#also I have not seen or spoken to my dad since December and I have a wedding he’s attending and I can’t get out of it
hobisexually · 1 year
#i! feel! so! disconnected! from everything and everyone#and it’s so god damn annoying#I either feel nothing at all or everything at once and I can’t balance it#but if I take the time to sit with the things I’m scared of I’ll just keel over I don’t have time for it#Im just on autopilot moving ahead#because I have to! if I don’t my fear will win from me and that will Not be pretty#and that’s what I’m so upset about like I didn’t get something I really wanted#and it’s fully because of anxiety but the alternative is WORSE#and the people involved don’t KNOW I have anxiety but I can’t tell them either because it will make them look at me differently and I can’t#afford them to. I can’t let that happen and I think this is the first time I’m realising how much it holds me back even after uni#and I’m so angry over it dndndnd so so so angry and if they KNEW how much I had gone through no one would ever doubt my ability to —#bounce back and take charge of a situation ever again. they’d know I can do that. But it’s too private to share so now it’s up to me to#BELIEVE it and just show them but it takes so much out of me every time#and if it weren’t for the pandemic I would’ve been much further along and if it weren’t for my fucking burnout I’d have been further along#and it weren’t for my Fucking dad I’d be further along. I’m just so mad#so mad that I have to undo and tackle so much when people just sail through things but for me EVERYTHING takes effort#also I have not seen or spoken to my dad since December and I have a wedding he’s attending and I can’t get out of it#and I constantly pingpong between ‘its for the best I broke off contact I needed the space to heal’ and ‘I am a horrible person for taking#his only daughter away from him instead of talking’#but I’ve TRIED the talking and he just never LISTENS????? and made me feel so unsafe in this world at all times#I’m constantly trying to undo all that and it’s exhausting and no one gets how much effort that takes and I can’t tell them either#like. not gonna unload my trauma on people but if they KNEW they’d get why I don’t always react optimally to things the way they do#aaarffggHhhhHHHhHhhh#also I’m not even enjoying festa I’m not tuned in at ALL and that’s also deeply upsetting but there’s no other way atm#Also. did a thing in PFPT today that. I feel complicated things and I’m just upset about the way my life’s been until now#its making me feel worse than I was expecting#oh AND I was on a trip with friends I’ve had for 16+ years and they all were so happy to be together#felt so connected with each other and it was familiar and safe and lovely they said#meanwhile I cried at 3am in the bathroom because I had never felt more alienated from them ever#I know who /I/ am and what I want and don’t want but the dissonance with the rest of the world….. what the fuck man. What is my place even
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sincelastsession · 10 days
Idk if I'm having autistic Meltdowns or what.
Sometimes I don't remember any of it. It doesn't feel like a psychosis or mania.
I go back and read what I wrote and I'm shocked and embarrassed and ashamed that things were said.
I've had a headache for hours. It feels like a migraine. It's pressure. I wish I could pop it like a balloon.
I don't understand what other people don't understand about the fact that I have had no break from traumas.
I save the dog from being put down and I've fallen short of him and I quit smoking cold Turkey and I took care of an elected cat that my father and sister promised to care for and I was stupid and I believed them and I kept her alive and gave her the best life I had to put her down in December It was horrific and I will never forget it because she had a reaction to the satitude and she did not have a peaceful death. This was followed by my sister's boyfriend asking me for my permission to marry her even though he was going to ask her Anyway. I thought it was incredibly trashley but he was going to ask anyways so I made it says she would have the nicest engagement surprise she could and I pretended that I was getting married and I fooled everyone and I did a good job. My parents were not thrilled with me or the entire situation and then not too long after my sister's birthday and January right after she's gotten engaged she decided to attack me over a fucking candle and then my father who I had just brought home from surgery decided to also attack me and it has been 5 months since I have spoken directly To either of them and I have still Not gotten an apology or any sign of regret or anything from either of them.
It's really easy to see that they don't care.
My dad bitches about a house that he never cleaned. If it was clean he would still be unhappy. Because it's not the house.
My sister is deeply insecure and full of potential but she's probably never going to reach that because she holds herself back and won't get help for the things she needs help for and I've tried to help her and I've done what I could and I tried to be a good big sister but I've wiped my hands clean up it for now at least I haven't decided because she's manipulative and a liar and I know that she hates the entire family And does not consider herself to be part of the family because she was adopted but she also just hates the family. I know this because she has told me many times that she does not want to be part of the family nor does she care about anyone. I have seen her break down and cry and throw tantrums and trick my parents in to thinking that I hurt her for laughs as a child into adult hood. She is sick and fucked up in the head and a scared little child that turned out quite a bit different than me but it's doing the same idiot things that I did even though I warned her not to and it just sucks that I even care that she's going to have to learn the hard way. I have a gut feeling that since she is engaged and her fiancé is a fucking idiot that when they do get married which they probably will but no one is betting on it they think it won't last but my sister thinks she owns the family house because she cleaned it but no 1 asked her to do that it wasn't her responsibility and she got into things that were not hers she stole things from me and my mother and my father And I have found those things and I have caught her in lies after lies. I feel like she's been consumed by the same narcissistic crap like my parents brain washed her and conditioned her to abuse me and lash out just like they do at the people around them and I'm sure I do that to an extent as well I can't say that I don't.
And then I think I'm going to date around and I find that People don't know how to behave.
I miss my ex. I miss my boyfriend even though I speak to him almost every damn day. I still talk to my ex and he heart reacts the things I send him and the things I say. I brought Justin around him at a show and I think I hurt him and I did not mean to however he has brought many girlfriends around me at shows. I think it's wild how he was absolutely wasted the entire time we dated. I think it's weird that when I would pick him up from bars after closing that he would ask to go home but he did not mean his home. Is it weird that I miss when he would come over and ask to be held and cry? Is it weird that I miss his incredibly terrible sleep apnea sleep disorder and him thrashing around in bed and me not getting a wink of sleep because of it. Is it weird that I don't like other men to touch me because it doesn't feel like him. Is it weird that I cannot get over him even though I know about awful things he has done. Is it weird that even when he was drunk and I pulled away or was uncomfortable or did not give an enthusiastic yes he would just tell me we could cuddle or go to sleep and never pressured me that I can recall. Is it weird that I miss him holding me like I'm a stuffed animal.
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atths--twice · 2 years
Marking the Years
A new life, new job, and Mulder is happy and content. Past Christmas memories cause some heartache, but Scully helps him see it in a new light.
I really hope you like this one. It has, as many have in the past, gone on a trip I was not expecting. I am happy with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy it. ❤
Also… this is the 200th X-Files story I’ve written. TWO HUNDRED! I can’t believe it, but it’s true. I’m quite proud of myself for accomplishing such a feat. 😊
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It was an odd thing for Fox Mulder to be seen leaving work at a reasonable hour, having been known to spend weekends and holidays within the walls of the bureau.
That was the old Mulder. The one who went home to a lonely apartment, save for his tank of fish. The Mulder who ran head first into danger, no regard for his own well-being, who had survived too many life or death situations.
No. Things had changed in the past nine months, and namely in the last six, creating a different person within him.
The new Mulder left the bureau, smiling as he headed in the opposite direction of previous years, knowing he was going home. Home to the woman he loved and to their son who smiled and reached for him when he walked in the door, his blue eyes shining as he laughed.
He no longer ran after monsters in the dark, but hurried home to hold his son, play with him, and read him a story before putting him to bed. The new Mulder then sat down to a meal, a movie, or cuddling on the couch, with his old work partner and his now life partner.
Awfully funny how things had a way of working out…
December 7, 2001 Friday evening
The phone rang on his desk and he sighed, hoping it was not Skinner. It was already half past six and if he stayed any longer, he would miss seeing William before he went to bed; only the third time since they had become a little family of three.
Closing his eyes, he let out a breath and answered it.
“Hey, it’s me,” Scully said breathily and he smiled.
“Hey, hon,” he replied softly, loving that he could call her that and no one could say anything about it. She laughed and then he heard William screaming excitedly. “Tell the wee man I said hello.”
“Daddy says hi, WillyWallow. Oh… oh my goodness.”
“Could be entirely coincidental, but I swear he understood when he heard me say Daddy. He stared at me and gave me the biggest smile.”
“Of course he did,” Mulder said with a smile. “He knows his dad.”
“Yes, he does,” she agreed quietly and he could hear the smile in her voice.
“So what’s up, Scully?”
“Are you heading home soon?”
Home. God, he loved hearing that.
“Finishing this last bit of paperwork and I will be. Probably fifteen more minutes.” She sighed and he frowned.
“That’s what I was afraid you’d say,” she said, sighing once again.
“Well, William didn’t sleep well during his last nap. I think he might be teething, he’s incredibly drooly. He’s also reached that overly tired, punch drunk stage and I am going to have to put him down soon.”
“Shit. I hate missing him.“
“I know you do,” she said quietly and William screamed again.
“Yeah, he sounds tired. Okay. Well, I’ll finish this up and head home. You need anything?”
“Just you,” she said and he let out a breathy chuckle.
“I love you,” she stated softly and now he drew in a breath.
Those words, spoken by her, felt like a benediction upon him. He knew she did, but hearing her say it so freely, stopped him in his tracks, stole his breath, and caused his heart to race all at the same time.
“I love you too,” he whispered and he heard her laughing softly.
“See you soon.”
“Yes, you will,” he said, clearing his throat and licking his lips. Hearing her laugh once more, the line then went dead and he hung up the phone.
Smiling, he hurried through the rest of the paperwork, and put it into a folder in his desk. Standing up, he stretched and took his jacket from the back of the chair and slid it on before straightening the desk and shutting off the lamp.
Taking his coat off the rack, he left his new office, down the hall from Skinner’s, though much smaller, and locked the door. Walking to the elevator, he put on his coat, and then rode down to the garage.
No longer working on the X-files, he found he did not miss it as much as he once did, fighting like hell to have it back under his control. Doggett and Reyes were down in the basement now and he found the thought comforting, knowing it was in good hands.
He liked his new assignment, especially as it was one he could do without a partner, not wanting another one if he was not going to be working with Scully anymore.
After William had been born, she had the standard time off, with Skinner actually insisting on more, considering the trauma she had suffered. It had been approved and they were both home with William every day, watching him as he slept, whispering in awe at his perfection.
They had become a family in the three months she had been on maternity leave. He had officially moved into her apartment, giving away most of his things, aside from the fish tank and his clothing. Some things had been added to storage, but anything he did not absolutely need had been released into a new life as he had walked into his own.
Being together day and night had taken some getting used to, learning how to live together without any breaks. It had been easy and also difficult, but worth it without question.
Holding her every night, watching William nurse as they lay together in bed, Scully speaking softly to him as her fingers gently rubbed his bald head, seeing the joy and love on her face as she watched him, had been worth every moment of brief tension.
As the time began to draw closer for her to return to work, she had been anxious and emotional.
“I can’t leave him, Mulder,” she had cried, her body shaking with sobs as he had held her. “How can I when so much happened just to bring him into this world?”
“You don’t have to, Scully.”
“I do. Neither of us is working, we can’t keep doing that, Mulder. We need money and… William especially needs health insurance.”  
“Then I’ll work. You stay home with him.”
“Mulder, we can’t have only one income. It’s not enough.”
“I have money, Scully.”
“Yes, you do. But I—”
“What are we talking about here?” he had asked, pulling back to look at her. “My money is our money. What’s mine is yours, Scully. It’s William’s.”
“Everything is yours.” He had smiled at her, wiping the tears from her cheeks with a nod.
He had been reinstated at the bureau, Skinner helping to get him a position as a non-field agent, working on any and all cases where he was needed. It had been a hard adjustment, but if it meant he was home every night with Scully and William, he was happy.
Income taken care of, Scully’s concern had fallen once more to health insurance and again Mulder had a solution: they would simply get married.
She had stared at him open mouthed and he had laughed, pulling her to him and kissing her forehead.
“Not only because of the need,” he had whispered. “But also because I love you and could not imagine my life without you in it. Let’s get married.”
“Where… where’s my incentive?” she had whispered back, sniffling as she had tapped her ring finger, her hands on his chest.
“Our son’s access to healthcare isn’t enough?” he had teased her.
“It’s nice, sure, but it doesn’t sparkle like a diamond.” He had laughed, pulling back to look at her, finding her grinning.
That weekend they had gone ring shopping, her eyes repeatedly looking toward the more expensive wedding rings, but never asking to see them.
He had though, insisting they get the one she really wanted. She had fought with him, but he would not hear it, picking out the one he knew she had glanced at more than once: a thin gold band with small diamonds spread across it. It was perfect, both in style and fit. He had known it was the right one as he watched her eyes shine when she tried it on, smiling happily.
Three weeks later, on Saturday morning, Mrs. Scully, William, Skinner, Doggett and Reyes, had been at the church as Father McCue married them. Mulder remembered nothing about it aside from the shine in Scully’s eyes, the way his hand shook as he put the ring on her finger, and the cheers from the small group when they had kissed.
One night away had been all they took, settling into married life when they had returned, and finding it not so much different than the life they already had been living. The only differences really, had been the rings they each now wore, their partnership over the years already rather like a marriage.
The elevator reached his floor and he sighed as he walked out and towards his car, deciding that although Scully had said she did not need anything, he would stop and get her some flowers.
Something to brighten up the apartment and make her smile.
“These are so beautiful,” she said, arranging the lilies and red roses in a vase. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I’m gonna go check on him,” he said, stepping closer and kissing the side of her neck, and she nodded with a smile, turning her head for a quick kiss on the lips as well.
