#and he is just such a miserable fucking asshole and cant help but pick a fuckig fight and be as demeaning as possible
having the worst fucking 24 hours 🤪
#feeling very 🤧🙃😶😞😒🤬🔪 today#was on family vacation yesterday and my parents told me n my sister my brither wasnt coming#only to spring on us last minute that he did in fact get off work and was in fact coming#and even though we said we woukdnt go if he was we went anyways but we drove down a day later#and he is just such a miserable fucking asshole and cant help but pick a fuckig fight and be as demeaning as possible#that he started some shit yesterday and my sister and i pcked up early and drove the eight hours home last night#and like it was the right choice if we had stayed it either would have kept escalating or we would have just hidden in our room at which#point why even fucking be there#but now my parents are guilt tripping us for 'punishing them for his behavior' and are telling us wr need to 'just ignore it and act like#adults for once' but the thing is we're always the ones who have to fucking ignore it and act like adults#and we told them if he was there we didnt want to be bc we knew being stuck.in a house w him for a full week had no way of ending well#and they still had us come and still coukdnt believe when we followed through on removing ourselves from thw situation when it got too be#too much and like. maybe it was dramatic of us but im sorry#there is no one else in my life who could treat me the way he does and speak to me the way he does and demean me the way he does that i#would tolerate being around me and they never would expect me to!!! if i had a friend who acted like he does even one single time they would#tell me to get that person out of my life but suddenly bc we're related im supposed to have no boundaries and just get through by Being The-#Bigger Person??? no fucking way y'all have been telling me to ignore him and to be the bigger person for as long as i can fucking remember#and im sick of it!!!!! why should i have to just grin and bear literal abuse and harassment??#he has such a horrible temper and multiple times in the pst he has let that temper escalate to him actually putting his hands on me#and threatening to hurt me and my sister#so how tf am i supposed to know when the next time his yelling is going to turn into more?#and even the yelling and ranting and hqrassment why tf would i put up with it???#aorry for the rant im just so fucking mad#and now im here at home w no plans and my car is broke so i cant even drive over to my partners house which is all i really want to do#and they're going to come get me when they get off of work but thats this evening and rn i just want to cry#anyways if you read this sorry 🤧🤧🤧 i just needed to get it out of my system#my post
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hxlcyon · 1 year
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❥ ❥ ❝ miss me already? ❞
ace trappola x gn!reader | wc: 6.8k~
summary: your boyfriend (of now approximately a minute and 47 seconds) makes a bet with you: “those idiots”—your best friends of first-years—won’t even notice a thing even if we weren’t dating.” and the funniest part? he’s probably right.
warnings: pure fluff! shenanigans! lots of cursing! friends (idiots) to lovers. one joke gendered term of milady but i think that meme is gender universal lol (coming from a masc nb)
a/n: this is for @dulcesiabits's “who is the prefect dating?!” collaboration on tumblr! thank you so so much for allowing me to write for ace, the little man, the stinky guy. also MAJOR shoutouts to lily and ct for wading through this mess, i appreciate you more than you know
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“Thanks for covering me.” Your sigh is accompanied by a satisfying crunch beneath your shoes, a stray leaf the unfortunate target of your latest frustrations. “Even if you were late to class.” It wasn’t like being caught on your phone by Trein was the worst of your worries, but a death sentence of papers and reprimands was, in fact, preferably avoided if you could help it.
“You owe me one.” Ace replies airily, slowing his stride to bump your side with his bag. “What’re you going to do without me?” Like he wasn’t the asshole who made you check your phone because of his sudden impromptu reenactment of an earthquake via spam text.
08:30 [ ace ]: fuck im late
08:30 [ ace ]: HELP
08:31 [ ace ]: distract him
08:31 [ ace ]: catch something on fire idc
08:33 [ ace ]: i cant believe ur gonna make me take the L
“Have an easier life, that’s for sure.” He makes a vague noise between a squeaky trumpet and a chicken, looking as if you’ve insulted generations upon generations of the Trappola bloodline with a single throwaway comment. “What was I even supposed to do?” Several expressions cycle on his face—focused, thinking, trouble—before he makes a decision and steps closer to you to ‘accidentally’ swing his bag into you again... only to eat shit as you retaliate and shove it back.
“Told you, catch something on fire.” However, the movement is enough to make you lose your footing and free fall to the ground; about to meet miserable, sweet, concrete Death before Ace grabs your arm and catches your face with his chest. “Not that.” Whatever you say next comes out muffled, noise and mind distorted by the smell of cherries?
But, the peace doesn’t last long, especially with Ace, as he pulls back enough for you to catch his lips twitching with another one-liner. “Oooh, can’t take your hands off of me.” He instantly catches your next fist, “if you like me this much, just say so.”
“Oh, Ace.” Time to switch tactics. You latch onto the front of his shirt, tightening your fists with enough force to wrinkle both his blazer and vest. “You’re totally sooo cool and don’t pick your nose and I am sooooo deeply in love with you that I just,” he begins cackling as you shake him, “can’t-help-but-choke-you-out!”
“What happened to boundaries? No safe word?” It doesn’t matter that he’s practically being rag-dolled for all of NRC to see, no matter how much you try to shake and activate that one brain cell of his, giggles continue to keep spewing out, taunting and delighted.
“I hate you—just! Shut! Up!!” You’re gonna throttle him. No one’s gonna find his body, not if you can help it.
“Wow, love you too.”
“Sure don't act like it!”
“What? I do!” You let up and he doubles over, gasping as he breaks into another fit of giggles. “How can I not?” He rubs his hand over his face, winded as he looks up at you, red eyes shining.
“What? Say that again? One more time for the audience in the back.” It’s meant to be an innocent tease, but for some reason, it sparks a knee-jerk wide-eyed reaction from him as a simple word slips from the depths of his very soul.
“What?” You repeat, squinting at him. “What you just said, right? Going on about how I’m so lova—”
He begins to bounce restlessly in place, words coming out harsh and forced. “I didn’t say that.”
“Are you seriously trying to gaslight me? In broad daylight?”
“No. That was just a normal thing, you’re making it weird. Geez.” His iconic smirk warbles and it almost seems as if the heart over his eye begins to grow runny.
“What does that even mean?”
“Definitely not what you’re thinking.”
“Ace.” His whole body is flushing. It’s enough that you can make it out from his ears to the sliver of skin at his wrist. “Look at me.” He refuses, half a second from booking it. “Do you—”
Then, suddenly filled with resolve, he faces you properly... only to cup your cheeks and squish them together between his palms. “Ooooh we’re never going to talk about this! Let’s move on~” The voiceover is the worst that you’ve ever heard, high and lilted with fear and cheap falsettos.
The sound of your palms practically patty-caking Ace’s face into a sandwich bounces against the statues of the Seven surrounding you (what a familiar place). He winces but doesn’t let go as you two proceed to stand in an awkward, competitive deadlock. “I’m not letting go until you tell me what’s up.” You manage through squished lips.
“You’re annoying.” He grits his teeth in irritation, staring straight at your forehead like he was weighing the outcome of embarrassment and pain if he head-banged you and ran.
“No, you.”
“You’re such a kid.” Ace wiggles under your grip, attempting to escape only to fail to your stubbornness. “It took you this long to notice my feelings? Sevens, how dense can you get?”
You roll your eyes. “If you want to actually go out, the offer is about to expire in approximately three seconds.”
“Wait.” His grip slackens.
“Three...” You begin counting. “You’re kidding me.” His lips twitch, throat bobbing as panic begins to settle in.
“You’re not going to really make me—” You finish off in a singular breath. “Twoone.” 
“Wait, that’s cheating—hold up!”
“Should’ve confessed your undying love for me.”
“You’re the worst. You’re literally the absolute worst.” His thumb traces hearts on your cheekbones, words coming out breathless as the tension finally drops from his body. “Is this what you do? Play with a poor man’s feelings? Heart breaker much?”
“Yeah yeah, let me go and hold my hand already.” He obliges, shaking his head disbelievingly as his fingers come down to intertwine with your own. His grip is tight, assured this time as his pulse drums loud and steady against your wrist. Without a word, he squeezes your hand, just once, unabashed affection making itself fully apparent with your permission.
Though, you only get four steps ahead before Ace interrupts, “You had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe I’m going to break up with you already.”
“Too late. You signed the contract, breaking it involves a fee of seven million madols by tomorrow.” 
“Did I? Did I really? You didn’t even ask me out yet.”
With his free hand, he crosses his thumb and pointer, winking at you as he brings your interlocked hands up and presses a kiss to them. “Milad—”
“No.” He snorts, dropping it to swing your hands.
You see his mouth move, and the possibility occurs to you that maybe, for once in this lifetime, he’s about to say something profound. What comes out instead is: “Wouldn’t it be funny if we pretended we weren’t? Dating, I mean. Just for a week.” The grip on your hand gets tighter as he quickly backtracks, bothered. ”We’re still going to date afterward—no it’s non-negotiable—but I bet the guys wouldn’t notice a thing out of place.”
“Why?” Wasn’t Ace the type to hold it over their heads? Or, at the least, take the opportunity to be obnoxious about it?
“They’re the types who won’t notice even if you write it on their foreheads.” Reward of the year for I-Love-My-Friends goes to Ace Trappola, without a doubt. “Wanna see if they have a chance of noticing if we don’t tell them outright.”
You think about it for a moment, “Bet you’re gonna be the first one to expose yourself.”
“Says you.” He takes the opportunity to lean into you, lanky arms taking up space at your sides. “I’ll even bet Deuce on it.”
Not very far off in the distance, Deuce sneezes into his arm (properly! just like his mom had told him). “Ah, am I getting sick...?”
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14:30 [ ace ]: “miss me?”
"What? Need me to say I do?” There’s an airy sort of tease to your tone, feather-light as it drifts down the empty halls. ”Down bad much?"
It’s entirely by accident that Jack—of all people—manages to overhear you as he scrambles to adjust his hold on a stack of boxes dangling precariously off of his arms. Did he just hear that correctly? The Ramshackle Prefect having a private conversation with... family (well, that doesn't make any sense considering your circumstances)? A long-distance friend...? Possibly?
“That’s not a no.” A lover?
“Loser, why wouldn’t I miss you?" His ears flatten with embarrassment, mentally cursing himself for having such good hearing as he presses his shoulder flat into the wall—a feeble attempt to stabilize the boxes. It worked, only temporarily, to slightly balance the cardboard already determined to give him several concussions.
After all, it’s not as if he could help the size of his ears or what they just happen to catch. It wasn’t like he meant to eavesdrop, especially on what seemed like such a private conversation. If he wasn't pressed for time or currently violating OSHA regulations, he would’ve absolutely upped and turned around to leave you to your privacy. You know... to be a good friend. But life (whoever said it was lemons didn’t consider it could be entire box fulls) was working against him. Dorm meetings, teacher favors, and the weight of the world practically rested in the room beyond—with you being the unintentional final boss blocking his way.
Whoever is on the other end seems to mirror his embarrassment, although for entirely different reasons. "Wow. It's almost like you like like me." The voice cracks, tinged pink as it trails off into a pathetic warble of a comeback.
"I mean... yeah? Isn't that obvious?"
The poor person on the other end starts to choke, "That's fucking cheesy." To each their own, but that sentiment was sweeter than it was cringe... at least, it was in Jack’s opinion.
Suddenly, something tips from a box and lands squarely on his head—right between his ears. The jarring sensation sends a jolt through him, lightning quick, and makes all his brain cells freeze to one singular thought: Wait. Like? Like... like? Can’t be. You literally said otherwise yesterday at lunch.
It was unclear how it exactly got from point “quit that, give my food back” to point “you ever think you’ll find someone here?” He really didn’t have any intentions, it was an absent-minded question. Really. But to say he wasn’t actually curious of your thoughts would be a complete lie.
“Relationships? At our NRC? Less likely than you think.” A fork hung from your mouth, suspended in your sarcasm. He distinctly remembers you squinting at him, huffing as your arms come out to gesture to the rest of the students surrounding you.
The fireplaces have exploded. A torrent of magic, roof high and smoldering, blazes unmercifully across students unfortunate enough to be close. There’s screaming. An entire portion of a half-eaten (and now charred) pastry lands directly on your lap. Someone breaks a window.
...All because a stray fire fairy in the kitchen got slop thrown on it. 
Your brow goes even higher as if to further contest his comment.
Fair enough. Jack had thought, handing you a napkin and ending the conversation at exactly that.
Did you suddenly change your stance? Was romance blossoming right under his nose?
And... doesn't that voice sound kind of familiar?
“Like you don’t like it.” He hears you laugh sweetly, “You gonna break my poor heart and pretend otherwise?” He can hear something akin to muffled cursing on the other end of the phone, rising in pitch, denial, and excuses. ”Eh? Did he hang up...?” 
There’s absolutely no way for him to prepare for the sequence of knob to hand to sheer, unadulterated pain as the door slams wide open and straight into your eavesdropper. "Jack?!"
Despite all his mental prayers to the Seven and a desperate grip, the boxes are knocked straight onto him and the floor, scattering an assortment of odd trinkets all over the ground. "Tsk—!" A broken bottle filled with some type of odd oil quickly spreads across the floors, making you both slip around and tumble until your knees pathetically hit the floor "Ow!"
“Jack... what the hell is this?”
Given up, no longer thriving, and lying face-down in the middle of the hall, Jack huffs out, “potion materials for Crewel.” His words come out loopy and muffled with a bit of a haze to them as his arm reaches forward and attempts to grab an orb spinning its way down the hall. He misses by just a hair and grunts in frustration as he begins to push himself up.  “Were you...” He starts before abruptly stopping himself, that’s none of my business.
You snatch up a stray pen rolling away on the floor and toss it into a box. “What were you saying?”
“Nothing.” He dismisses you with a shake of his head, clearing away some of the earlier haze. ”I just need to get into that room.”
“...Oh!” You have to avoid grimacing or slipping as the oil seeps into your clothes, but gingerly the two of you slowly manage to become upright once again. “Here, let me help then.” He beams at you in appreciation as the both of you make quick work of the scattered materials. Recovering what you can of several broken bottles, everything gets put back into place and Jack is sent back on his merry way to his dorm—only a minute pressed for time.
When he arrives, out of breath and with shirt sleeves stained olive oil yellow, Jack groans, unable to hold back his immense disappointment. Was the whole catastrophe earlier for nothing? Were they really having a dorm meeting about someone making “snowmen” out of people’s shedding?
Pause. Wait. That is really weird.
Several Savanaclaw students squabble, pointing fingers at each other while Leona lazily watches on uninterested. Jack begins to astrally ascend out of sheer disbelief, scuffing his foot into the floor as someone attempts to sneak away—only to have multiple shoes thrown at their head. Loud conversation floats vaguely in and out of his head, but something much more pressing catches his attention. The Prefect dating someone... couldn’t be, I’m overthinking it.
📞 [ call ended ]
Somewhere, on the other end of a phone, a certain someone throws an arm over his face now burned crimson—his thumb still hovering right where the screen blinks your name. "Fuck, didn’t mean to hang up but...” He slumps down further over his desk, wanting to melt in shame. “At least it's over phone, but argh—! This is lame." He drags his hand down his face, internally debating if he should jump out the window or just call you back.
“Ace. Your phone. Now.” Trein’s voice echoed from the front of the detention classroom.
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Epel makes a face like he's swallowed an entire handful of sour cherries. "What's got you looking at your phone so much?"
Your fingers stop over the keyboard, "Uh." With a very deep gravity, as if the answer was something he couldn't afford to hear, you reply in the gravest tone possible, "Your mom."
You practically have to throw your body out of the way to avoid the round-house kick Epel aims at your head.
You're out shopping together, juggling the assortments that you've gotten from Sage Island’s most popular tourist spots. With your hands full and mouth muffled by a snack, you order, "Camf fu sorch up wheof the fefenal," yeah, he has no clue what you're saying, "onmf phon?"
Phone. Got it. He digs your phone from your pocket and, with much difficulty, swipes it open after nearly butchering your passcode to lock point. "For Seven's sake, put yer snack down already and properly speak!" He grumbles, grabbing your thumb and pressing it to your phone to open the damn thing up and search the location for... fefenal?
Though, as he types it up, your past searches float and bubble up.
> why does my cat keep drooling on me
> if i boil an egg in gatorade does it taste like gatorade
> date spots
Cause yer cat loves ya dumbass... why in the Sevens would you even think about that... wait. Wait. Date spots? He looks at you, then at himself in a shop mirror, then back at you. No... you wouldn't force someone to spend hours debating fruit freshness for a date... right? Though, to be very fair, he was good at telling which fruit was ripe and the tastiest. But you'd do better than that for a date, right?
"What were you looking for again?"
Finally, you answer him with a clear mouth. "General store." He gives you a weird look when you return a "what?"
"...Wouldja go on a date for fruit?"
"I mean—" Suddenly, a notification flashes across your screen. "tomorrow at noon, right?"
"Huh?" You repeat.
Epel simply shakes his head, "Clown emoji... second place emoji? Just texted you that and n’ a bunch of flame emojis." You look at him confused. "...One of the hearts is on fire?"
"Oh... Oh! Can you send back an image from my gallery?" He obliges and looks through the first five images.
"What the fuck is this."
"Don't worry."
"Whose mouth is this? Why do you have 15 photos of the inside of someone's mouth?!"
