#also also truly sorry this took so long to get tooooo
luuxxart · 3 months
So this is the anon who just finished the comic and does like hitoshi x akechi and after you mentioned it in the tags I just cannot stop thinking about Akira x hitoshi x akechi it seems so so silly. I feel like they all simultaneously balance eachother out while being terrible influences.
I would love to hear more of your thoughts on it if you'd like to share (I have more myself but I dont wanna ramble in your inbox dt6tudtud)
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toxic trio real and true…,,,
like!!!! This makes me so happy u have no idea,,,,,
anyway,,,, if u are interested ,,, here
are my thoughts……….
too many cooks! too many cooks!
akechi definitely plays them against each other (ex. “Akira won’t do [x] for me 🥺 but will you…?” “Hitoshi told me no about [x] but… I know you would…”)
what is in it for Akira and Hitoshi? welp. Not much. Mostly Akechi. It’s like they’re positive hydrogens. and Akechi is a very negative oxygen in the middle
but Hitoshi is still definitely a pushover and would do anything Akira asked him to. and honestly ??? he’s probably pretty into the crimes Akira has him do. It gives him an outlet to vent his frustrations
Akira never asks Hitoshi to be his fall guy or look the other way when he’s stealing something. No no no. he wants that man in on the action. Live a little.
I think they would actually be like synchronized swimmers in the kitchen. Hitoshi despises how well Akira is able to prepare fish, but hey. Someone’s gotta do it and it’s not gonna be Hitoshi, so. They cover each others weaknesses in the kitchen.
Akira is also a really good listener and lockbox, so Hitoshi probably traumadumps on him often. It’s a comfort Hitoshi didn’t think he needed, but he probably ends up either falling asleep in Akira’s arms by the end of it all or saying some dumb shit before leaving like “I think I was born to meet you” that takes Akira’s breath away
Akira ends up spooning with Hitoshi a lot and having so much tall boyfriend to sprawl out on is a fucking dream.
For fear of Akira and Hitoshi leaving him for each other, Akechi probably wedges himself between them as often as possible.
But in the end they somehow… manage to make the discordance work a little bit……
idk I think it would end with Hitoshi having to leave both of them for the good of his own mental health unless they make it to the end of graduation, at which point, Hitoshi becomes well-loved long distance boyfriend for epilogue reasons while Akira and Akechi stay in Inaba for epilogue reasons.
Generally though,,,, I think it’s just not . Something that would come together . Like…Ever
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lululawrence · 5 years
I... was tagged by a lot of people so here we go hahaha thank you tooooo @a-brighter-yellow, @runaway-train-works, @allwaswell16, @laynefaire, and @himynameiszayn! sorry this wasn’t timely, but honestly who expects timely out of me anymore? no one. lollll I honestly don’t know who has and hasn’t done this, so I’m going to just... share my three lines and then answer the three questions everyone asked me. if you see this and wanted to be tagged but weren’t, say i tagged you and answer the three questions out of the list of 15 that i’m apparently going to be answering and do your own post! i’d love to see what you have as well. Soooooo here we go!
Three lines from my WIP (i’m doing five instead cause i was tagged by five people, hope that’s okay):
Harry had done them a favor, really.
Louis’ heart didn’t believe him just yet. The tears running down his face and the fact that he was having a hard time breathing as he tried to hold back the worst of his crying until he was done driving were physical evidence of that. But he knew that given time, it would.
Three Questions from Sage:
1. Do you have a strategy for writing dialogue?
uhhhhhh.... not so much. lolll i just try to make it sound natural and have a good rhythm to it. but i guess i don’t really think much about it other than trying to make it sound like something they’d say, if that makes sense? i’m afraid people who bother to read my answers to these questions are gonna be like “wow she doesn’t really think about much of anything ever while writing, does she?” noooo i really don’t. lol
2. Do you keep a note in your phone related to your fic/fics? What kinds of things do you jot down?
uhhhh i mean kinda. lollll i mostly keep a fic list in my planner, actually, but i also will brainstorm in chats in whatsapp and then i star the messages so i don’t lose them. other than that, i don’t really keep any notes in my phone. 
3. Who’s characterization do you think you have the best handle on? Does writing a particular one of the boys come easier to you than the rest?
Nicholas Grimshaw’s. Because he is the gay male version of me, i swear he is. lolllll otherwise I don’t really know? I mean, i feel like it’s a really opinion based subjective answer because we don’t really know them, so what i think is a good handle on their characterizations might have someone else reeling and upset lol that said, i do often find it easier to write from Harry’s pov as opposed to anyone else’s, but over time I’ve come to be comfortable writing from Louis’ too.
the rest is going under a cut cause wow this got long
Three Questions from Rebecca:
1. What’s a trope and/or pairing you love to read but haven’t tackled yet yourself, and why?
uuuuuuhhhhhhh that’s a really good question actually. i am not really sure? i LOVE fake relationship, friends to lovers, bed sharing, hybrid, abo, f/nf... oh! i know! i love royalty fics and i’ve never tried one of those! and same with regency fics. all the pairings i love to read i have officially attempted writing now, so i’m actually quite proud of that.
