#also feel free to add your thoughts
5mary5 · 4 months
I have this little headcanon cause i was reading the comic of obey me and we as mc have been given the neutral name zephyr in the very early chapters since we are a sheep and all and they want to make it inclusive since the name itself is gender neutral but I was thinking that let's say one day the curse is solved and sheep!mc gets their body back but the characters continue calling mc zephyr, what if one day someone (probably a side or secondary character) brings up the fact that "hey you know what? Your face doesn't really scream zephyr" and mc is like "yeah that's because that is not my actual given name, my actual name is ________" and the characters are like "😱😱😱" I mean they did know that this wasn't their real name since they gave it to them cause they can't just call them human and all but it's still shocking to hear it coming out of their own mouth, they would also probably coo when mc tells them their birth name because it means they learn more about their favorite person, well I mean they would coo at everything mc does regardless so-
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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I'm sorry I let down my guard.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#xue yang#xiao xingchen#God DAMN this scene was brutal. Season 2 episode 2 is almost nothing but misery and anguish#Helena by Nickle Creek does not quite fit the comic's vibe but it is absolutely a Xue Yang song so I linked it.#The change from “Helena don't walk away...(gentle)” to “HELENA. DON'T WALK AWAY (threat)” is fantastic.#And “Don't waste your pretty sympathy - I'll always be just fine”. Xue Yang core.#Okay now for the real meat. Disclaimer first: *I really like XY.* I think he's a great character. I think his actions consistently-#come from a place of deep trauma. While his reactions and actions put him in a villainous role he is still human about his hurt#and what I'm about to say is NOT intended to be a statement of causality or villianize a group of misunderstood people.#So with that said...Man oh man does Xue Yang have a lot of BPD traits. More that just 'character who is chronically manipulative'.#The impulsivity and emotional reactions and seeking stability makes him feel like he needs that control. What other choice is there?#The part that really gets me is how he *wants* to be safe and happy. But his past experiences tell him how thats impossible#He's the kind of person who goes 'if you don't like me then you better hate me for something substantial". All (pos) or All (neg)#''Love me entirely or Hate me. But don't you dare leave me or forget about me.''#Not at all comfortable saying 'BPD coded'. Im not a psychiatrist. Just that he has TRAITS. Feel free to disagree or add your thoughts.#ppl with bpd also are not a monolith and everyone has very different experiences. Xue yang is very complex. People more so.
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rroyalguarantee · 2 months
a ramble about arthur's relationship with dutch and hosea
haven't used tumblr in a while (let alone made an actual original post in who knows how long) but i can't stop thinking about that one interaction between dutch and arthur in lakay. specifically: "you sound like hosea." it breaks my heart, because dutch is right in saying that. as chapter six unfolds into the tragedy it is, arthur becomes more and more like hosea, and just like hosea, arthur tries and tries and fails to get dutch, stubborn and single-minded, to see reason.
one of my favourite journal entries, is where arthur says, "i love dutch like a father, but in many ways i love hosea more." arthur loved hosea. hosea saw arthur for who he was. knew arthur wasn't near as dumb as he liked to pretend he was. one of my favourite interactions between arthur and hosea is early on in chapter 3, very shortly after they get to clemens point. arthur walks by hosea sitting at a table, who calls out to arthur and asks what he thinks about dutch's plans. arthur's response is "you know me, i never did much thinking." to which which hosea says one of my favourite lines in the game, and it's a line that gives far more insight into arthur, hosea and their dynamic than you might first think.
dutch was arthur's father in a more abstract way. whether it was dutch's intention or not (and i believe, at the very least, it was later on), i always found his "you're like a son to me" comments to arthur to be very manipulative in nature, meant to reel arthur back in when he's concerned he's "getting away," so to speak. i have personal experience with men trying to get me on their good side by saying i'm like a kid to them, and maybe i'm projecting a little because of that, but the way dutch says that to arthur triggers the same alarm bells in my brain.
again: "i love dutch like a father, but in many ways, i love hosea more." say what you want, but hosea was arthur's true dad. he was his dad in all the ways that mattered. hosea knew arthur so well, he knew arthur was putting on "an angry moron act." in the video i linked, he sounds genuinely frustrated when he continues saying "but it's a thin enough veneer." he knows arthur is capable of more. is capable of being better, and i think hosea knew that things were doomed in the end, whether or not he would admit it.
arthur spent a lot of time, both early in the story and at the end, reflecting on what was happening, on himself, on the other gang members. i like to think he was unconsciously channeling hosea in chapter 6. honestly, the parallels are kind of painful. maybe that's, in part, why dutch was so adamant on not listening to arthur; because he reminded him, painfully, of hosea, his oldest and dearest friend. of course, that's not the only reason, but it makes sense, doesn't it? arthur is so much like hosea, and we see that more and more as the story progresses.
