#alphonso au
blazefirefox · 2 days
yippee here's the second part of this!
here's the rules from last time
this includes some OCs that I have not revealed yet
this also includes scenarios from the DOAI sitcom au
this also includes ocs from my dear friend @mapalssyrup's au, Bleeding From Every Orifice (‼️which I do not own‼️)
the memes from said AU will be labeled with BFEO and the ones from the sitcom au will be labeled, well, sitcom au
when someone is labeled "Mortimer Gray", it was mortimer when he was human, and when it's just "Mortiemer", that's when he's veldigunified(tm)
same applies for Alex
good night tri-state area
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inkquillery · 2 months
👻 self-preservation is a property of jams and jellies 🌪️
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~ presumed dead ~ everyone needs a hug ~ poltergeist shenanigans ft. daisy ~ maydaisy ~ team as a family ~ fluff and angst and light crack ~
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ghorbulous: adj. (of a person or creature) behaving like that of a ghost or other paranormal entity.
In which Daisy has no self-preservation instincts whatsoever to speak of, but a totally unprecedented aspect of her powers saves her life — and leaves her an unwilling witness to the heartbreak left in her wake.
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voidwritesstuff · 7 months
Shadows in the radio static. (Shadow! Alphonso AU)
->created by: @graceandtheidiotsquad .
Summary: the rainbow chemical has unexpected side effects,like keeping the dead amongst the living.
->cw: a scene of harrasment, mentions of PTSD.
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Theres a lot of noise in the air, gunshots, air planes,screams,garbled noises from the radio. The Sky is black with no stars,the mud is Sticky on his boots as he runs up a tree, he sees his lieutenant, Lucas Cole, and thanks god hes not alone.
But even then,alphonso feels out of it too, the world shifts between this hellish swamp and his backyard in the appalachias. But he managed to climb up that tree, Lucas is not there mentally, his eyes are wide and his gaze is lost and wild.
He watches his lieutenant raise his gun. A sharp pain shatters into his nervous system, and only as his eyelids feel heavy does he sees Lucas lean over him and tell,tears in his eyes. He hears "im so sorry,im so sorry! Oh crap Alphonso! Stay with me!--stay"
It feels like an eternity in the dark void,he tries to follow the voices and cries for help of his fellow soldiers but they vanish when he tries to touch them.
But then he sees Lucas...hes not longer on the swamp though, hes in the medical bay being treated for his injuries. This time,when he tries to Grab his shoulder he falls to the floor, no longer on that void.
--kid! Kid?! Do you hear me!?--He yelled right in his ear. But all Lucas does is flinch and shuffle away.-- the hell am I? Some kind of ghost?
Thats how he finds himself following Lucas around,the few times he manages to make contact is through dreams. But he soon finds his lieutenant either doesnt remember them or chalks it up to ptsd.
--Damn it kid!!-- He huffed, sitting with him as hes shipped back to the USA. But then he sees Lucas slowly fall asleep, instictively leaning towards him. Alphonso sighs and leans his head on his, side hugging him. His anger melts and he just says-- alright then, just rest...
He finds himself watching Lucas as the years pass by,the few times hes made contact his Friend has woken up in a cold sweat or made him a little paranoid.
Nothing changes until Lucas finds his way towards Milton-Haven, Alphonso can see this weird ghost Lady that he speaks to sometimes.
--How do you manage to get yknow- an actual physical form?--He asked her once, she was by an electric tower.
--pull energy- from radios, or--electricity-- she replies-- can be- temporarily, not sure if permanent
Alphonso nodds and sits with her-- How do you do that?
This ghost Lady takes his hand and puts it to one of the legs of the tower, theres sparks and then suddenly hes training the Power with her.
--We might end up causing a black out-- he half joked, and the ghost Lady laughed-- I never asked ya yer name
The ghost Lady looked at him through her glasses, her curly hair in a ponytail swaying with electricity, and her Angel wings that looked like radio waves shuffle. Light blue energy zaps around her like a Tesla coil. Its intimidating but somehow inviting.
