#also this is aos heavy don't @ me
reitheist · 1 month
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this is so badly edited. i'm sorry.
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You‘re The Only Thing That I Pray For -> completed
“You’re King Viserys oldest daughter, but it was Queen Alicent that has taken you under her wing, strengthening your very being with her own faith. All your prayers resolve around one thing, though a betrothal has already been made. But what if you want the opposite of your pious nature? You’ve been so faithful to the Seven, so it is only right they finally offer you something in return.“
A Fine Line (between Love and Hate)
""I would rather feed my sons to the Dragons, than have them carry shields and cups for your drunken, usurper cunt of a King." Your husband’s words still lingered in the back of your head and drove you mad with fury."
"You understand the Rogue Prince like no other, and so it’s your task to put his mind at ease again when he stumbles into the brothel."
Of Dragons and Wolves (x Cregan)
“You and your husband came to Dragonstone on behalf of your cousin Jacaerys, needing your help in the upcoming war of succession. However, you seem to be in need of something entirely different.”
“The streets of Flea Bottom most definitely were not the place a noblewoman like you should seek out at night, but tonight marked one of the last nights you got to enjoy your freedom for you were to wed in four days.”
Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time and Detached from the Bothers of Life
"It’s clear as day that he’s merely using you as a means to an end, to satisfy the desperate need of having something he alone could control. Even after his older brother has conceded the executive chair to him, Viserys still gets involved to the point his younger brother truly doubts his leadership qualities. And if this is one way for him to cope with it, you certainly won’t complain."
Suspicious Silence
"Daemon was working from home today to take care of your daughter while you were out for brunch with Floris, his nephew’s wife that’s also winding down the halfway mark of pregnancy just like you. And although it’s around your toddler’s daytime nap time, it’s too quiet when you open the front door to your penthouse. Suspiciously quiet."
A Dragon to Share
"For a fortnight, you’ve been spending your nights with Aemond and Aegon. But what happens, if there’s yet another uncalled visitor joining you? Improper revelations lead to the fulfilling of a long-buried desire of yours."
“It's 105 AC. Your brother, King Viserys, wants to throw a feast in honor to announce his wife's pregnancy. You want to attend—if it weren't for the rising doubts about your changing body. But it's good your husband knows a way to ease your worries.“
Stress Relief
“Your hands lie folded in your lap, thumbs brushing over each other in a way to keep yourself calm. You have been married to Daemon for two summers, but know his silence never means anything good. It is threatening, and more often than not getting you into trouble, because he always has something to say.“
Heavy Is the Head That Wears the Crown
"You stand in front of the intimidating Iron Throne, reminiscing about all the times you’ve seen your father sitting on it. The heavy doors open behind you, but you don’t turn around, knowing all too well who intrudes the silence. “Skoros iksis ziry ao jeldan naejot ȳdragon naejot nyke nūmāzma?” you ask, but before you’re able to turn around, the weight of your husband’s chest against your back pushes you forward, the crown on your head toppling to the ground. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"
Nocturnal Worship
“‘Expect me at the Hour of the Owl, sweet girl,’ he had said to you as your lesson ended. ‘And I shall teach you what is expected of you on your wedding night.’ And the sheepish nod and the blush on your cheeks let him know you truly endorsed it.“
Deep Devotion
Lactation kink smut lol
No. 1 | No. 2
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spirkme915 · 1 year
spirk fics i've read recently(ish) and loved
My Heart to Your Heart by greenforsnow @m-b-w - TOS - need a gentle fic? this is it. softness pervades every syllable of this fic!
Through the Wall by Sexy_Lil_Emo - AOS - a fic inspired by nsfw fanart. who needs plot with that?
Malfunction by Maeko - AOS - a nice, short nightcap when you need something sweet to read before bed
Impulse (or, Three Kisses) by decidedlynotheterosexual @decidedly-not-heterosexual - TOS - spock loses control but in the *sweetest* way and they talk about it like adults and this is just soothing and nice
The Proposal by TheKittyCorps @contrascene - AOS - spirk version of "the proposal." laugh out loud funny in parts (yes, hijinks included)
Heirs to the Glimmering World by gunstreet @gunstreet - SNW/TOS - sybok, michael, and sam conspire to get their brothers together!! siblings! tentative first meetings! sex!
De Profundis by Rhaegal (RhaegalKS) - TOS - tmp-era spirk. spock knows he fucked up so he's gonna woo jim
The Kiss by awarrington - TOS - there are some super dated things in this fic (it was originally written in 1994) but this is one of the best i've read dealing with jim coming to terms with his bisexuality and attraction to spock. def don't read if you can't or don't want to take it in context of its time. if you can/have the emotional bandwidth to, then it's well worth it
On the Arrow by Fic_me_senseless - AOS - post-into darkness, heavy read, so much longing, and pain, and it makes you ache in the best way
i'm also in a "watch beyond on repeat phase" so here are my favorite post-beyond fics:
The Steadfastness of Stars by itsnatalie - AOS - this fic. THIS FIC. i was only going to read one paragraph, really. i skipped work, read the whole thing, and now this is in my top five spirk fics
in my life, i love you more by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) - AOS - idek how many times i've read this now. i watch beyond, i read this fic. if they never make a fourth movie, this will be my canon
And Then I Let It Go by kianspo - AOS - yorktown happens, spock goes missing, jim goes after him. this could so be canon too
on the complete opposite side of post-beyond angst is two (YES TWO, we are so blessed!) "spock makes jim coffee" fics that will both make you smile and feel warm all over:
Home in a Mug by Lizzy0305
certainty relief by itsamew @enterprise-me-capn
and (because i can never quite seem to keep these lists solely focused on spirk) one AOS mckirk fic:
retro/spect by slightlycrunchy @slightlycrunchy - best friends to lovers anyone? this is just so so so lovely!
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moononmyfloor · 1 year
So I made a Mamianqun!
I've been wanting to make a one for so long. Then I saw this fabric in an outlet that sells faulty fabrics discarded from factories, where you can find some unusual stuff that you can't find in regular shops.
This fabric is supposed to have this print all over, but got only printed at the bottom. If you squint you can see faded print marks on the middle section too. The moment I saw this I immediately thought of a mamianqun because a lot of mamianqun come with bottom print 😍.
However do not copy me in this, because I only thought of the pattern and not the fact that the fabric is too bulky and heavy especially for dress with humongous volume. It does not make for for the nicest, crispiest pleats as you can see in the pictures below. Also this is gonna be such a pain to wash and dry.
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But I will give myself a pat on the back because this is my first attempt, and for someone who has never taken a formal sewing class nor is able to properly follow any instructional guide because I'm scatterbrained like that, I think I did a pretty swell job! ☺
Even though it took me a whole damn day and numerous frustrating unpicking and redoing over and over again, lol.
Though I am not able to provide you a guide (because like I said, I myself am incapable of following any), I used the following four sources to get an idea about what I am trying to do to begin with. I studied these four, then attempted it myself and figured it out gradually as I went, through trial and error.
1. This helped me understand the overall geometry of the garment.
2. This gave me clear visual aid about what the end product should look like.
3. This doll-size mamianqun video was simple and gave a very good and non-complex demo of the process.
4. This helped me with understanding how to attach the waistband.
The modifications I added myself are:
Making the waistband a button-up. As the skirt was already so heavy, I thought a long strip of a tie would make it even more difficult to handle. But at the same time it is not easy to secure something like this so it wouldn't accidentally fall apart. So I used two sturdy buttons from the front, and another button in the back, from inside (you can't see it)
Adding pockets! In the 3rd source I posted above, at the 0:41 mark you see that there's this one huge pleat that gets folded inwards, right?
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And I thought, two simple vertical and horizontal stitches from inside can turn them to pockets, so why not!
The final product! Yayyy!
(Don't look at the imperfections, they are shy ok!)
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thunderandsage · 16 days
my comprehensive star trek fic recs
(starting note: a lot of the following works contain heavy and/or uncomfortable themes, which is my preference when reading fanfiction, so just be aware of that. a lot of them are also, uh, rated E, so yea. i have no excuse for that one.)
(contains: mostly AOS with smatterings of SNW, DS9 and TOS)
Don't Stop Believing (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 205,901 words, a Spock-character-study slash novel-length-epic, features Spock/Pike heavily near the beginning, explores the loss and pain after y'know losing your mother and your planet, slow-burn Spirk but GOD the slow-burn is so good, not a straightforward story as characters are capable of both advancing and regressing but this complexity makes the story more delicious, includes homoerotic piano duets)
You Don’t Have To (Say Yes) (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 192,321 words, HEED THE WARNINGS, starts out as “let’s make Tarsus IV even worse” but evolves into love letter for friendship and chosen family, characters so good you want to start chewing on the metaphorical pages, Kirk as bright-sunshine-character-with-the-horrors-in-his-past who’s messed up but god he’s trying, passages in this fic permanently rewired my brain)
War Games (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 108,882 words, necessary to read You’ll Get There In The End first, very sharp and cohesive prose and plot, the romance here is pretty unconventional and “unromantic” almost but it honestly works really well, uhh main warning is that this deals with politics analogous with real-world loss of rights so it’s uncomfortably relatable but if you’re fine with that it’s a really interesting read, intrigue and action, sorta-telepath!Kirk and good Vulcan OCs)
K’diwa: A Steamy Novel of Interspecies Romance, by Jim Kirk (Spirk AOS, rated technically E but it’s more M i feel, finished at 103,984 words, accidental romance writer Jim Kirk, Kirk-was-adopted-by-Vulcans, Academy Era, far on the feel-good and indulgent side of fic if you’re into that)
The Door (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 77,118 words, per the description "and alternative STID thing" with one of the most distinctive and sweet/sharp love stories, smut does feature very heavily but so does literature and messy emotions, contains my favorite version of THAT scene from STID, makes you want to annotate passages and look for parallels like in fucking english lit class again)
For the Gladness of You (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 51,055 words, non-linear narrative, Spock and Kirk both have Issues(tm), definitely a thornier read where problems don’t have clear solutions and people are messy and don’t always make good decisions, more cynical but still so good)
The 1,000 Hour Sleep (Spirk SNW, rated M, finished at 27,227 words, basically Jim is a secret agent for Starfleet who's treated as expendable by Command but still gets adopted by the SNW crew, good balance of action/angst and romance/pining)
This Trailer Park Is a Shithole But Goddammit, It’s Home (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 23,446 words, trailer park AU, Jim Kirk’s dubious adventures in growing weed and trying to avoid the law, the crackiest adaptation of st2009 you’ll ever read)
Something Smart to Do (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 21,322 words, how many times will Spock and Kirk get fake-married for missions before they admit they’re in love? the answer is too damn much)
How to Inefficiently Acquire a Human Male in 98.6 Earth Days (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 30,391 words, Academy Era, Spock tries to ward off Jim's attempts at friendship but receives advice that does... not do that, romcom vibes, meddling Gaila)
Big Me (But It’s You I Fell Into) (Spirk AOS, rated M, finished at 38,728 words, i am entirely indifferent towards golf but this fic still slaps, feat. an oblivious jim, a low-stress but still very fun read)
knives in the water (McSpirk AOS, rated E, finished at 18,618 words, dark, mafia au, smut and violence, featuring McCoy’s sexual frustration and steadily eroding moral compass)
encrusted gem-stuff / / of the mist (T'pura SNW, rated T, finished at 41,862 words, pon farr but it’s lesbians, beautiful psychedelic and almost surreal writing style that i want to inject into my bloodstream)
Unspoken (T’pura AOS, rated M, finished at 29,201 words, lovely AOS Uhura depiction with lots of linguistics and character depth, the path to true love is convoluted and thorny but they get there, eventually)
i cannot paint / what then i was (Kiradax DS9, rated T, finished at 15,462 words, brief Jadzia/Lenara Kahn, read if you like greek classics references, bi disaster Jadzia and gorgeous lesbian pining)
A Hermeneutics of Ass-Fucking (Christine Chapel/T’pring SNW, rated M, finished at 5,954 words, an enjoyable cocktail of Vulcan intellectualism, crack and lesbian horniness)
Matchmaker of Mars (T’pura TOS, rated T, finished at 2,749 words, T’Pring and Uhura as 1930s scifi writers with a grudge against Campbell)
there's no such thing as a bad idea (Spock & Bones AOS, rated T, finished at 5,114 words, giving "teenage girls talk about their crushes at a sleepover" except it's two emotionally constipated middle-ish-aged men who are drunk)
And Then I Let It Go (Spirk AOS, rated E, finished at 10,632 words, post-Beyond getting together including fake identities and agricultural work)
Any Way You Want It (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 12,031 words, Spock gets offered a promotion and Jim wants to be supportive, misunderstanding ensue, slightly cracky)
Watershed Moments (Kirk & Mcoy AOS, rated N/A, finished at 9,455 words, based on that Parks and Rec episode with snake juice but it’s Chekov’s tribble juice here, everyone’s super wasted here and it’s glorious, crack)
Big Damn Heroes (Chekov/Sulu AOS, rated E, finished at 6,821 words, Chekov character study in a "live fast, die young" type of Starfleet life, honestly just read anything by waldorph ever, swashbuckling vibes)
what is love? (no really) (Aromantic Spirk AOS, finished at 7,534 words, read if you like disaster!Kirk and/or have a grudge against Valentine's Day, cracky)
Hallmark Moment (Here in the Morning Remix) (Joanna McCoy AOS, rated G, finished at 3,312 words, bittersweet character study, read if you want to feel a little sad and contemplative)
the five-year mission (Kirk & McCoy AOS, rated M, finished at 11,106 words, dark post-STID that sees what with Starfleet's militarization and colonialist undertones... y'know that's not far from the mirrorverse...)
