#and if it weren’t for the pandemic I would’ve been much further along and if it weren’t for my fucking burnout I’d have been further along
hobisexually · 1 year
#i! feel! so! disconnected! from everything and everyone#and it’s so god damn annoying#I either feel nothing at all or everything at once and I can’t balance it#but if I take the time to sit with the things I’m scared of I’ll just keel over I don’t have time for it#Im just on autopilot moving ahead#because I have to! if I don’t my fear will win from me and that will Not be pretty#and that’s what I’m so upset about like I didn’t get something I really wanted#and it’s fully because of anxiety but the alternative is WORSE#and the people involved don’t KNOW I have anxiety but I can’t tell them either because it will make them look at me differently and I can’t#afford them to. I can’t let that happen and I think this is the first time I’m realising how much it holds me back even after uni#and I’m so angry over it dndndnd so so so angry and if they KNEW how much I had gone through no one would ever doubt my ability to —#bounce back and take charge of a situation ever again. they’d know I can do that. But it’s too private to share so now it’s up to me to#BELIEVE it and just show them but it takes so much out of me every time#and if it weren’t for the pandemic I would’ve been much further along and if it weren’t for my fucking burnout I’d have been further along#and it weren’t for my Fucking dad I’d be further along. I’m just so mad#so mad that I have to undo and tackle so much when people just sail through things but for me EVERYTHING takes effort#also I have not seen or spoken to my dad since December and I have a wedding he’s attending and I can’t get out of it#and I constantly pingpong between ‘its for the best I broke off contact I needed the space to heal’ and ‘I am a horrible person for taking#his only daughter away from him instead of talking’#but I’ve TRIED the talking and he just never LISTENS????? and made me feel so unsafe in this world at all times#I’m constantly trying to undo all that and it’s exhausting and no one gets how much effort that takes and I can’t tell them either#like. not gonna unload my trauma on people but if they KNEW they’d get why I don’t always react optimally to things the way they do#aaarffggHhhhHHHhHhhh#also I’m not even enjoying festa I’m not tuned in at ALL and that’s also deeply upsetting but there’s no other way atm#Also. did a thing in PFPT today that. I feel complicated things and I’m just upset about the way my life’s been until now#its making me feel worse than I was expecting#oh AND I was on a trip with friends I’ve had for 16+ years and they all were so happy to be together#felt so connected with each other and it was familiar and safe and lovely they said#meanwhile I cried at 3am in the bathroom because I had never felt more alienated from them ever#I know who /I/ am and what I want and don’t want but the dissonance with the rest of the world….. what the fuck man. What is my place even
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lazarettta · 2 years
First Glimpse
Summary: Just a random glimpse into the life of a rare pairing of Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: suggestive scenes, language maybe, but fluffy late night stuff w a married couple.
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Sasha wasn’t sure if it was the thunder that woke her up or the constant flashing from the lightning through her window in her bedroom that she shared with her wife. Sasha lifted her head from her slumbering wife’s chest and looked around their bedroom slowly, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Sasha figured it was just those damn horror movies her wife insisted on watching right before they go to bed. 
Ever since the damn global pandemic came and forced the WWE to halt production until the worst of it was over, it’s been hell trying to figure out how to keep themselves from losing their minds being confined indoors. And Sasha could only do so many makeup tutorials and watch so many Disney movies. 
Sasha sighed and carefully slid away from her wife as she pushed her side of the covers aside and slipped out of bed. Sasha quickly glanced at the clock and rolled her eyes. That was another thing that the Coronavirus screwed up; her sleep schedule. She tried her hardest to keep up her usual schedule but after two days, she gave up. Not because she wanted to, but her wife took their three month vacation very seriously and wasted no time sexing Sasha up and down their house.
Sasha flipped on the stairway light, she didn’t want another incident again—she was lucky the last time, because now was not the time to go to the hospital. Sasha made her way down to the kitchen, she wasn’t particularly hungry but maybe a light snack would help her go back to sleep. 
The moment Sasha turned on the kitchen light she heard nails scratching and sliding on their wood floor as Lola, their pitbull, came scrambling in no doubt hoping to get something to eat too. At first glance, Lola was muscular and very fit but the moment either of them walk into the kitchen...Lola the fatass is right there, waiting for her share even though she has treats and eats hearty meals. 
Of course, it didn’t help that they always indulged her. 
Sasha stared down at her dog, eyebrow raised, “Why is that everytime I come in the kitchen... you in the kitchen. Lola you need to get a job.”
Lola shuffled, huffed and was content to watch her. Sasha pulled the milk out of the fridge and she opened the cabinet, searching for the bowls and she rolled her eyes, cursing her wife for putting them on the top shelf. Sasha considered getting the chair but it was too far and it would’ve made too much noise. 
Sasha took a deep breath and climbed up on the counter carefully and she reached up for a bowl, of course she could’ve just used the other ones closest to her but those weren’t her favorite cereal bowls. 
Sasha nearly grabbed it when she suddenly felt two strong hands on the back of her bare thighs, long nails gently grazing the bottom of her panties beneath the long shirt she wore. 
“Whatcha doin’ pretty girl?”
Sasha looked over her shoulder at her wife, smiling softly, “Making cereal, want some?”
“I could eat.” Bianca smirked though she was clearly still half asleep.
“Nasty.” Sasha rolled her eyes and grabbed two bowls, setting them down on the counter before she forced Bianca back a few steps so she could get down safely, though they both knew that Sasha wasn’t going to hit the floor even if she did slip. 
Bianca took the bowls from Sasha’s hands and set them aside as she pressed Sasha back against the counter with her arms on either side of her, and Sasha placed her hands on Bianca’s forearms. 
The couple were quiet for a few moments, content being in each other’s presence until Bianca couldn’t resist leaning down and softly kissing her wife, who immediately returned her affections. When Sasha slid her hands further along Bianca’s arms until she was able to wrap them around her neck, one hand tangled in Bianca’s dark hair, and the other cupping the base of her neck. Bianca moaned softly, attempting to deepen their kiss but Sasha’s growling stomach interrupted them. 
Sasha pulled back slightly, though their foreheads were still touching, “Captain Crunch or Frosted Flakes?”
“How about you?” Bianca moved her arms around Sasha’s waist tightly, hugging her close.
“Later. Now pick.”
Bianca sighed loudly and dramatically, kissing the top of Sasha’s purple head, “Tsk, fine. Captain Crunch.”
Sasha smirked, wiggling her way out of Bianca’s embrace, “See, now was that so hard?”
Bianca crossed her arms, halfheartedly mugging her wife as she walked into the pantry, “Girl, with you? It’s always hard.”
Bianca lay on her side next to Sasha propped up on her elbow as she drew random patterns along Sasha’s spine, feeling her erratic heartbeat slowly coming down. Bianca couldn’t help but feel smug about how limp her wife was, especially since she was talking so much mess downstairs half an hour ago.
One of Bianca’s favorite things to do was to shut Sasha up. Her way, of course. Everyone else just wanted to beat her up...but not many of them could get through Bianca first. Their TV was playing in the background, some late night Lifetime movie that they were only half heartedly watching while they caught their breath.
“So,” Bianca started quietly, eyes no longer on the TV but one the random patterns she traced on Sasha’s spine with the tips of her fingers, “I think I’ll be drafted to Smackdown soon.”
Sasha shifted slightly so that she could look at Bianca curious and hopeful, “How do you know that?”
Bianca shrugged, “I talked to Stephanie and Hunter the other day when you went to the grocery store. It’s not set in stone, but it’s likely we’re gonna be on the same brand soon.”
“I guess that means I gotta tell Bayley to hit the road soon, huh?”
Bianca laughed softly, but she didn’t answer. Instead Bianca rolled Sasha over so that she was on her back, and despite Sasha’s exhaustion she was already spreading her legs in anticipation. Bianca’s gaze never left Sasha’s even as her free hand made its way down Sasha’s belly as Bianca draped casually over one of her spread legs, holding her still.
Bianca and Sasha continued to look into each other's eyes as Bianca worked Sasha’s tired body until she was trembling beneath her and gasping sharply as another orgasm tore through her body. It wasn’t until Sasha was whimpering and her eyes started to droop that Bianca finally relented and the last thing Sasha saw before falling asleep, was her wife licking her fingers clean with a self satisfied smirk on her face.
“I hate you,” Sasha mumbled.
“I love you too, babe. Sleep tight.”
Two weeks later…
As it turns out, Bianca had been right about her getting drafted to Smackdown, but she wasn’t the only one that was moved to a different brand. Roman Reigns and another Superstar were sent over to Raw. It was right around the same time the WWE sent out a mass email to all of their Superstars on roster about pre-taping shows and PPVs without an audience. And while the email was in no way forcing anyone to come in and guaranteed that they’d still be paid, everyone in the WWE knew how Vince McMahon could take rejection. Not very well, but a few of them were brave enough to say no and face the wraith that may or may not come their way later down the line.
But that wasn’t why Bianca was carrying two suitcases through Orlando International Airport with Sasha making sure that Lola was on her best behavior behind her. Wrestling was what they truly loved to do and while they loved being at home and spending time together, they were going to be on the same brand now and there wouldn’t be any more long lonely nights and FaceTime calls and sexting.
The decision to get a temporary six month apartment in Orlando twenty minutes from the Performance Center was an easy one, and they were on a redeye out of California a week later. 
“What do you think it’s gonna be like?” Sasha asked Bianca as they got settled in the rental waiting for them with Lola in the backseat, staring out the window at the new city they were in.
Bianca shrugged as she reached over to take Sasha’s hand once they were on the road, “Girl, you’re askin’ me like I don’t know what you know. It might be some bullshit, but we gotta make the best of what we have, right?”
“Right. Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Sasha sighed, shaking her head, “I guess it’s...I already feel weird without a crowd being there and going city to city, but it’s nice to be in one spot too. Are you ready to be on the best show in the WWE?” Sasha grinned softly when Bianca scoffed, and adjusted her glasses.
“Yeah, but...I’m gonna say this one time. Evans better not talk to me, she better not even look at me if she knows what’s good for her.”
“You have to let that go, baby. That was two years ago, we were barely talking back then.”
“I don’t care, the moment I seen you strutting backstage like you owned the place...I knew I was feelin’ you, and I had to ask you out. You were mine...no one knew it yet, but I did.”
Sasha snorted but she’d be lying if she didn’t like having someone defending her honor, even if they barely knew her (at the time), “So, what? You’re gonna break everyone's nose for saying something bad about me?”
“If I have to, don’t let these acrylics fool you. Tennessee bred, we protect what’s ours.”
“Even if I can handle myself?”
Bianca laughed, looking over at her wife but she didn’t say anything. Though she didn’t need to, that slight red painted smile and that mischievous glint in her dark eyes told Sasha everything she needed to know...Smackdown was about to be a lot more interesting for her..and anyone who got in their way. FIN
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Chapter 3
Summery: Slow burn. You are forced to move back to your home town due to the pandemic. When your high school tormentors return to remind you why you never wanted to come back. This gets darker as it goes. I’m not a good writer folks sorry.
Warning: assault, Kissing,  flash back warning: under age drink, mentions of sexual assault. tried to be very vague and not graphic.
Dark Steve x Black Reader, Dark Bucky x Black Reader Cop AU
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
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The drive back home was mostly silent and you were thankful for it. The off duty officer blew through lights and stops signs with ease. Laughing at you whenever you gasped at the yellow light as he mashed the gas to beat the red. With Steve behind the wheel time seemed to drag, with Bucky you were more concerned with making it home in one piece. When you saw your uncle's house finally approach in the distance you started to breathe easier.
Bucky slowed to a crawl, parking in-front while you unbuckled and turn to face the door for a quick escape.
The locks on the door snapped down the instant you touched the handle.
"Hold up."
Your back stayed facing him as you waited for whatever was to come.
"I'm not going to touch you" his words did not calm you. "You know I haven't seen him this happy in a long time."
It felt like every hair stood up one by one along your arms. This tone was too calm, if you didn't know him maybe you would've thought nothing of it.
"Why did you run?"
You swallowed thickly as you try and think of ways as to not raise his ire.
"He was so crushed when you left"
Of course. He didn't care what they did to you or how you felt. As if he hadn't been there, been apart of it all. As if what he put you through was OK.
"Does it matter anymore?" You felt so drained and you wondered if he could see the defeat in your eyes when you turned to look at him.
And really did it matter? You already felt trapped. With no money there was no hope.
His eyes were wet, but nothing fell from them, it looked like he was holding back a hurt that laid just below the surface. When his hand lifted to cradle your face you stiffened, but didn't pull away. Bucky's callus hand gently felt along your cheek then settled on the back of your neck.
The scenery blurred when he brought your head crashing down on to the dashboard. Throbbing and ringing marinated with this new pain that radiated through your head.
"We had to pickup the pieces of his heart when you skipped town. You broke him Roast. Took him along time to deal with how you left." he growled as he ground your face into the dashboard.
"Bucky! Bucky! Please I'm sorry!" The taste of copper filled your mouth as you screamed. Your lip was busted open and the bridge of your nose felt bruised, you worried it was broken the way it hurt. Every effort to push of the dash was met with heavy resistance by Bucky.
"I'd hate to see him get hurt again Roast." He paused before raising you.
"I'm home... I.. I-I won't run again. Please" You trembled and shook in his grasp while tears streamed down your cheek.
Before you could focus he crashed into yours. The sting from the impact had you hissing on his mouth. With the opening his tongue invaded, swirling around the blood from your lip. Your hands froze in the air, stopping yourself from trying to push him away.
Bucky's other hand began roaming the front of your sweater. You felt your body grow hotter as he touched you. Squeezing and palming your breast through your clothes, if someone were to pass by they would've thought you two were nothing more than an over eager couple.
When he bit your lip you hissed at the pain as more blood trickled down your chin. He trailed bloody kisses down to your neck, his lips sending teasing jolts of electricity throughout your body. You felt his lips start to suck hard on the nape of your neck, the suction from which drew out a soft moan as he moved down further.
"Bucky please...He won't like this" your words stopping him from marking you with a love bite.
Steve loved Bucky like a brother, but he was not fond of his pal playing with his toys without him. Maybe it was due to the fact that Bucky had a tendency to play a little too rough from your experience. Pulling back you notice your blood smeared against his lips. Keeping his hold on you he assess the damage that he's done.
"Shit..." Tilting your head around as he examines you. "Put some ice on"
When he released you shook your head in reply. Unlocking the doors Bucky finally allowed you to leave.
When you walked up to the front door you thought of how to hide your very bruised face. Taking out your key you open the door and then rush to put your hand on your forehead. Looking down you greet your uncle then high tail it to your room.
You here him call out, but you ignore him. Once inside you crumbled against the closed wooden door.
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Past: Month before the incident
"Hey" Peggy calls out to you as she catches up in the hall.
"Hey stranger" you jab at your bestie. You were surprised to not see her hanging off Steve's arm.
"I know I've been super flaky lately."
"Might start calling you Kellogg...." You paused for comic relief. "Because of the cereal...like Kellogg Frosted Flakes.. they’re Great!"
"Bad joke" she deadpanned "...anyways. You, me, Steve, James movies tonight!" She was almost giddy at the idea.
"For one I don't even know James. I'm assuming its that guy that's always around Steve? And isn't he dating Wanda, that cheerleader?"
"They broke up like a while a go.... So he is single and super nice. Second it was Steve's idea, so how could he hate you if that was the case? Huh?"
"Why cant 'we' hang out together? Steve is so annoying. He is always fucking with me. I swear he hates me."
You didn't have a problem with Steve, but he seemed to have a problem with you. Anytime you made plans to hang with Peggy she came up with an excuse the last minute. At first you thought that he wanted you out of the picture so that he could have Peggy all to himself, so you bowed out. But it felt like the more space you gave the more annoying he got. So being around Steve willingly didn't seem appetizing.
You don't know how she convinced you to do this. No wait of course you do. You missed Peggy so much, but you half expected her to cancel and flake on you like she normally did.
When you two arrived the guys were waiting outside the building. As you both walk up the side walk to greet them Peggy formally introduces you.
His square jaw rivaled Steve's, when he smiled your heart fluttered a bit. You had to admit he was a handsome guy.
