#an underrated ship i smell?
nortism · 7 months
Nor's Ultimate BBC Ghosts Fic Recommendations
I decided to put my obsessive AO3 bookmarking to good use and recommend you all some of my favourite ghosts fics (not all, there will likely be a part two). I tried my best to include a variety of fics centring different characters and ships as well as lesser known fics. Please feel free to reblog this post and add your own recs (self promo very much allowed). I've tried to add tumblrs were applicable but if you wrote one of these fics or know who did, please let me know and I'll edit the post. Happy reading!
It by Scriblit
Rating: M
Ships: Mary/Robin, Julian/Robin
You lose three mates, ten babies, both parents, all your siblings and then every friend for scores of millennia and still entertain the concept of being 'sweet' on a dead woman still consumed by her own pain. Doing It never had much meaning to Robin, even when he was alive. Now that he's dead, it's really just something to while away all the years. At some point, he's asked most of the ghosts if they want to do it. Some said no, some said yes. His only rule is, they have to genuinely want to do it, too. And, they mustn't be too sad. One of the ghosts was too sad, for so long, so he waited. And waited.
Notes: The first two chapters of this fic are an amusing exploration of caveman sex and the boredom that comes with eternal purgatory but the last chapter is where it gets really, really good. Genuinely one of the most poignant and devastating explorations of grief I've ever read, I cannot recommend it enough.
The Curse by Scriblit
Rating: T
Ships: Robin/OFC, Humphrey/Sophie
Over the years, the centuries, the millennia, the residents of, and visitors to Button House and the land it's built on have experienced strange things, and heard strange tales. Multiple mysterious, macabre deaths. Unruly electrics. Blurry shapes in photos. St Elmo's Fire. Burning smells, a mysterious, singing voice in the cellar. Rumours of witchcraft, an ancient amulet and visions of Satan himself. Is the land truly cursed? Or is this just a place of 250,000 years worth of human sadness?
Notes: I only wanted to include one work from each author but I couldn't take this off my list. The only way I can describe this fic is clever. It's one of those things you just have to experience for yourself. Criminally underrated. Just read all of Scriblit's work, I'm their biggest fan.
Family, Family, Family by MadameReveuse
Rating: T
Ships: Primarily gen with side Julian/Robin
Green Party Fundraiser Time! Rachel Fawcett comes to Button House, despite struggling with her feelings regarding a certain extremely unfortunate death there. Ghosts and the living alike are thrown into turmoil, especially when it begins to look like someone at the event may be attempting to harm the up-and-coming young politician. Can Julian stand idly by? Well, he's a ghost, so yeah, he has to.
Notes: This fic has it all; father/daughter bonding, a murder mystery and plenty of tory bashing. My entire perception of who Rachel Fawcett is comes from this fic, I was almost glad we never met her in canon as the author does such a fantastic job characterising her.
Ten friends total by notupforpolo (@notupforpolo)
Rating: G
Ships: Mary/Annie
After the initial shock of dying wore off, Kitty was so excited to have Mary and Annie as friends. Kitty would notice how they spoke and gossiped just like Eleanor and her friends would do. They were potential friends until they just became friends. Then, when Annie was sucked off, Kitty was there to comfort Mary. Until Mary followed.
Notes: There is a severe lack of both Kitty-centric and Mary/Annie fic in this fandom and this fic covers both bases. Just a really excellent Kitty character study and a great exploration of grief
House Share by Sheepyblue (@ginevralinton)
Rating: G
Ships: Alison/Mike
In which Mike makes a New Year's Resolution, with varying degrees of success (Or, a story of Mike spending time with the ghosts)
Notes: I've read a few variants of Mike spending time with the ghosts but I really like this one. My favourite chapter was definitely the Humphrey one, I won't spoil it but it's very funny. This author has far too many Ghosts fics for me to include in this post so I'd recommend you look through their other works
...And A Rainbow! by Spineless_Lobster (@spineless-lobster )
Rating: G
Ships: None
Alison buys the Captain some pride merchandise, Kitty gets very excited that an entire room in the house is covered in rainbows. The two ghosts decide to have a sleepover to celebrate the (gay) occasion.
Notes: For all my Cap & Kitty lovers, this is pure fluff. Made me giggle.
Nothing Like a Round on 'The Krypton Factor' by neverfaraway
Rating: T
Ships: The Captain/Pat
Wedding season approaches at Button House and, for once, everything is going off without a hitch. Of course, there’s the slight issue of Pat’s recent epiphany about his sexuality, Kitty’s determination to get her hands on as much badly-written erotica as possible, and the peasants becoming decidedly revolting. Still, if only the ghosts can refrain from murdering any of the builders, Alison is fairly sure they can pull this off. Or, Pat and the Captain negotiate coming out, even if it's only to each other.
Notes: Even if you, like myself, aren't a Patcap shipper, this fic is worth the read solely for the the subplot about the Plague Ghosts staging a leftist uprising. The perfect blend of comedy and heartfelt moments, this fic feels like it could have been an actual episode of Ghosts.
Don't Let The Good Life Pass You By by Impossibly_Izzy (@impossiblyizzy)
Rating: M
Ships: The Captain/Pat, Alison/Mike, minor Robin/Julian
When the ghosts are mysteriously resurrected, life at Button House only gets more chaotic. Asking, how do you live in a world that wasn't built for you? How do you find meaning in a cold uncaring universe? And what does the Captain eat for breakfast?
Notes: Crack treated seriously is one of my fav AO3 genres and this fic is the cream of the crop. Despite being a Patcap fic, all the characters reactions to living in the modern world were explored in a detailed and hysterical way. I think about the scene where the whole gang goes to the pub constantly.
Queer Eye (The Captain Edition) by swimmingfox
Rating: Not Rated but I'd give it T
Ships: Past The Captain/Havers
In a miraculous world where they have the ability to see ghosts, the Fab 5 descend upon Button House to transform the Captain (and, well, everyone).
Notes: Exactly what it says on the tin. Just pure hijinks, I can't fault it. Don't let the script format put you off, the author has done an excellent job of characterising everyone's voice
Fabrications by SwaggerStick
Rating: T
Ships: The Captain/Julian
"It's true," said Julian. "You lot couldn't lie to save your lives." The Captain took personal offence at that statement. So, apparently, did Pat. "Oh give over," he said. "Like you can do better." ---------- The ghosts decide to figure out which one of them is the best liar. Competitively.
Notes: Another fic that really feels like it could be an actual episode. Very funny and also provides an explanation to the ghosts' pee turning to dust thing that has been bothering me since last Christmas so honestly you should just read it for that. Ship content is minor if Julicap isn't your thing (it's not really mine either)
Good Boy by Ailendolin (@ailendolin)
Rating: T
Ships: Mike/Alison
"I’ve been thinking – Robin saved my life, didn’t he? Last week when I was out in the storm.” “Because of the stupid bear,” Alison couldn’t help but remind him. “Yeah, whatever,” Mike said with a roll of his eyes. “So when he redirected the lightning I saw him for a brief moment and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that.” Alison felt her eyes soften. “Oh Mike, why didn’t you say anything?” “No, it’s not like that,” Mike waved her worry away. “I know we’ve thanked him for what he did but with the gatehouse burning down and the whole insurance mess it feels like we haven’t really appreciated it enough, you know?” Mike and Alison plan a surprise for Robin.
Notes: Very sweet addition to the season 4 finale. Would have loved to see something like this in season 5 but this is almost as good.
fieri sentio et excrucior by oui_oui_mon_ami (@sunshine-soprano)
Rating: T
Ships: The Captain/OMC
It all begins when the Captain meets the Roman centurion ghost next door.
Notes: An absolute fandom classic, I couldn't not include it. Not normally a huge fan of ocs but this one is vey well done. You can tell the author is very passionate about Latin and roman history which I always enjoy seeing (the passion not necessarily roman history).
The Moneypot by someplsloverobbierotten (@caps-clever-girl)
Rating: T
Ships: Julian/Robin
Julian bet Robin a tenner over Heather getting sucked off. He of course tries squirrel his way out, but Robin’s not letting him off that easily. OR: Robin and Julian like their bets, but what's a ghost to spend imaginary money on?
Notes: Another fic that is basically canon to me. The author absolutely nailed Julian's voice. Overall just a fun read with some genuinely sweet moments.
Thanks, Skipper by NaughtyBees
Rating: G
Ships: None
Summary: Button House gets a visitor, someone specifically looking for Pat.
Notes: No 1 trans ally Pat Butcher, what more could you ask for? The definition of short and sweet
smoke gets in your eyes by sidelined
Rating: T
Ships: Alison/Mike, The Captain/Havers, minor Julian/Robin
Alison and Mike move into Button House and, completely unintentionally, teach the ghosts valuable lessons about love. (In which Alison worries about a first date, Robin and Julian discuss marriage, Thomas accidentally humbles himself, Kitty discovers that romance can live everywhere, and the Captain ponders his loneliness
Notes: A really sweet set of vignettes about the ghosts and love. The Mike and Alison first date scene is canon to me, the author nailed Mike.
