#also this is probably my biggest reach yet lol
fiepige · 3 months
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Have some more GIFs of Noir and Hobie doing vaguely similar gestures!
This time: Noir and Hobie shrugging ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Click here for PART 1 and PART 2)
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You always have the best thought out and researched Hobie takes, so I have a punkflower question for you. How does Hobie respond to his boyfriend's father being a cop? I feel too many fics and creators tend to brush it under the rug. How do you think that situation would pan out?
Miles, Hobie, and Having a Dad In Blue
[I'm gonna be transparent like Miles - there's no open romance in this. This is mainly a short thing about Hobie helping Miles heal from the pressures of his family - just wanted to give a heads up so no one gets to the end and gets disappointed lol]
Honestly, when I think about it -
I think Hobie's first reaction would be more about Miles, than it would be his own feelings.
Like I don't think his first thought would be 'ew' or 'that's horrible' . I think automatically his first thought would be -
'That makes a lot of sense'.
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First thing that pops into his head.
Hobie and Miles come from two very different universes, and the ways they handle their shared identity of Spider-man is really different too.
We hear it directly in Hobie's introduction - He's NOT a Role Model.
But earlier in the movie, Officer Davis' biggest gripes with Spider-man - with Miles - is that he is not enough of a role model.
Miles is trying his best. He wants to be a good hero for his dad's sake - knowing one day the cat will be out of the bag.
That's different than Gwen and her father. Her father already knows GhostSpider as a murderer, and there's no reversing that. Gwen knew her father would never accept her - so she hasto keep it a secret - in definitely.
She'll never be a role model to her father - and she's not trying to be anymore. That's Gwen's arc.
An arc Miles hasn't gone on yet. He still wants to be a role model. He wants his dad to idolize and like Spider-man because he doesn't plan to keep it a secret indefinitely.
Unlike Gwen, he wants his father to know who he is.
But he can't - he still feels like he has something to live up to - a code of honor he feels he isn't reaching.
Miles wants to be good enough.
So Hobie sees him going through this struggle all the time, of wanting to be like Peter, wanting to impress his dad, worrying about telling his parents. And not knowing the source -
And then Miles is like "OH By the way, my dad's a cop."
I feel like it would just click for Hobie. He'd be like "That makes a lot of sense, if I'm being honest."
If anything I think he'd feel for Miles first and foremost. That's what Hobie does.
He'd immediately see Miles, and the effect his dad has on him, in both good and bad ways. His dad helps Miles strive to be better - but that also leaves him feeling guilty and alone.
I think he'd go on to be like "That's gotta be tough. Is that the reason why you X, Y, Z?"
And Miles - Poor Miles probably wouldn't even pick up on this until that very moment. Having Hobie say to this him would probably leave him a little shook.
But it'd be SO relieving.
Gwen and Miles don't talk about their family. Gwen isn't a talky person. Miles doesn't really have anyone to talk to about his family dynamic or his situation at home.
Like even Miles!42 - His uncle Aaron KNOWS he's Prowler. Miles doesn't have that support.
And then Hobie would give it to him, and be like 'I understand', 'That must suck', 'You don't have to be a role model, you just have to be yourself.'
Hobie offers that support all without Miles asking - (Miles is finna cry)
All because Miles having a cop as a dad immediately explains a lot of the struggles he's going through. And Hobie can see that. It makes him frustrated and he'd want to at least be someone Miles can talk to.
Like police corruption and oppression aside, living in the shadow of someone with a black and white view of right and wrong, or good and bad, sucks.
Growing up under someone who abides by order and swears by it SUCKS, because the world in unorderly. The universe is.
Hobie knows this. Him meeting Officer Davis however is a whole thing -
Honestly speaking, I'd think he'd look at Miles dad with pity. Like 'Damn you're a good father and a good husband - but you're a cop'.
He'd probably turn up to the cookout, make himself and his views known (not changing the laces) and if Miles' dad really finds a problem with them he can ask.
Hobie will happily tell him "I'm not from here. The place I'm from is a lot less nice and a lot more corrupt than this one. What I did ain't fun - but it was in the name of liberty. I guess you know all about 'defending liberty', don't you? You wear a blue uniform to remind you. I wear blue laces."
Because it's the truth. Hobie will say that shit without blinking. Standing there like
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'Now is there a problem, officer?' Just because he wears blue laces DOESN'T mean he lacks a moral code.
Hobie has a moral code. A VERY strong one - and simply in the way he carries himself, you can tell that he's committed to that code.
Maybe even more than Officer Davis. They have two different moral codes, but I'm sure Miles dad can identify on sight - and respect - 'We both are the type to stand by what we think is right'
Because by Hobie not changing himself, he's showing that he won't bend his morals for Miles' family. But there's differences in the way they operate and that's okay.
I think Hobie learning about Miles' Dad would
Bring them closer together. For the first time Miles has words and reason behind the pressure he feels. Why he looks up to his dad and is annoyed with him at the same time. Hobie would catch the connection right away, and open the discussion. And Miles is open to talking, we see it in their scene before Miguel's office. I think having that outlet would help Miles SO much. I feel like he'd become more confident over night. Hobie telling him there's no rules or laws or academy when it comes to being Spider-man. There are certain circumstances where the police just can't help. That's what Spider-man is for. To go above and beyond the black and white authority society has created. It'd be so liberating for Miles.
Garner some respect between Officer Davis and Hobie. It kinda sounds backwards. But lets be honest, if they're at the dinner table and Officer Davis asks about one of Hobie's political patches - he's gonna tell him what he thinks straight out. Hobie's wearing a 'Dearm the Police' patch and Miles' dad asks about it - Hobie's gonna be like 'Yeah, they don't need those weapons. The lot of them are already weapons themselves.' And of course Officer Davis is gonna want a conversation about it, and Hobie loves hearing himself talk. But it never gets heated. It's them going back and forth dropping these huge points and citing examples and bringing up theoretical scenarios. It's just - THEY KEEP TALKING. Rio is like 'Hun, please your food is getting cold.' And Jeff is like 'One second - *Turns to Hobie* In 1983 there was a court case about a cop- *continues his long as counterpoint*' What even more interesting - HOBIE HAS A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF HISTORY THAN JEFF. Yeah, all those cases in the 70's that Jeff was a baby for. Yeah, Hobie was there and a teenager - the equivalent of cases still match up. So Jeff is debating at the dinner table with a dude who is technically older than him - but he doesn't know that so Hobie keeps catching him off guard with that SMUG ASS GRIN Miles is sighing under his breath like 'Hobie COME ON let him win PLEASE' So for Miles, and ONLY MILES, Hobie lets it slide. Until Jeff turns on the TV. And the first thing they see on the screen is s report about politics and NOW THEY'RE BACK AT IT AGAIN FUCK Hobie pointing at the screen like 'Case & Point, m8. Thats exactly what I mean!' Fuck outta here, Hobie will debate till the cows come home.
It'd help Miles and his dad a lot Officer Davis would probably be left with a HUGE amount of respect for Hobie. Because yeah he looks like a delinquent - to someone obvious trained by the system. But Hobie knows his shit. He knows how to maneuvour in conversation, how to pick peoples brains, and understand their reasoning. He GENUINELY wants to have a conversation. Because he genuinely believes he can back himself up in a calm and logic way. So why not talk about it? After Hobie leaves there would always be a silence - and that's because yeah they went back and fourth for 40 minutes, but Hobie ALWAYS leaves you with something to think about. Or consider. Or re-evaluate. Honestly Miles has NO idea what his dad thinks. Usually his dad would be ranting still - but he looks more thoughtful. Just replaying the discussion he had with Hobie. Miles might ask his dad what he thinks - but his dad might say something vague like Officer Stacy did - call him a 'piece of work' It isn't until later when Miles' dad knocks on his door that he realizes how much Hobie has an impact. Even if his dad didn't know about his secret identity - I think he would see how much his police training effects his home and Miles in specific. How much pressure that can put on someone. Officer Davis would replay the story Hobie told him of the unnamed girl whose father shot at her. And he'd consider how anyone could choose their badge over their kid. Maybe he has a discussion with Miles, apologizes for the pressure he puts on him, telling Miles he's proud of him.
And Miles would know it's all because of Hobie. Because Hobie cares about him and Hobie knows how to approach people, all type of people.
Officer Davis would KNOW how Hobie feels about cops. And he's know why. He'd at the very least understand Hobie, or respect him. Hobie would make him realize - 'Oh hey, you don't have to be a role model to be a good person'.
Because Hobie Brown is NOT a role model. He's something better.
That's just how I see it. I think Hobie is a great mediator tbh. It's his strongest talent. It's the reason why Miles trusts him to much to begin with.
ANNNDDD As per usual if you made it this far - THANK YOU!!!! The gift shop is to the left. As courtesy here is a photo of Hobie with a bonus photo of Miles that I think is really really funny.
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I don't know why that photo of Miles is SOOO funny to me- I think its the fact his hands are in fists his expression is so unreadable IT LOOKS LIKE HES ABOUT TO SOCK ME IN THE MOUTH Im in legit tears laughing at that
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lauraroselam · 2 months
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Well here is something I thought I'd never cross off the reach-for-the-stars daydream bucket list. Dragonfall's paperback will be extra shiny and extra red over at Barnes and Noble when it releases in paperback June 25th.
