#also my experiment worked thanks to help from this lovely user so
intheticklecloset · 10 months
You should have gotten the dollar and if it’s not too much trouble could I get a Drabble for Bungou Stray Dogs Chuuya and Dazai tickling Atsushi
Thank you again so much for your help! I hope you enjoy this little drabble! It was a fun opportunity to write Chuuya tickling Atsushi! (And Dazai, of course. ^^)
“Chuuya, hold him still!” Dazai whined as he grappled with a squirming Atsushi, trying to roll him onto his back so he could tickle his tummy.
Chuuya cursed, reaching for Atsushi’s arms again, thwarted again when the weretiger quickly drew them away. “I’m trying!”
“Use your freaky gravity power to hold him still.”
“I can’t! You’re using your ability to stop him, and when I touch him you cancel mine, too! Idiot!”
Atsushi – for his part – continued to curl up on his side and protect both his tummy and his arms by forming a little ball on the floor, giggling from the silliness and impending tickle attack. “Guys, plehehehease! Wait!”
Dazai hummed. “Wait for what, Atsushi? Why should we wait when we can tickle you now?”
Chuuya made another grab for his arms and was once again denied. “You little—!” He snapped his eyes up to Dazai. “The kid’s got more ticklish spots than that! Just tickle him somewhere! He’ll have to unfurl eventually.”
“Nohohohoho!” Atsushi protested.
Dazai considered a moment, then squeezed his kneecap, nearly getting a foot to the face for his trouble. Despite his lower body reacting on instinct, Atsushi’s upper body remained tightly curled up and inaccessible.
“Must I do everything myself?” Chuuya muttered, reaching down to dig his fingers into Atsushi’s side, a satisfied smirk gracing his features when the weretiger shot one arm out to stop him. He grabbed his wrist and pulled it above his head before he could take it back, leaving one side entirely open. “There, Dazai!”
Dazai’s eyes lit up like a holiday tree as he wormed his fingers along Atushi’s side, gradually making his way to his tummy, at which point Atsushi’s giggles rose in pitch and he rolled onto his back. “Nohohohohohoho, wahahahahahait!”
Chuuya snatched up his other arm and sat on them both to keep him open and vulnerable, then scribbled his fingers into his armpits at the same time that Dazai went to town on his open belly.
Atsushi screeched with laughter, heels digging into the floor as he squirmed and bucked, a happy smile and pink blush showing off how much fun he was having despite his predicament. “Ahahahahaha plehehehehease, you guhuhuhuhuys! Nohohohohoho! Dohohohohon’t tihihihihickle me!”
“Whyever not?” Dazai mused, his voice in that teasing, lilting cadence that always drove Chuuya up the wall when he was the one in the weretiger’s position. The redhead shivered at the thought but kept up his own tickling, pointedly ignoring the playful wink his partner sent his way.
“It tihihihihihihihihickles!” Atsushi whined, laughter turning more frantic when Dazai finally dug a finger into his belly button. “Ehehehehehehe plehehehehehehehease!”
“I don’t know, Chuuya,” Dazai hummed, “do you think we should let him go?”
“After that little quip about ‘getting a room’ when he’s the one who walked in on us uninvited?” Chuuya snorted, leaning further forward to massage the tops of his ribs. “Not a chance.”
Atsushi whined through his laughter, babbling out apologies and pleas, but it was useless. When Dazai and Chuuya were on the warpath together, nothing could stop them. He’d just have to hope he could hold out long enough for them to feel satisfied in their thirst for vengeance…
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halfagone · 4 months
A Mandalorian Halfa Jedi?
I am thinking... about my Danny Phantom x Star Wars AU again. I mentioned this in the Haunting Heroes discord server, but imagine this:
Danny gets lost in the Star Wars universe, maybe they're part of the same universe, maybe not. We know that Earth technically exists there, so it's possible. Nonetheless, Danny gets lost and is eventually picked up by the Jedi. It is during the Clone Wars era, at the height of the war. Ectoplasm either functions the same as the Force out in larger space, or it easily passes off as the Force. Therefore, Danny is considered Force-sensitive and brought to the Jedi council.
He's far too old, older than even Anakin was, but he already displays some skill with the blade (thanks to his mom's training), and he's far too powerful with the Force to leave for the Sith or Dark Side users running about to find him. Those like Count Dooku or Asajj Ventress or whoever Dooku's master is (and, depending on the timeline, Maul and his brother Savage as well).
It's decided that Obi Wan should train him, since he did well with Anakin despite Anakin's older age for a youngling and lack of familiarity with Jedi customs and culture. As well as Obi Wan's own young age as a Padawan himself at the time. Surely, Obi Wan could whip him into shape and they need all the help they can get on the field.
Anakin does not like Danny at first. Not at all. He might have joked all he liked beforehand about Obi Wan getting another padawan, but seeing it happen is an entirely different experience. Danny gets along well with Obi Wan, with his dry, witty humor and his tendency for unorthodox strategy. Worse still, Ahsoka likes Danny. These two are peas in a pod, partners in crime. It feels like he's been forgotten and replaced and by someone seemingly better.
And then one day, when the 212th and the 501st are stationed together, he finds Danny shaking with night terrors, the Dark Side so strong in him Anakin is literally freezing from the cold. It's only then that he understands Danny a little bit better, and sees himself in this kid. Danny fights the Dark Side within him just like he does, and he never lets it consume him. Maybe for once, he can learn a little something from this kid too, and not let it overwhelm him.
And here is the part where I realized a golden opportunity:
What if the Jedi think Danny is a Mandalorian that was cast out for being Force-sensitive? Danny has an affinity for weapons beyond the blade, like cannons and guns and snipers. He talks about how his family taught him to use these weapons, that he's known this all his life. He talks about how his family wears suits all the time and hardly ever takes them off. He talks about always being afraid to reveal his powers to his parents, and how ultimately he ran away because of them.
Oh all the scenarios that could come out of this~
But now I'm also thinking about how strong Danny would feel in the Force. How much Danny could do on the battlefield because now he doesn't have to hold back. Droids might have more intelligence than a lot of sentients give them credit for, but if it's between the very alive, flesh and bone, clones of the Grand Republic Army and the Separatists' metal droids, Danny is absolutely going to be ruthless if it means the clones are safe.
Danny can literally control the weather. Imagine what happens when Danny creates an electrical storm for the first time to take down an enemy starship and the clones just look between themselves, whispering about how: "I didn't know Jedi could do that." "Is that how the Force works?" "Kriff if I know-"
And that's another thing! Clones! Danny would be absolutely appalled that so many clones were created and their freedom at the end of the Clones Wars is still up in the air.
It also ties beautifully with his love for space and now he's living the dream! Except space isn't what he thought it would be. And there are planets out here that have barbaric standards. It's the adventure of a lifetime! But there's a part of him that still wants to go home.
Just- all the possibilities and shenanigans this could bring. ✨
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You can’t shop your way out of a monopoly
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then SAN FRANCISCO (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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If you're running a business, you can either invest at being good at your business, or good at Google SEO. Choose the former and your customers will love you – but they won't be able to find you, thanks to the people who choose the latter. And if you're going to invest in top-notch SEO, why bother investing in quality at all?
For more than a decade, Google has promised that it would do something about "lead gens" – services that spoof Google into thinking that they are local businesses, pushing down legit firms on both regular search and Google Maps (these downranked businesses invested in quality, not SEO, remember). Search for a roofer, a plumber, an electrician, or a locksmith (especially a locksmith), and most or all of the results will be lead-gens. They'll take your call, pretend to be a local business, and then call up some half-qualified bozo to come out and charge you four times the going rate for substandard work:
Some of them just take your money and they "go back to the shop for a tool" and never return:
Google has been promising to fix this since the late aughts, and to be fair, it's a little better. There was once a time when a map of Manhattan showed more locksmiths than taxis:
But GMaps is trapped in the enshittification squeeze. On the one hand, the company wants to provide a good and reliable map. On the other hand, the company makes money selling "ads" that are actually payola, where a business can pay to get to the top of the listings or get displayed on the map itself. Zoom out of Google's map of central London and the highlighted landmarks are a hilarious mix of "organic" and paid listings: the British Museum, Buckingham Palace, the Barbican, the London Eye…and a random oral and maxillofacial clinic in the financial district:
Hell of a job "organizing the world's information and making it universally accessible and useful," Big G. Doubtless the average Londoner finds the presence of this clinic super helpful in orienting themselves relative to the map on their phone screens, and it's a real service to tourists hoping to hit all the major landmarks.
It's not just Maps users who'd noticed the rampant enshittification. Even the original design team is so horrified they're moved to speak out about the moral injury they experience seeing the product they worked so hard on turned into a giant pile of shit:
Now, when it comes to locksmiths, I'm lucky. My neighborhood in Burbank includes the wonderful Golden State Lock and Safe, which has been in business since 1942:
But you wouldn't know it from searching GMaps for a locksmith near me. That search turns up a long list of scams:
It also turns up plenty of Keyme machines – these are private-equity backed, self-serve key-cutting machines placed in grocery stores. Despite Keyme calling itself a "locksmith," it's just a badly secured, overcaptilized, enshittification-bound system for collecting and retaining shapefiles for the keys to millions of homes, cross-referenced with billing information that will make it easy for the eventual hackers to mass-produce keys for all those poor suckers' houses.
(Hilariously, Keyme claims to be an "AI" company):
But despite the fact that you can literally see the Golden State storefront from Google Streetview, Google Maps claims to have no knowledge of it. Instead, Streetview labels Golden State "Keyme" – and displays a preview showing a locksmith using a tool to break into a jeep (I'd dearly love to know how the gadget next to the Slurpee machine at the 7-Eleven will drive itself to your jeep and unlock the door for you when you lose your keys):
It's pretty clear to me what's going on here. Keyme has hired some SEO creeps and/or paid off Google, flooding the zone with listings for its machines. Meanwhile, Golden State, being merely good at locksmithing, has lost the SEO wars. Perhaps Golden State could shift some of its emphasis from being good at locksmithing in order to get better at SEO, but this is a race that will always be won by the firm that puts the most into SEO, which will always be the firm that puts the least into quality.
Whenever I write about this stuff, people inevitably ask me which search engine they should use, if not Google?
And there's the rub.
Google used predatory pricing and anticompetitive mergers to acquire a 90% search market-share. The company spends more than $26b/year buying default position in every place where you might possibly encounter a new search engine. This created the "kill zone" – the VC's term of art for businesses that no one will invest in, because Google makes sure that no one will ever find out it exists:
That's why the only serious competitor to Google is Bing, another Big Tech company (Bing is also the primary source of results on Duckduckgo, which is why DDG sometimes makes exceptions for Microsoft's privacy-invading tracking):
Google tells us that the quid-pro-quo of search monopolization is search excellence. The hundreds of billions it makes every year through monopoly control gives it the resources it needs to fight spammers and maintain search result quality. Anyone who's paid attention recently knows that this is bullshit: Google search quality is in free-fall, across all its products:
But Google doesn't seem to think it has a problem. Rather than devoting all its available resources to fighting botshit, spam and scams, the company set $80 billion dollars alight last year with a stock buyback that was swiftly followed with 12,000 layoffs, followed by multiple subsequent rounds of layoffs:
The scams that slip through Google's cracks are sometimes nefarious, but just as often they're decidedly amateurish, the kind of thing that Google could fix by throwing money at the problem, say, to validate that new ads for confirmed Google merchants come from the merchant's registered email addresses and go to the merchant's registered website:
Search is a capital intensive business, and there are real returns to scale, as the UK Competition and Market Authority's excellent 2020 study describes:
But Google doesn't seem to think that its search needs that $80 billion to fight the spamwars. That's the thing about monopolists, they get complacent. As Lily Tomlin's "Ernestine the AT&T operator" used to say, "We don't care, we don't have to, we're the phone company."