"Ah."  Makes sense. He sends the grossest one. A ping later and he instantly sees... a chin photo of Vil? Epel snorts, barreling down as he chuckles louder. "Pfta! Haha! Like this? Serves 'em right to look ugly for a change!"
"Hold up, lemme see." You lean over and start to snort too, "What do you mean? He looks really good right there."
"Don't kid! He’d kill ya if he saw this!"
"Never!" As the two of you absolutely rag on Vil (lovingly... probably) and proceed with your day, the thought that had begun worming its way into Epel's mind lingers even as the both of you miserably pile crates of apples into a carriage: could’ve sworn the number under that stupid nickname seemed familiar... and what’s with that search history?
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It’s horrible that such a nice sort of day was spent preparing for the next interim level of Hell that Trein deemed fit to sentence everyone to during a lovely week that truly didn’t deserve such misery. After all, there was really only one way to make any possible preparations for the upcoming onslaught...
Studying. Oh, the… horror.
It was the three of you in preparation for Magical Analysis. Sure, Sebek and Ace seemed to have a knack for it, but it was a different matter altogether to apply it in practical form with a group.
Squabbling amongst yourselves, Ace, out of air from arguing, falls back onto you with a grumble. “Sheesh, it’d be so much easier if you just did it this way y’know.”
“And stoop to rewriting the work of an upperclassman’s past project? Of course, humans wouldn’t have any understanding of what dignity might mean.” His prattling continues as he sweeps his pencil over a scrap piece of paper in frustration. “Nevertheless, integrity.” Wow, he was really taking it out on that miserable little pencil—the eraser gone to the metal line.
Ace rolls his eyes and looks at you. Knowing him better than anyone, you can tell he wants to ditch or at least shovel more work unto Sebek in unwarranted revenge. Without even bothering to hide it, he mouths to you, “C’mon, if he wants to be so righteous, he can do this damn project himself.” You kick him under the table, but he easily defends himself with the flat of his shoe. “Loser.” He taunts, low enough for you to barely catch it.
Oh? So, it’s like that today.
By the time Sebek actually notices is when you finally go silent. He turns his head up in confusion to see your face fluster and Ace looking at you with smug victory that Sebek mistakes for rivalry. "Hmph! Children! Are you so dependent on one another that you can't separate?" Sebek grunts, peering under the table to where Ace's hand rests squarely on your calf, dipping under the fabric to firmly stop your attacks against his stomach as your legs—practically in his lap—kick at him to let you go.
Your voices reach him in almost perfect sync,
"Something like that."
"I’m twice the man he could ever be...!"
Sebek only scoffs and tears another sheet of blank paper out. “That simply proves my point. Two idiots make a pair.”
Ace snorts, pressing deeper into your leg to tip you slightly onto the ground. On instinct, you reach out, grabbing onto his neck in what would seem like a romantic interaction if it didn’t jerk his head and cause him to nose dive down straight onto the table. “Fuck!”
“Sorry! Shit, you okay?” You fuss over him, patting his face and forehead despite his wincing.
“If you really felt bad, you wouldn’t be smirking.”
“Oops, was I?”
He sulks and leans closer to you, reveling in the pampered treatment for a minute more... until he pulls out your chair and unceremoniously nearly drops you to the floor before childishly catching you last minute. “Ace!”
Sebek, exasperated, watches this all with a sigh, he wasn’t ever going to get anything done with you two, huh?
....But to his surprise, you guys do make timely work somehow and manage to finish everything with time to spare. Sebek doesn’t even give a second thought to your shenanigans nor how close the two of you were, opting to think: Seven, they’re idiots, completely unaware of Ace sneaking a kiss to your forehead in cheeky revenge.
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Deuce pauses, sniffing the air. "What smells like cherries?" Unconsciously, he brings his shirt up to his nose, double-checking himself as he sniffs the collar of his shirt. “Do you smell it too?”
"We're in the middle of the Gym, there’s a lot more smells than that,” you reply absent-mindedly. A ball idly rolls by your foot, remnants of the game only a couple minutes prior before the two of you were forcefully assigned cleanup duty. ”Maybe you smell something from the cafeteria?"
"It's not that." His hands squeeze around a basketball, confidence assured in his words as he spins it around in his hands. "The cafeteria doesn't serve cherries on Wednesday. That’s a Friday thing."
"Huh, really? Is that why Ace always drags us to eat there then?"
"Yeah, you never noticed?" He turns back, genuinely curious as he watches your reaction. "That's why he always gets so excited."
"I mean, we always eat cherry stuff every other Unbirthday though? Which is like, literally, almost every other day of the week. Don't know why he'd get so amped at the cafe."
"Maybe it tastes better...?"
"Better than Trey's?"
As the two of you ponder, Deuce's eyes settle on your jacket. “Huh? Where’d you get a Heartslabyul varsity from?”
“Stole it,” you say simply, much to the baffled—near horrified—expression that dawns on Deuce’s face. “C’mon, you think I stole it from Riddle or something?” He looks so stressed that you’d even suggest something so terrifying that he almost stops breathing. “Deuce! No! Think.”
“...Diamond-senpai...? He’s nice enough?”
“I mean, I do have some clips he’s given me. But no.”
“Clover-senpai? Maybe?”
“Wouldn’t it be bigger?” He squeezes his eyes shut, using all of the power in his singular brain cell to come up with answers—but to no avail, even as you walk away to grab a broom. It takes him until another class change that, when you finally leave the locker room and you’re bending down to retie your shoes, Deuce rushes to you to boldly and confidently announce, “ACE!”
“Took you long enough,” you sigh, rolling up your sleeves as the sun beats down hard. “Speaking of, lemme text him that we’re done.” You pull out your phone to go into your recents, a long log of clown emojis filling it. Eh...? It seemed like you called a... clown a lot? Did you get something with the circus? Before he can ask, a clown emoji pops up on the screen. “Speak of the devil.”
“Wait. Am I a clown on your phone?”
“Hey!” He looks to you, pleading for confirmation. “I am? Really?”
“I would never...! Probably.” You maneuver the phone to your ear where inaudible sounds from the phone continue, vaguely the cadence of ranting. “Oh, hold up, he’s asking me to meet him. I’ll see you later, Deuce.”
"The clown...?" He watches you go in confusion, mind spinning as he thinks about clowns and, weirdly enough, a recent complaint Ace had about missing clothes. He remembers a wry, affectionate smile on his face as he shut his closet doors and sighed. It wasn’t like him to lose things and he seemed to know who took them. So... really, that guy relented enough to let you borrow something from him? He grimaced at the memory of Ace letting him walk around with his bright pink leopard print jacket, jabbing him without mercy.
Well, whatever. You guys were all best friends after all. It wasn’t a big deal anyway. Maybe you’d ask to borrow Deuce’s leopard print soon.
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It is of the utmost importance that the highest council come together... for a sleepover to watch the latest horror movie that had appeared in home theaters. But, more than that, there was an immediate emergency of the highest level that needed to be addressed: drama. The tea needed to be prepped, served and spilled.
Or so Epel spits out (albeit in a much rougher manner), lifting his shoulders high in the air like he was ready to start his villain marketing monologue. "Is it just me or has the Prefect been weird lately? Not weird weird or nothin’, just that... ugh!" He shifts his eyes around, getting quieter with each frustrated syllable. Despite the fact that you were gone for a quick snack run, it still felt wrong to gossip in your house... place… dilapidated building. But he desperately needed to know he wasn’t going crazy.
"Really? They seem the same as ever to me.” Deuce chimes in, balancing a bowl of popcorn on his leg as he mindlessly picks off burnt pieces lining the top.
"They were searching some weird stuff—" Unconvinced, Epel spins toward Jack, gesturing to him and waiting like he knew the answer. "Ya think they're... fancying someone?"
“It’s their private business.” Jack settles firmly, replying with what he deemed as a solid, mature, and impartial response. “I’m sure that the Prefect isn’t interested anyway. Night Raven College is far too chaotic for romance.”
“Well, if that’s the case, then why’d the Prefect search up somethin' like date spots? Huh? What’d ya got to say about that?”
“If you’re on Sage Island, date spots are practically the equivalent to tourist spots. Maybe they’re looking for nice places. Don’t overthink it, Epel.”
Epel, more worked up than ever, smashes his hand into a bowl of gummies, stuffs them all in his mouth, and viciously proclaims in one go: “Then why’re they texting so much! Huh? Huh?!”
“...That’s just texting?”
“I think they made a clown friend,” Deuce unhelpfully adds. “I saw them calling a clown emoji a lot.”
“It was a clown emoji...” A lightbulb goes off in Epel’s head as he slams the table in front of him, shaking off bits of popcorn onto the floor that causes Sebek to promptly scowl. “Don’t do that to the popcorn!”
“Oh, shut yer trap. Big talk from someone who’s not helpin’ anyway.” Epel huffs, but leans down and scoops the pieces off of the floor, popping them into his mouth without a second thought. The jab works well enough though as Sebek straightens up, a twitch on his forehead.
“On the contrary,” he begins, voice loud and booming at a decibel that makes everyone wince, “they’re too focused on playing to be dating. When I worked with them and Ace, they were lolly-gagging around without a care! If they’re going to bother dating someone, it’d be Ace and we’d all know already.”
Everyone but Jack nods in agreement. Imagining the Prefect and Ace, of all people, dating? Nah. They’d seen you fill his shoes with spaghetti sauce once because he used up all your salt and left the container. It just... didn’t seem like you had that kind of relationship. "True, I really only see 'em with Ace all the time, maybe he’d know something?"
On the other side of the couch, Jack frowns, opens his mouth, and then promptly decides to close it as he quietly surveys the scene with a pensive, furrowed brow.
There’s a clue now, a distinct, visible connection: Clowns. Of course, it had to either be a potential relationship or your career plans. “But about that clown emoji... I think I remember the number.” It’s gotta be the former, Epel decides. If it was the latter, wouldn’t you have tried honking your nose or something? "I’m gonna call it." 
Jack puts his face into his hands, having a moral crisis as he mumbles, “...wouldn’t they think that you’re a spam number?”
“Doesn’t hurt to try,” Epel pops another kernel into his mouth as he chews it in thought. “Think it had a triple seven in it somewhere...” He slowly mashes a key string of numbers together, erases, retypes, cusses.
Peering over Epel’s shoulder, unable to hide his curiosity, Deuce points out, "Isn’t the first bit the Kingdom of Hearts area code? Are you sure you remember the right code?"
“How would the Prefect know someone from the Kingdom of Roses outside of NRC?” Sebek muses aloud, unable to help himself either.
"Shouldn't we respect the Prefect's privacy?" Jack attempts once more, seeming as if he was shrinking with every busy tone Epel got stopped at. Yet, he continues to be ignored as Epel only calls the number again... and again... and again. "Hey... it's not our business."
"I got it damn it!" Stronger than any military man, Epel, the lone soldier, continues to push forward in his self-made journey. "Just give me a bit!" He keeps typing away, accidentally calling up a pizza place that makes everyone collectively groan. "C’mon, I’ve just about got it."
"Even if the Prefect were hypothetically in a relationship. Okay. Courting takes much time and requires a substantial amount of effort and persistence. I have not seen hair nor signs of lovestruck gooey eyes. Trust me, my parents are disgustingly in love. I would know." The scowl on Sebek’s face deepens, "we would've caught the Prefect by now!"
Deuce startles up, wide-eyed and mouth gaping as he blankly stares at everyone in pure shock, “WAIT... what? The Prefect is dating someone?"
"It took you this long?"
"WHO?!" Sevens help him, Jack was going to come home with premature wrinkles at the age of 16.
After about ten minutes of furious tapping, Epel’s thumb slips over the worn keypad and lands on one. His eyes, hazed over in delirium, border madness as he maniacally shakes his phone in victory. "Got it! This is it! Didja see that one?!"
"You sure? Pretty sure your thumb just..."
"I swear if you try sayin’ somethin’ silly, I’m gonna take my—"
"Then... why's Ace coming up on the screen?"
"Huh?" He erases, squeezes his eyes really hard, and types in the number that he sees in his head again.
 It's Ace.
“Nah, that doesn't make sense.” Epel sounds nearly hysterical at this point. He calls again and goes straight to a cheery-toned voicemail that mocks everything Epel had ever known. 
Unaware of the literal red swirling in Epel’s eyes, Deuce, having calmed down, happily nods with complete confidence, "Oh, it's probably auto-corrected to his number.”
“Phones do that?”
Epel furiously spams the number anyway, not caring even if it was Ace. His frustrations were immeasurable, reaching an all-time new high. The levels were exceedingly dangerous, beyond over blotting with only one possible outlet it could vent to: Ace’s phone (and his dumb voicemail). In an effort to somehow abate Epel’s rage, Deuce gently puts his phone down and makes his own attempts at calling the number. "Maybe your phone is wrong, let me try from mine." Sebek, who looks very lost, does so too.
Through very pointed, timed coughs, Jack taps the table to get everyone's attention. “...ack. The Prefect should—uheum—return any minute now.” However, being the group of idiots that they are, it only brings about a different change, somehow switching to the topic of who it could possibly be. 
"Grim?" The little guy wasn’t around, somehow off meandering for the day or sleeping the evening away somewhere else in the dorm. "Maybe the Prefect's upped their pet pampering. Something like he’s being a grouch and they're having to give him more attention than usual."
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the Prefect succumbed to giving Grim a phone.” Would paw pads work on a phone screen though?
The answers quickly devolve, becoming more ludicrous as Epel casually brushes away Grim's possibility. "Think about it seriously won’t ya? If the Prefect is in love... No, Jack’s right—that wouldn’t make a lick of sense with...” He waves his hand vaguely around at the comfortable but still dilapidated state of Ramshackle. “What if the Prefect’s possessed? Having to step through life fulfilling the sad, unrequited love of a ghost..." It wasn’t as if the events of the whole ghost bride shenanigans were all that far away anymore—quite literally living in the walls of NRC. It was just yesterday that Idia, out of all people, was, for once, the most eligible bachelor of all the lands.
“Wasn’t that whole deal done and over with already?”
“Hm. Probably.” Epel concedes, still vaguely worried.
Sebek leaned forward on his knees, a perfect replica of The Thinker as he genuinely considered the possibilities. "I think... If we haven’t caught them, then it has to be someone who doesn’t go to the NRC. Perhaps it’s someone from RSA?”
“Like Neige?”
“Or, do you think it could—”
"Or maybe... you guys need to learn to quit it!" Ace, missing from the scene, all but tackles Epel as he shoves his phone directly into his face.
"It's important!" Despite his face mushed into a phone screen, Epel doesn’t hesitate to immediately throw fists as he scrabbles to knee the intruder. "We think the Prefect is datin’ someone and keeping it a secret!"
A look of complete incredulity passes over Ace's face. He momentarily stops squishing his phone into Epel’s forehead, twists his eyebrows, and then smoothly says with a shit-eating grin, "Yeah, you notice it too?
"SEE, I wasn’t goin’ crazy!" All is forgiven. Friendship? Restored. Epel, more than happy to present the evidence, drops his fists to recount the facts index to pinky. “They’ve been on the phone non-stop with someone.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s super suspicious. I bet they’re giggling and kicking their feet too.” Ace, grabbing a handful of Deuce’s popcorn with his other hand, pops it into his mouth and blinks doeishly while twirling his hair. “What else? Catch them making lovestruck eyes? Swooning? Are they writing love letters?”
“No. That’s the weird part.” Epel gets to his pinky, souring as he recollects your latest actions. “Searching up date spots...”
“Hm, really?” Ace, no remorse, continues to be a complete asshole, liar, and gaslighter. "Look, I think the cards are all on the table. The Prefect is head over heels no doubt. Sound agreement. Completely agree." He grounds his feet and pushes forward, back to his phone-spam vengeance mission, but Epel doesn’t budge. His resolve is only strengthened by sheer willpower and probably far too much adrenaline as he attempts to sock Ace directly in the throat.
Much to his chagrin, Ace dances out of the way snickering “sucker!” But the bated breaths of stars and divine karma decide, hey this guy’s a little too full of himself, and shake loose the grip on his phone.
“Oh shit.” It happens in slow motion, the cherry-colored phone spinning round and round until it slots perfectly in the middle of the table for all to see two perfectly immaculate coincidences appear. Ace’s phone opens—a beacon of undeniable guilt—to a sweet, innocent lock screen of him pressing a kiss to your cheek... in his varsity. Then, if that wasn’t enough, your conveniently timed texts appear, rendering Ace to repeat solemnly to himself, “Oh shit.”
18:16 [ y/n ]: hey can you open the door my hands are full
18:22 [ y/n ]: like. right now
18:22 [ y/n ]: you LEAVE prefect? you leave me in the cold? oh! oh! jail for boyfriend! jail for the worst boyfriend for One Thousand Years!
18:22 [ y/n ]: wait i didn’t mean it
18:28 [ y/n ]: babygirl please
Deuce can scarcely believe his eyes, barely registering the texts or the lock screen as he utters out a single, profound word torn out from the deepest depths of his soul. "WHAT."
Sebek, not registering the picture, reacts point-blank. "Did the Prefect call you babygirl?"
The most ardently passionate Epel stares and processes the new evidence quietly, “wait...” It clicks. “IT WAS YOU.”
"It was obvious guys..." From the very start, Sebek had even accidentally guessed it.
"YOU'RE DATING THE PREFECT?!" Et Tu, Ace? Just like this? Deuce had never felt such betrayal, never like this before. Such... deception!