Teen me would definitely not believe something like this would ever happen. 35 year old me can't quite believe it is happening.
Dragonfall is both commercial and on-trend (I released a dragon book the same day as Fourth Wing, lol) yet also experimental and decidedly weird. Thank you to everyone who still had faith when I struggled massively with self-confidence behind the scenes as I wrangled (& continue to wrangle!) the sequel.
But holy shit. The biggest bookstore chain in the US (!) is giving my weird, queer dragon book this lovely boost of support. It's such a stroke of luck and stars aligning and the hard work of a lot of people, and I'm so grateful.
I might be doing some US events (probably New York?) in July--early days, but looking into it.
This is usually a finite quantity, so if you want a copy of this version, it's worth pre-ordering:
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detectivebambam · 17 days
For the choosing violence thing.
I curious about your thoughts on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, and 25
(Your thoughts make my day tbh)
lol i gotchu pinky
the character everyone gets wrong: Dan. she's not a badass. i mean she is, but she's not. she's a scared little girl who had to raise herself and has no idea what she's doing at any given time and i love her for it
why andrew would never top or bottom: actually he does both, and tends to enjoy it. kind of an agressive top but Neil likes it, and sometimes likes to follow orders when he bottoms 🫣 i think they do anything and everything with each other. Neil could be dominant or submissive at any given time, which gives Andrew space to learn about what he actually enjoys. He finds that as long as it involves Neil, he doesn't mind
worst tumblr take I've seen: that Andrew was a misogynist because he doesn't like being manipulated, and "manipulation is a woman's weapon" like how is THAT not misogynistic be so real
why did you block that annoying person?: kept saying that Kevin abused Riko as much as Riko abused Kevin. don't know how far they had to reach into the depths of their asshole to find that one, i just hope they didn't get stuck
i don't have discord
which ship fans are the most annoying: y'all are going to absolutely murder me for this but kevaaron. 1) where did it come from? 2) what's wrong with Katie?? 3) no hate ship what u want but also, i can ship what i want? and it's fine it's literally fine
what character did you start to hate because of fanon: i hate to say it but Thea. i adored her when I read the books originally, but after 4 years of exclusively fanon content i didn't like her. but i did a reread recently and adore her again so it's all good
common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about: Andrew being a sex god. Neil is his first consensual sexual partner. like yeah he knows how to suck dick like a dying man, which he learned in juvie (when he was 13-16?) but in terms of sex? he doesn't know what he's doing and he's probably really scared and nervous
worst part of canon: kevin and thea turning their daughter into a mini Raven 😔
worst part of fanon: Renee erasure 😔😔
fandom related words you've filtered: as of currently? anything tsc related because I don't have access to it yet and people aren't tagging properly. but I also have Rinee (rixo x renee) blocked because,,, what do you actually mean
unpopular character you like and why people should like them: Aaron. yeah he's an asshole and a little homophobic but he was raised that way and he's getting better
worst blorboification: if this means what i think it means, fucking riko. like wdym "he serves cunt" he needs to serve time
answered prev
answered prev
you can't understand why this is popular: kevaaron, any riko ship, riko himself, ichirou x neil, andreil breaking up in fics ?
there should be more of this: fic: oral fixation. sexual or non sexual idc but let's Freud these bitches. fanart: ANDREW WITH LONG HAIR PLS PLS PLS
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like: i don't feel guilt I'm Presbyterian
part of canon you found boring: anytime they were in class like wdym
part of canon you think is overhyped: this one is going to get me in trouble so i wanna start off by saying that yes, Riko was a victim of abuse. I'm not disputing that at all. but the part where he got beat by Tetsuji and "was more blood and bruise than skin", while being horrible, was also because of Kevin leaving due to Riko breaking his hand. Tetsuji lost one of his biggest investments because of Riko's petty ego
fav part of canon that everyone ignores: Stuart Hatford man
ship you've unwillingly come around to: Kandreil lol. i didn't like it at first but idk the more fanfic i see I'm like yeah that could be cute
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse: picture this, if you will: Nora Sakavic says something about her own damn characters. yeah that's all
common fandom complaint you're sick of hearing: "it's poorly written" it's not. if you can get over the first chapter of The Raven King, the rest is actually written very well and it's so so beautiful and depicts traumatized characters in a way I haven't seen before that is very refreshing
ty for the ask pinky ily
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bewilderedbuck · 2 years
Devi vs. David: aka a comprehensive list of every single time ben gross has referred to devi as one or the other (season one edition)
okay, first things first, i am linking this post and this one, both by @catty-words, because they're so well-worded and honestly, probably explain a lot better than i can about the whole devi vs. david thing (even though those are about s2 and this one is about s1). seriously. go read those, then come back. this post is just going to be cataloging every instance in season one where ben calls her one or the other, with context + insight but i'm likely not going to be going super in-depth. i mainly wanted to document this for my own purposes. i will also be creating a separate post for season 2, so expect that sometime in the near future.
ANYWAYS. here we go, i guess.
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"...was just about the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.”
here we have the first instance of ben referring to her as david. they're still nemeses, obviously — this is in 1x01, they're not close, they know each other but still only really see the other in the negative sense. (or so we're told, at least; i have a whole theory about how ben has been crushing on devi the whole damn time but we'll get into that at a later date) he calls her david here because it's part of their banter, and we can infer that he has likely been calling her that prior to 1x01. this is also the same instance he refers to the un, which she calls him out for, as she should! but you know what she doesn't call him out for? david. from this very first instance we can infer that she does not give a shit that he calls her david.
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"...because you went straight-up psycho and couldn't walk for three months.”
okay, so bear with me here, this might be reaching, as well as a few others down the line. but i think his tone is softer here than it tends to be when they banter pre-friendship. he knows he's hitting close to her trauma, to the cause of her paralyzation and reason for seeing a therapist. calling her david while referencing to her biggest trauma just would not be in good taste, imo.
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"...I know how hard it is to memorize seven facts.” / "Yeah, Devi, please share your mumble with the rest of the class.”
ok, so they're in a classroom setting, and he has just, in his own words, "pwned" her as her "intellectual superior" (way to be humble, benjamin). he's got this hoity-toity air about him in this scene, calling her devi because it's more mature of him and as her "intellectual superior" he should appear that way. also, they're in a classroom setting and shapiro is paying attention to them (not that anyone else in the class is lol)
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okay, so he doesn't refer to her as either devi or david after 1x02 until we get to 1x05. here, he's on the defensive, obviously. she is threatening to nuke him. literally. no time for banter or nicknames when your entire country is about to be wiped out, am i right?
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he doesn't know why she's mad at him yet. he's trying to slip back into their banter, to worm his way back into that sliver of not-quite-nemeses-anymore-but-still-not-quite-friends that they had going on for all of two seconds in 1x05. he wants to go back to normal, or at least some version of normal, where she only hates him because of their academic rivalry and not whatever it is she’s holding against him now. (which of course he immediately learns is the whole sleeping-with-pax thing, but he still doesn't know why she's upset about that.)
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this is obvious i feel like i don't have to explain that he calls her devi here because he's having dinner with her family lmao anyways moving on
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"...I actually think I am going to have a party tonight.”
boy is crushing HARD. he is SO JEALOUS. speaking up immediately after pax makes the "you look great here" comment? having a party just so devi will come? ok, jay gatsby jr, i see you. ANYWAYS. imo he calls here david here to take back some of the control he just lost after pax showed up. because "david" belongs to ben and devi and nobody else.
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the smile on her face in this scene when he greets her. the smile on his face when he sees her. they are in love, your honor. anyways. this is, imo, the first time we see david being used as a term of endearment. their friendship has been solidified after the events at the end of 1x06, and it shows. she is excited to see him and he is, very obviously, excited to see her.
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"...Um, did something kinda weird happen? Or did I do something dumb at my party?”
aaand we are on the defensive again lol. david once again being used as a means to control the situation and deflect away from that horrifying failed kiss attempt back in 1x08.  dude is freeeaaaking the fuck out, because he knows now that he has this stupid big crush on devi (that he’s probably had the whole damn time, even prior to 1x01, if we’re being real here), but he just got her as his friend and doesn’t want to screw it up. so. blame it on the booze. throw in a friendly nickname. hope for the best.
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obv i don't have like, concrete evidence for this because we only see the literal last day she stays with ben, but i have this theory that during her stay, he defaults to calling her david to keep his guard up. because again. he knows he has this stupid huge fucking crush on her. so, keeping up with the old nickname helps establish those boundaries in his head. (this is also the last time we see him refer to her as david in season one.)
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but then there's this, immediately after he refers to her as david in front of his father. because he is worried about her. because she is making rash, dumb decisions without thinking anything through (you know, like trying to get emancipated from her mom and refusing to spread her dad’s ashes)
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again, he is going for serious, worried as fuck, for the same reasons listed above. hoping that her friends will see reason for concern just like he does, because his friendship with her is so new and if she’s going to listen to anyone, it's going to be them. this is the first time we ever see ben refer to devi to other people without her being present, and this is also the last time we see him refer to her as devi in season one.