"Hi, I'm James, but everyone calls me Bucky. Nice to meet you." He introduced as you shyly smile back at him.
After the slightly awkward introductions everyone coupled up and headed into the theater. Finding seats the small group linking up boy, girl, boy, girl. You wanted to sit next to Peggy, but Steve pushed her down to the next seat over.
Through the upcoming trailers you noticed the odd kernel fly in your direction. That's when you knew Steve was up to his usual pranks. His massive arm taking up your arm rest, reaching in your eye-line to pass snacks between him and his buddy, ignoring you.
While Bucky was the perfect gentlemen, offering snacks, letting you take his arm rest. When you started to shiver from the cold he pulled you in, wrapping an arm around and stroking you. Even though you had a crush on someone else he was a welcome distraction.
At the end of the movie Steve drove everyone home. You sat in the back with James while Peggy sat up front. James's arm outstretched on the back of the seat  as he chatted with you. If you didn't know any better, which you didn't, you would swear he was flirting with you.
You felt a weird sensation throughout the car ride. Looking up you saw Steve lock eyes with you on more than one occasion through the rear view. Shaking it off each time you try to focus on James, but he made it hard to concentrate. Dropping you home first you tell James to call you then wave bye to everyone as you walk up to your house.
The next day at school James sported a black eye and a bruised cheek. You tried to ask him what happened when you saw him in the hall, but he walked past ignoring you.
In class you asked Peggy if something happened when you left, but she too had no clue. Just explaining it away as some rough housing that must've happened after she got dropped home.
You noticed him a few more times throughout the day, but you stop completely when you saw him wrapped around Wanda. The beautiful cheerleader coddled his face examining the wounds. You weren't looking to start anything with James, but he made you want think otherwise. it was so odd that he would even go out with you if he was still with her and then completely ignore you. You also had the misfortune to see Steve watch you realize that fact. The smile on his face let you know this was all some sick prank he must've cooked up. Turning down the wrong hallway you rush away fuming and holding in tears of embarrassment.
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Early the next day you sat in front of the Pawnshop until the 'Open' sign turned on . Thinking now that maybe you should've taken the bus here instead of your Uncle's truck. But then the other half of you didn't want to be spotted at the outside waiting a the bus stop. As the light came on you hurried out of the truck and over to the shop door. When you entered Moscow's Pawn the bell chimed alerting the redhead to your presence.
The shop was filled with pawned goods like bikes, lawn mowers and a glass case full of guns behind the register. You were the first one in the shop, but you weren't sure for how long.
Before you left home you went into the garage and stole your uncles old tool box. The weight of the box wasn't heavier than the guilt you held from your thievery.
"Hello, I'm Nat! Welcome how can I help you today?" She greeted you as you approached.
"Um.. what can I get for these?" you lift the box, plopping it down on the counter.
"Are these yours or stolen?"
"They're mine. I mean they are my Uncles. But he gave me permission." You stuttered a bit at the accusation.
She cocked a brow at you, but didn't press. Taking the box from you and examining the contents, lifting each up one by one. Letting out a big sigh before she spoke. When she started looking too hard at your face you looked down at the floor. The bruises Bucky left you with were covered a bit with concealer and your mask so you were confident enough to push through with your plan. "I can give you a hundred for it all." She said while closing the box.
"I'll take it" you could tell she was low-balling you, but you didn't care. Those tools were worth more than that, but you didn't have time to haggle. This would be more than enough for a bus ticket out. Your uncle would be pissed for sure, but you would pay him back when you got back on your feet.
"OK well I need your ID to process it."
You started to panic and you could tell she knew something was off.
"Look its policy. I know you said it's your uncle's, but just encase its not... my ass is covered if he files a police report for stolen goods." The word 'police' had you more nervous than before.
"OK, OK." You dug in your purse and got out your ID. The redhead took it from you and entered in your information. You worried for a bit, but you knew your uncle would be the last person to call the cops for missing tools.
When she handed it back she also passed you the money. You bid her adieu and headed toward the door.
When your hand hit the handle your heart stopped. Through the bard glass door you saw a patrol car pass the shop. Holding your breath you watched it as it disappeared down the street.
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Past: Week before the incident
"He is such a prude or super religious. You know we haven't even done it yet." Peggy said frustrated as she sat across from you at the small coffee shop. Steve was at an away game and without a car she found time to finally hang out with you.
"That's surprising seeing as how much you two go at it whenever I see you" you remarked while drinking your iced tea. Anytime you were stuck with the love birds they were nauseatingly affectionate.
"I know right. Gawd he gets me so riled up and then nothing. So frustrating... Any who I want to have a party at my house this weekend for my birthday."
You cocked a suspicious brow at her. Peggy had never been into school dances let alone parties, before Steve she was a book worm that enjoyed small simple quite nights in.
"Isn't your birthday next month?"
"Yes, but my folks are going out of town soooo..." She looked at you so innocently. Your heart always fluttered a bit when she did that.
"I want to, but ever since that movie thing Bucky acts weird whenever I try and speak to him while Steve has just gotten worse." It was true it was one thing to annoy you at school, but he was bringing your Uncle into the mix. Police were called to the house on several occasions. Telling your uncle there was a report of women's screams coming from the house, it took half an hour to convince them otherwise without incident. Then the prank calls started. The calls were at the same time every night and wouldn't stop until you turned off the phones. Not to mention you were getting tired of having to clean the shattered eggs and toilet paper that decorated the lawn.
"I spoke to Steve when you told me about what's been happening and he promised me that it wasn't him. He is such a sweetheart once you get to know him...Come on please...for me?" Peggy pleaded. You wanted to believe her, but your gut knew better.
"Since its your birthday I will make this one exception" She squealed at your answer. "But if he start anything I'm gone."
The house was already a disaster. You weren't sure who, how or when kegs were brought in, but red cups could be seen within every corner of the room. Everyone was very drunk and rowdy except for you.
You kept stuck around Peg as she clung to Steve. "Oh oh oh theres James" Peggy shouted over the music. She caught the handsome boys attention, screaming his name repeatedly from across the room, he made his way over and you felt instantly awkward.
Not knowing were to look as he approached you turn away only to find Peggy locking lips with Steve again.
"Sickening isn't it" James voice brushed your ear. Giving him your full attention you were surprised he was even talking to you.
"You have no idea. The only time I see her now a days is when she is attached to him." You joke, you hear him chuckle and you wonder if maybe he had a twin. This guy's vibe was way different than the Bucky that walked the halls of your school.
"Can I get you a drink? Believe me it makes the sight of it a lot easier" James did have a point, you were only young once. It was getting boring just watching the show.
Breaking from Peggy Steve interrupts "Where's Wanda?"
Welp that confirmed he was indeed the same guy that ignores your existence at school. Looking up at the sly dog you wait for him to confirm. Bucky shouted something to Steve over the music, but you couldn't tell what.
"You know what? A drink sounds like a good idea." You break from the small group and find a keg yourself.
The silver barrel was a strange contraption to you. With the red cup in your hand you try and figure out how to use it. Steve snatched your cup and placed it on your head like a party hat. " Really Steve!"
"Here let me" James takes the cup from your head and pours beer into the cup. Handing it back to you, you take it and take a big gulp. That was a mistake as the taste was horrid, coughing uncontrollable as they laugh at you.
The buzz hit almost instantly. You were dancing to your own beat despite the music. Peggy even grabbed your hands and danced with you. She looked so beautiful tonight, your heart wanted to explode in your chest when she hugged you tightly, whispering and giggling in your ear. It took a bit of self control not to kiss her in the moment.  
Who knew alcohol could be so much fun.
The room started to swirl at some point.
Hands held on to you, steadying you against them as the room spun on.
"Bucky take care of her for me" a voice broke through your cloud. The music of the party had died down, things weren't as loud as before and you wondered what the time was. When you tried to look it was as if everything was underwater, blurry and fuzzy, moving giving you motion sickness.
You couldn't hear his reply, but you were sure Steve walked off with Peggy so they could have some fun. With an arm around your waist you were led away too. Bucky whispered something in your ear, but it felt off, his voice didn't sound right.
When you blinked you were on your back. The fabric of a comforter rubbed against your palms.
Blinking again you felt something heavy on you, but it was a struggle to focus still. The lights were on in the room, but you couldn't register the features of the person on top of you. Your head was so clouded, your limps too heavy to lift as you try and create a distance between you too.
"Buoockkky.."You felt as if your mouth was filled with cement, your words were a jumble as you try and talk. A figure lowered down and kissed you. Turning your head to the side was the only movement you could manage. The unwanted kissing didn't stop, moving your head back their tongue deepened within your mouth as you try to cry out in protest.
Blinking this time you weren't sure how long it took to get your eyes open. The air was much colder than you remembered sending a shiver throughout your body. Something licked on your chest and you yelp pathetically at the sensation.
"Mmm" you moaned as it sucked and kissed so tenderly at parts of you. It felt so good, your body just wanted to give into it all. Looking down you were sure you were seeing things as Bucky's hair looked just as wrong as his voice. "No..." You managed to get out, but when you repeated it it didn't sound the same.
The next blink welcomed you to an unfamiliar pain between your thighs. It shot up through your core and you wanted desperately to escape it. You tried to lift your legs and arms but it felt like you forgot how to move them.
"Thats.. it .." His voice panted through your subconscious. You felt like you were a rag doll when someone moved your legs around, spreading them open as you blacked out again.
"Oww.." You hissed out waking up to shooting pains. "Hurt.." Words still failing to be put together. Every syllable taking more and more energy from you.
"Shh.. shhh" the voice hushed you as the pain permeated through you.
There was something stretching you so much so that you whimpered at the fullness.
You heard a familiar voice pant your name, praising you, but it was so floaty you weren't sure if it were real. Your eyes fell shut again before you could register it all.
The world around you felt so warm and fuzzy. You tried opening your eyes again, but they were just too heavy. It didn't matter now as the gentle rocking of the room lulled you to sleep.    
The light coming from the window seemed to amplify the pounding in your head. You weren't sure when you got in bed with Peggy, but you were sure that if this was what it felt like to drink you would never do it again. The last thing you remember was dancing with her then everything went black.
When you moved your legs there was a shooting pain and soreness between your thighs and it felt as if you peed yourself. Patting the mattress you felt the reminisce of wetness, lifting your hand to your face you saw blood. Your period must've started in the middle of the night. Peggy would never let you live down bleeding on her bed that was for sure.
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When you leave this time you were going to stay gone, no matter what. Finding an apartment that didn't care about what name you put on the lease or sleep in a shelter if you had to. Just like before you would get a job that paid under the table maybe another waitress job somewhere along the way. It might take a while to get over the paranoia of him finding you and dragging you back. But eventually you could move on. Move to a better neighborhood find a better job and live free again.
The drive back from the Pawn shop had you a bit on edge by now you were sure that your uncle would be up and wondering about his truck. You had half a mind to go to the bus station now and just mail him his truck keys, but you didn't want to burn that bridge.
At every light, corner or stop sign you had an eye out for their patrol car as well. Pulling into your Uncle's driveway you park. It took a moment before you could move.  You didn’t want to find out if your uncle found his truck and tools gone just yet.
*Buzz Buzz
Grabbing your bag from the passenger seat you dig out your cell. Your fingers itched as you began unlocking your phone. Praying in your head that Steve had not been in the cop car you saw at the pawn shop. Praying that he wasn't going to punish you.
MSG Steve: Morning! MSG Steve:(...typing)
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Chapter 4>>>>
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im-whatchamccallit · 3 years
New Normal//Mark Tuan (Got7)
Request: Could you write a Mark Tuan Scenario where he starts crushing on the shy short cute girl that works at his local grocery store? I hope this makes sense and I hope you are staying safe and healthy!
Pairing: Idol!Mark Tuan x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of Covid-19
Words: 4.5k
(A/N: This is kinda all over the place so sorry about that (Also running on 0 hours of sleep for the past two days so the editing is a little sloppy). And I feel like I didn’t really execute the concept too well but this was just one of the plots I came up with that honestly stuck with me
Mark put on the fakest genuine smile he could as the two girls snapped photos, quickly pulling his mask back on as they checked to make sure the pictures came out perfectly. He was prepared to walk away as they said their thanks, bowing politely and even inching further from the area, only to stop with wide eyes.
“Wait, Mark, do you live in this neighborhood? We live just a few blocks away, I can’t believe we haven’t seen you bef-“
“N-no! No, I’m not from the area, I just had to find a fully stocked grocery store is all. Everyone’s been going crazy since the outbreak so-“
“Right!” The girls spoke simultaneously, still not moving away as they discussed how people have been handling Covid-19 so far, Mark staring intently and nodding as if he were listening but, really, he was using all his willpower to not roll his eyes in annoyance.
Mark didn’t hate his fans, he adored them more than anything, but the idea that even during a pandemic they would bother him for photos and autographs, even in a busy and buzzing grocery store, was irritating. He didn’t even want to leave his home that day, but the fact he was running low on toiletries and needed more perishables made the trip essential. But after standing in this one spot for the past ten minutes with a shopping cart filled with food, tissue, and body wash, and two girls that seemed to be in their own world as their topic jumped from Covid to Loona fancams, he was determined to make this his last trip for at least a month.
“But did you see Yves?! She’s so pretty and-“
“Excuse me, I’m going to have to ask you to move from the area and maintain a distance of 2 meters between all of you.” A man said with a cheery voice and smile that could be seen through his mask although it reached his eyes as well.
“Oh! Sorry! Thank you for the photos!” One of them said, dragging her friend along as Mark let out a sigh of relief, the man stepping slightly closer to him but not enough to invade his space.
“You don’t have to leave the area. One of our cashiers said those girls wouldn’t leave you alone and assumed you needed help. Sorry to disturb you.” He said, preparing to walk off before Mark hurried to tap his shoulder.
“Wait, which cashier?” He asked. He was tired of human contact at this point, but really thought they deserved a proper thanking.
“Oh, right there. Her name’s (Y/n).” He said, giving one more smile before finally walking off.
It seems like you had been watching the scene unfold for a while, gaze intense and focused on the male ahead of you and, even as you watched your manager point in your direction, causing him to lock eyes with you, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away. Well, not until you saw him walk in your direction with his cart ahead of him.
You didn’t mean to stare at him, it was natural for your eyes to wander to people entering the store, but to see someone this attractive? It felt like you spotted a unicorn. You would glance up occasionally to see if he’d pass by again, watching him going back and forth in the aisles as if he’d been there forever, yet you’ve never seen him before. Maybe it’s because you were working full-time now that you didn’t have to travel so far out to school, or maybe he was just new to the area. You wanted to ask, but how could you just approach someone like him? He was cool and you were…Well, you. He’d probably walk past you like you were some nobody. But once you saw him stop to speak with two girls, you knew you most likely had a chance, but you couldn’t just interrupt their conversation to start your own. So, you waited. And waited. And waited, until so much time had passed you managed to check out three customers with enough groceries per person to feed five villages, but you couldn’t shake off how expressive his eyes were. He was miserable, obviously not in the mood to stand around and chat all day, and if you weren’t going to start a conversation, you could at least help him go back to shopping and getting back home instead of lingering in the virus hotspot you called work. You thought all would be well and done once you alerted your manager, but you didn’t expect the very man you were creeping on to approach you.
You were freaking out, trying to look busy in hopes he’d go away but the sound of his cart only grew louder, a pathetic whine leaving your mouth once you looked back up, putting on the bright smile you typically did as you greeted him, not wanting to seem even more ridiculous than you did.
“H-hello, sir, are you ready to check out?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Mark said, clearing his throat as he began unloading his cart, eyes trained on you although your head was low, gaze focused on the items slowly approaching you on the conveyor belt.
He couldn’t see your face but he knew you were cute, your voice evidence enough of that. You were working fast but just slow enough for him to notice small quirks about you. You mumbled under your breath about how ridiculously priced a bag of rice was, making some joke about how it was probably the cure to every disease since it was so expensive. You weren’t talking to him but he could tell you had a sarcastic nature to you, your jokes making him stifle chuckles to save you from being anymore nervous around him. He didn’t like the awkwardness though, the way you avoid his eyes to continue scanning the candy he threw onto the belt in an attempt to stay in your line for as long as possible without speaking not what he had planned when approaching you. He was naturally timid, but the way you were watching him proved you knew who he was, so he didn’t have to be himself. Right now, he just had to think of you as one of the fangirls you saved him from, and his idol persona could ease the situation immediately.
