#also thank you so much!!
hachi-ik0 · 5 months
Guardian or arctic fox scar for the hermit swap??
(Your art is really pretty btw :D)
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had a lot of fun designing diff outfits for scar!
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crushedsweets · 2 months
What does nat and Kate do want they spend time together (plus love your art and the little story of nat got attacked by that coyote and Kate saved her)
everythings here is suited for my AU/headcanons!!! if its not canon, i know! LOL
ok so. kate loves running. its practically her only hobby. she does laps around the lake even when shes not patrolling. it clears her mind, lungs, etc.
meanwhile, clocky used to play volleyball and basketball in highschool (and she was damn good at it)
SOOO I THINK!!! I THIIIIIINKKKKK!!! clocky would start joining kate on her jogs. it'd be funny cuz at first, kate would fucking SMOKE clocky and not even realize. she'd turn around and see clocky out of breath leaning against a tree like ?????????
in turn, clocky would teach kate how to play volleyball. kates naturally pretty athletic and coordinated, so i think she'd catch on quick and it would be really nice for the two!
they'd also watch movies, listen to music, maybe teach kate charcoal? fits the whole..yk... mine..thing...
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dasketcherz · 5 months
do you have any dad michael son gregory headcanons because your art for them is genuinely so so cool like omg… it all looks so good they are so cute in your style
greg absolutely secretly looks up to mike's skill set as an artist. he loves to watch him doodle, mike is the type who'd feel conscious when someone watches him draw but,,, he grew to not mind and got use to greg watchin him draw. he can tell the kid is observing and absorbing what he can learn from simply watching him do art.
^^^ with that in mind, Mike often does catch Greg drawing too, when the lil guy is very proud of his work, he shows it off to him. Mike is very encouraging that he keeps up at it cuz he genuinely thinks the kid is doing great.
^^^ As i established in the previous ask, Greg loves to give art gifts to ppl he cares about. He does the same for Mike, especially in special occasions like father's day, or his birthday and whatnot. Mike displays them either in his room or by the fridge, he is very proud of his son's creative efforts!
Mike is not the best cook out there, you can hardly entrust the kitchen to him without him setting it on fire but he tries his best to do a decent job at making pulled pork recipes ever since he found out it's Greg's favorite.
Greg loves to collect all sorts of cute and silly plushies, anytime he spots any when they stroll across a shop or smth he's so ready to persuade Mike to let em buy it for him. It doesnt take a lot of effort to really, all he has to do is stare up at mike with puppy eyes and Mike knows the drill, he sighs and then painfully pulls out his wallet every time. it's worth it tho, it's for the kid
It's always like a russian roulette who wakes up earlier than who in the morning. Sometimes its Mike, sometimes its Greg. Mike usually preps breakfast, well...as best as he could perform the basics. He's shown the ropes to Greg at some point cuz even tho Greg's a kid, Mike acknowledges that he's capable. Greg's a fast learner, if he does a specific task so often enough, he gets good at it eventually. Its a lil funny tho cuz Greg almost does breakfast better than Mike at times. Greg has some fun making Mike's morning coffee for him, he appreciates it a lot. He thinks it's really sweet, he always affectionately ruffle Greg's morning bed hair as a gesture of thanks.
They have a swear jar in the household. No further elaboration needed i think.
Mike drives a motorcycle bike that used to be owned by his mom. Every time he tells Greg he's headin off somewhere for a quick errand, the lil guy insist he wanna come along solely cuz he wanna ride the bike as well. He enjoys being on the bike, he thinks its hella cool and he feels like flyin, he has to always promise Mike he'll behave just so he lets him come too.
They absolutely love movie nights as a hang out time. They both love watching movies, they just have a good time checkin out any film that peaks their interest. Having fun lil discussion bout it during or after watching and all that. Mike is amused when Greg has a lot to say, he just lets the lil guy share his thoughts bout it.
Whenever Mike gets a call that Greg got into another fight at school and it's often cuz other kid bullies got in Greg's nerve [especially if it's them insulting his guardian to his face] or cuz he tried to defend other kids from being bullied, Mike is so ready to throw hands with said kid bully's parents to defend Greg back. Theyre always on each other's side first and foremost.
When one of them catch the other still up in the middle of the night, the instant thought they have is "cant sleep?" presumably cuz the other most likely had another nightmare. It has happened so frequent, they just came to understand that tryin to pass the time doin other things is often the other best thing they can do to doze back to sleep. They had done plenty of things to pass the time at moments like it : be it watch another movie, draw together, just stargaze outside by the front porch etc etc. They appreciate the other for keepin them company. They've grown to try makin sure they never feel so alone anymore the best they can, cuz they arent anymore when they have each other.