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fanfic-inator795 · 9 months
WoY: A Decade Later (A personal retrospection)
Wander Over Yonder… for a time, it was - in my opinion - the best cartoon ever. It was my number one, and I wasn't sure that anything else could top it. While I don't necessarily feel the same way these days, it's still a cartoon that very much lives in my heart and I don't think I'll ever truly leave it behind.
From a personal perspective, it was probably the biggest and most active Fandom I had been in at that time. It wasn't my first fandom/hyperfixation - prior to WoY, there had been Cartoon Network's Chowder and Regular Show, as well as Disney's Phineas and Ferb. But Chowder was short-lived and RS and PnF were both shows I had lost interest in due to them beginning to dip in quality.
WoY, however, was new, fresh, exciting and growing rapidly. It inspired me to write probably at least a hundred fanfics. It was a blast live-reacting to new episodes with everyone and seeing all the art that would come afterwards. It brought me into the RP scene and, if not for that, I might have never met my best friend of 10 years (and counting! Love you, Tessa).
Looking back on it 10 years after the fact, I can't fully say that WoY is still my favorite cartoon (shows like Kid Cosmic, The Ghost and Molly McGee, Big City Greens and Craig of the Creek have all outshined it in one way or another), nor can I claim that it is/was a perfect show. But man… It sure was a hell of a ride.
(Keep reading for all my admittedly VERY LONG personal thoughts or opinions regarding this one of a kind show)
Humble Beginnings
Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I actually didn't care for WoY at first. It was the summer right before college, and I remember watching the sneak peek - The Picnic - early one morning after not being able to go back to sleep. I remember not really laughing much or even seeing the appeal… and yet the episode stuck in my mind, to the point that I ended up watching it again during a free moment I had from Freshman Orientation Week. I had a similar reaction to the show's proper pilot, The Greatest - not loving it, but not hating it either.
The fact that people/friends from my RS and PnF days were also posting about it helped keep the show in my mind (shoutout to Taylor, Erin and Darkwing). But it wasn't until two specific episodes - The Fugitives and The Good Deed - that I managed to finally start to connect with the characters myself. 
I started to see the appeal in this little furry orange spoon who just wanted to do good and make others happy, even when it was a struggle. I really liked the show's core theme of not just optimism and positivity, but also just being kind. I also started to really enjoy the show's sci-fi and space aesthetic and grew to adore its animation and gorgeous backgrounds, as well as laugh at its wacky sense of humor (I still laugh at The Fugitives/Good Deed quite a bit, even though I probably have their entire scripts memorized at this point).
So, it was official. I was hooked. Whenever there were new eps, I'd either try to watch them on the basement TV in my college dorm or wait for a livestream or FreeCartoonsOnline upload. If we're being honest, the first half of season 1, while being much more low-key than the wackiness that the show would end up eventually shifting to, was probably when it was at its most consistent. Other eps later on would reach higher highs, but getting stuff like The Bad Guy, the Prisoner, the Troll, the Pet, the Box and The Little Guy back-to-back just made my love for the show grow more and more.
The Little Guy specifically is one that is just incredibly well-crafted in its dialogue, story-telling and pacing, being both enjoyable and heartfelt. (Also the last time I watched it the ending made me bawl so, there's that, lol). Shortly afterwards, The Hero was another ep that I distinctly remember sticking in my head for whatever reason (Dracor and Demurra are still adorable, ngl). Then we had another favorite of mine, The Nice Guy.
I know I may be in the minority on this one - I remember my parents being annoyed and frustrated when they watched it with me, haha - but I absolutely love this episode. I find the jokes funny enough - the cashier is one of my favorite minor characters tbh - and the space gas station appeals to my aesthetic. But what really sells this episode for me is how it handles and portrays its moral of "being nice isn't always easy, but it's still right and still worth doing". Its ending never fails to get an "awwww" out of me, and honestly I could probably go on for an hour about all the little details and things I like/appreciate. I've also grown to really like its sister episode, the Time Bomb.
But no show is perfect, and right around here is where the show, in my opinion, started having some misses. It was mostly just "meh" affairs like The Night, The Toddler and The Big Job (weird, since I usually like heist eps… though I haven't rewatched this one in a while so *shrugs*). Other eps like The Tourist and ESPECIALLY The Helper (which I consider to be the show's worst outing, the vibes are just SO WEIRD on this one) I just didn't care for at all. 
Nothing terrible (save for the Helper), just cases of the jokes not landing or the stories being boring. This was also when the show really started leaning into the wackiness - which wasn't BAD persay, since it led to some really funny jokes and memorable moments when it was used well - it's just that looking back, I sorta miss the simplicity of early s1.
Thankfully, the season put out some real bangers by its end, with my personal faves being The Epic Quest (that ending will never not make me cackle. Again, it's a case of the wackiness actually working incredibly well), the Halloween/Christmas special, and the Rider, which is a great adventure to cap off the season and also the Horse from Horsin’ Around guest stars in it! (and does a pretty good job too. Will Arnett is def one of my favorite celeb VAs at this point, ngl)
So yeah, between the two seasons, s1 is easily my favorite. Call it nostalgia or personal taste, but for me it's all about that consistency. Adding in the fact that s2 has some pretty notable flaws and is thus a lot harder to look back on without noticing those flaws, and it's really no contest for me. 
New season, New problems
I certainly remember the excitement - as well as the fandom's stir craziness - in the lead-up to s2. There were crackships that were invented, silly RP blogs were rampant, Craig McCracken and crew (back when they were still on Tumblr) kept us fed with cool behind the scenes info as well as sneak peeks of the new season, and while I can't recall when it specifically happened, I also vividly remember the 'Bad End to Episodes' phase that the fandom was in at one point. Ah, the joys of still being in your angst phase.
Come that year's Comic Con, and a new round of hype came from the reveal that our new villain of the season was going to be a girl! …yeahhh, it sorta sucks recalling how hyped we all were about Dominator now that we know that she didn't quite work out the way we were all hoping for…
But regardless, s2 had a very strong start. Outside of the premiere, my favorites of this first batch would easily be The Boy Wander and The It for both just being incredibly funny. Although, if you had asked me at the time though, I probably would have said the Skeleton Dance fueled eps that were The Big Day and the Fremergency Fronfract - and like, yeah those eps can still be funny and enjoyable, but I've definitely cooled on the Skeleton Dance ship since these eps first premiered. (Still love a lot of the cute fanon stuff though)
Skipping past the next tent-pole episode for right now, this season had two of my favorite episodes of the ENTIRE SERIES - these being The Cartoon and The Black Cube. The former is just hilarious while the latter has a unique visual presentation and feels like an early s1 ep, and I mean that in the best possible way. I also really enjoy the Eye on the Skullship as well as the Hole… 'Lotta Nuthin' (this one especially, as it's another instance where, for as good as the ep is as a whole, it's the heartwarming lesson and hilarious ending that makes it such a winner in my book).
But for as much as the show was still putting out hits, I'll admit that there were also quite a few meh or just okay eps, especially as the season goes on. Some eps I found funny when I first watched them, but that humor doesn't hit as well when I watch them now. I also feel like there were points where it tried to be TOO silly to the point where it inhibited the actual humor and made the characters flatter and a bit flanderized compared to how they were in s1 (Hater especially got hit bad with this, where it’s less about him ‘softening up’ to show that he has the potential to be a good guy, and more just him constantly leaning into him being a bratty teenager instead of having that mix of dumb/bratty teen boy and legit evil conqueror).
Other times, it was just another case of a story not being as good as it could have been - and by this point in the season, while there are still enjoyable eps with fun concepts/jokes in the latter half of the series, the only one to get near the peak of the show's typical high quality is the musical ep, and if we're being real, it's Andy Bean's impeccable songwriting that saves this ep and makes it so good to rewatch despite its connection to the season's flawed overall story.
And I think it's about time we talk about that…
Not Quite Ready for Serialization
Being a show that was made right after Gravity Falls but before stuff like Star VS, Amphibia, and Owl House, s2 of WoY felt like a show with one foot stuck in episodic stuff and one foot trying to step into serialization. Because of this, the season’s overarching plot feels incredibly underbaked.
Now… Am I saying that I’d want the show to be like ATLA where every episode had to relate back to either the overarching story or one of the side-arcs? No, absolutely not. We’d be missing out on some of my favorite one-shot episodes if they did that, and if I had to choose between the season we have now and the season we could have gotten had the WoY crew gotten more freedom and were allowed more serialization, I’m going with the former each and every time.
HOWEVER, I still have to acknowledge just how poorly done the structure of this season was when it came to the overarching story. Basically we got four tentpole episodes acting as the season’s beginning, arc shifts and ending. During the season’s second and third arcs, there would be certain episodes afterwards reacting to the change in the show’s status quo.
