#and “hey lets explore the concept of the nature of what it means to be of direct draconian heritage such as the concepts of hoards”
recycledraccoon · 16 days
I think my thoughts on the penultimate episode can be summoned up as disappointment over a potential we didn't get to see, and why that's ok. (This got long, 1.4k oops lol)
Am I a fan of The Rat Grinders? ABSOLUTELY. I think I started liking them even more when they were full-on confirmed villains. As fan's of the edited show, watching with a week between each episode to theorize and think, I loved seeing and theorizing over these 6 fucked up kids. We know Kipperlily prior to the second half of sophomore year, while she obviously still had her anger and jealousy over TBK's it wasn't ENTIRELY unjustified and completely out of control (although some aspects were utterly and absolutely unfounded and ridiculous). Jawbones file mentions her language being "I think Aguefort likes them more", "The school takes it easy on them", and "Half of them don't even go to classes." All of these are true things people in this world would notice. It's not until AFTER their Mountain of Chaos chaperoned trip, at the end of the year, that KLCK switches to "I hate them." The Bad Kids further briefly discuss if Jace would have asked Jawbone/looked for "students with rage disorders." I think specifically mention it being a disorder is important. Acknowledging its there, KLCK WAS trying to get help for an issue she had. They didn't talk to Jawbone about it, but did decide Jace must have given he went on that quest with TRG's. They further briefly talk about students getting randomly mad, and yes they specifically joked about Fabian shitting in class, but WE also remember the Soil club student getting so mad after having gotten that tainted soil. With the 30 Riz rolled, Jawbone's file ALSO specifically talks about Kipperlily loving her adventuring party. We know things weren't perfect, its obvious from when talking about their name change, but its still there and canon. Kipperlily loved her adventuring party. This is all just Kipperlily, mostly with our information from the first part of ep.16. It is not touching on the rest of the members, especially Ruben and his dreamscape we saw, or of his distinct 180 musical tastes POST Sophomore Year Spring Break. The implications of something happening to them during that time is pretty evident and acknowledged. So we're fans, watching a show, spending so much time thinking about not only our infamous protagonists, but also our villains. Many of us adults, getting older, thinking on the tragedy befalling kids and feeling empathy. So yeah. It's a disappointment over an unseen potential. Specifically tho? Its the potential we could have gotten on The Rat Grinder's thoughts and motivations that could have been revealed through dialogue. Dialogue that we got very little of in what could be considered a significant exchange of dialogue and not bits. I always have high narrative expectations from this show, due to its long standing history of SETTING those standards each and every season. This one episode just fell short emotionally while watching, comparatively.
On the narrative side of things, The Bad Kids have had an incredibly stressful past 3 years. From day one, they have been involved in life or death stakes situations. It's always been do or die, and they've died, sometimes more than once. They've lost people and faced traumas that go often unaddressed. TBK's ENTIRE highschool experiences have been a revolving door of violence and unhinged situations. They've also always kinda been assholes, insular and more than a little mean especially to those pegged as enemies. We know them, know they have good hearts and intentions, and love and side with them constantly throughout because The Bad Kid's are our heroes. They are still teenage assholes sometimes, but that is something we love and forgive them for. The thing about this recent battle is that they are very used to the situation they are in by now. TBK's have to prioritize, move fast and hard, and get a job done so countless people don't die while something evil rises in their world. Emotions have been high for them all season, rage especially which is absolutely unsurprising on multiple fronts, and it's absolutely showing in what few dialogue exchanges we have. The Bad Kid's entered that gym for the singular purpose of stopping the situation, saving lives, and making sure something evil didn't arise to power in their fucked up world. Nothing new. They hid, already knowing where the final confrontation was going to be FORCED to happen in due to the nature of the ritual, and prepped. On point and smart of them. Then they entered the battlefield, very quickly getting to business. They know their skills, their friends and how to work together as a devastatingly effective team making heavy hits and masterfully controlling a battlefield despite the chaos. This is what The Bad Kid's Do. They got Ivy and Oisin out of combat as fast as possible, Oisin didn't even get a turn. They took out a high-damage long range attacker and the enemy wizard. They know how powerful and important Adaine is on the field, and they knew Oisin would have been the same. They crippled the enemy with the slow spell, effectively taking Mary Ann out of the running until it gets dispelled later on. Fig saw Ruben's high damage level 9 spell and dropped her ploy to get him out of combat as soon as she could. It was too dangerous to have him up, and while the hell bit was uncomfortable in the moment, it is absolutely on brand. This is what they have to do, if they want to stop Porter, who is our real main big-bad. Remove as many obstacles from the battle so more of them can focus on the fight that really matters.
This combat wasn't ever gonna go any other way, unless the dice gods decided otherwise.
This is what The Bad Kid's Do. In regards to the IH's, it is VERY important to acknowledge that while I've mentioned having high narrative expectations, this is still primarily an improve comedy show around a group of real people's DnD game. It's also a show they have a tight filming schedule for, with back to back days and long hours which we KNOW from the talk-backs leave them very tired. Like any tv show they also have a limit on how many episodes per season they can even produce. I think it was a real and genuine benefit to Sophomore year that they were doing it live, because it gave more time between sessions for the IH's to mull over information and whats been happening in-game. This is also a very well developed campaign world they haven't played in several years, which I certainly know would effect me in how I played. We still have one more episode, the Finale, and so much always happens there. I have incredible faith in Brennan as a DM and storyteller, for all that his players have a huge say in how any story he tells unfolds. There is a VERY real chance that what happens in the finale completely changes my mind on episode 19, and I will go back to rewatch with absolute glee because I know of the coming emotional catharsis in relation to The Rat Grinders. There is also a very real chance we don't get that in the way we want it, but that will be ok too. I will still love this season, rewatch it and laugh and have fun. The best part of having a fandom, is watching us take canon apart to fuel endless au's, fix-it's, character studies, ect. Taking crumbs and going wild with it is par the course, especially when something in a show has left us wanting in the moment of watching it. I think more than anything, I would be and am more upset from infighting and genuine anger directed to each other and especially towards our Intrepid Heroes. It is not wrong to be upset with an episode of a show, but it is to take those feelings out on others, be in in defense from Rat Grinder's fans or justification from Rat Grinder haters. So yes! I was disappointed with this particular episode emotionally. I still think it was funny, I think the combat was brilliant and fun to watch. I still love this show and this cast, and could never dream of being mad at them for how they played a game, and for the fun they were finding within the act of playing it as the well-known unhinged improv comedians we know and love.
I'm excited for next week, buuut I am absolutely consuming fan-content to help deal with my emotions, both the highs and lows.
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ellraiser · 1 month
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Mudborne - Devlog #02
Hey everyone! Been awhile since I opened up Tumblr to write something - I've been trying not to add the pressure to make myself post every single month, as half the time I don't have much to say and the other half making it something I HAVE to do prevents it from being something I WANT to do But it's been a little while of working on Mudborne stuff in between all the final APICO update stuff, and I wanted to share where I've got to so far with your new fav frog game
Back To The Drawing Board
So if you haven't already seen, one of the main things I'm doing with Mudborne is updating the style and the art. The gamejam version was made in a week, and a lot of that was shameless art rips of APICO with some reskins - which was still cute but after working in the APICO "style" for nearly 5 years now I wanted something different. For that I'd already played with a few ideas:
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The game is set in a pond, so I wanted it to be mostly water. This meant thinking about what the landmass or even buildings would be like - I've always found the land style I did for APICO really weird as it's severe top-down but all the sprites are like sortof side view? So I wanted to work with that in mind and have the land match that perspective more. I also really liked the idea of the stone slabs as the land instead of dirt, as it had a nicer overall vibe and helped the mud stand out from the "dirt" of the early ideas. I also wanted to have lots of plants and nature stuff that wasn't necessarily interacted with but added to the overall scene. One thing I really hated with APICO is it relied on the trees/shrubs for balance of the overall palette, so this time I wanted enough flora scattered across the waters to make it look pretty all the time not just before the player has a killing spree with their axe. What I ended up settling on after a few weeks was this:
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As you can see it's mostly water, with some large stone slabs to act as "land" and break it up, and lots of green. I wanted a consistent darker outline for anything you can interact with, which then let me have a lot of "background" flora and scenery.
The stone slabs also felt like a perfect place for buildings - I'd tried an attempt at a few building designs, but overally didn't really like how they fit in with the world
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Having the stone slabs as the buildings felt more natural and the little extra details of grates and drains and windows I think helps sell it more as lived in. Also by having a fixed "size" of the blocks in tiles, I could match that for the inside so all the spaces matched up when going in and out (and also means I'd be able to show "hidden" rooms while inside that give you a clue to how to get into them)
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To finish it off, I worked on the menu designs to see how the UI would fit in - there's some similarities to APICO's basic UI style but I changed the colors a bit and added more space around all the elements. I also wanted some clearer slot stuff, so like mushrooms and their powder/magic mud to have a small icon for the mushroom, buckets to have a liquid icon - I'd made a few sprites in APICO that were far too similar, so I wanted to avoid that this time round.
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I also wanted to keep the main UI as minimal as possible, just some indicators, a current quest log, and then the tooltips if hovering something - this means I've got some flexibility later to add some more stuff. Once I got this coded up I'd tweak a few things, including the design of the titular mud itself, but overall things pretty much match those final concept arts above.
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Lost In A Dream
With that done I wanted to work on the next main part of the design - the dream world. In the gamejam when you dream you visit the big frog god and they tell you your progress, but what I actually want is a whole dream world that acts as an "opposite" to the waking world.
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With APICO I always felt like the gameplay was fun but the NPCs and story and exploration was pretty non-existant. In Mudborne I wanted to expand that, have a similar "maths for fun" genetic puzzle to work on as the core game but then have a much richer world to explore.
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With the dream world I could have things change between the worlds - new doors and rooms appearing, broken bridges now fixed, stone lilypads disappearing. By using the big froggy pools the player can switch between the two, and access new areas they couldn't before, along with new frogs or mushrooms or NPCs. This ends up with a sort of APICO x Metroidvania in a way, you find different mushrooms, create new frogs, and based on the frog genetics you can "unlock" these gates to get to new areas - some part of the main story, others optional to learn more about the secrets of the world, but the different frogs will gate your progress and exploration. It also gives me a lot of scope to do fun things with the differences between the two worlds, whether thats trees turning into jellyfish that float around, or NPCs being different and saying/selling different things.
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It also has some importance within the story itself so I think it should end up as a nice mix of fun gameplay, cool vibes, and a nice story to tell.
Something Old Something New
With the overworld itself I'd done a lot of changes, looking at the gamejam you can see just how much differs, not just colors but the world objects too.
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Some of the items I still liked, like the mushroom designs or the basic tools, some I think make for a fun "nod" to APICO, (like the frogspawn being the honeycomb sprite but modified), with the objects themselves though I wanted to try and match that new "perspective" shared by the stone buildings and the trees.
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I also wanted to start using some more colors and have things less flat, so it was nice to finally move away from a lot of the stuff I'd drawn for APICO. When it came to the menus though, I still think the rough style of menus worked really well - it's been battle tested and I know what worked and didn't, but the UI has always been pretty solid. The main changes I did was update the spacing between elements to give the slots + UI inside menus more space, and then I wanted to change some of the border/header styles slightly and have the tiny lilypad icon in there too. To start with I just fleshed out a bunch of the machines I had in the gamejam plus a few extra ones (also yes thats a slightly different shade of brown to APICO, you have good eyes!)
