#also his eyes glow a little bit but just in that way cats' eyes reflect
silicon-puppy-pudding · 8 months
Can Fright Knight x Batman be a thing? Is it already a thing? I just saw this post where Frighty is acting as Danny's dad and I just want something with Fredric Knight meeting Bruce like..
Bruce is happy Daimian is making friends. This new kid, Daniel "call me Danny" Knight, seems nice. Kid might be a meta or something, with the way his eyes reflect like a cats and how he seems to always be cold, but he doesn't seem to be a bad kid and his background seemed to check out.
Yesterday Damian had invited Danny over for a sleepover and Bruce was stoked. Dami is having a friend over! A civilian friend! This is so normal and great! Danny had said his father would be picking him up the next day and would show up on his motorcycle (which was apparently named Nightmare?)
Bruce is in the sitting room close to the entrance when Alfred goes to buzz the gate for Danny's father. After a few minutes, he can hear Alfred walking the man in and explaining that "young Master Damian will be down with young Daniel in a few minutes. Till then, maybe you'd like to speak with Master Bruce?"
Bruce almost falls out of his seat when this almost 7 foot tall hunk of a man walks in, with his long raven black hair with a streak of gray down the center, all pulled back into a low ponytail. His bright green eyes have that same, almost glowing, shine that Danny's have and he's got a neat bit of stubble on his sharp jaw. He holds himself tall and seems to scan the room before setting his gaze on Bruce, who is using all his will to not ogle at this gorgeous man in front of him.
He stands to greet him and, oh God, he may actually be 7ft. "You must be Danny's dad, right?" He offers his hand to shake, "Bruce Wayne. I'm happy to see my son making friends with such a nice kid."
The behemoth of a man stares at his hand for just a moment to long before he shakes it and introduces himself, "Fredric Knight. I'm also glad my son is making friends." He says with the hint of a smile, "He's been a bit reclusive since we came here and I don't believe that's been healthy for him."
The two fathers talk for a bit, Bruce doing his best to be Batman ever now and then to make sure this guy isn't a potential threat. After some time, Danny and Damien walk into the room with Danny's bags, "Hey Dad, hi Mr. Bruce. Sorry that took so long," he says as he walks over to Fred (Bruce was told he could call him that) and half hugs the man, "Dami has a snake and he let me feed her!" Fred looks down at his son and pats his head, "That sounds interesting, little prince. Was it a frightful creature?"
As father and son speak, Bruce notes how fond Fred seems of Danny. The 'little prince' name seemed cute and pretty fitting with the last name. He also notes how Fred seemed to relax just a bit the moment Danny walked into the room (the same way he would after his children returned from patrol safe and unharmed), huh.
They say their goodbyes and the father-son duo are escorted out. Bruce and Damien watch as they ride down the driveway, Danny doing his best to wave at them from between his father's arms.
"We should invite the both of them over for dinner." Bruce says with a hand on his son's shoulder, "Fred seems like an interesting character, don't you think?"
"Yes Damian?"
"Please do not seduce my friends father."
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reverie-starlight · 9 months
fluffy hawks drabble-turned-mini-fic because i love him. if you think the feather necklace trope is overused, this is probably not the place for you. also important to note: let’s say for the sake of my sanity that this takes place before seasons 5/6, okay? I know what's up in the manga, I'm just ignoring it to be happy :)
fem!reader, no physical descriptions aside from wearing dresses + enjoying it and reader could be perceived as chubby, but no explicit mentions of body type!! shopping for clothes is just hard and it’s briefly reflected on in this. lots of soft fluff. pet names (baby, sweetheart, pretty girl, etc) I just got a bunch of cute dresses and now I'm gonna make it hawks' problem. this is like. disgustingly soft and so incredibly self indulgent avert your eyes. please. very smiley and giggly. a bit suggestive at the end bc I have no self-control.
soft laughter and the sound of rustling sheets were the only noises heard in your shared bedroom that afternoon. surprisingly enough for both of you, keigo had finished his patrol early and caught you on the way up to your apartment. almost immediately after walking in and getting your shoes and coats off, he had grabbed you and sped off to your room, dropping you on the bed and launching an attack.
you were both so happy to have some extra time together that it boosted your energy immensely, resulting in a impromptu play fight. it wasn't very often that you got to be so playful anymore with things picking up for him at work. you were both still young, so when you got the chance to act like it, you definitely took it.
"keigo!" you shrieked as he pressed a slew of quick, light kisses over your face and down your neck. a ticklish sensation was left in their wake, even more so because of his facial hair. he just chuckled and rubbed his face against your skin to draw out more laughter. feathers flew around and brushed against your cheeks and other places he couldn't focus his attention on.
his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist to limit your movements, but you still squirmed around to try and get the upper hand. eventually, after a few more kisses to your chest and stomach, he loosened his grip to give you a fighting chance and you flipped on top of him, making sure not to hurt his wings, which ruffled in excitement.
"so what are you gonna do with me now, sweetheart?" he grinned up at you, eyes positively glowing with mirth.
you felt your own gaze go soft and cupped his face with your hands, rubbing your thumbs over the apples of his cheeks. "I dunno," you murmured, keeping your voice low in volume and sweet in its delivery.
your eyes wandered over his features, admiring him in the golden rays of sun coming from your window. "you're so pretty, keigo..."
he went a little red but smiled softly. "that's my line, angel," and then he leaned up to steal another kiss from you.
eventually you both settled down, laying in bed together and talking about your days. keigo told you about having to chase down a bank robber and some purse snatchers, and how a little old lady asked for help getting her cat down from a tree. you snickered at the thought.
the atmosphere turned serene as you both laid there. you were close enough that your breaths mixed and your foreheads touched, his hands absentmindedly running over your soft skin and the curves of your body. "so how was your day?" he whispered.
"it was okay. I had a shorter day at work, so I went shopping and I got some new clothes..." you sat up and walked over to where the bags were discarded before he tossed you on the bed. "want to see them?"
he whined a little when you walked away but quickly sat up as well, nodding his head at the second part. "I'd never pass up the chance to see you trying on clothes, baby, who exactly do you take me for?"
you smiled and shook your head fondly. "alright, alright. sit tight, I'll be back," you said and headed to the connecting bathroom, ignoring his grumbling about how you were depriving him of getting to see the best part.
and when you came back out, in a pretty little sundress, twirling so he could get the full effect, he stared at you in awe.
he knew from past shopping trips and many teary conversations with you that finding clothes you actually felt confident in could be… difficult. of course he thought you looked amazing in everything, and if he had it his way, he’d buy every single outfit you even glanced at, but there was just something so alluring about seeing you happy and proud in clothes you felt good in.
“such a pretty girl…” he murmured to no one in particular. it looked a bit like he was in a trance as he took in your figure. attempting to hold back a shy smile from forming at his words, you looked down at the ground to keep yourself from getting too flustered.
he grinned and held his hand out for you once your eyes met his again. taking it, he gently pulled you towards him to stand in between his legs and rested his chin on your sternum, not once breaking eye contact. his hands moved to toy with the hem of your dress.
“I mean it, you’re absolutely stunning. the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on... my pretty girl.”
you couldn’t hold back your smile this time and he adored the way your lips curled upwards, how your eyes flitted around the room, staring at anything but him, clearly affected by his words.
he sent a feather out to tilt your chin back towards him and he was suddenly reminded of something.
“ah right- I have something for you,” he dug something out of his pocket and proudly presented you with what looked like a thin brown faux leather string…
with a bright red feather attached to it.
you gasped and took the item into your hands, closely inspecting it. you treated it with the utmost care, as if it were your most prized possession. it very well might’ve been.
the string had a clasp at the back to make it easier to put on and remove, and it looped around the... stem? bone? (you made a mental note to clarify with keigo later) of the feather multiple times. it was secured with a thin silver wire to ensure it wouldn’t slip out before the rope continued on to the other end of the hook.
he actually had one of his feathers turned into a necklace for you.
“keigo, I… this is incredible, oh my goodness!” you beamed at him and leaned down to properly hug him.
he was incredibly perceptive. of course he knew that all those times you had jokingly asked him about keeping one of his feathers with you were actually silent requests. even if you’d never outright ask him, he could tell you longed to have a piece of him with you. especially when he had to wipe your tears before a long mission and you stared longingly at his wings. he took pride in the fact that you found comfort in them.
who was he to deny the love of his life? what’s one feather from his arsenal gone, anyway? it was going towards the cause of making you happy, and most importantly, there was the added bonus of keeping you safe.
“here, let me put it on for you,” he said, gesturing for you to sit on his lap and hand him the necklace.
you got settled and he happily clasped the ends of the string together at the back of your neck. the bottom of the feather rested just above the neckline of your dress and you touched it gingerly.
as soon as it rested against your skin, he took control of it and ran it across your cheek, making you giggle and pull away a bit.
“thank you, keigo, I love it.” you turned around on his lap to face him and pressed your lips against his.
he hummed into the kiss and pulled away with a sly smile. “of course, baby. besides,” he toyed with one of the straps on your shoulder. “it goes with your new dress, don’t you think?”
you put your arms around his shoulders, gently stroking the arches of his wings and nodded in agreement. he placed his hands on the tops of your thighs and gently squeezed. “wanna see if it goes with my other dresses, too?”
“oh, absolutely. but..." he shifted a bit and pulled you closer, so that you were fully pressed against him. "I don't think I've appreciated this one enough... what do you think?" he slowly trailed his eyes up from your legs to meet yours.
you tilted your neck forward to rest your forehead against his. "I think that you'll find some of the other things I bought more interesting than a sundress, keigo."
his sly smile turned into something more eager and you laughed when he dramatically flopped backwards on the bed with a groan. "you're too good for me, angel, seriously. what did I ever do to deserve you?"
you offered him a shrug and a tiny smile of your own. "exist."
his eyes widened a fraction and you could tell that your words deeply affected him from the way they welled up. he cleared his throat to cover up any emotion in his voice and sat up again to cup your cheek, murmuring "sweet girl, you'd better hurry up and try on those other dresses, because if you're not off my lap in three seconds, I'm gonna pounce, and we're not leaving this room 'til we're both spent."
butterflies erupted within you and he watched fondly as you gasped and ran off to keep your little fashion show up and running.
the following days after receiving his gift were... not surprising in the slightest.
you always knew when keigo was taking a break or in his office doing paperwork because he took every opportunity to bug you with his (your) feather.
every. single. one.
and you also knew before he even had the necklace made that if he were to ever give you one, this would likely happen. he was a menace, after all. part of his charm, he always said.
at first it was a bit embarrassing having to fight with a feather in front of your coworkers (who weren't aware you were dating a pro hero, so they probably thought you were some fangirl who bought faulty, cheap merch of his), but it very quickly became endearing.
cause yeah, if he knew you were going to be around people he'd make life difficult for you and then take all of your whines and complaints with a mischievous grin when he walked through the door, clearly lying when he said he'd take it down a notch.
but when he knew you were alone? or having a particularly stressful day? all you had to do was lightly tug on the necklace. upon your signal, he'd immediately take control of the feather and bring it up to caress your cheek, run along your neck or tap your nose.
honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way. you adored his playful side, and he knew he could get away with most things via feather necklace. even if it was only because you were too flustered to scold him for anything anymore by time he got back. complaints soon turned into requests for cuddles and wanting to return all the affection you received.
the feather necklace was a gift for you, sure, but it definitely benefitted him as well.
I edited this super quickly, so apologies if there's any mistakes! I'll find them eventually when I look back at this fic and end up contemplating my choices to post without properly editing :')
hope you enjoyed!! <3
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devildom-moss · 8 months
Roses for you (4)
This had all started when you noticed a link between a book on the language of flowers you had borrowed from Satan’s room and the current lessons from your Seductive Speechcraft and Magical Potions classes.
In Seductive Speechcraft, you had just reached a section on the effectiveness of spells using non-verbal communication: enchanting glances, dance, and offerings. Meanwhile, in Magical Potions, the professor had been discussing the significance of using specific quantities when concocting potions; they had spent fifteen minutes just providing examples – including adding petals from two different flowers when using them for a love spell.
You couldn’t resist discussing the use of flower language – utilizing the type, color, and quantity of the flowers – to specify the magical intent of an offering as a form of seductive speechcraft. Asmo and Solomon listened intently. The same idea popped into both of their minds, and before you knew it, everyone was looking into color and number meanings, searching for the perfect combination to convey their feelings for you and try to put you under their spell. The only rule for their little competition to charm you? Only roses are allowed.
Will you be charmed by their attempts?
Four Roses - Satan
Word Count: +500
Nothing can do us apart
After a romantic stroll and a delightful stop at a cat café, Satan took your hand and led you up to your favorite overlook. You could see so much of the Devildom from up there, and the sight had an enchanting effect on you, making you feel simultaneously small and on top of the world. It didn’t matter how many times you came here, you rushed to the edge and stared out at the city every time.
“This night has been beautiful.” Satan took your hand again. His gaze followed yours as he stared out at the view of the Devildom night with you. The lights offered a cool glow to the city – a soft halo resting above the buildings.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “I’m glad the weather is clear tonight. The Devildom is gorgeous like this.”
You heard a soft chuckle from Satan’s direction. “That’s not quite what I meant. Tonight has been beautiful because I’ve spent it with you. . . Hey, MC, could you look at me for a second?”
You turned to meet Satan’s gaze. It seemed an impossible feat that his eyes could reflect the array of colorful lights – only absorbing the green into nothingness. Nothing could rival those emerald eyes, and it appeared that green light made no attempts to compare – too inferior to even be reflected. Satan cut your admiration short when he leaned in and left a chaste kiss on your lips. When he pulled back, he was holding a small rectangular – almost square – box.
“Where did this come from?” you questioned its sudden appearance.
“Magic.” Satan smiled. “Go on, open it.”