Now, I get what they were TRYING to do but in my opinion it just really didn’t work as well as it could have. I’ll talk more about this in a bit but the season’s second arc (the “romance” arc) definitely got tiring after a while, meanwhile the third “Stop Dominator” arc felt like it was sort of killing time given that it was mostly just the main 4 trying to find some sort of weapon/figure out some sort of plan that ultimately resulted in some ‘funny’ failures and some quick lessons, with the occasional character piece thrown in here or there.
Now, I didn’t hate these episodes. By this point, it should be evident that one of my favorite elements of WoY are its morals and lessons, so even if the episodes themselves didn’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things and were essentially filler, I can at least appreciate a message like “being sad doesn’t mean you’ve given up hope” or “allowing yourself to laugh even in the dark times can help a ton”. So yeah, not completely pointless.
Unfortunately, even with a few bright spots here and there, the overarching plot of s2 still feels underbaked somewhat - and that’s ultimately because of the new character its focused around.
Dominator’s Dilemma
Okay, fess up. Whose idea was it to completely exclude Dominator from the first six episodes of the season (after the s2 premiere)? Because WOW does this decision backfire a lot. I don’t even like Dom that much and I can still acknowledge that she needed much more screen time and focus than she got.
I don’t know if this was to build up the ‘mystery’ surrounding her or because they wanted to get back in the groove of writing the main 4, but this was the crew’s first crucial mistake. Hell, in the first two episodes she plays an active role in, she’s nearly silent in both of them, only having her little fangirl rant in The Greater Hater and a small handful of lines in The Battle Royals. (Which, if I’m being honest, is still a really fun episode for 90% of it, having both great action and absolutely hilarious jokes that still make me laugh, but I get the ending of it making people sour on the episode as a whole.)
Again, it felt like trying to build up this artificial mystery surrounding her when it really wasn’t necessary. Dominator was meant to be a MAIN MEMBER of the cast! Yet I’m pretty sure Emperor Awesome got more significant screen time than her in the end!
Things got a teeny bit better as the show went on, with Dom at the very least getting more lines and more moments to be both badass and totally villainous, but she still felt more like a goal/obstacle than an actual character. I’m not sure if the writers MEANT to do this persay, or if it was just an accident.
Ultimately, it wasn’t until The Night Out when Dom finally got a spotlight episode… which was a little over 3/4ths of the way through the season. You could argue that she also got a bit of characterization in the musical episode, but it was really more emphasizing what we already knew or could infer about her. 
The Night Out, meanwhile, gives us something new - that she’s lonely - and we get a teeny hint of this again in The Robomechabotatron before being told outright in the series finale. Ultimately, it truly does feel like too little too late - especially when her secretly desiring friends just sorta feels like it’s aping off Hater’s secret motivations of wanting to be liked/admired and to have friends/people who love him for who he is.
So yeah, the crew completely dropped the ball on Dom’s characterization, using her as just a goal/threat/obstacle/etc. for nearly all of her appearances. Not only does it make Dom feel like a shallow character, but it also just feels unfair in general. Practically everything we know about Dom is for the sake of other characters.
She’s a test for Wander, an enemy/temporary love interest for Hater, an obstacle for our main four to overcome, and a threat to the characters we already love. Again, there’s nothing wrong with having a character that’s only meant to serve a purpose in the narrative, nor is there anything wrong with a character being shallowly evil… it’s just that the WoY crew hyped her up so much and claimed that she was a fifth main character (implying that she would get about as much development as the main four), so it just felt all the more disappointing when we didn’t get that. Add in her character design - a mix of goth/punk girl energy with Hartman Hips - and it does feel just a tad misogynistic.
There were things I liked about Dom - her cool lava powers and gadgets, her excitable personality, her villain spotlight moments, and her fun vocal performance provided by Noel Wells were all excellent. But unfortunately, these were all surface-level elements, and the crew just didn’t put in enough time to give her much else, essentially saving all her deeper character stuff for the never-made season 3…
A love-hate relationship (leaning towards hate)
Of course you can’t talk about Dom without discussing the season’s second arc, which many see as both a tumor on the plot and the absolute low point of the season. Admittedly when I was watching the season for the first time, I didn’t mind the romance arc all that much. I didn’t care if Dom was getting short-changed, I was too busy laughing at Hater falling all over himself like a dork and thought all the ‘critics’ of the arc were just focusing on the wrong thing and didn’t know how to have fun with a silly cartoon.
Obviously, this was the wrong perspective to have about this sort of thing (I was in the mindset of “I don’t want to accidentally make myself hate this thing I love so I’m going to ignore all criticism of it”. Definitely not the right approach), one that I still apologize for because the critics were totally in the right. From both an objective and a storytelling standpoint, this arc was just the worst - and for several reasons.
Leaning into the overall problem with Dom herself as mentioned previously, this arc was focused solely on Hater and Wander (and to an extent Syl and Peeps as they tried to talk some sense into their respective friends). Whenever Dom was brought in, she either used Hater’s crush to mess with him or just ignored it entirely, being obviously annoyed - and that was the extent of focus that her feelings got.
Outside of those moments, however, Dom’s feelings are relegated to the background, deemed as ‘unimportant’. Sure, in the climax of the arc, she gets this big whole musical number about how she’s “not the damsel” and isn’t interested in Hater’s affections - but again, it’s at the VERY END of the arc and the moment is less about Dom standing up for herself and more about emphasizing just how cruel she can be, as instead of simply rejecting Hater’s advances, she laughs in his face, continuing to mess with him to try and make the rejection as painful as possible before ultimately trying to kill Hater.
But while the arc ends in a showy (and admittedly still kinda fun, thank you Andy Bean and your musical talents) way, the way it starts sorta proves why this idea was so rotten to the core. The ONLY reason why Wander tries to get Hater and Dom together is ONLY because he knows Hater wants a GF and believes that a ‘positive’ thing like love could only ever result in the two villains finding happiness and no longer being evil. Nevermind the fact that Wander is shown only really caring about Hater’s perspective, not once considering Dom’s feelings or even asking if she wants a BF or romantic partner in general.
We get Syl calling him out on this a couple of times, but it’s in that ‘oh that Wander, always with the crazy ideas’ way. You’d think Sylvia, the icon that she is, would be just a bit more blunt and maybe even a bit harsh about how Wander’s treating Dominator - it’s not just a matter of it being a dumb and dangerous plan, but it’s essentially objectifying Dom, treating her like Hater’s missing piece. But hey, it’s fiiiiine, because Wander learns his lesson in the end, right? Except, no not really.
Because even when Wander FINALLY realizes this and feels guilty about causing so much trouble, Syl is more concerned with comforting Wander about it, because he TRIED to do what he thought was right and that “acknowledging you messed up is the first step towards making things right”. Like… yeah I guess but you could have let Wander actually acknowledge what he did was wrong and super messed up, focusing more on the personal aspect of how his whole romance scheme affected Dom AS WELL AS Hater (not JUST Hater) instead of how his scheme broke Hater’s heart and inadvertently made Dom more powerful.
(Also we see Wander shipping and actively pairing up the little Pikmin things in “The Sky Guy” soooooo no I don’t think he fully learned his lesson)
I also have to bring up how there are fans who view Dominator and her whole anti-love thing as aphobic. As someone who only recently figured out she was almost definitely aromantic, I’m certainly not the authority on this, but I can certainly understand the critiques.
What I THINK the WoY Crew was trying to go for was a ‘strong female villain who don’t need no man’, but between Dom constantly being described as ‘heartless’ and Peeps saying that he “doesn’t think she likes anybody” and her cruelty being turned up to 11 whenever someone expressed romantic feelings towards her, it does sorta imply “She can’t love and THAT’S why she’s a villainous monster” rather than simply “she’s a villainous monster”. And because we don’t get any real development or strong characterization with Dom, it’s hard to say where exactly her cruelty comes from, so it’s hard to really argue against these implications without simply inserting headcanons like “Dom is a lesbian”.
Now to be fair, I have seen some aromantics see Dom as good representation - I recall a month or so back when I saw people praising her after she was included in one of those Tumblr polls, with this one being focused on aromantic characters, saying that they liked how she didn’t sugarcoat her rejections and seeing her as this strong, cool, badass villainous who didn’t need romance. So yeah, obviously not every person who shares an identity is going to agree on representation and whether or not it's good, but considering all of Dom’s baggage and the inability to determine whether or not her heartlessness is the cause of her evil or simply a by-product of it, I personally feel like she’s just too messy of an example of a potential aro character.
(Honestly, Syl feels like a better example of an aromantic character to me, given that she and Ryder seemed just as platonic as she and Wander are, as well as her multiple rejections of Awesome and general disinterest/discomfort with romance. Buuut given that those latter examples are specifically with villains and thus it makes sense why she’d reject them regardless of her orientation, it’s still just a vibe/headcanon).
Before I close off this section, I do wanna acknowledge that beyond the potentially aphobic nature of Dominator, WoY’s LGBTQ+ rep isn’t nearly as great as I thought it was once upon a time as a young shipper. Some parts are still pretty okay, like Wander being coded as genderfluid/agender, but overall it still feels more like an old Looney Tunes cartoon than an episode of “The Owl House”, if you get what I’m saying.