He took off his suit jacket and laid it on the back of the couch, loosening his tie as he walked toward William’s bedroom, and unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt. Opening the door carefully, he quietly walked over to the crib.
Smiling as he stared down at William, he shook his head at the sheer perfection of him. His cheeks were rosy and plump and he was sucking in his sleep which Mulder always found so adorable. Scully had dressed him in pajamas he had never seen: spaceships with Santa and Rudolph inside and Mulder smiled at the sight of them.
“Hey,” she whispered, stepping into the room and wrapping her arms around his waist. “They’re cute, huh? My mom brought them over today.”
“Really?” he asked in a laughing whisper, and he felt her nodding against him. He put an arm around her and rubbed her arm, to both hold her and to fight the urge to touch William, knowing it might wake him up. “He’s so beautiful.”
“He is,” she whispered, squeezing him tighter and he kissed the top of her head. “Hmm… let’s eat. My mom brought over some food too.”
“Okay. Let me shower and change real quick.”
Fifteen minutes later, they were sitting down to a casserole and a salad, a glass of wine each, though Scully’s was half as full as his own. She told him of their day: going for a walk to the park and how William had liked the swings and the duck pond, watching the ducks waddling around.
“We should go back this weekend,” she said, smiling at him, and he nodded with a smile.
“We should get a tree this weekend. Get this place decorated for Christmas.”
“Oh definitely, I was going to tell you my mom also brought over some of our family decorations, ones I loved as a kid. Not a big box, but enough to decorate a tree and some to put out here and there.”
“Great. I think there’s some in storage too. We could stop and see.”
“I’d like that.” She smiled and he nodded with a smile. “You okay?”
“Of course.”
“You sure?” He sighed and set his fork down, looking at her and reaching for her hand. “Oh… you’re not okay…”
“I am,” he said, kissing the top of her hand and sighing again. “You’re happy, right?”
“Mulder… what’s brought on this question?”
“I just want to be sure. I don’t want you to feel… like you’re missing something.”
“You were worried about leaving Doggett. About leaving the files… I just don’t want you to feel like… like…”
“Mulder,” she said softly, squeezing his hand. “I have always pushed myself to have a career, the life I thought was the right path. Now, I might change my mind one day and want to do something. At the bureau, in medicine, something. But right now… I can’t imagine being anywhere other than here with him, watching him every day. Seeing him change and grow. The ability to be here for all of it… I am incredibly blessed to have that ability.”
She stood up and came to stand between his legs as he turned to her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he sighed as he held her, his face pressing into the side of her neck.
“I am thankful every day that I am able to be with him, to experience being a mother. All of it, every bit, is because of you,” she whispered and he shook his head against her.
“Yes,” she said, pulling back to look at him, her hands on his face and neck. “You helped me when it was an impossible and improbable idea. It didn’t work, but…”
“Never let it be said we don’t appreciate the old fashioned ways.” He chuckled softly and she smiled.
“Exactly. May not have been exactly what we were thinking about at the time-”
“Definitely not,” he agreed with a snort.
“-but by some miracle, here we are,” she finished with a smile. “You made the impossible possible. The child I carried, worried over, and could have died for… I get to be with every day because of you. I will always be thankful for that, Mulder. Always.”
She kissed him softly, which escalated quickly, their dinner forgotten as they left a trail of clothing down the hall, kissing and laughing as they bumped into objects and each other.
Later, as Scully slept, he put their dishes into the sink, filled them with water to soak, and put away the leftover casserole before he rejoined her in bed. He hummed contentedly as her warm naked body, aside from her nursing bra, molded into his and he breathed in her comforting scent.
“Wow, there’s more here than I thought there would be,” Mulder said, looking in the box labeled Christmas that they had picked up from his storage unit.
Scully took out a few newspaper wrapped items and unwrapped them, setting them to the side. Looking at them and then him, he shook his head at her.
“I have no memory of those,” he said, staring at the angel figurines. “My family wasn’t religious, I don’t remember angels.”
“She must have bought them after you were out of the house.”
“Most likely. Just never would’ve taken her for an angel person, but there was a lot about her I didn’t know. There are also things I blocked out, I’m sure.”
“That’s understandable,” Scully said quietly, touching his upper arm with a soft smile.
“Yeah.” He sighed and forced a smile. “Let’s see what else is inside.” With a gentle squeeze on his arm, she smiled and they began to unbox the rest of the items.
Many things were rewrapped and placed back inside the box, but a sizable portion of items were left out to put onto the tree and around the apartment. Some of them he held and smiled at as he looked at them, telling Scully about their significance.
Red and white striped candle holders his mother only put out for Christmas were set on the dining room table with green candles Scully found in a drawer fitting inside of them perfectly.
“We weren’t allowed to touch them,” he told her. “They were my grandmother’s and my mother was worried we would break them.”
“I can understand how she would feel that way. You can be rather accident prone,” she teased and he laughed softly with a nod.
“This one,” he said, holding a glass candy dish shaped like a swan. “Another we weren’t allowed to touch. It sat on the mantel and my mother filled it not with candy, but with holly leaves and berries. It looked nice but I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to snap its neck. I’m glad now that I didn’t.”
“I’m glad too,” Scully said, touching the delicate glass. “It’s beautiful and very old. My grandmother had one of these, to represent the seven swans a swimming. “
“Huh, I never thought of it like that,” he murmured and she squeezed his forearm.
“Come on. Let’s get the tree decorated for William to see in the morning,” she said, smiling at him and he nodded.
He put the swan on the mantel and joined her in taking out tree lights to be placed on the tree which had been set up in front of the windows, her desk moved for the time being. Christmas music began to play and she looked at him with a smile, handing him a bunch of lights.
“You’re taller so…”
“Than you? Most people are,” he teased and she scoffed at him, smacking him playfully on the chest. He kissed her quickly and smiled as he began to wrap the lights around the tree.
When it was finished, they stood back to look at it before adding the decorations. Her arm went around his waist and he pulled her close, kissing the top of her head.
“He’s going to love it,” she whispered and he nodded, the multicolored lights very eye-catching.
They started adding the ornaments, laughing and talking about favorite ones, her more than him, but he loved hearing about them: the candy cane made from popsicle sticks and yarn, the felt tree decorated with tiny jingle bells, gingerbread men, and one she loved the most- a Holly Hobbie Colorforms dress up doll.
“I loved Holly Hobbie so much. She was so cute with all her different dress up pieces,” she said wistfully, stroking the ornament. “I got the kit and took such good care of it, using it gently. One day, Bill took it and hid the pieces all around the house. I was so mad at him, I punched him as hard as I could in the stomach and demanded he get every piece and put them back. He couldn’t remember all the places and I only got half of them back. Missy helped me make her into a permanent, unchangeable display and every year I placed it onto the tree, staring at him as I did.”
“Damn. That Irish stubbornness ain’t no joke is it?” he asked with a smile, knowing how much Bill must have hated seeing that decoration every year, a reminder of what an ass he had been.
“Hell no it’s not,” she stated, hanging the blue bonneted, red headed, apron-wearing decoration on the tree. “He knew what he did and he should have been reminded. If it had reversed, he would have carried on for years as well.”
“True,” Mulder laughed as he added a few large silver balls to the tree. He looked at her as she stared at the Holly Hobbie ornament, touching it gently. She shook her head and glanced at him with a shrug, saying nothing as she picked up another ornament.
Two more ornaments and he saw the next one was wrapped in tissue. Curious, believing they had unwrapped them all, he lifted it and began to remove the tissue. When he had, he drew in a deep breath.
It was wooden and heart shaped with a picture of a bluebird sitting on a branch, blue berries hanging from thin vines around the bird.
“Oh…” he breathed, his eyes stinging with tears.
“What is it?”
“This was… was Samantha’s favorite ornament. She always hung it up and it was usually the first one on the tree, even before the lights, so she would have to take it down when they started to be added.”
“That’s cute,” Scully said softly and he nodded.
“She put her name on it too, even though it wasn’t technically hers,” he said with a chuckle, turning it over to show her, and they both froze as he did.
“What is that?” she asked in a whisper as he let out a rough breath, staring at the tally marks under Samantha’s broken name as she had run out of room to spell it all out properly.
“I think…” he said, quickly counting them up. “I think they’re… marking the years she was gone.”
“Oh, Mulder,” she whispered, an arm sliding around his waist.
“Twenty six tallies,” he breathed, shaking his head. “I never saw this after she was gone. We didn’t have Christmas that first year and the next year… it still felt wrong. We never had Christmas like we did before, not after she was gone.”
“Put it back in the box,” Scully suggested softly, sighing as she rubbed his side, and he shook his head.
“No. I’d like to have it up. But I need to make an alteration.”
“Just a sec,” he said, forcing a smile and then frowning as he stepped away from her, searching in kitchen drawers until he found a permanent marker.
Under the group of tally marks, he wrote 1964-1979 and put the marker back in the drawer. Joining her again, he showed her what he had done and she wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tightly.
“I’m so sorry, Mulder. So sorry for the confusing and lonely life you lived,” she whispered and he closed his eyes and rested his head on top of hers, holding her close.
He did not answer her, nor could he have in that moment, so instead he took comfort in her strength and caring.
“You sure you want to hang it up?” she asked and he nodded. She pulled back as he opened his eyes and she held his face in her hands, rubbing her thumbs across his cheeks. “If you change your mind, that’s okay.”
“Yeah,” he said, leaning into her hand and nodding. “Thank you.”
She smiled with a nod and he sighed deeply as he looked at the tree then back at her. She nodded and took his hand, walking to the tree together and holding tight as he added the bluebird to the tree.
“It looks good,” she whispered and he nodded, swallowing down the lump in his throat.
She squeezed his hand and he squeezed back, letting out a deep sigh, thinking of Samantha and her happiness when she would add the ornament to the tree.
“Yeah,” he rasped out. “Yeah it does.”
December continued on at what felt like a faster pace than usual. He was home on time to see William every night, reading books beside the tree, a warm fire burning in the fireplace.
William loved the lights, clapping as he would stare at them, his blue eyes huge. The presents that began to gather under the tree, mostly from Mrs. Scully, who brought at least one over every time she visited, also caught his attention. He sat beside the tree, screeching happily as he tugged at strings and bows, grasping at the paper.
Watching Scully watch William was his new favorite pastime, her smile and happiness filling his heart.
The bluebird ornament had become equal parts comforting and anxiety laden for him. It drew his eye and some days he was happy to have it there and others he wanted to tear it from the tree and snap it in half, toss it in the trash, never to be seen again.
But those days, he could swear that Scully had some sort of sixth sense, coming to him with a hug, a kiss, or a cuddle, talking about anything but the ornament or the past. By the time they had talked and laughed, he felt better and the ornament remained on the tree.
Christmas Eve arrived and they had Mrs. Scully over for dinner, to celebrate the holiday and to also thank her for all she had done to help them over the past few months. William sat on her lap, both of them smiling and happy.
When she left, Mulder put away the dishes as Scully nursed William before putting him to bed. He could hear her singing softly to him and he smiled as he wiped down the table and poured them each a glass of wine to enjoy when she was done.
He turned off the lights and set the glasses on the coffee table. The lights on the Christmas tree, candles around the room, and the low fire, all the light that was needed.
Sitting on the couch, his eyes landed once again on the bluebird ornament as he sighed. He thought of his mother and how it must have hurt every year to make those tally marks, never knowing what happened to her daughter. Dying before she learned the truth and knew for sure without any questions.
“Hey,” Scully whispered and he looked up, surprised to find her standing in front of him.
“Hey,” he said, sitting up a little straighter. “Sorry, I was…”
“I know,” she said, moving her glass aside and sitting down on the coffee table. “I know it’s been hard seeing that every day and the conflict you feel about it. I’m glad you’ve left it up as I know it’s been difficult at times.”
“I know you know.” He smiled softly with a nod, leaning forward and staring at her. “I hate that she didn’t know the truth and I have so many questions left unanswered.”
“I know.” She put her hand on his arm, where it rested on his knee, and squeezed gently. “Don’t move, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“Okay,” he said, leaning back as she passed, watching her leave the room with a slight frown.
She was back quickly, a small white square box tied with a dark red ribbon held in her hands. She sat down on the coffee table again and smiled as she set it onto his lap.
“What’s this?”
“Your Christmas Eve gift,” she said softly. “We used to do it when we were younger, but not as much now.”
“I don’t have anything for you.”
“So you’ll give me two next year. I’ll be sure to remind you when the time comes,” she teased and knocked his knee, gesturing to the gift with her chin. “Open it.”
He picked up the box, finding it to be very light. Untying the ribbon, he set it beside him and opened the box, moving the tissue on top and taking out the item inside, drawing in a deep breath.
“Oh, Scully,” he whispered as he shook his head. He held it up by the red ribbon and they watched as it spun slowly.
It was a thin, light colored wooden heart with one word written in black capital letters: FAMILY. Under the word, were three red hearts. Two larger hearts with a smaller heart in the middle.
“I wanted something that little hands could touch and not be worried it would break if they accidentally dropped it,” she whispered and he nodded as it spun around to face him.
“This is perfect. Thank you so much.” He leaned forward and kissed her softly, her hand coming up to cup his cheek.
“I didn’t add the year because I wanted to do something,” she said, pulling back to look at him. “I wanted to use it to change the way you see the other ornament… to see it as a positive and not a negative.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about it since you put it on the tree,” she said, smiling softly at him, bumping his knees gently. “Does it carry a sadness to it? Yes, it does. But I’ve been thinking that it has a hopefulness to it as well.”