You took the box in your hands and carefully removed the lid to reveal four preserved roses: two lavender and two white, arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
The number of roses clicked in your head and made you smile. Satan was the romantic type who would declare that nothing could separate you through flowers. He was also the type to give you a bit more of a challenge. Lavender could mean enchantment and love at first sight – which given your past, the latter was not the case. The white wasn’t explicitly romantic, but it may be a symbol of loyalty and reverence. Furthermore, this was Satan, and you had a feeling he had chosen to gift you preserved roses to highlight the eternal and everlasting elements. All of this combined, especially the white roses, and made you think that his floral offering sounded an awful lot like –
“Oh,” you gasped, heat rising in your cheeks. This felt like a marriage proposal coming from him – in the same way that so many of his confessions did. You had captured his affection; now, Satan was devoted and enchanted, and he made it clear that his love was unwavering and unending.
“I mean it.” Satan acknowledged the recognition on your face and caressed your cheek with his thumb. “You have my heart forever.”
“I’m going to kiss you,” you warned him with a grin. Satan inched closer, but you stopped him by placing a finger over his lips, earning the smallest pout. “Not here. I’m going to take you back to my room and kiss you until you can’t think anymore, okay?”
Satan nipped at your fingertip, holding you softly between his teeth, and nodded. He was certain of the message he had sent. Nothing could unbind him from you; he wouldn’t let it happen.
Lucifer (1) | Mammon (2) | Leviathan (3) | Asmodeus (5) | Beelzebub (6) | Belphegor (7) | Diavolo (8) | Barbatos (9) | Luke (10) | Simeon (11) | Solomon (12) | Thirteen (13) | Raphael (14) | Mephistopheles (15)
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mystic-helena · 1 year
hello! can i request a kuroo x reader where kuroo and the reader are childhood friends but he doesn’t know how to tell her he loves i love your blog by the ways its really cute ok have a great day bb hope you’re doing well ♡︎
Childhood crush ft Kuroo!
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Kuroo had always been there for you and you’ve been always there for him.
Since the beginning of times—okay, maybe not the beginning of times, but the beginning of your life—Kuroo has been there, it could be laughting at you when you fall after helping you get up or simply existing beside you on a sleepover at a half past eleven when you both should be sleeping—because for twelve-year-old kids that is pretty late according to his parents—but are instead looking at the bedroom ceiling and forming constellations with the glow-in-the-dark stars he has over his bed.
Right now, as strange as it may be for you, Kuroo isn’t glued to your side...
...because he’s talking to his reflection in your bathroom.
For the past twenty minutes.
His hands are on both sides of the sink, upper body leaning towards the reflective surface, brown eyes digging holes into it, as if starting too hard would magically put his ideas in order.
“Tetsuro, we both know how the childhood best friend never gets the love interest—he said while pointing at the mirror, eyes fixed in his own face—, but, we also have advantage because our fate isn’t written as if we were mere characters in a book. Wait, maybe that’s even worse”
“Tetsu, you’ve been there for forever, come out already” you practically yell, cheek pressed against the coffee table in your living room “you know I promised I won’t laugh-”
Oh, right. He almost forgot about it. The reason why he was at the bathroom.
“-if you finally admitted you are shit putting make up on and finally let me help you.”
Many ‘make up stuff’ as he named it, was untouched in front of him. All of it belongs to your cousin, who also implanted the idea of downloading tiktok in your head. Which is also the reason why he was supposed to make himself look like one of those people who had glitter almost all over their faces, imitating the Euphoria series look, thing he agreed to do just because you asked him with the only reason of him being ‘pretty’ and having perfect skin. And yes, his heart skipped a beat when you called him pretty.
“I’m done y/n, just give me five more minutes” he says as he rapidly tries to find the ‘black thingy’ they used on videos to ‘paint lines on their eyes and look like a cat’. He thinks he should have paid more attention when you were telling him which thing does what. But five seconds prior that you called him pretty. Not handsome but pretty, how is he supposed to feel about that? He has mussels, has a deep voice, is tall and is very intelligent. Why would you call him pretty? I mean, being called pretty is better than not being called pretty. And now he’s back to staring into his reflection.
With much difficulty he steps out of his spiraling thoughts and finds the eyeliner—that’s what it’s called, he celebrates—and tries to paint a straight line on top of his eye. It’s comes out pretty decent, he’s glad his hands are steady. He goes for the other eye. This one is a little bit wonky but probably you won’t notice, he thinks as he puts down the eyeliner and looks for the glitter. He’s gonna regret this later, glitter gets everywhere when he opens the little container. He coughs and closes the glitter container.
“Are you ok over there? You sure you don’t need help?” you sound concerned and he cringes when he looks at the mirror and sees the glitter got into his mouth. How did he do that? Shit, that will be a pain to take off. Well, another problem for future him, he shruggs and thinks a way to stick the glitter to his face and make it look good. The lipgloss is looking at him and he’s looking back.
Kuroo opens wide the door—he was in there for more than 5 minutes—and looks at you. You were about to fall asleep on the couch but bolt right up at the sound of the bathroom door slamming against te wall.
“Took you long enough” you wipe your eyes and stare at his face for a couple of seconds. He stares back and hopes he’s not turning red, why are you staring at him? Did he fuck up that badly? Are you amazed by his make up techniques? Maybe he should say something. “Take a photo, it will last longer” he winks at you and smiles when he sees your eyes widen for a second.
What were you thinking in that moment? You looked shy for a moment before smiling wide and getting up. You walk towards him and grab him by the wrist and drag him to the couch. Kuroo sat and watched as you did the same next to him, and he knows he should be thinking about what to do on the tiktok you were about to do but instead he was getting distracted by how close you are. Maybe one day he would tell you how he feels but for now being your best friend was more than enough.
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hazyshadeofwintyr · 1 year
Dreamling Week Day I: Meowpheus
I am so normal about Dreamling, I can't even begin to explain just how normal I am! Truly! So normal!! The thought of them doesn't send me into a fluffy fluff spiral or anything!!! I promise I'm normal about them!!! Why are you walking away??? Wait—
Anyway, happy Dreamling Week one and all! :3 I don't think I'll write something for every day of it, but here's my first contribution. Expect it up on AO3 at... some point? Enjoy some tooth-rottingly fluffy gay shenanigans. Fuck segues, you don't need segues when you have the Dreaming.
WC: 1,479
He was just on the edge of sleep, thoughts drifting off somewhere far away from him. They swayed as a sea, cycling like the tide, the steady in- and out-rush of water and sand. Hob could nearly hear it, if he just listened a little closer— 
A weight leapt onto Hob's bed, waking him from his half-doze. He blinked blearily through the darkness, registering a shape that looked an awful lot like a housecat, only fuck-off huge. A pair of onyx eyes that sparkled through the dim room met his, glowing with distant starlight—the sort that had become nigh-invisible in modern London, so not a reflection or trick of the light—which tickled something at the back of his mind. "Dream?" he mumbled. 
The cat settled beside him, just within his reach. It tilted its head at him. Good evening, Hob Gadling. 
"What're you doing here?" 
Do I need a particular reason to visit a friend? Dream teased, cocking his head. 
"No, it's just—" Hob yawned, cutting himself off. "I'm not used to seeing you without a reason, is all." 
Dream stretched, a low purr rumbling through the bed. Am I bothering you? 
"Not at all." Hob extended a hand, fingers brushing against night-dark fur so soft and feather-fine he could barely feel it. Dream didn't move, so he dug a little deeper, scratching the top of Dream's head. The same bone-deep purr rattled up his arm as Dream leaned into Hob's touch. He was significantly more accepting of touch as a cat than as a... whatever he called that almost-human shape that had graced most of their visits. "I'm not going to make for very good conversation tonight, I'm afraid." 
Then it is fortuitous I did not come for conversation, hm? Dream flicked an ear in a half-joking gesture. Sleep, Hob Gadling. Rest well in my presence.
Hob was, belatedly, glad that Dream had appeared to him in this form—the thought of his hands bruising that marble flesh made his head do all sorts of things he couldn't process. The cat was different—there was no temptation to lose himself in stormy eyes or to kiss the delicate skin in the hollow of Dream's throat. He had spent centuries without even the least sign of reciprocation, but the more frequent visits of the previous six months left him starving in an entirely different way than usual. No, he decided, brushing a knuckle against the warm skin at the base of Dream's ear, the cat was a distraction most welcome. 
He fell asleep with surprising ease for sharing a bed with a large, unfamiliar cat who just-so-happened to be his oldest friend (were he more awake as the words passed his thoughts, he'd chuckle with only the slightest bit of mirth). The deep, soothing purring of cat-Dream didn't hurt, either. It invited sleep, drew it in as though putting him on a sea with his blankets as a wave. Hob wasn't really sure if it was part-and-parcel of Dream's whole thing or not, but the question died like a candle as he faded into unconsciousness. 
They were strolling through an indistinct blur of a park, the sun bright but not burning, each of them holding a cone of soft-serve ice cream. "You must truly wish to see me, Hob Gadling," Dream commented in a voice that had a quality not unlike gravity. His appearance also seemed much more—vibrant or saturated would be the wrong word for how little colour there was about him, but the whites seemed truer, the blacks more absolute. Yet he still blended beautifully with the gentle greens and blues of their surroundings. 
Hob was more awake then he had any right to be, but his mind remained a little sluggish still. At least he could tell he was dreaming. "Is— is this because you were with me?" 
Dream shook his head, the slightest hint of what might be a smile teasing his lips. "No. And I am still with you, in the Waking world. You are the one who called me here." 
"I'm... sorry?" Hob tried, unsure of what one should say in such a circumstance. He wondered if anyone else had ever been in his place before—then dismissed the thought as quickly as it came, a painful pang of jealousy in his heart. His relationship with Dream was still too fragile, still too brittle to test its boundaries. Hob could wait, if he truly had to, for Dream to show some sign of reciprocation; he could also survive millennia on the hope alone. God only knew he'd survived the last few hundred years with little more than hope, at least partially for his strange—and, until recently, nameless—friend. 
Either Hob was showing more than he intended of his feelings, or Dream is just in his head, because those starry eyes softened. "You have no reason to apologise. It is a pleasure to spend time with you." 
"Well, at least the weather is lovely today."  
Dream glanced up at the sky. "Yes, it is," he agreed. 
Hob noticed that his ice cream had yet to melt and tasted it. Tension he hadn't realised he'd been holding disappeared. It tasted like vanilla ice cream, yes, and good vanilla ice cream at that—but beyond that, it tasted of all the times he'd shared dessert with a lover, every hot summer day spent holding hands with somebody he'd loved, every stroll in the park talking about everything and nothing. He closed his eyes and let the flavour wash over him. When he opened them, he found himself sitting opposite Dream at a terraced café, no longer holding ice cream. Instead, his hand rested on the table. 
And Dream's hand rested on his. 
Dream himself remained as impassive as ever. "I find that the weather is fair when I visit you," he mused, lashes beating in slow motion. They were a butterfly's wings, snowflakes falling, a rainbow materialising through scattered droplets of water. 
True romantic that he was, Hob couldn't shake the jolt of joy in his stomach when Dream continued to allow their skin to touch. He wondered how long it'd been since any mortal had been allowed to touch his (his? since when had Dream ever been his?) Dream Lord. "It's been good to see you more frequently, too. And to finally know your name, after all this time." 
"I have come to realise that you deserve a great many things you may never receive," Dream said, "and I feel it is my responsibility to give you whichever of those are in my power." He fell silent for a moment before moving his hand to entwine his fingers with Hob's. Another small smile graced his lips. 
"Is this one of them?" Hob asked, swallowing. 
"Yes and no. You have been an invaluable companion for many years, despite my distance and reluctance to admit it. In this sense, I am merely returning the favour." Dream tilted his head, much as he had as a cat, an unfamiliar sparkle in his eyes. "While I have never paid particular attention to your dreams, I have always been aware of them." 
"Oh," said Hob, the statement sinking in, "oh." His face flushed and, if this were a conversation with anyone else, he would've pulled his hand away to cover his face. Dream's touch simply felt too rare to forego, too precious to lose. "I'm, um. I don't— don't know what to say. Please forgive me for seeing you in that light?" In his defence, Hob hadn't known who or what Dream even was for the first six hundred years, had no idea that his Stranger would be privy to those fantasies. 
Dream—laughed. He actually laughed, the bastard. His laugh was, at most, a dry chuckle, but it was worlds more expressive than Hob ever expected to hear from him. "Hob Gadling," he said, half-smiling, eyes full of care and mirth and secrets and stars, "I am the King of Dreams. Were I displeased, or uncomfortable, with your fantasies of me, they would be well within my ability to stop." 
"You don't mind dreams where I—?" Shag you silly, Hob finished in his thoughts, far too embarrassed to speak those words out loud. 
"You were right, one hundred and thirty-three years ago. I was lonely, and I was too proud to admit it—which, I have come to realise, is exactly why I was so lonely. Only recently have I become aware of my own such... personal flaws." 
"So you'd forgive my being so forward as to..." There was no longer a table between them, only a step that Hob closed with relish. They were so close their chests nearly touched, a breath—though, Hob noticed, Dream didn't breathe—between them. He remained hesitant as he put a hand to Dream's waist. With a smooth, too-fluid motion, Dream did the rest and gardens bloomed glorious behind Hob's eyes.
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amandacanwrite · 4 months
WIP Excerpt — Meeting an Incubus
Hello! I thought I would share a bit of my WIP called Foxes and Follies. Its about a young woman who unknowingly steals from a member of the Unseelie Court and is taken there to do the bidding of an intimidating dark fae called the Duskeeper.
This scene is when the protagonist meets one of his lackeys and… well it’s not the best first impression on either side.
CW|| some light sexual themes. Nothing too explicit. Also a bit of forced proximity in which the protagonist is uncomfortable. Again, nothing too bad just proceed with that information in mind.
“W-what...what are you?” I blurted.
He turned his attention to his book, flipping to the next page, his nails filed to deadly points that mirrored his nails and horns. “You’re terrible with introductions.”
I pursed my lips, feeling a flare of irritation. “You’re a man with green hair and horns, I have more immediate concerns.”
“Nothing is more important than good manners, Little Fox,” he said.
The way he said that term of endearment, the unique lilt and rhythm of it, made me think of The Magpie.
Have you forgotten how to introduce yourself? Shall I demonstrate how?
“You first,” I said.
“Excuse me?” he asked, his brow furrowing. My demand had clearly been an affront. Good.