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batw1nggg · 8 months
hi. im here to kamukoma ramble. ok so i reeaaly hate how all kamumeshi Fan Content (which is basically all kamukoma content) waters down izuru to being the dominant one and servant to being his cute little dog like i feel like its so much more complex then that.
izuru was created to be subservient, to be smart enough to see through manipulation tactics and yet not care enough about himself to do anything to stop them, always doing something to serve someone else’s interests - and even when he does do one thing in his own interest (the killing game), it was largely because of his obsession with junko, so we see her still pulling the strings on him from beyond the grave (emphasized by his convo with her in his udg cameo). he doesn’t have power and he’s been designed not to want it. he’s been robbed of his humanity over and over again and been taught to accept it. he even explicitly states all of this in talent dev plan with taka
komaeda, on the other hand, is always framed with such heavy control over the narrative - he heavily influences dr2’s ending and takes that same puppeteering role in udg too. although he has that inferiority complex, he still holds so much power over everyone else, manipulating them like chess pieces. he is just as dangerous as izuru is, considering he has not only the intelligence but the motivation to act out like this, something izuru lacks.
and so this creates a really cool complexity where servant believes he’s meant to be subservient to izuru but this may not be wholly reflected in the way he acts, and izuru most definitely does not care for/about controlling servant. and, if izuru does take a domineering role, it’s because that’s what servant wants (especially after junko’s death, when he has no one left to place himself beneath), and so izuru’s still letting himself go with whoever the people surrounding him want him to be. he’s not with servant for the power trip, that goes completely against everything he’s ever been - because, in reality, IZURU is the one who exists to serve. to serve his creators, and then junko afterwards, even after her death. his purpose has always been assigned to him, not created by him.
both characters are fucked up and morally grey. both characters are the man, both characters are the god.
this is what i wish people would focus more on when writing their general character development and the development of their relationship. because they barely get any screen time you get lots of creative freedom and you can take this concept in either a “they are going to heal and get better together” route or a “they are doomed to always hurt each other in their codependency” route or some weird thing in between; again, personal preference, and if you want to keep izuru and hajime separate postgame this opens a whole new plethora of dynamics and development to write about after komaeda becomes himself again. the flexibility of their dynamic is whats so intriguing to me - kamukoma is a very complex and fluid idea that i wish more people would mess around with like this join me and we can play with them like putty
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invye · 4 months
I love when (fan)fiction does this thing when a non-magic character first hooks up with a magic character and they kinda expect all this weird kinky magic stuff to happen and they're equal amounts nervous and excited.
And then it just doesn't. Oh sure, there is magic in bed, actual magic, but its the most mundane and unsexy quality of life type of magic ever.
Examples, MCU edition:
Doctor Stephen Strange, world renowned surgeon turned world renowned sorcerer: uses just enough magic to steady his shaking hands so he can feel more confident about touching back.
Wong, the Sorcerer Supreme, highest ranking person in the entire magic society: summons any kind of required supplies with the same casual countenance as if it was a sleight of hand card production trick instead of actual magic.
Wanda Maximoff, fearsome Scarlett Witch, master of the most volitile Chaos Magic: uses telekinesis to pick up the pillow that fell to the floor during the initial shuffle to make herself more comfortable.
Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief, shapeshifter, alive long enough to have tried everything the Nine Realms have to offer (and some things they don't): only uses his magic to clean up after. Because he's Royalty and cleaning is Beneath Him.
They all know the weird kinky magic stuff is something that has to be properly negotiated first. So non-magic character better be ready for next time---
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fuckyeahfraxus · 9 months
for the folks needing more back up on the 'Laxus really ain't a womanizer, has never been, still isn't. he's awkward and hardly interested-' - apparently something has been talked about in the first Fairy Tail light novel where all the girls come together and gossip about crushes and such. I'll just leave you with this screenshot-
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also we stan Evergreen for being another great example for 'women and men can just be friends without developing feelings!'.
( This might also be a good thing for the folks headcanoning Laxus as gay because for all we know this guy could be anything )
But also I stumbled upon this other translation piece of this light novel chapter and it went like-
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I don't know how accurate this is but the, by now unfortunately deactivated, user estella-may translated this and their translations were usually pretty good.
So- still talking about Laxus. And, what?? Debating that he might be into men?? That there might be something between Freed and him even??
And Lucy thinking Freed's handsome??
Cannot say for sure but hello
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phatcatphergus · 4 months
Hi, you reblogged me with a lore dump about Q! Tubbo and you mentioned that you'd be willing to do a character analysis? Please, I'm invested at this point
Ahhhhh omg hi! I can't believe you came back for more lol. You shall soon be a qtubbo stan like the rest of us.
I do want to preface this by saying that this is my personal lore interpretation so it's subjective. So many people have great analyses of his character, so I recommend watching a couple streams or looking at the tag for a broad scope as well!
That being said...
I think the best word to describe qtubbo is loss.
He was brought to the island having already lost parts of himself he didn't know. Through his time on the island, he lost respect, credibility, friends, family, teammates, nieces and nephews, penpals, godkids, mentors, and himself. He never had something he didn't end up losing, whether by choice or force. He loses what matters most to him, yet he continues giving his all to everyone he meets.
He came to the island with loss and no sense of who he was or where he came from, yet he spent all of his time for the benefit of others. He worked day and night so that other people wouldn't experience the loss of what he could prevent such as items or supplies. He never wanted anyone to experience what he experienced, even when they were the ones perpetuating it.
No one ever cared about him unless it was for a reason. His relationships were transactional and needed to be because who would ever care for someone with no firm sense of self or where you came from? When he couldn't provide a transaction of care, he made himself useful, he became indispensable so that even if people didn't like him for him, they could use his skills until they didn't need him anymore.
The only time he actually felt that someone cared for him, just to care about him, was Fred. Fred had no emotions, no sense of self, and no past to speak of. Fred was someone who had no reason to hate or use Tubbo because Fred was like Tubbo. Fred was the first person who could care for Tubbo because he wanted to, and not because of his use or someone's sense of responsibility.
