#also if anyone wants to use any of these as icons feel free lol
unhinged-nymph · 1 year
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gorgeous golden boy ✨
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shirecorn · 6 months
Your reindeer designs give me such childish joy I can't wait to see the rest. What's your process (aka any advice) for designing from scratch with something like just a name or concept?
Redbubble (buy reindeer swag) || Patreon (see all early!) || Ko-fi
See more free tutorials!
You can see my process unfold in real time by joining any tier of my patreon discord. Which doesn't even have to go through patreon! If you want, you can just pay me $20 and let you in for a year (and then lose track and probably keep you anyway)
Here's a preview using comet! (nevermind the preview thing I wrote you a whole lecture lol)
initial sketches in 2021:
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Revisited in 2022 and 2023
I was constantly asking which design was the weakest, why, and how to fix it. Whenever I tested without the magical comet behind it, people could only guess who comet was by process of elimination.
I didn't want to rely on throwing icons into the design. I wanted each one to communicate through shape and silhouette alone. It would be like drawing a little cherub with a bow and arrow floating along with cupid. If you have to include a nametag to communicate, your design can be improved.
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So I tried a few different strategies to say "comet" before I realized I could twist the antlers into any shape I wanted. I was worried I would have to discard the drawing and restart from scratch! Which is what I did for rudolph about 6 times before I had a breakthrough.
Then I gave my patrons a brief lesson in antlers to explain where and why I was placing the tines. When I stray from the caribou structure, I do so knowingly in order to achieve something that cannot be achieved within the caribou shape, like dancer's tutu. Know the rules before you break them. My goal is to make animal nerds (myself chief among them) happy when they see species-specific anatomy instead of cop outs.
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I tried a few things before figuring out antlers could become comet
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Another thing that often caribou have is an unsymmetrical "spork" that comes forward off only one antler. I figured this out by looking at hundreds of reindeer pictures and saving them to my reference folder. A few of my designs have this, that's what the little spiral is in the final comet antler design.
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When I put comet in my lineup, I realized that the antlers I drew were way more stylized, chunky, and "tribal" than the others. I had already changed the proportions on one of my designs to match, so then I had to hack away at the basic comet rack to make it look natural.
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I already knew that comet's colors would be easy because a basic reindeer already Has the big comet on the shoulder. But here's a peak at all the reindeer images I posted for my patrons to look at.
As you can see below, I chose reindeer markings for all my designs instead of other deer or animals. Even vixen is tied to actually possible reindeer patterns rather than copy-pasting a fox. Almost all of my designs have light-colored anklets on dark colored legs, which is very common with caribou of any color. This is the sort of thing no one tells you; you have to observe it yourself.
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Ft cupid's early design! I was continually testing out my reindeer silhouettes and colors on new people, taking their feedback, and fixing what wasn't clicking.
I know I could have made vixen sexy and curvy to play into a recognizable trope, but I really wanted them to be scary and fox-like. Sometimes you gotta do what you want and not what you think will appeal to audiences. Reindeer Days is a purposeful exercise in audience resonance. Most of my art is 100% me and what I feel like doing with no regards to anyone else. So it was a fun challenge!
My patrons also got to see me making fun of corporate designs for recognizably/cliches at the expense of literally anything good
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One of these is going to get a lot more "that must be vixen!" results from people who aren't constantly thinking about animal colors, markings, hunting strategies, and teeth.
And one rocks.
Vixen changed the least from the initial 2021 concept!
A Vixen is a female fox. In english slang, it means a cunning, fierce human woman, and sometimes sexually attractive or promiscuous. Quite often an insult to someone because she won't date you!
But to me, a vixen is an animal. A predator.
When designing to reference something, I like to hit it at multiple angles, referencing obscure trivia about something to delight and educate. This is done by researching a topic deeply, far below surface level and beyond what you think you need to make your design. Or in my case its just knowing a bunch of animal trivia already.
After researching/dredging your knowledge, sit there and Think. Don't draw anything. Come up with several ideas and then throw them all in at once for the ultimate trivia design.
Trivia about red foxes:
They have Long bushy tails
They have teeth that include large sharp canines, flat incisors, triangular premolars, and chunky molars with points on them that slide scissor-like with the molars above to cut meat via chewing
They hunt rodents in burrows under the snow by jumping into the air, arcing, and slamming down with their face through the snow
They are orange
They have a dark vertical stripe on their snout
They have black legs, with the backs and bottoms being orange
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Translated into the design:
Pose based on a fox jumping, about to land in the snow
Antlers twisted to resemble teeth
Long (for a reindeer) bushy tail
black mark on snout
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Some adjustment to the pose to be at the top of the arc and flow better.
Tinkering with the design to make it recognizable but not 100% copypasta fox
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I was finally happy with a design that absolutely showed "fox" while still being creative and plausibly caribou shaped. This would absolutely communicate who it is! I thought!
The most obvious one of the bunch! After all, everyone knows what a vixen is!
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Nope! No they do not
Want to be part of the design process, help me with WIPs months before everyone else, see exclusive doodles every day, and join a funky little community?
(you also get to see photos of my dog)
Connect your discord to your patreon and join any tier to automatically get added to the server. Not a fan of patreon or monthly subscriptions? message me here, on ko-fi, or via email (shirecorn.art@ gmail.com) and ask if you can pay $20 to get put in the server for at least a year and longer if we work it out later!
This was supposed to be a preview to get you to pay me but instead I wrote an entire lecture for free because I can't help myself.
Want to thank me for the free info? Tag me when you use what you learned! Comment and give feedback! If I could pay rent with attention I would never need anything else in life.
You can also thank me by tipping my ko-fi! I use it to buy pens since I die if I have caffeine. But could you imagine??