“I’m your guest. It is only polite for the host to start with introductions, is it not?” I said. “After all, I’m under the care of your hospitality.”
“Hospitality that has been more than sufficient,” he retorted as he shifted in his seat, dropping his foot from where it was hooked on his knee and leaning forward to rest his elbow there instead. “Without the help of my whisps, you’d still have a festering wound on your leg and a fever burning through your body.”
So, they were will’o’the’whisps.
“I’m very appreciative of that,” I said. “But I’m not in the habit of just following the instructions of strange men I’ve never met.”
His amused expression faded and he caught the corner of his own lip with one of his pointed teeth. He closed his book with a loud snap and tossed it onto the cushion. He stood to his full, impressive height and strode on long, pinstripe-clad legs over to me.
I expected him to stop at the edge of the bed, but he didn’t. Instead he climbed onto it with me, giving me no recourse but to yelp and scramble backward until I collided with the headboard. His whisps flitted away with hushed tittering as the stranger continued his pursuit.
He bracketed me in against the bed with those long legs. His hands smoothed up the silky bed linens as he poised his body over mine like a comfortable lover; like he had me under his body plenty of times before. Like he was comfortable with it.
I looked pointedly away as his shirt billowed around his suspenders, revealing the statuesque planes of his chest and abdomen beneath. I shut my eyes, feeling my face warm. He didn’t let up, unbothered by my discomfort.
He grasped my chin between his thumb and forefinger, the point of his nail pressing against the swell of my lower lip. He jerked my head back toward him.
“Look at me,” he commanded.
I kept my eyes stubbornly shut for a few moments longer.
He grasped my whole jaw with his large hand. “Now.”
I bit the inside of my lip painfully before blinking my eyes open. When I did, I found him staring down at me. His lashes rested low, yet his gaze was almost oppressive, trapping me within it.
I swallowed tightly as I realized the off-putting nature of that gaze. There glowed an opalescent reflection in his pupils, like the kind you’d see looking into the eyes of an alley cat late at night during a smoke break.
I swallowed once more and forced myself to say, “I’m not telling you.”
“Oh?” he asked, his voice a velvety purr that curled warm up the length of my spine. “I could always make you.”
My heart raced in my chest. My eyes danced around his face. “Y-you could try,” I challenged.
I hated the stammer in my voice. I hated that even I could hear the front I was putting on for him. His lips parted to reveal a beautiful blade of a smile. I couldn’t tell if it was one of amusement or if some darker urge inspired the expression.
“Focus,” he commanded, those glinting eyes seizing mine. “Keep those lovely eyes focused on mine, my sweet little pest. Be a good girl for me.”
I stilled, my body going slack against my own wishes. I struggled to grasp onto my agency, but it slipped through my fingers like fine, satin ribbon. I lost myself in those opal pools, flitting my focus between each of them. I couldn’t decide which of them more beautiful. I lost myself in that thought, trying and failing to determine which of his eyes I should drown in.
“My, my. It turns out you can be a very good girl,” he said, the sound of his satisfaction so pretty as it tickled through my psyche. He released his grasp on my jaw and positioned his hand more gently, cupping the curve of my face.
I leaned into his hand, needing the tenderness; needing him. I felt something pluck at my lips. Like pulling thread through the eye of a needle, the corners of my mouth curved up. I felt ease, I felt contentment. But something about it was wrong.
His nail dragged my lower lip just slightly and I felt my eyelids droop. There was something this man had done to make me angry; to make me frightened… but I couldn’t recall what it was.
“That’s it,” he said. “You’re so much prettier when you obey, aren’t you my sweet Little Fox?”
“Mhmn,” I felt myself say.
“So, why don’t you give me that name of yours like a good girl?” he said.
“My name...” I sighed. “My name?”
“That’s right. It would be so easy,” he said. “All you have to do is tell me what to call you, sweet girl.”
There was a low tightening in my belly; the hum and heat of arousal. My eyes fluttered shut as the sensation flooded me.
Memories flickered like flower petals. These were not the ones I’d fought so hard to remember only a few moments before. These were memories that my body had recorded. The feverish feeling of my breasts being touched for the first time. The feeling of Eian’s callused hands on the sensitive skin of my thigh. The feeling of lips, slick and sweet against the side of my neck. The boy at the docks who had me pressed against the wall before he thought to ask if he could.
My name.
My name.
I opened my eyes, rage consuming me like fire. I didn’t know what he’d done to conjure those visceral, private thoughts, but whatever it was, it was none of his business. I was too close to rear up enough force to headbutt him. But I’d lived a long time on The Strid.
I pulled back my feet from between his legs and used all the strength I could conjure in my legs, placing my feet on his gut and sending him backward.
That said, he didn’t go far.
He tumbled clumsily back, his brows quirking high, those opalescent pupils constricting. He looked almost affronted, like I’d taken a piece of fine china and shattered it while he watched.
“You. First,” I insisted.
It was silent for a long time. The only sound in the room the hushed sound of the sheer curtains hissing in the breeze beside the bed. He seemed to take me in newly, looking at me from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. It felt uncomfortable to be looked at like that—like he was trying to peel the outer layers off and peer at the clockwork inside of me.
“What are you?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper. Barley audible. “I’ve never...a human has never--”
I set my jaw again, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes, sitting and crossing his legs, leaning back on his hands, but not moving any further away. He seemed to have accepted his failure at…at whatever he’d been doing to me.
“My name is Leif,” he said finally. “I’m an incubus.”
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espectres · 8 months
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Shou's photokinesis ( the ability to manipulate and create visible light. ) manifests in many forms, and it's the strongest between all his abilities as an esper, as well as the most rooted into his psyche, emotions, and physical form. It comes to him with so much ease. It's basically a part of his nature that he wouldn't be the same without.
His ability to bend light and become invisible is only one aspect of his relationship with light waves, but it's the most prominent. He is very flexible with it, too. He can make things and people invisible to an extent, extend and wrap his aura around them to lend them his immunity to reflect light. He can make parts of himself invisible, sleeves without hands or shoulders without head, that or he can flicker out of view little by little until only his smirk remains suspended in midair, before warping out of existence if he wishes to, all too similar to some fickle fictional cat.
And to match, Shou is experienced with hiding his presence and aura as well, he's also careful with his steps, adapted into stealth and being in hiding, because invisibility alone wouldn't be useful at all if he wants to hide from espers who can sense him and even mere humans who can't. It has been a bit tricky at first, but years of training to tread around out of sight bore fruit. If Shou is truly intending to hide, no one could ever find him.
When days of stress, paranoia or anxiety stretch and seem to never end, he comes close to losing control of his physical appearance, sometimes disappearing into thin air without realizing until he looks, sometimes flickering in and out of existence in distorted waves. It does not help him.
Another aspect to his photokinesis is the way lights interacts with his body, sometimes even without his command. His eyes naturally absorb more light than any usual human's, it's not strong enough that it permanently affects his vision, though bright lights do cause him minimal discomfort and he can be rendered momentarily blind with ease, he likes dimmer places and cloudy days. But it's strong enough that it makes the blue of his eyes glow in dim darkness, something that wouldn't be noticeable unless one spends time adjusting to the dark with him. He's careful with whom gets to see that part of him ( that and his invisibility ), though, and is mostly concentrated to dim that glow out when in company of individuals he can't exactly trust.
In a similar manner to how pyrokinetic espers create fire, or how psychics like Ishiguro creates black holes, Shou can create light in many forms. Intense beams or fields of absolute light that could blind his opponents, or faint floating sphere that could light up a dark room, and other trippy forms he can't even explain. This skill in particular isn't very handy or practical, because he could very much render himself blind alongside his opponents, or use his phone's flashlight in the dark. It makes up for entertaining tricks if he tries, though.
He can get very creative, too, he can try and make colorful glowing orbs, he can use his fingers/hands as prisms to create rainbows, he can change colours of certain lights to an extent. He can control the light waves around himself, not enough to make him flicker out of view, just enough to earn him a distorted sort of look that comes in many shapes and colours like glitches and filters of mobile cameras, now his own natural born thing that he can show off for sheer fun sometimes.
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mirrorsblogs · 2 years
𝐀 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐈𝐧, 𝐊. 𝐔𝐤𝐚𝐢 (𝐏𝐭. 𝟏)
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘬𝘦𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘶𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘶𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙛 𝙞 𝙖𝙢 𝙬𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜
The countryside always had a way of making the nights seem more youthful and glowing. As you walked on a paved road with the moonlight reflecting nicely on the nearby grasslands and the star bright as they could be you spotted a familiar convenience store.
In big letters read, Sakanoshita Market!
You smiled and greeted the man behind the counter who wore his usual attire.
“Hey Kei!”
“Hey.” He smirked and motioned for you to come over. There were no customers and he looked to be in a lovesick mood.
You quickly sat on the other seat behind the counter and began recounting the events of your day as you usually did.
“There was this cute cat on the way to work! It had a missing ear and looked a little old. Do you think we should try finding it?”
“We’re not getting a cat.” He had a deadpan look but this only made you smile more.
“We’re getting a cat.” Keishin sighed knowing this was an argument he was not winning in a million years (there was also a deep part of him that wanted a cat but he would never admit that).
“Yay! Anyways when I got to work I found out Jana broke up with her boyfriend!”
“I thought you said he was going to propose.”
“I thought so too but apparently she just couldn’t do it.” You continued to recount your day with him listening intently and giving responses. Keishin usually worked long shifts behind the counter so ranting about your day was always welcome. 
As Keishin was replying to you, in your head you started to think about how much of a good listener he was. Compared to your past partners he definitely beat all of them when it came to attentiveness despite him looking the most mean (can you blame him for having a resting mad face?).
“Then I walked here and found a cute guy behind the counter.”
“Really? Cuter than me?”
“Liar.” He started laughing as the both of you leaned in for a kiss. Most of his late night regulars had already come in and nobody looked to be on the horizon. Finally after a long day he could kiss you.
The quiet sound of the doors opening signaled to both of you to quickly break apart.
“Hello sir!” Hinata’s loud and slightly high-pitched voice rang out as you both cleared your throat. If looks could kill Hinata would for sure be six feet under.
The others murmured their hello’s and made quick work of picking up some things. Keishin huffed in annoyment while you tried your best to keep in your laughter.
“Can never get a moment to ourselves can we?” Your voice was filled with little bits of laughter as his anger alleviated by just looking at you.
“No we can’t. But I can do this.” His hand moved to your stool and abruptly brought it closer to his so he could place his arm securely around your shoulders.
“This feels nice.” You leaned your head upwards and locked eyes with Keishin looking down at you.
“Yeah it does.”
He only moved out of the position to quickly ring the volleyball boys up and then he was quick to lock up shop. 
Keishin put his arm around your shoulder while walking home. 
“What do you think about moon?” His voice was thoughtful.
“For the cat?”
“Yeah. You told me it had a missing ear, sort of like how the moon is almost never really full.”
“When did you become philosophical?”
“I think the idea of a cat is growing on me.”
“Ok then it’s settled. We find the cat and name it moon.”
Keishin and you were smiling like idiots all along the way home.
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ghost-words · 5 months
This was written for @paperdemon-arpg
Yumeki Dreamer is laying on his bed in the dark.
"Uuhhggh, I need a vacation…"
You would think life is already some sort of vacation if you are a fallen god. Grabbing his sunglasses, Yumeki looks at his reflection in the dark. 
"Guess we'll make it work." Swiftly Yumeki sits up, turns on his lamp and grabs his sketch journal off the bedside table. The bookmark ribbon has a green and purple charm in the shape of an eye. This charm is similar to the eyes found all over his upper body.
"Great," he sighs. "Where did I put the travel guide…"
He gets up from bed and grabs a small brown satchel hanging on a hook from behind the bedroom door.  Carefully Yumeki places his sketch journal and a pen into the bag. Inside the bag is also his wallet with a few dollars and some change. There is still some space inside.
 After reading himself, he leaves his room and makes his way downstairs. A large glowing book sits on a table.
"Thank you for making this easy."
Flipping through the book, Yumeki lands on a page that grabs his attention. It reads "Castimeria, come visit the wildflower festival and beautiful landscapes!"
"Huh, I haven't been to a festival for a bit. Maybe ever."
On the page is a glowing triangular image. He taps it and the glow transfers to his finger. Turning to a more open room he draws a large triangle in the air and the portal opens.
"Now or never." Breathes Yumeki as he steps through. On the other side of the portal is bright sunlight, a nice summer spring breeze, and the fragrance of flowers. "This is perfect." Faint music can be heard playing in the distance and a dirt path is nearby. Yumeki makes his way to the path, people with Friendly smiles wave and say hello.
Never has Yumeki been somewhere so pleasant. He makes it to a small bustling town, the streets are filled with stalls. Continuing down the street he comes across a booth selling wildflower press art prints.
"Hello there sir! How can I help you today?" The woman at the stand asks. The stand is purple with an awning of woven flowers.
"Oh, I'm well thank you. Just, looking around." Yumeki picks up a print of blue wildflowers with a watercolor cat, bee, and hummingbird creature on it. "This one's cute!" He smiles.
"That is one of my favorites, the little guy is called a Ceebi!" She says as she straightens up some art.
"How much would you like for this one?" Asks Yumeki as he places the print down and grabs his wallet from his satchel.
"That one is 25 gold!" She smiles
Yumeki opens his wallet with slight surprise to see gold coins where his dollars and change was. 150 gold in total. "I'll take it!" He hands the woman the 25 gold and she hands him the wildflower ceebi print in a plastic protector.
"Wonderful doing business with you sir! Have a good day and enjoy the festivities!" She smiles, bows, and waves. Yumeki smiles and waves back then continues down the path.
Other booths include wildflower dyes and paints, clothing made of petals, bouquets, little figures, and at the end of the street was an elf playing a lute. He is selling his music as cassette tapes with small flowers in the shell and vinyl with flowers pressed between the layers. The album is called "Bloom of the New Dawn"
A crowd is gathered around when Yumeki joins. The music consisted of melody's of nature, love, family, and friendship. The elf bard finishes his performance. "Thank you everyone, you have all been so kind today! I appreciate you coming out to celebrate whether it's your first or fifth time!"
