nods)
Angel: OooOOOOooooOooh..... (slowly and gently puts a hand on the drum of a belly and feels little flutters of movement) *squeeeeeee!!!* I call Honorary Auncle!
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thepedanticbohemian · 10 months
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"Adverbs pave the road to hell."
-- Stephen King
I have this written on a tiny spiral notepad next to my desk just in case I need reminding.
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[shadow the hedgehog voice] i go by every pronoun, every adjective, every noun, verb and intensifier! yes, even the intensifiers! i am all genders and none at the same time! you CANNOT misgender me!
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Adverbs of frequency in Basque:
Beti: always
Oro har, orokorrean: in general
Normalean: normally
Askotan, maiz: often
Batzuetan, inoiz: sometimes
Noizean behin, noizbehinka: from time to time
Gutxitan: few times
Ia inoiz ez: seldom
Inoiz ez, sekula ez: never
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yeesiine · 4 months
In Morocco we don't say "my sweetheart, we say l'kbida diali"
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faytelumos · 1 year
Open Wounds
cw: pain, repeated mention of dislocated joint
Villain crept into the house, looking around for traps, goons, exits. The space was some weird cross between rustic chic and minimalist, lit softly by strings of fairy lights in the dining area. The only other light came from down a hallway to the right.
"I'm in here," Hero called. They sounded… pained. Distressed. It didn't settle Villain's nerves. They drew their dagger, keeping it low, holding the blade along their wrist, head on a swivel. They stalked towards the light, keeping close to the wall. When they reached the doorframe, they paused, listening closely. Hero was breathing hard, and there was a soft, trickling of sound. Villain carefully turned to look into the room.
Hero was laying in a tub, and in the yellow light from above the mirror, Villain could see large, ugly bruises on their arm and shoulder. Villain tilted their head, stalking in even as Hero turned to look at them with a soft gasp of, of relief.
"I'm sorry," they gasped as Villain crept across the bathroom to check for hidden threats. They opened a narrow door to find a water closet, empty of visitors. "I just… I couldn't call anyone else."
Villain sheathed their dagger, then stood upright and walked back over to Hero. They stopped to stare for a moment, taken aback by the sight. Hero was covered in massive, ugly bruises, the worst two covering an impressive amount of their hip and ribs. Villain looked to Hero's face, which was flushed and regretful.
"I can't get up," they whispered, their voice watery.
Villain stared. Hero had summoned them into their home, completely defenseless, even immobile and naked. They were perfectly and completely harmless. It couldn't possibly be any easier to end them.
There were tears brimming in Hero's eyes. Their arms were covered in goosebumps and they were shivering subtly. They were blushing across their whole face, across their ears, down their neck.
Villain blinked and stepped to the edge of the tub.
"Is it your hip?" they whispered. Hero nodded, gritting their teeth and closing their eyes as Villain reached to put a hand behind their shoulders.
"It's too weak, I can't use my leg at all." Villain nodded, carefully putting Hero's arm around their shoulders. Hero hissed in pain as Villain placed a hand over their ribs, and Hero braced their good leg to try to rise.
"One, two, three —" Villain hefted and Hero strained, and they both grunted before Villain's grip failed and Hero whimpered. They fell back into the tub, splashing Villain with cool water as they caught their balance. Villain huffed, reaching into the water to confirm it was really as cold as they thought. "How long have you been stuck?" they whispered, pulling their hand out. Hero looked to be on the verge of tears. "Okay, okay," Villain uttered, standing up. Hero was slick — there was something slippery in the water, and it was making this impossible. Villain yanked up a sleeve and reached down between Hero's feet, grabbing the plug and pulling it out. Hero gasped, shivering harder as the water level began to fall. "Where do you keep the towels?" Villain asked, looking around.
Hero let out a strained sound and pointed to the counter. Villain marched over and snatched up the thick towel, unfolding it on the trip back. Hero reached up for it and Villain slapped their hand away, opening it up the last bit and wrapping it around Hero's head and shoulders. Hero tried to reach up again, and Villain slapped their hand back once more, already carefully drying Hero's damp hair.
"I'm sorry," Hero whispered. "I didn't know who else to call."
"Shh, stop apologizing," Villain uttered calmingly. Seeing Hero so upset, so vulnerable, it wasn't sitting well with them. It was wrong, the way an elephant hovering off of the ground would be wrong.
Once the water was mostly gone, Villain paused to reach down and flick off their shoes. They yanked off their socks in short order, then carefully climbed into the tub, their feet on either side of Hero's thighs. Hero shifted, hissing and whining in pain, and Villain hushed them again as they stooped forward to gently dry Hero's back.