"WHAT," Sebek’s voice steadily gets louder to match everyone else, baffled by the turn of events. “WHAT DOES BABYGIRL MEAN?”
Not knowing what to do with his hands or rage, Epel begins to put Ace into a headlock.
Jack leaves the room in second-hand embarrassment.
Ace, tongue in cheek and barely able to hold in his laughter, allows himself to be manhandled—but not without chaos. "Um? You didn't know? Wasn't it obvious?" He gives Sebek a smug smile in particular, "Didn't you catch my hands literally under their clothes?"
Sebek gawks, turning bright red as he flails, "ISN'T THAT NORMAL FOR YOU GUYS?"
The pieces all come together. It was the footsies in your study session, the recognizable jacket during gym, an eavesdropped conversation, a much-too-revealing search history.
It’s you finally coming in with the snacks—carefree as ever—opening the door with an "I'm back!" to only be blasted by a chorus of "YOU'RE DATING ACE?" 
You blink. The snacks drop. You’re out the door.
Jack reappears to pick up the snacks while Deuce knocks over the table and falls to the floor as Epel flies over his head to give chase—barraging you with questions of “Since when?!” and ”Why are you running?!”
"It's only been a week!" This little man is chasing you so fast oh my God how is he so fast. “Stop chasing me!”
Deuce finally breaks out of his stupor to go, "Now, wait just a minute...!" and slams his head up into Sebek’s stomach where he chokes on the popcorn. The two first-years groan, rolling around on the ground and couch as Ace makes eye contact with Jack, shrugs, and runs to catch up to the distant screaming (you) and threats that most certainly break the Geneva Convention (Epel).
Well, more like a light, easy jog as he arrives to Epel finding a spare branch and full-on frisbeeing it at your head, fully intent on taking you down without care of any possible casualties. It was war. If this was how you went, death via a guy whose parents really thought it was a good idea to name their son Apple™, then you mentally decided all of your meager earnings as a janitor and de facto therapist at this cursed college would go to Jamil. Sevens knows he deserves it.
“Epel!” So worked up on adrenaline, Epel’s head instantly whips around to face Ace... only to realize his mistake a second later as you kick his knees in and run, Ace close behind as he passes by and tussles his hair for good measure.
“This isn’t over yet!” Epel hollars, cussing you two out with every name under the sun. “Y'all ain’t seen nothing yet, I swear when I get to you—”
Ace’s lips curl with mocking delight as he throws his head back and laughs from the rush of your moonlit escapade. “Yada yada, he’ll calm down eventually... probably.” He was this excited to dupe his friends? "Pfft... haha! Sheesh, took 'em long enough!" Ridiculous. 
What a stupid, endearing idiot (your idiot). "Took you long enough. Where were you?" Ace’s hand is warm as it finds yours.
His timing is off by only a second before he replies, a little bit hopeful, “What? Miss me already?”
You think, for a long moment, before reaching up and pressing a kiss underneath his jaw. “No.”
In response, Ace's hand squeezes your shoulder as he pulls you closer with a wide, genuine smile. “Liar.” Keeping you close as the two of you escape into the night, hand in hand.
end a/n: hello! happy holidays!! i am also so late to the collab: i am so sorry—but i hope that this being longer makes up for it lmao. a lot has happened this year (not necessarily bad things!) but definitely. exhausting ones haha—so it made this piece really difficult to get out. BUT I DID IT. MA YA SEE THAT? I DID IT—so with all my heart, i sincerely hope that you enjoy this piece and maybe laughed a little. because ! that makes it all the more worth it! so, again, thank you for reading about this little foolish lil guy
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lanshappycorner · 2 years
Deuce x Riddle idea because uH yeah why not
Consider: AU where during middle school Riddle and Deuce live in the same area of the Queendom of Roses, and while Deuce goes to a random public school, Riddle goes to a Posh private school and they somehow meet
Deuce is wandering along the streets when he sees some bigger dudes from another school trying to bully some poor little redhead for his money. As Deuce considers it His turf, he steps in and basically sends the dudes flying
He talks to Riddle and Riddle insists that he didn't need Deuce's help. Riddle isnt too keen on thanking Deuce either, since Deuce was very obviously a delinquent, and this was less about deuces desire to help people and more about the fact that he only got involved bc apparently this was HIS property (which riddle also adds that its NOT btw bc Deuce is just some middle school brat who cannot own a public space because hes broke as shit. Deuce cannot counter)
Deuce is Pissed he went out of his way to save this stinky skrunkly and hes not even given a thank you (he wasn't expecting one anyways but he also wasn't expecting to be insulted in the face). It wasn't like Riddle was necessarily Wrong though, deuce had extorted randos for their money before, it wasn't like he saved Riddle out of the goodness in his heart
Riddle turns to leave, and before he does so, Deuce notices his uniform and makes a remark about how "oh of course you go to that stupid rich people school. All of you guys are like that, stuck up and privileged" to which Riddle is now fuming because 1) riddles family is well off enough but hes not rich and 2) hes doing his best for his mom </3
Angry, he collars deuce with his magic and stomps off, leaving deuce to stand there dumbfounded and annoyed
The collar isnt coming off even though it's been a day, and Deuce is not having it. He's a gang leader for fucks sake he cant walk around with a collar around his neck, that's ridiculous!! So he skips class (as usual) and waits in front of the gates at Riddle's school. Clearly he is out of his environment and many kids are uncomfortable with his general Existence there but hes stubborn and refuses to leave
Eventually riddle comes out of the gates and Deuce is just like "listen here you fucking strawberry lookin asshole get this thing off my neck" and Riddle is just "LMAO no. Nice try tho" Riddle is extremely annoyed Deuce came all the way to his school and demanded stuff from him but also he finds Great Amusement in seeing Deuce look so miserable, it's just the Best
Deuce would have persisted more if not for the fact that a car suddenly rolled up to pick up Riddle. Riddle just smirks at him and drives away, leaving an enraged Deuce who continued to pester him every day until he takes away the collar
The next day, deuce actually ambushes Riddle before he arrives at school. Riddle once again refuses to take off the collar, resulting in Deuce pretty much wrestling Riddle to the ground and successfully potato sack style carrying Riddle off somewhere. Riddle looks extremely panicked—not because Deuce is taking him to an unknown location, but because hes worried that his perfect attendance would be broken
Deuce is unaffected by Riddle's panic. If anything he is relishing in it bc "honestly fuck that guy he collared me </33 what's he gonna do now tho collar me again ?? Lmao" he ends up taking Riddle to an arcade. When riddle is set down he automatically tries to run, only for Deuce to grab his hand and force him back
Riddle is obviously nervous. They're both in uniform, its during school hours, everyone in the arcade is looking at them as if thinking "are they skipping? They're such bad students...they shouldn't be here" (or at least that's what riddles paranoid mind conjures, but no one around them really cares). He looks at his watch and it's essentially too late to even go back. Goodbye perfect attendance
Deuce gets Riddle to play a bunch of games with him and even buys him a boba tea afterwards </3 they do bond a little and realize that the other doesnt suck as much as they originally thought. Deuce is shocked by how many things Riddle has never done or isnt allowed to do tho
Riddle insists it's not a big deal and it's the price he has to pay for success, but he doesn't deny that he had fun. He does ask Deuce why did Deuce take him to an arcade. Like usually delinquents would resort to violence to get their way right, why not just force Riddle to do it?
Deuce just replies that Riddle seems stupidly stubborn and prideful, Deuce hates fighting people like that cause they never give up. He says that he has no intention of being violent with Riddle (as least in a punching kicking to hurt Riddle kinda sense), but he has resolved to just spending time with him and clinging to him until he lets Deuce go. Riddle just calls Deuce stupid
Before Riddle goes home, Deuce hands him a letter that he prepared. It's basically a letter put together with newspaper scrappings, and it's basically a note saying that an anonymous person kidnapped Riddle for the day and wants ransom. He instructs riddle to just tell his family that he was used for ransom and Riddle managed to escape in time. That way, riddle won't get in trouble. Riddle just stares at the letter and takes it, but he doesnt say anything about it, clearly he is conflicted about lying to his parents.
Deuce is expecting to see Riddle again the next day but he doesnt. And Riddle is no where to be seen for the next week. Even the collar had disappeared with time and yet there wasnt a trace of Riddle. Deuce ends up going to Riddles school and forcing random students to tell him where riddles house is
Late at night, deuce scales up a tree and throws rocks at riddles balcony door. Riddle was abt to sleep, but he was tossing and turning thinking abt what Deuce was up to. He cautiously goes to the door and looks outside only to see Deuce. Opening the door, he asks him wtf he was doing there, and Deuce hops onto Riddles balcony and just asks him what HE was doing at home
Riddle confesses that he couldnt lie to his mom and he just tells her he skipped school. He doesnt mention Deuce to his mom nor did he take out the scrap letter. But bc of that, his mom forced him into being home schooled. Deuce just scoffs "and you call me stupid"
Hes frustrated by this outcome but apologizes to Riddle bc Riddle wouldnt be even more caged up if it werent for him. Riddle just tells him to not apologize bc he didn't regret it. Deuce decides that since he was the one who isolated Riddle, he'd at the very least visit him often
So he stops by almost daily at night to talk to Riddle. But along the way the whole thing where he realizes he disappointed his mom happens and he tells Riddle one day that its selfish but he probably wont be able to stop by as often anymore because hes decided to turn his life around and begin studying. He wants to make his mom proud
Riddle is saddened by the news but hes happy Deuce is taking a better path in life and he tells him its fine. Deuce is still worried bc Riddle has a habit of saying things r fine when they're not fine, but even if Riddle DID want him to stay, its not as if he could do it.
Riddle says that soon he'll be entering a college far away, so even if Deuce doesnt visit him anymore, its okay. Deuce doesn't know how to feel abt this but hes glad that Riddle will have some freedom
A year goes by and Deuce has not heard from Riddle in ages. Deuce studies hard tho snd gets into NRC, only to realize that his dorm head is rather Familiar ....
That is all for now but mayhaps I will continue later
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etherealskeletons · 2 years
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i rlly hate peter that man jus picks every fucking battle and makes work miserable by being such an asshole and wanting everything done FAST instead of safe and at a normal speed he will make things thatre not a big deal a huge deal and will be such a dick about everything and refuses to listen to logic its always his way or the highway and the highway is him angrily growling and leaving hes such a fuckin DOUCHE and has so much abusive tendencies it makes me go insane i feel like im living with my mother being around this man-
hes such a dick all the time i dont understand WHY he takes his shit out on us and he brings up how we dont pay rent even tho they say we dont have to and we pay in other ways?? like jfc we help them out with food all the time with EBT and we work around the house and help them with literally anything they ask - we spent a good chunk of summer splitting and stacking wood all fuckin day and we bought them these stupid fuckin expensive ass tools for their shitty fixer upper house that hes been building for 30 years and its still not done??? how do u have a house for 30 years and brag about being a master builder and whatever and not be anywhere near done with it,, he brags so fucking much too like ohhh im such an amazing cook and baker but everything he makes is kinda meh and its usually p unseasoned and i dont rlly care for any of it! how do u fuck up muffins and mac n cheese those are fuckin EASY!!!!! urs are dense and dry/crumbly with no taste and the mac n cheese is so fucking DRY how do u make mac n cheese fresh taste like its been in the fridge for a week and is only slightly hot what the FUCK??? HOW???? WHAT DID U DO TO THIS,,,
and my cousin is so fuckin stupid for many reasons shes always been kinda stupid and this compulsive liar but also a hardcore christian/republican and shes even more stupid for marrying him after he married/dated in our family like two or three times and for agreeing with everything he says and defends his shitty actions and behavior and says shit like ohh god led him to her and that hes the best thing like GIRL hes NOT??? HES AN ASSHOLE OLD ASS ABUSIVE MAN AND HIS KIDS ARE ASSHOLES TO U TOO LIKE HUH???? ur biggest dream was having a baby but u cant even have one with the one asshole u married bc he got the snip and refuses to get it checked up and doesnt think reversing it is worth it but they also talk all the time about how theyre gonna have lots and lots of babies as soon as he retires SOMEHOW THEYRE GONNA HAVE BABIES,,??
and she always picks every battle too like dude relax its not that big of a fuckin deal?? like the diffuser jfc u mention it and theyre instantly like UHM AKCTUALLY ITS GOOD FOR UR HEALTH AND IT CLEANS THE AIR AND ITS ALL IN UR HEA D UR NOT ALLERGIC TO IT even tho we both have asthma and it litereally makes my dads face beet red and full of hives lmao bUT I GUESS OIL IN WATER CURES EVERYTHIN AND WERE FAKING IT OR SMTH,,, and they both start bitchin and arguing with us like were not even arguing with u tf is this attitude comin from?? just stating oh its turned on makes peter go SHES JUS TURNING THE LIGHT ON SHES NOT TURNING THE DIFUSER ON JUS AN FYI U CAN READ FOR LATER like dude stop being such a passive aggressive pos wife if u bother to look up from ur tablet u can clearly see its going off and my cousins like IM NOT TURNING IT ON ITS JUS TURNING ON WHEN I PRESS THE LIGHT BUTTON AND I NEVER HAVE IT ON FOR LONG AND ITS GOOD FOR THE AIR AND EVERYONE i dont think its good for their cat either like ive been readin about it and so many articles say its toxic and my dad shows this to my cousin and she jus like WELL THE ONES I GET ARENT TOXIC TO CATS SHES FINE UR BEING EMOTIONAL AND NOT MAKING ANY SENSE like??? maam u have clove, lemongrass, and eucalyptus oil and all of those arent safe for cats - google searches can show u most of ur oils are toxic for ur kitty!!
theyre not even really good cat owners like the cat has NEVER been played with until i moved in and they had the cat for 5 years like HUH???? U NEVER PLAYED WITH LIL MEOW MEOW??? NOT EVEN ONCE??? WHY??? jus bc i didnt think of it like WHAT??? their cat snores too and while its cute and silly its making me nervous that shes having problems breathing bc of the oils she puts in the air for literally hours [even tho they lie and say its only for one hour but its such bs,,] and they dont always clean the cat box they leave it for a week or whatever until the cat complains like hg?? why not clean it everyday dude, itd makes the basement smell nicer,, ALSO the cat had like a broken tooth or smth awhile back like around christmas and they went to the vet but were pissed at the bill and were like WERE NOT PAYING THAT ITS TOO MUCH!!! WERE NOT DOIN IT!!! LIKE HUH??? WHAT??? I KNOW IT SUCKS TO SHELL OUT MONEY FOR A LIL TOOTH BUT U GOTTA DO IT IF U LOVE AND CARE FOR UR CAT YOUD DO IT??? they never did it either they jus assumed it fell out and that the cats fine, never went back to the vet for a checkup or nothin,,, man,,,,
shes also a stay at home wife but its obvious shes depressed or SOMETHING bc she doesnt cook or clean much they normally eat microwaved food and i often vacuum the floors/carpets bc they get so NASTEY,,, she jus,,, doesnt do much,,, i dont get it i dont know what happened to her but after she got married she turned into this blob of a 50s housewife but not rlly a housewife bc she only sometimes cooks and cleans and h???
theyre both like ahaha welllll~ its bc im such a type a personality💕 like yea a for asshole, ur both such assholes its no wonder why your sisters dont like you and treat u and ur husband like shit and why your kids treat you both like shit jfc
theyre both so fuckin delusional and idiotic too they bitch about how they hate big corporations and how they NEVER shop at walmart or lowes bc they prefer mom and pop shops and peter will be like “I DONT GO TO THRIFT STORES BC THEYRE ICKY AND DISGUSTING,, I ONLY GO TO ANTIQUIE SHOPS BC THEYRE BETTER IN EVERY WAY” but then they only shop at walmart and hannaford and dollartree literally all the time and have never set foot in ANY of the lil mom and pop shops near their house, he works at a big corporation and acts like he doesnt for some reason??? like its a lil pop shop like dude??? no??? its not??? they deepthroat the boot of these corporations and think theyre better than everyone bc they say they dont shop there like????? what,,,?? and they think tr*mp is gonna make this country great again and if hes not reelected the rapture WILL ABSOLUTELY happen [????????? WHICH PASTOR SAID THIS BTW LIKE HELLO???? I JUS WANNA TALK,, WHO SAID THIS,,, WHOS MAKING MY RELATIVES MORE STUPIDER,,,]
IDK like im thankful theyre hosting us but i wish they werent such childish dicks and i wish i had a normal family that wasnt,,, Like This ://
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gracelessfighters · 4 years
pretend (pt.2)
JJ Maybank x female reader
Part 1
Summary: You cant stop thinking about JJ after spending time with him at the kegger, so you decide to seek him out.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: swearing, slight smut (if you squint), i think thats it?
A/N: i am not happy with this at all but im super tired and just wanted to post it so sorry in advance for the shitty writing - it also took longer than i wanted cos i didnt know where to go with the story so that was fun. Anyway i hope you like it (and feedback is always appreciated 🥺)
Tagging: @rudysbay​ @danicarosaline​ thanks for expressing interest in a second part 💙
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You never thought that your mind would be occupied with JJ Maybank’s face as much as it had in the last week since the kegger you spent with him.  To be honest it made you feel a little pathetic - it was one kiss and you were almost certain he wasn’t thinking about you as he literally is known for hooking up with girls and then not speaking to them.
The more you thought about him the angrier you got with yourself and your changing moods were becoming more and more obvious to your best friend Lily.