“I just wanted to thank you for your help. I don’t think I would’ve gotten out of here if you weren’t watching.”
Your eyes snapped up to see his face, a blush creeping onto your own as you tried to find some excuse as to why you were staring before, nothing coming to mind except maybe just being honest, but is telling him you only noticed his distress because he was so gorgeous the right way to go? No, you had to be cool about this, maybe it’ll keep you from turning into a tomato, especially with the way his eyes went from doughy and sweet to sharp and flirtatious.
“W-well, I figured you just wanted to hurry out of here, y’know? No one wants to be out during a pandemic, right?” You giggled and Mark could’ve sworn he was having a heart attack.
He swallowed thickly, eyes scanning your entire being as you finally bagged the final item, pressing total and reading it back to him, your eye smile all he could see. He figured you knew who he was once he took of his mask earlier, but it seemed like you were completely oblivious. He didn’t want another encounter like before but, knowing he could simply pay and leave at this point was comforting, so giving a quick thanks to a potential fan that saved him wasn’t too big of a deal.
“You probably don’t have idols come by a lot, do you?” He asked, watching to see your reaction, only to find your eyes glancing to the side and brows furrow in confusion, deep in thought before gasping out loud.
“Well, not idols, but Son Heung-Min stopped by once and took photos with some of us! He was a lot nicer than he looks!” You joked, Mark nodding in both understanding and confusion.
So you were more of a sports girl? You certainly didn’t look that way. Even from behind the register, he could tell he towered above you by a good 6 or 7 inches, your introverted personality made it hard to believe you’d work well in a team, and you seemed just a bit too young to care more about sports than idol groups. Not that it was anything rare, but almost every girl in your age group knew one or more kpop group, but you managed to name a soccer player that plays six months out of a year instead of a single idol that had promotions almost year round. You treated him as if he wasn’t famous, like any other customer. And he loved it. He didn’t feel the need to repay you by making your heart flutter at the mere presence of his celebrity status, but rather as a human would another human.
Before he could think of such a way to do so, he found himself in your debt once more, your hands filled with ten bags of various items he purchased, placing them neatly into his cart before sighing in relief, giving another smile to him.
“I’m guessing we won’t see you here for a while.” You joked, his lips unable to curve upward in amusement at the statement, knowing he really had no reason to return any time soon, but his curiosity made it impossible for him to accept that.
You were strange to him. Other idols treated him like a celebrity even when they were at the same height of fame, fans treated him like some god, but you? You were instructing him to use the pin pad to complete his transaction like you did any other person to walk through your line. Maybe you didn’t care that he was an idol, maybe you just didn’t know, but to think you were someone he didn’t have to fear when leaving his home, someone he didn’t have to hide from in case they wanted to invade his privacy and risk his health. Ironically, you were the breath of fresh air he couldn’t seem to get in the outside world.
“Yeah, I guess I won’t be seeing you for a while.” He commented, watching you bow politely before diverting your attention to an elderly man slowly unloading his basket, Mark’s body reluctantly heading to the exit as he tried not to stare at you any longer. It really would be a while before he saw you again.
But a while for Mark was only three days. He made the excuse that he forgot to buy kimchi to come back, scanning the store until he spotted you pushing a shopping cart filled with cans, scanning the shelves before grabbing a few to place them into empty slots. He was hoping he could talk to you personally at your register again, but he figured this would do for now.
You didn’t sense him as you hummed an unfamiliar tune, hands busy tidying the two rows of canned corn before moving on to the canned bread, a grimace on your face at the idea of bread in a tin can.
“That sounds gross.” You nearly screamed as Mark’s voice echoed behind you, your body turning to face him as you shrank under his gaze. It wasn’t scary, just very intense despite his eyes being so soft and inviting.
“Oh. How are you today, sir?” You asked, bowing politely as you smiled brightly at him, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he tried to keep his face from going bright red, silently praying this interaction goes the way he fantasized in his head the past few days.
“’sir’? I’m surprised my hero doesn’t remember me.” He wanted to hide at how stupid that sounded, suddenly rethinking his entire plan of even showing up here, but the way your eyes grew in size while scanning the floor around you, picking apart your memories to decipher what he meant and who he was, slightly put him at ease once more.
“I-I don’t kno-“
“It’s me.” Mark chuckled, pulling his mask down just enough to give you a warm smile before covering his face once more, a relieved giggle leaving you as you realized it was only him.
“You really had me worried. I didn’t think you’d be back so soon.” You admitted, turning back and continuing to placing the cans on the shelves behind you, not wanting to slow down on your work.
Mark was anxious, not wanting to lose your attention but not wanting to seem desperate. You were most likely going ask how was his day then move on without another thought, but he didn’t come all the way back here just to have a two minute conversation with you. But that’s really all he needed, just a bit of normalcy in the now upside down world.
“Yeah, I just needed some kimchi. Didn’t realize I was running low.” He chuckled, growing worried as you remained silent, only to see you jumping pathetically to place a can of mackerel onto a higher shelf, your free hand grasping the shelf below it to hoist yourself up, a gasp leaving you as you stumbled backwards, Mark placing his jar onto the floor and catching you by your waist to hold you steady.
Your eyes were wide, flickering up to him as he set you back onto the ground, grabbing the can from you and placing it into its spot.
“How about I help you? I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said, your cheeks burning as your body felt like it was shrinking in on itself, trying to escape the tingles his invisible handprints left on you, your head low as you nodded with a meek ‘thank you’.
You stood at his side as he placed cans onto higher shelves, you working on the lower ones to keep him from feeling like an unpaid worker. It was a bit too quiet for your liking, your eyes glancing at him every once in a while to take in his appearance, hoping you could find something to talk about. He was only wearing black joggers and a white t-shirt, his hair a honey brown shade, the only thing that stood out was the beauty hiding beneath his mask, but you couldn’t start a conversation like that! It’d be too weird! You had to stop overthinking, the answer right in front of you as you noticed the jar of kimchi waiting idly by as he focused on making each row straight.
“Are you sure one jar of kimchi’s gonna be enough for you? I usually finish an entire jar with one meal.” You said, partially lying considering you could finish half a jar before feeling full.
“Uh, yeah, I don’t really eat it all that often but I was craving it today.”
More silence. You didn’t bother to speak again, feeling as if he didn’t want to talk to you anymore. Maybe it’s because you’re making him do your work, or you’re just boring, that last idea causing you to feel a little embarrassed seeing as he happily came to you with the intentions of talking, only for you to have nothing to say. You wanted to just crawl back to your tiny register and hide at that point.
“You must work a lot.” He commented, your eyes snapping up as his words, body jolting when you realize he had his eyes locked on you.
“I would’ve figured you’d have a few days off since I last saw you, just so you aren’t too overwhelmed.” He added, a dry laugh leaving you as you returned to your work, crouching down to straighten the bowls of instant ramen that were suddenly mixed up and unorganized.
“Well, I could took some days off but if I don’t work, this place would be in chaos with everyone trying to stock up before this virus gets worse. Plus, it keeps me from being bored at home every day.” You admitted, not thinking the conversation would take such an upsetting turn, your mood a bit down as you finally felt weeks’ worth of exhaustion hit you, your words flowing out precariously as he listened carefully.
“I’m honestly really socially awkward, but I value human connection, so I try to stay positive and pretend nothing’s changed but, it’s like I’m always having one-sided conversations with customers. No one has time to talk when they’re busy trying to stay healthy, so I can’t really blame them. But, I was really happy when you talked to me, I finally had an actual conversation again. Talking to you makes it feel like nothing’s changed.” You giggled, finally facing the man above you.
Mark’s eyes were hard with a strange mixture of sadness and understanding. He had his groupmates to talk to, his family and friends as well, but facetime conversations were nothing like being there and present. It was comforting knowing you felt somewhat normal when talking with him, the same way he felt just by seeing you, but it pained him knowing that he could show up any day and you wouldn’t be here, cooped up in your home with nothing but your thoughts, or him staying home while you assisted customers that only acknowledged you when they were ready to pay and leave. He didn’t know why you made him feel this way, not acting on pity but a protective instinct that seemed to gnaw at his very being with every second that passed. You were his new normal as he was yours, and he wanted you to know that.
“You know, I only really came here to see you.” He admitted, slowly lowering himself until he was crouching at your level, your eyes locked on one another’s as he tried find the right words.
“When I met you, I thought you were so weird, but it makes me want to see you even more. And I hope you’re fine with seeing me too.”
“S-seeing you?” Your voice was small, the way you swallowed as you anticipated his next words was visible as he gave you a final glance before fishing his phone from his back pocket, pressing the ‘Create New Contact’ option and handing it to you, your eyes going between the device and his hidden but noticeably kind face.
“Whenever you’re working, let me know so I can at least stop by to keep you company, even if it’s for a few minutes. And, on your days off, we can talk as much as you want, m-maybe go out to any place that’s open.” He didn’t want that last part to sound like a confession, it was way too soon for that, but he was silently praying you took it that way.
It took a second to comprehend the situation, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside of you as you slowly took his phone, typing away at both letters and numbers before pressing ‘Done’ at the upper corner. Mark allowed you to slip the phone back into his hand, a smile on his lips at the random string of numbers followed by a name he couldn’t stop thinking about since he met you. He hurriedly sent you a text before placing his phone back into his pocket, holding his hands out once more for you to take as you both slowly stood.
“I should probably get back to work. The cool manager isn’t here today.” You joked, hand cupping his as a silent plea for him to stay, but you knew he couldn’t, that’s what his number was for, right?
“You can always reach me if you need someone to talk to. But, I don’t think I’ll be back for a few days.” He said with a sad tone, your head nodding understandingly although your disappointment was evident.
“Don’t overwork yourself, okay?” He released one of your hands to ruffle your hair, your body shrinking under his touch as you giggled unconsciously.
The air around you seemed thick as you watched him collect his jar of kimchi and head down the aisle and away from you. It felt like an empty promise the way he said he’d be there for you, but you knew you couldn’t keep him there forever. It wasn’t fair.
You sighed, returning to the now empty cart to take it back outside for customers to use, but not before checking your phone. It was always on silent because they weren’t allowed to use it during work, but you never knew what kind of emergency could arise during your shifts. You took a quick peak, expecting nothing important before seeing an unsaved number had texted you, your finger quickly opening it and, at that moment, you couldn’t be happier about the sly lie you were just told.
‘I’ll stop by before the store closes :) -Mark’
Ever since then, Mark kept his word. He was always in the store whenever you told him you’d be working, he would pick you up from work and go to any available restaurant to make sure you’ve eaten, and he always text or called you on your days off to either invite you to hang out or just pass the time in your own homes, separate but together. You were two weeks into the new arrangement and haven’t felt more alive, mainly because the nervousness you felt in the presence of someone so handsome turned into a full blown crush, every interaction sending you into a fit of blushes and giggles. You both were shy but grew to be playful and a lot more flirtatious, Mark’s confidence with every pick-up line causing your once bold behavior to fade into the bashful one he experienced upon your first meeting.
He thought you were cute, he said it all the time. You thought he was cute, you admitted it just a few nights ago once you gathered to courage to explain how you ended up “saving him”. He was smart, kind, always sharing funny stories about his old “roommates” that you couldn’t get enough of. He would sing songs softly as they played from the speakers in his car, his voice soft and angelic just like the smile he adorned, everything about him screaming perfection. You never wanted someone more than you wanted him and, tonight, as you finally settled into the passenger seat of his car after an eight hour shift, his free hand in yours as he steered out of the parking lot, you know he felt the same.
“You’re a lot touchier lately.” You joked, your free hand playing with his fingers as his eyes flickered between you and the road.
“What? You don’t like it?” His lips curled into a smirk, your heart stuttering in your chest.
“It’s not that. I just didn’t think you’d be into awkward cashiers.”
“And how do you know I’m into you?” Luckily there was a red light so that Mark could give you his undivided attention, a wave of contentment washing over him as you looked away, still flustered by his simple acts.
“I don’t know. I guess the same way I knew you were a k-pop idol.”
“So you knew?” He chuckled, giving a quick glance to the light that had yet changed.
“You were really obvious about it. You asked me about it when we first met, you sing like an angel, plus you kept saying ‘your friend BamBam’ and, knowing he’s already pretty famous just for being hilarious, it wasn’t hard to find a simple picture of you two with the rest of your group.” You said smugly, almost as if you decoded a million piece puzzle that no one else dared to touch.
“I’d honestly spend hours daydreaming you weren’t an idol, just because the thought of dating a regular person is easier. But you’ll always be an idol, and daydreaming about dating an idol is no different than actually dating one; you’d never have time together so it’d never really work.” It was such a strange confession, almost as if you were pushing him away but begging to be by his side. Your eyes were low, voice filled with sadness at the realization this was all unreal and all fairytales had to come to an end, but Mark didn’t think it had to.
He didn’t expect to be here with you, not this soon or this fast, but the last few weeks felt like months to him. You were his biggest weakness now, a constant fear that his desire to be with you would cause a slip up. Maybe a tabloid will discover your yet-to-be relationship and expose who you are, maybe some fans will catch on he lives in the area with how often he visits you at work. He was scared by how reckless he was being, yet he didn’t care. For every reckless act he was met with a bright eye smile, a warm hug only for you to scream ‘2 meters apart!’ and launch yourself away from him, and the sound of your giggles. You were the best risk he’s ever taken and he’d be damned if he’d give you up after jumping through so many hoops to get to this moment
You looked at your joined hands, his fingers weaving between yours until they were firmly intertwined, your eyes slowly ascending to his face that held no amusement or playfulness, just sincerity and a sternness that demanded you take in his every word.
“(Y/n/n), I could be a million miles away or right next to you every day and night, and I’d always have time for you. And if I don’t, I’d find a way. I promised you that.” You felt like you could faint with the way his eyes bore into yours, or that you could melt with the way his voice was so gentle yet firm, but you damn near died with the way his face slowly inched closer to yours, heart hammering against your ribcage as you silently applauded yourself for taking off your mask earlier so that nothing would slow him down.
Your eyes fluttered close, waiting for the impact of his lips on yours when a sudden honk brought you back to reality, Mark’s body withdrawing from yours reluctantly before facing forward once more, the green light causing him to immediately step on the gas, both of you hot faced but at ease. Mark might not have gotten his kiss, but he got the confirmation he needed that he wasn’t crazy for feeling the way he did, that it wasn’t a one-side attraction. The weight on his shoulders finally gone as he was free to enjoy the night with no awkwardness, no tension, just you. It truly felt like he could breathe freely again.
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therectoress · 3 years
yennaia + gamer au
This was supposed to be three sentences and definitely not crack but I just had to... sksjsjssksjjs.
Yennaia prompt: Gamer AU.
Word count: 1.8k+ Pairing: Yennaia. Rating: T.
Tissaia really had no idea why she was doing this. Perhaps to appease Rita. Perhaps because her addiction to nicotine had worsened over the course of one year of a bloody Continent-wide pandemic and she was loath to use her credit card every time she needed a new pack of cigarettes. Perhaps she was going through a midlife crisis to cope with the fact that being the Chancellor of Aretuza College was already stressful enough without half the generations there trying to fool her subordinates into thinking cardboard replicas or even mannequins counted as attendance or simply because the rest of the Board of Governors (Stregobor) couldn't differentiate between what could be said through an email and what required her to clean her entire house so the background of her call was pristine.
Her controller vibrated in her hands, (Why, for the love of the Gods, couldn't that setting be turned off?) her knuckles turning white from gripping it so strongly. "Oh, for fu- heaven's sake." There, she had been ambushed. Again. A funny and wholly unexpected thing happened, though, one of the users turned on her companions, offing the lot of them with clean headshots the brunette definitely couldn't pull off in the span of twenty seconds.
"Uhh..." What does one say when your virtual saviour just betrayed her entire party on a whim and was being cursed at obnoxiously loudly and vulgarly for it?