"Who did this to you?" Villain already knew the answer in their gut. There was only one person it really could be.
"Supervillain." Villain nodded, shifting their weight carefully on the slick tub floor.
"Can you sit up?"
"Not all the way."
"Okay, let me help you." Villain carefully moved back, then put their hands on Hero's shoulders and slowly pulled them upright. Hero gasped and tensed, their face going tight as they leaned forward. Something in Villain's gut twisted as they let out a sharp whine, their hand going to their hip, their breath coming out in short, tense pants. Villain waited for a moment, staying still as Hero struggled with the pain. "Do you have to lean back again?"
"Just hurry," Hero managed through gritted teeth. Villain nodded and dried their lower back as quickly and gently as possible. Once they pulled away, Hero leaned back again with a moan. Ignoring the fact that contact with the tub was going to damped their back again, Villain set about gently drying Hero's arms. Hero stayed back, eyes closed, breathing methodically. Villain kept quiet, gritting their teeth as they carefully cupped and patted down the length of Hero's arm. Once they were both dry, Villain started patting their chest. "I'm sorry," Hero breathed.
"Shut up," Villain said gently. Hero huffed a soft laugh as Villain quietly gave up on any illusions of modesty.
"I'm lucky you're a good person," Hero whispered. Villain glanced up at their face, but despite the tense amusement, Hero's eyes were still closed. Villain looked back down and patted Hero's stomach.
They were both quiet as Villain patted Hero's hips dry, and Villain fought the sensation of embarrassment as they dried between Hero's legs. Hero didn't make a sound, and Villain didn't look up as they moved on to Hero's thighs. Hero was able to lift and turn their good leg perfectly fine, but the other stayed still.
"Is it dislocated?" Villain ventured. Hero whined.
"God, I hope not." Villain nodded softly.
"Okay, I think I can get you out now." They stepped out of the tub and took a moment to dry their own soles, then laid the towel across their shoulders before reaching in again. Hero grabbed Villain's side as Villain grabbed Hero's, and they both huffed and hefted and grunted until Hero was standing on one leg. Hero rested there, putting a hand on the wall, and Villain reached in once more to dry their back, their butt, the back of their legs. Hero wasn't shivering as badly now that they were dry, and they were barely blushing anymore. "Ready for step two?"
Hero laughed nervously, looking slightly down to Villain. Villain set the towel aside, then reached in to support them a third time.
Hero looked at the wall of the tub, pain and anguish welling up in their eyes again. Villain looked down, thinking quickly.
"Sit on the edge," they ordered. Hero looked up again, and Villain shifted to support Hero's weight. "Sit. I've got you." Hero nodded, turning their back to Villain, who tried to avoid the ugly bruise on their ribs as they helped Hero lower slowly into a sitting position. Once Hero was down, Villain came to their side. "I'm going to lift your leg as you turn." Hero nodded, their face going hard as they breathed methodically again. Villain reached down, holding their leg with one hand and their shoulder with the other. Hero turned and Villain lifted their leg straight out. Hero grunted and groaned but kept going, and then their leg was free, and Villain carefully set it down. Hero was panting again, and Villain kept them balanced as they drew their other leg free. "Rest a moment."
"No," Hero grunted. They shook their head, "I need to lay down. Help me up." Villain hesitated. But if Hero had already been stuck for an hour or more, it was perhaps best to get them to bed as quickly as possible.
Villain and Hero held onto each other again, standing Hero up carefully. Villain took on most of their weight as Hero gasped and nearly crumpled.
"Almost done," Villain whispered. Hero nodded stiffly.
It took a long time to get to Hero's bedroom. Even Villain was beginning to tire, but they wouldn't even consider stopping to rest while Hero was in such pain. At last they got to the edge of the bed, and Villain flung the cover open as Hero turned to sit. They groaned in a combination of pain and relief, and Villain pulled up the covers and helped them wriggle into bed. Still, Hero barely moved their leg.
"Did you get these injuries checked?" Villain asked as Hero greedily pulled the covers over themselves. Hero shook their head, eyes closed, sweating softly and panting. Villain sighed, squeezing their eyes shut. If they didn't check, they wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. "Let me see if it's dislocated."
Hero let out a whimper that sounded very nearly like they were crying. But they nodded in the darkness, and Villain lifted the covers again. They ran their fingers softly down Hero's side, over the crest of their pelvis, down to their hip—
The bone wasn't where it was supposed to be.
Villain swore quietly and Hero whined again, throwing their head back, letting out a watery string of curses. Villain climbed carefully onto the bed, cupping a hand behind Hero's knee.