She replies-- Doctor Rosemary James.
Alphonso doesnt try to materialize until the Next night, sucking up all the Power he could. Needless to say there were Many reported temporal black outs and lights acting funky.
Lucas had just come back from his first Real date in a while. Hes tinkering with a radio, murmuring "creep" by radiohead, hes too concentrated on his work and todays events that he doesnt notice the first flickers of light.
But then they get worse, a second passes by and he looks at the light on the ceiling-- what the- its the third time this week!
Lucas feels the hairs in the back of his head stand up, he drops the tool he was using and looks behind him, then he hears a -- That would be my fault,kid.
His eyes go wide and filled with tears-- what the hell
He sees a Man, mid fortys, wearing a ww2  uniform. A piece of his cheek is missing, his skin is deathly white, red spider lillies grow from his helmet and his Pointy dog ears pressed against the side of his head.
--Youre dead-- he says matter of factly,hands shaking.
--Gee,nice GOFO, lieutenant-- the bastard has the Audacity to smirk. Then he pulls him for a tight hug.
Lucas expected him to smell god awful,but he senses the sweet aroma of flowers and his usual cologne. He hugs his friend tight and sobs into his shoulder, the moss on his clothes soft against his skin.
--is-is this Real?--He asks,voice barely a whisper.
--Yup. As Real as it gets,kid-- he whispers, stroking his back-- 'm guessing you want an explanation, dont worry,we have all the time in the world now
Alphonso starts to explain everything that happened since the very beginning, how he got here and who taught him how to materialize, upon hearing the name, Lucas looks at his Friend with wide eyes.
--Wait- Rosemary?! Shes still with you?
--There are days where she cant even talk to me, but im sure she'll give us an answer if I ask-- the other Man said with a shrug.-- hey,grab us a beer so you can tell me about your hot date
--You saw everything?!-- he asked with dark cheeks.
--Nah I gave you two lovebirds privacy. Just stayed around the area.
Lucas sighs and stands up, gong to Grab two beers from the fridge,shaking his heas-- oh fuck me. --He growls in disbelief.
Few seconds later hes opening a beer,but before he gives it to Alphonso he says--Ya sure you can drink this?
Wheeler clicks his tongue and snatches the beer--Give me that shit-- his friend laughs and then takes a sip-- god,I missed this.
The ex radioman chuckles-- hmm, I imagine -- but then he sees his captain smile wide, his sharp,yellowed teeth showing.
--So, tell me about the girl-- He said,a little too smug.
Lucas almost chokes on his drink-- well- uhm. I met her because I thought was running late. We share the same therapist, turns out I got there really early, and uhh we started talking
--Thats sweet-- Alphonso says-- whats her name?
--Jerico-- he replied-- jerico Castro, shes very sweet and shes got the prettiest smile. Man,you shoulda seen me when I met her, my breath left my chest and I got so red in the face, you and the others wouldntve let me live it down
The other Man chuckles, his completely white eyes twinkling with mirth-- hm, bet
So,they both spend the night talking, up until Lucas falls asleep. Alphonso chuckles, he picks up his friend with ease and carries him to his room, fireman Carry style.
--Dude. Get a bed-- he murmurs and sets him down on the cot, covering him. Then,he goes to rest on the one person couch outside his Friends room. He almost seems to curl up like a dog, his ears down.
For the Next few days,alphonson follows Lucas around his usual schedule. He walks beside him to his therapist's Office, helps him to Get groceries (wearing a beanie, a jacket with a hoodie and a bandana around his face,with sunglasses).
--Ya dont gotta follow me 'round-- Lucas teased,putting the groceries on the table.
His Friend shrugs-- I guess I still Belive youre my boy-- he ruffles his lieutenants curly black hair-- guess yer a Man now
Lucas smiles with warmth, he chuckles and hugs his friend-- thats very sweet,you know? I guess in some way yer still my captain
Wheeler shakes his head-- You are yer own Man now.