Losing Fred meant losing the one person who cared about him without strings attached. Anyone else only cared about him because he was useful, a leader, an engineer, a neighbor, a business partner, a babysitter, someone to steal from, or just someone to poke fun at. Until Sunny.
With Sunny, Tubbo knew better than to expect her to stay with him. He learned from his past that he doesn't deserve something as wonderful as Sunny, that he can only love and wait until she is ripped away too. If he wasn't good enough to keep Fred, why on earth would he be even partially enough for Sunny.
He mourned her loss the day he got her. He knew he wasn't the best for her, he wasn't anywhere close to what Sunny deserved, but he did his best regardless and loved her more than life itself. Sunny became his tether and the only reason for him to stay alive. Sunny needed him like he needed Sunny. Sunny was the only reason he kept himself alive after Fred's funeral. Through the jeers, through the belittlement, through the disregard for his feelings, Sunny was there and provided him with enough purpose to keep going.
Fit and Pac dating made his only sense of security start to crumble. The two people he figured would stick by his side were moving along without him. They wouldn't need him in their life because they would need each other. They don't need his friendship anymore, his usefulness has worn itself out. He doesn't see them extending a hand to him as they step forward because he's too focused on the empty voids in his past where others should be.
He tries to break them up, and even if they hate him, he can rationalize that he did it for the right reasons. They may hate him but they're stuck with him, kicking and screaming by his side. Everyone tells him that he needs to find Fred, that he's projecting his romantic life onto theirs. In reality, he is too scared of leaving the island the exact way he started, with nothing to his name and no one by his side.
His character is such a battle between what he wants to do and what he feels that he needs to do. His entire run through purgatory was fighting others for eggs that weren't even his. He spends his days working on projects for other people and picking apart his failures when others can only see his success. He works tirelessly so that Sunny won't ever understand what it's like to be underestimated, beaten down, mischaracterized, and alone. Even if the world is against them, he will be in her corner to fight until his dying breath.
He loves so deeply and so purely. He tries to compensate for the lack of it that he has received after giving it away to whoever asks. He is depressed, anxious, and on alert. He has gone through trials and events with his head high and carrying the weight of others on his shoulders. He loves and he gives and continues to even when the people he gives his love to throw it to the side.
He has people in his corner, but his fear of them leaving has already made them vanish in his mind. He's a killer and a father. An engineer and a friend. A penpal and an adversary. He is loss and he is love.
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creepychippy · 6 months
Things I wish I'd see more in Fan Content/Fan Content would show when it comes to Characters headcanoned with Selective Mutism:
- the Anxiety Part of Selective Mutism (Freeze Response, Avoidance of Eye Contact, stiff Movements, etc)
- Characters using AACs, Pen and Paper or Gestures (nodding or shaking Head) instead of always Sign Language
- Characters who don't use Sign Language due to the Freeze Response making them unable to in the first Place
- Thoughts of the Character after going through a Freeze Response
- how Selective Mutism influences the Behaviour of a Character (avoiding going alone to certain Places without a Person they are close with, following or standing behind People they are close with who seem confident in their Abilities in navigating Places [Parents, outspoken Friends in School, etc], waiting for Confirmation in order to do certain Tasks [watching Classmates pick a Paper from the front Desk to see if it's okay for you to do as well as an Example], etc)
- Characteristics that seem contradictory (Character with Selective Mutism who is perceived as quiet and shy in public, yet they are outspoken and sometimes even loud around People they are close with)
- Character with Selective Mutism that isn't caused via Trauma (that would be traumatic Mutism) but through other Factors like Genetics
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catofoldstones · 6 months
Now that I am rereading AGOT, I feel like Bran is set up to be king since the first chapter.
This was the first time he had been deemed old enough to go with his lord father and his brother to see the king’s justice done.
The whole theme of the chapter is to introduce Bran to the responsibilities of a ruler. Well actually the whole series starts with Bran being introduced to the duties of a leader. Not to mention his chapter comes straight after the final villain of the books have been introduced so we know that he will be instrumental in defeating them from the get go. There’s a reason he named his direwolf Summer but I digress. The chapter continues on to Ned’s famous lesson
“…and we hold the belief that the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.
This is clearly more metaphorical than it is literal. It reminds me of Gandalf’s philosophy from the Lord of The Rings
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.
It is the same message, life is precious and violence is barely ever the answer. So King Bran might not swing the sword on his own but will remember what his father had said when meting out justice.
The most apparent foreshadowing I found in this chapter was Ned directly talking to Bran, teaching him, and preparing him for a ruler role, though as Robb’s bannerman but a ruler role nonetheless.
“… and justice will fall to you. When that day comes, you must take no pleasure in the task, but neither must you look away. A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.”
The last line is as plainly as it could be said. You will be a ruler Bran, be a just one.
And that is all I could find in the first chapter.
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hrokkall · 1 year
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Saw a post the other day asking how P03 is able to see; my best guess is something like this.
I actually inspected P03′s 3D model for this which I don’t usually do (and then I proceeded to draw it off-model anyway. Whoops) but even outside of its hypothetical camera-vision, there’s a few other things of note:
P03 seems to have a lot of large vents (or at least things that look like some sort of ventilation/cooling). Two major ones on the chest, three on the top of the head (with potentially another on the side of its head), and one on the underside of its base (though that one might be for the hologram projection it uses to float). My best guess is that it’s because his factory is built right by the water where there would be a TON of moisture in the air. For that reason, some of them have got to be exhausts to make sure all of the air circulating in his torso is dry. That or he just overheats extremely easily I guess, but I’m leaning towards the humidity explanation (or it could be a combination of the two).
