#and i'm finally up to date with the countdown! :)
gunpowderxsunshine · 2 years
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14 days till Season 14
Day 10: one memorable densi moment from season 10
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lustlovehart · 3 months
Caught In Her Web
A/n: I love women
Summary: [Yandere] Dinner never seems to go right with Kafka
Warnings: Toxic date, memory erasure, unwanted touching, unconscious kiss
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Her gloved fingers tap against the wooden table, every sound only increasing the tension through the room.
"Hm? Oh, don't look at me like that, I'm not gonna eat you dear."
At this rate, you wouldn't doubt if she did take a bite out of you.
"Kafka, quit this, what do you need from me this time?"
"Don't be so heartless [Name], maybe I just wanted to have dinner with my favorite person through the universe's."
"Cut it out."
"I'm not messing with you," her leather covered hands slowly make their way into your own, both palms caging your own in hers as she makes heavy contact into your soul. "Let's just eat shall we?"
You don't reply, only looking hesitantly at your hand covered by her malice.
You knew of the existence of scripts, she never hid information from you. Whatever information she did withhold probably would’ve been stuff you wouldn’t wanna know anyway.
The food laid between you two, the steam floating off it being very visible, yet Kafkas eyes completely overshadow them, rather than being drawn to the appetizers your focus is entirely on her, you don't look into her eyes, but just staring at her gloved hands is enough.
She has that effect on people you assume.
Her left hand plays with your arm, the digits of her limb playful crawling up your skin until they catch onto your chin, forcing you to finally look at her.
"You know darling, it's common coutersy to look at someone when you talk to them is it not?"
"I'm not gonna look at you."
Her fingers quickly release you from her hold, a playful 'hm' leaving her lips as she takes a fork and, somehow, makes stabbing a steak look both violent and elegant at the same time.
"Fine, be that way, the least you could do is let me feed you."
"I doubt you'd give me a choice."
"Hm, you're smart, good," the knife cuts through the meat, her utensil slowly lifting it to your mouth, her lips telling you to say 'ahh'. "Be careful dear, it's hot."
You don't give her the satisfaction of listening to her, despite the heat of the food radiating off of it, you don't blow. You'd rather burn your tongue than make this criminal happy with you.
You were right, your mouth is in so much pain. You try to keep your face neutral, but you can't help letting a little of the pain escape.
"See, I told you it was hot. I just praised you too."
You swallowed, it hurt like hell, but you swallowed. You're sure if it wasn't boiling it would've been delicious, but what's done is done.
"Try to at least enjoy our dinner, this will be the last time I see you for a while"
"Hm, maybe you're right, that does sound like something to celebrate."
"Oh, so you're only witty when it comes to remarks against me?"
"Was that not obvious?"
"You wound me [Name]" she looked down at the food again, instead of giving you more she only sighs and pushes the plate to the side. "Seems the dinner plans fell through. That's okay, Elio saw it coming."
"So even your 'heartfelt' dinner was apart of the script."
"Not all of it, we were just meant to sit at table filled with food, that wasn't apart of the plan."
"So you decided toying with me would be funner?"
"Playing with anyone is enjoyable to me, it's just nicer when it's you." She smiles after her words. Just that, a closed lip smile at you.
You look at the clock she had set up, it felt more like a countdown than a way to keep track of time. 3 hours left, that's too long for you.
"What, so you added your flirtations into this dinner?"
The more you think, 3 hours left till what?
"Hm, I did, is there problem? I don't think I hide my liking towards you."
Your brain can't remember what it was you were waiting for. It's like the memory of what waited for you at the end wasn't there anymore.
"You don't, but I wish you did."
Keep... Date... As long... Possible...
She leans across the table, her lips ghosting over your earlobe, a deep laugh escaping from her throat.
"How will I express my adoration for you then?" Her whisper came out teasing, yet if you looked past that, you can hear her underlying annoyance slip through the cracks. "Perhaps lock you in a golden cage like an innocent bird? Or should I do like a spider and trap you in my web." You sit still, not daring to move.
"Jokes of course, though, I would like for you to stay with me."
Feint words of broken memories invade your head, beating like some painful headache.
"Once this is over, you'll be different. It's sad I won't be able to keep the [Name] I cherish, but it's the price we have to pay for the script. These last moments will be what I'll have left of you, so I hope we can enjoy it together.
The whispers felt familiar, like you've been through it before. Spirit Whsiperer...
"Now, can we please enjoy this last meal of peace before it changes ?"
Your hands grab onto her as you push her to her side of the table. Your breaths were heavy once you remembered the situation the damned clock. Looking back at the time, how could time go by so quickly?
1 hour left.
"Don't try using that shit on me Kafka. It was 3 hours left 10 minutes ago how the hell could that be."
"That's the [Name] I like to see." She doesn't answer you, not a single question. While you frantically shake her.
"I told you myelf, I really do enjoy messing with you." Her hands aren't gloved anymore. The leather long being discarded, her fingers slowly reach up to your cheek pulling you closer to her face.
Her fingers are cold, like a corpse. You don't shiver though. Her touch is the most undisturbing part about her. It's what makes her so horrifying.
"Times up dear." Her thumb ghosts over your lips, gently placing her digit on you. She stand up from her seat, being eye to eye to yourself, her other hand placing itself on your waist, seemingly pulling you closer.
Your vision blacks as your head falls forward, the last thing you remember being the soft feeling of your face resting on her shoulder. Ice cold fingers are left stroking your head as the sound of a door opens.
"At the end of the day," Though you're out cold, deep down she wishes you can feel the way her freezing lips place a chaste kiss on your own. "I'm a selfish woman."
A dim light is all your blurred vision can see, the sound of a feint hum ringing through the empty space as well. Your head is rested on what feels to be someone's thighs, whoever it is must be the one rubbing circles into your chest, more specifically, the area where a heart would be.
It's not beating. Your hearts not working.
"You're awake." Your eyes clear as you look up at the woman smiling from above. She's beautiful.
She's familar.
"Do you remember me?"
She waits.
"Do you like me?"
She doesn’t say anymore, only tracing patterns into your skin as she waits, that unwavering smile still on her face. The lights grow darker. You don’t hear a throbbing in your ears, something someone with a heart would hear in distress. You don’t have that anymore. Well, maybe not anymore, you can’t remember if you ever did have one.
“Who are you?”
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woneuntonzz · 3 months
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ᯓ★ 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡-𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞
💿 ; uh-oh... did he really forget your special day?
ot7 idol!riize x afab!reader ( 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 .ᐟ )
📨 requested by anon !! ≈
contains: fluff, cussing, vv light-hearted (i think), some are funny —i tried
- - - - - - - - - - - more under the cut .ᐟ - - - - - - - - - - -
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shotaro - “the cold never bothered me anyway~”
When he got home from dance practice, he was exhausted like he'd always be after a long day of work, dragging himself along the considerable space of your apartment, and letting his body fall into the sheets. “Get up, your sweat is getting all over my sheets! I just changed that!” Your passive aggressiveness wasn't so passive anymore, and he'd bring himself to stand up. He just stood there, eyeing your figure pacing around the room. You finally looked into his lost eyes, “I'll change them for you.” he says.  You thought he had texted you earlier that day that he'll see you that night because he had a surprise, but his behavior could say otherwise. “Jerk.” “Wait, what did I do?” he tried to reach for your wrist, your soft hand. “Lovely?” Thankfully, the calendar was hung by the door, and when you slammed it with all the force you had, the calendar would fall. He picked it up and hung it back, then he saw the date. Shit. It even had a doodle of a little birthday cake on it. Your body was slumped on the couch, and suddenly you'd feel a pair of arms snaking down your body, both of which you pushed away but he persisted. “I'm sorry lovely, please let me make it up to you.” he had his face buried in your neck from behind, he left a little kiss, and an electrifying feeling.  The night would end up with the two of you in bed, getting all comfy and cuddled up, and for good measure, you made sure he wore the thing —the thing he seemed to despise so much and swore you'd never catch him wearing, ever— whilst you had a studio ghibli movie marathon, and of course before that you had to have a little photoshoot. “Pose for the camera Queen Elsa!” “This dress is a little itchy, did you even wash it?” “Did you even remember my birthday?” “Okay, sorry. You win." Still, he gives you the sweetest smile he could pull out, and at the end of the day you'd be all cuddled up in bed, the zipper of the dress he wore opened all the way so he could comfortably lie himself, your arms around his neck and his around your waist. He'd let you bury yourself into his warm embrace, placing a tender kiss on your forehead that lingered for long until he softly uttered, “I'm really sorry lovely, I shouldn't have forgotten, happy birthday.” “It's okay, I know you have a lot on your mind, you have a come back to prepare for after all.” Even with your serene voice, he'd still feel guilty for having forgotten your special day, and it would be the sweet sounds of your lips moving against each other in the same rhythm that'll relieve you both of the negativity.
eunseok - “open the door.”
He was feeling uneasy all day, but he had to hide it since he was in a fan meet —well, meeting fans. Behind all his smiles and heart poses, there was an itch in his brain he couldn't quite pick up on. Oh, right, my girlfriend's gonna be here —he'd skillfully and discreetly search for you within the crowds of fans. He knew he would have spotted you easily for being so fond of you, but you weren't there. Odd, he figured he should just wait for you to pop up next to one of his fansites. But the day has already ended and he still hasn't seen you.  Finally he got to check his phone. He'd finally caught up to the ant that crawled around in his mind. He tried messaging you a little, hi birthday girl —and with a cheeky expression on his face, he'd add, you're hotter than the flames on your birthday candles —you left him on read.  It was easy for him to explain that he had work, and you knew, because you said you were going to be in that fan meet. But unlike the last time where he greeted you happy birthday first thing in the morning, you pretty much concluded that he forgot. He did have plenty of time to greet you before the fan meet, so why didn't he? When they got back to the dorms, he made sure to call you as soon as he had locked himself up in his room. “I'm really sorry princess, I wish I could've seen you today, why didn't you come?” “I did… oh my God you don't love me anymore.” “NO, there's no way… I'm really sorry, step on me, use me, abuse me—” “I forgive you, stop.” Your laughter, filled his ears, and it was all he needed to hear. “And how bold of you to assume I had a birthday cake.” He'd laugh for a bit, then suddenly he'd reply with a stern voice. “Open the door.” “Are you outside?” He kept himself eerily quiet on the other side of the line. “Eunseok?” “No. But I got a cake delivered for you.” —it was a cake of your favorite character, and a little note was stuck to it, see? you're definitely hotter than your birthday candles (there's actually no candles lol the shop ran out :D).
sungchan - “good morning, baby.”