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I really liked some of the menus have these sort of "mini" interfaces inside that showed a bit more of what is going on in the overworld, so wanted to lean into that a bit with some of the other machines. I also still liked the idea of having some mechanism stuff - for APICO players I appreciate it's lost the charm, but anyone new to Mudborne thats never heard of ol' bee game can still appreciate it!
Maths For Fun
As I started implementing the mechanics some of the menus changed a bit - for the current "vertical slice" I'm making for pitches, the main machines I needed were: - Spawner (frog+frog = frogspawn) - Grinder (mushroom = powders) - Cauldron (mud+powders = magic mud) - Nursery (magic mud + frogspawn = tadpole) - Feeder (tadpole + bugs = frogs) - Bed (skip ahead time)
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The main differences to the gamejam version is the extra step with mushrooms (so that you don't have to find + pick as many mushrooms as you'll get multiple powders from one), the cauldron accepting up to 3 powders that can be the same or different (so one magic mud can have 3 buffs), and the nursery having multiple layers (so you could do 3 different genetic changes or use a +1 mushroom 3 times for a +3 in one step) The nursery change is the most important here, as being able to do 3 buffs at the same time is important as it's part of the genetic puzzle I'll explain later - but it also removes some grindyness, instead of needing to do 3 cycles for a 4 trait to become a 7 trait using a +1 mushroom, you can do just 1.
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The feeder expands the process to include bugs you find to feed the tadpoles - once they grow they'll appear in the overworld as actual frogs again to catch, but this time they might be some new species depending on the genetic modifications you made with the mud. I'm still playing with what the different bugs might do or how which bugs are decided as needed, but I think it gives me a lot of room to play with from a mechanics standpoint. The final "new" machine I needed was the actual teleportation pools - these would have the genetic "lock" that you need to make a frog to match.
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The puzzle starts off simple enough, get a frog that matches the 7 traits the pool requires. Putting a frog in the pool starts the little coloured lines to "move" from left to right, stopping if the number the frog has doesn't match whats needed. Once you have a frog with all numbers matching, all the dots can join up, and the pool unlocks to be used to travel between worlds.
"That's easy" I hear you say, and yes! To start with this is easy enough, sure you might need to combine different mushrooms to counter certain modifications you don't want, but you can cycle frogs as much as you want to keep modifying until you get there. However this is me making a game so obviously I need to then show you something that makes you cry - which is when I introduce the concept of ancestors to the genetic locks
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Instead of just looking at the traits of the frog, it also looks at the traits of the frog of the previous generation, and maybe even the generation before that! So starting from the first "column" you need to jump to the next one in a single frog cycle, using the right mushrooms to modify the numbers in one leap (ha). 
You then might need to do that again (and again) until you have a frog that has each previous generation matching whats expected. There'll be some tools to help you "predict" this, as well as lots of different mushrooms you'll find as you explore that do different things, +1, -1, *2 AND -1 etc. Planning this out is a nightmare as you can imagine...
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Also having 7 traits each with 7 values means a lot of combinations (823543?!?), which means I can "hide" a lot of frogs to be discovered. For example go scroll back up and look at the "finished" concept art without UI for both the waking and dream world - notice that piller on the left? By travelling to the dream you can get the missing numbers that give you a trait "key" you could make to find a new frog.
In this way there can be a bunch of frogs you have to find to progress through the pools to new areas, some frogs you can get through experimenting (what if I do 777777?) and some found through clues in the world. 
What Next?
So right now I've planned out all the mechanics and I've been starting to implement them into a prototype of sorts (in my new favourite engine LÖVE) to make sure it all feels fun and has the right vibe, so lots of little bugs/critters roaming around, a cute day/night cycle, weather etc
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I'm trying to spend more time on little details and effects in the world, all very small stuff but all adds up without the player realising, reflections or pollen or subtle movement. 
The goal is to then finish that as a vertical slice I can use to pitch to publishers, cos although APICO did well that was a couple years ago now, and outside of this final update I essentially have no releases until Mudborne is done so money is pretty tight :')
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While doing that, I'll be continuing on with the game, starting with the first "training" area that will essentially become the demo. My plan is to release the demo later this year showing that first area, while I continue finishing the game to release in 2025 - right now the demo on Steam is still the gamejam version, which while it has some of the vibes it's not the full concept of what I want Mudborne to be, so I'd like to get that updated to really show people what they can have to look forward to.
I have a lot of the full game mapped out now, in terms of the story, areas, npc, general mechanics etc. I'm also literally mapping it out, each area on some graph paper, so will be interesting to see how closely I follow this for the demo + full game, esp. as I've already changed the houses (and is a nice analogue break for my poor eyes)
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As I mentioned at the start, having to force a devlog every month didn't work great for me, I'd rather do larger devlogs now and again to catch you all up with what I've been doing over a couple of months otherwise it feels like I'm scraping the barrel some months when I've been busy on other stuff. I do share the odd video + sketch in Discord now and again, so if you want to come chat about it I'd love to see you there, but I'm committing to do devlogs when I can so you can keep up with everything <3 ~ Ell
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definitelynotshouting · 2 months
ok i read lost and have to confess that i uh, read hunger GAMES au the first time i saw the fic and kept waiting for the plotline to show up, and eventually just accepted hey, unusual spin on the au. it took me a reread of the fic to realise it was just ‘hunger au’ with no games. well maybe some mental games and illness but hey, shrug
thought it was funny enough to share, loved the fic and wanted to let you know :D i love how you characterise the hermits and the beyond impressive world building behind it all
(quick q, when grian’s pulling out the ‘connections’ (forgot how you describe it but the emotion feedin tethers things) between him and the hermits, is that a physical thing he can see or a mental connection? if so, does he visually imagine snapping em?)
Actually i run into this problem all the time when i try to sneakily see if i have any indirects 😔😔😔😔 me when tumblr conflates hunger au with hunger games au and i have to suffer for world's silliest choice in au name
Ooooh im actually really glad you asked this question!!! So the whole thing about "hooks" and "tethers" is that theyre entirely metaphorical, theres nothing physical there and nothing to really see from either perspective, it was just one of the best ways to sorta get the concept of the way Watchers feed across that i could think of at the time. I do think i leaned a little too heavily on it unfortunately 😔😔 so im trying to see if i can dial it back a smidge so it doesnt feel quite so literal every time its mentioned.
The way i actually picture Watcher feeding is as a type of resonance-- theyre almost vibrating at a code level with the correct hertz frequency that lets them repair any damage theyve sustained to their code structure. Its not something really visible, but i like to think when Watchers in their true forms feed, their glowing underbellies brighten significantly, and visible light trails from their fluked tails as a way to shake off any excess. Theres something to be explored there in the process of converting ELF waves into visible light and what that means for them as a species, especially ones that camouflage themselves as adeptly as they do, and what that additionally means for the relationship between light/the electromagnetic spectrum and code itself, but i havent fully dedicated the time to tease that out just yet 😂😂😂😂😂 that may require several physics textbooks, who knows
But yeah to answer your question more directly, its not a physical connection or something that can be directly seen, just more of a way to visualize the concept using inexact metaphors. I do think Grian visualizes them like this because of the natural gap between Watcher and Player minds, and that being how he manages to bridge it for himself personally; so yeah i think he does mentally visualize himself snapping them or pulling them back in, when in reality its just him trying to shut off or pull back a form of extrasensory perception :]
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bastionofthebeast · 3 months
A Test of Will
Hey there! This is a start of a different series than the one I first mentioned in a previous post. I'm just getting back into my writings so I'm exploring different stories and perspectives. Please be patient with my works! This story is NSFT at its core and will become more graphic and lewd in nature as the story progresses. I look forward to writing more of this!
CONTENT WARNING: nsft concept, nsft fantasy, nsft writing, royalty kink, regency kink
Some readers may find this story disturbing due to the use of violence, unwanted touching, or power dynamics.
This story is a work of fiction. The characters are both adults.
Character Profiles
Prince Ash: Age 26, 6'3, long black hair, shaven face, slim but built body, dark brown eyes.
Will: Age 20, 5'7, curly dirty blonde hair, stubble and tanned from working outdoors, slender body, bright blue eyes.
Further character profiles and information will be updated with subsequent chapters. Thank you for reading!
The trampling of footsteps echoed throughout the grand hall. Shadows danced upon the walls as the guard’s torch led the boy towards the dark hallway. The young man, all but 20 years of age with blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes. His small stature made the guard tower over him as he pulled him by his arm. As they reached the end of the maze of hallways, two guards opened the large etched doors. The boy's eyes widened as he saw his destination, the quarters of Prince Ash himself. The guard pushed him inside causing him to stumble to his knees. Just as quickly as he was pushed into the room, the doors slammed behind him. 
“What is your name?” a light voice seemed to sneak its way through the large room.
The boy's eyes darted around the room searching for the source of the soft voice.
“I said, what is your name? I don’t like to repeat myself.”
“My name is Will.” He was barely able to make the words leave his mouth. His hands were trembling. Was he to die here? Did they find out about him stealing bread? His mind was rushing with every thought and fear he had.
“Will, don’t forget to say your highness. Do not be rude.” The voice finally stepped from the balcony revealing Prince Ash. The gold of his doublet shimmering from the moonlight behind him. His long black hair pulled back in a ponytail. Deep brown eyes seemed almost black in the dim light of his bedroom. The Prince took another few steps to the boy cowering on his floor.
“I’m sorry your Highness. I-I didn’t mean to..I wasn’t sure it was–” the Prince cuts him off.
“How long have you worked for my family?” He stepped forward with the authoritative aura that surrounded him. His arms crossed behind his back.
“Eight years your Highness.” He looked down to see his hands shaking uncontrollably. He grabbed his hands and pressed them into his legs. “Stay steady Will.” he thought to himself. “Stay steady.” 
“In eight years, you must have heard many rumors. The handmaids love to gossip don’t they? Whispers travel quite loudly in empty halls. What have you heard of me, young Will?”
Will hesitated. His mouth was trying to form words. He stared at the stone floor, the intricately chiseled details, the shadow of the flames across the stone, the smell of strawberry in the air.
Prince Ash continued his stride towards Will with a slow pace. His boots let out loud but stern thumps with each step. “Speak. Have you lost your voice? What do they say of me? That I am cruel? That I don’t follow the same morals as my father?” He lifted Will’s chin with two fingers. “Go on. Say it.”
“I’ve heard no rumors of such things, your highness. I…I am but a stableboy. I hear not of such things.” The Prince let out a small laugh. He turned from the boy and sat at a table near the balcony. He begins to pour himself a glass of wine. The scent of grapes and alcohol filled the room. The wine was strong, but Ash’s aura of power was stronger.
“Oh yes that’s right. A stable boy.” he lifted the glass to his lips “Now quit lying or I’ll have my guards come in here to pull out your tongue.” 
Will’s eyes grew as panic set in. The shaking wouldn’t stop. He wanted to scream, to wail into the night. But he couldn’t. Each word that sped through his mind never reached his lips. Finally his darting eyes met Ash’s. The intensity in the stare froze him. His heart pounded in his chest. He finally found the words he was meant to say.
“They say you are like no prince we have had before. That you–” Will hesitated for a moment as the prince raised his glass to his lips again. “That you have desires unlike those of the King. That you are…different.” Will quickly turned his gaze back to the floor. Why did he say that? Why would he tell the prince what has been rumored for so long? “Do you believe them?”
