#and at the same time you can work on the quality of your skating so that that one moment isn't there on its own but is a part of an
raininyourblackeyes · 7 months
i agree with everything you say about "ice dancers" lilah and lewis
i messaged lilah that she should just quit ice dance. i also messaged lewis he should ditch lilah for olivia smart.they're very active on social media so they will for sure see it. a bunch of us on twitter are reaching out to them encouraging them to quite and realize how bad they are. you and your followers here should do the same.
billionaire lilah has ruined ice dance and needs to pay for it
Sometimes I think that maybe I'm not normal about this sport when I rant about it a bit too much to my friends. This is a reminder that I am in fact very normal about this sport.
Anon what the fuck do you mean you messaged skaters telling them to quit??? People actually do that??? Do you truly believe believe that one team is capable of ruining an entire disciplinne? Please go get some fresh air, your brain obviously needs it.
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
Quick reminder that you're allowed to have fun.
Back when I cosplayed, I put a ton of effort into cosplays. I did a ton of research, fabric sourcing, learning new construction techniques, trying to get everything to look good and be the perfect thing that I wanted it to be. I wanted to win awards. I wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was.
I got into cosplay because I was in a Twilight cosplay group. We would get together, to go Ross Dress for Less, buy new outfits, get together, go to the park or to the mall, and pretend to be vampires. One of the people in the group had a camera and took pictures, and that was what we did. We didn't make any really good cosplays or any really good photos, but I had so much fun going into the park in the rain wearing a sleeveless dress and pretending that I wasn't freezing, while our Bella cosplayer got to be the only person in a jacket and had to pretend she was miserable.
We weren't a good cosplay group, objectively speaking. We never won awards. We weren't interviewed by blogs. We weren't ever the group that everyone wanted to take pictures of at the convention. I got into doing more cosplay, but a lot of people in that group didn't cosplay outside of that group. A lot of them never cosplayed again, once we all went to college and stopped going to the mall and taking tons of pictures in the food court.
(For everyone who wants to imagine this, this was 2008 and cell phones didn't have cameras that could be dumped onto your computer, so there was several high schoolers pretending to be vampires and one person with a full DSLR with a 300mm zoom lens following them around like the whole grous wasn't a total ball of chaos).
And, you know what? We had fun. It's okay to do things just because it's fun.
With so many professionals posting information on the internet about how they do their craft, it's an amazing time to get into a lot of hobbies. Instead of hoarding information, a ton of hobbyists and professionals alike share their work and techniques and tools freely online. Anyone who wants to can learn how to use the same tools and do the same techniques. I applaud every professional who is taking the time to make resources so that new people can learn how to do things and join in their profession or hobby. Everyone who makes a roller skate tutorial on instagram, everyone who makes an instructable on using a soldering iron, everyone who posted a tiktok about the best way to melt cheese over rice, all those long and pretentious youtube videos about picking the best whiskey to go with the best cigars, videos explaining the bizarreness of Edwardian table manners, you all are amazing. You're sharing this information and enabling new people to learn about something that's important to you. This is really cool. I love you.
But, to everyone who is consuming this media that has been created, and find it intimidating, you're not alone. Someone with a functioning studio who is doing a makeup tutorial in a 4K camera with a high quality ring light and a $89 foundation brush, even sharing their technique freely, can make you feel like you won't have good makeup skills until you also have a ring light and a nice brush. You wanted to build a model of an airplane and looked up a tutorial, and this guy makes it look really easy but he has a double-action airbrush and a fume hood, so you feel like you're not ready to make this model because you don't have the right gear.
I know that this intimidation factor is not something that content creators making tutorials want to be there. I make tutorials and I don't want to intimidate people with a big list of tools and techniques, but I'm sure there's people who wanted to get into lolita fashion and found that my blog was more intimidating than helpful.
So I'm not here to tell content creators to stop making tutorials. The open sharing of information is one of the coolest things about the internet, and I don't want that to change.
But I do want to say something to the person who has watched 160 cake decorating videos in the past week and wanting to try it themselves. I want to say that to someone who has gone through 18 years of jfashion blog archives and wants to build an EGL coordinate. I want to say something to people who've built up an elaborate fictional world and amazing characters in their heads and who wants to share it with someone.
It's okay to do a thing without getting into the hobby. You're allowed to make one cake and decide that it's not for you. You're allowed to take the face off a Monster High doll and not like the process of putting on a new one. You're allowed to assemble one EGL outfit and not want to make a full closet of pieces. You're allowed to write down your story and give it to a friend without ever submitting it to a publisher. You're allowed to paint your DND minis with Apple Barrel acrylics and toothpicks. You're allowed to put on your eyeshadow with the little sponge stick that comes with the $9 palette you got at CVS.
Getting into wood carving is cool, but carving one spoon and then never picking it back up again isn't a failure at getting into a hobby. You made a spoon! That's so cool! You didn't fail to make a spoon just because you didn't make a second one. Building one coordinate and wearing it over and over for conventions and photoshoots isn't a failure to wear the fashion, even if you don't make a whole wardrobe with multiple looks. You can buy a $12 guitar at a yard sale and just play Wonderwall on it on Omegle and have more fun than someone who is dedicated to learning a full set and play professionally in front of people. You can knit a single scarf, hammer together a single planter box, DM a single session of D&D, and then not do it ever again. That's creation, not failure.
And you don't need to research everything and follow tutorials and get it right. You're allowed to experiment and have fun and do it wrong, and you're allowed to guess about the right way to do something. You're allowed to bring your outside perspective into something and try a technique. You're allowed to take experience you have from something and try to cross-apply it to something else. That's two of the ways that new techniques are made! And you're allowed to do something and not like it! You're allowed to do it wrong! You're allowed to give up halfway through and say you'll finish it later, and then never finish it later! You're allowed to bullshit your way through things.
You're allowed to not be serious about things. Throwing a Bridgerton party is probably really fun, but so it putting on cardboard top hats from the dollar store while holding shot glasses over your eyes like monocles and shouting "GOOOOOOOD HEEAAAAAVENS, LAAAAARYYYY," in an exaggerated tone while everyone drinks Old Crow and vows to never buy Swisher Sweets ever again. You're allowed to do things that objectively aren't good, don't showcase skills, don't create something impressive. You're allowed to do these things because they're fun, or because you think they might be fun.
Maybe you like it. Maybe you don't. But you don't need to commit to doing things like the professionals in order to find legitimacy in a thing you attempt. Your attempt is legitimate. Go try the thing.
And if you don't like it, your attempt was still legitimate. Good job trying the thing.
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turbulentscrawl · 4 months
Alva Relationship HCs: SFW and NSFW
As always, NSFW under the cut. Minors please dni with this post
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-Alva’s first love is and will always be his work. That’s not to say he doesn’t love his partner—he does! But he can’t be with someone who expects to be chosen over his only passion at any given moment. When Alva has lost people in the past, his work is what got him through, and if you ever leave it will be the same. He can’t let go of that. His partner needs to be someone who understands that Alva’s relationship with his research is steeped in emotional dependency, and can work with him on the amount of time he’d like to dedicate to it. That said, he’s generally pretty good about sharing his work space as long as you can respect his boundaries about touching certain things, and he always respects plans you’ve made.
-Alva’s love languages are Gift Giving and Physical Touch (giving), and Words of Affirmation and Quality Time (receiving). His chivalry skyrockets for his partner, who he sometimes feels bad for not spending as much time on as his work. He tries to makeup for it by showing his love with ‘little’ things. He’s the type of man to leave you flowers often, and little trinkets he buys or makes for you, with a little card to express some sweet sentiment. He also likes to have a hand on you when you’re nearby, either holding your own hand, or the small of your back. He gives forehead kisses a lot (he’s mf tall so this is easiest for him) and loves to pinch little pieces of his s/o’s clothes to rub between his fingers for comfort and textile stimulation. It’s pretty cute how you’ll end up with random little worn spots on your clothes. For receiving, Alva just likes to be reminded verbally that you love him, care for him. The quality time is a bit odd given that sometimes he refuses it—but even when that’s the case he just really likes when his s/o asks if they can hang around with him. There’s no such thing as asking Alva too often; he’s never annoyed by it.
-Alva also appreciates being told he’s attractive. It’s not something he mentions—mostly because it’s rarely relevant—but he does have some sensitivity to the state of his post-resurrection body. Scars abound under his clothes and bandages, his eyes are dark and sunken, his skin always cold. But he’s similar to Luca in that he takes anything his partner says for face value. So if you like how he looks, it’s enough for him to be told.
-He’s not an especially spontaneous person, let alone lover. The biggest surprise you’ll get from him is a random night of fine dining and dancing to records, preferably at home. Call him boring, but he likes intimacy and bonding without others around to gawk at it. You’re one of the few people he can enjoy for long periods, and the presence of others would just be a drain on him. But if you express a desire for some specific date plan, say ice skating or going to an orchestra, Alva will make that happen too.
-Alva is neither specifically protective nor possessive. He’s available to offer comfort whenever you need it, but he pretty much trusts you to handle your own affairs and ask for help if it’s needed. If you do ask for help, or something serious happens, Alva is very direct about the problem. He wants it gone as soon as possible. For a person, he will go speak to them immediately. He’s not the most intimidating Hunter, but the electricity he controls is usually enough to dissuade someone from continuing to be a problem.
-Alva has a low libido. He’s only in the mood for proper sex occasionally, like once every few weeks, maybe. But he’s a service top and usually willing to provide something else to satisfy his partner when they’re in the mood. His go-to is oral, and he’s quite good at it. Alva gives like he works: meticulously and thoroughly. You can expect many of your sessions to be spend with you laid out on his desk, entirely naked, while Alva sits in his chair and licks at you slowly like he’s indulging in a snack. (I mean, he is lol) He’s also decent with his hands. He has those nice, long, slender fingers. If you have an exceptionally high libido, however, he will have trouble keeping up and may occaisonally ask you to just indulge in some toys.
-Alva is not a fan of “quickies”—or quick anything, really. Alva is not a man who appreciates being rushed and does not like to cut corners or take the easy way out of anything. If you want pleasure from him, he wants you to slow down and enjoy every moment of I instead of just rushing headlong to the finish. Let him take his time with you.
-Alva is not facially expressive most of the time, but sex is one of the few exceptions. His endurance is better now than is was when he was alive, but it’s still only slightly above average. When he’s having proper sex, he gets visibly wrecked. He’s on the quiet side, however, even when he’s at his most pleasured.
-He’s also not particularly kinky, but he does like seeing his s/o all dolled up, dressed up like you’re going to a formal party, maybe with some nice lace underneath it all. He enjoys the process of taking it all off, slowly unwrapping his present, admiring the clothes and the effort and the treat underneath. He’d also enjoy being given the controller for a remote toy you’re using. He doesn’t want you in public while under the influence of it, mind you. So just sit your pretty self down in that chair over in the corner of his lab and enjoy. Beware: he’s just cheeky enough to tease you with it a little.