You were already used to your boyfriend's frequent absence, he is an idol after all, and despite that fact, your love for each other is inevitable. He was out of the country for a music video shooting, he had told you the full details, given you updates, and even promised to call you so in some way you could be with him whilst he explored around the tourist spots with his other group members.  It's 11:50 pm where you're at, where he was, he's probably working. You sighed, you had about ten minutes left before your birthday ended.  You sat on your bed, body pressed against your thighs, resting your head on your knees whilst you hugged them. You were all alone with your tiny projector, rewatching the episodes of the netflix series you had started with him, and promised to finish with him. You could almost feel his arms around you as you reminisced of the times when you two would just huddle against each other, him whispering sweet little nothings as you watched your shared favorite series. You'd never move onto the next episode without him, so before that new episode could start, you turned it off. You went back to your spot, still sitting up, blankly staring at the white space of your wall. His presence, his touch, his voice, it would all remain a wish as your eyes slowly shut themselves, filling your vision with darkness and guiding you to dreamland.  “...miss you… I love you so much… sorry…” —the sound of his voice, it was very close to your ears, but it sounded faint. You longed so much for him that you slept through it, thinking it was your dreams, because if it was you wouldn't want to wake up for a while.  Waking up, you'd feel trapped, trapped in… “Good morning, baby.” his arms.  You stared into his eyes, they were tired, but still they displayed affection, only for you.  You gently moved his arm, and as his hold on you loosened, you sat up to check the time, 12:00 pm. “Bambi? what are you doing here?” “We finished filming earlier yesterday.” he'd sit up too, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, very gently, he'd lay your head against his beating heart. “I kind of —forgot about your birthday.” he'd start caressing your hair. “I meant to call you before we got to the airport, but then I checked the time, you were already asleep.” You shifted yourself, laying your side against him. He'd trap you in his arms once again, holding you so close and tightly like he'd never want to let go of you.  You look up at him, unable to hold himself back, his lips would fall into yours, the warm sensations taking over as you drowned yourselves in each other's fervor. 
wonbin - “i forgot to feed my cat.”
“You give me the rest of your ice cream if he forgot.” “Bet.”  It was a music show day for RIIZE, work, as usual. Anton and Sohee bickering wasn't anything new, but them betting over something? Wonbin knew he'd fallen victim. “What are you two betting on?” The youngest two just stared at him, Anton bit his lip, holding back a smile. “Say Binnie, what day is it today?” “Tuesday?” —Sohee's mouth formed a little 'o' whilst Anton rolled his eyes, shoulders drooping down dramatically. “What? it's Tuesday.” “Wow, she should really stop with the princess treatment.” Wonbin only laughs at Anton's retort. “Happy Birthday Y/n.” Wonbin panicked at the mention of your name around staff, mainly his worry was at that, then, he realized. “Birthday?” “Aww, Binnie forgot.” Wonbin's mouth went agape, dismissing Sohee's teasing.  Wonbin shook his head, grabbing his phone that rested beside him on the waiting room sofa, he messages you, meet at the vending machine? :> You'd meet him by the vending machine, you had to bring along one of your own group members so as to not raise suspicion, while also pretending to be there for nothing more than a refresher.  “Happy birthday.” he quietly utters, as he reaches down to grab the soda from the dispensing slot. He'd give you the soda, and it had a little note on it.
i love you, i hope you never forget, like how i forgot your birthday :3 You saw him suppressing his laughter, he was lucky he's adorable, and you could never get mad at him since you were in the same line of work, it was easy for you to understand. But of course, being the best girlfriend you are, you'd give your fans a little tmi in your birthday live. “How's my pet cat? Well, Binnie forgot about my birthday, kinda hurts, but pets are pets. You don't feed them, they forget.” —he was watching when you said that, let's just say Sohee and Anton didn't keep very quiet.
seunghan - “i ate shinchan twice, wink, wink.”
The bright wave of sunlight was enough for you to tell that this day was going to be the best day of your life, and it would be for as long as your friends were around. They'd throw you a surprise birthday party and you'd spend the next twelve hours playing cards against humanity and being unhinged young adults trying your damndest not to get a noise complaint from your apartment neighbors. Despite the effects of your friends' urging to continue the night with some drinking, you'd refuse because you were expecting company later that night, him.  You hadn't changed from your birthday fit, it was in your favorite colors too. You kept it on, wanting to show it off to your boyfriend.  You expected a smiley Seunghan, running up to the couch to pick you up and spin you around, peppering kisses all over your face, but when he walked through the door, his head hung low. When he looked up and met your eyes, he could only let out a frail smile. You could see his exhaustion through his eyes.  He sat down on the couch, next to you, and laid his head atop of the couch's backrest, and his eyes fell on you, then on your lips. You knew what he needed, and so you planted a soft kiss on his lips, that would later turn into a heated one. You'd straddle his hips, “What were you up to today babe? you're looking a little too beautiful right now.” he uttered against your lips.  Your giggle would cause a ruckus in his heart. It was so delightful, yet he didn't foresee it. “What are you laughing at?” “My friends got me a shinchan cake, they told me to keep it all for myself, but I want to share it with you.” his slightly furrowed eyebrows would soon soften.  “Oh fuck, sorry, happy birthday babe.” he gives you another quick kiss. “I forgot I was supposed to buy you something.” “Well, what is it babe?” “Can't say, it's a surprise.” “What if…” you leaned in closer to his ear. “... you save that gift for my next birthday and give me something else tonight?” Seunghan was late to practice the next day. 
sohee - “birthday, yes. happy, never.”
Sohee woke up in a haze, not to be that kind of person, but he definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He still had his special mc duties though, so he was up and went on about his day. Well of course, every morning would never be complete without messaging his girlfriend, good morning bub :D But before you could reply, another message would follow shortly,
gonna be vv busy with m countdown todei, but i'll talk to u again as soon as i get off!! —you smiled. This alone was already the sweetest birthday present of all.  The thing is, it wasn't meant to be anything more than just the usual for Sohee. He'd proceed with his job, beaming at everyone and the cameras, elated, but only because he was looking forward to hearing your voice again towards the end of the day.  “I filmed a TikTok with Taeyong, I'm so happy.” —finally, he was able to talk to you again.  “I can tell.” you chuckled, looking at his smile through your phone screen.  You were happy too, but he seemed to have forgotten something.  “I filmed a TikTok too, do you want to see it?” “Yes! Is that even a question?” you shook your head, chuckling once more.  You showed him the video using your laptop. You held your phone close enough, flipping Sohee's view to the back cam, and he'd watch your TikTok wide-eyed. When the video was done, you flipped it back to the front cam, showing him your brazen smile. “Happy birthday bub, you're so hot.” You laughed. “You didn't forget, right?” “No, no!” You kept laughing, he definitely didn't forget, he's definitely not sweating buckets because you've caught him. “Okay, maybe I did —but you said in the video 'happy, never', you're happy, right? I can take a quick run to you right now.”  “I'm happy, I had fun with my friends today.” “That's so emo of you though, suddenly you beat me at my lip sync game, lip syncing to some emo ass audio, you can't even sing the lyrics to our songs.” “Excuse me?”  “Just kidding hehe, I love you and you're so hot.” He took that quick run to your place, and you'd add another video into your TikTok drafts. 
anton - “i'll ra-pa-pa-punch your face.”
He'd be woken up by Sungchan saying, “'Ton, we have a recording today, get up.” He'd groan softly, somehow still so worn out even after passing out for nearly eleven hours.  He sat up, still groggy. He checked for his phone, and the time, Already 9:00 am? —he'd go on about his morning routine, like usual. He got on the van with the other members, yawning like it was his last when he got it. He'd only be able to displace his drowsiness once he got out of the vehicle, scrolling on his phone. The date, recording day, and —suddenly he was wide awake. The boys were gathered around the control booth, listening to the demo of their next title track. “Oh, and Y/n will be the co-producer for this album.” The members spared Anton a glance, as if checking up on him.  When you got in the studio, you would be warmly welcomed by the boys, all but him. He acted like it was the very first time he'd meet you. To be fair, your relationship was a secret to everyone else, and you couldn't really be open about it at work, but he acted odd. He was a wee bit distant, and a lot more reserved. It wasn't your first time working with RIIZE either, so it was odd to say the least. At some point Wonbin would ask you, “Are you gonna beat up Anton?” because your smile would diminish when it was Anton's turn to record.  When it was time to say goodbye, the boys would greet you happy birthday in chorus, Anton would bow with them, but he didn't speak, even more of a reason for you to avoid his eyes until he left. You didn't want to think much of it, and so you continued to work, staying out late in the studio with the other producers, and you'd keep working till they left —though, they wouldn't leave without wishing you happy birthday and urging you to rest and celebrate at home, but you insisted.  You'd drift asleep, head propped on your fist. You were thinking, thinking of what could've gotten into Anton, why was he acting that way? “Happy Birthday love.” you almost jumped off of your seat, awakened by Anton's voice in the recording booth. “Was the door not locked? how did you get in there?”  “The door was quite unlocked, I'd say.” he uttered to the microphone. “And I kind of forgot your birthday —and the present I bought.” his eyes pointed towards the gift bag that rested on the floor next to you.  “Thank you Tony, but, you could've just told me. It's okay. I was worried about why you were ignoring me…” He rushed to answer when he saw your fleeting smile. “I just felt bad. I'm really sorry, it's stupid. I didn't want to approach you empty handed so I went back to the dorms to grab your present.” Your sudden laughter caught him off-guard. “I know, I know, it's embarrassing.” “No, no. I just can't believe you're still in there.” he was still in the recording booth, talking to you through the microphone input.  “Well, I also wanted to re-record my parts. I couldn't focus earlier because you were boring holes into my soul.” “Well, I'm sorry if YOU forgot my birthday.” “Chill, I was only joking, love.”
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well this kinda sucked self-indulgence at its finest (pls don't bully me for almost making anton's into a whole ass fic hehe) ; 💿
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allforhee · 1 month
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୨୧ pairing — non!idol!bf!jungwon x gn!reader
୨୧ synopsis — having jungwon as your boyfriend is full of surprises, and after dating him for a while, he takes you on once again another date. at this date, which happens to be an arcade date, you see the playful and child-like version of him, which makes you fall in love with him more.
୨୧ genre — established relationship, you guys were the best friends to lovers trope
୨୧ warnings — cute coupley stuff, jungwon being absolutely adorable, lovers only starting off their relationship aka still being shy with the lovey dovey stuff
୨୧ word count — 879 words, sorta proofread
୨୧ author's note — a bunch of moots on my twitter have been requesting a jungwon fic... so here it is! i hope you all enjoy and i hope i did my wonie girlies some justice ^^ pls i hope the ending line made sense ik it's cheesy but i love claw machines so i hope you enjoy wonie freaking over claw machines !!
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"𝐍𝐎 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓, 𝐖𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄!" an excited jungwon squeals as he pulls you by the wrist.
date nights with jungwon were not uncommon. whether it be cafe hopping or watching a horror movie, you had been on many dates with him.
even if it was only a few months into your relationship with him, he always had a surprise up his sleeve. he always made date nights interesting.
as jungwon grabs your wrist to run to what he was pointing at, you take in this new aura of your boyfriend. the surrounding bright neon lights and the glow in the dark carpeted floor made it clear. jungwon had brought you to an arcade.
as you finally reach your destination after what felt like an eternity of jungwon pulling you, you come across a bright light in front of you, a square cube filled with all kinds of plushes. a claw machine.
"ynnie! look! oh i have to win one! where's my game card?" jungwon exclaims as he frantically looks for his game card he bought, prior to the date night.
"wonie, you know this is a scam, right?" you explain to him, as he's still looking for the card in his totebag.
jungwon gasps wildly, and looks at you like you just stole all the stars from the sky. "how dare you?! these are little plushies just waiting to be saved! can't you see their little faces trapped in that horrid cage?"
you laugh at his exaggeration, his face all pouty from your 'insult.'
as he finally finds his game card, his smiling expression beaming, he enthusiastically taps his card on the scanner, before the arcade music starts, and the 30 second countdown begins.
jungwon looks up into the glass cage as he can now move the crane with the joystick. he beams up into the cage as he slowly moves the arm to which plush he wants to get.
"oh- so clo- wait- baby can you check from the sides to see if it can properly grasp it?" jungwon asks, his face beaming with excitement.
you sigh as you move aside, looking into the glass cage from the sides. you decide to play with him a bit, "oh! move it back just a tad bit! yes- a bit mor- right there!"
as jungwon presses the big red CATCH button with confidence, you smile at him menacingly from the side, as the claw completely misses the plush.
