#and i occasionally go to check and make sure that no one has walked through the door between breaks
annwrites · 2 days
a/n: just a scene that i wrote for my possible 80srockstar!billy au where the band manager tries to get rid of reader bc he's sick of the dramatic love triangle between her, billy, & the band’s lead guitarist.
i also fancasted timothy olyphant as rod reyes from daisy jones & the six for the band mananger in this fic. hence the names being the same.
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There’s a sudden knock at the door and you groan. One night. That’s all you wanted—one night of peace. No Billy. No Scotty. Just quiet and solitude.
You have half-a-mind not to open the door. It was late. For all either of them knew—whichever of them it was that was darkening your room’s door—you were already asleep. Or, perhaps, not in at all.
More knocking—more forceful this time—and you sigh, stepping over, checking the peephole. Your brows furrow, unlocking it, turning the handle.
“Rod, what’re you-”
“Can I come in?”
Having the band’s tour manager in your room was a new one. Admittedly, he didn’t seem to much care for you, but you’d made it clear that the feeling was mutual through occasional dirty side-long glances, and ignoring him when you could.
You cross your arms. “I was just getting ready to go to bed.”
He leans an arm against the door frame. “With?”
“I’m sorry?”
He leans in toward you. “With?”
You understand what he’s asking then. God, would you love nothing more than to slap him. Perhaps throw him over the hotel balcony. Now, there was an idea.
“Myself,” you state flatly, unamused.
He pushes past you then, shutting the door behind him, glancing around the room, hands on his hips. He turns back to you then. “Have a seat, sweetheart. You and I are going to have a talk.”
He heads over to the u-shaped couch across the room, pulling his slacks up before sitting, arms positioned behind him, crossing an ankle over a knee. Fucking peacock.
You step closer, walking across the plush, cream-colored carpet, but remain standing.
He studies you for a moment. “How much is it going to take?”
Your heart begins to beat faster at his flippant tone. “Excuse me?”
“To make you go away. How much?”
He sits forward, retrieving a leather wallet from his back pocket, pulling out numerous bills. “A grand? Two?” He pulls out a few more then. “Five? Give me a number, and I’ll make it happen.”
It takes everything within you not to let your fuse run out, thus hitting dynamite. “I don’t know what you think you’re-”
He interrupts you. “You’re starting to become a problem. Billy and Scott fighting over you? I can’t let that slide. What happened this afternoon is just…we’re not in high school, anymore. Alright? Time to grow up. I mean, you have any idea how much that Fender is going to cost to replace?”
He sighs, putting the bills away, leaning back once more. “I get it, alright. I do. You’re young and ‘in love’.”
His tone becomes dramatic and mocking then. “You feel a way no one else ever has before. No one gets it—they could never understand.”
He grows serious again. “But I do. It isn’t real. And it sure as hell isn’t going to last. Do you think you’re special to them? Or, in general? I mean, really, do you? Because I can tell you right now that I’ve seen a hundred girls like you—come and gone. You know what they all have in common? Eventually, the boys get bored with them, and they’re sent packing. Back to their unremarkable lives after having gotten their fifteen minutes. Or, whatever they thought they were looking for before they finally settled down in suburbia with an alcoholic husband, a couple of kids, and a lawnmower.
“Just…you’re not what’s important here. The music is what’s important. And if you stick around? I have a feeling we might have some difficulties getting this next album out—hell, getting through the rest of this tour—with the two of them constantly at each other’s throats with you caught in the middle.”
Your face is hot, your body is shaking, and your breathing has become shallow. Putting up with Billy and Scotty was one thing. Tolerating Rod? An entirely different ballgame. The worst part? You weren’t sure—if you pushed your luck—who would win said ‘game’ if push-came-to-shove.
The boys practically worshiped the man. Saw him as their shepherd to the promised land of everlasting fame in the kingdom of rock ‘n’ roll.
Finally, you reply. “The money is what’s important to you, Rod. If you cared about them like you like to pretend you do, you wouldn’t sit back and watch them snorting themselves stupid every chance they get. But, so long as they keep bankrolling your lifestyle, whatever they do on the side doesn’t really matter, does it?”
He’s unbothered by your heated tone, or the hard look in your eyes. He’s aware you have claws—has seen them—he just won’t let you sink them into his tough skin. He’s gone a round or two with young women like you before. And came out on top every time. The ‘tough girl’ act doesn’t phase him.
“So, you’re here to…what? Play mother hen? Save them from themselves? Fix them? How many other ignorant girls have tried the same and failed with numerous other broken men?”
He leans forward, feet both now planted firmly on the floor, forearms atop his thighs, fingers steepled. “Honey, they can’t be fixed. Especially if they don’t think there’s anything wrong with them. These guys…they see themselves as Gods of the music industry. And when you’re a God, well, you’re perfect—above reproach—aren’t you?”
He sighs. “You’re wasting your time. I’m here trying to help you save some of it. So, let me. I’ll write you a check and you can be back on your merry way to…wherever the hell it is that you came from.”
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rileyslibrary · 11 months
It’s lunchtime at the military base, and you can’t decide what to eat. Ghost is getting hangry.
“It’s a simple question,” he says. “What do you want?”
“I don’t know, Lieutenant.”
“Are you hungry?” He asks and lifts his hands.
“Yes, sir.”
“What exactly are you hungry for?”
“I-I don’t know.”
He drops his arms to his sides and sits at the corner of his desk. He touches the back of his neck with one hand while supporting himself with the other.
“Every fucking day, you do this to me,” he murmurs. “If you don’t decide this time, I’ll go eat alone.”
“Oh! Is that so?” You squint and hunch forward at your desk.
“Yes!” He yells as he stands up and walks towards you. “Yes, I will. In fact, I would love to.”
Your eyebrows shoot up, and your jaw drops. How dare he? You’d been teammates for years, sticking with him through thick and thin, never betraying him once. But now he...
“...Would love to?!”
“That’s right!” He snaps and slams his hands against your desk. “So, for the last time: What. Will. It. Be?”
You lean back in your chair and bite your pen while considering your options. Ghost’s gaze darts from you to the pen, then back. He groans and grabs the pen from your hand, tossing it to the side.
“Pens are off the menu today,” he declares, snapping his fingers, “I need an answer. Now.”
Dumfounded, you stare at the pen on the floor. If someone else had done this to you, you would have slapped them in the face. Worse, if he had watched anyone else treat you that way, he would have ripped their limbs off their body.
But he’s hangry. As insignificant as this conversation appears, he doesn’t handle his hunger with the same poise he handles other, more complex situations. Not only that, but your indecisiveness doesn’t help, either. You need to make a decision quickly, so you sit up straight and place your hands on the table.
“What are my options again?” you ask.
“Pizza or burger.” He replies sternly.
“I don’t want piz—”
“Burger it is, then,” he says with a nod. He knocks his knuckles twice on the desk and strides towards the office door.
“W-wait, Ghost, wait!”
He sighs and leans against the door, his hand on the handle.
“I don’t like the base’s burgers.” You mumble.
“Nobody likes the base’s burgers!” he yells. “But we still eat them!”
“I was wondering,” you say and lower your voice, “if there is another choice?”
He’s softly bashing his head against the door, and you try to persuade him that there should be a third option—a vegetarian meal, perhaps. In response, he begins making whimpering noises. He’s the one getting on your nerves now.
“You know what?” you snap, “I’ll go check by myself.”
He extends a hand in your direction and shows you his palm.
“No, no, no, no!” he cries. “You join the others in the queue, and the entire base will starve until you decide!”
You scoff at his sarcasm, and he opens the door.
“Listen,” he says, “I’ll go check and call you, okay?”
“LIEUTENANT!” you shout, but he slams the door behind him. You peek over at his desk. “You forgot your phone...” you murmur to yourself.
The lieutenant was a very cold man when you first met him. His responses were limited to yeses and nos with the occasional shrug, and he never joined you in everyday job activities, especially at lunchtime. You’d always eat alone in the mess hall, and if your breaks coincided with that of Gaz or Soap’s, you’d sit with them and eat lunch together. Ghost would normally sit in the office or hide in a corner around the base and eat since he didn’t want anyone to see him without his mask. But slowly, he came to trust you all with his face, and you’d eat together, locked in your office.
You look at the time. Given his hunger when he left, he should have returned five minutes ago. What if he gave up on you and is already eating with the rest? Sure, your indecisiveness annoys him, especially since he has to deal with it daily, but he’d never let you eat alone, right? On the other hand... he may be trying to teach you a lesson.
You take another glance at the time. This doesn’t feel right. You start cleaning up your desk to head for the kitchen, but someone knocks on the door.
“It’s open,” you announce, “come on in!”
“I’ve got my hands full.” You hear Ghost reply.
You walk up to the door and swing it open. Ghost stands there with a serving trolley full of dishes.
“Thanks,” he murmurs while he pushes the trolley inside the office.
“You forgot your phone!” you inform him.
“I didn’t forget it,” he says as he stops the trolley in front of your desk. “I’d rather put my bare hand in a fire and let it simmer than add a third option to your dilemma and let you decide while there’s a queue of starving soldiers behind me.”
He removes the plates from the trolley and arranges them on your desk. “Here’s the fucking pizza, the fucking shitburger, and the tofu version of the shitburger.”
He places another plate with five pizza slices on his desk. He removes his mask and immediately slaps a piece in his mouth.
“That’s a lot of food, Lt.,” you whisper, scanning the plates before you.
He turns his head towards you and keeps chewing. “Yeah,” he says, swallowing, “better have all the options in front of you than squeeze any reserve of patience I have left.”
You take a slice of pizza from your tray and bite into it.
He stares at you, raises his plate to the sky, and rambles about how “you didn’t want pizza before.” You clarify that, while you still don’t want pizza, it appears to be the best option among the three.
“However,” you continue, “I would murder for a good burger.”
He swallows and takes a second pizza slice from his plate.
“I know a place,” he explains. “We can go tonight.”
“Lieutenant, you smooth operator!” you tease, “like on a date?”
He nods and takes another mouthful. He doesn’t even bother looking at you. He’s too preoccupied with nourishing his massive body to worry about your mocking.
“What kind of a place is it?” You ask.
“It’s a shithole,” he says, “but it does the best burgers you’ve ever had.”
“So, what should I wear?”
He stops eating and aggressively shakes his head.
“Nuh-uh,” he says. “I won’t get involved in your woes again—I’ll give you the address, and you’ll be there at 8 p.m.”
“Are you going to email me the menu so I can decide what to eat ahead of time?”
He swallows and looks at you. “I wouldn’t worry about that,” he says, taking another bite.
“Because there’s no menu at my place.”
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triptuckers · 5 months
I've got you - percy jackson
Request: yeah! "percy x fem!reader are on an unofficial quest together just before the big titan war (so set just before last olympian). idk what the quest is but basically reader gets injured during a fight w a bunch of monsters and percy goes a little crazy and does everything he can to protect her and once all the monsters are dead he’s super gentle and sweet w her??" Pairing:  Percy Jackson x reader Summary:  you're busy battling a handful of monsters when for a second it looks as if it might be your last fight. luckily, percy is there Warnings:  fighting, mentions of blood, injuries, swearing, angst Word count:  1K A/N: the show creators need to add grover's song from ep3 to spotify because it's been stuck in my head since wednesday. thanks for your request, enjoy!
gods forbid you're ever on a quiet quest.
you can't wait to get this over with so you can go back to camp and actually get a decent amount of undisturbed sleep.
the other kids at camp are probably spending their afternoon relaxing, or polishing their weapons, or sitting by the lake, or literally anything that's peaceful. not you and percy.
you're busy getting rid of at least half a dozen monsters.
percy's is in the distance, fighting his way through a couple of monsters. he's a blur of movement and you occasionally hear him curse or make a sound.
you know percy can handle himself. but it doesn't stop you from looking over your shoulder every once in a while, to check on him.
the second time you try to catch a glimpse of percy, it's a mistake.
you feel something sharp sink into your side.
with one swing of your sword you decapitate the monster, but not before his fang breaks off, still stuck in your leg.
'oh fuck.' you mutter as you see blood start to gush out of the wound around the fang.
but there's no time to rest. another monster lashes out at you, raking his claws through your shoulder.
you yell out in pain, getting percy's attention.
you drive your sword through the monster just as percy starts running toward you.
'fuck.' you mutter, looking at your leg.
well, that doesn't look good. you know demigods don't live long. but you would have liked some more time with percy. preferably when you don't have to fight monsters.
'y/n!' yells percy, who has nearly reached you.
'percy...' you say as he catches you before you fall to the ground.
'shit, hold on.' says percy. he carefully lowers you to the ground in his arms. there's a panicked look in his eyes as he looks at your leg.
he quickly reaches down and tears off a piece of his shirt.
'percy!' you yell, looking at a monster that's running towards the two of you at full speed.
with one swift motion, percy slices through the monster with his sword, then he drops it and turns back to you.
he pulls you towards him and wraps the piece of his shirt around your thigh, above your wound.
'how many behind me?' he says.
you look over his shoulder, quickly counting the monsters that are making their way to you. it doesn't look good. 'seven.'
'wait, for what-'
you're cut off as percy pulls the knot tight, sending a sharp pain through your leg.
'fuck! percy!' you curse.
'I said sorry. stay here do not pull that out.' says percy, pointing at the fang that's still stuck in your leg. he presses a quick kiss to your forehead before turning around and charging the monsters.
you knew percy could fight but holy shit.
it's like he moves with unnatural speed as he works his way through the monsters, making sure none of them slip past him to you.
even more so, he makes it look easy. almost god-like.
when you overheard someone from your cabin say that he's the most powerful demigod of your generation, you thought "sure he's a poseidon kid, it makes sense". you hadn't really thought much of it.
to you percy had always been, well, percy.
he always makes you laugh with bad jokes and saves you a spot at the campfire. he'll walk with you to your cabin if it's raining so you wouldn't get soaked. he prefers to sleep with you next to him, claiming it's so he won't get nightmares, but you know it's because he just wants to use you as his pillow.
but as you see him fighting off the monsters, lashing out and stabbing them like it's nothing, you realise what others see when they look at him.
suddenly percy is in front of you again, brushing monster dust off of his shoulder like it's no big deal.
'you okay?' he says, kneeling in front of you. he reaches out to gently cup your face.
you're silent as you look at him.
'y/n?' he says, looking you in your eyes, brows furrowed.
'did I mention I'm like, really really in love with you?' you say.
percy smiles briefly. 'yeah you've mentioned it.' he says. 'how are you feeling?'
'lucky to have you on my side.'
'I meant your leg, y/n.' he says, moving so he can inspect your leg.
'still hurts.'
'that shoulder also looks bad.' says percy. 'listen, I'll pull the fang out and give you nectar but it will still hurt, okay? then we'll look at your shoulder.'
'alright, make it quick.'
percy nods, then hands you some nectar.
'want me to count down?' he asks.
you nod, reaching out to take one of his hands in yours.
percy wraps his free hand around the fang.
you take a deep breath and nod at percy.
percy looks you in the eye and gives you an encouraging smile. 'sorry in advance. 3... 2... 1!'
with one swift motion he pulls the fang out. blood gushes out of the wound and the pain is unbearable. you close your eyes and feel how percy gently pushes the nectar to you and you take a sip.
it tastes like the drink sally made for you when you visited percy's home for the first time.
you keep your eyes closed as you wait for the pain to go away. you can feel percy rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, comforting you.
'it's already helping.' says percy softly.
you reach out and wrap your arms around percy.
'it's okay. I've got you.' says percy, holding you close. 'we can sit here for a while, but then we have to keep moving, okay?'
'okay.' you say, feeling percy press a kiss to your forehead.
you're really glad percy's here with you. if it weren't for him, you're not sure you would have made it back to camp in one piece, or at all.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit/Max
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sinfulpanda16 · 5 months
JJK Men x Foreign Reader
Gojo Saturo, Toji Fushiguro, Kento Nanami, Suguru Geto x gn reader
For the most part, you and your bf live everyday life through his culture. So how would he react if he sees a glimpse of yours?
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You two were doing origami together, you were making a cute swan and he was making you a flower. It was such a cute moment the two of you laughing and him occasionally giving you a few quick pecks on your face and then you get a phone call.
You look at the number "Oh it's my mom." you say smiling at your phone.
Gojo smiles "Oh it's my future mother-in-law! Go ahead and answer I'll be patient." he says giving you a smirk.
You blush and answer the call. Gojo listens to you as you say hello in your native language. You two only speak to each other in Japanese so hearing you speak your first language is so rare.
He rests his chin in his palm still listening as you continue to speak. You sound so beautiful. You look beautiful. The way you talk with your mother in her first tongue makes him melt, your voice has a different ring to it due to the different pitches. And that Accent! OMG he's fanboying now.
After the phone call ends you turn to see him looking at you in awe. "What?" you ask giggling.
He smiles "You should speak in (n/l) more often. I think you sound hot as hell." he says enjoying your reaction to that.
Your face grows red. Really? No one has ever told you that and hearing that from him made you appreciate him more because it shows that he loves you for you.
You smile at him and he kisses your cheek again and gives you a paper rose. Then in your language he said "I love you".
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You were laying on the couch just staring into space. It's officially been five years since you've moved to Japan. When you were younger you're dream has always been to move to Japan and you did it. You moved to Japan, grew to live comfortably, made some friends and even met your boyfriend.
However just like everyone else who moves away, you get homesick. You think back to when you were a kid and lived with your family back at home. It seemed so long ago and then you think about the yummy food you and your family would make. You smiled softly to yourself thinking about the nostalgia.
You get up from the couch and go to the kitchen. You checked to see if you had all the ingredients you needed for your favorite dish your grandmother made for as a kid. You do, so you hurried to get started on making (f/d).
As you cooked you realized something was missing. You think about how when your grandmother used to cook she would tell you to turn on her music. You laugh softly "Aww grandma. Even now you still manage to make me play your music." you say to yourself and start playing some, with memories flowing back.
Soon after a tiring day Nanami comes back home, he sighs and takes off his coat. He hears some music coming from the kitchen but then he freezes when he realizes he can't understand it. Then he smells something good, he doesn't know what it is but he'd like to see what it is.
He heads to the kitchen and finds you there. Thats what the smell is, its you're cooking. "Y/n." you turn around to see him. He looked a bit confused, and you smiled. "Hey lover, I'm making (f/d). It's a dish my family back at home eat. Do you want to help?"
Nanami stands there for a moment, he's never tried some of the traditional food from your country or ever heard of the music, buts it's all you. All of it is your blood and honestly, he's loving this side of you. He smiles softly at, "Sure love." he says and pulls his sleeves up so he can help you.
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He's walking to meet up with you. He's not paying attention to much but then he sees you from his peripheral vision. He stops and turn to look at you and you look, wow.
You stand out from the rest, you really do. He's proof lol every time someone see's you they can't help but to admire you. Geto stood there looking at you smirking.
You're (h/t) (h/c) hair is beautiful and your (s/c) skin looks so soft and delicate. You were talking to two other women who were actually asking about you and where you're from. They seemed genuinely interested and curious about your culture. The way you spoke Japanese in the cutest accent made Geto let out a chuckle. It was just too cute.
It's funny because it's obvious that you're not from around here and yet you have such a way of making the people here adore you. They complement your eyes, your voice, or your hair. If he had to pick his favorite would be your eyes. Such a beautiful color and shape. Damn, you're gorgeous he thinks to himself.
You turn to see Geto is already here. With an excited smile you say your goodbyes to the two women and head to him. "Hi my love!" you yell as you run towards him.
He smiles "Hey gorgeous" he says with wide arms for you. Yes, that's right this beautiful foreigner is his partner. You jump into his arms, and he picks you up. And this is exactly how he thinks about you every day.
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The first time Toji saw you he was infatuated with you. Even he had to admit you look so beautiful and from there he didn't care. He was gonna make you his.
And he did lol.
He was sitting on the couch on his phone. Endless scrolling of nothing interesting and he started to get bored. He was about to get up but then you enter the living room wearing something he was unfamiliar with.
With a blush on your face you ask, "What do you think love?". He honestly had no idea what you were wearing but it looked cute on you.
"What is it my love?" he asks leaning forward on the couch. You tell him the name and explain to him that it's what the people in your culture wear when there's a certain occasion.