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insomnya777 · 1 month
Hello! First I want to say I adore your boat boys super power AU so much, it’s currently rotating at light speed in my brain like a broken microwave. I think I’ve read at least six times all the way through with what you have, it’s fantastic!
I was also wondering if you had any other recs or personal favorites for boat boys fics, or just fics in general, I’m always looking for recommendations and wonderful authors usually also have great tastes in other fics as well! Thank you for what you do for the boat boy and smalletho community, you’re keeping us well fed lol
Oh my god I have many many recommendations!!!! I've actually been waiting for someone to ask me this LOL
Settled is one of my favourites of all-time. If you read it you'll see the long ass comment I left on it lol. Description: A five plus one type of fic where Etho struggles to voice his feeling about double-life, and Joel is there to make it harder.
BIR Universe is a classic, a staple, even. One of the most iconic series of all time. Description: A very messy college universe with a bunch of hermitcraft/life series members.
Somehow, I always end up back in Marianas Trench is another personal favourite. I reread it way too often. The writing is incredible in this one + has a side of ranchers and impdubs. Description: AU where our three favourite soulbound couples go on a triple date! Except it's not a date, all of them broke up sometime before or during their last year of college and none of them are over each other.
Holy Father, judge my sins is so, so good. Anything by giddyfenix always is, I think I've read, like, all of their works. Description: Joel and Etho as the seven deadly sins. After all, what were they if not corrupted?
I Don't Smoke (Except for When I'm Missing You) made my heart break a million times over. I actually cannot read this fic without breaking down. It is a clockers-centered fic, exploring the Etho-Scar relationship, but I had to include it because it's just one of my favourite fics of all time. Description: A look into Etho's perspective on the life he and Scar share. They're not so different, you know? They both like to run away.
Works In Progress:
to all the ships at sea is another personal favourite, because the writing is just so, so good. There are currently six chapters out! Description: Etho has a job as part of the crew manning a lighthouse on a small island. With Cleo and Bdubs gone for a few weeks, Etho settles in to keep the Light running single-handedly. He wasn't expecting his life to be turned upside-down when a visitor turns up on the island, completely out of the blue...and he definitely wasn't expecting to develop feelings for the mysterious young man.
Good Luck, Babe is also very, very good. There are seven chapters out right now! Description: Etho couldn't get himself to turn Joel down. Even when Joel has made it clear time and time again that he had no problem doing the same to him. The lengths he was willing to go for a guy who would barely even let them be seen together in public...
hi, etho is super cute, too. I read it a while ago, and it's still one of my favourites, so do what you will with that. Description: About a month after going missing and having no memories to show for it, Etho gets a weird letter from a strange, anonymous sender who might have the answers to his questions.
And that's about it!! If anyone has more recommendations feel free to comment or leave in the tags because I'm always looking for more fics LOL <3
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stanlunter · 3 months
My 6 favourite Scorptra + some little scenes I love
1. "You do care, don't tou?"
The scene that made Catra fully realize that she's not alone and that there is still someone who love her more than anything. Catra was everything for Scorpia.
And the most important thing is that Catra does the most selfless thing she could done: she refuses of Scorpia's help and doesn't let Scorpia set her free, bc she knows it can cause Scorpia troubles and she doesn't want to put Scorpia in the same situation. She doesn't want to be Like Shadow Weaver and doesn't want Scorpia to suffer bc of her.
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2. "We could, you know, be happy"
Catra was so stupid for not leaving with Scorpia and Ill stay by it. Also there is no "one-sided" explanation for this. Anyone who says Catra never loved Scorpia, litterally just skipped the entire episode. They were SO in love!
Especially considering the fact that they were suppose to kiss each other at that scene ans I will never forgive Nate for removimg it
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3. "You saved me?"
The moment when Catra's feelings for Scorpia startes to grow up. It's when Catra realize that Scorpia saved her, no matter what. Even tho Catra ordered Scorpia not to break the technology, Scorpia did it, bc it would save Catra. She disobeyed the order to protect her and you can read in Catra's eyes that she was shocked that she was THAT dear for someone. It makes even more sence when you remember Catra's words about Adora "You never protected me. Not in any way that would put you on SW's bad side". (no blame for Adora, she's still the best girl ofc) but the thing is that Adora wouldn't disobey to protect Catra from SW, but Scorpia did it and not once. Scorpia truly loved Catra and she would always do everything to protect her.
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4. "I will always be there for you"
Even tho Catra doesn't want to ask anyone for help and wants to do everything alone, Scorpia still makes her tell the situation to resolve it together. Bc that's what friends do, Catra doesn't have to deal with this alone.
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5. "You're a princess??"
Whatever the cat is this?? They were so iconic in the prom episode!
At first Catra was sympathetic with someone for the first time in the show lol. She asked Scorpia (to ask actually) to go to the prom together! It's already pretty romantic, but have you seen the rest of the scenes?
Also the screenboard where Catra zips Scorpia up lol (they really didn't have to remove it)
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6. "We're making a good team!"
Uhhh, just look at them here! They litterally THE girlfriends! Catra never was so flirty with anyone. She blushes as Amity lol. And just look at these EYES!!!
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Now heart-breaking scenes, cuz Im evil. S4 was so sad and for what? Im crying...
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But since Im not THAT bad, here are some sweet scenes again! Cuz they're still cuties (it was a crime not to give us them in s5 btw, Ill never forgive Nate for this) <3
Protective gfs ever!
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I really love Scorptra even after so many years. I need someone to rewatch she-ra with!!!
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kimyoonmiauthor · 20 days
Better Novel Scrivener Template
BTW, If you liked the Settings Template, this has that plus more...
The Current Novel Template is out of date, the templates aren't really doing much for you. And the variety of icons is rather thin. I set out to fix this.