The sky darkens and most of the crowd has left. Yumeki goes up to the bard.
"Your music is wonderful! How much for a signed vinyl?" Asks Yumeki as he grabs his wallet again.
"Hey! Thanks man, I appreciate it. 100 gold for the vinyl and I will happily sign it! Who's it for?"
The bard grabs a flower pen and a vinyl.
"This will go to my sister, Audio!" Yumeki smiles.
"What a unique name, here you go my good sir! Hope your sister enjoys it!" He hands Yumeki the vinyl. The autograph reads " To Audio, a wonderful sister. Stay kind, stay sweet, stay smiling. Jest the Bard."
"I appreciate it, have a good night and thanks for performing." With vinyl under arm and the daylight fleeting, Yumeki makes his way to an open space. His finger glows and he draws a large triangle in the air and the portal home appears.
Re-entering his home, he lays the vinyl on the counter and heads upstairs to end his adventure with some sleep.
The next morning Yumeki calls up Audio.
"Hey come to my place, I got you something."
Within a few hours the sound goddess arrives.
"Yumeki!!! Hey!! What's up!!" Audio gleefully hugs her younger brother. The hug is tight but it makes Yumeki feel really good. He hugs back.
"So I went on an adventure yesterday. A place called Castimeria. They had a wildflower festival going on." Yumeki goes over to where the vinyl is and Audio sits on the couch.
He picks up the vinyl and heads over to Audio.
"NO WAY!!! A VINYL!! DUDE! THANK YOU!!" Audio excitedly exclaims.
"It's signed too." He points out the signature.
"Bro, thank you. Like wow!" She hugs him again.
"I got some art for myself." Yumeki grabs his bag and pulls out the wildflower ceebi print.
"OH MY THAT'S SO CUUUTE!!" Audio gently takes the print to admire it. "Could you go back and take a picture of those little guys if possible, maybe please?"
"I will think about it." Yumeki chuckles. "Want to listen to it?"
"I'm on it!" Audio snaps her fingers and a record player with speakers connected appears. She sets it up. As the music starts to play a cheerful vibe spreads across the room.
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goddess-evelle · 3 years
Hey bb could u write a sapnap and dream x reader polyamorous smut were they get into a fight and they make y/n cry and they try to make it up to her by doing nice things or sm but she is still hurt about it so ( with CONSENT) they decide to please her until she is sobbing and begging them to stop ( there is n established safe word if she really wanted them to stop she'd say the safe word) but they don't stop and praise and coaxe her through many orgasms and then they take care of her as she's all sensitive and twitchy under there touch
Better without me
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A/n: I went off on this, so I will make a second part finishing it.
Warnings: Mention of neglect towards the reader, angst, very much hurtful thoughts. Smut in the next part. SFW. Slightly suggestive or provocative acts, also slight girl on girl action;)
Dream x Sapnap x fem reader
Words: 2,1??- I don't even know why I wrote so much.
As the dumb bitch that I am I forgot I made two different parts of this one of them that I discarded, so yeah that was a mess, but I fixed it.
Part 1 (You are here now)
Part 2
“I understand, but I just want to spend time with my boyfriends” Your voices cracks as you try to make light into the situation.
“No Y/n, you do not fucking understand. You don’t know what is like to spend hours on hours playing. Just to finally finish and have to spend ten more hours editing. You don’t understand how it is! You should be more considerate when you fucking ask us to ‘spend time with you’ ” Dream’s words come flying out as the three of you had been arguing for what felt like hours. Your reply got stuck in your throat as Sapnap started talking.
“Exactly like you are always bitching about wanting to be with us, but you never do shit for us. You know that we are both busy working. You are so fucking annoying.” Sapnap’s words eco through your mind. Were you really that annoying? Maybe you were just being too clingy towards the boys. You just wanted to spend time with them. Sapnap and Dream were in a relationship while the three of you were roommates, and a part of you always felt as if you had missed on a big part of the relationship, so you tried to spend time with them to make up for the lost time. Now, with Sapnap saying that you are annoying you can only feel as if you intrude into their relationship. Your mind flooded with thoughts of them just being in a relationship with you just because you lived with them; maybe they didn’t even love you. Your own mind created scenarios in your head as your insecurities took over you. They obviously didn’t love you or they would spend time with you. If they loved you they would make time for you. If they loved you they would’ve been more attentive of you. If they loved you they would pay attention to you. These thoughts kept your mind busy, and finally everything clicked. You finally understood why you felt so out of place all the time.
“You are not even listening to us!” Dreams shakes a hand in front of you face trying to gain your attention again, and you wonder just for how long had you been thinking.
“Honestly, y/n we can spend time together later . We have to film manhunt. Go do something or I don’t fucking know.” Sapnap says, but you are not listening to what he is saying. They leave and you are left in the bedroom alone. You look around the room for your phone as you look at the hour, and put 10 minutes on the timer. You wait patiently as the 10 minutes pass by as you lay on the bed looking at the ceiling. You close your eyes for what feels like a second before you hear the alarm go off. You grabbed your phone stopping the alarm, and texting your best friend to get ready; you both were going out. You got dressed with a simple dress quickly. You did your hair, and makeup as you made your way towards the front door. You just needed to leave; you had been suffocating the boys with your presence for too long. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you made your way towards the front door only to be stopped by a furry friend. You smiled sadly looking at the cat laying on front of you.
“Oh, sweet thing don’t worry. I will see you in a bit.” You say as you scratch Patches head. The cat looks up at you as if she understands. You give her a little kiss on the nose before grabbing your keys of the house. You make your way outside the door only to see your neighbor right next to where your car is.
“Hi, good afternoon.” You say politely.
“Hi, I didn’t know you guys were going out.” He says looking at you suspiciously.
“Oh, um yeah, just me. The boys are kind of busy.” You try to lie, but you know that by the redness on your face he might catch up to your lie. He looks at you to try and decipher if you think he is stupid or something. Before he could answer you say a quick goodbye as you climb into your car, and start the car getting ready to drive. It takes you 40 minutes to get to your friend’s house to talk to her. After venting to her for an hour; you both went to the club. You just needed to forget about the boys’ words for a bit. You look at your phone before you go inside the club to see the hour 12:59am. Good hour to be on a club you think as you make your way towards the bar with your friend. Time passes by like a blink as you drink, and dance with your friend. Before you know it you are in the middle of the dance floor as you dance with your friend.
You look around the club to see two familiar faces, but you are too drunk to remember their names. You do know that they won’t stop looking at you, so you take advantage that you are with a friend to tease a little. There is no ill will if you tease them. You turn towards your friend pulling her closely to you. She is taller than you which helps the case. You whisper in her ear that there are two hot boys looking at you, and that you wanted to give them a show. She looks to where you tell her; she finds Dream and Sapnap looking at the two of you from a far. She laughs knowing that you love the boys so much that you even find their stare in a crowded club while you are drunk. She sees that the boys look mad, but knowing plenty of your sexual experiences with the boys from what you’ve told her. She knows you’ll just love to tease them, so that they punish you. She agrees to help you, so your wrap your hand around her neck as you make eye contact with the boys. They move slightly closer, so that they can see you under the disco light. Your skin glows under the purple light that reflects off your shoulder and leg. The boys watch as you kiss your friend’s neck while looking at them. You slowly give mouth opened kisses to her skin maintaining eye contact. You glide your tongue on her skin slowly tasting the sweet cookie dough cologne on her skin.
You turn your back on your friend facing towards the boys as you grab your friend’s hands, and glide them down your body taking extra time on your boobs, and your stomach stopping at your pelvic bone. You grind your ass back on your friend’s pelvis looking at the boys seeing as the taller boy tries to make his way towards you, but the smaller boy holds him back mumbling something that you could only decipher as “let’s see what she does”. You smirk as them as you make sexier moves against your friend; your hands grab her neck pulling it towards you, and she understands what you want. She pretends to give you a kiss on your neck as you roll your head back letting out a fake moan that the boys don’t hear, but they can imagine that you are in pleasure. You look over them to see a bulge in both of their pants; you smirk noticing that they are both big as you take swing of your beer finishing it completely. You give big gulps showing that you in fact swallow before turning to be front to front with your friend. You repeat the kisses on her neck while looking at the boys, and you feel your own breath getting heavier. You look over to see the smaller boys rub over the taller boy’s bulge; you feel your panties get wetter at the action. You turn to your friend and move forward to give her a kiss, but before you can make contact with her lips you feel a pair of arms pulling you away. You look up to see the taller boy holding you in his arms looking awfully angry at you. You scurry off his embrace as you tell them that you don’t want anything with them. The guy gets a tighter grip on you, and you try to move away only to be sandwiched into the body of the smaller guy.
“Y/n look at me; you know who I am” You look up at the mention of your name; to find Dream staring down at you.
“Oh h- hey D-dream what are you doing here?” You say mind still too gone to make coherent sentences.
“Um yeah, she got very drunk. Saying something about not being good enough for the two of you” Your friend intervenes. Dream looks at Sapnap behind you to give Sap a worried look.
“So, everything that she was flirting with us; she didn’t do it to be a brat?” Sapnap asks confused.
“Well, she wanted to ‘tease two hot guys’ that’s what she said, so even as she was drunk. She is still attracted to the two of you” Your friend smiles remembering “I remember when you guys became a couple. She felt so out of place because she liked the two of you. She was going to move in with me to not disturb you two. She is really in love with the two of you, so whatever the fuck the two of you did. You better fix it or I will take her to live with me. The poor girl drove all the way to my house to spend an hour crying about how the two of you didn’t love her” Your friend reproaches your boyfriends as you are finding comfort in the tall man’s arms your mind not even paying attention to their conversation as you admire the hot boys.
“She- she really thought we didn’t love her?” Dream’s voice cracks as he looks down at you where you are staring at him lovingly.
“Yes, she always thought that she was ruining your relationship, and with the things you told her she felt like you guys just wanted to break up with her.” Your friend says giving the boys a bad look. “So, you guys take her with you. I’ll drive her car to my place; I didn’t drink, so I will be fine. How did you find her anyways?”
“We have an app to share location at any moment, so we know she is safe” Sapnap said as he led the way towards their car. They bid their goodbyes to your friend. Dream got in the driver’s seat as Sapnap went in the back with you. You sat next to Sapnap looking at the boy as you guys drove home.
“I can’t believe I’m going home with two hot boys. You guys chose me over all the girls in the club” You say your words stinging in the boys’ heart as they took a peek on what you thought of them.
“Well, to be honest. I was surprised; I thought you’d have a boyfriend” Dream says smoothly.
“I mean yeah. I used to have two boyfriends at the same time! Can you believe that? Two people loved me at the same time! Me!” you talked with surprise laced in your voice and the boys swallowed a lump in their throat as they saw how much you worshipped your relationship with them.
“Huh you must love them a lot” Sapnap said voice trembling as he watched your eyes shine.
“Of course, I do! They are the best boys I know. They are literally so perfect, but I don’t think they love me that much”
“Why do you think that?” This time Dream asked as his voice cracked at the change in demeanor you were clearly sad now.
“Well, they are just so perfect that sometimes I think they don’t need me. I think they would be even happier without me. I feel like I’m just ruining their relationship.” Sapnap is crying by the time you finish your statement. The boys can’t believe you would say such a thing. Did they really make you feel that way? They both felt so bad. Sapnap can’t help, but to leap in to hug you. His tears falling on your shoulder as you accept his hug still in your drunken state.
“But it’s okay if they don’t love me. They still have each other, and they are totally soulmates. So, if I leave; they will still be happy with each other.” You finish as Dream pulls into the driveway.
Part 2
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hanemiso · 2 years
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… nakajima atsushi x reader .
synopsis … atsushi enjoys morning cuddles a lot, and sometimes, he unconsciously makes it known .
genre … fluff, drabble .
a/n … i’m going to be putting this boy through a whole lot of pain, so here’s some fluff to compensate. also the brainrot for this came back so i decided to write a little drabble about it bye-
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Vibrant rays of the sun crack through the blinds, highlighting your dreams in gold. Warmth stirs you from your slumber; you open your eyes, and your heart softens at the sight.
Atsushi rests in your arms, soft snores escaping his slightly parted lips. You always adored the sight of Atsushi’s mind at peace. A meadow of serendipity, running through the grassy plains of serenity; it was what you liked to imagine Atsushi dreamt about on most nights. With the way his arms would tighten around you, you liked to assume you’re there with him.
You can’t help but nuzzle your face against his head, your heart swelling at the fact that you can wake up like this every morning. You wouldn’t trade this for the world. Every breath that fans against your collarbone, the way his hair tickles your cheek, the warmth in his embrace; it was heaven in your own abode.
As brief as it was, the fluttering of his eyes reflects the way your heart dances. The sun causes him to squint a bit, before glancing up at you.
“Morning, love.” You smile.
“G’morning.” His voice rasps, mirroring your expression.
He curls back into your hold, tightening his arms around your waist. With a kiss pressed to your neck, Atsushi’s eyes fall closed once again. He seemed to be more outgoing with his affections in the early mornings and late nights, when his mind wasn't spiraling in flustration.
Atsushi loved morning cuddles; he relished in the gentle touches reserved just for him, and the warmth of your hold. He feels so secure when he’s with you– more so than he’s ever felt in his life.
A content silence falls over you both as you bask in an amorous glow. You hand moves up to his head, fingers raking through his white tresses. A blissful sigh leaves your lips; it's not often that you can have mornings to yourselves like this.
Your eyes yield to relaxation, falling to a close. You continue stroking Atsushi's hair, sometimes letting your nails lightly scratch against his scalp. You can feel him melt even more into your touch, if that were even possible.
Your movements almost come to a halt when you hear a noise. You couldn't tell exactly where it was coming from, but it sounded distinctly like the purr of a cat. But, you and Atsushi don't own a cat. Is there a chance that a stray cat snuck into your home?
As you pondered about it, an answer comes in the form of reverberations. From Atsushi. Your eyes open to peek down at the boy in your arms; a small smile rests on his lips, his features captured in a pleasant expression.
“You like that, my little tiger baby?” You giggle.