Toji smirks "Do a turn for me beautiful." he orders. Shyly, you obey and do a spin for him. You can't help but giggle when you look at his face. You can tell he approves.
He chuckles "I think it looks beautiful on you" he states. He gets up "But you know..." he makes his way over to you. You start getting uptight, you love his dominance, but you have to admit it's kind of intimidating. Soon he's towering over you. He leans down to your ear "I think it'd look better on the ground by our bed." You shiver and let him pick you up and carry you to the bedroom.
So yeah, he loves you so much and loves learning about your home and its culture.
And bruh, how did they all already know what the word for Daddy was in your language?!
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seokjinsonlyone · 6 months
this how i think bts would be if they was your husband
you’d have your own rooftop garden together; like he’d get someone to get it setup architecturally the way he has it envisioned in his head and to give like advice on the types of plants that are good for this set up but y’all would do all the seeding and watering and weed pulling yourselves
evening walks together around sunset through the park or around the river hand in hand where you just soak up nature and talk about any and everything
you both like the idea of having a pet but know that you're too busy to keep one regularly so you end up getting fish; he gets a cute little 20 gallon tank and like five fish but he actually does a lot of research on which fish live the best together, which food and treats they like best, the best plants and knick knacks to put inside, how to clean it, etc.; all in all takes the whole situation way more seriously than you'd thought he would; it was supposed to be sumn light for the summer time but you'd think he's filming an episode of tanked for all the time and effort he pours into it
sits side by side with you rubbing circles into your lower back whenever you need to rant about something
loves it when you get desperate for him so sometimes around the time you're ovulating he teases you; will walk around the house in nothing but his briefs with his glasses on talking in his deep voice; will invade your space like if you're in the kitchen making food or something he's gonna come up behind you and wrap that strong arm around your middle kissing up on you asking meaningless questions about what you're doing until you finally snap and drag him to the bedroom
consistently opens every door for you and pulls out your chair at restaurants even if it's five, ten years down the line
the type to never know where anything is; it's not even that you switch things up a lot it's just that he never forgot the muscle memory of where things were when he lived alone; so he's constantly calling out to you asking where something is; half the time what he looking for be in very obvious locations but his mind is just so all over the place that he overlooks it
uses you as his sounding board when he has a situation he needs handled; will just sit there and think out loud to you for minutes and hours; you don't even be saying that much really like occasionally he'll ask what you think but he appreciates having a listening ear more than anything and you're happy to be there for him even if his incessant rambling makes you wanna strangle yourself sometimes
would learn to help you take out your box braids; it makes you nervous when he first offers to help because he can be a bit rough sometimes but he's oddly gentle and diligent with the task; once he's gotten good with that you convince him to wash your hair too; and take down/wash day is less dreadful because of it
you two become a package deal; like it could be a boys night or a girl's night and you're always gonna try to bring the other with and most of the time y'alls friends don't mind like you're one of the boys and he's one of the girls so it's fine; even if he like invites some friends over the house and you stay in the room to give them some space at some point he's gonna go and check up on you; you'll just be laying in bed on your laptop or phone, watching tv or something and he's gonna lay beside you and ask what you doing make sure you're okay next thing you know 30 minutes gon go by and you'll have to remind him that he has guests over; then he's gonna convince you to come out with him and stay tucked up under his arm until his friends leave or pass out
draws you a bath when he knows you’ve had a long day; it’d be really nice too; he'd light your favorite candle and set it on the counter; add a fragrant moisturizing bath bomb and sprinkle in some flower petals; once you settle in he'll put down one of them over the tub trays and hand you a glass of wine and your laptop so you can watch whatever you want or stream music while you’re in the tub
loves referring to you as 'his wife'; like y'all will be with a group of your friends that knew you from the get go and they'll ask him where he got his jacket from and he'll be like "oh my wife bought it for me" and they'll be like "🥴 boi we knew her long before she was ever worried about you just say her name" aksksksk
every couple months y’all will go on cooking dates with his celebrity chef friends and their wives; which is basically them in the kitchen being loud cooking a meal he specifically chose for you and you and the wife not too far away watching them while being wined and dined
not particularly handy but he feels like as a man there’s just certain things he should be able to do; so if your sink is leaking or there’s a problem with your car battery or something he’s gonna hop on youtube and figure out how to solve it first; calls an actual repairman to deal with it if he can’t fix it without being moderately inconvenienced
insists on getting a pool installed even tho you tell him you would barely use it bc you hate having to redo your hair more than you like to swim; you actually do end up using it all the time bc he orders one of those giant canopy floats and y'all just lay up there and take naps or talk; the whole outdoor area is actually bomb tbh like there's an entire sheltered outdoor kitchen and grill patio area with fans on the ceiling for when it gets hot and a fully loaded bar; y'all honestly spend more time outside during the summer than inside and get scolded for not entertaining people more often
if you reeeaaalllyyy want him to go shopping with you he will but he’d rather just give you his card and you gather up some of your girls and y’all can go nuts together
tries to butter you up when he knows he's in trouble but it's never with anything good like he'll stop at the convenience store on the way home and pick up some things to try to sway you; he get home and you're waiting for him slightly ticked off and he's like "i know you're mad but look at what i got you and it's a cosmic brownie, sour gummy worms (his favorite candy mind you), some wet wipes, and an arizona tea
official driver of the relationship; lets you be the passenger princess of your dreams like whenever you need to get from point a to point b he’s getting you there all you gotta do is sit down and look pretty (and play decent music while he’s driving)
even if you’re not a certified Gamer Girl™️ when there’s like a new mario game or something along those lines that doesn’t require a ton of skill and know how to play you’ll no life it together; like will straight up play for like 16 hours a day until you beat it; you still force him to eat and shower however but you’re not allowed to touch the controller until he returns bc he’d be afraid you’ll lose all your lives
the type to get super close with your family; like you look over one day and see yo mama calling him and you listen to him and they're literally just catching up???; he goes out on bros days with your dad and brothers; all your cousins follow him on instagram and be sending him memes; and you just sit there tryna figure out how he singlehandedly replaced you in your family bc they be treating him better than they treat you
after hearing you talk about wanting a detached claw foot jacuzzi tub for the 1000th time he decides to just go ahead and get your dream house built from the ground up; gives his input in every step of the process since he has so many opinions on architecture, furniture, finishes, and overall aesthetics; sometimes there’s little disagreements when your design styles clash but in the end he makes sure that you definitely get everything you’ve ever wanted included
warms your car up for you in the morning during winter months; unimportant but i just know he would go out in a sweatshirt and some slides like barefoot toes out in 20° weather shuffling out to make sure your car is nice and cozy and the frost is off the windshield
every now and again you’ll just be chilling at home and then he’ll be like “yah go get dressed we’re going out” and then he’ll genuinely take you on one of the best dates ever; it may not be over the top every time but somehow it’s always exactly what you needed; acts nonchalant about it when you’re gushing over how great of a time you’re having; “ah it’s nothing” but he’s secretly super self satisfied bc he knows he’s killing it
sometimes he’ll be sprawled out on the couch watching basketball and you’ll be tryna tell him something but he’s so engrossed that he won’t hear a word you say so you gotta throw a pillow at him to get his attention
untangles your necklaces for you; sweeps the hair from the back of your neck and clasps it together once he's got it free
likes leaning on your shoulder when you’re in bed on the computer; not really nosy about what it is that you’re doing whether it’s work or whatever but just likes to listen to the sound of your typing as his own personal asmr; also loves it when you get your nails done like will happily pay for a new set every other week because of the tippity tapping that accompanies everything you do
sets up a joint bank account for you two like immediately bc he doesn't have anything to hide and what's his is yours; but also sets you up a separate savings account that he funnels money into biweekly bc he wants you to be okay always even if one day it has to be without him
if you're both up late and you're feeling peckish he'll whip up a quick late night snack for y'all to munch on
never really comments when your hormones throw your body system out of wack; like if you randomly had night sweats for a couple days and sweat through your clothes and blanket he'd just nudge you awake so you can dry off and turn the ac on
is extra physically affectionate whenever you start getting irritated even if he’s the source of your irritation; will grab your hand and pull you into him planting kisses on top of your head and rubbing up and down your back until you’re sufficiently pacified
all his numeric passcodes are related to you; like it’s either your birthday or your anniversary, the day y’all met, first date, etc.
sometimes he likes to sit on the toilet when you're in the shower and talk to you; will periodically poke his head in to check your progress depending on how long you're in there; ooos and aahs and waggles his eyebrows every time he does so
some people think you’re some kind of dictator bc his response to every proposal he receives is “let me check with my wife first”; you’re not tho he just likes running things by you bc he’s only ever okay if y’all are on the same page; sometimes you really are his scapegoat if he doesn’t wanna do something tho and you’re fine with being his excuse! you love spending time with your man!!
y’all draw lots over who has to kill the bugs in the house; he tries his best to overcome his fear for you he really does but sometimes he look at the bug and the bug look at him and his heart can’t take it; generally tho there’s less fear of y’all conquer it together
at least once a month he books a couples spa day appointment for you two; deep tissue massages, facials, manicures, pedicures, the works like you just get absolutely spoiled; his motto is that if you feel good and look good then you can be good and be good to each other; unrelated but he get a kick out of eating the cucumbers that are supposed to help soothe around your eyes
you get so used to the sound effects he makes all the time that when he’s not around you have to have some kind of background sounds whether it’s music or white noise just something to fill the air.
you both like plushies, funko pops, action figures and all that so there's a dedicated toy room in your home; all the toys that you actually care about are placed higher up and in cases to keep in good condition but things that you don't mind having some use are accessible; the whole room is carpeted and there are some fluffy rugs too; there's a 65 inch tv on one wall and a computer area for gaming as well; the whole room is illuminated via led lights; needless to say all the kids you know love when y'all babysit them; they stay in that one room the entire time except when they want a snack bc there's no eating in the toy room; jungkook also loves to randomly come and hangout in the toy room by himself
wouldn't tolerate any kind of disrespect toward you; say you went out to a restaurant and the server was being rude to you, he'd clock it so fast he'd be talking to a manager having your server swapped out and dessert on the house before you even realized what they said
y'all try new hobbies together; it's never anything you have experience or are good at which makes it even more fun as you're doing it; like you'll get one of those woobles crochet kits and spend like a month trying to figure it out in your free time and make whatever little creature you bought
never actually stops dating you; will still have an active folder with activities and restaurants he wants the both of you to go to; even if you both lack the time and energy to actually go out on a date he's lighting a candle and pulling out the fine china for you it doesn't matter that you're wearing loungewear and sitting on the floor in front of the tv; he wants you to feel special always
intimacy between you two go crazy; you’re as close as close can be like if there were such a thing as soulmates you two would be it; you’re consistently trapped within your own bubble and even if you’re out and about it’s still almost as if no one else existed; like say y’all went out to a club music is thumping people are everywhere it’s a generally Loud environment if you softly called his name from beside him he would turn to you immediately; or someone could brush past him and it’d be whatever but if you ghosted your hand up his arm he would get goosebumps; you’re just insanely in tuned to each other
would love if you had a softer build bc he likes the way you feel like heaven when he lays on you; also he just likes squeezing at your squishy bits; he finds it equal parts amusing and satisfying; like he'll squeeze at your boob when you're half asleep in bed just to annoy you; you'll be turned on your side and his arm will be slung across your waist and he'll just inch his hand up until he reaches your boob and squeezes; giggles evilly every time you smack his hand away and won't stop until you're whining and kicking at him to leave you alone and let you sleep
sometimes you’ll build a giant fort in the living room when he’s getting overwhelmed by life complete with fairy lights strung up overhead and pillows and more blankets covering the floor to make it extra comfy; you spend all day together in there playing games and talking nonsense and eating snacks and end the night cuddled up his arm wrapped around your shoulders, your head tucked into his neck watching movies until you’re sure his head is free from all his worries
loves to be fed, literally; like when dinner time comes he will make one big plate and pull up with a fork and a knife and a waiting attitude; if you don't play along immediately he's gonna put his hands over yours and make you feed him bites until you take over; likes to feed you as well; just always sharing his food with you and expects you to do the same
he gets obsessive when you don't answer his calls; like if he knows you're not busy and he calls you and you don't answer it drives him up a wall and he will spam you with texts and at least a dozen more calls until you pick up; not even because he has anything urgent to tell you he just always craves your attention; bonus: ends every conversation by saying i love you like you could be on the phone for 15 seconds just confirming something really quickly and he's gonna make sure he's told you he loves you before you click end call
doesn’t say anything when he finds you crying just pulls you into him and lets you get it all out; once you start calming down a bit he’ll pull back slightly, gently cupping your face in his hands and swipe away all your tears; only when he’s sure the tears have come to a complete stop does he softly ask “what’s going on?”
still gets shy and flustered around you; it doesn’t stop him from being himself around you whatsoever but it’s very obvious when you have the upper hand in a situation
you can't just tell him you need an item from the store bc half the time he'll go and come back with the wrong thing; you gotta send him a picture of it and that don't even work all the time; most of his solo ventures to the store at your request end in him facetimeing you bc he swears up and down they don't have what you asked for but then you end up finding it for him and you not even there
knows you admire his art skills so he leaves little doodles on post it notes around the house; is really proud when you display the ones you find really cute in your phone case
the type to put his life in your hands; when y'all go out to eat he tells you to order for him bc "you know what i like"; will let you dress him/style his hair however bc "you know what looks good on me"; he just literally trusts and defers to your judgement as much as possible
the type to tighten all the jars when you’re upset with him so you’re forced to ask him for help and talk to him anyway
would try to set up a really romantic dinner for you complete with rose petals and candles and champagne on ice but he'd be so focused on creating the right ambience that he forgets to order the food and one thing bout tae is he ain't a chef and even if he was he wouldn't have enough time before you showed up so you'd end up having a pb&j and cup noodles
sometimes if he has a lot of energy but you’re asleep he’ll poke at you until you’re awake and then he’ll ask if you’re asleep and when you say yes he’ll keep messing with you until he’s able to drag you out to play with him
knows how to tie a tie but claims it looks better when you tie it so whenever he wears a suit he gets you to finish off his look; really he just likes to be manhandled by you and the grip you have around his neck does something for him
if you get him riled up in the morning he just lives there all day; partially aware of what's going on around him but undoubtedly distracted, thinking about you, wanting you; hands and eyes are glued to the phone at all times hoping you'll message him or something even if it is just you teasing him some more; he's putty in your hands and he knows it but when the day is over and y'all are both home you're his
you have to come to major compromises when it comes to decorations; like you let him have his accent wall that he puts his paintings of his basquiat-esque faces but the weird cyber bug and person shark statues and the butt chair have to go
you do majority of the cooking so he takes dish duty very seriously; will swat you away if you try to help most times; however there’s a special place in his heart for the times you ignore him and help anyway by drying the dishes and it’s you him and some music playing and you’re singing and dancing around the kitchen together
there's a legitimate argument about your use of a body pillow; he genuinely gets offended bc is he not enough for you? why can't you just cuddle him? why would you go and put the great wall of china in between you two? what's with the distance? was he too much for you? like the situation blows completely out of proportion for no reason skslklsks the argument ends when you force him to cuddle it and he instantly understands the hype behind it; that doesn't curb his jealousy towards the object however and you're only allowed to use it when he's not in bed with you
a whiny baby when he's sick; you'd think he had tuberculosis in the 12th century instead of a common cold the way he be acting; a piece of tissue stuck in his nose, piled under three blankets, shivering every five minutes on cue; you give him a good day of dealing with the dramatics after that you leave him in the room with a bottle of dayquil and a packet of vitamin c until he decides to get on with his life like a normal human being
loves planning weekend getaways for the two of you; like every other month you guys are out of town for like 3-4 days in the spirit of “rekindling”; he always rents a really nice and cozy cabin type joint and most of the trips are spent just enjoying each others company and the scenery, walking around the town latched onto his arm and eating good food; you come back from each outing refreshed and more in love than you already were
every sunday he checks your car to make sure it has a full tank and if it doesn’t he fills it up for you
you two have separate rooms bc you both like to have space to just exist as an individual from time to time (also it’s really nice to have a place to storm away to when you’re in a fight) but you end up cuddled up next to each other every night anyway
has a very strict laundry schedule and routine; gets annoyed if you don't do it how he likes when he's unable to
watches you while you’re getting ready; he’ll be sitting at the edge of the bed while you walk around from your closet to the dressers circling the room trying to find something to wear; you’ll be having a conversation with him the whole time and after you walk past him for the 4th time his clinginess gets the best of him and he catches you by the waist before you can fully bypass him; he pulls you in between his legs and just hugs you to him for a few moments while you run your hands through his hair
follows you around the house with his mic serenading you like three times a week
comes behind you when you’re cooking or washing dishes or something and just pats at your butt for a while and by a while i mean he won’t stop until you elbow him and threaten to cut his hands off; he just laughs and gets one more grope in before backing off
traces the contours of your face and murmurs all kinds of cute and lovely and cheesy stuff about you when you’re both in bed and he thinks you’re sleep
if you made him a good meal you’d hear about it constantly for the next week; like every other sentence is a “seriously, it was so good” and he won’t stop until you make it again; sometimes he’ll try making it himself to see if he could do better but it always tastes best coming from you
an absolute menace in the grocery store; will spend the first 15-20 minutes behaving as he grabs whatever he needs personally and once that's done he's acting a fool; doing that thing that kids do when they use the cart as a skateboard like push off on it and then hop on to ride out the wave; grabbing all kinds of junk that neither of you need; touching everything even when he has no intention of buying it; you have to grab his ear and threaten him with celibacy to get him to calm down
whenever you’re sitting next to each other could be on the couch out at dinner in bed etc he likes to play with your hand and fiddle with your ring; will often slide it off and try to fit the ring on his fingers; then he’ll put it back on and kiss your fingertips for safekeeping
a/n: i worked on this for months and months and now it’s finally here lemme know what u thought 😩🙏
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idiaa-shroxd · 1 year
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THE PREFECT’S CAT CAFE ꒱ ❝ dormleaders. ❞
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SUMMARY: after an off-handed comment made by Idia, you find yourself taking what he said into genuine consideration. instead of just bringing some cats into your guest room though, why not find a way to have both cats and profits while being comfy?
warnings; gn!reader x dormleaders. long post. the keep reading line may repeat a bit of text, but please continue reading if it does. inspired by this video. by interacting with this post you agree you’ve read through my navigation and i hold no responsibility for the content you view. part i. part ii. part iii.
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“Are you really sure about this, Henchman?” Grim asks, crossing his arms as he huffs, jealousy laced in his voice. He was used to your occasional strange idea, but he considered something to be sincerely wrong with you at the moment if you thought bringing other stray cats into his territory were a smart idea, not to mention the way you were cuddling them and scratching their bellies. Where did you even find this many cats? Did you make a deal with Azul?
Puffing your cheek slightly, you ignore your cat’s comment while putting the collar on the last one. “Do you want to have fancy tuna?” You reply, fixing the collar’s bow as you smile at your hard work. “You’re not believing in me, Grim. This is an untapped market potential, in case you forgot we have a whole dorm here at school dedicated to gamers and introverts practically. And you know what they like? Cats and silence!” You tell him as you look at your array of cats.
You’d found yourself surprised that Professor Trein actually entertained your question if he knew where to find cats on sage island, even more so when Crowley eventually relented to letting you keep a few cats in exchange for not bringing up the fact you’ve been through how many overblots against him for awhile. This was a chance you could not lose. “There’s cat cafe’s in my world with relatively simple rules and a quiet atmosphere. We simply need to make it a reality, and lucky for us we have a magical furniture tool and an investor.” You say, getting up from the chair and walking toward your little notebook to check off another item off the list.
“You have an investor?” He asked, not quite believing you as he raised a brow. Hearing his disbelief you chuckle a little, pointing your pen at a corner of the room to which he jumps in surprise, letting out a shock ‘nyagh!’ “Idia has been here for the past two hours, ever since I told him what I was going to do. I don’t know how or why he has money, but he has it and that’s enough for me.” You say, Grim still surprised he hadn’t notice Idia once in well over two hours. He still wasn’t convinced on your plan, but if it got him tuna and money, your plan surely can’t be that bad?
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HEARTSLABYUL. riddle rosehearts.