A few more days go by of this routine. Alphonso was more than happy to watch and help his friend, every day Lucas would wake up to Alphonso sleeping on the one person couch Next the door of his room,Like a Guardian dog.
--Dont try n lick me now-- he joked once.
--cant make any promised-- his captain replied with a shrug.
One night, Lucas is fixing himself up in the mirror,he struggles to fix up his tie-- jesus fucking christ,55 Years and I still cant-
Wheeler sighs and fixes up his tie-- just like bootcamp
The other Man chuckled-- just like boot camp. Thanks
--s'nothing. Good luck,tiger-- his captain winks.
During the night, Alphonso keeps a healthy distance between him and Lucas,who walks hand in hand with his date.
--Man,dont you look stunning-- the ex soldier whispered, nuzzling his dates hair.
-- have you seen yourself in the mirror? -- jerico whispered with a smile,leaning on him-- love the cologne
He shrugged-- thanks, a friend reccomended it
--Hes got good taste-- both walk past a Group of men,who look at jeri with less than friendly intentions. Lucas purses his lips and covers her with his arm, pulling her closer.
Two of the guys follow them to the restaurant they were going, the ex soldier is aware of this and Gently tells his date-- babe, go to our spot,okay? Ill be there in a moment.
Jerico whispers a "be safe" since she noted the men too, and leaves to their table. Lucas Turned to the men with pursed lips-- do we really have to do this?
The two men dont reply, but before any of the two can do something, Alphonso jumps on them, mouth billowing hot smoke. His clawy hands rip the two men away and says-- Go,I can handle this
Lucas watches both impressed and in horror as his Friend pulls the men to a dark alleyway. He knows his moral compass wont let him forget that easily,but in reality he just wants to continue his date.
So,he rejoins his date. And the rest of the night goes swimingly.
He drops her off at her house, giving a tight hug and a nice passionate kiss, she gladly kisses back and hugs his neck.
--Hey, what about the guys from before? -- jerico asked, stroking his jaw with her thumb.
--'Eh,I wouldnt worry 'bout it. I scared them off
She chuckles and says-- uh-huh, sure thing tough guy.
The ex soldier kisses his dates forehead-- sweet dreams,hon.
Lucas drives back to the cabin with joy and warmth in his chest. He opens the door of his house with a sigh And drags his feet to his bedroom,ready to pass out.
--hey! How did the date go?--Alphonso asked,curled up on the one person sofá, one of his eyes Open and one of his ears raised as his tail wags lazily-- n' before ya ask I just gave them a good beating.
The radioman chuckles-- not a scratch on ya,guess ya never lost yer touch. N' it went well, I dropped her off, we had fun. She specially liked that I kept in mind her food sensitivities.
--Always paying attention to the little details-- wheeler replied with a tired smirk-- thats good. Get some rest,kid.
--Ten-Four captain-- the other Man replied, giving a pat on the head to his friend and going to his room. He loosens his tie and then undoing his hairbun, his black curly hair bouncing a little-- night!
--Night!--Alphonso replied,closing his eye and tucking his ears against the side of his head. For the rest of the night he keeps watch on the house.
Lucas decides that even if it was a little odd, it was good to have his captain,his mentor, his friend back.
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general-kalani · 1 year
{ @codenamejudas​ sent in; When you get sick, so does your soulmate (well now I HAVE to!)
Prompt from; here! }
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Damn it all, he’d been convinced to leave Promethea. Just to one other planet.
Just one.
And of course it had been a planet that was in the cold climate at the moment. But he could handle it, he’d been on so many other planets this one cold-climate planet wouldn’t do anything to him!..
If only he hadn’t of gotten a damn cold from this.
A curse, really. And the fact Judas was here wasn’t exactly helping the embarrassment he was feeling.