-Like Luca, he can provide some shocks for you, if that’s your thing. Unlike Luca, it’s entirely controlled and he won’t be doing it accidentally.
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fangirltothefullest · 5 months
Okay but now what if how you designed Remus but in as many words as you want, because I'm loving these design breakdowns
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Remus to me is full of chaos but he is also the antithesis of Roman with similar qualities but a total lack of self consciousness or bashfulness. He is freedom and he gives no shits.
Inspiration 1: Mad Madam Mim
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I start with a disney character full of chaos and I am inspired by mad Madam Mim because she is wild and chaotic and i absolutely love how fun she is as a villain and the most important thing for me is that Remus is fun. He's bonkers and has terrible ideas but he's also harmless in terms of reality. He's like an annoying little brother that wants to show you the Weird Gunk he found in the trash.
Inspiration 2: Snidley Whiplash (or Dick Dastardly)
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Remus to me is a guy who knows a lot of things and he's actually really clever but he wants to BE a villain like Snidley Whiplash or Dick Dastardly, including the moustache. He wants to tie people to train tracks because it's fun. His personality is "I found the dynamite and the roller skates! :D"
Inspiration 3: Wile E Coyote and looney tunes as a concept
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If Remus is anything it's a creature that can be stabbed in the eye and come back fine. It's a person who can make acme-like contraptions that do not work and that's ok. He is, if nothing else, Wile E Coyote and he is having the time of his life. He should therefore have hair that is a littler wild and crazy and untamable like Wile E's tail.
Inspiration 3: Royal villains
We will look at Galavant and also OUaT again!
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There's nothing quite as detailed in costume as evil royal villains. They always seem to be the most extravagant or at least have all the buckles and things and Remus has an outfit just the same. Like Roman I want his royalty to show with his clothes but unlike Roman I want Remus to look way less put together. More a culmination of his clothes he chooses to wear but only because he HAS to wear something so he's going to show skin.
Particularly though the one I associate with Remus is Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time.
Inspiration 4: Captain Hook / Pirate aesthetics
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Roguish, half-opened shirt, details, dressed fancy, swashbuckling. Remus would make a great pirate because he has the swagger and charm of a drunken man sailing a boat with a pet giant octopus he calls Lil Pussy.
Speaking of octopus...
Inspiration 5: Kraken and hentai
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He has an octopus on his belt and he deserves tentacles for a pirate feel but also for fuckin. Cause he's a raunchy bastard. Anything taboo is something he wants to think about.
Inspiration 6: Punk aesthetic
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What easier way top buck against the norms than to embrace punk vibes? Jewelry, upside-down crosses, I don't like going overboard with it but I like giving him some. Fingerless gloves, chokers with spikes, those kinds of things work well for his "I am everything your religious grandmother hates, embrace it". His outfits that aren't standard could look like he made them himself or found them in the garbage and went "awesome!"
Inspiration 7: Weapon Master
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Remus likes to hit things with his mace and while Roman has his sword, I imagine Remus is an expert at weapons or at least likes to use them so even if I am going to dress him up nice I want a weapon nearby somewhere.
Things that are a must:
So many details, Remus will not leave your eyeballs alone. If you think Roman has details nope, Remus wants your eyes to bleed with them.
Remus should have longer hair than Roman, wilder bangs and wilder curls. Shorter hair is fine but a ponytail is even more fun. Like the tie holding it'll break at any moment.
Weapons galore, arm this baby at every opportunity. Likewise, scars are acceptable but it's ok if they disappear at random because chaos loves chaos.
If Remus has his main garb off he should be showing skin to the best of his abilities and his collar should drape down wider than normal because let that man be a slut.
Tentacles should be numerous when shown and they should have a mind of their own doing whatever they want.
If Roman wouldn't wear it, Remus would. If Roman wouldn't think it, Remus would, and if Roman would be disgusted, Remus would love it.
Remus should have annoying little brother vibes.
Any non-standard outfits should look like he cobbled them together with duct tape and chewing gum.
So I came to this:
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spacecowboyhotch · 8 months
Kinktober Day 12: Formal Wear
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pairing: steven grant x afab!reader (but reader wears a dress)
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, thigh riding, semi public sexy things
wc: 807
an: for my sweet sweet @lesbianhotch, your brain was sooooo big choosing this prompt + character. love uuu 🥰
kinktober masterlist | moonknight masterlist
“I look ridiculous—downright silly. Why are the pants so…tight?” He frowns as he stares in the mirror, adjusting his tie for the thousandth time.
“Because you have a tight ass and this makes it look even better.”
Steven blushes, his mouth turning up into a shy smile before he quickly frowns again. “Shut up, Jake.”
“What’d he say?”
“That if I’m gonna complain while getting compliments from you then I should let him have the body.”
You snort, rolling your eyes playfully as you come up behind him, resting your hands on his hips and squeezing. “You look so very handsome.”
“We’re going to this gala to work, dove,” He reminds you.
“We can’t look good while doing it?”
“These aren’t very functional.”
“And my dress is?” You challenge, raising a brow.
“You’ve got a point there,” He turns around, eyes drinking you in. The dress plays off the color of your eyes, the smoothness of your skin— he’s enraptured with you. “You’re so beautiful,” He whispers.
“You’re one to talk,” You say, pressing a soft kiss to his mouth, one he readily returns. “We should go, don’t want to be late.”
The two of you are just on time to the gala, finding your seats easily. Both of you keep your eyes peeled for the latest target Khonshu has alerted them too. You’re antsy, vigilant but your hand stays on Steven’s thigh, loving the way the fabric of his slacks feels around him.
“You’re distracting me,” He murmurs into your ear after a while.
You don’t look at him, but lean further into him, allowing his mouth to brush the shell of your ear. “Distracting you how?”
“You’ve already told me how delicious you think I look, and now you won’t take your hands off me. How am I meant to focus, love?”
“I’ve been asking myself the same question. You smell so good,” You whisper back, eyes still scanning the crowds.
The gala is nearly over and there’s been no sign of the guy the two of you are looking for. It’s a bust. But, this night doesn’t have to go completely to waste— at least that’s what Steven is thinking when he skates his hand down your back and around the swell of your hip.
“Come with me.”
“But we haven't—“
“He’s obviously not coming. Old bird’s information was baseless. Are we surprised?” He teases, rising to his feet and bringing you with him.
“He’s going to annoy you for days for that one,” You say through a laugh, allowing him to lead you into the hallway.
“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before, dove,” Steven murmurs distractedly, guiding you down the hall.
After a short while, he finds a door labeled janitor’s closet, and stuffs you both into it. He locks the door before pressing you against the wall, practically sealing his mouth to yours.
You hum into his mouth, kissing him back eagerly. Your hands roam him, enjoying the quality of his suit jacket, the silkiness of his shirt. Something about this suit makes touching him even more intoxicating.
“Needy for me, are we? Have you been thinking about this since we left?” He wonders, kissing down the slope of your neck.
“Since you put on the suit,” You admit shyly.
“Poor dear. I bet you’re so wet, so achy,” He says, lifting you by your hips and sitting you down on his thigh.
“Steven,” You gasp, a hand tangling into his hair as he rocks your hips down against his thigh.
“I know darling, feels good doesn’t it?”
“Feels so good.”
He looks down at you with a hungry gaze, eyes hot, “Think you can cum for me just like this? Cum on my trousers?”
“Yeah, yeah I can,” You breathe, grinding down more firmly against him. The muscle of his thigh is taut as he presses up against the seam of your cunt, stimulating your clit.
“You’re so warm, I can feel you.”
You whimper against him, leaning in to capture his mouth once more as your hips move frantically. You chase and chase and chase after your orgasm, on the hunt after quelling your desire for him all night. He watches you with wonder, eyes tracing over the swell of your lips and the flutter of your lashes. Your eyes squeeze shut when you cum, and he leans in to quiet the loud moan that leaves you with a kiss that makes you breathless.
“Are you alright?” He asks shyly, thinking of all the filthy things he’s just whispered in your ear.
“I’m perfect,” You huff. “You’re trying to kill me with orgasms. Publicly I might add.”
The grin that spreads across his face makes it clear he feels no remorse, “Hmm, well let’s get you home so I can l make you cum like that again. Come along, dove.”
oscar: @honeybrowne, @pastanoodles11, @campingwiththecharmings, @steven-grants-world, @stevengrcnt, @greg-montgomery, @lesbianhotch, @mccn-bcys, @marc-spectorr, @whatthefishh, @flightlessangelwings, @silversprings-mp3, @simpforbritgents, @maisondenachtai
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v-is-braindead · 5 months
Brought to you by a winter snow storm
Gaz HC’s 
> When he isn't at work he is practically attached to you at the hip. He always takes you shopping and spoils you whilst you two debate over skin care.
>This man absolutely has (at a bare minimum) a 5 step skincare routine. He doesn't skimp out on products either.
> Inexplicably has a thing for scent. Fragrances you use in your perfume, shampoo and conditioner, lotion, deodorant… literally everything matters. 
> Following that all his fragrances match. His cologne would be similar to Uomo Born in Roma, including violet leaf, sage, and vetiver. If he can't find something he needs with a matching scent he will try finding a close replacement begrudgingly. 
> Seeing as he’s often away from his home for prolonged periods of time, he will come home and deepclean the place before he even considers relaxing. 
> When he finally makes it official with you, he spends his free time planning cute dates and being a present boyfriend. 
> Outdoor summer movie dates? Check. Winter ice skating? Absolutely. Carving pumpkins for Halloween? His will be the scariest one you have ever seen.
> This man will cater to your every need as long as you pay him in the currency of kisses and hugs.
> While he is absolutely a gentleman, his work is very demanding mentally, physically, and timely. He does occasionally enjoy sitting in bed cuddling while you play with his hair.
> His love language to you is gift giving. However, his personal love language is physical touch and quality time, considering his profession and its needs, he deeply enjoys what time and touch he receives.
> This man will dress to impress, always maintaining perfection, but also matching your outfits perfectly. In a suit? He will be too. You're in a frilly sundress? He’s in a loose summer button up shirt which complements the color of your dress to a T. 
> He knows when to show off, when you're at a party getting looks from others he’ll show his muscles by wrapping his arms around you or pulling you in by the waist. He’s not afraid to show who you belong to. 
> He is a sucker for home cooked meals made by you, It's the thought and love that makes the food taste delicious. If you can't cook he will absolutely teach you how just so that way he can praise how well you made something. If you're not in the mood to cook he will make your favorite thing for you or get your favorite take out. 