“How can you say that, Scully?”
“Because, Mulder,” she said, her hands moving to his legs, holding onto the sides. “Every year that passed, I think that one day, your mother wanted to have that special bluebird ornament with its tally marks, to show that she never stopped hoping her daughter would be home. That she marked the years she waited, to show Samantha that she was not forgotten, but celebrated every year.”
“Jesus,” he said softly, shaking his head as tears filled his eyes and he blinked them away. “I didn’t think of it that way.”
“I know, honey,” she whispered.
“So what did you want to do with this one?” he asked, sniffling as he held it out to her. She did not take it, but smiled as she kept her eyes on him, taking something from her pocket.
“I want to mark the years,” she said, handing him the permanent marker she had taken out. “Add the date or don’t, but I want to mark the years. To keep track of our Christmases and how we celebrated them together. To tell William of walks in the snow, picking out our first tree, and how excited he was at seeing the lights on it the next day. I want you to trace the tally marks with him and tell him of every year we marked and what each one meant to us. I want him to help mark the years when he learns how to write. I want the sadness I see in your eyes to be happy instead. I know it will never disappear altogether, but I want to do what I can to help alleviate some of it.”
He set the ornament, marker, and box beside him, reached for her and pulled her into his lap as he leaned back. She held him and whispered how much she loved him as he cried softly into her hair.
“Thank you,” he whispered, kissing her head and taking deep calming breaths.
When he was able, he let her go and she stood to her feet, pulling him up with her. He picked up the ornament and the marker, uncapping it as he turned over the ornament.
In the top left corner of the heart, he wrote 2001, and made one tally mark. Recapping the marker, he slid it into his pocket and smiled at her as they walked to the tree.
Right beside the bluebird ornament, he hung the new one, uniting the two, balancing out the sadness with happiness.
“You know,” Scully said, her arm around his waist. “Bluebirds are said to represent hope and renewal. I think your sister may have latched onto that particular ornament for that specific reason, though it was unknown at the time. Perhaps she always knew there would be a time when hope would be needed in great abundance.”
“I think you may be right, Scully,” he whispered and he squeezed her, pulling her closer to his side. “Thank you for being my hope and my renewal.”
“And thank you for being mine,” she whispered, wrapping both of her arms around him and letting out a deep breath.
He watched the new ornament turn slightly, the first year marked off with room for many more to come, and he smiled.
The sadness of the past being outweighed by the hope and promise of their future.
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
lonely this christmas
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Warnings: mild mild cursing, mainly just fluff !!! Word Count: 2.9k Summary: Reader admits to Spencer she will be spending the holidays alone but he’s got other plans.
A/N: starting off the month of december with a christmas centred fic!! hope you like it <3
Being alone on Christmas wasn’t unfamiliar to Spencer. In fact it was pretty much the opposite. Being alone on Christmas was typical, ordinary. 
The nature of his job being what it was, he usually ended up working over the holidays anyway. Therefore he never made any plans with his mom because most times he just ended up disappointing her. Being alone at Christmas was fine. Being a disappointment however, completely different story.
As years went by Diana stopped noticing his absence. Of course if Spencer was to visit her at the sanitarium over Christmas she would welcome him with open arms, but he never does. He used to feel incredibly guilty about it, but that too passed with time. 
There was no indication that this year would be any different so he kept his schedule clear. However, the twenty-fifth of December approached fast. Very fast. The closer it got the more it was shaping to be the first holiday season, in a long time, the team would get to spend with their families. And even Spencer found himself considering going home to Nevada; seeing his mom. 
A tab of the airline website was constantly open on his desktop. He checked it regularly; hovering over the option to buy a ticket. 
That’s how you caught him one day. 
You observed from your own desk as Spencer leaned back in his chair, one hand still holding the mouse. The wheels inside his brain clearly turning; evaluating all of the options and possible outcomes.
“Hey, doctor.” You called out grabbing his attention. “If you spend any more time thinking about whether you should go home for Christmas, all the good seats will be gone.” 
He chuckled. “I guess you’re right.” “As always.” You shot him a playful wink as he turned to once again look at his screen. 
“There. Bought.” Spencer exclaimed after a brief moment of silence. “My mom will be happy.” “When was the last time you seen her?” You asked curiously. “It has been more than six months at this stage.” He answered while standing up. 
“Coffee?” He gestured to the empty mug on your desk. You nodded. “You read my mind.” 
The two of you walked towards the kitchenette in the office. It was quite late on a Friday night meaning everyone had cleared out for the weekend. Only the usual suspects remained; Spencer and you.
“When was the last time you were home for Christmas?” “Three years ago. How about you?” Spencer asked, tilting his head slightly to look at you. “Oh, I honestly don’t even remember.” You replied shrugging your shoulders.
“So your family must have been happy to hear you were getting the chance this year to spend the holidays with them.” The brunette doctor switched on the coffee machine and leaned against the wall while you elegantly hopped up onto the counter. 
“Actually, I didn't tell them.” 
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows. “How come?” 
He watched intently as you chewed on your bottom lip - a bad habit you failed miserably to break. In that second of silence you wondered whether you should tell him the truth. He was always so open with you, honest. It would only be fair to repay him with the same sincerity. So you took in a quick breath, and exhaled it quietly before looking up to meet his amiable gaze. 
“My mom and I got into this huge fight a couple of weeks ago. She tried to set me up with this guy because in her eyes it’s unacceptable that I’m single. She doesn't think it’s right that my younger sister is getting married next summer and I haven't had one relationship in my life that lasted longer than a month.” A soft sigh escaped you. “I told her to butt out, using much harsher language than that of course.” Your mouth twirled into a smile; trying to make light of this conversation. Being no stranger to your frequent use of profanity Spencer smirked. 
“We haven't spoken since. She hasn't formally invited me over for the holidays which she always does, even if she knows I won’t be able to make it, and whenever I bring it up with my dad or my siblings they change the topic so.” You shrugged once again while nervously dangling your legs. “It’s easier not to go.” 
Spencer nodded slowly, taking in all of the information you just unloaded. Shaking your head you reached over to grab the coffee pot and poured some into your mug. 
“I’m sorry doctor. I didn’t mean to just lay it all on you like that.” 
He stepped towards you. “Don’t be.” Holding his own cup in front of him, he smiled kindly. “Thank you for telling me.” You began to pour the black hot liquid into his mug; a slight shake to your hand. “Thank you for listening.” “Anytime.”
Spencer placed his full cup on the counter beside you and began to rummage through the cupboards in search for sugar. “Y/N I gotta ask, and obviously if you don't want to answer me you don't have to.” He cleared his throat as you took a sip of your bitter black coffee. “Why didn’t you want to go on a date with the man your mom suggested?” 
Once he successfully located the sugar, he straightened his shirt and plopped two cubes into the hot beverage. He offered you one but you shook your head, taking another sip. 
“I get that it’s not really my place but it just seems a small price to pay for being able to spend Christmas with your loved ones.” 
“If you must know doctor, I prefer to meet people through work. Prison systems and such.” You joked, a wide smile gracing your features. Spencer rolled his eyes. “And how is that going for you?” “Surprisingly well. I have a date shortly after we’re back from the Christmas break.” He arched his brow and smiled at you; playing along as you continued. “Solid guy. Only murdered five people.”
You beamed at the brunette doctor who was grinning back. “Maybe I should consider adding prisons to my dating pool.” You let out an over-exaggerated  gasp and placed your free hand over your chest. “Is doctor Spencer Reid really on the market?” 
Spencer shook his head. His light curls bouncing finely, matching his every move. He lowered his lips to the brim of his mug and took a sip of his coffee before focusing on you. “No, but for the right girl I’d consider it.” 
Without thinking you raised your free arm and adjusted his tie. Flattening down the edge of his collar, you could feel his eyes on you. Yet for some reason you were suddenly afraid to look up and meet his gaze. Strange. Or maybe not so strange.
“Lucky girl.” You said in a mere whisper. Letting your hand fall, you stepped off the counter with a light bounce. Spencer cleared his throat and the two of you walked back to your seats. 
The next few hours were spent working in silence. You tried to focus on the mountain of paperwork on your desk, yet instead found yourself glancing at the young doctor every other second - secretly hoping he would also be peeking up at you. And he was. Just not when you were looking at him.
“Y/N if you want you can come with me to Nevada, spend Christmas with me and my mom. ” Spencer proposed out of the blue. He got up out of his chair and grabbed his jacket, slowly putting it on. You smiled at him. “Thank you doctor but I will honestly be okay alone.” Pause. “Plus, I wouldn't want to interfere.” 
He was about to protest, say you wouldn't be interrupting, but he bit his tongue. He didn't want to seem pushy. “If you change your mind, let me know.” He reached for his bag and threw the strap over his head. “Just do it quickly or all the good seats will be gone.” He teased. You giggled. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. ” 
The brunette agent hesitated. He swayed on his heel for a moment before approaching your desk. “Can I give you a ride home?” He asked, eyes locking with yours. “There’s still a couple of things I want to get done but thank you for the kind offer.” Spencer nodded. A faint look of disappointment appeared on his face. “Goodnight Y/N.” “Goodnight doctor.” 
Christmas was upon you in the blink of an eye. On the last day before break the team exchanged Secret Santa presents before enjoying a pizza party. This year you had Penelope who squealed over her gift as everyone watched in amusement; you included. Resting against the wall, you observed as the blonde jumped around the room with joy. Her smile made you smile. 
“Good job on Penelope’s gift.” Spencer appeared beside you holding two plastic cups filled to the brim with eggnog. He handed you one before making himself comfortable next to you, his arm pressed gently to yours. “I don’t know what you're talking about doctor.” You responded, tilting your head slightly to look at him. 
“I like your Christmas sweater.” A small smile circled your lips as you reached out to flick the little bell sown onto the top of the Santas hat on his jumper. Spencer chuckled. “Thank you. You know, I really couldn't decide between this or the one with the Home Alone reference.” “Ah, the trusted Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal sweater.” “That would be the one, yes.” The two of you beamed at each other. 
“I’m surprised you know what Home Alone is doctor.” You teased, nudging him playfully in the arm. Spencer laughed. “If I’m being honest, I was more intrigued by the booby traps than the plot of the movie.” He retorted as you sipped on the eggnog; slightly rolling your eyes at his response. “Of course you were. Don’t tell me you tested them out too?” 
He averted his gaze without responding, clearly a little embarrassed. “Well...” 
You couldn't help but giggle. Slowly, you leaned in towards him so that your lips were now at his ear. The brunette agent shivered as your hot breath hit his skin, however he didn't move away. 
“Don’t worry doctor, I did too.” You whispered. 
Instantly, he turned to look at you once again. His face was now inches away from yours, and as he stared oddly into your eyes the air caught in your throat. The two of you hovered right there for a moment, not moving and quite soundless, simply feeling each other's presence - as if there was no-one else in the room, no party. 
Eventually you broke the eye contact and took a step to your right, moving away from him. Suddenly feeling timid, you took another sip of your beverage while your free hand ran through your hair. Spencer also looked away. His mind racing a million miles per hour; he should have kissed you, right? No. Not in front of all these people, your colleagues. That would be bad. Unprofessional. Would you have even wanted him to kiss you? Did you like him like that? He hoped you did.
The party soon drew to a close. You were lost in conversation with Emily while Spencer was trying to teach Morgan and Rossi some card tricks. Your gaze kept averting in the direction of the young doctor every once in a while; Emily of course noticed. “Tell me again why you’re not going to Nevada with our resident genius?” A puzzled look now present on your face. “How did you-” 
“Reid told Morgan who told Garcia who told me.” She interrupted. You laughed at the ridiculousness of what she just came out of her mouth. “It’s like I’m in high school all over again.” She laughed under her breath.
There was a brief moment of silence.
“So, why aren’t you going?” Emily pried. A quiet sigh escaped your lips. “Like I told him, I don’t want to interfere.” She rolled her eyes; not buying into your bullshit. “He wouldn't have invited you-” “Fuck, please I don’t want-” She raised her hands in front of her. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” 
Glancing at the time, you excused yourself wishing Emily a wonderful and happy Christmas. Quickly and quietly, you headed to your desk and put on your winter coat. As you grabbed your handbag you turned to face the remaining partygoers: “Happy holidays everyone!”. Your eyes briefly locked with Spencers who shot you a shy smile as you mouthed ‘Merry Christmas doctor.’ before hurrying out the door. 
Two days later it was the twenty-fifth of December. You woke up on your couch, having fallen asleep during Christmas movie marathon, to the sound of your phone ringing. 
Yawning, you reached for the device. Spencer. Answering, you pressed it to your ear and croaked; “Hello.”. 
“I hope I didn't wake you.” “You did actually.” You responded yawning once again and gradually scrambling to your feet. You ambled towards the kitchen, straight for the coffee maker. “But I could never be mad at you doctor.” “I’m glad to hear that.” 
There was a short pause.
“How are you?” He asked, his voice kind. “I’m okay, no need to worry about me. Shit-” “Y/N?”
“Sorry. I just realised I’m out of coffee grounds.”
Spencer chuckled on the other line. “It’s not funny doctor. I’ve no coffee and everything is closed because it’s Christmas.” “You could always switch to tea for the day.” Rolling your eyes, you smirked. “Right, because I’m such an avid tea drinker.” 
There was another short pause.
“How was your flight? How’s Nevada? How’s your mom?” You asked changing the topic, making conversation. The young doctor didn't respond. “Hey, are you there?” The line cut-off. Weird.
‘He’ll call back later.’, you thought and headed for your bathroom.