In Craig’s defense, the man has never been all too interested in romance in his shows nor has he claimed otherwise - he either uses it as a joke while portraying it as a negative (see Ms.KeenexProf.Utonium, BlooxBerry or, obviously, DomxHater) or it’s a wholesome relationship that ultimately still stays in the background because it’s not all that important (see DracorxDemurra or Ramona and Carlos Flores from “Kid Cosmic”). 
BUT given that there were LGBTQ+ crew members working on the show in s2, such as N.D. Stevenson, as well as LGBTQ+ allies, it is a shame that no proper representation came of that. We got a whole episode where the joke was “oh, Wander and Hater are planning Wander’s execution like it’s a wedding”, an episode where Peeps and Hater essentially break up when Hater fires him, and an “I just can’t quit you” sort of moment from Peeps in the s2 finale when he goes all heart-eyed over Hater deciding to continue being a villain. That’s it, all jokes but nothing substantial. Even the show’s number one lesbian/wlw pairing of SylxDom got a quick Girls Night montage and one sweet moment between them, nothing else.
Again, it’s fine if you’re just looking for jokes, and yeah the WoY Crew never outright promised any romances… buuuut given how much they chose to lean into the Skeleton Dance and DeathGlare stuff while at the same time never outright confirming any of these characters as LGBTQ+ (they didn’t even have to make any ships canon, they just had to say whether or not Wander/Hater/Peeps were gay/bi/pan/etc), I’m not gonna invalidate people who feel just a bit queerbaited about the whole thing.
Bittersweet Goodbyes
As I said before, I was starting college when WoY first premiered. It’s the show that led me to my best friend and it’s the show that helped me through those first two years of college (easily the roughest part of college). It was a show that made me laugh and got me excited, even during the times where I was stressed out or worried. For all its flaws, it was one of the brightest lights in my life at that time.
So, needless to say, when I heard the show was canceled, I was devastated. I remember crying about it that night and even the day after, and I remember joining in as many online strategies as possible to try and get the show back, from letter writing to petition signing. Of course none of that worked, but as a bright side, going through this helped emotionally prepare me for the next time one of my favorite shows was suddenly canceled (looking at you Nickelodeon. Though considering how the RotTMNT movie turned out maaaaybe it was for the best…)
Honestly, for as much as I can look at the show through a critical lens nowadays and point out all the ways it could have been better, I think there will always be a small part of me that wishes we could have gotten some sort of continuation, whether it be through a special, a TV movie or a comic - or hell, I’d even take the plans for s3 leaking at this point. Now, given that the end of WoY brought about the creation of “Kid Cosmic”, I feel like this part has faded a bit, but I’m always gonna want closure on things like Hater’s arc as well as his origins given how much they were teased.
But that in itself is another critique I could give the show. Whether it be Wander facing a different type of threat that wasn’t just another villain, Hater’s transition into becoming a good guy, Peepers getting fed up with his boss and striking out on his own, or Dom’s true characterization that the crew kept insisting was there - the show simply saved a lot of it’s most interesting ideas for a potential Season 3. It was a gamble, and it was one they ultimately lost. It sucks, but it is what it is.
There’s a few more things I could critique about the show, such as its take on the idea of character redemption and Wander becoming a bit of a karma houdini that the show pretty much stopped calling out, and while these critiques are valid I feel like there are other fans who could do a better job talking about those points. But in the end, while season 2 was both a let down in some parts and a bit of a mess in others, I still feel like there were ultimately more good things to be found within the show than bad things.
It’s not a perfect show, far from it. Frankly, I don’t look down on anyone who fell out of love with this show or enjoyed s1 but hated s2. But for what it’s worth, the memories I got from the show are still ones I treasure, and episodes like “The Good Deed”, “The Little Guy”, “The Nice Guy”, “The Epic Quest”, “The Rider”, “The Boy Wander”, “The Black Cube”, “The Hole… Lotta’ Nuthin’” and “The Cartoon” are ones I still love to bits and will probably always love as I watch them over and over.
Disney Channel itself may not care all that much about this show these days save for an occasional rerun or a quick cameo in their Chibi-Verse shorts, but I’m always gonna remember it - for better and for worse. So here’s to 10 years, WoY. I may not always like you, but I still love you.
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justalilpearlie · 3 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
- -🌄-📀-🌙- -💚- -💛- -✨-🌄-✨- -💛- -💚- -🌙-📀-🌄- -
I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
- -💥-🐺-🌙- -❤️- -💛- -✨-💥-✨- -💛- -❤️- -🌙-🐺-💥- -
DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
- -🪸-🐸-🌙- -💙- -🩵- -✨-🪸-✨- -🩵- -💙- -🌙-🐸-🪸- -
- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
- -🌸-⛰️-🌙- -💚- -💙- -✨-🌸-✨- -💙- -💚- -🌙-⛰️-🌸- -
Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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lockandkeyhyena · 6 months
💥😭👪💤🍧🕷️❇️ For Andy, sorry there's so many! ^^;
no problem haha! long post incoming lol
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
oooh good one. i think he would have trouble dealing with actually caring about someone other than himself. like he wouldn’t know how to process it and end up just ignoring it or misinterpreting the feelings. he also cannot be genuinely heartfelt for the life of him. he’s always partying and taking the piss.
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
i don’t think he cries easily at all! only occasionally after a significant emotional upheaval or after getting really really drunk.
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
i haven’t fleshed out his family or anything like that yet, but i think he’d be an only child with a shitty relationship with his parents. think the type to kick their kid out the moment they reach eighteen.
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
he goes out like a light the instant his head hits the pillow. genuine envy on my part. he’s also an incredibly deep sleeper and rarely dreams.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
i don’t think he does, no. i think he came from a very financially unstable and tumultuous upbringing and likes to try and forget it now that he’s a big time star.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
probably being unloved! he needs to be adored and cheered on always and forever or else he crumbles.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
maybe a specific murder weapon he likes to use!
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
Passing this on ~
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💞
Why Can't I Hold All These Sonic Fics.jpg
1. The big one is, unsurprisingly, the story that was formerly known as Sonic & Tails: Beyond the Stars, but is now known as Sonic Stellar. Yes, the former wasn't finished due to morphing into the latter, and the latter hasn't actually appeared on the site yet… and some of the changes made in the transition are almost opposite to how they were initially lol. But if it wasn't obvious from how long I've been working with the frame of this story, it's always been a work of passion for me.
The one-shots helped to warm me up, but with this, I wanted to make a full-on adventure. I wanted to share my portrayals of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream, and everyone else used in a context that comes with the textbook thrills, twists, and so on. I wanted to write the biggest, smartest, most ruthless version of Eggman I could, without sacrificing his comedic qualities. I wanted to create an OC that could endear instead of turn away, and help other writers - and critics - understand that it shouldn't be seen as an automatic death sentence for your story. I wanted to create a setting that had its own detail and character, one that could stand tall with the likes of Angel Island and the Little Planet. I wanted to pay the biggest tribute I could to the games. And all of this and more got amplified once IDW kept dropping the ball with all of it again and again and again and again and again and-
There has been stress, with how long I've spent on writing, editing, and re-editing constantly. There have been doubts, particularly when I compare it to what others have done in less time (I've always been self-conscious about not being an artist/animator, so when stuff like @skaruresonic's VN came out, I felt like a clown with how I only have words on a screen to my name). There have been fears of whether all this time spent will even be worth it reception-wise, whether any old readers will still like it after all this time, or if any new readers would see something they like. We can all say we write for ourselves, and that is true for me, because I'm not the kind of person to write something I would absolutely hate just because I have something to prove, but the fact of the matter is that we all want our work to reach out to others. We all want our stories to strike a chord with at least some people beyond just yourself, and to pretend otherwise is illogical, as is painting it as an inherently selfish or unhealthy thing so long as it doesn't consume you. Because if you did it only for yourself, if you didn't want it to connect with anyone else at all… why would you bother sharing it online?
But make no mistake. While I hope my story can appeal to those who could find an appeal in it, it's still firmly my story. I never made it, or spent all this time modifying it, for the sole purpose of appeasing anyone. It's always been my vision, and it should say something that despite all the stress, despite all the second-guessing, and despite all the moments where I've considered doing so when the fears of inadequacy and comparison have gotten too much… I've never gave up on it. Never gave up on Viridonia. Never gave up on Trudy.
2. Christmas Time, Christmas Island - Out of all the one-shots I've made, this is probably the one I'm most satisfied with. We've all had our own interpretations of what Sonic and Eggman's first encounter was like, and I'm happy my interpretation has its fans. I wanted it to have muh feels, but in a way that still portrayed Eggman as an unrelenting bastard that didn't actually care about Sonic. By making the bond seem genuine, it would cut deeper when it turned out to be a ruse cruise. It was also fun to write Sonic's recollection of it to Trudy, as well as her reaction to it.
3. In the Hall of the Would Be King - A deep dive into Eggman's psyche, and all without making him soft. Aside from naturally wanting to apply this treatment to my favourite character of all time, this was made as a stealth prequel to you know what, and despite the differences in the latter's current form as Stellar, it still works pretty well as one.