(NSFW) *more afab*
> He is a caring partner, he focuses on you finishing before he even considers relieving himself.
> This man enjoys when you sit on his face. He loves the feeling of the weight on him while being between your plush thighs. It makes him feel secure and hearing the moans egg him on further.
> The amount of times where he would just pick you up and eat you out on whatever is closest is insane.
> He has a whole playlist dedicated to fucking you so hard that you wont be able to walk for the next week. He also has one for when he really just wants to love every little thing about you while making you turn into jelly.
> His smell is heightened so he likes to make your senses sensitive. His favorite ways are tying you up and leaving you exposed and randomly tracing and touching you. Another one is a blindfold, especially when you're needy and begging.
> Similar to his playlist for the mood, he will praise you for taking him so well and being such a good girl. Maybe that same night even, he’ll be grabbing at you and practically growling about how you're his dirty slut that was made for being used by him.
> Has considered a threesome with you and soap…
> Will absolutely record himself fucking you in every position so that when he has to be away for work he has plenty of material.
> He doesn't own any toys for himself but he's bought you plenty of toys for while he's away. He doesn't mind because he knowns that when he comes back that he’ll fuck you better than any toy ever will.
> He's a switch naturally but usually tops. Will let you dominate him if you want to top or he just feels more submissive. 
> He leaves so so many bites and hickeys. He adores the way they cover your neck, body, and jaw. You get upset when they aren't easy to hide, little do you know he purposefully makes them hard to cover up.
> Keeps a polaroid picture of you on the inside of his gear. It's his second favorite picture of you, the first being anywhere you're smiling for him, it shows you in the first set of lingerie he bought you between his legs. 
> Soap accidentally saw this picture and asked about you. Gaz speaks so highly of you and shows you off to Soap. He gets turned on simply by the thought of you being you… Like this man just loves you so much.
How I feel after writing this<3
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stargazer-sims · 3 days
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The Art of Redemption
(part 20)
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"I didn't realize it'd be this easy."
Nikolai watches in fascination as Ginger slides the iron along the length of a damp towel spread over her ironing board. Underneath the towel is one of his medals. He can see the silver peeking out from under the edge. Tiny wisps of steam rise up from the towel, and the iron emits a soft sound that's somewhere between a sigh and a hiss, as if it can't make up its mind whether it's proud of a job well done or annoyed that this particular job is necessary.
They’re in Ginger’s kitchen with its cheerful yellow-painted walls and a large window that faces her apartment building’s courtyard. He’d spent last night here at her place and he'd slept remarkably well on the pull-out couch, with Tangerine tucked into the crook of his arm. This morning, Ginger made tea, waffles, and fruit salad with cottage cheese for breakfast, and then they went to the rink together. Afterwards, as Ginger had promised, she took him shopping for the things they’d need to restore and preserve his skating memorabilia.
Ginger smiles as she lifts the iron and sets it upright at the end of the ironing board. "I didn't say it'd be difficult. All I said was that it'd be a bit of work." She peels back the towel to reveal the medal. Its ribbon looks as good as new. "You've got a lot of medals. This isn't exactly a ten-minute task."
"Don't say that," she admonishes. "I'm glad to do it. They deserve to look their best. Here." She lifts the current medal from the ironing board and passes it to him. "I'd be furious if anyone damaged my medals, but I know you'd help me fix them."
"I would, if I'd known this trick." He carries the medal to the table and lays it on the leaf of white tissue paper he'd already set out for it. Wrapping it carefully, he puts it in the plastic storage box he'd bought earlier that day. "Can I try doing the next one? Give your arm a break."
"Sure," Ginger agrees. "Shall I show you what to do, or has Beth-Anne been teaching you how to iron as well as teaching you how to cook?"
He shakes his head. "She irons my shirts. I don't think she trusts me with it. But I do know how to wash my own laundry now."
"She truly is your second mother, isn't she? Teaching you how to cook and do laundry. What else has she taught you?"
"I'm getting pretty good at cleaning my own bathroom. Apparently, she doesn’t do, uh… smelly man bathrooms, I think is how she phrased it.”
Ginger laughs. "Lord help us. Is she as bossy teaching you housekeeping skills as she is on the ice?"
"Surprisingly, no," he says. "I'm actually seeing a whole new side of her, living under the same roof, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. She has more mom qualities than even I imagined."
"I'm glad it's working out," Ginger says.
"Me too. She’s letting me stay there until I finish my coaching courses, at least. We'll see what happens afterwards."
"So, you're doing that, then? Coaching, I mean."
"Yeah." He joins her by the ironing board as she pulls another one of his medals — a gold one this time — out of the cardboard box on the counter. His breath catches a little when he recognizes which one it is. "Ginger, I really have to fix this one myself."
She glances down at it. "ISU World Figure Skating Championship 2010. Yes, I can see why you'd want to sort this one out yourself. The 2006 and 2009 ones as well, I expect."
"When you find them, yeah," he says.
She gives the medal to him. "All right. Lay it flat, and press the ribbon as smooth as you can with your hand. Then we'll put the towel on."
"Okay." He does as she instructs. "How's this?"
"Good. Now, the towel. Don't cover up the gold bit. You don't want to iron that."
"Got it."
“Press down firmly, but not too hard.” Ginger positions herself behind him and places her hand over his to guide him for the first couple of strokes with the iron. "Yes, that’s the way. Well done.”
He concentrates on what he's doing, but that doesn't prevent him from thinking about the world championships. The competition was in Italy last year, and a record number of Canadian skaters had qualified, four of whom were from their very own Brindleton Bay Skating Club; himself in the senior men's category, Ginger in senior women's and their friends Hunter and Juliet in pairs.
Their coaches had considered it a triumph for so many of them to have made it in. However, by the end of the week, their elation at qualifying paled in comparison to the emotional high of what sports journalists had dubbed 'The Canadian Sweep'.
It hadn't really been a sweep, of course. That would've required Canadians to win gold in all four categories. In reality, Canadian ice dancers won silver, and although Juliet and Hunter didn't have a top-three finish, the other Canadian pair in the competition took home bronze. Ginger, who'd received her citizenship the previous summer and was finally able to officially compete for Canada, won gold in her category, and Nikolai had also claimed gold in his. It was his second Worlds gold in a row.
Would I have made it three in a row at Worlds this season? he wonders. Is Ginger going to be able to get her own double gold?
Like him, Ginger has more than one world championship gold medal, and also like him, she won her first and second ones in non-consecutive years. Nothing would excite him more than to see her earn back-to-back titles.
He hopes she's ready. She hadn't skated yesterday, and from what he'd seen from her in practice today, she doesn't appear to be concerned at all. Stan didn't seem particularly bothered either. He'd been going easy on her.
But, maybe that shouldn't have been a surprise. Ginger looked flawless on the ice. Nikolai tried to observe every move she’d made, and he hadn't noticed a single thing he thought she could improve on. Her performance was powerful and beautiful and technically perfect.
Don't worry about her. She's got this, he tells himself, but the directive only partially works. He's still going to worry, not just because he wants her to do well, but because he wants her to be safe, to not be careless or overconfident.
This year's world championship is being held in Russia, in Moscow, and it's taking place in just a couple of weeks, near the end of March. It's been more than a year since Nikolai has been to his grandfather and parents' home country, and he's overcome with the sudden, crazy notion that he could go and watch the competition. He's not a fan of flying, and he'd have to pay for the trip out of his own pocket, but he's certain it'd be worth it to see his best friend skate her way to a spot at the top of the podium.
"Nikolai." Ginger's voice inserts itself into his thoughts.
"I think it's done."
"Oh." He sets the iron aside, and then pulls away the towel to find that it is indeed done. It looks as pristine as it did when the ISU official had draped it around his neck last spring in Turin.
On impulse, he picks it up and puts it on. Somewhere in the back of his mind, an imaginary crowd cheers and tosses bouquets of flowers onto the ice, and O Canada plays. He swallows convulsively.
Ginger's palm comes to rest on his back. She rubs gently between his shoulder blades. "You okay?"
He nods. "I'm... I guess I'm just a little sad. All of this has been a lot."
"I can only imagine," she says. "It's okay to be sad."
"I know." He touches the medal hanging around his neck. "I'm getting better, though. My leg's getting stronger, and I'm feeling better about most things. Going to the rink with Beth-Anne every day has helped me a lot."
"I think mostly everyone is glad to see you there."
"I'm glad to be there," he tells her. "I really do want to coach, you know. I wasn't sure at first, but I realized I don't want to leave the sport even if I can't compete. This seems like the way that makes the most sense since I discovered that I really like helping people learn new skills. Beth-Anne says I'm good at it too. She thinks I'll be a great coach."
"For what it's worth, I'd tend to agree with her."
"Thanks. Your opinion's worth a lot to me, if you want to know," he says. "Anyway, the other reason I want to get into coaching is kind of a selfish one."
"There's this one little kid..."
"Yeah, Eden Seong. Have you seen him skate? He's only ten and he's absolutely amazing. He's going to be a champion some day, and I want to be there for that."
"He's one of Beth-Anne's students, right?"
"Right, but Beth-Anne says he might be my student in a couple of years, once he’s in Junior division.”
“And how does little Eden feel about that idea?”
“He’s into it. I think he’d want me to start coaching him right now if we were both ready,” Nikolai says. “I've been helping Beth-Anne with Eden’s individual lessons, and with one of her Novice students, and the group classes. She thinks I'll be able to teach a preschool group class by myself by September."
"That's brilliant," Ginger says. "Do you think you're ready for the challenge of teaching four year olds how to skate backwards and how to stop without colliding with something?"
He grins, remembering the antics of the five little skaters in the Saturday preschool class. "Well, I already taught one girl how to stop without crashing into me or into the boards, so I think I'll be fine."
"Helmets are mandatory, I hope."
"For the preschool kids? Yeah, definitely."
Ginger laughs. "I meant for you."
"With the way they bounce around, I think hockey shin pads might be more useful for me," he says.
"When Beth-Anne gets back, I'm going to come and watch you in action," Ginger declares. She pokes around in the cardboard box and retrieves another medal. "Here's Worlds 2009. I'll look for 2006 as well. Can you do this one on your own?"
"Yes," he confirms. "Do you really want to watch me work with the kids?"
"Adorable children and adorable you? Why wouldn't I?" she says. "The only thing that'd make the entire scenario any cuter than that would be if you brought the bear."
"I could make that happen."
"We should go to Build-A-Bear and see if we can find some skates for him."
Nikolai laughs. "He actually has some already. Workout gear and costumes too. If you want to come to my house with me later, we can find all his stuff and dress him up."
"Sounds like a project for tomorrow." Ginger looks both amused and pleased. "I had something else in mind for tonight."