An hour later you were showered and dressed. You switched on the lights on your poorly decorated Christmas tree and were about to make yourself comfortable on the sofa when a knock on the door caught your attention. You scurried over, without looking through the peephole to see who it was, you opened it.
“Merry Christmas Y/N.” 
The brunette doctor smiled as you furrowed your brows. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in Nevada.”
“I was. I got back early this morning.” 
He waited for you to invite him in before shimmying passed. He set down two tote bags on the kitchen counter before turning to look at you once again. Lost for words, you locked the door and approached the young doctor. Slowly you peeked inside the bags. “Supplies.” He simply stated while taking off his coat. 
“You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?” 
Your heart skipped a beat. “You didn't have to do this doctor.” “I know.” He shrugged before reaching into one of the bags and unpacking the items. “I wanted to.” He held up a bag of coffee grounds and you couldn't help but giggle delicately. 
“Thank you.” Your fingers brushed his as you grabbed the bag sending a shiver down your spine. Spencer froze feeling the sensation too. Nervously, he let his hand fall but the half-smile on his face remained. 
“Where did you get this stuff anyway?” You asked as you walked around to the coffee machine. “I packed what I had at home.” Nodding, you began to prepare two cups. As the appliance whirred, you turned in your spot. “What about your mom? Wouldn't she have wanted to spend Christmas Day with you?” 
Spencer continued to unpack the bags, neatly placing each item on the counter in front of him. “We spent all of yesterday together.” Pause. “And besides, she’s the one that urged me to come here.” He peered up at you, resting his palms down on the kitchen counter. The second his hazel eyes locked with yours, the flush of your cheeks turned a slender pink. 
Not really thinking you ushered back towards him. The brunette doctor watched you attentively. Gently, you placed one hand on top of his and gave it a tender squeeze. “Lucky me.” You whispered staring deep into his eyes. 
Spencers smile spread wider in unison with yours. After a few seconds of pure comfortable silence, he cleared his throat. “Do you think your prisoner boyfriend would mind if I asked you out on a date?” A faint giggle escaped your lips as the shade of your jowl turned from pink to bright red. “Even if he does-” You took another step towards Spencer, closing the space between you. “-I think you could handle him.” 
Spencer chuckled. Using his free hand, he placed a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. His thumb stroked your cheek in the process and you angled into his pleasant touch. 
“Thank you for being here.” You muttered, unintentionally chewing on your bottom lip. 
He cupped your face as his gaze moved briefly down to your mouth before once again locking with yours. “Thank you for having me.” His voice soothing, not quite matching the fervour in his eyes. 
In the space of a single heartbeat, he leaned down and his lips crushed against yours passionately. You let go of his hand and placed both your palms on his chest; tugging lightly at his shirt to try and pull him in even closer. Spencer did not waste a second, his now free arm moved elegantly around your waist.
The two of you pulled away breathlessly. He gently pressed his forehead to yours as you smiled. “Merry Christmas doctor.” “Merry Christmas Y/N.”
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katy-l-wood · 3 years
Hey, so, if you’re like me, you really WANT to talk to your republican/MAGA relatives about what happened on January 6th, but the second you try your brain just yeets out all the useful information you know about what happened and you’re left with nothing. I have the same issue, so I put together a sort of quick facts guide to have on hand when I follow up with my dad about the slightly scathing text message I sent him on the day of the insurrection.
I figured other people might find this useful, so I’m sharing it here. This is VERY basic, just quick facts pulled from a bunch of different articles and videos so that I can have them on hand for when I call my dad tonight. There’s no opinions included, just sources, definitions, and a list of key points. It also only covers the day of the attack, not any of the charges and actions taken since.
Talking to your republican/MAGA family about this shit is hard, and please don’t do it if you feel it will put you in danger in any way. But if you can do it, I hope what I’ve put together here can help.
Please note, some of these sources include the darkest parts of the insurrection including the antisemitic clothing, the woman getting shot, etc.. None of these pictures and videos are shown within this guide, but they are linked to.
Feel free to modify this, add onto it, whatever.  Everything is below the cut.
Insurrection: A violent uprising against an authority or government.
Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state. Seditious speech is speech directed at the overthrow of government. It includes speech attacking basic institutions of government, including particular governmental leaders.
Key Points:
Trump incited the insurrection as far back as December 19th by calling for his supporters to march on the capitol on January 6th.
The capitol was breached in an attempt to stop an official, recognized election that has been proven as fair and valid many times over.
The mob was violent, and prepared to do much worse including taking hostages, detonating bombs, and killing the Vice President.
The police supported what happened by letting the rioters in, and even taking selfies with them.
Protests stem from anger and a need to be heard. This stemmed from violence and seditious language spoken by Trump.
This was not okay.
 A video from 1947 about not being taken in by fascist ideals:
 How to Explain to Kids Parents the Difference Between a Mob and a Protest
It attempted to overthrow a democratic process. They interrupted members of the senate trying to certify a vote. The purpose was to avoid the transfer of power, not just a display of anger.
It threatened physical harm to others. Things didn’t turn violent, they started violent. Bombs were brought, there were chants to hang the VP, people brought zip cuffs to take hostages. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarahhansen/2021/01/10/two-men-carrying-zip-ties-at-capitol-riot-arrested-after-citizen-sleuths-idd-them-online/?sh=22e3afe1771b https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-capitol-rioters-chanted-hang-mike-pence-video-footage/
What Happened
Trump called his supporters to action and encouraged everything that happened. He called the 6th a “day of reckoning. A day to gather in Washington to ‘save America’ and ‘stop the steal’.” He also said “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th” all the way back on December 19th. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/us/politics/capitol-mob-trump-supporters.html https://twitter.com/votevets/status/1347546998271049729
The House chamber had to be barricaded with furniture to protect people inside. House members who could not escape in time had to hide under desks and chairs and wear gas masks. https://twitter.com/Okay_Hi__/status/1347975187921129472 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/us/politics/capitol-mob-trump-supporters.html
The evening before the attack people said they were “prepared to use force” and posted comments that had photos of assault rifles and other weapons they intended to bring. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/us/politics/capitol-mob-trump-supporters.html
The attack was planned for months. People were encouraged to share addresses of “enemies” including judges, members of congress, and well-known progressives. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/06/us/politics/capitol-mob-trump-supporters.html
A pickup truck full of bombs and guns found near capitol: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/08/politics/us-capitol-riots-arrest-pelosi-desk/index.html
Cops let them in and took selfies with them. https://twitter.com/nichcarlson/status/1347674169421557762 https://twitter.com/moonddng/status/1346924307692318723 https://twitter.com/NAACP/status/1346960671506788362
The wanted to put people’s heads on pikes. “They need to pay the ultimate price.” “String them up.” https://twitter.com/nichcarlson/status/1347674169421557762
At least one member of the media was violently attacked and threatened with death. Media was attacked in general. https://twitter.com/Okay_Hi__/status/1347828397192278017 https://twitter.com/Quicktake/status/1346948891082698752
A cop was injured and crushed by the mob, despite screaming for help. Another was dragged and beaten with an American flag and other objects. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/01/11/police-beating-capitol-mob/ https://twitter.com/Okay_Hi__/status/1347827632243580930
The woman who was shot was actively climbing into the House chamber when she was shot: https://twitter.com/BigDumbSwede/status/1346958570433228800
Prominent Nazis were involved. One wore a shirt that said “6MWE” which stands for “Six Million Wasn’t Enough” referring to the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust. At least one swastika flag was seen. Logos of anti-government militias were seen. https://www.jweekly.com/2021/01/07/hate-on-display-a-guide-to-the-symbols-and-signs-on-display-at-the-capitol-insurrection/ https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/capitol-riots-what-far-right-hate-symbols-were-on-display-654694
Rioters tore down the US flag and replaced it with a Trump flag. https://people.com/politics/pro-trump-rioters-tear-down-american-flag-replace-with-trump-flag-at-u-s-capitol-building/
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brockachu · 2 years
hm hm fucked around and got emo about pate laine so i wrote out the whole narrative for bucky to explain why i’m so invested in his success + wouldn’t shut up about seeing him score. under the cut, of course
ok so like — patrik/pate/patty laine. everyone knows him as the sharpshooter with the funky personal style, right? despite that, he’s actually a soft-spoken, kinda shy kid who mostly keeps to himself. he just Really likes clothes/fashion & personal style.
he’s this big, tall weedy dude. he started his hockey career as a goalie (that tracks so much with the personality), but his dad convinced him to switch to forward in middle school. he debuted in finland’s top league at only age 16. he was ranked really high in draft projections & played super well at the 2015 WJC, and ultimately got drafted 2nd overall in 2016 by the jets.
while the finnish Liiga is a really high level pro league, his lack of north american experience drew quick scrutiny in such a small but high pressure market as winnipeg. add his reclusiveness, awkwardness in english, & the very different outward appearance ‘for a hockey player’. plus some partially founded streakiness with scoring that earned him a reputation for a ‘difficult personality’ (i for one think pinning a player for streakiness says you have a lack of depth scoring that makes you over-depend on certain talents which then also creates a tougher environment to work in, but hey, i’m biased).
point is — the jets market was hard on him year in & year out and he was Always on trade rumor lists (boy why are so many of my favs treated like this), until finally last season, they traded him to columbus.
just prior to that, he had been recovering from a wrist injury that contributed to a severely hole-ridden jets roster in the 2020 playoff bubble. he played the first game of the 2021 half-season with the jets then was traded while on ir for another injury (speculation was that he also had never quite gotten 100% on the wrist).
when pate arrived in cbj, torts was still the head coach. torts & his coaching team are of course known for being ‘tough love’, which as you can imagine is not pate’s jam, especially when he finally got out from under the winnipeg microscope. most notably at one point he got in a recorded argument with an assistant coach on the bench mid-game & was sat the rest of the game. he gets a little quieter after that game but ultimately still plays his game & does moderately ok (it was a slump season for him, but a lot of commentary has since given him some grace between the trade, the coaching staff, the tumult of the cbj roster overall, & the fact we never really cleared up when he was 100% back from injury). at the end of the season, torts finally gets fired, cbj make a bunch of moves that essentially blows up the roster to emphasize the babies, & pate signs a one year extension to remain a cbj. the presumption is that he’s giving the team another year to prove he fits here & to pay him handily. otherwise, he’ll be a ufa for the first time in summer 2022. (he is for the record still only 23 years old)
to open this season (21-22), he seemed to be doing really well — he came in healthy, started with 10pts in 9 games. and then he had a muscle strain that put him out for 6 weeks. and while recovering from that, it was reported that a family emergency occurred that would require him to go back to finland — turns out his father had died suddenly & unexpectedly.
this goes back to pate actually being a shy dude who keeps to himself — he’s really close with his family & he used to say his best friends were his dad & sasha barkov (florida panther who pate grew up playing with in finland). pate has requested minimal media coverage about his father’s death & only really addressed it in one press conference when he returned from injury at the end of december.
while i’ve seen him express emotion before in interviews, mostly frustration or impatience or dry amusement with the press, this was the first time i’ve seen him just holding back tears, voice rough, hood up, exhausted. in a fucked up way, it’s also the kindest i’ve ever seen him treated by the press corps. i cannot state enough how often he has been called a diva, a flop, a bust, stand-offish, inconsistent, & just any number of things to imply his personality is ‘bad’ and the core problem of any team ‘failures’ around him.
we later found out from pate’s own admission that his father was in hospital and missed his last game before going on ir — that was the only of his games pate’s dad never watched.
in the time since, he’s scored 31pts in 26 games, including a recent 11-game point streak in late january through february. in that time he had 3 consecutive games with 2 goals (2 of those games were back to backs) and one hattrick. and he is now on a 5-game point streak.
so yeah that’s pate and at least lightly why i’d commit minor crimes for him.
((caveats: this skims over his stuff w/ finnish press bc i kinda forgot at the time i drafted the rant + that was part was in the winnipeg part of the timeline. i am aware he has been contentious to outright petty in finnish about the jets org. any long-time followers also know i love a bitch, so you’re not gonna see me pressed bout a less than graceful 21-year-old foreign pro athlete who was heavily scrutinized by a well-known harsh canadian hockey market. i also laugh when petey snipes van media or millsy snidely references fanbase controversies. 🤷🏻‍♀️ yes, i also know about the irresponsible driving. it sucks & i don’t condone it.))