2. Which fic of yours are you most proud of and why?
i... this is mean. lolllll Goodness. I have a handful of fics that I’m actually really proud of. But one I’ll use for one of Anitra’s questions and another I’ll use for one of Michelle’s hahaha SO I’ll say the fic I’m most proud of is You Don't Care About Me (One More Night). There’s a lot of reasons why, for this one. One, it’s the longest fic I’ve ever written and I wrote it in something crazy like 3 weeks. Another is I have tried writing canon compliant fics in the past and they are SO FREAKING HARD. like SO HARD. And I promised myself I wouldn’t write another one, but I got this idea and I wanted to write it since I hadn’t found anything like it. So I took on the attempt to write a long canon compliant fic, and i did it! I also wasn’t sure how successful I would be with getting the emotions and sensuality across with this fic, because it’s a friends with benefits fic, right? but, i decided a few years ago i wasn’t going to write smut anymore. would i be successful in getting that across? the connection they have? the desire? the sexual tension? would people be able to feel the growth in the attachment between them as their relationship grows and changes and morphs without it? I didn’t even touch on all the reasons why i was concerned and nervous but also excited to write this fic that all come together with me being so proud of it. but in the end, it was SUCH a growing experience and such an incredible writing experience for me and in the end, i think i truly produced exactly the fic i wanted to. i think this fic is one i would thoroughly enjoy reading again later, and that i would love it. which is always my greatest goal, so yeah. i think my tomlinshaw fic is probably the fic i’m most proud of.
3. What three tips would you give to a new writer in the fandom?
oh goodness okay so let’s see here. 
1- get good support around you. i’m talking friends, cheerleaders, betas, just anyone and everyone. writing is hard and if you feel like you’re doing it alone it’s that much harder. so surround yourself with good, wonderful, and supportive people.
2- write what you want to read/write for yourself. i enjoyed writing the first few years i was doing it. it was fun being inspired by other people’s ideas and participating in a lot of exchanges where i was focused on the recipient and writing something for them. the year i wrote something like 42 fics was such a growing experience for me and i don’t think a single one of those fics was actually for myself. after that year i decided i wanted to focus on what I wanted to write and what i would like to read, and ever since i changed that focus in my writing, it’s changed entirely. i’m so much more proud of the fics i produce overall and i enjoy the process so much more because they’re for me. if they aren’t hugely popular, that’s okay. i like them, i love them, and that’s what’s most important for me. i’ve become so much more settled in my writing and just all of it since i made that change.
3- write often. it makes the biggest difference and makes things become so much easier if you do. it’s so hard at first, but you will strengthen those writing “muscles” and become such a stronger writer and narrator and just improve vastly the more you do it. so, write often.
Three Questions from Anitra:
1. Which of your fics do you wish more people would read? (Include a link please!)
You Try To Be Everything (I Need)! i know i know i know. it’s fantasy. those never get huge amounts of hits. AND it’s kinda future/dystopian. those ALSO never get huge amounts of hits. AND it’s a non-linear narrative which ALSO never gets huge hits. BUT I LOVE THIS FIC, OKAY??? it’s one of the top three i’ve posted this year that i’m most proud of and i ADORE IT. it’s one of my absolute fic babies. it FLOWED from me in a way i’ve never experienced before and i used symbolism! and visuals! and created a world! and took them on an epic journey! this fic is just. one of the best examples of how i can write as well. i loved how i was able to reveal information as it needed to be and was pertinent to the story. i feel like it gave a power to it that it wouldn’t have had without those flashbacks. and the art!!!! gosh the art that @hrrytomlinson did for it was just stunning. so yeah. probably that one. 
2. What are three of your favorite tropes to write? Why?
ooohhhh i LOVE writing friends to lovers. i think it’s the pining. i ADORE writing pining. probably because until my husband i had very few experiences that went past pining so i’m quite familiar with that in my own life lollll i also love writing disaster gay/humor fics. they’re so fun and also feel so relatable to my life. they’re easy for me to write and just SUCH A BLAST. and lastly i think... my other favorite trope to write is... meet cute. i just love writing that point in time when two people meet and immediately like each other and have to figure out how the hell they’re gonna ensure that they see that other person again. you know? i love those beginning stages so much! so yeah. i think that would probably be my other favorite trope to write.
3. Do you write side pairings in your fics? Which side pairing is your favorite? Why?
i dooooooo! i dunno if i have a favorite. i feel like i often rely on ziam because, well, why not? right? but i do have a LOT of fun writing shiall. there’s just something about their two personalities and getting to write them that allows me to be a bit silly but also just have fun and be cute and fluffy. so yeah. i guess maybe shiall. ooh but i do love a good rare pair of side gemma/niall as well hehe
Three Questions from Layne:
1. Do you have a writing routine? What is it?
mmmmm i guess kinda? lolll generally i have a very hard time writing at home. if i’m at home i’m going to get interrupted by my husband or kids or parents. it’s bound to happen. either that or i’ll remember any number of five million things that i should be doing around the house instead of sitting there and writing, so overall i have to write somewhere other than home. i’ll shove all of my errands and chores and everything into a smaller time frame so i have a bit of time to myself that i can leave the house and write for. whether that time amount is just 20 minutes or 3 hours, i’ll go and get set up (usually at starbucks or the library) and i’ll check in with any number of people or chats and let them know i’m writing. i’ll give them a starting word count, the fic i’m working on, and when i’ll be checking back for accountability. i then write like the wind. often, i’ll have a playlist going in the background, but not always. then when my time is up, i’ll check back in with the chat and share my ending word count so i can see how much i wrote that 20 minutes/hour/whatever and then i’ll also usually share a snippet so they can yell at me in excitement and help me stay excited too. and then rinse lather repeat until the fic is done! soooooo yeah. if that counts as a routine, then that’s my routine. haha!