Yennefer ignored Sabrina calling her names that absolutely applied to her and her hormonal reaction to a lovely blue-eyed MILF the likes of which she had only seen in her dreams. "No thanks needed, love. I was getting tired of seeing you frown like someone had keyed your car every time you got killed. A pretty thing like you should only have cause to smile." Oh, Gods, now she sounded like a creepy old man that lived in his mum's basement. Great. Good job. Her Social Studies major was an absolute hit. Fuck her life. Fuck Oxenfurt College. And fuck Sabrina's witch-like cackling while she was at it. "Name’s Yennefer." She choked out miserably.
Tissaia scowled at her laptop. Hackers. Amazing. This was the best day of her new normal life. "Mind telling me how you broke through the most expensive antivirus in the Continent, dear? Because now I really need a refund." Now she also needed to contact Aretuza’s IT team on a Saturday night, because she was not about to mess any further with these blasphemous machines, thank you very much.
Wait, what? "That wasn't me... You left your camera on." The woman legitimately squealed at that, her oversized jumper sliding down her left shoulder and exposing just a glimpse of her collarbone as she pinned up her hair into a bun with... were those pens fashioned as swords? Oh, bugger, this was so not the time to get turned on! "Are you alright?" Mercifully Sabrina, Renfri and Phillipa were already accosting someone else, else she was sure the brunette would've completely lost it, more than she already was doing, anyways. "Hello?" No answer.
Tissaia was fishing for her boots when she started ranting, “Oh, don’t you worry! I’m fine! Just dandy! This is exactly how I wanted my life to go.” She motioned with her hand to the space around her. “I wished for nothing more than dealing with complete morons from nine to six, five days a week, whilst trying to make sure my sanity doesn't desert me.” Biting her lower lip for a moment she began checking that the ends of the laces were the same length when she pulled them up. “Running right after to my local grocery store to buy more instant meals that are probably going to give me cancer in five years if the bullshit articles my mother keeps sending me-”
Yennefer had told herself she wasn’t going to allow this wasn’t going to get any creepier than her misguided comment but she still had a gift code for that nice liquor store which conveniently had retailers popping up every six blocks everywhere for the last few months, especially in Thanned isle, only Gods knew why. “This bloody succubus of a twat that is my best friend has been forcing me to constantly use this cursed game by changing the password for my email and then Aretuza’s server and then-” Bingo. One text to Philippa and they had her IP address, with a mortified Triss already calling Jaskier since she was the only one that had managed to get a decent scholarship at that posh college.
This was her future wife who was about to jump from a bridge from the looks of her and they just had to do humanity a great service by saving her from herself and from sobriety.
“Can you believe that tosser? I am a lesbian! I spent my teenage years clad in flannel until my girlfriends staged an intervention kind of lesbian! Yes, Vilgefortz, I will sue you for harassment in the workplace and I will blacklist you. No, Vilgefortz, I don’t want to break quarantine to go on a date with you and I definitely do not want your disgusting cologne anywhere near my-” Tissaia’s head shot up, her doorbell was ringing and she pinched the bridge of her nose, reaching for a new, disposable, mask.
“You stay right there.” She threatened the girl, who had the most beautiful violet… Perhaps she really ought to let Coral get her a therapist. It rang again. “Gods-damn-it.” She thought.
Her plan was going marvellously. She would only have to sleep with a knife under her pillow for a few weeks for blackmailing Sabrina (Who honestly hadn’t the slightest talent to pass off plagiarism as a sudden stroke of genius in her final project without her aid.) into going along with this. The blonde was lighting the candles around the monitor without trying to burn her hair off and had given away her best bottle of cheap but still good wine for the cause. Thanks to Renfri and her frankly psychotic, owl obsessed, girlfriend she already knew what she would be replacing her trauma-ridden last name with! Splendid!
The brunette shut the door on Jaskier’s face after taking the brown paper bag from his hands, spraying the bottle of vodka inside it with so much disinfectant that it dripped down onto her carpet. Taking off her gloves and disposing of them, she grabbed a knife from the counter and ignoring the annoying blue light that came from the kitchen table, “Oh, shit. You’re soulmates. I’ll tell the rest of the girls we’re all fucked.” Tissaia cut off the upper part of the glass in one smooth hit, like Calanthe had taught her when the then teacher could still be considered fun by her groups of friends.
“Shut up, tiddybug!” She heard Yennefer sing-song.
Feeling like being crass the blue-eyed woman took a rather large swing directly from the bottle. Sitting back down, she sighed. Yennefer took a dignified sip from her wine; she could do balanced when her significant other to-be needed to let loose. “Did you like the bottle? It has good reviews from… wait a minute… apparently several alcoholics who don’t know what a budget is.”
Tissaia’s face paled. “I thought you weren’t a hacker.” The woman muttered. She didn’t fancy getting kidnapped and… No, no, no. Fucking Rita. What was the cost of moving, again? If she slept four hours less a day and split her cleaning time in two she could probably trade this house for Stregobor's in-
“I am not!” Yennefer cried. Bloody hell. “You just mentioned that you worked at Aretuza and-” Sabrina had probably started a group call and Phillipa was indeed hacking into her computer to save her arse. The Redanian was currently writing a script for her to follow. “Your username in the game is your surname. My friends and I tried to get into that school a few years back and I do remember that the Chancellor is a woman and that her last name is de Vries.” Her username wasn’t her last name, it was actually something that suggested she was an Ice Queen of the highest order. Queen Elsa from the movie Frozen would be intimidated kind of Ice Queen.
“Everyone is aware the highest-ranking members of the faculty live in chalets near the castle, pardon, the building.” True. According to Triss, that was a part of their contract that if unfulfilled prohibited them from working there ever again. To Yennefer that seemed borderline cruel, forcing them to be available at all hours like circus animals for juniors that didn’t deserve their spots.
“My best friend is a student there and she knows which one is your home because she wants to eventually be a teacher.” Partially true. Until that day came, Triss, like any rational individual, avoided the Chapter’s Village like the plague lingered inside, and wouldn’t be caught dead there unless she had to stop Sabrina from doing something stupid because of the anarchist phase she was going through. Jaskier was an acquaintance of hers of sorts because Triss had tutored his boyfriend Geralt in Biology and being daddy’s boy, he knew which one was Tissaia’s house because he had almost gotten expelled like fifteen times.
“I honestly just wanted to do something nice for you, you sounded like you needed it and… I know quarantine hasn’t been lifted once in Temeria since it all started.” Philippa wrote then that she would probably make for a decent actor without flashing her breasts to the audience every five minutes. She pursed her lips and replied in the mock post-it note to fuck off.
“I… I… Thank you. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed- I’m sorry, darling.” Her pale cheeks flushed at the term of endearment that slipped her tongue and Tissaia bowed down her head, red-painted nails caressing the glass bottle almost reverently. “Say, why don’t you tell me what your email address is and I send you my mobile via chat? The explosions in the background aren’t that, uhm, comforting to listen to when I’d much rather be hearing your voice.” Should she have looked up she would have seen the smile that threatened to split Yennefer’s face. “Only if you want to, of course! I- what am I even saying? Never mi-”
“No! Wait!” She placated. Sabrina squeezed her shoulder as she went to retrieve her phone charger, offering her a genuine smile. “I’d love to.”
“Okay.” Said Tissaia, an awed sound leaving her throat when blue finally meet with lilac. Gods, she was drop-dead gorgeous. Rita could have whichever bottle, all the liquor she wanted from the school’s cellar for indirectly enabling this.
Was one week a proper enough courting period to then buy the engagement ring? Or should she just have Philippa get her the best, costliest one from that jewellery eshop they all liked through some minor fraud that would take her like half an hour at most, today? “Good.” Yennefer de Vries had such a nice ring to it.
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negrowhat · 4 years
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DAY SEVENTEEN: Fave Kiss(es)
I’mma cheat. So what?
The Bar Kiss from TharnType The Series
It’s been MONTHS and MONTHS since the series ended and I still feel as strongly about the kiss as I did when the ep aired. It’s honestly such a perfect kiss to me. It was spontaneous and soft and sweet and vulnerable. The fact that Type allowed Tharn to kiss him in a public place BLEW MY MIND! SIR I THOUGHT YOU JUST WANTED TO BE CUT BUDDIES???? CUT BUDDIES DO NOT SHARE GENTLE AND ROMANTIC KISSES! This kiss tops both of the Ice Kisses to me. Yea I said it! Also Tharn’s confession BEFORE the kiss! My boy was whipped and he was going to do all he could to get the man of his dreams.
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The Sofa Kiss from WHY R U? The Series
Can I say, despite the pandemic fucking up filming, this series was amazing???? I love that they incorporated FighterTutor’s sexual tension coming to boiling point. This whole scene was perfection. They rolled around on that sofa for a long time, kissing til their lips turned red and grabbing dicks. It was like, they both knew exactly what they wanted, but also they knew a conversation needed to be had. I still stand by my statement that Tutor was more than willing to go further that day. I’m sure he would’ve been down for that D first and then confessions after. This was TWO YEARS of pent up sexual tension coming to head. They’re both horny af and they both know they have feelings for each other. It’s clear. But I think they needed to hear some validation before either of them could believe it was true. 
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THAT™ SaifahZon Kiss
Y’all know the one I’m talking about! The one we weren’t expecting but was HOPING for. The one that fucking killed us all! The one that showed us just how much they loved each other. Excuse me? That kiss was perfect? Literally the most perfect kiss two people can share on this planet. THEY FUCKING PROMISED TO ONLY HAVE EACH OTHER! THERE WERE TEARS! SO MANY EMOTIONS WERE DISPLAYED! AND HELLO!? THERE WAS TONGUE! Mii2 delivered such amazing chemistry on screen too. I was crying along with Zon when they shared this kiss, fucking clapping, and yelling. I wish we had gotten more of SaifahZon when the series was airing. They deserved to have their full story told and we deserve to witness it.
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OKAY I’M DONE! I could go all day choosing perfect kisses. There’s some gems out there.
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mysweetgirl2-love · 4 years
Livestream~ (corpse_husband x reader)
Alright, I’ve skipped ahead a few prompts because I’ve been just too excited to write out this idea and I was falling behind... so I will be going back, but I’ve skipped to my day 9 prompt. Slight (SLIGHT) exhibition. To reiterate the title, this is a oneshot about you and Corpse. I want to just say that this Corpse is him as a character and not him as a person. Think of a “fanon” version of some sorts. I know that the real Corpse is a very private person (obviously) and I would hate for him to be uncomfortable if he were to ever find this. I am really just writing this for comfort and the enjoyment of others. So, without further ado, enjoy!
Word Count: 5,958
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Day 9 - Exhibition (Implied)
“Yo! YO! It’s Corpse! It’s fucking Corpse, holy shit-“
“What? Literally how?”
“I- fucking- I saw you legit go into electrical with pewds, leave, for me to then go up and find his body right next to the vent.”
“He was doing the upload task, I think, cuz’ I left him there when he was alive. You definitely self-reported.”
“Toast, you gotta believe me, it’s fucking Corpse.”
The arguments while playing this game were some of the most frustrating and yet exciting conversations you’d had in ages. Especially when it came down to the final two. That was the jackpot.
“Ah… nah, Fable, you’ve been super sus this entire round. There’s no way you did card swipe that quickly-“
The two dings from your headset indicated that the remaining players had voted which only left you. Since Toast didn’t believe you, Corpse had this round in the bag. God. Damnit.
“Fucking- Fine. Thank god for your detective skills, Toast,” You grumbled bitterly, pouting on camera as you voted for the black avatar. Corpse’s avatar.
“You’re just mad that I figured you out..” The streamer teased, you rolling your eyes in response to his unmatched “knowledge.”
“Yeah, yeah, totally… Corpse is just too fucking good at this game, I swear to god,” You continued, definitely a little irritated that the match turned on you so fast.
It didn’t help when all you could do was helplessly watch from the other side of the screen as your purple avatar launched out into space. Oh well, it was over.
“Heh… I’m just glad you admit it,” The deep voice filled your headphones making you roll your eyes.
The screen suddenly darkened, a red gleam appearing as two characters stood next to one another. Spedicey and, who would’ve guessed, Corpse. Shocking.
“What?!” Toast exclaims.
“I can’t BELIEVE you didn’t think it was him!” Lily speaks up.
“You’re a fuckin’ idiot, Toast,” Felix almost groans, sounding slightly annoyed.
“Seriously…” You comment, smirking slightly at the groan of confusion from the man in question.
“What? Fable, you were so sus that entire round!” Toast stressed, your headphones filling with laughter as you clicked to play again.
“What do you mean?! I Iegit just scanned my card and you’re trying to call me on it! For NO good reason!” You retorted, wanting to facepalm so hard.
“I didn’t think you could do it that fast!” He yelled back, “I thought you were faking it, there was no way!”
“The only one who really struggles with card swipe here is Corpse,“ Jack cut in, you erupting in laughter at his words.
“What?- Uh- Come on, don’t do me like that…” He essentially growled into the mic, your arms erupting with goosebumps at the sound of him once again.
“That’s not true either! Jack, you know how hard card swipe is!” Valkarae stood up for the deep spoken imposter, “…but you guys both won anyway. So, whatever…”
You all simply laughed along with one another at that, the frustration fading as you mentally prepared yourself for another round of this thought-provoking game. Or… so you thought.
“Hey, can we actually hold off for a second? I need to use the bathroom-“ Lily asked, you smiling at how gentle her voice always was.
A stark contrast to the one that followed.
“Yeah, same here. Gamer bladder,” Corpse followed.
You shook your head at the later comment, clearing your throat as before leaning in towards your mic, “So, 5 minute break then?”
“Sounds good!”
“Sure, I’ll just be here.”
Felix, Rae, and Jack responded.
“…Sykunno?” You asked, having not heard his voice in awhile.
“He left to use the bathroom after he finished his tasks in the last round, texted me saying something about getting a snack,” Toast replied for him, you nodding to no one in particular but your chat.
“Got it,” You pressed the mute button for discord and turned to your face cam, “Guess I’ll run to the restroom as well, stay tuned!”
You clicked a few things to allow an ad to run across your stream, labeling it for around four minutes before reaching for your headphones. You placed them on your desk and sighed, leaning back in your chair.
You heard the door in the hallway open, smiling gently to yourself before standing from the chair. You turned towards your own closed door, taking the appropriate amount of steps to open it before peaking around the doorway.
“Hm…” You walked out slightly, turning towards the closed bathroom door and smirking before creeping out of your room and over to his.
Corpse’s room. Your boyfriend.
You and Corpse had started seeing each other a month or two into quarantine during the pandemic. Having known each other a year or two from both of your professions bringing you together under the circumstances, it seemed appropriate.
He was a real-life horror story teller, taking people’s information by email and anonymously telling their tales. You? You told mythologies of all kinds through your own renditions of the stories with art. You also managed to make the stories more light hearted and funny with a few jokes now and then, and people seemed to appreciate the humor you found in some of the topics.
Your channel name had always been Fantasized Fables, a little odd but it got your content across. Since your channel hit, your name was no secret but people liked calling you Fable.
You honestly thought it made you sound a lot more badass than you actually were.
Either way, somehow you got connect through a couple of friends and instantly clicked. Corpse was… well, Corpse. You didn’t know that you’d helped him so much when he actually told you what was going on. The endless nights where you would both be up at an ungodly hour and just dm-ing one another. It started after a few nights you both saw each other online, quickly progressing into something much bigger than that.
It got deep all the time. You both had so many thoughts about life and each other’s and your own… you felt so safe when telling this faceless internet friend all your deepest, darkest thoughts. But, you knew Corpse had more. He always told you more, you almost wanted more to comfort him over. The feelings started to fester and grow… there was no stopping how you felt about him.
The day you two actually met was never going to be forgotten, by either of you. It was unintentional, almost straight from a movie. You had, at this point, exchanged contact information and had been now calling for the majority of May. Not to mention, you both found out you lived in SoCal, only progressing  On this particular afternoon, you texted him that you were going on a coffee run to Starbucks… him saying he was going out for the first time as well.
Masked up and muffled, you of course could tell it was his voice from across the street. The slightly amplified “oh fuck” was the biggest giveaway you could’ve imagined. Your eyes looking up to find a man, dressed in complete black, chains and earrings, shaggy black hair- there was so doubt in your mind.
You called his name, his eyes looking up to find yours across the way… traffic laws weren’t going to stop the saint up to him and into his arms. A big, long, well-deserved embraced you knew the both of you needed. He had always been so kind… and gentle… him being physically there was just so… relieving.