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wickjump · 30 days
What do you think of Dust x Dream?
this ask got sent twice so i think this means you’re rather urgent on knowing so here you go
dust and dream, aka stardust (love that name). i honestly think they’re the most likely to work out in terms of canon if only because dust is a very sympathetic character and unlike a lot of other characters, he shows grief and regret towards his actions. dream, in any way possible, wants to help people. if dust were to reach out, which isn’t outside the realm of canon for him as long as his goal of ‘killing the human’ is no longer a priority, which implies the human is dead and not coming back or he is entirely unable to get back to his AU. this would allow dream to spend more time with him, and over time, dust could heal enough to be stable enough to join a relationship. this isn’t canon for him, rather canon adjacent as things tend to be (his creator said he’s too fucked up to focus on a relationship in the way he is now) in this fandom.
in fanon they could also work, and work a lot better as well. in fanon, characters tend to be more emotionally aware than they are in canon, meaning dust would be more open to improving himself. not open-open, just more than he would be in canon. it would still be difficult. they’re a slow burn type relationship. if we go with the nightmare’s gang route, there’s the idea of dust leaving the group (similar to horror joining farm or killer joining color) and coming across dream, all that fun stuff.
they’re a very broody x i stop to smell the flowers type of relationship and i quite like that as well. they’re a very solid and painfully underrated ship for how well they work together, but the fandom has a sort of ‘priority list’ with characters they give attention to it seems. they’re much more of a casual ship for me, but i still love them. they’re very sweet. i love any ship that involves dust healing and improving from his trauma and this ship would be full of that i think. dream is Mister Good Influence
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ddlcbrainrot · 1 month
do u have any hcs for natsuki/monika, my underrated fav
ive only recently started really getting into this ship so there wont be as many hcs
yk those people that just playfully tease/bully each other relentlessly and no-one can tell if they are being friendly or straight up flirting? thats them
similarly to my natsuri hc, natsuki has a "...God damnit" moment when she realises she likes monika
monika's realisation was more chill, she just kind of accepted it and decided to just continue the "are we flirting or being friendly" thing and see what happens
i think monika's "star student" status would really intimidate natsuki so i dont think she would make any moves or anything like that
anyway monika probably ends up confessing and natsuki is flabbergasted, she can not wrap her mind around the fact that monika likes her back
monika's love language is words of affection, which is really embarrassing for natsuki, girlie can not handle compliments at all (bc she is not used to them) so she ends up a flustered mess every time
natsuki eventually gets used to the compliments and starts complimenting back which catches monika off guard every time
we all know monika is a perfectionist, so natsuki's more laidback attitude definitely helps her stop and smell the roses every now and then
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the-heartlines · 4 months
I’m going to binge your fics tonight. Is there any ones you’re super duper proud of that I should start with?
this is the sweetest ask ever! and oh me oh my am i ever proud of a lot of them :)))
one love, two mouths (rhaegon stuck in a blizzard the other with sober aegon and rhaenyra who abandoned him 5 years prior until their father's death brings them together after aegon goes to rehab to get clean...let's just say they deal with their issues together 😉😉😉) it's 13K and my fave fic i've written
suffocator (aegon fucks prisoner of war rhaenyra in front of her son's heads on pikes...and there is a brilliant twist in the end if i do say so myself) is my fave dd:dne fic i've written. i'm even thinking about writing a sequel to it 👁️🫦👁️!
hypnos (dd:dne—rhaegon au where stalker aegon kidnaps nyra) has a special place in my heart because it was the first true dd:dne fic i've ever written
cherry wine (dd:dne—sapphic rhaegon—rhaenyra gives her little sister wine and scissors her on her and daemon's kitchen counter top 😏)
dragon seer; seared by sunlight (helaemond) might be the most poetic and beautiful fic i've ever written. helaena decides to take her autonomy back and pay her little brother a divine visit.
golden and glorious dragonfire (dd:dne—rhaenyra survives sunfyre's fiery wrath and aegon becomes completely obsessed with her, threatening to maim/kill aegon the younger if she doesn't comply!)
naked and clean and bloodless again...and mine (dd:dne with somno—my first helaemond fic i ever wrote inspired by cesare x lucrezia'a final scene and line aemond drugs helaena and murders aegon next to her sleeping for then noncons her next to her husband's corpse covered in blood!)
who is the lamb? who is the knife? (dd:dne—rhaegon with older brother aegon and daemyra, ritualistic hunting au where rhaenyra comes of age and will be hunted to see who claims her as their sweet delicious spoils) very big brained of me i must say! i need to start chapter 2 aka the start of the hunt
my werewolf fics: the second son's curse (maegor x rhaena and helaemond—helaena finds a journal with accounts of the second son and his niece and decides to pull the same stint with another second son ;)...major flowers in the attic vibes with maegor x rhaena in this one!) and this flesh has needs (sapphic jacegan—cregan hunts her fair maiden under the light of the blood moon, seeking and smelling her blood, with a need to claim her as HERS.) these are my two most underrated fics in my opinion. and two im MOST proud of!
slivers of silver has my fave ships of hotd everrrr (sequel to one love, two mouths—rhaegon x helaemond with aegon fucking rhaenyra as she eats out hel while hel gives aemond a blowjob!)
tethered by bloodties (dd:dne—aemondhaera—aemond marries his niece jaehaera...helaemond crumbs as always and there is a sweet surprise twist that i was aching to reveal in the tags but i don't want to spoil!)
i'm your only saving grace in this colossal black (dubcon rhaenicent—queen rhaenyra gives her prisoner stepmother a bath and some other things hehe aka alicent in her queen in chains era)
devour her whole (dd:dne—uncle cregan with his niece jace—he corners her in the bathroom and finds out she's on her period...he's a nasty piece of work!)
WHEW this was a LOT but i'm proud of how far i've come as a writer fr fr! hopefully this helps!!!
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punanenmarli · 1 month
3, 4, 5 and 15
For the fic writers ask 🧡
3. name 3 underrated fic authors in your fandom
i feel like i read mostly stuff written by absolute gems who are already the crown jewels of this fandom. But these authors should have like 10 times more reads: tilhi, anonymous who wrote this, and erasedjanna
4. what’s a fic that changed the way you write?
I think šepetaj mi koliko me hočeš aka cam boy changed my brain chemistry so much that I somehow learned to write as well? does that count?
5. what’s a fic that changed the way you see a certain character?
oooh this is a good one. I think this fic made me really fucking need bojan to be the top.
Demoni by slightlysexualfiction
15. what’s a fic that made you ship something you previously did not?
Tear down my reason (it's your sex I can smell) by HotCat37
This whole collection made me foam in the mouth about Bäsh and also just Käsh in general
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dopscratch · 9 months
possibly controversial medic post incoming
remember i am within the belief that people can interpret characters the way they want to and i respect any other interpretations even if i find them very far from canon! and i totally accept that some people will find MY interpretation as super far from canon and thats ok too!
that said i will cherish anyone who agrees with me because i find it so rare that people characterize medic the way i do in fan material
there are a couple different breeds of medic fans and i'm of the (unpopular?) opinion that hes a sadistic egotistical maniac whos managed to manipulate everyone into thinking hes charismatic- but he truly cares for no one (except his birds). and i absolutley love him for it. because this makes him incredibly interesting to play around with and examine like a little bug on my windowsill
i dont seriously mind other interpretations but man is this the real medic to me (also why i dislike ships with medic! i headcanon him as not romantically interested in anyone ever plus the characteristics he has making things incredibly toxic (the comment about his wife by demoman is either demos drunk ramblings or some poor one sided relationship or a convenience marriage)). i always strive to make things as close to canon as possible and this is just the interpetation i've gathered after examining the canon materials. i will gladly provide proof of my beliefs whenever
yes he brought sniper back to life but that's for the science! he mentioned smiling because he was happy to see sniper while sniper was already shot and bleeding out because he could smell some human experimentation coming! meaning he was happy to see sniper DYING! (or he's just flat out lying!! which he totally would do!)
hes pretty much out ONLY for himself and only works with others for the services he wouldn't have access to otherwise. he acts charismatic because people are more likely to let him do what he wants if hes pleasant. and also hes just sort of silly by nature which a lot of people find endearing
the second opinion shows both the evil zombie face and NORMAL HIM have a united desire to murder all of his friends. he doesn't because it would be inconvenient. the fact he AGREES with the second opinion but shushes it anyway shows he wants to APPEAR like he doesnt want to kill everyone which is certainly a manipulative behavior
anyway theres more but thats where i shall cap it for now. i will certainly answer any questions anyone has about my interpretation of medic though :)
i just love how medic has been characterized through all of the materials valve has so graciously given us and it makes him such a horrific specimen. it's so rare to see a genuinely terrible person who is also a protagonist and i feel like watering that down to make him more palatable or likeable is a tragedy. because terrible people as characters are underrated. and a character doesn't need to be "actually a good person, guys" to be a compelling and interesting character. i love absolutely screwed up self-centered uncaring wild and silly medic and i hope at least one other person out there does too.
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thebluestbluewords · 3 months
OT3 Week Day One: Meet-Cute
a sea ot3 meet-cute of sorts :) I'm going to be trying my best for the @ot3-week prompts! Mostly Gil and Uma, pre-ship, more of a meet-ugly than a meet-cute. Because they're terrible adorable children and I think Gil is an underrated sweetheart even when everyone else is being terrible all around him.
“I HATE YOU MORE!” Uma shouts back, balling her hands into fists so she’ll be ready when he stupid slimy ex-best friend starts swinging at her. “YOUR MOM IS STUPID AND YOU’RE EVEN STUPIDER BECAUSE YOU’RE JUST MINI-HER.” 
Mal, daughter of Maleficent, the undisputed queen of the Isle of the Lost elementary school playground, narrows her eyes. “Take it back.” 
Uma, daughter of Ursula, the queen of nothing except for possibly her mother's bad graces, sticks her tongue out. “No. You’re mean and boring and so’s your mom.” 
“Take it back, Uma! Or you’re not invited to my birthday party!” 
“You’re not having a party,” Uma sneers. “Nobody has parties anymore, not after what your mom did to the last girl who left you out. You’re the one who ruined parties for everyone, because you’re the worst, and you’re not even interesting about it. You’re just a baby who hides in your mom’s shadow all the time, and you–” 
“TAKE IT BACK!” Mal screeches. Uma’s plenty accustomed to screaming. It’s her mom’s main way of communicating with the staff at the chip shop, and Uma is seven years old now, which is more than old enough to be considered part of the staff, by both her mother’s expert opinion, and her own assessment of her precocious skills. She can catch fish with her mom, and slice the bones out of a flounder faster than any other kid she’s pulled off the docks, and she hardly ever drops ice cubes into the fryer anymore, even when she’s carrying a whole tray of drinks from the icebox and has to lift it over her head to dodge the knives Petey the main cook throws at her sometimes. 