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rubiisun · 10 months
Will you Draw Kuki cuddling Wally plush I love your drawings so much !!!!! >v<
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here you go!
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tatatale · 1 year
Ace sans wif 4 or 20 if tats alright :D
Btw rly love ur art
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I didn’t forget about the palette challenge! I’ll draw more when I have time.
Ace belongs to @zirkkun
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00vk · 8 months
how do you nail the enstars style so well... what are your ways... (only if you want to ofc im just curious if you have any tips)
i dont know if i have anything that could be helpful, but heres my process!
first, i get the pose down
i either use a picture of myself as reference or a persons pose from pinterest ( i used multiple references for this one)
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i make the canvas huge, so i dont stress too much abt the lineart being clean enough
i heavily reference official cards, especially 3* because they have less angles and dynamic posing than 5*
i try to make it thinner and cleaner than my usual style but not too thin
outer lines are thicker than inner ones if that makes sense
i make it a dark brown instead of pure black and set it on multiply instead of normal
edges of the eyelashes are redder and softer, blush lines are always a subtle pink/peach shade
sometimes i make a second cleaner sketch before jumping to lineart, depends on how confident im feeling though
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then the flats, pretty straightforward step
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i try to replicate the rendering on official cards as much as possible by keeping the references in front of me and color picking
i always make the contrast between shaded and non-shaded areas higher than im comfortable with usually because its what often makes the pieces pop (to me) and i make sure to add reflected light
i use gradients a lot, especially for hair
i make the lineart lighter in areas where the light is hitting like this
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what i generally do for the eyes:
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another tip is that i duplicate the lineart layer, make that duplicate into the "add" layer mode and glaussian blur it to give that lineart glow effect you find in cards:
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i also noticed this is how nails tend to be drawn and i kind of adopted that into my own artstyle because i love how it looks:
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-lastly for the background, i used the ingame dressing room as a reference, did some blocks of color to express it and blurred it so i dont have to bother with any details because im lazy <33
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-i lastly added some sparkles and stipples and a white blur around the edges to make it look more finished.
thats pretty much it! ofc take all of this with a grain of salt because im no expert HAHA this is just what i learned works from trying my hand at fake cards over and over again, so its practice too <3 i hope this was somehow helpful!!
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michamiw · 5 months
I'm back >:3
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lol I'm just kidding, hello! hope you are well :3
Keep making beautiful and fantastic drawings.
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Also HIII HI HI HIII! I'm so glad that you're back!
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hopistaches · 4 months
Heyyy love ur art!! Do u have a twt acct?? i wanna rt 💖💖
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hi! I think it's time for me to share my socials(??
you can find me on:
blue sky
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violetvulpini · 3 months
Hello!!! I love your work and I was wondering if I could redraw one of your Bishop doodles from this post here https://www.tumblr.com/violetvulpini/743594547470286848/learning-to-draw-starlee-some-extras?source=share You know, make it a full thing because it honestly slaps. Would that be okay?
:o!!! YES as long as it's credited please feel free!! I'd love to see that!! :)
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sunglassesmish · 2 years
mamma mia (2008) songs that fit destiel and cockles
"Honey, Honey" - about Misha
"Money, Money, Money" - Jensen because the devil works harder but the jackles long con works harder.
"Mamma Mia" - jackles
"Lay All Your Love on Me" - deancas from Cas' perspective
"Super Trouper" - Misha but about his blue eyes because they stand out.
"Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" - about Cas again.
"Take a Chance on Me" - Dean
"Thank You for the Music" - destiel
i’m posting this now without listening to any of these so this will be out there and i won’t forget about it in my inbox! although i have listened to some of these before (obviously. it’s ABBA)
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catholicjinx · 1 year
happy birthday!!! and on my chem desth anniverary! wow!
its like I was cursed from the start....
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
hey bestie <3 your mayhenclair moodboards are incredible and i love 'em so much! i have a favor to ask though, can you send me the one image in the max one where 'lucas' is leaning his head on 'max's' shoulder ? thank you so much ily
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this one?
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thefreckledgymrat · 1 year
You and your wife are gorgeous and lovely and I am very gay holy shit. Being a lesbian is the fucking best!
I am very happy we could please your gay eyes😘
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daikaiju-arts · 1 month
May we see some Gangle x Pomni plspls I just like them in your style 🙏🙏
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I don’t necessarily ship them romantically per se, BUT I do like to think of them as being close friends 💚 I friendship them lol
Also a Bonus:
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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fireplceashes · 2 months
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evan buckley + queercoding | part 1 / part 2
for @ice-sculptures ♡
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