The template as a whole is PG-13 as the Character Template mentions "dangerous" things like "Kinks" and "Safe Words" OMG. I know. So terrible. So if you don't want to explain those things to anyone underage, don't download it.
As I am NB, and generally queer otherwise, I have included things like Sexual Orientation, Romantic Orientation and a whole load of things to think about when building CHARACTER, SETTING, WORLDBUILDING. I included things that people often forget by using my Uni and College knowledge.
Please, please read the "Read Me First" file if you want to avoid having to load missing icons. I give instructions.
In case you still opened it despite my warnings or it doesn't work, you'll have to load in the icons manually. In which case this is a reference:
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The New Icons are: Domestic Products, Imported Goods, Exported Goods, Laws, and Social Stratification. I added extra icons for Weapons and Warfare in case you're not writing Fantasy. Laser Guns and a Historical Pistol.
I did my best to make it CULTURALLY NEUTRAL. If you want them specific, you're on your own.
I also added if you'd like to load them
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All these Icons to the folder so You can finally color code your manuscripts to your heart's content. (My unending frustration with Scrivener).
I added an SVG file so if there is an exact shade I missed on the Spiral Notebook Colors or the Hardcover Books, you can add it.
The Composition Notebook file isn't included as it contains a pattern. However, I made pains to make sure it matches real life colors that exist in Composition Notebooks. You wanted the Settings Template? There are 2. One for City/Towns. One general one.
Zero Organization or Clue on Querying or Self pubbing?
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I put up Organization Folders for you.
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Here are the Templates you get. Everything is beefed up for you. I spent forever on these Templates and testing them. I also cued Styles to them so it's easy to change the colors. If you want to change something, as the About document says, turn on invisibles.
The Default Styles aren't useless anymore.
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If you need a more Definitive Guide, I also made one in the file:
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Download the Scrivener Template. It is a ZIP FILE Win Zip or other Zip app should be able to handle it.
Warning: Direct Download https://www.kimyoonmi.com/BetterNovelScrivenerTemplate.zip If you want to Skip the Template completely, but are wishing to add the Icons to your Scrivener:
This template itself is not for sale or profit nor are the icons. Also don’t be the person that lies that says you made it. It’s a Creative Commons License Attribution, Noncommercial, No Derivatives by Yoonmi Kim 2024. You may change it for personal use only. Any problems can be addressed directly to me at https://www.kimyoonmiauthor.com. If you would like to translate this into other languages, let me know.
Don't be the ass that tries to sell my hard work, 'cause really, it's free. And I spent a lot of pains and time to make sure it's free and easy to use with a lot of subtle UX. Edit: I added even more stuff to the newest version.
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Yes, a Pets Sketch, a Fauna Species Sketch a Flora Species Sketch, there is Literature added to the list of Art (I forgot it. lol I thought the mistake was silly, but yeah.)
And I added a Medicine Section with an icon to the technology section. There are two native icons already for Medicine--syringe and pill, but I kind of felt it didn't always give the feel of fantasy, so I made a Mortar and Pestle from scratch to add, but if you're doing sci-fi or contemporary, etc you can change to the syringe or pill.
I added explainers as well for the items to the guide.
'Cause. I would love to be able to see people put more thought into their worlds/worldbuilding, even if it doesn't show up. Maybe it won't be only horses for animals as pets. Or an occasional dog. Haha. Having a gay dog like Robin Williams would be great.
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tipsycowplant · 2 years
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Tipsycowplant Template Collection
@frootjice asked for the templates I’ve been using for my Globetrotter Challenge, so here they are for anyone who wants ‘em 😄
DOWNLOAD (Google Drive): Simstagram Template, Simstagram Template (Square Version - NEW!), Weather Template, Music Player Template
IMPORTANT NOTES • You will need The Sims Sans Bold font. • These are .psd files made with Adobe Photoshop Elements 2020. They should work with any version of Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and any other program that can edit .psd files. • For the Weather Template, I recommend using L’UniversSims icons. Most of the weather/temperature icons are in the Base Game and Seasons packs. • Feel free to change anything and everything! These are just meant to be a starting point. I made the layers that should be edited red/orange (mostly as a reminder for myself, but maybe it will help you too lol). • Let me know if you have any issues and I’ll do my best to troubleshoot!
These templates were inspired by @pxltown‘s various templates and @boocreek’s simstagram template. I also use these speech & thought bubble overlays and these TS4 UI Mockups.
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mind-less-boy · 3 days
Why has Spider Man become a trans icon?
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It’s a popular head canon between multiple spider man movies, tv shows, and other media, that Peter Parker is a trans boy (cuz lets be real, brother is just a boy 15 and kicking ass) Many fans, especially queer fans, like the head canon that he’s trans. But why? 
Disclaimer: I’m not saying that it’s an “incorrect” or “bad” head canon, I myself am a trans man and like this head canon. I’m not at all trying to “debunk” the head canon, I just find it fascinating that Spider man was given such an honor (lol)
So a basic overview of Peter Parker’s typical Spider man journey: 
He’s just a normal kid, going to highschool and getting by just fine
He gets bit by the spider and suddenly discovers all these new things about himself 
He decides to hide it, even around his closest family in fear that they won’t understand, that they’ll hate him, or just the knowledge that he could put them in danger if they knew
Revealing his true identity could (and has) out him in immense danger
Eventually, friends and family find out and love him for it, but the rest of the world doesn’t have to know because what only matters is his friends and family
Now of course, this is very broad since every version of Spider man is slightly different, no one is exactly the same. For example, Tom Holland’s Peter Parker just has the standard abilities, while Miles Morales Can turn invisible and produce lightning. Toby McGuire’s Spider man produces webs naturally while Gwen Stacy (who is confirmed to be trans in ATSV I believe)  has web cartridges. 