“What’s wrong with you?” She asked from where she was lying on your bed.
“Nothing, why?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s that you look like you’re about to rip that top you’re holding in half, you keep sighing and let’s not forget I can tell when you’re lying.” She smirked at you, knowing you had to tell her now.
“Fine,” You sighed, sitting on the bed next to her, “Remember the kegger we were at last week and how I spent it with that JJ guy?”
“Well I kinda want to see him again and I’m not sure if I’m being stupid because it was the first guy I ever really spent time with after Rafe and he’s hot but I don’t know, I feel stupid because he’s probably not given me a second thought.”
Lily grabbed your hand, “Babes, I love you but you’re a mess - you don’t know if he’s thought about you if you don’t ask, so stop torturing yourself.”
You nodded your understanding, “And so I think after our lunch today you should go and find him to ask then you’ll know .”
“I might.”
“No, you will, I’m gonna make you.” Lily laughed, jabbing your side with her finger.
Even if it was the most kooky thing to do, you and Lily often spent your time at the country club, either to eat or play golf with your dads, especially on a nice warm day like today.
The two of you had been there for around an hour just chatting constantly when a busboy came to clear up the table. You looked up to thank him but froze when you saw the face of JJ Maybank.
“JJ! Hi.”
He didn’t even acknowledge you, instead just finished picking up your glasses and left.
You turned to Lily, “Wow he really doesn’t give a shit about our fun evening then.”
She scowled at the back of him as he walked into the building, “What a dick.”
“Should I go and talk to him? Or is that a bad idea?”
“Yes you should, otherwise I’m going to talk to him and then possibly murder him as he’s hurting my best friend.”
You smiled as you rolled your eyes at her, “Please don’t.”
She stuck her tongue out at you as you stood up and followed JJ back into the building, hoping it wasn’t too upfront and that he would at least talk to you this time.
You saw him coming out the kitchen and shouted him over, he had a slight bit of annoyance written on his face but other than that nothing you could decipher.
“What do you want Y/N?” He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Oh so you do know who I am,” you scoffed, “Why are you giving me such a cold shoulder? I thought we had fun.”
You were already regretting coming to talk to him, you were never this upfront or seemingly over-involved after spending a small amount of time with a guy, so it made you very uncomfortable.
“Yeah we had fun, but you’re a kook and I’m a pogue and as you said on the night we were just pretending, so what more is there?”
He began to turn to walk away when you reached out for his arm, “We might have been pretending but this week I’ve been wanting to see you again because I thought there could be something. Maybe I was wrong though.”
This time it was his turn to grab your arm as you turned away, and before you had time to speak, his lips were on yours. The kiss was nothing like you’d ever experienced, you could feel yourself melting into his arms, losing yourself in the kiss - he tasted like the sea and it was something you wanted to taste forever.
You broke apart, both smiling like idiots as you looked at each other, “That was-“ you began to say.
“A reason I shouldn’t have been such an asshole, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, and I wouldn’t mind making this a more common thing by the way.” You smiled at him.
“Well I’m on my break now so…” he offered his hand to you.
You giggled as you took it and he dragged you towards a more secluded corridor, pushing you against the wall and put his lips on yours, his hands on your hips as he deepened the kiss. You never wanted it to end - but you didn’t always get what you wanted.
“Huh so you weren’t annoyed at him for long then?” Lily joked from where she stood at the end of the corridor, arms folded as she took in the two of you.
You gave her the finger, not noticing the look on JJ’s face as he quickly moved away from you, putting his hands back in his pockets.
You gave him a questioning look, confused as to why he seemed nervous all of a sudden.
“It’s nearing the end of my break, I should, um probably go.” He pointed in the other direction and moved to head off.
You quickly pecked his lips, muttering to him “When are you free?”
“For you, anytime.”
You laughed, “you can always come to my house later, it’s easy to find.”
He grinned at you, “Will do princess.”
He had already turned away, luckily as he wasn’t able to see the blush that had spread across your cheeks at him calling you princess.
You couldn’t stop smiling, Lily raising her eyebrows at you as you walked towards her, “Damn girl I haven’t seen you like this in forever.”
“I haven’t felt like this in forever.” You admitted, the butterflies in your stomach still going crazy.
Sat at home that evening, you kept looking towards the door, hoping JJ would come round. Your parents weren’t home and you were an only child so there was no need to worry about any one bothering you.
There was a knock at the door, you quickly stood up and before opening it you checked yourself out in the mirror in the hall, you nodded to yourself and moved the handle. You were met with the shy smile of the blond boy, hands in his pockets like normal as he took in the size of your house.
“I’m surprised I haven’t mowed your lawn with a house this big.” He joked but you could tell it kind of bothered him, not that you knew what to say.
“Um, come in,” you stepped back allowing him to walk through the door then headed to the kitchen with him following you, “do you want a drink or something?”
“Nah I’m good thanks,” raising his eyebrows at the large glass of wine your poured yourself.
You sat in a comfortable silence just looking at each other, unsure of what to say.
“So,” he started, “do you surf?”
He did taste of the sea so you weren’t surprised this was one of the first things he asked about.
“I used to when I was younger but then my parents decided I needed ‘other, better hobbies’, so not really, but I do miss it.”
“When you’re free I’ll happily teach you how to again.”
You smiled at him, “holy shit I’d love that! I’ll probably make a complete fool of myself but at least it’d provide you with some entertainment.”
“And I’ll get to see you in a bikini.” He smirked
“Oh I look really good you’ll definitely like it.” You flirted back.
You chatted back and forth for hours, and at some point you two had moved to the living room where you were now sitting on his lap, slowly kissing each other, enjoying every second of it.
You were interrupted by a knock at the door, “What the fuck?” You say as you remove yourself from JJ’s embrace and go to see who it is - you were met with the last face you wanted to see, Rafe Cameron.
You held out your hand before he had the chance to speak, “Nope, fuck off Rafe I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Please Y/N I want to apologise.” He pleaded.
“I couldn’t give two shits about an apology because I don’t. care. about. you. That’s why we broke up and why I don’t want to have this conversation.”
You went to shut the door, only to be stopped by his foot.
“I still love you Y/N and no matter what you say I know you love me.”
In the corner of your eye you could see JJ stand up to come and see if you needed help, you shook your head to indicate him to stop - it would only make things worse if Rafe knew JJ was there.
“No I loved you Rafe. Past tense. You made me miserable and I still loved you for so long, but not anymore, so please go.”
He stepped back, “I will get you back Y/N.”
Slamming the door on his face you muttered, “Sure you will.”
You leant against the door for a second, even talking to him for a few minutes completely drained you, how did you date him for so long?
“Hey, you good?” JJ asked from where he leant against the doorframe of the living room.
You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, “Yeah I am now.”
Removing yourself from the hug, you patted his chest, “Right that’s enough of the heavy stuff, what do you want to do?”
He smirked at you as he pressed his lips against yours, instantly wiping the thoughts about Rafe out of your mind. He lifted you up so your legs could wrap around him, your hands behind his head as he led you back towards the sofa.
You were sat on his lap and as he moved his lips over your neck you moaned, wanting him to do more.
You blushed, “thank you, you’re not too bad yourself.”
He chuckled and moved to take off your shirt - you raised your arms to make it easier before moving back in to kiss him.
It ended being one of the best nights of your life, you were so glad you pretended to be with him that night at the kegger.
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witchygagirlwrites · 4 years
Cant Love You Back
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*Not My Gif*
Because the song was stuck in my hand and apparently I am a fucking narcissist that loves pain so here ya go. @gottaboopthesnoot
There was a time in Kelly's life he was simply coasting through. He'd bust his ass at work then either go home to an empty apartment or go get drunk and go home with a girl whose name he had forgotten by the time he left her place. 
That changed the day Chief Boden announced fifty one was getting a new addition. You stood at the front of the room as Boden introduced you. Kelly offered you his hand and from the moment you smiled at him he felt something start to flutter inside him he had never dreamt of giving the light of day.
You fit in as if you'd been a part of the team from the start. Everyone that met you seemed to be drawn to you, Kelly worse of all. He'd find himself scanning for you after a tough call just to see for himself you were fine. After shift would end he'd make any excuse to spend more time with you 
"So when are you gonna bite the bullet and ask her out?" Matt asked after watching Kelly follow you around like a puppy for two solid months. 
When Kelly cut his eyes at him he raised both hands defensively "Just saying man. It's painfully obvious how you feel. I can't blame you she's a great woman and beautiful. I think she feels the same but you're her Lieutenant and she's not going to admit anything that may make her seem as if she's ladder climbing" 
"That you or Gabby talking?" Kelly asked looking out into the bay where you were currently helping Gabby and Sylvie restock their rig. "Little bit of both. I'm just saying Kelly you've changed since she got here and it's not bad changes. Go with your gut. It's never led you wrong" 
Kelly felt Matt patt his shoulder before hearing his footsteps walk away. Had he changed that much since meeting you? When he thought about it he didn't remember the last time he'd drank over a couple beer and he'd been content with an empty bed knowing he'd see you the following shift 
You threw him off balance in the best way possible. You wouldn't blink an eye going into a fire but volunteered in the n.i.c.u. on your days off. You were a perfect combination of that fire he'd always crave and the peace that he desperately needed.
Hearing your laughter drew him out his thoughts and he glanced up to see you walking into the common room laughing about something Slyvie had said. When your eyes met his you smiled even further "Hey Kelly" "Hey Y/N can i talk to you for a minute?" The moment he asked Slyvie and Gabby shared a look then made up some excuse to be scarce.
"What's up?" You asked smiling up at him and Jesus christ he felt like a teenager with their first crush "You think you may wanna grab dinner with me sometime?" "Kelly Severide are you asking me out?" You questioned and he nearly blushed "Yeah?" You took a step closer to him and leaned up to leave a kiss on his cheek "good cause I am doing absolutely nothing Friday night and I have a new outfit sitting in my closet that desperately needs to see the light of day" 
"About frickin time!" Both of you both turned when you heard Mouch who was sitting on the couch watching t.v. but it was apparent he'd seen your exchange. "Excuse me?" You asked with a laugh so Mouch shrugged "I had the two and a half month mark in the betting pool" 
Your mouth fell open in shock and Kelly couldn't help but laugh when you recovered enough to say "That's it! I'm calling sergeant Platt!" and Mouch started backtracking trying his best to apologize but you winked at Kelly then ran off already dialing on your phone.
Kelly pulled up in front of your apartment building around seven and slowly walked inside. Your apartment was on the second floor so headed for the elevator while he sent you a text that he was on the way up.
By the time he stepped off the elevator you were standing in the hall waiting on him. You were wearing black ankle boots with a black dress and a red leather jacket. Your hair was down in loose curls around your face and he'd never seen a more beautiful sight. "Wow" he breathed and a smile spread across your face "Does that mean you like?" He nodded quickly "Very much"
The night went by too quick in Kelly's opinion. The two of you went to dinner and a movie then stopped at Molly's for a drink before he took you home. When he walked in with his arm around your waist it just felt right. Otis slid two drinks across the bar with a smile "These are from Mouch and Trudy"  you leaned back in your seat and spotted the two so you raised your bottle to them with a smile then turned back to Kelly "So Severide I was going to wait until you take me home but you owe me a kiss. I mean i technically kissed you first"
"Is that right?" He asked with a smirk that only deepened when you said "oh yeah definitely. I mean I've heard that you're some sort of ladies man yet all night the furthest you've went is home my hand or putting your arm around me" he cut you off mid sentence with a kiss. The kiss was gentle, barely a brush of the lips but when he pulled back a smile was on both of your faces "So does that mean this is going to be more than one date?" He asked and was answered by you grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for another kiss. 
The first time you told Kelly you loved him was after a huge fight between the two of you. You'd been staying at his place more and more so he was on the verge of asking you to move in but it just so happened a friend of yours had stopped by the firehouse to catch up. That friend just so happened to be male and Kelly's jealousy flared up.
The night had ended with you storming out of his apartment slamming the door behind you. You didn't answer any of his calls or texts and when he came over to your place you opened the door long enough to say "Kelly if you care about me at all you'll leave"
The next day he was miserable walking into fifty one. He spotted your car and prayed you'd talk to him but you stayed close to either Gabby and Sylvie or once they left on a call you walked over to where Herrman was sitting and struck up a conversation with him.
A call came out for an apartment fire with civilians trapped. Kelly was watching you take your orders from Matt and wanted nothing more than to tell you to be safe before you went  in but didn't want to distract you if you were still upset.  You started to walk past him but stopped just long enough to say "I love you Kelly" then jogged to catch up with your crew who were headed in. He had just a few seconds to process what you'd said before heading in the other entrance with Cruz.
The moment the building was cleared you were outside helping roll the hoses up. Kelly had just got through talking with Matt and chief Boden when he saw you. He caught your hand when you bent down to pick up another hose and the moment your eyes met his he said "I love you too. I'm sorry i was a jealous asshole. I've just never felt this way" you rolled your eyes but the smile you had told him all he needed to know even before you said "Good because neither have I. I'm not going anywhere Kelly" 
You and Kelly were coming up on your two year anniversary. Your present had been sitting in the top drawer of his dresser for weeks. Gabby had went with him to help pick out what cut and style of ring she thought you'd like and of course she'd somehow managed to find out your ring size as well.
He had everything planned. Where he was going to take you, what he was going to say. The thing about plans is that sometimes the unexpected happens.
The call had been simple enough. A warehouse had caught fire on the south side. You'd went in with Matt to clear the base floor where a few workers were trapped. You were following close behind Matt "Fire Department call out!" The haze of smoke was bad enough you could barely see in front of you.
You took another step and heard the crack right before your footing gave way. One moment you were falling the next you felt a sharp pain rip through your abdomen. You looked down to see a piece of rebar sticking out an inch above your navel. Your hands were shaking as you touched the wound trying to apply pressure but the slightest movement ripped a scream from your lips. "Y/N!" You could hear Matt's voice and knew you just had to hold on.
A moment later you heard him across the radio "Floor collapsed. Y/N's hurt. I need assistance" when his face appeared next to you the look on your face told you everything you needed to know about your injury. "Matt if something happens. Help Kelly please" you begged him your only thoughts being what would happen to the man you loved. Gabby told you how bad he'd gotten about Shay had been killed. You didn't want him falling in that hole. "Hey don't talk like that. You'll be fine. Your anniversary is in two weeks you'll be on your feet by then" 
Matt's hand found yours and gripped it tight. You could hear voices and knew everyone was working their way to you.
Kelly was fighting to get inside to your side but Boden called him back "You'll be in the way. Let them get her out then you can ride with them to med" it took everything in him to not argue. The moment he saw Cruz and Capp emerge he ran to your side feeling himself weaken when he saw how severely injured you were.
"Hey baby" you managed weakly as he climbed into the ambulance next to you while Gabby worked to stop the flow of blood. "Hey beautiful" he said with a smile that was marred by the tears flowing down his face. Every bump the ambulance hit caused a grimace to flash across your face. "Kelly I don't want to die" you whispered right as your grip on his hand loosened and the heart monitor on you flat lined. 
"If love could have saved Y/N she would have lived forever. Love from her aunt and uncle who raised her, from her family at firehouse fifty one and from her loving boyfriend. Sadly fate as it seemed had other plans. We don't know why she was taken from us so soon and as we grieve today may the loving warmth of her spirit live on in all of us she held close" 
Kelly sat in the front of the church staring at the photo of you that had been chosen. Those eyes he loved looking into that never opened again after you whispered how you didn't want to die. That smile that always made even his worse day better that he'd never see again. He never got to ask you to marry him. He never got to see you pregnant with his child. He'd never get to tell you again just how much you meant to him.
He'd love you every day for the rest of his life. If only he could manage to love you back to this world then maybe his heart wouldn't feel like it had been ripped out his chest the moment you took your last breath.
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Summery- 2.1k. Colin x Y/N. A fun night out brings up some questions. So this was written for @official-and-unstable-satan​ gif challenge. If you wanna participate, head on over and join in, more then happy to nominate you if you desire. I did break the rules a bit with that opening gif, but it does appear before the final gif. Im not much of one to follow the rules, sorry peeps. I roll my own way. 
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You and Colin had a easy relationship. It was never really all that serious, you two never even made it “official”. The two just melded one day into this more then best friends with benefits, you were his unofficial girlfriend, a term you thought yourself to be. You unfortunately would freeze up at the idea of official girlfriend, i mean... thats to serious, isnt it?
 He looked out for you, and you looked out for him. Long days at work, he would surprise you with your favorite take out spread on the coffee table, and then you would sit between his legs, his arms wrapped around you while you both played the newest video game. He would make it out like you totally kicked his ass, stealing kisses and nibbles when he wanted to distract you and usually before the night was done, the video controllers were forgotten for a quickie on the couch, often times the video games music was your new sexy time theme song. 
Then other times, he would drag you out of the apartment. His grin boyish as he insisted you change from your work outfit, unbuttoning your blouse and running a hand over the lacy cups of your bra. “Fuck I love this number on you, when we come back, I should peel you right out of this with my teeth.” Your breath hitched, you would like that very much. Placing a kiss to your lips, he smirked “but not right now. I have something else in mind. Something sporty lil minx.” 
“Where are we going?” You question, digging through your closet. “Im not sure of how to dress!”