A Monument to All Your Sins (Spirk AOS, rated T, finished at 9,629 words, post-STID where Kirk is ordered to retake the Kobayashi Maru, soft established relationships and musings about the nature of sacrifice/duty)
K’oh-nar (Spirk TOS, rated T, unfinished at 320,000 words currently, PLEASE heed the "mental breakdown" tag as it centers around severe psychically-inflicted trauma, featuring Spock’s TOS canonical self-loathing, it’s tagged hurt/comfort but the plot’s still on the “hurt,”read if you want to be stabbed by a hundred knives)
Unbody Me and Take Me Home (Spirk AOS, rated N/A, unfinished at 27,416 words but updating, domestic fluff but there's a ghost, slowburn for both the romance and the horror)
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Extreme trigger warning but I just came across a list that speaks volumes and the point they made hut ne like a truck...
That point being that Wukong was literally suicidal in s3 when he decided he was going to try to take the Samhadi Fire and use it to burn LBD up.
The Fire is known to be one of the few things in existence capable of killing him, he knows that Ao Lie taking on just a portion of it likely resulted in at minimum a shortened lifetime and very likely lead to his actual death, and that if left unchecked it could destroy the world. It's why they all sealed it away to begin with! And yet, this stupid, self sacrificial, immortal monkey was going to literally let himself be burned to a crisp in a half-baked attempt to stop LBD AND NOT THINK TWICE ABOUT IT! You can bet he fully expected to die in that moment and didn't care!
And throughout s3, you can tell Wukong wasn't quite right. He started the season with everyone angry at him for not warning them about LBD and going off on his own, inadvertently leaving MK to deal with the spirit on his own and putting him in danger. Wukong knows this and fully regrets it, you can TELL he's beating himself up over it the entire time, he's just hiding it because that's what Wukogn does when faced with uncomfortable emotions, he puts on a laid backed persona and pretends nothing bothers him, that such things are beneath him becaue its only for "dorky mortals," not an immortal hero like himself. It's what years and years of pain and misery and abuse had taught him to do. Because he's gotten to the point that all he and all he believes he can be is the Monkey King. The Legend, not the person.
Which reminds me... Throughout all of Lego Monkie Kid, nobody ever refers to Sun Wukong as his actual name except for one notable exception. Macaque. The person who was once Wukong's closest companion turned the most hateful enemy up u til that point. Someone who specifically targeted an innocent bystander simply for the crime of being Wukong's apprentice. How messed up would that make you, to get hundreds of years in isolation only for the first people you reach out to to never call you by your name? For the people you've come to love to only ever call you by a title you, more than likely, hate. The only person to call you is your own name, Macaque, who is actively trying to kill you and despises the very air you breathe and your very existence.
BIG TW cus its pretty heavy topic.
Me and another asker discussed this a while ago about how Wukong's canonical actions and behavior throughout the series are eerily similar to someone suffering from depression.
But I don't think he's actively trying to kill himself - at least he doesn't think he is. For Wukong; hosting the Samadhi Fire will either go off without a hitch - or he can leave the mortal plane in a huge final Big Bang.
It all goes back to his self-sacrificial nature, and becoming self-destructive after losing his Pilgrim brothers/support system.
The fact that he's been reduced to a "character" in the eyes of the public honestly makes him feel kinda sick. He can't think of who in his life would actually call him by his name - other than his enemies.
Also you are incorrect about Macaque being the only one to call Wukong by his name; Nezha and DBK pointedly call him by his name, albeit during moment when he's not in their good graces. Perhaps in Wukong's mind, the only people who really "care" about him anymore are the people who hate him/want to fight him.
Its sorta why a lot of my aus have Wukong re-establish a support system with assistance from the universe.
Wukong needs a therapy episode.
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Star Trek fanfic recs
A long list of some of my all time favorite Star Trek fics. Not in any order. I just combed through my ao3 bookmarks for fics that still resonate with me and really blew me away. I will try to tag the authors if I can find blogs for them. If you know an authors blog I haven’t tagged, please tag them!
I dont have the spoons to write lil reviews for each fic bc theres toooooo many but maybe I’ll come back and edit some in sometime.
And eventually I’m gonna make a list like this for Sherlock Holmes and a few other fandoms. Also want to make one specific to podfics. We’ll see what happens first! This took me way longer than I thought it would…
Recs below the cut!
Star Trek TOS and AOS
The Thousandth Man (56187 words) by Ophelia_j In the wake of pon farr, the events on Vulcan are weighing heavy on Spock and his Captain. But will their attempt to fix the problem only make things worse?
The effect of sucrose on Vulcans (2290 words) by Ophelia_j After a successful diplomatic mission, Jim begins to suspect there's something wrong with Spock. Some Old Married Spirk Fluff for the 2019 OMS Challenge, for the awesome plaidshirtjimkirk.
The Eleventh Hour (8551 words) by Ophelia_j During a joint lecture at the Academy, Spock senses that Kirk is growing tired of the secrecy around their relationship and takes steps to resolve the matter.
A Crazy Little Thing Called Love (14940 words) by VTsuion The development of Kirk and Spock's relationship over the course of The Original Series, told in a series of off-screen moments.
The World Turned Upside Down (24777 words) by Jenna Hilary Sinclair On a planet torn by civil war, Kirk must battle insurgents, a Vulcan Healer, and his own heartbreak to find his way to Spock.
The Ren shat'var Trilogy (184,403 words) by CateAdams A split-second decision changes Jim's life forever, as he enters into a bond with Spock in the face of certain torture. Enemies to the Federation emerge from unlikely places, and the command team must contend with unexpected threats, as well as challenges within their own intense relationship. In this three-part series, the Enterprise races across the galaxy to confront the unknown, and Jim and Spock discover the true significance of their unprecedented connection.
First, Best Destiny - Parts One and Two (387733 words) by Ophelia_j A novel-length retelling of original Star Trek canon through the lens of one of the greatest relationships ever committed to film. Using missing scenes, episode tags, and original story-telling. Ultimately a Generations fix-it.
All the Time in the World (27856 words) by LSPINGLES The death of Edith Keeler affects Kirk and Spock in different ways. Spock invites Kirk to come with him to Vulcan to heal. Along the way the learn something about their feelings for each other.
Spice (276553 words) by eimeo It’s a question of biology. Vulcan biology. The problem with falling in love with a member of an insanely private species is that it just might take you the best part of a five year mission to work out that the feelings are requited. And then you might discover that he’s already decided that the two of you can never be together. And what are you supposed to do if he won’t tell you why?
Fulfilling the Needs of the One (Or the Both) (8741 words) by plaidshirtjimkirk Spock begins to wonder if his relationship with Jim has been one-sided in his own favor.
Touch Upon the Wonders that You See (4071 words) by waldorph Sarek does not always understand his son, but that does not mean he does not love him.
Entering Orbit (30957 words) by museaway Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch.
Something Smart to Do (21322 words) by kianspo In which Jim finds himself fake-married to his first officer every other month. It's not his fault. Mostly. Dowries and Klingons are involved. Starfleet is decidedly not amused.
Don't Stop Believing (205901 words) by kianspo The story follows Spock from his own days as a cadet at Starfleet Academy to the ‘present day’ when he’s Kirk’s first officer and the Enterprise is on its five-year mission. Essentially, the story of Spock’s first real love followed by the story of him finding the love of his life. Ad astra per aspera.
And Then I Let It Go (10632 words) by kianspo Post-Star Trek Beyond. The crew of the Enterprise gets a breather while they are waiting for their new ship. Jim uses the time to do something he had sworn he would never do.
The Lotus Eaters (93594 words) by aldora89 Stranded on the planet Sigma Nox while searching for a missing away team, Spock and Kirk find themselves pitted against a disturbing native life form. With the captain out of commission on a regular basis and Spock struggling to preserve his stoicism, staying alive is difficult enough – but when a slim chance for escape surfaces, their resolve is truly put to the test. Together they must fight for survival in the heart of an alien jungle, and in the process, uncover the mystery of the planet’s past. Slow build K/S.
Atlas (135529 words) by distractedKat Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning. A novel-length continuation of the 2009 movie told in four parts. Cross-posted from FFN. PODFIC AVAILABLE! https://archiveofourown.org/works/652116/chapters/1187249
The Word Withheld (12032 words) by j_s_cavalcante After retrieving Kirk from the interspatial rift of "The Tholian Web," Spock realizes his oath to Starfleet and his service aboard the Enterprise are in jeopardy because he has denied to himself—and withheld from Kirk—a certain truth about the nature of the Vulcan relationship called "t’hy’la."
this is what happens when you save earth, apparently (5454 words) by WerewolvesAreReal “So, why haven't you settled down with some lucky lady yet?” the interviewer asks. Maybe it's the blinding set-lights, or the fact that he hasn't slept in thirty-five hours. But for some reason Kirk blurts, “Honestly, they all end up getting jealous of Spock.”
Four times the Enterprise Crew didn´t realize that their commanding officers were married to each other and one time they finally found out (4130 words) by razzleberryicedtea In which Spock and Jim casually forget to mention that they are married, and the Enterprise crew is too oblivious to notice on their own
A Star to Steer By (32043 words) by Borealisblue Kidnapped, injured, and headed towards Romulan space, Kirk could only be grateful that his last act was saving Spock from the same fate. And all it had cost was a stolen kiss.
An Open Secret (3495 words) by TransScribe Amanda Grayson knew her son. She could read him, easily. That might've been why she had suspicions about his relationship long before he said anything. It was more likely because subtlety was not a trait Spock had inherited.
the book of love (7297 words) by miss_frankenstein When yet another away mission goes awry, Jim and Spock are left stranded on a hostile planet with nothing to do but talk. What follows is a conversation about art and literature, life and death, love and friendship.
Take My Hand (My Whole Life Too) (5981 words) by pastmydancingdays Whilst in one of the most dangerous situations of his life, Jim Kirk came to a realisation that he should have had a very long time ago. Two, in fact, and he was about to let neither go to waste. A potential epilogue to Amok Time.
Ashayam (3378 words) by Willowe Spock knows he has no right to refer to Jim as any sort of endearment, even in the privacy of his own thoughts. If he had only listened to this logic he wouldn't find himself in this position, standing on the bridge having just called his captain "ashayam".
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digitalagepulao · 11 months
i am, plagued by thoughts.
someone almost overtrimming Ao Lie's hooves and Wukong eats their hide for it, but nobody wants to ask him to look after the white horse lest they provoke the old BiMaWen, and Ao Lie begs him to look after him cus gods he can't go lame in the middle of their journey!
which leads me to, Ao Lie getting so so pampered by Wukong, his dragon scales and talons never shone as much as his pelt and hooves thanks to his fellow pilgrim;
during a colder snap they realize they don't have enough layers for their Shifu, until Wukong suggests Wujing's sash which, leads to Sanzang looking like a bundled pile on Long Ma's back;
Sanzang chiding Bajie and Wukong about talking too loudly at night and he can't sleep / everyone else nagging their Shifu to pleaaaase turn off the lamps and go to bed already, your eyes will go sour reading at night!!