While yes, it can just be that the fans think that Spider man gives off trans vibes or because he acts like a trans fan, it often is, I think it’s also for a much, much deeper reason.
Peter Parker had to hide who he was from the entire world because he was scared of how it would affect his life. He was essentially living a double life. 
Trans people, myself included, often have these same feelings. We’re afraid of revealing our true identity in fear that we could be in danger or people simply won’t accept us. We lead a double life in the way that we have our true selves, with our desired gender expression, and we have what everyone else gets. 
Peter eventually tells his most trusted friends and family and they help him in every way they can and support him (of course they may not understand that whole “I shoot webs outta my wrists and stick to walls!”)
More often than not, trans people tell their friends first, their most trusted friends, and get their support and acceptance. Through this, they get courage to come out to parents which can go very different ways. People finding out the Peter Parker was spider man is either very positively or very negatively received. 
All this to say, we relate to Peter’s story. Having to hide your identity and only telling very few people. You hide something special about you (although, I don’t know many trans people who can stick to walls or shoot webs) 
I’ll leave this with one last thought. It’s been said that spider man wears a mask so that anyone can imagine themselves whine the mask. Spider man could be anyone, any identity. Any race, gender, sexuality, height, heritage, absolutely anything. That’s what makes spider man unique. He can be anyone and can be imagined as anyone. This makes it so much easier for, in this case, queer people to put their under-represented selves into the shoes of a hero who's respected and loved by all.
I just thought this was such an interesting thought and i wanted to say something about it. Feel free to share your own opinions on it, these are just my thoughts.
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captainmera · 8 months
ello mera,
I wanted to ask how you post your comics online because i was thinking about making my own web comic series but i dont know where to start hehe
I think the website you used for IBWR was called Hiveworks but im not to sure how it works...
Also if you have any other tips when it comes to making comics like time management, planning, or even how draw those gorgeous backgrounds, it would be much appreciated :D
Thank you for your time ヾ(•ω•`)o ✧.*
Sure thing buckaroo, get in the backseat and let's hit the comic road!
ヾ(•`ω´•)o ✧.*
this is all from my perspective though, some stuff may not work for you, but hey - no knowledge is bad knowledge.
Hiveworks is a... Publisher! of sorts! Kind of. They're not like webtoons or Tapas when it comes to comic hosting, you have to be invited to Hiveworks (like me!) or apply to join them! :) They also have Hivemill which is a place where they sell merch for the comics. Either Hiveworks helped making the merch, or the artists themselves made the stuff and Hiveworks helps distribute it (I THINK, don't quote me on that. I haven't made or sold merch with them before. But it's what I understand. They have explained it to me, I'm just kinda dumb).
However! Comic control, of which Hiveworks uses to make the websites are free for anyone to use! :) So if you want your own website, go ahead and make one!
I'd still recommend you buy the URL you'll use in that case though. I pay a yearly fee on GoDaddy.com for mine. It's affordable and honestly worth it as a precaution, lest a dirtbag buy it just to ruin my day and give me distress for a year(s).
But my recommendation is that you mirror your comic in as many places as possible.
Now, my website has ads on it, so if you switch off ad-block when visiting IBWR, I can get ad rev from it! :D (thanks to Hiveworks, that is, they added the ad stuff on there. Idk how it works but it's nice passive income that I really need. It pays for my food).
That means I will prioritize the website over the secondary mirrored places. So that's the place I always link to first. So if people REALLY want to get the next page sooner, they can always check there first.
However, mirroring is great because it is very difficult to get people to read the story you've put so much love into. I want people to enjoy my story as much as I do. The more places you update it to, the more people will discover you.
I've noticed that people like to follow the artist/author on social media for update announcements and general news of what's going on for the comic - so know where your presence on socmed is at! If it's instagram, well, then prioritize instagram but don't forget bluesky or tumblr too! Just know where you're at.
BUT!! And I cannot stress (lol) this enough - but don't stress (lol) about it. which is easier said than done.
It can feel super overwhelming to constantly make each update of a page feel like a check list of "okay, posted announcement to insta, tumblr, twitter, I have scheduled a mirrored post to comicfury and tumblr, I have added all the links in the author section, uuuh, I gotta add a cropped panel sneak-peak in each and I gotta--" that shit gets tiring quick. Work smart not hard. I copy paste from a document and I print-screen crop a panel from my comic on my phone kind of flimsily and that works. Nobody cares if it's fancy. It's just extra energy on my part that I can't be arsed to worry about.
Like Webtoons require that you to always have a preview icon for each update. That's as complicated as I'm willing to get tbh. If it requires more than that from me I'm gonna hate it. But that's just me.
you want to be able to do something consistently.
Which brings me to..
bro, it's a job. It takes work. Work is not always fun, but you gotta show up for it. you're the only worker here. If you don't show up, it doesn't get done.
And people are not going to read it until there's at least pages enough for them to catch on to a story. If you're here for recognition right away, stop. You'll hurt yourself. I know we live in a time of quick-positive feedback through likes and shares, etc. But that's just not reality most of the time when starting up.
So, you got to want to tell the story more than whatever you are expecting to get out of this.
Which will also help you with managing your feelings if your reader count grows or declines. Just remind yourself of why you even want to tell your stories. It's easier said than done, but I found it to be a helpful philosophy to try stick by.
Everything I gain from sharing my story is just a plus. Not the reason.