2. Which of your fics was the most challenging to write? Which was the most fun? Why?
oh goodness, there have been a few that were difficult as fuck to write. i think the one that was the hardest was probably I Don't Mean to Frustrate. it was for an a/b/o exchange and i got three prompts that i just... was not really comfortable with tbh. i wasn’t sure any of them were tropes i could take on or i was not emotionally equipped to handle, which left me with a canon compliant prompt. i LOVE reading canon compliant a/b/o fics, but i hate writing canon compliant as i think i’ve said before. because of that, it felt like pulling teeth. i wanted to be sure that i was holding true to their schedule, i wanted to be sure i was sticking with what we knew of the band at that time etc but then mix things up a bit with the a/b/o dynamics. i think i just put a lot of pressure on myself and didn’t feel confident in it and that just made it suuuuuuuper hard to write. i do like it now, but it was really hard for me. the most fun? oof uhhh probably I Like Digging Holes. That fic is so self indulgent. i was meant to be writing at least another two or three other fics that actually had deadlines and instead i saw a silly interaction that grimmy had with an instagram person and i had to write it. something ridiculous like two days later this fic was posted and it was just a blast to be ridiculous and over the top and silly. 
3. Do you make playlists to write to, and if so, do you ever share them when you post your fics? Which fic’s playlist do you enjoy most, and why?
sometimes? if there’s a fic that has a really specific vibe i’m looking to channel in it then i will and USUALLY i’ll link them in the author’s note for the fic, but i don’t do it very often. generally the playlists i listen to as i write are just the ones i’ve made most recently of music i’m currently enjoying. that said, i do really love the playlist i made for my 50s direction fic (A Word We've Only Heard), because i made sure it was all era appropriate and it was the music that had inspired that fic in the first place, so yeah. you can find the playlist here, if you’re interested. 
Three Questions from Michelle:
1. Which fic of yours holds a special place in your heart?
I have a little list of my fic babies mentally that i have, but the one from this year that i’m most proud of and is special to me that hasn’t already been talked about is The Only Thing That Keeps Me Grounded. i feel like i’ve talked a lot about it, but there were a lot of emotions and self realization moments and just... i tried really hard to make it true to those who identify as polyamorous. i think i really hit that on the head with that and made it so it’s a fic that actually can be relatable and others can identify with whether they’re poly or not, and because of all those things, it’s just really special to me.
2. Is there a pairing you refuse to write?
mmmm no? i mean there are going to be some pairings that i find more difficult, but if there’s anything that i’ve learned over the almost five years i’ve been writing in this fandom, it’s that i can write pretty much anything i set my mind to. i just might not enjoy it as much haha
3. What do you prefer Fests or challenges more?
i... dunno? lollll i love a good fest and a good challenge, so i guess it just depends on what the challenge or the fest is as to whether i prefer one over the other. haha!
And that’s it! if you actually read all of this, you are a GEM AMONG MERE ROCKS. lolll i appreciate you caring enough about me to read the whole thing. i hope i didn’t bore you. and again, if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged! please tag me in your own post so i can read it and enjoy your answers too!
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teekapoaold · 5 years
a big replies post! ❤❤❤
Uff some of these are so old, sry 
amphoraesims replied to your photo “it’s a grey rainy day ”
Lovely ❤️
Love grey days  ❤
camicrazygirl replied to your photo
eternal love to Bonehilda ��
She sure needs more love!
amphoraesims replied to your photo
lovely pic <3
Thank you!
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
“Things to know about Nellie; she never take off her cape, and she...”
Awwwwww! ��
I know right! 
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
“Dextor do not like bath time!”
Bahahahah! Dextor DOES NOT WANT BATH!!!!!111!!! xD
Heheh xD
froggypixel replied to your post “��”
Love you tooooo������������������������
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
I �� your scenery pictures ��
iii thank you!!  ♡-♡
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “This cutie aged up! Dislike Children // Brave”
she's adorable!!
I think so too!
iliketodissectsims replied to your post “��”
*blows u a kiss*
♡ ♡ (ノ*°▽°*) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
amphoraesims replied to your photo
Awwww :)
ktarsims replied to your photo “teekapoachive: Teekapoa’s follow gift! A big thank you for everyone...”
amphoraesims replied to your photo “teekapoachive: Teekapoa’s follow gift! A big thank you for everyone...”
Love these! Thanks for converting them :D
Glad you like them! :3
pixelbots replied to your photo
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
mspoodle1 replied to your photo
Beautiful! ♥
Thank you!
rollo-rolls replied to your photo
ktarsims replied to your photo
So pretty!
Thank you!!
ktarsims replied to your post
“I’m v close to a follow stone, so i think when i hit that, i will...”
Being blunt is not always a bad thing. ^-^
amphoraesims replied to your photo
“wip; Museum // the upper floor”
It looks great!
Thank you, it just takes so damn long to be finish with xD
amphoraesims replied to your photo
Pretty! I love scenery ❤️
Ah me too!!  ♡♡
dreamsongsims replied to your photo “Oh noo :(”
So sorry.
It’s okay :3
bravetrait replied to your photo “Bye Champs Les Sims~”
this is SO pretty
It’s honestly soome of my favorite scenery pics i have taken  ♡
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
“Off, it’s a good thing sims can’t break a hip”
LOOL! Too right xD That'd be a downright dangerous activity for elders if they could- I bet a hip replacement in Champs Le Sims wouldn't be cheap either ;p
Oh gosh i can imagine, the treetops would be bankrupt! xD
danjaley replied to your post
“�� New icon [needed a change], and congratulations replies below ...”
Awww, I love the new icon! ❤️
Thank you!!  ♡♡ (/ω\) ♡♡
ktarsims replied to your photo
“Ah so i kinda learned to convert objects from s4 to s3, because i...”
Hmmmmm. Ideas... how about silhouettes of spy poses? If that makes any sense.... ��
Sorry i wan’t able to find any good ones :(
iliketodissectsims replied to your post
“Forgot about the summer time change, and didn’t change the time on my...”
mine did too stupid system, why bother setting our timezones huh
I know right!
ktarsims replied to your post “Forgot about the summer time change, and didn’t change the time on my...”