The rest is history, and you honestly moved into his apartment as quickly as you could. You couldn’t stand him living alone like that anymore, and he obviously let you in without a second thought.
You both were extremely happy to have each other, and it just kept getting better from there.
You gently shut the door behind you, creeping over to his setup and sliding into his chair, humming softly as you watched the endless chat messages buildup along the screen and peering at the number of viewers he had now achieved.
JEEEZUS christ, 200k?! That’s insane! You thought, widening your eyes at the number on the screen.
Your streams only ever reached 90k, which was a lot more than you had expected. The number was slowly growing now, though… ever since Corpse blew up on tiktok for just posting videos of his hands.
You clicked through a few comments, watching super comments flash along the chat as well as mods trying to attempt to get slow chat to work. You couldn’t help but slightly laugh at the struggle, turning back towards the game as a few of the avatars began bouncing around with one another. People were getting back to the game.
You were about to shift around in his seat, reaching for the keyboard to type something in game when two larger hands came gently down on your shoulders. They pushed you gently down against the chair, causing it to lean back with your body. A face moved next to your ear, lips grazing against the skin.
“Whattup Baby?~” That low voice growled, you gently flinching at the rumbling next to your ear.
You turned to find Corpse grinning down at you, his hands easing up off your body and reaching for your face. His right hand came in contact with your cheek, gently squeezing against it as he slowly walked around the chair and crouched down. To be right beneath your eye level.
“Hi..” You hummed, leaning over to press your lips against his forehead before leaning back to look in his maroon-like eyes.
“Why’re you in my chair? You need to get back to your own stream, silly~” He hummed, beginning to stand as he reached for your arm to pull you out of the chair.
You grinned, your head falling back begrudgingly as he easily pulled you from the comfortable seat.
“Wait…! I just wanted to see you…” You lightly whined, him chuckling in response as you stood on your two feet. Him replacing the spot where you had sat.
“Uhuh… and why’s that?” He teased lightly, you couldn’t help but scoff gently while your heart rate increased. He always had that effect on you.
“Well, I mean… I wanted to both congratulate and bother you about your… fucking imposter round-“ He erupted in laughter, you grinning along with him with a simple eye roll, “hey! Let me finish, it was a good round, I’ll give you that… but you threw me under the bus while doing it…! For no reason!”
He raised his brow lightly, his laughter coming to a soft chuckle as he shrugged, “I mean, I gotta keep my title as ‘too fucking good at imposter.’ Sorry, princess…”
You playfully glared in his direction, a stupid smirk spreading across his face. Your lower lip jutted out from your upper one, crossing your arms as you simply pouted in response. He huffed in response, his smirk turning to more of a smile as he reached back out for you.
“C’mere…” He grumbled, his hand grabbing your arm as he pulled you back down to the chair.
“Wait- Ah!” You almost fell against him, barely able to catch yourself against the arm rests on his chair. You looked up, slightly panicked from the sudden fall, to find Corpse smirking right back.
“Wait for what? You’re not ready for affection?” He asked softly, his hand reaching up to push a few loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“N-No, that’s not it…” You mumbled, letting your gaze fall to his chest, seeing the definition of his body through his baggy sweater.
You felt fingers press against the underside of your chin, pushing your face up to look back towards him. You felt your face flush in embarrassment, smiling nervously as his smirk had never faltered.
“You don’t look very sure of yourself…” he whispered to you.
You gently bit at the inside cheek, shrugging quickly, “C-Cuz’ I’m not…”
He chuckled deeply, leaning in slightly as he grabbed you by the lips, gently humming against your mouth as his hands gripped your sides.
You whimpered softly against him, beginning to kiss back as you readjusted yourself in his lap. You quietly wrapped your arms around the back of his neck as you leaned against him.
He chuckled softly, moving his lips against yours as his hands gently slipped up beneath the sides of your shirt and lovingly stroked at your now exposed skin.
“God, you’re so beautiful…” he whispered against you, catching your lips quickly as he continued, “You’re too perfect, fuck… too fucking perfect…”
“Corpse, I-..” You kissed him again, one of your hands reaching up towards his head as you tangled your fingers into the back of his hair.
He hummed against your mouth, squeezing your sides gently as his smily broke out into a grin. The tip of his nose pressed against yours as he sighed, “Yes, princess?~”
“Careful, we need to get back to the game…” You whispered, growing a little nervous as he chuckled.
“They can wait…” He sighed, leaning back in to press his lips back to yours, kissing you deeply once again.
You squeaked lightly, timid as ever before you kissed back. You felt his teeth grazing against your lower lip, gently nipping at the skin. You couldn’t help but slightly moan, pulling away from your lips as he trailed light kisses down your chin and along your jaw.
He was going for your neck, getting there before you could express any protest. You sighed loudly as his lips connected to the skin right below your ear, gently growling against you as you felt a slight wet sensation lick against your earlobe. You shivered, the side of your face falling to the top of his head as he continued his attack on your neck.
“Fuck, Corpse~”
“God, you sound so beautiful baby… you keep acting like this and after the stream? I’ll have no choice but to-“
The desk behind you started vibrating in loud, long buzzes. Both of you freezing in your spots as you turned over your shoulder to find Corpse’s phone lighting up with a phone call.
You quirked your brow, “Who’d be calling you this early in the morning?”
It was 12 pm, you both had woken up at 10 am to actually get ready in time to stream. It wasn’t early for the world, but it was early for this apartment.
“I don’t know… weird,” He leaned forward in his chair, you holding tight against his chest as he grabbed the phone and brought it towards the two of you.
You both looked down at the contact name on the screen, your eyes widening at the name that read.
“Why- hm…” Corpse quickly swiped to answer the call, holding the speaker up to his ear, “Hey Rae, everything okay-“
He stopped suddenly mid sentence, his eyes widening as his cheeks lit up in a bright red. It had to have been the most embarrassed you’d ever seen him, his eyes falling to yours as you read the panic within them.
“R-Right- shit… s-sorry- I-I’ll turn it down now… bye,“ He quickly brought the phone away, immediately hanging up as his eyes flashed towards the chat function on his stream.
“Is… Is everything okay…?” You asked hesitantly, leaning over slightly to read for yourself what people had to say. Did something happen in chat while you guys were preoccupied?
Corpse didn’t respond, his eyes just scanned what the letters read on screen. You frowned, you confusion growing by the second. He hit a button on the keyboard, did he just unmute?
A strained laugh left his mouth, falling back in the chair with you still in his arms. His eyes found yours, his lips slowly turning to a grin before he laughed one of the hardest laughs you had yet to hear from him.
Your eyes widened, completely baffled at this point.
“Corpse, please- What happened?”
“We- We- AHA! We were unmuted!! That ENTIRE time!” He cackled, his hand landing on his chest to almost support him in some way.
You, on the other hand, went from complete befuddlement to absolute humiliation. There was no way THAT was just heard by hundreds upon thousands of people. No fucking way.
“Wh-What??” You began to panic, reaching for his broad shoulders and gently holding onto them, “Wh-What are you even t-talking about?!”
He gently gripped onto you in return, readjusting you against him as he held you there. His laughter died down before he leaned forward and pressed a kiss against your nose.
You both were open that you were in a relationship, people knew… but, that doesn’t mean you necessarily wanted them to hear..
“Hey, baby, don’t worry… it could’ve been a lot worse… We’re fine~” he reassured, your brow still tensed from your worry. You knew the worst had already happened when he blew up, but how would they use his voice in that kind of tone…
You didn’t want to think about it too much. Not jealous, more just… weirded out. Who knew how people would use your voice in that tone either? You didn’t dwell on it.
“Ah, o-okay… yeah, nothing we need to worry about now,” You nodded with him, his gentle features turning to a warm smile. He brought his hand up to your cheek, his thumb gently swiping across your skin as he hummed.
“Mhm, all is fine… I promise,” He mumbled to you, leaning in softly to press his lips back against your forehead.
You sighed, pausing against him for a moment before leaning away, “Well… p-probably shouldn’t keep them waiting m-much longer…”
Corpse raised his brow gently smiling sadly in agreement with a slight nod. He gently reached for your hips once again, holding them gently as he helped hoist you back onto your two feet. You yelped softly as you let yourself be lifted, extending your two legs to meet the floor.
You stood still for a moment, your eyes meeting his as you timidly smiled, “S-Sorry about the mic thing… I should’ve stayed in my stream.”
You nervously laughed, his smile never faltering as yours broke out into a grin. Your slight guilt written all over your features.
“No, no, you’re totally fine… don’t apologize,” He hummed, his thumbs gently pressing against your hips as he kept reassuring.
“Okay, haha… now we’ll never forget to check our mics,” You winked softly, your hands grabbing onto his larger ones and squeezing them gently in return.
“Haha… never,” He nodded softly, tilting his head gently to the side as he simply watched you.
You sighed, begrudgingly pulling his hands from your hips as you took a small step away. You gently bounced on the balls of your feet, awkwardly putting your hands together behind your back.
“Hm… well! I- uh… will see you in game…” You smiled, his body turning in his chair as he leaned his chin against two of his fingers that you had freshly reapplied black nail polish that night before.
His brow raised quizzically at you, the damn smirk playing at his lips once again. His fingers flexed slightly, his hands following the motion. You could see the veins running down his wrist from where you stood.
He briefly chuckled, “Yeah… I’ll see you there, baby…”
With that, he turned back towards his screen while you didn’t hesitate towards the door. You walked over and grabbed the handle, briefly turning back to the darkened man on the screen, clicking away at the bursts of notifications he was getting from discord.
“I love you-“ You flushed, his eyes pulling away from his screen to find you in the doorway. You could see the tint of pink along his cheeks in the darkness of the room.
“…I love you too. Hurry though, Rae is flipping out-“ He laughed, you not wasting a second more to close the door and bound back over to your recording room.
You shut the door behind you, looking up towards your brightened monitor and feeling your breath catch in your chest. You could see your chat blowing up from here, your phone lighting up with MULTIPLE notifications… God, what an unfortunate mistake for Corpse to have made.
You quicken your pace back to your chair, sliding in and putting your headphones back atop of your head. Your camera had come back on in the time you were gone, giving the device a nervous grin before turning towards the game.
“S-Sorry guys, didn’t mean to take that long- uhm…” Your eyes scanned over the chat, not surprised to find it full of caps-locked comments screaming about what happened on Corpse’s stream.
You sighed nervously, your eyes now finding your discord application notifying you that you had… almost fifty notifications?! You mentally had to roll your eyes, quickly turning back towards the camera with a sheepish smile.
“I- uh… I have to go for another minute- B-Be right back!” You laughed, turning on another ad before mentally cursing at yourself. God damnit- your eyes scanned over the viewers on your stream.
What the shit- when did I get 30k viewers?! What the hell?! Of course this is when your viewers decide to spike.
You groaned to yourself, your head falling to your hand as the other reached for your mouse. You clicked to your discord, slowly… but surely, un-deafened your mic.
“OH. MY. GOD. You FUCKING dumbass!” Rae yelled as soon as you unmuted, flinching at the pitch to her tone. It felt like you were being scolded.
“What?! I can’t show my girlfriend some love?!” Corpse replied, not yelling but a definite inflection in his tone.
“No! Nothing wrong with that! But CHECK your MIC next time!!” She laughed loudly. Oh my god.
“Jesus Christ, dude… or at least lower the sensitivity significantly…” Jack spoke up, almost sounding disappointed.
“Ey, welcome back, Fable-“ Felix spoke up, the cheeky grin evident in his tone.
What a fucking asshole-
“Oh my god-“
“You guys can’t wait til after stream?!”
“Wait, what am I joining into…?” A new voice intervened, interrupting Rae, Toast, and Lily.
Charlie, what a man, coming in at the worst time.
“H-Hey Charlie…” You spoke up in a greeting.
“Wha- Wait! Answer the question, Fable!” Lily squealed, a groan leaving your mouth as you fell towards your mic.
“I’m sorry! I-I really didn’t mean for it to happen! I had no clue-“
“Yeah, wait, this isn’t on Fable. She just went to go visit Corpse in the other room, guys, chill…” Felix actually stuck up for you, your face lifting in surprise as his words.
“Uh- yeah, actually, I guess that’s fair,” Jack commented, you nervously laughing in response.
“I… am so sorry to all of you,” You apologized softly, a gentle chorus of laughs following your meek apology.
“No, no, no, you’re so fine. You guys weren’t trying to broadcast whatever… that was…” Sykunno hummed awkwardly, you laughing lightly at his uncertainty.
“It was a poor mistake on my part, I’m sorry, Fable…” Corpse spoke up, you grinning at the sound of his voice.
“N-No worries… hey, we already went over this in person. Can we get back to the game?” You grumbled, another fit of laughter through the group at your excusing of the situation.
“Ahaha, yeah let’s get back into it,” Toast replied, the sound of his mouse clicking lightly being heard in the call.
You sighed, deafening yourself once again and turning back on your stream, “Hey everyone, yep… yep, everything’s fine. No worries, I promise, haha. We took a break for a little longer than expected, but we’re back!”
You un-deafened and were met with sound of a very very confused Charlie, “Wait… so… no one’s going to explain to me what happened?”
You all erupted into loud laughter, you falling back slightly in your chair as you cackled. The first voice to come back was Rae, shockingly.
“Don’t worry, Charlie… we’ll tell you later,” She snickered, you laughing along as you came back to your keyboard.
“So… we can start now, though?” Toast spoke up once again.
You began to give confirmations of “yes” with soft ‘yeah’s and ‘mhm’s. Lazy, but it got the point across.
“Cool, starting the next round…” He clicked play again and the countdown began.
“Alright, everyone, remember to MUTE your mics!” Jack spoke up, you rolling your eyes in response as Corpse’s laugh raised above the rest.
“Will do. Thanks,” He chuckled, a louder laugh sounding through the call once again from all mics.
Your screen turned dark, the red avatar of the Among Us character moving to shush you from the screen. You sighed, watching it turn dark again.
“Yeah- yeah, you’re welcome!” Jack played along, grinning softly at the joke as the screen began lighting up once against.
Your screen displayed your avatar next to Corpse’s, the bright red letters of “Imposter” reading across the computer. You raised your eyebrows, making sure you were completely muted on call before chuckling.
“Oh… Hell yeah. Let’s go…”
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mollykeaneyviscom · 4 years
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Message in a window completed images.
Critical Reflection:
We wanted to create a message that was relevant to the current coronavirus situation but without being too controversial or abrasive. The message we decided on was ‘2021 might be better?’. We chose this as our message because it is something that has been talked about consistently throughout the coronavirus crisis. The idea that by 2021 thing will be back to normal has become a far less realistic possibility as the year has gone on, especially with the second wave and the possibility of a second lockdown, the hope of this idea has definitely slipped away. However earlier in the year you would always here people say things like “why cant it just be 2021 already” or “I’m over this year can we just skip to next year” as if on new years a magical switch would be flipped and everything would just go back to normal, which is obviously not the case but its like thats what everyone thought. I find the idea of people trying to put a timeline or expiration date on something humanity cannot control, like a global pandemic, very interesting and I would definitely consider exploring it further. It poses the question is it a coping mechanism or simply arrogance of the human race thinking we have any control? So overall with our message the question mark makes it less of a statement and more of a maybe, showing the reality of this idea fading but that the hope is still there, making the viewer think and question the statement.
Another way to view this message is in terms of the debate after this year and the pandemic is over will things go back to the way they were before or will they improve? After going through so much tragedy and such unprecedented times how will we react. Many people see this as an opportunity to improve and tackle so many issues in society, such as environmental and racial issues, especially with the black lives matter movement and the obvious effect the global lockdown had on the environment. I hope our message is successful in making the viewer consider this. 