4. Tails and Amy Talk Things Out - The first one-shot I posted on here. At the time, I was sick to death of everyone hating on Tails to such an insane degree for his controversial Lost World portrayal (remember, there were people trying to petition his removal from the series), so I attempted to look at it from an angle that could feel plausible and in-line with his usual self. Casual interactions between Tails and Amy are also shockingly rare, so…
5. Shadow and Omega Get a Life - There are things I would have done differently if I made this one today, but overall I'm still happy with the intent, and writing Omega was really fun, to the point where I regret that he's not in Stellar since there wouldn't have been much of a role for him with everything else going on. Shout out to me for using the "Shadow looking at objects that briefly make him contemplate Maria without sending him into a breakdown" trope years before it became mainstream.
When will you write something that isn't Sonic, Crusher? I don't know, when will you write something that isn't full of shit, Ian Flynn? Haha gottem.
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seregios-seer · 5 months
Monster Review: Plesioth
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So I kinda wanted to save this one until I got to Green Plesioth in 3U (yes I’m still not at G Rank, I wanted to try Alatreon before I started hun quests but I think I’ve given up now), but that’ll take a while so instead I want to tackle this fish before it tackles me. So I actually sit on the side that really enjoys Plesioths design, there’s something primarily powerful looking in it. Even with the admittedly derpy run, Plesioth still feels surprisingly threatening to witness. It’s especially helpful that I first saw it in 3U, where naturally being a fish monster it thrives. The solid eyes, incredibly spiny yet natural body, and honestly really cool colors all make Plesioth a surprising favorite design of mine. I hadn’t realized until I first fought one, but when people said Plesioth was massive, they meant MASSIVE. I genuinely didn’t expect Plesioth to be quite as big as they are, and coupling that extreme size with how they’re usually found well into High Rank, it wasn’t hard for the games to sell Plesioth as a real threat.
3U (DB): So, by nature of being an underwater combat game, 3 Ultimate serves Plesioth really well. Underwater is where you'll be for the vast majority of the fight, and it's also by far the most interesting. So Plesioth can obviosly swim rather faster underwater for positioning and attacks, but being hit while it's swimming is only somewhat dangerous, but since it's such a constant threat, is still pretty noteworthy. Plesioth also uses its tail in several attacks, from a sweeping turn that's most dangerous going for part breaks on the tail and wings, as well as one of my personal favorite attacks where it twists around and flicks itself tail over head and deals some serious damage. That last attack isn't too threatening due to the long windup, but that may be because of my weapon of choice's fast evasion, and the attack deals some pretty serious damage. Plesioth also uses a hyper pressurized water jet, which in High rank at least it simply fires straight ahead of itself, so as long as you're paying attention, you're not really in danger from this one, although being hit and blighted can be seriously annoying. The final, and probably most standout attack from the waterborne move pool is Plesioth's breach. It positions itself, flies out of the water and comes crashing down after a second or two. This attack can be devastating if you're hit, and also looks pretty spectacular with a monster this big, so I'm quite a fan. When it comes to ground combat however, Plesioth is pretty much identical to the GU encounter I talk about later, so I'll stay brief here (and apparently nowhere else lol). On land, Plesioth has the famous hip check and tail sweep, neither of which I really felt as threatened by as expected since I never really bothered trying to hit anything beside the legs with my limited weapon reach, so I was mostly immune to them. Plesioth's run and thrashing attacks are more dangerous, and can honestly be pretty annoying when the ai decides to loop into them over and over, meaning your just running around to be smacked away so you're only up in time to be hit again. The most notable difference from the GU fight is really only in Plessy's bite, which in this game doesn't seem to inflict sleep for some reason. I'm not gonna question why it was removed, but I'm certainly curious.
4U (Casting Machine): This fight's easy as hell! Plesioth's literally the easiest thing to hit in the game and it only take one to kill. I could do this one irl.
GU (Various): I was initially a bit nervous for this one since I’d heard some terrible things about a predominantly land Plesioth, but if I’m being honest, it wasn’t nearly so bad as I thought. The biggest issue with this fight actually is how hard it is to break parts. I took Plesioth on mostly with Adept Dual Blades and Aerial Insect Glaive, and this fight felt right at home with those two styles, especially IG, where it was really easy to keep the pressure on the fish the whole time, really only stopping to sharpen (and heal when I inevitably got hurt trying to sharpen). For actual attacks, I’ll just get the water beams out of the way first, since I want to get through Plesioth’s underwater attacks first, and it really only has the one (in High Rank at least). So the straight beam of pressurized water Plesioth uses the most often is pretty easily avoided, whether in land or sea. There’s a great deal of windup to the attack, and the hitzone’s fairly small, so it isn’t often you even have to dive to evade it, just pick a direction and walk. The sweeping spray Plesioth occasionally does however is far more threatening, as I was far more likely to be hit by it thinking I could rush the fish after it missed the first sweep. I’m never right, so I just keep getting hit anyways. Aside from the water jets, Plesioth really only fights with some basic physical attacks, although they still come off as shockingly fresh just due to the sheer size and weird movement that comes with being a leggy fish freak. The most famous of Plessy’s attacks are pretty obviously the hip check and tail sweep, but I’ll be honest they were less of a problem than expected. The hip check was simple enough to dodge unless I was in an attack combo and couldn’t roll, which usually felt like my fault for greed anyways. And the tail sweeps were pretty cleaned up from the obscene hit boxes I’ve heard of from the early gens. It felt fair enough to dodge since it does look low enough to hit a standing character nowadays rather than fly over them, and since the legs are the easiest to hit, it was also pretty often that I didn’t need to worry about it at all. Plessy’s last big attack is the sleep-inducing bite, which frankly I actually kinda love. The sharklike look on Pleaioth already looks scary, and gets even worse when it leans around to snap at your face with what feels like real force. I never actually had to worry about sleep though since I found out pretty early on if you make a beeline for the feet, Plesioth will follow that bite up with small stomps almost every time, knocking you out of sleep state and doing just about zero damage. I’m actually pretty proud of this trick since it felt like such a unique workaround that’s never fly outside of this fight.
Rating: 8.6/10
Insert 'fish fear me' joke here
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bvnga-aprikot · 1 year
HC designs from when i read the novel
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sorry for the lack of color in the dresses, i got lazy halfway. and yes i mispelled chokers my bad for that ;-;
So i mentioned in a reblog of a post by @lithi that i wanted to show my fanon designs of Athy and Jetty after seeing her talk about how people who only read the wmmap novel must have different interpretations of the characters designs. I must admit, i’m a little biased in that aspect because i read the manhwa first so at first when reading the novel (specifically fan translations bc this was before i found out about ridibooks) for the first time i always imagine Spoon’s designs when i read them. But now having a new perspective on this i decided i wanted to make a sketch based on how i imagined these two while reading the novel a second time.
For Athanasia, i think the most obvious has to be the fact that i imagine her with darker skin due to Sioddona being inspired by the Ottoman Empire visually from the manhwa. I know, a bit weird since this is about the novel but personally that’s how i always imagined what Siodonna looked like. Another thing i like to imagine and, this is a personal headcanon for me, is that she always likes to wear a necklace that reminds her of Diana, because she never knew her and wanted some semblance of her mother to be with her every step of the way. I always wanted to know more about Diana so think of this as part of that need lol. As for Athy’s outfits, i always imagine the dresses @alicehattera03 would post about that suit Athy to be her fashion sense in the novel. Don’t get me wrong i love the dresses Spoon puts her in, but at the same time i always imagine her in more regal clothes befitting of a crown princess, and Alice always has the best imagination whenever it’s Athy related so i mostly think of her posts whenever i think of Athy aha. Also, more on that note on chokers, i think it’s safe to say that Athy has every right feeling uncomfortable around those things due to the whole hanged thing from the original novel, so while she isn’t exactly the same Athy she’d probably still find chokers a bit triggering since they remind her of her doom.
For Jennette, the biggest difference for me is that i wanted her to look a bit intimidating to the eyes without the effects of her black magic. I think to illustrate the seeping black magic from her body, she uses things like chokers and longer dresses to cover the markings. It’s a bit gross describing it now but hey, LP!Jetty did a lot of questionable things so i suppose having some symbolism about her sins isn’t too far reaching. I don’t know why, but whenever i like to imagine ladies in historical dressing, i always seem to imagine the dresses Shuli von Neuschwanstein wears, probably because i think they’re the best designed dresses in manhwa yet but that’s personal. This applied to imagining Jetty too, so i used one of Shuli’s dresses as reference. Something i like to imagine is that Jetty also has a darker color palette compared to Athy to illustrate how completely opposite they are, so in the novel i always think of her having much darker hair than she has in the manhwa, plus longer hair for the fun of it (another thing inspired by my beloved Shuli lmao). I don’t think there was any mention of Jetty having bangs, but i gave them to her in this design since they’ve become what i associate with her.
Another thing, i’m not sure if this would be accurate but imagine them being much taller in the novel than they are in the manhwa 😅. I don’t know what is with me and my thing for tall female characters, but i think because there isn’t too much descriptors for height the last time i read, i think it’s safe to assume i could go wild with that aspect in terms of the novel designs i have. Instead of being around 150-160s in centimeters, i always thought of them being more around 170ish till about 180 roughly, and the reason for that is because i like to imagine the very dramatic and foreboding scenes they’re in to be accentuated with how tall they are lmao. Probably makes sense for Athy’s case since she’s princess and all.