“Anything babe! Comfy clothes!” He went into the closet you currently were a bit lost in, and reached over you to grab your sweat pants and a tshirt. You look at them with an arched brow and snort while taking them. “You high classing me up Stud?” 
He winked as he pulled on his old beat up grey zip up. “You know it sexy, aint no one got nothing on you.” 
Laughing, the two of you stumble out the door and his arm wrapped around you your waist, holding you in against his side, you followed him along, chatting a bit about your day since he wasnt spilling what the two of you were doing.
But soon enough you two came up to the local gymnasium and he dug out a key from his pocket, unlocking the doors and slipping in. As the two of you walked in, a few lights sprung on and you wiggled out of his hold and sprang forward to do a cartwheel, landing half hazardly back on your feet. “Ta-Da!” giggling as you reach up to pull your hair back into a ponytail, snapping the band you kept around your wrist around. Colin grabbed a nearby basketball and lazily dribbled it as he sauntered towards you across the court. “How did you get the key to this place?”
“I know a guy who knows a guy, who needed a gig played this weekend. Figured we needed a night out baby, and what better then playing Horse?” Another dribble and you put your hands to your hips watching him, you were always down for the thrill of the challenge. Competitive little minx that you are. And he was right, you two had been holed up in the apartment for a tad to long. 
“Well lets make it interesting Colin.” you state, holding your hands out for the ball. “Every missed shot, we get to pick something to loose.” He cocked a brow and raked his eyes over you. “Game on babygirl.“ He tossed you the ball ,and smirked, watching as you picked your spot. Off to the left side of the court, along the edge, you dribble a few times and then with a small jump, flick of your wrist, you sent the ball flying, and hell you made this shot a hundred times growing up. That ball gave a sweet sweet swish snap, and Colin rolled his eyes. “easy, I got this.” Jogging for the ball, he swooped it up and zig zagging over to you, showing off, you step from where you stood while he went to make his shot. 
“Its harder then it looks” you claim, and he winks. 
“Im winning this baby, your gonna look awful good running around all bare ass naked in here while I claim my trophey.” And sure enough he to made the shot. 
“Oh you think your gonna get that far? Whats your trophey?” 
“Why your panties of course.”
Oh fuck, game on boy, you thought and grabbing the ball, you chose your next spot, further away, towards the middle of the court. When you went to make your shot, he snapped your ass with his palm, making you squeek and shoot it way off, not even hitting the back board. “COLIN!” His laughter echoing as he tugged on your shirt. “Off it comes!” 
“That was cheating you bastard” you stick your tongue out as you jerk it over your head and toss it over his shoulder. He grasped your chin and drew your teasing tongue into his mouth, wrangling a moan from you before releasing you.
"Fighting dirty is encouraged babygirl, I thought you knew that" you narrowed your eyes at him as he jogged for the ball, the bouncing echoing while he assessed where he wanted to shoot from. Once he picked, you sauntered in front of him, leaving enough space so he could shoot, but you knew what could distract him. Since they distracted him 20 times a day without even trying. His hand was always snaking up your shirt to play with your breasts. 
Just as he was about to shoot, your hands shot up and giving a luscious lip parting, moan, plumping the swells together, his eyes immediately fell from the hoop to where they were spilling over the top, and sure enough his shot went WAY WAY off the mark. A drop of your hands and the wiggle of the brows, you snicker. 
“Loose the shirt hot stuff!” You tug on his hoodie, and pull down the zipper for him, leaning up to catch his lips in a kiss, fully meant to draw his focus from the game. Tiny nips, flick of the tongue trailing over his full bottom lip and then pulling away before he can get the satisfaction of tasting your kiss. A frustrated groan fell from his chest, and he shrugged off the shirt. 
The back and forth was fierce. Colin got the satisfaction of getting the next few shots, and much to your disdain at this, you shed off your belt, pants and one sock. He did let you keep on one sock, how sweet of him. While you were following along behind him, hooking your hand into his belt loops and tugging on him from behind as he takes a random jumping shot, falling back into you. 
“Ha, you missed baby, Pants, they are finally mine!” 
He doesnt even hesitate to unzip them and tug them off, a smirk playing off his mouth. 
So his next statement threw you off axis, put a pause to your laughter, tilted your whole world off kilter. You dont know why it would scare you so much. 
“My girlfriend is free to take my pants off whenever she pleases.” With a toss he shot them in the pile of clothing you accumulated. 
But you couldnt see that, he called you his girlfriend, girlfriend. You werent anything, never have been. 
“What? Im not your girlfriend.”
He just looked at you a bit weird and picked up the ball. “Of course you are Y/N, we practically live together now, Im just waiting for my lease to end on my apartment.” 
“Oh no buddy.” Your hands go to your hips with a shake of the head “We never said we were anything.” Pointing between the two of you, good mood gone as his face turned serious listening to you. 
“Then what has this all been? You cant tell me nothing Y/N, its been like a year” You already had turned on your heels. You werent running away, no, not at all. You werent terrified that he might have cared about you more then in a friendly way, although you both know thats the biggest mother fucking lie you told yourself in that moment when he was saying your name, trying to get an answer. 
Your gathering your clothes when he grasps your arm. “Will you just stop for a moment Y/N and talk to me?” 
“I cant, I got to work tomorrow.” You lamely make an excuse, fuck work. 
“You know, I knew I god damn knew you would pull this shit Y/N the minute I said it was anything. You know why? Your so damned scared of actually wanting something, you wont say it. Think its gonna blow all up in your face, amiright?” His words running together as you wrench your arm out and you glare at him. 
“Im not the one who just assumed anything asshole.” Your temper flaring to hide anything other then what you really want to say. And you leave Colin standing there in shock, in the middle of the gymnasium, the lights glaring over him and you resolve not to look back as you slam out the door, but you hear him, a string of cusses following you outside in his anger and your name, your name calling you back, to not run away. But run away you did. 
He didnt come back that night, not to your apartment, you heard the slamming of his door across the hallway and you curled up in bed feeling completely miserable about what had happened, how you reacted and maybe he was right, you had some kind of commitment issue after years of self esteem issues. Ones he always talked you through. 
“Babes your so damn smart, what would I do without you?!” Helping him put together a lyric for his music, the words would just come to you. 
“Come on, its not that bad, let me read.” Sneaking a peek over your shoulder at a short writing piece you were indulging yourself in. 
“Kicking ass and taking names” High fiving you after a particularly difficult boss in the video game. 
“Baby you eat today? How about a grilled cheese?” on those days you just couldnt get your shit together and remember to feed yourself. A water bottle being tossed at you. 
“God damn your so beautiful” Early morning wake ups, his arm locking you in close, and not allowing you to leave him for a few moments. A kiss to your shoulder and light nibble to your neck before you really had to start the day. 
It hurt he wasnt there now, the bed felt hollowed and you buried your face in the pillow. Why did you do this to yourself? He tried to text a few times, but you bypassed them, not having an answer for him. He would want one, Curtis didnt just let things go. ‘what are you never going to talk to me again?’ was his last one. Then the phone went silent.  
 The night turned into days, and it turned into the longest three damn days you could recall. Then the third night as you were nursing a beer, secretly listening for the door across the hall, there was a knock, a soft rapt that made you spring up out of your seat. Setting the bottle aside, you unlocked your door and peered out. Opening the door wider, there was Colin, not in his usual band tees, and jeans, or that stupid zip up you missed, no he was dressed up, tie and everything. 
“Hi Y/n” he smiled, fidgeting a bit, he seemed so out of his norm. You shyly look down, picking at your rather unfancy attire. 
“Hi Colin, you look good” 
“Do I? I wouldnt know” He teased and reached out to lift your face with a tilt of his fingers under your chin. “But theres an important woman whom deserves it.” Your brows come together, clearly unsure of what he meant. “Y/N, I didnt mean to scare you off, I should have done this right, not just assume you wanted the same thing I did. Im hoping you do, but if you dont... then I will respect that. Will you date me, be my girlfriend?” 
Seeing him now, those uncalled for fears still lingered, but you wanted this. You wanted him, and the past few days showed just how much he actually meant to you, maybe you both were taking each other for granted. 
“Yes Colin, I cant believe you still want to after I was such an asshole” 
“Nah, you werent an asshole.” He stepped in closer, and kissed your forehead. “Okay, maybe a teeny bit, but I was a big dick for not talk to you about it, so that makes us pretty even right?” 
You laugh listening to him and tug on his tie, dragging him into the apartment. Fuck you missed this. 
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@what-is-your-plan-today​ im just gonna tag you in everything till your like “STOP” lmao
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andyparxia · 3 years
A boy was crying and yelling. “I don't want to go to military when I grow up,” The mother annoyed assured him that since he is only 12, there is still 6 years to go. That is a long time, perhaps in 6 years the rules has changed. Maybe its not a requirement anymore, and more of a choice. The stupid fucking boy stopped crying and thought "perhaps you're right mother, perhaps indeed."
6 years later
The boy now 18 years old was quite miserable going to carpenter school. "I don't want to go to school today," he said to his mother. "Just finish this year and you can do something else," the mother said. Little did he know that there was a surprise for him in the mail box. A letter just for the boy. "Who would send me letters?," the boy thought. He slit open the letter and got quite nervous. "Yikes, its from the government."
PTSD from 6 years ago came rushing down. "Mother was wrong all along" he said. How can a mother be wrong? How can the government do this to a little boy like me? Barely out of the womb and now straight into fucking war.
Day of the testing months later
Lucky for the boy he had legit reason to take a day of school. "I'm so happy I won't get a mark on my day of from school". Only times you have a legit reason and wont get punished at school for it is for testing like these, or funerals. And it did feel like a funeral, the boys freedom had officially died. "My freedom" he cried inside while on the train.
The boy had to follow people that was going to the same place, because he had no fucking clue where to go. He wasn't used to being on the road alone. Eventually they did find the place and the waiting started. Hours later sitting at a very uncomfortable chair someone called his name "ANDRÉ". It was for the doctor. The boy sat down and the doctor asked all kinds of questions. "Any mental problems?" "Any health problems?" "Problems in the family?" Nope nope nope the boy said to it all. "what a dull boy," the doctor probably was thinking. Time for sound test. The Doctor put the boy in a soundproof box and played certain tones. The boy had to click a button for every time he heard a tone. Little did the doc know that this dull little boy was being a little cheeky. He didn't press every time he heard the tone. "that'll show him," the boy badly smiled. "looks good," the doc said happily. "Fuck". The boy was disappointed. Back to the chair with him.
What felt like hours later they gathered all the boys for math tests. "Another chance to fake my results" the cheeky little boy thought. He suddenly noticed that by every random answer on the page, there was a very subtle dot drawn by a pencil. The military had just reused old papers from older contestants. The boy stupidly picked every answer that had the dot and it probably made him look like some math genius. So by picking all the wrong answers he picked the right.. Back to the chair. Hours later he was called in one last time by a dude that asked him all kind of questions. "Do you want to go to the military?". "Fuck no" the boy thought, "No," the boy said. After bunch of questions the boy was free to leave and head home. "I probably wont get called in for military in 1 year time" he thought to himself. Surely my answers was dumb enough for me to not get called in?
One year later.
Another letter in the mail.
The boy was not amused. Finally done with school and now to military. 
The day of
The boy couldn't sleep, he only had hours before he had to leave. He got a brilliant idea to watch a 3 hour long new Lynch movie that just came out. So instead of sleeping, he watched a 3 hour long acid trip of a film. Brilliant idea.
The mother was teary eyed knowing she wouldn't see the son for a couple of years. Meanwhile the sleep depraved boy was sure he was coming back soon. "No fucking way I'm staying" he thought. "Told you so" he said to his mother while giving her a hug and off to military with him. 8 hours train ride went quick, he was listening to some bad Dane Cook show while thinking of that fucking film. "What the fuck did I watch".
He arrived at the station. Yet again no idea where to go. The boy found some poor souls that was going to the same camp, together they found the bus and away they went. The camp wasn't far away, 15 minute bus ride. The boy was surprised how local the camp was compared to the city. Like a big playground in the middle of civilisation. But instead of children running around playing, these grown ass men are running around playing war. The gates opened at the first thing he saw was people walking in groups, mighty impressive coordinated groups. Rifles on their shoulders, swinging them around like a show.
The boys got showed around and eventually ended up in a big gym. Bags in the floor while police and dogs sniffed out for drugs. Even though the boy was clean he was still nervous that the dog found something. Couple stoners was sweating beside him, and the dog barked. The boy was jealous of the stoners, "lucky them" he thought. They can leave and he was stuck here. After the drug sniffing, all the boys was pushed to the cinema of the camp. There they had to wait for all the other people getting sniffed out. A film were showing the the people waiting, it was "The Hills Have Eyes 2" from 2007. The boy found it a bit weird to sit in a cinema in a military camp watching a film with gore and people getting raped, but it was what it was.The film turned off suddenly. All the boys were done getting sniffed. Everyone was now in the cinema. 
"PEOPLE THAT ARE STAYING SIT IN ROW 1-3". "PEOPLE THAT HAVE A LEGIT REASON TO LEAVE, GO SIT IN ROW 4 AND UP" a dude yelled. "Oh fuck what do I do? I don't want to stay, but I have no legit reason to stay other than a note from the doctor that say that I have "snapping hips"". “Fuck it”, the boy went to row 4 and sat down. Luckily a bunch of other people followed suit. They were around 10 all together. "THE PUSSIES, FOLLOW ME", the man yelled (not really but he was 100% thinking it). All the pussy boys follow the man trough the playground. He stopped at a house. "Here you sleep for tonight, tomorrow after breakfast you are going to see a doctor to see if you have a LEGIT reason to leave. Good night." The boys went inside. There were pool tables, tv with news playing. All kinds of fun shit to do. The boy sat in the corner while all the other pussy boys were bitching about how they wanted to leave. This felt good to the boy, knowing there were other boys like him there. 
It was getting late and all the boys went up to the bedroom to sleep. The boy was shocked to see that all the beds did not have the beddings already put on. The boy had never done it himself. He struggled getting it on, so he eventually he had to ask for help. Ashamed the boy went to bed, very quickly falling asleep. A sleep that was quite comfortable and he slept very well. (No kappa).
The next day
A dude with a fucking bell in the hall woke up all the boys. "Time for shower and breakfast". The boy had never showered with other people in his life, he always avoided it like the plague, so he avoided it this time as well. The boy grew more pathetic by the minute. They all went outside to the dining hall, it was dark as fuck. Dark and cold. There was a long line outside of the dining hall. It took about 20 minutes to finally get in, eat stale bread with cheese while listening to a hall for of noise. "I got to get the fuck out," the boy thought. After the food all the pussies got pushed to a building where all the doctors were located. There was a tv in the waiting room playing "Band of Brothers". Nothing more ironic watching people getting blown up in the war on tv in the waiting room of a military camp. Outside the window the boy was watching people doing push ups. "Thank God I'm not one of them, I literally cant even do one push up". DING, the boy got an idea. He has a note from the doctor about snapping hips (Which means that many of his joins snaps every time he moves them in a certain way), which makes push ups and sit ups quite painful. Not to mention that he doesn't shower with other people, because he often got to clean his hairy asshole in a hard way. "Cant bend over like that in the shower in front of people, neither can one go around with poopy asshole", the boy thought. The boy now had an legit excuse. Hairy asshole and snapping hips.
Literally hours later the boy got called in. He now has a plan. "So why do you not want to stay?", the doctor asked. "Well I don't want to shower with other people and I have snapping hips.". "Why don't you want to shower with other people?" the doc asked. "Well I'm very hairy... a certain place." he said. "Most boys are hairy, its very normal" doc laughed. "uhm, I got a hairy asshole", the boy shamefully said. "Oh, and snapping hips, I can write a recommendation to release you." The doctor said. The boy could breath out in relief.. The doctor printed out something, made the boy sign it. "Take this to the gate, show it and wait for your bags to be delivered". The boy shook his hand and walked to the gate. There he met other pussies also waiting, "lucky them" he thought, "Maybe they have hairy assholes as well". 
He waited for his bag and he could finally leave. The boy looked back at the adult playground, smiling at all the grown ass dudes running around like it was important. "So long" the boys menacingly thought. The boy took the bus back to town. He has never felt that free, free to  do whatever (not even 12 years later that feeling has been that strong). No more Military, no more school. He walked around the town in a bliss. Visited a local DVD shop and bought a bunch of DVD's. A imported DVD of Eraserhead was one of them (which he sold 12 years later kind of regretting not keeping it for the memory). He then sat at the station waiting for the train to come, looking at his shiny new DVD's. The train ride back was quite painful, the boy had forgot to take a piss this whole trip, and a cute looking lady was sitting beside him blocking the way. Better not disturb the lady and just be in pain instead. Eight hours later he texted his sister to ask come get him, not even telling his parents of his arrival. A funny prank he thought. The sister drove him home and he ringed the bell. "I'm home", he said. The parents was probably very disappointed learning that they couldn't get that 1 year break away from him, but the boy couldn't care less. The boy can now go back to watch movies and game. And he gamed happily ever after.
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coyotesongwriting · 5 years
When It Rains, It Pours - Ch. 12
Avengers - Bucky Barnes/Reader
Chapter 12 -   Repercussions
Story Summary:  Things are going great between you and Bucky, until one day they aren’t. He dumps you, not knowing that what you’d wanted to talk to him about was the positive pregnancy test you held behind your back.
Chapter Summary: Things with Bucky didn’t go too well, so now what are you supposed to do?