What we could've done better:
A few things went wrong along the way as we created this project and because of that our main issue was definitely timing. We realised after the first time we drew and cut the 2021 out of the paper the 2s were the wrong way around so I then had to redo them. The new twos then ended up being bigger than the zero and the one and while it was easy for us to redo the one, we didn't have enough paper left over to make another zero, therefore the zero ended up being smaller than the other numbers which really just doesn't look good at all. The main problem with our message is that we ran out of time and weren't able to add the question mark. This is a problem not only cause the piece is incomplete but also because it alters the meaning of our message. Another time related issue we had was we originally planned on adding shadows around the letters using white tape, this was definitely an ambitious idea considering the time frame so we were aware it was unlikely we would be able to do so, but if we had I feel like it would've a-lot more depth to the design. Lastly the fact that the sticky side of the tape was what was visible from the outside wasn't ideal, obviously we had no control over this but the sticky side was much lighter in colour and not as bold as the other side effecting our intended colour scheme and making our massage less bold. We chose a blue and white colour scheme originally as its the colours associated with face masks and the nhs.  
If I were to do this task again I think I would pick a shorter simpler message as not to over complicate things and so it would be more achievable in the time frame. This way I would be able to focus more on the design and not just writing the message itself. I would also probably just work with tape because while I prefer the look of the paper it was more difficult and time consuming to work with.                 
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All-Stars -Story Mode- [Chapter 14] Part 4
Part 3 -You are here- Part 5
As promised, it does took a ready to finish up Part 4 and I am now left with Part 5 of this and I hope it will be final part of this chapter. I hope all of you enjoy. ;)
-Back to Miss Pauling-
Miss Pauling carefully looked at the samurai captain with ease, he is like Scout but with Spy into the mix of a mixing bowl and he came out someone else. When Spy first called her to know where she is and told what had happened earlier along with no memory of how they got here.
He hadn’t forgot to mention that there are four more men on broad with them as they are in the middle of a post-zombie pandemic. In the middle of an unknown world that was all too new with so much untold dangers waiting to be found and be avoided.
He is not the way that Spy described, he is an World War II version of himself and he is being quite silent than Spy as he looked around the area, being on guard for the enemy soldiers that might be nearby.
“You looked differ-”
Takeo held his hand up as he had looked at the shadows from around the corner just Miss Pauling was beginning to say something, backing to the wall as Helghan soldiers had rounded the corner while she whispers “Ah Shi-!!”
They stood against the wall, silent as he they watched them go by in the dark. They weren’t aware that they are there or acknowledge that they are from the corner of their eyes. They watched them go by as they peeked their heads out of the shadows just a little to see them, making sure that they had left.
Takeo then moved cautiously away from the wall with easy light steps, looking at them as they go to their left and vanished from view as they cloaked.
The samurai then continued on, his hand on handle of the sword, ready to be unsheathed  and ushering Miss Pauling to come out as well but to still aware of the soldiers that had passed by. He turned his head to left then to the right…
“Why are you-?”
Takeo quickly shushed her before turning back to his stance as he turned his head to look, he took two steps ahead with further caution. Senses someone on his left as he turned to look at the area where it came from.
*U!Takeo senses the Helghan Soldier on his left.
Takeo then slowly unsheathes his sword out as the light glimmers in the sunlight through the clouds, as he stood in the stance ready to fight whatever is here with them. Then he hears it, senses it to his right as the sound is unified as a footstep.
He quickly attacked whoever’s cloaked, the figure revealed to be what he had first thought: one of the Helghan Soldiers, raised a bowie knife in the hand and intended to bring it down to the Captain’s back but now caught in the act and uncloaked.
He’s stronger than Takeo would’ve thought, he got three punches to the stomach and a punch to the face and it sends him onto the ground. He isn’t going to give up without a fight so he kicked his leg, tripping him to the ground as well and rolled to get his sword back while the soldier is getting back on his feet.
The soldier then looked at Pauling and aimed his gun at her but before anything else could happened, he felt something pierced through him as pain suddenly shot through as his vision was blurred for a moment. He looked to his chest to see what had cause the pain to be injected and saw what had been caused; a katana sword, plunged through his armor and through his chest cavity as blood is gently being poured out of it.
The Helghan Soldier stumbled a little bit as he kept his eyes on the blade, then it suddenly pulled out as he watched it sank back into his chest cavity as blood spurted out of the wound as he groaned in agonized pain.
His vision was blurred with red and white to symbolized that pain he’s experienced as he dropped the gun to the ground, something in his mind told him to turn around to see what had plunged the sword into him so he did and saw that U!Takeo had did it. The last thing he saw was the warrior’s emotionless glare while he raised his sword up high as he reared back and with one quick swift move, he swings the sword to his neck and everything went black.
*U!Takeo won! *14 Gold is added. *LOVE has increased.
U!Takeo groaned as he felt it; his strength and his LV had increased, a familiar feeling of the thrill to kill more has grown. He shook his head to shrug it off, looking at the body then to Miss Pauling and finally said “There are too many battles I have fought but nothing aren’t never like this.”
“Yeah, I get it.” she replied, they looked around as other explosions followed and looked at each other. “I better find the RED Team before anything else happens.” she continued, “Is that your men?” Takeo questioned.
“Yeah? The Reliable Excavation Demolition Team, they are also known as RED team for short. But there’s also another team who are rival team,” Pauling answered, “They are Builders League United Team, BLU Team for short.”
“Why rivals?” he questioned more, “It’s classified, Mr. Masaki.” she quickly answered, seemly nervous about the question as the Captain raised an eyebrow towards this. “And why is it classified?”
“Uh…” she began but they soon heard a whistling from up above their heads, they were curious yet confused to what was making those noises but when they turned their heads to see what was making it and saw to their shock there were rockets that been launched and heading their way as Miss Pauling shouted “Hey, what the fu-??!” before a wall of vines popped out of nowhere just before the rockets would make contact.
Everything was a blur, she could hardly hear his voice when she grabbed her glasses that had survived with her as she steadily gets back on her feet, putting her glasses back and she saw everything that had happened; the vines that had saved her is now on fire and cut off from the Captain as she can now hear his voice on the other side of the wall made out of vines.
“Miss!” He screamed from the other side of the wall of fire, he grunted in pain as Pauling yelled from the other side “I’m okay, Tak!” as he weakly got back on his feet before yelling “Go forward, I will meet you up ahead!”
“Okay!” Pauling yelled as she harringly pulled out Shortstop, a modeled version of COP .357 Derringer gun while she stumbled around a bit as another rocket came from above as other Helghan troops are coming in closer as both her and U!Takeo can hear them from the wall that been ignited into a barricade of inferno.
Miss Pauling ran into the corner where the soldiers came from and U!Takeo ran into the opposite direction of that, running as fast as his legs can carry him. He ran around the wooden pillar and hid behind it as the troops ran to a stop and looking around to see where he had gone to.
Takeo grunts his teeth as he felt it; pain. It wasn’t good but he knew he had saved them both as black veins are visible on his neck and to his cheek, he knew that vines he used are in pain as they burned, it was how he is feeling too; to feel their pain like they were a part of him.
He really wasn’t like this, one moment in his universe, he’s human and a victim to 935’s experiment as a test subject but he was pulled into this one; he’s now someone different. Been given a power to control and command plants as well to feel what they feel.
He wasn’t sure when this power will leave him but he swore if he is defenseless and helpless; he’ll use it at will but it does gonna take time to practice and learn how to control them first. He then heard one of them barking out “Find him! Find him and and bring him to the cell block!”
Thunder capped from above and soon, he felt a drop of water landed on his cheek from the graying skies and soon the sky begins to rain down on the samurai. He then felt relief when he felt the fire being put out as the rain had also poured onto the burning vines, he had let out a sigh quietly as the burning pain he had felt had gone away along with the blackened veins.
*That was refreshing.
He took a few deep breaths, he peeked from the pillar and sees eight troopers armed and scanning the area that made him reared his head back as he continued to hear their footsteps getting closer. He then hears a radio go off and one of them answered it,
“Yes sir?” their leader said as he heard Radec’s voice on the other side of the line receiver saying “There is no time finding one of our enemies, we have a reason to believe that their spy will gather intel about our mission and weaknesses as we’d unknowingly waste time on others. Find him and end him.” as the trooper leader had listened to him, “As you wish, Colonel Radec.” he answered before ending the call with that, he then turned to his men and said “Men, there is a spy amongst us and he’s more a threat than the ones we have faced. Go with the others.”
The Helghast Troops nodded before hurryingly off in a different direction as he then added “But if you do see the Spy; you know what to do.” as he looked at the pillar before jogging away to catch up.
Soon as they’re gone, Takeo stepped out from behind the wooden pillar as he got his hand on the sword in case one or two of them comes back. He can sense someone behind and quickly turned around to face whoever it was behind with the sword drawn from it’s saya but when he sae who it was, a familiar rough voice said “Whoa! Tak, take it easy! It’s just me.” as the samurai was dumbfounded to see him.
“Dempsey,” he scolded, “I could’ve killed you!” as the marine corporal walks up to his teammate with caulton yet little at ease. “If I was one of them, ya’ll would.” Dempsey assented as he placed his hand on his shoulder but he noticed the remaining black veins are disappearing from his cheek back like it wasn’t there in the first place.
“You did it again?” he mumbled, then Takeo nodded before looking away. Dempsey raised an eyebrow at him, “I don’t understand you these days Takeo,” he sighed, “But try to remember what Knight-or-whatever said; If ya end up using too much of it, you’ll-”
“Reach the point of no return, transformed into a demon, a beast and a monster. I know.” Takeo added, much to U!Dempsey’s annoyance and concern for his well being and his ability to control plants around him. “I do remember that you aren’t always like this when we woke up, Tak.” Dempsey said finally after a short period of silence, “Things is just crazy and now it’s even more crazier when two people I haven’t met had already know me.”
“How crazy, Dempsey?” Takeo asked thoughtfully as he sheathed his sword back to it’s saya, Dempsey only scratches the back of his head as he shrugged before answering “An African Scottish Demolitions expert and a pyromaniac.”
Takeo looked at him with surprise yet curious thoughts in his head, “Really now?” he said, “Something similar happened to me but with a woman, she had known who I am as well by name. She is rather an.. Odd lady in a middle of an honorable battle we are in.”
“A woman?” Dempsey perked up, interested within his voice as Takeo can sensed it. “Is she hot?” Dempsey asked rather early as Takeo glared at him.
“Tank, focus.” he remained, the marine raised his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender as he smiled like he didn’t mean to do something. “I was asking Tak,” he chuckled softly, “But yeah, I guess we are on the same boat here Tak; Three people who knows us already in one day.”
“Indeed, Dempsey.” Takeo agreed, “Now that we know about this yet I had a feeling that something else here at play besides the undead,” he added as Dempsey listens to this as his head is tilted to the left for a moment. “To know more, we need to find her.”
“Alright, where is she then?”
“I do remember that we were separated when I had used my power to put up a wall to protect us from the projectiles.” Takeo recounted, “If we head back there then there will be tracks of her that she had left behind.” then runs off back to where he came. “Tak- Takeo! Wait up!” Corporal called at as he jogged behind to catch up. Unaware that someone had been here but in invisible. The figure uncloaks himself to reveal that he is indeed: a RED Spy.
“Intéressant,” He whispered, “Like us, they had their own counterparts but with sight changes from what I can recognize.” as he dragged another drag of the cigarette he had got out of his case. “Such a Second World War they are from, without a doubt. I better question the First World War Richtofen about this and eventually get answers from this situation.” He continued before hearing someone running from above him and then two other people soon followed after. Curious, Spy decided to listen in what was going on; another answer had came quickly than he thought.
“¡Déjame! I am not who you are looking for!”
“Halt right there, Enemy Spy!”
Spy can hear it all going on above his head as he looked up, a sigh left him quickly as he least expected it. Putting his case away back in his coat’s hidden back before getting out a revolver, unloads its empty bullet shells and reloads with new ones. “If this day would get better than it was.” he whispered to himself.
-Meanwhile with Diego Necalli-
He ran as quickly as a jackrabbit trying to get away from a pack of raving wolves, Diego panted as his lungs are begging to stop but he was relentless as he looked at a broken ramp that is pointing towards one of the broken window of a police station.
“Broken ramp could kill me,” he thought as he kept his eyes on the ramp, he tripped but he had kept running steadily before thinking “but it’s the best route I could have!” and begins to dash towards it. His feet soon hits the wood and metal below him as they both collide each other as the sound of creaking and clanking had began to rise up without fail.
It’s no denial that the ramp is breaking more with more sounds of crash and clash but he persisted as he jumped while the ramp breaks apart into a useless pile of iron and wood.
The Mexican had soared through the air onto the window, he began to slip from it but he managed to grabbed hold of the edge as two Helghast soldiers had seen him jumped off the crate and climbed onto the wall, “Surrender now, Double Agent!” shouted one of them before adding “Or we will shoot.”
Diego, however, isn’t going to give up that easily as he tried to use both his feet to climb but he was struggling to do so as he heard guns being reloaded. They are persistent to ensure that the Mexican Spy isn’t going to live that easily, Diego had been through this with Alistair Rhodes when the Chaos Order are after them both but he had never seen anything more than other worldly soldiers who are out to kill.
Just when Diego was ready to give up when all sudden; gunfire, glass breaking and screams filled the air that made Diego think they had opened fire but soon realized that he haven’t felt bullets shooting through him and turned around to see that Scarlett, Bruno and Shaw had came just in the neck of time to save Diego, that easily explained what had happened.
“Hurry now Diego! we need to get to Radec!” Shaw said as he ran inside with Bruno and Scarlett while he dangles on the edge of the window a little bit.
“Si, si…” Diego muttered as he had managed to successfully climbed onto the window but something hard and metallic had meet his nose, he looked what it was he’d hit while he rubbed his nose but his eyes went wide as he saw it was a sniper aimed right at him. “You should’ve stayed on the ground while you’d had the chance.” Helghan sniper said as he hold Diego in gunpoint, “Such low intelligence you humans are, never thought to do so as to run-” he continued to say until he screamed as he felt a knife dig deep into his back then falls forward while Spy stood behind looking at him fell down.
Then, the Frenchman looked at the Mexican before extending his hand to him and saying “After you.”
Diego looked confused but had to take his hand before being pulled into the window with Spy’s help, he then dusts himself off afterwards as the Hispanic man soon placed his hands on his knees to even his breathing. Spy studied this man before him as he closed his butterfly knife and then putting it back in his coat.
“Gracias.” he muttered between his crazy panting as Spy smiled a little, “You’re welcome.” he replied as he clearly see that he’s a spy, like him but more of a 1910’s version.
“I’d take that they have mistaken you for me?” he questioned, that made Diego look at him with a surprised look that Spy knew all too well. “How do you know Amigo?” asked Diego very quickly.
“I happened to over heard what was going from the enemy about me, and from what I had heard next above my head is you running away from them, screaming for help.” Spy said next, that quickly gets his attention as he managed to catch his breath finally.
“You are a spy?”
“The Spy,” he said, “Like you, my friend.”
Diego was puzzled to hear that coming from the Frenchman who is now coming to be his rival, he stood up with a glaze of an annoyed sparrow and said “And you think you can do better at what I do at?”
Spy smiled softly, a challenge is beginning to seem like one of those challenges to see who can be better than the other. “So see if you can do it better than me then, oui.” he agreed. The Hispanic man blinked a little then smiled with confidence with this, before nodding.
“Alright then my friend,” said Diego with confidence, “Consider this a challenge then.”
Spy nodded with a smile, without doubt he is going to like this challenge and already he felt like a good winner in his book. “If this ends quickly than we expected it, I will explain what had been going on.”
“You had yourself a deal, amigo. I am Diego Necalli by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Diego.” Spy greeted back with a smile before ushering Diego with a revolver to be the one to go first and saying “Now go!”
With a nod from Diego, he took off first before Spy jog into the building with a thought that came from his mind. He softly muttered his thought “Je peux dire que ce sera amusant.”
                                                -An hour later-
Spy had gotten at least 6 kills so far, he is quite a charming, globetrotting rogue, lady killer (metaphorically) and mankiller (for real to be honest). Diego only got 4 so far but is struggling to keep up, Spy was confident that he will be winner in this challenge but he couldn’t but feel… tired of all sudden??
He had never been tired before or during the battle before and he is pretty sure that he had gotten some sleep last night before today but this was pretty different; He felt like he’s going to pass out as Diego had much took noticed at Spy’s situation, “Are you tired, Spy?” the Hispanic man jokingly asked the Frenchman but soon turned to concerned when Spy had placed his right shoulder against the concrete wall.