Its “eyes” are somewhere on the front of its face; whether it sees through a camera or just through the eyes on the screen via video game magic is up for debate, but it turns to face the player when they stand up so its vision probably isn’t on the sides of its head or something.
Similarly, P03 has some sort of sensitivity to touch (he reacts to Leshy’s hands gripping his monitor before Leshy says anything). I don’t think any “touch sensors” would be externally visible though.
Presumably (based on the ending to Act 3) P03′s head isn’t just a monitor, there’s vital systems in there as well (otherwise tearing its head off wouldn’t do anything to disrupt its upload/its ability to function). My best guess is that his power supply is in his chest so it would be the equivalent of just... unplugging your computer while it’s trying to preform updates.
The wire it uses to connect to the modules to update cards in Act 3 seems to come from either its neck or its torso, but in act 2 it’s very visibly on the side of the head. Granted the act 2 sprites are all pretty different from the Scrybes’ 3D models so that’s not an outlier.
The range of motion in P03′s arm seems pretty similar to a human arm; he has a ball-and-socket joint on the shoulder and a hinge joint on his elbow plus separate segments for the “wrist” and “hand”. The only thing it probably can’t do is twist its forearm.
I don’t have any idea what either of the cranks do. The head crank moves when it changes its expression so it might have something to do with its display, but the arm crank is only shown doing anything on the G0lly Uberbot hologram. My best guess is that P03 used to have a lot more built-in functions but ended up removing them in order to operate faster so a lot of the buttons and switches on it are just vestigial leftovers. (The idea of the arm crank being able to function as a hand-crank motor in a pinch is really funny though. Spin it a few times when P03 is out of power and you can generate just enough battery for it to tell you to fuck off then go back into sleep mode again).
I have no idea how the levitation works either. It’s cool and that’s why it works. No need to get more complicated than that.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Thought Post on Buddy Daddies Episode 8 - SPOILERS!
I loved the way they focused on how big and empty Rei's old family home was (as well as how there are cameras everywhere - watching Rei’s every move - that is how it must feel - like his father is still watching and controlling everything from afar).
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It’s all so cold and dark, especially in comparison to Rei’s home with Kazuki and Miri.
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Earlier, Miri asks about Rei having two homes, and I think it highlights how Rei is torn between the house he was born into and returns to out of duty that was basically instilled in him and the home that he has created together with Kazuki and Miri. It’s a similar, though slightly different, crossroads that Kazuki found himself at last episode (Ep. 7). Seeing how this episode ends though, this dilemma still isn’t fully resolved.
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I’ll put the rest under a Read More due to spoilers.
Going back to Rei’s phone conversation with Kazuki (and Miri) inside his family’s home. It almost felt like Rei didn't feel like he could actually talk to the two of them while he was there. Like he was compartmentalizing the two different parts of his life. But now the two are crossing over and into each other (not only with the phone call, but later in the episode too, when Rei is thinking about how all he used to do before was "kill, kill, kill"). 
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Kazuki likely experienced that before (with Yuzuko) so he knows how to navigate that, but Rei doesn't. Rei’s struggles with expressing himself and love related feelings, emotions, and situations, also doesn’t help him to navigate this.
I do think that Kazuki was aware of that aspect though. Obviously, he didn't want Miri to spill the beans to Rei about the surprise birthday party they were planning, but he knows what Rei's family is (or, at least, has an idea), so he likely wanted to continue to keep Miri away from that. 
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Her desire to talk to Rei and then her sleepily singing him Happy Birthday was super cute though. I also have to commend Kazuki on how well he was able to navigate and explain the more...complex aspects of Rei's family dynamics to Miri. It isn’t perfect, and if Rei was there, Rei would probably have been able to explain in even simpler terms (he tends to be able to do this well, explain things at a level Miri really understands). But that was a difficult discussion to try and figure out how to approach, so Kazuki did well.
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It was nice to see the two of them having a deeper conversation and bonding as well, since Miri's deeper conversations are usually more so with Rei than Kazuki.
The man that drives Rei to where the "traitor" is is Ryo Ogino. He was the one who was involved in Kazuki's wife's death and he is also the one who saw and picked up Miri in Episode 5. 
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The way they animate and depict his eyes is SO creepy, though that really makes his otherwise unassuming design really stand out. His way of viewing his job as an assassin is quite unnerving and kind of shows how he wasn't viewing his targets as actual people, but more so as "ideas" or "concepts."
Rei was brought up to be a "killing machine" so he didn't really view them as humans either, but he didn't really view them as not human either. It seems he saw his job more as a duty, something he just had to do, but now that he has Kazuki and Miri (who keep invading his work and life and thoughts in this episode) the more he realizes that he was kind of realizes this. His talk with Ryo really seems to perturb and disgust him too.
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The death he commits in this episode, offing the "traitor," the man who trained him basically, is different though. He knows he has to do it, but I feel like him choosing to keep this man's last words to himself and not share them with Ryo is a way of showing respect to who that man was to him, while also acknowledging his humanity. 
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I also feel that the man’s last words “I’m on my way,” really hit him too. Rei’s never stopped to hear or think about the last words of the people he has killed. Finally doing so has likely struck an emotional nerve in him as well. It’s a very personal and real humanization of a human being.
Moving onto the conversation that Rei and Kazuki have in the car. The thing that's so great about it, is how they waited to show us their meeting. You could feel and sense the closeness between the two of them before this.