What she’s less accustomed to is her former best friend launching herself at her teeth-first. 
“FUCK!” Uma screeches back. “Biting’s cheating! You’re not just a boring baby, you’re a boring, stupid, mean cheater!” 
“Take it back!” 
“No! You’re a boring baby and so’s your mom!” 
“You’re boring! You’re so boring that you don’t even know how to use the swings!” 
Uma shakes Mal’s teeth out of her arm, and shoves her back with both hands. “I know more than you.” 
Mal bares her teeth again. One of her front ones is loose, and there’s a scrape mark in the neat imprint on Uma’s arm that matches up with it. “Do not.” 
“Do so. You’re not invited to parties because everyone hates you. Because you can’t do anything without your mom there to make people do it for you.” 
Mal narrows her eyes. “I bet you I can make everyone kick you off the swingset. And the climbing bars. And the tower.” 
“You can’t.” 
There’s a dangerous green light in her ex-friend’s eyes. “Can so. You can have the sandbox. It’s for babies. Not even a baby like you can have fun in there.” 
The sandbox is widely regarded as the worst part of the school sulking ground. It smells like cat pee and cigarette butts, and not even the cats that pee in the alleys around the school will go in it anymore. 
It’s also boring. Nobody ever falls off and breaks their face on the sandbox, and you can’t do flips off it or anything. There’s no gold coins buried in the sand like there sometimes are on the real beach, and there’s not even any sharp shells left after the first group of elementary school kids, the ones a year or two or even three older than them came through and pulled them all out for makeshift knives. 
Sometimes being the second group of kids born on the isle sucks even more than usual. 
“Make me.” Uma snaps. 
Mal’s eyes flash green. “I will.” she spins around to the crowd of dirty boys who’ve been climbing up the rickety wooden tower that’s the best place to play. “HEY GUYS. I HAVE A NEW GAME. IT’S CALLED KEEP SHRIMPY FISH LOSERS OFF THE TOWER.” 
The boys stare. 
Mal sighs. “I mean, GET HER OUT OF HERE.” 
The future brainless henchmen of the isle already understand how to follow orders. “GET HER” is pretty clear even to a brain-damaged kid, so Uma makes her second smart decision of the day (the first being ditching Mal, because ugh) and turns to sprint to the sandbox before the boys realize that the base of their precious tower (with all the cool climbing spots and platforms and places to hide and pretend to stab each other) is built on a pile of small, easily throw-able rocks. 
“This isn’t over, princess!” Uma shouts. Even though it is. She’s smaller than the henchmen boys, even though she’s strong enough to work in her mom’s shop already, and she can throw rocks back, but she’s better than fighting against henchmen. She’s going to be a captain of her own crew someday, and she’s got to out-plot her slimy, cheating ex-best friend. 
“IT TOTALLY IS.” Mal shouts. 
“It’s totally not,” Uma grumbles under her breath. “I’m gonna be so much cooler than that ass-kissing baby. She just follows her mom and calls it cool, and everyone’s too scared to tell her anything else. I’m not gonna be like that.” 
She kicks a lumpy patch of sand. “Stupid. Stupid slimy Mal.” 
The sand– 
Uma kicks the sand again. Sand isn’t supposed to move like that, and even though she’s pretty sure that nobody at school is powerful enough to do magic under the barrier, because even her mom can’t use magic with the spell, and nobody at the elementary school is more powerful than a real sea witch, even one without most of her powers, there’s a lot of bad stuff and dangerous stuff and stuff that wants to hurt kids on their island, and she’s not too sure that the sandbox is actually clear, because it’s the worst and nobody’s played there for weeks. Partly because they haven’t had school in a week, because they only have Dr. Facilier and Mother Gothel as teachers, and they both left to do some other stuff that was “more important than teaching brats like you lot” last week, but also because the sandbox is the worst and nobody wants to play in it. Because it sucks. 
“Hey!” The lumpy sand says. 
Ume jumps back. “Are you a creep? Are you going to start licking my toes? My mom says creeps do that to little girls who don’t stay away.” 
“I’m hiding.” 
Her mom’s stories about creepy men don’t include many details about them hiding in sandboxes. “Have you considered not hiding?” Uma asks. “I could use a minion right now.” 
“Oh. No. No thanks.” 
“Who the fuck says thanks?” Uma asks. “Are you sure you’re not a creep?” 
“I’m sure.” 
“That sounds like something a creep would say. One who’s lying.” 
Finally, the sand shifts again. “I’m not!” it says indignantly. “I’m just hiding a little bit.” 
Uma plops down next to the sand, which now that she’s actually looking at it, is all disturbed in a big pile right around where the kid is hiding. She hadn’t noticed before, due to being so mad that she wanted to spit on everything and maybe burn down the stupid play tower. Which isn’t even real. She’s not even kicked off a real tower, which would be something cool and evil and not lame at all. 
“Why’re you hiding anyway? All the kids are busy kicking me off the fun stuff anyway.” 
The pile shakes a bit more, and a blue eye emerges from the sand sort of near where Uma’s feet are. “Are you sure?” 
She snorts. “Sure’s snakes.” 
“Snakes. Like, hiss hiss?” 
“Oh.” The pile shakes a little bit more, and a freckled nose peeks out. “I know what snakes are. I’m only a little bit stupid. My brother Third, he brought home a dead snake one time, and he wanted to put it in a stew, only my dad wouldn’t, and Third put it on a stick instead and roasted it over the fire, and then Dad said we couldn’t eat it cause the scales weren’t safe for kids, only I was awake later, and he totally said that ‘cause he was just waiting for us to go to bed so he could eat it himself.” 
Uma wrinkles her nose. “Gross.” 
“No, it looked good! I mean, wicked. It looked– tasty, I mean. Yeah.” 
Uma snorts, but not because she’s annoyed anymore. “You’re not very evil, are you?” 
“I’m super evil!” 
“Then why’re you hiding?” she shoots back. “Evil kids don’t hide from each other. We fight, like villains.” 
“You’re hiding,” the sand-kid points out. “In the corner with me. That makes us both not very evil.” 
Uma’s chest does a little flip at that. She’s the most evil. She’s just…plotting. “I’m taking a tactical retreat. To plot my next move. I’m super evil. Even more than you, blondie.” 
The kid shakes his way loose of the sand pile. He’s really blond, more than just the little pieces of hair that were sticking out with his nose before. He’s like a bleached broom, all pale and fluffy and covered with dirt, even though it’s mostly sand.  “It’s okay to hide with me. If you want. I’m Gil.” 
Uma sticks out her hand to shake like her mother does with new staff. “Uma.” 
She squeezes, just like her mom does. It’s not quite the same, because she doesn’t have tentacles and octopus strength behind her grip, but that’s okay because she shouldn’t care what some loser who buried himself in the sandbox thinks about her. 
He squeezes back. And smiles. 
What a weirdo. 
“You’re cool!” Gil announces, dropping her hand abruptly. “You should come meet my other friend!” 
“We’re not friends,” Uma says, because this is important to her. She doesn’t have friends anymore. She has enemies and people who aren’t her enemies yet, and she’s the coolest, evilest, most independent future-ruler of the school. She doesn’t need friends, not like that stupid fairy. She’s better than that. Better than all of them. “I don’t have friends.” 
Gil blinks at her. He’s tall, and he’s got big arms, Uma realizes. He could probably throw a rock a lot further than she can. He could get one all the way up to the second or third layer of the tower, maybe. “I have friends.” 
“No, Gil. Villains don’t have friends. You can be…” 
It’s a bad idea. It’s a monumentally bad idea. Villains don’t have friends, and she shouldn’t want to use weird boys who hide in the sandbox, but she doesn’t have many other options. “You can be my sidekick,” Uma finishes. “Just for today.” 
Gil beams at her. “I like that! I’ll be your sidekick every day, Uma. Let’s go get Harry now!” 
He grabs her hand and starts tugging. 
He stops. Perfect. A useful sidekick follows orders. 
“I’m the leader,” Uma explains, tossing her braids over her shoulder. “That means I lead the way, and you’re the one who follows me.” 
“Oh. But– but I know where Harry is, and you don’t know him yet, so I could show you? If you want?’ 
Sidekicks. Never the brightest. “You can tell me where he is,” Uma explains. “And then I can lead us both to him. Because–” 
Gil picks up on the cue this time. “You’re the leader, and I’m your sidekick. Got it, Uma.” 
“Perfect! Now, where’s my sidekick number two?” 
Gil frowns. 
He spins in a circle. 
Oh, evil.
 “Is he real?” Uma asks, with enormous patience, considering the circumstances. Playground exile is no laughing matter, and she can still ditch this kid if he’s the sort of baby who still talks to imaginary friends. It’s not like anyone still believes in ghosts, not when they can’t die on their island. 
“He’s totally real!” Gil instsis, still spinning. “He’s the coolest ever except for you and he’s got a red coat and he steals crocodile teeth from his sister Harriet and he’s got real fish in his lunch and– there he is!” 
He points to a teeny, tiny little stick of a kid with the craziest black hair Uma’s ever seen, and yes, okay, a red jacket. 
A kid who’s in the middle of being thrown off the tower. 
“Okay, blondie,” Uma laughs, over the sound of Harry’s shriek as Gaston Junior pitches him off the tower platform. “We’re mounting a rescue mission.”
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free-my-boy-grumbot · 8 months
Snicketober prompts
I don’t have the time or energy to do an art challenge but i definitely can make one! here u guys go <3
1. Baudelaires
2. Sugarbowl gen
3. Snickets
4. Death
5. Dragonfly
6. Dark Avenue
7. Theatre troupe
8. Prufrock
9. Underrated character
10. Disguise
11. Reptiles
12. Lucky Smells
13. Least favourite character
14. Favourite character backstory
15. Last safe place
16. Favourite ship
17. Quagmires
18. Hospital
19. Madame Lulu
20. Mr Poe
21. Anwhistle
22. On the lam
23. Island
24. Courtroom
25. Mycelium
26. Marriage
27. Mount Fraught
28. Denouement
29. Canon divergent
30. Poetry
31. Favourite ASOUE book
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if someone does this that will actually be so cool and swag thanks
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satancopilotsmytardis · 11 months
Holy shit your writing for my last ask was so good!!!!!! Thank you so much for answering I can't wait to read it several times lol. I gotta send in another one because I feel like this ship is criminally underrated and you write them so well so, smiling while kissing for Shigahawks?