Wukong being more restless than usual out of sheer joy of being able to move freely after 500 years, and using Wujing as a jungle gym;
the inherent comedy of the pilgrims having such stark height differences. poor Wujing desperately crawling into caves and ruined temples until Wukong and Bajie teaches him to change his size;
the ancient china tetris game of figuring out how to make all the artifacts and scrolls Sanzang collects along the way fit into the massive carrier they gave Wujing, which often leads Wukong to show off his strength by, juggling priceless artifacts like they weigh nothing, but Sanzang can't use the headache mantra lest Wukong actually drops them;
speaking of, Bajie stashing food inside the bag and then not being able to get to them cus the items are too heavy for him, and now he's suffering smelling the food go bad and not being able to eat it;
Wukong mocks him relentlessly for it once Sanzang finds the spoiled snacks almost rotted some of the relics;
Wukong ending up as the group's translator for a hot few months until everyone learns the new languages they come across, which leads to endless opportunities for speech-related pranks;
Sanzang being dismayed that Wukong's calligraphy with his feet is better than with his hands;
Also, him trying to hammer in Buddhist scripture into their heads during the Vassas, and it's like herding superpowered cats;
The inherent comedy of Wukong doing small talk with the animals of the mountains they go through in beast-speech, while everyone goes ????
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orangexmachina · 5 months
Rating Starfleet uniforms (from shows I've watched)
1. Early TOS uniforms
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6/10. The fabric looks soft, and I'm kinda into the whole turtleneck thing, plus the women's uniform is practical. The colour palette could be a little more interesting, though, and there's far too many crew members in the same shade of blue.
2. TOS uniforms
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7/10. Aside from Kirk's infamous wrap around shirt, these are fairly toned back uniforms in bright colours. Aesthetically, the women's uniforms look good but are ultimately impractical. A solid base for starfleet uniforms. I like the black undershirts.
3. Wrath of Khan uniforms
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5/10. Ugly!! The colour is nice and makes the crew look unified, but the cut is unflattering, and all the shiny bits look more imperialist than practical. I get what they were going for, but I find it boring. Also, Spock looks so good in blue that the red is practically criminal.
4. TNG uniforms (1-3)
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4/10. Although I like certain design elements of these, as well as the colour choices, I find them too onsie-like. I prefer Troi's uniform here, though. Her second uniform is a bit too boob heavy.
5. TNG (3-7)
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8/10. Solid starfleet uniforms. The colours are nice, the designs are sleek and fashionable as well as gender neutral. The collars are particularly nice. Overall, nice. Apart from poor Troi, her uniform is so ugly here god bless her.
6. Skant
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4/10. Honorary mention for the skant. It's way too short, but the shape is nice. TNG women don't even get the dignity of tights here. Point up from 3 because Picard and Riker wore them once.
7. AOS
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3/10. BARF. The fabric looks cheap and scratchy, and the necklines are weird. The colours are eye-bleachingly ugly, and I really don't get what they were going for with the kids' Halloween costume vibe.
8. SNW
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1/10. If I were Ethen Peck, I would think the costume designers hated me. These are unbelievably ugly.
9. First Star Trek film
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0/10. Sad beige uniforms for sad beige officers.
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shukumeinorivals · 4 months
Hi ✨(Before anything else, I want to apologize for my English; it's not my first language.) Thanks for your work 🥺. It helped me a lot to read some doujinshis that I already bought. I would like to ask for advice on scanning my doujinshis, and if I can scan them I would love to donate them for translation (the KaiShin ones of course), although if you can't or don't want to that's fine 💕 Lately I have bought a lot of doujins ✨
Hi! Nothing to apologize for, anon. Rather, thank you for making the effort, I assure you it's much appreciated, and thank you very much for considering donating your scans, I'll be glad to work on them if you do!
About advice, I'll assume you don't like to be too rough with your doujinshi and want to avoid creases that are too noticeable on the cover, like me, who can't bring herself to unbind them lol.
Well, the first step to get good quality scans would be to set your scanner's resolution for a minimum of 300dpi. The higher the number the more detail is preserved, but it also takes longer to scan each page, so 300dpi is enough.
The process I follow to scan mine would be as follows.
Scan cover and back cover.
Then count the total number of pages in the doujin and start scanning from the middle towards the end. For example, if it's a 28-page dj, you'd go to page 14 and then scan page 14, 15, 16, etc. until you reach page 28. Then you'd go from page 13 towards the beginning. That should put less strain on the cover and you'll have much better chances of avoiding a noticeable crease there.
If you're using a multifunctional printer or a flatbed scanner and it has a lid, you don't need to use it, you can just use your hands to gently press the pages down and control the pressure better. Once you're done, put something heavy over the doujinshi and thank it for its service <3.
That would be it, but if you have any other doubts, don't hesitate to let me know and maybe I can help.
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was in the mood for headcanons last night instead of sleeping so tell me ( if you'd like )
what type of sleeper do you think the cast of LMK are? (light sleeper, heavy/deep sleeper, no sleeper, sleep talker, sleep walker, eyes open kind of sleeper, etc)
if you want you could also include/do OCs or the au versions :)
sorry if i worded this properly or something- i kinda did this on a whim ^^"
I think I'll just do show because why not :D
MK: Heavy sleeper. I'm pretty sure the guy has canonically slept through his alarm, so I think it tracks that he's a heavy sleeper but I wouldn't be surprised if season 3 onwards he has a harder time sleeping.
Mei: Early riser. Being a descendant of Ao Run, a known sea dragon, Mei is instinctively linked to the rise and set of the moon; basically she has an internal clock that tells her the time based off the current position of the moon and that internal clock will usually wake her up when the moon is setting. That paired with her apparently strict upbringing leads me to believe she's an early riser.
Red Son: Insomniac. I think this one is kind of fandom accepted. Red Son is a hard worker, the kind of person who works until they drop asleep. He totally stays up late at night working on projects, only to fall asleep at noon because he stayed up all night.
Pigsy: Sporadic sleeper. Being kind of a workaholic and a dad I see Pigsy as the kind of person who taught himself to take periodical naps throughout the day to get his rest instead of just sleeping for a regular 7 hours, so to others it might seem like he's an early riser when instead he's just running on naps.
Tang: Sleep talker. There isn't much behind this one other than Tang seems like the type to talk in his sleep. He's got a lot to say :3
Sandy: Light sleeper. With his apparent warrior past I see him having been taught/taught himself to be a light sleeper so he'd be alert to attacks. Being a light sleeper would make him less vulnerable to attacks as he'd be easily awoken by the slightest sound/what not and while he has left behind his warrior life I still see him staying a light sleeper.
Wukong: Sleep walker. Three things convince me Wukong would be a sleep walker. 1) the mountain. Being stuck under the mountain for 500 years would've been hell especially since he couldn't move so once his body is free to move around it responds with sleep walking as it hates the feeling of being stiff and stuck while Wukong is asleep. 2) With the journey being as dangerous as it was I see Wukong's body developing some type of fight response to danger even when he's dead asleep aka he's basically sleep fighting people. 3) Stress can be one of the things that causes sleep walking and this monkey is certainly stress but I can also see it as trauma response when he has nightmares; his body literally acting out/reacting to the nightmares as they happen in his head.
Macaque: I don't think Macaque can sleep unless he feels 100% safe, so I fully think he'd just sleep in one of shadow portals where it's safe and there's also no sound and while he's in there he'll usually sleep with this ears open so he can hear things in the future/past that will set him at ease so he won't have nightmares.
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itsuki-minamy · 2 months
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Anno
On that day, there was a storm across Honshu and unseasonable lightning was also observed on the Sea of Japan side. Even in Tokyo, a heavy drizzle that made the cold seep into the bones made the landscape seem smoky since the morning.
Although the conditions were the worst for outdoor group activities, the high morale of beginning a great task defied objective facts. The staff of the Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau, who were about to be sent to work, had diverse backgrounds and personalities, and the breakfast room was busy and noisy.
Those who interact carelessly,
"Iyoda-kun~, give me the salt, salt~"
"Yes, here you have. Why do you put salt on rice every time you see it?"
A person enjoying a meal,
"Today's food is also really delicious."
"Hmm! Chika-dono's miso soup is exquisite!"
"Oh, that's right... the manager's pickles are delicious too."
Those who talk about work,
"We don't have practice at the dojo today, so it would be great to go out and have something to eat!"
"Normally people don't like to be shipped, but..."
The people gathered in the small dining room looked like young people who could be found anywhere, they were no longer wearing blue clothes or carrying swords.
Their title as members of the Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau is a legal system and they do not actually work for the Ministry of Justice. The office where daily work was carried out, the living space where people slept, they were all located in a corner of the former state guest house that displayed Tsubakimon's luxurious appearance... or rather, it was in a building in the corner.
Next to the simple entrance, which only looks like a back door, there is a plaque with the name ''Ao Mamoru-sha'' written in Somei Nazumi's handwriting, but in reality, this building was used as an office and living space for the exclusive servers of the guest house. Permission to use the main building has not yet been granted (although it is clear that they will not be able to handle the current number of staff).
The dining room is so transparent that you can enter directly through the outside door and the adjacent kitchen is only separated by a curtain. It was a very simple installation for service, separate from the kitchen for guests.
Somei Chika, dressed in a triangular sling and a Japanese kappo uniform, emerged from the kitchen.
"Today's dispatch is likely to be a long battle with those with abilities. Be sure to maintain your strength!"
Everyone responded in unison, worthy of the loud cheers.
An old woman called softly to Chika from behind.
"That's enough, so Chika-san, please enjoy your food."
She gave her a tray with breakfast in a natural and discreet way.
This old woman is not only the guardian of "Ao Mamoru-sha", as Nazumi calls her, but of the entire guest house.
She has been protecting the state pension since the war and, even after her husband, who was also her colleague, died in prison at the hands of the special high police, she continued her work with calm and dedication. She led a small group of servants and kept the entire vast state guesthouse beautiful, and she possessed a mysterious ability that even Nazumi admired.
Chika bowed to the respectful woman and accepted the tray.
"Yes, I appreciate your words."
Of the members of the Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau, only Nazumi and his wife travel from their nearby home. When they have to leave early like today, they usually have breakfast there, which they usually do at home. Chika not only eats, but she also helps the manager cook, so there will be one more food item for breakfast the day she comes.
This is the reason why the morale of the youth has increased considerably.
Chika walked behind them and sat in the reserved seat in the back, facing Nazumi.
He had already eaten his breakfast and there was not a single grain of rice or a drop of miso soup left. The tray had been pushed aside and a thick pile of books was piled between them.
Chika was a little taken aback.
(I wonder what kind of job it is.)
She has not heard that there was work to be done before being sent.
Beyond that mountain, Nazumi seemed to rise and reveal his face.
"Thanks for the food."
"That was a bad job."
After calmly responding to the polite voice, Chika asked.
"Nazumi-san, what is that book?"
If you look closely, you will see that it is not the usual bundle of government documents or an assembled file, but a collection of poems or Chinese classics. Apparently it was taken from the library of the State Guest House.
"My "Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau" also wants to have some kind of behavior or words that express the links clearly, so I've been looking at various documents... but it just doesn't fit very well."
Chika could easily imagine the worried face on the other side of the stack of books. Not only that, but she was also able to see through two or three levels of deep worry that were swaying like a fine mist.
"Do you have any concerns that will distract you from today's deployment?"
He wouldn't be surprised if someone could see through him now.
Rather, with the joy of being seen, Nazumi revealed his true feelings.
"I'm sure the plans and arrangements are perfect. But for some reason, I just don't feel like I can finish it..."
"Are you saying that when that "Red King" appears, the calculations go wrong?"
"The only thing I can say is that it is close, but different. When the matter reaches the "King", the mystery that governs that "Slate" is not clearly solved... and I feel very bad."
The superhuman irritation in her husband's voice.
With a single word, his wife returned him to the human horizon.
"Isn't that good?"
"Huh, is it?"
"The power of that "Slate" and the "King" are definitely things that exist in the floating world. As with anything else, isn't it okay to be in a bad mood because you can't get things done?"
On the other side of the stack of books, Chika could easily imagine Nazumi's no-nonsense face examining his opinions. The questioning tone of voice she had imagined returned.
"That is what it is?"
"That's right."
Chika dared to say it simply.
After a brief pause, Nazumi added.
"...I'm not convinced, but I understand. Chika-san."
"As you say."
"Your food is getting cold, please eat it quickly."
Chika took off her sling and put her palms together with a smile.
"Yes, Itadakimasu."
The unnamed intelligence agency was located in Nanakamado, Tokyo.
The facility's predecessor was an international Christian general hospital. Fortunately, the chalk building, with its magnificent bell tower, was saved from air raids and immediately after the end of the war it became a valuable medical center accommodating a wide variety of patients.