"wait— no! i was so close!" jungwon cries out, seeing the claw move towards the drop zone without a plush in it.
you giggle and jungwon spots you, before giving you a pout. "baby~ what was that for?"
"you looked so excited to get the plush! i'm sorry, we'll try again, m'kay?" you confessed, as his face begins to light up again once more.
jungwon smiles and jumps in excitement, before tapping the card once more, and the game starts all over again.
this time, you're actually determined to help him get the plush, after seeing his beaming face and glowing smile. you can't help but wonder how it would be like if you could have that smile embedded in your brain.
as he moves the joystick and the claw moves once more, you grasp his hand—which was holding the joystick and help him adjust. he looks at you with a smile before focusing back to the game.
finally, you make the last few adjustments before you grab his hand to hit the CATCH button. at first, jungwon was surprised with the sudden decision, "ynnie~ that wasn't in place yet!" he whined.
you smiled at him before looking back into the cage, only to find the claw grasping none other than the plush he wanted. as the claw lifted it up, jungwon's eyes were focused. his eyes stuck following the plush, where it moved swiftly, and finally landed in the drop zone.
jungwon let out an excited gasp, before squatting down and grabbing the plush out of the collect here drawer. he smiled at you with that beaming smile, and you could feel your cheeks grow red.
"baby see! i told you we could do it! i caught it!" he smiled, holding the plush in your face, showing it off.
you giggled at him before mumbling "no, you're a catch."
you had thought jungwon was too enthralled in the plush to hear you, but his super-hearing picked up what you said.
"hmm? what did you say?" jungwon questioned you.
you snapped back into reality, gazing into his eyes, "what? oh nothing..."
jungwon laughed, "you think i'm a catch, don'tcha?"
you tried to hide your face in your hands, hiding your red face, before jungwon pulled you in a hug. you continued to hide your face in his neck, embarrassed.
"you don't have to hide, baby." jungwon giggled, as he pat your head, and kissed your forehead out of habit.
you felt goosebumps run throughout your body, before looking up and smiling at him. you kissed his cheek shyly, as you felt a soft item land in your arms.
as jungwon placed the plush he just won in your arms, he beamed at your confused expression, "i don't need the plush, you're always going to be my catch anyways."
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taglist; @riekiss @sesameoil721 @desistay (crossed out = i can't tag you)
back to my masterlist?
© 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐇𝐄𝐄, est. 2024 | do not plagiarize, modify, translate, or repost my works on any platforms.
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years
a steddie "they reconnect after years apart" journey except they never got all that close post-Vecna to begin with. Like they spend a week in hell together, develop the sort of respect you have for someone when you have to work together to save the world, but it doesn't ever get much bigger than that.
They're just two guys who stumbled into each other's lives on circumstance alone and then spend the next decade seeing each other precisely once a year at the single shared holiday they both spend with the party.
New Years.
Eddie always spends Thanksgiving with Wayne and Steve is with Robin every 4th of July (running off and doing their own thing in a tradition everyone knows not to ask about) so the only time both of them end up at the Hopper-Byers residence every year is in that final countdown towards something new.
and they're not enemies and they're not-not friends either, but it's like that friend of your cousin who shows up to the party and you'll chat and make polite conversation and roll your eyes when they say something a bit out of bounds for two people who don't know each other all that well except.
Well, except, when you do that every year it becomes routine. When you do it every year it becomes, I know I'm not gonna have to continue this conversation in the morning so fuck it I'll be honest with you. When you do it every year, on the tipsiest night of the year, surrounded by people you trust in an environment that feels intrinsically safe it becomes--
"Did you quit your shitty job yet or are you still being a pussy about it?"
and it becomes--
"you're not still dating that same jerk as last year, right?"
and it becomes--
"wait, you hate playing Christmas music, why would you let someone talk you into that? Next time call me and I'll knock some sense into your dense skull"
and it becomes--
"I mean obviously a friends with benefits thing wouldn't work out, Steve, you're a serial monogamist"
and it becomes--
"Hey, it's good to see you again, man"
and it becomes--
"I missed your stupid hair."
and it becomes--
"I missed your drunk fucking rants."
and it becomes--
"I missed you."
Years pass, turning one into the next and it becomes I missed you I missed you I miss you.
Because they've been doing this long enough that they know each other, one night a year holding up the kitchen-counter-turned-bar and having their own little isolated conversation in the yellow glow of the only well-lit room in the house, and somewhere along the line they started knowing each other. Seeing each other. Understanding.
At some point it starts to ache, leaving that behind in the early hours of the morning and starting a new year all over again, counting down towards that final countdown when it all feels like it clicks into place. And later, at another point, they start to notice the ache.
They start to notice that they really are leaving something behind in the magic of that moment and it becomes a question of can this survive in the light of day?
It's 1995, about to tip over into 1996 when Eddie looks at Steve and doesn't see the guy pressed up against the wall of a boat shed, or the guy diving headfirst into a frigid lake so the rest of them wouldn't have to, or the guy walking away towards battle with something like uncertainty and something like hope both scrambling for purchase in his eyes.
It's 1995, about to be 1996 when Eddie looks at this guy from his past and realizes that just because he never knew him then doesn't mean he doesn't now, doesn't mean he's not allowed to get to know him now.
Eddie's not the guy who held that bottle to his throat anymore after all, not the guy who dove into that lake after him, who broke a promise and tried to be a hero. Ten years does a lot to a person and so when the Eddie of today looks at the Steve of today and says--
"I'm gonna kiss you at midnight this time, for the record."
--it doesn't feel like the ground is quaking, like anything has to shift to make space for the change that is Steve's slow smile around the lip of his glass in response.
They've been making space for ten years. They've been moving closer to each other a centimeter at a time in this well-lit kitchen, up against the counter-turned-bar.
"Well, if we're going on the record," Steve shrugs as a noise maker cuts through the warmth of their family's chattering throughout the house, "I know that already."
"Yeah?" Eddie's eyebrows shoot up, delight filling up his chest like the mystical hope of starting over. "How?"
"You get this look in your eye," Steve shrugs, "every time you plan on escalating."
Eddie chews on the inside of his cheek to keep from beaming too broadly, sets his glass on the sideboard and gives Steve a curious once-over.
"Yeah, that's the one," Steve laughs, this bright and full sound that it took probably three of those first New Years Eves for Eddie to earn, and it spurs him on.
It has always been becoming, the space between them, and it has always been becoming this, Eddie holding Steve's cheek assuredly with one confident hand and pressing their lips together in a simple, all-consuming, closed-mouth shout of a kiss.
"You didn't wait until midnight," Steve breathes when they pull away, and fuck Eddie has missed him, has found so much to miss in knowing him.
"Don't worry Cinderella," Eddie lets their foreheads touch, lets all that space officially close shut, "I ain't going anywhere when the clock chimes."
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xoxoamyas · 5 months
it started with a kiss
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rating : mentions of alcohol, obsessive / stalkerish implications / references, slight suggestive comments [ 2 ]
simpbur x gn!reader
☆ you attend another party like you would any other, you didn't expect to meet him. <3
note : new years special !! i'm so sorry this was posted so late. it was meant to be out the first or second, but stuff happened :( i hope you enjoy it at least a bit <3
masterlist [ ☆ ]
You were usually one to be out and about, never truly home for longer than a good night's rest or an off chance of rare downtime. Always the one work friend to get invited out by friends for social gatherings or even a party.
Currently, you were at one of your best friends' New Years party. Something that you had been invited to weeks ago and had contemplated showing face at because you knew there would be drunk lunatics out and about that didn’t care for others safety, let alone their own.
You had expected to see and meet people you didn’t know. It just hadn’t been counted for that you’d meet someone who seemed to take genuine interest in you.
He had walked up to you some odd minutes after your friend left to go use the bathroom. Introduced himself as Wilbur, shaking your hand in the process.
The man hadn’t seemed interesting at first, just someone you thought would be casual conversation. The thing that had piqued your attention most was when he mentioned that he was practising to become a musician.
Conversation took off from there, and it seemed like he knew every point to keep you into talking with him. He wasn’t charming by any means. He seemed off in a way that made your stomach nearly start churning. You’d put the feeling off for the time being since you didn’t think you would talk with him ever again.
What you didn’t know was just how excited Wilbur had been to finally talk with you. On one hand, he wanted to pat himself on the back because you hadn’t recognized him. On the other hand, he wanted to break something over you not knowing who he was.
Wilbur had been watching you for some time, having first spotted you at another party much like the one you were both currently at. A lot of alcohol, people who couldn’t shut their mouths, loud music. He knew the date down to a capital T.
He had taken a particular eye to you after some guy had spilt his drink on you, having gone as far as to follow you to the bathroom. At the time, Wilbur had fully intended to ask if you were okay, but seeing you in a vulnerable position made his heart nearly palpitate, something that hadn’t happened to him in a long time.
It was at that moment he knew what you were. You were his. His unknowing angel and saviour.
He started taking time out of his day to learn about you after that, thinking he just wanted to get to know you at first. Now, he knows everything about you. He knows your favourite colour, snack, and comfort foods. He knows your parents' and grandparents' names as well as their places of residence. He knows that you organize your books on your favoured bookshelf in your living room by author and series. Wilbur is also fully aware of what’s kept in your bedside dressers.
In other words, he knows you intimately. Even if you didn't know it.
Wilbur smiles a bit, looking at you in awestruck as he managed to get you to laugh at a joke he had made. You were hardly tipsy, so he wanted to think you found something genuine.
“Would you like to dance with me? I think the countdown is about to start.” He asks you, having leaned a fraction closer so you could hear him over the music. The look you give him makes his heart flutter in his chest, but he manages to force down every surfacing urge he had in the moment.
“I don't see why not! Do you have a partner?” You're so shameless when you ask, not a lick of hesitance or embarrassment. A thing he loved so dearly about you. He shakes his head no in response, though, having thought long ahead to not have a partner to begin with.
“No, I don't. I was just going to share a glass of wine with my friend.” He smiles sheepishly, and you're none the wiser. You strongly believed no one should be alone on New Years, and sure, Wilbur says he has someone to share a glass with, but that was it?
“Let’s go and dance, then! What are we waiting for!” Your words are rhetorical as you move, taking the solo cup Wilbur had from his hand and finding the nearest spot to set down both of your drinks.
You were quick to find both your hands in both of his own, pulling Wilbur out to the dance space everybody was in. It was crowded, but it wasn't bad.
Time is lost in the moment. Nobody keeps up with it until the music suddenly cuts. There's some cheering before the countdown starts.
You lean against Wilbur without hesitation, your shoulder pressing against his arm as you count down. Wilbur couldn't be bothered to pay mind to anything or anyone other than you. Sparing him a glance when you feel his hand move to your lower back when you nearly fell backwards.
When one is reached, everybody cheers. Some people instantly go in for their partners.
Wilbur hesitates, really wanting you to like- to want him the way he wants you. He gives in to the major urge on top, leaning in and kissing your cheek. The action makes you turn to him in near surprise before it melts.
“If you're gonna take a New Years kiss, take it right.” He could barely hear your words over the loud sounds. Wilburs eyes widen a fraction when your hands find his face and pull him in for a full kiss, your soft lips pressed against his chapped ones.
He feels light, like he's soaring through the clouds. One of his hands moving to the nape of your neck to keep the kiss just a bit longer, having been waiting for this moment for so long.
It feels too soon when the kiss is broken, and he instantly craves more. Wilbur knew better than anyone, though, that you never brought anybody from a party home with you.