“Are there any rules I need to follow while I’m here?” Riddle asks, a little antsy as it were his first time in a room with so many cats before. It were against the queen’s rules to bring cats to a formal affair, but this wasn’t too formal, it were a cafe. And you did get explicit permission from the headmage so indulging in you just a tiny bit wouldn’t hurt, right? With a laugh, you point in the direction of one of the walls with the rules on display next to a signed plaque from the headmaster giving his approval to your whims.
“The rules are really simple. No forcing or disturbing the cats, do not go around picking them up, do not let them have your drinks, and refrain from running around and making too much noise. Outside drinks, food, and shoes are not permitted for sanitary reasons. You can only feed the cats treats sold by the prefect or in the gacha machines, and you have to log in which cat you’ve fed to ensure one cat doesn’t get particularly overweight.” You read off the board the rundown as he nodded, determined to follow the rules. As he stepped inside your now transformed guest room, his eyes sparkled as one of the cats immediately begun purring at him. Perhaps a cat cafe truly wasn’t too bad a place.
Riddle was really weary of your little project when you first told him about it. He really stopped lecturing you after you explained you had all the proper permission and even an investor. He had no idea who on campus would help you with this, but after hearing it were Idia he thought that maybe you were actually a bit more serious than he realized about your cat cafe plans. He takes awhile to convince to actually come, but after maybe seeing a picture you text him of the kitties with the caption, “I want Riddle to play with me!” he concedes ever so slightly into your demands.
His eyes light up in genuine happiness as little cats meow at his feet. His only other real experience with cats was Grim as his mother would not let him near them, but now he understands what the appeal to cats is about. They’re all so soft and he may use an occasional toy, but he also gets to hear their affection purrs as they nudge him nearly making him forget why he was so angry just ten minutes prior when he was collaring a student again. He isn’t a regular since he’s busy, but whenever you happen to ask he tries to make time, only because you’ve asked him to or his dorm members ask him to visit, not because he’s succumbed to being a cat person, he says, lying through his teeth.
His favorite cat is a Queendom of Roses (British) shorthair with pure dark grey fur and orange-yellow eyes. He wasn’t too sure how to act around the cats but this one plopped it’s chubby body onto his lap while nipping at his hand demanding to be pet while meowing right to his face and Riddle could not say no to that face. The cat is not as furry as the others and he quite prefers that, less hair to clean off of his clothes. He thought he would of preferred a less demanding cat, but Sesame is very calming and distracting for his anger. He at some point also noticed cat collar’s slightly changing and asked you about it.. and you found a gift from him, more specifically Sesame received a gift. His previous yellow collar replaced with a higher quality rose-red collar with white outlines of rose petals engravings. Now instead of a silent bell he had a rose attached to the front of the collar, and at the back of the collar was a bow designed to resemble leaf petals.
Absolutely plays favorites, he’s still a bit weary for long haired cats to approach him but won’t tell them to go away, and he always feels guilty if he pets a cat that is not Sesame. He would be willing to buy cat popsicles and cat treats on occasion but tries not to overly them as he knows you’re trying to not get them to be overweight and stay within a healthy range. He’s also able to get some work done when he visits, though not too often as his cat takes up most of his time and does not like him to share his attention with his paperwork, deliberately plopping down onto the paper if he deems he has not received enough attention. You could probably get away with asking him a single stupid question while he is relaxed. Only one, so use that question wisely.
Overall is a good guest since he keeps quiet to himself and his cat, and if he’s talking he’s really quiet about it since he respects your rules. He follows every single one to heart, not only that but also makes sure other guests are taking it to heart as well.
SAVANACLAW. leona kingscholar.
“Shut up, herbivore.” The beastmen hissed as you tried to hide your overly smug expression. “I haven’t even said anything yet, Kingscholar.” You tease as he opens one of his eyes and snarls at you in a nonthreatening manner, one hand running through his hair as the other runs his fingers through the fur of the sleeping cat on his chest, unable to stop you from taking pictures without disturbing said cat.
“Aren’t you two adorable?” You can’t help but snicker as you snap another photo of the annoyed beastman. You were definitely going to post this on your magicam story when you were free. Distracted by your phone, you fail to notice his ears twitching ever so slightly as he looks away from you, his face just a little bit darker in color than before as he shuts his eyes, going back to sleep.
Leona had no interest in being friendly with a bunch of strays you brought in from who knows where. He actually laughed in your face the first time you offered him some coupon to your cat cafe, he had no interest being near rowdy students. That was until he had the most annoying day alive, a conversation twice with Malleus in a single hour and he used you as his stress relief, nearly knocking you onto the floor as he plopped onto you after following you into your cat cafe.
No one else was there as you hadn’t opened, and he understood the appeal. The room wasn’t overcool with regulated temperatures perfect for a cat, with dim lighting and soft music. You even had different parts of your cafe for different guests as you place him onto one of the longer sofas, finally getting him off of you as you poor him a drink and listen to his complaint. At some point he had a group of cats just laying on him and purring against him and snuggling and he’s fallen asleep, not waking up until you inform him you’re closing for the night, and not to move too abruptly with the cat still sleeping on his chest.
His favorite cat had claimed him during their first fateful encounter, being a persian breed. The cat is very fluffy with creamy white fur and golden eyes, enjoying swaying her tail against Leona’s nose and kneading at his chest, arms, feet, wherever she gets her paws on. She does not enjoy being disturbed but does enjoy the occasional pet and spends most of her time just napping with Leona and pawing at him. He claims the cat is noisy every once in awhile but he can be seen petting her with one hand as the other shields his eyes as he lays down, letting her purr against him. He flat out told you he was replacing her stupid black collar with a new one, a brown silk collar that’s just a tad bit loose, with a few golden engravings and a beautiful bow on the back in a lighter brown and golden moons. Nebula also gets cat popsicles every once in awhile that he gets Ruggie to buy from you.
He is used to a bunch of different cats crawling over him as they seem to naturally approach him, and he’s very smug about that to Malleus, but he does have his favorite. Nebula is his number one cat and he will pick her up even though you have a no disturbing the cats rule and he will place her beside him as he has a drink as he lays down in his unofficial spot while she climbs atop him and goes to take a nap. He’s not jealous but he just does not allow other people to touch his cat is all. Whenever you come over to bring him a drink he’s trying to pull you down and shamelessly puts an arm around you as you ignore his clinginess and return back to your cats and cafe. May use a cat toy on occasion but not when you are watching because you get a stupid grin and ask him if he feels like pawing at the toy and he tries not to leave you on a street corner.
Overall a horrible guest but a decent guest. He definitely does not follow every rule and acts grumpy but he’s very quiet except the occasional snore. He will also take a very long time to leave because you need to scratch his ears because he’s not “fully awake”. But in terms of cat parenting he’s a pretty good guest.
OCTAVINELLE. azul ashengrotto.
“So… do you still want to complain?” You ask, raising a brow as you stare at the bespectacled boy with a smug grin. He swore that there was zero charm to a cat cafe and that you stole his business from him just two weeks ago, but now he had a cup of coffee between his fingers sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, a purring cat on his lap with documents on the table spread out as he worked. Azul’s face flustered a slight tint of red as he let out a small cough much to your and the twin’s amusement.
“That was the past, prefect. We found a way to make this arrangement mutual benefitting now, no need to bring up old problems.” He tries to sound professional as you snicker. Two weeks ago was not really a distant past, but you did work thing out. “Whenever you want a refill just let me know, I’ll leave you guys alone for now, I’ve got more to do.” You say, deciding not to tease the octomer further as you retreat back into the kitchen, leaving him to be teased by his two ‘friends’.
Azul had stormed into your establishment one day with a single goal in mind, to figure out how you had stolen his business. He came perplexed, how were you allowed cats on campus? Where did you get the money for renovation? Who was your supplier? Most importantly why did everyone favor the prefect’s cat cafe over the Monstro Lounge with quality service and quality food?
He had sat you down trying to be scary but you ended up putting him. You had offered him a proposal of a collaboration. If anyone orders a special item off the Monstro Lounge menu that day before coming into your cafe they’d be eligible to receive a little something from your cafe for free such as a cat popsicle or an extra thirty minutes added onto their time. He was weary at first but people came to the Monstro Lounge as though they were giving away free money as they came in groups. You both benefitted from this as you did not want food near your kitties that weren’t for them as that posed health and safety issues. He doesn’t know how but he also finds himself on occasion coming to your cafe during breaks as it was surprisingly calming despite his absolute hatred for these innocent cats when he originally entered.
His favorite cat is a Queendom of Roses (British) longhair with dark orange-esque fur with a fluffy white front and light blue eyes. He has no clue as to how but somehow this cat became his favorite as he purred against Azul’s shoes, nudging at him before eventually crawling into his lap. The cat makes little disturbance as Azul works, the purring soothing the octomer as he finishes up, occasionally finding his sleeves being tugged at when Butterscotch declares he’s been working enough by demanding pats. Butterscotch has also found himself on the end of receiving a lot of cat popsicles recently, and a collar upgrade. His collar went from a plain leathery texture to some high quality collar blue collar with tentacle engravings, and a sea patterned bowtie at the front of the collar, the center being a pretty shell.
He entertains other cats but keeps an eye out for his favorite, always reserving his lap space just for him. He mainly spends his time at the cafe after a large rush or when he has time off to work in the silence with his cat instead of the silence of his office. He actually finds himself working a lot faster in your cafe than all alone and he gets free refills on his coffee, so technically he is profiting than if he used his own supply, he justifies to himself. When he finishes work he may on occasion be found talking to you attempting to flirt poorly as you remain oblivious as he has no interest in manga or gaming. May occasionally be found brushing his favorite kitty’s fur and telling him he is going to become fat like he once was then still feeding him the treat regardless because he is very polite.
Overall is a very good guest as long as he has his kitty. Gets a bit antsy if he has to spend his time without his favorite as though he had been replaced but does not cause a scene or whine. Please make sure before you close he gets to squish his cat’s paw and knows he has not been replaced with a different cat dad.
SCARABIA. kalim al-asim.
“Aha, prefect! Could I have another cat treat, please?” Kalim pleaded with you as you shake your head, doing your best at giving the puppy eyed dorm leader a firm no. He already had two today, that was enough. “But look at Taffy, she’s starving!” He says as you raise a brow, staring at the cat that was getting plumper by the day.
“Kalim, I love you like my actual child but no more. She’s even eating the other cat’s leftovers now at lunch time.” You scold the boy as he apologizes and pleads he will stop after maybe just one more treat as you sigh, putting your foot down and eyeing Jamil pleadingly who only pretends he can’t see you as he plays with his cat. “I’ll even pay four times the amount!” He said, pouting as you shook your head, ready to dive into the same discussion you’ve had with him the past three days.
Two hours, that is how long it took for Kalim to hear about your business venture and ask, beg, you to let him see. Apparently Idia had told Ortho who told the board game club members and word got around to Cater and Cater told him and Lilia and now he was bouncing off the walls in excitement with Jamil in tow. He was already prepared to meet the kitties and Jamil said it was okay so could you please go now? When he hears that there’s rules to follow he listens intently and follows them as best as he can remember, but he’s just so excited about the cats and trying your drinks! Also looking at the interior and more. Wait you also have gaming pcs and manga? He has to check those out too! His hyperactiveness could not be contained and you were a little concerned for the cats.
You were right to assume Kalim could not be contained for more than two seconds as he pspspspss at all of the kitties, toy in both hands as he was already playing with them, cats crawling on his lap and nudging at him, biting at him playfully and surrounding him as he held a cat popsicle out towards them, talking your’s and Jamil’s ears off about how fluffy and wonderful of a place this is. He had to tell every single person in his dorm about it, and his family, and people from other dorms as well, this was the greatest place on campus so far! Do you also need help buying the cat food or anything? He’d be willing to be another investor in a heartbeat but Jamil talks him out of it, partially. His favorite thing is official a cat in his lap as he drinks your own tea brew that he gifted you from his country… which may cost more than your entire life.
His favorite cat is a maine coon with black fur and green eyes. This cat has the world’s finest at her fingertips if she just meows. Kalim knows it’s wrong to pick favorites but he can’t deny that she is his favorite when she headbutts his chin and meows at him for minutes at a time even if he’s petting her. She’s extremely fluffy and starting to become pudgier but he doesn’t mind that as he gets her more treats. Her pink collar has long since been discarded as she now has a full wardrobe, but her collar is now the finest white silk and handmade embroidery with real gemstones and solid gold for the silent bell. Even the bow on the back of the collar is large and beautiful, she’s worth more than the students that actually visit the cafe and you hope you aren’t robbed.
Kalim does play favorites but also doesn’t. Things are very clear he has a favorite cat but he will play with any and every cat that approaches him. He respects your do not disturb the cat rule, really, but he just really wants to pet every single kitty. He always says he wants to try one of the pcs but ends up forgetting as he works on his homework failing to pay attention while petting Taffy and giving her kisses and then eventually falling asleep because he’s all tired out. He has read a few of the mangas but he reads it to Taffy specifically and Jamil has to remind him to be quiet for your other guests. He may have also asked his family to visit your cafe so you may be visited by one of the world’s richest couple in the future when the campus opens for outside guests.
Overall a great guest for the cats but a nightmare for you as he looks like a sad puppy when you refuse to let him buy treats. Also occasionally forgets and makes a loud noise when he enters and sees his favorite cat, and he can be a little distracting because he can’t sit still for too long at times.
POMEFIORE. vil schoenheit.
“When in Twisted Wonderland did this happen..?” You mutter to yourself as you brewed another cup of tea for Vil using the brand he specifically gave you for himself when he visited. He was adamantly refusing to even set foot in your guest room after hearing what you had done, but now Rook was taking a photo of him elegantly sitting down in one of your lounge chairs with a cat on his lap, purring loudly looking at the camera as though she understood how to pose and was a natural born model.
You bring the tea over to his table as he thanks you, lifting the cup and saucer elegantly as Rook takes a photo, already singing praises on how great it would look on his magicam as Vil looks confidently smug. You couldn’t believe this all happened just because Rook had said something about Neige and how cute it would be for a boy like him to be surrounded by cats. “Thank you for your patronage.” You say with a small smile on your lips, amused. Well at least a happy Vil is free promotion for your business on campus.
Vil was happy for you, really, but he was not going to visit the cat cafe even if you pleaded by his feet and rose someone from beyond this mortal realm to drag him in. That was until he heard Rook talking to you and Epel about how Neige would surely be so beautiful surrounded with cats and you agreeing and throwing in a comment about how it would make him seem more likeable and relatable. He knew Rook was a Neige fanboy but he couldn’t have you converting into one too, are you forgetting he’s the fairest of them all, and the only celebrity you should praise like that? If it is relatability you truly desire he can spare one afternoon at your cat cafe since he needs to check up on the place his dorm members have been spending their time at recently to ensure it is up to Pomefiore standard.
He originally looked as though he was going to fight one of the cats with how he was trying to mentally tell the long haired cats to stay away from him. He was so intimidating to even the cats that none were willing to approach him but one, a very snooty girl that begun pawing at his ankles, jumping up into his lap and kneading him as she claimed her seat. He found her demeanor pleasantly charming as she wasn’t that furry and she was good enough, he thought. He managed to get some high quality photos that did trend on magicam for the rare domestic sight of the Vil Schoenheit and a cat. It was surprisingly soothing for him and he did eventually come back where the cat once again claimed him as her’s.
His favorite cat is a siamese with cream white fur and black siamese patterns and bright blue eyes. She’s rather thin and does not shed fur all over his lap like some of the other cats. He makes sure to keep her fur shiny as he brushes her down and uses some toys on her. He refrains from often buying treats as she doesn’t seem fond of them and he doesn’t want her to be too overfed, a model should keep a strict diet. Her collar was replaced without even informing you, the old white one did not fit his or apparently her standard so he simply had to replace it for her. It was a pretty fancy dark blue color with golden engravings in the pattern of pomefiore’s insignias, a purely custom design, with a pretty bow in front, with a silent bell. It’s hard to believe she was ever a stray at one point.
He does not entertain most of the other cats beyond looking at them as he pets Iris. He knows his cat is a complete snob and will likely not entertain other guests, perched up high in her cat tree bed until he comes along so he would never cheat on her with being another cat’s dad. He has full faith that he is the only one that she will ever go to so he does try to stop by every once in awhile to make sure she’s getting the attention and grooming that is needed for a cat of her standard. He’s not into your gaming pcs or your manga corners, but does appreciate you do have school textbooks to borrow and a quiet study nook so that he can elegantly pet Iris with a cup of fine tea while doing his assignments as Rook fawns over them.
Overall a very good guest as long as you leave him alone. Follows your rules, does not talk loudly or much, and goes above and beyond with taking care of your cat that you begin to think it’s actually his cat he’s just letting you keep. You’re a little concerned he may just tell you he’s taking your cat with him once you graduate, but he is a rather good cat dad, at least!
IGNIHYDE. idia shroud.
“I-di-a” You coo, bending down and whispering in the ear of the man currently on the floor, two cats surrounding him as he feeds them cat treats. The blue haired boy physically jolts upwards letting out a small whimper of utter shock of being spoken to as you chuckle. “Are you having fun?” You ask as he blushes, looking away from you as he turns his attention back to the cat pawing at his pant leg. “Ehehe, this is even better than watching the series finale to an anime live.” He whispers as one of the orange kitties crawls into his arms, headbutting him.
“You flatter me, glad to know you think so highly of my hard work. Ahem, our hard work.” You say as you pick up the other kitty, fixing their collar as you lightly run your fingers through the cat’s fur. Giving the cat a kiss to his nose and boop, you set him back down as you notice Idia staring at you only to blush insanely red as he looked away quickly from being caught. “Thank you for your hard work… prefect.” He quickly whispers much to your amusement.
Idia has become the number one patron. From the second class ends to the time you close for the evening Idia is right there petting the kitties. He’d actually volunteered to work for free, not as a waiter or anything but as a sort of cat playmate. He’d make sure the cats are satisfied and not bored and no one can touch him or look at him, but you said no, he needs to share the cats.
He’s the reason your wifi is amazing despite your run down dorm, and he makes sure absolutely everything regarding technology is perfect. It took him a bit to understand what you want and why that was necessary beyond you just saying cat cafes in your world have these things, but he understands what bliss is now. Anytime some machine seems even remotely broken he fixes it at a record pace.
His favorite cat had claimed him awhile back. A pure white ragamuffin that is extremely fluffy. The cat is extremely docile and she’d claim her spot in his lap, purring as he’d read manga or play on one of the cafe pcs, occasionally nibbling his finger when he squirms too much from gamer rage. Her original collar was a nice shade of orange, but he not so subtly changed it into one he got. A pretty light baby blue shade with small jewel engravings, a little silent bell at the front with a pretty bow on the back with golden stripes. You are partially convinced he genuinely does believe Ivory is his firstborn child.
He does play with other cats but has a favorite. He always pays for one cat popsicle a day at minimum to feed the cats and pays for other cat treats whenever he can because he is weak. He also is rigged at crane games so he can easily snack through the day never leaving the cafe. There are occasions you tell him stop feeding human snacks to the cat, they will get chubby. He ends up looking super offended on behalf of the kitties you dare said any one of them are chubby. When he’s not pampering the cats you can find him gaming in one of the pcs, grinding through an event. At moments like these do not approach him and leave him alone so he can forget he is actually in public and not his bedroom.
Overall a very respectful guest. He’s quiet, makes sure to respect the boundaries of the cats and the rules you’d set up, and does not cause any scenes. The only issue is getting him to leave may be a little difficult as he tries to give one more kiss… Or that he tries to come on your days off just to keep the little babies company. there’s also the occasion every so often that you can feel his gaze on you, only for you to catch him as he hides his face, the tips of his hair turning pink as he watches you work.
DIASOMNIA. malleus draconia.
“Child of man, could I please have one of those.. cat ice creams I believe they’re called?” Tsunotarou asked, eyes sparkling ever so slightly in childlike wonder as you let out a charming laugh, handing him a popsicle that was specifically made for cats to eat. He had always been fond on ice cream but now he had the ability to share it with someone else he liked, the cat that had claimed him a few weeks ago.