“Spy, are you feeling alright, Amigo?” he asked again but this time with concern and worry in his mind, Spy looked over to him with tired eyes and muttered “I am fine, mon ami. I am only tired but…” he then rubbed his eye with his gloved hand as he yawned “Mind doing a flavor, as much I do not usually ask anyone for requests before.”
“Si, what is it?” asked Diego with a rose eyebrow, walking over to the man who is on the verge of going into unconscious. Spy knew he had to act fast before he could pass out, looking around for anything comfortable to lay on when he spotted a break room for officers, it’s not much but he knew that would have to do for now.
“Take to that room in fount of us,” Spy said, “Put me on that couch over there and lay me down on it.” as he pointed at the room ahead of them while Diego looked.
“Alright then, amigo.” he said as he carried him with his arm over his shoulder while Spy is getting more and more tired by the minute that had gone after passing by. Diego is worried that he is slowly passing out, the last thing Spy seen was Diego putting him on the couch as he could see shapes and shadows and then… Everything went black. In the black void of nothing, he couldn’t hear, see or do anything during his time there. It was pitch-black as the dark night all around him as he is trying to wrap his mind around about what was going on now.
It felt like an eternity to him after time had ticked and tocked with increasing impatience, Spy wanted to know why he is here as he could clearly hear a familiar sound of the clock with its gears cranking and the banging coming from it.
He had first heard of it when he first entered the void of nothing as he could clearly identify the sound it makes. “This is taking forever,” he sneered with anger of waiting forever and he was getting very impatient, “He would wake up or better yet Scout yelling at me to wake up back into the reality and let this be a bad dream-”
He was then interrupted by a dog barking and then he felt a tongue licking his face, he groaned in disgust as he saw to his shock really is a dog he had never seen or heard of before, a Goberian dog, a golden retriever husky mix, right in front of him.
Spy then looked around as he realized that he’s laying his back against a chain-linked fence, sitting on a freshly cut grass, even smelled like a freshly cut grass as well. He then noticed he is in a park with trees along with flowers blooming, it must’ve been springtime as he stood up and brushing himself of the cutted grass that had got on his $10,000 custom-tailored Louis Crabbemarché jacket when he was sitting down.
“My $10,000 custom-tailored Louis Crabbemarché jacket,” he began, “now has grass on it.” as the Goberian sat down while it waiting for the Frenchman to adjust himself to the new world around him. He then looked at the breed back and then using both his hands to usher it to leave as he said “Go away please.” fully expecting it to be a trained dog like many others he had encountered but it didn’t.
It’d didn’t listened, instead it stayed, tail wagging and tongue out, Spy raised an eyebrow when he reach into his hidden coat pocket as he had expecting his gun to be there but was dumbfounded to find out; he felt nothing instead of a revolver, a knife or even a disguise kit.
“Where is it??” he muttered, he undid his jacket to see if he had did placed them all there but he saw that they had disappeared from there places. Dejected, defeated, he then mumbled “Oh, merde.”
He turned over to the golden retriever husky mix with a look of defeat but then noticed a stick on the ground, he bends down and picked it up to examine it. Immediately, the dog got excited, wagging its tail quickly as it lay down with its behind in the tail as Spy looked at him then at the stick once again then an idea formed in his head.
*You had picked up a stick from the ground. *Dog is looking at you with joy and excitement in his eyes. *Want to throw the stick?
>[Yes]                            [No]
“You want the stick?” he asked, he received a bark as a reply from the dog. So with one quick move he had mustered, he tosses the stick as hard as he could throw it, it soared through the air and over the fence to an open field with two baseball fields and with four soccer goals that are near an elementary school.
*That did the trick! *The dog barked and ran after the stick, going through an open doorway of the chain-linked fence. *You watched on with victory now the dog is away.
“I hope you’ll like the stick, you dirty crossbreed mutt.” smiled the Spy as he watched on in his moment of victory, but it was soon interrupted by a female voice yelling “H-hey! I need that sketch book-!!”
“You don’t need it when someone’s a mentally retarded like you!” another voice interrupted with a sneer and soon a sound of pages being ripped out of the book as the female’s voice shrieked “No- Wait please-!!”
Spy turned his head to see what is going on and saw a woman being held back by the arms by two boys while their ringleader is ripping the pages out of a sketchbook as she watched helplessly while she struggled and turn violently to break free. “S-Stop! My older brother had gotten that sketchbook-!!”
“Well looks like he’s just gonna have to buy you another one!” the ringleader snapped, “Or better yet, he would just move out like a normal guy and us!” as he kept ripping the pages out of the book that he is holding by panel of it.
Page after page filled with drawings, doodies and drafts are gently landing down the ground as the three boys laughed at her distress, Spy was livid to see this act of cruelty being performed on a lady and seeing what is happening is just sickening as he knows that he has to act quick.
“Stop!” he yelled as he ran over to her side, that caught the boys off guard to see him with shock. Spy knew that they must’ve thought they were in the park alone with her, “Why can’t you mind your own business, bank robber?” one of them said with annoyance as they looked over to him,
“I only wanted to but not after you three happened to mistreated a poor lady like this.” he cleared his throat with a calm demeanor as he adjusted his tie, “Besides, I want to be clear with you boys before I would buy myself a chance to humiliate you all three.”
“Too bad,” their ringleader maintained as two boys threw the poor girl onto the ground with her pages and now ruined sketchbook with a squeal and a thud, “You’re gotta buy yourself some painkillers after we beaten you senseless.” threaten the ringleader as he got out a bat and then lets it lands on the palm of his hand.
Spy huffed and cautioned “Talking to a group of absent-minded simpletons is already giving me a headache.” as he readies himself for what he felt like is going to be a fight. “How about we give a brief lesson for you then maybe you’ll get back to a fancy pants club with a few wrinkles and lots of dots of blood on your stupid suit.” ringleader said with ruthless tone with a hint of merciless.
“Yeah, unless you want it to be quick if you give money.” one of them suggested with a pocket knife opened and ready for use.
“Yeah, tough guy, got any money?” another said with joy in his voice as he cracked his knuckles with a smirk.
*Just one against three of brutes, *Odds are never likely be this. *Fight!
Their leader had been the first one to attack Spy but he stepped out of the bats way as he vanished as the boys were in shock when they saw him disappeared into thin air as one of them fearfully yelled out “A g-ghost! He’s a ghost-!”
“Shut it or I’ll shut it for you!” the boy with the bat yelled at him, “He is nothing more than a cheap ghost!”
Spy’s voice suddenly declared “Of course” then reappeared in front of him as their leader was surprised but swings the bat quickly and almost immediately. Spy took a step back to avoid it then another to avoid the bat’s second attack as he had remembered when he had taken down the BLU team’s sniper during his mission to get their intelligence.
He finally grabbed the bat just as he swings it again, the boy attempted to throw a punch at him but the Frenchman quickly raised his arm to deflect it and then lets his arm seater under the boy’s before locking onto it, breaking it as he holds him while he hissed in pain.
He then lets him go with a smug smirk, “How disappointing, people I have fought are better than that.” he sighed with a chuckle escaping his lips, ringleader glared at him while he holds his broken arm before yelling at his lackies “What are ya waiting for?! Get him!”
“But he-”
“I DON’T CARE!” he shouted at him who is still holding the knife, “Just get him!!”
“Alright, alright!” he finally agreed before running towards him with the pocket knife raised in the air along with a battle cry but Spy is well ready for that attack as he sidestepped out of his way and do what bullies like them do best:
the old sticking his foot out and making the boy tripped over with a knife flying into the air, as his face hits face first onto a black concrete ground of a basketball court, Spy was looking up at a knife, focused as it comes down from above and safety yet carefully catches it by the handle while three looked at him in shock yet impressed looks.
“Wow!” the fallen boy exclaimed after he wipes the blood off of his nose as Spy flickers it threateningly while he looked at the three tormentors with sinister expression. Ringleader was lost in words along with the remaining boy who hasn’t fought the French double agent as fear had quickly replaced anger and bravery that had once sided with ignorance.
*You had easily overpowered the three ignorant bullies with no problem at all. *They were all scared of you after they had witnessed your performance. *Time to end this fight but… *What do you want to end it with…?
>[Kill them]                [Threaten them]
*..... *..... *..... >[Threaten them]<
“Leave her alone for now on,” Spy threatened them as he skillfully closes the knife then tosses it to the boy who is still on the ground. He seamlessly catches it so fruitlessly as he scrambles to get back on his feet before running but he was caught by the arm when he was going to jog pass Spy. His grip wasn’t hurtful but it is firm enough to hold him in place.
“If I happened to see you doing it again when I am here,” he said before adding the last word to it and that would be “Run.”
“Got it.” Ringmaster babbled with thrill and fear rushing down his spine before running away, then soon with a boy who had stood with him had screamed before running after him. He finally lets him go to run with them before dusting himself off and clearing his throat.
You’ve won 30 GOLD and 0 EXP
Spy watched as the girl’s tormentors are running out of the park and into a neighborhood until they had disappeared around the corner, a sniff is what he heard next. He turned around and see that she is trying to pick the ripped pages and had already picked up a ruined sketchbook.
“Oh, I’ve almost forgotten that had happened as well.” he said as he walked over to her and then begins to picked up a few pages and noticed she had drawn pictures in a anime-like but cartoon style with two familiar people on a few of them: Cuphead and Mugman but with milk-like hair, adventurous clothing and even a demonic versions of themselves.
He then sees another cup but this one is different, it’s a golden-yellow cup girl along with ghost version of her with a straw above her head acting as a halo, with names above them “Mrs. Chalice” and “The Legendary Chalice.”
“Fine artwork,” he commented in a polite manner as the young woman’s tears are clearly visible now.
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Alright, he may be a cold-blooded emotionless killer of a double agent but he knew that he had felt horrible for what had happened to her. “Oh yeah… They are R-REAL good.” she replied bitterly finally. “Yet, was this the reason they had mistreat you for?”
“Was it for who you are, Mon cher?”
He looked at her carefully, she is wearing an army green field jacket, red-striped long sleeve shirt, dark blue cargo pants and light brown round toe low platform heel over the knee fashion sneakers boots. She does have a little pale skin with a freckles and to go along with them are her green eyes and her messy yet clean brown state hair. Finally, a thought had just appeared in his head that made him asked “Are you disabled?”
The girl then soon looked at him with anger now that it had replaced her sadness, “Is Autism one of those?”  she bitterly answered. Now Spy understood why one of them had said it and now understood why they had did that to her.
“These boys are just stupid imbeciles,” he said upon adjusting his tie before holding his hand out to them, “I am sure that there are people who will enjoy your comic drawings.”
“Except there are no one, you mean…!” she said, that took him by surprise, “I can’t no one is picking on you for being normal, I don’t want your pity like I was normal too. I know that you don’t want me to be around you.”
“What are you talking about?” he asked.
“You don’t have to pretend to be like a person who cares is what I am talking about, I know that that boy had paid you to be like you care about me despite being different.”
“Are you talking about that boy who was tearing your book?” he questioned, “If it is, he did not paid me.”
“Yeah, he did.” she splat back.
“No, he did not.”
“Yeah, he did so because you’d hate me too.”
“No he didn’t! I swear on my life that I do not know him!” he rebuked as he raised his gloved hands so she would see that they aren’t crossed, “I do swear that I do not know him nor met him until now.”
The Young Lady raised her hands defensively before using her right arm to wipe her tears as she apologized “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. He REALLY didn’t talk to you?”
“Young lady!”
“Alright, I’m sorry, really.”
“You should be,” he scolded, “I was often been accused of being a backstabbing slithering, limbless reptile by my tea- Friends for things I didn’t do but being accused for something like this is not I am most fond off.”
“I’m very sorry that I-I got like that.” she relented as she had picked up the rest of the ripped-out pages on the ground, “Mind telling me first of why you had got like that, ma’am?” he asked as of right now, he really need a smoke.
“Promise you won’t tell to anyone?”  she asked.
Spy raised an eyebrow towards this question then agreed “I promise.”
As it turns out, one of her best friends had joined in with those guys who taunted and shamed her as he had said some pretty hurtful things behind her back, which it does explained her attitude towards him.
She then got up on her feet again as she held his hand to pull her up on as she said “I have no idea that you had seen what had happened.”  and Spy handed her to the other ripped pages back to her. “I happened to be nearby when it happened, I just had to do something about it.” he said as she gently brushed her hair over her ear as she replied “And yet you did, thank you for that.”
“You’re welcome.” he said as he watched her walked away as e  v   e   r    y     t      h      i       n    g       w         e          n         t             w               h               i               t               e…… “Spy!” a familiar voice called out just as Spy finally woken up from a dream after it had been done, the first person he saw before him was Medic, three other are Sniper, Diego and P!Nikolai as the field medic had yelled at him again “Vake up!”
The Frenchman blinked as he was flabbergasted when he remembered what had happened before he passed out. “About time ‘ou woke up, Spook.” Sniper is the first one to welcomed him back to reality as he sat upright once again. “I am grateful to see myself back in reality as well, bushman.”
“Not very much to each other, huh my Russian friend?” Diego raised an eyebrow at this odd friendship between Spy and Sniper as Nikolai looked at him. “Of course.” he nodded, “I believe that they were like when they first met before we had.”
“Shut it Nikolai,” Spy said as he stands up from the couch to stretch his arms with a yawn, then he looked over to Medic and asked “What happened while I was knocked out, Doctor?”
“Vell, let’s see…” Medic recounted, “After you’d fell asleep, Diego wouldn’t want to leave you behind so he had to stay behind und vait for his team to find him but instead it vas only Nikolai und Sniper who happened to bumped into him. He had to relaid what happened to you to zhem und Sniper lead me here. As much as I cannot zhink vhat had happened but I had seen zhem killed some of zhe Helghans vhile he vas coming to get me.” concluded Medic.
“I had to missed out the whole bloody thing,” Sniper complained, “but I was concerned about you and that’s all.”
Spy looked at him, looking over to Diego and asked “How many kills did you got?”
“About 23, Spy but you are still at 6 before you fell asleep, amigo.” Diego smiled trumpthly, despite the fact that Spy is in shock in his moment of defeat. All of this happened while he’s asleep??
“I… lost?” he finally said, Diego nodded still with a smiled a winning smile, Sniper is also smiling too knowing that his teammate had been bested by a Mexican Spy from the late 1910’s and it’s something that is a moment worth while.
Spy blinked a couple times before smiled and said “Well now…” as he stands back up on his feet once again, dusted himself off as Diego asked “As you promised, do mind telling me what is happening?”
“A man of my word I will be,” Spy said as he checked his hidden coat pocket and much to his relief; his knife, revolver and disguise kit are right there where he had left them. “You need to know what is happening Diego?” Nikolai said his thought out loud as he looked over to him.
“Si.” he nodded as Sniper looked out of the window to see the view, then soon out of the blue Sniper yelled “Incoming!” and ducking down, they didn’t have time to ask him because bullets soared through the shattered window as they ducked down to avoid them.
"Sacrebleu." he muttered as he watched those bullets flew across the air and into the wall till eventually they stopped and they heard them saying “Radec is after them now, for now we must hold them off until he finds the children.”
“Merde…” Spy had cursed under his breath, he had forgotten the rescue while he’s competing with Diego. “What are they saying?” he asked him, Nikolai soon answered “They had captured two children and now we have to rescue them!”
“They had-”
“If that’s not insane of them, they wanted to use them as weapons! As bloody weapons, mate!” Sniper quickly concluded to him as he gets out his sniper rifle while he peeks the window.
“They would do what?!” the Mexican said in shock, “Have they lost their minds?! They were only children!”
“And that is why we are here to rescue them, Mr. Necalli.” Spy replied as he searched through his coat once more and got out his revolver, “And one more thing Nikolai;” he said, looking over to him thoughtfully with questions. “Do you know where Dr. Richtofen is?”
“He is with Scout and Dempsey now, Spy,” he answered, confused by this question, “Why do you ask that?”
“I was only curious Nikolai.” Spy quickly answered, looking over to Diego and saying “It appears that I will the others explain, this situation is already getting too strange for me to deal with.” before disappearing into the crisps of gray and red smoke.
His footsteps are quickly heard leaving the room where they are, Medic looked over to Diego and said “Already met him?”