That didn't mean he'd break his habit of following you after the party ends regardless.
“You're not too bad of a kisser.” You indirectly compliment with a smile that sends blood rushing, his face tinting a slight red from becoming flustered.
Suddenly, all he wants to do is hide you away from the world and claim you as his, even if he already had.
“You're not too bad yourself,” He comments with faux confidence. “Hope you don't mind if I ask you for your number?” He asks, that nervous tone slipping in. Wilbur doesn't miss the small and brief frown before the oh-so-soft smile.
“I don't see why not.”
You had no idea what you've just gotten yourself into.
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Imagine: being in a long distance relationship with deacon and you surprise him at home. He doesn’t know it and is still at the HQ. Hondo knows about your surprise and sends him home with a knowing smile after the shift. When Deacon comes home he finds you sleeping in his bed
Oh my gosh, this is adorable. I'm not totally sure if you wanted a fic or not, but I wrote one! I hope you like it and please let me know what you think!
Warnings: fluff!
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Long Distance to the Future
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Since you left Los Angeles to take a new job across the country, you’ve stayed committed to Deacon and he to you. The job is supposed to be temporary, only it is indefinitely temporary. It’s been nearly three years since you started dating Deacon, but it will be your first anniversary away from him. It would be a lie to say long distance is easy, but it’s worth it. You haven’t used a single vacation day since you started, so you’re checking the price of flights to LAX, hoping you can afford to surprise Deacon for your anniversary. The first few months of long-distance were surprisingly easy since you were getting settled and forming a new routine, but now that things are settled, you miss Deacon more than anything. The screen finally loads, and you cheer in your quiet bedroom when the low price appears. You quickly book your ticket, prepared to see Deacon in person again. You text Hondo and ask him to call when he has time, hoping to get his help in the surprise.
Your phone rings less than a minute later, and you answer before the second ring. “Hello?” you greet, expecting Hondo.
“I have big news!” your boss cheers. “You got the promotion; if you want it, its yours!”
“Are you serious?” you ask, experiencing the second miracle in less than ten minutes. “This is such an honour, I don’t know what to say.”
“Think it over for a day or two then let me know, okay? Congratulations, you deserve it!”
“Thank you! I- can I sign the contract while I’m on my trip?”
“Oh, I forgot you’re off this week. Yes, we can do it online or we can just get a written acceptance and handle the paperwork when you get back. I’ll let you get back to your vacation, but I couldn’t wait to tell you. Have a great time and talk soon.”
The call ends, and you lay back on your bed, kicking your feet up in excitement. Your phone rings again, and you see Hondo’s name, smiling as the pieces of your plan begin falling into place.
The landing in LA is a little bumpy, but nothing can take the smile off your face. You practically skip through the airport, energized by your countdowns until you are back in the same time zone, state, county, and now, city as your boyfriend. Hondo is leaning against his car, smiling, when you walk out.
“Thank you so much,” you tell him, hugging him before he takes your bag to put in the trunk.
“I should be thanking you. He misses you,” Hondo replies as he opens your door.
“I missed him, too.”
“When do you leave?”
You let the question hang, waiting until Hondo is in the driver’s seat with the door closed to answer, “About that.”
Hondo drops you off at Deacon’s house, giving you his spare key to get inside before Deacon returns from work. Waving at Hondo, you go inside and lock the door behind you. You leave all of the lights off and hide your shoes and bags in Deacon’s closet so there is no evidence of you visible when he walks in. Checking your watch, you see that Deacon should be home in about an hour, so you order his favorite food for dinner and wait in the kitchen, away from the windows (in case he gets home early), for the delivery. Once the food is dropped off, you hide the containers in the microwave and throw away the bag before walking to Deacon’s bedroom to wait. The adrenaline is wearing off, and you’re getting tired, even though you know Deacon should be home soon. Sitting on the edge of his bed, you wipe your eyes before realizing how tired you are. You yawn once and fail to find the motivation to get back up.
“Alright, Deac, head out and get some rest,” Hondo says. “The rest of us got behind on our paperwork.”
“Okay,” Deacon says, his brows furrowed as he walks by. “Have a good night, guys. Don’t work too hard.”
He walks out to his car, a little suspicious as to why Hondo seemed so eager to send him home, but he’s tired and misses you, so he’s okay with a quiet night at his house.
Parking in his driveway, Deacon sighs before exiting the car and going inside. He puts his backpack in the front closet and then walks toward his bedroom, ignoring the kitchen and planning to order food later. When he walks into his bedroom, he freezes, part of his mind telling him to get a weapon while the other works on recognizing who is sleeping on his bed.
He whispers your name and smiles when you move your arm, exposing your face. He sits on the edge of the bed beside you and lays a hand on your back, leaning down to kiss your temple. You stir slightly under his touch, unconsciously moving closer to him.
Running his fingers over your hairline and down your jawline, Deacon keeps his attention on you, questions to ask when you wake up flooding his mind.
You stir again and crack your eyes open. When you see Deacon, you sit up slightly and blink before asking, “Deacon?”
He nods, slipping his arm around your waist to help you sit up. You lean against him and look up into his eyes. You missed his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, I was trying to surprise you and didn’t realize how tired I was, I guess,” you apologize, pinching Deacon's shirt collar between your fingers.
He takes your chin between his forefinger and thumb, looking into your eyes as he speaks. “Don’t apologize. I’m so happy to see you. Why am I seeing you?”
You laugh at his question, leaning against him as he twists you so your legs are draped across his lap as he leans against his headboard.
“I had a bunch of vacation days built up and.. I really wanted to see you. I missed you so much and our anniversary is coming up,” you explain.
“I didn’t want to be alone,” you and Deacon say together.
“Well, it’s an excellent surprise. You didn’t leave any evidence you were here. Although, how did you get in?”
“Hondo let me use his key.”
“Hondo. Of course. That’s why he wanted me to go straight home. Are you hungry?”
“I ordered food. It’s hidden in your kitchen,” you reply.
“You’re amazing.”
“I know. You’re pretty amazing, too.”
“This was an excellent surprise. Thank you,” Deacon says as he pulls you to your feet.
“There is one more thing,” you say, squeezing his hand.
“Okay,” Deacon says slowly.
“I got a promotion.”
Deacon’s eyes widen as he picks you up, twirling you around. You laugh, holding onto his shoulders. Your hands stay on his shoulders as he sets you back down.
“That’s amazing! Congratulations, you deserve it!”
“That’s not the good part.”
“What’s the good part? That seems pretty good.”
You lean up, close enough to kiss him, as you say, “It’s in Los Angeles.”
Deacon closes the small gap, kissing you like you’re his source of life. When you finally pull back, breathless and feeling whole with Deacon in your arms, you know you made the right decision to come home and take the job.
“Did you forget about the food?” you ask, laughing as Deacon kisses your cheek.
“We can reheat that. I had food earlier, I haven’t seen you in,” he looks at his watch to say, “11 months, 2 weeks, and 14 hours.”
“No minutes?” you ask.
“Just this one,” he replies, pulling you in just to push you backward onto the bed where he found you.
You laugh and cup his face in your hands. “I love you, Deacon Kay.”
“I love you,” Deacon says, his eyes glancing toward the top drawer of his nightstand, where a black velvet box is hidden. Future Mrs. Kay, he adds to himself.
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neuvillove · 5 months
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childe takes you on a laser tag date !
tags- sfw, fluff, gender neutral reader (no prns)
~ 863 words
a/n- i apologize if this isn't that well written, i'm trying to recover from writing block and it's my first time writing char x reader. that being said, any and all advice is (very) welcome (´⊙ω⊙`) (sobs this is my first time on tumblr too, i migrated from ao3)
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“Y’know I’m not gonna go easy on you just ‘cause you’re all dolled up, right?”
Tartaglia grinned, looking at you with his dead-fish blue eyes as you strapped on the laser tag gear. You stared at him and his charming smile before rolling your eyes.
“Shut up and help me put this on.”
“Your wish is my command.” He replied as he began to walk over, placing one hand on your hip while the other adjusted the velcro strap on the back of your vest.
As per to your beloved’s request, you and Tartaglia had been put on seperate teams. You grumbled as you walked towards your team’s designated site with a bunch of snotty kids who’d been droning on and on about how who’s going to get more eliminations and you honestly couldn’t care less about what they were on about. The overworked arcade worker’s voice broadcasted on the loudspeaker above and after the procedural speech, the lights dimmed and you finally felt that adrenaline kick in. It was suddenly pitch black with only luminescent neon lights lining the crevices of the arena and speckles of glowing green and blue paint splattered on the walls. You subconsciously gripped the cheap plastic gun tighter at the thought of bumping into one, or god forbid two, kids in the dark.
An obnoxiously loud and comical countdown boomed throughout the room before you could hear the giggling and the running of the kids getting fainter and fainter. Feeling bad for the kids on your team, who’d already got such an unwilling participant, you decided to get a move on yourself as you trudged down one of the paths.
The footsteps were oddly muffled by the carpeted floor and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of tension as two of your senses were dulled. At this point you’d already been shot multiple times, while only shooting a handful of the other team. That was enough running around for you. You walked around what felt like the quietest area of the whole place, humming to yourself as you wondered how much time was left until you could leave this dark and silent death trap.
It was quiet, so quiet.
Suddenly, you felt a familiar pair of cold hands resting on your shoulders. A yelp escaped your lips before you turned around at record speed, seeing Tartaglia’s pale skin painted with the neon blue lights above. You could see a cheeky smile creep on his face in the dim light before you could feel him gently push you, pressing you up against the wall behind you two.
“You scared the shit out of me, Tartag. What the hell is wrong with you?” You huffed, placing your hands on his chest.
He chuckled as he leant closer to your face, his warm breath lightly hitting your face as he laughed.
“Sorry darling. Was looking for you for so long, got a little excited when I saw you.” He replied, “Y’know, I’ve overheard some very interesting things from the kids in my team.”
“What did you hear?” You replied cautiously, expecting him to say something stupid with that shit-eating grin on his face.
“They’re saying that the old lady on the other team was, ah what did they say? Easy kills?”
“They did not.” You replied, feigning a distraught tone.
“Mhm, they did. Little do they know that I know said old lady very well.”
Before you could come up with a witty remark, you felt his lips on yours. His lips moulded with yours perfectly as he gently kissed you. The moment was soft and fleeting, yet it lingered on your lips even after he pulled away. It was sweet, well, it was almost sweet. As you stood there, eyes closed and still in bliss from the kiss, you heard a loud beeping noise as your chest piece buzzed. You looked down, startled before seeing Tartaglia’s gun pressed up against your glowing red vest.
“Guess the little guys were right after all.” He laughed.
“You’re unbelievable.” You scoffed, yet a smile fought its way on your face as you watched him blow a kiss to you as he ran off.
It wasn't long before the game came to an end and you found yourself standing in the little room that you were at the beginning before entering the dark room. The arcade worker glanced tiredly at everybody before redirecting their attention towards the little monitor that displayed the leaderboard.
“Player ‘Childe’ got the most number of eliminations. Following ‘Childe’ was…”
The voice of the worker faded away as you looked at the leaderboard yourself. Childe was first by just one elimination. You looked at him, finding that he was already watching you with amusement in his eyes- as if he was waiting to see how you’d react.
After you both left the laser tag booth, you turned to him with an unimpressed look on your face.
“You couldn't have won without me, y’know?” You said, your tone unamused yet your expression saying otherwise
“I know.”
That was all he said, a loving smile resting on his lips as he grabbed your hand, pulling you to another booth.