"LIke what?" Nikolai asks.
"Ordering Korean food and watching the opening ceremonies of World Juniors. You did tell Brett you were going to watch, didn't you?"
"To watch him skate, yeah. I honestly didn't think about the opening ceremonies, but I’m liking this plan. Korean food because the competition's in South Korea?”
“Exactly so.”
“I like it. Can I sleep over again?"
“I think you’d better. South Korea’s twelve hours ahead of us and the ceremony’s on at half-past nine. It’ll be your bedtime by the time it’s over.”
“Yours too.”
“Mine too,” she concedes.
"What are we going to do between now and nine-thirty?" he inquires.
"Finish this, for a start." Ginger gestures at the ironing board where he's pressing the ribbon of his Worlds gold from 2006. The other two are around his neck, and they clink together gently each time he moves. "I've got dance time this afternoon, and Uncle Stan's probably going to be there. You can come along, if you like. Are you allowed to dance yet?"
"As long as I don't jump or put all my weight on my bad leg, I don't see why not," he says. "Nobody specifically said I can't dance, and I'd love to dance with you. It can replace my time on the treadmill."
"How much time on the treadmill are you allowed to do?"
"Thirty minutes."
"Right, then." Ginger nods, as if settling something in her own mind. "After thirty minutes, you've got to stop, and if you get tired or your knee starts hurting before thirty minutes, you stop."
She looks so serious, he has to put the iron down and cover his mouth to smother his laughter. "Are you channelling Beth-Anne right now?"
She folds her arms across her body and arches an eyebrow as she gives him a mock glare so reminiscent of Beth-Anne that it's uncanny. She manages to smooth out her English accent somehow as she demands, "Nikolai Pavlenko, are you questioning my coaching decisions?"
He snorts inelegantly in his futile effort not to crack up, "Oh my God..."
Ginger obviously tries to maintain her stern expression, but she dissolves into giggles too. "We've all spent way too much time together, I think."
"No," he says, once he catches his breath. "There's not such thing as too much time spent with you. Or Beth-Anne, for that matter. Or Uncle Stan. We're family."
"I love that sentiment, honestly," she says.
"Me too." Steady enough to resume ironing once more, he finishes another medal and then puts it around his neck with the other two. "There. That's my third Worlds gold done. How many do we have left?"
Ginger peers into the box. "About eight or nine. Are you going to put those three away before you press any more, or do you plan to wear all your Worlds medals at once?"
He considers for a moment. "All at once. Do you see the silver ones, or did we already get to those and I didn't notice?"
"Let's see... Here's 2007 and 2008," Her hand emerges with the two silver medals, and she sets them on the ironing board. "We're only missing 2004 now. Just give me a second."
"No problem. These'll take me a few minutes. I'm not as good as you at ironing yet," he says. "What time is your dance session, by the way? I can drive us over there."
"It's at three o'clock," she answers. "But, I thought perhaps we could take the bus."
"And... keep riding past our stop on the way home?"
"Hmm... For a couple of hours, perhaps."
"Let's do it," he says. "Do you want to stop to pick up food on the way back, or should we just order in?"
"Order in. That way, we can put our pyjamas on and settle in for the night, and if we happen to accidentally fall asleep on the sofa bed together, at least we'll already be dressed for it."
Nikolai smiles. More and more, he's learning that situations don't have to be monumental or momentous to be significant. Today's been a good day so far, an ordinary day. Nothing dramatic had to happen for him to find some sort of meaning in it. All he needs to understand right now is that he feels safe and that he’s content to be with his friend. Skating on TV, spicy noodles, and a sleepover. What more could he possibly want?
He and Ginger continue to chat amiably while they finish the task of getting all the wrinkles and creases out of the ribbons. Then, she takes a bunch of silly pictures of him with all six of his world championship medals around his neck at once, and they post them to their social media accounts with the most ridiculous captions they can come up with.
When they're done playing, they wrap the remaining medals and tuck them into the storage box. Ginger says she can keep the box here, if that'd make him feel more comfortable, and he agrees. He trusts her. If anyone would take care of them as if they were her own, it'd be Ginger.
Nikolai is just nestling the last small tissue paper wrapped bundle into the plastic container when his phone beeps for attention. It's a text alert. His phone is on the counter next to the microwave.
"Can you check that for me, please?" he asks Ginger.
"Sure," she says. She crosses the kitchen and scoops up the phone. A second later, she utters a half-spoken, half-groaned, "Ugh."
"What is it?" Nikolai inquires as he snaps the lid onto the storage box. "Or do I want to know?"
"It's Anya," Ginger holds out the phone at arm's length, as if it's giving off a bad smell. "She's written part of it in Russian, but I assume it's something disgusting if the string of pink heart emojis is anything to judge by. The other bit says, 'did you get our cat back?'."
"Our cat?" Nikolai echoes, incredulous. "Since when is Tangerine 'our' cat? She's mine. Anya barely tolerates her."
"Would you like me to send a reply to her?" Ginger asks.
"No, just delete that message. I'm not about to have a whole conversation with her through texts, and you shouldn't have to either."
"Do you really just want to delete it?"
"Yes," Nikolai says. "I'm determined that we're going to get to enjoy our plans for the rest of the day, and there's no way I'm going to let her mess it up."
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orieriee · 2 years
Going on a date with one piece men + their wardrobe!
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Author's note: it has been a long time since I posted but I have these random date hcs I like to imagine from time to time for a thousand notes/reblogs special! Thank you liking and supporting my work! Also sorry for the cringey outfit edits, it's for visual purposes only.
Pairings! Ace, Zoro, Sabo, Law x GN! Reader. Fluff.
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Portgas D. Ace:
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Probably wears an old white T-shirt, an outer (specifically yellow for this one) so that when you're cold he could give that to you, and jeans with a pair of old sneakers.
He doesn't own that many sets of outfit but he's giving me very chill but extroverted, casual skater boy vibes. (And yes, I headcanon he does actually skate)
Spring is the season of love so it is spring every day with Ace. Man is a clingy golden retriever boyfriend
It's a good day today so he's taking you to the nearby park to feed the swans and the geese! His favorite part of the date is getting to hold your hand ofc!
Don't forget the picnic basket, he has been planning on going picnic with you in his favorite park for WEEKS
He didn't cook the meals because of how clumsy he was in the kitchen but still wanted to help so behold his messy strawberry jam sandwiches
Wipes the corner of your mouth because there's some strawberry jam and then eats it
Or better, you're wiping the corner of his mouth but instead of wiping it with a hand/handkerchief, you kissed the corner of his mouth, tasting the strawberry jam
Ace would be so flustered and turns as red as the fresh strawberry jam
Tries to kiss you back on the cheek but missed because you move to lay on your back
Still flustered but joins you anyway, spending quality time staring at the pink and orange-yellowy sky
Oh look! The swans!
Roronoa Zoro:
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Tbh, his closet's color palette is a mess but there's definitely green. He usually wears sport jackets with nothing underneath but sometimes he does wear sweater underneath when it's cold
Loves to collect sport shoes so you know how he is, sport is his passion on this one. Or should I say fashion? Get it? Passion and fashion? Nevermind.
Let's you wear whatever you want, feel free to borrow his clothes
The chill but protective boyfriend
You wanted to go to the skating rink but since he's terribly bad at it and doesn't want you to see him make a mess out of himself, he's taking you to the bowling alley instead!
He's not bad in bowling but he's also not that good either. It all depends on his throwing skills... But mostly luck he says
Wear your sportwears, something a bit tight. That'll get him distracted for sure. Although he tries to be respectful.
But when someone decided to do the same (aka, staring), he'll make sure the other person does not anymore by shooting death glares and sending them threat*ning aura
"What's up, babe?" you took the bowling ball from his hands while he's looking to the other person
"Nothing. Just some creeps." he said as he's tying his jacket around your waist, covering your bottom
He says that he's sorry for bringing you to the bowling alley, saying that he should've bring you to another place for the date so that you can be more comfortable
Honestly a gentleman behavior
Sabo & Law under the cut!
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Definitely academia aesthetic. He likes shirts, with the collar and all. Also coats. The colors may vary but an outfit put together has to be from the same palette so it looks more neat and, well, put together🤷‍♀️
Actually collects hats but only wear them on special occasions
He may seem like a funny and chill going guy but behind your back, he's kinda possessive
Like, if you're talking to another person (where the other person shows interest in you but you're just trying to be friendly), he'll appear behind your back quietly and shoot threatening glare + smile to the person in front of you
Speaking of him appearing, he promised you to go on a full planned out date so the first thing he did was taking you for lunch at a cozy cafe that belongs to one of his friends!
He kept asking whether you find the food delicious or not and making sure to take notes on what you like and don't like so that when you two decide to come back here again, he'll order it for you
After the delicious lunch, he's taking you to the cinema to watch his/your favorite movie! He likes documentary types of movie and a bit of sci-fi and historical. You'll see him geek out about it after the movie. It is even better if he gets to geek out with you
But if you don't like these types of movie, he'll pick your favorite to watch and eventually learn to like it and geek about it with you
Exiting the cinema while holding hands, both of you walk down a few blocks to the amusement park
The highlight part of the date was enjoying the sunset from the top of the ferris wheel
Usually you two have deep talks, sharing about each other's day or confessing love to one another while the sky's the color of cotton candy
Who knows, maybe you two might share a kiss or two in the ferris wheel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Trafalgar Law:
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Mostly black aesthetic with a touch of silver or gold. He likes turtlenecks, coats, and long sleeves. Sometimes he wears glasses to read but not usually. Also belt is a must.
Sometimes wear something grey or navy. Own some colors but never too bright
This man might appear cold on the outside, but the type to immediately melts the moment he's with his spouse--No, not the mushy type but you can definitely feel the temperature difference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (get it?)
Law is actually very protective if he really finds the right person, so if you are one for him, you'll soon find him and yourself having a heart-warming conversation about your future house and how many cats/dogs you would want to have
So he's taking you for a ride to see the beautiful estate with gorgeous mountain/sea views
But before that, he's stopping by at a bookstore to pick up some new books to read, his house has a corner dedicated to his medical books as well as some sora;warrior of the sea comics hidden in the shelf
The bookstore has a cafe nearby so both of you warm up with some coffee before heading to the estate
The estate is a little far from here since it's a countryside estate, but the views are amazing so both of you figured that buying a house there would be nice
And Law's driving skills, oh gosh, imagine his one of his tattoed arms on the steering wheel while the other grabbing the persneling-- sorry I have a thing for Law's smexy arms ✋😔
Arriving there, you two talked with the estate agent before they're taking you to one of the houses to see the interior
The house itself is pretty big, with the backyard immediately faces the sea views with mountains surrounding the area. Law's already thinking about living the rest of his life here with you if you don't mind, he's quietly having butterflies in his stomach
Man who plans ahead with you in their future >>> 😩
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csykora · 1 year
g how do some professional hockey players get away with being so tragically bad at basic acceleration skating…… help i need to stop hating my own team’s captain
I don’t remember your team and I need the goss on who’s slow so I tried to check your blog and now somehow I've been kicked in the face with a football and I'm secondhand beer-drunk
Look, part of it is that hockey coaches are not, historically, good at teaching skating technique. They just aren't. They didn't do it for a long time. But setting technique aside, I think a huge part of it has to do with the muscular ability to accelerate. I would say that it’s because how hockey players train, and what they train for, is changing right now. There's a reason Connor McDavid exists now, and not just to haunt me.