They didn't have many super close bonding moments before this, but I don't think we really needed it, because they often showed us how close the two were through things like Kazuki and Rei being able to read each other like an open book. This just added more context to a foundation that was already built.
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We also see quite a bit of progress, since they both open up, share, and talk about each other in a very candid way. Revealing some things that they kept close to their chest before. Such as Rei’s thoughts on Kazuki when they first started working together. 
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Hearing Rei talk about the ways Kazuki was a bit burdensome to him in the past is quite interesting, because it highlights how their companionship, like any others, isn’t just a one way street and has ups and downs on both sides. 
It was also super sweet that Kazuki prepared all this junk food for Rei, since he knows that Rei really likes all that stuff. 
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Also, the way Rei noticed right away that Miri wasn’t in the car, then seemed to express worry at the thought of her being left home alone.
His shock at Kazuki telling him that Miri spent all day helping him make the food because she wanted to make him, Rei, happy:
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It was just all too precious!! T^T <3
This was such a good episode and the pacing and plotting of this series has been truly excellent. I'm anxious and nervous and excited for Episode 9 all at the same time! 
A part of me thinks that next week might be a breather episode (at least to some extent). We’ll get the Sports Day episode and it will seem all nice and calm, be lulled into a sense of wholesome cuteness and everything is going to be okay, but then we’ll get reminded of the bleak issue going on in the background.
After all, that is the balance that Kazuki and Rei are currently living with day-by-day with Miri. And, I feel, when Rei asked Kazuki if they could change:
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He maybe wasn’t talking about their personalities and habits alone, but also their lives and professions as well. After all, this episode really caused Rei to think deeply about a lot of things. I feel there are a few different directions they could go in, and I’m excited to see where it all goes (while also hoping for the best! T0T).
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paintedpeeta · 1 year
protective Peeta headcanons ?
okay so although i like this trope i don’t really have many headcanons about it, so if anyone would like to add on their own please feel free!
so after the war, i don’t think peeta would ever really need to be ‘protective’ over her in the wattpad-mafia-romance-‘touch her and i kill you’ kind of way. it goes without saying that he absolutely would kill and die for her, but they lead a quiet life - and she can hold her own, in any case. he is protective of her peace.
years spent together means that he knows all the things that would be a trigger for her, and of course he would try his hardest to shield her from them. if his arms can make her feel safe in a literal death match, just think how much comfort she can draw from him in day to day life. i think a big part of katniss’ healing would be realising that she can relinquish control a little bit, she no longer has to take on the sole burden of keeping her family alive like she had to do at such a young age. letting peeta take care of her would feel foreign at first, but in the long run it would be so beneficial for her not to have to shoulder everything, to be told that he’ll take care of something and she doesn’t need to worry - not about money or food or safety.
anyone prying into their life would be a big no for both of them, especially katniss who is inherently a private person. if a journalist or something like that came sniffing around, i don’t think peeta would hesitate to tell them where to go. he may be polite at first, but if he felt like someone was infringing on katniss’ space too often and making her uncomfortable he would react accordingly.
crowded spaces might be a little bit of an issue for her, reminding her of that day in the city circle, and so even at the market on busy days he’s happy to place a gentle hand on her shoulder to remind her that he’s there. getting to a quiet corner or somewhere no one is likely to see them so he can tip her chin up and look her in the eyes, wordless communication for her to give him a little smile so he can know she’s okay. if not, he’ll get her out of there as soon as he can.
similarly, in social situations he would probably always be prepared to step in for katniss. she’s quite happy to take the back seat in conversations and just listen, and peeta being there to guide it definitely helps. she’s always sure to thank him later, leaning her head against his shoulder as they leave wherever they were.
katniss doesn’t need someone to strong-arm and muscle people around her. i think, for the most part, that the vast majority of the citizenry would respectfully leave her be (especially in district 12). she needs someone who will gently pry her book from her hands and urge her to sleep because he noticed her eyes getting tired, someone to remind her to layer up before going out in the winter months, someone to apply lotion to her scars and hold her at night to keep the nightmares away. someone who can make life gentle.
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wundrousarts · 1 year
It’s officially 2023, meaning that Silverborn comes out this year!
I feel like the title is likely going to refer to something specific that we don’t know about yet, but here are some ways that silver has come up in the series and what it all might mean:
Nobility/The Rich + The Silver District
The description for Silverborn says that we'll "travel to places in Nevermoor that we've ever seen," and a lot of folks think that we'll be visiting the Silver District, which is where the rich reside. Some theories relating to this include:
— We could see Noelle again, which might be the character that we haven't seen in a while as teased by one of Jess's Instagram stories.
— Morrigan could come from nobility or a rich family. While she does come from some sort of wealth and privilege in Jackalfax due to Corvus's status as a politician, it doesn't really matter. Going with the Nevermoorian theory, perhaps Mog's mom comes from the Silver District. Additionally, Morrigan being from nobility could be another parallel with Lam.
— The [redacted] snippet could be a scene set somewhere in the Silver District. The redacted word was confirmed by Jess to be a surname, one that we haven't seen before. Perhaps it could be Mog's relatives on her Mom's side?
— Since the Silver District is where rich people live, it's likely a place where lots of Wundersmith monuments and etc. were commissioned. Morrigan might discover them and learn about some past Wundersmiths, and perhaps even run into a few Ghostly Hours on the way.