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keekee-23 · 21 days
Sky High Suprise: A Y/N and Damian Priest Fluff Fanfiction
Summary: You and Damian go on a thrill ride at an amusement park.
Note: I would love to see Damian ride the slingshot/reverse bungee, but it'll never happen, lol.
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It was a bright and sunny day as you and Damian Priest strolled into the amusement park. Damian, the towering WWE star with a reputation for fearlessness in the ring, had suggested the date. Little did you know that Damian had a secret – he was terrified of heights. You, on the other hand, an adrenaline junkie and a zest for life, was bubbling with excitement.
"Damian, let's go on the slingshot ride!" you exclaimed, your eyes shining with enthusiasm. Damian gulped, his bravado wavering. "Uh, are you sure? Maybe we should start with the Ferris wheel or something... on the ground?" You laughed and grabbed his hand. "Come on, Mr. Tough Guy, where's your sense of adventure?" With a resigned sigh and a nervous smile, Damian allowed himself to be dragged towards the intimidating slingshot ride. As you both were strapped in, he felt his heart race faster than ever. You squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, it'll be fun!" The ride operator gave a thumbs up, and the countdown began. "Three... Two... One..."WHOOSH! You both were launched into the sky at breakneck speed. Damian's eyes were squeezed shut, and a high-pitched scream escaped his lips, much to your amusement. Suddenly, the scream stopped, and you turned to see Damian's head slumped to the side, his eyes closed. "Damian?!" you shouted, your laughter turning to concern. You gave him a gentle shake, but he didn't respond. As you both bounced back and forth, you couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the sight of the mighty Punisher fainting. You enjoyed the rush of the ride, even though you were worried about him.
When the ride finally came to a stop, you unbuckled herself and then Damian, your heart pounding. You leaned in close, gently patting his face. "Damian, babe, wake up."Damian's eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, confused. "What happened?" You let out a sigh of relief, biting back a giggle. "You fainted, big guy!" Damian's face turned a deep shade of red. "I fainted?"Yep," you said, helping him to his feet. "Guess the slingshot was a bit too much for you." Damian tried to regain his composure, wobbling slightly. "Alright, you got me. No more slingshots." You smiled, still feeling the thrill of the ride. "Deal. How about we get some cotton candy and stick to the ground-level rides?"Sounds perfect," Damian said, grateful to have his feet back on solid ground. "But only if you promise not to tell anyone about this."Your secret's safe with me," you said with a wink, still chuckling inside at the memory. "Now let's go get that cotton candy."
As you both headed towards the food stalls, you couldn't resist teasing him a little. "You know, for a big, tough wrestler, you sure have a soft spot for high places." Damian laughed, his embarrassment fading. "Hey, everyone has their Kryptonite. Mine just happens to be anything over ten feet off the ground." You both reached the cotton candy stand, and Damian handed you a fluffy blue swirl. "Here you go, adrenaline junkie." "Thanks, fainting goat," you replied with a grin. Damian chuckled. "Fair enough. But next time, I'm picking the ride. Something like bumper cars. Nice and safe." "Deal," you agreed, linking your arm with his. You both spent the rest of the day enjoying the amusement park, with Damian firmly on the ground and your laughter ringing in his ears. It was a date neither of y'all would forget anytime soon.
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
It's Your Party Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader Summary: Billy gets a birthday surprise. Note: I found this buried in my tumblr folder under a strange and inconspicuous title. It's been minimally edited, because it's a relic - I believe it's the first Stranger Fic I ever wrote. Be gentle. Words: 600ish
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Billy Hargrove was officially 18 years old.
He didn't expect a party or anything, but at least SOME acknowledgement would have been nice.
Billy's father had already left for work when he walked into the kitchen.
Not that he was complaining.
Susan avoided eye contact as she refilled her coffee cup and retreated into another room.
Max glanced at her watch when she saw him enter and threw her cereal bowl into the sink with a clatter, going back to her room to finish getting ready for school.
He gathered his books and went to wait in the car, mentally starting a 30 second countdown for when he'd blow the horn at Max to hurry her ass up.
She made it to the car before the countdown was complete.
He backed out of the driveway and sped toward the school.
Max silently stared out the window with her headphones on.
Sighing, he pulled into his usual space in the school parking lot.
Her car was already there, in the spot next to his.
Usually, she'd be sitting on the hood when he got there. He'd join her, sharing a smoke and complaining about how much they hated the hicks of Hawkins High, not wanting to spend any more time inside that awful building than necessary.
Today, she was still sitting inside her car.
He got out, glaring at Max's retreating back for slamming his door too hard, before leaning down to rest his elbows on her open window.
"Get in, Hargrove."
He raised an eyebrow, wondering when he started taking orders from her.
"Come on, I'll make it worth your while."
Narrowing his eyes and giving in to curiosity, he opened the door and slid into her passenger seat.
"Close your eyes."
"When did you get so bossy?"
"Just fucking do it."
He closed his eyes with an impatient huff.
He heard shuffling, and then a click.
"Can I open my damn eyes now?"
"Yes, Hargrove, you can open your damn eyes now."
He opened them and turned his head toward her, eyes landing on the chocolate cupcake resting in her open palm.
"Happy Birthday, jerk."
There was a single blue striped candle in it, the flame flickering in the slight breeze drifting through the car's open windows.
He couldn't look away.
"This is the part where you make a wish and blow out your candle."
He finally pulled his eyes away from the dancing flame to look at her gentle smirk, which disappeared with a flash of panic.
"Shit, did I get the date wrong?!"
"No," he whispered after a beat, eyes returning to the cupcake.
She tilted her head and watched him closely, wondering if her playful surprise had been a big mistake.
Finally, he closed his eyes and blew out the candle.
He kept them closed, because he feared if he opened them, the tears would spill out.
One did anyway.
He hoped she hadn't seen.
But, of course, she did.
She placed his cupcake on the dash and mumbled, "C'mere."
They wrapped around each other as much as the car's confined space would allow, his head coming to rest in the crook of her neck.
"I'm sorry," he whispered into her shirt.
She didn't ask why. She never did. She knew he'd talk when he was ready.
He liked that about her.
"Don't be," she said, her hand rubbing gentle circles on his back.
"It's your party. You can cry if you want to."
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simpforfandom231 · 4 months
i don't forget too well PT6
Hope your enjoying it
As the days turned into weeks and then a month, Renée and Y/N found themselves navigating the ebb and flow of Y/N's journey toward healing. Therapy had become a crucial part of Y/N's routine, offering a space for self-reflection and emotional exploration. Renée, too, was on her own path, channeling her experiences into the creative realm.
Renée's comeback was met with excitement and anticipation from her fans. The living room, once a sanctuary during challenging times, now became a hub of creativity. Renée transformed one corner into a makeshift writing room, adorned with musical instruments, notebooks, and art supplies. It was here that she poured her emotions into new songs, each one a testament to the resilience and love that had sustained her and Y/N.
Y/N, while still navigating the complexities of her emotions, found solace in the support system surrounding her. The good days outnumbered the bad, and therapy became a source of empowerment. Renée, always attuned to Y/N's needs, ensured that the living room remained a sanctuary for both celebration and introspection.
One day, as Renée sat in her writing room strumming a guitar, Y/N entered, a smile playing on her lips. "Hey, how's it going in here?"
Renée looked up, a spark of creativity in her eyes. "I'm working on something special for the album. Want to see?"
Y/N nodded eagerly, settling into a nearby chair as Renée played a melody she had been crafting. The room filled with the warm, resonant tones of the guitar, setting the stage for a song that would encapsulate the essence of their journey.
"I wrote this thinking about us," Renée confessed. "The highs, the lows, and everything in between."
Y/N listened intently, feeling the emotions woven into each chord. "It's beautiful, Renée. I can't wait for everyone to hear it."
As Renée delved into the creative process, she began experimenting with not just music but also visual elements. The living room became a space where Renée, armed with colored pencils and sketchpads, designed potential album covers. Each sketch conveyed the emotions embedded in the songs, a visual narrative that mirrored the journey of love, struggle, and resilience.
Y/N, curious and supportive, would join Renée in the living room, offering feedback and sharing her own thoughts. It became a collaborative effort, a testament to the strength of their connection and the power of creative expression.
The living room, once a witness to vulnerability, transformed into a haven of artistic exploration and emotional catharsis. Renée's upcoming album, a reflection of their shared experiences, was poised to be a deeply personal and evocative collection.
As the days rolled on, Renée and Y/N continued to carve out moments of connection within the walls of their home. The living room, now a multifaceted space, echoed with the melodies of healing, the strokes of creativity, and the unwavering love that bound them together.
As the release date for Renée's highly anticipated album approached, the atmosphere in their home buzzed with excitement. The living room, once a cocoon of emotional healing, had become a hub of anticipation and creative energy. Renée, having poured her heart into every song, was now ready to share the culmination of her journey with the world.
Two weeks passed since Renée had put the finishing touches on the album, and the countdown to its release had begun. The living room, adorned with snippets of visual art and musical instruments, bore witness to the final preparations. Y/N, fully engaged in the process, reveled in the anticipation alongside Renée.
"Can you believe it's almost here?" Renée exclaimed, glancing at the calendar. "Two more days, and the album will be out in the world."
Y/N grinned, sharing in Renée's excitement. "It's incredible, babe. Your hard work and passion are going to resonate with so many people."
Renée leaned in for a quick kiss, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without you, love. Your strength and resilience inspired every note and every word."
As the final teasers for the album circulated online, fans eagerly speculated about the surprise Renée had hinted at – a tour accompanying the release. The living room, now a nerve center for their creative endeavors, also served as a space for secret planning.
Renée, her eyes sparkling with mischief, turned to Y/N. "I have something else up my sleeve, you know. Something big."
Y/N raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? Do tell."
Renée chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Let's just say the album release isn't the only thing fans have to look forward to. I'm planning a tour, and I want you to be a part of it. As my special surprise guest."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of excitement and nerves coursing through her. "Me? On tour with you?"
Renée nodded. "Absolutely. Your story is a part of this album, and I want the world to see the incredible person who inspired these songs. Plus, having you with me will make it even more special."
The living room, witness to countless moments of vulnerability, now reverberated with the excitement of what lay ahead. As the release day drew nearer, Renée and Y/N found themselves balancing the anticipation of the album's impact with the joy of shared creative endeavors.
The final two days leading up to the release were filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Renée, with the support of Y/N, navigated the delicate balance between vulnerability and celebration. The living room, adorned with teasers and tour plans, became a stage for the climax of their journey.
Release day dawned with an air of excitement and nerves. The living room, now a space that held the weight of their journey, took center stage as Renée prepared to unveil her album to the world. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, and the air felt charged with a mix of vulnerability and triumph.
Renée sat on the couch, her fingers tapping nervously on her knee as she scrolled through the flood of messages and well-wishes pouring in from fans, friends, and fellow artists. Y/N sat beside her, offering a reassuring presence and occasional words of encouragement.
"You've got this, Renée. The world is going to love your music," Y/N said, squeezing Renée's hand.
Renée offered a grateful smile. "I hope so. It's just surreal, you know? Putting something so personal out there for everyone to hear."
The living room, adorned with flickering candles and the soft glow of fairy lights, provided a comforting backdrop. Renée took a deep breath, centering herself for the day ahead. Social media was abuzz with fans sharing their favorite snippets from the teasers and expressing their anticipation for the full album.
As the clock ticked closer to the official release, Renée and Y/N decided to take a break from the online frenzy. They retreated to the kitchen, preparing a simple breakfast together. The scent of coffee wafted through the air, a familiar and grounding ritual amid the whirlwind of emotions.