Hockey is a strange sport to train for: it is, actually, notably different than other sports. The way the game is structured calls for different and often opposing physical qualities, and you could play it in ways that push it further in one direction or the other. Modern hockey is pushing in one particular direction right now.
Hockey could be like modern lacrosse. On the most basic level, the gameplay in both is about moving to cover and control a big, wide territory. Modern lacrosse is played in shifts of about fifteen minutes, much shorter than traditional stickball and running games, but it’s still a running game in spirit. You have to be able to run and run. You have to have that aerobic endurance, physical and mental endurance.
There's a reason running games have been around forever, and the sports we have today haven't.
Pro hockey could be played in fifteen minute shifts or more. It used to be. Pond hockey and pickup hockey still can be. For a long time, competitive hockey teams didn’t substitute players. It was an endurance game. 
As teams got bigger, shifts could get shorter. Coaches started carrying the now-standard 20ish players and sending out lines for a couple minutes at a time because they saw that players could go fastest and hardest for about that long. If they were out longer, they would settle into more of an endurance pace. That’s pretty much an innate, biological rule. Before we knew why there’s a change in muscular performance after one to two minutes of intense sustained activity, we could see that it happened. Choosing to prioritize a fast, hard game, pro coaches chose to shorten shifts. But other than the fact that people could go fastest in the first two minutes, and working on skating at top speed, they didn't really know how to improve on acceleration for a long time.
And, unlike figure skating, they kind of didn't have to, because the fundamental game of hockey doesn't require it. You don't have to launch yourself into the air, so you can play hockey in a way where the only races are on the long straightaways and breakaways where everyone has time to get up to speed--as long as everyone is accelerating at the same pace.
The reason I am, or at least the reason I became, obsessed with Soviet sports is that they really did change the whole game. That era was when we nailed down the differences between anaerobic and aerobic muscle metabolism and between fast and slow-twitch muscles, and they started targeting them. They took fucking muscle biopsies of potential players. Then they invented plyometrics and implemented weight training and cross-training in a way that the Euro and Anglo-North American athletic communities hadn't done before to increase the explosiveness of those players' movements.
The old description of the Russian machine was that they were a washing machine: they spun you around and left you wet. They weren't just fast on the straightaways, they could stop, spin around, and get back up to top speed in the other direction quickly, in a way that forced North Americans to the sweaty limits of their anaerobic metabolism.
Quickness is different than speed. Quickness is the ability to execute movements with maximum force at maximum speed. It's explosiveness, which is acceleration. You can be fast once you get going but take a really long time to get there, or be comparatively slow but able to accelerate quickly. (Elias Pettersson or Evgeny Kuznetsov move pretty fast if you give them space, but they accelerate like a Monday morning.) When you're playing against a league of people who aren't especially quick, the fastest person wins. Once someone is quicker than you, they win.
Mogilny and Federov made North Americans want to be not just fast, but quick. But honestly, it took another twenty years for that to happen. The way that Federov trained was...insane in the oldest sense: it wasn't well, it wasn't sound, you know? It took a really specific, really intense environment.
North American hockey players train with their coaches and, increasingly, at specialty summer camps. The amount that most coaches know about this area of athletic training isn't high (and I don't necessarily think it should be, except that know they've started doing it). It's taken this long for training techniques that emphasize quickness to really penetrate youth hockey, and for youth players to have the drive to do it. (Note that I am not saying that drive is a good thing).
Today, youth players can watch trending videos and read about exercises for explosive skating on the internet in a way that wasn't happening even ten years ago. More and more of them train year round at camps or on skating treadmills like the one Connor McDavid has been hooked up to since he was fifteen. They believe that the way to stand out is to be an explosive skater, because they're told that, and they have the tools to at least try to make that happen.
Basically, even a player in their thirties today was in a different class of physical training than the last few drafts, because of instagram.
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tutuandscoot · 12 days
Hi! I'm new to Tumblr and to Virtue/Moir content (I have never shipped anyone before but ever since I clicked on that 2018 Olympic free dance while scrolling down my YouTube recs, I'm in love with their relationship. It's very different from relationships that we usually witness in pop culture. There's so much love and such a strong mutual understanding between them which I haven't seen in many people. I 'm not going to call it platonic because it's much deeper than that. I'm Sri Lankan so Winter sports (let alone ice dance) were never discussed growing up. Honestly, I didn't even know that pair skating is different from ice dance until a few weeks ago, lol. I was so confused.
I'm not really interested in watching ice dance because they're not competing anymore😭 although I watched a few of Papadakis/Cizeron, Donhoe/Hubbel, Poje/Weaver routines. P/C are great (Love their flowy style but I'm not an expert to judge) but nobody can replace V/M. They were something else. When I watched Tessa and Scott Skate for the first time, I honestly thought they were married. That's how good they were at it. There's this inexplicable soulmate energy between which I haven't seen in many people. It's so rare!
So, all I want to ask is if there's anything I should know about them? Maybe little endearing details about them which you adore and want new fans to know ❤️
Hi lovely..
Sorry this has taken a bit to get back to.
I’m obsessed with your takes on VM, and you bring things up that I’ve always felt about them but couldn’t put into words.
I’m the same as you, I really don’t care about the sport removed from vm, when I do watch skating it is mostly older competitions/competitors from VM’s era and earlier. I still keep mildly up to date but mostly just to complain about how no one is as good as vm and the sport has gone to mostly shit since they retired 😅.
I was a little stumped when I first read this and thinking about which of VM’s universe amount if endearing qualities to specifically point out..
The thing I love most I think this is how kind they are to each other.. OBVIOUSLY they have had hard times throughout their 27+year relationship, some of which is well documented/they spoken about and other small disagreements that literally every person in any relationship experiences.. but throughout their career and relationship post- skating is just how enormously clear the deeper then deep level of care they have for each other is and will always have and the beautiful ways they express it. Some examples: The Hug.. beyond the ritualistic need for them to do it pre-skate it is just the most heart melting thing to witness and think about. Wanting to be an extension of and synchronised with each other in every way. The way they hold hands.. there’s so much car ens security in not using station al dance hold as is custom on ice, it’s an expression of just wanting to be as close as possible al the time. They way they look into each others eyes so intently and with such empathy and understanding.
There is soooooo much more but this would be to long
Some of my fave stories:
Scott leaving a bucket full to the brim of rice at T’s door step before a world championships to ensure her of all the work they had put in to becoming the best in the world- T says this is the best present she’s ever been given
How T was there for Scott during their first few comeback comps where one of his closest friends suddenly passed away, Scott recalling how T was the only safe space and literally holding her hand and looking in her eyes was the only thing that kept him from completely falling apart.
How they support each other after failures (there’s heaps of evidence of this) and praise each other in triumphs.
Most of all I think how they would none of what they have if not for each other and how eternally grateful they are for having met and they life they have shared they wouldn’t give up for anything!
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sunskate · 2 months
the season's over for ice dance - what were your favorite programs? my favorite FDs:
LaLa Roses - they are such an exciting team in that it feels like they're just getting started but are this good. i know they've been together for a long while at this point, but you can feel the potential, that they have so much more in them. this was the highlight of Worlds for me
CPom Perfume - i'm so happy for them - they took a risk choosing this program but showed they have range. from Summertime to this, they've shown quality, elegance, sophistication. they've been changing the narrative about themselves for the last 2 seasons. they were great at Worlds, but this performance at Nationals was when it felt like it was undeniable that they've arrived
G/P Wuthering Heights - hearing Carol Lane talk about how much they work on skating on the circle at their school made me notice they're almost continuously circling and spinning and turning to create the sweeping sensation that's so characteristic and expressive in this program. the elements feel organic, this just works for me - it's beautifully odd
L/Q Umbrellas - they made it their own, which is no small feat. so talented and such a stellar first senior season
Lily and Nathan's Jeremy Dutcher FD (tumblr's not letting me add the video, but they're at 57:11 at the link)- they made something personal and meaningful that only they could skate - they had a great music cut from the start, and the choreo and their performances of it got sharper and at the same time more abandoned - their skate at Nationals was their peak - their 4th place finish was well deserved
Hawayek/Baker I Found You - the FD that wasn't. i'm thankful they shared it with us. infused with pain and sadness but also joy and connection. that they do the Seasons curve lift that they first did as juniors but with a beautiful new position to exit feels like it reaches back over their whole career 😭
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tonberry-yoda · 4 months
°afab her/she
°One piece or Overwatch
°Don't really wanna be paired with Sanji lol also not any one piece girls that I'm into except maybe Madam Shyarly and also not into Tracer or Mei
°I'm really freaking shy. I'm usually calm but sometimes depends on the mood so I can be easily annoyed, patient but not that patient. I'm ngl I'm lazy haha, I'm usually pretty stubborn and take some explaining for me to change my mind about something, reserved, very quiet in the beginning but when I get to know someone I'll slowly open up and can be quite talkative if I'm in the mood for it. I like to tickle people (that I'm close enough with) that are ticklish,
°Out of a relationship I want a life partner but def no kids (and leaning no towards marriage), a person I can always go to for whatever it is, no polyamory tbh,
°I love stargazing, playing video games, meditating, listening to music, working out is nice, cooking, hikes (but not like the super crazy ones where you need some equipment) shwimming, worldbuilding, drawing like architecture type stuff, tryna get into caring for plants and things I'm interested in are the ocean - I just love everything about it (the animals, the way it looks both under it and above such as the waves/shore and coral reefs), space (I find it fascinating, like whats out there y'know? And not to mention how beautiful it looks), I love philosophy (can have a bunch of interesting debates y'know?) Also thinking of learning to play guitar later on
°My wardrobe mostly consists of black clothes, band shirts (rock genre), skinny jeans - mainly also black but some have like red patterns and some have like pockets and zippers; think hot topic for an idea, I do have a few things that aren't like that like sweat pants, hoodies, some shorts I'd pair with tights. I paint my nails (mostly black) and I wanna have tattoos one day not sure which kind yet tho - leaning towards oceany beachy vibes or cyberpunk vibes, maybe a few space ones here and there.