Another way that the "nobility" angle could come in, especially with it being something to be born into, could be Morrigan's status as a Wundersmith. Wundersmiths used to be put on a pedestal and even almost deified by the end of their time. Morrigan is born into this legacy and is starting to explore what it means.
The phrase about being "born with a silver spoon in your mouth" is one that's been thrown around since the title was announced, and refers to being born into a wealthy family. Perhaps it refers to Mog coming from a wealthy family, or perhaps it refers to her being born into the illustrious legacy of being a Wundersmith.
Additionally, while it's not something that people are born into (unless you count knacks, maybe?), the fact that Wunsoc folks have more privilege than other folks is definitely something we could see being explored more in this book and beyond.
Side note: Later in this post I discuss silver as it relates to inferiority. Perhaps if Morrigan goes to the Silver District and meets rich folk and/or Noelle, there'll be some sort of dynamic wherein Morrigan is just unintentionally superior to them in some way despite their wealth due to both her Wunsoc and Wundersmith status, and they are inferior because they lack these things.
Silver as it pertains to Witnesses
There are two moments where Witnesses have described a silver instance.
The first moment is this part in Wundersmith:
Jack looked at them a minute, frowning in concentration. ‘That loud one dressed as a clownfish would much rather be at home. Or somewhere else, anyway. There’s a … it’s like a thread, or something. Silver thread. Keeps trying to pull her right out the front door.”
The second moment is this part in Hollowpox:
Jupiter held the rabbit closer, examining every inch of fur, a frown deepening the crease between his eyebrows. “Her handprints are all over him. Cloudy silver smudges. Big hands, little hands. Hands a bit like yours. Twenty-odd years of them, layer upon layer.”
“Mog,” he said quietly. “I think, perhaps, this rabbit belonged to your mother.”
Silver relates to both a desire to be home or be elsewhere (the thread) along with the past and identity and ownership (the fingerprints). Here are some ideas for how this could apply to Silverborn and beyond:
— Morrigan is searching to learn more about herself, where she comes from, and where she belongs. She seeks to "return to her roots".
— She wants to properly "be at home," something she's been struggling with her whole life and is still trying to juggle with, even if it's not something she quite understands.
— We could learn more about Mog's Mom in this book, along with Mog's maternal family in general. See: the earlier thoughts about the [redacted] snippet.
— Squall is also someone longing to go home, because he wants to return to his beloved Nevermoor and the apprenticeship with Mog is a step towards that direction. I bet if a Witness looked at him, there'd be a silver thread pulling at him (towards Nevermoor?).
— When it comes to ownership, Morrigan is learning how to be a Wundersmith and take control of her powers and the history that come with them. As a teenager now, she's starting to figure out who she is and become her own person.
Silver as a key to Wunder
Morrigan's silver umbrella tip, given to her by Jupiter, is used to unlock the Hall of Shadows, which definitely seems wundrous, especially after we learn that Shadowmaking is a sub-art of Veil.
In Hollowpox, Jupiter gives her and Jack a silver key to unlock the frozen lake room so that they can ice skate. The room is as wacky and wundrous as the rest of the hotel. Morrigan makes a specific connection between the two things:
This wasn’t, after all, the first time that Jupiter had given her a slightly odd gift. It wasn’t the first time he had given her a key.
A memory came to her of a strange locked door on a quiet floor of the Hotel Deucalion. The tip of her oilskin umbrella—a birthday present from Jupiter—turning in the lock with a satisfying click. An enchanted lantern-lit room full of shadow-monsters within.
I just think it's interesting that twice now we've had something silver be a key to unlocking something Wundrous. I think we will probably see this continue.
Another line in the Silverborn description says "we'll meet people from Morrigan's past who will be very important in untangling the mystery of who she is." Perhaps whoever this is will be the key to unlocking Morrigan's past, whether it's related to Wundersmiths or her mother or both. "Key to unlock" and "important in untangling" feel like the same sentiment, just with different wording.
Silver as it relates to the Wintersea Republic
When Morrigan meets Maud, she sees this:
There was a double door made of dark wood, with an unusual set of silver handles that interlocked to form a large, ornate W.
Was she back at Wunsoc?
We quickly learn that the W stands for Wintersea and not Wundrous, but it's still interesting because it marks a clear distinction with the cool silver compared to the warm golden Wunsoc W.
The gold color related to Wunsoc comes from the golden color of Wunder, so perhaps the silver relates to the absence of Wunder in the Republic.
Some folks in the Discord brought up how silver has a connotation with second place and inferiority. Given how Squall helped create the Republic, this could make sense. It'll always be second place and less than his beloved Nevermoor, as it's just a temporary way for him to hold power until he returns. However, he's also the second most powerful person, as Maud is more powerful than him and even scares him.
I think that Maud and the Wintersea Republic are going to become more powerful and more important as we go into this second act of the story, and silver being associated with them is definitely something to keep in mind.
Silver + Secrets
Added 2/23/23
I'm currently rereading Nevermoor and have found some fun possible associations with keeping secrets and things being hidden that I wanted to share:
— Morrigan's umbrella unlocks the Hall of Shadows, which is in the renovated wing that she isn't supposed to be in
— Squall uses a silver scarf to hide his face on Hallowmas
— Expanding on the aforementioned silver Witnessing associations, being a Witness is essentially being able to see the secrets of people and things
Silver + Celestials
Added 7/22/23
Wrapped up my Wundersmith reread and found something fun.