Okay so I had actually already started this one without being prompted as a ShigaDabiHawks, but I did rework it to focus more on ShigaHawks so I hope that's okay!
Prompt: Smiling while kissing
Falling in love, Hawks thought, was supposed to be messy. He will readily admit that he doesn't have the most experience with the phenomenon, his work and training kept him far too busy for those kinds of things. But his expectations had been set by Rumi. Or rather the exorbitant amount of romance movies she made him watch with her and the books she told him about at length whenever she found a good one. Expected passion, misunderstandings, and complications that tore the two apart over and over until they finally overcame them all and had a happily ever after in the end. 
He was sorely mislead in a myriad of ways. Because Hawks has found that falling in love is so easy and that apparently it can be three instead of two. That it's possible to fall in love not because someone is bringing flowers, or defending your honor in a tournament, or any of the other things that seem common in the stories Rumi likes, but just through little things. Just from starting to know each other. That, Hawks has found, he can fall in love with the smell of cigarettes and the pretty gleam of staples that hold together someone as violent as that method of healing is. And can love slow, deliberate movements of hands that are so desperate to be careful so that nothing they touch gets destroyed without his permission. That it's so, so easy to fall in love with soft words, and clever tongues, and beautiful, vibrant eyes. That he might not even notice he was in love at all until it happened. 
Falling in love with Dabi was like a flashpoint of passion. His bird instincts loved the patterns and pretty metal speared through his skin. The human part fell in love with lazy eyes, violent smiles, a barely concealed cleverness that always saw right through him, and words that could always cut to his core. It had been quick to catch and so hot that Hawks is pretty sure they're both going to walk away with fresh burn scars if the flames manage to go out before they consume them. 
Falling in love with Tomura Shigaraki was like being drowned. He fought it at first. Didn't think he was allowed to have a second when he already shouldn't have the first. But it was so hard to fight. Because Tomura isn't what he expected any more than Dabi was, than what he thought love would be like. Tomura was far more patient than he'd expected, level-headed too, calculating. And so caring. Is going to tear down the entire world to rid himself of the darkness wrapped around his heart, but still has room in it for his friends, for him. Will make sure that no matter what, the things they love, the things they want saved, are never touched by his destructive quirk. Will go out of his way to make sure that they are alright. Hawks wasn't expecting that. Went from desperately trying to escape the pull he felt towards the other man to letting himself be smothered in that blanket of affection and attentiveness because god, has he ever had that before? 
"Where are you, little bird?" Tomura's lips press lightly against his temple. They're in their room at the villa, he's sitting on the window sill. A rare day he doesn't have hero work. Was trying to pretend for a little while that he was one of the heroines in Rumi's books. That he got swept off his feet by a billionaire and this was his expansive home. Not the reality that this is an insurgency's base. That someday, probably someday soon, this will be a battlefield and remembering sitting on this sill, being in their bed, will be something that hurts him. If he survives it at all. It's so weak, cowardly, but he hopes desperately that he won't have to fight either of them when that day comes. Doesn't know if he'll be able to do it. Doesn't want to make them kill him. Thinks that, once the dust settles, if they get out, they won't feel as righteous about killing him as they might in the moment. Doesn't want them to have to carry another hurt that he forced on them. 
Can't say any of that. Turns to Tomura with a little chirp. The sound makes his eyes go even softer on him. Loves to hear him being himself, will tell him so often how much he loves those sounds, as often as he tells him how much he loves his wings. Not because they're useful, not because they're weapons, but just because they're part of him. Because they, like his talons and the markings around his eyes, are things that make him who he is. And Tomura loves every part of him. Every part of him that he's been allowed to see at least. Won't love the rest of it when he finds out. Breaks his heart even as he smiles. That hasn't happened yet. The truth of why he sought out the League will come. But that doesn't get to poison this space. Not yet. 
"Right here, waiting for you." Reaches for him and is allowed to, wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him closer. Sees Tomura's lips curve up into a smile before they press softly against his own. 
"Mmhmm," his mate hums against his mouth, "waiting for coffee." 
Meets Tomura's smile with one of his own, because, yeah, there are two mugs in his mate's hands. Because Tomura likes coffee, but knows Hawks is severely addicted and always gets out of bed first so that he can bring him a mug. A small gesture but one that makes Hawks fall in love a little more every morning he spends with the other man. Can't help how his feathers shiver and fluff. Sees Tomura track the movement before leaning around to set the mugs on the sill before curling two careful hands around his waist. Is still smiling when he kisses him again. His heart squeezes sharply in his chest. Tomura, Dabi, the whole League are so expressive when they're behind closed doors, and even then, Tomura, Dabi, and Toga always smile often and wide. But those smiles are so different than the one pressed against his mouth right now. Those smiles are sharp and full of teeth that are just begging to remind the world how hard they've had to learn to bite to protect themselves. 
This smile is small and soft, fills up his eyes and skin with warmth. This smile tastes like the sunshine and ozone during a perfect summer flight. Makes him believe for a second that they're just Tomura and Keigo. That there isn't an army preparing itself for war beyond these walls, that he's not a spy who's going to have to tear it all down because that's what a hero would do. Wraps his arms tighter around his mate's neck. Kisses him harder, wants to memorize the feeling of that smile against his mouth. Needs to have this moment to look back on, to cradle close to his heart when it all disappears again. 
Rumi's romances mislead him in a lot of ways. He knows that when they're torn apart there will be no coming back together. No happy ending for the three of them. But he thinks that their lessons on how badly heartbreak will hurt were correct because his heart is already in pieces in his chest and he hasn't even lost them yet. 
Thanks for submitting! I'm still accepting prompts from this list!
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regaliasonata · 5 months
Conner McKnight, Tommy Oliver
Character Ask: Conner McKnight
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First Impression
-Alright tbh, he didn't stick out too much to me. On one hand the idea of being selfish in not wanting to be a ranger is very understandable but he kinda came off as a jerk(and the women stuff he talked about got old fast...)
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-Like him now, he still has his moments but Conner really holds a piece that each of the rangers give to the table to make everything whole.
Favorite Moment
-the moments where he fights or hangs our with Trent, there's also "Lost In Translation" which is always a nice callback.
Idea For A Story
-Based a bit on "Lost In Translation", Conner traveling the many universes to find his twin Eric.
-Conner/Trent and Conner/Ethan are really underrated. Squeeze in Conner/Dustin and we got ourselves even more of a party.
-Conner/Kira, obviously these two are best friends. Conner/Past Red rangers but it's mainly one sided as they either try to let him off easy or are annoyed by the pestering.
Unpopular Opinion
-Not sure how I feel about him being a leader, the idea is alright but I would've like to have seen Ethan probably taking control. Heck even Kira, though it's better like this so that way Tommy doesn't fully get the veteran card in having free reign amongst the group.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-Too.Much.Forms....dude got three power ups and yeah I get each ranger having a super mode balances it out bit when the shield drains everyone else's energy and on top of that getting a battlizer it seems like overkill. (Plus if they ever adapted the Abaranger movie then he'd have 4....GIVE EVERYONE ACCESS TO THE SHIELD TO BALANCE IT OUT COME ON)
-He secretly wishes to have one of the other zords as his main.
-Due to seeing Abaranger he tapped into the grid and found other dimensions that have sentai teams and watches them like shows.
-He's got a thing for guys but still is new to it, just trying to understand a few things about himself.
-There's a secret wallpaper he has of the red rangers from the past teams....definitely not a crush thing, jokes aside he really admires some of the red's and wouldn't mind getting training lessons.
-During college Kira became a base player for a Japanese band and after attending a concert Conner became a japanese rock fan(TK from Ling Tosite Sigure, any Tokyo Ghoul fans out there).
-He actually attended the Wind Academy before Reefside but was forced to transfer back because his parents like to keep control over one sibling(seeing Conner the problem child), of course he retained an element and uses wind.
-Hugs, dude loves hugging his team.
-Sometimes it's nice to take the raptors or motorcycles out at night and stroll around the city. Especially when it's raining and he's got the music blasting from his speakers.
-Due to the dino gems the rangers each have a permanent mark from using them. Conner has a barely noticeable scale pattern on his neck leading down to his upper back, a bit like a cool wing mark.
-Conner will never admit it but he really loves it when a date, no matter guy or girl, gives him a bouquet of flowers. He's got a high sense of smell and the aroma rocks him to the core, reminds him of a simpler time and he even keeps one in his apartment.
-He became Trent's fashion model for two years and only relied on getting clothes from him because they are so stylish.
-He loves decoding with Ethan and even carries the blue ranger to bed sometimes whenever he falls asleep in his personal lab.
-Despite his best efforts he's hasn't been able to keep in contact with Tommy over the years. When they do meet up it's usually some small interactions like going to other planets or seeing other rangers. Due to this Conner went searching for mysteries himself and almost found Solon's ship on accident, in another timeline Conner became a Dino Fury ranger before 2023.
-Kira pretty much is like a sister to him and the two bicker all the time with the other team mates betting on who will be the one to make up in the end.
Character Ask: Tommy Oliver
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First Impression
-Cool as heck, especially with seeing him as a kid in DT and finding out he had more appearances with the series prior, like legendary as heck
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-still cool and stuff, love the depth I've learned about him over the years and he's definitely iconic in my mind. A bit of a reach whenever he's put on a full pedestal all the time because it does take away from everyone around him so it's nice to have some atmosphere when gives spotlight to others.