That's why I'm so excited about the DOJ Antitrust Division monopolization case against Google. Trusting one company to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," was a failure:
I understand why people want to know which search engine they should use instead of Google, and I get why, "There aren't any good search engines" is such an unsatisfactory answer. I understand why each fresh round of printer-company fuckery prompts people to ask "which printer should I get?" and I understand why "There are only six major printer companies and they're all suffering from end-stage enshittification" isn't what anyone wants to hear.
We want to be able to vote with our wallets, because it's so much faster and more convenient than voting with our ballots. But the vote-with-your-wallet election is rigged for the people with the thickest wallets. Try as hard as you'd like, you just can't shop your way out of a monopoly – that's like trying to recycle your way out of the climate emergency. Systemic problems need systemic solutions – not individual ones.
That's why the new antitrust matters so much. The answer to monopolies is to break up companies, block and unwind mergers, ban deceptive and unfair conduct. "Caveat emptor" is the scammer's motto. You shouldn't have to be an expert on lead gen scams to hire a locksmith without getting ripped off.
There are good products and services out there. Earlier this year, we decided to install a (non-networked) programmable pushbutton lock. I asked Deviant Ollam – whom I know from Defcon's Lockpicking Village – for a recommendation and he suggested the Schlage FE595:
I liked it so much I bought another one for my office door. Eric from Golden State Lock and Safe installed it while I wrote this blog-post. It's great. I recommend both of 'em – 10/10, would do business again.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: alicia rae (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kehole_Red.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
Budhiargomiko (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wasteland.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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callofdudes · 7 months
König x Autistic Reader headcanons
Just a little disclaimer that I myself am not autistic. I'm neurdivergent but I don't struggle with most of the things that autistic people do. So please feel free to let me know if something is incorrect. Only here to spread love. ♥️
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Being the colonel, König heard about you from your previous commanding officer. You were being switched to KorTac on recommendation so he didn't think any less of you when he heard you were also autistic.
Not that he would if you weren't, but you had a pretty decent record to back your few years in the military.
He had less than a week to prepare before you'd be transfered, and he wanted to be as prepared for you as possible. He'd read as much as he could, trying to take everything in.
Of course, hearing that some things were different for different autistic users was a little anxiety inducing.
When he met you out off the helicopter, you had your headphones on, taking them off slowly when you got a comfortable distance from the spinning blades.
He noticed how you took them off slowly, letting yourself adjust a little to the noise out of the headphones before hanging them around your neck.
"Ah, sergeant. My name is König." König held out his gloved hand, which you seemed a little surprised at, but on a good way. And you shook his hand, recognizing his firm grip.
"Thank you..."
"Allow me to show you around before we talk business ja?"
You nodded hesitantly, slowly following him.
Your eyes moved everywhere, taking in the new environment. It was much different. All the new smells, the sounds, the surprise of it.
König was aware you would need proper introduction to the environment. The ins and outs, a clear schedule laid out before it happened. Which is what he would prepare you with. No doubt just chucking you into work would overwhelm you. As it would anyone.
He noticed the way your thumbs continually moved over the seam of your uniform in the same motion while you took everything in.
He laid out the usual schedule, reassuring you that you wouldn't have to adhere to their schedule so strictly until you were fully integrated.
It was nice, how smooth it felt. Unlike your first transition. Being thrown into boot camp with zilch for experience you knew it would be rough. But you're glad you don't ever have to do that again.
König made sure you were aware that you could come to him if you needed anything or if you had questions. He was an open book and willing to help.
At first he was very worried about how you'd react to his mask. He didn't know if you'd be ok with it or not? Would you be put off by it? Would it reassure you with so little detail on his face, not being able to see him.
But from how you reacted, clearly your first impressions of his gentle nature won you over instead of his daunting height and scary exterior.
You had been worried in the beginning that König was going to be like everyone else. But he was actually very gentle. He was quieter, unlike your previous superiors who seemed to be into yelling just because they could.
And König was gentle with you. Not like when you were first brought into the military. Now, to be fair, you had joined the military and they wanted soldiers one way or another. You hadn't expected to be pampered right out of the gate. But he approached you in a way that settled you in.
König was usually very aware of what he was doing, because of his height and his position, every move was in his thoughts. And with you that was no different.
"Hey... Y/n, I know the canteen is pretty busy today, so I figured I'd just bring you a plate here." He smiles a little under the hood, wondering if you'd appreciate the gesture or get mad at him because you thought he was treating you as weak.
To his relief, you smiled softly. "Oh, König-" you pause when you saw the plate. König had always noticed you much preferred some food over others, and you always organized them in specific ways. And it was just like that, your plate perfect to your autistic eye.
You wouldn't have to spend ten minutes of precious food time reordering and sorting.
"Thank you König, thank you."
König always did his best to help you. But of course, there was only so much he could do to help. Even in simple training, you were sometimes allowed to have your headphones on, but there was always that time when you weren't.
When könig would clearly see you getting overwhelmed from smells, sounds, and strenuous activity you were faced with.
König is always an extended arm, but was nervous to help you if you didn't want it. So when you showed up in his office, clearly something wrong he wasn't sure what to do.
You just stood in the doorway, clutching the hem of your shirt, your throat feeling tight. You couldn't move, just on the brink of completely exploding in tears.
König slowly stood, approaching you gently. "Y/n..?" He reached out to touch you, slowly, giving you a moment to pull away if you wanted. But you didn't. His hand touching your cheek, cupping your face.
"You're doing amazing..."
Tears fell down your cheeks and you whimpered, leaning against him. He gently wrapping his other arm around you. Warming you, slowly rubbing your back in consistent circles.
"I'm here. I'm here y/n."
König soon became used to knowing every little motion to you. Your hands tensing, trying to stim with them, struggling with verbal communication in stressful situations, or at all. Getting the words in your head out verbally usually a struggle.
Whenever you needed him, he'd be there. On missions when stuck in a stake out, he would give you his backpack that hopefully it would provide enough weight when he took watch; so you could sleep with minimal anxiety.
But König knew, and he was patient.
König who let's you stim with the Velcro straps on his gear and uniform whenever you needed it.
You two were sitting in the cargo plane, könig could feel you staring into him. Your hand moved a little, and he looked at you. "Y/n??"
"König... Can I..?" You reached your hand for his belt, and he understood. Pulling the Velcro from his belt and moving it to your hand. "Yeah, go ahead."
You nod, pushing the Velcro apart and then slowly pulling it open. Listening to the sound and the slow tear. And the patch on his bicep, listening to it slowly peal apart and then sticking it evenly back on.
König sat there still, letting you stim. "Feeling a bit better?"
You nod a little. "Yeah... Thank you."
He hums, smiling softly. He let's you play with the Velcro for the remainder of the flight, not minding you gently stimming with his gear. It's calming for him in a way as well.
When you were on base, you one time asked for him to lay on you, and he was genuinely afraid he'd hurt you.
"Y/n... I believe I am a tad too heavy. I can get you something else-?"
"No König. Crush me. Crush me like my soul... Suffocate me into happiness.."
"Woah... Alright then."
You laid on your back with your arms flat open invitingly. And so König laid across you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his palms up between your shoulder blades.
You sighed happily as he squeezed the oxygen out of you, pushing you down into the blanket. He was warm, his smell was familiar.
König who asks if you have any favorite scents from back home, or any in general. The ones he likes he gets you scented candles so you can put them in your office and room for comfort.
König who buys you a white noise machine and sends you audio files of crickets and whales.
And your hyperfixations. Oh König loves them. He loves listening to you talking his ear off. He doesn't talk a whole lot and enjoys the silence, so having you who dominates the conversation, but not in a way where he feels overstepped or ignored. It's nice.
He loves hearing about all the lore and the background for your liking said thing.
And he even decided to try sharing an interest of his to you. Nature documentaries! König was happy when you gave it a try. If you can sit still through all of it, great! If you can't, he'll probably dig out a fidget toy or grabs something nearly you can use.
Gets rubix cubes from Horangi to see if you like it and want it. Found out what a fidget spinner is and got you one too.
When you told him you were nervous of what the others would think of you carrying one around base, König made the bold decision to carry one too. "Hey, how about we both carry one? So then you're not alone, and they won't think you're weird!"
König is very protective of him. You're like his kid! But in a cool way, not a demeaning way. He wants to take care of you and protect you as best he can. He wants you to know he's got your back.
He's there when you need someone to lay on, or to be laid on. He's there when you need someone who will just cup your ears and tell you to focus on him.
He's there when you need someone to wipe those tears and hold you close to a warm, welcoming body of a close friend.
Because he's your friend, and he cares so much for you. He's definitely still learning, and still trying, but damn it if he wouldn't do anything it takes for you.
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peachkage · 6 months
hi! can you do headcanons for Ace with a s/o that is a scientist? and like she just loves expirements n stuff? also she’s a whitebeard pirate right? so she’s actively trying to figure a way to make devil fruit users immune to kairoseki
(can this be au where ace lives please?)
My first request!! :3 soooo excited thank you for sending this in anon, It's such a cute concept!! I hope I did it justice, been thinking abt this all day ugh he's such a cutie!! I'd love to write more abt this :3 Ace brain rot continues!!
When Ace joined the Whitebeard pirates he was often told stories of a crazy scientist who was always causing havoc on the Moby Dick.
Their first meeting he was awoken by some foul smell seeping into his senses and was face to face with a grinning girl. 
The two grew close super fast due to Ace’s ability to cause trouble and land himself in the infirmary (which just so happens to be next to her little lab set up).
Both being trouble makers they bonded in pranks
She often dragged Ace into experiments, of course Ace would never say no to her. 
Getting together for them was inevitable, none of the Whitebeards were surprised. Infact Thatch even had a bet with some others on how long it would take!
She brought up her dream of being useful to the Whitebeards by nullifying the effects seastone prism would have on a devil fruit user a little bit after they started dating.
Ace understands completely where she’s coming from, she wants no harm done to anyone she loves.
Ace is always the first one to step up and volunteer for her crazy ideas
He always promises whatever she does to him would never hurt and makes sure to give her plenty of reassurance throughout.
He often gets caught staring at you while you geek out about some fancy new science fact and he is oh so in love with everything you do.
He may not look like he’s listening but trust him when he picks up on all the little things like how you really like the Nelumbo Nucifera or some of your more morbid facts like how easy it is to rip out a throat….
He also loves how eager you are to teach him all the fire facts you can find through your secret experiments!!!
When Ace is captured she can’t help but feel at fault that she was unable to finish her research for immunity to sea prism stone.
She is stressed the entire time constantly holed up in the lab, staying up day and night looking for anything to help nullify seastone.
She thinks she might’ve found something!
Marco, about to be bound by seastone prisms, flinches at the idea of the effect stopping him from saving Ace 
But the drowsiness never comes and the effects are super light, nearly nonexistent. She figured something out!
With Marco’s newfound immunity he’s able to help Ace escape.
Ace couldn’t be more proud when he recovers and find out all your hard work over the last few years has finally amounted to something.
He commends you, science is a long process of trial and error but you never gave up.
“I’m sorry I was too late to prevent your capture, it must’ve been hard” she would say while holding him close to her heart.
Oh how he’s so in love with you.