However, some time ago, it became the headquarters and research facility of an intelligence agency, with a fake sign reading "Infectious Disease Control Research Institute", a thick iron gate, and a high fence with a tap.
Today you could say that it has become a reality.
All the powers that had been established by them were revoked by official notification.
It was supposed to be done, but there is still debris moving around inside the room.
The noise was especially noticeable in the westernmost rooms on the top floor. It was established when the organization concentrated its personnel and functions there, and it is a command post that controls both internal analysis and command, as well as external reception and transmission.
The windows are covered with thick concrete, preventing the passage of wind and light. An electrical panel representing the Kanto region is installed on the wall and continues to display the movements of the objects being monitored. The tense atmosphere inside the room was created by those who operated the screens, those who provided information for their operation, those who received and transmitted information from outside, and those who reported and made adjustments derived from it.
Behind them, from a raised floor, a military-looking American gave instructions one after another.
"Keep all the generators running, okay, everything!"
Before it expired... his title was Director of the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agency, in other words, Commander of Nanakamado.
"Never let anyone hang up on Atsugi's "Demodori"! If a conflict really breaks out, they will be looking for an opportunity to unite! No matter how trivial the data is, send them all the information to stimulate them!''
The scene was neither brave enough to be called anger, nor fierce enough to be called frenzy. In other words, it was a delusional movement that arose from the impatience of being cornered.
"Yokosuka's "Yaseppochi" hasn't come out yet?! Just one word is fine, keep calling until he answers! As long as we have the facts of the answer, we can negotiate with the CIA and the Pentagon as accomplices!"
Then, one of the engine members brings in a report containing new information.
After reading it, the chief engineer threw it away violently.
"Don't bring weather information! What do you mean the rain will turn into snow?! Today we are different from before! We are in a position to attack here...!"
After shouting, the chief engineer was shocked.
Everyone at the command post looked at him with worried faces.
As an intelligence agency, they are about to do something completely different than what they have done so far... gather information, capture targets, cover up operations, illegal experiments, etc. They were about to be forced to do so.
In other words, the act of undermining the systems and organizations that established them, and even the national structure.
Even if they had US backing (as the chief engineer insists), it was too risky a gamble to be taken lightly. Even so, the reason why they can barely maintain unity to the point of choosing to entrench themselves under the command of the chief engineer is due to their own status as intelligence agents.
That is...
"Listen, the person who knows the secret of an unprecedented phenomenon has become useless. Surrender and you will be detained by Headquarters, you know what will happen!"
This was because everyone was passively accepting the chief engineer's insistence that it had already happened for the umpteenth time.
"We will be accused of various clandestine jobs that will be imposed on us and handed over to our country of origin... At best, we will be deported and imprisoned, and at worst, we will be used as guinea pigs for investigation!"
Despite such instigation, there was no one in that organization who was clean and innocent enough to accept surrender. The fuel for their out-of-control behavior was the fear that "if they moved away from the side of manipulation and investigation, their position would be reversed".
Members of the intelligence service who spent their days committing shady deeds and even had a sense of pride in their actions attempted to crush them because Headquarters did not consider them that important, in fact, they looked down on them. The thought did not occur to them that their punishment would be lighter if they did nothing unnecessary.
Having no choice but to hide their feelings, they returned to their work.
The chief engineer, who had subdued his subordinate, turned his suspicious and hostile gaze towards the electrical panel on the wall.
The flashing light bulb on the map indicates the location of the convoy approaching the center, Nanakamado. It didn't seem like there was much time left.
After clicking his tongue, he gave new instructions to the two people behind him.
"Colt, help the doctor select interceptors. Anyway, quantity is more important than quality, okay?"
One of them, Thomas Colt, responded with a salute, but there was no tension in his voice or his movements.
Despite the failure of the recent operation, and although he complained to the chief engineer about the danger to the king and others, he was able to remain head of the execution unit. This was because there was no one in the organization with more character and ability than him. In short, the previous operation was a crushing defeat for Nanakamado, who took it too seriously and lost the main strength of their active forces.
Colt himself suffered a crushing defeat to the point that the chief engineer no longer cared and, although as expected, his efforts to persuade Colt to cooperate failed. Although he felt ashamed, his feeling of boredom was not only due to his debt to these organizations.
There is no plausible theory that Nanakamado is advancing a pointless rebellion or that they are trotting out a Japanese Strain for that purpose. However, ever since that battle with the "Red King" Unno Yutaka, a word came to his mind from the bottom of his heart.
(What am I doing?)
As a "talented American" with no place to live, as an accomplice to Nanakamado's various actions, he must have had no choice, and he must have understood and agreed with him. Still, for some reason, he was captivated by those words, and the more he thought about them, the more he lost his inner strength.
Or, on the contrary,
"Come on, Colt-kun."
After receiving the order, another elderly Japanese man named Doctor put on his white coat and left the room. Even in that situation, he was still triumphant and led the way down the hallway with legs like dead branches.
This person was a scientist who was recruited from the former Ninth Army Technical Research Institute (also known as Kyuken or Noborito Research Institute) on the condition that he would be exempt from prosecution for war crimes, and was the main Strains researcher. in Nanakamado. He is also the leader of the analysis team that created a temporal structure from the initial "too conceptual and I don't know what it means" stage and systematized and theorized it to the point of forming a combat unit based on Strain.
Colt couldn't understand his attitude.
Although he was in an obvious situation, there was no difference from his usual situation. Maybe he just doesn't feel the battle that is about to begin, or maybe he has a strong spirit that never forgets to dedicate himself to his duties... or is he optimistic that the results of his own investigations will guarantee his safety, no matter what the result is?
Despite his confusion, the Doctor continued through the house, which serves as his garden, and soon entered a section that smelled of chemicals.
It was a detention center for Strain, with almost the entire floor taken up by a series of small rooms.
A person who is too fierce or too cowardly to be used. Someone who is strong or too weak to be used. Those who cannot be classified, those whose investigation and trial have not been completed, are allowed to stay for the time being. The last trump card left for Nanakamado, who has lost his main force, is the "interception personnel candidates in an emergency situation", who can be forced to follow them at gunpoint from the rear.
Normally, it was the rule to carefully evaluate the use of personality skills and aptitude before requesting cooperation, but in the current emergency, it is impossible to worry about such a pretense.
The Doctor continued forward, ignoring the countless looks of fear and resentment that peeked through the thick acrylic board. At the same time, he pressed the buttons under the room number one after another.
Each time the button is pressed, the red indicator light changes to green. That was the signal that "mobilization was possible", and the escort team was supposed to take him downstairs immediately.
Colt heard the Doctor murmur.
"No. 311, common, capable of killing, with a history of injury, good. No. 312, common, capable of killing, no history of injury, good. No. 314, common, non-lethal, with a history of murder, good. No. 315, Beta, has the ability to kill, has a history of murder, good. No. 317, without lethal capacity, has a history of injuries, good."
He looked away, feeling somewhat horrified that he seemed to be judging others calmly, even cheerfully, without referring to anything.
And there,
"No. 322, common, no lethal capacity, no history of injuries, bad."
A surprising verdict came.
There was someone who couldn't press the button.
Feeling a strange sense of relief, Colt looked towards room 322.
He looked at him and couldn't help but ask.
"D-doctor, is this child...?"
The Doctor, already making a decision several steps ahead, stopped and responded with a lack of interest.
"Hmm? No. 322 has the ability to generate electricity at the level of static electricity. She doesn't have the physique or physical strength, so she won't be of any use."
That judgment was completely correct.
Sitting in the middle of the room, cowering in fear, was a girl who wasn't even old (Colt had a hard time estimating the age of this skinny girl born in Asia). The marks of crying were clearly visible on her haggard and dejected face.
"Who are the parents of this girl?"
"She's a vagabond. I've made inquiries, but she has no family. The report says that the Strain group that attacked a US military transport vehicle did not manage to escape. Number 327, has the ability to kill, has a history of murder, good."
As he answered Colt's question, the doctor resumed his judgment process.
So far, several cases of Strains children have been confirmed. Most of them are locked up, hunted like monsters, or used by unscrupulous adults... in any case, they are said to be in even more dire circumstances than ordinary children.
Basically, Nanakamado doesn't see them as objects of use. The reason for this, of course, is not morality or love, but the fact that children with abilities are generally weak and have no value beyond statistical research. Still, for a while there were some people who advocated that they should secretly protect those children, but this is the current situation.
Colt, who had come into contact with the girl as a real human being and not as a series of characters on a sheet of paper, instinctively reached into his pocket and pulled out a bar of chocolate. Food that was normally used as bait to obtain information on corners was thrown through the food container. The girl looked up slightly.
"Do your best. You might be able to get out in a while."
He said that in clear Japanese while putting on his best fake smile.
Although the girl understood the meaning of the words, she did not seem to understand what he was trying to convey. All she could do was stiffen and look at him with suspicious, teary eyes.
"Colt-kun, what are you doing?"
"Oh, nothing."
When he responded to the doctor standing before him, there was a heavy impurity mixed with his fake smile.
(Seriously, what am I doing...?)
As if leaving his words and actions behind, Colt quickly left.
The girl who was left behind didn't even reach for the chocolate, she just lowered her head and called out to her.
"Iku-chan, please help me..."
The name of a very, very strong "Queen" who will help them.
There are rows of power transmission towers in the western suburbs of Tokyo. Under dark clouds and drizzle, a girl stood on top of what appeared to be a group of sotoba trees devastated by the cold.
She is not a beautiful and strong figure.
She has a young, dirty face and a forward-leaning posture.
She was around 10 years old and was wearing a tattered trench coat over her thin, petite body, but for some reason she has the hood down over her back. The way her chin jutted forward, along with her flowing hair, gave her the appearance of a wolf searching for prey. Both eyes peeking out of her bangs are closed.
It is not a peaceful dream.
It was a look of concentration and a deep expression.
In an instant, lightning exploded beneath her feet.
The girl simply opened her eyes without showing surprise or fear.
Her large eyes scanned the horizon where the electrical cables were strung.
"I found it."
A gigantic and complicated circuit diagram was constructed in the moaning girl's field of consciousness. It is a model of the area's transmission network, including the electrical cables under its feet, with the vibrations and flickering of it. She knows the strength and weakness of electrical currents, and even the content of communications.
What she found was a name that was nothing more than a communication.
"Someone gave a lot of importance to Miya-chan..."
Even now, there are people who continue to send information about people's names, characteristics and powers. Among them was the name of the friend she was looking for. Other information proves that she is definitely a friend who was taken away by the occupation forces.
The girl's forward-leaning posture leaned further, gathering strength to jump.
Just when,
"Huh, which one?"
She didn't know which side captured her friend, the one sending the message from the east or the one receiving it from the west. As she gathered more strength, she concentrated on that communication and investigated further.
Most of them were words she had never heard before, but it was easy to guess their meaning from the excitement in their voices and the way they structured the language (although she didn't know the words taii or suisoku).
The sender desperately seeks help and persistently relents.
The recipient seems reluctant and rarely responds.
The girl struggled to find out what role her friend plays in these communications, although she is anxious.
In communications sent from the east,
"Please send me as many talented people as you can as soon as possible!"
A voice shouted.
There are a lot of talented people on the receiving end in the west.
She is sure that there are many people with abilities, that is, there must be some friends who were taken away.
That's right, the girl who makes decisions based on reflexes instead of careful consideration wasn't wrong...
The girl turned her head towards the west.
"Let's go everyone!"
In response to the howl, dozens of shadows rose from the field below the power transmission tower. They were all skinny, dirty kids about the same age or younger. On those sharp and carved faces, there was a sense of fierce power similar to that of the girl.
A hand rose out of nowhere.
When everyone on the field raised their hands, the girl on top of the steel tower did the same. She's the only one who doesn't just raise her hand. She was raising her index finger as if to stab the sky.
"Come on!"
In an instant, lightning descended from the dark clouds, accompanied by thunder.
The explosive power of lightning erupted from the girl who raised her finger at the top of the group to the children below who raised their hands, connecting everyone with green sparks and electric shocks.
"Biribiri-dan, shuppatsu!"
And with that, the girl gathered all the strength she had accumulated and began to run.
As if she were flying, gliding on electric wires lying in the air.
The children who were on the ground are attracted by the strength of their bond and go together.
The "Green King" Tsunogui Iku and "Biribiri-dan" destroyed maintenance and disrupted stability, and they were completely wrong. However, it was a storm-like departure that made the shock that much greater.