“Just one though, we don’t want to feed them too much now.” You say but know it will fall on deaf ears as you didn’t wish to ruin his fun. You didn’t think he had experience with cats before so you were pleasantly surprised one of your cats had practically claimed him, but it all worked out. “Worry not child of man, I won’t give him too many treats. Though I’m sure if I too were eating your cooking right now I wouldn’t be able to stop myself either.” Flustered by his comment, you leave him to play with the cat as you retreat behind the counter, he really was dangerous for reasons different than rumors.
He heard about your business venture from Lilia and was ready to pay a visit not caring if he scared off your guests but halted in his tracks when he heard you telling Sebek you were going to invite him. His mind tells him he has won the lottery and he retreats to fix his outfit waiting in the lounge for an hour until you reach Diasomnia’s doorsteps to speak with him. He is not listening as you greet him with a hug and tell him you’d like for him to come to Ramshackle for a surprise. Something about you also not opening the cafe today so it’d just be you and him so he’d be comfy, there’s really no reason to try and continue speaking he’s been charmed for over an hour, prefect.
He practically vibrates from sheer joy as he’s frozen, then rapidly shaking, then beaming as a cat waltzes up to him as though he owns the prince. He basically blue screens momentarily as the cat with such soft fur and pure innocent eyes meows up at him, pawing at his feet to be picked up. He picks up the cat as you watch curiously, finally figuring out he wasn’t listening to you at all as he stares at the cat’s eyes and then your’s. “Our child is beautiful.” He says as you raise a brow, shrugging it off as you tell him you’d brew him a black coffee and to sit wherever he would like. He instead chooses to sit at the counter bar, watching you and the cat that’s on his lap nipping at his fingers and demanding his attention as well. For the first time in awhile he feels as though something doesn’t fear him other than you.
His favorite cat is a ragdoll cat with white fur and black splotches and deep blue eyes. He claims this cat is your child and you have no idea what he’s thinking of but he seems happy as he shamelessly pulls out a cat toy and plays with him. Also slightly insults the cat by calling him brave or stupid as though a cat can comprehend what he means while mewling at him. Also asks you if he can also have a custom collar after Lilia tells him about his cat, and after you allow him to replace the old red collar he’s excited. Black is the color of royalty in the briar valley and Oatmeal has the privilege of wearing it on his new collar. A pretty black collar with green wings beside a silent bell that may be made of actual gold, along with a little dragon hood-cape and short plush horns you got him so your boys match.
Very possessive of Oatmeal. He will applaud other cats if they dare approach him but everyone knows he has a bias. He practically has been claimed by his cat and no one else is brave enough to go near his cat and no cat is brave enough to approach him, they are a perfect match. He has tried to take your cat back to Diasomnia but you have to remind him that the cat stays with you, he needs a proper schedule, friends, and he needs to stop being fed so many treats. He’s also incredibly smug about it and will come to the cafe on your off days as he talks to you petting Oatmeal and glaring at Leona on the opposite couch who’s busy petting Nebula but refrains from getting physical or suffer your wrath. You’d kicked both men out for an entire weekend.
Overall a good guest personally, but his reputation may cause some people to be scared of visiting. Regardless, he’s very polite to you and treats his cat very good, making sure to give him treats and enough exercise with a toy. May also overpay for coffee and start fights with Leona when you aren’t even open yet. In fact, how on earth did the two of them even get into your cafe? You literally just woke up and they’re spitting insults at one another.
“Fnaygh! I guess I really am a business genius, Henchman.” Grim said as he dug into a can of fancy tuna, one that you had bought without having to worry about your budget for once. You expected success from Ignihyde students, but it seemed like your little business venture went above and beyond with students from all different dorms trying to be booking ahead of time and trying to visit your cat cafe.
“Right right, you’re the genius, Grim.” You laugh in response to your friend as you finished checking on the other cats, finishing up for the evening. In terms of profit, almost every single day you were fully packed with as much people you’d allow in at once, and you had to temporarily increase the charging rates. Despite the increase people still begun to visit, who knew the school filled with villainous kids would be so excited to pet some cats? Especially your regulars, they adored these cats enough they got the cats gift, not you, but the cat.
It was tough work to manage the guest room cafe all by yourself though, you had to admit to yourself. Perhaps you should take up Ace’s offer and idea at hiring some part time employees, your first year friends had already offered, so maybe you’d start training them for help?
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a bit of a long post but i have had this thought for awhile ever since reading Idia’s guest room lines? So I figured I would just turn my headcanon into an actual written work. I have more ideas though for a separate post, but I am unsure if I’ll post it, but I do need to share my thought’s of Floyd’s favorite cat being a sphynx cat named prune that is very vocal and has a cozy ugly little sweater that Floyd likes to bathe with you.
©idiaa-shroxd. do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or use my works to train ai.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
out for a run
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words: 900
warnings: established relationship, catcalling, physical violence!!!, description of blood, reader kinda crazy as well as rafe lolz
“you ready?” you ask rafe as you finish tying your tennis shoes before making sure your watch is strapped tight to your wrist.
“yup.” rafe says, still leaned up against a wall, not so subtly checking you out as his eyes look up and down your body, dressed in tight fitting leggings and a sports bra.
“earth to rafe.” you wave your hand past his face as you head towards the door, taking a final sip of water before you start your run.
“yeah, yeah.” rafe jogs to catch up to you, again admiring your body, this time from the back.
you go through a quick stretching routine once outside, warming up your muscles. you walk to the end of the driveway, occasionally swinging your knee back to kick your butt and warm up your thighs. 
rafe is right by your side as you start to run, keeping pace with you, even though he could probably go faster. rafe insists it's the perfect pace for him, but you know it's just because he wants to stay by your side.
you fall into a comfortable silence. you used to like listening to music during runs, but you've come to enjoy just the sounds of the outer banks, whether it be the distant waves or dogs barking, even the cars driving past provide you a bit of interest as your feet pound against the pavement.
a car horn suddenly beeps out, causing you to look over, making sure it's not directed at you.
you twist your face in disgust when you see a guy smirking at you out the window. he even has the audacity to roll down his window and shout. “nice tits!”
rafe doesn't hesitate, turning up his pace as he sprints onto the road after the truck, but it tears away, blowing through a stop sign.
“it's okay rafe.” you reach your hands to his shoulders, legs burning slightly from the sudden stop as he rejoins you on the sidewalk. “he's just some asshole, okay?”
“im gonna find out who he is and fucking kill him.” rafe grunts out, eyes staring into the distance like his glare can cause the man pain.
“alright, you gotta run your anger out.” you shove slightly on rafes shoulders. “go faster, it's okay. just circle back to meet me.”
rafe looks at you, then back in the direction of the truck, wondering how far it's gone. hopefully it's parked somewhere close and rafe can confront the asshole.
“call me if anything happens.” rafe says, planning to just run up and look down the streets of a couple blocks before rushing back to you.
“of course.” you give him another gentle shove, and rafe takes off.
you give your legs a little stretch, shins hurting slightly before starting to jog again, heading the direction rafe went. you always switch up your route, but it doesn't matter because you're always together. you figure the best thing to do is just stay going straight.
you get back into your groove quickly, listening to the birds chirping, the wind rustling through the trees, only for it to be interrupted by a quiet thud of skin hitting skin.
you look down the side street, eyes widening when you see the same truck as earlier, the driver now splayed out on the grass, rafe standing over him. 
you turn quickly in his direction, pushing your legs as hard as they can go as rafe kneels down over the guy, fisting one hand in his shirt and pulling his other arm back to punch him again.
“okay, rafe.” you grab his elbow when he raises it up to swing again. “i think he's learned his lesson.” the guys face has turned black and blue, blood dripping from his nose onto the green grass.
rafe stands, turning to place his hands on your shoulders, blocking your view of the creep with his wide chest. “come on baby, you don’t gotta see this.”
rafe turns to spit at him before leading you back in the direction you came when the guy has the gall to speak again. 
“your ass is as nice as your tits.” the words are slurred, rafe clearly did a number on him.
rafe turns, clearly he hasn't beat him well enough if he can't shut up even when he's lying on the ground bleeding, when you stop him with a hand on the bicep.
“i got this.” you say, turning towards the man, looking down at him with disgust, sorry you have to dirty your favorite pair of running shoes with his filth as you swing your leg forward, connecting your toe with his side.
he lets out a loud groan, twisting to cover his side, but it just gives you a better angle as you muster everything you learned from playing soccer in elementary school and kick again, directly in his stomach.
“you need to learn how to treat women with respect.” you spit onto his face as well, landing on the opposite cheek that rafes had.
“you're lucky i don't let my boyfriend at you again.” the guy is sobbing into the ground now, but you're not satisfied, giving him a kick right in his crotch to finish off your point.
“come on, rafe.” you begin to walk away as he looks at you with wide eyes.
“baby-” rafe hurries after you as you start to jog, turning back down the street like nothing happened.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @raysmayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewsephrry
664 notes · View notes
Better Late Than Never
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Title: Better Late Than Never
Pairing: Dean Winchester x female reader
Word Count: ~2,143
In which the reader’s love language is physical touch, but has never touched Dean…in public.
A/N: I really hope you guys like this one! Thanks so much for reading and for your support. If you have any requests for a fic, feel free to give me a character and a prompt/explanation for what you’d like!
Your love language has always been physical touch. A quick brush of hands here, an innocent kiss to the cheek there. Whether it was your friend or your significant other, touch was just something you used to show that you cared.
So it meant a lot to you when, after you moved in with the Winchesters, Sam had quickly picked up on your love language and allowed you to give him occasional hugs. He’d also gone out of his way to hug you, or even just put a reassuring hand on your shoulder once in a while.
But even though you felt more than comfortable with Sam, you were the first to admit that you’d never so much as given Dean a high five.
In front of others.
In the privacy of an empty bunker or motel room, you and Dean had no problem brushing against each other and exchanging brief touches. Eventually, the brief touches had turned into longer ones, and hands drifted from your shoulder to the small of your back. Then those touches turned into sitting right beside each other, your head resting on his shoulder as he peppered kisses on the top of your head. And after that, kisses on your head turned to kisses on your lips, while hands on your back turned into hands grasping your hips.
But as soon as Sam, Cas, Charlie, or anyone else walked through the door, you would revert back to no touches at all.
It’s not that you didn’t want to. He truly meant the world to you. But every time someone would walk into the room, he would pull away. And you never wanted to make Dean feel uncomfortable, even if it was killing you inside. So, to respect his space, you’d never so much as given Dean a high five in front of other people.
Until today.
A hunt had gone sideways when a djinn had outsmarted the three of you and gotten its hands on Dean while you and Sam had been out getting dinner.
When you got back to the motel room to see that Dean was gone and not answering his phone, you and Sam had come up with a plan. A questionable plan, for sure, but it was all that you could come up with in the limited time that you were allowed.
Now, the two of you sat in Baby, reviewing the plan before you burst into the abandoned warehouse where Dean was being kept.
“Whatever you do, don’t engage with the djinn, got it? I’ll take care of him, you take care of Dean.”
You nodded stiffly, your eyes on the building ahead. “I hear you, I got it. But if you’re in any trouble-”
Sam sighed in exasperation. “Would you just listen to me for a second-”
You looked up at him, fury in your gaze. “I will not let that djinn take you, too.”
Sam’s gaze softened. For all of the sweet touches that you passed around, you were still a hunter, willing to hurt anything that came between you and your family.
He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and leaned towards you. “Hey. We’re going to be okay, alright? Us and Dean, we’re getting out of here. And that djinn isn’t gonna know what hit him.”
He kept his hand on your shoulder until you finally nodded in agreement, a half smile taking shape on your lips. You took a deep breath and checked the bullets in your gun and the knife hidden in your jacket as Sam checked the knife dipped in lamb’s blood and the colt in his holster one last time.
As you went through your mental checklist, you couldn’t help the bolt of fear that shot through you when you realized that the djinn could have easily killed Dean hours ago.
You shook your head at the thought. Dean was tough, and if the djinn was probably desperate to make his life force last as long as possible.
You shook out your nerves one last time before you straightened up and looked towards Sam. “Alright,” you muttered. “Let’s get this thing.”
The two of you got out of the car quietly before making your way to the door of the warehouse. Sam put a finger to his lips as he tried the door. You both made a face of surprise when the door gave way easily. Sam led the way as you crept inside, hoping against all odds that the rest of the revue would go this smoothly.
But of course, it wouldn’t really be a Winchester hunt if nothing went wrong.
As soon as you and Sam entered the building, you were ambushed by the waiting djinn. With the advantage of surprise on its side, it quickly overpowered Sam and tossed him to the side before it turned its attention toward you.
You cursed under your breath and raised your gun, knowing full well that it and your knife would do nothing to save you, since the plan had been that you would never have to face the djinn. The djinn smiled at your panic, pacing towards you swiftly.
Suddenly, Sam appeared once again behind the djinn. The djinn whirled around and just barely managed to dodge the knife that Sam swung its way.
Sam risked a glance over to you. “Go! Get Dean!”
You nodded, though he had already turned back to face the djinn.
You looked around wildly, hoping for some kind of sign as to where Dean could be. You startled when you heard faint gasping coming from one of the rooms to your right.
Dean. You sighed in relief as you followed the sound. He had probably saved himself from his fantasy world. You shuddered as you remembered what he’d had to do to escape his dream, and started moving faster.
You entered the room cautiously, gun in hand. From your left, a weak voice croaked out your name.
You whirled around to find Dean weak and bound, but utterly alive. You felt tears well up in your eyes as you ran over to him, shoving your gun back in its holster so that you could grab your knife and cut through his bindings.
Dean looked up at you and smiled weakly. “Hey, sweetheart.”
You ignored him, focused solely on setting him free. Your hands were shaking, making it harder to cut through the ropes. Finally, with an extra push, your knife cut through. You dropped it so that you could catch Dean, who slumped forward as soon as he was able to move again.
You slowly lowered the two of you to the ground, allowing him to catch his breath. “Are you okay?” you asked, a slight tremor in your voice.
Dean looked up at you, his eyes soft as he searched your face. “I’m alright.”
His gaze sharpened suddenly, and he looked around the room. “Where’s Sammy?”
Your head snapped over to the door, through which you could hear sounds of a fight. You cursed lightly under your breath as you stood.
Dean moved to stand as well, but you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back lightly. “Stay here,” you ordered. “I’ll help Sam.”
“I’m not gonna-”
“Stay. Here.”
Dean eyed you stubbornly, but seemed to think better of himself, and nodded once for you to go on. He watched as you picked up your knife and handed it to him before you exited the room, jumping straight into the fight.
He sighed and leaned back against the wall behind him. Normally, he wouldn’t have stayed behind, regardless of what you or Sam said. But as he lay still against the wall, he couldn’t help but remember the dream that he’d been forced into.
You, him, and Sam. There’d been no more monsters. No fighting, no war. Just the three of you, living peacefully.
Jess had been there. She and Sam had gotten married, and Sam was the happiest man around. Or maybe not the happiest. Dean himself had been pretty happy too, with you by his side, through sickness and health. Finally free to hug and love each other freely, regardless of who was around.
He smiled as he looked back on it, but immediately broke out of his memory and jerked to attention as he heard footsteps enter the room.
Panic filled his body. Was it the djinn? Had he gotten to you and Sam? He clutched the knife you had given him in his hand, ready to make good use of it.
He heard Sam call out his name, relief filling his body. Dean opened his eyes and stood slowly, smiling at the two hunters watching him with concerned eyes. “Hey, Sammy.”
You heard Sam laugh breathlessly in relief while your eyes raked over Dean’s body, making sure that he wasn’t hiding an injury.
Dean tilted his head slightly, meeting your eyes. “I’m fine. Honest.”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. You were aware of Sam saying something next to you, but you couldn’t focus on his words, your attention solely on Dean.
When Dean looked over at you again, a small smile on his lips and concern in his eyes, you couldn’t help yourself. You threw down your weapon and ran over, throwing yourself into his arms.
You’d never been hugged like that before.
His arms wound themselves around your body and tightened, pressing you against him. His hands were open, one resting on your shoulder and one on your side, both tugging you closer than you thought possible. His head rested on top of yours, and he murmured reassurances into your ear as he slowly rocked you side to side.
Through it all, you could faintly hear the sound of Sam leaving the room, giving the two of you some space.
When you finally pulled back, Dean’s hands didn’t leave you, instead resting on your hips as he pressed his forehead to yours.
Your hands fluttered between his shoulders, his neck, and his face as you closed your eyes and inhaled a shaky breath. “I thought you were dead.”
Dean chuckled and gave the barest shake of his head, bringing his hands up to rest them on yours where they sat cradling his face. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
You laughed. “Because my life revolves around you?”
“Because then we’d never be able to tell Sam about us.”
You felt your face change, your smile dropping as you stepped away from Dean.
He looked back at you as his arms dropped down to his sides, hurt evident on his face. “What did I do? Are we not…?”
“No!” You exclaimed, shaking your head quickly.
You saw disappointment and shame flit across his features. You shook your head again. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant…I just…I wasn’t sure.”
“Sure about what?”
“It’s just…” You steeled yourself. “You always pull away from me. I thought maybe you were embarrassed or something. Or maybe you just wanted me to help you feel better-”
Dean’s whole body jerked with surprise and he stepped towards you, arms outstretched. “No, sweetheart, that’s not it at all. I’m just…” He hesitated, only a step away from you as his arms dropped. “I’m not good with mushy gushy crap. You know that.”
You smiled cautiously. “I know. Nothing wrong with that.”
He nodded, unmoving.
You took a step towards him. “Maybe we could…work on it together?”
A smirk crossed his face as he reached an arm around your back and pulled you closer. “Oh, yeah?”
A laugh crossed your lips. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
Dean leaned his head down to softly brush his lips against yours. “I know.”
You felt him stiffen as you both heard footsteps re-enter the room, with Sam loudly complaining, “You guys good to go?”
You moved to pull away, muscle memory taking over, when Dean suddenly cupped your face with one hand and pressed his other hand against your back. His eyes searched yours. “Is this okay?”
Your heart was hammering against your chest, the knowledge that what you said could determine your whole relationship with both Winchesters weighing on your brain.
You heard Sam’s footsteps moving closer and smiled breathlessly. “Yeah,” you managed to say before he connected his lips to yours.
“Guys,” Sam repeated as he stepped into the room. His eyes landed on the two of you, your hands cupping Dean’s face as he pulled you closer still. He chuckled and turned away, but not before shouting, “It’s about time!”
He could hear Dean telling him where to shove it as he walked away, and he couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that the two of you genuinely believed that nobody had noticed your secret relationship these past two years.
Oh well, he thought to himself. Better late than never.
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semisolidmind · 2 months
In your survivor au, what do you think DogDay's reaction would be anytime he found y/n with CatNap? (That includes mostly when catnap snags y/n for cuddles)
just curious lol I wanna hear your thoughts
dogday has very little tolerance for catnap's tomfoolery, especially in the first few days of their attempt at coexistence. he keeps a close eye on both catnap and y/n, just to make sure the cat doesn't try anything.
of course, he can't be with y/n all the time. so perhaps there's an instance where he, poppy, and kissy are out on a walk while y/n is in town; he doesn't expect them back for a while.
however, y/n gets home a bit early. catnap, noticing the lack of opposition, sees an opportunity.
he watches. he waits for the right moment. then he pounces.
with a small dosage of red smoke (not enough to fully knock them out, but enough to make them slow and groggy), catnap steals y/n away to the barn, picking them up by the back of their coat. they struggle weakly as he saunters into the barn, heaving himself and his quarry up into the loft in one jump.
he gently deposits y/n into his nest before curling up around them. he settles, ignoring their slurred admonishing in favor of rubbing his face against their hair. he purrs. he's just taking the attention he believes he's owed, after all. they're so doting on the other toys...it's only fair he get some of his savior's attention, too.
as the effects of the red smoke slowly wear off, y/n sighs and seems to accept their fate of being cuddled. they can't exactly move the heavy, powerful limbs holding them close.
so, they talk to catnap. they try to convince him that kidnapping them isn't the way to go about getting attention, but the feline simply gazes at y/n through lazily lidded eyes. when their pleas for freedom go unheard, y/n resigns themself to their fate; instead, they tell him about whatever it is they got done that day. at least the occasional twitch of a large purple ear lets them know that he's listening.
meanwhile, dogday and the girls are returning from their walk, flowers and a few foraged mushrooms in hand. dogday sees y/n's vehicle in front of the garage, and assumes they're in the house. except, when he goes inside, calling for them, there's no answer. poppy yells for them too, checking the rooms upstairs.