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moremousewrites · 3 months
Pairing: Gale/Tav (femme drow)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A few months after saving the city, you're invited to Waterdeep to provide a guest lecture. Your favourite wizard guides you through the education process. You reward him for his companionship
Tags: kissing, blowjobs, desk sex, inappropriate use of silence, unprotected sex, pregnancy scare (if you squint), past abuse mention
Waterdeep was quaint and foreign to you having never visited before. When you arrived via transportation spell (as per Gale's insistence) you almost passed out from the humidity. Especially since you were arriving from your community of Aevendrow. You were covered head to toe in fur and wool. But you had promised Gale you would give a lecture to his students in Blackstaff Academy. So there you were in his office, catching up between a few glasses of whiskey and discussing your lecture topic.
You were unsure about presenting to wizards as a sorceress, though. You had to train and focus your power, but spells came naturally to you, never studied. “I don't think I have much to offer your students educationally” you said to him.
Gale didn't understand what you meant. He thought you were an incredible magic user, but above all else, you had experience. 
You illuminated your glass of whiskey,  the room glowed violet. “I'm often resented for my inherited powers by studied or pacted magic users, but my powers were selectively bred through lines of noble drow marriages to ensure powerful leadership and magic. I wasn't lucky, not really. I was planned. People don't like to hear that” you explained. Within a minute,  the glow faded to dark.
Gale looked ecstatic. “That's a fantastic topic for your lecture. Many scholars have a difficult time researching the hierarchy of Menzoberranzan and the role magic plays. And the drow who report on it are often very biased. I'd love to hear your position” he urged you.
You were hesitant, but you began writing a lecture. Once you'd finished, Gale read your notes and praised your work. “This is stellar material, Tav! I think you have a future in teaching” he looked over key notes you would share and started writing them onto flash cards.
“I haven't really thought about my future” you admitted “I spent so long trying to not die, it feels odd being alive” you put your chin in your hand, a bit bummed.
“And what have you been doing with your new lease on life?” Gale asked, trying to take your mind off things.
You explained you've gone back to the Aevendrow for a time. It's only safer for now, too much attention on you with everything. Though eventually you will have to leave to protect their anonymity. 
“You can stay here at Blackstaff with me as long as you like” Gale offered, finishing your speech cards.
“I'm not sure it's really safe enough. There'd be a lot of strangers” you said, cautious. In truth you had been getting a lot of unwanted attention in Baldur's Gate. Being a rare drow in the area didn't help but being the famed hero was nightmarish. Having an audience with Gale's students was a favour to him but not one you wanted to extend. 
Gale insisted it's safe as it's protected by arcane countermeasures. In addition to the staff being trained defensively, he would also be there. You found him incredibly sweet for saying that. “I mean it, my home is your home” He assured you. You thanked him, starting to feel the buzz from the whiskey. 
You looked at his desk, admiring the knickknacks and baubles he had along it. You wondered if they were just useless distractions or if they were magical artifacts. You picked up the closest one to you, a locket.
Gale's face immediately blushed as you did but you didn't notice. You were trying to remember where you saw this locket before. 
“Ah, a keepsake from our adventure. That was the locket you received in the Grove for rescuing young Arabella” He took another sip of his whiskey, perhaps to hide his face.
You remembered something about this locket. “This was the first artifact I gave you to help with your condition, Gale. Aren't you sentimental?” You smiled at him, finally acknowledging his blush. It traveled up his neck and across his face. Maybe you had too much to drink but you were starting to wonder how much of him was really blushing. 
“You're very observant, Tav” he reached his hand over and you slipped the locket into his palm, ghosting your fingers onto his skin. “Tell me, have you ever led a lecture before?” He asked, tucking the locket into a pocket in his robes.
You shook your head. “I've only ever been a student. And never in this setting. I had private lessons to train my magic” you explained. 
“But you do have an education in magic! You remember what it's like to be a student, do you not?” He beamed at you.
You shrugged. The experience was somewhat traumatizing, actually. Not something you think Blackstaff would accept as a teaching method. “So I'm going to read my notes to a room full of children, yes?” You dismissed. 
“To a room full of scholars” he corrected you. “But yes that's the gist of it. They may have questions for you though” he explained. 
You pouted, not wanting to answer for your past. Gale put his hand on your knee to comfort you. “I'll be there to moderate them, Tav. You won't be alone” it was your turn to blush, now. Gale was always so emphatic. It was a trait you were raised to admonish. Now, you admired it.
“You really are a wonderful teacher, Gale” you said, sighing into your hand.
Gale gave you his smug little grin and sat back in his desk chair “I know, Tav” he looked good. The life here suited him.The whiskey was making you brave, or perhaps you just really wanted Gale, and you made your way to his office door.
“Can I get something for you?” He asked, confused by your sudden departure. 
“Not at all. I was actually hoping to give you something” you locked the door. Something told you this would be more secure than an arcane lock in a wizard's tower.
Gale choked on his drink. He didn't want to presume but you weren't exactly being subtle. Especially when you kneeled in front of him, placing your hands on his knees.“Tav, I work here” he tried to protest but made no effort to escape your touch.
You nodded, sliding your hands up, cupping his stiff bulge. He arched into your hands “I know, Gale” you moved to untie his pants and he gripped the arms of his chair.
You removed his cock from his pants. It was leaking already and painfully hard. Holding it with one hand, you licked a long flat stripe from the base to the tip. You took the tip in your mouth, running your tongue over it and tasting him.
“Fucking hells, Tav” he hissed, squirming in your mouth. 
You sucked hard, taking him further. You bobbed your head, hollowing your cheeks until your lips met the base of his cock. Gale's hand flew to your scalp, tugging at your roots. He pulled you up slightly, overwhelmed by the pleasure. You looked up at him, his head thrown back, body shuddering. He was a wreck. You dragged your tongue on his shaft, kissing every inch of his cock. 
“I'm going to need to be inside of you, soon” he said, thrusting his hips. His cock slid through your lips at his movements. 
“So take me” you said, standing up. 
Gale looked at you, gobsmacked. “Not here! Are you out of your mind?” He looked guilty, as if he just realized what he'd been doing. 
You sat on his desk and kicked your feet playfully. “No. But I've already sucked your cock. Is this really worse?” You asked, leaning back on your elbows. 
Gale looked around his office as if he was going to suddenly find a scrying eye. “You're trouble, you do realize that?” He stood up between your legs.
“Yes, but I'm usually worth it” you giggled as Gale pulled your hips forward to the edge of the desk. He pulled your pants off of you, and lined himself with your entrance. 
He leaned forward and stole a kiss, the head of his cock teasing your folds. You gasped into his mouth as he pressed in. Gale took his time letting you adjust. Despite your eagerness to have him inside of you, it was a tight fit. He pumped his hips, inching his way into you until he bottomed out. You moaned at the sensation and Gale cast silence on you in a panic.
You shot him a threatening glare and mouthed the words ‘how dare you!’ upon his deaf ears. He started fucking you in earnest, a sort of apology. The spell had been a blessing. You would have been mistaken for a banshee, haunting his office had he not silenced you. Even the sound of his thighs slapping against your bare skin had been stifled. You pulled at the fastenings of his robe, wanting to touch his skin. Upon revealing his chest, you saw that creeping blush scattered across him. His skin was burning. You went to cool it with your tongue, licking from his collar to the column of his neck. 
You could feel Gale's hips stuttering as he was reaching his climax. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer. He reached his hand between you, toying with your clit. Your own climax shocked you, waves of pleasure ripped through you. Gale was not far behind you. The grip of your orgasm on his cock pushing him over the edge. He tried to crash his lips into yours to mute his moan. It was still audible, and you were thankful to hear such a beautiful sound.
Gale stood, waiting inside you for a moment. Your eyes grew with panic at the sudden realization he had just come inside you.“At risk of sounding like a chauvinist, and I hope you understand that I find your conversation both stimulating and delightful, I think you're rather pleasant like this as well” Gale teased, kissing your neck.
You soundlessly mouthed words to him. “Oh, my apologies, Tav. What did you want to say?” He pulled out of you, using your discarded small clothes to wipe at the mess. Clearing your throat, you heard your voice. He had dropped the spell. “I said that was brave” you pulled on your pants and slipped on your shoes. 
“Or perhaps very stupid. Well, no matter, what's done is done. We'll see if I still have a teaching position tomorrow” He used your smallclothes to wipe your mixed ecstasy off his cock, then tucked the pair into his pocket next to the locket. 
“I was referring to your coming inside of me. Though you are right- what's done is done” you watched him come to the same realization as you. Panic filled his features, then denial, then content. 
He straightened his clothes, smoothed his hair and pulled you into a hug. You returned the gesture. “I'm really glad you're here, Tav” he whispered and kissed the top of your head. 
“Me too, Gale” you nestled into his embrace. 
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soonsluv · 2 years
valentine’s special
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pairing: sub!dokyeom x dom!gn!reader
contains: unnecessarily long build up💔, edging, the reader is a bit mean and dokyeom is a crybaby about it
a/n: this is part of the collab the amazing @huiranghaes​ organised! here’s the link to the hyung’s and maknae’s masterlists, go check them out! and ofc respect and protect sex workers!!<3
dokyeom hadn’t been a camboy for long which is also the reason why his content was relatively tame. despite his simple performances, he still attracted a decent number of viewers thanks to his charming allure and gorgeous body. he was sweet, making sure to ask how his viewers' day had been and always had a gentle smile on his face, no matter how contradictingly dirty his actions could be sometimes.
his viewers loved him and his lives but he felt like trying something new, especially with valentine’s day coming up. only problem was, the young man didn’t know where to start. there were definitely some things he wanted to try out but he wasn’t sure if his viewers would like them considering how… specific some of his interests were. and besides, most of them required at least two people with decent experience to have a pleasurable session. but it’s not like finding someone with experience willing to teach him was hard to come by on the app he was using, he might even argue that it was too easy. all he needed to do was to browse through his favorite creators, find one that lived close by and-
you look down to your phone screen at the sound of a notification and see that another creator from the app you cam on has sent you a message.
kyeomie18_: “hi! i don’t really know how this is supposed to go but i really like your work and i was wondering if you’d like to collaborate sometime? i can host :)”
hm. you scroll through the pictures and clips he has posted in the past and you can’t help but admit that the man is dangerously hot. he also looked pretty professional, you couldn’t see his full face and the room he filmed in was clean but considering the tone of his message, he couldn’t have been on the platform for long. teaching him a few tricks seems like a tempting idea but you didn't have to choose right this instance so you decide to think about it for a bit more and besides, his next live show is tomorrow night so you might be able to make a decision after seeing him in action.
the following day, you come home particularly excited to watch kyeomie18_’s live. you change into more comfortable clothes and sit down in your bed, making sure to get in a comfortable position, just in case you… enjoy it.
kyeomie18_ is now live!
he starts the live by waving at the camera, not showing his entire face like in any other videos and pictures he posts. he is still fully clothed so you guess that he likes to tease his viewers instead of directly getting to the point.
“good evening everyone, i see that we have a special guest tonight so i’ll be sure to make it extra special this time to make a good impression on them,” he says, making your face heat up. that’s right, every creator could see the users that were watching so he knew you were watching him too.
a bunch of jealous messages asking about the mystery guest start flooding his comment section.
“don’t worry, you will always be my number one.,” he starts off in a cutesy voice, making you roll your eyes and scoff, “this special person will be revealed soon enough… or never, depending on whether they like me enough,” he trails off.
after the comments have died down, he slowly removes his cardigan that he was wearing with a plain white shirt and blue jeans. he sighs heavily.
“work was so hard today, i could barely focus because i kept thinking about you…”
the type to do fanservice. noted.
“it just hurt so much…”
you could practically hear the pout in his voice and his viewers all played along, worryingly asking him where it hurt so bad.