On a gloomy morning under stormy skies with mostly freezing rain, residents near the Research Institute for Infectious Disease Control evacuated. They loaded their few household belongings into a large car, carried them in furoshiki wrappers on their backs, and, holding hands with their families, walked frantically toward their designated evacuation destinations. There were complaints from many people that it was too late to evacuate, but if it were a message from Headquarters, it would be undeniable.
At first glance, it seems reasonable for Headquarters to say:
"This is a precautionary measure along with sampling for infectious diseases".
Despite that, a large number of police and even the Occupation Forces were sent to establish a strict blockade. Everyone couldn't help but wonder about the truth that was openly kept secret.
Some of the demobilized soldiers understood that this blockade line was prepared for movement from the inside, but at the same time they noticed the serious looks on the faces of the American police and soldiers guarding the area, and they remained silent and did not want to get involved.
The evacuation, which had since sparked various speculations, and the deployment of personnel in jeeps and trucks, which had been transported upriver, were completed at noon. It was so cold and rainy that bonfires were even allowed in several places.
The Research Institute for Infectious Disease Control where Nanakamado hides quietly.
Police and American soldiers surround the chalk building, which is surrounded by a high concrete wall and has a very bad reputation among local residents. They formed an orderly formation even in the rain and placed their gun barrels on piles of sandbags, but they advanced no further. Its only function was to build a siege and capture fugitives. That was decided the night before at an emergency strategy meeting.
Similarly, the number of personnel responsible for the invasion and suppression was determined by the Fourth Legislation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice, headed by the "Blue King" Somei Nazumi, who had clarified the confusing meeting. Even including Nazumi himself, there are only nine people with that ability.
The nine of them lined up in front of the main gate of the research institute, holding umbrellas.
The row of umbrellas, some restless and others motionless, watched the ceremony to prepare for the formality of the execution. A messenger from the Second General Staff Department, armed with an order from Headquarters, rang the bell, a ritual that may seem modest but is also a decisive declaration of war.
There was no answer to the doorbell.
The messenger pressed the call button and read the document.
When he finished saying that, if they didn't comply, they would be executed, that is, forcibly seized, he ran out the door like a rabbit.
The messenger stood in front of the "Blue King" in the center of the row of umbrellas and greeting.
"Report! No response from external organizations! Request from the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces Headquarters! Since the order was clearly violated, the Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau will quickly enforce it. That that's all!"
Nazumi folded his umbrella and placed it at his feet, then responded with the correct fold.
"Accepted by the Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau."
When the messenger left, a row of umbrellas folded their umbrellas one after another and placed them at their feet.
While catching the raindrops on his hat, Nazumi looked around the research institute.
"It seems that they have no intention of prolonging the negotiations and gaining time."
While her husband looks at the board, Chika helps him read by talking to him.
"What kind of winning strategy do you plan to find in this desperate situation?"
"That's right. If they wanted to engage in urban warfare, they would have launched it before the siege was completed."
As he smiled and enjoyed the conversation with his wife, Nazumi immediately got to the point.
"In that case, the operational posture is interception and the target is the assault force. That is to say, we are the Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau. Since we are the biggest nuisance to them, we must be exterminated within their base as soon as possible."
The staff members on both sides responded lightly depending on their courage.
Nazumi continued with a smile on his face.
"I think the goal is to create a stalemate with the surrounding forces that have already settled. What they fear more than anything is that the talented forces in Atsugi will not be able to arrive. That's why they want to crush us, the opposing force of reinforcements that come, with their first move. If we can crush them, we can use it as material to move Atsugi."
As the game progresses, the pieces of the puzzle come together one after another and the players' intentions come together. So far, he didn't have the overwhelming feeling of foreboding or unease that worried him in the morning. The reading continued with great clarity.
"When reinforcements arrive, we will concertedly break the siege, both internally and externally, causing unrest in Tokyo. They will then negotiate with Headquarters or the Japanese government for a pardon on the condition that they withdraw their troops. Then they return in triumph. home with their glorious war results and political achievements as souvenirs... Well, the best scenario would be something like that."
He then added with a smile on his face.
"Of course, that's impossible."
Chika added more to prevent her husband from becoming irreverent.
"Never forget that the other person also has the power to cancel the impossible."
"It was certainly premature."
Nodding solemnly, Nazumi stepped forward.
The officers once again straightened their backs at the act prior to the order.
But for some reason, instead of the usual orders, a long explanation came.
"Today's deployment is a monumental moment for us, the Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau, which has been officially entrusted with full authority to deal with individuals with the capacity to induce anomalous phenomena by breaking the chain of command between the Occupation Forces and the Armed Forces."
The staff, including Chika, were attacked by a bad feeling.
His especially logical explanation was determined to be an unavoidable incentive, even indirectly, to influence someone from a logical perspective, "something that is difficult to accept immediately".
"Right now, so to speak, is the place to reveal it... This morning during breakfast I came up with a gesture that would demonstrate to the viewers that I am willing to commit crimes against people with abilities, and also show them the model of order that must be maintained."
As expected, a proposal came that they couldn't immediately accept, but from which there was no escape.
"From now on, when we prepare for battle on the field, we will all draw our swords in order shouting a certain number. Following my order, each person please respond with their name and report having drawn their sword. Now, let's go "
The "Blue King" gave the orders, with the air of a cheerful driver and the voice of a stern superior.
"All members draw your swords!"
"To the order..."
Somei Chika, who was the deputy commander, or, in other words, the one who had to take the lead among the "vassals", was guarded by the staff and, although her cheeks were flushed, she followed orders. As soon as she picked up her naginata that she carried on her back, she put the sheath on her waist.
"Somei Chika, battou!"
With a loud, mesmerizing sound, she swung her drawn naginata and smashed the stone onto the ground.
Behind them, a scream escaped from the surrounding troops, exactly as Nazumi had anticipated.
Then, the last member of the station, who had been hesitating, finally moved after receiving an elbow in the side.
"I-Iyoda, battou!"
This time, his voice and his movements were moderate, so he was silent from behind.
With the assistance of both the good and the bad, the staff continued doing the same without hesitation.
"Rokugo, battou!"
"Hakizawa, battou~"
"Uh, uh, Nizuka, battou!"
"Hoizumi, battou!"
"Hentani, battou!"
"Toneyama, battou!"
After watching with satisfaction as everyone drew their swords, Nazumi slowly, but with a masterful movement, revealed the white blade.
"Somei Nazumi, battou!"
Naturally, he took a step forward and the station staff followed in line.
Because Nazumi was advancing at a regular pace,
"We're also working hard on creating other things, like extended front-end speeches. Look forward to the future."
For some reason, no one responded to proposal number two.
When the execution began, the telephone lines leaving the research institute were cut simultaneously in several places. They probably have backup lines buried underground and radio communication equipment, but the effectiveness of the measures is not the issue. That was a response to the enemy's declaration of war, which they ignored, and a signal for the start of the battle.
Next, the main door was hit by the stone tip of a naginata accompanied by blue power.
The thick iron gate was torn free of its bolts and fell onto the stone pavement of the front garden. When the glow of the earth's tremors faded, only the waves of freezing rain remained. There was no sound of movement in the barren front garden leading to the front door.
"As expected, there was no deployment of forces outside and no firing from inside. I guess it was a stalemate after 41 moves. As I thought, the real battle will only begin after we rush inside."
As he looked around from behind his hat, Nazumi gave them his final instructions.
"Originally, I would send the sword-shaped Radiant Schwert to strengthen them, but I don't want to irritate the "Colorless". I would like it to be a true test of skill."
The "King's" assessment was that it was possible to control the area with those nine people.
The confidence of the ''vassals'' in the evaluation of this ''king''.
They both took steps without hesitation and finally stopped in the middle of the front yard. It is a perfect place to observe the board, offering a panoramic view of the interior of the entrance, both ends of the house and even the bell tower above. After looking around,
"First move, reach the observation point... I will leave command to you from then on. Be careful."
Without bending down or bending his stretched back, he confided it to Chika,
"Yes. You should do your best."
Chika also looked forward and resolutely returned a response to Nazumi.
Then, leaving Nazumi in his place,
"Come on!"
The horizontal line resumed execution with Chika giving the order.
The tension in the formation increased with each step and finally, at its climax, eight people lined up at the entrance. The two wooden doors that once housed a general hospital are large and tall, and greeted them with an eerie silence.
Chika, as vice commander, looked left and right.
Although everyone was nervous to some extent, they did not hesitate.
After lifting her chin back in a slightly satisfied manner, the vice commander of the Fourth Legal Affairs Bureau issued a sharp order.
"Come on!"
Hakizawa and Nizuka each kicked in the two doors, throwing everyone inside.
Before they could fall to the ground, the tremendous gunshots from inside would blow them to pieces.
To annihilate the intruders, countless bullets fell from beyond the barricade installed in the entrance hall, not only from pistols, but also from automatic rifles and machine guns. Furthermore, invisible shockwaves, blows, and cuts came like an avalanche.
To confront it head-on, Hentani and Toneyama erected a solid blue power shield.
"Wow, this is the first time I've seen the entire shield shake!"
"The impact of the "force" is greater than that of a bullet."
As they stopped to take cover at the entrance, swords imbued with power silently approached from behind the thick stone pillars to their left and right.
Immediately, Iyoda and Hoizumi killed them.
"It smells elegant!"
At the same time, Chika hit the two people falling directly on top of her with the flat part of her naginata, knocking them down. After confirming that the unconscious people had collapsed inside the mantlet, she asked Rokugo, who was staring at the center of everyone.
"How is?"
"There are no signs of bombs or gas."
Before he could say that, Hakizawa and Nizuka stepped forward and moved the position of the mantlet forward.
"Iyoda-kun, you are very strong in real life."
"Hey, two tablecloths are formed!"
The collision between the bullet and the force became even more intense.
Ignoring that, Hentani and Toneyama pressed harder and harder.
"Prevent shielding, advance further!"
"Secure the cutting position."
Once the shield was erected a short distance from the barricade, Chika gave an order.
"One, two, three, take it!"
Iyoda was first, followed by Hoizumi.
"Keep formation!"
Following them, Hakizawa and Nizuka,
"Come on."
"Oh, wait."
Following them, Rokugo, Hentani and Toneyama as well.
"Keep pushing!"
"Come on."
They jumped onto the barricade one after another, and fortunately, they were able to hit the barricade, expanding their control area from the front to the left and right, and then to the surrounding area. Finally, Chika, who had been setting up a shield at the rear, silently entered the barricade and obtained a bridgehead to control. There weren't many interceptors lying around inside, maybe they evacuated as they approached.
(After all, the other party is not exempt from measures either.)
Chika looked around her, preparing herself once again.
Located at the rear of the entrance hall, an empty hallway extends to the left and right. In each case, similar barricades were erected along the long road, with white swords and gun muzzles flashing.
This time, the officers prepared for the next attack while hiding behind barricades.
Rokugo, the security guard, shouted.
"Left hand, heavy weapon!"
A brief whistle was heard and bursts of rocket flames erupted from beyond the shield placed outside the barricade. The common sense that it's not something to shoot indoors seems to have lost its meaning in this situation.
"Prepare for a surprise attack by the talented!"
Chika perked up and stood like an unbreakable pillar in the center of the barricade.
(So far so good... now I'll gather the ingredients for Nazumi.)
Nazumi watches her efforts from the front yard.
(Heavy weapons, again from the west, 34 moves.)
To be precise, he was observing the battlefield and trying to understand the factors that made up the battle situation.
The initial location of the force, the behavior of talented people who seem to have a squad commander behind them, the direction in which they will retreat when attacked, the direction in which reinforcements will be sent, the density of the fire that they rain and the weapons of the interceptors. The types of weapons used are not only those of the battlefield.
(Grenade from above, 35 moves.)
The plan of the general hospital before its renovation, the appearance of the research institute after its renovation, the slight pipes and unevenness exposed in the wall, the route of the canal to drain ice and rain, the construction of the front garden and the damage to stone pavement. Until then, he mentally lined up everything that could be verified.
(Wave of attacks by talented people, 36 moves.)
In order for the actions that take place on the battlefield to be possible, it becomes clear what kind of structure the buildings must have and where the people must be. When that becomes clear, you will have the entire war situation in your hands.
And now,
(Reinforcements on the left side of the atrium. The pillars cannot be removed, so even if it is renovated, the structure will remain the same. The route of the bullets, the position of the barricade, the stairs to protect and the use of gas now. Chika-san, are you okay? 37 moves.)
All the phenomena were intertwined and the puzzle was completed.
In other words, reason and phenomenon have been clearly separated.
(Is that where the command post is?)
Nazumi looked from under his uniform towards the west end of the top floor.