— Jupiter receives a "note sealed with silver wax" from "the Celes-"
— This could mean that we might learn some more about Celestial Beings in Silverborn, or perhaps the term is related to them somehow
—— Could relate to a Celestial Being being born, someone born of a Celestial Being, or perhaps someone born under / during an important celestial event (cough cough Eventide)
—— Could also tie back to all the theories of Noelle's knack being related to, and even possibly stolen from, Celestials. Especially interesting since a lot of folks are hoping to see her again in the book.
— A side note: some of the emotions Mog describes in relation to Israfel's voice are reminiscent of some of the themes of family, longing, nostalgia, etc.
— Also: the Eventide phase on the Skyfaced Clock is referred to as “inky, star-strewn blackness”. If silver is related to Celestials and perhaps stars….. what if “Silverborn” is just another term for being born on Eventide?
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tim drake’s a true 90s child when it comes to his taste in music, but not in a dance-pop kinda way but in a grunge, punk, and brit pop kinda way. in this essay, i will—
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robin (1993) #32
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robin (1993) #36
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robin (1993) #40
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robin (1993) #43 and as a bonus, tim bonding with bruce over the clash while alfred is being an absolute delight of a posh english gentleman, as per usual:
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robin (1993) #152
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bethhiraeth · 1 year
A literary reading of byler
so in school (and outside of it) most of the subjects I am taking and my interests are some form of literature, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on byler from a literary analysis standpoint
when you are analysing literature, it can be divided into three major buckets: narrative, aesthetics and text. Let me quickly break down what they actually mean
Narrative: This one is pretty self explanatory. It is how the overall structure of the story fits together, including plot, character arcs, and all that big picture stuff that spans the whole text.
Aesthetic features: Also sometimes called stylistic devices, they are the artistic elements that contribute to the text, often adding new meaning/emotions/ideas to it. In the case of cinema, these are pretty much everything you see on camera, like lighting, costuming, props, camera angles, etc. Often these are used to establish literary techniques such as symbolism or narrative foils.
Text: This one is also pretty obvious- it is all the words and actions of the characters. Dialogue and movement are what primary make this up. Think of it as anything in the script (or what the actors say/do if it is improvised), and any directorial choices relating to that.
What I find so interesting about byler is how it has tons of supporting evidence in all of these. What you will see with most ships that are non-canon is that they have a few bits of 'evidence' in one, or two at most, of these categories. Within the fandom, steddie is probably a good example of this. In canon they are physically positioned close to each other a lot of the time, and a lot of their shared dialogue could be read as 'flirty'/having romantic connotations, so they have the textual box checked. However, there is really no grounds for thinking it will be canon (even putting aside eddie being dead) because there is arguably nothing that could really be considered 'evidence' in either the aesthetics or narrative.
Which brings us back to byler. I am going to list a few examples of evidence supporting their endgame for each of the categories just to provide some context, but this is definitely not all of it.
In my opinion the most conclusive evidence for byler endgame narratively is the character arcs of mike, will and el. this has been gone over many times and there are many great posts that explain this in more depth, so I won't go into detail, but all three of them have been following their own character arcs since the beginning. in essence, will's is about accepting that he is not broken/a mistake and deserves a happy ending, el's is about finding her independence from the abusive men/other people that have controlled and learning to be herself, and mike's is about realising that conforming to societal expectations is not the path to happiness. they obviously each have other sub-arcs, but imo these are the main ones that are followed throughout the whole show.
Basically what this achieves is setting up a satisfying ending for each character. And really the only way to resolve all three of these in that way is for el to be on her own, and for mike to accept that he does not conform (is queer) and for him and will to be together. that is the only way. any other ending would be wildly unsatisfying
Other evidence within the narrative includes things like tropes, eg a love triangle with childhood best friend and seemingly perfect person, and how the best friend is always the one that ends up with the protagonist.
The overall themes of the show also tie into this. Arguably the whole show is about 'freaks and outcasts', and how "forced conformity is killing the kids". therefore it doesnt make sense thematically for the one (currently) canonically gay boy to end up alone and rejected after going through his whole arc, or for one of the main characters to have nothing really defining him as an outcast if he is not queer.
Lastly, to quote that one person, who the fuck writes a slowburn rejection? It makes absolutely no sense to drag out will's feelings for so long if they are not reciprocated.
This is my favourite section for byler evidence. There is just so much of it. Which is extremely interesting because in every other non-canon ship I can think of, this is the area where they fall woefully short.
The first thing that springs to mind is the queer imagery constantly associated with mike. He is repeatedly placed in front of closets, his wardrobe is s4 is almost entirely the colours of the gay flag, he is associated with rainbows, fruit, triangles and words like 'men' and 'boy', etc. These were intentional choices made on the part of the production crew.
The blue and yellow motif also deserves a mention here as well, given how prominent the association with them is in their costuming, lighting, etc. There are many aesthetic devices that are used, eg symbolism like mike's flowers to el dying in her hands, byler always being blocked together alongside other couples, using the same music in a scene with mike as they did when robin told steve she was a lesbian, I could go on.
What is so interesting about these is how intentional everything has to be, especially when there is this much of it. You don't accidentally have a light focusing only on two character's faces during an emotional scene, or dress a character in a particular colour scheme or have them looking at another character's lips. With textual and narrative features, you can fuck up or have a coincidence fairly easily, but it is an obviously deliberate choice to have a character standing in front of an open closet the first time his girlfriend tells him she loves him.
These features are the most obvious to the general audience, so often they have to be a bit more subtle.