But he wouldn’t sneeze in front of him! That would be so weak of him!..
Of course he couldn’t have such a basic thing. And when he sneezed, well he made a point to not look at the other man. Because his sneeze could be considered... Cute. “Don’t you say god damn anything about that.” With a sniffle.
What a damn curse...
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tua-pet-au · 2 months
Meet the cast pt.2:
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Alphonso- capybara - living boomerang
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Marcus - armadillo - super strength
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Fei - crow -bird manipulation
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Jayme- viper - hallucinatory venom
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Ben - octopus- eldritch monsters
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Christopher - cube -psychokinetic energy
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Sloane - sugar glider- gravity powers
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ladymarlin · 2 years
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More of this 60s sparrow au I still haven't explained
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
a little agents of shield au idea i had !!
(let me know if you want to hear more about this au!! i’m not a fanfic writer, but if anyone wants to try to write something feel free with credit!!)
little royals au
the academy of royalty is attended my many royals across many kingdoms. the school is strictly for royalty until the academy’s headmaster philip coulson held a contest among the villagers across all kingdoms to see if anyone could past the difficult entrance exam. only one child passed, jemma simmons, a young villager from the kingdom of the highlands. for passing, jemma is invited to attend the academy of royalty as a student. she will then have to navigate being the first non-royal student the academy has ever had.
~ ✨~
the academy of royalty is split into two schools: one for older students and one for younger.
some of the students from the academy’s upper school (for older students):
- crown prince alphonso “mack” of the coastal isles
- princess elena of the kingdom of belleza
- crown princess barbara “bobbi” of donmore
- prince lance of dirkshire
- crown princess kora of the kingdom of afterlife
- crown prince christian of the hinterlands
~ ✨~
some of the students from the academy’s lower school (for younger students):
- jemma simmons, villager from the kingdom of the highlands
- crown prince leopold of the kingdom of the highlands
- princess daisy of the kingdom of afterlife
- crown prince daniel of fortësi
- prince grant of the hinterlands
- prince thomas of the hinterlands
*crown prince/princess means they are first in line for the throne.
**would be mainly fitzsimmons & dousy with background macklena & huntingbird!!
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Skye | Daisy Johnson & Antoine Triplett, Jemma Simmons/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Bobbi Morse & Skye | Daisy Johnson Additional Tags: Inspired by Tick Tick... BOOM!, Skye | Daisy Johnson-centric, HIV/AIDS Crisis, Minor Character Death, Angst and Feels, Found Family, Grief/Mourning, i swear there's happy stuff too, Alternate Universe - Theatre
It's the fic you've been waiting for. Finally, after 2 years, I bring to you, in just under 4k words, the one, the only Agents of SHIELD Tick Tick... Boom! AU. Need I say any more?
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esorydoolb · 6 months
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based on this:
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rednax-07 · 6 months
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I have a sort of half thought out AU for getting the gang back together after the events of season 3 of TUA. Haunted by the deaths of the sparrow academy members, as indirectly responsible he is of them. Viktor goes on a journey of both penance and self discovery reunite the lost sparrows with their surviving siblings. To his reluctance and surprise , Viktor finds himself actually apart of a team as he makes his way across the globe dodging his father reigning empire with his sole companion, a thrift store camcorder.
This picture takes place closer to the end of the groups adventures, I mainly wanted to draw a beach episode so it doesn’t really spoil the plot
Not sure if this will be a fic or multiple snap shots of Viktor’s adventures, feel free to asks question and inter with my ongoing struggle to keep a train of thought with this AU which I have fondly dubbed “Hey Ben!”
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ventusninja · 8 months
Hallowstale Master Post:
About the Au/ background info
Character info:
Asgore and Torel
W.D. Gaster
Chara and Asriel/Flowey
Sanse and Papina
Alphonso and Ingrid
Mettaton, Madelyn-Dummar, and Napsta Blook
Undyne and Monster Kid
Grillby, Justin, Braven, and Kindred
Demetry and Patricia
Moffett and Percival
Art done before character info + extra characters:
Metta 'Mettaton'
Napsta Blook
Journal of Scientific Inquiries by Dr. W.D. Gaster (and sanse)
Chapter 1 (The beginning)
Chapter 2 (Souls, soul trait magic, ect.)