"Remember when we used to spend hours in this kitchen, just talking and getting to know each other?" Renée mused, a fond smile playing on her lips.
Y/N nodded, stirring creamer into her coffee. "Those were some of the best times. It's amazing how far we've come since then."
The living room, having witnessed the highs and lows of their relationship, now bore witness to a new chapter unfolding. Renée's album, a musical testament to their love and resilience, was poised to make its mark on the world.
As the release time approached, Renée and Y/N returned to the living room. Renée, holding a physical copy of the album, took a moment to reflect on the journey that had brought them to this point.
"I want to thank you, Y/N. For being my inspiration, my support, and my love. This album wouldn't exist without you," Renée expressed, her voice tinged with emotion.
Y/N smiled, brushing a stray strand of hair from Renée's face. "And I want to thank you for turning our story into something beautiful. I'm so proud of you, Renée."
With a deep breath, Renée clicked the button to release the album to the world. Social media platforms exploded with activity as fans eagerly streamed the tracks. Renée's vulnerability, laid bare in the lyrics, resonated with listeners on a profound level.
The living room, now filled with the harmonious melodies of the album, became a space where the echoes of their journey reverberated. The world listened, captivated by the stories woven into each song.
Renée and Y/N sat together, hand in hand, absorbing the waves of emotion. The living room, once a sanctuary of solace, now transformed into a stage where vulnerability and creativity merged into a beautiful symphony.
As the day unfolded, the couple watched as the album climbed the charts, garnering praise and recognition. Messages of gratitude flooded in from fans who found solace and resonance in Renée's music.
With the album gaining momentum and resonating with audiences worldwide, Renée found herself thrust into a whirlwind of promotional events and interviews. Y/N, always a steadfast presence in Renée's life, accompanied her to each venue, providing unwavering support from backstage.
As Renée navigated the demands of interviews, photo shoots, and public appearances, the living room, once the epicenter of their private moments, now echoed with the excitement of newfound success. Y/N, watching proudly from the wings, marveled at Renée's ability to articulate the deeply personal inspiration behind each song.
One particular track, "Abyss," emerged as a fan favorite, maintaining its position at the top of the charts since release day. The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics seemed to strike a chord with listeners, solidifying Renée's place as a songwriter capable of capturing raw emotion.
Backstage, after a particularly intense interview, Renée and Y/N found a moment of solace in the dressing room. Renée, still buzzing with adrenaline, collapsed onto the sofa.
"That was intense," Renée remarked, running a hand through her hair.
Y/N chuckled, offering a comforting presence. "You handled it like a pro, babe. They love you out there."
Renée sighed, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction in her eyes. "I just want the music to speak for itself, you know? I never expected all of this."
Y/N took Renée's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You deserve every bit of it. Your music is making a difference in people's lives."
As the tour progressed, each city brought new challenges and triumphs. The living room, though physically absent, remained a symbolic space where Renée and Y/N found solace amid the chaos of the spotlight.
One evening, as they returned to their hotel room after a successful performance, Renée reflected on the impact the album was having.
"Can you believe 'Abyss' is still at number one?" Renée said, a mixture of disbelief and joy in her voice.
Y/N grinned. "It's an incredible song, just like the others. But 'Abyss' has something special that resonates with people."
Renée nodded, a sense of humility in her eyes. "I'm grateful for every person who's connecting with the music. It makes all the vulnerability worth it."
As the week unfolded, Renée's promotional events continued to skyrocket, and Y/N, although silently struggling with the weight she felt she had imposed on Renée, decided it was time to plan something special. With the living room as the setting for their romantic evening, Y/N aimed to express her gratitude for Renée's unwavering support.
One evening, Y/N surprised Renée with a reservation at a quaint, candlelit restaurant. The ambiance was cozy, and the aroma of delicious dishes filled the air. As they sat across from each other, Y/N couldn't help but smile at the thought of the surprise awaiting them at home.
Renée noticed Y/N's secretive grin and raised an eyebrow. "What's going on in that mischievous mind of yours?"
Y/N chuckled, reaching across the table to hold Renée's hand. "Just wait, babe. Dinner is just the beginning."
The evening unfolded with laughter, shared memories, and the kind of intimacy that only a quiet restaurant could provide. As they finished their dessert, Y/N suggested heading home for the surprise.
Back in the living room, soft music played in the background, casting a warm glow on the room. Y/N had set up an array of candles, creating a romantic atmosphere. Renée, still curious about the surprise, couldn't contain her excitement.
"What's all this?" Renée asked, a playful glint in her eyes.
Y/N grinned, pulling Renée into a slow dance in the middle of the living room. "Just a little something to show my appreciation for everything you've done."
The dance led them closer to a strategically placed blanket, adorned with strawberries and a bottle of champagne. Renée's eyes sparkled with delight as she realized the thought and effort Y/N had put into the surprise.
"Wow, Y/N. This is amazing," Renée said, settling onto the blanket. "I love it."
As they indulged in the strawberries and champagne, Y/N couldn't help but express her feelings. "Renée, you've been my rock, and I just wanted to do something special for you. You deserve all the love in the world."
Renée, touched by the gesture, reached for Y/N's hand. "This is perfect, babe. But you know you don't have to go to such lengths to show your appreciation. Just having you by my side is more than enough."
Y/N smiled, leaning in for a sweet kiss. "I know, but I wanted to make tonight special for you. Now, there's one more surprise."
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Y/N gently placed her hands on Renée's shoulders, guiding her towards the bedroom. "Close your eyes, babe. I've got one more surprise for you."
Renée, intrigued and a bit flustered, complied, closing her eyes with an anticipatory smile. The soft glow of candles and the scent of vanilla filled the room as Y/N disappeared behind the bedroom door.
In the dim light, Y/N emerged wearing a stunning red lingerie set that perfectly complemented her features. The lace and silk adorned her figure, leaving Renée momentarily breathless as she opened her eyes to the sight.
Renée's eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. "Wow, Y/N," she whispered, a mix of surprise and admiration in her voice.
Y/N, reveling in the reaction, approached Renée with a playful sway in her step. "I thought I'd give you a little sneak peek under the dress."
Renée let out a nervous laugh, her gaze dancing over Y/N's figure. "You really know how to catch a girl off guard, huh?"
Y/N chuckled, gently taking Renée's hands. "Just a little something to spice up our night. You like it?"
Renée, still a bit flustered, nodded appreciatively. "Like it? I love it. But, uh, you're making it hard for me to focus here."
Y/N smirked, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on Renée's lips. "That's the idea, babe. I wanted to make tonight unforgettable."
As Y/N continued to tease and seduce, the atmosphere in the room shifted from playful to intimate. Renée, her initial surprise giving way to desire, responded eagerly to Y/N's advances.
"You're irresistible, you know that?" Renée admitted, her voice a soft murmur.
Y/N grinned, keeping the seduction alive. "Well, tonight is all about us, about celebrating everything we've been through."
Y/N, fully embracing her seductive side, couldn't resist playing a little game with Renée. With a sultry grin, she decided to make her wait, teasing and savoring the anticipation in the air.
Renée, now fully turned on by Y/N's alluring presence, couldn't help but make seductive comments of her own. "You're playing with fire, Y/N. But I like it," she whispered, her voice low and husky.
Y/N, still in control, straddled Renée's lap, leaning in to leave a trail of soft kisses along her neck. "Patience, my love. The best things come to those who wait," Y/N purred, her fingers tracing delicate patterns on Renée's thighs.
Renée let out a soft groan, her hands finding their way to Y/N's waist. "You're making it very hard to be patient right now."
Y/N chuckled, enjoying the playful banter. "That's the idea, babe. But you know what they say — anticipation is part of the fun."
The room was filled with a magnetic energy as the couple continued to exchange playful remarks, their desire growing with each passing moment. Y/N, reveling in the control she had over Renée's senses, couldn't resist adding a final touch to the playful game.
Leaning in with a mischievous glint in her eyes, Y/N whispered, "Alright, my impatient love, I think it's time to unwrap the final surprise."
Renée, her hunger and lust evident in her eyes, eagerly embraced the opportunity to unwrap her girlfriend. Y/N, ever playful and wanting to maintain a sense of control, turned the act into a delightful game.
With a teasing smirk, Y/N slowly slid off Renée's lap, standing just out of reach. "You've got to earn the prize, babe," she declared, her tone a playful challenge.
Renée, not one to back down from a challenge, rose to her feet with a determined look. "Challenge accepted," she replied, her eyes locking onto Y/N's.
The room buzzed with a delightful tension as Y/N led Renée through a series of playful maneuvers. Each movement, each teasing glance, heightened the anticipation of what awaited beneath the layers.
As Renée reached out to grasp Y/N, she found herself met with a sly evasion. "You've got to catch me first," Y/N teased, her laughter filling the room.
The playful chase continued, a dance of desire and laughter, until Y/N finally allowed herself to be caught. With a triumphant grin, Renée pulled Y/N close, their eyes locked in a shared moment of victory.
"Now, let's see what my prize is," Renée whispered, her hands slowly unraveling the layers that concealed Y/N's enticing surprise.
Renée, fueled by a newfound sense of dominance and desire, embraced the opportunity to take charge. Y/N, still reveling in the playful atmosphere, welcomed the shift, their connection deepening with each passing moment.
With a sultry gaze, Renée guided Y/N to the bed, the playful banter transforming into a more intense exchange. "You teased me long enough, my love. Now it's my turn to take control," Renée whispered, her voice a seductive melody.
Y/N, captivated by the change in dynamic, responded with a teasing grin. "I like it when you're in charge, babe. Show me what you've got."
Renée, now fully in her element, leaned in with a hunger in her eyes. "You asked for it," she murmured before initiating a series of passionate kisses that left no room for doubt about her intentions.
As clothes were discarded and the room filled with the intoxicating scent of desire, Renée's dominant energy took center stage. Each touch, each whispered command, became a dance of pleasure and connection between the two.
Y/N, still maintaining a sense of playfulness, couldn't resist a cheeky comment between breaths. "Well, someone's feeling extra spicy tonight."
Renée, a playful smirk gracing her lips, replied, "You bring out the spice in me, Y/N. Can't help myself."
The night unfolded in a symphony of passion, laughter, and shared intimacy. The living room, witness to their playful games and newfound intensity, became a sacred space for the celebration of their love.
In a playful twist, Y/N decided it was her turn to take control, igniting a spark of dominance that left Renée both surprised and thrilled. The atmosphere in the room shifted, and Y/N, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, was ready to lead the dance.
"Well, well, looks like the tables have turned," Y/N teased, a confident smirk on her lips as she gently pushed Renée onto the bed.
Renée, with a mixture of surprise and excitement, grinned back. "I like where this is going. Surprise me, love."
With newfound determination, Y/N leaned in, capturing Renée's lips in a passionate kiss. The room buzzed with a delightful energy as Y/N's dominant side took center stage. Renée, willingly surrendering to the playful power exchange, let out a soft sigh of anticipation.
As clothes were shed and the intimacy deepened, Y/N maintained a sense of control, exploring every inch of Renée's skin with a touch that conveyed both tenderness and desire.
Renée, caught up in the moment, playfully quipped, "I didn't see this coming. Someone's been practicing their moves."
Y/N, their eyes locked in a shared moment of connection, responded with a sultry laugh. "Just trying to keep things interesting, babe."
The night unfolded in a dance of pleasure and shared exploration, the couple seamlessly transitioning between moments of dominance and submission. The living room, a silent witness to their intimate connection, held the echoes of laughter, desire, and love.