Author’s Note: Thank you guys for reading this, all mistakes are my own! TBH I feel like this isn’t one of my best chapters and I planned on fixing it a little before posting but I’m waiting on the results from a writing thing today and I’m way too nervous so sorry if it’s a little more rough around the edges
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters so don’t sue me please. I just really like them haha
Tag List (if you want to be added or removed let me know!):    @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @queenoftheunderdark  @samsgoddess @redfoxwritesstuff​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @fookingmuffins​ @yasnooshka24​ @redfoxwritesstuff​ @amazon-belle​ @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven​ @kinkywitchy​ @superwonderwholock​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @paranoiadestroyah​ @cool-kids-cant-be-dead​ @sarcastic-and-cool​
Previous Chapter
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It had been two weeks since you’d learned the truth about why Bucky had broken your heart. You’d returned to Asgard with Thor, and had quickly fallen back into your routine. No one had seen hide nor hair of Loki, and you were more grateful than you knew how to say. Thor had told Sif and the Warriors Three what had happened, and they’d been doing their best to keep you distracted. 
“Come on, [Y/N]. Stop being so distracted or I will actually hurt you” Sif said, leaning down to offer you a hand up. She’d thrown you over her shoulder and you’d landed, winded, on your back.
You mumbled an apology as she pulled you to your feet. You brushed the dirt off and got back into position but within a few minutes you were on your butt again and she was glaring down at you. You really were trying to pay attention, but your thoughts kept wandering back to Bucky.
“Alright, That’s it. We’re talking this out. What is making it so much worse today?” She asked arms crossed over her chest as she waited for you to answer.
“I’m sorry. Just… it’s been two weeks, Sif” you sighed
“I get it, but what’s so special about that?” 
“On Midgard, in families who aren’t together, the kids tend to see the other parent at least every two weeks and I want to be fair to Bucky so I need to take her to see him but I don’t want to see him” you rushed out, frowning at her.
“Simple? Send her with Thor. That way, you don’t have to see him!” she shrugged.
“I can’t do that. He’s an Avenger and I’ve already put him in a bad spot with the others because he hid her and I don’t want to make it worse if I don’t have to. Besides, if something happens while they’re there, he’d have to sit out to watch her and that’s not fair to the others. So, I can’t just send Aspen with him” 
“How long would you want her to spend with him?”
“I dunno? Eventually, I’d like him to see her for a weekend at a time but I’m not there yet so I think just a day trip would be good…”
“I’ll take her then, problem solved” Sif grinned at you.
You blinked slowly, “Wait, what?”
“It’s easy. I’ll go with Thor to Midgard and take Aspen, she can spend the day with her dad and I’ll make sure she’s safe if anything happens, and then we’ll come back. That way you don’t have to face him yet, she gets to see her dad, and I can meet more of your old team”
“Sif… thank you for the offer but I don’t know if I feel comfortable having Aspen off-world without me” you chewed your lip as you thought.
“Look [Y/N], I know you trust me, right? Hell, I was the first person you told that you were pregnant, so I know you do. You also trust me to watch your back in a fight and watch Aspen here. Unless something goes wrong, we’ll be with Thor and the Avengers the whole time, and if something does happen, well, we’ll come right back. I promise, I won’t let Aspen out of my sight for a moment” 
For a long moment, you said nothing, your thoughts racing. Eventually, you nodded shooting her a grateful smile, “Thank you Sif. It would mean the world to me.”
She smirked, “I know. Now, can you please focus on training?”
“Thor, Aspen, and a guest have arrived. They’re on their way up now” Friday’s voice echoed throughout the now empty living room.
Ever since the day you’d left, again, everyone had been on edge. Everyone was dancing around Bucky, trying to stay out of his way or cheer him up. Even Steve was worried about Bucky, he’d never seen that look of utter loss on his face before. Now that Bucky knew the truth, knew how he’d been played by Loki, he couldn’t stop wishing he could go back in time to undo what he’s said. The regret was eating away at him, and now that he knew about Aspen, it hurt him even more to not know when he’d see her again, so when Friday announced her arrival he was on his feet and waiting for the elevator doors to open.
When the elevator doors opened, Bucky took a slight step back when he realized you weren’t with them. He’d never expected you to let Aspen go anywhere without you. Even when he’d been on Asgard with her, you’d always had to know where he was or you started worrying. The fact that Aspen was here with someone else, reminded him just how bad he’d really screwed up. 
Lady Sif was holding a wriggling Aspen against her side, her gaze studying the room quickly when the doors opened. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of Bucky so close to the elevator doors, but she’d promised to be nice to him, at least for Aspen’s sake. Even so, she stepped out of the elevator before Thor and brushed past Bucky to walk into the main lounge. 
“I have a special delivery” she grinned and held up the wriggling Aspen, speaking to Nat and Clint, recognizing the duo from all the stories you had told her. 
Nat smiled back and reached out to take Aspen, “Thank you…?” her voice trailed off, asking for a name.
“This is Lady Sif, and she graciously offered to help me keep an eye on Aspen today” Thor offered, standing next to her. 
“Didn’t know you needed a babysitter” Tony smirked.
“[Y/N] was more worried about you guys than him” Sif responded with a playful shrug.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Clint muttered, sitting on the floor with Nat to play with Aspen. Bucky was still standing awkwardly by the elevator door, and Steve had to motion for him to get his butt over there before he moved. 
“How’s she doing?” Bucky asked as he walked up to Thor.
Before Thor could respond, Sif stepped forward her voice determined as she spoke, “How she’s doing is none of your business, Bucky Barnes. You made your decisions, now deal with them. She asked me to bring Aspen for a day trip, so might I recommend spending time with your daughter instead of asking questions you have no right to?”
The room waited with bated breath to see how Bucky would take this stranger’s comments. Bucky’s hand tightened into a fist and Steve started to get to his feet, but just as soon as it started, Bucky released the fist. He brushed past her and joined Natasha and Clint on the floor with Aspen, and conversation slowly started back up.
As early afternoon rolled around, Aspen was ready for her nap. Bucky picked her up and began to head to his room, stopping when he saw Sif following him. 
“Can I help you” he grumbled, trying to be polite and failing miserably.
“No. I promised I wouldn’t let Aspen out of my sight so..” she shrugged, and waited for him to get moving again.
“Does she really think I’d let anything happen to her?!” he asked Sif, his voice a mix of heavy desperation and anger.
Sif shook her head as Aspen shifted in her dad’s arms, “No, it’s not like that. She was worried you’d all get called away on a mission and if you need Thor, she wanted to make sure someone was around to take her home.”
Once Aspen was safely napping on the bed Tony had helped Bucky get for her in his room, Sif motioned for Bucky to join her in the hall. Curiously, he followed her and waited as she shut the door almost all the way behind her.
“Alright, look. She’d kill me if she found out about this, got it? But if everything works out, ya gotta tell her.” Sif started, and after Bucky nodded in agreement she continued, “Loki’s an asshole and we’ve all suffered at his pranks before. From what she and Thor have said of you, and what I saw today, you’re just another fool paying the price because of him. And if that’s the case, I want to help. She’s miserable without you, Bucky. But, before I decide if I’m going to help, I need you to convince me why you deserve another chance with [Y/N].”
Bucky stood in silence for a moment before he responded, voice cautious, “You really want to help?” 
“Depends on if you convince me you’re what she needs.” Sif answered, “Tell me why I should help you get her back.”
“The truth is? You shouldn’t” Bucky sighed, “She’s right to be mad at me. I don’t blame her at all. She always told me how much she loved me and how much I meant to her. But she was avoiding me, and I let Loki get into my head. And then I convinced myself that she would be better off without me so I shouldn’t fight her on it. Which then turned into I should break up with her first so she wouldn’t feel guilty about it. I should have talked to her. If I could go back in time, I’d tell Loki to fuck off and go talk to her, tell her everything. It kills me to know everything I’ve missed out on with Aspen. Her first words, her first steps, all of that gone because Loki tricked me and I didn’t just talk to her.”
He took a breath before continuing, “Truth be told, she deserves someone who will be there for her when the going gets tough. Someone she can rely on and trust. Above all, someone who will listen to her and talk to her about stuff… I don’t deserve [Y/N]. I don’t deserve her soft hugs after a long mission, the way she can be utterly exhausted but always finds the energy to make sure everyone else is okay first, her gentle kisses when someone’s watching and the way she steals my breath when no one is. So, Sif, I can’t tell you why you should help me get her back. But I can say, if you do, I won’t keep things from her. I’ll do my best to make sure she’s happy and I won’t ever let her go”
Silence reigned over the hall for a few minutes before Sif made up her mind. She grabbed his hand and shook it, “I’ll help. But if you hurt one hair on her head ever again, you’ll pay with your life. Do you understand, Bucky?”
“What’s the plan” He asked, voice cautious.
“Just leave it to me. You keep your head low but when the time comes, you tell her what you just told me. And don’t forget, once everything has settled, you have to tell her about this or you’ve lied again and you’re on your own. I won’t help you again.”
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hybridfanfiction · 5 years
Owner Training
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So, this was just supposed to be another prompt, but it spiraled out of my control and became its own little drabble. Maybe I’ll make it a series because I like this Yoongi. He’s a cute lil brat. Also, YAY I WROTE SOMETHING!!
Word Count: 1082
You ran from your car to the door of your apartment, anxious to be out of the cold. It had been absolutely miserable all week and you couldn’t wait for the rain to go away already. Your shivering hands made unlocking the door a chore, but you finally managed it, slamming it shut behind you. 
As you shed your jacket and kick off your shoes, you slowly begin to realize you are not just getting warm, you are getting toasty. The heater was cranked up in your apartment. You were so pissed at yourself because you’d just worked an eight hour shift during which you left your heater on all day long. 
Deciding the damage was already done, you leave it be, reasoning that you still had to go switch into warm clothes before you could brave another temperature change. 
With a weary sigh, you walk to your room and flip on the light, only to freeze in your tracks. 
There was someone in your bed. 
You walk slowly towards the silent lump that had only a flash of black hair peeking through the blanket burrito they’d rolled themselves into. The only person you could think of that would just help themselves into your home was your brother Jimin, but he never went anywhere without his dog hybrid, and there was definitely only one person in the bed. Deciding that it wouldn’t be wise to get too close, you pick up the curling iron off your vanity and use it to poke the lump. 
“Jiminie? That you? Get out of my bed.” 
The blanket burrito began to grumble and suddenly two fluffy black ears popped out. 
Wait, ears? 
You clenched the curling iron tighter and poked the lump again. 
“Dude, up.” 
Long and elegant fingers crept out of the blankets to pull some down enough to show their face as the person who was definitely not Jimin glared at you. 
“I was having a good dream too, what the fuck.” 
The black cat hybrid sighed and slowly unraveled himself from the blankets, rolling until he sat on the side of the bed and scratched his ear. 
Yoongi was a stray hybrid that you passed almost every day as you left for work. He lived in the park next to the complex and you’d developed a habit of leaving food for him or just saying hello when you were in a bit of a rush. On your days off, you’d sometimes go and watch him while he played his battered keyboard, trying to sneak huge tips into the box he always set out. If you ever put anything larger than $20, he would glare at you and demand you let him help you with a chore or something because, “I’m not an asshole,” he’d declare as his long and fluffy tail flickered in irritation. You’d always thought he was the cutest thing. 
But that didn’t explain why he was here. 
“Yoongi, how did you get in my house?” 
“You left the window open. Who does that in the middle of a storm? I mean, besides the rain getting in, any weirdo would see a first floor window and just help themselves to your shit.” 
“Good point,” You deadpanned, dropping the curling iron onto the end table.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow, indicating that he caught your sarcasm and chose not to acknowledge it. He stood up and fixed the comforter before walking out of the bedroom.
“I figured the least I could do is guard the place,” he answered so flatly that you knew he was just covering up his desperation. You could hear the slight hoarseness to his voice, showing signs of a cold. The poor thing was probably sick and freezing and saw your open window like the answer to a prayer. You knew Yoongi well enough to know that he’d never admit anything though. 
“Don’t worry. I showered before using the bed, so it’s still clean,” he said as he walked to your kitchen, you following dumbly behind him. 
What were you supposed to say or do in this situation? You couldn’t kick him out or you’d feel like an asshole since it was storming outside, but he should know better than to just break into people’s homes. 
You watched as he helped himself to your cabinets and set the already filled electric kettle to boil, apparently making tea.  
“You don’t have a hybrid, right? I can’t smell any in here, and I never smell any on you,” Yoongi’s voice knocks you out of your thoughts and you catch his amused grin as you struggle to refocus.
“Uh, no. No hybrids. My brother brings his by sometimes, but that’s it.” 
“Do you...like hybrids?” Yoongi sounds nervous for the first time, and you wish you could see his face, but he’s already turned back to preparing the tea. 
“Of course. I’ve just never gotten around to looking for one of my own.” 
The silence over the next few minutes as he finishes preparing the tea is nervewracking. You feel like there is something he's trying to get you to say, but you couldn't figure out what.
Yoongi slides a cup towards you, staring at you like he could see into your soul. 
“You seem like you’d be a good owner. Maybe. After a little training.” 
The sip you’d taken suddenly goes down the wrong pipe and you sputter, coughing and banging your chest as you stare at him incredulously. 
“Excuse me? What would I need training for? You’re the one breaking into peoples homes like you’re god damn Goldilocks.” 
Hah, good one. Point to you. 
Yoongi merely smugly grins and downs his own tea in one gulp before walking back to the bedroom as he scratches his belly. 
“There’s nothing for it. I’ll have to be your hybrid. Finish your tea, take a shower, and come to bed.”
Yoongi enters the room, leaving you in a state of - you didn’t even know. Shock, disbelief, and yet...a strange yearning. Not knowing what else to do, you drink your tea like you’ve been told and head to the shower, preparing to apparently spend your first night as an owner. 
Although, you weren’t sure who actually owned who. 
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ajoy3fanfics · 5 years
Missing XI
“Could you fuckin’ keep it down?” Inuyasha groaned into the cushion of the couch, somehow sounding more cranky than he was actually feeling if that were even at all possible. Still, he made no apologies for his attitude. His roommate was fucking loud.
“Who woke you up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?” Miroku glanced over at the hanyou, looking absolutely miserable. He laid on his belly, face smushed into the overstuffed pillows as he covered his ears. Miroku couldn’t help but roll his eyes; “Do you know how dramatic you look right now?”
“I don’t have a bed to wake up in, asshole.” He grumped. “And it’s too damn loud.” He added, as if that were any excuse. “The coffee is giving me a headache.”
“Huh?” Miroku picked up the offending pot, carefully pouring the hot liquid into his mug. Did he have a caffeine migraine? “Want some?” He offered.
“I want you to turn the damn thing off. It keeps dripping. Drip, drip, drip. Its fucking water torture!” His head was throbbing; it was different than any headache, any migraine he had ever had. It felt as if his skull was about to crack in half from the sheer pressure inside. Every noise, every breath his idiot friend made, every tick of the clock felt like someone was tapping his head with a hammer. He had tried to get up and turn the damn thing off himself, but for a minute there his vision doubled instantly making him want to vomit, and he was pretty sure that lying face down into the couch was a better option.
“I don’t even know how to answer that.” Miroku sighed as he leaned against the countertop, taking a particularly loud sip. “Ahhh-“
“Cant you do that somewhere else?” Inuyasha snapped. Miroku simply raised a brow and asked, “Don’t you have somewhere else to be? I thought you were supposed to meet Kago-“
“-Fuck!” Inuyasha sat up so quickly his head was spinning, racing past his so-called best friend as he scrambled to put on pants. “Why the hell didn’t you say something earlier?”
Miroku shrugged before taking another sip, holding the mug with both hands. “You were so busy being a dick I figured you had little time to do anything else.”
He ran. It made him sick to his stomach, but he would be damned if he was going to make Kagome wait. If she waited, she had time to think, and if she had time to think, he knew she would fucking turn around because why wouldn’t she? It was some sort of miracle that she even met with him as it was. Each jostle, each step seemed to wreak havoc on him, but he pushed through. It was a short distance to the diner, the one they often went to for brunch, back when they were a they. Kagome liked the waffles, Inuyasha liked the home fries, and they both loved Kaede. She was feisty and kind and knew how to cook a Damn good omelet. It took them no time at all to make kaedes their regular spot, even exchanging Christmas cards with the owner and chatting like good friends.
He arrived at the diner, before her thank Gods- and barely breaking a sweat; it didn’t change the fact that he felt completely exhausted. His headache was only getting worse as the day was wearing on; being outside, the glaring sun and the noise of the city was agony, but he decided that not seeing Kagome would be worse. He nodded kaedes way as he took their usual spot.
He felt full of jitters as he anxiously waited; it was nothing new, he always felt nervous before she came, worried if she would come. But of course, she always did.
His gut told him Kagome wasn’t the type to stand someone up, and in all honesty, their ‘not date-dates’ were going really well. He was being the perfect gentleman, playing the role of a friend instead of a boyfriend and although it left him aching and wanting he knew it was better to have her in his life, even as a companion, than not at all.
He could spot her immediately, his head bobbing up to catch her full figure; Kagome walked through the door and Inuyasha held his breath. It always took him off guard to see her with short hair, but he couldn’t deny that she looked cute. She had a new habit of tucking one particular lock behind her ear and he just about melted every time she did it. She didn’t dress up for him; today she had her hair half up in a bun, her large tan cardigan making her frame look even smaller. And the jeans- Gods, did she wear those just to torment him? He loved it when she looked like this; casual and sweet. It reminded him of weekend days during the fall, when they had nothing better to do than take a walk around the block, holding hands, flirting and laughing, the weather nice enough for a sweater and a hot coffee.