It only take a couple seconds for Atsushi to hear the sounds emitting from him. The purrs abruptly stop, as if caught in his throat, as his eyes snap open. He buries his face even deeper into your neck, a deep red blooming as the realization sets in. You could feel the heat radiating from his skin as you continued your ministrations, finding his reaction adorable.
God, he wanted to cry from embarrassment. He wasn’t even aware that he had even that feline instinct, but now that it was out there, he just wanted to hide. But, he couldn’t hide from you. Not when you make his heart flutter by merely saying-
“You’re so cute, ‘sushi.”
A whine escapes his throat. He couldn't handle you sometimes, when you compliment him like it's second nature. He's not used to the praise, and he's not sure he ever will be. The way you embraced the things he saw as flaws— he was sure he didn't deserve it.
But in this moment, indulging in your sweet talk and lavishing your honey-dripped voice, Atsushi wouldn't trade it for the world. To him, this was the perfect morning. And it always will be.
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taglist … @anotakugardener @qupiidx @pcytheeve @spacedoutcoffeebeans @darlingimawitch @kiougy @sonder-paradise @allisonlol @nameless-shrimp @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15 @rirk-ke @beomluvrr @pompompurin1028 @nullified-kiss @sebtomm @missrown @jadegreenimmortality @chuuyasboots @scul-pted @yoriyoimiya @tamakislover @irethepotato @arixsux @beautiful-is-boring
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slipperyskell · 2 years
I haven’t slept much at all in the last few days so I didn’t really have the energy to do gator content today BUT to make up for it may I offer you: an assortment of obscure and barely coherent Monty headcanons (yes. The answer is yes. Also disclaimer this is all going under the assumption of Fleshy Monty bc that’s where my brain defaults to at this point)
- This dude???? Would love old PS2 games. Spyro?? Crash bandicoot????? Absolutely all over it
- the mental imagery of Monty just. Eating a whole thing of crab legs. Shell and all. He’s gator, he can eat it
- used to get headaches a lot from the stage lights but the sunglasses do help quite a bit
- his claw upgrades have silicone pads where the fingertips would be so he can still grip stuff. Sort of
- speaking of claw upgrades - oof. They’re very cool but they suck very much also
- he has to make sure his hands stay warm bc if those fingers get cold it feels like they’re burning the rest of his hands. Like really bad
- straight up can’t go outside during the winter without mittens on bc it gets that painful even if he’s out for a little bit - I wouldn’t be surprised if his fingerless gloves have some kind of heating pads or something in em too just to make sure the mechanisms in his hands don’t get cold either
- they don’t typically hurt otherwise but they do get p sore/achey if it’s been a busy day
- thank god they’re not made from a magnetic metal because oh my god that would hurt so fucking much if he was around the wrong thing
- static electricity, however. OUCHIE
- also would probably need to get a sleeve for his tail if he’s walking outside during the winter too - getting dragged around on salty/sandy/icy sidewalks n whatnot is bound to injure him otherwise
- needless to say winter is his least favorite season. It’s cold, there’s no golf unless it’s indoors. P much nothing else to do, especially once the holiday season is done. Everything’s slow and he feels slow because his lizard brain is telling him to go the fuck to sleep
- if it’s summer though??? Oh my god. Take him swimming. Please let him go swimming he will love you forever and ever
- also a slushee, he loves slushies. Idk what his favorite flavor would be but something tells me he’d be a big fan of blue raspberry or anything citrus flavor. FazEnt got it right by making Monty’s Fizzy Faz flavor lime - this gator loves citrus anything
- his go-to joke-y threat is that he’s going to bite you. He won’t actually but he might
- has tried to play golf with his tail as the club. Still working on it but he’s almost got it down to a science at this point
- he gets hangry like nobody’s business. And it happens often too bc this dumbass forgets to eat a lot.
- needs a nap too bc this man’s sleep schedule is atrocious
- AND WATER. OH MY GOD for being an aquatic animal this buffoon is so FUCKIGN dehydrated. Boy only drinks burger shakes and energy drinks and wonders why he’s feeling so icky not long after
- mans just really needs some help keeping his shit together. He is a mess
- favorite color? Hot pink. Don’t ask me why it just makes sense - neon orange also
- cannot be trusted in a bath or hot tub. He will fall asleep. He is well over eight feet tall and 400+ pounds of gatory goodness. You are not getting him out and he is probably not waking up any time soon
- would probably go up the stairs on all fours let’s be real
- has a habit of scraping the back of his claws against the walls while he walks in certain hallways. Not like in a menacing way or with the intent of damaging the wall, but like… just having em there so he knows the wall’s there
- he makes a popping sound every time he yawns from his jaws snapping shut. He’s not trying to do it but he can’t stop it either
- would love Jurassic park. Favorite dinosaur is yes
- gators have that same reflective lens thing in their eyes that cats do so there are definitely times you catch him wandering around at night and you just see these two glowing little orbs of mischief looking right back at you
- really good night vision too by the way
- sleeps super sprawled out - he’s got a custom made bed just for him n he still p much takes the whole fucking thing up. There is limbs everywhere. How is his tail sticking in that direction. Where is his head. What is happening
- if you’re sharing a bed with him good luck because you have become his personal heat radiator and he will completely surround you - which means getting squished is a very very real possibility
- also will not let you get out of bed in the morning until you HAVE to get up. You are warm. He is sleepy. Comforble…. Also just really likes being with you too but he won’t say that aloud unless he’s feeling particularly sappy
- laundry and/or bedding/linen day is his favorite day. There will be many times you will ask him to grab the bed sheets from the dryer after they get done, only to go into the laundry room to find him completely buried in them because they’re warm
- shockingly responsible and safe driver - the only time he gets wild is with a golf cart and that’s just because he knows its limits
- does have the radio on blast but is p much up for any kind of music, be it from his own playlists, whoever else’s that’s in the car with him, or whatever’s on the radio. He really does not mind, he just loves listening to music
- also probably can’t have anyone sitting in the seat behind him because he needs to put his driver seat WAY THE FUCK BACK so he can fit
- tends to use his tail as a drum if he’s sitting down and playing the bass. Just smacks it against his seat or the floor or wherever to keep the beat
- surprisingly good singing voice - he won’t pretend he’s Freddy levels of good by any means but he’s a lot smoother than you’d expect given how his speaking voice sounds
- could not handle horror games. This dude is very jumpy and quick to get mad at whoever or whatever scared him, if he doesn’t default to a nervous chuckle first
Anyways gator is weird and I love him thank you for listening to my ramblings about this reptilian doofus
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Hello friends! Here is my contribution to the Bakugou Birthday Bash! The master link will be linked here ! Please enjoy my bit of an angsty fic! And all of the other art and works that are on the master list! Enjoy the big bakugou blow out and remember to leave a comment on your favorite pieces! Happy birthday ya shitty man! (Lowkey become 3d please)
Warning: he's 28 btw 😂 (my fic says so also)
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It shouldn't be this fucking hard to get groceries and booze. It's a quick and easy errand. Everything already pre-ordered for an important birthday that just needed to be picked up. And yet here you were crying in your car trying to get it together before the attendant asked for the order name. Honestly you had texted out "I can't do this today. Sorry." Several times before deleting it, telling yourself not to hit send. But you would have to be having the worst mental day of your life wouldn't you? Today of all days, how fucking selfish of you.
Especially with the amount of time and effort you and Kirishima had put into this idea. Since New Year's actually, months and months of planning after the two of you had gotten shit faced at Denki and Mina's new years party, creating the brain child. All after bonding over switching patrol partners six months before, you had gotten Bakugou and he had gotten Ashido. Kirishima and yourself giggle over stupid things to the side of the party, people watching as you took shots. Kirishima points towards a normally grumpy blonde.
"Wow I think he's actually having fun." You snort, as you watch Bakugou hide his rare cat smile behind a sip of his beer as Mina makes Denki the butt of a joke.
"He actually loves parties. He never says it so people just think he's a wet blanket." Kirishima laughs, pouring the two of you another shot. Bakugou lets out a particularly loud laugh after 'Dunce Face' proves Mina's point. I guess that would be the time that it started.
When you started to fall. His laugh makes your cheeks deepen in hue and burn, to want to hear it again, to watch it again and learn all of the other sides of your patrol partner that he obviously only reserved for his closest friends.
"Let's throw him a great birthday party." You say, holding up your shot as a devilish smile spreads over sharp teeth. The mountainous man clinks your shot glass before he adds.
"Let's." In unison the two of you down the burning liquid as the plan comes into fruition.
Four months, four months and nineteen days of you thinking of nothing but your patrol partner with whom you got extremely close with since New Year's. So why? Why today of all days were you struggling? Why would normal everyday tasks feel more as if you were wading through mud than the breeze they should have been? You flip down the visor, looking yourself in the eye through little square mirror as you grit your teeth hissing
"Get your shit together."
Your little pep talk helps you get the several cakes and the cart full of booze that everyone requested, planning to make this the best birthday ever. Helping Kirishima set his house up with decorations, setting out the snacks, catering and even pouring some drinks as guests began to arrive to set down their gifts and help with the last minute touches before hiding. Masking through the pit in your stomach as you smiled at all of your friends as they poured in through Kirishima's door. Through the weighted emptiness you felt as each one wrapped you into a tight hug, already praising you and Kirishima for the amazing effort, that Bakugou would be so surprised when it was more than just you and Kirishima here. . Finally you had to go and get the guest of honor just before sundown to catch him before he went to bed. A much needed breather from the constant smiling and forcing a laugh that everyone thought sounded genuine.
Enjoying the silence of the evening train as it pulled you across town to the unsuspecting blonde. And maybe you could have made it through the night from your shitty pep talk or at least through getting the freshly 28 year old to his party but instead you catch your reflection in the window. Your facial features weighted with exhaustion, shoulders hunched allowing your body to continue to produce cortisol. Tears prick your eyes as you deep low, too low. Remembering everything and nothing all at once, steeping in guilt as you beg yourself for just a few more hours. That the depression episode can happen when you're home and alone, after the party goes off without a hitch. Tears fall anyway and they do all the way to Bakugou's until you finally get enough control to step out of yourself for a moment. Ringing the doorbell several times as a smile is plastered on your face, the door swings open. Bakugou's eyes narrow as they take you in, he notices that something is off. Your smile is a little too wide, your eyes rimmed red but he says nothing about it. Instead he lets his initial anger come forth.
"Oi! I told you to fuckin' text me when you were on the train so I could meet you at the station!" He growls, slamming his door shut and pocketing his keys. Deadly and sweaty hands deep in the pockets of his leather jacket as his palms itch to hold onto something else. Garnet eyes track your own hands as you reach over your head stretching.
"Yea yea, I hear you Dad." You tease giving him a look, "I still made it okay."
"Kirishima should have come instead of you that fuckin hair for brains." He snarls keeping pace with you as he always does on patrol.
"I know Dad must be sad cause his favorite didn't come to pick him up." You try not to sound dejected, nudging him in the ribs to distract from the crack in your voice, "Happy birthday ya big lug."
Bakugou cuts you a glare, mind racing before his barks out a "Thanks."
Comfortable silence stretches between the two of you before you two hit the train station, passing a corner store.
"Was shitty hair burning dinner? Do I need to stop for back up?" His thumb hooks over his shoulder towards the neon as he stands idle waiting for you to jog your memory. Kirishima had burned the last friend's dinner making Bakugou so angry he walked six blocks to make something that was 'FUCKIN EDIBLE!' while you tried to air out his apartment. You laugh loudly, genuinely for the first time that day causing Bakugou's shoulders to sag with relief. In the ten months he had been working with you he had only seen you faking a smile or laugh once or twice. Then the time after that you were absent from work the next day or two forcing him to patrol with Denki but worse yet...making him worry.
"Guess I'll grab something just in case." He gave you his back so you wouldn't see his face or the faint blush that dusted his cheeks.
"No, no! I ordered out this time. From that famous chef you like." Bakugou glares your way, digging in his back pocket for his wallet.
"How much." He demands through gritted teeth while you show him the palms of your hands in surrender.
"Woah woah! It's your birthday gift! You can't pay me back for dinner! I'd sooner burn the money before I'd accept it from you!" Your watch dings with a message from Kirishima asking for an ETA. You grab onto Bakugou's hand pulling him along into a run as you shout over your shoulder.
"We're gonna be late!"
Oh how Bakugou wished you hadn't done that, he was already struggling to keep his heart beat even when you were around and now to grab onto him. To pull him along in a hurry like those cheesy insta posts that couples did on their "grand adventure" together. He swallows the lump in his throat as he reminds himself that you are nothing more than his patrol partner. His friend at best.
Even though the train was mostly empty Bakugou stood closely by you, as he always did when the two of you were in a crowded space. He had seen how most men took advantage of the situation and he hated the idea of that happening to you although he knew you were more than capable of handling it on your own. Hell you could kick even his ass but he would die before ever admitting that. Instead he watches you talk about what you ordered for dinner and how you got the cake from that bakery Sato works part time at, the same one he got your birthday cake from but he doesn't hear a word. Instead all he can see is the golden light from the setting sun worshiping you. Kissing your skin to make it glow, giving your eyes a hue that makes his heart fall into his stomach and illuminating you in a true light. A radiant ethereal thing is what you were and Bakugou was just lucky enough to be standing by you. So out of it he doesn't realize the two of you are at your stop.
"Uh Suki?" Your voice is soft paired with the setting sun has him acting weird. He leans closer to you, pulled by some invisible force before he stops himself as he watches you look up at him beneath long lashes.
"You okay?" You ask almost nervously from his proximity, the smell of spice and caramel wrap around you making you feel warm and fuzzy. Temporarily making you forget that you were trying to act on the train, making you relax as you just talked to Bakugou. He sucks his teeth as he picks up your bag to sling over his shoulder.
"Yea but you were gonna forget your whole damn purse like you always do." He huffs, this time he was the one pulling at your hand in a rush before the doors closed to trap you two on the train. His hand feels warm in yours, his grip tight as he drags you along before pulling you within his sight, another habit of his you happened to notice. Almost reluctantly he lets go of you hand as Kirishima's house comes into view.