Chapter 3 (The nature of monster masks)
Chapter 4 (Life updates)
Chapter 5 (Chara)
Chapter 6 (Flowey and the Monster Mask)
Chapter 7 (Determination and Empty Souls)
Chapter 8 (The Skeleton Siblings)
Chapter 9 (Testing)
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4dango-the2nd · 10 months
4Dango Comic Masterlist
These are mostly twitter links right now. I’ll slowly replace them with the tumblr posts as I upload the comics here!
Bennett’s Birthday (twt 2022)
Childe’s Birthday (twt 2021) (2022)
Diluc’s Birthday (twt 2021)
Eula’s Birthday (twt 2021)
Jean’s Birthday (twt 2022)
Kaeya’s Birthday (twt 2020) 
Kaveh's Birthday (2023)
Kokomi’s Birthday (2022)
Razor’s Birthday (twt 2021)
Rosaria’s Birthday (twt 2022)
Sara’s Birthday (2022)
Xiao’s Birthday (2021)
Zhongli’s Birthday (twt 2021)
Secret Santa (2020)
Father’s Day (twt 2021)
Christmas (2021)
New Year (2022)
Voices in Ice & Snow (Corrupted Albedo dj, Completed) [twitter] [webtoon]
Cold Tolerance & Homunculus Body (ft. Albedo, Aether)
My Sword (ft. Albedo, Aether, CW: GORE)
Ghost AU page test (ft. Albedo, Aether)
“Father” (ft. Albedo, Subject 2, Dainsleif)
Fleeting Shadow (ft. Albedo, Subject 2, Aether)
Teasing Huffman (ft. Albedo, Huffman)
Dawn Winery centric (Diluc, Kaeya, Adelinde):
Eye (ft. Diluc & Kaeya)
Badass Adelinde
Diluc’s Raw Strength (ft. Diluc, poor hilichurl)
Long Live The King (ft. Kaeya, Diluc, Kaeya’s father)
500 Years (ft. Kaeya, Kaeya’s father)
Rain Anthology flipbook animation
LUPICAL (Modern AU) [webtoon]
Mondt Gala [twitter thread]
Klee’s Big Bang skill (animation)
Use Your Claws, Boy (ft. Razor, Rosaria)
If You Hurt Him (ft. Razor, Rosaria)
Shadows (ft. Diluc & Rosaria, crack ship)
Growing Up (ft. Razor, Klee) [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
Ties (ft. Diluc, Razor)
Summer Event (ft. Razor, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Dvalin)
Viktor & Lily
LIYUE Anthology
Ancient Liyue Collection
Burning Karmic Debt (Indarias’ death)
Farewell Harvia
Xiao’s Hobby
Qiqi’s Wish (Lantern Rite comic, ft. Qiqi, Xiao)
Resonant Wave zine entry (ft. Tartali, Childe/Zhongli)
INAZUMA Anthology
Teppei’s Ambition (ft. Teppei, Aether, Scaramouche)
Familiar Fatui Recruit (ft. Aether, Childe, Chouji)
Grand Aspiration (ft. Kazuha, Kazuha’s Friend)
Orobashi & his Generals (character fandesigns)
Rui & Kanna Kapatcir (character fandesigns)
KAGOME [Webtoon compilation]
Kabukimono's Tales of Tatarasuna
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
If Niwa, Katsuragi, & Nagamasa comes back to life (ft. Wanderer)
If Niwa comes back to life (ft. Wanderer, Kazuha, Niwa)
Standalones not featured in my books:
Catharsis (ft. Wanderer, Dottore)
Wanderer animation (based on Deko’s illustration)
SUMERU Anthology
Bug Talks (ft. Collei, Cyno)
Following Footsteps (ft. Cyno, Collei)
Caretaker & Protector (ft. Collei, Cyno, Tighnari)
Pay Attention, Or Else (ft. Collei, Cyno, Tighnari, Aether)
Do You Remember (ft. Nahida, Aether, Lumine)
Ashes & You (ft. Kaveh, Alhaitham)
Samsara (ft. Dottore, Nahida)
Flower for my most gallant knight (ft. Dehya, Dunyarzad)
Your Turn, Milady (ft. Dehya, Dunyarzad)