That’s about it for how i imagine them in the novel, i’m sure others have their own interpretations and ideas of how they’d look in the novel but so far these are mine, thanks for reading ;p
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anonanimal · 9 months
ok we watched the barbie movie and i must be ovulating because the emotional levers were successfully pulled and i did cry but i was also mad part of the time.
i'd say i have a few thoughts and questions about the depiction of ruth handler lol but i haven't put it into succinct enough words yet
interesting they'd do the jokes about earring magic ken and growing up skipper and uh whatever pregnant midge was called and do a joke about ruth handler's...tax evasion? did she really do tax evasion? but they didn't touch on bild lilli. maybe they can't
sooo barbie is a god and mattel are her... stewards. lmao? what the fuck is gonna happen in barbieland if god is not in her heaven... whatever. just like in preacher when god goes missing (yes i watched part of the preacher amc series with my mother). i feel like the "barbie is a god, she is every barbie and every barbie is her" would have been the explicit focus of MY barbie movie (what can i say, i love a good story about a god becoming human, it's the christianity i've been steeped in) but they kind of don't do much with it
actually ruth handler = god, barbie = jesus?
ken becomes a ... men's (ken's) rights activist. lmao?
anyone else think the car chase was filmed like a car commercial. like weirdly obviously so? i feel like product placement has come farther than this
they want people to say it's a gay or trans allegory sooooo bad between the birkenstocks and the "you don't get permission, it's something you discover about yourself" they want it sooooo bad ok you win i'm saying it. but i know you wanted me to say it. you won fuck off!!!!!! or maybe i'm reaching because it's easy to read the emotional journey of coming out to yourself in a general coming of age tale. but come on. i'm not that smart so if i'm picking up on someone wanting me to think something, they probably do. the only way this movie could have been gay would have been if the weird barbies led a new society.
so was this their way of saying they're debuting a line of kens with jobs...?
i liked the comedy of 2001 monolith barbie and the barbieland physical comedy stuff. maybe i should have rolled my eyes but i'm easy. rollerblading executives also killed
i liked the little twist that barbie's crisis was precipitated by being played with, not by a maturing child, but her mother. kind of in line with how the movie itself is an ad for the barbie brand for adults. there's quite a few moments that i thought had to be intentional references to the function of the movie itself in the real world, and they all felt weird and bad, like someone screaming "let me out!!!!!" i've forgotten a lot of them now because i'm adding this bit in an edit the next day.
*guy who has only seen south park voice* getting a lot of imaginationland vibes from this
i kind of expected for there to be like a joke about allan being in unrequited love with ken but i now think there probably was in an earlier draft and it didn't mesh with the final product and they had to nix it. or like surely someone floated it at least
you know they tried to save it from being too much about ken by having someone literally say "what about barbie's ending?" and then doing barbie's ending but...it was still kind of more about ken i think. he did a dance number for christ's sake. i almost forgot that barbie got to dance too, but barbie's dance was also mostly about ken wanting her to notice him. "he's just ken" "kenergy" "i am kenough" come on. i think the biggest laugh in the theater was actually the kenough hoodie. biggest laugh for me personally? sasha saying, (and i'm paraphrasing of course bc i'm not bothering to look it up) "are you two shining?"
i got SO close to killing the mood when we walked out by saying "hey lets google mattel factory working conditions right now" but i decided that was too far / probably in poor taste for me to flippantly use in post-movie discussion
the feminism 101 stuff was whatever. it made sense within the setting of the movie since america ferrera as a human had to introduce ideas into barbieland for them to take hold, and ideas just kind of manifest whatever happens in barbieland, but i'm very surprised they didn't do a joke like "gee i wish it was this easy in the real world" like how did they miss that opportunity, it would have worked. or maybe they did and i missed it because i had my hater goggles on
sooo velveteen rabbit?
all in all, as a member of the moviegoing public, i guess i got what i wanted. an experience that left me with something to think and talk about.
p.s. this was, for me personally, an ad for ryan gosling. i didn't find him interesting until now. they really got me there.
p.p.s. obviously any criticism i have of the like existence of the barbie movie is hypocritical because i haven't said it about gundam (yet)
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elizmanderson · 1 year
I know how much pre-orders help authors, are there any ways to show interest towards a book that the publisher will see besides pre-ordering? I’ll likely need to wait until my birthday or Christmas and receive Remarkable Retirement as a gift, but I wanna make sure my interest is counted, if possible.
thank you so much for this question! yes, there are several things you can do to help authors, aside from preorders.
spread the word
the number one thing you can do to help new authors in particular is to spread the word about their books! while publishing increasingly tries to push authors to market their books/be on tiktok/whatever, in general, there's very little an author can do themself to move the needle on book sales.
particularly because I'm being published by a very small, fairly new press, visibility is one of my greatest worries and biggest issues!
(thank you, tumblr, for all the added visibility, like literally I cannot tell you how much y'all absolutely running with my sister's post about the book was a game-changer for me. I've been able to take a breather, my goodreads adds and preorder sales are going up anyway, like it's literally so amazing to watch and I am so beyond grateful)
so the more that readers who are excited for the book spread the word to other readers, the more likely it is that people will discover the book. if you follow any book bloggers/booktokers or other book reviewers, suggesting the book for their next read/their next list/whatever helps as well, but honestly just telling any random person you think might be interested about the book is such a great help.
if you do your own lists of anticipated books, including the book on any lists is also helpful!
request the book at your local library
if you have a local library, ask that they order the book! again this is good for visibility, plus...I'm not clear on how it works, but even though a library may only buy a single copy of a book, it's really good for the author and sales somehow?? so unclear about how it works (if any librarians or more experienced pub folks are around, feel free to hop in and let us know), but I'm perennially a fan of libraries, so regardless I encourage people to ask their library to order the book!
the only potential snafu here is that the print edition is currently only available direct from Hansen House (although they do distribute through Ingram, so it should be more widely available later). BUT Hansen House is set up to invoice libraries and bookstores, so it should really be fine - and if your local library (if you have one) has any concerns, they can reach out to Hansen House with any questions (and they will not be the first!)
review the book ahead of time
okay. so this one probably sounds weird, because how do you review a book you haven't read?
but first of all, for marginalized authors, bigots are 100% doing that. some of my fellow debut authors have had the absolute worst transphobic or racist reviews, PILES OF THEM, on books that were not out yet, not even available as ARCs, nothing, because there are always folks ready to jump on books by marginalized authors and 1-star them just because the characters are queer or Black or autistic or whatever. it's very terrible.
to be clear, I've been very lucky so far! I think because my book is a little more...under-the-radar queer (the book I just signed with an agent is much more like. A Queer BookTM), and also because I'm lowkey flying under the radar in general due to being with a smaller press, the bigots haven't found me lol. but for some of my friends, they need as many 5-stars as they can get JUST to offset the 1-star reviews from people who hate that they're daring to tell stories about people like them.
you do not have to star the book! I do not personally star books I haven't read because I'm like "well it sure would be awkward if I 5-starred it and then actually read it and...hated it, oops" (and as an author, I only rate my 5-star reads anymore). and actually, for reasons I do not understand, many goodreads users use the rating system as a...shelving system???
(if this is you: america explain!!! there is a built-in want-to-read shelf right there??? you can literally create as many personalized shelves as you want??? is this not super confusing when you then actually go to rate a book you've actually read??? I do not understand.)
BUT. if you're excited about a book that's not out yet, it's totally fine to write a "review" explaining why you're excited, or just saying that you are! that lets other readers using goodreads or storygraph know that this book is something to look forward to, plus it's something nice for the author.