Comfortable. What he wouldn’t give to feel comfortable again.
She glanced around the room, quickly making eye contact and Inuyasha; he smiled and gave a curt wave as she walked past the booths, quickly sitting down opposite of him. Just like before. Just like when she was his. She smiled as she settled in, putting her purse to the side and giving him a bright smile. “Sorry, did you wait long?”
Trying to swallow down the lump in his throat he shook his head. “No, I just got in.”  She was here, and he felt a sense of ease; her scent wrapped around him, beckoned him closer. She was dangerous. “You look nice.” He added. It seemed to surprise her, as she looked down at her outfit and laughed a bit.
“I look like its laundry day- which it is. But, thanks.” Reaching for a menu Kagome kept her eyes trained on the page as she casually said, “You look good too. Your hair is already grown out!” Inuyasha raked his hands through his silver locks on impulse; “Mm, half-demon, remember? Heal faster, grow faster.”
Kagome nodded, turning her attention to the breakfast options on the menu. “I guess that’s true.”  She said nothing else, leaving the hanyou on edge. He had so little time with her, and he wanted to get as much out of it as he could.
“H-Hows Souta doing? And your mom? Is gramps still overworking himself?” He was rambling, he knew it, but he was desperate to feel the ease of their conversations. It took a few minutes to get into the groove, but they always got there. Kagome smiled, wide and beautiful.
“Mama is good. She’s keeping my fridge stocked in Udon, which is like her new full-time job. Gramps is still gramps. We keep telling him he needs to slow down, but he keeps brushing us off and saying hell slow down when he dies.”
Inuyasha laughed and his head split. Fuck, he didn’t want this to ruin his day.
“It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen you two at my table.” Kaede smiled as she stopped at their booth. Kagome blushed.
“We tried to stay away but I’m pretty sure you put crack in your homefries instead of onions.” Inuyasha supplied.
“A good Cook never reveals her secrets” the old woman teased.
“What are you doing out here anyway?” Kagome wondered. “You hardly ever leave the grill.”
“You take up waitressing since we’ve been gone?” The hanyou grunted.
“Cheeky as always.” Kaede hissed. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to mess with the people who make your food?” She winked at Kagome before continuing on. “I’ll have you know i saw you two in the dining room and had to stop over. It’s been so long! You made this old woman worry.”
Kagomes hummed her agreement, the whole thing feeling awkward. Just another slap in the face that they had spent so much time apart.
“I’m happy you two kids are back together. What can I get you two for this happy occasion?”
Kagome cleared her throat before answering. “We- were not together. Just friends.”
Just hearing it made Inuyasha set his jaw. It wasn’t the first time he heard it, but It still felt like a dagger. Kaede frowned, telling the pair she still held hope for them. The two quickly placed their orders, and the cook walked away a little sadder than when she entered.
“So, How about your brother?” He asked, trying to fill toe void, asking anything to make the situation lighter. It fucking hurt to think, but he was trying like hell. “He still doing good?” She deadpanned and the hanyou had to hold back his laughter.
“Such a punk. He’s hanging around with this new kid at school and he’s getting such an attitude. Can you believe he actually skipped class last week?”
“No, actually, I cant.” He answered seriously. Souta was always such a good kid! Goofy and high spirted, sure, but not the type to talk back and skip out on school. “Want me to talk to him? Set him straight?”
Kagome frowned. “That’s not the best idea. He’s still pretty mad at you, you know?”
“Mad?” He echoed, purely on instinct; he had not thought about how their break up would effect souta. He had always treated Souta like a sibling, and he knew the kid looked up to him. No doubt he was furious. He was ducking furious at himself!
“He was really hurt.” She explained, voice dropping lower. “Mama and gramps too. You were family and-“
Inuyasha hung his head, instantly pissed off.  It was his own fault, but he couldn’t help the prick of anger he felt building.
“-I get it.” He said, tone clipped.
“But you know, they still ask about you. They were a little leery when I told them we were meeting but-“
The rest kind of faded; his head felt fuzzy, if that was an accurate way to explain his the dazed feel, causing his vision to blur. He felt pissed off and sick and fuck his head hurt!
“Can we change the topic?” He asked abruptly, rubbing his temples.
“Um, sure.” She looked around for the waitress, the situation feeling suddenly heavy. Maybe some coffee or juice would help ease the mood. “Ho-How have you been?” She asked nervously.
“Fucking fantastic.” He replied, regretting the words the second they left his lips. What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he control the things that came out of his damn mouth? He watched as she furrowed her brows and frowned, looking just about as displeased as he felt.
“What's your problem, Inuyasha?” She demanded. “You ask me to come but you're acting like a jerk.” Kagome took a deep breath before continuing on. “I think I should go.” Reaching over, she grabbed her purse and began to stand. Panic flooded him, ruling out any other feeling his wretched body was currently feeling. His hand shot out, grasping her wrist desperately.
“I-'m sorry. Please, just sit.” He let go of her, dejected, defeated. There was no way she could leave him looking like a literal sad puppy.
“What’s going on? If you want this to work-“ she motioned between them with her pointer, “then you need to communicate and be honest. What’s wrong?”
He didn’t want to communicate. He didn’t want to be honest. Not about this; he was acting like such a huge brat and all because he had a little headache? He basically hit Mirokus head off this morning for no reason- even he knew that- but nevertheless, he hadn’t learned. He was still in combat mode, ready to take it out On Kagome.
Inuyasha sighed and hung his head. “I’m just sick. I have a freaking migraine and I’ve felt like crap all day.” He looked up at her and apologized. “I know I shouldn’t take it out on you- I really didn’t mean to- I-“
“Why didn’t you just reschedule?” She asked, concern lacing her tone. “You had a serious head injury. You can’t take these things lightly! You should be home- why are you pushing yourself when-“
“Because I wanted to see you damn it!” He raised his voice, making some of the diner patrons look his way, but he seemed unphased. “I wait for this all week. All. Fucking. Week. It’s the only good part of my life, Kagome. I’m so worried that if I miss a date that you’ll come to you senses and stop seeing me altogether. Like hell, I’m gonna stay home because I’ve got a headache.”
She waited, digesting his words, blushing at his honesty. She leaned across the table, covering his hands with hers. “I- I wouldn’t stop seeing you.” Her voice was low, but Inuyasha could make out every word; instantly, he looked up. Hope bubbling inside of him. Staring down at their hands, her small, dainty ones over his own large calloused ones, he dared to laced his fingers between hers, heart in his throat the whole time. And she let him. She let him.
“I look forward to seeing you too. So please… please take care of yourself. Don’t push yourself to meet me if you're sick. You need to be healthy.”
“Yeah.” He was sure he heard his voice crack, but he didn’t care. He was touching her.
She was letting him touch her.
“Let's get you home. You need to call the doctor. Have you been goong to your appointments-“
She said, let's get you home.
Hope is a dangerous thing; was it so wrong to find comfort in it? It didn’t matter, not really. As she led him out of kaedes, lecturing him the entire time about his health, he kept replaying the words in his mind.
She wants to see me too. Even like this, she wants to see me.
It’s not wrong to hope, right?
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bard-dadsquared · 5 years
In other news, I do need validation. Long angry rant is about to happen.
The other day I called my Ex on fb so he could talk to our son. I made a comment later that day how he looked like he hadnt been sleeping and how he seemed like he may be depressed, and the person i was talking to was just like
"Poor guy :(("
To which I just shrugged and told them that I didnt feel bad for him, everything he's feeling, he brought on himself.
They said "I feel kinds bad for him because I know he loves you!"
And I'm just???
Maybe he did?? Maybe he does?? But that doesn't negate all the shit he did to drive me the fuck away. I loved him too once. But then everything I said, everything I felt, everything I tried to ask for fell on deaf ears.
I don't feel bad for him because when we moved to the duplex in Texas, he left all the loading and packing to me. It was up to me to find people to help me move stuff to the new place and make sure everything was packed and ready to go. All he worried about was his PC and his desk. Hell even my brother and I had to put my bed frame together because he hadn't done it.
He was an asshole everytime we had to go back to the other house to help clean up too and got mad once because my mom asked us to bring something and he didnt bring it.
But things settled down mostly. I hated how i was expected to do almost everything but it was manageable.
Then he wanted to move and find a new job, which was fine, he sorta?? Let me know what kind of jobs he was applying for and where. But when he got an offer, he accepted it without even talking to me about it. The job he took he was going to start in two months and I had less than a months notice to pack all of our shit and leave not only that but they didn't offer relocation and he was going to be getting a little less in pay. We had less than a month to move Which again- he barely helped with. All the sorting through shit and packing was left up to me once again. I ended up leaving almost all of our stuff behind because I couldnt fucking take it with me to my moms.
I gave Virginia a shot and i was more miserable than I've been ever. I was expected to do everything. EVERYTHING. I decided to go to California. I had originally hoped that in doing so we could save some money and he could use the money we saved to get stuff for the apartment to make it more comfortable.
Which didnt really happen until April. After being with Family in Cali for a while, seeing how well lucian was doing and stuff, I honestly didn't wanna go back. I went back to sign the lease and then again a couple months after my aunt died because of how tense things were at the house, i figured it'd be a last ditch effort to save things.
But no. I tried to tell him how I felt. I tried to tell him what bothered me, why i was so depressed. I told him I felt lonely, I told him I felt like i was expected to do everything. And it always. always felt like I was talking to a wall
I told him I wished wed go out and do things more, that itd be nice and I might meet people. He wanted me to meet people online first and then meet them in person. Which totally defeated the purpose of getting me out of the. House to socialize, and even if indidnt make any friends then at least I got out and was productive. But he doesnt like leaving the house.
I told him countless times that I felt like it was unfair that he expected me to do so much work around then house with minimal help, but nothing changed. He thought helping more meant cleaning the kitchen and making easy dinners.
And while I appreciated it in wished hed help more with the living room too, or the laundry, or anything else literally. The most recent time I brought it up he managed to turn it around to finances and told me that he doesnt spend money on himself because he spends it all on me and Lucian. He told me that if i didnt get what I wanted I essentially acted like it was the end of the world.
Granted yes, I'd get disappointed and my displays depending on my mood or whether or not the item was seasonal or limited edition varried from minor to being a little mopey (i really tried not to be, most of the time i was usually more upset about the ungodly cost than anything.)
Then he invades my privacy, not once but twice I found out. This son of a bitch logged on to my discord, TWICE.
The first time he did it was a day I cleaned the whole apartment. Like I vacuumed, shampooed, cleaned the kitchen counters the best in could, did the dishes, took out the trash, wiped counters and the stove, did several loads of laundry, picked up in the bedroom.
As soon as he got home i went to my room and I guess thats when he did it. He logged onto my account on the computer and opened discord, and went through my messages.
That's literally the only reason he asked me for a divorce. Was because he had seen I've been thinking about it for a while.
And then for whatever reason he did it a second fucking time.
The irony? The first time he did it?? If hed just fucking come to me, I was gonna ask him for a divorce myself. But then he did it, and while it was a huge relief at the time, it would have taken every ounce of willpower not to slap him if I had known then that he was only asking because he went through my messages.
We managed to work things out to maintain some civility for Lucian's sake, and i was okay with that! I was glad we seemed to have cleared the air a little bit.
But then I thought about it more, he never actually apologized to me for anything. He never actually apologized for the messed up stuff he did or said, and he doesnt think he did anything wrong by going through my messages. In fact he thinks he was justified because "I needed to know how they really felt."
And then when I admitted some things I did or said was messed up, he didnt even actually own up to his bullshit. He had to lump me in with him
"Cant we bith admit that we both did and said fucked up shit?"
Then on my way to CO I find out??? He tried to say he does everything himself??? Inwas looking into the requirements to fly with my cat and dog because originally i was going to fly to Colorado. I dont remember which airline I checked, but I checked the requirements for the airline he was gonna send me on, and then he tells my step dad hes tired of doing everything himself.
I looked it up!! I thought I was gonna fly with a certain airline so that's who I fucking looked it up for!!! And hes trying to say he did all the footwork HIMSELF?! If I'd known he was considering another airline I WOULD HAVE LOOKED THAT UP TOO, BUT I DIDNT. Then He has the audacity to say hes tired of being the only one doing all the work??
Are you fucking kidding me????
No, nuh uh. Fuck him. I dont think I hate him surprisingly but FUCK IM LIVID.
I should by all rights hate his fucking guts, but dont, if I did the sight of him would send me into fits of rage as would the mention of his name.
But God damn I am PISSED OFF at him. So fucking pissed off. I mean for all I know hes hacked my account and is reading this right fucking now.
If you are Alex, FUCK YOU for everything you've put me through these last couple years.
fuck him. I don't feel bad for him in the least. I know I'm not fucking perfect, but I fucking tried. I gave him more chances than he fucking deserved. He held me to unfair standards, he expected me to clean house in 2 hours or less, expected me to cook every fucking night, constantly tried to tell me my mental health is harder for him than it is for me, tried to tell my family that he does all the fucking work (okay I cant make phone calls but I can do fucking research you fuck), made me out to be the bad guy constantly, doesn't own up to his bullshit, put me through all this and EXPECTED ME TO APOLOGIZE FOR GOING TO CALIFORNIA, went through my fucking discord, and countless other bullshit.
Yeah no I don't feel bad for him. Not at all, he had plenty of chances to work with me to avoid all this and he chose to ignore it. The only attempts seemed to be when I wasn't with him.
I have a lot of baggage and issues, but I fucking deserve better than that.
If hes in emotional turmoil because of what happened. He brought it on himself. I fuckin tried.
If me not feeling even a little sorry for him makes me a bad person
Then get me my fucking demon costume.
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ksmutty · 6 years
Hey guys this is probably going to be a bit long, but with the flood of messages in the inbox I felt I should say something, so I’m going to add a read more if you’re curious and if not continue about your lovely day scrolling through.
Also, Trigger warnings ahead.
I wanted to explain some things and bring a bit of reassurance.
I wont be giving up the blog or deleting any content or anything like that. I think or more-so, I know that i’ve been experiencing an all time low. I’ve gone through more this year than I can even comprehend at this point and I’ve truly felt like I have nothing to live for anymore. I don’t want anybody to freak out, I’m okay. I’m not going to do anything stupid. The emotions have passed for the time, but I do want to explain a bit of what’s been going on.
In April I up and left everything I know and love and moved across the country with my best friend so she could go to school and I could live in the same place as my s/o at the time. It was an amazing experience and so full of life lessons but ultimately, it was a fail. Not only did I end up losing my best friend, my apartment, most of my belongings, and the one of only two people I knew in this new and giant city, but ultimately I lost myself somewhere in between. I got so homesick and cried all day every single day and laid around feeling completely lost and alone and luckily I had an amazing support system here and because of you guys on Tumblr I was able to raise enough money to come back home with nothing but my cat and the things I could fit in my car.
When I got home I realized that I was in absolutely no way able to maintain a relationship when I couldn’t even get myself out of the slump I was living in and ultimately our breakup led to a lot of people hating me. People that I thought were really good friends of mine and once again I was left feeling alone and like I had nothing. My entire support system was ripped out from beneath my feet. I moved in with a very verbally abusive alcoholic and started taking care of her teenagers and trying to help them to cope with their moms addiction but it became way too much and one day my dad called me and asked me to move in with him. He was also struggling with addiction to alcohol, and I felt that’s where I needed to be. I needed to save my dad.
I was there for three weeks and I was miserable, and again I was alone and taking on another persons addiction and all the belligerence, abuse, and vomit that came with it. I spent most of my time hiding in the basement and trying to avoid my dad and feeling sorry for myself and then he died. We still don’t have the answers from toxicology of his cause of death but I carry a lot of guilt for the way i acted towards him and the way i neglected him. In my heart I know that my dad died feeling alone and unloved and that a large part of that was because of me, the person he trusted to come back into his life and help me. I truly can’t let go of the thought that I killed him by simply not loving him loud enough.
Thats what this all comes down to. I keep telling myself repeatedly that it should’ve been me. That if anyone needed to die and escape this miserable fuckery of life, that it shouldve been me. I still get really fucking angry that it wasn’t and not a single word in any language will ever convince me that I didn’t play a role in my dads death. Everything hurts. All the time, it just hurts. I don’t know how to cope with any of this which is surprising because Ive been surrounded by death and addiction my whole life and I should know by now how to pick myself up and move forward but I cant. 
I’m failing at being a mother. I’m failing at my job. I’m failing in every aspect of my life because I don’t have the will or the motivation to do the things I want/need to do and I have nobody to lean on. I have one friend in the real world and to be frank, she’s not the greatest person to me a lot of the time and I’m stuck to face all of this with nobody to just fucking pat my head and tell me that I can make it through this, and I had just decided that my time is up. I was done being alive.
I took a few days thinking about it and if I should leave words or an explanation behind and the how who what where of it all... But then, I decided I was going to give it one last chance. I was going to fight for my life because thats what my daughter deserves. Then I got a phone call Thursday morning that a really great person I’ve always adored had taken his life. I mean, this guy was talented in every aspect. Writing, instruments, comedy. He was literally just so great at everything and so pure and every single person who came across him just loved him! I was devastated that someone so humble and fucking amazing as Tyler could ever feel so hurt to take his own life. As selfish as it is, I thought as I broke down “I wonder who would feel like this if it would've been me.” That’s what really got me...