The Gilded Sand’s Lullaby (ft. Jeht, Jebrael)
Falcon’s Sunset (ft. Aether, Tadhla)
Child of Snow & Forest (ft. Alphonso, Rana, Arana)
Waiting Forever (ft. Alphonso, Aether, Iotham)
Zandik’s Dream (ft. Zandik/Dottore, Rukkhadevata)
Character Fandesigns
Professor Cyrus [grandpa energy] [fandesign]
Pari [part 1 twt] [part 2 twt]
Sheikh Zubayr (doodle)
Greater Lord Rukkhadevata (before cutscene release)
Nabu Malikata, Goddess of Flower 
Rhinedottir fandesign
We Promised (ft. Aether, Lumine)
“I’m Just A Feeble Scholar” (commission, ft. Alhaitham/Aether)
Albedo vs Childe rough animatic
Abyss Memories [part 1, ft. Kazuha, Kazuha’s Friend] [part 2, ft. Lumine, Enjou, Kazuha’s Friend]
Missing You (ft Aether, Lumine, Albedo)
Humble Wish (ft. Lumine, Dainsleif, Aether)
Deception (ft. Aether, Venti, Zhongli)
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phantomdoofer · 1 month
Finally working on the design for Sergio and Margherita.
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Some facts:
•Sergio is 6'4", Margherita is significantly shorter at 5'2".
•Despite the size difference, Margherita is a lot stronger than Sergio. In fact, Margherita is quite bulky - it's a required secondary power for her super-strength. It's why in my AU Peppino is built despite being out of shape.
•Margherita's maiden name is Rossini.
•Sergio did construction before he became a pizzaiolo (a pizza chef), and Margherita does construction as well. A person who can lift girders by hand can be handy.
•Sergio is friends with Alphonso Tagliatelle, Bruno's father, and the man who would eventually train Peppino. They met at Alphoso's father's culinary school and became close.
•Sergio is fairly timid most of the time, and extremely jumpy (it's where Peppino gets it - well, you know, aside from the massive trauma). Margherita has to prod him into being more forward. The only time he ever managed to be bold was when he not only proposed to Margherita, he proposed they run away to another country, since her family hated him.
•Sergio died when Peppino was six years old of cancer. They were so poor they couldn't afford treatment.
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ladymarlin · 2 years
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Actually getting super into this 60s au 😱
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voidwritesstuff · 2 months
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Long Way To The Truth:
>Extra Tapes:
-LWTTT Firewatch
-LWTTT Ranger Cole's Cryptid stories
-LWTTT Mr.Cole meets the Castros.
Savior Of Lost Hope Au
-Charon and Dyonysus
-Rainy Days and Family Diners
-Fleeting Joys
-Shadows In The Radio Static. (Shadow!Alphonso AU)
-Found Family
-The one where allens sworn enemy is a salmond (dont ask)
-Lucas Cole Headcannons
-Cryptids of Milton-Haven.
>Moodboards (miscelanious)
>Shadow Designs
>Jerico Castro/The Blaze
Design (old)
•Level Tapes
•Patient profile.
>Lazaro Castro/The Decay
>Tooth And Claw [Candela Obscura]
>Nightmares and Nightwatch [Darksiders]
>Amos Kane Headcannons [The Kane Chronicles]
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