"they're not here!" she calls back to dogday.
a chill goes down his spine and his hackles immediately raise.
dogday is out the front door in a flash, snagging his axe (it's a normal size, but it looks smaller in his hands) from the side of the house on the way.
he runs towards the barn, knowing that's where that thing took his angel.
dogday kicks the weathered double doors in, head snapping in the direction of the loft. just as he suspected, catnap has y/n trapped between his deadly claws, prone and vulnerable.
"catnap!" he roars in outrage. "i swear if you've hurt them in any way, i'll—!"
y/n calls his name, and he stops. through his rage, he sees them. they're...they're not hurt. though he's glad to see them unharmed, he won't be happy until they're safely away from his enemy. he hears y/n sigh tiredly.
this isn't the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last.
they sluggishly pull themselves from between catnap's paws, and though the cat grumbles his discontent, he's obviously not looking to start a fight with the pissed off dog still brandishing an axe down below. the look y/n gives him cows him even more. he looks away, and allows y/n the space to stand. as much as he wishes he could keep them, their ever-so-loyal hound won't allow it.
he'll have to be sneakier next time.
y/n shakily stands up. they've built up some tolerance to the red smoke, but... it can still knock them off their feet if they're not expecting it. they make their way to the lofts' rickety ladder, only taking a few steps down before dogday is there, gathering them into one arm (the other still holding his axe, eyes never leaving catnap and ready to swing the moment the feline moves).
y/n sighs again. they rest their head on dogday's shoulder, slumping down as he quickly gets them out of the barn. they hear more than see dogday slam the barns' doors shut. they can feel how his breathing slows from its angry seethe, calmer now that they're with him.
y/n can feel how the large canine presses his head to theirs, giving an affectionate nuzzle that earns a little laugh from them. he huffs a bit, still upset that he wasn't able to stop them from being nabbed in the first place.
on their way back into the house, dogday leaves his axe on the porch, closing and locking the front door behind them.
poppy and kissy are in the living room, and they watch dogday carry y/n upstairs. poppy shakes her head and sighs. she's really not sure why y/n won't just let dogday kill catnap, especially since the feline keeps doing stuff like this. she puts that thought to the side as she and kissy decide on a movie.
dogday takes y/n into their shared room. he lays them gently on the bed, helping them remove their shoes and coat. y/n groans and pulls themself under the covers. the smokes' effects will fully wear off in a couple of hours, but for now it feels like serious jetlag. y/n closes their eyes.
as they settle in, they hear dogday sigh. as expected, he begins to settle himself next to them, curling up and holding them close. one large hand rests on their back, gently stroking their shoulder. y/n nuzzles into the soft fur of his chest.
as they fall asleep under the watchful eye of their guard dog, y/n hopes they can maintain some semblance of peace between their family and the stray in the barn.
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theres-a-body-here · 3 months
Recieving a love letter
Part two
You decided that the best time to give it to them (pause) is during a trial
Characters: Oni, Trapper, Deathslinger, Mastermind, Cannibal, Ghostface Warnings: Internalized Homophobia, Death, some spice Male!reader
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The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
Impossible... You're both men
Kazan cannot accept this
This simply wasn't acceptable during his era
He immediately smashes your head in with his Kanabo on instinct
Gay panic defense
The evil has been dealt with, Kazan lets out a deep exhale
But...his eyes wander to the letter, still within your cold, stiff grasp
Advantages come from all angles... Don't they?
Kazan takes the letter, convincing himself he'll use whatever information he finds inside against you
It smells like you... Not that he checked
(He did)
A red wax seal holds the letter closed
Kazan looks closer
You had carved his family crest into the wax
Something foreign invades his body, something other than rage
It's nervousness
He opens the letter, making sure to keep the seal intact
For no reason in particular
(He's pocketing that mofo)
Instantly, he's impressed by your penmanship
So organized, clean, and sharp
But its contents are even more eye catching
The love letter is short and sweet
But what follows is even sweeter
A haiku
Kazan feels his heart skip a beat
He checks it once, then again, and one more for good measure
Yep, no mistakes
The loud pop of a gen echoes through the trialground, snapping him out of his trance
Kazan whips his head all around, looking for witnesses
Finding none, he pockets the letter
He stares at your lifeless body, feeling something else flutter in his chest
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The Trapper - Evan MacMillan
Evan stares at you as you hold your letter out for him to take
After a long, uncomfortable silence, he takes it
He brings it to his face, inspecting it through the holes of his mask
Evan has absolutely no idea what to do here
He looks back at you
"Do you...want me to fuck you?"
Romantic gestures are new territories for Evan, so he honestly thinks this is just your way of asking for dick
Whichever the case, he has a job to do
He puts you down without hesitation and hooks you up, leaving without a second glance
He's still holding the letter
Part of him wants to rip it up, and the other is curious to know what you wrote
He sloppily tears the letter open, reading it hastily as he walks to the next gen
Evan stops when he reads a bit more
You weren't asking for a ball slapping, eye watering, toe curling, deep dick fuck...
You were asking for his heart
You wanted all of him, hooks and all
Okay now he feels a bit bad
Evan reads some more
You actually drew a portrait of him within the letter, saying you learnt of his knack for art from Philip
Now he feels even worse
He lets the others save you without hiccup
In fact, he basically leaves for alone for the rest of the trial
He stops chasing and hurting the others occasionally to stare at you from afar, observing that focused look on your face as you work on gens or heal a teammate
Evan feels butterflies and he no longer has the strength to swat at them
It doesn't matter if he kills all your friends or if they opened the gates and left; Eventually, you're alone with him
He holds your letter out, watching as confusion sets on your face
"I'm dirty and sloppy... I'll ruin it"
He sounds vulnerable, waiting for you to respond
You curl your hand over his, folding the letter into his palm
"I want you to keep it," you say softly, as of talking to an apprehensive deer
He doesn't know what to say
Whatever he was going to respond with gets stuck in his throat as you lean in to kiss the cheek of his mask
He watches as you leave through the exit gate, glancing down at the letter in his hand
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The Deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
Obviously you're joking... Right?
Cuz there's no way you'd be attracted to someone like him— Old, beat-up, and grumpy
You'd have to push him some more if you want him to accept the letter
Convince him you're being genuine
Eventually, he gives in and takes the letter from you
He glances around nervously, like he's expecting the other survivors to jump out and laugh at him for falling for the joke
He opens the letter, stunned when he sees there's actually things written inside
A blush creeps into his face as he reads, only deepening when he reads more
After he's done, Caleb can't even meet your gaze
After a few moments of silence, he speaks
"I can.....uhhh....keep this... right?"
Talk about awk as hell
Even after the trial, he lies awake thinking about it
Caleb rereads the letter over and over
You're gonna have to be the one to seek him out outside of trials since he's way too embarrassed now
"Yer serious 'bout this, ain'tcha?"
He decides to let his guard down just a bit to let you in
Be prepared to give him lots of reassurance
"Yer sure ya ain't mistaken?"
Caleb isn't one for words, so instead of writing you a letter, he makes you trinkets out of scrap metal
If you kiss him as thanks, he'll actually die on the spot
So please don't... unless you're evil as hell
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The Mastermind - Albert Wesker
Wesker makes you kneel as you give him the letter
After snatching it out of your hands, he scans it meticulously
"I see you've made eleven spelling mistakes"
He enjoys the way you tense up instantly, like a puppy waiting to be put on punishment
"How adorable"
He ALLOWS you to watch him put the letter in his inner coat pocket
He would never admit it, but this certainly boosted his ego to new heights
Albert lifts you off the ground and tosses you over his shoulder
He carries you to the basement
"Stay here while I deal with your companions"
He leaves to kill the rest of your friends
After every hook, he pats his chest to make sure the letter is still there
He'll deny he ever did that if you ask him though
Once he returns, Wesker will bombard you with questions, expecting an answer within 5 seconds or less
What took you so long? What do you like most about him? Would you choose him over your friends? How can you satisfy him?
He loves how easily you crumble under his interrogation, blushing and stammering like a fool
Once he's had his fill, he picks you up again
He carries you to hatch
Before he lets you go, he grips your chin and makes you look at him
"I suppose I ought to leave you with something"
Wesker reaches into his coat and pulls out a pair of sunglasses
"I hope you can explain this to your allies," he chuckles
Before you can protest, he puts them on you and drops you into the hole
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The Cannibal - Bubba Sawyer
Freezes in place and gasps when he sees you hold out your letter
He lets out a happy squeal before dropping his hammer and chainsaw to the ground
Bubba takes the letter from you gently, treating it like glass
He immediately plops onto the ground
He tears open the envelope carefully and take out the letter
He's completely forgotten about the trial
He reads the letter, shaking with excitement
It's sappy, sweet, and everything he's ever wanted
Even when the sounds of popping generators ring through the trial grounds, Bubba doesn't take his eyes off the letter for a second
He occasionally stops reading to either make a sound of happiness or cover his face out of embarrassment
Once he's finished, Bubba will stand up and pull you into a bone-crushing hug, lifting you up a bit and swaying you around like a ragdoll
You're definitely leaving this trial unharmed
He grabs your hand tightly, marching over to the hatch or exit gates and lets you leave with a goofy wave
The Entity doesn't even punish him for it since his joy was so great it made up for the lack of bad emotions from the survivors
He immediately works on writing a letter for you after the trial is over
The next time you see him, expect another bear hug followed by a letter being shoved in your face
It's messy, sticky, and covered in glitter
Crudely drawn hearts cover the inside as the letters are shaky and almost intelligible
But you can tell Bubba put his whole heart into it
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The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
Instantly smug as hell
"Oh, what's that? That for me?"
He takes it from you and immediately tears it open, tossing the envelope behind him nonchalantly
His mask moves as he visibly reads through the letter, occasionally chuckling and shaking his head
Danny finds this scenario so fucking funny— A survivor having a crush on a killer
After he's done, he looks up at you
"Do you have daddy issues or something?'
He laughs loudly when he sees a hurt expression flash across your face, walking over to wrap an arm around your shoulders
"I'm just messing with ya, cutie"
Danny marches over with his head high to one of the hooked survivors, waving the letter in their face
You stand to the side awkwardly, unable to meet your friend's bewildered look
"Your homeboy is down bad for me. Whaddya think about that?"
The survivor grits their teeth struggling to keep the Entity's claw from puncturing their chest
"I think....Gah!...they.... have daddy issues...fuck!"
You're never living this down
He goes around the map showing off your love letter to the others
After he finishes gloating, Danny hooks you
What? He's the Entity's favorite! He can't his reputation be tarnished
Outside of the trial, he follows you around like a shadow
He deadass interrupts your conversations with the others to tell you he wants attention, and you'd better deliver
Your love letter was basically an invitation for him to claim you as his own, whether you regret it or not
You're his now
Like a housecat that swats at others who get too close to their owner
"That kiss factory better be open, pookie"
He says shit like this in front of any survivor or killer
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ctrlchar · 4 months
speed it down then slow it up
a/n:this might just be my favorite request yet tbh so sorry it took this long i’ve been busy lately but i’ll get back to posting regularly soon🙏
also title is from bubble pop electric ‼️
this prank war which jake had of course started had been going on for a eternity. at the moment,he had the upper hand therefore you just had to go all out.
the two of you had mentioned trying some aphrodisiacs a couple times but never fully went through with it. that was until today,when you, jake and johnnie had to record a video inside of a store.
you walked around recording the two boys occasionally passing the camera along to one of them as you waited for the viagra jake had taken to kick in.
you had worn a shirt that showed off a bit of your cleavage but not too much as well as your favorite bottoms
you had been talking to the camera while admiring the items around you until johnnie stopped recording, before practically scolding jake
“hey jake,i get that you may have a girlfriend but i’m trying to shoot a video here and i’d strongly appreciate it if you didn’t stare at her fucking tits the whole video” he says ending it with a sarcastic smile making you laugh
“hm?” he says looking up at you with a somewhat dazed look
you and johnnie let out a laugh at his reaction before eventually forgetting about it and going back to what you were doing
the video continued on as Jake tried his very best to conceal the large boner that has been forming in his pants over the past while, his hands glued to his pockets
he wondered as to why he could barely control himself but that thought went out the window as soon as you had dropped something and bent over to pick it up
he almost let out a small groan at the sight before he concealed it,remembering where he is
johnnie,who was busy looking at some item in the store was oblivious to jake who was practically looking down at you your ass with puppy dog eyes as you stood up
your eyes meet jake’s before they then notice the large print in his pants which you could’ve sworn looked at you first
“please baby don’t leave me like this” he whines in reference to his very prominent boner which you feel as he wraps his arms around your waist,checking to make sure no one else was in the isle
you weigh your options,because if you do help him then you’ll obviously loose the prank war because of your own prank but at the same time you and him wanted it just as bad,he just couldn’t hide it
“come on,you know you wanna help me” he whispers in your ear while he leaves a few small kisses along your neck,with his hard cock pressing right against your ass
this prompts you to quickly go and tell johnnie you and jake were “going to look at something” in the store before darting off to find the nearest bathroom.
as you walked away from johnnie you had a slight skip in your step while you and jake quickly entered the bathroom in hopes no one would see you.
jake instantly forced his hands up your tight fitting shirt groping at your tits before attacking your neck with wet,and sloppy kisses.
“jakey-baby you know I love it when you kiss me there but we don’t have a lot of time” you say in between breaths as he kissed your neck before halting his actions
he agrees but not without a groan and a plea on his end.
and before you know it your pressed against the cold wall with jake sliding the head of his cock inside of you.
with a sharp inhale jake was now fully inside of you,his hands holding onto you tightly as he says a quiet “you feel so good ‘round me” before beginning his assault on your cunt
you slapped a hand over his mouth knowing how loud he gets and as you expected his moans get louder while his strong arms hoisted you and held you against the bathroom stall. and just by how franticly he was thrusting into you, you could tell just how badly he needed you
you rested your head in the crook of his neck whimpering like crazy whenever he would thrust right against your cervix
“fuck- i’m gonna-” he groaned,his fingernails digging into your thighs as he came deep inside you. his hips continuing faster then they had before while his mouth connected with yours to muffle his moans
with his thrusts not faltering,his deep groans and grunts turned more into whimpers and moans when he continued to fuck his cum out of you as the two of you tried your best to stay quiet.
“don’t know how you expect me to stay quiet” he whines with a thrust. “not when she’s squeezing me this good-fuck” he moans out feeling close once again
you then pull him into a passionate kiss, wrapping your arms around him, one of your hands creeping up and gripping his hair. the two of you moaned into the kiss,jakes pace slowing down,the tip of his cock still brushing right against your cervix
you pulled back,with your hands still placed around him “jakey i’m gonna cum” you’d whine out. this then makes jake thrust even harder then before trying to get you to reach the peak he gets you too so well
you bite your lip, and surprisingly don’t draw blood, while you and Jake try your best to keep quiet. once again,you pull him into a kiss to stifle his and your moans as he fucks you through your orgasm.
after a few moments,he pulls out and the two of you put your clothes back on before jake stops.
“uhm babe,i know we just fucked but i’m still uh-“ he stutters too embarrassed to tell you. cocking a brow you question him to which you shortly get an answer when you look down and noticed the tent that was still pitched in his pants
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jacobsbigmelons · 2 months
Jacob has the visceral need of breeding his bf
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Creaking Wood
Jacob Custos x Male Reader
IM BACK CHAT (for the most part) expect hopefully more activity from me 😭
cw: Nsfw, slight alcohol consumption, jacob being fine asl, Breeding (obv), and a top bunk holding onto dear life bc it has to hold up two guys going at it…
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The crackling of the fire pit, aroma of beer and whistling of the wind set the perfect scene as the summer councilors sat around the fire conversing with one another. Your conversation with Emma came to a close, though as you felt as if someone was watching, lo and behold the hunk of meat who just couldn’t keep his doe eyes off you.
You took a sip of your almost finished Corona as you stare at Jacob back, your face beginning to tingle a bit from the beer but you also can’t help but feel it’s because of your boyfriend. You both stare for what felt like slight eternity until Ryan made a comment.
“Someone’s distracted” Ryan said to your left as he directed his gaze to Jacob than back to you
“Pfft, yeah okay.” You scoffed playfully, rolling your eyes in the process as you got up as you finished off your drink, crushing it up making sure to dispose of it properly. “I’m gonna go charge my phone inside i’ll be back though!” you explained to the group as you began to walk backwards, hands up, phone in one of them.
“Ay wait lemme come with!” Jacob yelled out, not even paying attention to Abby’s warnings to be safe on the walk…or maybe that was the alcohol. He walked over as you finally turned around walking correctly, giving a slight wave to the people still around the fire.
The stairs up to the cabin you and him shared creaked with each step you guys took, the darkness not helping with illuminating expect for the occasional lamp and or phone flashlight
“So w..what made you wanna come with?” You questioned, voice barely slurred.
“I mean if you want me to turn back I can~” Jacob playfully teased as a Tsk left your mouth and Jacob began to laugh
“Dumbass you know that’s not what I mean” Though a smile couldn’t help but come through before Jacob wrapped a hand around your waist, the floors creaking as you two walked inside. Soon closing the door as he pulled you a little closer to him, your walking paused as you allowed him to just hug you for a bit. The buzz of alcohol rushed across your face in the moment, even sober you know Jacob wanted to be around or in some way holding you so a buzzed Jacob is definitely gonna be clingy.
“So how long does it take for your phone to charge?” He questioned though the tone sounded a little suggestive, you took the time to go and climb your bunk as Jacob followed behind. “It’ll take a bit for it to charge, a good bit honestly so…do with that what you will” You said as you watched your boyfriend join you on the top bunk, his arm going around you as the silence fills the air for a second.
“Their tipsy~ they won’t check on us” Jacob said in an almost mischievous tone, his arm around you slowly moving to your face to move your lips towards his, though for someone with little brains he at least knew how to be a good kisser. It didn’t take long after that for Jacob to end up giving your bunk a run for its money. Jacob’s hand had your mouth covered as you felt his other hand keeping your back arched while he fucked you into the mattress.
“Fuckk babe you feel so good~” He moaned a bit as he got close to speak into your ear, looking back he’s even wearing his backwards hat which somehow just made the whole scene better even if you couldn’t fully see your boyfriend in what little moonlight there was.
All you could do was make muffled noises as you felt him go in and out, still making sure he’s got a good hold of you but now his hands moved down to hold you by the lower back as he made sure he made it all the way inside of you by going fast and pulling out until he begins to keep thrusting. “Shit i’m close-“ Jacob said almost like he was wincing, as if he didn’t want to finish yet.
You began to push yourself back into him as you gripped the bedsheets, being just as close, you needed that last bit of effort to bring you and Jacob to the edge. The fast thrusting soon coming to an end as you felt his cum slowly dripping as he pulled out, breaths heaving as the dopamine begins to pass until you ask a question both of you need to figure out
“How do we clean this up-“ D:
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ohmyamor · 1 year
oh my ***
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Pairing: ateez (ot8) x reader
Summary: Everyone supposedly has a guardian angel, one that’s tasked to always keep their human out of trouble and on the right path of life. But you don’t just have one, you have...eight?!
w.c. 10.2k
Warnings: fluff, angst, near death experiences, threatening someone wooyoung with a bat, cursing, comfort, reincarnation, i think that’s it?
You wouldn’t necessarily consider yourself a lucky person. 
You also wouldn’t really consider yourself an unlucky person either. 
You just kind of exist, with the occasional good and not-so-good things happening to you. 
Like when you somehow managed to score you and your friends front row seats to see your favorite group in concert. Or the time that you somehow managed to break your ankle and your phone all in the same day. 
So, yeah, you wouldn’t say you’re the luckiest person in the world, but you’re also not the unluckiest person, so you’re pretty fine with continuing your life as is. 
Today, however, has been going oddly perfect. 
You woke up for the first time in forever feeling incredibly well-rested, which has not happened since before you hit puberty. The weather was perfect, maybe a little too perfect, but you didn’t care. You could finally open your windows completely to let in the cool breeze from outside, listening as the birds sang outside of your apartment. 