There were only three names I could think of in this situation, two of those names are people I’ve never met in real life. But three, three was enough. I want to be better. I want to feel better. I want to want to be alive. I want to fight for my life. This year has taken everything I have ever loved and it has ripped it to shreds and destroyed it right before my eyes. I can’t think of a time in my life where I’ve ever felt lower, but they say once you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up. I’m begging the world to let that be my truth and I’m hoping that I can keep going. I’ve tried every single day to think of at least ONE reason to keep going and I let that reason carry me through the day. For now, thats enough.
Theres really no point to this other than I just wanted to put this out there and help people understand that I’m not some attention seeking asshole. I can’t comprehend how hard this year has been and there’s some details that I just can’t dive into, but I hope this helps you to understand how much everything has just shattered before my eyes. I want people to maybe think that if I can keep going then maybe they can to. I want every single one of you to know that this blog is always a safe place. That I will always do my best to be here for each and everyone of you. I’m not giving up on myself and I’m never going to give up on any of you.
So please, if you’re struggling today don’t hesitate to come and talk to me. You can vent or you can just go off about your ult or even some TV show or anything you need. Whatever is going to help you keep yourself grounded, I’m here for all of that. I don’t want any of our followers or even any stranger on Tumblr to ever feel like they’re so alone that nobody would even notice if they’re gone. I would notice. I would care. I love you and every day that you wake up I am so proud of you. Please dont ever give up on yourself and know that even if thats something you cant do, that i will never give up on you.
I love you all so much and I can’t tell you how thankful I am for each and every one of you. 
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strawberryspeachy · 3 years
So. I orders clothes off this app where people resell the clothes they dont want. (And stuff)
I bought my tv from there and a skirt at the exact same time as the oufit im waiting on (from a different seller)
My name and address becomes available to ppl once i order from them
Both other ppl sent it to my real name
Sometimes my aparement building doesnt come up on google. Both sellers this time said they had an issue
So i sent them the number of the house next door which sometimes works and i told them that
So it was #building name #room number
#street address - 3 numbers (first two the same, the third 24 instead of 27)
City, municipality, zip
The other seller saif it corrected itself for her and clarified the correct number
The second one was like GOT IT but didnt reiterate
But because she said the same exact thing as the other i figured it was fine
The others package got here in two days
I waited 5 for the other and asked for the tracking number
She doesnt have it and said shell ask for it after the holiday
She asked if my address was correct then sent me THE MOST BS THING I HAVE EVER
So. She took out my building name....then added my room number onto the end of the WRONG street address
ANDDDD she used my ACCOUNT NAME instesd of my real FuCKinG NAME ——- she didnt tell me that till today after i went to the post office
She sent me a message today saying she talked to the post office. They said they tried to mail it to me but i wasnt home so they left a paper to pick it up and only (screen name) could recieve it
K. So this is all in a japanese and my japanese is not good.
So even though she said that - i read it as “you can pick it up” not as “only (name) can pick it up”
So i went. I asked the staff about it and showed them out messages. Everything is written out there in japnese for them to understand
i said a little and showed them the message she sent me today. Which had the name of the manager who was called and told about the situation by the seller
Then said. But theres been some mistakes.
And scrolled up to the address that she sent it to
So. I had to ask them to please read it. I showed it to them. They glanced at it. Then looked up and started asking me questions. I told them to read. She they just scrolled around and PRETENDED to read. Instesd of actually reading.
I didnt realize that it literally says (name) must pick it up. BUT THEY CAN UNDERSTAND THAT and my NAME WAS THERE IN THE CONVERSTION. CAUSE ITS ME
So they told me oh we cant look. We need the tracking number. What day it was sent. And where it was sent from
And as usual. The dude goes off on a tangent in jaapnese and im like
I cant understand. And offered him my phone to type in japanese to translate. He doesnt. They ALWAYS look at it like its a complicated confusing device theyve never seem ITS AN IPHONE. He goes in the back and gets a translater. And translates what i just said above.
K yeah no. I understood the simple shit.
Fuck dude. I cant stand having convos with japanese ppl where i respond to and understand their simple shit - then when they get complicated i say i cant understand. So they fucking translate the shit THAT I RESPONDED BACK TO THEM IN JAPANESE ABOUT OBVIOUSLY PROVING I UNDERSTOOD THAT PART
k so i message the seller
The post office is confused. They need blah blah
oh i sent it by regular mail so there is no tracking. And I explained the situation to that manager (she just wrote the name in the last email - not that that manager understood the situation) and i sent it to your screen name
And then all the info that the post office asked for
UNFORTUNATELY. i got there late and the post office was closed before i got her response
But now im pissed at thr post office too. Cause like you fucking assholes can read and understand japanese. She wrote in a way i assume japnese people would understand - not needing to specify every individual thing for me - who can’t understand their vague speech.
AND the name of their MANAGER Was there. So of course they didnt go -hey. I know that person - lets ask her if she knows anything.
Nope. Just your regular run of the mill ‘im gonna tilt my head back and forth and laugh for 30 minutes’ cause god forbid they tell you what they have to say ONCE when youre confused and let you go try to figure it out CAUSE YOU MIGHT FIGURE IT OUT AND MAKE THEM DO THEIR JOB NOOOOOO so theyll just repeat the same thing like 20 times you use - following you every time you try to walk away. Stopping you from typing - and telling you to come over here. Come over there. Sit here. Stop there.
Welp thats not all. I live in a sharehouse. One of the housing ppl were here when i left. This house is a mess and the shoebox is a couple feet from the door despite us not being allowed to wear shoes in the house (and its really FUCKING DIRTY) and the shoe thing in japan is just tradition - its not cause they care about.... anything. Japanese people step into places with their shoes on and take their shoes off there all the time. Ppl looked at me weird and told me it was fine when i first moved here and took the shoe thing seriously
But. Pretty sure the housing hate me (cause i complain to have them fix the stuff THAT THEYRE SUPPOSED TO FIX AND DO - back to that japanese ppl hating to actually have to do their job instead of pretend work thing)
So of course. At the EXACT same time as i walked in the door - the housing dude was leaving and was in the lowered spot with the shoes
I should have just walked back outside and waited a few seconds. But i didnt. I walked in. Took the two steps in and changed my shoes.
He turned to watch me before continuing to put his shoes on and leave.
Thats the same dude who said nothing when he saw my housemates girlfriend here - but did walk over to his room to confirm he saw what he did. And then sent an email about it like a week later
So now im stressed that im gonna get in trouble for - doing something everyone in this house and out do
And im tired
And miserable
And why do i always manage have everything happen at THE EXACT WRONG MOMENT - why havent i ever experienced the exact RIGHT moment. Always the exact wrong one
0 notes
monotype-on-phantom · 7 years
i didnt want to say this before but man.. Danny kind of.. sucks, at least in the heart of canon. i get that he's young and learns "Those Valuable Lessons" and but people dont acknowledge most of this douchebag's shitty antics cause he's a cute boy or whatever. although Danny has a very excellent premise for a character, he is sincere sometimes, but overall its not executed well. he falls into too many awful high school tropes
i guess im glad people are making use of his character premise by reading too closely than the show intended, or by making content of their own interpretations. but we cant ignore that he is quite a goddamned piece of hell shit who i fucking hate in the real show sometimes. i feel there’s just too much emphasis on a character and show that wasn’t well crafted and well managed to begin with. its kinda sad when all the hate is somehow directed towards other characters like Sam.
it feels like most people are praising him and the overall show for what they imagine it to be instead of what it actually is. srsly this awful goddamned fuckboy sells stuff garage lab items he aint supposed to just to buy some fucking clothes??? uses ghost powers to spy girls in their locker room?? he fuckin destroys ghost writer’s writing and then doesnt feel sorry about it just cause it’s christmas-related and he’s so pissy about it.
so.. yeah. i dont get why people think he’s literal kid Jesus and always wants to protect this little fucker. he puts himself in alot of mess. the “D” on his suit stands for “dick”, bc that’s what he is.  i want to beat him up sometimes
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Normally, I delete all character hate on sight, because the point of my blog is to focus on the show’s strengths and how the weaknesses could’ve been done better. I get critical sometimes, but I like focusing on a characters’ strengths rather than their poor writing and garbage like that.
This was so long, detailed, and harsh that it’s really hard to ignore. Maybe I should. Stick to my guns and not let some anonymous rant change how I work. You came to me, though, so if you want to debate this, then alright. I’ll bite.
First off, who in the fandom is portraying Danny as a kid Jesus? Maybe it’s just the circles I’m familiar with, but one of the most reblogged posts that pops up in my notifications is one with a ton of additions arguing why Danny totally deserves to suffer. The majority of the fandom loves tormenting this kid. Even those that do say he needs to be protected never claim he has no flaws. Far from it. They just acknowledge he has it hard for a kid and he deserves a break sometimes.
Second, have you ever…met a 14 year old? As someone who spent most of his career life working with kids and who is the oldest of 5 (with one brother who’s turning 14 this November), lemme tell you that the main trio are saints for their age.
People talk about the terrible twos, but 14 year olds are so much worse. I’m not slamming them, because it makes sense. They’re in a tough transition period between childhood and adulthood. Adults tell them to act more mature, but refuse to acknowledge their voices in serious situations. Middle school and high school are cutthroat places, and one mistake can ruin the entirety of the four-six years you spend there. They’re pressured to get good grades or they’ll fail, they have to be part of the cool crowd or they’ll fail, and people are more likely to blame them for whatever goes wrong in their lives than anything that goes on around them.
Doesn’t change the fact that they can be little demons sometimes. With all the hormones and drama, young teenagers can be really emotional and make problems bigger than they seem. They can be harsh and judgmental, because that’s the environment they’re being exposed to. They need guidance, but they don’t want it. They argue with adults and to some, it seems like they want to make their own lives miserable. They can be tough to work with unless you’re willing to take them as seriously as they take themselves, and most people don’t want to bother.
There are shitty things Danny does in canon, but that’s true for literally every fourteen year old. And heck, are you telling me you didn’t do some ridiculously stupid stuff at that age? I actually stole money from my folks to buy something I wanted. My group of friends frequently set stuff on fire in their backyards. And fuck, nobody can prove Danny was spying on girls in the locker room. While I think the scene is shit and refuse to accept it as canon, all we see is Danny coming out of the locker room. He could’ve been just looking to see what it was like in there. Nothing says there were actually girls in there. But I’m so sick of talking about that shit scene, so I’m gonna leave it at that.
Danny has flaws. He can be selfish and petty and inconsiderate. But really? You wanna beat him up for that?
Are you forgetting that he canonically already does get beaten up every single episode? Whether it’s by ghosts, bullies, his own goddam parents, or whatever, getting beat up is something he’s familiar with.
The reason some fans cut him some slack is because, hey, yeah. He is a kid, and you know what? He’s entitled to be a dick sometimes. He loses sleep every night, almost dies on a daily basis, has his dreams ripped away from him often, and is picked on at school. Despite all of that, he still fights ghosts to keep his town safe, and he’s under no obligation to do that. He saves lives, even when people hate him for it. He puts himself in danger, even for those who are cruel to him. He tries to use his powers for the right reason more often than not, and he’ll take the high road against his bully because he feels like he shouldn’t stoop to his level.
We acknowledge that canon can be shit. We acknowledge that sometimes, Danny’s writing makes him out to be a dick. At the “heart of canon,” though, as you so eloquently put it, he’s the kid who risked his life for a little girl he barely knew that nobody else would miss. He’s the one who saves the lives of his own bully, the teacher who used to be so hard on him, and the parents he fully believes would cut him open if they knew what he was. He’s the one who could so easily be Vlad, but instead he tries his best to be a hero.
You’re under no obligation to like him, and you don’t have to ignore the shitty parts of canon like some of us do. I do it just because I enjoy thinking about what the show could’ve been, not what it was. You don’t have to do that, though.
But really, are you going to march into your nearest high school and beat the shit out of the first kid you see messing up? Seriously? You honestly think that the mistakes Danny makes outweigh the good he’s constantly trying to do enough that he deserves that? Even when he already gets beat up in every single episode already?
Well, fine. That’s your pessimistic opinion. It’s not fact, though. How many cartoons do you watch? You gonna beat up Timmy Turner and Jimmy Neutron, too? They can be right assholes. What about Jake Long? He’s a shallow, obnoxious, irresponsible kid a lot of the time. Sure, he’s just 13, but why should we show mercy to kids who mess up? Serena/Usagi from Sailor Moon? Yeah, let’s ignore all the people defending her and just focus on the fact that the show makes her a dumb kid who doesn’t have enough backbone to immediately become the savior of the galaxy. Come to think of it, where’s your rant about Dash Baxter? Or is he not popular enough for you to rag on?
Perfect characters aren’t the ones who are the most upstanding. They’re the ones who are realistic and flawed. So Danny sells his parents stuff. So he sneaked into the girls’ locker room. So he took out his anger on an innocent person.
I’m not saying any of those things weren’t wrong, what I’m saying is that kids make fucking mistakes. And sometimes, they’re huge ones. Sometimes, kids get curious and break into a house. Sometimes they get hungry at the store and shoplift. Sometimes they lie and cheat and make fun of each other. Sometimes they can be perverted little leaches.
So fucking what? We’ve all been there. We all need to learn and grow.
And seriously, if you’re going to be one of those people who gives Sam a break, don’t turn around and start criticizing Danny for the same shitty writing he sometimes gets. That hypocrisy is exactly why I so adamantly defend Sam.
I don’t know what you wanted to accomplish with these asks. Maybe you just wanted to vent. Maybe you were looking to stir up drama. Maybe you don’t know what you wanted and you just sent these asks randomly without any real reason.
Regardless of what you think, I’m still gonna enjoy my fucking fictional character, even if I don’t always agree with how he’s written. I relate to him, his struggles, and even his mistakes. You have fun ripping on characters people like because you don’t think they should be allowed to make mistakes, but let the rest of us have our fun, too. You’re not helping anyone with this, so maybe just fuck off, m’kay?
Being stupidly nice is kind of my thing, but I’m tired of putting up with this self righteous crap. Let characters fuck up. Let fans rewrite things they don’t like. Let people enjoy their fucking cartoon, because they aren’t hurting anyone. I’ve yet to find a single phan who considers the DP cartoon to be completely canon anyway. They enjoy it for the fan content or the few really spot on episodes. We’re already aware that there’s shitty stuff in there, and we don’t need you to tell us.
If I ever get any asks like this that rip on characters for stupid, petty reasons again, I’m deleting them on sight. That was my initial plan anyway, but I really needed to say my piece here.
Tumblr, maybe stop being such judgmental pieces of fucking shit, okay? You’ll accomplish nothing good by being so harsh toward anything that doesn’t fit your standard of “perfect.”
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rebelrose24 · 5 years
Shitty Thoughts That Nobody Will Even Read...
         Sometimes in life.....Actually a lot in life, at least mine, I think everything is going in the right direction. Then all of a sudden things do a 180 and i losing myself because of it. I work way too much and way too hard at a job where I mean nothing. I try so hard to be happy and smile and make it look like I dont take people’s shit and make it look like things dont bother me. But truly I feel like Im worthless. I feel like Im too fat, my teeth are disgusting, Im not a good mom, Im not worthy enough for my husband and a million other things. I try so so hard to be better than I was but I feel like Im reverting back to my severe depression and my old angry ways. I cant fight it, I have no control over my life anymore. I never have fun, I never see my family, I hardly ever leave my house because anxiety is controlling me. Im not sure that Ill ever get myself back.
          I wasnt always like this. I use to love camping, riding horses, mudding, shopping, dancing, singing....I use to love life in general. Now I feel like Im destined to fail no matter what i do. I cant keep this up much longer. I keep saying Im losing myself but Im not sure thats the case....I might be lost already.I look at my friends and they are excited for things....boyfriends, shopping, traveling and a bunch of other things that I guess people find fun. Im so fucking jealous of them. They are pretty and happy. I guess everything I chose in life was wrong. I know Im kind of an asshole but i dont think this life is a fair punishment for such a petty characteristic. 
          I want to be excited for something. I want to be fucking happy and not stress at least for one day, if only just to see what it feels like because i dont remember. I want my husband to look at me like he used to....I want to look at myself like i used to. I wanna pick cute clothes and feel comfortable. I work so hard but I guess Im just not meant to be happy Wish I could go back in time and fucking fix this mess. I dont know what the fuck to do anymore. Im miserable.
        Im so tired of being angry. Im so tired of thinking my husband will leave me. I want to forgive him but every single night I have nightmares. In every single one he looks at me like he did when he left me. He stares right through me like Im not there. Or maybe like he sees me but he doesnt know me. I hate it. It breaks me. Just that one look. I never thought one person looking at me wrong could break me so badly. I want him to know I love him but he probably wont ever believe me because of this trash bag of a person that i have turned into. How did it get so bad? How do I fucking change? I need help. I need him to understand but I dont think he ever will. I need him to give me more answers about why he left and what he did. I dont know maybe I need something else but these dreams break my heart over and over every night and there is nothing I can do to stop them. I need to be someone else,I dont want this person I am. I dont want this disease and I dont to be miserable and just a shitty person in general anymore. Its Hard to fix something when you dont know how it got so fucking broken in the first place. 
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