Medic shrugged and asked him “Vhat else does zhe Diego Necalli vant to know?” as he readies his bone saw. “Everything that is going,” Diego quickly demanded, “And…”
“Und, vhat?”
“Do you think that it’s dangerous for a field medic such as yourself?” Diego asked the Medic with concerned tone. Medic smiled like a mad man who had a face-to-face with war before and answered “Ja but don’t be afraid, I am a Doctor after all und I’ve known how to fight back if it’d could get dangerous.”
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March 25th, 2021
Day 2: Chasing Waterfalls on the Road to Hana
Today was supposed to be an early start for our Road to Hana day trip… But we didn’t get up as early as we intended. After we got ready, we headed over to Baked on Maui in Haiku for a quick breakfast that was supposed to be eaten on the road but ultimately eaten on the patio there. For breakfast, we enjoyed their ham and tomato eggs benedict and cinnamon knot (as they didn’t have any cinnamon rolls available). We scarfed both down and quickly started our trip, hoping to get as much of a head start on everyone else as possible before traffic and crowds picked up. 
What we had read about the Road to Hana was that it was literally a road trip to the town of Hana, located in the southeastern part of the island, a trip that usually takes up an entire day. Usually, people make tons of stops along the route to Hana to see the scenery, which consists mostly of waterfalls and other tropical island sights, and to try different foods from different stands and food trucks along the road. 
Our first stop of the day was at Twin Falls, located just a short drive south of where we were staying. When we got to the site, the owners of the private property on which the waterfall flowed said that access to the waterfall was closed. So instead of being able to walk right up to the waterfall, we enjoyed a view of it from a distance before moving along to the next stop, which was the Bamboo Forest Hike to the Na’ili’ili-haele Four Waterfalls. 
When we arrived at the location marked as the Bamboo Forest Hike, we found a lot of cars parked along the road so assumed it was the right place to be. I found a spot to park in but was wary of it because there seemed to be a large hole in the ground between the road and the trees that looked troublesome to park next to. However, in the next moment, I saw some tourist heads pop out of the hole. Must be the entry/exit point to the hike! We stepped down into the hole in the trees and found ourselves standing beneath a canopy of bamboo trees with a muddy dirt path leading through the forest. 
We followed the path and the tourists in front of us as we wove down a hill and through the trees until we reached a creek. At the creek, we spoke with one of the other tourists on his way out of the area. He informed us that there was a waterfall hidden further into the forest that was definitely worth seeing and that it was only a short hike away. With that information, Cynthia agreed to cross the creek and follow the trail a little further until we reached the waterfall. We crossed through the creek and hiked a bit further, slipping past thick brush and climbing over fallen bamboo trees until we spotted the waterfall located upstream of the creek we had just left. We again crossed the cold creek at a deeper upstream area until we had a good view of the waterfall from a distance. 
Cynthia and I took a short break on a boulder to enjoy the views of the waterfall and surrounding area before we turned back and retraced our steps back to our car. Supposedly, only afterward did we find out that we only saw the first of about four waterfalls (Na’ili’ili-haele Four Waterfalls) that fed into each other in this area, not realizing that there was more to be discovered at the end of the hike before turning back. Oh well. It was already hard enough trying to hike into that first waterfall in flip flops. Don’t think it would’ve been possible to push much further with better footwear. 
Our next stop was at a roadside grove of Rainbow Trees, also known by its real name Eucalyptus degulpta or by its common name, the Painted Gum Tree. These trees are well-known and well-photographed for their colorful tree trunks, which look like they have been painted in a myriad of colors, from lime green to rusty orange. A very unique sight indeed.  
Because we couldn’t get much closer to the trees than to see them from a distance, we quickly returned to the car and drove off toward the next stop: Waikamoi Waterfall. Instead of hiking to the waterfall, we drove past the trailhead and arrived at a little parking area located a couple hundred feet away from the waterfall. The first thing we noticed when viewing the waterfall from the car: lots of people sitting around the edge of the plunge pool and other people standing above the pool near the ledge of the waterfall preparing to jump in! This totally reminded me of cliff jumping and canyoneering in Cebu and I started to get excited! 
Cynthia and I hiked down to the plunge pool and stood there for a moment, enjoying the sight of people happily jumping from the cliffs into the water probably 20-30 feet below. For a few minutes, I wasn’t sure if I was going to join in on the fun. One, because the water was a bit cold. And two, I was a little nervous since it’d been a little while since I stood up to my fear of heights and jumped off a cliff into the water. But after standing there for a few moments and going back and forth about whether to jump or not, I finally decided, what the hell. Why not! I’m in Hawaii on vacation and what better time to jump from a cliff next to a waterfall than here and now? So I left my shirt and flip flops with Cynthia and climbed up the rock path to the ledge. I stood there for a couple of minutes as I watched a father and son duo jump ahead of me. Again, I was a little nervous, so standing there for a moment allowed me to catch hold of my tucked away courage before I jumped. I could feel my heartbeat beating a tad faster than usual as I got ready to jump. And just like that, I jumped, feet first into the oh-so-cold water below! Even though it was nerve wracking, it was also thrilling and fun, just as I remembered it being when I jumped so many times in Cebu that one day a little more than a year ago. At first, the cold water was cold but it quickly became a refreshing escape from the humidity and heat above. As I swam back to the rocky shore to meet Cynthia, I couldn’t help but be pleased with my decision to jump. 
After briefly drying out in the sun, we continued our road trip and made a brief stop to check out the free admission Ke’anae Arboretum. We did a quick one mile stroll in and out that was highlighted by more Rainbow Eucalyptus trees. But other than that, there wasn’t much else to see there. So we left and drove only a short distance before we hit our next stop, which was one of our most anticipated stops of the day: Aunty Sandy’s Famous Banana Bread shop. 
We had read online about how good banana bread was in Maui and found that many travelers especially enjoyed the fresh banana bread made at Aunty Sandy’s, located right off the Hana Highway. Because some time had elapsed since our last meal, we made a quick pit stop here to enjoy their fresh, warm loaf of banana bread. And it hit the spot! Though it was a hot day, the warm banana bread was delicious and we really enjoyed it, even if it was lacking a scoop or two of ice cream to complement it. Cynthia and I only made it through half of the banana bread before we drove off down the side road to check out the Ke’anae Lookout Area where we watched the crazy waves beat against the rocky coast for the first time this trip. But we didn’t stay too long, knowing that there was still a lot of distance to cover before the end of the day.
Our next few stops were all waterfalls. Upper Waikani Falls was the coolest of them all, with three good-looking lower waterfalls next to each other that you could appreciate from the road and a veil-like waterfall streaming down from above that looked pretty cool too. We also saw Pua’a Ka’a Falls, Hanawi Falls, as well as Makapipi Falls, which was also cool in a different way. 
The last stop that we made before reaching Hana was the Hana Farms Roadside Stand and Restaurant. We checked out their merchandise and pondered buying a cookie (that we ended up not buying) before finally driving into Hana. We tried to visit the Hana Cultural Center to culture ourselves but unfortunately they were closed. Instead, we stopped at a little parking lot where a few food trucks were parked and bought ourselves a late lunch at Ae’s Thai Kitchen. Lunch was not Thai food (since it didn’t look great) but fish tacos and fried chicken quesadillas from the food truck, which weren’t terrible but not fantastic. To refresh ourselves after a heavy lunch, we bought a nice smoothie made of liliko’i, mango, kale, honey, and coconut water which we enjoyed in the hot, humid weather. 
Rejuvenated, we drove through town to the Road Past Hana to check out one last site: The O’heo Gulch and Pools of O’heo. This site was located within the southernmost part of Haleakala National Park so we had to pay for our entry ticket (which would be good for tomorrow as well) and see what we needed to see and leave the park by 5:00pm. So we quickly hiked in to see the O’heo Gulch, which was pretty dry, and hiked back out so we wouldn’t get fined for leaving late. Funny enough, as we walked to our car and were about to drive off, I spotted two people with familiar faces hidden under their masks walking by us. It was Peter Nguyen and Karen Nie, my former residents at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center! What a small world that we would run into them randomly on the way out of a national park in the most isolated part of an island during a pandemic at closing time! 
We only caught up briefly before Cynthia and I headed back on the road to slowly make our way back to Haiku. By this time, the sun was starting to set. Because we wanted to avoid as much driving in the dark as possible, I really made an effort to drive as quickly and safely as possible to get back. We only briefly stopped by Wailua and Paihi Falls on the way back to take a couple of photos before driving two hours back to the AirBnB with the occasional car-side glimpse at the other waterfalls we had visited or missed on the way in. For much of the trip, we were stuck behind slower cars but I guess it was good since it made me drive safer. 
By the time we arrived back in town, it was getting late and food options were slowly dwindling. Because we really wanted poke and most places that offered it were already closed, we ultimately decided to grab some of that pre-mixed poke and rice we saw yesterday at Safeway. The food wasn’t bad and we finished it up at home before cleaning up and preparing for a very early morning at Haleakala for sunrise. 
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. Liliko’i is the Hawaiian passion fruit. It is slightly different from the passion fruit we most commonly know because its outside is yellow compared to the purple passion fruit that is normally seen in various places. The lilko’i flavor is seen and used everywhere in Hawaii, especially as shaved ice flavoring and in smoothies and drinks. 
2. On Maui and on the Road to Hana, they sell a product called the Hana Tonic that is a drink or elixir with the active ingredients of organic ginger, pineapple, B vitamins, lemon, and cayenne that supposedly helps with the motion sickness associated with zooming through the Road to Hana. I wonder if it works...
3. Jeep Wranglers are the rental car of choice in Maui. And they come in all colors, from red to yellow to blue to black! Must be fun to drive in but I’m sure it’s way more expensive than my little compact car... 
4. There are tons of honor code fruit stands dotting the roadside along the Road to Hana and in Hana itself. At these fruit stands, you pick up fruit and you leave money. I hope that we tourists have been trustworthy! 
5. Even though the Road to Hana is all the way out there and not a prime tourist area, beware of the police. Even though it’s so far away from most big towns and cities on the island, there are still police that lurk in the area finding reasons to catch you off guard and ticket you. Don’t be that guy we saw who got ticketed for parking his car right in front of a waterfall and a sign that read “No Parking.” 
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kylekozmikdeluxo · 3 years
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Just like old times, I’m going to make some Best Animated Feature Oscar predictions...
Thanks to streaming and other alternative methods, a good number of animated features were released in the hell-year that was 2020. We still got a Pixar film, we got two DreamWorks pictures, but we also were lucky to get a wide variety of smaller films as well. This season, we’ll see five candidates vying for best animated feature of 2020. This morning, we got the Golden Globe nominations for Best Motion Picture - Animated. They are:
Pete Docter and Kemp Powers’ ambitious, weighty Pixar odyssey SOUL
Dan Scanlon’s Pixar fantasy adventure mashup ONWARD
Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart’s innovative, atmospheric fantasy WOLFWALKERS
Glen Keane’s heart-smothered moon musical OVER THE MOON
and lastly, DreamWorks’ wild sequel THE CROODS: A NEW AGE. I have yet to see that film. My plans to see it safely were knocked right off course this past autumn, and I don’t want to pay $20 for something I’m going to watch all by myself only once or twice. I’m going to blind buy the Blu-ray, because I’m sure to like the film.
The tangent aside, I think this gives us a fair idea of what the Oscar nomination slots will look like.
For me, the definites are SOUL, WOLFWALKERS, and OVER THE MOON.
SOUL, it’s obvious why. It might even be nominated for Best Picture. If so, that’s the first time an animated feature has ever been nominated in that category since 2010′s TOY STORY 3. That was a decade ago. It would be the fourth animated movie **ever** to achieve this, too. (A depressingly low number, the best animated movies of any given year should be nominated for BP as well.) Pete Docter’s 2-for-3 when it comes to this category; his MONSTERS, INC. lost to SHREK, long considered a mistake on the Academy’s part. His UP got nominated for Best Picture, and easily took home BAF. INSIDE OUT won for 2015. SOUL might just be it, but it’s surely a lock for nomination. 105%.
Similarly, Cartoon Saloon and Tomm Moore are Oscar bonafides. Moore’s THE SECRET OF KELLS and SONG OF THE SEA were nominated in their respective years, and Nora Twomey’s THE BREADWINNER was nominated in its release year as well. WOLFWALKERS is a lock, and being acclaimed, free of any potential controversies (unlike SOUL), and being much more easier to access than previous Cartoon Saloon pictures (which were released by GKIDS in less than 500 cinemas each time out), this one could very well win it. I know it’s the one **I** myself am rooting for.
OVER THE MOON is being pushed by Netflix, its distributor here in the states. I think this, combined with Disney maverick Glen Keane being director, and the musical elements, make this one a strong candidate, though I don’t see it winning due to SOUL and WOLFWALKERS being robust. That being said, it’s easily getting nominated. Out of the few animated features Netflix released in 2020, this one’s clearly the favorite. I honestly would’ve pushed for THE WILLOUGHBYS, but maybe that one - something of a twisted dark comedy in the vain of a Roald Dahl story - was too outre for some? Maybe the familiar heartfelt musical was the easier ticket?
So... What do I think will fill the other two slots?
Sometimes, the Globe’s choices skew more mainstream than the Academy’s. With the animation branch nominating the pictures, we are bound to see some smaller films in there. I think ONWARD and THE CROODS: A NEW AGE will give way to such films... What do I think the two will be?
For me, the first choice is rather easy. FARMAGEDDON: A SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE. Aardman. Stop-motion. Critically acclaimed. The original was beloved and was nominated in its release year. Aardman stop-motion films never miss the slot. CHICKEN RUN is mostly why the Best Animated Feature category exists in the first place. The only times Aardman ever missed the slots were with their CG films. (It also helps that a lot of 2011′s crop was so strong, that ARTHUR CHRISTMAS was probably not a guarantee to begin with.) But w/ Netflix being its distributor, I think it has a big chance to come in along with OVER THE MOON.
The fifth? This is a little more open. So far we have one big studio picture released by the biggest of the biggies (Disney, obvs), an Aardman film, an Irish indie, and a Disney legend-helmed musical. It could be anything. Maybe the DEMON SLAYER movie, given how well that’s doing in its home country, and sometimes the Academy makes room for an anime film. Maybe Remi Chaye’s CALAMITY has a shot? Or maybe it’s the CGI’ed LUPIN THE III movie? A WHISKEY AWAY could work out, but Netflix probably will get two slots. If no FARMAGEDDON, it could either be that or WILLOUGHBYS. The rest don’t sound like definites, given how the Oscars tend to gloss over the further corners of animated features. They go indie, but just enough. Not full force... WOLFWALKERS, perhaps, fills the indie quota, along with the Aardman movie and the mid-scale Netflix musical... So that slot five will go to another mainstreamer.
Out of the mainstreamers, I think the ones with the highest chances are ONWARD and the two DreamWorks sequels. THE CROODS 2 more so than TROLLS WORLD TOUR, given the warmer reception and fairly successful run in theaters (for a movie that opened amidst a pandemic with a custom release window), plus it’s up for the Globe. DreamWorks often gets shut out of races, probably because competition is usually so strong. They did get a slot with the final HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON film, and THE BOSS BABY, more recently. The original CROODS was up for best of 2013, too. It could very well be the cavemen once more. What else is there? SCOOB! got mixed reception and seems to have been forgotten. (I thought it was alright.) Despite being eligible, the latest SPONGEBOB won’t be it, either. The previous two SpongeBob movies weren’t, so I doubt this would be, too. Heck, it might just be ONWARD, given that it was also Pixar (released by big bad Disney) and was also critically liked and also got a Globe nomination. But surprisingly, the Academy didn’t do a two-for-Disney for their 2019 crop: Pixar’s TOY STORY 4 was in that race (and won), but Disney Animation’s FROZEN II - despite getting good reviews, making $1.4 billion worldwide, and the original being the winner in its respective year - was left out. The last two times Pixar released two movies in a calendar year, only one of the two got nominated. INSIDE OUT ran for 2015, THE GOOD DINOSAUR wasn’t nominated. Ditto 2017, COCO ran, CARS 3 didn’t. Interestingly, neither of those years had a Disney Animation picture, either. 2020 didn’t, for RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON opens next month. Looking at it this way, it seems very, very tight...
With that, I think the race will be between...
What are your predictions?
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