Favorite Moment
-Actually have yet to choose one but his first morph in DT is very iconic.
Idea For A Story
-Trying to piece his soul together with the lost fragments(2 reds, 1 white, 1 black and 1 green).
-Tommy/Jason, Tommy/Billy and Tommy/Adam because I love these three.
-Tommy/Kimberly, Tommy/Katherine, Green and pink always an iconic duo.
Unpopular Opinion
-Too much focus on Tommy, yeah he's THAT dude and we know it but let's not act like there isn't any other iconic rangers throughout the franchise to speak about.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-Just a scene or two of him brushing his hair or even having Jason do it....like imagine how fun that could've been.
-Blowing the dragon flute out of his suit for laughs like the famous JDF meme.
-Seeing him and Zeltrax have a moment considering Zeltrax as Terrance Smith and the colleague of both Tommy and Anton. Plus it's darker when you find out Terrance had no family or connections before them so he kinda died in the end as Zeltrax without anyone remembering him. Like imagine Tommy finding out that he indirectly caused him to become a cyborg. In a perfect ending Zeltrax gets some peace in his demise and both Tommy and Anton set up a memorial for him.
-No matter who he's dating Tommy is a complete diva about his hair and needs specific products to keep it managed. Whenever someone compares the couple he loves his significant other but hair is HIS domain.
-He's a former Loreal model and has so much money saved up from those days. Katherine said one day that she'd shave it off just for fun and now he sleeps with his door locked.
-Tommy loves cooking and has a meal no matter what team he's on waiting after a mission.
-The main reason why he wanted to make Biozords was to possibly make them small and have pet zords to hold whenever a day gets stressful.
-In secret he wants to be a pink ranger just once, like to see the hype but considering his status it he might ruin it for other pink rangers because then the label about them will all be washed away under Tommy's legacy so he refrains.
-Before taking up martial arts he was into gymnastics and fencing for two years, hence why he's such a good sword fighter. Though compared to Casey, the Shiba siblings and the Rafkonian knights he's outclassed.
-He scammed the Reefside school district out of 20 million dollars.
-He still has a few of Jason's shirts to wear.
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92-guy · 1 year
Your rate of the ships and why.
Thank you very much for asking, sorry for taking so long, but I wanted to answer your question as best as possible, so here are my top 5 favorites ships (Not in a specific order)
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Probably the most famous ship on this list, if this is your favourite, you're picking the safest option, maybe a bit overrated, but still a very good one.
Now, I believe that this couple is what we all wanted to be when we were children, to be outgoing and find someone just as fun, kind and trustworthy, who would not leave us alone in our nonsense and on the contrary would make us see the beauty of our differences. their parallelism and differences in personality and physique seem to me to be one of the best things between Disney and Dreamworks, and I consider that Jack was the direct response towards Rapunzel, taking inspiration from her to make the "Perfect boy" for a generation of people, while Although Rapunzel is not talked about much now, she is the kindest princess Disney has ever created (and still is).
Depending on what AU you have of them, I think they would make a very good and fun Sitcom in any AU.
I once read that someone compared them to Nightwing and Starfire and I couldn't agree more with that.
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They are cute
I like how they look together and they give me Spider-Man and Mary Jane vibes if only Spider-Man had good character development and could mature.
I like the fact that she is an outgoing and creative girl, with an introverted and witty boy, Hiccup would be the first to fall in love with her, trying to do whatever it takes to make her notice him, supporting her with painting, teaching her everything he could. she knows about dragons, drawing, even asking them to make a small smithy so she could use it as a kitchen and both of them will cook together while in Berk.
And I can't stop seeing them in this situation
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At first I didn't think I could like them that much, but I saw in them a kind of connection that I don't know how it worked, both wanting to enjoy the moment and without thinking about those responsible, just young being young.
I like how their relationship could not be supported while they are at peace, but at the moment of the action they know that they make the best team, synchronizing their movements and knowing what the other wants, and from that connection a tender love would arise where both did not want feel the love for the other, but it was inevitable, the jokes of both would begin to be excuses to get closer to the other, which Jack would love the smell of Merida and she would love the frozen sensation of Jack and fly with him.
The only thing that I think is bad about this relationship is that they would probably need to go to therapy, because they would not be very easy to open up their feelings, especially when something hurts them, so as not to appear weak to their partner and when they have an argument. or problem, they would rather solve it with… “action” than talk about it, they would be much like Ron and Hermione.
(But these are things that can be fixed with therapy, go to therapy, it's better than you think)
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For the rest, I think they are a very nice couple and their relationship with the team would be one of those who always look for fights.
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A extremely underrated ship, but I find it a very interesting couple, an outgoing and impulsive boy who lost his younger sister, while she is an outgoing and impulsive girl who lost her older sister for a long time.
Clearly they would create a bond, Jack taking the role of older brother that Anna always wanted to have with Elsa, but she couldn't, while Anna would take the role of younger sister and mother at the same time, being protective of Jack when she wants to. doing things without thinking, a bit hypocritical, because if she's involved with him, she's willing to follow him, which almost always ends with something broken.
Besides that Anna would help him with Jack's mommy issues.
Their relationship seems to me that it would be friendship first, going on to treat each other as brothers and family, Anna over protecting Jack and Jack feeling the crush first, followed by Anna, both are afraid of their feelings, after all, they were like brothers, but Anna, as the dominant in the relationship, decides to face the situation and here there can be two ways out, or they end up like Steve and Peggy from the MCU
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I have to admit, this is my personal favorite.
I have to admit that I was one of the people who supported that Elsa was lesbian, or should be asexual, and that she shouldn't have any ship, but then I met Hiccelsa, and it totally changed my mind, this became my ship favorite, since they are not only 2 of my favorite characters, but also because they perfectly represent opposites, Elsa representing ice, immovable, cold, serene; while Hiccup represents fire, unstoppable, warm, passionate.
Their ship reminds me a lot of Superman and Wonder Woman, a fair and upright woman, with a kind and understandable man.
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In addition, it seems to me that they would be a very mature relationship, where if they were fighting they would not speak to each other, but they still want to help the other, because they love each other and an argument will not separate them.
I don't think they fall in love instantly, but they would start as friends, they respect each other until they form a good friendship, Hiccup being Elsa's first "best friend" and what begins to attract them is their attitude, Elsa without fear to the unknown and willing to give everything to protect others, while Hiccup being a selfless hero, and willing to go against his superiors to do the right thing, even being just a man without a leg, attitudes that each would attract.
In addition, they are dramatic that if you stop watching them for 2 seconds they are already posing.
And their relationship with "The big 6" would be the father and mother of the team, obviously.
Believe me when I tell you that it took me longer to figure out what to remove so that this space wouldn't be so long, than to describe why I like this ship so much.
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vvivacious101 · 10 months
Rewatching RWRB ALREADY?!
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I rewatched the film. And, I can say this for a fact that I liked it a whole lot more the second time around and I already liked it the first time around but watching it for the second time made me appreciate it a whole lot more!
This has never happened in my life, I have never rewatched a movie in a single day! So, RWRB is making my personal history as well.
I remember the director mentioning the fact that Nick or Taylor are in every scene of this movie and they really are! They really carried this film.
Under the cut are all my thoughts that I had while rewatching this movie for the second time. There are spoilers galore. So, you have been warned!
Also, if you make a drinking game out of every time I use the word 'good' you will be dead by the time you reach the end!
With all that out of the way, let's get into it!
"When the revolution happens it will be because of this wedding." Henry's first line in the movie is so underrated!
Cake-gate is AMAZING! I love the fact that Henry pushes Alex down while getting up! Poor guy deserves a little revenge. I had never heard the song ‘Bad Reputation’ before but I'm in love with it!!
Everyone who said Zahra is the BEST thing in this movie is right. I can't get over her railing Alex with a pillow.
“What if I set myself on fire?” Alex is the king of comebacks! “We'd ship the ashes to Heathrow.” But no one is getting one over Zahra.
Taylor as Alex is so good! I can't get over how perfect he is!! Also, I love how Henry is just upstaging Alex in the damage control portion of this movie. Like, Henry's revenge arc is not over yet!!
I feel bad for Alex, every time he tries to one-up someone he just ends up backing himself into the corner.
The beginning of it with them flailing around is peak physical comedy and then Henry just casually admits to smelling Alex... it's too much and it's only starting.
I just love how Taylor fidgets in this scene, he is like trying to find space for himself so badly but when he turns to confront Henry that moment is so good!
“I need to get out of here.” Ugh, I feel for Henry.
Okay the threat neutralized bit is comedy gold. I hope it becomes a viral meme!
We need to talk about Oscar. There is something very weird about Alex's parents. I feel like the writers of the film were very conflicted about their relationship and instead of having them be together or be divorced, they just left them in limbo. We never see Ellen and Oscar interact in the film. In the one scene, they do appear together, Alex is in the middle and it feels weirdly symbolic like he is literally the thing keeping them together.
We need to talk about this coffee shop scene. We all hate Miguel. But seeing Taylor as Alex in this scene is everything. He comes across as so charismatic and gorgeous. Just look at him!
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We have got to talk about how many strong female role models Alex has in his life – his mom, Amy, Zahra even, Nora.
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Zahra literally puts on a lot of hats in Alex’s life. She is like his big sister, substitute mom and friend and she does all this while looking supremely put out with Alex. This one’s a multitasker.
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This is what I actually want to do in parties!
Henry is so awkward, I love how squeaky he sounds when he first meets Alex at the New Year Eve's party, poor boy is so awkward. And, then when he gets left alone he just completely shuts down. Henry, I love you!
I love how Alex just pulls Henry onto the dance floor.
Henry isn’t even dancing he is just getting progressively more drunk and flustered.
Henry looks so devastated in this scene. I literally feel for him. But, I can’t get over the fact that the song playing in the background is 'Magic' originally sung by Selena Gomez for Wizards of Waverly Place the movie. I loved hearing it here even though they are using a remix in this instance.