“it hurts here,” he reveals while grabbing his crotch, effectively drawing attention to his erection.
most comments were urging him to just jerk off but one comment, one that caught your attention, said that he should deny himself for being so horny even at work. you decide to leave a comment agreeing with shiningm00n73.
“d-deny myself?” he cautiously asks, like you might change opinions if he acted cute enough.
the first person comments a simple “yes” but you have a feeling that that question was more directed at you so you also confirm the suggestion.
“your wish is my command,” he finally says with much more determination this time.
he ever so slowly unzips his pants, showing off his happy trail and the fact that he wasn’t wearing
shiningm00n73: “no wonder you got horny at work if you were walking around with no fucking underwear.”
this makes you snort and it probably flustered him by the way he avoids answering the commenter.
he just pushes his shirt up so it’s out of the way and continues by fully taking his hard cock out of his pants without removing them and starts stroking it lightly while his other hand reaches for the bottle of lube that was near him and proceeds to squirt a generous amount on his already throbbing member.
he hisses and you’re not sure if it’s because of the cold substance hitting such a sensitive area or out of relief because he must’ve been holding back for quite some time to already be throbbing.
he quickly loses himself in the pleasure though, his hips keep twitching and small moans are slipping in between his quick breaths. he’s already worked up, maybe even close. it’s easy to tell that he’s a rookie and you wonder if he’ll really keep his promise.
that’s when his hand jerks away from his member and comes to a stop as a frustrated huff leaves his lips.
“how many times do you want me to do this?” he breathes.
and by the way all the viewers implore him to stop and just finish, you deduct that his fanbase is used to simple masturbation sessions where he whispers them a bunch of lovey doves words
but you can’t have that, that would be too easy so you leave a comment.
“continue until you cry.”
he lets out an nervous laugh but complies nonetheless.
“okay,” he sounds weak and a smirk appears on your face. guess he doesn’t have the best stamina.
his hand starts moving again and his breathing loses all rhythm despite the slow pace.
whines start bubbling up his throat while the comment section is filled with people admiring his body or taking notice at how incredibly hot he sounds.
it doesn’t take long before he gets close again though.
his breathing is heavy and his abs are flexing uncontrollably, it is truly a sight to behold.
before he can finish or rather start that sentence, he spurts all over his stomach and previously clean shirt. some of his cum dribbles down to his balls that are still relentlessly twitching and it becomes crystal clear that he needed this.
it takes a minute before he can calm himself down and when he finally does, he makes sure to shoot a finger heart to his viewers.
“goodnight, hope you enjoyed and i get to see you again next week.”
what a cheeky motherfucker but you would be lying if you said you weren’t itching to remove your underwear and relief the pressure that has now build up. you decide to keep that frustration to record an audio for your viewers later though, instead concluding that you have an important message to send.
“sure, what did you have in mind?”
after having met up to get to know each other and laid down some ground rules, you now find yourself entering the apartment of the mystery cam guy, dokyeom. he was wearing a plain shirt with comfortable joggers, in other words, clothes that are easily pushed out of the way. smart.
the apartment looked neat and smelled nice. the table in the living room was filled with snacks and drinks for later you assume. you smile.
“what? what’s funny?” he asks a bit too insecurely.
“no nothing, i just think it’s sweet how you organised so well is all,” you respond as you smile a bit wider at him.
now it’s his turn to smile.
he leads you to his room after dropping your belongings on the couch of the living room.
“so this is where the uh magic happens,” he chuckles awkwardly while gesturing to his inviting bed.
it was made prettily with a bunch of unnecessary pillows and his computer was already in position. on his night table were a bottle of lube, a bullet vibrator, bottles of water and wet wipes.
he turns to you.
“so i’ll just open the live, introduce you and then you’ll… take the lead like we discussed, right?”
you give him a reassuring smile because you can practically smell the nervousness on him.
“don’t worry, i’ll take good care of you,” you add to lighten the mood. his cheeks redden a bit. cute.
when the two of you are in position, with you sitting behind him to be precise, he starts off the live by introducing you.
“hi, have you been well? remember the mystery person i was talking about last week? as you can see they’re here with me today to celebrate valentine’s day!”
and without skipping a beat, the viewers bombard the comment section with questions surrounding you and what the two of you were planning.
“well my friend here will have their way with me and my goal is to last as long as i can. very simple rules but i doubt i’ll be able to abide by them anyway,” he snorts.
the word he used to describe you makes your heart skip a beat but you make sure to not show it even though he’s facing away from you and the viewers can’t see completely your face nor his.
“their user is _ so if you end up liking what we do tonight, you should definitely check them out,” he adds.
after receiving the green light, you teasingly run your hands along his clothed chest and leave feather like kisses along his neck, helping him to relax in your hold.
you stay like that for a while until both of your hands slip underneath his shirt and you hear him exhale heavily.
as you continue to caress his skin, you feel goosebumps growing under your fingertips and you smile softly. hadn’t he been touched in a while or was he just really sensitive? either way, you certainly liked how reactive he was.
your right thumb brush against his nipple, making him suspire again.
while your right thumb is circling around his nipple, your free hand reaches out to grab the vibrator to then swiftly turn it on and press it against his left nipple over his shirt.
“no fair,” he whines and all you can offer him is a kiss against his jaw because this is much too fun to stop.
your right hand slips from under his shirt and goes down to firmly grab his crotch, making him whine again.
“already excited i see?”
he only lowers his head but doesn’t deny your accusatory statement, he must be red as a beet you muse.
he pushes his chest against the vibrator when you start to message him through his joggers.
“move on,” he breathes with effort.
“don’t forget who’s in charge, dear.”
he huffs but doesn’t protest, his hands obediently remaining at his sides.
your left hand leaves the tormented bud and glides into his joggers to thrust the toy against the head of his cock through his boxers while your right hand goes to his thigh to secure it in place.
“oh fuck,” he moans as his hips jerk at the new sensation.
“there there, you’ll feel better very soon,” you whisper to help him slip into that specific headspace better.
his head is now leaning on your shoulder while his hands have formed fists, tightly clutching the blanket beneath you.
you almost feel bad for the poor man in your arms, now being able to notice how his lips are parted and how his eyes are blissfully closed.
“i hope you didn’t forget about the rules,” you remind him, removing the toy to prevent an orgasm you anticipated was creeping up on him much too quickly.
he hisses.
“no no, i didn’t forget,” he hastily reassures you but it’s clear that he was a bit far gone and would’ve probably jizzed his pants hadn’t you reminded him.
“remove your pants and boxers,” you order.
he lifts his hips and swiftly removes the clothes that are hindering you.
after you grab the bottle of lube, he eagerly resumes his position back in your arms.
you squirt ample amount in your hand and warm it up a bit before smearing it all over his cock that was now gradually reddening.
he completely melts in your hold as a relieved sigh glides from his lips.
you take your time in working him up because he seemed to be real close.
you stroke him and progressively slow down your pace, feeling your mean side peek out again.
a whine rips out his throat.
“please,” he drags out the word and you can tell that he isn’t acting for his viewers, he’s begging.
“do you want me to go faster?”
“yes,” he whimpers.
“please go faster, i might die if you don’t.”
you almost laugh but as ridiculous as he sounds right now, you’re sure that he’s speaking with utmost sincerity so you indulge him and pick up your pace.
“oh shit,” he curses as his hips spasm but relatively stay still.
his body melts further into your hold, you’re afraid he’s going to turn into liquid.
“i love this,” he sighs and you know this is the perfect time to deliver the killing blow.
“tell me darling, do you like being touched by me? does it turn you on to know that i get to choose what and when you feel it?” you whisper in his ear while your hand squeezes around the head of his cock, making his body jerk as a mewl slips from his throat.
“don’t lie to me, baby.”
“i like not hav- having to think,” he pants, hips frantically trying to keep up with the serene rhythm of your hand, without much success. this wasn’t going to last much longer.
“i like it when you tell me what to do, when you’re mean to me.”
“you think i’m mean to you?” you ask with a faux pout he can’t see.
“yes but i like it…” he whispers back.
“you do?” you ask as your free hand goes to fondle with his balls.
this, without your intention, pushes him over the edge and he’s just as surprised as you are when his cock violently throbs and leaks cum in lavish abundance.
his body is much quicker than his mind though, his hips fucking up against your hand in a attempt to ride out this orgasm. you push the idea of ruining his orgasm out of your mind and keep your grasp tight so he can be satiated.
for a moment, his heavy breathing is the only thing echoing in the room until silence settles when he’s fully calmed down. you decide to break that silence.
“guess edging isn’t your forté, huh?” you snort, completely forgetting about your audience.
“well, this was a nice valentine's gift anyway,” he sighs dreamily.
you stroke his hair and notice that he looks a bit… far away. he really liked this, didn’t he?
“glad you liked it,” you giggle before getting up to go look for a towel and pick up the snacks from the living room.
dokyeom glances at his computer screen to read the comment at the very bottom.
shiningm00n73: well, fuck.
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izicodes · 1 year
Hi! I’m a student currently learning computer science in college and would love it if you had any advice for a cool personal project to do? Thanks!
Personal Project Ideas
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Hiya!! 💕
It's so cool that you're a computer science student, and with that, you have plenty of options for personal projects that can help with learning more from what they teach you at college. I don't have any experience being a university student however 😅
Someone asked me a very similar question before because I shared my projects list and they asked how I come up with project ideas - maybe this can inspire you too, here's the link to the post [LINK]
However, I'll be happy to share some ideas with you right now. Just a heads up: you can alter the projects to your own specific interests or goals in mind. Though it's a personal project meaning not an assignment from school, you can always personalise it to yourself as well! Also, I don't know the level you are, e.g. beginner or you're pretty confident in programming, if the project sounds hard, try to simplify it down - no need to go overboard!!
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But here is the list I came up with (some are from my own list):
Personal Finance Tracker
A web app that tracks personal finances by integrating with bank APIs. You can use Python with Flask for the backend and React for the frontend. I think this would be great for learning how to work with APIs and how to build web applications 🏦
Online Food Ordering System
A web app that allows users to order food from a restaurant's menu. You can use PHP with Laravel for the backend and Vue.js for the frontend. This helps you learn how to work with databases (a key skill I believe) and how to build interactive user interfaces 🙌🏾
Movie Recommendation System
I see a lot of developers make this on Twitter and YouTube. It's a machine-learning project that recommends movies to users based on their past viewing habits. You can use Python with Pandas, Scikit-learn, and TensorFlow for the machine learning algorithms. Obviously, this helps you learn about how to build machine-learning models, and how to use libraries for data manipulation and analysis 📊
Image Recognition App
This is more geared towards app development if you're interested! It's an Android app that uses image recognition to identify objects in a photo. You can use Java or Kotlin for the Android development and TensorFlow for machine learning algorithms. Learning how to work with image recognition and how to build mobile applications - which is super cool 👀
Social Media Platform
(I really want to attempt this one soon) A web app that allows users to post, share, and interact with each other's content. Come up with a cool name for it! You can use Ruby on Rails for the backend and React for the frontend. This project would be great for learning how to build full-stack web applications (a plus cause that's a trend that companies are looking for in developers) and how to work with user authentication and authorization (another plus)! 🎭
Text-Based Adventure Game
If you're interested in game developments, you could make a simple game where users make choices and navigate through a story by typing text commands. You can use Python for the game logic and a library like Pygame for the graphics. This project would be great for learning how to build games and how to work with input/output. 🎮
Weather App
Pretty simple project - I did this for my apprenticeship and coding night classes! It's a web app that displays weather information for a user's location. You can use Node.js with Express for the backend and React for the frontend. Working with APIs again, how to handle asynchronous programming, and how to build responsive user interfaces! 🌈
Online Quiz Game
A web app that allows users to take quizzes and compete with other players. You could personalise it to a module you're studying right now - making a whole quiz application for it will definitely help you study! You can use PHP with Laravel for the backend and Vue.js for the frontend. You get to work with databases, build real-time applications, and maybe work with user authentication. 🧮
(My favourite, I'm currently planning for this one!) A chatbot that can answer user questions and provide information. You can use Python with Flask for the backend and a natural language processing library like NLTK for the chatbot logic. If you want to mauke it more beginner friendly, you could use HTML, CSS and JavaScript and have hard-coded answers set, maybe use a bunch of APIs for the answers etc! This project would be great because you get to learn how to build chatbots, and how to work with natural language processing - if you go that far! 🤖
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Another place I get inspiration for more web frontend dev projects is on Behance and Pinterest - on Pinterest search for like "Web design" or "[Specific project] web design e.g. shopping web design" and I get inspiration from a bunch of pins I put together! Maybe try that out!