I got so confused by all these time change posts... I had to go and verify that our time change here in California took place a few weeks ago. xD
It honestly is very confusing. And apparently they are going to vote for it to perhaps get it removed. Dunno if it’s just here tho or like eu?? 
ktarsims replied to your photo “Ah so i kinda learned to convert objects from s4 to s3, because i...”
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo “After a few weeks of dating Raina moved in ”
They are so cute together :D
They really do fit so well together!! 
danjaley replied to your photo “Dawns wall of mounted fishes”
It got bigger xD
ktarsims replied to your photo “teekapoachive: Jetson Adventure - TS3 As requested, here is my...”
OMG! ��Awesome!
Thank you ❤️
amphoraesims replied to your photoset “wip; Museum”
Looks great! And more power to you, I could never have the patience for building and decorating a museum xD
Uff it also takes all my patience which is why it takes so long!! Thank you again tho
froggypixel replied to your post “wcif the jetson’s photo in the birthday twirler post?”
YES!Upload them! You can never have too many paintings in your game
So true!!
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “Thank you for everyone voting for the next heir for generation two of...”
Woo I'm happy Pelorous won! He was who I voted for!
Hehe, i’m excited to see what he will be up to, tho i kinda have lost the interest in the family i hope the new gen will bring it back!
amphoraesims replied to your photo “Sometimes you game is just more pretty unedited”
love this!!!
Me too!! xD
dustofsims replied to your photo
*yawns into a dab*
She really did xD
amphoraesims replied to your photo
“That doesn’t seem safe!!”
Such a cute toddler!!
She really was, really awkward as a ya tho xD
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
“Aurora skies in snow~”
Gorgeous!!! ��
I thought so too  ♡♡♡
ktarsims replied to your photo
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photo
your scenery is some of the best on here honestly
(*/ω\) Uhh nuuu thank you so much!!
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photo
it truly does it's so beautiful
♡ (ノ*°▽°*) ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
awww I miss his blue glasses :)
Me too xD, they will make a comeback
mikminicule replied to your photo
“A very dapper boy aged up~ Grumpy // Star Quality // Loves to swim //...”
I love his lil moustache xD That's puberty for you!
I never really put on beard or moustaches on the teens, but it fit him so well xD!
froggypixel replied to your photo
Look at his little peach fuzz����
I know right!
ohthesefaces replied to your photo
“A very dapper boy aged up~ Grumpy // Star Quality // Loves to swim //...”
omg how. freaking. cute.
Hehe, he really was!
littlemicrocosims replied to your photo
oh my god this is tooooo cuuuuute more please
asdfghj i know right, poor ludvig tjo 
ninjaofthepurplethings replied to your photo
I'm sorry I haven't said it sooner.... but I absolutely ADORE Ludvig. HE IS SO CUTE ��
Awee, he really is a cutie potutie! 
mikminicule replied to your photo “And they are now wife & wife!”
Beautiful :')
 it really was :o
mikminicule replied to your post “replies, i didn’t forgot!”
I hate it when the game does that! Even if you've made sure that no they're single, not dating anyone, but nope they set them up somehow anyway?!?!
I know right!! ugh 
rollo-rolls replied to your photo
Wow *-*
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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forever-rogue · 6 years
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Request: Can I please get a Tom Holland imagine where the reader is pregnant and tells tom but not getting the response she wanted and a fight happens but later tom explains himself thank you soo much lysm.
A/N: to the Nonnie who requested this, I love you tooooo! And Tom! Anyways, please enjoy :) Let me know if you'd like to be added to my Permanent Taglist. Requests are open! xx
Word Count: 2.2k
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warning: None
The bathroom counter was littered with small plastic sticks. While they were all different brands, they all reflected the same positive result. Pregnant some of stated, while others had two little lines or little crosses. Either way, this was unexpected and unplanned.
Y/N sat on the toilet in disbelief, a few tears breaking free and running down her cheeks. She wasn’t sure if they were happy tears or sad at this point. They were always so careful, but it looked like they had landed in the unlucky 1% who birth control had failed.
Y/N thought she was coming down with some sort of bug at first. Her periods had always been somewhat irregular, so it wouldn't have been out of the question for it to have skipped a month or two. Plus, her doctor had told her she would likely be have a hard time convincing when she was ready for a child, all due to the mild form of PCOS she had. Thus, naturally after the first test, Y/N had decided it was a false positive. She made sure to take another test...which was also positive. So she took another, and another, and another - until the counter was covered in the tests.
She let herself remained planted on the toilet for another few minutes, mind racing as to how she could possibly figure out what to do. First things first, she decided she needed to get rid of the evidence, at least for the moment. She grabbed an old plastic bag and shoved all the tests into it, tied off the top and threw it in the the bottom of the trash can. They would be safe there she figured, it wasn't like Tom was just going to go through the trash.
Y/N wasn't quite sure how she was going to tell Tom, but she decided she'd wait a few days until she got the chance to go to the doctors and have them confirm everything. Always better to be safe than sorry. Although she was shocked and by no means expecting any of this, she found that she wasn't upset. She had been with Tom for several years and they had always talked about getting married and having children in the future. Apparently, they were just getting a slightly earlier than anticipated start.
Y/N was lying in bed, attempting to finish the book she been reading on fall of the Egyptian Empire. It was one of her favorite topics; she was so deeply invested in it she didn’t notice Tom slowly walk back in the room, a forlorn expression on his face.
“Y/N? What is this?” she bookmarked her page and slowly looked up to see Tom standing there, holding one of the many pregnancy tests in his hands. She mentally kicked herself - in her haste to get rid of them, she must have missed one or it had fallen on the floor and she had not seen it. Of course Tom would be the one to find it.