"We better have a good time tonight patrol Princess or you owe me a special birthday gift." He laughs causing you to roll your eyes at his stupid nickname that stuck after your first day with him, adamant that the two of you take your route instead of his it was a huge argument. But it was a good thing he listened to the "princess", it put the two of you smack dab in the middle of a robbery. You stick out your tongue.
"Trust me. You're gonna have a good time!" You push him up the steps as he bats away your hands. Opening the front door before everyone jumps out of various and bad hiding spots.
"SURPRISE!!" All of the alumni of class A and some of B shout, a select few already slurring their words. Bakugou's scowl turns into a smirk before he looks over his shoulder at you.
"Aw you did this to me?" His voice is teasing but his eyes almost sparkle, you nod encouraging him to go deeper into the party. As he does people flock to him laughing and yelling out happy birthday until he's sick of hearing it. All the while your smile wanes with the night. Until an hour in that heavy episode hits you full force. Numbness setting in where happiness should be, rotting as it turns to shame and guilt as you watch your friend, your crush, enjoy his night. Bringing a glass bottle to his lips as he talks with Kirishima, who then presses a shot into his hands. Bodies dancing to the house music that beat out of the speakers competing with chatter and laughter.
It felt weird to watch everyone truly enjoying themselves while you felt low. It felt more as if you were standing outside of the house, looking in through the window to see everyone enjoying themselves, no one even knowing who you were as you stared in.
You felt distant, alone. What a shitty way to feel in a room full of people, none of it being their fault and so the guilt pressed harder. Eyes watering as they lingered on the blonde who deserved this celebration and more. Making you decide to give the best birthday gift of them all.
To slip away upstairs and onto the roof, to give the room space to breathe when you felt like suffocating.
Crying to no one but the moon.
And no one noticed. Two hours slip by before Kirishima insists that Bakugou make a wish and eat cake before everyone gets too drunk too. The entire house drunkenly sings happy birthday but Bakugou notices a voice missing. Yours that's just a touch off key, not to mention he didn't hear you say the stupid nickname 'Suki' where his name should be in the song. Plus you weren't one to miss out on dessert. For as long as Bakugou has been working with you, you never turned down the opportunity for sweets. Whether that was taking the long way back to the agency to try to catch a certain street vendor or to hover by the deserts at a party to pick the very best treat.
And if it was a birthday party, you never could shut up that y'all could not leave until after they blew out the candles and made a wish.
His eyes linger for a second longer, making sure he didn't miss you before his heart sinks. He takes in a sharp inhale, thinks on his wish and blows out the candles.
Meanwhile you hear the cheers of everyone down stairs and sob into your knees. You missed your favorite part of birthdays. Of hoping they make a wish that comes true, of watching their face as they think of something quickly or how some people tear up when they finally realize just how loved they are on their birthday.
It isn't long after that do you hear the sound of combat boots on shingles. Whipping your head up in the direction of the sound. Stomach clenching with guilt as you watch Bakugou walking towards you with a slice of cake.
"Brought ya some cake, since I didn't hear you sing off key to me." He says sinking down beside you as you furiously wipe at your tears.
"You don't gotta explain yourself to me." He snarls as you stare dumbly at your cake, "You know that."
"I know…" Silence passes slowly, the moon shines overhead and the party carries on below.
"Well, I'm waiting!" Bakugou says dramatically, "You gonna sing or am I gonna have to sing to myself?"
"Oh." It makes you giggle a bit before you blush, realizing he is serious. You take a deep breath before singing "just off key" when you don't, to him.
"Sukiiiiii!" Relief washes over his features when he hears the dumb ass name, "Happy birthday to youuuuuu!"
"Okay, now you can eat the damn cake." He grunts, his smile never wavering as he looks to the empty street below. You follow his eyes, chewing the inside of your lip, setting the cake down.
"What'd you wish for…" Curiosity gets the better of you and earns his intense gaze. He smirks, scoffing at the end.
"You always say you shouldn't tell or it won't come true." He laughs at your pout, before he finally admits "I wished for courage."
With a furrowed brow you give him a puzzled look, he just holds your gaze.
"Why? You're like the bravest hero I know!" Bakugou can hear the truth in your voice, you aren't saying it just to fucking stroke his ego.
You actually meant it, making this conversation that much harder.
"Yea except when it comes to this one thing I want to do. Its fuckin easy and I've done it hundreds of times just as I'm about to do it I fucking back down cause I'm probably fuckin reading into things too much." He leans in closer, again his smell mesmerizes you, causing your body to visibly relax, "Too much of a fuckin bitch, thinking she doesn't want me like I want her. So I wished for the courage to follow through. To fuckin' just do it."
Your heart is racing out of your chest before one of his hands finds the nape of your neck pulling you into a feverish kiss. Teeth gnashing from the passion, lips perfectly modeling to the other before tongues lightly dance around one another. Lengthening seconds into hours with just a few head tilts and plush lips. You moan into his mouth, he pulls away, eyes clouded with lust as a string of spit connects your tongues. He pants, face flushed and his hand warm, almost burning at the nape of your neck, the shingle by his hand charred from restraint as he pants out.
"I wished for you."
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genshin-impacted · 3 years
lost & found // Diluc x Reader (1/3)
Word Count: ~3.3k 
Notes: GN!Reader, Seelie!Reader, Diluc/Reader, what more can I say? You’re a cute seelie following Diluc around
Summary: Vaguely remembering the time when you were once human, you are a mini seelie roaming the outskirts of Mondstadt when you find Diluc and decide to follow him-- though he does his share of following you too, through the best and worst of your adventures together. 
“You’re more of a radar for trouble than treasure, aren’t you,” Diluc says rather than asks you, though his fondness is clear to see. You can only do a bashful swirl in response. 
Alternatively: As a seelie, you’re terrible at leading Diluc towards treasure without running into hoards of hilichurls or enemies alike, but he follows you anyways. 
[Part 2]
You are a seelie. 
You aren’t quite sure what that is, but you know for a fact that the wispy reflection that you see in the lake is you. No hands, no legs, no head, no heart-- though you remember when you had all that before. You can feel yourself breathe, but you also know you would be fine without it. You touch the water and vaguely feel its coolness and register that it is wet, but you aren't sure what is touching the water or how you know what it feels like. 
You are able to fly. You rise, and you fall, and you twirl in midair, and you know you have never been able to do this until now. "This is nice," you find yourself saying, but your voice comes out garbled and high, so you stop. You suppose losing your speech is the price to pay for the power of flight.
You don't know how long you wandered until you find something familiar to you. In a land of slimes, aggressive flowers, and crystalized butterflies, it's hard for you to take everything in at once. But you can recognize a human when you see one. (It would be difficult not to. You were once human, too, if you can remember.)
The human is strikingly distinct as far as humans go. With bright red hair, the man in black leans against the tree by the lakeside and watches the water lap up against the short cliff. You don't make snap judgments, not usually, but when you see the man in black, you can't help that your first thoughts are that he looks lonely.
You float to him steadily from what you hope is outside of his sight, curious enough to approach and observe what you can of him without being seen. 
Except, the moment you fly near him, he looks directly at you. (Apparently, you glow, if the light that you shine on his face is not enough of an indicator of your bioluminescence.)
You freeze in mid-air, or as much as you can as a globby orb of light. You wait with bated breath as he watches you as intently as you watched him, and you take a glimpse at what your light has allowed you to see: bright red eyes to match his hair. (You've never seen so much red on a person. And red-red too, not just the orange-y red you've seen people with.) 
Not knowing what else to do, you decide to do a somersault. (You think if you were still a human, you’d attempt to crack a joke or start a conversation to break the ice, but alas.)
You expect him to start doing something-- anything. But the man continues to look at you, though with less of a guarded expression and more of a curious one instead. 
You almost feel offended by the strange look he gives you, but then you see his lips uplift into a small smile and you forgive him. For good measure, you twirl in the air and, when he simply follows you with his eyes, you circle around his head like a halo.
"You're a different type of seelie, aren't you?" He says, his arms still crossed when you fly down to smush your face against the red gem at his collar and the Vision at his waist. You loop around his legs and try to lift his fur-lined coattails, only for him to lift it up himself and shoot you a raised brow. "Did you want me to follow you?"
Follow you? You wonder, why would he want to follow you? You don't think you have anywhere to be, let alone anywhere to lead him to. 
Now how to convey that to him…
The red-head watches you as you shake yourself side-to-side in what you hope looked like the shake of a head. "Ah… That's a no, then. I see," he says. He chuckles when you chirp in joy, looping up again. 
He pushes himself off the tree and walks on the path, toward the mansion in the distance. You follow closely behind him. A few steps in, he turns to you-- and you almost feel bashful enough to droop in height.
"Are you following me on purpose?" He asks.
You swirl up and eagerly bob your head. You wish you could ask, but the only thing you can do is trill-- which seems to do the trick when you hear the man huff in amusement before beginning to walk again. "Well, hurry up then," he says, and you chirp once before speeding up to catch to him in record-speed flying. 
(If you accidentally crash into his back at your eagerness, you think the shake of his shoulders in his laughter is only good signs of the beginning of a friendship.)
You hope the man you’ve decided to follow doesn't mind that all you can do is trill and twirl in the air. You make for a poor partner in conversation, considering you cannot supply the words to respond, but you think he at least finds you amusing at least if the small smile on his face is anything of note. You think he looks rather charming like that, as opposed to his straight-faced somberness when he was alone. Very mysterious, you think to yourself, must be popular.
When you follow him and see groves of grapevines and a mansion of formidable size, you think perhaps his rugged handsomeness and broodingly mysterious nature aren’t his only charm points. 
(You wonder if you can eat. You press where you think your mouth should be onto a bunch of grapes only to be disappointed by a lack of action. 
"What are you doing?" The man's voice calls out to you, amusement laced into his words. You turn around and speed back to him, feigning innocence.) 
The two of you enter the confines of Dawn Winery-- or so you read from a sign. You watch curiously as your mysterious man waves his hand in greeting when a few maids bow respectfully and follow him into the back where a man waits by a wheelbarrow.
"Master Diluc," the man says, and you are elated to finally put a name to a face you've followed for a while now. The winery employee looks past him at you, and you instinctively hedge closer to Diluc, almost hiding behind his hair. "Is that… a seelie?"
"So it seems," Diluc replies, crossing his arms. He takes a look at you. "Though it has yet to guide me anywhere."
You let out an extended squeak of indignance that makes him laugh, uncrossing his arms before he turns back to the worker at hand to discuss business. 
You'll show him, you think huffily. You can guide him somewhere-- it's in your bones (metaphorically). You found him, didn't you? You reason, surely there is something innately Seelie about you that will lead him somewhere.
Most seelies, as you have learned from watching Diluc follow the larger blue seelies, guide people to a treasure chest or some kind of monetary reward for leading them back to their seelie courts. You wonder if they are programmed to know where they are supposed to go and if there is a natural pull to a certain place. You wonder if it's anything like your wandering curiosity similar to that of a child, hoping to see what lies ahead and barreling forth. 
Either way, you take the lead and Diluc follows you out into Teyvat.
And he follows you right into enemy territory.
The first time feels like an accident, and after Diluc destroys the encampment, he finds a box of artifacts as a reward for his battle prowess. (You've never seen so much burnt grass.) The second time you guide him into enemy territory feels like a coincidence. They were next to each other, and hey, Diluc is able to find an exquisite chest this time filled to the brim with mora.
The third time around, it is hard to argue otherwise.
"You're more of a radar for trouble than treasure, aren't you," Diluc comments, settling down onto a log as you (metaphorically) bury your head into your hands. To convey such emotion as a seelie, you droop to the ground as flat as you could possibly be at his feet.
"I'm kidding," he says, watching with quipped lips as you rise from the ground moodily. "We did get some treasure out of it, so it wasn't a total loss." He reaches out with his hand to gently brush over your front as he would a cat-- and you react as a cat would, preening into his hand. He lets out a huff of laughter. "Affectionate, aren't you?"
You do a bashful swirl.
You realize soon enough that most people would not call Diluc private or stoic. Charming, a man with a way with his words, succinct, and pleasant are only a few things you've heard people say about him. And you were right-- he is a popular man if the eyes that follow him and the dreamy sighs that come after he leaves is of any indication.
The mysteriously cool Diluc you meet on the first day is vastly different from the man that everyone else interacts with on a day to day basis. He's not charming all the time, but he has a way about him that exudes confidence and almost an elitist composure. In some ways, you are glad-- you don't have to hide away behind his collar or in his hair (you still do this, if you're honest, just because his hair is so fluffy), afraid to mar his pristine reputation as a local bad boy. And in other ways, you are a bit smug, to know a side of Diluc that he shows to very few people.
Kaeya is one of those few people you have seen Diluc act anything less than amicable towards. 
"I was hoping one day you would have someone at your side but I have to admit, Master Diluc," Kaeya says, propping his face on his hand in amusement, "this is not quite what I imagined."
You let out a titter of laughter at the difference between the two men's expressions as Kaeya pokes at your little translucent ears. Kaeya looks at you with mesmerizing amusement as Diluc glares at Kaeya over his wiped-clean glass like he would like to do nothing else but break it over the other's head. ("It wouldn't hurt that much," Kaeya tells you flippantly. "Not as much as the hangovers his drinks give me.")
"Don't you have somewhere better to be?"
"Not really, no." Kaeya replies, feigning hurt, "Why, don't want me here?"
Kaeya gives you a pointed look akin to a puppy. "His words are colder than my Vision, mini seelie," he says to you. "Careful not to get frostbite now."
"You have the privilege of having earned my ire," Diluc says shortly. "Also," he slaps Kaeya on the back of his hand when he goes to pull at your ears, "stop that."
"Protective, aren't you?" Kaeya chuckles, watching as you gaze up at Diluc adoringly. "I think you're one phrase away from telling me to get my own mini seelie."
At this, you let out a long coo, flying up to bop Kaeya gently on his nose before going over to Diliuc and rubbing your face onto his cheeks. You hear Diluc let out another breath of laughter, and you feel his hand press you closer to him. “Are you comforting me?” He asks in amusement, and for once, he does not berate Kaeya for joining in with his laughter. 
“The pair the two of you make,” Kaeya drawls, picking up his glass of Death After Noon. “You’d fight wars for each other, wouldn’t you?”