"It'll feel better once it's in place," Villain promised, bracing their knees on either side of Hero's legs.
"Just get it over with," Hero grunted, already gripping the sheets tightly, their eyes screwed shut. Villain nodded, carefully lifting their leg, causing Hero to hiss and stiffen.
"One, two —"
Hero cried out, and the heart-wrenching sound of it almost covered the sensation of their leg popping back into place. Villain shivered and squeezed their eyes shut, gritting their teeth against the wave of disgust as Hero threw an arm over their eyes. Villain looked down at them, and in the following moment of silence, they were sure Hero was crying.
Villain laid Hero's leg down softly. The joint would never be the same now; the tendons and muscles there would be weaker for the rest of their life. If Hero knew what was good for them, they wouldn't return to the field for some time. But right now, they were laying in the dark, shivering, crying mutedly in pain. Villain hesitated again. Hero needed something, but what? What would Villain need if their roles were reversed?
Villain exhaled softly, surprised by the wave of calm they felt at the idea. They reached out, gently taking Hero's wrist, and Hero didn't fight them as they pulled their arm away to rest on their chest. Villain shifted their weight, keeping their body off of Hero's as they crawled up the bed, wiping away a trail of tears with a thumb before leaning in and closing their eyes.
Villain kissed Hero, keeping their hand on Hero's cheek. Hero didn't react much at first, but then they let out a soft, yearning whimper. Villain deepened the kiss with a gentle slowness, tilting their head and cupping Hero's cheek just a little stronger, and Hero tilted their head up weakly, their breathing finally deepening. They kissed quietly and slowly, Villain patiently moving their tongue against Hero's like filling in empty spaces. Just as Villain was starting to want for air, they pulled away.
Hero laid their head back, breath calm, and Villain backed away just enough to see them. Hero reached up and wiped the tears on their other cheek before opening their eyes again to look up at Villain.
"Better?" Villain breathed. Hero's eyes darted around their face, and they nodded and licked their lips.
"Much," they whispered. Villain nodded, then carefully got up and off the bed. They laid the blankets more evenly over Hero, who closed their eyes and rested their arm across their forehead with a deep sigh.
"I think I should spend the night," Villain said. "In case you need more help." Hero nodded firmly.
"Please?" Hero whispered.
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nevesmose · 27 days
Somehow the idea of Curze whispering poison in his sister's ear repulsed Perturabo most of all.
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ailelie · 1 month
Why do people hate adverbs?
A person on reddit asked this question. This was my reply (shared here b/c as one of over 250 replies on reddit, I know it will be lost there).
People enjoy and gravitate toward vivid writing. Therefore, many writers strive to strengthen their writing by making it more vivid.
Adverbs are not evil. However, many writers misuse them because they are easy.
That said, I feel I need to point out that rules have levels again. In high school, teachers tell you to never use first person in academic writing. Then, in college, many professors ask that you do. High school teachers harp on the three-part thesis. College professors hate the three-part thesis. Etc.
Does this mean the rules in high school are wrong or bad? NO.
Rules do not exist in isolation. They are always in service of a goal. The three-part thesis is in service of students learning how to organize their essays and support their ideas. Using third person is in service of students learning to rely on evidence over their own, unsupported opinions. In college, professors expect students to no longer need those rules to still organize essays, support ideas, and rely on evidence.
We erect guardrails in the earlier stages to help teach the habits and build the knowledge we need to thrive in later stages when those guardrails are no longer necessary.
The rule against adverbs is in service of writing strong and vivid prose.
"No," she said softly.
But did she murmur, mumble, or whisper? Each of those make her "no" sound different.
This does not mean remove adverbs always, but rather to examine each use and ask: is this the clearest, most vivid image I can create?
Of course, vivid writing is not the only goal for writers. Other goals include the sound of writing. Maybe "said softly" isn't the most vivid option, but maybe it does fit the rhythm of the scene better. You have to decide which goal is more important in that moment.
Writing or, at least, editing is an active process. Word choice and order matter. Be deliberate.
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
Were there any darlings in SCS that you really really loved but had to take out for the final product that you're willing to share?
the literal FIRST SCENE I CAME UP WITH got cut because the tone of the fic changed wildly. originally the reveal was going to have exactly everyone sort of freezing and then:
Martyn stares. “Why are you Grian,” he says blankly.
“Oh my god,” Pearl says just as weakly, “you can’t just ask people why they’re Grian.”
“What’s a Grian,” Three responds, slightly irritated they’re not explaining.
SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES. as you can tell how that scene worked CHANGED ENTIRELY because the tone and theme of the fic is wildly different from one that bit would fit in.
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