“Tom, it’s-”
“You’re pregnant,” it wasn’t a question, just a blunt statement. Her heart dropped when she saw that he wasn’t happy or excited in the least, his face instead remained an emotionless mask.
“I just found out today. I was going to tell you in a few days, once I’d gone to the doctor to confirm everything,”she pushed the blanket back and swung her legs over the edge. He remained frozen, as though he was rooted to the ground, “Thomas?”
“I can’t believe this,” his hands fell at his side, and he hung his head. He clearly wasn’t thrilled about the situation. Her heart plummeted into her stomach.
“Tom, I know we didn’t plan this, but it’s not that bad,” she reached up and gently touched his cheek, “we knew we were going to have to children at some point.”
“Yeah, at some point! Years down the road - not now,” he huffed and pulled away from her, “this wasn’t supposed to happen, we’re always careful.”
“I know this isn’t what we planned, but we’ll get through it,” she tried to mask the hurt in her voice, “it’s not like we don’t have resources or support.”
“I don’t...” he paused for a moment, trying to calm himself down so he didn’t go into a full panic. He avoided looking in her eyes, he could tell this wasn’t the response Y/N wanted, but he was so conflicted, “I don’t want this right now. I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“Tom,” her voice was barely above a whisper, and was thick with the sobs that were threatening to escape, “what are you saying?”
“Please don’t make me say it,” he sighed in frustration and ran a hand over his tired eyes, “I just think this isn’t what we need right now.”
“I can’t believe what you’re saying,” she was incredulous at his words. She was shocked at what he was trying to suggest. This wasn’t the man she had grown accustomed to; that man would have supported her and been excited.
“Love, I’m just trying to-”
“To what, Thomas? We’re supposed to support each other no matter what,” she didn’t bother trying to hide her tears now. She narrowed her eyes at him and went to their closet and quickly started throwing clothes into a nearby duffel bag. She wasn’t about to stay when Tom was acting like this, “we’re supposed to get through things together, and you aren’t even open to discussing anything.”
“Y/N! Don’t do this,” he strode over swiftly to try and get the bag out of her hands. She jerked away at this touch and pushed past his body. He threw up his hands in exhaustion as he followed her through the apartment, “and just where are you going?”
“I don’t know, Tom. Anywhere else right now, because I can’t do this right now. Not when you’re being like this,” she sighed as she spotted to grab her phone, quickly throwing open the door and walking out, ““I’ll see you later.”
“Y/N!” he ran after her, but when he realized her retreating back wasn’t turning around, he slammed his fist against the door, “I love you!”
After her argument with Tom, she had decided to go to her friend’s house. Y/N figured it was a better idea than trying to go to her or Tom’s parents’ home  as she didn’t want to explain the situation to them just yet. Her friend, Bekka, had welcomed her with open arms.
They were sitting on the couch, drinking some hot chocolate, as Y/N explained what had happened with Tom. She had a hard time keeping it together as she ran over everything that happened.
Bekka put her arm around Y/N and pulled her in for a hug, “it’ll be okay, love. He’ll come around. I think he’s just in shock.”
“Do you think he will? He seems so against it,” she wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her sweater.
“I know how much he loves you, everyone does, he just needs some time to come to terms with everything,” Bekka stood up and gave Y/N a warm fuzzy blanket, “just give him a few days.”
“Okay,” she sighed heavily, “I’ll give him a few days and then we’ll talk.”
A few days had passed, and Y/N hadn’t heard much from Tom. It was killing her not to talk him, but she did want to give him some time and space to think things over, just as much as she was doing.
When she had gone to the doctor, it had been confirmed that she was indeed pregnant, around nine weeks. Like her, the doctor had been surprised that she had gotten pregnant so randomly, even though the odds had been against her. Like a miracle, she had told her with a beaming smile on her. In different circumstances, Y/N would have been over the moon, but right now she was conflicted due to Tom’s lukewarm reaction.
She knew it would be long and hard pregnancy, and she was at high risk from her condition, but she was happy and wanted to have this child that they had created. To say she was torn was putting it lightly.
She had decided it was time to go back home and face Tom. Five days should have been enough time for them to cool off and talk about everything.
Y/N wondered if Tom was home as she unlocked the door to their apartment. She took a deep breath and slowly pushed the door open, only to be met by the sound of the television. She walked in and barely had a moment to set down her bag before she was enveloped by Tom’s strong arms.
“Y/N, love,” he sighed as he held her tightly. She didn’t fight him, as her own arms wrapped around him and she breathed in his familiar scent. She had missed it so much the past few days, “I’m so sorry for everything I said.”
“Tom, I’ve missed you,” she whispered. He let out of her and pulled her in form a kiss, which she eagerly welcomed.
“Here, I’ve made some dinner, are you hungry? Do you need anything at all?” he guided her to sit on couch and made sure she was comfortable.
She was taken aback for a moment, but obliged his request, “I’m starving. What’d you make?”
“Pasta Carbonara,”
“My favorite,” she beamed at him as he brought her a big bowlful.
“I know, that’s why I made it,” he grinned and sat down next to her, “I just...I want to say I’m so sorry, first of all. I should have never talked to you that way.”
“Thank you,” she gave him a small smile as she set the bowl on the coffee table, “I think we were just in shock.”
“To say the least,” he agreed and grabbed her small hands in his, “you are the love of my life, and the only woman I’d want to be the mother of my children. Truly and sincerely.”
“What are you trying to say?” she raised her eyebrow at him, perplexed by his sudden change of heart.
“When I saw that test the other day, it scared me. We’re young and I didn’t know if we’d be able to handle all of this. But, once I got to thinking to about it, I know we can do anything when we’re together. We can get through this,” he paused for a moment before letting out a long exhale, “but I was mostly scared about you.”