“Yes, your highness”
Ash leaned his head back taking one final drink from his glass. He seemed to float from his seat as he stepped to Will, his face now covered with a sly smile. Will felt a chill run up his spine. 
“They are right. I do have…peculiar tastes. Some that others may find barbaric or even blasphemous.” he gripped Will’s hair tightly, pulling him to his feet. They locked eyes with intensity. The room fell quiet. Will’s eyes welled with tears as Ash held his hair with an iron grip. He closed his eyes, waiting for whatever fate was to befall him. But the grip loosens, the prince’s warm hand draws back and caresses his face. 
“You are mine now Will.” Will’s eyes shot open, tears still rolling down his face in fear. “You will do as I say, when I say. For you are now mine.” Ash puts his hands around Will’s blushed cheeks and pulls him in. Their lips touch as the taste of wine is shared between them. Will’s fear seems to melt. The Prince’s hands move down the sides of Will’s body. They are firm yet moved with grace. Pulling him close by his hips the kiss became deeper, more passionate. Their tongues entwine with the kiss, the taste of alcohol and sweat mix as Ash gently moans before pulling away. He pushes him away and turns his back, walking towards his table once again.
“My guards will bring you here tomorrow. Do not disappoint me Will.”
“Y-yes, your Highness.” his legs shook once again. 
What just happened? He was now his? What did the Prince want with him?
The doors shot open and two guards drug him back out to the hallway. His mind rushed with confusion, with panic, with fear. But also it seemed to fill with lust. He couldn’t shake the thoughts. He falls to the ground in a heap in front of the stable house. There he laid staring at the stars. “I am his.” the thought kept repeating in Will’s head “I am his.” He crawled his way to the door, brushing off the dirt and grass that covered him.
He flopped onto bed with such lack of care he smashed his head into the headboard. “I am his.” Will touches his lips gently. He can still taste the strawberries from the wine. The feeling of Ash’s hands on his waist. His eyes close, his smile widens. “I am his.”
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Concepts I’ve thought about
-theme of lostbelt focusing on ‘guilt and memory’ but like this time more obvious
-something something instead of it being ‘just’ the lokapala arjuna alter is unconsciously trying to recreate his own siblings/family with them, though this means instead of kubera/nezha the ashwins would be used possible w a twin servant, or they’d be moved over to asclepius and someone else would get yama
-lb appears to be stuck in the time right b4 the kurukhestra war, cycling over and over in an effort to ‘prevent’ it despite it already in f having
-ashwatthama actively chooses to join arjuna alters side? Instead of the torture thing, as an exploration/continuation of the theme of ‘guilt,’ deciding to side with the people he hurt even if they’re now in the wrong as well out of a desperate attempt to try and right something that could never be fixed out of a nostalgia for a relationship long lost
-parallels between lakshmi bai giving up her life for her country and the youth of hastinapur giving up theirs for theirs? Idk I just feel like some line could’ve been done. Especially bc she also left a young child behind
-karna being forced to confront what ‘good intentions poor execution’ truly means as he witnesses people he knew and respected become warped beyond recognition, being forced to acknowledge his own role in enabling the conflict, once again having to come to terms with his tendency to enable and prioritize his pride and own desires over his common sense
-by which i mean I’ve considered subbing out karna alter over douman just bc it would be funny to have the more og text canon warhawk karna see some fucked up arjuna and be like ‘hey you should keep doing that :)’ while his lancer version is in the bg like ‘bruh’
- focus on the repetitive nature of the cycles, how and why they were reset, what that meant for arjuna alter’s psyche. Really hammer in the increasing isolation and disconnect, and the growing agitation as the inherent nature of humans prevented a world with no conflict no matter what he did or how hard he tried. Talk about what happened to his family and the other gods, and the thousands of years ago. Do a this chair monologue idk something
-parallels between arjuna alter and Asha as people who’s families were torn apart, who struggle to conceptualize their grief as they can’t even remember it. Let them talk at some point.
-look if rama comes into the lostbelt asking about his wife you can at least superimpose her sprite in the sky at the end after arjuna alter dies and have her be like ‘cool I’m not mixed w 400 other gods now. Sorry I can’t hang love you bby xoxo’ like cmon
- I want to see arjuna alter get MAD. Make him cry and scream about how unfair it all is it’s bullshit that it was karna. I want him to rail again the unfairness of having to kill your kin, of how no matter how much you destroy it will never create peace, of how the world he was in was destined to head to a bloody war, just SOMETHING
-let us run koyanskya over w the shadowborder. For fun
-if we have to endure kiara’s 400 hour buddhism monologue then can’t rama explain some like, basic aspects of Hindu theology to us. Why hasn’t that happened yet. Huh?
- you know how the boss fights from Greece-> onwards have their name in that countries’s script? Yeah something in like Sanskrit for here pls
-let us have an actual dialogue w arjuna alter
-let us actually see douman and arjuna alter interact.
-idk fuckin uhhh if Krishna was the guy who allegedly junao was able to absorb everyone through can we like. See what his deal is? In a flashback? Please?
-mention gilgamesh flies his vimana wrong for me. personally
-have a third party who knew arjuna who isn’t karna/ashwa/biased there to talk about what he was like. Idk Bhisma drona someone just let us see more facets of him so we can understand how he got to this state
-hammer in the memory issues. Hammer in the fact arjuna alter’s body is breaking down around him, held together only by force of will. Hammer in the fact he is willing to die to try and save everyone. Really get that beaten in there.
-for me personally given that hindusim features reincarnation heavily it would be nice to at least acknowledge most of the people deleted are probably reentering the samsara (only enlightened people exit the cycle which a flawed being can’t be). He hasn’t necessarily abandoned these people even if he’s treating them wrong.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
First of all, I‘m in love with your work and overall everything you write- like, you‘re reallyyy talented! I started following you because of Scara but now I‘m kinda here for Chrollo tbh.
I just wanted to ask, what’s your favorite yandere? Like out of all characters you have ever written, who do you like writing the most?
(So sorry if someone already asked that)
Have a great day!!
AA thank you so very much <33 please have a lovely day as well!!!
let's see... my favorite yandere to write for... this'll come as a surprise to no one, but i'd have to say it's chrollo. there are times when i'm writing a yandere version of a character that i'm sweating because you kinda have to stretch your suspension of disbelief. however, it's perfectly plausible imo for chrollo to act the way he does as a yandere. we already see his distorted morality in the canon material.
also, since i've been writing for him for like... what would it be... seven ish years now? i think i have a decent grasp of his character. i feel more confident exploring certain concepts with him because of that. a lot of my yan chrollo stories have a dialogical format, where it's essentially him and his darling debating their various viewpoints.
chrollo's beliefs are the complete antithesis of mine. i love people, believe that everyone has inherent value/worth, and loathe the thought of trampling over others to get something you want. i feel i learn more about myself whenever i write chrollo, because i want him to make solid points too, which basically entails me forcing myself to think in a way that's completely against my nature. it's a really interesting experience. this is what i referring to in that post from a while back when i said 'my goal when i write characters like chrollo is to hurt my feelings with their dialogue.' 😭
i just think he's neat. he has this quiet charisma, this undeniable pull that you can't help but feel drawn in by. yet at the same time, he genuinely loves and cares for his fellow troupe members (founding members especially), to the point he considers his own survival unimportant if it means the spider lives on. there's so much to explore with him it's unreal.
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oswlld · 2 years
AN ODE TO REAL RED (or, i didn’t wake up planning to write an analysis on storytelling through red but here we are)
look, im really out of my depth here. i really am not one to make these lengthy, wordy analysis posts that articulate what color means to me. (if it’s your kind of thing, pls go read everything @dribs-and-drabbles posts! i love it there and look forward to the episodic breakdown each week). and yet, after my first rewatch, it hit me how much the color red spoke volumes. it hits different because it really explored the color in the way traditional storytelling and filmmaking treats color: as a visual dialog; to draw out depth in a scene.
ive told @talays-portkey that i needed to turn off everything i learned in color theory (and production/post-production for that matter) when i go into each episode. why? this show pokes fun (and i LOVE them for it, to an extent) at using the concept of color to saturate the show: tess’ wardrobe, spotlights, set locations, the collective group at the assoc, and script all create this gorgeous, playful style that works into believing it’s a different universe. there’s specifics in the worldbuilding (ex: counting, flowers, the beer) and then there’s the production that makes it fun to guess how each episode will build on the last.
but i think Real Red really shines in bringing us back to their world. to me, it’s the show’s way of telling me, “hey, time to turn that brain on because it’s now a dialog. look at what it’s telling you now.”
it gets reallllly lengthy (literally an a-z on everything on red i found), see ya under the cut
let me preface this by saying that this has no merit beyond my own interpretation of the visual dialog and it consistently fell into two categories: 1) of course, Dang translates to Red (so, Puen) and 2) Red symbolizing STOP.
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a. the first real hint at red in the ambulance scene (not pictured, the vehicle itself probably also red); but i find this show a nice set up when the reflection lines up with the red, where the reflection would line up with his chest, like yes bb you are Dang b. and then we know how this scene continues, with the medical gear in the bg; fits the scene, him thrashing about and begging to leave, but everyone is telling him to STOP and pins him down
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c. since we flip back to the au, this red is serving the two worlds imo - it’s being playful as a set for the Red episode, while at the same time, it’s a dialog; here, it represents the vehicle that will bring talay to puen (the secret island) but also the tides are preventing talay from crossing; d. he’s wearing the lighter end of the red palette; the boat is turned over, a visual representation of a STOP
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e. he’s playing with the red controller… i love a show
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f. the overflow of fan support (which, aww! deserved) has a specified cubby in his apartment, in plain sight; it’s not organized in any particular way but still there for him to see (there’s something to be said about his character but this post isn’t about that) g. then we get the bucket hat callback (SOBS) and we have the camera lined up like so - not only showing how much his heart misses talay, but the oncoming divide that the fans will create between them
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h. back to the au, where puen’s wish is written in red i. when i say this show has layerssss
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j. (SOBS AGAIN) no but really, when i heard his mom’s voice and he just STOPS; i thought to myself, “is2g if she’s wearing red, i will never speak ill of this show ever again" (pending transaction); there’s plenty of other posts about the art in the bg that you can find in the tag
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k./l. now we get into the push and pull of getting them reunited; this is when the push and pull comes in the form of green vs red; the universe is both trying to bring them together and keep them apart; nature/set is organically telling them where they will eventually end up (glass house), but the artificial inserts of red also is STOPPING them from letting it happen
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m. STOP interviewing!
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n. STOP and take a break (au version) o. STOP and take a break (ou version)
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p. the green vs red continues (outside edition)
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q. red vs green (inside edition), but this is where the visual dialog really stands out; here, the tim horton’s Red is evenly halved with the green wall, representing the turmoil talay is in r. we switch to where puen’s voice is coming from, where the green starts to outweigh the red
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s. the close up now positions talay to have the plants in the bg as he hears puen’s speech confirm his true feelings for him t. without saying a word, talay rushes back to the theater and we see him physically abandon red
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u. i love a good wardrobe choice; something something when a person embodies a house v. the lamp speaks for itself *shoves mic at it*
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w. just wanted to point out that the last time we were in this glass house in the au, puen was sitting in that corner with his apology; intentional or not, i think it’s lovely that the hint of Red is in the same place x. he STOPS (and i CRY)
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y. when doubt creeps in and he thinks it’s still tess, i love that red is still peeking through; literally STOPPING him from believing who is in front of him and almost leaves z. “ai DANG” (and then my soul left my body and the shell of user talaypuens writes this post)
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bonus: this can be interpreted in two ways - either they are recreating a piece of the au in their own personal space or we treat it as the visual dialog (that it’s both Puen and it’s a warning… to STOP??)