Their first kiss is so GOOD! I have seen it umpteenth number of times thanks to the trailer but it hits me in the feels every time. Also, I love how panicked Henry is and how shocked Alex is after the kiss.
“More like the first 50 rows of a Gaga concert kinda gay” is absolutely sending me. Also, accurate AF.
Not Alex being completely distracted by the sight of Henry!
Amy and Alex's moments are so GOOD! I really love the casting for Amy!!
IMHO all of Amy and Alex’s scenes should become viral memes, they are all so good!!
This entire RED ROOM sequence is so epic with Alex trying to decide how he should be standing when Henry comes in, to the ending when Amy barges in and Henry starts looking at the books so intently and whatever the hell Alex is trying to do. Oh god!
Like Stonehenge!!! (IYKYK)
Poor maypoles. I really love this scene. There is a reason we got a teaser for it, their chemistry in this one is off the charts!!!
This kiss is my absolute favourite no wait isn't the bicep kiss my favourite but this one is up there. It's so good. The way he pushes Alex and kisses his smile and then stares at him. Ugh so so so good! This teaser might have come close to the trailer in how many times I watched it and you may remember that the trailer came way earlier.
Oh god, Henry is so goddamn happy and SMUG as he says, "Yeah, agreed". He literally goes through every emotion under the Sun in this movie.
Wait a minute! WAIT A MINUTE! I didn't realise this the first time around but as Henry stands in the doorway he seems to be taking a mental picture of Alex and HOTDAMN. Fodder for the spank bank apparently.
The cafe scene is so good. The banter, the eye contact, the flirting, the blushing!!!
"And I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz was a mouthful." "He is."
Oh God! So good!!
"Only momentarily", that scene is so angsty. When Henry flinches it is its own goddamn scene!
I really like the "I'm so not playing this cool right now" moment. His apprehension is so delicious. I'm sorry Alex but it is and when he just puts his head down on Henry's shoulder in defeat. So good!
Let's talk about the sex scene! It is better than I remembered. I really like the kiss they share after Henry tells him that most people are wrong about him. And the thing with the hands. Listen I read a post about it being an old Hollywood thing but man if this is an old Hollywood trick it was masterfully employed. I just loved their hands and how Alex's hand is going down to meet his (imitating penetration) and then how Henry's hand opens up (imitating release) followed by the withdrawal of Alex's hand. This is genius why did people stop doing this! Also, Nick's expressions in the penetration scene are so goddamn... WOW. I don't know how to describe them but holy shit that is some explicit stuff. But what I think I love the most regarding this scene is how intimate it feels like the camera almost feels like an intrusion on a very very private moment because the scene itself seems to depict an intimacy between these two characters that is beyond just sex.
I have got to give it to Taylor he really held his own in this scene with Uma Thurman. Like WOW!
Okay, wait there is another scene with Alex and his parents which I completely blanked out but it still leaves me with the same sentiment regarding the state of his parent's marriage.
Say it with me! Happy Henry is my serotonin!
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Zahra really lays into Alex and Henry. "Little Lord Fuckleroy!" WTH! Henry's expression at the end of it all is so good!
This scene between Alex and Ellen is so heartwarming. I think it might be their best scene together. I love how there is this implication that things aren't right as Ellen picks up the phone but then it's undercut by the fact that she is only ordering pizza. I love how Alex's uncertainty over his mother reacting negatively is undercut by her acceptance.
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The moment on the lake is probably my favourite part of this movie because it highlights the fundamental difference in Alex and Henry's positions.
Henry's situation isn't time-dependent or a for-now problem it is a forever thing and Nick's expressions in this scene are heartbreaking. But, despite where it ends up going I really love their interactions as the scene starts. Alex and Henry are so happy and touchy-feely. I just love the intimacy of this moment even though it leads to heartbreak.
Also, Henry jumping into the lake to escape a love confession is a whole-ass mood.
So someone pointed out that the transition from Henry's bedroom to the V&A is a bit iffy and it is. It totally is. I also don't know if I get what point Henry is trying to make with the whole trading one prison for another thing but the ending still makes the whole rift come together. I really want to know how this is handled in the book because I need clarification on the minutiae of this scene and how it came to be.
We have seen Henry and Alex in the same bed atleast three times now and this third time is the best. I love how Alex is holding Henry's wrist and how Henry smiles his little smile.
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Henry is really conflicted at this tarmac, isn't he? And, things are just going to get worse.
I really like Alex's speech and how it's intercut with scenes of Henry literally trying to make himself smaller followed by scenes between Alex and Heney that we haven't seen so far. I especially like the last scene in the woods. Did I mention happy Henry is my serotonin?!
I really love Zahra's expressions in this scene. Zahra and Alex have some of the best scenes. These two really play very well off of one another.
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The scene when Alex calls Henry baby. I remember reading someone say that they wanted this thing to be a whole ass thing and it was. It was a thing. I love how they utilised this endearment to further this moment.
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This piano scene is so beautiful. These two really love each other.
I really like how Alex picks up Henry's nervous habit of fiddling with his ring.
So, we are here on election night and I just love the scene in the hallway with Alex and Henry and that hug. It's so damn cute and wholesome.
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I really like the ending of the movie. It's kind of a nice allusion to Henry and Alex having a home together.
I really also love the end credits with the actors' names because in the end you have Nick and Taylor and you can see them playing with their pinkies. This scene is actually in the movie it's only that when it appears in the movie you are distracted by everything happening with the King. But, it is positively the cutest thing ever.
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Also, the end credit scene. "Do you think anyone noticed?" You betcha Alex we did!!
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lmk-aus-galore · 1 year
Cinema Sins/Wins Rip off of Lego Monkie Kid
Bad Weather, Season 1 Episode 1
Finally doing this again bois!
Inspired by @satansaidmyturnintheh3llscape
-I won’t be counting Animation Mistakes, because Idk how to do that, and I myself am a beginner animator (more like incredibly amateur, to the point I’m asking my sister for help) Unless of course the Animation is obviously and clearly having a mistake for me to watch. (Or it is said in the wiki) The other reason is because I don’t want to keep repeating a scene just to check for an animation mistake.
-I also won’t be counting flashbacks as ‘mistakes’ because most of them are based on bias.
-I’ll be formatting it like this
-Most of this is Commentary, so there won’t be a last sentence nor win or sin counter.
-This is mostly for fun, no need to get offended.
Alright I’ll be placing the rules every single time, without further ado, let’s get into the episode
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-And we already start off with a summary of the pilot, kudos!
-Season 1 already establishes the feeling of bias, like look at MK, and that’s how the people see him, no wonder SWK’s flashbacks don’t treat him like the goofy ass jester he seems to be.
-MK reiterating this reminds us why they are called as kids when they are literally grown adults…
-Is Pigsy seriously understaffed? Like he says he pulls a ‘quadruple shift’ and refers to everyone slacking off, not just MK who we know, ACTUALLY works there, not only that but Mei helps him in the Season 2 special and he’s shown to have no other staff…no wonder he’s a little anxious of the shop going out of business, he literally only has one person working for him and it’s MK!
-Tang also calls Pigsy ‘Piggy’ actually Sandy does too- the only one who doesn’t is MK who calls him ‘Dadsy’
-This is why you don’t play around when someone is working with a giant crane.
-Main character death number 2
-Pigsy is either still traumatized of MK nearly dying in the pilots or this is the writer’s already establishing that MK was adopted by Pigsy.
-Also as much as I love Dad Wukong, Dadsy best dad for the win.
-Also Pigsy for the win for teaching him responsibility with using powers.
-Mei got too much free time in her hands…
-Looking at the team base, it looks like it’s either underwater or part of the ship.
-Pigsy and MK asking the real questions fr
-Sandy building a secret base is a win in my book. Appreciate Sandy and Mei more fandom! APPRECIATE.
-‘An Eon trapped under a mountain’ I hate to be too literal but an eon is 0.5 billion years
-On the other hand this is sad because he thought he was trapped for a billion years…imagine that, in total darkness without having to see your wife and son.
-Again what era is this in? Because that’s some high-tech shit to control the damn weather. And we know that China at least ATTEMPTED it…I think?
-I like that when the characters show you can hear their theme songs in the background.
-Red Son seems to be broadcasting this as he is video recording, but he also seems to be broadcasting this as if it’s a voice recording.
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-Just How strong is that rain?!
-‘When I’m finished my father will once more DOMINATE the world’ ok, so what I’m getting at is that he’ll flood the whole country so that MK can’t do shit. Which is fair since the rain seems THAT strong…
-Sandy scurrying away at the background lol XD
-‘Don’t just dive headfirst into danger!’ 3 seasons later and they all do it anyway…
-Also you all did that when MK freaking dies in the pilots and Tang was willing to even if he seems to have no battle experience…
-Man having MK as a son must be so stressful for Pigsy XD.
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-Soo how did the others get here?
-‘I thought I smelled garbage, turns out I was right!’ Red Son, bud, you can do better.
-Lol, Mei and Sandy in the background, ngl Sandy, Mei and MK’s trio is WIDELY underrated, like seriously, these three have been paired up FOUR TIMES, and are shown to hang out a lot, like, GIVE THIS TRIO SOME ATTENTION, they’re the ones with the most episodes than Traffic Light Trio. And TLT was only a trio for like, 2 Specials at LEAST, these guys had like FOUR EPISODES with just them together.
-Red Son sitting there unphased just shows that he knows for a fact MK was winning by pure luck alone.
-‘You dorks done beating each other up yet?’ Again he’s unphased, just showing how he KNOWS that MK is soo inexperienced.
-This Episode has the least sins in here, I’m finding it difficult to find a sin-
-‘I guess the GARBAGE takes itself out now!’ That’s better.
-Also, as much as I can understand that the animators were still working on the style for the show, I…still don’t like how it looks in Season 1 tbh-
-How strong is MK for him to create a giant crater when he falls?! Even if he isn’t invincible anymore, he still made a crater.
-Early showcase of MK being a people pleaser for his own good.