“We knew we’d likely have trouble trying to children, and it could be dangerous for you with your PCOS, and that’s what my mind went to. I don’t know what I’d do if anything ever happened to you,” he reached up and and put his hands on the side of her face. She leaned into his soft touch, surprised by what he was saying, “or what if something ever happened to the baby? That would be so hard.”
“Tom, I know this is scary and it’ll be difficult for us, but I know we can do this. We can do anything together. We’re stronger together,” his explanation touched her. She was glad to hear how much he cared about her and loved her, “I’m willing to do this, if you are.”
“I want to do this,” he agreed and pulled her in for a deep kiss. She grinned into the kiss as they broke apart when they needed air, “I think you’ll be a great mother. And I think if we’re careful, and take everything as it comes, we will be okay.”
“Thomas Stanley Holland, there is no one else I’d rather have a child with,” she agreed, “we’ll do this together, every step of the way.”
“I love you so much, Y/N,” he let out a breath he didn’t even he was holding in as he pulled her in for a warm embrace.
“And I love you just as much and more,” she agreed.
She was so happy and relieved to hear his words. She knew that if they were together, they could take on and conquer anything.
He slowly untangled his arms from around her and rested his forehead against hers. He took his hands and put it over belly where he knew he would soon see evidence of the child she was carrying. She grinned at him as she put her hands above his.
“Baby Holland,” he whispered quietly.
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mightbedamian · 7 years
#TMIishTuesday #43 - 16 Things I learned in 2016
No more "first off"s anymore! It's 2017. It's Tuesday. It's #TMIishTuesday. Go! Hey there mighty people of the internet! And welcome to issue #43 of #TMIishTuesday - my weekly Tumblr post about what goes through my mind and what you guys want to know more about. It can be something very personal, it can be something political, it can be completely pointless - but in 99.9 % of the cases, it involves opinions. And mine as well. Last week I went quite cliché by posting my new year's resolutions as my last post of 2016. Addition to my 5 resolutions from last week: 6. Use after-shave every day. I haven't for a while. For which reason?? Also: So far I haven't failed any resolution. I mean… It wasn't too hard, but still. Kind of proud. :D Okay, and guess what follows on a cliché post!? Another cliché post! First post of 2017. What better time to reflect on 2016? Yeey, I'm so creative! :P But you know me. If you are expecting a break-down of political events, you might need to look somewhere else. I'm sure the BBC, NBC, or ARD have made enough "year in review" broadcasts to fill an entire year. No, THIS is a reflection of some of the events that - I figured out in 2016, - I learned I in 2016, - I achieved in 2016, - have moved me in 2016, or - simply have made my 2016. Ready? Let's see, if we can make it to 16 things. 1. It's okay to be gay! At the start of 2016 I came out to basically anybody, who knows. The only exception being my best friend. That was in December 2015 already. But in 2016 I told another very close friend (who might also be reading this. Hi there!), my parents, and the parents of my two best friends. Every single one of them has been absolutely supporting. Thanks to all of you guys! <3 2. Bosses can be assholes! Don't get me wrong: I've had three jobs last year and only one boss was an asshole. But this dude. Wow! I applied for a job to do in the period between Christmas and my new study that started in August. Among others, I applied at a call centre. Not the most satisfying job, but decent enough. It was all about getting working experience anyways. But this dude ordered me 4, 5, 6 times to do 1-2 hours of calls under his supervision saying that I was very close to getting the job all the time. All of that lasted from mid January to mid February. Then he said we should schedule yet another meeting and that he would email me a date for the following week. I was already really fed up with him and the entire place. And he didn't message me. When I emailed him half-way through the following week, he replied that they had no more interest in me. That was such a kick in the face! I basically worked my ass off for them and was then fired. I had no contract or anything, but still. I feel like they betrayed me for 150-200 euros there. So that was an experience… 3. Having help in looking for a job is crucial! I applied loads for the apprenticeship that I started last August. 40, 50 letters for sure. By mid-January a friend of my parents, who had heard I was looking for one, approached me: Hey, so, I heard that this rehabilitation clinic is looking for an apprentice still. I'm cool with their Vice CEO. You could tell them I sent you and just try your luck. At the end of February I had an interview there - and after doing a one-week internship I received a call saying I could start there in summer. WOOHOO! 4. Being a cashier can be awesome! After I had been "fired" (if you want so), I felt let down, discouraged. But I wanted to work really badly. Sitting at home doing nothing really felt bad. So I applied as a cashier at the supermarket closest to my parents' (where I had moved back in). And I got the job. Worked 4-6 hours a day, 6 days a week. Having basically no weekend (when you work late shifts on Saturday and early shifts on Monday) really sucks, but it pays just like any other job you can do without a study. Not having to pay any rent, I made quite some money. And it was really fun as well! It's a massive supermarket and there are lots of returning customers - also from the surrounding area. Not just the city itself. It's quite a cool store tbh :P And my colleagues were really cool as well. On New Year's Eve I went there for the first time since leaving for a different city. Just walking through those sliding doors I felt "at home". Such cool people! I kind of miss that place. In a way... 5. Tumblr is cool! These past days I realised how Tumblr played a big role in my coming out process. I never really was aware of its influence. But in Summer (or so) 2015, half a year before coming out, I created this account and followed some blogs posting cute guys. That was the first hint, I guess? In 2016 I continued scrolling through these posts and got waaay more into it. Not only did I start writing texts that I posted on Tumblr, but the amount of time I spent scrolling and browsing just increased a lot. And I like it. Oh, and I posted my coming out story to have it written down somewhere where I can read it any time I want to - and yet hidden from friends. Great decision! I wouldn't remember it as well, if I hadn't put it there. And look what has developed from this all! I write a ton of stuff about stuff that matters to me. Every