°My type of guy is assertive, calm, quiet, - although I don't mind a more different kinda guy like more rowdy and whatnot. I like guys that are kinda blunt (if they know how to be blunt without being rude although I may sometimes overlook the rudeness depending) attractive, don't care for height although most people are taller than me, loyalty. As for girls same could be said for girls. Lookswise I like both of them to be more on the masculine side. Also if you wanna choose a non-human character for me I'd more than welcome it haha be it an omnic or fishman although no minks.. Not really into them tbh
°My music taste is mainly rock (a lot of rock subgenres I like but some I really love are here) and especially metal but I do love a few other genres that I'll listen to every once in a while such as r&b, electronic, pop, and some reggae but reggae is kinda rare for me mainly reggae that's got like a beach vibe going.. unless that's what the reggae seen is? Idk if there's reggae songs that don't have beach vibes but anyways! Also rock reggae is cool and so is ska punk or skate punk; that skateboarder (I think it could be known as that? Maybe im wrong idk lol I blame my crappy memory) music also gives me the beach vibes and there's been quite a few songs and couple o bands I enjoyed in that genre.
°My love language is quality time together and gifts, I can be pretty materialistic (not that much tho) as I just love shopping.
°Idk if mbti types could help but Im an Intp and I know zodiacs are just for fun but my zodiac is actually a lot like me which is Aries~ I also tend to have a preference more towards men than women; tend to like guys more often. I like my space so I can be alone from time to time - It's pretty nice and relaxing
-Thanks for letting me add stuff I forgot btw!!
notes - Hey anon! Your patience means the world to me and I really hope that you enjoy this! My apologies for the hiatus, but hey, I'm not getting paid to do this anyway lol. I really hope you have a super day and enjoy the matchup :)
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it just really fits
the beachy vibe, the love for philosophy and architecture, I just see y'all
he's a super blunt man, and you love that about him
and he loves you with all his heart. it's a lot of admiration for you. he just loves the things your passionate about and could listen to you all day
you two work really well together and travel a lot together
he overall just appreciates you as someone he can have by his side
bro spoils you. if your love language is gift giving, just know you will be showered with gifts
he's honestly the perfect partner to just work with and travel with that will meet your needs with lots of love <3
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
Chapter 7 of I’ll Be Back Again To Stay
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Pairing: Santiago Garcia x single mom!reader
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: a chapter full of internal debate (and by that I mean Santiago is no where to be found… oops)
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The time between Christmas and New Year’s passes quickly, with the added weight of the reality of your impending departure pushing you down. You try to spend as much time as possible with your friends, while your heart caves in every time you look at Santi.
You spend your days working on your laptop on the couch, keeping an eye out for Inez as she runs around and plays. Sometimes, Sofia will come over and take her and Maria to the park or to a movie, depending on the weather. The evenings are spent as a group, just chatting and snacking while the girls play.
At the beginning of your trip, you’d been worried about taking up too much space, inserting yourself when they wanted you to keep your distance, but now you’re worried you’ll never spend enough time with them. Sure, you’ll be able to text and call and FaceTime, but when you leave, they’ll all still be here, together.
You can’t help but feel a little bit jealous, a little bit angry at your circumstances. You finally meet a group of friends that you genuinely care for, that you want to spend time with, and you live hours and hours apart. It seems like a cruel joke, like the universe just needed a good laugh.
If your platonic feelings are a joke to the universe, then the way you feel for Santi must be a goddamn stand up special.
You can’t even remember the last time someone made you feel the same way as Santi, and you still aren’t sure what it is, but it seems like the border between infatuation and love and despair. You crave being near him, but every time he’s close to you, your stomach is a riot. You feel all out of sorts, but you don’t entirely hate it.
It’s a strange, new feeling, and you don’t have enough time to study it, to decide what the best course of action is. So, instead, you don’t do anything, you don’t tell anyone; you bottle up all of your feelings and hope you don’t explode.
It’s a special type of torture, keeping all of your feelings to yourself. As much as you want to, you can’t tell Sydney, because you know she’d tease you before accidentally letting it slip to everyone that you have feelings for Santiago, though you still can’t pinpoint what exactly those feelings are.
What you want, more than anything, is for Santi to make the first move. You want him to get you alone, sit with you at his kitchen table and tell you that he feels the same, whatever those feelings may be. You want him to eliminate that horrible feeling clawing at your skull, the one that whispers that whatever you’re feeling isn’t reciprocal.
Though, spending time with Inez and Sydney and the rest of your new friends served as a wonderful distraction, the perfect way to take you out of your head for a few hours. You try to soak up time with Syd, knowing that when you return home, texts and FaceTimes won’t be the same as having her with you.
Plus, you know how much she loves Inez, and you want the two of them to spend as much quality time together as possible. Most days, the three of you will go out for some sort of winter activity, like ice skating or walking around the winter market on weekend mornings.
It’s wonderful, being able to spend so much time with the people you love, new and old friendships growing over time. You can almost feel a physical pain in your chest whenever you think about leaving, about saying goodbye to Sydney and Will and all of the wonderful people you’ve met.
That ache only deepens when you think about Santiago, when you think about how even if he reciprocates the way you feel about him, you’ll have essentially no time together. It seems especially cruel of the universe to present you with such an amazing man, only to leave you confused and unable to act on your feelings.
You spend time with him outside of the group too. Most of the time, you’re with Inez and Toby, walking around in the chilly weather, sitting on freezing cold benches together as Inez chases Toby around the dog park.
It’s always so domestic between the two of you, enabling you to create an elaborate fantasy in your head where the four of you will return to Santiago’s house, warm up and cuddled together for the rest of the day before making dinner together and eventually falling into bed together, Inez safely tucked asleep in the room next door.
But that’s just a fantasy, and at some point, your daydreams need to end. You need to decide if you’re just going to keep whatever you feel to yourself or if you’re going to risk telling Santi and seeing what happens. You’ve been leaning towards the former.
Even if Santiago’s feelings reach the depth of yours, if they pass beyond lust, the time you’d have together is limited. You’re only here for another week, what’s the point of telling him? What could happen in the span of that week? To you, it’s best to keep your feelings to yourself and hope that when you get home, they’ll disappear.
For now, though, it seems like those feelings, that pull you feel towards Santi, are only growing. It seems like every time you look at him, whether he looks back or not, your heart twinges and your chest contracts. You’re almost constantly overwhelmed with the urge to gently tangle your fingers into his graying curls and tug him softly towards your mouth.
It would be so much easier if he was an asshole.
Sure, he’s emotionally closed off and a little broody, but he’s beyond sweet, both to you and Inez. It's impossible for you to hate anyone who was nice to Inez, and you could tell that Santiago would do anything for her. Every time she smiles, Santi positively beams, joy radiating out of his gorgeous eyes.
No matter what you try, you can’t stop thinking of him. You think of him when you’re working, watching Inez out of the corner of your eye. You think of him when you’re spending time with the group, unable to stop yourself from glancing at him across the table. You think of him when you’re trying to fall asleep, mind always wandering back to his deep brown eyes and perfect smile that he hides from so many.
You feel like you’re going to explode with all of these emotions coursing, rushing, through your body. You don’t know how much longer you can live like this, how long you can pretend that you feel nothing for Santiago beyond the typical platonic feelings.
Besides the emotional torment, you’ve had the best two weeks of your life on your trip. You got to spend some much needed time with your best friend, you got to make new friends, which is so incredibly rare for you, and you got to watch your daughter having fun and making her own friends.
Really, just seeing how much fun Inez is having is causing your dread at the thought of returning home to increase tenfold. You know you have to go back, and you know she knows it too, but the thought still makes your stomach turn.
You can’t tell if it’s the people or the time of year or some combination of both, but there’s not a single part of you that really wants to go back to your normal, everyday life. It’s still a week away, and you’re already dreading getting back on an airplane.
So you soak up as much time with everyone as possible while pretending that your heart doesn’t crack every time you see Santiago.
It’s during this time, where you’re trying to spend as much time as possible with all of your friends, that Sydney brings you the news of yet another change in holiday plans.
Originally, you, Inez, Syd, and Will were going to order pizza and watch movies and the countdown to New Years in Times Square, just a cozy, casual night in. In your books, it’s one of the very best ways to spend a night.
Syd, however, had other ideas.
She has made it her mission to convince you to come out to some bar with the rest of the group, using her puppy-dog eyes and pulling out all the stops to sway you.
“What about Inez, huh?” You ask, tired of having the same conversation at least once a day since December 26, “How am I supposed to leave her all alone to go out drinking?”
“She wouldn’t be alone,” Sydney looks at you as if this is the most absurd question you could ask, “Frankie’s mom would be happy to watch her.”
Frankie himself had mentioned that his mom was going to be watching Maria for the night, and that Inez would be welcome to join them: she’s desperate for more grandchildren and would happily spoil Inez for an evening. You know he’s being honest, and he wouldn’t even offer unless his mom had told him it would be ok, but you can’t seem to shake that feeling of being an inconvenience.
“I dunno, Syd,” you tell her, just trying to get her to leave you alone for a few minutes, “I’ll think about it, ok?” Really, you had no plans to think about it, planning instead to wait a few more days before telling her that you’ll just stay back with Inez and go on with your original plan.
“C’mon, this is probably the only night you’ll ever get to go out, just take the opportunity!” You know she just wants what’s best for you, but damn, can she be annoying.
“Maybe I don’t want the opportunity.”
“We all know you do.” She changes tactics, scooching closer to you and pulling you into a side hug, “I just want you to be happy. And if staying home with Squish will make you happy, then I’ll leave it alone.”
“Thank you.”
“But I know that a part of you wants to come out with us, and I just want you to know that if you say yes, everything’ll be ok.”
“I’ll think about it, I promise.”
Somehow, she’d managed to convince you a little more, enough where you reached out to Frankie to make sure his mom would really be ok with watching Inez. According to him, she’d be happy to watch Inez with Maria, and he assures you that he’d never even bring it up otherwise.
It’s amazing to you how calming Frankie can be, his gentle demeanor at odds with his lanky frame and broad shoulders. Still, he’d managed to convince you further, despite the jabs he’d slid into the conversation about a certain friend of his and a midnight tradition.
You had discarded it with a roll of your eyes and a good natured smile, but the thought had wormed its way into your brain, refusing to leave until you considered it further. You’d hate to say it, but that thought plagued you, leaving you unable to think of anything else besides sharing another kiss with Santiago.
And, you’d never tell anyone, but that comment might have been the one to break your resolve and lead you to ask Inez if she’d want to spend New Year’s Eve with Maria and her grandma. She almost jumped with excitement at the idea, grinning from year to year and immediately babbling away about all of the fun things she hoped to do with her new best friend.