What I did, also, was to just post whenever I finished a page. I had no readers, only commitment to myself and the comic. That's it. You'll find it easier if you don't force yourself at first, at least I did. And then as you gain your own momentum and work-pace, you'll be able to be like "Oh yeah, sunday works for me. I'll aim for that." Aim for it, don't promise. But show up. You're not a machine, shit happens, life comes in. If you have a deadline that makes you feel guilty, you might start avoiding it etc. So maybe just cut yourself some slack and go "whenever I'm done with a page is a good day."
You are your own boss. You make your own rules.
Yes, there is an algorithm to it all - when's the best time to post, getting new readers through memes or what have you. You might discover that the best way for you to get readers is to make funny videoclips on instagram or tiktok - there is no wrong way.
However, it shouldn't feel like too much of a chore. You should enjoy it at least a little bit. Like, maybe you kinda like making goofy vids of your comic, or draw memes, whatever, right? But you should enjoy some of it. If you hate making vids, but you know it is a good pond to fish in.. well, like... I'm sorry but you're gonna get frustrated with it.
I like posting THANK YOU FOR READING doodles of my characters on instagram stories! :D <3 I like that! That's not too much trouble for me.
who gives a shit.
enjoy yourself you goofy ass little comic artist. Blast your story everywhere, be proud, have fun. People enjoy having fun, they usually want to join in with the fun.
If you have fun, others have fun being with you.
dawg I wish I had any better tips than... Fuck it, poke at it however you want.
I usually have ten pages flimsily sketched out with speech-dialogues so I know what's gonna happen in the next pages, so I can pace the scene somewhat.
I say that, like I'm some kinda professional, but I jump between pages. Whichever page seems a little more fun. Sometimes I stare myself blind on a page and gotta draw on something else.
Some pages are super well sketched, others are just bald stickfigures making faces at other bald stickfigures.
Get references. Either look at photographs or take the yourself. Start getting into looking at buildings in real life. I, myself, spend quite a lot of time looking at different windows and brick buildings going "Dang, so that's a widow huh? Architects sure just make windows like BAM ENJOY THIS ONE huh?"
Basically, start appreciating the world around you. There's art everywhere. Someone has put thought - however big or small - into that sidewalk.
Is it a shitty sidewalk? Well, that's really grounding isn't it? Someone, at some point, looked at this space, sighed and thought "fuck man I just wanna go home. That's good enough." and that really grounds you visually into that this world is a place where people have been before you.
Sometimes I get lazy and at the same time in a mood to challenge my memory, and I'll start inventing what the heck a building or street looks like. And you can probably easily tell in a page when I, too, am going "fuck man I just wanna get this page done with, that's good enough."
Not everything have to be an awestriking master page! Damn, the pressure I'd be under if that's the only thing I had to produce asdfghj! if anything, great pages look better because some pages are shite.
It's okay.
It doesn't have to be perfect every time. Learn what didn't work, what worked. Post it. Move on. You can't sit on this forever or the story will never be told. Just post it, it's fine.
Post it in chunks or page by page. It doesn't really matter - new readers are going to read it all in one sitting anyway.
I think that's all I can think of for now??
Hope that helped!
Oh also I have this side blog I've been neglecting a bit, but feel free to check that out: @comicartistcentral
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oodlesofowls · 1 year
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Feel free to use this as a pfp WITH CREDIT :))
Ok now for some headcanons hehehe
I headcanon kageyama as very very aro but also autistic so i wanna clarify some things so no one gets mad at me lol. I’m aroace and probably neurodivergent so this is all just for fun and because i relate to him. and i know both communities are characterized as heartless but im reclaiming that so screw it >:3!! (and no i dont hc him as aro just because he is autistic coded)
ok now we can talk about him being aro hehehe. so we all know kageyama has absolutely no time for romance and even if he did he would be doing literally anything else (probably volleyball). Tbh i straight up just cant see him experiencing attraction, even to hinata (tho i think the ship is still cute). He and hinata might have an unbreakable bond and an iconic rivalry but i will still die on the hill that they coukd never like each other romantically. Deep down they trust each other more than (basically) anyone else and really make such a good pair platonically. Them in a qpr is my everything btw lol. Also i think kags is on the aplatonic and asexual spectrum too mostly because i think he has trouble maintaining friendships and struggles to get the energy to keep friendships (me fr) outside of hinata who does most of the talking and if he is talking its about their shared special interest (volleyball) so that makes conversations easier for kageyama
lil tiny kags hcs
was confused that other people actually felt romantic attraction because he thought it was made up
Loveless aro
gets bored during romantic/sexual scenes in movies/books (not that he can even read loll)
romance neutral, really he just finds it boring and unappealing but he doesnt mind physical touch if its hinata as long as he doesnt feel suffocated
also if anyone has any qpr/platonic kagehina fics or just aromantic kageyama fics plz send them to me in replies/reblogs or asks if u want :)
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plushieanimals · 2 years
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q: Do you know of any <animal/creature> plush?
please check my taglist for the most common animals i’ve posted, and if that doesn’t contain your animal you want then try using the blog search function (i know it’s bad) if you can’t find what you’re looking for then send me an ask!
q: Can you help me identify a plush?
i can definitely try my best! I will need you to give me as much info as you can, a picture, and picture or description of any tags/tush tags it may have. Also a year and country of purchase if at all possible. PLEASE send all ID requests as a NON-anonymous ask or through messages please! i can’t guarantee i’ll be able to help ID unless i can message you directly!
q: Where are some good places to find plush?
i wrote a whole post for US plushies that might give you a good starting point to search! the website stuffed safari lets you search many brands by species, color, brand, and more! here’s another post i wrote about other websites for in stock plush besides US brands
q: Is spam liking/reblogging okay?