Checking your phone, you also noticed that your paycheck came in a whole day early. Opening your bank account, you stared wide-eyed at the number that was deposited. It was certainly a much larger amount than your last paycheck. 
Feeling absolutely ecstatic over how well the morning was going, you decided to make a trip to your favorite coffee shop and treat yourself to some breakfast. 
Connecting your phone to your speaker, you selected your favorite playlist and allowed the music to flow through the apartment. Picking out some cute clothes, you began to get ready. As you finished washing your face, you also noticed that your skin seemed to be really nice today, with hardly any redness seeping through and the dark circles under you eyes had seemed to disappear over night. 
Smiling brightly at yourself in the mirror, you finished applying your skincare before moving to get dressed and apply some light makeup. Once you finished, you couldn’t help but check yourself out in the mirror. 
I look so cute today.
Giving yourself a wink, you let out a small laugh at your own antics before grabbing your purse from where it hung on the wall and stepping outside. Making sure the door was locked, you began the short walk to your favorite cafe. 
You couldn’t help but admire how nice the sun felt on your skin. For the past few weeks, the weather had been anything but nice, and it almost felt like the weather had been reflecting your mood. With the project you had been assigned at work, you had been feeling so overwhelmed and stressed out that you often contemplated just quitting in order to get rid of the stress. 
But thankfully, the project was finally done, you had received great feedback from your boss, and it finally seemed as though your little slump was beginning to improve.
Making your way inside the cafe, you walked up to the counter and ordered your usual drink as well as a small pastry. 
A little treat for myself.
Sitting down at a table that had the best view of the street, you made yourself comfortable with your drink as you waited for your pastry. Though, you were pleasantly surprised when the man who took your order came out with two pastries instead of one. 
“Um, I think you might’ve given me the wrong pastry,” you frowned slightly. “I only ordered this one,” you pointed at the pastry that you know for sure you had ordered. 
“Oh!” the man smiled brightly. “No, don’t worry, it’s on the house!” 
Before you could even respond, the man gently placed both pastries on your table, sending you a small wink and making his way back behind the counter. 
You could feel your cheeks warm slightly at the man’s actions. 
Damn, today really is a great day you thought, bringing the pastry up to your mouth and taking a bite out of it. 
Holy shit this is so good too you hummed appreciatively. 
After thoroughly enjoying your breakfast, you bid goodbye to the barista before making your way out of the store. 
Hmmmm, what should I do now?
Glancing around, you remembered that one of your favorite bookstores was about a block away, and quickly made up your mind to go there. 
Walking to the nearest stoplight, you pushed the button on the pole and waited patiently for the light to turn green. Fishing out your phone from your bag, you scrolled aimlessly through social media and responding to some texts your friends had sent. Glancing up, you noticed the light was now green. 
Placing your phone in your pocket, you began to cross the street. 
You were almost at the other side of the crosswalk when a loud screeching noise caused you to whip your head to the side. There was a car moving down the street in your direction incredibly fast, and you watched as people on the sidewalks jumped out of the way as the car swerved from side to side and hit things on the street. 
Your heart raced you watched the car come barreling towards you. It felt like your feet were stuck to the ground and you couldn’t find it in yourself to move. 
Right as the car came feet away from hitting you, you shut your eyes, bracing for the impact of the car hitting your body. 
You barely registered the feeling of someone grabbing your hand and yanking you forward. 
Landing roughly on your hands and knees on the sidewalk, you stared at the cement in front of you as the sound of the car slowly disappeared in the distance. There were people running up to you from both sides of the street, some yelling while others gently crouched next to you and asked if you were okay. 
The strangers helped turn you around and you sat on the sidewalk unable to calm your racing heart. 
“Th-thank you,” you breathed out, looking at the woman who was closest to you. 
Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked at you concerned. 
“For what?”
You swallowed. 
“For grabbing me and pulling me forward. I couldn’t move and I though for sure the car was going to hit me,” you explained. 
It was your turn to look confused when she opened her mouth. 
“Honey, there was no one around you. I certainly wasn’t going to reach you on time and neither was anyone else.”
After the lady explained to you that the other pedestrians on the street had just barely reached you after you were already on the sidewalk, you couldn’t shake the feeling of someone’s eyes on you. 
The strangers who had come up to check on you were incredibly nice, and after convincing them to not call an ambulance and that you could stand on your own, the crowd slowly dispersed. 
The woman who had helped you insisted on calling a cab for you, even though you reassured her that you didn’t live far and you could make it home safely. She was adamant, saying that she wouldn’t let you walk home alone after what just happened and said it would weigh heavy on her conscious if she did. 
Eventually, you relented, and waited with her patiently as she called a taxi. 
When the cab eventually pulled up, she gave you a hug and said that she was happy you were okay and to get home safely. 
Waving goodbye through the window, you watched as her figure slowly grew smaller. 
Leaning back against the leather seats, you finally allowed yourself to process what had just happened. 
Your day had been going so well and that car had quite literally come out of nowhere. Even though the lady who helped you said there was no one near you, you were 100% positive you had felt someone grab your hands and pull you forward onto the sidewalk.
Your mind wandered to your parents and the stories they had told you when you were younger of guardian angels. 
“Guardian angels? What’s that?” seven-year-old you has asked your mom.
She smiled, softly running her hand through your hair from where she sat on the edge of your bed. 
“They’re people who are assigned to watch over you and always protect you. They help you when you’re in trouble and make sure you always make good decisions.”
Younger you wrinkled her nose. 
“They’re always watching me? That sounds creepy.”
Your mom laughed, tossing her head back. 
After what you had experienced today, maybe the stories your mom used to tell you weren’t that crazy. 
As the cab you were in slowly came to a stop in front of your building, you thanked the driver and rummaged through your bag looking for some cash to tip him. 
He waved his hand at you, telling you the lady who had flagged him down already paid and there was no need to tip. 
“I’m just glad I could get you home safely.” 
“Oh,” you blinked, kind of surprised he was saying no to being tipped. “Well, thank you, sir.” You said honestly. “I hope you have a great rest of your day,” you said, stepping out of the car. 
The driver bid you farewell and drove away from your building as soon as you walked through the front gates. 
Sighing heavily, you made your way to the elevator in the building and walked into the old machine, watching as the doors closed and the numbers for the floors slowly climbed up.
Honestly, you couldn’t wait to into your bed and knock out. Way too much has happened today that was out of your comfort zone, to say the least. 
Eventually, you reached your front door and reached into your bag to fish out your keys. 
Searching inside your bag with your hand, your eyebrows furrowed when you didn’t feel the familiar metal of your keys. 
I know I brought them with me, so where are they?
Taking your bag off your shoulder, you opened it up and began pulling out everything you had in there. You could feel the pit in your stomach get heavier with every item that was removed and no keys were found. 
You eventually emptied out your entire bag and still, you were unable to find your keys. Leaning your back against your door, you slowly allowed yourself to sink to the ground. 
They must’ve fallen out when I fell, you though bitterly. You could feel the familiar sting of tears in your eyes and you felt a lump in your throat. 
This was the last thing you needed today. 
You’re unsure how long you sat outside your apartment door, wallowing in your own misery. 
The sound of footsteps brought you of your thoughts. 
Glancing up, you noticed a tall man with short pink hair come to a stop in front of you. 
“Is everything okay miss?” 
Holy shit he has a deep voice
You sighed loudly. 
“Not really,” you admit. “I lost my keys at some point when I was out today and my friend who has my spare is out of town for the week.”
You’re not really sure what compelled you to tell all this to the strange man who you’ve never even seen in your apartment, but something about him gives off a very peaceful aura. 
You feel like you could tell him anything. 
The man furrows his eyebrows and a soft pout forms on his face. 
“Aw, I’m really sorry,” he sympathized. 
You shrugged, there wasn’t really anything he could do to help.
He glanced around nervously. Why? You’re not quite sure. 
“I’m, uh, actually one of the maintenance people and we’re here doing some routine check-ups,” he started. 
Check-ups? The building manager didn’t notify me of anything going on this week. 
“If you want,” the man continues. “I can go back down to the leasing office and grab the master key to unlock your door for you?”
You hesitate. 
On one hand, this man is literally offering to go out of his way to help you out and unlock your door for you. 
On the other hand, you have absolutely no way of proving he’s actually who he says he is. He could be a serial killer for all you know and you’ve basically just given him access to unlock your apartment and kill you in your sleep. 
Giving him a once over, you notice the bluish jumpsuit he’s wearing and the work boots he has on. Quite frankly, he does look like he’s been doing some manual labor, so maybe he’s telling the truth. 
“Okay,” you finally reply, albeit hesitantly. 
Honestly, if he does turn out to be a serial killer and comes back to murder you in your sleep, you’ll make sure to haunt him for the rest of his life. 
“Great!” he smiles widely, his eyes turning into the cutest crescent moons you’ve ever seen. 
At least he’ll be a cute serial killer, you think. 
“Oh!” he says, as though he just remembered something. “Also, my name’s Mingi! It’s really nice to meet you!” the man, Mingi, reaches his hand out. 
Pushing yourself off the floor, you quickly dust yourself off before reaching out as well to shake his hand. 
“I’m (Y/n),” you introduce yourself. 
Mingi hums. 
“That’s a really pretty name.”
You can feel your cheeks get warm. 
“O-oh, thank you.” 
It’s quiet for a few moments before Mingi speaks again. 
“Okay, well I’m gonna go downstairs to get the masterkey really quick. Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone!” he jokes, beginning to walk back down the hallway. 
“I’ll try,” you laugh nervously, thinking about the day you’ve had. 
If anything else goes wrong today, you don’t think you’ll have the willpower to keep living. 
You’re only waiting for a few minutes before you can spot Mingi coming back down the hall. 
Damn he’s quick.
“Got it!” Mingi says cheerfully, waving a small key in the air. 
You smile back, feeling relieved that you can finally get inside your apartment. 
He stops in front of your door, pushing the key inside the lock and wriggling it around a few times before you can hear the familiar click of the lock. Letting out a small “aha”, Mingi twists the doorknob and sure enough, the door to your apartment opens. 
You might actually cry tears of happiness. 
“Ma’am,” Mingi says in a fake posh accent, gesturing with his hand for you to go inside. 
You let out a small laugh and walk inside. Mingi remains outside of your door. 
“Well, thank you so much Mingi,” you say earnestly. “I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t showed up at the right time. My knight in shining armor,” you joke. 
Mingi blushes furiously, bringing up a hand to rub the back of his head and looking off to the side. 
“It’s nothing,” he says. “I’m just glad everything worked out.” 
You nod, unsure of what to say next. 
Mingi’s head suddenly snaps to the side, looking at something down the hallway, almost as if he heard something. You frown. You didn’t hear anything. 
“Well, it looks like I have to get going,” he begins. 
You nod. 
“Better get back before the big boss gets mad at you for slacking off, huh?”
You say it as a joke, but Mingi only lets out a nervous laugh. 
“Yeah, something like that.” 
“Um,” you’re not quite sure what to say. “Okay, well thanks again Mingi, I really do appreciate it.” You slowly begin to shut the door.
“Anytime,” he sends you a small wave and bright smile, turning to walk down the hallway as you finally shut the door. 
You don’t spend too much time thinking about Mingi’s strange behavior at the end, chalking it up to him having a really strict boss. Plus, you honestly can’t wait to change into your pajamas and knock out. 
Dropping your purse on your couch, you make your way to your room and quickly change into your pj’s before flinging yourself onto your bed. 
You hug the stuffed bear on your bed closely, feeling the tension and stress from your body slowly begin to fade away as your body succumbs to sleep. 
You’re not sure what time it is when you wake up. 
The lack of light coming in from outside lets you know that it’s dark, leaving you to assume it’s either really late or really early. 
You roll back over, fully intending on returning to dreamland when the sound of hushed arguing catches your attention. 
You groan, assuming it’s your neighbors who are always going at it. Seriously, if they argue this much, they should just break up. Arguing that much can’t be healthy for anyone. 
You’ve just grabbed onto your pillow, intending on using it to block out the voices, when you suddenly realize that it’s only male voices you can hear. Sitting up, you strain your ears to try and catch more of what they’re saying. 
You feel yourself freeze when you realize that the voices are coming from your living room. 
You sit frozen on your bed for a few minutes, unsure of what to do. 
Did these people break into your apartment? What are they doing here? What are they going to do to you? 
Reaching out blindly, you attempt to locate your phone, hoping you can at least call the police before the robbers can reach you. Pressing the power button, your heart drops when it doesn’t turn on. In your excitement to knock out, you never put it to charge and now it’s dead. 
Taking a deep breath, you try to think of a course of action. 
Slowly getting out of bed, you reach under the bed to grab the metal bat that you keep in case of emergencies. Maybe, if the robbers don’t have any weapons, you can either scare them off or hurt them enough to grab the home phone sitting on your kitchen counter and call the police. 
You cautiously make your way to the door of your bedroom, letting out a shaky breath before slowly twisting the doorknob. You gently push the door open, thanking whatever gods are out there that it doesn’t make any noise. 
Now that the door is open, you can hear the voices more clearly. 
“Why would you show yourself to her?” 
“What did you want me to do? She was having the worst day, I wasn’t gonna sit back and watch her suffer.” The voice sounds oddly familiar.
Someone else hums. 
“Don’t even say anything,” the original voice whispers angrily. “You should have never interfered earlier.” 
“She was about to get hit by a car, hyung! What did you want me to do, let it happen? Then we would be back to square one all over again.” 
It’s a different voice this time, slightly higher in pitch. 
They’re talking about what happened to you earlier. 
Who the fuck are these people? 
You arrive at the corner of the hallway, gripping your bat impossibly tight and peeking around the corner. 
From what you can see, there’s a few men standing in your living room. One with dark blue hair sits on your couch facing the kitchen, another stands with his back to the hallway where you stand, and there seems to be someone standing in front of him.
You can’t help but let out a small gasp when you realize the man standing with his back facing you has short pink hair. 
All three men whip their heads around. 
They stare at you wide-eyed, including Mingi. 
You come out from behind the corner and point your bat at the men. 
“Who the fuck are you?” you demand. “And why the fuck are you in my apartment?”
Your eyes dart around, trying to keep an eye on every person in the room. Your heart pounds in your chest and your hands are sweaty, but you’ll be damned if you go out without a fight. 
Mingi takes a step forward, his hands raised slightly. 
“(Y/n),” he starts.
He stops when you take a step backward. 
“Mingi, if that’s even your goddam name,” you spit. You miss the way all three men flinch slightly. “What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?” 
“Was helping me earlier just a plot to figure out where I live? Are you gonna kill me?” you question.
A crestfallen look falls on Mingi’s face. A small part of you almost wants to feel bad. Almost. 
“No, not at all,” he defends. “Look, it’s kind of complicated, but I can explain. I just need you to put the bat down.” His eyes dart to the metal bat you have a death grip on.
You let out a harsh laugh. 
“No fucking way. I don’t care who the hell you are, I need you and your friends to get out right now before I call the cops.” You demand. 
“The cops aren’t going to help you sweetheart,” a voice comes from behind you. 
You let out a scream, turning around and blindly swinging your bat. It hits something hard.
A man with long hair that’s black and silver hunches over in front of you, clutching his stomach. You stare wide-eyed. 
There’s more of them.
And where the fuck are they coming from?
“(Y/n),” someone else says your name. You whip back around, moving backward towards the wall and making sure the men don’t leave your sight. You keep the bat pointed at them. 
The man with dark blue hair siting on the couch is standing now, and he looks at you with wide eyes as well. 
“Please, just put the bat down and we can explain everything to you.”
You shake your head vehemently. 
“You guys broke into my fucking apartment and you want me to calm down?” You laugh incredulously. “Are you guys fucking insane?”
You miss the way the shorter male standing next to Mingi has disappeared. 
Mingi frowns, looking genuinely saddened. 
“I’m really sorry we have to do this.”
You furrow your eyebrows, now genuinely concerned he’s going to murder you. 
“What are you-”
You don’t get to finish your sentence when you feel fingers touch your temple and you black out. 
“What did you do?” 
“What we had to! She already managed to hit Wooyoung and she was obviously freaking out so we had to calm her down!”
Someone snickers. 
“Shut up Yeosang.”
“C’mon, you’re telling me it’s a bat that took you out?”
“She has a good swing! You should try getting a metal bat swung directly at your stomach and see how you feel.”
You let out a soft groan at the voices that surround you. They’re too loud.
You’re laying on something soft and it feels familiar as well. 
Am I dead?
“You’re not dead.” 
Your eyes shoot open. 
Sitting up, you groan at the light that shines harshly into your room and shut your eyes. Opening them softly, you glance around. You’re definitely in your room, which is a relief. 
But the eight bodies that surround you bring anything but relief. 
You tense up, your hands gripping at the sheets. 
You can feel tears beginning to blur your vision and you can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you whimper. 
Someone lets out a sad noise. 
“We’re not going to hurt you,” a deep voice comes from your right side. 
You look over to see who said that. Familiar brown eyes stare deeply into your own, and the soft pink hair instantly allows you to recognize who just spoke. 
“How can I trust you Mingi?” 
A heartbroken expression falls over his face and he looks unsure of what to say. 
“He’s right sweetheart,” another voice speaks up. “We’re not going to hurt you.” This time it’s another tall man who speaks. He has peach colored hair. His eyes bore into yours, and you feel slightly unnerved at the raw honesty that comes across. 
You don’t say anything, opting to take a glance at all the men who are spread across your room. 
A shorter man who stands closest to your bed sighs and takes a step forward. 
“This isn’t how we wanted to meet, so please accept our deepest apologies for scaring you,” the man begins. 
“We’re your guardian angels.”
The man, Hongjoong, had explained to you that they were in fact your guardian angels. 
Typically, humans only had one guardian angel, he had explained, but you were assigned eight. 
Guardian angels were also never, under any circumstances, to reveal themselves to their humans, but some people, Hongjoong glared at the man sitting at your desk with dark blue hair as well as Mingi, had broken these rules. 
Which is why you were currently able to see all of them. 
“How do I even know you’re telling me the truth?” You questioned. This entire situation was absolutely insane and you could barely wrap your head around any of the information that was just given to you. 
“Well, we’ve been watching over you your whole life,” the blue haired male spoke up. “Ask us anything that no one else knows and we can answer it.”
You stayed quiet for a moment, thinking about different things throughout your life that no one knew about you. 
“When I was in middle school and I asked out that boy a year ahead of me, what did he say?”
There’s no way they could know the answer to this. This is literally something I’ve never told anyone and I intend on taking it with me to my grave. 
“He said no because you reminded him of his mom and that grossed him out.” 
You stare wide-eyed at the man with medium length blonde hair that sat in the middle of your floor. 
What the fuck?
“Don’t worry, you honestly dodged a bullet with that one,” another male with cherry red hair shook his head. “You know that guy ended up marrying his first cousin?” The man snorted. 
You had no words. 
You had never told anyone that secret because it embarrassed you so much, but clearly, the men in front of you knew it. 
Maybe they’re telling the truth.
“Of course we’re telling the truth, we’re angels.” 
The man with two-toned hair speaks up. 
You narrow your eyes at him. 
“Did you just read my thoughts?” 
He shrugs. 
“They’re very loud.”
You stare at him. 
“Do you want me to hit you with my bat again?”
The man shudders. 
“Please, don’t.”
Another voice speaks up. 
“You’re taking this surprisingly well,” the man with peach hair pipes in. 
You shrug. 
“I don’t really have any reason to doubt you, I guess.” You hesitate before saying your next words. “Plus, I don’t know what it is, but you guys have this vibe,” you gesture your hand vaguely. 
“It feels...safe?” You shrug, looking down at the spare thread you’ve been messing with since you woke up. “I felt it when I met Mingi earlier, but I didn’t know what to think about it.” 
You miss the way Mingi’s ears turn red. 
An awkward silence falls across the room. 
“Well,” another man, the one who stands next to Hongjoong, begins to speak. “Now that that’s done, we should introduce ourselves. I’m Seonghwa,” he sends you a beautiful smile. 
“I’m Hongjoong, as you already know,” Hongjoong says and you nod. 
“My name’s Yunho,” the man with peach hair speaks up. 