As the night reached its peak, Y/N and Renée found themselves wrapped in the warmth of their shared passion.
After the intensity of their playful escapade, Y/N and Renée found themselves nestled in each other's arms, the air heavy with a mix of satisfaction and contentment. The shift from dominance to tenderness was a seamless transition, and Y/N was quick to initiate the aftercare, ensuring Renée felt safe and cherished.
Y/N, with a gentle touch, traced patterns on Renée's skin, her fingers a soothing caress. "You good, babe? I hope I didn't go too wild there."
Renée, still catching her breath, offered a sweet smile. "Wild can be good, especially when it's with you. I'm more than good, love."
The room, now filled with a quiet intimacy, became a sanctuary for the couple to bask in the aftermath of their shared passion. Y/N continued her tender ministrations, planting soft kisses along Renée's shoulder, creating a comforting rhythm.
Renée, feeling a sense of warmth and gratitude, cupped Y/N's face, her eyes locking onto Y/N's with an affectionate gaze. "You always know how to make me feel special, even in the most unexpected ways."
Y/N, her voice a gentle murmur, replied, "It's because you are special, Renée. And you deserve all the love and attention in the world."
As the aftercare continued, Y/N and Renée engaged in whispered conversations, sharing sweet affirmations and playful banter. The living room, witness to the various facets of their relationship, held the echoes of laughter, desire, and the comforting reassurance of aftercare.
In the quiet moments that followed, Y/N and Renée reveled in the deep connection they shared.
Renée, feeling a surge of tenderness, suggested, "How about we take a nice, relaxing bath together? It'll be soothing, and we can enjoy each other's company."
Y/N, still a bit hesitant due to the recent wounds, looked down at herself, a hint of insecurity in her eyes. "I don't know, babe. What if the water stings or something?"
Renée, determined to reassure her, gently cupped Y/N's face. "Hey, we'll make sure the water is just right, and I'll be with you every step of the way. Besides, it could be a nice way for us to unwind and pamper ourselves."
Y/N, sensing the sincerity in Renée's words, offered a shy smile. "Okay, but promise you'll be careful with the water temperature?"
Renée chuckled softly. "Scout's honor. I'll make it perfect for us."
As they prepared the bath together, Renée made sure the water was at a comfortable temperature. She added a few drops of Y/N's favorite bath oils, creating a fragrant and relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom. Candles flickered, casting a warm glow around the room.
Once everything was ready, Renée took Y/N's hand and led her into the inviting tub. They settled in, the warm water enveloping them in a cocoon of comfort. Renée, ever attentive, ran her fingers through Y/N's hair, gently massaging her scalp.
Y/N, gradually letting go of her initial reservations, sighed contentedly. "This is actually nice. Thanks for convincing me, babe."
Renée pressed a loving kiss to Y/N's forehead. "Anything for you, my love. We deserve a bit of pampering, don't we?"
As they soaked in the tranquility of the bath, the living room, though silent, held the echoes of their shared moments – a testament to the healing power of love and the simple joys found in the comfort of each other's company.
Renée, noticing the aftermath of their passionate encounter, couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the freshly formed hickeys adorning Y/N's skin. She traced a gentle finger over one of them, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Oops, looks like I got a bit carried away there," Renée teased, a playful smile on her lips.
Y/N blushed, feeling the warmth rise to her cheeks. "Carried away is an understatement, Renée. I think you've left your mark."
Renée leaned in, placing a soft kiss on one of the hickeys. "Well, I can't resist leaving a mark on the most beautiful canvas."
Y/N, still blushing but with a smile, rolled her eyes. "Smooth talker. But seriously, what if someone sees these?"
Renée grinned, her fingers lightly dancing over the hickeys. "Let them see. It's just a visible reminder of our love, a little secret that only we know."
Y/N playfully nudged Renée. "You're impossible. But I guess I can live with our little secret."
As they continued to banter and enjoy the comforting warmth of the bath, the living room remained a sanctuary for their playful exchanges and intimate moments. The flickering candles and soothing atmosphere became witnesses to the love that filled the air – a love marked by laughter, tenderness, and the delightful traces of hickeys that adorned Y/N's skin, each one telling a story of passion and connection.
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sunflowerdarlingx · 5 months
New Experiences (18+)
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Hello lovelies,
Long time, no posts. I hope you're all well and have had a great start to the new year! I haven't written in a long time so wanted to get back into it. I have a few one shots to post and a new series! I'm pretty sure my engagement on this platform is going to be awful but I really don't want to start fresh when I've posted so much work on here. Enough rambling for now though!
This is just a little NYE piece to get back into the swing of things.
18+ only. Minors DNI.
Content warnings: Smut with no plot, first time male receiving head, alcohol consumption (I think that's all).
Bucky Barnes x Female reader
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The top floor of the Avengers Tower was booming with people. The New Years party was in full swing and the clock was slowly ticking. Bucky was currently sitting at the bar with a cold beer in hand. He hated parties but the team insisted he come, reminding him that he would just feel low being locked in his room alone. 
His eyes caught yours across the room and you found yourself wandering over to him. “C’mon Buck, give me a smile” you sent him a cheeky grin of your own and placed your champagne glass on the bar beside his beer. 
You had always had a special connection with Bucky. You were the only one in the tower apart from Sam and Steve who Bucky felt truly comfortable around. You regularly had movie nights and you introduced him to a lot of the modern ways of living. More recently Bucky was struggling to just be your friend, but dating was so much more complicated now and it was driving him insane. He couldn’t get you off his mind. 
The corner of Bucky's lips immediately turned up and a small smile graced his usually grumpy face. You caught his eye the second you entered the tower. You were gorgeous and his jaw almost dropped seeing you in the little white dress you had picked to wear tonight. It hugged every curve of your body and Bucky couldn't help but let his eyes wander over every dip and bump that the dress hugged. 
“There it is” you giggled as he sent you a shy smile. You engaged in small talk for a little bit before the countdown caught your eye. “Quickly Buck, we need to find you a new year's kiss!” you hopped down from your seat at the bar and took his hand in yours. 
“Woah there, I didn’t agree to that” Bucky’s body barely moved an inch and he swiftly pulled you back into his side. 
“C’mon it’s tradition” your eyes peeked up at him through your lashes as the clock counted down the last two minutes of the year. 
“Who’s your kiss?” he asked, leaning into your ear as the noise level in the room raised with excitement. 
“I..I don’t have one”. You were suddenly aware of how close you were to Bucky. His metal hand rested on your waist and his face was awfully close to your own. 
Ten…nine… The countdown began and Bucky’s eyes met yours. “I guess you’re stuck with me then”.
Oh my god, Bucky was going to kiss you. 
The same Bucky who you had a crush on for months.
Bucky was finally kissing the girl of his dreams.
Happy New Year! 
The tower erupted in cheers, confetti poured down from the ceiling and the sounds of party blowers echoed throughout. 
Bucky's lips gently landed on yours, gently pecking your lips before his hand moved to the back of your neck and pulled you in closer. 
“God you’re perfect” he groaned as he pulled away. A deep red blush coated your cheeks. 
“Kiss me again Buck”, it came out as a whisper but Bucky heard. A cocky smirk took over his features as Bucky leaned in again. The kiss was deeper this time, less gentle and a little more rushed. 
“Go Tinman!!” Sam hollered from across the bar and Bucky pulled away. Glaring at his friend, he flipped Sam off and took your hand in his, guiding you to the elevator. 
“Sorry, I..uh thought we could go for a wal..” Buck’s sentence was cut short by you wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss. 
His hands wrapped around your thighs and pulled you up into his embrace. The kiss was messy, all tongue as the elevator rode down to his floor. 
“Fuck” he groaned out as your hips bucked gently against him. The ding of the elevator signalled that you had arrived at Bucky's floor and he expertly managed to walk you both to his bedroom without breaking the kiss. 
He sat on the edge of the bed with you on his lap, his lips trailing down your jaw and neck. Your hands moved to unbutton the dress shirt he wore and his hands found their way to the zip of your dress.
“Wow”, Bucky paused the kiss to take in your upper half as the dress bunched at your waist. His hands immediately started to play with your tits. His fingers gently rolling the buds between his fingers. “God, you’re perfect, you know that…getting me so hard” his lips were back on your neck, gently nipping at your collarbone. “Can you feel that sweetheart? Feel how hard you make me?” his hands moved to grind your hips against his growing bulge and his lips wrapped around your nipple.
“Fuck Buck” your back arched into him as your hips started to grind harder against him. 
He lifted you up with ease, pulling your dress down and unbuckled his belt. As he moved to take off his pants, you started to trail kisses down his chest and stomach before dropping onto your knees. 
“Your lips feel like heaven sweetheart” Bucky groaned as your lips wrapped around the head of his cock. “Oh my god, fuck” Buckys hands wrapped around your hair. You slowly started to bob your head up and down his shaft. “Jeez sweetheart, n…no one’s ev..ever done this before”. Your eyes widened at his admission and he chuckled at the reaction. “I think it’s a modern thing”. 
You sent him a cheeky wink and hollowed your cheeks, taking him further down your throat, desperate to hear the noises he makes again. “Oh fuck, feels so good sweetheart…your mouth his heaven…oh..oh fuck…’m close.. Slow…slow down sweetheart gonna make me, Fuck”. 
You pulled back off his cock and ran your tongue up and down his shaft. “You’re gonna be the death of me” Bucky groaned out as he watched your hand disappear under your panties before wrapping your lips around his cock again. 
This time Bucky's hips gently rocked into your mouth, careful not to force too much of his cock at once. “Fuck sweetheart, I can hear that little pussy, fuckkkk… can hear how wet you are. You like sucking my cock? You like making me feel good?”.
Your moans vibrated against his cock and Bucky could feel his legs shake at how good you made him feel. He watched the way your hand gradually worked faster against his clit and he could feel your movements getting sloppier as your eyes glazed over. 
“You gonna cum sweetheart? Gonna cum all over your hand while you suck my cock?” his high was getting closer and the hazy look that filled your eyes tipped him over the edge. His cum filled your mouth and he watched as you shook as you came on your fingers. 
“Good girl” he praised before lifting you and laying you on the bed. He gently placed his lips on yours before slowly kissing his way down your body “God, I can’t wait to taste you sweetheart…”
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Thank you for reading <3
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 5 months
hii i was wondering if u could write ethan and reader having their first kiss in a photo booth? ur writing is outstanding btw i love it 💕
Hiiii, it's a little short, but I hope you like it:)
Kiss Me Again - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
Summary: You've been on a few dates with Ethan, and the most he's done is hold your hand, until he finally gets the courage to kiss you.
A/N: If you have a request submitted, I promise I'm working on them:)
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Ethan wanted to spend the day with you. He’s spent the last week planning out the perfect date, and he’s hoping he’ll finally get the courage to kiss you. You’ve been on two dates so far, and at the end of the night, he starts to fear rejection. You’ve sent him plenty of signals that it’s okay, but he isn’t picking up on them.
You’d already had a really sweet picnic at the park when Ethan drove you to the movie theater. You see a poster for your favorite movie of all time on the wall that’s having a limited showing, and you started to get excited.
“Is that what we’re seeing?” you asked, a huge grin on your face.
“If this isn’t proof that I listen to everything you say, I don’t know what is,” he laughed, grabbing your hand as he walked up to the counter to buy the popcorn and drinks.
As you sat in the theater, you looked around to see a few couples that weren’t paying attention to the movie, and more attention to each other. You started to get a little sad, because you wanted that with Ethan. You just wanted him to kiss you. You needed that affection.