-You know with the context of Season 4 I’m wondering if MK allowed Wukong to search his hair but didn’t want to because Wukong is still a stranger to him or…it’s him generally being confused.
-*Aggressively smacks Wukong around as he worries what’s wrong with him.*
-‘In order to have full control of your powers you need self-confidence’ ‘I got self-confidence!’ ‘Nope, you’re just loud’ Way to call him out Wukong.
-But yeah, judging by how Wukong just keeps GETTING NEW ABILITIES with his powers being connected to Self-Confidence, it’s probably a source.
-Notice how Wukong never says that MK’s powers were his, he never says ‘In order to have full control of MY powers.’ He says ‘In order to have full control of YOUR powers’
-Tbh, Wukong being a vague and horrible mentor might come from his time with Subodhi, he’s probably learning how to be a good mentor as he goes, but he probably only has experience from Subodhi and Tripitaka as well- like, Trip might have taught him many things, but it didn’t help that he was captured 24/7.
-And you know how to limit his power, how? For all I know, MK and you are the only ones with your powers.
-I do wonder if the whole ‘invincibility’ thing was probably the reason why Wukong has an everlasting scar on his eyes.
-Ok hold on, why is MK invincible? Why now at least? Like, if he had those powers at birth, why is he invincible? Wukong wasn’t invincible at all, he had to get that invincibility, heck, it was probably from Subodhi’s illegal immortality that Wukong gained…why was HE invincible?
-And they never touch up on this again.
-Man Pigsy cannot catch a BREAK with MK.
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-They also never do this again.
-Damn Red Son can punch!
-Nvm, he does sometimes use that Gold Vision like Marinette.
-Wait why is Tang the only one gagged?!
-I love how childish MK is…
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-Now Tang is no longer gagged.
-that gotta hurt…
-How does MK not have memory loss yet?
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-No but seriously, I’m glad they switched it up a bit in Season 4 because Seasons 1-3 all the villains seem like they ALL were living in Megapolis, like how, why, is it because Wukong lives nearby?
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letmerambleplease · 4 months
Hey everyone! This is my first time doing this but in the following lines I’ll try very hard to convince you to watch a movie. ^^ (Yeah this isn't a balanced review of the movie, more like me just gushing about it) The name is « Sweet Smell of Success » and it’s is really underrated. However, when I went on twitter the other day, I did see that it still gets some love there which makes me very happy! You can rent it on amazon prime.
Ok but first things first. I‘m not a native english speaker so please excuse any mistakes! Also… and this is pretty important, I feel like I need to give trigger warnings because the movie deals with some heavy themes, like abusive relation ships, self harm, questionable sexual situations (sorry don’t know how to describe it) and probably more stuff that you should be midful of when watching it. It is not very explicit though in my opinion, so you won’t see any blood for example on screen. Furthermore (haha I’m trying to remember fancy words from english class ^^‘) I really love the characters as characters, that does not mean I condone any of their actions obviously.
Ok! With all of that out oft he way let’s begin!
Sweet Smell of Success is a film noir drama released in 1957, directed by Alexander Mackendrick. It is based on a nouvelette « Cosmopolitan » by Ernest Lehman and in the main roles are starring Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Susan Harrison, and Martin Milner.
The movie is about a press agent named Sidney Falco (dope name btw) who works under the very powerful colomnist  J.J. Hunsecker. J.J.‘s sister Susie Hunsecker is in a relationship with a man J.J. deems unworthy, which is why he wants Sidney to get them to break up. He himself does not want to ruin his relationship with his sister, who is already getting wary of him. 
I will try to stay spoiler free for this first section. Later on I want to talk about more of my personal viewing experience and will probably get into Spoilers, but I’ll warn you then.
I would like to start by talking about the acting and the characters. The actors are all great but stand outs for me are Tony Curtis who plays Sidney and Burt Lancaster who plays J.J.. Even though the charcters are both very manipulative and horrible people, the two actors play them very differently, which makes it super fun to watch. Sidney is always on his feet and you can practically see how many gears in his head are turning to devise a new scheme. Tony Curtis portrays this very well through nervous gestures and facial expressions. He is also very good at showing Sidneys deceptive side and his charme. The movie establishes his motivation in the very first minutes, which is great because everything he does comes back to a desire to find financial and social success. To achieve his goals Sidney does not really care about anyone, however he is very nice to most people, in case they could be useful later. There are always a lot of people greeting him when he comes into a bar and he himself even says that he is basically keeping up appearances 24/7.
J.J. on the other hand is very calm and seems threatening even in seemingly normal conversations. In stark contrast to Sidney he does not seem that occupied with being nice and keeping appearances because he can get away with it. He doesn’t need to appease someone, peoply try to appease him.
The movie is very interesting because it portrays different kinds of power struggles and power dynamics. From a first glance it seems like J.J. is basically at the top. He is very influencial, super intimidating (like damn, I would be very scared of him in real life) and commands every conversation he is in. But inspite of all of that he still has his limitations. One of his biggest limitations is his sister Susie herself. I think she is the only person he at least tries to keep a friendly relatinship with, while also controlling every aspect of her life. I think he knows that when she decides to leave that he can’t really do anything about it, so he pressures her into staying by intimidating her, while also trying to not push her over the edge. And at the end their whole dynamic switches, which leaves him standing quietly and kind of in a crouching position behind a door. It is a little difficult to explain tob e honest and if you are someone who watched the film let me know what you think.
Another thing is that, while Sidney definitly ranks beneath him in the power pyramid if you will, he still needs him to accomplish his goals. Because as I said before Sidney is very cunning and fast to not only devise a plan but to execute it as well.
There is a lot more to say about the characters and their dynamics however I’ll stop here for now to talk a little bit about how the movie structures it scenes.
Most oft he time the Movie follows Sidney and his schemes, and there are just some scenes here and there with him missing. And it is so much fun to see scenes building on each other, while his plans get more complicated. And to be honest at least for me there never is a dull moment. Because the movie is very good at making even little scenes matter later.
Maybe I can give you an example. These scenes are mostly there to show how Sidney works and acts, so they primarily exist to characterize him and I think they are very cool. So, Sidney goes to J.J.’s Column (I think) where he visits some kind of secretary who has information on what will be printed in the next issue. He flirts with her a little (again showing how charming he can be) however she already knows that he only wants information and tells him about a comedian without existing press agent who will be featured in the paper under the headline « Funniest man in New York » or something similar like that. That scene alone is fine, however it gets really cool when he later meets said comedian. He obvously wants to get hired so he tells the Comedian that he has connections that can get the comedian into J.J.‘s paper (which is a big deal). He then proceeds to fake a phone call with J.J. (It’s hilarious because he just calls his own secretary who hangs up confused about what he is talking about). He pretends to suggest an article about the comedian and even uses the same Headline he found out about earlier. After that he goes back tot he comedian, knowing fully well that the article will be published the next day. And later in the movie the comedian comes back to hire him. (At that point he get’s ignored though, because Sidney has bigger plans). Like, Sidney is awful, sexist, racist, manipulative and overall pretty bad but it is a real delight to see what plans he comes up with.
I want to also mention the visuals of the movie. Because they are gorgeous! The movie is in black and white which I did not like for a long time because I thought it made everything look washed out and kind of dull. However the contrast in Sweet Smell of Succes is very nice! There are bright highlights and deep shadows and the lighting is often used to convey a specific athmosphere. For example when half of the face of a character is completly covered in shadows. Another neat example is how the glasses of J.J. cast some sharp shadows on his face to make him seem more menacing. A lot of it is shot at nighttime in New York, where are a lot of lights, which makes a very cool backdrop.
It is also very cool how each indovidual shot subconsciously tells us something about the relationships between the characters. J.J. is often sitting but takes still more space up in the frame to show his dominance of a scene. Or sometimes the focus of the camera shifts slightly away from a conversation that is happening in the foreground to show Sidney in the back, because he orchestrated the situation.
In general the movie is full of cool, little things and tricks. That is in the script and the visuals. In one of my favourite scenes (not because oft he content but because of how it was shot) Susies Love interest gets surroundet by corrupt police men and before anything happens it cuts tot he drums oft the Jazz band that is playing in the club he just left. Our mind automatically makes the connection that he was beaten up pretty badly, without even seeing it.
Why is all of this important? Well, as someone who likes to watch movie reviews on Youtube I feel like a criticism I hear a lot is that a movie treats ist viewers like they are too dumb to understand subliminal messages and thus becomes boring or even insulting. It is also just a lot more fun to watch a movie that does not take you out of the story wit exposition and instead let’s you figure stuff out for yourself.
This all may sound like Sweet Smell of Success is a movie without a lot of taking. But that is very far from the truth. I would actually say that the dialogue is one of its biggest strengths! Not only informs you a lot about the characters, it also includes some of the coolest lines I have heard in any media. The lines  „Cat’s In The Bag … ” and “. . . And The Bag’s In The River” even served as episode titles for a show I also love very much : Breaking Bad. Side note, Sweet Smell of Sucess is also one of the favourite movies of the creator of Breaking Bad. Haha maybe that’s a more convincing argument to watch it that anything I could say. Anyways, the dialogue is also great at referencing itself at later points and creating awesome foreshadowing. 
I also want to talk about the music very briefly. I think the soundtrack fits the story and overal vibe of the setting perfectly. A cool little easter egg is that the Band of which Susies Love interest Steve is a part of is also the band who made the soundtrack fort he movie.
Just for fun I want to talk about my first viewing experience, which might include Spoilers. Maybe you can watch the movie first and come back later to compare your experience to mine. However the movie does not get ruined through Spoilers. I watched it a few times already and noticed something cool and new almost every time.