The walls were exactly the same as the others, with the windows covered in concrete and disguised as shutters.
However, all battles occur around that area and they move to protect it.
Nazumi turned towards that, keeping his back straight. Due to the sharpness of his movements, his rain cape spread for a moment, pushing away the freezing rain particles. The regular steps began.
(Approach, 38 movements.)
In his mind, the "King" begins to count his own movements.
This was proof that the mission was in its final stage.
Finally, his steps began to gain strength and a blue crystal step formed beneath his feet as he stepped on them with an unchanging rhythm. Before long, he reached his destination, facing the west end wall of the top floor, without any hesitation or confusion.
(Accomplished, 39 movements.)
He held his saber upright in front of him like a guard of honor, then brandished it three and four times before returning to the same position. The thick concrete wall was cut into a blue line and collapsed inwards.
(Cut, 40 moves.)
The scene in the dimly lit room... electrical panels that had been smashed and sparks scattered, information equipment lined up all over the place, and the engineers looking at him stiffly proved that his assumption was correct.
The "Blue King" stared at them, throwing his saber forward and announcing his sentence.
"Forty-one moves, you are paralyzed. I recommend you all to surrender."
In the end, when Nazumi visually checked the board, he should have immediately accepted the surrender. The expression of the man, the chief engineer, made him feel very uncomfortable.
"Ah, "Blue King"...!"
That harsh but trembling voice had a tone of desperation much darker than expected.
When Nazumi saw that, that feeling of foreboding and disgust suddenly came back to him from the depths of his heart.
Something was wrong. It was large and misaligned.
The chief engineer revealed to him the true nature of the discomfort.
"Is this... also... your doing?"
After saying that, Nazumi finally caught on to what he was pointing out.
A large communication device that had probably been chewing on it just now.
From that speaker overflowed the noise of the battlefield mixed with noise.
Nazumi had heard that the communication was coming from inside the house where a battle was taking place, but the truth was different.
[I urgently ask for help! I urgently ask for help!]
He understood it only from the word he received.
The interlocutor was not there.
[We are being attacked by a group of strangers!]
The person seeking help comes from a completely different place.
Apart from that institute, there is only one other partner with whom they could collaborate in that critical situation.
In other words, they were the source of support for Nanakamado's rebellion plan.
[I repeat, this is the Atsugi base!]
It was the Atsugi American military base where the talented troops were stationed, which was supposed to be the side that was supposed to provide support.
[We are being attacked by a group of strangers! I urgently ask for help!]
A cry of despair shook the atmosphere in the room that was supposed to have surrendered with a fever of restlessness.
[The Japanese skill corps was wiped out! What are those brats?]
[They're coming, they're coming! The door will break!]
Behind the transmission, the sound of metal being struck began to rumble irregularly. It sounded like someone was playing the drums recklessly, ignoring efficiency and regularity.
Of course, the first thing that ran through Nazumi's mind was "Colorless", but something wasn't right.
(Did he drive to neighboring Atsugi Prefecture? What about the children?)
That doubt created an unpleasant hum in Nazumi's heart that he had never felt before... even when he was fighting with all his might against the "Red King" Unno Yutaka or the strange monster "Colorless King".
A whisper, similar to the feeling you get when you turn something over.
Meanwhile, the level of panic on the other end of the communication rose through the roof.
[The radar site that fell due to lightning has been restarted! The Hoigaku moves on its own!]
[You're an Idiot!]
[Is he! That color "green"...]
The voice stopped suddenly.
A sudden silence descended upon the command post.
The chief engineer and the engineers were stunned.
For them everything is over. That was the end.
However, for the ''Blue King'' Somei Nazumi, it was different.
Now that things were being cleaned up, something was starting to happen.
There was no point in giving up.
There was another player who turned the entire board over.
A voice came from the speaker, as if in response to Nazumi accidentally spilling it.
Nazumi felt the voice, or rather the medium, and felt the pressure running through his entire body.
The voice was not only emitted from the large communication device with which the chief engineer communicated.
It was broadcast from all the communication devices installed in the command post.
(No way, this communication... is not allowed!)
The established order will be ruined.
Faced with so much certainty, Nazumi felt lost for the first time.
It seems like he couldn't understand it all at once.
[Miya-chan, where are you?]
The voice that reached him was that of a small child.
[Whoever knows, answer me... I am...]
That voice said the decisive words.
[Oh... "Green King"...]
The turmoil of that day had barely begun.
That day, Daikaku Kokujoji had been sitting in a certain subcommittee meeting since morning.
He didn't want to get caught up in other things on a day when they had an important dispatch for the King and people with abilities, but as long as he has one foot in this world, there are many duties that he has to fulfill. This is especially true if it is an important official mission, such as accompanying and escorting the president of the ruling party.
The reason for the subcommittee meeting was a motion to punish a member of the ruling party for misconduct, and since the conclusion of the punishment was clear, the decision was made quickly. However, after that resolution, a private draft of the statutes circulated within the party. After reading it, the president wordlessly handed it to Kokujoji, who was standing next to him.
Kokujoji was secretly surprised as he looked at the document, wondering what the escort was doing.
"Security system project for party members."
The agenda was trivial, but extremely important. The party wanted to officially incorporate "Tokijikuin", who had been treated as an outside collaborator, into a part of the party organization.
In recent times, the ruling party administration has finally entered a period of stability and is now negotiating with the General Headquarters on the path to complete peace and withdrawal from the occupation. At this time, the opaque relationship with private organizations such as the pre-war extra-parliamentary group needs to be clarified. There is no point in trying to expand the strength of the party.
Even within the organization, the words were full of artificial rhetoric, saying that the organization would gain more success if he became an official official.
When Kokujoji turned his attention to him, the president let out a ridiculous snort and shook his head slightly. In other words, it is a surprise move by a rival faction within the ruling party that he has no knowledge of. With the ruling party's dominance in the political situation almost firmly established, the rival factions seem to have had enough leeway to carry out unnecessary political maneuvers.
The purpose of the recruitment must have been to take control of "Tokijikuin", who had been controlling the political world from the position of bodyguard, formally incorporating them into the ruling party. Even within the dominant faction led by the president, there are many who wish to use "Tokijikuin", who possesses supernatural powers, more conveniently. As the opposing factions discuss the draft, they will compile these requests and turn them into the opinion of the entire party. If it becomes the will of the entire party, it cannot be ignored, and if it happens, it will be an opportunity to undermine the president and take control of the party... There may be other considerations.
He can't believe it was a coincidence that they submitted the draft that same day. It's like they're going to put pressure on the leader of "Tokijikuin", who will prioritize protecting the president over a serious case of talented people, that they're going to put him on the table and pressure him into submission?
(I see, humans are truly insatiable creatures.)
Kokujoji was smiling like it was no one else's business.
(Although only three years have passed since the destruction and death that tore the country apart.)
Until now, "Tokijikuin" has tried to avoid being absorbed by its greed and stay out of political conflicts. However, the trend of the times may gradually make it no longer possible to do so.
In the future, regardless of whether they are involved or not, as the world stabilizes, interference from those who desire power will increase. The situation in which they are becoming the reason for the conflict demonstrates this.
Power moves people and creates a flow just by being there.
It is like a cluster of stars that he expanded through his daily training.
(I never expected the beginning to appear so quickly.)
That draft is only a small part. The power that has been lost in the postwar chaos will become more visible as it settles. It's time to think about making a change.
The sensation of being faced with a proposal for which he had carefully searched for the answer invaded him.
The proposal is,
(How should we "Kings" be treated?)
Will it remain hidden in the background like before?
Or will it turn around and appear?
(If not, is there another way?)
Although it was a proposal, it did not seem that the direction would be easily determined.
After all, he didn't even recognize the faces of all the "Kings" who should be punished.
While he was lost in these thoughts,
A voice came from the radio installed in the chamber.
Not that it was time, he didn't even have time to think about it.
It is as if the proposals he has discarded, such as caution, now face a harsh reality.
An almost physical shock, incomparable to the moment he saw the draft, passed through Kokujoji.
Hearing it for the first time, perhaps a child's voice, unleashed a power unique to them that no one else can use.
[Miya-chan, where are you?]
(You, no way.)
In the noisy chamber, only Kokujoji had a hunch about the situation.
Even when the staff hastily fiddled with the radio switch, the voices continued to come out. Before he knew it, all the speakers inside and outside the chamber were emitting the same loud voice that no one else could stop.
[Whoever knows, answer me... I am...]
(I guess everything is ready... now, finally!)
An indescribable feeling of euphoria warmed Kokujoji's heart.
It was no longer worth hiding it.
Everything will appear as it is.
What will this bring for him, for them and for this country?
He must accept this along with them and confirm it.
He stopped doubting a long time ago.
Since that comes, he will accept it with determination.
Suddenly, Kokujoji stood up to say the decisive word.
[Oh... "Green King"...]
(The last one... "Green King"!)
He had to go to them.
In order to determine if it is a desired miracle or not.
Or, to turn it into a desired miracle...
After hearing the familiar title, the president finally turned to look at him.
Kokujoji, who received his gaze, spoke with a smile.
"I will respond after considering the draft."
The president noticed that the man who answered seemed to have grown larger.
He is not big enough to be belittled and repressed.
He was so big that he naturally looked up and turned his back to him.
The burly man took a deep breath and the entire assembly hall burst into loud applause.
"To those in the House of Representatives who want us, know this! We are both a sword and a flame! You can see the full extent of this, so prepare to swallow it all!"
Before the lingering effects of the impact from his cheeks to his stomach wore off, his large figure had disappeared from the chamber.
This time, the remaining president smiled as if it was no one else's business.
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animehouse-moe · 8 months
Raven of The Inner Palace Vol. 3: The Ao God
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This cover image is pretty sneaky, very sneaky, even. But truthfully so is the story. It can take you through the motions slowly but surely, letting details build up in the background before open the gates and allowing all of the information to hit you in full force. It's a really good volume that builds on the uncertainty provided by the ending of the second. Not a lot to talk about, but it will be spoilers, so be warned.
This volume got me in a lot of different ways, but I think the most interesting thing is the Ao God. It's a very curious and interesting thing, because it can make you wonder "why did it only show up now?". But in reality, there's two answers. The first is that, like the Raven's elder brother, it awoke/became interested due to Jusetsu's ongoings/changes. The second, it awoke due to the sibling's spat at the end of the second volume. Both of which are very interesting and show how in tune the realm of the gods is with one another.
Regardless of how it awoke though, the Ao God is very interesting as its implied to exist within the human realm, just at the bottom of the ocean. The reveal behind Ui was super interesting and surprising though, considering the Ao God's origins.
Even crazier is how they weave a deeper story with it to provide interesting history. It's stated in this volume that the Raven's brother wants to help Koshun save both Jusetsu and the Raven, but that he doesn't know how. Well, thanks to Ui and the Ao God there's potential. Jusetsu potentially being a part of both the Ran Dynasty as well as the Hi Dynasty from nearly 2000 years ago presents potential in how to save her, as she's able to separate herself from the role of Winter Sovereign.
Let's tone it back down though and look at the bigger picture. The use of weather, flowers, and birds is incredibly interesting still. The Ao God (and by extension the Saname clan due to the jewel they hold) is able to influence weather by inducing droughts or heavy periods of rain, which are featured heavily in this volume to allude to the fact that the god has been awakened.
Then there's the Gardenia that Banka, the Crane Consort, places in Jusetsu's hair. What's the meaning? Well, it's a bit of a double edged sword. While it can equate to trust, it can also be a symbol of knowledge past what you should have. The knowledge in this case being that Banka, thanks to placing the flower in Jusetsu's hair, know that she dyes it. An incredibly subtle bit of foreshadowing for what she does later on in the volume.
And finally, the birds. The star raven is the symbol of the Owl, or the Raven's older brother. We see it featured somewhat frequently in the volume, showing how Owl is watching over his younger sister, and actually providing assistance to Jusetsu. Is it possible that Owl understands the intentions of the Ao God and those that convene with it? It's hard to say, so let's move onto something else.
The way that Shirakawa is able to create stories that feel like they appear out of thin air is really something. Was the connection between Ishiha, Injou and Hakurai, and the Ao God a surprise? Yes and no, as we learnt a little bit about Ishiha's circumstances early on but don't think much of it. It's not until Hakurai talks about buying Injo that all the pieces truly fall into place. Similarly, the reveal between Eisei and Jusetsu. We've known for a decent chunk of time about the histories of each, but this volume puts the pieces together for readers.