… i’ve expended all my brain power for the weekend, welp
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yaenvs3000w24 · 4 months
Navigating Privilege in the Wilderness of Interpretation
Hey again, fellow nature enthusiasts,
Unit 3 has us unpacking some pretty weighty stuff, and it's got me reflecting on the role of privilege in nature interpretation. We're talking about invisible backpacks here – those unearned advantages that some of us carry without even knowing. Peggy McIntosh first tossed this idea our way in women's studies, highlighting how privilege can silently shape our experiences, and this concept has evolved and been further discussed in more recent studies and discussions (Kendi, 2019).
So, what's in my backpack? Well, for starters, I've got the privilege of education. I'm here at university, studying biomedical science, aiming for a future in dentistry. That's a path paved by a series of privileges many don't get to walk. Language is another. I'm blogging to you in English, the lingua franca of academia and the internet. It opens doors, ones that might remain closed for non-English speakers.
Privilege is like this backstage pass to life's concert. It gets you in places, sometimes without you even realizing it. In nature interpretation, privilege might mean having the freedom to explore the great outdoors or the financial means to afford the gear and go on expeditions.
Here's the thing, though. Recognizing your privilege isn't about guilt. It's about awareness. It's realizing that not everyone starts the hike from the same trailhead. This awareness can shape how we interpret nature to others, making sure we're inclusive and mindful of different starting points.
Reflecting on this, I'm thinking about my future dental office. It'll be a place where I can apply these lessons, ensuring that it's welcoming to all, regardless of what's in their backpack. That's the thing about privilege – once you see it, you can't unsee it. And you definitely shouldn't ignore it.
And in the spirit of this course, here's a nod to the precautionary principle we're familiar with in environmental science. It tells us that prevention beats cure (Raffensperger & Tickner, 1999). I see it as a call to be proactive – to use our privilege for good, to prevent harm, and to spread the benefits of our invisible assets.
As we delve deeper into this course, I'm keeping my eyes wide open to the privileges I hold. I'm thinking about how I can use them responsibly in nature interpretation and beyond. This isn't just about interpreting the environment; it's about interpreting our place in it and how we can make the trail better for those hiking behind us.
Stay aware, stay kind, and let's use our privileges to pave the way for a more inclusive world.
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World (1st ed.). Sagamore Publishing. https://www.sagamorepub.com/products/interpreting-cultural-and-natural-heritage-better-world
Kendi, I. X. (2019). How to Be an Antiracist. One World.
Raffensperger, C., & Tickner, J. (Eds.). (1999). Protecting Public Health and the Environment: Implementing The Precautionary Principle. Island Press.
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
Hey how’ve you been? I’ve been reading your explanations on the Hindu scriptures and find them very interesting…I’ve recently been reading this book called I Am Not The Body , Discovering the Truth Beyond Bondage by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and I think some of what was said in the book was quite similar. I was wondering how you personally reach the void and how the scriptures helped you?
Hiiii! I'm doing well and I loveeee your blog💗 I love the specific post about the I AM state from faith and fortune ( as I had never read faith and fortune, something clicked inside me when I saw your post 🌠 long story short, it helped me enter the void as I just focused on the I AM)
Well I have grown up as a Hindu....but I spent most of my life not wondering what tf it is and what does it mean to be one, like this term was something which I just used to tick off in the religion section of any important document.
Growing up hindu is confusing tbh....like my grandma used to do Puja/worship/rituals? everyday....but instead of Gods she used to keep images of some gurus in her altar. My mom was sort of following vedanta I guess( it's a school of thought from the Vedic path of Hinduism) while growing up I don't ever remember her telling me something about her path. My dad used to follow some guru in the past...but later in his life he turned into a nastika( people who don't believe in any creator and don't believe the major vedic scriptures to be of any knowledge)
As a result, I naturally became atheist. Also I was very very inclined towards science( it's hard to let go of logic, even to this day😔) my knowledge about hinduism was only reserved to polytheism, superstitions, idol worship and other stuff due to movies🤷 after discovering everything ( I started cuz like I became kind of a history geek, and discovered some really great philosophies)
The reason I'm telling you all this is hinduism is not hinduism. There is nothing called hinduism. The term “Hinduism,” is of relatively recent vintage. It was coined by Westerners in the 18th century as a convenient catch- all term for the “bewilderingly complex culture of dozens of languages and religious and cultural traditions” that early European explorers encountered in India. Each of these interrelated traditions conceptualizes the Supreme Divine in its own manner, though without disrespecting or disregarding the concepts of other schools.
Discovering law of assumption and Neville reaffirmed my belief in Indian traditions I guess... Earlier I was like no way consciousness is separate form the body, obviously its a by-product of the brain🤦‍♀️( but even science is not sure about this) So I'm still discovering things about my culture.... particularly shaktism ( cuz my ancestors were from a region which was known for shakta worship i.e worshipping goddesses and believing the ultimate reality is feminine)
I entered the by just focusing on the I AM. I AM pure consciousness. That's the only identity I have. Nothing else. Earlier before discovering the void I used to do a Hindu meditation which consisted of saying "I am not the body" & "I am not the mind" ( it's one of the spiritual practices of the kriya tradition) I guess that might have helped my subconscious....
it didn't take me long to enter the void. Just focusing on the 4D and destroying the separation of 4D & 3D while affirming in my mind, as I'm just pure consciousness from which everything emenates.
If you wanna know other stuff about "hinduism" you can msg me 😄
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sailor-aviator · 4 months
Hey I know you're taking a break from MMATS rn, and I'm not trying to put any pressure on you at all about making a Bradley spin-off, but I had a thought about it and I thought that you'd enjoy it so I wanted to share.
So maybe after MMATS, Bradley gets all tired of being around the lovey-dovey mates all the time, so he goes to visit his mom to be a good son and also to kind of remind himself why he needs to stay jaded about love (I believe its in his nature, he does serious grudge holding in tgm, which I assume must extend to wallowing and other negativity) and maybe while he's there he meets his mate, and I'm sure you would fill it with much better plot and pining from there.
Also have you ever considered doing something with selkies? I think that you as a writer could do a lot of interesting explorations into the drama and turmoil that comes from that myth, like it's playful and mysterious, but also I feel like you'd do really well exploring the struggle of trusting someone you love enough to let them see you so vulnerable and have a certain power over you, and in return loving a selkie and having to struggle with letting them leave and trusting they'll return.
I hope this wasn't rude or presumptive or anything, I love your work, do whatever you want forever, and if you hear distant clapping after you post, that's probably me <3
Nonny, this was so incredibly sweet omg
I really, REALLY love the Selkie myth. I would love to do something with it if y’all want me to! I think it could be a very interesting, albeit, sad fic to write. Like a discussion on trust like you said, but also on betrayal and how those we love can betray even with the best of intentions. Who would you want to see it with?
But also, it means so much to me that you think that of my writing. Yeah, I like to have fun with the fics, but I also love writing to explore these different concepts and emotions!
Definitely let me know what y’all wanna see when it comes to a selkie fic. Would it be too much of a piggy back off of MMATS/Fool’s Fare? Or is it something you guys wanna see?
Anyway, I’m still turning over ideas for the Bradley fic, but you better bet your sweet patoot that it’s gonna be ANGSTY. This is Bradley Bradshaw we’re talking about, after all, and like you said, Nonny! That motherfucker can hold a GRUDGE. I think it would be very interesting to do a spinoff for him!
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threewaysdivided · 1 year
hi 3wd. i’ve tried to write before and i’ve never gotten far in the process, despite having many ideas im enthusiastic about. all your blogging about being a planner-writer has got me thinking i might have the same style of writing as you l- and a lot of the reason im struggling to put words on paper is because i don’t have a direction or fleshed out emotional/plot beats to write towards. what would be your advice to any fledgling planner-writers that don’t know where to start? how did you start writing with this writing style?
Hey nonnie 💜
It can be super frustrating to have a bunch of pieces you want to play with but not have them come together in a way that maintains traction.  Outlining could definitely be a potential tool to help sustain momentum, so let’s see if I can get some gears turning for you.
For me personally, the outline-approach is one I just sort of fell into naturally.  Part of it comes from my school days; we were encouraged to write dot-point plans to structure our arguments/ research/ storytelling for assignments ahead of drafting (some teachers even counted evidence of it towards the final grade), which set it as a habit early.  Fun fact: I actually outlined this answer before writing it; I do it for most long posts.  Another part of it is that I tend to come at writing from a very analytical angle - there’s a degree to which I try to solve or understand stories as I consume them.  One of my earliest casual jobs was working as an English/Lit tutor for high-schoolers.  I find a lot of joy in picking narratives apart, figuring out how they work and finding ones that hold up through several layers of examination, so as a writer I like to construct stories that way.
Part of it is also that, when I want to write something for release, I’m conscious of the fact that it will have an audience.  A question that hangs around in the back of my mind is “if I found this story and wasn’t the writer, would I enjoy reading it?”
There’s another aspect that has to do with respect, in a way.  I love the worlds and the characters that I use in my stories, and for me that means writing things that feel true to their spirit, giving significance to the times when that changes and making sure they have a meaningful journey (even if it’s not a happy one).
For me outlining suits this ethos, since having a map of future directions makes it easier to place foreshadowing fairly, identify themes, build character arcs and keep explanations/ lore consistent.
I’m also going to admit that I just got lucky with Deathly Weapons. There was a very specific emotional idea that I wanted to centre a story around, and the inspiration happened to come with both a starting premise and a concept for the ending.  Then I also had wish-lists; some tropes I wanted to play with, and some existing series whose storytelling structure I wanted to emulate and pay homage to.  Something I realised a few years after starting DW is that I’m a very project-and-output-oriented person.  In a way, Deathly Weapons’ came to me as a project brief where I already knew the end-goal and a lot of what I wanted to work towards.
With that said, let’s talk outlining:
The value of having a plan
To me, an outline is a bit like having an itinerary for a road-trip.  It gives you an idea of where you’re going, how long things will take, what key things you want to do, how much it might cost and it helps you anticipate potential problems.  But, like an outline, an itinerary isn’t binding.  There might be some things that take more effort to change (distance to travel, bookings you need to cancel/ reschedule/ extend - key plot points that a story hinges around or that need more preparation/ payoff to be effective) but you can adjust as you go; take extra time to explore an interesting spot, add a detour based on local recommendations, skip things that turn out to be less compelling than they first seemed, take a shorter route to get to a key destination faster, extend the trip to see a few more sights or decide to cut things short because something came up.   The itinerary gives you the security of already knowing where you’re headed, letting you put down the mental burden of having to work out each stop as you go and enjoy the moment more. 
Ways an outline can help:
Reassurance: if you have a tendency to be anxious/ self-critical/ have high standards about characterisation, plot holes etc. then an outline can be a good way to workshop the story and get ahead of potential challenges, as well as to concept-test whether this is a project you feel like committing to.
Scoping: blocking out an overview can help you get an idea of the size and complexity of the project, and how much time/resources/teamwork it might need.