Of course!!! i don’t mind it all!! ^_^ i’m happy you enjoy the content!
q: I’ve sent a request in and you haven’t filled it yet (general)
sometimes it’s hard to find certain plushies, especially the more specific and detailed the request. i also have adhd and get a lot of asks, so please feel free to send the request again! if you send it off anon i can answer you privately to tell you i had no luck (or if i did have luck!) you can ask me to not publish your ask too.
q: Do you have any tips/advice for washing/cleaning plush?
yes! i wrote a very detailed post here about my process for washing plush ^_^
q: I’m not a kink blog, but i do occasionally reblog/post nsfw content like swears, art, or silly text posts. Can i still follow?
Yes, i just don’t want DDLG or anyone who sexualizes age regression or kink blogs to follow me. It’s okay if you’re an age-reg blog as long as it isn’t a kink blog!!
q: what’s the rest of your general DNI?
No TERFS/Radfems or other transphobes. no MAPS/no-MAPS or supporters of them. the general DNI list you know
q: Can I use the images you post for my icon/header/edits/graphics/etc? Where do you get your images?
Yes!! I don’t own any of these pictures. The originals belong to the sources linked. I edit all the photos i post, but i do not own them ^_^ you can use them for whatever you like. I get the images off of brand websites. However, PLEASE do not take my edits and reupload them to a new tumblr post and pass them off as your own!!! I edit every single picture, I can tell!
q: I have a question that wasn’t answered here!
you can check my faq tag, but if your question wasn’t answered there then just shoot me an ask! for general questions i prefer non-anon so i can answer privately :) if i published every ask i receive the ratio of plushie posts to asks would be like 1:5 lol
q: what are your other blogs ?
my main is @plushieanimal ! i reply and follow from this blog. sometimes i reblog things with curse words or mild nsfw/jokes so beware if you don’t wanna see that. I don’t reblog sexual images or anything!
@plushieart is my original art blog!
thanks for reading!!! :3
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cassiaslair · 13 days
i really love your templates! where do you get inspiration for formatting/do you have suggestions for anyone who is interested in learning to make their own?
OMGGGG THANK YOU SO MUCH this is so sweet, please! this means so much, AHHHH!
honestly, my biggest inspiration is music. i'm always listening to something and sometimes the vibe of a song will give me an idea for a certain aesthetic based on its theme, because some songs do have certain vibes like a siren vibe, edgy gothic vibe, etc. with that in mind, sometimes the songs also remind me of colors, whether it's the song itself or the single / album cover's vibes! then i'll start thinking about motifs and other visuals that match the aesthetic i'm going for, and i just start throwing things together on the canvas. i might not end up using all of them and delete things on the way, and it's truly a "trust the process" thing.
i often post wips on my private twitter, so friends of mine can tell you that sometimes what i start with does not at all look like what i finish with KSJBCS it's a lot of trial and error and just figuring out what looks good and makes you happy!
i always start with what kind of icon border i want (do i want it to be a square? rectangle?) and choose a color scheme, and sometimes i pick a color scheme first and THEN i go diving in my folder of assets to see what suits the vibe best. i always make the border first before anything else, so deciding on the shape and its dimensions often dictates the aesthetic of what i go for and how messy / clean the aesthetic of the end product will be!
my one big tip though is to use a canvas that has a width of 540px! having an odd dimension or even ONE pixel off will cause your icon design to be blurry unless you click to full-size it off the dash!
i hope this is helpful!!! kdsjbckjsdb i'm like the worst to ask these things i think because my process is kind of insane just for the fact that my working style is so chaotic bc of my adhd LOL SKJDBCS BUT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS! and you're more than welcome to join my discord server! i have a community section where people post their designs for feedback or just to share their creations!
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actofgrxce · 8 months
So, OFMD is my all time favorite show and I am in love with every single character and have been wanting to try and join the fandom as Stede Bonnet, but I am SO nervous. Only because you, and several others, are just so incredible and I am intimidated but ahhh, I want to do badly write as my pirate princess. Any advice? Or just go for it? I’ve been writing for years, but graphics/theme making are not my forte.
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Hey, friend!! Thanks for the kind words!!
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I would just GO for it, with the understanding that there's a learning curve to the "rp etiquette" of Tumblr (and some users, as is the way with social media, will be more forgiving and flexible with "mistakes" than others). I would introduce yourself, as you have done here, to people who seem fun and chill, and express your interest in interacting with them IC. 1) Tell them you would be writing Stede. 2) Read their rules page (usually there is a pinned post at the top of a writer's blog offering a mobile-friendly link to their rules, which is basically how they prefer to interact with other writers, how often, in what format, what the writer's or "mun's" triggers are, etc) and tell them that you have: this seems to be a real sign of good faith around here. 3) Collect a small list of people (maybe 4 or 5) to start with, and follow them. If your rp blog is a "sideblog" to a main account, also let them know that, so that when a non-rp blog (you) follows them, they know who the heck it is! I cannot underscore enough how important it is to find people with whom you jive ooc, as yourselves. It simply will not be fun if you don't. So take your time with this part! 4) Make your blog. Customize your theme as much or little as you like, but a good rule of thumb is to at least make an "About the Muse" page (muse's story), a "Rules" (do's and don't's of interacting with you) page, and a "Verses" (discrete story timelines, usually grouped by how much you adhere to canon or by romantic "ships") page. Your muse is a "canon" muse: that is, a muse that already exists in the official fandom universe. 5) If you don't have it already, GET XKIT REWRITTEN (a browser extension that lets you alter Tumblr's increasingly perplexing and user-unfriendly interface, lol. There are versions for both Chrome and Firefox. 6) Start writing. You rp on Tumblr by reblogging a person's IC (in-character) post to your blog, and adding a text reply. They then reblog you. And so on and so forth. Here is where you consult their rules page to know things like: are they okay if I trim posts? Are they okay with me dm'ing them to ask for replies? What's the most courteous way to use tags in order to easily find past writing or filter my blog? How explicit can writing with this partner get re violence or s*xual themes? Etc. Everyone is different.