And really, I could keep going on and on about this sort of stuff. How the volume continually speaks to the weakness of the Raven and the struggles of Jusetsu, or that the more Jusetsu interacts with others the more her facade crumbles and that that's a representation of Jusetsu taking control over the Raven with her body, and so on and so forth. It's a wealth of carefully crafted details that form a colossal spider's web of interconnected information, and it has me incredibly curious to see how the next volume goes considering how far we've come with this third one.
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lunardragon00 · 4 months
The Heir (Choi San x OC)
Genre: Fantasy , Lord!San x Princess!OC
Words: 2339
Chapter One --> Chapter Two --> Chapter Four
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 - 𝔓𝔯𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔰
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A funeral was held for the late Queen Aera, her body wrapped and displayed on a stone placement in an open field. Beside her, a small figure was also laid to rest. The King had decided to keep the attendance limited to a few houses, those who had stood beside his house and shown kindness to his beloved wife. The members of the house, usually adorned in their proud colors, now wore somber black attire. The atmosphere was heavy with grief, and sorrowful looks adorned every face.
The King stood off to the side, his expression void of emotion but his eyes reflecting profound sadness. The prince, surrounded by his friends, had tear-streaked eyes and a flushed face. Seonghwa stood beside him, offering a comforting hand on his shoulder, while Yunho stood on his other side. Hana, standing furthest from them, trembled as she struggled to find strength. A sense of hopelessness pervaded her, as she had never imagined this day would come, at least not so soon. Her gaze remained fixed on the ground as the Sept gave the traditional speech, the weight of the loss settling over the mourners.
As the Sept spoke, a comforting presence joined Hana's side. A hand held hers, and another rested on her shoulder. Prince Wooyoung of Dorne stood beside her, offering a smile that lacked true emotion. San, too, was present, his hand on her shoulder. Wooyoung spoke quietly, asking, "How are you holding up?" Hana, with her head bowed, replied, "I don't know how to respond to that right now." Wooyoung hummed knowingly.
As the Sept concluded his speech, the crowd waited for the King to speak, but he stood lost in his thoughts, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. Hana glanced at her brother, who was also consumed by emotion and oblivious to the waiting crowd. San reminded her, "They're waiting on you, princess." She then spoke in her family's ancient language, one that San had become familiar with.
"Nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon lo kostan gaomagon bisa," (I don't know if i can do this) she uttered, her eyes fixed on the dark-colored dragon atop the hill.
"Aōha kepa jorrāelagon ao sir tolī pār mirre," (Your father needs you, now more than ever) San continued, her gaze shifting to her mother's body, and she choked on a sob.
"Ziry gīmigon iksā mundagon," (He knows you are distresssed) she looked up at Noctris, sensing their bond, and knowing that the dragon could sense her distress. 
"Nyke blame zirȳla syt bisa, ziry jeldan another tresy se pār ēdas nyke...... Kesan dōrī sagon iā tresy." (I blame him for this, he wanted another son but got me....I will never be a son) San squeezed her shoulder, and Wooyoung nudged her arm.
"It's time, princess," Wooyoung urged. Hana nodded, swallowed hard, and looked to her dragon.
"Drakarys," she commanded. Noctris, hesitating at first, crept forward, stretched his head back, and unleashed a furious torrent of flames. The display marked the culmination of the funeral, a fiery tribute to the departed.
Weeks had passed since that somber day, and a palpable darkness lingered over the castle. The grieving King continued to fulfill his duties, but the weight of mourning was evident. The young prince, despite the recent loss, was compelled to resume his training and lessons. In the midst of this sorrow, the princess remained largely secluded. Her chambers became a sanctuary, and when she ventured out, it was often to seek solace under the godswood tree in the garden. A profound void occupied her heart – her mother taken from her, her father consumed by grief, and her brother engrossed in his responsibilities. Loneliness settled upon her like a heavy shroud. Arya was her companion during these trying times, offering comfort and a sympathetic ear. However, even with Arya's support, Hana yearned for someone else – the one person who intuitively understood her emotions. Unfortunately, he had returned to Driftmark, leaving Hana with a sense of profound emptiness. A knock on her chambers door resounded. Hana had been sitting at her vanity simply brushing her hair. 
"Come in" She said. Once opened, Arya revealed herself. The young girl wore a green cloak, under it she wore the same color as her gown. Her hair was down, curls laid against her chest. 
"I want you to come with me." She said as she shut the door. Hana set her brush down on the table and picked up her necklace. 
"Come with you where? I'm not really in the mood." Once clasped, she stood and walked past Arya to her bed, where she sat.
"To the sept, I would like you to accompany me." Hana scoffed
"I will stay here, perhaps I could get Sir Jaime to fetch me some desserts." Arya stared down at her, disbelief spread across her face at her friends attitude. 
"Please, Hana, you can't remain locked in here for the rest of your life. Besides, I would like to show you something," Arya pleaded, her expression filled with concern and a glimmer of determination. Hana glanced at Arya, annoyance filling her expression. Not wanting to put up a fight, she stood up. "Fetch me my cloak"
Arya, sensing a slight acquiescence, nodded and moved to the wardrobe. She retrieved the cream-colored cloak that Hana's brother had given her for her name day the year before. The cloak was adorned with delicate embroidery and held sentimental value. Hana allowed Arya to drape the cloak over her shoulders, and with a resigned sigh, she followed Arya out of her chambers. The two girls made their way through the corridors of the castle, and Hana couldn't help but feel the weight of her grief with each step. As they approached the sept, the hallowed place of worship within the castle, Arya pushed open the heavy doors. The sept, bathed in soft candlelight, exuded an aura of serenity. Arya led Hana to a secluded alcove adorned with colorful tapestries and a small altar.
"I wanted to bring you here because... I thought it might bring you some peace," Arya said softly, her eyes reflecting genuine concern for her friend. "Sometimes, a moment of reflection can help lift the burden, even if just a little." The two girls knelt at the pool of candles in the center of the sept. Arya clasped her hands together and bowed her head in prayer, and Hana followed suit, mimicking the posture but feeling uncertain about the ritual.
"What am I supposed to do?" Hana whispered, her voice filled with uncertainty. Arya looked at her with a mix of surprise and understanding.
"You've never prayed before?" Arya asked, studying Hana's expression.
"No, you know my family doesn't follow the Seven Gods," Hana replied, her eyes fixed on the flickering candles. Arya pondered for a moment before deciding how to guide her friend.
"Prayer is a way to connect with something greater than ourselves, to seek guidance, solace, or express gratitude. You can speak from your heart, share your thoughts, or just sit in quiet contemplation. It's a personal act," Arya explained, her tone gentle and reassuring.Hana took a deep breath, unsure of how to proceed but willing to give it a try. She closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind, allowing her thoughts and emotions to flow freely in the quiet space of the sept. 
She let her thoughts and hopes flow freely. In her mind, she wished for her mother's peace in a place beyond, a haven where happiness awaited. She yearned for her father to rediscover the light in his eyes and regain his energy. Her thoughts extended to her brother, hoping he wouldn't be burdened by too much grief. Arya, her steadfast friend, remained a beacon of support in her thoughts. Hana hoped for Arya's enduring presence, a mix of gentleness and sternness that had always defined their friendship. And amidst her prayers, a subtle wish emerged—a desire for a future where San could be with her, their encounters and rendezvous evolving into something permanent. As the candles continued to flicker in the sept, Hana found solace in the quiet space, expressing her deepest hopes in the silent language of the heart.
The grand dining hall was filled with an air of tension as Princess Hana and King Kang-Dae sat across from each other during lunch. It had been months since they had shared a proper conversation, and the awkward silence hung heavily between them. The king attempted small talk, asking about her day and recent activities, but Hana's responses were curt and devoid of any enthusiasm. Growing frustrated with the strained atmosphere, King Kang-Dae couldn't hold back any longer. 
"Hana, is there something on your mind? You seem distant, and I can't help but feel that you're upset with me. Have I done something to displease you?" Hana's eyes flickered with a mix of frustration and sorrow. She took a deep breath before responding, 
"You want to know what's on my mind, Father? Fine. It's about Mother. She's gone, and I blame you. You wanted another son, and she paid the price. Your desire for a male heir cost her life." The king's eyes widened, and he leaned back in his chair, shocked by the accusation. 
"Hana, you know that's not true. I loved your mother dearly, and I would never willingly put her in harm's way." But Hana, fueled by grief and anger, was not easily swayed. 
"You can deny it all you want, but I saw how you pushed her, how you wanted her to bear you another son. And look where it got her." The king's expression turned stern, and he spoke with conviction. 
"I loved your mother, and I would never jeopardize her well-being for the sake of having a son. You're letting grief cloud your judgment, Hana." The conversation took an unexpected turn as the king shifted the focus to Hana's own actions. 
"And what about your escapades, Hana? I've been notified of every raven, every gift that boy San has sent you. Your adventures to the city haven't gone unnoticed either. What are you trying to achieve with your reckless behavior?" Hana's anger flared up, and she retorted, "You're concerned about my actions? Maybe if you had been more present, Mother wouldn't be gone. Maybe if you cared about your family instead of your legacy, things would be different." The dining hall echoed with the tension between father and daughter as they confronted each other about the pain that had festered within their family. The wounds of loss, accusations, and unspoken emotions were laid bare, creating a chasm that seemed insurmountable.
The tension within the walls of the Red Keep had escalated, and the King found himself at a breaking point with his daughter's behavior. Rumors of Princess Hana's escapades had spread through the keep, and the King could no longer turn a blind eye to the consequences of her recklessness. He had intended to confront her sooner, especially after hearing about her last adventure into the city with San, but Queen Aera had advised him to let the girl have her fun.However, no more. The time for leniency had passed. The King had decided on a drastic measure to rein in his daughter's impulsive actions. As the King gathered his belongings, he turned to face his daughter, his expression a mix of exasperation and determination.
"Hana," he began, his voice carrying the weight of frustration, "your behavior has become a source of concern. The rumors surrounding your escapades cannot be ignored any longer. I had hoped that you would understand the responsibilities that come with being a member of this house, but it seems my patience has been misplaced." He paced around the room, the gravity of his decision weighing on him. 
"I am left with no choice but to take strict measures. You will remain under close watch. Sir Jaime will be your constant companion, and you are not to wander alone or with Arya. Attend your lessons diligently, perform your duties, and refrain from further recklessness." Hana, shocked by the sudden turn of events, stood in silence, her eyes widening as the realization of her father's decision sank in. The freedom she had enjoyed was abruptly curtailed, and the consequences of her actions had finally caught up with her. 
"As for your affair with the Choi boy, consider it finished." Hana stood quickly, pushing her chair back as she did so. 
"You cannot....." But the King cut her off. 
"I can, besides, the boy will be fighting on the stepstones. He will be gone for who knows how long, you need to start thinking of marriage, and it will not be with a boy who nearly slandered your good name. "The King, resolved in his decision, left the room with a heavy heart. 
Upon learning that San would be part of the fight against the pirates in the Stepstones, Princess Hana's shock transformed into a mix of worry and concern. The gravity of the situation intensified as she realized that one of the most important men in her life would be directly involved in a dangerous conflict. The initial shock gave way to a flurry of emotions as Hana processed the implications of San being on the front lines. Concern etched across her face, and her eyes betrayed a mixture of fear and anxiety. 
Her instinctive reaction was to voice her worry, but the weight of her father's stern directives lingered in the air. The impending departure had disrupted the precarious balance of her life, and now she faced the stark reality of the dangers that awaited those she held dear. While she may have wanted to express her concerns, the newfound restrictions and her father's resolute demeanor left her grappling with the realization that, for the time being, she had little control over the events unfolding around her. The impending separation from her father and the heightened danger San faced added a layer of complexity to her already tumultuous emotions.
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hummingbird-of-light · 6 months
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Tenth story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: To Catch A Selkie
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Harry Mudd, James T. Kirk, Mentions of Other Characters
Relationship(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Rating: T
Words: 2,554
Prompt: Used as Bait
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Selkies, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Minor Character Death, Swearing
This story was inspired by my story "Call of the Sea", it's the same AU, but a sequel
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ To Catch A Selkie ~
1789; aboard the sailing ship Enterprise
Montgomery Scott - it was still strange to get used to a last name - smiled melancholically as he watched the sea, that was illuminated by the setting sun. His home. The place he had grown up in. The place he could never return to.
He still remembered how almost one year ago a man - a doctor - had kidnapped his little brother and had taken Montgomery's coat. The coat made from his fur. The only way for a Selkie to turn back into their seal form.