I hope this helps and good luck with your project!
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legobiwan · 9 months
do you have any thoughts on powerups/how the bros use them?
You have no idea what you have just unleashed, anon. :D I am super into world-building and lore when it comes to Mario stuff, so here's a random list of ideas that may or may not bear fruit for anyone who reads this. (Also, part of this is me sketching out concepts for solus creatura, so I thank my followers in advance for their patience here).
The vegetable/fruit/foliage powerups are naturally occurring. The Mushroom Kingdom has the most fertile conditions for these plants to grow, although other kingdoms have done a decent enough job of genetically engineering their own powerup plants.
This makes the powerups an integral part of the Mushroom Kingdom economy, and one of the reasons they're able to survive so long without any real standing army or defense system outside of Mario and Luigi. It's also one of the reasons they get invaded so often.
The Darklands, centuries before Bowser's reign, used to also cultivate powerups. They were overfarmed by a corrupt agricultural council, however, and in combination with a once-in-a-lifetime drought, the vast majority of their land and crop was ruined.
Luckily for the Darklands, their native species is capable of fire and they still retain a strong tradition of magical culture through the Magikoopas (although this was briefly wiped out during Bowser's father's reign, as he thought the Magikoopas were planning a coup. They, in fact, were, but for good reasons).
Now, the Mushroom Kingdom is wary of magic, due their own history and complicated relationship with the Darklands (this may be in part linked to an old civil war that caused the split between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Darklands). Their species is also just not that magically adept (something having to do with Toad physiognomy?) The powerups are a decent compromise - they afford magic-like abilities without rendering their user permanently superpowered.
There was some contention in the royal court when Mario and Luigi first arrived in terms of allowing them access to the powerups. Ultimately, it was decided the safety of the kingdom would supersede any worries about abuse of power. (This being said, Peach had to argue long and hard for this).
Mario and Luigi receive a monthly allotment of powerups and if they find any "in the wild," they're supposed to record each instance. Neither brother bothers with this and every month they get a nasty letter from Porcina in accounting, which has led to a years-long feud between her and Mario. Luigi has learned the better way to circumvent the system is bribery by brownie. It usually, although not always, works.
The non-vegetative powerups are created in Mushroom Kingdom labs. Because the Mushroom Kingdom is like a Times Square Station for warp-pipe travel, the dimensional crossroads makes it easier to cross-pollinate powerups with characteristics of other species and lands (cats, penguins, etc.)
Back in the day, E. Gadd was involved with a lot of this research, but ultimately left to pursue his own interests in the paranormal. It's also rumored that he and the governing scientific committee at the time had a spat about the limits of experimental ethics.
When Mario and Luigi are first introduced to the powerups, they think this is the coolest thing in the world. They have powers, which was an impossibility back in New York.
It takes them a while to get the hang of using the powerups. Mario set fire to a Mushroom Kingdom stable one time. Luigi crash landed into someone's wedding as a kitsune. The citizens, by and large, were relatively forgiving of these incidents, although it did make for a wild few days in the press.
At first, Mario and Luigi both love the fireball ability. That is, until the events of Super Paper Mario, after which they go a solid few months without coming NEAR a fireflower. Mario can't help flashback to that terrible moment in Merlon's house while Luigi experiences the oddest phantom pains if he as much holds a fireflower, although he can't say why exactly. (Mario, of course, has no idea Luigi was boxed and bombed twice by Dimentio).
Luigi loves flying and may steal a few extra Tanooki leaves to go out and experiment with aeronautics/aviation concepts in the dead of the night. This, subconsciously, directly influences his Brobot designs in his time as Mr. L.
Mario's favorite powerup is the classic mushroom. Finally, he gets to be as tall or taller than his younger brother.
They both think the Invincibility Star is incredible until they're faced with a situation in which the invincibility wears off at a dangerous moment, which almost turned fatal for Mario. It's a sobering moment, and brothers learn the lesson that no one is invincible forever.
The Mushroom Kingdom allows Mario and Luigi to use the powerups under the assumption that the "magic," as it were, never lasts. What they don't know, however, is that Luigi has a strange penchant for magic, which is why on more than one occasion, the effects of the powerups take longer to wear off on him. (One day, Luigi shows up to meet his brother looking a little...furrier than usual. "You look hairy, bro," Mario says, furrowing his brow. "I'm Italian." Mario rolls his eyes at his brother's quip. "Not that Italian. What, did you forget to shave again?" Luigi just shrugs, not wanting to admit this isn't the first time he's woken up with more hair than he's used to).
They tease each other mercilessly when they are introduced to some of the animalistic powerups. Luigi puts a litter box in his brother's room and buys him a collar with the name tag, "Fluffy." Mario cooks Luigi fish for five days straight after the penguin incident. He also starts singing the "Walk Like a Penguin" jingle every time his brother comes into the room.
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space-blue · 1 year
I saw your post about the Na'vi who live near volcanoes! (I loved it so much!) What examples do you have of their clothing? And what rites of passage do they have since making a bond with animals isn't a normal occurrence?
Anon, thank you so much!! I have the day off so I spent the afternoon doodling ideas for the Txepiva, half of them not even what you asked for lol
Here's the full sheet, which you can see in full size by opening in a new page.
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Clothes :
Let's say they are mostly pastoralist nomads. They have an animal, an omnivorous creature that lives in small flocks of 20-30 members. They have a scaly/platted back and tail, but also tufts of heat resistant fibers close to a wool, just not nearly as compact. It's designed to keep them cool around the neck and chest.
Txepiva task young children with herding the flocks, making tsaheylu and often riding the flock's leading animal, leading them all by directing the one. They are used for meat, but also for their fibers, which are made into protective veils, as heat reflective as anything Na'vi can produce.
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This made me think about masks (made of bone or worked leather) that would use glass lenses and veils made of that material to get extra close to lava. A Pandoran take on the protective suits we wear on earth.
I have had to honour of getting very close to a lava flow, and my experience is that when you're 20m away from it, it feels as hot and oppressive as when you're 1m away from a raging bonfire. If they need to get close, extra protection would help.
Masks could also have simple slits, though idk how much protection that would offer.
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And since they can weave heat resistant fabric, but not everyone would get close to lava, you could also have more casual but still protective gear, mimicking Tuareg and other desert dwelling headgears and scarves. You could wrap the queue (tswin) inside of it and have it hidden from view. My adult Txepiva who aren't young herders or hunters have little use of their tswin outside of mating.
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They would have access to a lot of precious stones. A lot of jewelry would be crafted there and be part of their main exports to other clans, alongside glass objects. Vials and glass rings would be particularly popular, as well as beads.
They'd import a lot of dyes and dried plant material in exchange. The one thing that is taboo for other clans though is metal.
That doesn't stop the Txepiva from using it for themselves, in earrings, worked plates, kuru clasps, brooches, etc. Copper is particularly easy to obtain around volcanic faults.
The other stone of choice is obsidian. I tried to give her white paint under her eyes instead of the black one I did on my original design.
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But at the end of the day one of the most used materials in the clan is Bone. All warriors and scouts wear chains of vertebrae over their tswin. It's to prevent being easily killed by the queue being grasped and severed at the base.
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The war chief, leader who takes charge of the clan whenever they face conflict or are readying an assault on another clan, tends to wear more flashy gear. This one collected vertebraes with a long neural spine :
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The tswin and its bones are tied to his waist so they don't sway or get in his way. It's mostly ceremonial gear, I don't think he'd bedeck himself like this for war.
Didn't draw any shoes, but the Txepiva are occasional users of the stuff, especially on active volcanic plains.
Rites of Passage :
Not everyone is a warrior, so I assume they'd have different rites for different people.
Those who are warriors might be tasked to prepare their own kit to go on a quest of some sort. A raid to steal an animal, or to go deep into active lava flows to collect precious materials and prove themselves.
Or they might be cast out altogether for a whole year or more, young people forming roving bands from different clans who have to get along and conjoin their skills to survive. That feels a little extreme, though I've explored the idea of the ash people having a yearly meeting where most clans peacefully get together and trade, party, bang, and mate across clans to, you know, clean up that gene pool.
It being the moment roving bands return and have a ceremony accepting them as adults and able to join a mate and a new clan would be great. Another group of youth could be cast out at the end of that meeting, only to return in a year.
That has the advantage that it could include people whose main skill isn't hunting or killing, as they'd be just as valuable for a band's survival.
But otherwise I enjoy the idea of yuong people building a 'dowry' for themselves. It's not about mating at all, but to showcase their skills for the great meeting. Elders of all clans gather and inspect the ivory carvings, dyed weaved scarves, worked stones and jewels, or even the smithed blades and copper beads produced by this youth who claims to be an adult. They might prepare a single enormous project, or present a collection of wares.
If approved, then they would receive presents prepared for them by their friends and family ahead of time in a ceremony welcoming them as adults, and they'd be allowed to go trade all their hard work.
And that gathering place definitely has a fun-time tent for adults but also a massive complex of hot springs. It's a sacred place with a lot of growing soul trees where killing or fighting is completely forbidden.
You have to leave your clan's baggage at the metaphorical door.
They'd also have sport competitions and friendly matches, as well as conflict resolution.
OK going to shut up now because I think I could go on a little too long!!
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hot-take-tournament · 4 months
Omg the reblog person is so real for that. I understand that Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm so liking doesn't functionally do anything but I get extremely anxious about reblogging so the guilt trips are really awful for me (and I assume it's the same for others with similar issues.)
Uh- bit of a tangent/rant below. For context I'm an "Audhd-er" (I think that's the term people use, it means I'm autistic and I have ADHD)
I understand most of the time they are over-exaggerating their feelings on the matter. In posts about reblogging stuff from writers and artists it's always kind of a "LIKES DO NOTHING SHOW YOUR LOVE WITH REBLOGS LIKES MEAN NOTHING"
I've always found that a bit odd. As someone with two mutuals (one of whom is rarely online) and 1 normal follower my reblogs really aren't gonna do much so I mostly reblog stuff my mutuals might like and occasionally make my own posts. (Keeping everything else private for the most part) When I get a like it always brings a warm fuzzy feeling because it means someone enjoyed my reblog or post enough to share with me that they liked it.
I've only had one post that breached containment and it was a fun weekend of checking out the blogs of people who liked it! All in all I think maybe people are just unaware of the anxieties that come with being online and the people who experience those anxieties are too anxious to really speak up about it. I mean look at me I'm chilling behind an anon mask rn (I rarely send an off anon ask lol.)
For a website dubbed by its users as the neurodivergent website, some people forget to consider that learning and working within the culture of a social media platform can be extremely stressful for many types of people, let alone an autistic person such as myself (the ADHD doesn't help either). Some of us would prefer to lurk in our private blogs, only coming out of our comfort zone when we feel ok to do so.