Re making your blog fancy: You do NOT need to be well-versed in Photoshop, themes and coding in order to run a blog. A lot of people now rp on Tumblr Mobile, where theme graphics don't show up anyway. Those who still use graphics vary, but most of us really don't care if our writing partners use them as long as we can continue to do so.
However, if you're still anxious, I've got a couple graphics and rpg sources right off the bat that can help you tremendously:
@poohsources (your one stop shop for EVERYTHING theme, icon, rp etiquette, formatting, etc related. A very kind soul) @octomoosey (best free blog theme coder on Tumblr!)
and if you're willing to pay for codes and graphics, I can also recommend a few good friends.
Also, if you have further questions, come to me. My anonynous ask option is usually on. <3
(Anyone reading this, feel free to add on your suggestions!)
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lola-monster · 2 months
I was tagged by @b0ytron! Sorry I'm just getting to this, I keep putting it off??? 😬
(also wtf happened to the desktop layout, it looks UGLY)
Last song: sweet ★ honey ★ buckiin' by Beyoncé 😎
Favorite Color: Omg, it's just like a Quizilla quiz from 2007 <3 Jokes aside, it's green lol.
Currently watching: Fuck, I have no idea? Last thing I watched for sure was Smiling Friends. But my husband and I started Dragon Ball a few weeks ago and haven't continued lmao. We picked Bob's Burgers back up a few weeks ago, too but also haven't continued.
I think the last time I did this, my husband and I were in the middle of watching a bunch of Futurama, but we stopped around season 3 or 4?? I can't remember lmao. We also keep saying we're going to watch Shameless, but haven't gotten around to it.
As for movies, the last movie I watched was This is 40. I feel bad because I haven't watched nearly as many movies this year than I did last year around this time?? I keep saying I'm going to sit down and finally watch Poor Things, but I keep putting it off 🫠
Sweet/savory/spicy: Savorrryyyy. But also spicy, too.
Relationship status: Been married for a little over four years 🤓 It'll be five in October!
Current obsession: CHAPPELL ROAN!!! Seriously, I love her so so much right now. I don't think I've been so excited for a pop artist since like, high school when Lady Gaga first came out and was everywhere. But I love Chappell's sound and her aesthetic so much, and I love how fun and openly queer her music is.
Also Lisa Frankenstein, hahahha. It's really funny how big of an overlap there is with fans of Chappell and Lisa Frankenstein, it cracks me up.
This isn't much of an obsession, but I'm trying to get back into reading and writing more. Last year in October, I sat down and wrote an outline for an idea I've had for forever, but once that was done, I pulled another idea out that's been on my mind, and I've been trying to develop it.
My biggest hurdle when it comes to writing is I often get stuck when it comes to plot. I'll have a basic idea, but then I struggle to actually think of a plot structure or where to take the idea. It was easy for the first idea that I outlined bc at it's core, it's just a slasher horror story with supernatural elements. It's a pretty basic formula to follow and there's room to add your own flair.
ALSO, I'm stuck when it comes to storytelling mediums. Do I write it as a movie, TV show, book, or comic? The problem is I want to do everything lmao. I'm ✨indecisive✨ iwsudjhfjsdjc *sobs*
Last thing you googled: "Kitty Pryde" bc I'm very out of the loop with X-Men shenanigans (I need to watch X-Men '97 lol) and I wanted to know when they started referring to her as "Kate" in the comics. I'm sure it's been a thing for a while, but I haven't really paid any attention to the comics in forever bc I got out of collecting as a hobby.
I wish I knew when I set my icon here to Kitty. It has to be over ten years at this point. It's a part of me lol
I don't have anyone to tag, so feel free to use these questions for your own post 🤓
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tlacehualli · 1 year
please repost, do not reblog !! feel free to add to any of your answers! yhe purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write! for the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
NAME : Lexi ARE YOU OVER 18? : yes / no IS YOUR MUSE? : yes / no ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? : no ( anyone ) / semi ( most people ) / yes / highly / private ( mutuals only ) ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? : no ( anyone ) / semi / yes / highly IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH DO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? : not at all / a little / some / mostly / strictly / original character (Overwatch barely has a canon bro) WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? : one-liners / single - para / multi - para / novella DO YOU USE ICONS AND / OR GIFS? : no / gifs / icons / gif icons DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? : no / yes (not yet!) WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? : unplotted / open-ended plots / semi - plotted / fully plotted epics HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? : very slow ( more than a month ) / slow ( 3 - 4 weeks ) / average ( 1 - 2 weeks ) / fast ( less than one week ) / very fast ( less than three days ) (unless im depressed and then good luck idk what to tell u) WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? : fluff / angst / smut / action / tragedy / domestic / family / conversational / hurt - comfort + more! (eh theyre all fine) WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? : high fantasy / supernatural / science fiction / historical / horror / comedy / romantic / drama / action / adventure / espionage / everything (i'm least comfortable with romance. yes i'm aware of my my most recent activity) ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? : no / yes DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS? : no / yes HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT BE TAGGED? : i dont remember but i'll search for a suicide tag, i do bad w that
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial / physical / sexual / queerplatonic WHAT TYPES OF PRE - ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? : romantic / platonic / familial / physical / sexual (idk lol) DO YOU HAVE OTPS? : no / chemistry / yes ↠ i ship with chemistry + have a preference for my mains/exclusives DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? : no / yes / i don’t know (ever since i saw a racist fanfic yes lol) ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? : no / selectively / yes HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? : autoship / during plotting / after a couple IC interactions / several IC interactions / slow burn / depends on partner & muse ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes / never tried it ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? : no / selectively / yes / i don't know ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? : no / selectively / yes (tentatively, someone explain to my old ass what the fuck this is) ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? : no / sometimes / yes DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / sometimes / yes DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? : no / yes / depends
tagged by : @batinstincts ( tysm this was fun :3c )
tagging : @godblooded @austerulous @deathsighs @cartaxus @spec08 (actually either of ur blogs lol) @poeticphoenix @lylavanek @jurati @dontstepinmypuddle @xrevolucionario (also for either!) @healingbrews steal it follow ur dreams
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forgottenluck · 1 year
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So just a small update on me in general
ADHD is really kicking my ass right now, and i'm either hyperfocusing on tumblr for 3 hours, or getting distracted by youtube for 4 hours. There's no real inbetween.