Of course you would, you think, though there was very little you could do as a seelie-- and you forget that at times. 
To be fair, most of the time, Diluc didn’t seem to treat you any less than his traveling companion. You’re only reminded when you float on your own when he’s cleaning up the tavern and get chased by cats and birds alike, only to come flying home to Diluc blubbering about your near-death experiences (though was it even possible for you to die?). And when you try to, in attempts to help Diluc out, scold a rowdy customer into behaving by slamming your body into their face rapidly without doing any damage whatsoever.   
The two of you-- Seelie and Uncrowned King of Mondstadt-- were a pair of renown. (“Two peas in a pod,” Venti would say the first time you led Diluc to him at Starsnatch Cliff, and “always together like bread and butter,” he said to you two the second time you find him near Starfell Lake. And “are you two following me?” when Venti walks into the tavern for the third consecutive meeting.) And if you ever doubted that Diluc cared for you, you had to look no further than when you were stolen from Diluc’s side by treasure hoarders who didn’t know any better.
It is in these moments where you are viscerally reminded that you are a seelie-- a being meant to guide people to treasures-- and not what you have been for the past few-- weeks? months? by Diluc’s side. You realize that you’ve never been hurt in this form before when you are kidnapped. It didn’t occur to you that you could feel any pain, and you wonder why not when you can feel the softness of Diluc’s hair and the warmth of his hand-- all gentle, loving gestures. Being squeezed by the treasurer hoarder’s hand feels suffocating, like your lungs being crushed under a massive, unrelenting weight.
It is not pleasant, to say the least, especially when they threaten you to take them to treasure that you know you cannot locate. 
Or can you? 
With convincing pulses of light, as though you’re approaching actual riches, you lead them where you lead people (or rather, just Diluc) best. 
The enemies of your enemies are your friends; you watch as an axed mitachurl spins around, chasing after the treasurer hunters who with varying degrees of fear, run away. They would have gotten away scot-free if they had not run into Diluc who had somehow found you before you could come back to him.
His phoenix burns bright especially in the moonless night, and Diluc takes care of two enemy camps that night. 
“Clever,” he says, making you preen, “leading them here. They really didn’t know what they signed up for when they started following you, did they?”
How did you find me? You trill, twirling around. And there should be no reasonable way for Diluc to understand what you’re trying to say, but he does anyways. 
“I just did what you usually do for me,” Diluc says, putting his hand up so you can gently land on it. Your glow illuminates his face in the softest shade of color. You watch as his lips turn up into a small smile. “I led myself to wherever the trouble was and knew I’d find you.” 
(Diluc will never tell you this for as long as you are a seelie, but the moment you do not come back to him when he finishes up his shift at Angel’s Share, his stomach drops. It shouldn’t have been hard to spot you, a glowing light, amongst the quiet, softly lit streets of Mondstadt, but he gives the city a quick lookover and cannot find you. 
He learns about the treasure hoarders from his connections and does not hesitate to take his broadsword with him and go looking for you. 
He runs into two other treasure hoarder camps and fights three groups of slimes before he finds the hilichurl camp you’ve led the hunters into, beyond relieved to see your familiar light in the distance.)
From that night, Diluc finds a mini seelie (you), sixteen anemo sigils, an old broadsword, mora, and a few treasure hunter insignias left behind. He gives you a sunsettia even though the both of you know you cannot eat, and you sit together at the edge of a cliff, watching the moon come out from its hiding place within the clouds. 
You have never felt safer.
You don’t really sleep, but every night you take your place by Diluc’s pillow and let time pass you by. Time feels different as a seelie, especially when you do not have Diluc to ground you to the schedule of a normal person. 
Though, if you were honest, it isn’t as though Diluc keeps regular hours himself. How many times have you bullied (read: squeaked at) him into turning in before dawn? How many times have you pressed your entire translucent body onto his face so he can take the hint to finally take a break? You vaguely remember being a human, and you think you should be abhorred by the amount of sleep Diluc isn’t taking, considering how good sleep can feel. 
On the bright side, Diluc has gotten more used to your antics that it only takes a little nagging from your end for him to turn the desk lamp off.
“You’re quite persistent,” he comments, following you with his eyes as you press your body into various spots in the ceiling above him. “I can’t tell if I’ve been blessed or cursed with you as some sort of guardian.”
Guardian seelie, you titter, spinning around with your ears outstretched as though you were an angel. Special isekai seelie, you laugh to yourself, and Diluc only watches you fondly as you float down. 
"’Stripped of all that the body once held close and the soul once held dear, song and memories are all that now remain of yesteryear,’” Diluc recites quietly as you look up to him. “‘The last singers-- the first Seelie-- they played their final tune in the halls of angels.’" 
What is that?
“It’s a song I remember hearing when I was a child,” he says, “about seelies and their origins. I don’t remember if there was anything else, but it came to me today when I was thinking of you.” You wait for him to continue as he dims the light, your glow the only thing illuminating the room other than the moon. “Most seelies want to go back to their seelie courts… but it doesn’t seem as though you want to.” He pauses. “Or is it that you don’t have a court to go back to?”
You stay silent. 
“Sorry, forget what I said. It doesn’t matter in the end anyways.” Diluc scoops you up from his lap to place you at your usual place on the other pillow by his head. You softly trill when he gently pets you, and whether you mean to or not, you glow just a bit brighter for a moment.
“Even if one day you decide to leave, the winery will always be open to you,” he says. “Adeleine and the rest of the maids will recognize you and let you in-- though I suppose the entirety of Mondstadt knows who you are by now so I guess I don’t have to worry about that, do I?” He smiles when you coo softly.
“Good night,” Diluc says to you, as he does every night, and sleeps knowing you cannot say it back in words, though he understands you regardless every time.
If you weren’t a seelie, would you have been able to be as close to Diluc as you are now? Would he still have cared about you to the extent he does now?
Even if these questions did not have the answers you wanted to hear, you think to yourself, as your heart warms (though you have no heart) from the sight of seeing Diluc’s even rise and fall of his chest, that you wish that you’d one day be able to say ‘good night’ back to him.
You can only watch the moon rise and dream.
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losingherface · 3 years
I have the moon
Warnings: Quick ish Smut, 18+
Info : It’s Ellie and readers first night at their new house, that used to be Joel’s.
A/n: srry if it’s terrible, i’ve been busy and just not in the mood to write if i’m being honest but yeahhh also I would love to have requests that obviously fit within the story line because I’m getting a bit dry :))
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The boxes were full and ready to go. It took about a month to pack up and completely move into Joel’s farmhouse.
It was strange seeing your apartment empty. You had lived here on your own for so many years before Ellie came along. The furniture had changed over the years, and pretty much everything did due to Ellie moving in, having dogs, they suddenly die, having cats, and they suddenly died as well. But this time, it was finally empty, it looked like it did when you had first bought it. It looked like you kept it the same all these years.
You handed the key to your landlord, Britt, she was always fun and kept you company before Ellie, when you were depressed about your job, or anything really. It was hard seeing you go and you felt the same of course. She held you in the tightest hug and it felt like a stab in your heart. But you wanted this, so you weren’t really worried about how you’d feel in a few days.
Ellie waited for you in the car. When you got inside, you immediately noticed the constant smile on her face, she would try hiding it but you could tell, and god that made you feel so good.
It was a long month. From the wedding, to Joel dying, and now this, moving five hours from the city into a rural town where you two would be basically separated from everything, it was a lot. Now you were ready to get to your new home and nap it all off.
Jesse, Dina, Tommy, and Maria had all helped move us in throughout the week, and make things comfortable for us. Dina couldn’t get over the countryside and Jesse was irritated by her constantly whining to move closer to us as their baby, JJ, spilled his juice everywhere and made a mess. You were ready for them to leave. Reaching over to pull JJ away, from potentially making another huge mess, Dina calls you to the kitchen.
You were close to losing your temper but instead just ignored it, maybe Ellie will do something.
“I love these counters, I have a friend if you guys ever need a renovator.” Dina told you as she took out something from the oven, your attention immediately going there.
“Yea I know, What’s that in the oven?”
“My special banana bread, so you can think of me when we leave.”
It was literally all you wanted right now.
“Thanks Dina. I’m going to miss you. And that baby of yours.”
As for Ellie, she had been fine, for the most part. She hadn’t completely opened up about how she was feeling but you knew it was passing by. Passing by as in, she was accepting that she’ll never talk to Joel again, not that she’s getting over it and forgetting about him- she’ll never forget him, it was her dad. There was a glow that sat beautifully on her face and it was the same glow she had when you two got married, when you two would be in each other’s presence. It seemed that was her way of telling you but not telling you either that she was content and you loved it.
Your head peaked out of the kitchen once again to look at Ellie, JJ and Jesse in the living room. Ellie had been playing with JJ and you couldn’t help but lose your train of thought. It was so cute when she did that.
Dina, Jesse, and JJ were finally leaving. You were going to miss your best friend as she wasn’t just down the street anymore, she was five hours away. Her baby was getting older, and soon it was time she would have to start paying full attention to him so the chances of regular communication were getting lower.
You couldn’t help but feel a little heartbroken.
After everyone left, you devoured the banana bread with a large cup of milk, leaning over the counter, nitpicking everything in your head about this house.
You remembered Ellie had been setting up her art room, it was a nice size and way better than the balcony at the apartment. You cleaned yourself up and walked to the room.
The door was slightly open and the room had been quiet, only Ellie’s humming being heard.
You knocked on the door.
“Come in.” Ellie said softly and you walked in. Shutting the door behind you, trying to not disturb the peacefulness.
“It’s late, do you want to come to bed?” You asked as you watched her draw yet another portrait of Joel.
She yawned and put down her pencil. She didn’t answer your question and instead walked over to you and hugged your waist while kissing down your soft neck. She pulled away, “Let’s go.” She stretched her long arm out for you as she opened the door, leading you to your new bedroom.
The bedroom was large, with a walk in closet, a bathroom and a beautiful large window that wasn’t covered with curtains for the purpose of the countryside view.
The room was obviously empty only with a bed that had pastel yellow sheets Maria had bought. You sat down on the bed as Ellie followed. She sat and watched you take off your pants leaving you only in your underwear and a slightly large shirt, Ellie had done the same only her top half was completely bare.
It was the middle of the night in the new house, the first night you two had slept there. It had a creepy feel to it. It was quiet and dark, the only light coming from the large window you had been facing. From the window where you had been lying down, you got a nice view of the farm and the night sky, and also an occasional few cars that would pass by.
It was so hot that you had been fighting with the blankets all night, whether they should be on or off. Looking over at Ellie, she had seemed to be sleeping like a baby. You continue to look at the window while laying down, eyes wandering all over the place. The time was 2:00 a.m. It was going to be a long night.
Sweat begins forming on your back, causing you to pull your shirt off, now only in your undergarments.
“I’m going to go look for a fan. I think he had one in the attic.” Ellie just randomly blurs out causing you to look at her, startled.
“Please, baby it’s so hot.” You say as you lean over to the small chair beside the bed and grab the water bottle, desperately chugging it again. As you did that, Ellie leaves to look for a fan.
What had felt like forever, Ellie finally arrives with a fan. It was a decent size and was perfect. As Ellie plugs it in, you unclip your bra and let all of the cool air hit you before lying back in the bed, covering yourself with the blanket.
You hear Ellie rumbling into bed, a lot closer than before, wrapping her arm around your body, pulling you closer. It felt so nice to have her this close, as she really hadn’t been willing to for a few months. Also with the heat, you’d just hate being that close.
Ellie takes her warm and soft lips, and presses it on your neck. Kissing you up and down, you closed your eyes hoping she wasn’t just giving you a goodnights kiss but wanted more.
You pull your blanket down from your face to show her your exposed breasts, ready to be caressed and sucked on (lmfao idk how else to say it).
She looks at you with a slight smile before kissing your temple. “Please..” You whisper, grabbing her head with both of your hands, she knew exactly what you wanted. You adjusted your position, lying on your back, waiting for Ellie to slip under the sheet.
Ellie and you hadn’t been together like this in a while, considering everything she’s been through and the missed honeymoon. You can see it on Ellie’s face, she felt so good at this moment. Her face was lit up and the light coming from the night sky reflected on her face.
Ellie kissing down your neck, you move your hand over to caress her soft, slightly greasy hair. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, you whisper, “I love you.” She breaks the kiss, whispering the same back to you before continuing to kiss, getting lower with each one.
At this point, you both knew exactly where this was going, it was one of Ellie’s favorite ways to make you smile. You spread your legs a bit further, allowing Ellie to have some space. You desperately throw the blanket off of the both of you to be able to see her. Her strong hands hold down both of your legs, her eyes lock with yours as she begins licking you right where you wanted her to. Your eyes begin to look drowsy as Ellie begins to pick up the pace. As you moan loudly, you notice Ellie smiling at you making your sounds every once and a while. Seeing her do that made you want more, you loved seeing her that way. You throw your head back into the fluffy, white pillow, grabbing onto anything that was in your region as Ellie relentlessly pleased you with her wet, warm tongue.
you were a mess and by the time you were able to let it all out over Ellie’s sweaty face, you were covered in your own sweat, sitting up on elbows, looking at Ellie get up and move towards you.
Ellie grabbed the blanket nearby and covered you and herself up. You immediately wrap your body around hers, pressing light kisses to her face.
“I forgot how much I love doing that.” Ellie says as you slowly begin to open your eyes.
You propped your head up on your elbow, leaning into Ellie more, caressing your hard, short nails up and down her back. “It looked like you really needed that.”
“Yeah, I think us moving into this house, and getting to do that, makes me feel better.” Ellie struggled to say but it was genuine and you knew she’d be back on her feet again in about another week.
You didn’t know what to say, Ellie’s smile forming on her face effortlessly put you in awe and it left you there once again, staring at her because sometimes that’s all you could do. She appreciated it either way.
A/N: I suck at comforting ppl irl and it rlly shows in these stories, and this took me long cuz I can’t bring myself to write smut correctly so i was a little insecure but whatevererrr
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | chapter one
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summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, depressed spencer, reader has a daughter, falling in love, strangers to lovers
word count: 3,147
Read on Ao3
There’s this small, tiny part, of Spencer that wants to run away.