All in all, a reminder to reblog is perfectly fine, but please refrain from the guilt-tripping and social obligation type of thing— or at least be aware of it and try not to be offended if one of your mutuals struggles to reblog.
Now this is all my personal perspective, other people will likely have completely different experiences but I wanted to share in case people were confused on why it's an issue for some people. Thanks for reading this whole thing and I hope you have a lovely day <3
I think I get what you're saying -
For a lot of people it genuinely takes a surprising amount of guts to put themselves out there on the internet in any way, even if it's anonymously, and that includes things as simple as reblogging a post.
It's not just Tumblr either. You also see it on Reddit and Twitter, and in online games where people just want to keep to themselves and not interact with strangers. Some people just want to lurk, maybe liking or upvoting, but not commenting or reblogging, because that feels like making yourself more "visible" somehow, in a way simply liking posts doesn't.
It's difficult to put into words, but I feel it's kind of like being in a university lecture with 50+ strangers. Liking is sitting in the back quietly taking notes. Reblogging is like putting your hand up and giving an opinion when the professor asks for one.
It's true that only reblogging actually contributes anything functionally, but there are plenty of people, especially neurodivergent people, who might struggle with that kind of thing, but still want to show some appreciation, or just save it as a bookmark.
So, I think that's partly why that kind of guilt-tripping or threatening reblog bait can be so stressful. Tumblr is a comfort app for a lot of people, who just want to curate their own little private space. Reblog baits are like someone banging on your door, telling you that you're actively doing something wrong by keeping to yourself, and (in the case of "I'll block/unfollow you if you like/read but don't reblog" baits) people will hate you for doing it.
It also implicitly takes away the sense of control you have over your own personal online space. Ideally, you should be able to do whatever you want with your own blog - no one should dictate your own online experience. So, if you just want to reblog things you like or want to share, at whatever pace you feel comfortable with, there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.
But reblog baits seem to suggest that you shouldn't have that control, and there are certain things that you have no choice but to put on your blog, and it has to be right now. And I feel that sense of having control suddenly snatched away from you without warning could also be a major source of anxiety for a lot of people who see Tumblr as a source of comfort.
With all that in mind, while I do believe that it's not quite this simple, considering artists and writers, and especially those who rely on commissions, do need exposure from reblogs, I also feel it's difficult to blame people for finding very aggressive reblog baits stressful, especially when you're suddenly blindsided with them.
At least, those are just my initial thoughts based on what you said, but absolutely let me know if you disagree with any of this or feel I misrepresented what you meant <3
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cabaretofwords · 11 months
Hi! Do you mind me asking how writblr works? I am new to tumblr and writblr.
Hey Love, thanks for the ask! And welcome to this little part of the internet.
I know there are detailed posts out there on this but I haven't been able to find them (if anyone has one, please feel free to link it!)
Writeblr is a community on Tumblr focused on writing. Most people I interact with are writing novels (as am I), but there are definitely people writing poetry and short stories and comics. Anyone who thinks themselves a writer can have a writing blog, even if we are not actively writing (me again).
Writeblr works best when you are interacting with other community members. This can be done in lots of different ways.
You can use the dash - liking, commenting and reblogging are all ways of interacting with other writeblrs. Liking won't create further interaction or spread a post but it does say you were there, and you enjoyed yourself; a comment allows you to interact with the op (original poster) and other users without spreading the post, and a reblog puts the post on your blog and the dash of your followers. You can use tags to talk if you don't want to add to the post or you can leave your thoughts in text for anyone who reblogs from you to have on their blog.
You've figured out asks already - these are a great way to publicly interact with other writeblrs.
You may encounter ask games: a post of a list of questions with symbols or numbers, usually related to writing or the users writeblr. You can send these questions to the blog who reblogged them to find out more about them or their WIP. The etiquette around these posts is that, if you reblog one, you send an ask to the user you reblogged it from. You can also send asks to anyone who reblogs it from you, to help everyone who wants an ask is getting at least one.
Then there are tag games. When you get tagged in a tag game go and read the rules on the post and read OPs post while you are there. Then create an original post following said rules. Tag the person who tagged you at the top of the post, and then tag people to nominate them to play at the bottom. Sometimes the game has a number of people you should tag, other times it's up to you. I like to tag 3 people I've interacted with recently.
You do not have to play if you've been tagged. No one will harass you over it. Writeblr should be fun for you. There is no algorithm - you create your own experience here, so if you don't like someone, unfollow or block. Those buttons are there for a reason.
So you have a blog, you've followed a few people, you've reblogged some great posts. Might be time to tell us you're here and what you are interested in!
Enter Intro Posts.
There are two main kinds of intro post:
one that tells us who you are and what you like, what you are working on and what you like to write.
Then there is the WIP (work in progress) intro post that tells us about what you are writing, the characters and themes, why we should be interested.
Both posts are useful for finding your tribe on writeblr. To find new blogs and wips, or to look at different examples of what you can do you can search for "Wip into" and "writeblr intro". There are more tags but these terms will get you started.
I'm going to end this here. I hope it helps. I'm sure there is more, but I have to take my cat to the vet!
The main thing to remember is that this is a community. If you want interaction and for people to care about what you are working on you have to put it out there first. Interact in the ways you want to see in your notes.
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n7priv · 1 year
how do you start sth like this even?..
uhm, hi, so; recently i picked up this video game, i bought it cause i really loved another game its creators made and i wanted to check out their previous work. i'm talking about citizen sleeper (which this post isnt about but this is totally an amazing experience!!!) and jump over the age's first game;
in other waters
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its a game about Ellery Vas, a xenobiologist in their dive suit following the tracks of Minae, a former work colleague and friend, onto an exoplanet (which btw is a real planet, but — as far as i know — isn't filled with water and life) and discovering what happened there.
however, your (the player's) point of view is not that of either one of these two friends, but instead that of the supporting AI inside the dive suit (kinda like siri but cool bc its you).
and this is where my adoration for this game comes from:
all you get to see is a user interface.
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the mesmerizing wide depths of the ocean, the new species you discover in these foreign waters, the multiple suns that never set because of the tidally locked orbit of the planet,
you get to see none of it.
all you get, is a navigation interface on a map consisting of vague shapes in three, maybe four, colors max at a time;
the AI's POV.
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and yet, the game still manages to deliver its environments and story convincingly.
shallow waters feel shallow, depths feel deep, hazardous areas feel toxic, life feels alive, Ellery feels like a person, a scientist who's working together with you to find out what happened to their friend, and to the life on this planet, and you feel responsible for your human.
i'll leave you with a few more screenshots, maybe you'll see what i mean:
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apart from the obvious (the colors) it's also the interactions with Ellery that make this game feel so;; alive
they describe the world to you, though not always directly, sometimes you have to read their diary entries, their research notes, their coments on landmarks.
as you explore and scan and sample the different life forms around you, you unlock taxonomy entries for different species, and completing research on each of them will unlock a sketch of the life form from Ellery
(spoiler ahead i guess; just one example)
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you end up caring for them because they are your eyes, your window into the real (well, as real as video games get) world, and yet, the only way you can communicate with them is occasionally answer yes or no to a question.
or is it? because i felt that through my actions in the game i was showing them i cared, and i that wanted to help. the entire game felt like a conversation between me and this somewhat lost scientist. when they thanked me for helping them out and looking after them, it feels heartfelt and appropriate; not cold and out of nowhere because "we need a bonding moment"
also, the soundtrack and sound design of this game just create the perfect atmosphere:
so, tldr, i am amazed by how jump over the age conveys this foreign environment, makes me care for their characters, and tells their story convincingly, all with nothing but a few colored lines n blobs, a bit of text, and a wonderful soundtrack.
tldr^2: in other waters is an amazing video game.
thanks for reading if u made it this far ‹3
- Lu
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footygirl114 · 2 years
Amiga en linea (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
Thank you to everyone who has helped me get this idea out of my head, I wouldn't have gotten this out if it wasn't for you guys 🥰 This is something different for me so I hope you all like it.
When you had the opportunity to join Fc Barcelona Femeni, you jumped at the chance. It was a dream since you signed your first professional contract in England. You loved the way they played and always wanted to be able to play for a team of that caliber. What you didn’t think about the fact that they had just lost the champions league and the team may not be in the best place. 
You knew coming into a new team would be difficult, especially one that was as tight knit as this group. You spoke little Spanish but hoped to pick some up, but tittle did you know the team was not in a place to welcome new members. 
When the transfer was announced, you hoped that one of the girls would at least reach out to you. Yet no one did, you followed some of your new team-mates on instagram prior to you signing, but you hoped to have someone welcome you. It should have been your first sign of the team environment being slightly off. 
Having never been to Barcelona before, but also never being very good at being social, you decided to join a discord group of football fans in Barcelona. Figuring that at least you could find out some information about the team while remaining anonymous, but also the city at the same time. It was an easy way to find out the best places to hang out in the city, but also able to talk to people about your new team, since no one from the team seemed to want to meet you. 
You had immediately connected with a user and after a few days of banter on the main server, you both started a private chat. You never gave away anything too personal as you were a known player and didn’t want your personal live all over the internet. The new friend you had connected with lived in Barcelona and was very helpful in answering your questions for the best neighbourhoods to look for apartments. She knew that you were moving there for work, and you gave her a vague answer about working in sports. She also worked in sports but you both never dug deeper. 
You spent the next 2 months organising your self for your move to Spain, during those months you have multiple moments of overthinking the move. You end up connecting very well with your new online friend who helps walk you through your doubts. It’s a lot easier to talk to a screen than someone in real life. 
When it came finally time to move you were excited to start the next chapter in your career, and you knew that playing for one of the best clubs in the world would do wonders for you and your chances to finally get a starting spot on the US national team. You have always been a fringe player, a bench player if you will, and this would be the chance you need to prove you are good enough. 
Landing in Barcelona, you are met at the airport by a team official, who helps you get to your new apartment and sets you up with your training gear and your schedule for the start of preseason tomorrow. You knew the first day was fitness training, something you actually really liked so you were excited to start with that. 
Nerves were normal on the first day of preseason, you had been here before so you knew what to expect. Walking into the training ground was a new experience though, seeing the trophies and the posters of the players you dream about playing with made you remember that you are here and that you needed to take advantage of the opportunity. 
“Y/N?” you hear someone ask you from behind you, where you are looking at the teams pictures over the years. 
You turn and are met with the the site of Jonatan, the head coach of your new team, you stretch your hand out and introduce your self. He grabs your hand and shakes it and says “welcome to the team, we’re glad to have you here. Follow me and we can get you to the change room and get set for testing” 
You follow him down the halls to the change room, where he says “Ill let you catch up with the team in here and then see you in the fitness rooms in 15 minutes” 
As he walks away you turn towards the locker room door and take a deep breath to settle your nerves before you walk in. You expect to walk into a lively locker room based on your experience with the first day of preseason at your previous clubs. When you walk in to dead silence you don't know how to react. About half the team is there and they are all quietly sat at their lockers putting their gear on. 
You slowly wander in looking around hoping for someone to say something to you, you catch eyes with Claudia Pina who waves you over to the empty locker beside hers. You see your name and the number 5 set up beside her with an empty space for Mapi Leon beside yours. When you set your bag down and take a seat you look around and see everyone else avoiding eye contact. 
“Hola, Im Claudia” you hear whispered beside you. 
You turn to her and shake her hand and ask quietly “what’s going on?”