“I’m San,” the man with dark blue hair pipes up, sending you a bright, dimpled smile. You can’t help but send him a small smile back. 
“I’m Yeosang,” the blonde one on your floor gives you a small nod of acknowledgement.
“I’m Wooyoung!” Two-toned hair chirps loudly. You can’t help but side-eye him slightly. “What?” he cries. 
“Please don’t sneak up on me if you don’t want me to hit you again,” you warn. 
A few snickers sound throughout the room. 
“I’m Jongho,” the one with cherry hair tells you. 
Your eyes land on the last man who sits closest to you. 
“I’m Mingi,” he says. “But, you already know that.” 
You nod. He still seems a little bit sad. 
You hesitate, but reach out to softly grab his hand that rests on your bed. 
“Thank you for your help earlier,” you start. “And I’m sorry I didn’t believe you at first.” 
You glance around the room. 
“But, you guys have to understand that this whole situation is kind of crazy.” 
Seonghwa nods. 
“We understand, and we’re sorry for scaring you so much.” He nods his head toward Mingi and San. “But those two broke one of the most important rules that guardian angels must follow.” 
You nod, understanding what Seonghwa’s saying. 
“Wait,” your eyebrows furrow. “I know Mingi broke the rule when he helped me get back inside my apartment, but what did San do?” 
You look at him as he crosses his arms and pouts, reminding you of a scolded child. 
“He’s the one that pulled you out of the street yesterday before the car could hit you,” Wooyoung explains. 
Your eyes widen and you sit up even further. 
“So I was right!” you exclaim. 
Mingi raises a brow.
“I knew I felt someone grab my hands and pull me forward, but the lady who helped me said there was no one there!” You pout slightly. “I thought I was going crazy for a second.” 
You look over at San. 
“Thank you for saving my life,” you tell him sincerely.
San throws his hands up in the air. 
“See? At least she’s grateful for what I did!” 
Yeosang rolls his eyes. 
“Of course she is, you idiot, she would’ve been dead if you hadn’t.” 
This time, you don’t miss the way they all seem to wince at Yeosang’s words.
You frown. 
“Yeah, actually,” you begin. “If you guys are my guardian angels, how come I almost died yesterday?” You look at them expectantly. “Isn’t the whole point of you guys being here to like, keep me alive?”
They avoid your eyes.
“We were a little...preoccupied,” Hongjoong admits. 
You click your tongue. 
“Well, at least San was there for me.” 
You send a grateful smile to him, which he returns with slightly red cheeks. 
“Hey!” Mingi whines. “I helped you too!”
You roll your eyes. 
“Yes you did, you big baby, but San literally saved my life,” you emphasize. 
“And I didn’t?” Mingi asks, offended. “What if I never showed up? You would’ve had to sleep on the streets and who knows what would’ve happened then?”
“Oh my god,” you groan, throwing yourself back on your bed. 
“I didn’t know angels were this dramatic!”
Jongho lets out a laugh. 
“The most,” he admits. 
The sound of your stomach rumbling has a warm flush spreading across your cheeks. 
“You haven’t eaten?” Yunho furrows his eyebrows.
“Mmmm, not since breakfast yesterday, I think,” you admit. 
Wooyoung jumps out of his chair. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll make you the best meal you’ve ever had,” he sends you a small wink before heading out of your room towards the kitchen. 
“He’s not going to burn my apartment down right?” You ask worriedly.
Hongjoong shakes his head. 
“No, Wooyoung’s actually a really good cook,” he reassures you. 
“Plus,” San says. “You have seven angels here to protect you if anything!”
You’re not sure if that makes you feel any better. 
As it turns out, Hongjoong was right, and Wooyoung is an excellent cook. In a span of 20 minutes, he’s managed to make you an omelet that looks like it came straight out of a Studio Ghibli movie, along with some oatmeal, fresh fruit, and what looks like freshly squeezed orange juice. 
“Wow,” you gape at the food. 
Wooyoung motions for you to sit at the table. 
“It was meant for you to eat, not just stare at.”
You happily oblige, sitting down at the table and bringing up the fork to your mouth, only to pause when you realize no one else has food. 
“We don’t have to eat,” Seonghwa explains, reading your mind. “We can if we want to, but it’s not necessary for us to survive.”
You nod, feeling a little less guilty about eating in front of them. 
Letting out a satisfied hum at the taste of the food, you send Wooyoung a thumbs-up. He smiles brightly. 
“So,” you start, swallowing your food and taking a quick sip of your juice. “Now that I’ve met you guys and I know you exist, are you going to go back to being invisible to me?” 
Hongjoong and Seonghwa share a look. 
“Not exactly,” Hongjoong says. 
You raise an eyebrow, motioning for him to continue. 
“Now that you know we exist, we can’t exactly just disappear,” he elaborates. “It’s one of the reasons guardian angels aren’t meant to reveal themselves to their humans.” 
You nod slowly. 
“So, humans just never find out they have a guardian angel? Like, ever?”
Jongho mutters something under his breath. Yunho kicks his leg under the table.
“Sorry, what was that?” You ask, looking at him. 
He avoids your gaze. 
A tense silence falls over the table. 
You notice how Mingi shakes his leg anxiously. San taps his fingers on the table and Yunho avoids your gaze. 
You narrow your eyes at them. 
“There’s something you guys aren’t telling me.” It’s not a question. 
“I don’t think now is the best time to talk about this-” Hongjoong starts. 
“Humans only find out about their guardian angels when their time is near,” Wooyoung says calmly. 
Hongjoong glares at him. Wooyoung only shrugs. 
“What? She was bound to find out eventually.” 
“Their time?” You look around at the men that sit at your table. “Like, when they’re about to die?”
Yeosang nods. 
You let out a small “oh”, looking down at the unfinished food that stares at you.
It’s silent as you think about the information they’ve just given you. 
“The car,” you swallow. “The car that almost hit me yesterday. Was it,” you almost can’t get the words out. “Was it supposed to hit me?”
Your question comes out in a whisper. 
No one responds, but when you look up, they all fix you with a sad look.
You nod.
You push your plate away from you. 
You don’t have an appetite anymore. 
“I’m sorry,” Mingi whispers from your left side. 
His large hand gently encompasses yours. You nod, refusing to look him in the eyes. 
“But we’re not going to let you die.” 
You look up at San’s determined voice, barely able to see him through your misty eyes. 
“We’re not letting you die,” he says firmly. “It’s not your time.” 
You shake your head. 
“I’m pretty sure if the universe decides it’s my time, then it’s my time,” you reply. You’re not sure if you’re saying it to convince them, or yourself. 
“I can’t just avoid fate.”
Hongjoong sighs. 
“San’s right.” 
You send him a questioning look. 
“We’re your guardian angels. We’re not going to let you die.” 
“Screw what the universe says,” Yeosang chimes in. 
You stare at them incredulously. 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“Look,” Yunho starts. “We’ve been thinking about it, and we’re pretty sure the universe is wrong about it being your time. We’ve been around for centuries, usually we have a good sense of when it’s going to be someone’s time and when it’s not.”
“And we don’t get that feeling with you,” Jongho continues for him. “We never have.”
“So, we’re going to do our best to make sure you stay out of harms way,” Yeosang finishes.
Your throat feels constricted and you can barely see through all the tears that have welled up in your eyes. 
“You guys would do all that for me?” You choke out. 
Mingi squeezes your hand. 
“Of course. We’re not your guardian angels for nothing.”
You sniffle, looking down at your lap and bringing up your other hand to wipe at your eyes. 
“Thank you guys,” you tell them sincerely. 
“Anything for you,” Seonghwa smiles softly. 
After the conversation at breakfast, the nine of you come up with a vague plan Wooyoung affectionally dubbed “Keeping Our Human Alive”. Despite the look you had given him, you had to admit, it made you laugh.
You all agreed it would be best for at least one of them to accompany you every day, more if any of them felt like tagging along. 
“That way,” Hongjoong explained, “if anything unexpected happens, at least one of us will be able to protect you.” 
You agreed.
“What about when I go to work and stuff?” You had questioned. “Won’t it be weird if there’s a different guy following me around every day?”
Yunho shook his head. 
“Just because you can see us doesn’t mean everyone else can see us too. We can make ourselves visible to other people besides our assigned human if we want,” he explained. 
“Oh, okay. Well, that certainly makes this easier then.” 
“What would you prefer for us to do?” Questioned San. “Do you want us to remain invisible all the time or only at work?”
You think it over for a minute before shrugging.
“Honestly, whatever’s most comfortable for all of you. I would prefer if at work you guys are invisible, but while we’re in public and stuff, whatever you guys feel comfortable with is fine by me.”
At your answer, they all give you fond looks which makes your face feel slightly warm. Clearing your throat, you continue.
“Also, I was thinking about it and if you guys are going to be with me 24/7 now, we need some ground rules.”
Jongho chuckled.
“Technically, we’ve always been here, you’ve just barely found out.”
You realize he’s right, and the memories of every single embarrassing thing that you’ve ever done in the privacy of your own home comes rushing back to you.
“Well, yeah, now that I know you guys are here,” you stumble over your words slightly. “Privacy is really big for me. I don’t have many rules, but I just ask that you guys don’t show up unannounced or else that might really freak me out, and please, if you’re going to come into my room, just knock.”
Everyone nods their heads in agreement.
“And,” you continue, “no more reading my thoughts please.”
Only a few of them nod, which makes you grow slightly concerned.
“Is that a problem?” You ask, a slight edge to your voice.
“Not at all,” Seonghwa reassures.
“It’s just that we do get a little concerned for when you’re alone. Being aware of your thoughts helps us decide if you need our help at that moment or not,” Hongjoong explains.
You nod.
“I get that, but if at least one of you is going to be by my side every single day from now on, I really don’t think there’s any need for you to read my thoughts.”
You continue.
“Plus, it’s really just about privacy for me. I don’t really feel comfortable with you guys having access to every single thought in my head, no matter how big or small.”
Hongjoong and Seonghwa both nod.
“We understand. And we’ll do our best to respect your boundaries.”
“Thank you guys,” you send them a small smile.
“Plus, if I need any help or anything, I’ll just yell out ‘bat’ really loud,” you joke, referring to the bruise you might’ve left on Wooyoung’s stomach.
Everyone laughs except for him.
“Not funny,” he pouts.
You let out a small giggle, patting him lightly on the arm. 
“You did kind of deserve it, my friend.”
Clapping your hands together, you let out a deep exhale. 
“Now that that’s all settled, I need to go grocery shopping. All of you are more than welcome to come.” 
A few of them look very excited, which both excites you and makes you slightly nervous. 
“Thank you for the invitation,” Hongjoong starts. “But Seonghwa and I will have to pass this time.”
You pout slightly. 
“Aw man.” 
“Trust me,” Seonghwa starts. “We would love to go on our first official errand run with you, little one, but we have some business to deal with upstairs.” 
He uses his index finger to point up and you look up as well.
“Ohhhh, you mean, like, heaven and all that,” you laugh nervously at your lack of understanding. 
The two men nod. 
“But don’t worry, we should be back by the end of the day,” Hongjoong reassures you. 
“Don’t worry guys,” Mingi slings an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. “We’ve got this.” 
Hongjoong and Seonghwa stare at the male by your side, slightly unamused. 
“That’s what we’re scared of.”
It’s officially been about a week since your near death experience and finding out about your guardian angels. 
While having all of them around had certainly been awkward at first, you’ve all slowly begun to fall into a routine. Sometimes, you feel as though you’ve known them your whole life. 
Which, to a certain extent, you kind of have. 
Something about having them around just makes you feel incredibly safe and warm inside. Not to mention the slight butterflies you’ve been experiencing around them, but you’re quick to try and cage them as soon as they appear. 
Wooyoung and Seonghwa have taken it upon themselves to cook most of the meals for the nine of you. Every day when you come home from work, you can always count on a warm, freshly cooked meal to be waiting on the table for you. 
“You’re kind of like my house husbands,” you joked to them one time. 
Seonghwa blushed, while Wooyoung had blown you a kiss. 
“Anything for you sweetheart.”
Yunho and Mingi are the two that typically accompany you to work, although sometimes Jongho will tag along if he doesn’t have anything else to do. Despite the tall men’s playful personalities, they were both incredibly smart and helped you with your work whenever you felt particularly stressed out. 
San was certainly one of the more playful angels, you had noticed. 
Although all of them were fun to be around, San was always the first to notice when your mood wasn’t the best, and he was the best at comforting you after a long day. A bad day at work usually ended with San waiting for you with open arms as soon as you walked through the door for some cuddles and quiet time. 
When Wooyoung and Mingi had found out about this little routine, they both immediately demanded to be allowed into the “cuddle time” as they called it.
Jongho and Yeosang were the two individuals who you enjoyed spending some quiet time with. The three of you would usually wind down together with some tea and some books or a show. Although they were a little more reserved than the others, you still genuinely enjoyed your time with both of them.
But they certainly had their moments where they could be just as chaotic as the others. 
Exhibit A was the day you walked into your apartment to see Yeosang and Yunho standing in your kitchen covered in flour. 
“What happened?” you had asked, absolutely astounded by the amount of flour that somehow managed to cover every inch of your kitchen. You didn’t even think you had that much flour to begin with. 
The two of them sheepishly admitted that they were trying to bake some cookies, but things had gotten out of hand. 
Clicking your tongue, you walked over to the roll of paper towels to begin cleaning up. 
“What am I going to do with you guys-”
You had just turned around when the feeling of something soft and powdery hit your face. You sputtered, staring wide-eyed at the two angels. Yunho looked at you and then turned to Yeosang, who avoided your eyes. 
What followed next was a flour fight that resulted in a very long clean-up shift.
There was also the time you found out Jongho literally had the voice of an angel. 
The two of you were headed to your local plant store to look for some new plants to decorate your apartment with when one of your favorite songs came on the radio. 
Turning the volume up, you began singing along softly as did Jongho. As the song continued, his voice grew louder, and when the two of you reached a red light, you were unable to do anything except stare at him slack-jawed at the voice that was coming out of him. Only the sound of the car behind you honking was able to shake you out of your stupor.
Now, you guys have little karaoke parties in your car when the two of you are alone.
The only angel you had yet to spend a lot of time with, however, was Hongjoong. 
The man always seemed to be busy, as he was hardly ever in your actual apartment. Most mornings when you woke up, he was gone and he wouldn’t show up until the evenings. 
You would be lying if you said the hushed arguments he would have with some of the others didn’t concern you. They always occurred at night, when they assumed you were fast asleep. And they always revolved around the same thing. 
“She’s not the exact same, and that’s okay, but you guys can’t keep expecting her to be the same as our (Y/n).” You heard Hongjoong say one night.
You had been unable to fall back asleep after that.
Today, though, you really needed to go to the post office, and Hongjoong was the only angel available to accompany you. 
You stood awkwardly at the end of your table where Hongjoong sat using your laptop to do something. 
“Uh,” you clear your throat. “Hongjoong?”
He looks up a little startled. 
“(Y/n),” he acknowledges. “Is everything okay?” He looks at you concerned. 
“Yeah everything’s fine!” You reassure him. 
“I just need to run a quick errand and the others are all busy so I was wondering if you could go with me,” you trail off.
God this is awkward. 
To your surprise, although you really shouldn’t be, he nods his head quickly.
“Yeah of course. We can go now, if you’re ready?”
“Cool, let me just grab my bag and we can get going!” You rush to your room to grab your bag before walking back to the front door where Hongjoong already waits for you. 
The two of you agree to make the short walk to the post office, commenting on how the nice weather is today. 
Exiting through the front gates of your apartment, you two begin walking down the sidewalk shoulder to shoulder in silence. 
“So is-”
“I wanted-”
The two of you start talking at the same time. 
You both let out a laugh and you can feel your shoulders relax a bit. 
“Go ahead,” you allow Hongjoong to speak first. 
He takes a deep breath.
“I just wanted to apologize for the way I’ve been acting lately,” he says as he stares into your eyes. 
You have to admit, that’s not what you were expecting him to say.
“I’ve been really distant and pre-occupied lately,” Hongjoong continues. “And I know you’ve noticed, so I want to sincerely apologize. There’s been a lot of stuff I’ve been dealing with and I don’t want you to think I don’t like this,” he gestures between the two of you, “thing we have going on.”
You shake your head. 
“No, please don’t feel like you have to apologize Hongjoong. To be completely honest, I have no clue what it is you guys have to deal with in the first place, but I’m really grateful you’ve all gone out of your way to help me.” 
You let out a small, sad laugh. 
“If I’m being honest, I don’t really get why you guys are helping me in the first place. I’m sure you’ve all had hundreds of different assigned humans throughout your existence, so I’m nothing special.” 
Hongjoong stops abruptly and turns to face you. 
“That’s not true,” he says firmly. The serious expression on his face has you taken aback. 
“You said you’re nothing special. That’s not true.”
Hongjoong sighs and grabs both of your hands. 
“Look, it’s complicated to explain, and I will tell you, but we agreed we all wanted to tell you together. So, if you’re okay with waiting, I can tell you everything that’s been going on as soon as we get back to your apartment.” 
You would be lying if you said his words don’t scare you a little bit. 
“It’s okay Hongjoong, you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to,” you reassure him, softly running your fingers over his knuckles. 
He shakes his head. 
“I- We all want to tell you, and you deserve to know the truth.” 
You nod your head. 
“Okay. Back at my apartment it is then,” you send him a small smile, which he returns. 
“Before we head to the post office,” you start. “Do you want to visit my favorite cafe with me?” 
Hongjoong smiles softly at you. 
“I would love to.” 
You guys continue walking down the few blocks and after a few minutes, you both stand at the stoplight that sits across from the cafe. You and Hongjoong laugh at the stories you tell him about the antics Yunho and Mingi get up to when you’re at work. The light turns green, and you begin to cross the street. 
“I’m telling you, I just told them about this lady in my office who’s always getting on my nerves and they made it their mission to inconvenience her in every way possible!” You exclaim. 
Hongjoong lets out a hearty laugh and you smile widely at how relaxed he looks. 
Just as your about to continue your story, you notice the wind blowing your letter out of your purse. 
Cursing, you tell Hongjoong to wait on the sidewalk while you run quickly after the paper. The letter lands in the middle of crosswalk and you’ve just barely managed to pick it up when the sound of someone yelling your name makes you whip around. 
Coming towards you at a terrifying speed is a car. 
You stand frozen in the middle of street, unable to move your feet. 
You barely manage to catch a glimpse of Hongjoong’s terrified face when you feel your body get thrown back, and everything turns black. 
You stand in a green field. 
The scenery is absolutely gorgeous and you can feel the warm sun and cool breeze on your skin. 
Looking around, you notice a large, crystal blue lake in the distance. Your legs begin to take you in that direction on their own accord.
You reach the lake and crouch down, slightly dipping your hand in the cool water. Soft ripples make their way across the surface of the water and you can’t help but feel completely at ease in this place.
Whatever this place is.
As you continue staring down into the water, you notice your reflection seems to look different.
The you staring back has much longer hair than you currently have, and the clothes your reflection wears is older, looking like they come from an early Victorian age.
You tilt your head to the side and notice that your reflection’s head doesn’t move.
A voice sounds out through your mind.
“You need to go back.”
“Go back?” You whisper aloud.
Your reflection nods.
“They need you.”
Other you doesn’t specify who you two are talking about, but deep down, you think you already know the answer.
Your reflection sends you a gentle smile before disappearing. You watch as the water returns to its calm state before gently pushing yourself back up to your feet.
You take one last look around the field you’re in, before closing your eyes.
The first thing you notice is how dark it is.
You can hear the sounds of people talking and crying around you, and you can feel hands softly grabbing your body, but you’re unable to open your eyes or move.
“Please,” someone whispers over your body.
“Please don’t leave us again.”
You lose consciousness once again.
The next time you wake up, your entire body hurts.
You let out a soft groan, slowly opening your eyes and allowing them to adjust to the soft light of your lamp.
Something heavy rests near your right hand, and turning your head slightly, you can see a head of familiar pink hear laying down next to you.
Using what little strength you have in your body, you raise your hand and gently rest it on Mingi’s head. Softly, you run your fingers through the short strands on his head.
He makes an inaudible noise and turns his head over so that you can now see his face. As you continue stroking his head, his eyes flutter open. He looks a little bit confused for a few seconds before his body is shooting up and he stares at you shocked.