So, you let yourself debate internally for a little while longer, trying to decide if you really did want to go out on New Year’s, but Inez had looked so excited at the prospect of spending the night with her friend that you eventually sighed and told Syd to count you in before arranging everything with Frankie and Sofia.
Syd, to no one’s surprise, was insufferable after convincing you to change your plans, grinning from ear to ear as she planned out your outfits. Her smile quickly turned to a pout when you shot down all of her ideas, though you could tell she was mostly teasing.
Really, she was just happy you had decided to go out for the night, and just live a little bit. She could imagine that back home, as a single mother to a young child, your nights out on the town were few and far between. So, she took it as her best friend duty to lovingly force you to let go for a night, to forget about all your problems and breathe.
Though, with Santiago there, you knew it would be impossible to forget your biggest problem of the trip.
Tags: @zoriis @andr0medafallen @campingwiththecharmings @loonymagizoologist @itspdameronthings @stevenngrant @welcometostayingawake @outmodead @pakhiya @wand-erer5
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tkpuke · 2 years
No Crime in Relaxing
Pairing - Eddie Munson x Reader
Word count: 3,222
In which the growing distance away from your friends only caused one person to notice. To notice the color draining out your adored personality. To notice how long it’s been since you last laughed or even pulled a tiny smile. That person being your best friend, Eddie Munson.
This is a tickle fic. Please do not read if that’s not your thing.
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Your conversations to your friends all slowly became the same. Discussing on their next hangout, giggling about how fun it’ll be spending time together by being dumb young teenagers, then heads turning to you to see if you’re in. Bowling, skating, and late night kickbacks. It guarantees you a blast, but you give your friends a apologetic look with a quiet ‘no, sorry.’ Each and every time.
‘No biggie’, is what they always tell you. Will they ever get past seeing it as a “no biggie”, and maybe question if you’re doing alright? You give it your best to try attending invites to parties n such, finding a way to work with your strict curfew set by your parents. You usually do, in fact, make it every time. Though these past couple of weeks you found yourself going straight home after school, alone in your room doing homework and study your ass off until night falls where you plop into bed for the next day to repeat the cycle.
The cycle you fully blame on your parents. Your parents have set expectations on you since day one. They remind you everyday, but lately their expectations has started to weigh heavy on your shoulders. The exhaustion of desperately trying to live up their dream of having the most perfect and smartest kid in Hawkins kicked in, leaving you unmotivated to keep up the good scores in tests and be the top of everything when it leaves them unsatisfied at the end. Your parents want more, thinking you can do better.
Focused so much on completing the goals they have on you which only benefits them and earn bragging rights when speaking to other parents, that they completely turned a blind eye on how it might’ve left a negative toll on you.
The one person who seemed to have an immediate problem on not having enough time for them, was Eddie Munson. Doesn’t take awhile to note he can’t live without getting unlimited attention from his close friends dear to his heart. You are nearing top three on his list who owns a special spot in his heart, which comes down to him wanting to spend as much time with you as possible.
You never complained. Eddie gave you the type of friendship everyone envied to have in a guy best friend. Sharing deep conversations at Skull Rock, inviting you over to his trailer to give you a sick mini concert in his room, to the time you snorted out your milkshake from your nose because Eddie’s jokes were gold. There was not a single dull moment you’ve had with him.
Explains the great pain you’ve gotten with the amount of times you had to decline his offers to spend quality time with you.
“Sorry, Eddie.” Is all you say, tucking some hair behind your ear as you walk down the halls, three books in your arms. You heard footsteps behind you, Eddie giving gentle pushes to people followed by ‘excuse me’s’ to try walking beside you.
“No no, I totally get it. Drive-in movies are outdated.” Eddie starts, beaming from his next suggestion as he shakes your shoulders a bit. “But playing DND isn’t.”
Dungeons and Dragons hasn’t failed in getting you to cave in whenever you swore to Eddie you were busy. Your slight obsession to the game was what brought you two close, playing together until feeling burned out. You knew Eddie probably thought he had reeled you in with this one, but from all the declines and distancing to your friends has made it easy to even refuse an activity you would agree on doing in a heartbeat.
“I can’t today.” You haven’t made eye contact with him once since the start of this conversation. The confused yet disappointed expression he’ll soon wear would bring a strong wave of guilt towards you. You can’t bear to face that, especially since you damn well know you can make time for anyone, just the determination of pleasing your parents is what’s pulling you back.
Eddie damn well knows too. Of course he does, he’s your best friend.
You halted your movements the minute Eddie got in front of you, blinking in complete surprise. “Okay, what? You’re always down in playing DND. What’s so important right now other than that?”
You scoff a little. “Heading to the library to study for Mrs. Eyerly’s next big biology test. You should try it sometime.” Adding the last part couldn’t be helped, you constantly nagged him to put more effort in his classes by joining you in study sessions. The repeated no’s irked you a bit.
Your small library trips weren’t unknown to him. The library card makes an appearance whenever you open your wallet around Eddie. Although, it isn’t a place you would call your second home.
“Bullshit. I refuse to believe someone study’s for two weeks straight and still be completely sane.”
You give off an eye-roll, sometimes forgetting how dramatic Eddie is. “Do you not see the books in my hands? I’m not bullshitting.”
You took a step to walk around him, but he quickly blocks your path a second time. “Give yourself a break, Y/N. There’s nothing wrong with doing that.”
Your eyes falls down to your shoes, avoiding his now softened gaze. “Yes there is.” You took off as soon as you replied, not looking back. You felt Eddie’s eyes watching you leave, holding back in catching up to continue the pathetic argument. Eddie knows this won’t be the last time your conversations will end like how it did. When next time rolls around, he’ll fight back.
The morning newspaper was waved at your face, Eddie pointing at a certain title through the list of movie showings tonight. “Aliens tonight, sweetheart. Me, you, and the rest of the group.”
You snagged it out from his hands, reading the timings. There was one time where it showed just before the sun will set, and you assumed that’s the timing Eddie was planning to go see. Bless him, for understanding you had no control over your early curfew but still made plans regardless because he worked along with it pretty well.
“There’s no reason to back down. You’ve been waiting on the edge of your seat for Aliens to release ever since the first one came out.” He’s right. Ever since the first movie, you’ve been obsessed with anything horror. Then you discovered the Alien comics, so you kept busy reading all of those while waiting for a continuation. A new interest of yours lead to talking Eddie’s ear off about all your own theories and fangirling. He never mind, he thought the first one was as amazing as you perceived it. If there’s one thing Eddie loved about you, is how you get into deep detailed conversations about your special interests.
“This might be a long movie. I’m not sure if I’ll be home in time for dinner.” You attempted. Not your best excuse, because when were you ever a big fan of your parents cooking? You rather stick with microwave TV dinners.
“Tell your parents after the movies you’ll have dinner at whoever’s friend’s house since they offered.” Eddie shrugged like it was no big deal, but there’s one thing that is.
“I think they’ll get a heart attack if I tell them I’m gonna watch Aliens.” You thanked your good friend, Jenna, at the time to convince your parents to let you spend the night then immediately buying two tickets to watch Alien. Some days you would do anything to go back to sweet ol’ 79, wanting to experience the film for the very first time again.
At this moment, especially considering how this past month has been for you, there’s no way your parents will buy you wanting to have a sleepover tonight at some friend’s house. They already have the mindset that since you’re a senior, you grew past all those “kiddy” stuff. Besides, you can’t even think of one lunch friend you’re close enough with to stay the night over.
“Uh, I know. Which is exactly why I’m giving you ideas on how to lie to them.” Eddie scoffs, seeing you stay in silence for a couple of seconds while kicking pebbles nearby.
He releases a sigh before speaking once more. “I don’t think you understand how not only me, but the whole group misses you.” A hand squeezes your shoulder, causing you to finally meet his eyes. “It’s okay to take a break once in awhile. Fuck your parents for telling you otherwise.”
You let out a breathy laugh, nodding your head understandably to his comforting words.  Comfort, All Eddie gives you in your troubling times without hesitation. You never had to verbally ask for him to reassure your growing worries away, he just knows when it’s the right time for his help. You believe without a doubt Eddie having the ability to read his friends’ moods like an open book so fantastically is his gifted sixth sense. He’s been by your side since day one, you were too blind beforehand to realize.
A barely visible smile tugs on the corner of your lips, saying ‘thank you’ by playfully punching his shoulder in your guy’s own made up physical language.
“Well, what are we waiting for? We have a movie to catch.”
The long line to the ticket booth brought no shock for everyone. The wait gave you a chance to catch up with everyone, also apologizing profusely when Gareth purposefully made you feel guilty for all the times you missed out on the hellfire campaign nights due to your stressful study sessions. Jeff shares his gratefulness that you’re here now and that is all that matters, Eddie agreeing.
The minute you sat down, you couldn’t contain your legs from bouncing with excitement. Every single scene got you watching intently, absolutely refusing to do a bathroom break until the very end of the movie. You wouldn’t dare to miss anything. Jeff and Gareth made a few whisper comments to each other during the middle of it, causing you to shush them by giving a single glare to your right.
You gained the urge to snack, Eddie giving you his popcorn. Apparently you were supposed to share, because when you handed back the paper bag empty, he crumbled it up and flicked it to your cheek before forcing Jeff or Gareth to get up and buy some more. You had no regrets, buttery popcorn tastes amazing while you watch people getting beaten down by a bunch of horrifying aliens. 
The movie eventually came to an end, all four of you walking out as everyone discussed their favorite scenes with the thrill of wanting to watch it a second time.
“Man, I’m telling you, Ripley is a total badass.” Eddie practically swooned. You wouldn’t understand why anybody would not have the hots for the main character. Having the guts to face giant creatures a second time willingly is the kind of bravery everyone is immediately attracted to.
“Newt is definitely my new favorite. She is so adorable.” You added in the topic of which character sucked and which didn’t.
“I for sure thought she was gonna die when those ugly son of a bitches took her.” Jeff said, shuddering a little in picturing himself ending up in Newt’s situation.
“What, you mean like this?” Suddenly you felt arms wrap tightly around your torso, feet high off the ground. “Eddie!” You yelped, getting spun around as he pretended to gobble on your neck with growling noises for dramatic theatrical points. Lips never touched your skin, but the close proximity along with the growling sent a ticklish chill down your spine.
Before you even had time to giggle, the playful attack ended as soon as it started. From how quick it all happened, the group all laughed due to your confused yet startled reaction afterwards.
Although, you smiled right after, because moments like these are exactly what you’ve missed so dearly.
You gave your goodbye waves to Gareth and Jeff before hopping in the car with Eddie in the driver’s seat. When arriving at the trailer, you mentioned you were a little bit hungry thanks to only filling your stomach up with popcorn.