Aye, a Selkie. That was what he was. What he had always been. But it had been taken from him. His life. His family. His coat.
The horrible man had burned it. And by doing that he had destroyed the Selkie's life.
Montgomery had to stay in his human form. Forever.
"Hey there, Monty. Is everything alright?"
The Selkie blinked in surprise when arms wrapped around him from behind and he let out a heavy sigh, snuggling closer to the person standing behind him.
"Aye, mo ghràdh."
His love. The man who had saved him. The man who had taught him how humans talked and how they behaved. The man who was always there for him.
Dr. Leonard Horatio McCoy.
At first, the Southern man had only been a friend and a teacher for the Selkie, but over time their relationship had turned into something else. A... romance.
Montgomery loved McCoy with all his heart and he knew that the man would do anything to protect him from this still strange world.
"You don't sound too sincere. Something is on your mind, isn't it?"
Slowly, Montgomery turned around in the doctor's arms and placed his hands on the man's chest. McCoy knew him just too well.
"It's just... I miss me home. This... whole big world that ye show me; it's... gorgeous, but whenever I watch the sunset I long to be back at home. Back... with me family."
His mother. His grandfather. His brother. He just wanted to swim with them again, wanted to play and cuddle with them.
But he knew that it was impossible.
"Oh, Montgomery, if only I could help you. You know that I'd do anything-"
A weak smile crossed the Selkie's lips as he placed a hand on his love's cheek.
"Aye, I know, Leonard. And I'm very grateful for it."
Before the doctor could say another word, Montgomery caught his mouth with his own and kissed him gently. A way of humans showing their endearment for each other.
Once their lips parted, their was a soft smile on McCoy's face. He gently grabbed Montgomery's hands.
"Come on. Let's get some sleep, shall we? Tomorrow we'll arrive at our next point of destination."
Montgomery nodded slowly, however, he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder one more time.
A new country was awaiting them. A new adventure. And he really wondered what Australia might look like.
Australia was a truly magical place. There were so many new things to see and discover. Although Montgomery, who was used to the cold of the north, got a little too warm, he enjoyed exploring the area. Especially because the usually grumpy McCoy was running around beaming with joy.
Of course he was. The sunshine probably reminded him of his home in America. The doctor had often told Montgomery about his home. Of the fields, the plants, the fruit.
He had always promised that he would show the Selkie everything one day after their journey with the Enterprise. And despite his own homesickness, Montgomery was already looking forward to getting to know the place where the man he loved had grown up.
They had only been in the village for two days when Montgomery woke up in his cabin one morning to find the space in the bed next to him empty. Confused, he tilted his head and smelled the pillow.
No... McCoy hadn't been there all night. The familiar smell of him was too old.
Slowly, the Selkie got to his feet and dressed. Even after a year, it was still strange for him to wear the warm, scratchy clothes of humans, but he did it because it was appropriate.
His path led him through the entire ship and his heart beat faster.
"Has anyone seen Dr. McCoy? Anyone?"
No one could give him a positive answer. The uneasy feeling spread more and more through Montgomery's body and it wasn't until he met Sulu and Chekov, who had been keeping watch that night, that he finally got the answer he was looking for.
"The captain and the doctor are not back from their shore leave yet," Sulu explained and Chekov grinned across both cheeks.
"They probably had too much to drink at some place and then fell asleep on the spot."
Montgomery just shook his head, his eyes wide with worry. No... McCoy would never just leave him alone. Not even for one night. Of course he had told Montgomery that he had an appointment with the captain in the evening, but he had promised to be back in the morning. He had promised!
Without even waiting for another word from the sailors, Montgomery ran off the ship.
He had to find him! He had to find McCoy!
The Selkie looked around in panic. Where should he start looking? Where could the captain and the doctor have gone?
His feet carried him as if of their own accord and he hurried towards the village, shuddering. He hated it. He hated being among so many unknown people by himself.
But he had to find McCoy!
His eyes wandered down every alley, into every building, and yet he almost ran past a crucial side street. He quickly came to a halt, almost stumbled, and rushed to the motionless person lying on the ground.
A soft moan was all he got for an answer at first, however the blond man's eyes quickly fluttered open.
"Scotty?" It wasn't much more than a slurred murmur. Aye, the captain had chosen a nickname for the Selkie a while ago. Montgomery was still getting used to it though.
"What happened? Are ye alright, sir?"
At first, Kirk looked confused, then he chuckled.
"Oh, I'm... I'm perfectly fine. I had a great night, met a nice lady-" The captain hiccuped. Only then did Montgomery notice the smell of alcohol all over his counterpart. The man wasn't hurt. He was just drunk.
The Selkie looked around.
"Where's Leonard?"
Kirk blinked a few times, obviously trying to remember the last night, but eventually he shrugged, his eyes closing again.
"Don't know," he muttered and before Montgomery could even try to wake him up again, a voice sounded from behind him.
"Are you looking for the man who accompanied this young fellow last night?"
Scotty's head whirled around and at the end of the street, he saw a young lass, wearing a pretty dress.
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
"I think I saw him going into that house over there."
With a nod of her head, the woman indicated at a building close by and Montgomery quickly got to his feet. He'd take care of the drunken captain later. For now, McCoy was all that mattered.
The lady once again pointed at the house she had talked about and without thinking, Montgomery made his way over to it.
Even though McCoy had taught him that one was supposed to knock, the Selkie's worry about his love was too big. He grabbed the doorknob and quietly entered the house.
He was greeted by several smells. Most of them obviously belonged to women. Montgomery wrinkled his nose. What was this place?
There seemed to be no one at home. At least not downstairs.
The Selkie looked into every room, then made his way up the stairs. He winced when he stepped onto a creaking step and for a moment he feared that the owner of the house had heard him.
However, his worry about his own sake soon changed when he heard muffled noises coming from a room.
He knew that voice. He knew it quite well.
No longer caring about being quiet, the Selkie ran upstairs and burst into the room where the noise had come from.
What he saw made his blood freeze.
There he was! McCoy! Tied to a chair, gagged with a piece of cloth, a huge flat wound on his forehead.
"Mo ghràdh!"
As fast as he could, Montgomery ran over to the doctor who was shaking his head violently. He tried to say something, but the gag in his mouth made it impossible.
Montgomery was just about to remove the cloth when he heard the door behind them close with a loud thud. He whirled around and saw a man with a riffle gun standing next to the closed door. There was a smug grin on his face.
Once again, McCoy tried to talk and despite Montgomery staring at the other man in shock, he removed the cloth with one hand.
The doctor coughed for a bit, then glared at the man at the door.
"You bastard! You won't get through with this, Mudd!"
The man - Mudd - only laughed.
"Oh, but I already did. I got what I wanted. And you really were the perfect bait, doctor. Your Selkie really loves you, huh?"
Montgomery's eyes widened in horror.
No... no, no, no. No one was allowed to talk about it! No member of the crew talked about Montgomery's origins!
"How... how would ye know?"
Mudd's grin only widened as he stepped closer to his two prisoners, gun ready to shoot.
"It's easy to get information out of strangers. All you need is a pretty lady, lots of alcohol, a young stupid captain..."
Montgomery shook his head in disbelief. No. Not Kirk!
But if it really had been the captain who had told Mudd about his special crewmember, then... the lady who had told him about the house... it had all been a trick!
"A real Selkie. Back in Britain we talked a lot about these Scottish creatures. I bet the royal family would like to have a pet. Only in exchange for a lot of money, of course."
With a wide grin, Mudd lunged at Montgomery who quickly backed away.
"You don't need him! He's useless for you! His coat was destroyed and he can't turn back into a seal!"
McCoy tried to convince the man who had kidnapped him, at the same time pulling at his restraints, but Mudd didn't care.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure once we're back in Britain, I can find a nice seal and skin it. Then we can test it out with a new coat."
Montgomery gritted his teeth in anger. Not only had this monster hurt and kidnapped his love, he also planned on hurting and killing his kind.
That was enough!
He didn't think too much about his actions and jumped at his counterpart, tackling him down to the floor.
Mudd, who was obviously surprised by the sudden outburst, lost his gun in the process and yelped in shock as the Selkie started to choke him, yelling out angry swears in a language the man didn't understand.
Montgomery heard McCoy's voice but it didn't reach him. He was blinded by his rage. He just wanted to kill this man!
He didn't know how it happened, but somehow Mudd managed to break free from his grip. In panic, the man crawled across the floor and grabbed his riffle gun.
A shot rang out and Montgomery yelped in pain when he felt the bullet enter his shoulder. He fell to the ground.
McCoy. His love. He was worried about him. He... he was scared.
"Monty, no!"
Montgomery's eyes moved from his love's panicked face to Mudd who was getting up on his knees again, ready to fire once more. His eyes were filled with anger.
"I'll kill you, you stupid-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence for suddenly three bullets hit him and he stumbled backwards, staring at the door in shock, before he crashed right through the window.
For a long moment, Montgomery looked at the shattered glass, then his eyes moved over to the door.
Sulu, Chekov, Spock. They... had saved him. And they had saved McCoy.
"Monty! Monty, are you okay?"
The Selkie turned his head around so that he could look into McCoy's eyes. He nodded slowly. Aye... he... he was just fine.
"He's losing blood! Hurry up and untie me! Quick!"
Montgomery watched as Sulu and Chekov both ran over to the doctor and started to loosen the restraints. He blinked a few times.
Blood? He... was losing blood?
His eyes fell onto his right shoulder and he stared in disbelief at the red liquid soaking through his shirt.
And seconds later, darkness fell upon him.
When he woke up, he was lying in his bed aboard the ship. He looked around in confusion, but soon enough calmed down when he saw a familar person sitting next to him.
The doctor's head turned to face him and a gentle smile formed on his lips.
"Hey there, Montgomery. I see you are awake already."
The Selkie noticed a bandage wrapped around McCoy's head and his eyes widened in shock.
The dark-haired man quickly seemed to notice what Montgomery was staring at, so he smiled soothingly.
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's gonna leave a nasty scar, but it will heal. Just like your shoulder."
Montgomery's eyes moved to his own body and he saw a similar bandage as the one his love was wearing.
"Ye... ye saved me."
Quickly a hand found its way onto his cheek and a thumb gently stroked across his skin.
"Of course I did. Just like you saved me, Monty."
Montgomery blinked a few times, trying to remember what had happened. He sighed.
"No... Mr. Spock and the others saved you."
McCoy chuckled softly.
"Technically, yes. But they only searched for me after you ran away. If you hadn't had a strange feeling, then they would never have thought that something was actually wrong."
Montgomery nodded slowly. Aye, maybe that was true. Another man came to his mind.
"Is... the captain alright?"
At hearing that name, the doctor groaned in annoyance.
"Yes, he is. He got lots of sleep and water. And a good telling-off from both me and Miss Uhura."
Montgomery couldn't help but smile at hearing that. He was quite sure that Kirk already regretted everything very much.
"I'm sure he will come around later on to apologize."
The Selkie's face darkened and he swallowed hardly. "And... this man? Mudd?"
McCoy sighed.
"Dead. We told the locals about what had happened and they said that it had often been speculated that he was a criminal. Now they had their prove."
The Selkie nodded once more. Mudd had been a horrible man. He was really glad that he couldn't hurt anyone else anymore. No human or Selkie or whatever kind.
"But let's forget about this whole thing, shall we? Let's... just be happy that we're alive."
Montgomery's eyes met McCoy's and in them he could only see relief and love. The same love that the Selkie felt for him.
"Aye. Let's be happy."
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drippingmoon · 10 months
Happy STS!
What's something your characters have done/something about them that suprised you?
Thank you for the question! I don't participate in the ask days, but thank you nonetheless❤
Oh, what haven't they? I get nonstop bullied by my characters lol
For AoS, one small but very entertaining thing happened when it turned out Madigan had two different personas depending on the surroundings. When at work or faced with groups/strangers, he's the very definition of a doormat, screaming: if you poke me I'll absolutely fall over, so please be kind to me. Also, you can absolutely have it your way and say anything you want, so please be comfortable around me. When in action or undergoing heavy (Beast-related) stress, he's not above threatening to defenestrate people if they don't follow orders, pick them up screaming and kicking and do his job anyway, and giving dead space the middle finger while he's at it. He's also a bit smug and overwhelmingly optimistic in private, though that's him relaxing after usually having an awful time.
Spica (the young soldier he goes to rescue) also turns out to have two different personalities lmao depending on the surroundings, but I'll shut up here.
The best part about this? They get to see the other's public persona at the same time, having had no idea about it, and they both go a very loud and confused what the fuck
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