As the movie played, he intently watched it, and you liked that he was enjoying something that’s important to you.
“That was so good! I can’t believe I haven’t watched it sooner,” he said, as you walked up to the arcade in the theater.
“I’m happy you enjoyed it, too,” you said, smiling over at him.
You played a few different games together, him losing most of them. He was surprised by how competitive you could be.
“Hey, I have an idea,” he said, as you walked up to the photo booth, “I think it’d be cool for us to have some silly photos together.”
“I agree,” you said sliding the curtain open.
As the two of you sat close, waiting for the thirty second countdown to be over for the pictures to start snapping, he kept looking between your eyes and your lips.
“I’ve really been having fun with you,” he said, smiling.
“I’ve been having fun with you too! Oh, the countdown is almost over,” you said, as you both turned your attention to the screen in front of you.
You did goofy pose after goofy pose, until the last one. He reached over to your chin, turning your face towards his. You felt your heart pounding in your chest and butterflies in your stomach as he leaned closer and placed his lips on yours. He kissed you a few more times before you both stepped out, grabbing the strip of pictures that were printed out.
You laughed as you looked over the photos, until you made it to the last one. You couldn’t stop smiling, so happy that it finally happened.
“This one’s my favorite,” he said, as he pointed to the last photo.
“Mine too,” you said, standing on your tippy toes to kiss him again.
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kanmom51 · 9 months
JK TikTok 23 September 2023
Yes, I'm aware I'm coming late to the party, but see, it's the weekend here and footy preliminary finals weekend, to be specific, and yeah, this is the first I could actually sit down and get to business.
You ned to understand that in this country, well in the state of Victoria, we actually have a long weekend (public holiday) on the weekend of the footy Grand final. That is how big this is for us, lol. Excuses aside, it's JK time (she says as she is sitting and watching the second preliminary final with her fave team playing... C'mon the Blues).
Now that I got that out of my system, JK uploaded this clip to TikTok.
Ok then JK...
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I am told JK used a filter called 3D glitch.
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3D you say?
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We were clearly told this was a spoiler.
We were all about the numbers - is it a date? Is it just a number? Is it a collab with J Balvin, given he posted something with the 3 as well (which turned out to be a countdown to his album release)?
Well, now we are one step closer to knowing.
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Ooh la la.
Is this the single he told us to expect? Will it be a JK stand alone song or a collab (there are still hints of a collab going on)?
We will know more tomorrow I guess. Assuming this clip at the end of his performance perhaps, will be the launch of his promos for the single.
Again, assuming it's a single seeing he told us there was one coming and then the album by November. It's too early to be promoting the album.
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Also, the #GCF is maddening, lol. Global Citizen Festival. Seriously? Did it just have to align?
Oh, and JK showed up at Sirius XM.
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Styling looking very similar to his previous visit there.
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Interview for the new single already?
Much more JK to come.
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MYG- Music To My Heart pt. 2
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summary: you helped yoongi get past a musical block, he finally shows you the song but it was nothing like you’d expected.
part 1
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It was exactly two weeks before the countdown for the song had begun, army going crazy over the teaser for the new single Dawn, yoongi had been in higher spirits ever since that night in the studio. He had even asked you to go yourself, calling your presence a blessing to his artistry.
The usual before a song release would be yoongi waiting around Hybe, either hidden in his studio or in the company of another member. Very rarely would he be home to watch a release unfold so you knew it must have been a special occasion when he stayed in the apartment with you, moving you both to the couch to join the countdown for the music video.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, nodding towards the timer on the flatscreen.
He continues to pet Holly who situated himself in between you both, paws tucked under the blanket covering your legs. “I don’t like to think too much about these things, this song is just one I particularly liked so I feel excited. It’s not like I can go back and change it.”
“You should be so proud of yourself, you worked hard for this and the fans will know that.” You shifted closer to him, hand reaching out to massage the base of his neck.
He leans into your touch, eyelids fluttering. “I’m nervous for you to see it.”
“Don’t be, did you forget I’m number one in min yoongis fan club.” You laugh lightly.
He shakes his head, not enough to disturb your soft moulding of his skin. “There’s a million people who would have different opinions.”
“Yeah, and Jungkook would be the first one in line to do that.” You sigh dramatically, causing you both to laugh.
The rapper shrugs his shoulders, smirking. “What can I say I’m an idol of idols.”
“Min Yoongi have you no shame or has it all disappeared because of the “big house, big car and big rings?”
He buried his face in his hands, flushing red with embarrassment as he laughs at the old lyrics. “Stop it.”
“Oh, it’s starting!” You shout excitedly, nudging him to face the screen. “I can’t believe you didn’t let me hear it before now.”
Regardless of your continuous badgering and occasional bribery, he wouldn’t let you hear the song, declaring you could only listen to it once the music video had been released. You’d given up after he locked you out of his studio for two days.
The soft melody began playing, the music video starts out in flashes of black white and grey. Your eyes are glued to the screen.
“Is that?” You noticed the soft humming tone he had made you record, playing over the sound of a piano.
“It’s you.” He responded, you didn’t question any further wanting to take in the entirety of the song.
The music video shows him travelling through some sort of timeline, images of the locations you’d met at and been on special dates to flickering in the background. The lyrics caused you to tear up, the words being more meaningful than anything you’d ever heard before.
“Oh, I'm runnin' round in a daze
We been walkin' so many ways
Feels like my heart's about to burst
Can't you see the take two?
Stories unfoldin' just for you
Youth with you by my side
Take my hands now”
The last verse came on and you broke, drawing in a choked breath as you pull his hand closer to you.
“It was possible because I was with you
I was happy being with you
I breathe in your voice
I stood up with your tears
Do I deserve your love?
The intersection of souls we've created over the years
I am so grateful and happy to be with you
Let's continue to be happy in the future”
You noticed the grainy picture of you two in the background, neither of your faces showing but you remembered it anyway, it was the day he had asked you out.
You wiped your face as the song came to a close, the last notes being the song you always whistled whenever you were cooking.
You’d never heard something so powerful, you’d never heard a song that held so much meaning and although you were an avid fan of the entire bts and agust d discography this was by far the most beautiful song you’d ever heard. The message being clearly a one of devotion, love and thanks. Something you often realised you’d never understand so clearly if you hadn’t met the man beside you.
As you turn to face him you realise how eyes are trained on you, you doubted he had watched a moment of the music video. “It was so beautiful.”
He ran a hand down the side of your face, wiping away a stray tear. Search the song.”
“What?” You gave him a puzzled look pulling out your phone.
As you typed the title into Naver a ton of results followed, mostly articles about the release of the song. “Now what?”
“Search the credits.” He laughed, watching your eyes.
You did as he instructed and began reading through them. You went stoic with shock as you see the word “ace” below the melody section.
When you’d first met each other he had always called you that because he said you were the ace of multitasking. Dealing with your own job and supporting him at all times whilst making him his favourite foods whenever you could.
“Yoongi I don’t know what to say it’s all so perfect.” You began crying again and this time he brought you closer to him, careful to mind the sleeping dog as he pulls your head to his neck.
“I wanted to thank you for everything these past few years. For being my best friend and accepting partner, for loving me and the members. I’ll never not be grateful to have you.” It’s only when you pull back you realise he too has tears in his eyes.
You lean in to kiss him, the action speaking louder than words. “I love you Min Yoongi.”
“I hope I can spend the rest of my life with you.” He whispers back, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You kiss his head in return earning a smile.
“You really are something.” He laughs, lacing his fingers with yours.
“Wait until your number one fanboy Jungkook finds out you made a song about me.”
He rolls his eyes, fake groaning. “I’ll never hear the end of it.”
You humm, tapping your chin dramatically.“You won’t but neither will I.”
“And why is that?” He raises an eyebrow, cockily.
“Because I’m yours forever.”
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gyustarzzi · 5 months
celebrating new years with ateez
★ hongjoong
you guys baked together
you and hongjoong decided to do a competition to see who could make the best 2024 cookies for the new year and whoever won got to choose what the loser would do for them
while you were making the batter for your cookies hongjoong wanted to mess you up and put a smudge of flour on your face
mess everywhere: flour on the kitchen counter, cookie batter chunks in your face, and icing covered all over
even though you guys were messy you still ended up making the cookies and decided to go and take a nice hot shower together
" You got a little something right there "
☆ seonghwa
took you on a trip to Paris for the holidays
you guys were actually planning to leave on December 30 to get home on time for the new years but your flight got delayed
you knew you guys wouldn't be able to make it home on time for the new years, so you spent it in the city of Paris
took you on a midnight picnic to watch the fireworks on the beach, ending it with a midnight walk back to you apartment
don't worry you made it home after new years to give ateez their presents you bought
" Our plans might have been ruined but I'm glad I got to spend the new years with the love of my life "
★ yunho
you guys made a scrapbook while waiting for the ball drop
you and yunho decided why not to get all the printed pictures you have of each other and put all of them in a homemade scrapbook
you guys put stickers, doodles and lots of glitter all inside and outside of the scrapbook
you guys laughed, cried, and shared some of the most fondest memories together while make the scrapbook, giggling once in a while when yunho puts a little bit of glitter glue on your face
at the end of the night right when the clock is going down for the ball drop you guys take on final picture together kissing with stickers and glitter glue all on your face
" Remember that time I punched you in the face? Good times "
☆ yeosang
you guys recreated your first date
took you to the same restaurant, ordered the same food, and then went to the same arcade
honestly was kinda shocked he remembered everything even though you guys had been dating for some time now
wins you a bunch of prizes and plays a lot of games letting you win some but still beating you in almost everyone
takes you to the ice cream shop where you guys share a cone as you watch the fireworks
" You arms look heavy carrying all those stuffed animals, pass them over "
★ san
you guys went to a friends party, more like wooyoungs party
what better way to spend new years eve than get totally wasted at a party with your boyfriend
lots of beer pong, chatting hazily with random people you don't even know and plenty of times where you spill drinks on you and other people
you start to get sober at the end of the party and notice the countdown is happening for the ball drop
you hurriedly search for san, bumping into people left right when suddenly you see san also searching for you
you both make eye contact rushing towards each other, embracing into each other and kissing right when the countdown goes to 0
" Happy New Year y/n, may all your resolutions come true "
☆ mingi
you guys had a movie marathon
picked out every last movie you both love to watch until the clock hits 12
lots of cuddling, eating snacks, and laughing together at stupid scenes in your favorite movies
when you catch each other almost falling asleep you tickle each other turning the movie marathon into a tickle party
when the clock strikes 12 you both hug each other giving mingi a loving kiss before falling asleep on the couch together, too tired to go upstairs to your cozy bed
" The next time you tickle me I will throw you off this couch and that's not a threat, it's a promise "
★ wooyoung
you and wooyoung hosted a family party
you invited all of your family and wooyoung invited all of his family
lots of baby photos shared of you and wooyoung making you both embarrassed but laughing it off
you don't even see him the whole time during the party because either your mom is telling him stories about you or he's being bombarded by children
right when the clock hits 12 your's and wooyoungs parents start telling you guys to kiss, which you gladly do
" We should do this again sometime "
☆ jongho
you guys went on cruise
you and jongho decided why not spend new years eve on a cruise ship
you played lots of arcade games jongho winning a LOT of games winning you multiple prizes
you also did a good amount of water slides some getting over your fears of heights and others not so much
you guys both sat at the bar drinking cocktails and watching the fireworks in the night sky
" You sure you could ride that water slide? Okay, I don't wanna hear any crying after "
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