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here's my design for goty 2022 (in an au where copyright isn't an issue)
name: nia mahdi
age: 11
ethnicity: persian
religion: muslim
family: nia is an only child. she was born in charlottesville, va, after parents immigrated there from iran.
notes: nia is autistic and trans <3
face mold: nia would get a new face mold that is designed based on ethnically persian features
skin tone: 25 ("tan skin with warm neutral undertones")
eye color: dark brown
freckles: yes
hair cut: wavy, very long (kanani length)
hair color: dark brown
meet outfit: a trans pride flag colored scrunchy for her hair, a light blue zip-up sweatshirt that says "i am proud to be autistic" on the back, this t-shirt (a light blue t-shirt with fan art of dreamer with a trans pride flag cape) beneath that sweatshirt, these shorts (pastel plaid knee-length shorts), lindsey's striped leggings beneath those shorts, and sperry shoes
meet accessories: bright purple ear defenders, an AAC tablet, a doll-sized version of the 2021 dc pride comic book, this pink kryptonite chewelry
(these books would have three authors - me, an author who is muslim and a second generation immigrant, and an author who is a trans woman of color. the reason for three authors is so that we can tell nia's story authentically - i'm autistic and have autism gender like nia, the second author is muslim and an immigrant like nia, and the third author is specifically a trans woman of color like nia.)
in chapter 1 we'll briefly go over this background information:
nia came out to her parents as trans on the car ride home from the last day of first grade. she chose the name "nia" because she wanted to name herself after nia nal, a character on her favorite show (supergirl) because nia nal is trans like she is, nia nal is an alien (and nia mahdi oftentimes feels like an alien around other humans), and nia nal is a really cool superhero! (unspoken: nia nal is nia mahdi's special interest.)
it took nia mahdi's parents a little bit of time to wrap their heads around her truth, but soon, they fully accepted nia for who she is.
that summer, her parents informed nia's school of her correct name, pronouns, and gender. and nia started growing out her hair, and she's never cut it since! nia loves her long hair.
when nia started second grade, nia's classmates sometimes accidentally called her by the wrong name and pronouns, but they always apologized and corrected themselves when nia pointed out their mistake. a few kids were confused, but once nia explained that she knows she's a girl just as well as you know you're a boy/girl, they all understood and accepted her :)
now onto the real content of the first book, which takes place from september to december:
nia's just started sixth grade at a new middle school. it's really loud, big, and hard. but she has a friend, ender. ender doesn't speak english well (he moved to america from turkey just last year), but that's okay because nia has trouble speaking sometimes too.
one day, nia's parents take her to a doctor, and she has to answer a lot of questions and take a lot of tests.
a few weeks later, nia's parents sit her down and tell her that she has been diagnosed with autism.
nia researches autism and feels very relieved and validated. (unspoken: autism becomes one of nia's special interests.)
at school, nia gets some cool accomodations: she's allowed to wear ear defenders at lunch and in the hallways, she can keep a tablet in her backpack to use for AAC when necessary, and she can use the school's sensory break room when necessary.
one time, nia gets very upset after receiving a "bad grade" on a reading test. a few of the questions asked her to identify characters' emotions, motivations, etc., and nia wants to explain to her teacher that her autism makes "emotional reading between the lines" hard for her. but she's so upset that her mouth isn't working properly, so she uses her AAC to talk to the teacher.
after that, one of nia's classmates makes a rude comment about her AAC. speaking through her AAC, nia explains to him why she uses her AAC. she stands up for herself.
in her free time, nia keeps researching autism and disability justice advocacy. she begins to think that her friend ender might be autistic too - he has a lot of autistic traits, and she's never felt alien around him in the way she does around most people.
she tells ender about her theory. ender says he's not sure whether or not he thinks he's autistic. but he does know that the hallways are far too loud, and he would like to be able to wear ear defenders like nia. so nia lends ender her spare pair of ear defenders.
the next day at lunch, ender gives nia back her ear defenders and reveals that he got in trouble for wearing in the hallway. the teacher thought he was wearing headphones and listening to music (which isn't allowed), and ender couldn't remember the english words to explain to her that they were just to shield him from the noise.
nia wants to help ender be able to wear defenders. she schedules a meeting with the guidance counselor. together, she and ender explain to the guidance counselor that ender just wants to wear ear defenders in the loud hallways. the counselor says that ender can't do that since he doesn't have an official accommodations letter.
nia leaves the office very upset. she knows from her research that autism diagnoses are very expensive and hard to get. she wants to find a way to get ender this accommodation without an official letter.
so nia makes a plan: she and ender write a long essay explaining why ender should be allowed to wear ear defenders.
they present the essay to the counselor, and she's convinced by their arguement. ender is now allowed to wear ear defenders in the hallway :)
to celebrate their victory, nia buys ender bright purple ear defenders (the same type she has) so that they can match :)
and that's the end of book 1
book 2 takes place from january to march
nia goes on puberty blockers. nia's glad that she won't have to go through male puberty, but she also feels weird about it. nia is very excited to start wearing a hijab, and her mom says that she can start wearing a hijab when she goes through puberty and transitions from being a girl to being a woman. so, if nia isn't going through puberty now, when will she get to start wearing a hijab?
nia talks to ender about her problem. ender suggests that she should talk to her mom about it.
nia talks to her mom about her concerns. nia's mom explains that the shift from girl to woman involves more than just her body changing: it involves growth, strength of spirit, and learning about oneself. nia's mom will be able to tell when she's ready to start wearing the hijab, even if nia isn't going through puberty. nia feels a lot better now.
the next day at lunch, nia tells ender the good news. he is very happy for her. he then tells nia that he's scared of puberty too. he asks nia how she knew she was a girl, and nia explains how it was this strong internal feeling. ender reveals that he feels like he's not a boy or a girl. he's afraid that that means he's weird or broken. nia explains that he's not weird or broken - some people are non-binary, which means that they're not fully a boy or fully a girl. ender really likes that word. nia also tells ender that some non-binary like to use the gender-neutral pronouns "they/them" and asks ender if he would like her to start using those pronouns for him. ender says that he's not sure. he likes he/him pronouns, he thinks, at least for now. nia smiles and tells him that she's proud of him.
the spring dance is in march. nia and her mom go shopping for an oufit. at first, nia drifts towards the pretty dresses. she loves how they look and feels great in them, but she wants to try on suits too. she feels a little bit insecure when she realizes that she loves how she looks in the suit too. (plus, this navy suit will go better with her purple ear defenders than the colorful dresses will.) she's scared that her classmates will think she's not a "real girl" if she comes to the dance in a suit, but then she remembers her conversation with ender - when ender asked her how she knew she's a girl, her answer was that it was just something she knew. her gender isn't defined by her clothing preferences - she's just as much of a real girl in this suit as in those dresses. so nia buys the suit, and she feels very happy and confident.
at the dance, she finds that ender is wearing a skirt (and a tuxedo shirt and blazer). she runs up to him, and they both happy stim. they have a lot of fun dancing and snacking on cheez its together.
book 3 takes place from april to june
the main plot of book 3 is going to be nia's grandmother visiting from iran for three months. nia learns a lot of new information about her family culture.
in june, to celebrate the end of the school year, nia's school has a multi-cultural night.
ender signs up to bring in some traditional turkish food and share some of the poetry his dad has written in turkish. he encourages nia to sign up for multi-cultural night too!
so nia signs up.
together, nia and her grandmother cook a ton of traditional iranian food to share at the celebration. she and her grandmother also work together to sew a special kaftan for nia.
the night of the celebration, nia dresses up in her kaftan and grabs the containers of food. as she's getting ready to leave, her father asks her to stop so he can take a picture of her. her mother says, "wait! i have one other thing for the picture!" (but spoken in faarsi). she emerges with a hijab for nia. she helps nia put on the hijab and tells nia that she's seen how nia's grown into a woman this past school year (aka, over the course of these 3 books). nia is so happy that she cries.
at the multi-cultural night, everyone loves the food and nia's kaftan and hijab. when ender sees nia's hijab, he starts happy stimming, and nia starts happy stimming too.
that's all my plans for goty 2022!
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raschuuuu · 3 years
WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME BACK? // M.YG angst (Suga)
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Summary: You finally had your debut with your girl group with Big Hit entertainment. That was your absolute biggest dream but what happens when you have to decide now? Do you want to live your idol life and let the love of your life go for it? Or do you decide for the life of your life?
Word count: 5k
Genre: angst
warnings: established relationship / swearing / soft yoongi / mentioning of breakups / mentioning of suicide/death
Pairing: Yoongi!idol x female idol!reader
A/N: Hello guuuuys! Today I hope very much that you will like this one here! I didn't get any requests so I want to say it again one more time: FEEL FREE TO SEND ME YOUR REQUESTS!!! 😟🥺It’s my second fanfic on this blog I worked very hard on it so I really really hope you guys will enjoy it. If you guys think I could do anything better or you have another preferences please let me know. I’d be very happy if you guys leave a like so I know you read it and liked it. Another note: English is not my first language I’m very sorry if you guys find any mistakes.. 💔
5th December 2020
What could be better than having a debut just before the year ends? My group and I were supposed to have our debut much earlier but that was  postponed due to the COVID pandemic so it was complicated to have a debut this year but nevertheless our company managed to give us a debut before the year ends and I really have to say it's the best thing that could ever happen to me!
My dream has finally come true. How long was I a trainee? Exactly. Six years. Six freaking years I was hidden behind the scenes of my big and famous company. It feels really shitty to be in the shadow of two famous groups in South Korea. Don't get me wrong I'm a really big fan of BTS and TXT but we got tired of being told that we're going to make our debut but at the end we didn’t. I know the guys from BTS and TXT  personally and we all get along super well even the other members of my group. But to be honest BTS and TXT couldn't wait for our debut to happen and finally it's here (y/g/n) finally gets the recognition.
31st December 2020
Of course our lives have changed dramatically since we made our debut. Of course it's much harder to go out alone now than before. Before I was a nobody. No one knew me but now I don't even dare to go alone to the convenient store that is just around the corner of our dorm. You might think I'm exaggerating a bit but no, unfortunately it's the truth. Nevertheless, I don't want to spoil my idol life. After our debut we had a lot of promotions and interviews. But even before that we didn't have much time because we had to shoot our music video and photo shoots and we were all sent to the hairdresser because our old look was officially bye bye. I’m happy with my new look I think I look so beautiful I can't believe what a haircut and a nice makeup can do to a person.
Today is the 31st of December. New Year's Eve! New year takes place in less than 24 hours! Where am I? I'm at this year's MBC Gayo DaeJeon. My first new year's eve without my family and officially my first new year's eve as an idol. I'm so excited I can't believe it I'm going to be on stage with my girls and I'm meeting other idols how exciting is that. I'm sitting in the makeup room getting my makeup done by our makeup artist and on the side our hairstylist is making me a high ponytail. I hope I'll look good. Dabi, the oldest of our group and therefore our Unni, has just finished and looks adorable. Miso sits to my left and is also getting her make-up and hair done. Hyemi is getting ready after me because she doesn't take up much time. She has the shortest hair of all of us. I’m sitting with my mobile phone in my hand and texting with my mother. Sometimes I wish I could be with her and with my father and my siblings. I miss them all like hell. I haven't seen them since before our debut. I can't wait to hold them all in my arms next time.
y/n we miss you! New year's eve isn't the same without you but hopefully you'll have fun on stage today. We'll all be watching you! Your dad and I your grandparents and your siblings so don't worry we're always with you! Good luck my child fighting! 🎉🎆
I notice how i get tears in my eyes but no I mustn't cry my makeup gets ruined. Just as I want to answer my mother i get a new text on my phone.
I'm excited to see you tonight! You'll be great I believe in you.
By the way... I guess I didn't tell you that I'm dating Min Yoongi. That's right, Min Yoongi.
"Y/n! We're about to meet BTS!" says Hyemi as I just walked into the dance practice room. What BTS? The group that made their debut last year? "Really why?" I ask looking at her confused. Apparently all new trainee male or female, are introduced to BTS because they want to give us some nice words and encouragement on our way as trainees. Just as I was about to sit down, the seven men came in the door. One after the other, they passed us by. Wow, these guys can count themselves lucky that their time is up. But one boy in particular stands out to me. He has red hair. Not too light and not too dark, a red that almost goes brown. He is beautiful.
I haven't really informed myself about who BTS is, of course I still have difficulties to remember their names, I just became a trainee before I didn't care who was a trainee here... but this man is beautiful!
Oh crap he looks at me. Why is he looking at me. Someone tell him to look the other way please I’m so awkward I don't know how to act when someone looks at me I better look the other way. The leader said some nice words to us they all wished us luck and said that they can't wait for us to make our debut and that when the day comes they're all gonna be happy and supportive! Really nice of them I never thought that they would do something like that. We all got up and bowed and said thank you, while BTS was about to walk out I saw the red haired boy looking at me one last time before he went out. Crazy man do I have something on my face stop staring!
I started to get to know them better each and every one of them. I get along best with Hoseok and Taehyung. Every now and then we run into each other in the building and talk for a few minutes. We trainees also got to meet all the guys in person, they are all so nice and down to earth I don't regret it one bit that I joined this company! Jungkook is about my age and every now and then we have a few laughs together. Once you are in the company you are like one big family whether it is with the trainees or the staff. However I have not been able to get close to one person and that is Min Yoongi. I don't know what it is but every time he and I are in a room with other people it just gets awkward. I don't know what it is but every time he is near me I feel intimidated and just want to get out of there. We've never spoken a word to be honest maybe it's because he feels awkward around me too? I can't understand why he feels this way I always try to get along with everyone even if i don't want to and make everyone feel comfortable around me because I want it to be mutual. So what's his problem?
I have heard from his members that he has a crush on me and gets shy around me which I totally don't understand because how can anyone be into me? Especially back then! I don't want to go into too much detail but I can tell you that after a while and with the help of Hoseok and Taehyung he and I started texting at some point. We had been friends for a long time but only online. We were both too nervous to meet in person and to be honest that had been impossible because he was busy as fuck and no one was supposed to find out that we were texting. BTS recognition grew more and more each year and he became busier and busier each day. I was of course very happy for everyone and one rainy day in the evening Yoongi appeared out of nowhere on my doorstep and confessed his love to me. I am still overwhelmed by it and it all feels so unreal and like it just happened yesterday, but I went for it and agreed to be his girlfriend.
back to December 31st 2020
For four years we have been hiding our relationship. Nobody knows about it the whole Big Hit staff doesn't know about it and neither do our managers the only ones who know about it are his members and recently my members. I didn't want to tell them until we made our debut together because I was too scared of being told off during my trainee time. But I have to say that the girls stand behind me and accept our relationship and they all swore they would take it to the grave with them.