Motivation: having a plan of future story moments that you’re looking forward to can provide a goal to help you push through the less exciting parts (e.g. connective scenes) and/or help you re-find your enthusiasm if you’re returning from a break or are feeling creatively flat for reasons outside the story itself.
Iteration: if you tend to come up with stories primarily by exploring and assembling ideas, then an outline method can be a way to quickly put a concept on paper, examine it and then decide if/how you want to use it, without the restriction of needing to write it all out as polished paragraphs first.
Splitting up the steps: useful if you tend to think faster than you can type full sentences, find that you move between ideas non-sequentially or if prose-writing/ sentence construction is something that takes a lot of mental energy or stop-and-starting from you.  An outline can be a way to separate the processes of story crafting and story telling into more-distinct stages rather than trying to juggle both at once.  Find the story first, then write it.
Non-sequential writing: having a roadmap of your story’s structure and direction can give you more freedom in how you choose to approach it, letting you jump ahead to work on planned future sections/scenes where the inspiration is flowing rather than waiting for the next scene to “come to you”.
For a more direct comparison, Screenwriting Bibles are a form of outline for professional TV/Film production.  These “bibles” are key reference documents used by writers for information on the premise, characters, settings and other project elements, as well as to plan future episodes and seasonal arcs.  (This podcast transcript, article and template are good starting sources if you want to learn more about TV Bibles.) 
Much like a series bible, an outline can help you keep tabs on:
Consistency and continuity: this can be minor stuff like names of background characters or small details (running gags, item descriptions, character trivia) but can also be major stuff like character motivations, who has what abilities, event timelines or story-themes.
Direction: your outline can capture the overall arc(s) and conflict source(s) of your story and their intended resolutions, as well as mapping out how those conflicts are progressing.
Causality: whether planned events and character choices feel consistent and reasonable within the internal logic of your story.
If any of this sounded helpful to you then you might benefit from experimenting with an outliner/ planner approach.  There are a bunch of different planner techiques (here’s a link for some) as well as hybrid “plan-tser” methods that you could try. But for now let's talk about the general process, starting with a focus question:
What is it that makes you want to tell this story?
This might seem like a daunting place to begin but it can help with figuring out the core of your story and what you find compelling.
It’s okay if you don’t have a neat-and-clean answer straight away.  Sometimes inspiration just strikes out of the blue, and that’s fine.  Sometimes you have a vague directional pull but you’ll need to do some story-work before you can identify what’s calling to you.  However, if you did have a specific itch or passion that drove you to write then thinking about what and why that is can help you understand what you want from the story – and in turn what might connect with other people.
I also want to be clear that this is not about judging your motivations or their “artistic merit”.  I had a specific story to tell is fine, as is I wanted to explore this concept/theme/emotion/issue, or this was a gift/commission for someone else, and so is I wanted to try writing a specific genre, or I wanted to experiment with a specific medium, or I wanted to do my own version of [existing idea] or I am fascinated by this character/relationship/world or I needed some vicarious catharsis, or I was horny.  And a whole bunch of other things.
Knowing what you’re trying to get out of a story can help you decide what type of story you want to tell, as well as the overall scope and what medium/format/genre to tell it in.  Maybe it’s a single-scene character/aesthetic study, or a one-shot vignette.  Maybe it’s one long story, or it could be series of connected stories, or it could be a story-anthology centring on a common idea.  Maybe this story would work well as a comic, or art piece(s), or podcast, video, or something interactive like a choose-your-own-adventure or a videogame.
Understanding where you’re coming from can also help you answer the questions of what is your story about? and what happens in your story? which are related but not the same. 
What is your story about concerns the themes and thesis of your story, which can help you figure out the story’s tone, main emotional or thematic conflict(s), and how you want them to resolve by the ending.  Put simply, it’s the message.
What happens in your story is the synopsis of planned events, character actions, worldbuilding and other content.  Put simply, it’s the stuff your story has in it.
Let’s take my Deathly Weapons fanfic as a case study:
What made me want to write this story? Deathly Weapons started with me being unsatisfied with what felt like a gap in the Danny Phantom x Superheroes crossover fanfic space at the time.  There was a trend where stories would kill Danny’s friends and family to justify placing him with the crossover’s other hero team but very few of those stories felt like they acknowledged the emotional consequences of doing so; the ones that allowed him to grieve frequently using it for nonspecific angst about Loss™ or mourning the generic archetypes of A Love Interest™, A Sister™, Parents™ or A Best Friend™ rather than the specific characters and bonds from the series.  There were also some smaller itches around plot construction and mysteries that I couldn’t find many stories to scratch.  I wanted to try writing something to fill those gaps. What is this story about? Thematically Deathly Weapon’s central emotional arc is about grief and healing: in particular the uniqueness of the bonds between people and how grief reflects the specific hole each individual leaves behind, as well as the process of finding closure, making new connections and moving forward in the aftermath of loss. What happens in this story? A lot.  In my youthful hubris and overambition I planned out basically a half-season of a TV show.  For the sake of not dragging this section out by a mile, here’s an arc/mission plot teaser list I made a little while ago.
Since Deathly Weapons Arc II is deliberately structured to emulate a TV show, you can sort of see how that summary has accidentally ended up mirroring parts of a top-down Pitch Deck.  But, of course, that’s not the outline I actually use when writing.
Different levels and types of outline
Like a lot of creative terms, “outlining” covers a pretty broad umbrella’s worth of stuff. 
Methods-wise there are plenty of different approaches: from specific story-writing software (Scrivener, Campfire etc.), to word documents, to binders and notebooks, to honest-to-goodness sticky-notes, thumbtacks and string.  Personally I alternate between a documents folder on my computer and a physical notepad/sketchpad for when I’m on the go, but you should pick whatever format feels most comfortable for how you process/visualise information.
Functionally, I think it helps to conceptualise three main levels of outline: Brainstorming, Structural and Detail.  To be clear, you don’t have to do all three.  A short story or one-shot might be served by writing directly from a brainstorming or light structural outline.  You also don’t have to keep them strictly separate.  A brainstorming document might cover some early structure notes or test paragraphs.  A structural or detailed outline might have some brainstorming or research sections as you uncover and solve smaller questions.  Heck, you can have detail notes inside your initial drafts if they help you keep the story flowing.  These are tools you can use, not prescriptions you need to follow.
Let’s talk about the levels:
Brainstorming is the least structured.  Like the name suggests it’s mostly about getting concepts down and coming up with ideas – this could include early notes for plots beats/ scenes/ character interactions, sketches, screenshots/quotes and possibly research questions for stuff you want to confirm or find out about (e.g. checking source material, or researching systems and potential setting-locations).  You could consider this like early research notes for a class essay – where you know what your subject is and might start with some initial thoughts or focus questions but are still learning and figuring out the broad strokes of your content and stance.  
Despite that comparison, brainstorming is probably the most creatively fun step in the process.  This is not where you worry about things like “quality”, “cohesiveness”, “accuracy/canon compliance” or “cliches” – this is the time for rolling with whatever inspiration strikes you, pouring out any idea you find interested/compelling/cathartic, asking questions, going down internet rabbit holes and generally just enjoying unabashed creation.  This is your raw material: you’re going to cut and shape it later.
Structural outlines probably have them most utility in giving your story shape and form, especially if your story is long or has a lot of components.  If you were doing an essay, this is the part where you’d figure out your thesis and start grouping each main argument and its supporting points into planned body paragraphs.  For a story, this is where you start sorting your ideas and putting them in order; deciding on your arcs, conflicts and resolutions, working out the order and causality of events, your character motivations and dynamics, where to place key foreshadowing, major scenes and the like.  This is the level where you’re going to try and solve potential story problems – to come up with in-universe explanations and identify possible plot-holes before you write yourself into them.  You’ll likely do extra brainstorming or research in this phase too but it’ll be more targeted – aimed at filling gaps, connecting dots or serving specific needs. 
For longer or more complex stories you might have multiple structural outlines tracking different levels of granularity; some providing an overview of the whole story/ series arc, while other focus on specific characters/ subplots or break things down into individual plot beats and scenes.  You might also spin some of your initial brainstorming into reference or meta documents – content that you aren’t going to directly cover in-story but that will inform or add depth/consistency to other elements.  If you enjoy puzzle-solving then this can be a very satisfying part of the process: there’s nothing quite like hiding a subtle piece of symbolism/foreshadowing, coming up with a sneaky red-herring or finding a rock-solid explanation to make you feel extremely clever.
It’s also worth repeating that you are not beholden to whatever structural outlines you first come up with – your outlines can and should evolve with you as you develop your story and come up with new or alternate ideas.  (Just last year I re-ordered two major subplots and added an extra character arc for Deathly Weapons).
Some stuff to think about for structural outlining:
Remember that, as the storyteller you have full control of the narrative and what happens inside it.  Like I said at the start of my case study on YJ: Invasion’s writing, even the rules of a fiction piece are made up: there is nothing physically stopping you from making the sky be a different colour every five minutes if you felt like it.  If you want something to happen then you can work backwards to reverse-engineer a specific scenario where those things would reasonably occur.  Start at Scene B and figure out what needs to happen to get there from Established Starting Point A.  If you need a character to act a certain way, then you can tailor a situation to trigger that response based on their established personality/ insecurities/ flaws.  You can manufacture specific story problems whose solutions play toward or against the skills and abilities of different characters, or create scenarios which situationally discourage characters from using skills/abilities/tools that might otherwise be overpowered. You can also make the call to deviate from what has been established in order to facilitate a scene or plot point - temporarily imposing a trait for narrative purposes (sometimes referred to as carrying a ball) or Rules Lawyering your worldbuilding to create a technical loophole.  This risk here is that this can feel artificial, jarring or unfair if not reasonably justified within the story logic.  There’s also a limit on how often/ how far you can push this before it risks breaking the story.  If things start to contradict or situations arbitrarily turn on a dime then your audience can lose trust that the characters and world will follow the expectations set by the narrative – they can start to feel narratively unsafe, until it reaches a point where the only way for them to reconcile the dissonance and inconsistencies in the story is to acknowledge that it’s all an artificial construct being externally steered by the hand of the author.   You can do whatever you want… provided you do the work to make audience to believe it.
That being said, try not go get too wedded to the specifics of your early ideas.  Sometimes an element is just not going to fit with the direction your story ends up taking; whether because it’s not compatible with the eventual trajectory of the characters/events/lore or simply because it would be hard to include without disrupting/diverting/distracting from the flow of the story at that point.  In some instances you can take the core of an idea and modify it to find a new place in the narrative; for example by repurposing a scene or piece of dialogue, repackaging information, rescheduling a conversation, fusing concepts together or deconstructing them and integrating the component parts across other scenes.  But in other cases you may decide that the potential problems (whether structural or narrative) introduced by including an element outweigh the value it could add – in which case it’s time to lovingly set it aside.  This is what they mean when they say kill your darlings.  Having a designated document for future story ideas and/or outtakes can help with this (or you could do what I did with Defining Moment and turn an idea into its own side-story).
This can be also a good place to consider more technical story elements, like pacing.  Think about the peaks and valleys of intensity (suspense, intrigue, action, character drama etc.) across the beats of your story; where you might want to ramp things up or down, and how you might use scene and/or chapter breaks to space out information, create breathing room or hold the audience at a certain level of emotion/anticipation.  (For a good short primer, try these videos about Pacing and Tension Cycles in games).