“(Y/n),” he whispers softly.
“Hi Mingi,” you reply.
You watch as tears well up in his eyes and he throws himself on top of you, mindful to not rest his entire body weight on you. You can hear footsteps rushing towards your room before your bedroom door is being slammed open.
You can barely see over Mingi’s broad back that covers your frame, but you already know who it is.
As Mingi releases you, you attempt to sit up, only to stop and hiss in pain when jolts of pain shoot up your back.
“Be careful, little one,” Seonghwa says, moving forward to help adjust some pillows behind you.
You thank him and take a moment to look around at each of the men that surrounds your bed. You notice the dark circles under their eyes and the way their skin seems to lack it’s normal glow.
“You guys look worse than I feel,” you joke, trying to lighten the mood.
Yeosang frowns.
“You’ve been out for 4 days, sunflower.”
You blink harshly.
“Four days?”
Jongho nods.
“The worst four days of our entire existence,” he says.
You look down at the blanket that rests on your lap.
“I’m sorry.”
You’re not quite sure what you’re apologizing for.
“No I’m sorry.”
It’s Hongjoong who speaks.
He comes to your side, falling onto his knees beside your bed and taking your hand into his. He leans down to rest his forehead against your hand.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” he cries.
“I should’ve known. I should’ve seen the car coming, I should’ve moved faster, I should’ve gotten you out of the way-” he sobs.
“No, Hongjoong,” you shake your head. “There’s nothing you could’ve done, the car came out of nowhere and it was too fast.”
“I don’t think you understand,” Yunho whispers.
“We swore to never let you pass before your time again.”
You can’t help the confused look you give them, but then, you remember the reflection you saw in the lake.
How the person looked just like you, but from a different era.
The arguments you heard Hongjoong have with the others.
Softly resting your palm on Hongjoong’s tear stained face, you speak.
“I need you guys to explain everything to me.”
All nine of you sit in your living room.
The boys helped you get settled on the couch, where you sit with San and Wooyoung flanking both of your sides. Hongjoong and Seonghwa sit across from you three while Mingi sits on the floor next to your legs. Yunho sits to the right of San and Yeosang and Jongho remain standing, but still close.
“This isn’t the first time we’ve met you,” Hongjoong begins.
“We’ve been very lucky to have met you almost every single time you’ve been reborn.”
Yeosang continues.
“The first time we met you was an accident. You happened to stumble upon me when I was helping a wounded human at the time. Soon after, I introduced you to the others.”
“But I thought the only time humans could see a guardian angel was when they were close to death?” You questioned.
Jongho nods sadly.
“You passed away shortly after meeting the rest of us.”
“In almost every single life where you’ve been reborn,” Wooyoung explains.
“We’ve managed to find you, but we’ve never been granted the luxury of time.”
You softly run your fingers through his hair, hearing the tremble of his voice as he speaks.
“The last two times that you’ve been born, we’ve been fortunate enough to be your guardian angels,” Seonghwa smiles.
“But in your last life, you passed away prematurely,” San says.
You turn your head towards him.
“A freak accident that we weren’t able to save you from.”
Mingi turns around to look up at you from where he rests by your legs.
“We failed you,” he whispers sadly.
You shake your head.
“You guys didn’t fail me. Not then, and not now. Just because you guys are angels doesn’t mean you can control everything that happens.”
“Sometimes,” you take a deep breath. “Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t always protect the ones you love.”
“But we have to,” Hongjoong says, looking you in the eye. “Not only is that our job, but for selfish reasons too.”
He looks down at his hands.
“We couldn’t take watching you die another time.”
It’s silent for a moment.
“How am I still here then?”
Hongjoong looks back up at you.
“We made a deal.”
You send him a questioning look.
“A deal?”
All the men surrounding you nod.
“What kind of deal?” You prod, noticing how they seem to hesitate to give you more details.
“Our life in exchange for yours.”
You inhale sharply, the sudden movement causing pain to shoot up your back. Wooyoung and San attempt to soothe your pain, but your mind is only focused on the information they just gave you.
“We made a deal with God,” Yunho starts. “Our status in heaven as guardian angels, in exchange for the guarantee that you would live a full life.”
“What?” you say breathlessly. “Why, why would you guys do that?”
“Because we’re selfish,” Jongho says, looking at you with such tenderness you’re unsure of what to do with yourself.
“And we don’t care about being angels or having those powers and helping others if it means we have to live in a world without you in it,” Mingi finishes.
Tears begin to well up and spill out of your eyes before you can stop them. San and Wooyoung cuddle impossibly closer to you, hugging you tightly while the others watch on with misty eyes.
“Thank you,” you sob into your hands. “Thank you.”
They all smile.
It’s been about a month since you almost (should’ve) died.
In that month, the ex-angels did their best to help you recover from your injuries, although they certainly complained about no longer having healing powers to help stop you from being pain.
“Welcome to the life of being a human,” you rolled your eyes.
“This is lame, maybe we should’ve stayed as angels,” Wooyoung muttered.
You smacked him on the chest, ignoring his yelp and complaints.
“Don’t make me bring out the bat again,” you warned.
After you were fully recovered, you focused on helping the boys adjust to their new lives as humans.
“Why do we have to walk everywhere?” Mingi groaned, dragging his feet behind you.
You rolled your eyes.
He’s just like a little kid.
“Because my car can only fit four of you, but all eight of you decided to accompany me to the store,” you remind him.
He says nothing, but you could still hear his grumbling.
As they’ve slowly adjusted to human life, the nine of you have fallen into a smooth routine that’s oddly domestic.
Wooyoung and Seonghwa continue to cook the meals for you guys, and you all make an effort to eat at least one meal together a day.
Seeing as most of them aren’t morning people, you typically opt to eat dinner together instead.
You’ve also decided to introduce them to your favorite bookstore.
“How ironic,” you muse, walking hand in hand with San and Yunho as you all approach the quaint shop.
“What is, sunflower?” Yeosang questions.
“This bookstore is the whole reason I met you guys in the first place,” you give San’s hand a small squeeze.
He squeezes it back three times.
Later that night, when you’ve all returned home, you guys decide to have a small movie night.
After arguing over what movie to watch, Jongho insisted on watching a horror movie, which Mingi complained about loudly.
Not that it mattered, most everyone ended up falling asleep by the time the film was halfway over, including yourself.
You could hear the sound of someone moving around quietly in the living room and turned your head to the side, burying your face deeper into Mingi’s chest. The feeling of a blanket being laid over the two of you was welcomed.
You felt someone leave a soft kiss on the side of your head.
“Goodnight my love,” Hongjoong whispered softly. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
You hummed in reply, falling back asleep perfectly content and safe in the presence of your lovers.
a/n: my fic to celebrate hitting 50 followers, you guys are insane, i love you all so much and i hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
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ratedfleur · 28 days
i'm happy that u saw it. anyways, here the two ideas that I sent (which didn't reach u ☹️ fuck u tumblr)
GP! Reader and Bully! Karina
- reader is a scholar on a prestigious in whick Karina’s family owns. And Karina having the influence and power, she always plays on rhe weak which are the scholar. She decided to make Reader her new victim, but little did she know, something will happen that will make the tables turn
GP! Reader x Model! Wonyoung
- Reader is a CEO of a well-known brand and Wonyoung has been dying to be one of the models to endorse it. And Reader saw this opportunity to make a deal in which Wonyoung can't decline
THERE YOU GO! I was having this huge stress bcs of school (ph edu system sucks) and ideas of my ults like this would come to my mind. I knew I had to send it to you since you're really great in writing and you are able to get the idea easily. I was occasionally checking tumblr for ur updates and I was really worried, hopefully, this ideas would reach you 🙏
- 💙
i'm super into the first idea like ... scholar!y/n and bully!karina just makes so much sense ?! i just see it happen so smoothly once you step foot into the university, you would've caught karina's attention when she saw you in the office as she was getting off the hook of the head mistress– her mother.
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seeing that there was a new goody two shoes in town, karina made sure that you would be in every step of the way that she walked. karina always liked to corner you whenever you were sent on errands by the professors– the teaching personel always liked to send you on their errands because you were quick on your feet.
while you were sent on errands, karina always made sure to give you a little something or an obstacle of some sorts. minjeong, aeri, and yizhuo were always there when you ran your errands, their sick smile would be on their faces as they bothered you as you went to wherever the professor sent you. ever since you arrived, your new found friends warned you of a certain group in the university grounds that you should avoid at all times; karina, minjeong, aeri, and yizhuo. but you couldn't avoid them with how often they would follow you around, even after school hours.
it took a month before karina became the one who always tormented you around campus– yes, around campus. she would follow you around as if she was your little minion but she'd make snarky remarks from behind you, teasing you about your dirty hello kitty backpack, pulling on your cutesy ponytail that you decorated with a bow, and even in the lunch room where she'd always trip you over, making you land on your food tray on the ground. 
it only took a few more silly teasing from karina and her friends before you handled things your way. 
one day, your new appearance in school made brows raise as you walked through the halls with your head held up high, uniform all wrinkled up with a few buttons undone, you had made your makeup all messy and dark– nothing like the old y/n would've done. even karina raised her brows when she saw you with her own eyes after yizhuo told her all about your new image.
karina was making her way out of detention when suddenly a hand pulled her wrist, making her curse as she faced whoever dared to tug on her hand. her brows raise when she sees you standing in front of her, you both share an intense staring contest as karina stares you down. she scoffs, "you think you're something else now that you had a little makeover huh?" karina smirks at you.
she was about to speak once more until you slapped her cheek which made karina see red as you forcefully pulled her into the nearest janitor's closet, forcing her on your knees as you reached for something under your skirt. karina was busy spewing random words as she got up, bullying you about the move that you just pulled not until your hand revealed a long and thick cock as your other hand forcefully pushed her down on her knees as you forced your cock into her mouth.
 karina gagged as her nose reached your pubes as you pulled her head up and down your cock, her hands and nails frantically scratch your upper thighs as she tried to get off of your cock. "look who's the loser now, huh? you're the loser now, karina yoo. look at you all over my cock like whore." you smiled as you stared karina down as her eyes teared up, her makeup was getting ruined with how hard you were handling her mouth. snot, tears, and saliva was covering her face as you fucked her mouth, you didn't care if karina was crying as she gagged all over you, what matters is that karina would learn her lesson to not mess with you any longer.
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📝: omg sorry this took so long ueue i hope this makes up for it though! and truly, the ph edu system really does sucks ass talaga! (╥﹏╥) i really hated studying under that education system huhu kayanin, 💙 anon!!
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hotpinkstars · 26 days
Since we all love crumbs of angst every now and then:
Boothill being a dad is kinda bittersweet on it's own given his past.
But what if-
He lost his s/o due to labor complications. Another person on the list of people he lost out of nowhere.
LOSS - boothill x reader
- you pass away giving birth to your child.
- hi guys im sick 🤒 and i feel like i'm going to pass out but i decided to write 👍 this ask broke me but i just had to write it and i have no regrets... guys i was gonna write angst anyway but this one. this.
- major character death, hurt no comfort, written by someone who has never had a baby or been pregnant, pre-cyborg boothill wc 863
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You have reached your due date, leaving both you and Boothill on your toes.
You’ve have a specifically rough pregnancy in itself, being horribly sick in the middle of it, really bad pain for the majority of it, and you were absolutely ready to get this baby out of you.
It pained Boothill to see you in so much agony, so he wishes the same, too. There's only so much he can do when it comes to how painful and hard your pregnancy was. 
So, when he was awoken to moaning and the sight of you leaning up against the headboard at around 2 in the morning, he was excited, but also really nervous. If your pregnancy was harsh, how bad would your labor be?
When you saw him wake up, you immediately gripped his arm, holding onto it for dear life before he could even register the situation unfolding before him. Tears were streaming down your face, little gasps and moans coming from your chapped lips every once in a while.
“What’s going on?” He asked, groggy and barely capable of opening his eyes. You fall into his embrace, crying lightly into his shoulder. 
“It hurts,” you manage to choke out, trying to get as much air in and out as you can.
“Is it baby time?” He sat up, a glimmer in his now wide eyes. You nod, clutching his shoulders and leaning back into the pillow. At the same time he was excited, he was also indescribably nervous. He wasted no time in readying himself to take you to the hospital. 
He ran around your shared ranch, preparing everything possible after helping you walk to the couch so you were in a less stuffy space. He draped a light blanket over your form, occasionally sitting with you while you’re fighting a contraction. 
He got you to the hospital alright, which was a success in his eyes. The only thing he couldn’t do was take your pain away, and it pulled at his heart in a horrible way. The amount of “‘M sorry, sugar,” he whispered on the way to the hospital would be more than countable on both hands.
So now, with you in the nurses hands, all he had to do was help you through contractions, and wait until his baby was born.
He was confident in your abilities to give birth to a healthy baby, and he was also confident in your capabilities of rebounding from the birth. That was, until your pulse dropped.
Thankfully, a nurse was checking how dilated you were, and noticed your breathing pattern was very… labored. He understood something was wrong when she stopped midway through checking you to come up to give you an oxygen mask, and telling you to breathe before frantically finding other nurses. While a bunch of professionals crowd around you, someone pulls him aside. 
“You’re the husband, yes?” The nurse asked, sitting down to type away on a keyboard. He nodded, fidgeting with his fingers while he rested his forearms on top of the counter. 
“Is she gonna be alright?” He asked, some uncertainty laced within his accent, making it thicker. 
The nurse hesitated and stumbled over her words. “I’m not entirely sure,” she managed to get out, crushing the cowboys' already strained heart. “You saw her state, and we're certainly going to have to perform a c-section. She’s much too weak for a vaginal birth.”
He nodded slowly. “When do I get to see her again?”
“You can now if you want to. There's just going to be a lot of nurses in there, that's all.” 
So in the room he goes. He doesn’t want to miss out on anything, even if you’re extremely unstable and barely breathing. He walks in and kneels right by the side of your head, watching as your eyes crack open in the slightest, smiling through your oxygen mask. 
“You’ll be alright, sugar,” he whispered before kissing your forehead. “It’ll all be alright.”
Famous last words.
You, for a matter of fact, were not alright. You could barely even keep your eyes open as they hand Boothill your baby. They were bloodshot, and very exhausted. As nurses were trying to stitch you up, your vision turned to black.
They escorted Boothill and your child out of the room and into a separate room as they try to help you once more. But nothing was working. Your heart had stopped beating, and the oxygen mask was no longer necessary. 
When the news was broken to Boothill, he instantly broke down. A nurse took the baby into a separate part of the unit so she could be properly treated, and he rushed back over to your room with tears flooding his eyes to see if he could catch one final glimpse of you. 
You were deathly pale, laying stiff on the bed, no life left in your body. He once again started to break down before being told to head home for the night, to get as much rest as he could and to come back in the morning. 
Well, he was a father, but his daughter no longer had the mother she deserved.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 month
Typical Day for a Mall Cop
My name's Bill, and I've been a guard at the mall for almost a decade now. It wasn't my dream job, but life has a way of creeping up on you with kids and a mortgage. I needed something to pay the bills, and I've always had a knack for watching over people.
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Like any other weekend, the mall is fairly busy, so I stay on my feet and patrol the halls for most of the day. Occasionally, I'll check in with the other mall cop, but my time is mostly filled with watching shoppers come and go. If anybody gets too rowdy, a stern look is enough to keep them in line.
A lot of the time, teenagers will loiter in stores. Some of them even try and bring their skateboards in, but it isn't too hard to make them adhere to the mall's strict policies. They might be young and clueless, but that doesn't mean I'll cut them any breaks.
Over by the fountain, I see one of the boys I admonished a week ago. I think I caught him shoplifting or something. Thieves normally get banned from the mall, but I didn't do that with this one. He said something that completely caught me off guard; he said he could hypnotize me.
I laughed in his face.
Amused inwardly by the boy's foolish claim, I walk over to check in with him. I'm sure he'll remember the security guard that almost kicked him out of the mall last weekend.
The kid is chatting with his friends, but they fall quiet when they notice me looming behind them. Like we'd discussed last week, I drop to my knees and kneel in front of the troublemaker. He explained that this is the best thing for me to do when I see him around, and I can't help but agree. I know the boy deserves my respect.
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I plant a kiss on both of his sneakers, and then wait for him to speak first. It takes a minute because he and his friends are busy cracking up over some unspoken joke. Whatever it is, clearly went right over my head.
"How you doin', mall pig?" the boy laughs.
I smirk at the nickname he's given me. We've gotten in the habit of calling each other by these pseudonyms, and I don't mind it.
"Very good, sir," I answer, using the name I've come to associate him with, "How are you?"
"Fine, I guess," he shrugs, "I spent your cash on kicks for my crew."
That reminds me of last week again. The boy had made it seem like a good idea to give him all the money I had, which included the paycheck I'd earned for last pay period. On the ground, I had a close view of all the vibrant sneakers the teenagers were wearing. It was nice to know he'd put my gift to good use, even if my wife had been pissed that I'd come home without my month's salary.
"You have another check for me, fat ass?"
His friends laugh at his new nickname for me, but I shake my head and answer a solemn, "No, sir."
The teenager groans and leads his gang of friends away, already bored with me. It seems like he's just going to leave me there, kneeling in the middle of the mall, until he turns and beckons me to follow. Inwardly, I'm glad that he's not done with me yet. I've come to enjoy our interactions a lot.
I follow the boys, crawling behind them all the way into a bathroom.
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"If you ain't got any cash to keep me and my crew entertained, then you're gonna have to do something to make us laugh," he explains.
"Of course, sir!" I smile, trying to express how willing I am to impress him and his friends.
"We'd find it hilarious if you dunked your head in each toilet," he adds blandly.
I light up. He's just explained how I can be of service and now all I have to do is follow through. I'm sure it'd be hilarious for them to watch a fully grown security guard giving himself a few swirlies. That's peak comedy!
"Watch this, sir!" I laugh, crawling over to the first toilet and shoving my face into the water without any hesitation.
I know the guy that's supposed to clean these bathrooms, and it's obvious he slacks off because there are skid marks all over. I try not to think about it as my cheeks and forehead brush against the bottom of the bowl. When I pull my face out of the flushing toilet, my ears pop and hear a roar of laughter behind me. The kids find it hilarious, which only fuels my desire to keep going.
With a gaping grin, I shuffle over to the next stall and repeat. There are six toilets in the men's restroom. Some are cleaner than others. The last one is a clogged mess, and the boys find it hilarious when I come up with toilet paper plastered to my face. I laugh through it all, even if the urge to puke is growing.
By the time I'm done, I'm soaked in toilet water, and the teenagers are in tears.
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"Alright, toilet guy. That was disgusting," the leader of the pack chuckles, grimacing in my direction, "You have a car or something?"
"Yes, sir. I've got a minivan in the parking lot."
"A minivan?" he seems disappointed, "Hand over the keys anyway. We wanna drive around."
"You got it, sir," I say, fishing the fob out of my damp pockets.
He swipes the keys out of my hand eagerly and turns to leave the bathroom. I start to follow the boys out, but he stops me.
"Why don't you stay in here 'till you dry off," he snorts, "You can spend that time in the corner, thinking about what you can do for me next time I'm at the mall."
"Yes, sir," answer, and the boys leave.
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Briefly, the thought of getting back to work crosses my mind. I really should be out there keeping an eye on the vendors and their merchandise, but that goes away. Like suggested, I stare at the dirty tile wall and begin to brainstorm what I can do for the boy the next time I see him.
My walkie goes off now and then with the voice of my coworker wondering where I am, but I ignore it.
After an hour or so, I've dripped mostly dry, but a strong stink still lingers around my head. Still, I've come up with a few different things I could have ready next week. It'll take some overtime to make extra cash for the boy. My wife won't be happy about that, but it'll give me a chance to actually have cash ready for him when he asks for it.
The only other thing I have to offer is the perks of my job. Maybe his friends and him would like a tour of the security office? I'd give them free reign of everything in the confiscated bin.
Speaking of my job, I should probably get back. My partner is probably angry at me for not answering the radio. He'll be happy when I tell him I'll take the late shift for the next few days. Hopefully he won't say anything about the smell. God, it's awful!
Just another day working as a mall cop!
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