She shrugs her shoulders and motions with her eyes towards the other side of the room where you can see Alexia Putellas sitting there stoic staring at you and Claudia. You cant help but to compare her to a regal queen sitting on her throne, imposing on her subjects. You decide to just be quiet and get changed into your gear. 
When its time to go to the fitness testing you follow the teams lead, you wait to try to stay at the back of the group and Claudia hangs back with you. When its just the two of you left in the room she says to you “Im sorry that was so awkward. I know it can be tough to come into a new team, but just give it some time for everyone to warm up to you” 
As she walks away and you follow her to meet up with the team for testing, all that is going through your head is what did you do that they need to warm up to you?
After a few days of silent training sessions and team meetings, you are reaching the end of your rope. You have barley said a few words to anyone, and the team has barley said any words to you or to each other. It’s like the team is a machine, and all anyone does is chug along through trainings and doesn’t want to have any fun or socialisation. 
Your days have consisted of silent trainings, silent team bonding sessions, silent team meals, and then home to your silent condo where you lived alone. You were staring to go crazy, you weren’t super comfortable going out alone in a new city and meeting new people was not your forte. You are not sure how you would have gotten through if it wasn’t for your online friend.
Al2494 (20:32): Hola! How was your day?
Footylover5 (20:35): No buena! It’s been hard. 
Al2494 (20:37): Tell me amiga, what’s going on? Maybe I can help. 
Footylover5 (20:38): I’m struggling, with my new colleagues. Its been so hard to connect to anyone, its like no one wants to reach out and start a conversation. I feel so isolated here, its hard being so far from anyone I know. 
Al2494 (20:40): I’m sorry to hear that, I wish you had a better first week in Barcelona, its a beautiful city. You know I have been struggling recently too.
Footylover5 (20:42): Do you want to talk about it? 
Al2492 (20:45): I’ve just been struggling with a lot of weight on my shoulders, I feel like everyone needs me to be someone I am not sure I can be anymore. 
Footylover5 (20:47): I’m sorry, you feel that way friend. If you need to talk about it more I am here for you, I don't have much else going on. 
Al2494 (20:49): Im here for you too amiga. 
Almost overnight you felt much less alone because you were able to at least talk to your online friend to help you get through your days. The bright spot of every day quickly became your chats at night. You knew it was a bit insane, but you couldn’t help but feel like you had a strong connection with someone you didn’t even really know. 
The team had a light session on the last Friday of preseason, followed by an inter squad game. You were excited to get to play a game with this team finally. The coach played the starting 11 on one side, and you excited to be listed as a starter, upfront with Pina in the middle and Mariona on the other side. Your side of the scrimmage connected very well, playing with these girls felt like the last few months of silence didn’t exist.
The team just fit, you had a connection with every player and you were excited for this season. After the game it was a little lighter off the pitch as everyone was excited after finally playing. 
You were sat off on the side with some players, when your phone rang with a FaceTime call from your brother. You figured since it was the end of practice and everyone was hanging out you would pick it up, knowing it would be your 6 year old niece calling. 
Your leaning up against the bench so you are facing out on to the field, you pick up the phone and smile to your niece and say “Hi Stephy, I miss you superstar” 
“Your the superstar Aunty Y/N! Daddy says you are training with Barca” she says back with a smile and a wave to you. 
You smile and hold up the logo on your shirt as you say “monkey Its true look” 
Your niece was the biggest Barcelona fan, she was always a fan of yours but she loved Barcelona. She was so excited for you to introduce her to the team, her favourite player was Alexia. Mainly because she like the number 11 and the ‘gold ball’ she won for the Ballon D’or. Steph wanted to be just like her aunty when she grew up but she also wanted to be just like Alexia and win the golden ball. 
“Aunty! Are you playing with them right now? Can I see them?” she asks you right away. 
“Y/N! No phones at practice put it away!” you hear Alexia yell at you as she makes her way over to you. 
You look up and say “Oh, sorry, Its just my family-“
“I don’t care, focus. We need to be better and we don’t need any distractions.” she says with a snap before you can finish. 
You immediately feel reprimanded and hang up your phone with an embarrassed flush to your face. You can not believe that you weren’t even allowed to talk to your niece after practice. You look up and see most of the team walking back to the change rooms and getting ready leave the field. 
You didn’t know what you did, but for some reason you knew Alexia clearly had it out for you and didn’t like you. How are you supposed to follow a captain who doesn’t even want to know you?
You get home that night and are fired up, you don’t really know how to get through the rest of the season this way. You message your friend hoping for some advice. 
Footylover5 (21:30): Hi friend! I’m hoping you can help me with something, I am going crazy. 
Al2494 (21:31): Hola, por favor, what is going on?
Footylover5 (21:32): my team leader is a bitch. I’m sorry if thats mean, but she dismissed me when we were not even working. She snapped at me for no reason. I cant help but feel like Ive done something wrong, when she won’t even talk to me. 
Al2492 (21:34): Im sorry you have to deal with that Y/N, I wish I could take your pain away. 
Footylover5 (21:38): Thank you, but i just don’t know what i’m doing wrong, I cant do anything right, and i still feel like I don’t belong, even though I’ve been there for weeks now. 
Al2492 (21:40): I wish I could help you. I wish you had a better experience here Y/N.
Although she made you feel better you still couldn’t stop thinking about how pissed off you were with Alexia. It was like you could do nothing right, and you just wanted to know why she hated you. 
The following Monday, at training, Alexia had to leave early for a media shoot.The team was gathering for lunch in the training centre after practice. 
You were sat at a table with Pina, Patri, Mariona, and Mapi. It was the most lively you had seen the group in awhile and you were hoping to take advantage of the friendly chatter. 
“So Y/N how are you liking Spain?” Patri asks you as you all start to eat. 
You shrug your shoulder and say “It’s a nice place” 
“Have you done much exploring?” Mariona asks you.
You shrug again and say “not really, its been tough I don’t really know anyone here” 
The all look at each other and Mapi speaks up and says “Im sorry Y/N. I know this hasn’t been the environment you had wanted to come into.” 
“We’re all just a little on edge since the loss” Pina chimes in with a shrug. 
You cant make eye contact with them when you say “You guys won’t even talk to me”
You feel a hand on your shoulder when Patri chimes in “Y/N, sorry, we know it’s hard, but we are all trying to be supportive of Alexia. She needs us to all be focused and locked in so we don’t lose again.” 
“we never meant to make you feel isolated Y/N” Pina adds in with soft smile. You look up and can see the looks of sympathy on their face. 
You smile sadly at them and respond “I appreciate you all saying that, but let’s not live in the past we will see how things change in the future.”
“Y/N, I cant wait for the season to start, you and I are already connected on the field” Pina adds with a smile and laugh, lightning the mood. 
That night you get a message from your friend and you cant help but feel like, things are slowly going to get better. 
Al2494 (19:45): Hola Y/N, i hope your day was good today. Ive been crazy busy this afternoon, but wanted to check in on you. 
Footylover5 (19:49): Hi, Im sorry you had a busy day, but Im glad you checked in on me. I was just thinking about you. My day was good, I think I finally connected with some of my coworkers.
Al2494 (19:50): Im so glad you had a good day! Mine was wild lots of business meetings, but it should be good. I told you that they would love you! 
Footylover5 (19:52): thank you for having my back, and being my sounding board for my problems. 
Al2494 (19:53): I got you, just know I am always here for you. 
You knew that you were definitely falling for the girl in your phone, but you knew you would never have the balls to do anything about it. You just wanted to keep her there so you always had someone to talk to. 
The first league game of the season was on the horizon, and you were at the training ground waiting with team to board the bus. It was a quiet affair, but you had Pina standing with you and you were both texting each other jokes and memes to make the time go by quicker. 
When the bus pulls up you follow Pina’s lead and chuck your bag under the bus and follow her on. You take the seat by the window behind her, you chuck your headphones in and hope to fall asleep on the ride. 
When you arrive at the hotel you would be staying in the night before the game, the team all gathers for their room assignments. When your name is called to stay with Alexia, you can feel your stomach drop. How are you supposed to stay in a room with someone who won’t give you the time of day. 
You gather your key and follow her silently to your assigned room. When you get there she lets you enter first and softly says “You can pick the bed you want” 
You walk by and choose the bed by the window where you place your bag and turn to her and ask “I can see if I can switch with Claudia?” 
She shakes her head and says “No Y/N, I generally always share with the new players for the first trip. Makes it easier to get to know you” 
You look down as you can’t meet her eyes after her statement. You just move to lie on your bed when your phone rings with a FaceTime from your brother. You look up at Alexia who wavs you away to answer it while she heads into the bathroom. 
“Hola Stephy” you say to your niece with a small smile as she waves at you through the phone. 
“Y/N! I miss you, daddy says we're going to watch your game tomorrow!” she says excitedly. 
You can’t help but smile at her as you knew she would always be able to cheer you up “You do? Maybe I’ll score for you then” 
She cheers through the phone as she responds “YES, aunty I'll cheer loud for you! Ill cheer for Alexia to score too” 
She is so innocent as you smile and say “you can cheer for all our goals.” 
“Aunty, I want to meet some players?” she asks with a small smile, you can see her excitement across the screen.
You shake your head and you can’t look at her as you respond “Maybe another time, you know it’s bed time. Maybe you should give the phone to your dad so you can get ready for bed.”
“Okay Aunty I love you! Good luck” she says with a wave. 
The phone gets transferred to your brothers hand as he says “has it still not gotten better? You cant even let Stephy meet anyone?” 
You smile sadly at him and look over to confirm the bathroom door is closed before you say “My roommate is Alexia, and I’m not sure I can take the hurt look that would come on Steph’s face when she won even say hi to her” 
“Im sorry Y/N, I wish it was better for you” Your brother says to you with a smile. 
You smile and say your goodbyes to him. Once off the phone you turn to lie on your bed, as Alexia walks out of the bathroom, she won’t meet your eyes as she says “I’ve gotta go see coach, I’ll be back by curfew” 
She runs out of the room, and you shake your head at her. Then you decide to turn the TV on and settle down for the night. Its a few minutes later when your phone goes off with a message. You look at it and smile, as it is the one person who is able to make you smile. 
Al2494 (21:04): Hi, I need some help. 
Footylover5 (21:06): Of course, what’s going on?
Al2494 (21:07): I think i messed up, and I do not know how to fix it. 
Footylover5 (21:09): okay breath, it cant be that bad. Tell me how to help you. 
Al2494 (21:11): until tonight I didn’t realise how terrible I had been to my team. I mean I knew I was harsher than I usually am, but I didn’t realise I was affecting so many other people.
Footylover5 (21:14): I am sure it isn’t as bad as you are thinking. 
Al2494 (21:15): It’s worse than I am thinking. I’ve just felt like I have the weight of the world and my whole team on my shoulders, but It has come out wrong and I think I have drove a wedge between my team members. 
Footylover5 (21:17): Listen, you need to breath and listen to me. The only think we can do now is look to the future. The important thing is you have realised that you have an issue and you need to  change the way you are handling it. 
Al2494 (21:19): Your right, as usual. I guess It took me seeing how harsh I have been with my own eyes to see how bad I’ve been. 
Footylover5 (21:20): Well now all there is to do is to change how you act going forward and try to make it right. 
Al2494 (21:24): thank you for helping me settle, and for being here for me. 
Footylover5 (21:27): You have been there for me more times than I can count, I appreciate you a lot. 
Al2494 (21:28): Me too, Thank you. 
As you settle for bed you think back on all the conversations you have had with your internet friend and you think it may be about time to try and see if you are as connected in person as you are online. 
The next few weeks are like a full 180 during trainings, it's like Alexia is a bit lighter so everyone else on the field is lighter and is having fun. You aren’t sure what happened but you are not questioning it as it has been an amazing change and you are starting to get along with the team. 