Every scene in the show uses dialogue and/or action, so there is plenty to draw from. The 'crazy together' scene is a really good example on multiple levels. Not only is it a very emotional scene that shows mike deeply cares about will via dialogue, the line itself (crazy together) calls back to the audience's mind other scenes that establish the word 'crazy' as a stand-in for 'love', such as the jancy scene in the police station in s1.
Additionally, a very clear shot is shown of mike reaching out to grab will's hand, something that is likely to be intended to be read romantically, due to the parallels with other canon couples.
The same could be said for almost any other 'byler scene'; "cool" "cool", "we're friends", the van scene, etc. Speaking of the van scene, all the lip glances are fair game to include in this section too!
The Duffer's arent stupid. They know this stuff. looking at this from a literature student standpoint, saying it is a compelling argument is a wild understatement, and I am certain any reasonable lit teacher would agree.
We are not the delusional ones. At this point, if byler isn't canon the show was written wrong. Its as simple as that
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irisbaggins · 6 months
This will contain spoilers, everyone!
(Edit: this was a preliminary attempt to think about timeline, so whilst I will let this stand, I'm not as happy with it as I'd like. This post discusses the one massive thing I overlooked, and is something I'm more confident in. So, regard this as like, an idea about mutation and magic, and not an actual analysis. It's an idea, a concept. Not proper analysis. Although, the idea of mutation and magic extending their lives has much potential. Just...this is not a Take Take, just an exploration)
On the topic of a timeline with Burrow's End, I think is a lot of interesting readings to approach it with. Due to this all being collaborative, timelines can be tricky to navigate, but also fun. Kenji's death is a little tricky, but Geoffrey and Tula's makes sense (at least to me). One of the ways in which it can, with regards to the kids, is the idea that they're slowly evolving to have longer lifespans. Specifically, in regards to Tula and Viola, they would be probably around the mid-life point, yet they act more like 30-40 instead of 50+. This, then, can be used to understand that their lives are slowly extending, where their life phases hit at different times than previous generations.
This is actually sort-of touched upon, with Tula's remark about "Old Big Walmer". In normal stoat terms, he would be much older than Tula, but as Aabria remarks, they're only a few litters apart, and they're not really that far apart in age. This little throw-away gag can, in fact, be the key to solve a little of the age puzzle. Had they been normal, un-evolved stoats, Walmer would've been much older than Tula. But, as they're slowly evolving and becoming much more like humans, they're also getting longer lives. What before may have felt like a decade in difference between two stoats several litters apart, now become less than half of that, maybe. Tula uses terms she grew up with, both to attempt to throw off her mother's attempts at meddling, and as a way to express her own distaste at the idea. Yet, they're not that far apart, she's only expressing ideas that she's heard from other, older stoats.
With this concept, therefore, I think that's what's going on with Lila and Jaysohn. The time of year they're in is slightly debatable, as we never got the actual month, but from Tula's knowledge, it was closer to winter at the start of the story. I suspect, if we're going to stretch the concept a little further (and depending on where the story takes place), we can say they're in the middle of Autumn, perhaps September-October if we're stretching it. Tula alludes to Geoffrey dying in Winter, either early or middle the season. In a rough estimation, if we're taking Aabria's narration of "knowing their dad only half their life" literally, the kids would be around 20 months, double that of normal stoat maturity. However, if we keep the idea of their lifespan being extended, that would extend the time between milestones as well. This could keep the kids still as kids, whilst also keeping to a somewhat coherent timeline.
It would also make sense why none of the others note this weird lack of maturity or age in the kids, because they themselves haven't noticed the change either. They're also having their lifetime extended, which makes it natural for them to not react all that much to such a change. The fact Lila and Jaysohn grew up so slow doesn't really matter, does it, when everything else is thrown into chaos with the death of Geoffrey and who's supposed to lead the Warren. Sure, the kids are being toddlers for way longer than previous generations, but that's just because Tula's fussing over them! (It could also be a symptom of Tula's magic leaking into her kids, extending their lives without anybody noticing. Food for thought)
It can also just be a trait with Ava's bloodline, stemming from the fact that we know she was born outside of the Red Warren, possibly having been exposed to different radiation. We don't know if the others came with Ava and her family, of came and joined them over time. It can also be from when Ava was hit with further radiation the day Kenji disappeared, and that has leaked into her family as well. They are, after all, not normal stoats, and there is so much radiation and magic going on within these stoats that it could be anything affecting them.
I suspect it's evolution and magic causing this trickery in age, meaning that they're all living for much longer than any natural stoat. They're evolving, becoming stronger, smarter. Of course they'll live longer.
It also implies that Ava might not be as old as she appears, but she has decided to be an old lady in her 60-70s, and she will make everyone believe she is closer to 100 just so they will underestimate her. Or let her get away with shenanigans. Nobody can call her out, after all, she's one of the oldest of them.
It does, however, mean for ten or more months, Tula has been a living undead. Half of her kids' life she has been something else. Viola saw Tula change, and thought it was only loss and motherhood that did that. But instead, it was Tula's own death that changed her whole worldview. Everything else affected it, yes, but her death was what tired her out as much as it did. She never got that peace, not that rest, that she longed for. She couldn't, not with her duty. Of course she feels like a fraud by giving Viola advice; hers cannot be compared to someone who's still alive.
It's just interesting to think about, how what may seem confusing at first, makes a little more sense when you take magic and radiation into consideration. Also how horrifying it must be to realise you age differently than your peers due to something in you making you different. Something making you more.
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