 For a little bit of context : I actully only watched the movie because I already liked Tony Curtis. By chance I caught Operation Petticoat on TV. And to be completly honest I just thought he was very handsome, so with nothing better to do I started to watch more movies he starred in. I did not expect to find one of my favourite movies of all time XD So I started watching and the first thing I noticed was that it was interesting to start the movie with the main character already stressed and angry. I feel like normally we get so see the characters in their „normal „ state, which get’s disrupted by an inciting incident. Sweet Smell of Success throws you right in the action though. On second thought, stressed and angry might me Sidneys default state…
Something to know is that a lot of the audience back when the movie was released did not like that Tony Curtis portayed such a scheming character. They expected him tob e a nice guy like he was in pretty much all of his other movies. And the funny thing is, I did too. It took me soooo long to finally realize that Sidney was just not meant to be a nice character. I think in one of his first scenes he even says „I‘m not a good person“ or something along those lines. For an explanation: A lot of the movie was very difficult for me to understand in english, partly because I just didn’t know the words they were using and partly because Sweet Smell of Succes’s story line is not that simple. So fort he majority oft he film I sat there a little confused but still intrigued. And then came the scene in which Sidney tries to persuade a woman into sleeping with a man for his own gain and clearly against her wishes. And I was like „???? that is not ok Sidney! How am I supposed to root for you now? Is this a 50’s thing? Did they think back then something like that was ok?“. And then later when he plants the drugs on Steve I thought for sure he would go back and save him from the police, as a redeeming moment. And when he didn’t it finally occured to me that we weren’t supposed to root for Sidney in the first place. And that is when the movie got super interesting. Because Susie pretty much finds out that Sidney and J.J. were behind the assault of her Lover (though it is a little ambiguous). And she and Sidney meet up in her and J.J.‘s apartement and honestly my heart beat so fast while watching this scene! Because you really don’t know what will happen. If there is a happy end for the main character, that would not be really a happy end, because the main character is a selfish, horrible person.
*Major Spoiler incoming* At the end Susie tries to jump of her balcony, however Sidney is barly able to rescues her. She is obviously very distraught by the whole situation and just in that Moment J.J. comes back home. As I said before the movie is not always very clear with what is going on inside of the minds of the characters however this is how I understood the ending: Sidney got a message from J.J. which ordered him to come to his apartement, however when he arrives J.J. is not there… just Susie. I am pretty sure she called him there to make it seem like he was directly responsible for her death. This way she would have taken revenge on Sidney and J.J. simultaniously, while also escaping her current seemingly hopeless living condition. And I guess this ending would have worked, however it would have been pretty dark. I love happy endings and I think the actual ending is as close as you can get to one with a movie like this. The dialogue is very well written, especially at the end. It is honestly a little to difficult to summerize all the nuances, because there are a lot of lies and truths that are made out to be lies and so on. I think you’ll need to see it for yourself.
I love the ending because it seems like every character gets what they deserve (except for Steve, poor guy is in the hospital) Sidney told Susie the truths about their schemes, which made J.J. turn on him and send a corrupt cop after him. Not only gets he beat up and who knows what happens after that but also are the chances of him achieving the goal he chased after the whole movie : finding succes, pretty much down to zero. Susie finally breaks free from her brother and goes to her boyfriend. I am really glad she did not need to die but instead gets to have a better future, symbolized by a ray of light she walks into in her last scene. You could say that J.J. gets of a little to light, however it is stated that Susie is the only family he has and that he cares for her (though in a crontrolling way). And with her breaking free from him he lost the only human connection he actually wanted in his life. At any rate it feels like a very satisfying conclusion to me.
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russilton · 9 months
5, 8, 24 (other than dantteri)
You should have seen the response I wrote you last night at 3am when I was over emotional and overheated, but tumblr told me to get fucked and deleted it rather than posting, so here we go again
8. Valewis or Britcedes
*looks at blog name, icon, banner, ao3, art posts, reblogs, pinned* idk I don’t like either anon
All jokes aside I don’t hate valewis, I get it a lot, hell I work platonic valewis into every fic it’ll work in. I love all three of them interacting and chase it with an intensity best described as “dog smelling cheese”
But Britcedes is… it’s hero worship yes but it’s hero worship that becomes rock solid partnership. From seeing someone as your unshakeable hero to meeting them and loving them more as your equal than ever before. It’s about George meeting Lewis not only with immovable loyalty but also the confidence to push back and press Lewis, provide him with a challenge that Lewis will admit he loves. George doesn’t just fall over himself to let Lewis lead, he challenges him, makes Lewis think, makes him feel younger and more ready for the challenge of the track than ever.
It’s about Lewis having to face being loved by his teammate while competing, and the mortifying ideal of being known by someone even with the vulnerability that they may use it against him, because George would rather throw himself in front of the bus than Lewis under it. It’s love found in an unexpected place and George reigniting a fire in him he worried was beginning to die out.
It’s also Lewis being the only person George trusts when he tells George to loosen the noose of expectation he tied around his own neck- because lewis can’t pull the stool under his feet if he does. Lewis walked that road and knows it well- he’s the one that can tell George “you have time, and you need to exist off the track” and George listens with a desperation of an elastic band stretches to breaking.
They meet one another at a time both of them are trying to be the best versions of themselves, as everyone tries to pit them against each other. It works because they make it work.
Platonic valewis is amazing and wonderful and great- but it’s just not them
5. Charlos or Piarles
Piarles by a wide margin. I’m not like, a diehard lover of it, but I’m meh on pierre while actively disliking sainz so…
Plus I love the “gay or European” vibes Pierre and Charles have going on. Pierre looks like he says no homo unironically and Charles two brain cells are too busy fighting for dominance to consider if blowjobs make you gay
24. Underrated ship you like?
I answered Albutton for another ask so for this one I’m gonna bend the rules and go for my favourite f2 ship- Jack Doohan/Frederik Vesti. The barely interact except on the podiums they share but the fact they’ve shared SEVERAL and Jack always stares at Fred with a look best described as “that oh moment” is all the fuel I need. I’m a sucker for himbo jock and shy one, made all the funnier by Fred being an inch taller. This boat only has like 5 people but two of them are Kyle and I shouting at the top of our lungs so it works
Ask me F1 silly asks
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tr1ckysp00k · 1 year
Hello and welcome!
Introduction! <3
You can call me Trinity!
I will mostly be writing bob x reader stuff, that goes especially to my new story, just one bite. I will be writing for other types fandoms!
I do draw! My drawing isn’t all great, but I will be posting it nonetheless!
I do repost! Mostly stuff that I think are underrated, but if you don’t want me reposting please let me know! So no inconveniences can happen in the future.
What I will post/write? <3
I mostly post bob x reader! But I do plan on writing bob x *oc* as well!
The reader, aka y/n, is gender neutral! If you’re wanting me to write on a certain gender though, like female, male, transgender, masc, ect+ i’ll be happy too! 😋
What I really like writing is yandere stories or maybe angst! So much tension, and adrenaline! I often read other people’s stories and find inspiration in them!
What fandoms will I write for? :D
Spooky month, ofc
And DHMIS {big fan of this series}
{Maybe} welcome home ☀️
•Nothing Inappropriate just little eery stories between the characters and the reader•
{that’s all for now}
Fandoms I’m in?
🕷️ fnaf
🕷️ Spooky month
🕷️ welcome home
🐝 owl house
🐝 gravity falls
🐝 Kipo and the age of the wonder beast
Do you take request & ask?
Yes! Absolutely! Though, I may or may not respond quickly, I’ll make sure your asks don’t go unanswered!
I do have some rules that must be followed if you are gonna make a request, and if your gonna interact with my page!
Rules that must be followed:
No hatful comments on my work, if you don’t like what I post just scroll! It’s simple!
I don’t want pr-shippers not c0mshippers interacting with my account.
I do have boundaries. I will not be posting anything too inappropriate
I want to keep it 13+, please!
I don’t want ‘Fans’ of APH Interacting with my account.
Nor do I want people who support hatful and nasty behavior {by this you should know what I mean} on this account. I will not hesitate to block you.
What stories are you working on?
The current one i’m writing is a bob x reader story!
‘Just one bite?’
It was inspired by multiple artist in this app, in which I will be tagging! ⬇️
@dib-thing-wannabe /inspiration to my writing!
@grilladrago /inspiration to my writing and art!
@fatdemonlover /inspires my art and writing!
@ech0lesss /inspiration to my writing!
@cringe-croissant /inspiration to my art! And gives me motivation
@shaggyspook/@theogratking inspires my art and creativity!
{send love to these people!}
{I’m sure more inspiring artist will turn up! I enjoy seeing peoples art and stories, yall are so creative!}
How often do I post?
Not much unfortunately
Stuff about me! {just putting this on the table}
I am apart of the lgbtq+! [im pansexual!]
I’m as well a ally of the furry community!
I often draw as a hobby, as well as listening to music! I love various artist in the music industry!
{I’m not a HUGE fan of country music, it’s ironic because I grew up in the countryside LMAO}
I do a lot of writing in my spare time! I mostly like making fanfics {I love receiving peoples recognition off of them :’)}.
I don’t self-ship, but I support it and have no problem with people who do! <3
My bday is in June 23!
Music artist I’m mostly into;
Jack stauber
Lemon demon {I’m in love with the song ‘touch tone telephone’}
Slip knot
Mother mother
Nine inch nails
Black dresses
Crystal castles
And Gorillaz
Weird facts about me cuz why not? :D
• you know when you take out a fresh trash bag {specifically those black hefty trash bags} and it has a certain Smokey smell to it? I love the smell. And it has to be the hefty brand or otherwise it isn’t the same.
• I like cutting the sausage part of the Hot Dog into little bits, then eating them with chopsticks.
• I often collect trinkets and such, and keep them in a small box. I don’t even use them, I just collect them just for the heck of it.
• show me something smaller than it should be and I’ll lose my mind. {I also like collecting those mini brand figurines}
• I space out 24/7
• I cannot stand dry hands or touching anything that is too dry, it can be tolerated but I prefer for my hands not to feel chalky.
• often running out of glue because I’m obsessed with letting it dry on my hands then peeling it off.
• I have a habit of talking to myself.
Thank you for reading!
Hugs and love to all of y’all!
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