Although practices are lighter you still don’t get to know Alexia really, she’s a lot lighter yes, but she is still closed off. It’s almost like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders. The team starts winning games and the atmosphere stays high and light. 
For you the team turning around was amazing, but what you are a lot more happy about is that you and your online friend are getting along even better. You have tried dropping hints about meeting in person, and she has also been hinting at wanting to meet you. Although neither of you have taken the leap. 
Your good mood turns at the next game. The team is losing, your are down 1-0 with minutes left to play, the team is desperate for a goal. You chase a back pass from one of their defenders and you get a toe on it, as you chase on to it you can see a teammate making a run down beside you, but you also see a blur of the white of the other team. You don't make the pass, but go on in on goal and end up hitting the post and the ball goes wide. 
You cant believe you missed it, your pissed at your self and as you turn to rejoin the game you see Alexia standing where she made the run wide open, she would have had an empty net. You can see her fuming, but you chase back and finish out the game. Losing your first game of the season is an awful feeling, losing on a chance you didn’t capitalise on is worse. 
Following the team to the change room is a quiet affair especially after the last few weeks of lightness with the team. When you enter you see Alexia pacing the room, she turns when you enter and asks “I was open! you should have passed me the ball!”
Not being able to meet her eyes you say “I thought I had the goalie beat” 
“well you didn’t and you cost us the game Y/N” she says with a huff.
Mapi steps in at that and says “whoa, hold up its not her fault” 
You still cant meet anyones eyes as you head to your locker to gather your stuff. Pina steps up beside you and says quietly “don’t listen to them Y/N” 
Shaking your head you grab your bag and run out of the locker room, not wanting the team to see your tears. You cant believe that you were blamed for the loss, your pissed off, but you are also annoyed at the fact that you believe her and you know she wold have been the better person to finish. 
You get home to your quiet apartment and you cant stand it, you decide then that your done wallowing and you are going to do something for you. You know exactly what it is you want. 
Footylover5 (19:54): Hey, I hope you are around and will get this message but listen, Im done not taking what I want. What I want now is to put myself out there for you. I will be at Barceloneta Beach, near the pier at 830. I'll be the one hanging out in the red USA jersey. If this is something you want, meet me there. 
You end up on a secluded bench near the pier, you sit there staring out at the water and looking over all the people on the beach. It makes you realise how beautiful of a city Barcelona really is, how have you lived here for months and haven’t spent any time just taking it in. You know part of the reason was that you just didn’t feel like going out after the miserable trainings. 
You vow then that no matter what happens with your online friend, you are going to se the city. If you only end up here for the rest of the season you down want to waste it and you want to explore and visit the famous landmarks that are your new backyard. 
You had turned your phone off, as you wanted this to be something that she wanted to do as well.  You knew that if she messaged you about it you would chicken out and not meet her. You knew what you wanted so you put the ball in her court, she had to decide if you meant as much to her as she does to you. 
Seeing the time turn to 8:30 on your watch you take a deep breath, but continue to stare out at the ocean and the beach. As the minutes pass you grow more anxious and are starting to regret your decision. Until you hear footsteps behind you, you pause and wait to see what the person will do when you hear someone say “Y/N?” 
You hesitate cause you know you never told her your name but you recognise the voice, before you turn she adds on “footylover?” 
At that you stand and immediately whip around and are face to face with the person who has both made your new life a living hell, and an amazing experience “Alexia.”
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studylustre · 7 months
hi carol! i hope you're doing well! if you don't mind, can you tell your journey transitioning into ux? like how you got started, how long did it take you to learn etc. i'm interested in ux after a class i took one semester but i'm always too afraid to explore more. i'm also a psych graduate so seeing another psych graduate in the ux field is nice. thank you in advance!
from: a lost 25 year old.
hi hi!! 🥰 as a disclaimer, i'm no expert and i'm still v much at the beginning of my ux journey, but i'd be more than happy to talk about my career transition to give you an idea of what it was like!
when i decided to make the leap, i enrolled into a google ux design course on coursera and earned some certificates. after a few months, i realised that whilst i wanted to be in ux, design wasn't really my forte and i started looking more into the writing side of things - i've always loved writing and reading and so this felt like a much more natural fit. thankfully, my previous experience working in marketing came in really handy bc even though i wasn't always doing strictly ux-related work, there was a lot of crossover with the things i had worked on. for example, because i was responsible for our user-facing communications, i planned and delivered everything from our emails and in-app messages to our blog posts, social media content, website pages and more. that has a big overlap with ux writing because you have to consider similar things, like:
clarity - is the messaging and cta clear to everyone who will read it?
conciseness - is the copy as short and to the point as it can be? (people don't like to read, so this was v important especially when it came to writing out in-app messages and emails as there's limited screen space)
conversational - is the copy "natural"? is it using every day language?
so as you can see from the above, i was able to take a lot of my previous experience and apply it to a ux context. i also had a few examples of ux work from my time in the marketing role that i was able to highlight in my portfolio. this is a v important asset if you're planning to apply for a ux role. you need to have a portfolio to even be considered for a role. i recommend having at least 2-3 case studies on your portfolio to show as examples of your work.
after that, it was just a case of applying and hoping to hear back from companies. i won't lie, this was the hardest part and was often really discouraging because there were times where i wouldn't hear back at all, or i would be turned away after the first or second interview. job hunting absolutely sucks, even if you have experience, so as a junior it was really challenging. eventually though, i was lucky enough to be hired into a role that really interested me and i've been working in a ux writer ever since!
if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to message me and i'll be more than happy to share as much advice as i can! i hope this helped even a little. career transitions are a tough and often lengthy process but it's so worth it. i'll be rooting for you! 🤍
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that-norse-pagan · 19 days
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Low Energy and Accessable Deity Work
I've gotten a few DMs now that inspired me to make this post- Thank you All who asked, I love getting post inspiration !
I know not every Norse worshipper (including myself!) does not always have time to put full efforts into their work. I personally am disabled and sometimes I am in and out of hospitals, as well as simply don't have the energy to keep up! Sometimes my altars sit dusty for months.
I want to start by saying Deities are forgiving. While some have seemed frustrated with me before, they always end up settling back into routine with me in time. I tend to start by dusting off and cleaning the altar when I have the time and energy, as well as give an offering and prayer. The short of it is-
Modern Life gets busy. You get Busy. You get sick. They understand. They won't hold it against you or abandon you.
Now for the actual advice! (Sorry for the long intro 😅)
I find apps to be incredibly helpful when I don't have the energy to do a full workup to my worship. There are apps that you can draw and read tarot cards from, apps to track moon phases, apps for runes, all of it! Some of my most useful FREE apps I'll list below. (Not Sponsered)
Daff Moon- this app can track the cycles of the moon down to the percentage! It also tracks sun rises and sets, planetary alignment, and other astronomical events! When I can't do my research for moon phases in the coming days or weeks, this app is very helpful.
Runic Formulas- This one is SUPER useful to me personally. I don't always have energy to throw my runes, bones, etc. Not only will it give you runes with deep descriptions, associations, and more, but it's SO helpful when it comes to creating your own bindrunes or studying pre-made binds! It also has an in depth course that teaches beginners about Norse Paganism and different Deities!
Learn Old Norse- Not for everyone of course, but I like to try and pray in the original languages of the culture. It will teach you Grammar, Pronunciation, and more!
Low Movement Days:
Sometimes, pain, sickness, and Disabilities make it hard for people to move. And there's no shame in that!
Prayers in "odd" places- one does not always need to kneel before ab altar or raise their hands or even speak to pray. Sometimes it's easier to lay in your bed, couch, wherever you are, and think of your deities and your prayers to them.
PDFs! Sometimes books aren't accessible to all, but often I've been able to find online versions of most texts and books I adore (Somewhere there is a post with book recommendations), but it's very useful for affordability, restricted movement, etc.
Offerings- not all offerings need to be a huge ritual, I promise. Sometimes it's as simple as setting a new item on the altar. Sometimes it's a small prayer when you think of them. Maybe it's going on a small walk for them. I personally work with Fenrir, and will go on walks offering to let him use my eyes and experience freedom from his chains briefly, or I offer my pain, some food as I eat, etc. I've also simply sat on my bed and meditated. Your practice can change day-to-day, and that's okay!
Sometimes we are away from our altars. Whether it's a vacation, a hospital stay, or just a time you're gone from home for ages. You're not required to pack up your whole altar or bring a ton of things with you, it can add more stress than good. Sometimes, all I do is sit in front of the altar, speak that I'm leaving for a while, and promise an offering or altar clean when I get back.
Charms! Sometimes is one so desires, you can enchant a devotional piece of jewelry, a veil, or even a water bottle you carry around (I see you, chaos magic users) to carry around as a symbol to your devotion, and sometimes touching or feeling it or saying a prayer on the go is a lovely way to connect. I wear an Obsidian ring for Fenrir and a Coffin Nail necklace for protection. It's very helpful to have as I travel.
Important Travel- our health and well-being need to come first. I view it in the same light as many Islamic and Muslim religions. One can prioritize themselves when in any danger. Deities will not be important in those situations, and they will absolutely understand.
Mental Blocks/Disabilities:
As someone with Autism, it can be hard to know exactly what to do. I struggle with meditation when I get distracted easily and can even forget about my routine and duties I like to do. ADHD and more forms of Neurodivergence, like depression, can make it extra hard on some folks.
Don't be too hard on yourself. - Its very easy to feel like you're not doing a "good job" or failing promises to your Devotion. Beating yourself up over it (as hard as it is not to), can be extremely difficult. I find it helpful to simply apologize if I feel like it. They'll understand
Base your practice to you! Not everyone has the exact same abilities and not everyone can do certain things! You don't need to be perfect or follow everything you see on the internet. Often it's people showing their best and most dramatic presentations. It doesn't need to be perfect all the time.
You don't have to do everything. Some people struggle to meditate, others with focus on tarot readings or pendulum readings. It's okay to completely opt out if those despite them being common!
Accessibility and Affordability:
Not everyone is able to afford fancy crystals, tarot decks, and to set up entire altars. Some people grow up in houses with other religions and can't practice safely. Paganism isn't always accessible to everyone, but here are safer more accessible ways! Here's a couple:
Tarot Deck replacements- playing cards can make a great replacement for a tarot deck. If anyone wants a tutorial, let me know and I'll post one! You can also make/draw your own and make it comfortable to you, and if anything it's easier to connect more. You can hide them easier by saying it's just drawings. They also make Braille tarot cards for my blind folk. :)
Crystals- They aren't a necessity for your work. I often see people talking about their beautiful altars and crystal collections, but it really isnt needed. Not to mention the prices some shops charge! Sometimes connecting with nature is easier. Rivers rocks for water deities is an example. You can also see what crystals can be found in your area and dig them yourself.
Pendulums: It's easy to make your own! Before I could afford all the "fancy" supplies, I used a ring on a necklace or a necklace with a heavy charm to communicate.
Deity Statues: In religious hoseholds that don't accept you, this can be very unsafe, not to mention expensive! I had to pay 80 US dollars for a Hekate piece once. You don't need expensive statues to worship your Deities, you can print out small pictures if them you are drawn to at home. If you don't have access, some libraries offer free or 10ish cent (a US dime) printing. :)
For my closeted folks, celebrating pagan holidays in private can bring joy. Find foods associated with those holidays and eat them! I've attached a basic wheel if the year above. :)
A Farewell:
I think I've touched on many things in this post, but I'll keep updating it as I think of more things! Also feel free to comment if you want me to add anything to said post.
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