You may also like to use the structure overview as an opportunity to take stock of Tropes and Patterns.  Not to avoid them – you can’t really avoid tropes – but just to see if any are showing up and what they might be saying, even if you didn’t intend for that to happen.  (For a topical example: consider what tropes are showing up around different minority/minority-analogous characters - either in their depictions or how the story treats them - and what message that might be sending.  There’s a lot of bias to the way certain groups and issues have historically been portrayed in media, some of which have baked themselves into now-common stock plots and archetypes.  That isn’t to say you should never use them; just be conscious and careful, especially if your story intends to make some sort of commentary on those topics.)  On a more positive note, this can be another way to learn about what story mechanics you like, both in your own writing and others’.
Detail notes are the most granular level of outlining, getting down into the specifics of an individual scene or conversation.  These are the least strictly necessary – depending on the length/ complexity of your story, the granularity of your structural outline(s) and your personal writing preference, you may prefer to jump directly from a structural outline into a first draft.  That said they can still be useful, especially if you want to hammer out the fine details of action, dialogue or information-flow while staying a step back from specific prose.  This is where you get things like a bullet-point breakdown of each line/action/piece of narration (for when you have a detailed idea of what’s going to be said/done but not the specific words to describe it) or script-style notes (for when you have the character voices and lines but not the narration or action surrounding it).  As mentioned earlier, you can blend detail notes and rough drafting together – writing some sections out in prose as the words come to you, then breaking into note-form to keep the ideas flowing in sections where wording might be starting to stick. 
An example
Let’s look at my outlining system for Deathly Weapons:
Tumblr media
Now, I want to make it clear: this is not the standard.  This is not even the standard for me.  Deathly Weapons got a bit out of hand, ballooning into a half-season of a TV show: it’s more a series of 12+ self-contained stories in a trench coat than your standard fanfiction.  However, it is a decent example of complex outlining.  I have multiple levels of structural outline – some covering the entire story arc, some covering the individual missions.  I also have quick-notes that I made as a consistency-reference from canon, and some worldbuilding meta I did as a thought exercise to develop one of the character-backstories (the one shown ended up published here on Tumblr).  You can see how I blend the outline types together in my detailed notes, as well as how my approach to outlines has evolved from more brainstorming-focused to more structurally-focussed as the story has solidified.  Again, this is not the standard, but hopefully it gives you an idea of what you can get up to with outlines for a complex long-term project.
Okay, so that’s the basic breakdown of outlining as a process (at least the version I use).  Hopefully it’s got some gears turning. 
However, I also know that it’s more of a framework through which to approach story-building; it’s an organisational tool that helps you set out current and future-planned content in a way that lets you take stock, identify things that need attention and keep track of important details.  On its own it’s not necessarily going to be able to help address the challenges it reveals; in the same way that knowing how to plan an essay won’t necessarily teach you how to research one effectively. 
In Part 2 of this series (yep it's a series now) I'm going to go over some concepts for story-building and editing that might help you during the structural phase. Click here to go to the next part >>
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livlaurren · 10 months
Hey, Hello, Hiya
Allo allo, my sweets! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Liv, a 30-year-old psychology student smack bang in the middle of my degree. But more than that, I am a deep thinker, an emotional jellybean, an imperfect human mess, an imaginative and passionate girl trying - like everyone - to figure all of this shit out.
I have overcome many mental health struggles throughout my life. At different moments, I have been diagnosed (and misdiagnosed) with depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar, BPD, and C-PTSD to find that my struggles are what make me human. Although I am no longer considered 'unwell', I do still have occasional battles with mild OCD, anxiety, and - the cherry on top - existential dread. I have taken medicines, been hospitalised, practised meditation, committed to therapy, filled out worksheets, and finally found refuge within myself. My trauma does not define me, but my trauma has led to the identification of my true strengths. It has led me to my broadened perspectives, allowed my softening vulnerability, and brought me a willingness to continue growing. To somehow survive and live among life's indecisive grey shadows.
Much of my current perspective grounds itself within existential, gestalt, and person-centred theories. The constants for me are life, death, and anxiety. Our unique expansion and growth lie within learning to accept these often overwhelming concepts and simultaneously learning to accept that we may never fully accept or understand them -- living among the black, the white, and the grey.
Don't worry, though; I am not a pessimist! I am, by nature, a kooky lil nihilistic optimist. I believe in people's innate goodness and finding joy by choosing our own meaning of life.
My aim here is to gather a positive mental health community and create a space to explore life, death, anxiety, and all that exists (or doesn't) in between. I'll be drawing from my thoughts, academic research, pop culture, social currency and history, and your ideas and comments to broaden our perspectives and maybe provide a helping hand out of the slumps we might end up in. I also have a background as an artist and would love to incorporate some collaborative, communal art zines and the like in the future.
If this sounds like your bag, baby, follow along for the ride! Send through an ask with comments, ideas, suggestions, or anything if you wish. Otherwise, read along, engage if and when you feel like it, and let's get this space open and thriving.
I am so looking forward to exploring and growing through the tough stuff together.
Kindest, Liv.
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anndaily · 23 days
Exploring INTJ-A: The Mastermind Personality Revealed
Hey there, fellow thinker and strategist! Have you ever taken a personality test and been labeled as an INTJ-A? If so, welcome to the club of the Masterminds. A rare and intriguing personality type that makes up only about 2% of the population. But what exactly does it mean to be an INTJ-A? Well, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let's dive into the fascinating world of the INTJ-A personality.
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What is INTJ-A?
It is one of the sixteen personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a widely used tool for understanding human behavior and preferences.
INTJ-A stands for:
Introverted: You gain energy from spending time alone or in small groups, preferring deep, meaningful conversations to small talk.
Intuitive: You focus on abstract concepts, patterns, and possibilities, often seeing the big picture and thinking strategically about the future.
Thinking: You make decisions based on logic, analysis, and objective criteria rather than emotions or personal values.
Judging: You prefer structure, organization, and planning, thriving in environments where tasks are clearly defined and goals are set.
Assertive: You are confident, decisive, and self-assured, trusting in your abilities to navigate challenges and achieve your goals.
The Mastermind Mindset
As an INTJ-A, you possess a unique combination of strengths and traits that set you apart from the crowd. You are a natural-born strategist, able to see patterns and connections where others see chaos. Your analytical mind allows you to dissect complex problems, devise innovative solutions, and anticipate future trends with uncanny accuracy. You thrive in environments that value intellect, competence, and independence, where you can apply your knowledge and expertise to make a meaningful impact.
Challenges of Being an INTJ-A
Of course, being an INTJ-A isn't all rainbows and unicorns. Like any personality type, you have your own set of challenges to navigate. Your tendency to overanalyze and plan for every contingency can sometimes lead to paralysis by analysis, causing you to miss out on opportunities or procrastinate on important decisions. Your introverted nature may also make it challenging to connect with others on an emotional level, leading to feelings of isolation.
Embracing Your INTJ-A Nature
Despite the challenges, being an INTJ-A is a gift that comes with its own set of strengths. Embrace your analytical mind and strategic thinking skills, and don't be afraid to trust your intuition and take calculated risks. Seek out environments that challenge you intellectually, and allow you to leverage your strengths to the fullest. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who appreciate your unique perspective and value your contributions.
Being an INTJ-A is like being the architect of your own destiny. You have the vision, the intellect, and the drive to turn your dreams into reality. Embrace your strengths, navigate your challenges, and remember that you are a rare and valuable asset in a world that needs your innovative ideas and strategic thinking. So go forth, fellow Mastermind, and conquer the world with intellect, ambition, and unwavering determination. The possibilities are endless when you have the power of the INTJ-A mindset on your side!
0 notes
dezvoltaindiablogs · 5 months
A premium guide for Ethical Hacking and   Cybersecurity 
Hey cyber fans! Get ready for a cool journey into ethical hacking and cybersecurity. This guide is like your pass to grasping the details without overwhelming you with confusing terms. Our mission is crystal clear: to unveil the mysteries, dispel any confusion, and empower you with the essential tools to evolve into a bona fide cyber expert. There's no need to fret over convoluted concepts. We're here to simplify the learning curve. 
Hey, a web development firm, prepare for a fantastic journey into ethical hacking! Imagine putting on your virtual detective hat as we explore the fantastic world of keeping things safe online. We're about to uncover some secrets, make things less confusing, and open the door to a place where being super good at cybersecurity feels like second nature. Are you ready for the adventure? We are! Let's dive into the fantastic and ever-changing world of ethical hacking!
What in the digital world is ethical hacking?
Alright, let's break down the mystery behind "ethical hacking." Imagine it as the superhero of hacking, where tech-savvy folks use their skills for good. These heroes, also known as white-hat hackers, legally break into systems like a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for your computer networks. Their mission? Finding and fixing vulnerabilities before the bad guys can cause trouble. So, in simple terms, ethical hacking is all about being the good guy in the digital world and ensuring your computer systems are safe and sound. It's like having a cyberguard watching over your digital space!
Why Does Ethical Hacking Matter?
Let's chat about why companies are investing big money in ethical hackers. Here's the lowdown: it's more than just stopping the digital bad guys. It's more like having superheroes who ensure our digital way of life stays safe and sound. So, cybersecurity isn't just a fancy term; it's about ensuring your online world, from personal information to essential data, is protected. Think of ethical hackers as the guardians between us and the digital baddies, ensuring our tech-driven lives stay worry-free. It's like having a high-tech security team for our digital hangouts!
Cyber World: Skills You Need
Let's chat about what makes an excellent ethical hacker! Imagine it's like being a cyber detective. We'll check out the skills needed to wear that detective hat, like being good with tech stuff, thinking carefully about things, and even adding a splash of creativity. It's like finding your inner Sherlock Holmes as we dig into the skills every ethical hacker should have. So, if you've ever wanted to be a digital detective, this is your chance to learn the excellent skills that make it happen! Get ready for some tech magic and a lot of cyber-detective fun. Let's uncover the secrets together!
Building Your Cyber Empire: Tools of the Trade
Alright, let's talk about the toolkit that every cyber superhero needs! Imagine having a bunch of cool gadgets in the digital world. We will check out the coolest software and programs ethical hackers use; think of them as superhero tools. Metasploit, Wireshark, and Burp Suite might sound like secret codes, but don't worry. We'll break it down. Soon, you'll use these tools like a cyber warrior, defending the digital realm with your high-tech arsenal. So, get ready to become a digital superhero with your cyber tools. It's like unlocking a superpower for your computer skills!
Cyber Mastery: Certifications and Beyond
Let's chat about certifications—they're like badges of honor in the cyber world! We'll check out the CEH, OSCP, and CompTIA Security+ certifications, what they mean, how to grab them, and why they're your golden ticket to becoming a cyber expert. Think of them as your superpower training programs. Plus, we'll talk about how hands-on experience and constantly learning new things are your buddies on this exciting journey. It's like collecting special skills and experiences that make you a true cyber champ. So, get ready to earn cyber badges and level up your skills on this awesome quest for cyber excellence! You're on your way to becoming a real digital superhero!
Showtime: Ethical Hacking in Action
No more boring theory—it's time for some action in ethical hacking! Picture this: we'll dive into real-life situations, like sneaking into web applications and uncovering weak points in computer networks. Get ready for some excitement as we unfold thrilling stories of ethical hackers being the heroes of the digital world. Picture yourself on the edge of your seat, witnessing a cyber adventure unfold. If you have ever wondered how ethical hackers do their cool stuff, now's your chance to watch them in action and learn from their impressive digital skills. Get set for cyber excitement as we tell the awesome stories of ethical hackers jumping in to save the day in the digital world!