(if you do HAVE to rate the book to leave such a review...I guess just rate it whatever you want, or don't do this at all if you're uncomfortable with it. but I think you can leave a "review" without a rating?)
sing hymns to the moon goddess in their praise
...okay, this one is a joke that Angry Robot tweeted yesterday.
but only sort of a joke.
anyway, this is getting very long despite it being actually such a short list, but I hope this helps! thank you so much for your support <3
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cassyapper · 10 months
JOSEPH AVDOL FRIENDSHIP!!! please talk their friendship it's SO underappreciated and unexplored. possibly the biggest missed opportunity in canon when it comes to p3 relationships (thinking on it most of Joseph's relationships are)
you get me like no one else anon
i agree it's a very underutilized relationship. the only time we get to see them interact for a long period of time is when avdol and joseph were affected by bastet and welllll i think for obvious reasons that i wish that wasn't the only time is all
but i do think about them... i think about how joseph met avdol two years before he even got hermit purple. i imagine how they meet is like, joseph is in egypt for some speedwagon foundation event or another and something happens in the street, probably a robbery or smth. the thing is i think the robber was using a stand (i wouldnt be surprised if it was one of the standusers that later serves dio considering a) how many stand users there seems to be in egypt and b) how avdol knew them beforehand) so avdol, seeing this from his fortune telling booth, goes after the guy...but so does joseph. even though joseph doesn't know what's going on cause he can't see stands yet, he still goes after the robber. i think it kinda struck avdol. i dont think he quite liked it at first tho LOL i think he was like "you need to sit down youre gonna get hurt" and joseph is like "nuh uh" anyway the thief demands their attention and whuh! they actually work quite well together. i think after the fight joseph asks avdol if he wants to get a drink and avdol is like oh i don't drink alcohol so they go to a cafe instead and jsut talk. i think avdol kinda tells joseph's fortune there (less to josephs' face and more ruminates over his cards himself) and what the tarot cards tell him is that joseph is a very interesting guy. so even though joseph isn't a standuser (yet) avdol wanted to remain in touch. so i think that was the beginning of their friendship basically. i know it involves a lot of extrapolation on my side but that's what i think. lol
anyway i think they both liked traveling a lot and so they did during those three years before sdc! i think avdol met suzi during this time and they became friends as well. joseph "big bucks" joestar basically was able to take avdol anywhere he wanted to go and it was nuts. i think when joseph got his stand avdol was abso-fucking-lutely elated despite the circumstances of it manifesting cause i dont think avdol really had standuser friends until then (sure he knew other standusers which is why he doesn't have a kakyoin case but still). i bet you anything he was the one going through all these sorta tests to see what exactly hermit purple can do. god bless him avdol is absolutely the kinda guy to get so excited he's like we need to punch a camera now. i wonder if hermit purple manifests in the first place cause joseph was reaching to help avdol but couldnt quite reach him and then boom...vine time.
anyway i also think about joseph seeing avdol bloody in the street in india and scared he's going to have to bury another dear friend and while avdol was older than caesar he wasn't even fucking 30 yet he was so young and when it turns out avdol is breathing ohh i think joseph collapsed honestly. absolutely got at that bitch with some hamon and then ensured his private healing on that island. wagh.
anyway idk i jsut think theyre very silly together. i think joseph brings out the goofy side of avdol he tries so hard to conceal and i think it's quite relieving for avdol. avdol of course is a kind and reliable guide for joseph and he doesnt mind whenever embarrassing things happen and he still stands by him despite everything, both good and bad, stupidly absurd and morbid and serious. i think that in kind relieves joseph a lot. i dont think they really had a father-son relationship per seeeeee but i think it was a family bond. yeah.
anyway this got long sorry anon just. i have thoughts baout them. they were sooo close wah
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blush-and-books · 1 year
Top 5 all-time favorite ships?
Warning - this list is literally just the same m/f couple in different fonts. A lot of these were more formative and influential in my childhood or were from series that are from a couple years ago. I am naming these as my top five because of how insane I went over them/how hard I hyperfixated on them.
When I made this list I was disappointed to realize that there hasn't been a wlw couple from a series or movie that has influenced me this powerfully, but I hope to find it soon and if you have any recs lmk! :) Will also include honorable mentions!
1. Kirsten Clark and Cameron Goodkin, Stitchers (2015-2017)
This is tied with Julie and the Phantoms for one of my biggest hyperfixations ever. Kirsten and Cameron were a slowburn that was done really beautifully and nobody was doing it like them. I watched this show at a very pivotal developmental point in my life, and I think these two taught me a lot about the work that a relationship takes and the fact you have to be willing to put it in - they were a healthy relationship example for me at a time that it was necessary for me to see it. They have a lot of character development over 3 seasons but grow together in healthy ways, and the writers kind of bake it into the plot that they're meant to be lmao. They also are just a great example of loving someone for everything that they are. They definitely made me a little mentally ill but also inspired me to be a writer, so...
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2. Julie Molina and Luke Patterson, Julie and the Phantoms (2020)
I don't know how long you have been following me anon, but if I've been on your dash at all in the past couple years, it was most definitely related to Julie and the Phantoms, and probably related to Julie and Luke. In one season, they had insane development and beautiful chemistry. The way their characters were written made them naturally fit together, and made me cry "soulmates!" quite often. I will forever mourn what they could have been, and be grateful for some of the most stellar works of fanfiction I've ever read that were produced in their name.
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3. Anne Shirley Cuthbert and Gilbert Blythe, Anne With An E (2018-2020)
Technically they're from the whole Anne of Green Gables Universe but AWAE is one of my Shows Of All Time ™ lol so I'm crediting them to the show!!! Just everything about them..amazing. Definitely gave me unrealistic expectations for love tho bc who tf assaults a man and still bags him in the end!??? Anne. She's that bitch and I haven't reached that yet but I'm working towards it.
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4. Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy, Pride & Prejudice (2005, dir. Joe Wright)
This is another one of those ships where I'm like if you've followed me long enough you could have seen this coming lol. These two are from the general Pride & Prejudice Universe, first created by the lovely Jane Austen, but P&P 2005 is by far my favorite movie of all time, and it is still breathtaking every time I watch it. Keira Knightley and Emmy Award Winner Matthew Macfadyen are really a perfect pair and their adaptations of the characters are so genuine and whole. Everything I do, I do for them.
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5. Nina Martin and Fabian Rutter, House of Anubis (2011-2013)
My original Ship of All Time. Was very mentally ill over them. I rewatched this show last year and I expected to be like "oh god this is cringe how did young me like this so much" but instead I was like "oh god this is so well written how could anybody hate this show." Yes it has its silly moments but I could write essays on how well it was written. The foundation of trust between Nina and Fabian was more powerful than any "do you trust me?" YA teen fantasy movie moment of the 2000s. Fabian was the blueprint for every fictional crush I have had since.
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Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa, Six of Crows Duology and Shadow & Bone TV series
Aziraphale and Crowley, Good Omens
Su-hyeok and Nam-Ra, All Of Us Are Dead
Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper, Stranger Things
Zoya Nazyalensky and Alina Starkov, Shadow & Bone Trilogy and TV series (yes I am a Zoyalina truther sorry)
Dan Humphrey and Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl (will I receive hate for this one? to be determined)
Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
John B and Sarah Cameron, Outer Banks
Ethan and Sarah, My Babysitter's a Vampire
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allylikethecat · 5 months
5, 12, 30 for the rapped askss
AHH thank you kind anon 🙏🏻 if anyone else wants to indulge me and make me the happiest of humans the list of AO3 Wrapped Questions can be found here. (Please... please send more... I will write you anything you want if you send more 🙏🏻 might even do a double fic update if I get my act together and am also sent more lol)
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
I was expecting maybe two people total (myself included!) to read You Know Where the City Is (my Matty / Taylor 2014 Fake Dating AU) and have been so pleasantly surprised that there are more than two of us reading it. Even after the whole May situation, people have continued to be so lovely and I am very grateful. (Sometimes) is another one I was absolutely blown away by the response to. It deals with a difficult, delicate subject matter and people have just been so absolutely lovely, commenting on AO3, and reaching out on Tumblr about it even months later and I am just so thankful to everyone who has given it a chance and also who has reached out. I wasn't expected much of anything with it (especially with it being one of my first fics in the fandom) and am still just absolutely blown away by how receptive and kind everyone is. (Not going to lie it is also still probably my favorite completed fic and one that I am the most proud of.)
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Too many 💀 Official Running List Below: 1. Hopefully finish Make Way for Ducklings 2. Hopefully finish On a Friday 3. Hopefully finish You Know Where the City Is 4. *NEW* Equestrian AU - first chapter is 100% finished, the next few are in the works - potentially will go rogue and start posting before the new year 5. *NEW* another visit to the Infection Fic 'Verse - Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George getting together the very first time as teenagers (has been started - probably a one shot like the Eye/Ear infection fics) 6. *NEW* yet ANOTHER visit to the Infection Fic 'Verse (my precious baby) - I received a few asks about Fictional!Matty adjusting to life after rehab / post his second inpatient hospitalization and am interested in exploring that as well (rough outline stage - probably a one shot like the Eye/Ear Infection Fics) 7. *New* The Nashville Fic™️ - outlined, chaptered, I am very thankful to the kind anons who were so encouraging with this one because once again I fully thought I was going to be the only audience for it. Because I have no chill there is also more but these projects are my priorities at the moment moving into the new year - don't worry this can and probably will change 💀
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
There have been a few! One is how much fun I have been having writing in this fandom instead of just lurking, and how many special wonderful people I have started chatting with here on the internet because of writing fic. Historically, I just kept to myself and posted my fics without really getting to know anyone else because I'm shy and awkward, and it's been so special throughout the process in this fandom to have made some internet friends 🥰 I am also so shocked by how much the Infection Fic 'Verse has become a thing for me - someone sent me an ask asking if I would write about the whole droopy eye situation this summer and somehow Fictional!Matty decided he had AILMENTS and he needed to SHARE THEM which has been a lot of fun! That version of Fictional!Matty has become very special to me - he is my precious little baby and even if I torment him, I also love him very much.
Thank you, so, so vey much for indulging me and sending in asks for the AO3 Wrapped [writers edition] situation! I find this kind of stuff so much fun and it makes me so ridiculously happy! So thank you so very much kind anon who sent this in! I hope you are having the absolute best day (and if you have any fic / prompt requests send them my way!!) and if anyone else wants to send any the list can be found here.
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