He’s always felt like he’s never truly been home, a never-ending and long yearning, a homesickness for a place he didn't even know, eating him alive day by day. It made him want to drop everything and buy a cottage in the woods, to fill it with books and coffee and never see another person again.
It got worse after prison and after his mom asked to go back into a care facility, it hurt the most when Penelope left the FBI and things with Max fizzled out. Then he was really, truly alone again. His apartment felt cold and uninviting, the BAU felt like a chore, using his brain for anything other than taking care of himself was extremely hard.
He needed a break.
So when he walked out of work and straight to his favourite park for an escape, he wasn’t surprised that he didn’t stop walking. Going further and further down the trail, following the dirt path towards a pond, covered by a beautiful willow tree and surrounded by pink, purple, yellow and white flowers. The contrast of the green grass with the colourful flowers, the blue sky and the light green willow tree reflection dancing on the surface of the pond. It was like he walked into Eden, taking a seat by the tree and picking a book from his satchel.
For the rest of the week, it’s his own little sanctuary, escaping desk work and home cases as fast as he could. Even then it wasn't enough and he started going every afternoon, he’d sneak out for an hour and just relax. Reading his book, feeling the breeze on his face, the sound of ducks and frogs competing with the crickets for loudest being in the area. Eventually bringing his bike on the subway to work so he could get there faster.
It was beautiful.
Almost as beautiful as what he walked in on when he arrived Saturday afternoon. Parking his bike by the tree, looking at them carefully as he took his satchel off his shoulders and placed it by the trunk. Craning his neck so he could look at who it was, seeing the purest display of human affection known to man.
A mother and her daughter were having a picnic, dressed up like Miss Honey and Matilda as they had lemonade and snacks, spread out on a blanket as the mother handed her a sandwich wrapped in checkered red wax paper.
Spencer was in awe, sitting on the other side of the pond by a second tree, pretending to read when really he was glancing at them. Their laugher filling the field, bouncing around the trees and filling his chest with warmth.
It reminded him of all the afternoons with his own mother. His head in her lap, the sound of her voice as she shared worlds wisdom with him. He missed childhood, freedom, hope. The will to continue…
When the little girl finally notices that they’re not alone in this little world she’s creating, he sees her tug on her moms shirt, asking her a question before cheering. She picks something out of the basket and comes running towards Spencer.
“Excuse me, sir?” Her sweet little voice asks. “Are you an archeologist or a palaeontologist?”
It makes him laugh slightly, a large smile erupting on his face as he pushes his glasses up and puts the book down. “No sorry, I’m not, what made you think I was?”
“You have a satchel and glasses like Milo from Atlantis, but you have a dinosaur on your tie, you look like you work at a museum,” she rambled all her thoughts out, much like he did as a child.
“I’m actually an FBI agent,” he whispered.
“Wow,” she whispered back in amazement, “are you like a knight? Do you save princesses?”
“I do," he nodded enthusiastically, "do you know any in need?”
“Her,” she pointed. “I’m Lady Amoreena, the Princess over there says I was a gift to the kingdom but that she’ll never need a prince or king to take care of us, but I think a knight would work!”
He laughed lightly, seeing her mom shake her head as she overheard it, covering her face with her hand, she looked embarrassed.
“It’s nice to meet you, Lady Amoreena,” he put his hand out to shake her’s as soft as possible, noticing the cookie in her hand. “My name is Dr. Spencer Reid,” he added softly.
“Would you like a cookie?”
He smiled as she placed it in his hand, “thank you.”
“Do you like Matilda?”
“It’s one of my favourite books,” he smiles.
“Do you want to have some lemonade and read with us?” Her face lit up, turning back to where her mother was watching from the pond.
“It’s okay, thank you for offering,” not wanting to intrude on their moment.
“We need a voice for Matilda’s father, please?” She begged, overly sweet and incredibly convincing.
“Alright, but I’m warning you if I upstage the princess with my awesome voices, it’s not my fault,” he smiled as he stood up, grabbing his things and starting to follow her over to the blanket.
She took his hand and tugged him along the edge of the pond, dragging him right to were her mother was sitting on the ground.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized softly as he sat down. “She’s very persistent about making new friends. We don’t see many people on this side of the park.”
“It’s fine, honestly, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, by the way,” he introduced himself. “I work with the FBI, normally I’d advice women and their children to avoid strange men they don’t know when they’re alone in the woods like this.”
She laughed slightly, “Y/N Y/L/N, I’m the head librarian at the DC library, and you don’t seem that strange.”
“Neither did Bundy,” he tried to joke, knowing she got it and trusted him when she bit back a smile, eyes twinkling at him in the sunlight.
“My name is Amoreena, like the Elton John song,” her daughter cut in, noticing how they were staring at each other and trying to get the attention instead.
“It’s a beautiful song, no wonder you love it here,” Spencer smiled at her, “do you come here often?”
She nodded, a blush flowing through her freckled cheeks, “have you ever read Tuck Everlasting? The pond here can make you young forever,” her whisper was the cutest thing. She was so full of life, personality and joy.
“I have, you’re right this feels a lot like the field from the book, what other books do you like?”
“I love books,” she lays back against the blanket ever so dramatically. “Matilda, Anne of Green Gables, Beauty and the Beast, I love every story that ends with true love and happiness, and cats.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at her explanation, knowing that feeling all too well. “I have read almost every book ever, more than the entire DC library probably."
“We dress up every week for what ever book we are reading, next week is Peter Pan if you’d like to join us? We’re here every Saturday at 11,” Y/N offered.
“You haven’t even heard me read Matilda from memory and you’re already asking me to come back?” Spencer smirked as their faces lit up.
“No way, prove it!” Amoreena shouted, shoving him lightly to encourage him to start.
“The Reader of Books,” he began, seeing the pages in his mind as he repeated the words. “It's a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful.”
“Okay so you know the beginning,” Y/N teased, opening the book to a random page, “what's on page 32?”
"My name is Jennifer Honey," Miss Honey said. "How do you do, Mrs. Wormwood." Mrs. Wormwood glared at her and said, "What's the trouble then?" Nobody invited Miss Honey to sit down so she chose a chair and sat down anyway. "This", she said, "was your daughter's first day at school." "We know that," Mrs Wormwood said, ratty about missing her programme. "Is that all you came to tell us?" Miss Honey stared hard into the other woman's wet grey eyes, and she allowed the silence to hang in the air until Mrs. Wormwood became uncomfortable. "Do you wish me to explain why I came?" she said.
Amoreena thought it was the coolest thing ever, reading the page and jumping up and down when he was correct, “how did you do that?”
“I can remember every word I’ve ever read, I have a pretty interesting brain,” he explained it as overdramatic as he could, knowing she would find it magical.
“You’re so cool!” She swooned, dropping back against the blanket just as dramatically.
Y/N was all smiles, running her fingers through Amoreena’s hair and giggling slightly at the sight of her silly child. “Spencer, would you like to do the honours today?”
She handed him the book, knowing he didn’t need it. He gently opened it, starting on the first page and starting to read it the way his mother would. Bringing out voices, hand gestures, all the bells and whistles.
They were in the field together until the sun started to set, casting a purple and orange glow over the pond. Amoreena was resting in Y/N’s arms, legs extended over Spencer’s lap as they sat close. It was the most perfect Saturday he has had in a long time. Probably the best day of his life, actually.
“Matilda leapt into Miss Honey's arms and hugged her, and Miss Honey hugged her back, and then the mother and father and brother were inside the car and the car was pulling away with the tyres screaming. The brother gave a wave through the rear window, but the other two didn't even look back. Miss Honey was still hugging the tiny girl in her arms and neither of them said a word as they stood there watching the big black car tearing round the corner at the end of the road and disappearing for ever into the distance. The end.”
He closed the book softly, setting it down on the blanket and looking at them softly, “am I still invited next week?”
“Absolutely,” Y/N smiled, “I’m dressing as Tinker Bell, Amoreena will be Peter Pan, and you can be anyone else of your choosing.”
“I’ll keep it a surprise until next week,” Spencer smiled right back.
Amoreena crawled out of Y/N’s lap and leapt into Spencer’s arms, hugging him tightly in her small arms. “That was the best story ever, thank you!”
Everything in the world felt right then, hugging her back while he smiled at her mother. Y/N had a hand over her heart as she swooned, watching her daughter bond with the man who just happened to wander into their picnic.
“Can I get your number?” Y/N asked softly, “you know, so we can arrange outfits and stories as the week's pass.” She shrugged, licking her lips slightly as she blushed.
“Of course, I’m not on duty for the rest of the month, so if you wanted to go to a museum or anything, I’m free? Since I look so much like I should work there,” he teased Amoreena.
“I’m sure lovey would like that?” Y/N leaned over Amoreena’s shoulder, holding her around her waist and tickling her softly.
It was a nickname that made perfect sense in his mind. Amoreena, the keyword being Amore, to love. She was very loveable, incredibly vibrant and full of innocence, a life that was full of possibilities, wonderful like her mother.
“We’re going to the Smithsonian tomorrow to see the Dino’s,” Amoreena’s face lit up. “Do you know anything about them?”
“Surprisingly enough, while I’m not a paleontologist, I know a lot about dinosaurs, and I might have some connections there to see the rare ones,” he exaggerated his voice again, watching her get so excited she started to run around with her arms in the air.
“You don’t have to if you’re busy,” she says softly when Amoreena is far enough away, picking flowers as she ran around.
“I’d love to, actually, thank you,” he whispers towards Y/N. “I haven’t been having the greatest week.”
“Is it okay for me to ask what you do?” She asked, just as softly as Amoreena kept running around the field.
“I’m a profiler, I consult on intense cases.”
“The strange man comment makes more sense now,” she smiled. “we’re looking for a literary historian at the library right now, I’m sure remembering every word in every book would get you hired, you know if you wanted to switch careers for something easier on your soul?”
“I have been thinking of leaving, in all honesty, I’ve actually been having more of a rough 15 years,” he tries to laugh but he just feels frustrated. “It’s been really hard.”
“For everything you see, you’re still a very sweet man, not many people would sit down and occupy his time with an autistic 7-year-old,” she complimented him with a smile, sharing something personal in a way that would fit right into the conversation and not make a big deal. “We really did enjoy your company today.”
He handed her a business card from his pocket, feeling a bit overwhelmed and emotional as he handed it to her, “I've had a wonderful time. I'm also autistic, I know what it's like to want to share the world while no one wants to listen, thank you for letting me join you. Let me know what time you’re going to the museum tomorrow and I will be there.”
Y/N’s face lit up once more, reading the card over before sliding it into her bag. “Do you want a PB&J or a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow?”
“PB&J is a great museum lunch,” he bit his lip so he’d stop smiling, it was beginning to feel embarrassing with how much he liked her already. Not used to random kindness from smart and beautiful women.
Amoreena came running back then, handing Spencer a handful of flowers upon her arrival. “For you, Sir Knight,” she bowed as he took them.
“I bid you a good day, my fair ladies,” Spencer plaid along, standing to curtsy back.
“We’ll see you tomorrow then?” Y/N asked from the blanket as Amoreena dove into her arms.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Spencer smiled one last time.
“Bye Spencer!!” Amoreena cheered as he waved, walking back down the path towards the main park entrance.
With his satchel draped over his shoulder, he pushed his sleeves up as he walked towards his bike, overwhelmed by the feeling of joy still swirling in his blood. Peddling his way down the path with a smile on his face, excited to get home and plan for the Smithsonian tomorrow, he was an excellent tour guide.
And he did actually have some connections.
Calling the museum curator, an old friend from years ago who owed him a favour. Asking if there was any way he could show his friend and her kid around the un-displayed dinosaurs and fossils, of course she said yes. People seemed to do anything for Dr. Reid of the FBI.
He thought about her job offer then as he hung up, reaching the train station finally and making his way back to his sad apartment. It would be nice to change things up for a bit, it’s not like he couldn’t go back to the FBI in 20 years like Rossi did.
15 years in the field and a metric fuck ton of trauma later, he was officially fed up. Opening his computer the second he got home, writing his 2 weeks notice to be forwarded to Mateo Cruz.
He woke up with excitement, for the first time in years.
Well, at first he was happy, then he thought about it too long. Despair creeping in, it was truly sad to think that he’s been sad for so long, desperately needing the happiness Y/N and Amoreena brought to his life.
Like when he spent time around Henry or Hank, there was something so rewarding about witnessing a child see something for the first time. Explaining the world to them, seeing their eyes widen as they enjoyed the world around them.
It was the best thing someone could do, spending the day living with the happiness of a child.
Y/N had texted him right as he woke up, the chime of a new message actually making him smile instead of panic.
Y/N: hey smartie pants, we’re thinking 11 am today. Can we meet you out front?”
Spencer: sure! You should start preparing to hear me ramble all day long. Also my I suggest bringing proper shoes for lots of walking and a backpack for the things Amoreena will get to bring home!
Y/N: oh you weren’t kidding about those connections huh?
Spencer: nope!
Y/N: well, can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! (And to hear your voice all day ♥︎)
It made his heart swell, he could swear it grew three sizes as it pushed against his ribs. Trying to break free from him and run to her, he hadn’t felt this strongly about another person in a very long time.
It wasn’t lust, it wasn’t greed, it wasn’t desperation. He didn’t just want to sleep with her or use her to fill his time, she wasn’t just another friend to occupy his days and talk to when he had to, she was special. She was interesting, she was kind, she was beautiful, she reminded him of his own mother in a strange way that made him fear Fraud was right.
He found a comfort in her that felt a little like home, like all his running led him to her. She was the end of the finish line, the cold glass of water, the euphoric pride of a job well done. She was everything good wrapped up in a beautiful bow and he was gone.
Feeling like he did when he met Ethan, Derek, or Elle for the first time, even Maeve when they were just talking on the phone, that butterfly feeling that excited him to try something new.
Y/N made him believe in possibilities again.
It felt nice to look ahead, to dream and wish of the future and not see death and destruction. Instead, dreaming of them running through the fields, flowers dancing everywhere as they hear Amoreena’s laughter. It’s how life is supposed to be.
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