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Let's dive into a different side of hacking: excellent ethical hacking! It's all about playing by the rules and ensuring we stay on the right side of the cyber law. We'll discuss what to do and avoid, exploring legal and ethical boundaries. Think of it as a superhero following the rules to keep everything safe. We're here to save the day, not cause chaos! So, discover how ethical hacking involves using your tech skills for good while always staying on the right side of the cyber rules. It's like being a digital hero and ensuring the online world stays secure!
We've gone through the essentials, broken down the skills, checked out the tools, and seen ethical hacking in action. As you start your adventure into the cyber world, remember that having great power means having great responsibility. So, stay ethical and let the cyber adventures kick off!
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rennyji · 5 months
8 pages of tweets - more recent - before last two weeks.
"June 15th tweets
"YouTube ‚the day miura jam‚It‚a rock Japanese song from anime
"June 16th tweets...",
"so we're midway through June...",
"you know what comes to mind? napkins and toiletries...-",
"- a disgusting combination in speech, but hey, the concept of paper towels came to mind...In India &elsewhere, after eating a meal, we're taught to rinse our hands &mouth w/water. In America, especially in the busy, \"time spent outside the house\" life, people rely on napkins...-",
"- i guess the idea is the napkin absorbs the food or drink surrounding your mouth...i mean hey, it's convenient...who wants to rinse their mouth in a public bathroom where water from the sink could splash back on you...and then i dunno how Americans freshen their breath...-",
"- ive seen some people @ work brush their teeth after lunch @ work...i guess others just chew gum or take mints..just mentioning a difference in lifestyles..&then on the more comical note, using toilet tissue &then laying in a bathtub &letting the water do the work-Im assuming..-",
"- i think baths have gotten out of style...i think more people use the shower head nowadays...i dunno...but aftr the use of toilet tissue, are you assuming the water does the work?! In countries outside America, people \"wash themselves\" instead of toilet paper, or use both.-",
"- i mean solely using toilet paper is kind of disgusting as you leave yourself dirty...and in America, I think people explore beyond the Kama Sutra, and \"go anal\" in relationships..considering heavy reliance on toilet paper, kind of grimy.-",
"-.i dunno just thinking..how do the foreign Americans do things? so we covered napkins, toilet paper, ... what about paper towels? Like Bounty? Bounty 4 me has become synonymous with \"paper towel.\" Does it really clean a spill? I mean you can try drying your table of the liquid-",
"- with a paper towel. but the table still might be sticky...doesn't it make sense to wipe that portion of the table again with a wet paper towel? Water cleans, right? just thinking...how do other people do everyday things?!",
"on a related note, i found these multipurpose natural wipes on Amazon, after seeing my mom use Lysol or whatever for various things...its from \"Good Life Solutions\"... search \"all natural surface cleaning wipes\"-they're multipurpose...-",
"- &when I mention a product on this platform, I don't get paid by them to say it. I search for good stuff when a need arises. Im sharing the knowledge, or with the selfish incentive of showing the good of these products, so that more people buy them, & make the prices go down.",
"- i mean like Rebbl drinks or \"Smart Water Renew\"...good in place of coffee...but they cost $4.50 and $2.50 a bottle, respectively. If more people got interested, maybe the prices would go down...",
"- but i've mentioned that in the past already...",
"Youtube \"Goku Jiren Rap\" from Anime...as invigorating as \"Gasolina\" from Daddy Yankee...",
-\Goku Jiren Rap\ youtube link:  https://t.co/iGgCCK49WC
"you know what's an awesome way of walking? Like Master Roshi from DragonBall (not the Z series, but the original/beginning series). He walks with this hands folded behind his back. I imitate that...i think its cool and it makes the back also feel good...-",
"-also i guess it shows I'm a proud DragonBall or DragonBall Z fan...I collect their figures, and collect models of the seven dragon balls in a wooden chest...",
"It‚weird, but,My childhoodPediatrician &my lifelongDentist areIndians from the stateOfGujurat. Just happening 2 seeThem today was symbolic of ‚theOldLife‚ ‚b4 the situation‚. seeingThem felt like a pieceOfHome.So, naturally, U ameesha Patel look a likes, we‚re already family.",
"- so seeing Indian people made me think of India, which made me think of my grandparents. While I‚m a coffee drinker, the people of my background, in India, drink tea. My grandmother brings tea to my grandfather and all our cousins, while we sit on the front porch. -",
"- while they all drink a version of masala chai or simply chai, my mother will bring me green tea, as coffee wasn‚t available at my grandparents, and I didn‚t think to bring instant coffee or some expensive portable coffee/espresso machine. Throughout the day, my aunts, grandma,-",
"- and mom, spend time in this big kitchen, while my grandfather and my cousin brothers and sisters and me play cards. It makes you wonder‚growing up watching modern day Bollywood movies and living in America amidst my strict parents, I wanted a woman who would be my equal,-",
"- my partner in crime, someone I could put on a pedastil. I wanted someone I could cook a meal together with‚but this notion of women bringing their husbands coffee or tea-do modern day women do that? WomenByNature are pictured as nurturing care givers. I think in recent times-",
"- women have mutated to the other extreme, along with ‚gender reversals.‚ While I feel Greek families feel the same wAy, Indian families fear American women for their sons as they‚re depicted as walking all over men. In modernTimes, I feel women try 2 find a guy who‚successful-",
"- and look to a life of yoga and wellness while their husbands try to prevent their wives from divorcing them‚scary‚whoever I get as my girlfriend or wife, she should have a solid degree. Personally, I want a certain quality to my future life or future family life like my -",
"- friend Sean and his wife, who are both lawyers. Life can be scary. It helps to have a wife who‚with you through thick and thin, through sickness and health, and with respect to degrees, if one person in a relationship loses their job, you partner would still have theirs, -",
"- thereby continuing your same quality of life and maybe even helping you get another job. A woman with a real degree is important, or at least the desire and potential for a real degree, or a stabile business.-",
"-I don‚t want every burden placed on me, especially after ‚this situation.‚ I want a woman who gives me peace of mind. A life of tranquility and happiness‚lonely Indian male seeking a ‚partner‚ in crime-nothing less, nothing more
June 16th tweets right side up in tumblr blog link below:  https://t.co/F4BFjzbs06
"June 17th tweets...",
"- you know what's cool? Gas spring wall mounted monitors...you can turn the monitor in any direction, raise it higher, lower, whatever...the gas spring is key...",
"so i bought Ugg Men's In House shoes...(do men call these slippers?! i dunno)...I went through several pairs from exchanges/returns. Why? The fuzz or fur inside is being pulled out/apart in all directions, right out of the box...Come on Amazon...aren't you guys about quality?!",
"So I saw \"Superman & Louis\" on the CW app, the other day. Lara (would like that name for a potentialDaughter, but moving on..), a.k.a. Superman's Kryptonian mom was revealed 2be married to 1 man, had a child, &then married Superman's dad, Jor-El-whom she later fell in love with.-",
"- this was said in passing on the show, as part of a different theme. But it makes you wonder...Are all women like this? Constantly out to seek \"the best deal\", regardless of stage of life? After having a son with 1 man, she falls in love with another and has another child...-",
"- what happens to marriage vows? Are these just empty words among America's pandemic of empty promises, hopes, and help? These words of through sickness and health, whatever, are meant to have power. These kind of things give life meaning and power...-",
"- Things aren't working out with your partner? Work things out. The option of divorce, I feel, makes people try  less harder. Your partner is literally supposed to be ur other half. You are one being. There are extreme cases of people being abused, but the rest is ego. -",
"- U marry me, ur stuck with me for eternity and beyond...think about it...u being my half is like my hand which is part of me...not going anywhere without my hand...duhhh...huhhh, womennnn...",
"moving on...From Run Girls, Run!, YouTube anime song ‚share the light‚ - kinda girly, but catchy jingle...",
"YouTube ‚Ultra instinct (trap remix)‚",
"On a differentNote, U can learnSomething fromThe IndianConcept of arrangedMarriages, America..Whereas U have theOpportunity of datingAround, findingPeople who share in ur hobbies/interest, make U feelExtraordinary, Indians,for centuries&beyond have been paired by theirParents.-",
"- If you talk to Indian couples, who probably have nothing in common, they say, they and their spouses have a \"deep bond.\"They're bound by simply having the constant presence of another...someone to talk to, someone to care for them, and so forth...-",
"- This American thing about common hobbies/interests, making you feel special - these are biological feelings/impulses. You need to expand ur mind: \"who will always be there for you?\" Astrology and hobbies aren't what forms a \"connection.\" It is the answer to that question...",
"Check out \"Mud Wtr\" on Google, as an alternative to caffeine‚nothing to do with actual \"mud\" - that's just what its called...good stuff, but expensive...",
"@shakira is the single most beautiful blonde in the world And @missmorenab (Morena Baccarin) is the most beautiful brunette in the world...hands down...",
"If regular coffee doesn't do it for you, you can search and find coffees like \"Kion Coffee\", or, on the other extreme, \"Death Wish Coffee.\" But remember, different stuff holds the potential of working for different people. Looking for options? Give one of them a try..good stuff..",
"I want to get to a point where I‚m traveling and have a secretary. I want to get to a point where when I go downstairs, breakfast is ready...when I need something, it‚before me‚don't want to worry about the little things...",
"Try the \" CoreStretch \" from Amazon...quick way to stretch your back and other muscles...",
"After shaving, there isn‚t a single after shave out there that reduces post shaving sensitivity, preparing u 4 tomorrow‚shave. Ive found a cream in Indian Ayurveda, alleviating that ‚ahhh it burns/stings!!!‚ post shave feeling by piling on the cream when no 1 supposedly looks.",
"So I found out that Miranda Cosgrove, Nickelodeon's \"Carly Shay\" from iCarly, made $180,000 per episode from a legally/appropriately run show...for this illegal relaying of me, from lawsuits and salary-never-received, I'm going to say $180,000 per relaying is the base line...",
"so moving on...now...don't get me wrong, but i'm not into, getting into the following subject. but the majestic orchestrators of \"the situation\" frequently keep talking about a girl \"I knew 'of' \" and don't in fact know. I don't know why. -",
"- I remember a family member commenting on some show that filmed teenagers doing drugs, while I was walking by. Notion of possible cameras came 2 mind. But then how is it powered, where would you put it?-",
"-When I attempted engineering, I saw a magazine page about hacking thru the wireless card in laptops. Wireless hackingWhen I was in my 20s, people were making a fuss about the NSA monitoring text messages.-",
"- do you know how to disable the wireless hacking of a phone? You remove the battery. I stuck with Samsung phones that gave that capability. I invested in Faraday cage phone/laptop sleeves. Now from MacBooks to iPhones and tablets, you cannot remove the battery. Conspiracy?!-",
"- you hear of extraordinary people throughout history, some we regard as saints in Churches like the Catholic Church. You hear of Nostradamis, you hear of the unkillable Raspitin. But there seems to be a push to making humanity bland as mayonnaise and believe life is bland-",
"- religion, with watching out for things like the 7 deadly sins (envy, lust, gluttony, etc.), was about strengthening the mind to give focus to do incredible things. Now it‚replaced by psychiatry. You don‚t hear things about saints who perform miraculous cures or resolutions.-",
"- people question whether Christ or Rama or Buddha even existed. From the Christian standpoint, something motivated 12 men to converse, be able to converse, & travel half way across globe 2 spread a message that‚d make man more than the inclinations detected by brain mapping.-",