I quickly turn down the brightness of my screen because there's too much danger of my hairstylist and makeup artist reading the text. I close my phone and put it on my lap. How much I want to answer him but I don't dare I can't answer him when there are too many people around me. After a while we were called and it was finally our turn I'm so nervous but we managed it all with flying colors and we were the topic of the evening.
In a few minutes it's already new year I'm ready and let 2021 come to me. At midnight Yoongi calls me and I answer the phone with joy.
"Happy new year y/n! I love you and I hope we will spend more time together this year even though it will be harder now." I smile to myself and say "Happy new year Yoongi... how is your shoulder? Are you resting enough? Are you eating enough? Are you sleeping enough? Are you in pain? If you are in pain then take a painkiller and go back to the doctor!" I can't see it but I can tell he is grinning and shaking his head. I don't let him get a word in edgewise.
"Don't worry I’m fine I just miss you you're the only painkiller I can take" - "Hahaha yah! You're so corny! I miss you too sweetheart I wish we had spent this new year together... I’m sorry it turned out like this!" I feel really bad because I know he won't be able to spend new year with his boys or me... To be honest we have never had a new year together except on the phone but this time it could have worked out! He is at home with his injury and if we wouldn't have had our debut then we would have had a first new year together after four years of relationship!
January 10th 2021
At the beginning of the new year our manager gave us our schedule plan at it looked hella busy! This whole January we would be completely busy we don't even have one weekend off! I can’t believe it how will I able to see my family or even Yoongi? I saw him at the first weekend of January we spent it together at his family’s house in Daegu behause to be honest that is actually the only place that we can go to a little far away from Seoul without having to worry that any of the staff could know or see us. My family also knows and loves him to death but with my family living in Seoul it’s complicated to take him there. Our manager left the room and I looked at Dabi with the ‘You and I bathroom NOW!’ look she understood and got up from her place and she followed me to the bathroom. We checked if any other person was inside when there wasn’t I said “What the fuck I’m I gonna do now Unni? How am I able to see Yoongi? How will I be able to even go out. I won’t even have time to take the fucking trash out from our dorm when it’s my turn to clean!” I yell. She stands there giving me a confused look. “What do you expect y/n? You chose to have this idol life you know its busy and complicated to have a boyfriend especially as a fresh debuted idol! Why do you think they won't let us have a relationship? I wish I could help you but I can’t. We’re gonna be busy as fuck!” she yelled back. “Psh shut your volume down unni!” she opened the door to see if there was anyone outside but there wasn’t.
I feel bad I really do. I don't want my members to be in trouble because of me that's the last thing I want. I hug her and apologize to her. I have to think of something I don't know what to do. I don't want us to be away from each other for too long what happens when he stops loving me all of a sudden? What do I do when he goes back to work then it will all be worse! Before I became an idol we could always see each other at the end of the day but now it will be impossible. I have to talk to him about it because one thing we promised each other is that we talk about everything because that's the only way a healthy relationship can work and such a complicated relationship we both have. I take out my phone and write him a message.
Yoongi. Tonight FaceTime date you and me?
In less than two minutes I already get my answer.
of course!
I turn on my MacBook and call him on FaceTime. After three rings he answers the phone and turns it off too so he doesn't have to hold it in his hand. He still has his bandage on and his hair is wet he must have been in the shower. He wears cute pyjamas and fight me or not but black haired Yoongi is the most beautiful Yoongi. I always fall in love again when I see him. Hard to believe we were so awkward with each other back then but this year is already approaching 5 years together. I could never imagine my life without him. 
"Hey my darling" he says happily and smiles at me. I smile back and ask him how he is. He tells me that he is getting better every day and that during his time off he has found a lot of time for himself and his music and how much he misses the others. And me too, of course. "What's wrong with you?" he asks me when he notices that my mind is somewhere else. I think he took the Facetime date too seriously. He be sitting there with his cup of ramen. I just laugh. "Yoongi... I'm going to be busy all of January and manager oppa said that February might not be any better," I say and wait for his answer. He swallows his noodles and drinks a glass of water. "Does that mean we won't see each other this month?" he asks. I think he's a little disappointed I know him and I know his tones and his looks and I can hear my heart breaking by now. And how much I'd like to see you Yoongi. Every second every day. "No," I say, and then an uncomfortable silence descends. 
“You know what baby it’s fine don't worry. I mean I wasn’t any better back then do you remember when I always used to be so busy? I never had time for you and I felt so bad. But you were there for me and you stayed by my side and you were and still are the most supportive girlfriend I could ever ask for. I think it would be unfair to be mad at you. I’m happy for you forever and always” well that was unexpected. I start getting tears in my eyes. I didn't think of this reaction not at all! I smile at him and say “Thank you baby... I will appreciate it I really do. But still I feel bad because especially in this period where you're sick I wish I could be there for you and take care of you. This debut was so unexpected I’m really sorry” - “Yah don't be sorry y/n. You worked your goddamn fine ass off to be where you're at right now be proud of you this is just the beginning. And it’s not like that we won't see each other ever again right?” he says. He’s right. He’s totally right. It’s not like we won't see each other ever again.
January 17th 2020
Well... seven days passed and we still haven't seen each other and we haven't talked since one week. We text every now and then cause I really only get to use my phone when it's night and we go back home but every night I'm so damn exhausted and tired that I forget to answer to his texts. I don't even have time to text my parents back or my siblings. I feel so bad I'm such a bad person. I miss them all so much. I miss my parents. I miss my sister and my brother. I miss my grandparents. I miss my boyfriend. I miss my boyfriend so damn much. I really didn't think this life is gonna be so hard for me. I feel like I've been put in the middle of a scale with my career on one side and my relationship on the other side and I have to choose one side or the other. I've never thought about breaking up with Yoongi ever in my life. Never. I just can't. I need this man too much. Even though we never have the most beautiful and perfect relationship and see each other very rarely, it's just the thought that I know there's someone in my life who loves me and accepts me for who I am that counts. He took me with my imperfections he put his career what he loves most in his life in risk to be with me and now that we are both in this situation I don't know what to do I feel bad and selfish for even thinking about it I don't want to make him feel like my career is more important than him or our relationship he doesn't deserve that he deserves the world and he deserves to be happy. But I love my career I love my job I love my members I love our staff I love our fans. Our biggest fear was not being accepted by the society outside especially now in this period when BTS is one of the biggest groups in the whole world and have a very big influence in the KPOP industry. We were afraid that society would think that since we are the first girl group to make a Big Hit debut in a very long time that people would think that we would mess with the boys heads or that there would be any rumors started between us and the other groups. But on the contrary people have been happy for us and love our music and us individually. I feel like Hannah Montana I feel like I am living a double life.
20th January 2021
"I know you are overwhelmed with the situation my child, I can imagine that it is very hard for you but you have to know what is best for you. You can't tell anyone from your company, you are a rookie, if they find out you had a boyfriend during your trainee time then it is even worse. I wish I was with you and could help you or just be there for you. I love Yoongi very much but I love you even more and I am happy with any decision you make. Just make the right one" my mother says on the phone. Tears have been flowing since she got on the phone but I don't want to tell her and I try not to sob but I know she can tell by my tone that I am crying. She is right. I have to make a decision. Yoongi is getting better day by day and soon he will be busy too he will go back to his daily routine and the other members. He will have comebacks he will have dance practices he will have to go to the recording studio he will have photo shoots he will do interviews and when the corona situation allows he will have to go to other countries and I have to do the same.
I love him to death and I will never love anyone as much as I love him but I am just not happy like this and you can tell me what you want he is not either but he doesn't let it show. Yesterday on the phone there was such an awkward tension between us it felt like I was making small talk with a stranger. Even though I might be the bad guy but one of us has to make the first move. I have wished and hoped that this day will never come but I have to do it.
23 January 2021
Yoongi told me that he is back in his flat in Seoul with his mother. Unfortunately he still can't travel alone so his dear mum went with him. I missed her too, she's the nicest and sweetest woman ever. When I imagine that I won't see her again either, tears well up in my eyes. But today I have to do it. Who would have thought that our reunion would be like this? Who would have thought that I would break up with him. He won't expect it but I have to do it. I’m cold and sick and I just want to go to bed and get the day over with. It's 11pm at night and we've come home after a long hard day. I look out the window and wait until our manager is out of sight.
My members know about my plans and of course have asked me a million times if I am sure and if there is no other way out. I am very happy that they are worried about me but I also feel bad towards them. I have been hiding it from them all our trainee years and when I told them they were all so good about it and even want me not to do it. But no I will do it I am young and want to concentrate on my career and what is coming up for us.
I told Yoongi that I would come, of course he doesn't want to because it's way too late but I said it was important and that we had to talk about something. When I said we had to talk about something he was quiet and then just said he would wait for me. I put on a hat and a thick jacket and the hood of the jacket and a mask and a scarf and go out into the high snow that has covered Seoul. His flat is not far from mine but still I have to take a taxi. I ask the driver to wait for me because I don't want to stay there long I want to get it over with quickly and go.
can you come down?
why don't you come up?
I think its better when you come down Yoongi I don't want your mom to be worried or hears any of that were gonna talk.
He doesn't text back instead I just see the lights turning on from his window. A few minutes later he comes down. Oh my fucking lord he is so handsome. I want to run up to him and kiss him from head to toe. I want to be in his arms. I want us to go upstairs together and fall asleep together. I want to build a snowman with him. I want to be with him forever I love him he is the love of my life.
He comes up to me and smiles at me. He stands in front of me and we both don't say a word. His smile turns into a confused look he notices something is wrong. "Don't I get a kiss or a hug?" he asks me. My heart breaks into a thousand pieces. I would love to rip your clothes off Min Yoongi.
"I want to break up." Silence. Silence. Silence. Silence. "Yoongi say something?" I ask him. He says nothing. He looks at me with a blank look he is sad he is disappointed he is devastated just like me. "Yoongi please?". He does not speak.
"Yoongi, I'm sorry. I-i-I really love you I love you more than anything but I know that I can't give 100% in our relationship now. I just want us to be happy but I see that we are not. It could have been great during your time off but I can't be there for you... sooner or later it should have happened. I want to be with you but I can't anymore it was okay then but it's not okay now we're both famous you're in the biggest boy group in the world if anyone finds out we're together we'll be screwed. Especially me Yoongi. Female idols have it harder than male idols you know that. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I think this will be the best thing for us I-" he interrupts me.
"How dare you to tell me what's best for me? Do you have any idea what you're talking about y/n? Stop trying to tell me what's best for me when you know you're the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life god damn. I was going through a difficult time in my life and you were the only one who was there for me! And now you're telling me let’s break up because you're afraid people are gonna find out? And that they are gonna blame you? The fuck? Theres always two fucking persons in a relationship y/n! I also wanted that. I wanted you. Don’t you love me anymore? Why don’t you love me anymore? We hid our relationship for four fucking years why can't we hide it now?" he said yelling at me.
 I am shocked and sad I want to die. I don't want to live in this life without Min Yoongi. But I know it's best for us I do it for him and his career too.
"Yes I don't love you anymore" were my last words before I left.
A/N: damn y/n!!! did you just break up with the mf min yoongi? you better save your relationship! guys if you want a part two (with maybe a happy ending?) let me know! love you bye 🎀
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sunnyborabora · 4 years
Angel (Jaehyun x Reader)
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It was a request and I am so sorry it took that long, I have no excuses...It was supposed to be published for christmas but lmao It’s very long and I hope I did well! The next one should be on Taehyung from BTS. It was also supposed to be published on december, with a bit of luck it will be there before spring!