That being said, my carrd has been updated (thanks to a certain someone *stares*) which has prompted me to look at some things. I need to update my pinned post and some stuff. Not sure when I'll get to it, but it is on the plan!
Everyone has pretty pinned posts and mine's just kinda junky. Though there's good reason, I've found that a lot of people wouldn't read my rules unless i put them there...but now it's just kinda blocky and i don't like it. And long. So i'll probably streamline it.
I also need to finish editing Koun's icons to the new format. I'm missing a lot of my icons and keep having to use the same ones. I need VARIETY which i technically have, just have to edit them LOL.
I Am going through some bad shit right now irl, some stuff only a few people actually know and I'm not really up to talking about it just yet. I've got a therapy session next week so maybe i'll be a little more open afterwards. Either that or i'll completely shut down. One of the two. But it's not good, and I may end up having to ask for some monetary help due to not being able to cover a lot of what's going on.
If you want to go ahead and see about helping me out, feel free to DM me, i'll take whatever help i can get....however, due to my ADHD and life events any service i provide will have to wait for a bit. (I already have two commissions i'm trying to force myself to work on and can't get myself to even open SAI due to the overwhelming idea of it all.)
These events ARE effecting my ability to be on Tumblr right now. Mostly the irl stress is setting off my ADHD and executive dysfunction and depression. It's causing me to hyperfocus on specific threads or randomly not reply to things, and I just wanted to say that I'm not angry at anyone, i'm not dropping anyone, i'm not ghosting anyone. I'm just really stressed and not able to focus on but one or two things at a time. I'll get over this, and finish the stuff i need to do eventually, but bear with me guys.
I know this is really spacy and not well put together, but i just wanted to give you all an update on what's going on with me since i'm not replying to everything i need to reply too and can seem to be dropping or ghosting people when I'm not. I can't begin to express how much i love you all for putting up with my spotty nature, and i look forward to getting better and being able to actively work on things again!
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lycanthian · 1 year
hiii i just saw your ryuseitai phone theme and it’s so cool!! can you make a tutorial of how you did it?
hi !!!! id love to! im so glad you liked my ryuseitai theme! :3
first step: this widget app (widgetopia), or any other of choice. i used this to make the little square widgets as well as the countdown timer labeled LIBERATION (which is actually my graduation date)
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in addition, i would recommend having some kind of drawing app / image editing program on hand in case you want some custom graphics like my lock screen / wallpaper! ibisPaint X is my app of choice, as its free and has a pretty simple interface, but any programs will reasonably work!
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keep in mind both of these programs have ads and paid versions but you dont need to pay for anything for this!
also i dont have progress pictures so. bear with me lol.
for the small square widgets, youre going to want to go to the LIBRARY panel and hit +SMALL.
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this will open the NEW WIDGET menu! from here, youre going to want to hit NEW WIDGET (should show up as a tealy green button), which brings up this menu
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from here, you can set various things, such as making the background of the widget transparent, making it a specific color, or setting it to send you to a website via an embedded link if you please!
for this tutorial we'll just make a basic regular widget with a picture on it :3
on this screen, hit the PLUS icon, and choose the option that says IMAGE. choose the image you want, and voila! its there!
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the borders are an issue. youre going to want to resize your image! this is a part of the process regardless of the image's original size.
click on the image to open the image property menu! here you'll find a ton of options for moving the image around, and edit it! here you can add some extra flair such as a slight rotation or tint, or you can set it to have an action when you tap on it! i wont get into that in this, but its neat to take a look at on your own!
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make sure the chain icon between width and height is LINKED, and then increase the size! this is just a matter of eyeballing it based on your image, and will result in corners being cut off, so avoid having important bits of the image in the very corner! when youre done, you should be able to see rounded corners INSIDE the image's bounding box! this means that your image is as large or larger than than the widget, meaning that no weird borders will show!
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from here, you can hit the back button, and then the purple ADD WIDGET button to put it on your homescreen!
note: if youre editing an already made widget of the same size, you do not need to press ADD WIDGET, as it will result in having two of the same widget on your screen!
from here, itll look something like this!
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if you ever want to change the widget image, you can just click on it (if you have multiple, click on the specific one you want to replace), and go through this process again!
as for the lock and home screen backgrounds, thats more tedious. i recommend a 9:16 aspect ratio for phone screens, but other than that theres not many tips i can give you in the design sector of things, sorry 😔
one tip i can give is that if you dont want your home screen image to shift when youre swiping between screens, go into google photos, and zoom in on the image! make sure its cropped the way you want it to by the borders of your own device, get the UI out of the way (done easily by tapping once on the image), and take a screenshot, that way there wont be any buffer room on the sides for it to shift!
anyways, i hope this helps! i absolutely advocate for playing with some of the more advanced options on your own, as its super fun to learn new modes of phone customization! if anyone makes any themes with help from this tutorial, feel free to tag me in the comments! id love to see your work! :3
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