“I can fix something up for you.” Eddie suggests but the nervous rubbing on the back of his neck tells you he doesn’t have much to serve a perfect gourmet meal. The possibility of eating ramen or Chef Boyardee ravioli didn’t matter, food is food.
“Don’t worry, I know you aren’t the world’s best chef.” You say with a bit of tease lacing your tone. Eddie lightly scoffs, crossing his arms. “It was one time I almost burnt this entire place down. One.”
You giggled, briefly going back to that memory. Eddie trying to surprise you with delicious banana bread for your birthday went south before he could even blink. Eddie learned two things that day. Baking is not his speciality, and there’s nothing wrong in going to the mall to buy a cute necklace instead, rather than going the extra mile and baking dessert as your gift.
“I miss hearing your laugh.” He says, catching you off guard. A nice shade of pink becomes visible on your cheeks, fiddling a strand of your hair whenever you’ve become too flustered to speak. You felt a little guilty as well, noticing you haven’t been the happiest usually this past month.
“Time to hear more of that.” Your thoughts became interrupted with Eddie joining you on the couch, gently tackling you down. You squeaked in complete surprise of feeling ten fingers tickling you silly on your sides.
“Noho EDDIE!” You rolled off the couch, scrambling to stand up quickly. You mentally scolded yourself for forgetting ever since Eddie discovered how ridiculously ticklish you are, he found just about every reason he could to tickle your breath away. You’re being a pain in the ass? He’ll focus on your worst spot until you’re spluttering out giggly apologies. You’re laughing when he’s in unlucky situations? He will give you something better to laugh about. Oh, you’re just minding your own business by simply existing? Too peaceful for Eddie, you’re getting a tickle attack whether you were prepared for it or not.
You kept glancing behind, making sure you would not trip on anything as you’re backing away in fear. Eddie has no problem chasing after you. You know this. Whenever you think you’ve successfully gotten away, he scares the absolute shit out of you from thin air. The speed Eddie gains when he runs is terrifying, to say the least.
“C’mon, don’t make this hard.” Eddie takes another step forward, opening his arms for a warm innocent hug. “Bring it in.”
You weren’t gonna give up so easily. You swore, actually. Although, you guessed God decided you needed this more than anything, because the minute you turned your heel to run, Eddie caught you by solely taking two big steps.
“All I asked for was a hug, but you decided to make a run from it?” The light squeezes on the lower set of your ribs instantly took you apart, burying your entire face in his chest which muffled your shrieking laughter. “My hugs can’t be that bad, can it?” Eddie asked you calmly like you weren’t slowly going limp in his arms.
“Yohou weren’t gohona hug meHEHE!” You squealed when his nimble fingers crept higher, aiming for under your arms.
A gasp escaped his lips, mocking offense. “Are you calling me a liar? I think you just did.” Hands meeting their destination, Eddie following you to the floor as your legs gave out.
He pulled your back against his chest, his arms wrapped around your torso giving his hands an easy time to skitter up and down to the top of your ribs and down to your hips, over and over again. Heels digging for purchase on the floor, hoping it’d give you a strength boost to rip away from his grasp.
He caught on. Of course Eddie caught on, because he only made the embrace tighter. “Going somewhere? Must suck to realize you can’t do anything but kick your legs endlessly.”
You grew nervous the more time Eddie spent skittering around your stomach area, dangerously going close to your hips. Targeting the hips earns a wild snort from you, then being sprinkled with hiccups in between. A priceless reaction, one Eddie loves to see. You were aware he is mere seconds from digging his two thumbs deeply on the soft spots near your hip bones.
“Eddie, plehehease. I’m smiling, okaHAY? I’m happy! No moHORE! GOHOD!” Stopping near your waist, squirming uncontrollably by anticipation. Eddie grins, one you don’t trust. The sudden latching on your hips made you jump a literal inch off the ground, grabbing onto his wrists like it would help the slightest in stopping everything.
“You’re right, and I’m so glad you are. Do you want to know what tells me you’re really happy?” You didn’t want to know, because you already know. Thumbs harshly drilling your hips nonstop for thirty seconds felt like hours on your poor end. Needless to say, you snorted. Loud. The hiccuping came shortly after, cuing Eddie to pull his hands back.
“Aaaand stopping.” Eddie beams in delight, being nice enough to rub away the leftover ticklish sensations for you. That is until he pinched your thigh to catch you off guard, rewarded with a shocked squeak. “Or am I?”
“You’ll be wanted for murder, because I’ll seriously die.” You over-exaggerate, showing Eddie a thankful look for finally leaving your ticklish spots alone and helping you up. ”I guess my work here is done.” Eddie says while dusting his hands together.
“Thank you, Eddie.” For not just getting you to loosen up. Not for having to fight for you to open your eyes and realize how the distance towards the people you love has taken a toll on your everyday lovable personality. Not for breaking the unhealthy cycle you forced yourself on, stressing weekly on being the top of all your classes purely for your parents pride in you.
For being right there, by your side, since day one. You never saw hesitation flicker across Eddie’s face whenever he had to step in to cheer you up. Eddie got his priorities straight, and that’s checking daily you’re comfortable and in a good mood before he can be.
He nodded a ‘you’re welcome’, his dimple smile revealing itself. “Now,” Eddie fetched two cans of Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs, also setting two bowls on the small kitchen table. “Let’s feast, shall we?”
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idk what to say about me that you don't know. I like fluff, I'm romantic, I like fun and snarky banter back and forth. I'm not a very active person but I wouldn't mind the occasional stroll by the river. Hiking in nature is fine too. But I draw the line at roller skating/biking or anything like that because I can't keep balance for shit. I won't say no to something outside with the warm sunshine and I definitely want it ModernAU but other than that, surprise me. :3
thx im gonna have nightmares about big bird breaking into my house in the middle of the night now
also i'm sorry if this date idea is very me-coded but we're essentially the same person so maybe it'll work out LMAO
come bother me with some date requests since i somehow reached 500 followers la;dkjf
A Perfect Date | 500-Follower Event
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➼ if you live on the coast, levi would love to take you on strolls on docks around the sea. if you don't live on the coast, i can see him taking you on a hiking trail that leads to an open river. you'd feel the sea breeze gently blowing past you, leaving all of the hustle of regular life behind. ➼ it would primarily be isolated, so it's just the two of you. any people around you would be in the background, barely noticeable, if present at all. i kinda headcanon that levi's not a huge fan of big crowds, so somewhere open with just the two of you? absolute bliss to him. ➼ occasionally he'd lag a bit behind you, just so he can get a better look at you as he's walking by you. with how busy you both are, being able to spend uninterrupted time with you and just appreciating your existence means the world to him. ➼ although we constantly say that levi's love language is acts of service, i can see him scoring pretty high on the quality time dimension as well. these uninterrupted times that are dedicated to spending time with you is soso important to him in a way that words could never do justice in explaining it ➼ on your way home, he'd take the more scenic route, letting the windows roll down, with one hand on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel. he'd maybe have some light music playing in the background, but he wouldn't want it to be so loud that it distracts from this perfect moment with you.
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rikeijo · 1 year
Today's translation #262
Febri vol. 40. Kubo Mitsurou's interview
Part 8.
--- I see [in previous part, she talked about how they weren't able to find anything that could become the core of the story].
"And just then, a certain skater told us: "For me, it is possible to skate for love". In case of that person, by love they probably meant their lover and that even if they are far away from each other, thinking about that lover gives them the strength to give their best, and that's what helps them get results. When we heard that, both me and the Director were in a state of shock, almost like struck by a lighting. We got it - surely, it means that on the ice a lot of figure skaters express things like their overwhelming love or sex appeal etc. I have never written a story about giving your best for the sake of love in such a straightforward way, but I thought that if I were to challenge myself with writing such a story, this series is the only chance. It's a theme that we could tackle especially, because it's an anime about this sport called figure skating and after all, it is a classic in fiction to link love and sport together. Yuuri Katsuki doesn't skate only for his love, but also to give a statement for Victor's and all other loves, and because of that, the strong desire to get the gold medal was added into the mix - this became the central element that keeps everything in the story together. I believed that no matter what expression of love it would be, if you really put your heart into the work, it's going to be interesting [for the audience]. What was important to me and Yamamoto Director, was not the question of "Whom this show is going to reach?", but how to make the show powerful enough to make it reach even further - expressing this bond called "love" was one way do to that.
--- This is also reflected in how the characters that appear in the story are like and in the lines they speak.
"I wanted to carefully portray the passion and single-mindedness that are the essential qualities of competitors. That's why, some of the lines I've included are so strong they feel like a punch to the head, and I also wanted to draw facial expressions and situations that may seem surprising. I feel that I gave my best in this department, bringing out my own style as much I could without hurting the main story-line.
[Notes: If it sounds like a word salad, then it's because she's really dancing around the elephant in the room here. Every time Mitsurou tries to explain why she made two men exchange rings in front of a church it sounds like this.
Jp anime industry has this problem that any portrayal of same-sex attraction in mainstream anime is automatically associated with fujos and fanservice, but if you think about it, it's really, really weird...
The only connection of majority of fujos to the LGBT+ community is that they love to watch gay p0rn. And yet all expressions of queerness in mainstream media are hijacked by fujos, as something that is made for them and meant to naturally be consumed by them (fujos are the majority compared to LGBT+ fans, so this is probably the main reason why). I've talked about this before, but this is why in Jp, YoI has the reputation of being a fujo pandering anime and not a show with gay representation.
Sometimes you see people, who seem to genuinely care about representation in media, call YoI a queerbait, and as a fan who strongly believes that it's meant to be a genuine same-sex romance, it makes me really sad, but at the same time watching the creators always dance around this huge elephant in the room... I can definitely see why somebody can think that.
I'd wish so much to one day be able to hear Sayo and Mitsurou or maybe other staff members talk about the story they created (because you can really tell that they try very much to avoid commenting on "those scenes that may be surprising", like "that one scene at the end of episode 7") without the burden of having to fit into this narrative that is supported not only by the general homophobia in the industry, but also by the fans themselves, that genuine same-sex sexual, romantic attraction == "bad and abnormal and it makes us feel uncomfortable that the characters might be really gay, but we can't control who puts his bits where", but fujo fanservice and pandering is acceptable, because money/it's obvious the creators should cater to us, how dare they not to, it's all for us after all!
(Just to be clear, I always mean in my rants fujos == people who are obsessed with semes and ukes and gender norms, so much that they basically transform their "same-sex" ship into a heterosexual ship, and who basically view same-sex attraction as nothing but their fetish. This is still the norm in Jp fandom, although don't think that there aren't any people, who think it should be changed. But I'm absolutely not trying to say that all people who read BL are like that.) ]
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