"- something incredible clearly fueled those men. But what am I getting it? The potential of humankind seems to be coerced into the sense of ‚good enough‚ or just ‚ getting by.‚ What if we could remember things without our phones reminding us?-",
"-What if we didn‚t need Alexa or Google to turn off our lights or control our thermostat? What if, like God saying, ‚let there be light,‚ we could turn on the lights with our will?-",
"-You know what‚another conspiracy? If in case, we manage to will our television on, people‚d assume it‚their home controlling technology. If we believe, we truly can move mountains, at least when one government isn‚t controlling all the pieces on the chess board.-",
"- I‚ve witnessed effects of my typing on my phone, my computer, temptations for a burger, I‚m cognizant of the dangers of the mics on phone and Alexa devices. Am I to just assume that there might be a camera in my bedroom, in the direction of my chair or television? -",
"- is that what other people are supposed 2 believe or just me? I just don‚t get how u can keep something like brain mapping, mind reading, mind control a nonexistent conversation. U see newspapers&tv shows advocating reach of a persons consciousness like the Quantum Leap tv show-",
"- at times, by ruling out all that something isn‚t, you get an idea of what it is. I‚m not special. I had more than a decade for this to roll around in my head.-",
"- on the one hand, religion is replaced with psychiatry, miracles or ufos or extraordinary things are explained away, things like Alexa devices are depicted as reasons for automated actions‚but then ur also doing brain mapping. I say the latter because -",
"- Society, culture, the American government?!, seems to minimize humanity is something with limited potential, something bound by hunger like an animal, that thought becomes action. I believe India‚Hindus were the first brain mappers. That‚what astrology is. It‚been done.-",
"- Indian astrology says ur personality strengths/weaknesses, potential profession, potential spouse‚but problem w/ fate/biology/astrology is that something is telling you: this is as far as U can go. I‚m a Libran, ironically the scales of justice in a very unjust situation.-",
"- apparently romantically, the stars say Im only compatible with Geminis and Aquarius. But God has given me and everyone free will. It‚one of the staples of the Adam/Eve story. I can choose to react to a desire, a need, a hunger.-",
"-Christ is famously known as saying U can move mountains. Notion of walking on water is famously sourced in Him. Do U know what brain mapping & astrology (ancient Indian brain mapping) says? It says Ill end up here or there or can B muscular enough 2 do pull ups & only pull ups.-",
"-but if I accept  to choose the rule or the stipulation of someone‚science, I end up ‚choosing‚ to not try to lift a car.-",
"- If I accept that only Geminis are a romantic match for me, I fail to find some1 who connects w/ my beliefs & values. I may give up on it early b/c forms of brain mapping says it‚pointless. Believe, and you‚ll move mountains.-",
"- From Adam/Eve story, we learn man has 2 toil 2 make something happen. Toil is part of our nature as we ate from tree of knowledge of good & evil or ate from the tree of ‚awareness‚. Being made in the image of God, gives us free will, the ability to choose, the ability to rise.-",
"- If the government is denying remote viewing, how do they explain my situation in terms of what‚happening to me, through what‚justified as innocent fun or entertainment?-",
an interesting link:  https://t.co/UDCg9gUfAA
"- people are so busy wanting 2 see next tantalizing thing in my situation or watch apparent guy w/everything get screwed, ur oblivious 2 fact some form of mind manipulation is occurring. R people so stupid to believe that by letting this happen 2 me, it won‚t happen 2 them?-",
"- lemme guess: while making some retarded point about electronic devices, some of you think it‚all smoke and mirrors or the result of ‚hacking through cell phone cameras and mics or hacking a laptop.‚ Maybe you think theres hacking of cc tv cameras at supermarkets-",
"- I just don‚t understand, how even if it was a series of tech hacks or legit ‚remote viewing‚(searchable term) with legit mind reading, how people remain calm, how mental health issues aren‚t on the rise. -",
"- ur so glued to my reaction to something that i cannot hear, conveying to you, what I think about you when you walk or drive by, that ur ignoring something could legitimately be reading your mind-I‚m the distraction to your reality‚-",
"- it‚scary for me because there‚the implication of foul play in my life while leaving me to be royally screwed by our government pretending to be a school or kids or some family show. Something is studying all of you.-",
"- you hear on the news about a mob robbing an Apple Store or shootings. People are less hinged than before. How is there not more chaos with the reality of mind reading and mind control?-",
"- people believe the most stupid made up fancy smancy sounding words like predictive analytics or people ‚believing what they want to‚. Psychology is Americas way of explaining away the supernatural in people‚lives.-",
"- maybe even the mind reading aspect is explained away, leaving people tempted and susceptible to just accepting it: -",
"- thru observation & being guy in something for a decade, & knowing what should & shouldn‚t be possible: legally, realistically, practically- I‚m assuming this has to do w/brain mapping, fMRIs, saying something in my head & recording it or seeing which emotion lights up-",
"- I recall Obama talking about mapping out the brain as an initiative‚are American presidents okaying this massive secret against me? Was he talking about mapping my brain?-",
"- Do you really think when ‚remote viewing‚ has been a topic for so long that the crude form of mind reading I mentioned 2 tweets ago is the only way to read a mind?-",
"- & thing about my situation? Its foundation or what it‚built on, are a series of crime by university officials, and students I‚ve filed several complaints about. Is the government so sadistic against a brown man that they give people he complained about, access 2 his brain?!-",
"- they think it‚okay to do this or justifiable until I give specifics about everything 2 some1 who will never acknowledge my situation. I used my senses & words like ‚platforms‚ 2 describe my situation.-",
"- R orchestrators waiting 4 me 2 use exact science term 2 believe I know what‚going on? R they waiting 4 me 2 psychically say all their names in place of labels like orchestrators?Whats an orchestrator? The guy or gal running my unheard of situation. Can U imagine my stress?-",
"- once again, check out terms like ‚stargate project‚ on Google, or ‚remote viewing Miami herald‚ 2 see newspaper article online. Government denied these things were happening as recent as 2017. So if they‚re still lying, how are they explaining & hiding what‚happening to me?!",
"- if something is waiting for me to somehow magically list extreme specifics to my situation, in order to see if its still humane, please bear in mind that \"experienced torture/perceived threats\" are still those things, no matter what language its stated in. -",
"- If I were mute, no words. If I was disabled, I'm just a sitting duck. End my invisible torture now. Only in America can things like this happen for more than a decade.",
"I like 2 use Twitter or X to convey my perspectives or truths. However, the service posts thoughts, extending beyond 1 tweet, in order of most recent post. It results in long thoughts posting backwards. U tend 2 know that 1 tweet is part of something bigger b/c of dashes.-",
- everything I posted today I've put right side up (not ordered by most recent tweet) on rare days like today in the link to my Tumblr page below:  https://t.co/ffoLl7jVFC
- how many things will people just dismiss or accept passively‚the amount of detail that sounds off with things like the Denver airport? Towards the end there‚a good quote: ‚comedy is a method to dismiss horrific reality.‚  https://t.co/usHWNxt6UQ
"- but the theme of that clip might take away the reality to my situation. The amount of care and attention I give to detail and then it gets massaged with nice sounding things from me or others.-",
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-attached clip makes good point in audio.  video or images are irrelevant.It‚about what he‚saying. But you‚d be surprised how little people listen. People usually get gist of what every1 else is saying. To shun the attentive in society something condescending is directed.-   https://t.co/TLQd38y5xP
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- Again here too it‚about the audio that happens to be from the YouTube channel ‚The Why Files‚ on a conspiracy. Famous saying: ‚you‚re not paranoid if ‚‚ÄòThey‚ are‚ out to get you.‚  https://t.co/kkuqtphtKo
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"RT @RennyJi: - everything I posted today, I've put right side up (not ordered by most recent tweet), on rare days like today, in the link t
"RT @RennyJi: I like 2 use Twitter or X to convey my perspectives or truths. However, the service posts thoughts, extending beyond 1 tweet,
"I always pictured self as one trying 2 get thru school or some present hurdle is, so that I could pave way 2 living/enjoying life I.e. minding own business. But who does ‚the government‚ target?- those in solitude, without much family/friends or some1 wholl disclose info 2 them.",
There‚this growing theme about the multiverse or transcendentalism in movies and tv shows. But what about themes like in the book 1984 and the thought police? & Did you know about people who are remote viewers for information gathering? Check out:  https://t.co/08g1Wdu2jG
"#wednesdaythought #wednesdayvibe#Mindfulness#ProblemSolving #Awareness#Conspiracy#BigBrother#1984xAudible #Orwellian #Dystopia#mindcontrol #mind",
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sciencestyled · 7 months
How a Bunch of Jungle Explorers Found Darwin Chilling with Monkeys
Hey there, Tumblr denizens! Grab your explorer hats and swing into this: we found something in the jungle that's even wilder than King Louie's dance parties (which we're totally not talking about, by the way). It's Darwin's Theory of Evolution, narrated by none other than Mowgli from The Jungle Book! Yeah, you read that right. Mowgli's been doing more than just singing with Baloo; he's been getting his brain tangled up in some serious human theories.
Imagine this: Mowgli, our favorite jungle boy, stumbling upon the concept of evolution. It's like finding a hidden temple in the middle of the wilderness, except the treasure is a bunch of mind-blowing ideas about how we all – from the tiniest bugs to the mightiest elephants – have been changing and growing over time. It's a wild ride through nature's very own adventure park, and Mowgli's here to be our mischievous guide.
Let's talk about this crazy thing called natural selection. Think of it as the jungle's own version of a reality show, where the contestants are all the animals trying to outsmart, outplay, and outlast each other. And just like any good reality show, there's drama, there's suspense, and there's a whole lot of unexpected twists. It's like watching the most epic game of hide-and-seek ever, and Mowgli's got the insider scoop.
But wait, there's more! Darwin's theory isn't just about who's the sneakiest in the jungle; it's about all these random changes – mutations, they call them – that happen without anyone planning them. It's like the jungle's throwing a surprise party, and everyone's invited, whether they like it or not. Some animals get cool new features, while others... well, let's just say they don't get invited to the next party.
And here's the kicker: survival of the fittest doesn't always mean the biggest and the baddest win. Sometimes, it's the clever, the quirky, or just the plain lucky who get to strut their stuff and pass on their genes. It's like a talent show where the most unexpected acts steal the spotlight.
So, what have we learned from our pal Mowgli and his wild theories? That life's a never-ending adventure, a constant game of adapting and changing, whether you're swinging through the trees or tapping away on your smartphone. We're all part of this crazy, beautiful journey of evolution, and who better to lead us through it than a boy who's friends with a bear and a panther?
Come along on this exhilarating ride through Darwin's ideas, as seen through the eyes of a jungle-raised man-cub. It's going to be a hoot, a howl, and a roar of a time. And who knows? You might just see the world – and the jungle – in a whole new light. So, keep your eyes peeled, your mind open, and let's dive into this jungle of a story. After all, in the words of our dear Mowgli, "In the jungle, you either adapt or you become someone's dinner!" And we're definitely not on the menu today!
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