week. And I did 21 posts of #mightyadvent as well. I love it! Thanks for reading my ramblings, guys! 6. Coming out videos are great and the world is not binary! This is something that is probably also valid even more for December 2015, but: I freaking LOVE coming out videos. Recently I've been way too busy and haven't watched one in probably a month or so. But until May or June I probably watched EVERY coming out video that was uploaded to YouTube. Just to get a feeling of how my coming out had gone. And because I wanted to hear other people's stories. There is a huge mixture of reactions out there. People getting disinherited or getting hit. People with indifferent parents. People who got very loving responses telling them they supported them the way they are. I was lucky enough here. While I knew that there is more than just - male/female for gender and - hetero/gay for sexual orientations, I never really knew what else there was. Like, what exactly is there beyond the binary? Then I started watching all those coming out videos. And I stumbled across people identifying as all kinds of genders and sexual orientations. Even if some were trolls (remember the guy who came out as playing Minecraft? F*ing bastard! Sorry, I shouldn't call people this, but he deserves it), I saw LOADS of real, sometimes very inspiring videos, and stories that just make you go "awwww". Anyway, I'm drifting off again. What I wanted to say here is: I learned that there are more than two genders and more than two sexual orientations. I knew that transsexuality existed, but never had an idea what people felt like going through it. And I now know a lot about asexuality or pansexuality as well. 7. Twitter is queer, too! In the summer I somehow stumbled across VollzeitJonas's Twitter. He must have replied to some YouTuber's tweet or so. Anyway, I followed his account and thereby truly boosted my experience. By him posting some stuff and retweeting lots and lots on LGBTQ+ issues, I began to discover the topics as well. I found queer.de, a wonderful German news website that focuses on news on LGBTQ+ issues. And I found dbna.de, a site for gay youth. Dating website, community, forum, tips - it's all on there. From Jonas's Twitter account it basically just evolved over time. I interacted with him and others, who follow him and by now I follow some more cool peeps. I like that! 8. Living on your own rocks! Yeah… I moved twice this year. From the students' house in the Netherlands I had lived in for the past 4.5 years to my parents' house (in February) and then to the place I live now. And I'm really living on my own for the first time. It took some money to get all the stuff needed to fill an entire apartment. And I basically spent all the money I had earned over the 4.5 months before as a cashier. But: It was worth it. I really like my interior. It also took some time to get used to all the stuff you have to do when living on your own entirely - with no flat mates. Not owning a dish washer, cleaning everything on your own, cooking on your own… You name it. But it certainly offers some advantages as well. 9. Work can be a positive thing, too! When I started the apprenticeship in August I was quite scared. How would I be able to cope with working 40 hours a week and having to study for school at the same time. It was quite hard to get used to, to be honest. But I figured out I don't have to study tooooo much for school. My study pays off. At times I feel like the most difficult thing is constantly translating from English to German cause I studied in English. Work itself is quite interesting. Different tasks and while it gets a little boring at times, most of the times there's more to be done. And they try to assign me different tasks so I don't get too bored. That's cool. Also I have - like at the supermarket - very lovely and caring colleagues. One tiny downside: There's only one guy my age there. And I think he has a girlfriend. :/ And for the "boring" stuff there's a positive news too: I'll get to see a different department in two weeks, so a little more variety to come. I enjoy working full time cause I can see what I am doing this for already. That's cool! However I should have taken a few days off work before Christmas. I did like 95 % of my Christmas shopping the afternoon before. Oops. 10. A car can save lives! Or well… Let's say it can improve the quality of life. I got a car a month after I started the apprenticeship. It's 15 years old. But you know… as long as it keeps going… Plus it's my first car. Oh and by going by car I save about 4 hours a week on travelling time. And some money as well. Sounds weird, but makes sense once you realise that a month ticket for the train is more expensive than day tickets for me cause I only work three days a week. The other two are school which is located in the city I live. And the car also proved very useful for visiting a friend in the Netherlands. He doesn't live in the place I studied at anymore, but moved further west to Apeldoorn, meaning it was a two-hour drive for his birthday. By train it would have been 3 hours - which I probably then wouldn't have done. And it was about the same price to go. Trains are f*ing expensive! 11. Travelling is the world to me! I didn't go on a long holiday in 2016, but did several weekend trips. In May I went to visit a friend in Denmark with the mates from my Dutch table tennis club. Had the greatest time there! Three days of talks, catch-ups, table tennis, a cool city (Århus), amazing weather - to say I enjoyed my time there would be a big understatement! Side note: That is now the most Northern spot I've been to. I told you about my trip to Apeldoorn already where we had a great time as well. Even if it was only about 15 hours. And I pretty much just got back from the last highlight of 2016: I visited a very good friend in Belgium. First time I went to Belgium. Or well… I crossed it on the way to Orléans as a third-grader. That doesn't count, does it? Anyway, Belgium was really fun! Being with my two best friends is always perfect. And exploring a city I have wanted to visit for a long time, makes it even better: We went to Brussels for an entire day and explored the city of Leuven for the other day. Really cool - both cities! Want to go again! Have no trips planned for this year, but could imagine visiting my Danish friend again - and who knows what else. 12. Online dating is hard! I don't know whether I mentioned this on here and I certainly didn't "offline". But I'm sure there's a tweet about this. In October or so I got inspired by VollzeitJonas and others and created an account on that gay online dating platform. After some browsing I got a message from a guy, who was looking to meet people. And I replied politely and thought I'd give it a try. But that's just as exams started at school and I had several other "big projects" in this thing called "real life" and I felt I wasn't quite ready to invest that much energy at the time. That's why it kinda just ended after one message. Sad story. But totally not his fault. I think I should give this whole online dating thing a go again. See my new year's resolutions, btw. [/shameless self-promo] 13. I can still feel the Pulse! This is probably the most grief I've felt this year. I woke up some Sunday in June to the news of Orlando. It was early morning over there when a "man" (should we call him "man", if he's that cruel?) entered Pulse club. One of the more popular gay clubs in the city. And now probably all LGBTQ+ around the world know the club. For a very sad reason: That man didn't just enter the club. He fired into the crowd trying to assassinate as many as possible. 49 didn't make it out alive, 53 more were wounded. Most of the people at the party were of Hispanic background cause the club was holding a Latin night. That much for the motive of the perpetrator and the description of what happened. Learning about the events in the morning on Twitter just twisted my stomach. It was the first major LGBTQ+ hate crime I heard of after discovering my own sexuality. I follow several LGBTQ+ folks on Twitter, so the message spread to me rather quickly. I realised how much of a deal this was when I saw so that basically any LGBTQ+ I follow on Twitter posted about it. Sheer madness. I had just become more proactive and had just fully accepted myself as gay - and then THAT happened. Writing about this still makes my fists clench. R.I.P. to all 49. 14. Terror is here! December - the time of the year most people here in Germany get excited for Christmas. And we have those cute little Christmas markets. You can get glühwein there and fries and lots of (let's face it: pretty useless) self-made stuff. The booths are lit up with chains of light and everyone is just letting go of the stress that tends to tension the atmosphere around that time of the year. A very famous Christmas market is the one in front of Berlin's Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church which itself is one of the must-see places as a tourist. And then there was the man who would kill 11 and injure 55 more when he drove a truck into that very Christmas market on 19 December. I - again - read about it first on Twitter. At first I thought it was just an accident and didn't really bother too much, skipping the messages in my timeline and scrolling on. But after an hour or so I thought it was about time to check what really was going on in Berlin. It was only then when I realised how bad things really were. We had our first successful terrorist attack in Germany. R.I.P. to the victims! 15. Prejudice sucks! Remember New Year's Eve 2015? Lots of people were sexually assaulted right next to the famous Dom cathedral in Cologne. Potentially by men "of North African appearance" (that's what Police said). And there was an outcry in the entire country for how ruthless "all the immigrants" were. What they forgot - like so many times before and after the incident - is that a group of 5-50 people is not "all immigrants". But that's a different story I could rant over for an entire #TMIishTuesday post. What also was part of the outcry was how not-present Police were during that night. How was it possible that so many ladies were assaulted in public and Police didn't notice? No one really knew the answer. Lesson of these events: More police will be present at big public events. The results? Well… New Year's Eve 2016. Cologne again. More police is present. The square in front of the Dom is closed. And we still get news. News that make me wanna puke again. Why? Apparently police checked kinda any non-white person thoroughly, while not checking white people (or not checking them that much). That's prejudice. If not racism. And no debate about this: Police being accused of being racist is an absolute no-go! And that should make them think. For heaven's sake, why can't we just have a great time on New Year's Eve? 16. Chocolate cereal likes to play hard to get! I want to end this on a lighter note, so: In 2016 I discovered that my beloved chocolate cereal really is hard to get hold of. The best deal is certainly at the Aldi (thanks for not sponsoring this post, Aldi!). Problem here: People know that. And in each batch there are like 12 (?) boxes of different types of cereals, but only one box is chocolate cereal. And guess who went to the Aldi a good few times just to get cereal and ended up NOT getting it because there were like 5 batches of cereal in the shelves, but all chocolate cereal was gone? Yepp. This guy. Sad times! 17. Thank you! Finally I'd like to say thank you to all the lovely people who made this year as great as it has been: - My friends from my hometown: Stephan, Lukas, Ago, Dennis, Katja, Linus, Desiree, Tomas - My "Dutch" friends, who are not all Dutch: Marc, Linda, Laura, Christina, Martijn, Rik, Danny, Mette, Cédric, Annelies, Abhishta, Wouter, Menno, Celestine, and the rest of my table tennis club - My friends from the new town: Jenny, Florentin, Juliet, Linda, Marina, Katharina, Lina, Dana, and the rest of my class - My parents and family - and so many I probably have missed on this list.  Also thanks to loads YouTubers: - Those that showed me that queer is cool: Ash Hardell, Ricky Dillon, Connor Franta, Calum McSwiggan, ItsColeslaw, Troye Sivan, Hannah Hart, Chandler 'N Wilson, Sam Collins, Courtney-Jai - Special shoutout to those who I witnessed coming out this year: Ricky Dillon and ItsColeslaw - Those whose vlogs up my day: Marzbar, Ben, Oskar, Felix von der Laden, Ben Brown, George Benson, izzi, FunForLouis - The German Minecraft gamers out there: skate702, CubePlayTV, Herr Bergmann (plus teams #unfazbar, #Destilay and #Vibe for their great #VARO4 videos) - The rest, who just don't fit a category, but make THE BEST content: Julien Bam, Applewar, Mikey Murphy Finally thanks to the lovely Twitter folks: - VollzeitJonas, XLucamiraX, _FlexiHD_, achojo, Hennddrik, jsnjgr Wow! This has become such a long post! I feel like it's the longest I ever posted! :O That was totally not the intention. And it turned out a little more seriously than I initially planned. But that's fine. That's just a representation of my life. That's been my 2016! Hope you liked it. I certainly did! What did you achieve in 2016? I wanna know. Let me know by placing a comment, tweeting me, dming me, or what else you can think of - you know the means to get to me. As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :) Also: Poll to determine next week’s topic will be up on Twitter on Sunday afternoon. Until then: Stay mighty! Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/155176055527/tmiishtuesday-42-new-years-resolutions - More #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - Poll to decide next week's topic and more very cool stuff: www.twitter.com/mightbedamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com
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