Genre: Smut, awkward reader, voyeurism, fluff, christmas au
You were kinda a specialist of awkward situation. You were always finding a way to put yourself in embarrassing positions. Which can be finding yourself locked out of your apartment in pajamas because your door closed itself while you were out to take your uber eat order, from developing a sick ass crush on your brother’s best friend. But honestly no one would ever blame you. Jaehyun was, truly something else. He was so kind, since your childhood. He was the one who was taking you for a ride on his bike when your big brother Sicheng was being a dick with you which was almost all the time. You were two years younger than them but sometimes they made it seems like there was a decade between you. Jeahyun was always treating you well, taking care of you, patting your head like you were some puppy. Which as making your heart beat fast when you were 15, but which was annoying you more and more now that you were 20. You had left your house to go to university 3 years ago and you were so happy about it, studying something you truly liked. But it inevitably caused you to be away from your family. You were calling your parent regularly but being busy with work and classes had made you more distant. You haven’t spoken to Sicheng in a long time except from a few texts here and then, asking him how he was doing. You had not seen Jaehyun in years now, stupidly your feelings were still here. So when you were coming home for Christmas this year you were wondering if you’ll be finally able to see him. You had packed the presents you had bought for your family, a weird feeling in your chest. You had quite changed yourself since you left, you were three years older, you had live countless adventures mostly dumb one. « I can’t believe you are leaving me for Christmas, this is real betrayal » You turned around smiling at your best friend. « Girl, you know I have to go, I haven’t seen my family in an eternity. I don’t even know what my brother look like anymore. -Still hot obviously » You gagged at her answer. You obviously knew what your brother looked like, you were closer than what you made it seemed, but no way you were saying to Jisoo.  She always had a thing for Sicheng that you could not comprehend. You thought he was repulsing in every aspect as the good sister you were. « Please, don’t say that ew -You can say whatever you want Sicheng is hot. I only you could take me with you… -So what ? You can jump on his dick as soon as you saw him ? -Yes » You threw her the first thing that you had in your hand. « Ouch ! » Even if her favorite pass time was to annoy you, she was still your best friend. And who will pay the other part of the rent if she wasn’t there ? And you remember not to annoy her too much because she was the one who was going to drive you to the train station, and she was totally able to drop you in the middle of the road. « Let’s go we are going to be late. » You caught your train just in time, hugging your roommate for the last time before leaving. « Think about me while you catch up with your hot best friend hoe love you ! -He is not my boyfriend ! -Don’t care ! » The three hours of traveling were long but you finally arrived in your home town. It was snowy and you admired the immaculate landscape as you were not used to it anymore. You heard a loud honking noise looking already annoyed. « Obviously it’s you ! I thought mom was going to come get me ! » Sicheng had stayed in the car, looking at you frowning. « Three years without seeing you and you are still that annoying. -We saw each other three months ago when you came crashed at my apartment » He laughed at you, coming closer as you sat inside the car, hugging you. You hugged him back, happy to see him. Even if he still was your idiot big brother. « So how are things going ? -Mom is ecstatic, she missed you a lot I think. » You knew your mom missed you a lot. Since your dad left when you were in high school, she had taken over herself to make you the happiest kid ever. You felt bad about it, maybe you were just an ungrateful child, and you didn’t deserve such a loving mother. « Anyway, she prepared enough food to feed the entire town, be ready. Even if it never had been a problem, you fat ass. » You hit his arm but stopped remembering he was driving. « Who will be there ? -You, me, mom, Jaehyun and his parents » You almost stopped breathing. « Oh Jaehyun and his parents. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them, damn. -Three years or something, yeah. » You did not ask anything else, Sicheng wasn’t stupid, if you started becoming too curious he would flip you off. « He’ll come in the afternoon anyway, we have to put that stupid Santa Claus and his reindeer because mom insisted. -Good luck » You had missed your mom terribly so when Sicheng parked in front of your old house, you almost jumped out immediately. Your mom was already opening the door, her arm wide open and a smile plastered on her face. You hugged her as strong as you could : « Mom I missed you so much. » You heard her laughed, hugging you back. « Oh my god you changed so much Y/n, what, it has been a year and you had become so gorgeous. » You could see tears starting to form at the corner of her eyes. « Was the journey good ? Not too long ? » She told you to come inside, pointing out that it was starting to snow again. Sicheng was just behind you, your bags in his hands. « Wow, you are carrying my bags, is that a joke or are you really starting to be nicer to me ? -Don’t get used to it. » The house had changed since you last came, but it still gave that cozy and gentle vibe. You felt like home. A big tree was standing at the very far corner of the dining room, still naked from any decoration. « Come on, take of your coat and shoes and come in the kitchen I’ve prepared hot chocolate. » And she did. You found yourself sat in the kitchen, your feet plunged into fluffy slippers. You had the impression to be a child all over again. It made you smile. « You had changed a lot since the last time I saw you ! Did you cut your hair ? -Ah, yes a bit. Does it suit me ? -A lot » It was easy to talk to your mother. She always had something to say, about what she had done, what she had seen, or about something someone told her. « We are going to decorate the tree ! I’ve been waiting for you to do it » She seemed very excited about it and it made your heart swell. You wanted to take her in your arms but something stopped you. You helped your mother decorating the tree, following her direction, putting the little wooden snowflakes where she was telling you and installing the lights where she wanted. « Oh Y/n ! It looks very pretty ! Wait I am going to turn the lights on » And indeed it was pretty. You smiled at your work, admiring the tree. It was way different from what you have done last year, both you and Jisoo being broke, you had found your Christmas tree a trash cane beside your building. You had to tape the poor thing all back together. You were really proud of it at the time. But you had to be honest it looked miserable next to this one. You had to send a pic of it to Jisoo. At the moment you were going to press send your mom called you. « Y/n come here a minute ! » You did, walking toward the entrance door. Sicheng, your mom and another man were standing there. « Here she is ! Look darling, it’s Jaehyun ! » Indeed, it was Jaehyun. The moment he turned around you swear you could fall down, trip over the air and just smash your face against the floor. But you didn’t, you smiled big, trying to look confident walking toward them. He seemed surprise seeing you but it passed fast as he was returning your smile. The more you were approaching the more you wanted to scream. And you were screaming, internally. Because you didn’t know what had happened, you only left three years. Jaehyun was fucking hot, already at the time, during high school he was hot, but it had nothing to do with now. He was the embodiment of that reddit post of a woman asking if it was okay to cry because people were too hot. Right now you felt like you could cry. « Hi Y/n ! Long time no see ! -Hi ! Yeah, time has passed fast » You stand behind your mom like a child, trying not to stare too much. Because if you could right now you would be snapping pictures of his perfect face to look at them all day. Who could blame you. He was so cute, his scarf tight around his neck and his little beanie secured around his head. « Come on Sicheng, let’s do this before it snows to hard » And like this they started getting that horrible Santa Claus and its hideous slide up on the roof. You were sure it was dangerous as hell, that it must slide like a skating rink up there but nothing could make them change their mind. « I am pretty sure Sicheng is going to bust his ass. -Y/n !? Be polite please ! » You shrugged still sure about the accuracy of your words. You were on the living room, wrapping up presents for the family when Sicheng and Jaehyun came back. Sicheng was covered in snow. « You fell down didn’t you ? -Shut up » For the first time in forever you wish your brother had stay with you because now you were left alone with Jaehyun. He took off his coat, and sat at the table, he wasn’t really looking at you and you could understand it. After all you didn’t speak to each other or even saw each other in three years. You were just his best friend little sister in the end. « Do you want some hot chocolate ? You must be cold », you asked trying to break the awkward silence that had settled itself between you. « Oh yeah ! Thank you ! » He smiled at you his little dimples showing. He was soft. You turned around to pour him a cup when you turned back he was looking at you. He turned around as fast as he could but you had seen him. You smiled giving him a cup and as you saw he was just looking at his cup you decided to start a conversation : « It’s been so long, what have you been doing ? » He almost seemed chocked when he heard your voice. « Well nothing much really, I just work in town and everything. I graduated uni last year but you know what they say about having a degree but never using it » You laughed. « Hell yeah I know. -And you would have you been doing ? -Well studying for the most part. I am living with my roommate, and I am working on the side you know, the usual student life. -That’s great, I am happy that you are leaving your dream. You were always the independent type anyway. -Really ? I remember being glued to you and Sicheng my entire childhood tho -True, but it never bothered me to be honest. You were like my little sister », he said smiling. But you wanted to cry. His little sister of course. Sicheng arrived at this precise moment and you took this as your cue to leave. When you came back Jaehyun had left and dinner was ready. The day had passed fast but it also seemed like it was an eternity. « Do you fucking realize ! The audacity ! -I can’t believe he called you his little sister bitch I am crying » You suddenly wanted to hang up on her. « What am I supposed to do ? -You still have a crush on him ? After all this time… -Yeah, why ? You're judging me ? -A little to be honest » You rolled over your bed, stomping your feet like a child. « He literally see me as a child. I am not 17 anymore. -Maybe that’s the problem. -What do you mean ? -He sees you as a child. If you change the way he is seeing you… -How am I supposed to do that ? -Flirt with him, make him see you like you truly are. -How am I going to make this not awkward ? -Just do it, if he is awkward he’ll tell you. And you’ll be able to leave and never see him again » You thought about it for a second, still doubtful. « I don’t know… -Just do it ! You’re such a flirt usually, this wouldn’t be difficult ! -It is ! » It really was but the next day, when you dressed up you find yourself putting on that cropped sweater and your favorite pants that made your ass look good. You had the intention to spend your holidays in pajamas but it wasn’t going along with your plan. « I am going to town, I have some things to buy. -You want me to come with you ? -No stay here ! Your brother is at work but Madam Jung is going to come to deliver us something for tomorrow. » You said as your mother had told you and stayed at home. It didn’t take long for the bell to rung and for you to go open. But it wasn’t Madam Jung who opened the door. Jaehyun seemed surprise to see you, and it took you a second to get your self together and flash him the brightest smile.
« Hey Jae ! What’s up ? » He gasped at your friendly tone, probably chocked by the contrast between the awkward exchange you had the day before and now. « I-I- my mother told me to give this to your mom… I don’t know what it is, is she here ? -No she is gone, but she told me someone would come. Come on in ! » You stepped aside, letting him in. You lead the way to the kitchen, and maybe you were swinging your hips a bit more than you originally would and you heard him choke. « Apparently it’s something for tomorrow. You’ll be there ? -Hmm, yeah ! -Oh that’s the plate for the turkey ! My mom told me hers wasn’t big enough » He was standing there, his hand in his pocket, looking anywhere but at you. « Do you want something to drink ? Eat ? My mom bought stuff to bake Christmas cookies -Oh, I don’t know… I think I should go. » You turned around clutching the plate against your chest, pouting. « Oh, okay no problem… -It’s not because I don’t want to ! I swear ! I have to go back to work, but if you want, this evening, I- I would be happy to eat your cookies, if you had decided to bake some… » You smiled at him. « I can do that ! I can even bring them to your house if you want to ! » He nodded smiling at you, leaving you alone in your kitchen. You didn’t know how to take what just happened. Maybe you were just doing too much. Did you make the situation awkward ? You didn’t think so… But now you had to cook the best cookies you could and that was the problem. You were the worst cook ever, like really. Once you set your kitchen on fire and now with Jisoo being as dumb as you when it concerned cooking. You should probably wait for your mom to come back, after all she was the best cook you knew. You looked for a thousand of recipes on internet but it was a literal mess. You gave up, finally accepting that you were a dumb bitch. « I’m home ! Did Madam Jeong came ? -Yes ! Mom I need your help ! » She seemed the more and more confused as you were telling her the story. « Cookies are easy to make Y/n ! -They are not ! » But it seemed as when it was your mom, everything was easier. « Just put the melted chocolate in the dough, not too much at the same time » It seemed like a thousand years later that you put the cookies in the oven. The one your mom did were round and beautiful. Yours were a bit awkward, one was even looking like a square. « Why are mine ugly ? -They are not ! They are perfect » She pinched your cheeks smiling at you. She was just too nice. When you packed them to go out, you let yours in the plate, still tacking a bite of the square one. At least, they were good. « Did you put on the frosting ? -Yeah, it’s really good ! -Of course it is ! Have you seen all the sugar you put in this, it can only be good ! » You walked in the street, thankfully it was not snowing. The Jeong family was leaving just next to your house so it just took you a five-minute walk to arrive. « Y/n ! Oh my god ! Child you grew up so much since you came last time ! » You smiled at the little lady. Madam Jeong always had been nice to you. She was giving you extra dessert when you were dining at their house, she had drive you back from school when your mom couldn’t. « Hello madam Jeong ! It’s been so long! » You were soon sitting around the table, the cookies in full display, a cup of coffee in front of you. « So what have you been doing ? -I am still studying and working on the side ! -This is great ! Jaehyun told me you were living with someone ? -Oh yeah ! We’ve met in first year, and we connected well. It’s easier to have a roommate », you laughed. « Oh so it’s just a roommate ? -Oh, well, Jisoo is also my bestfriend but yeah » She laughed suddenly. « Oh my, you should tell that to Jae, the poor boy was convinced you were already married or something » You were shocked. When did you even implied that you were in a relationship ? You laughed in disbelieve. « I am not, Jisoo is my best friend really. -Ohh so you really don’t have a boyfriend ? » You had the exact same conversation with your mom over the phone a thousand time and thinking about it you were surprised she hadn’t brought the subject yet. « No, I don’t. -Hey mom, I’m back ! -Jaehyun we are here ! » You didn’t look up right away but you still saw his face when he entered. His jaws clutched as his eyes fell on you. You smiled, winking at him. He almost tripped. « Hey Y/n… -Hey Jae » He smiled blushing. « So what have you been talking about ? -Nothing special, Y/n was telling me about her life, university, work, boyfriends » Did you already mentioned you loved this woman. It was like she wanted to help you, without even realizing it. « Yeah, I was telling your mother that I was all alone -A beautiful girl like you, everyone would be lucky to have you » You laughed shyly. Yeah, it was not what your exes were saying about you. Madam Jeong suddenly left to go to the kitchen leaving you and Jaehyun alone. « Sorry if she was asking you personal stuff… -It doesn’t bother me. I didn’t see her in a long time, I missed it. » He nodded avoiding your eyes. « So you don’t have a boyfriend ? -Nope. -That’s good » You rose our brow and he started to stutter. « No. That’s not what I meant. It’s not good that you are single. There is nothing wrong with that ! Even if you deserve someone great you know, but you don’t need one ! » You laughed, not holding back anymore. « Don’t worry Jaehyun, I understand », you said as you keep giggling like a child. He seemed mortified but you couldn’t help it, it was too cute. « I mean, I am not dating either so... » You turned your head in his direction. Was he giving you hints ? Or was it just an innocent answer ? « Really ? You and Soohyon are not together anymore ? » Your brother had told you they had broke a year ago but you still asked. « Oh, no, we broke up last year. -Wow, I mean you literally stayed together all high school, we all thought you were like, going to marry each other or something. -We just weren’t meant to be, I guess» Thankfully for you. « I hated her anyway », you said not controling your mouth. Jaehyun laughed hard, and you felt embarrassed. You really needed to shut up. « This was why you were always avoiding me when she was around ? -Yeah, that and other things. -Other things ? » You were really not going to say it. His mother called you from the other room anyway, saving you from embarrassment. « That’s a story for another time », you played off, hitting his shoulder with your fist playfully. He grabbed your wrist not letting you go. « Y/n, just, I wanted to tell you, it ‘s good to have you back » You smiled, your heart swelling. « I am happy to be back too » You walked back home with your head full of question. This seduction mission was more difficult than you thought. What was even more weird, was that feeling in your heart, a strange swell that occurred every time you saw him. It wasn’t about Jaehyun being handsome anymore. It was about you loving him. Maybe you were just hurting yourself. « You’re already back ? Was the cookies good ? -Yeah they were, thank you mom. » You didn’t say anything else, still wondering what you were going to do. « Just tell him. If you are correct, he is pretty much reacting to you in like a good way ? -I don’t know ? What if he rejects me ? I’ll die -No you won’t, you drama queen. » You weren’t that sure. You pretty much loved this man. « Jisoo, I gotta go, someone is calling me » Actually nobody was calling you but you just wanted to stop this conversation. You ate and went to your room without more words. It was actually pretty late already but you were unable to sleep. It was those type of moments where no position was the right one. You knew something that could help you sleep but just thinking about it made you blush. Maybe it was the fact that you were in your childhood bedroom, the fact that you were suddenly very aware of the fact that your family was sleeping not that far away. But you still did it because fuck, you wanted it. You kicked off your pajama pants, dragging your hands over your thighs. You lied back on your bed as you started by just teasing yourself with your hand, not pressing to hard yet, just tracing the outline of your labia. Maybe it was her brain, that was playing her tricks, because she could almost feel the heat of someone mouth at the secret sensitive place beneath the corner of your jaw, just below your ear, hands firm around your waist... You thought of Jaehyun. How his lips would taste, how his hands would feel. You took in a quick gasp as your fingertips grazed your clit. You pressed your fingers harder, circling the bundle of nerves, suddenly feeling as electricity was running down your body. You wish they were his fingers, they would be so much bigger and longer than yours. They would stretch your walls so good. You put two fingers  inside, and even if you were stretched you weren’t full. You were so desperate, your fingers bumping inside you fast but you were still not there. It was so frustrating. The image of Jaehyun between your legs was making you whimper harder. His dark eyes were watching yours as he was smirking, his tongue flickering on your clit precise motion, his upper lip just brushing against your clit as he teased you more… You came with the image of Jaehyun above you, as you were moaning his name. You slept like the dead and thank you, for the first time since you came back you didn’t dream about Jaehyun. You woke up early in the morning. It was Christmas and your mom had told you a long day was awaiting you. And indeed you had no time to think about anything else than mashed potatoes and how to stuff a turkey, which was terrifying. Sicheng had been helping all day too, which wasn't taht surprising, he had always been a sweetheart for your mom. He had been pouting all day but at least he had been carrying stuff around the house, occasionally helping you in the kitchen. « How many more potatoes do we need to peel ? I already cut myself twice ! -Ohhh poor baby look at this little cut on his pinky boohoo. -Shut up. Mom ! Y/n is being mean again ! » You threw an apple peel at him. « Why are you such a kid ! -I am not ! -You are both children ! » You almost jumped out of your chair. Jaehyun was standing behind you laughing at Sicheng that was still scolding you. Maybe it as the fact that he looked particularly good or that you looked like trash in this very moment but you were strangely shy around him suddenly. « Hey Jae , what are you doing here ? -My mom is stressing me out at home, I thought it would be calmer here. -It’s not, my mom is literally treating us like slaves since this morning. -She just asked you to peel potatoes what are you talking about. » He was going to say something, but he didn’t have the time before your mom entered the kitchen. « Oh Jaehyun, sweety, what are you doing here ? -I was just passing by ! Do you need help ? -Actually, I need someone to drive to the nearest mall and do some purchase. -I’ll go with Jaehyun, said Sicheng as fast as he could. -No I need you here ! Y/n is going with Jaehyun ! -Why her !? Am I an assistant ? -Yeah why me ?! » You really didn’t want to go with Jaehyun. In your mind he would have come just before dinner and you would already wear your cute dress. He would be his usual soft and shy self while you’ll be kissing him under the mistletoe. Now you were peeling apples in the middle of your living room, not washed, still in pajamas, your hair like a bird nest. Jaehyun looked at you and smirked and you felt your face hit up. « I need Sicheng here, so come on Y/n go ! » You stood up like a zombie and walked to your room. You jumped in the first clothes you find which was not better than your pajamas, before putting on your hood’s sweater and joining them in the living room. « You’re ready ? » Asked Jaehyun with a smirk. You simply nodded, not looking at him in the eyes. It was cold outside, and as you were walking toward the car you stopped in your track. « Oh wait, we- ouff » You bumped into something, rather someone, almost falling back, if the certain someone didn’t catch you. « Be careful, the road is slippery » You were pressed against his torso, his arms not letting you ho anywhere. « It’s just, that, I don’t know what my mom wants… -She gave me a list don’t worry, let’s go » He grabbed your shoulders and you both walked toward the car again. You sat next to him, finally in feeling warm as he started the car. You didn’t say a thing during the entire trip, just looking around shyly. « Y/n ? Is everything okay ? -Huh yeah, why ? -You seem less talkative than before. » You laughed awkwardly trying to play it off. He reached for something next to you brushing your thigh making you gasp. He smirked at you completely aware of what he just did and you screamed internally. You wished Jaehyun would have stopped playing with you but he really didn’t. You were being kinda petty because all you did those past few days was to provoked him. Considered it Karma. You came back home to your mom two hours later. You took longer than you intended to inside the store because it was packed with people, obviously it was Christmas day. « Stay near me, so we don’t get separated » he said looking at you waiting for your response. You nodded looking around you as you started to panic. You weren’t the most comfortable with crowded places and you were usually avoiding going shopping when you knew there was going to be a lot of people. You really didn’t want to lose Jaehyun. You followed him around the store feeling useless, because he seemed to know the place perfectly and you were as lost as ever. You insisted into pushing around the shopping cart trying not to roll over people. « Jaehyun, I think- Jaehyun ? » You turned around not seeing anywhere. You grabbed the cart hard and tried to walk away but you stopped maybe you should just stay here to not get lost even more. But you suddenly realized that staying in the middle of an aisle with this many people, actually the lady behind you seemed to start being annoyed with you. So you simply walked away, looking for Jaehyun but not seeing him anywhere. Someone pushed you rather strongly and you almost started crying. You looked around like a lost child looking for their mom but nothing. It was all rushing people and noise.
« Y/n » Jaehyun placed his hand on your shoulder and you almost jump out of your skin. « Hey it’s just me, everything is fine » You wanted to kiss him, even more than before. « I-I couldn’t see you… » He smiled gently. « Don’t worry I’m here now. It’s over we can go check out » He took your arm and hooked it with his while he drove the cart toward the entrance. The drive home was silent but more relaxed. You were stuck in a bit of traffic but listening to some Christmas music. « You still hate crowds ? » You looked at him, his eyes still glued to the road. « Yeah… Still not the most comfortable. I should just work on that but sometimes it’s just -Too much ? -Yeah.  -I remember when we were younger, and we used to carry you everywhere with us. Your mom would insist that Sicheng would bring you along. He never wanted but I actually liked when you were there.  -Yeah I remember. I would climb on one of your bike behind you and you would carry me around like I was a lost puppy"  Remembering had made you calmer and as you looked at him you understood. You smiled at him gently. Jaehyun helped you carry the bags inside, your mother inside seemed eve more panicked than before. Jaehyun left saying he’ll see you in a couple of hours. You helped your mom settling everything she had in mind and you were ready faster than you thought. Your mom was finally able to go take a shower and relax and you intended to do the same. Before that you texted Jisoo, telling her that you missed her and wishing her a merry Christmas. You took a long shower and you decided to play along. After all if Jaehyun had been flirting with you, maybe you should just continue. But being in the shower you had time to think about your day and how, even if you were close to a panic attack, domestic it felt to do things with Jaehyun. You got out of the shower and settled into wearing a little tied black dress That would maybe a bit too much for your mom to take in so you put on a pair of black thighs and a magnificent Christmas jumper that would make you look modest. You did your makeup and added red lipstick. You loved it as it was making your lips look like cherry candy. It was already dark outside and you should probably go see if your mom needed anything before anyone arrived. As you were going downstairs you heard the door bell but no sign of your mother or brother. You opened the door, greeted by a huge rose bouquet. You looked up to see Jaehyun smiling at you. « Hi again -Hi » You let him enter quick followed by his mom and dad. You hugged them both, always happy to see them. Your mom arrived, and they all started talking, visibly enthusiast of seeing each other even if they literally live next to each other. Suddenly feeling out of place you thought you would go look for a vase for the flowers you were now holding. You disappeared into the kitchen but to be honest you had no idea where you could find a vase. Maybe if you putted them into a big bowl or something… « The vase are in the last cabinet I think… » Jaehyun smiled at you, you nodded trying not to stare too much. You might have dress up a little tonight, but he really was looking like an all movie star. His satin black dress up shirt was hugging his torso perfectly and maybe his black jeans were making his thighs look fucking perfect. You wanted to ride them. You shook your head thanking opening the cabinet. Suddenly you thought about something. « Could you hold the chair while I climb on it, I don’t know why it’s that high, no one is that tall in this house. » He nodded as you bring the chair close to the wall. Jaehyun walked toward you and you tried once again not to overthink his presence but it was hard. You put the bouquet in his arms as you climb the chair, maybe arching your back little more than you needed as you were getting in your tip toes to finally grab the vase. That dress was anyway doing god’s work as it ridden up your thighs. « Got it ! » He didn’t answer, his grip on the chair still solid. You smirked getting of the chair. « Thanks for the flowers again, my mom love those. » He didn’t watch you in the eyes right away, but he seemed to regain his composure pretty fast as you were fill up the vase with water. « Do you need help ? -No it’s fine, you can join the others if you want. Sicheng must be there now. » And he left. You joined them some minutes later, after taking a pause in the corridor just to take a deep breath. « Here she is ! -You look great sweetheart ! Come here ! » And you sat down. It was actually enjoyable, your mom cooking was excellent and you were actually impressed by your own work. « The meat is so good ! How did you do ? » Your mom was more than happy to tell how she did and you laughed at her enthusiasm. Sicheng and Jaehyun were talking and laughing while you were not really paying attention. You were trying to ignore the fact that you were sitting right next to Jaehyun, as Sicheng was sitting in front of you, on the other side of the table. You were so concentrated on what your mother was saying that you didn’t realise right away someone had put their hand on your thigh. It’s when the hand started to ride up along your thigh. You looked down seeing Jaehyun hand under the table, grabbing your thigh. You looked at him baffled. Maybe he didn’t realise… But he turned his head toward you raising one of his eyebrow smirking slightly and you understood. He totally knew what he was doing. You tried and move, but he squeezed your thigh making you gulped. It was so inappropriate, but why your heart was beating that fast, and it was not only from embarrassment. « So Y/n ? When are you going back to the city ? » You cleared your throat, trying to regain your componance. « I am leaving tomorrow actually » You felt his hand coming closer to hip. « Really ? Already ? Why won’t you stay longer ? » Jaehyun grazed his finger along your underwear and you froze. « Y/n ? -Hmmm my boss didn’t give me more days off actually. I have to work as soon as I come back. -Oh what a shame ! -Yeah I wish I could have stayed for the new Lunar Year but it’s a very busy time in the city, and they need the team to be complete .
-You’ve always been such an obliging person Y/n, such an angel.» You heard Jaehyun huffed at the nickname. He squeezed your inner thigh harder as you started to shake a little bit. You put your hand on his, squeezing his finger. Everyone was suddenly looking somewhere else and you whispered to him : « What are you doing ? -Nice dress » He smirked cockily and you stayed speechless. The rest of the dinner went well, Jaehyun needing both of his hands to eat, he left you alone. Soon Jaehyun’s parents invited your mom at their place to drink more and your mom accepted. Sicheng came with her and you were ready to put your coat on, joking around with your brother when someone attracted your attention. Jaehyun was leaning on the opposite wall, watching you like a hawk. You walked toward him, confused. « You are not coming ? -I thought we could stay behind just a few minutes. I have something to tell you. -Oh okay... » You told your mom you would come in a few minutes, and she simply nodded, already leaving the house following her friends happily. Sicheng was following cheering with mister Jeong about something. « What did you wanted to talk about ? -Let’s go upstairs. -Yeah… okay... » You went to your room, and as you were entering you heard the door closing behind you. You sat on your bed looking at him. « Honestly, it’s more me who should ask question. What you did during dinner- -Was just teasing you back for everything you did. The short clothes, the flirting, everything… You thought I was going to stay impassive ? » You stayed quiet, not knowing what to answer. « Since you’ve come back, I don’t know it’s like you’re torturing me, hm… You’re having fun angel ? » You tensed at the sudden nickname. « Maybe. Maybe I was just having fun. -Oh so that was it. Having fun ? I don’t think so. -Hm, and why ? » He came closer to you. « I think that someone, might have a little crush on me, don’t we baby ? » Yeah you wanted to die. « What ? Don’t flatter yourself… -Are you saying I am a liar ? » He wasn’t, and you were totally unable to hide your feelings. He reached your burning face with his hands as you closed your eyes from the embarrassment. « Look at me in the eyes » But you really couldn’t right now. « Y/n open your eyes » His hands slided along your neck, but you yelped in surprised when he grabbed your scalp hard yanking your hair. You opened your eyes looking at him directly. « Tell me now Y/n, what went through your little perverted mind ? - I- I don’t… -That’s funny, because those last days had been a nightmare for me. » He let go of your hair, his hand running down your back, the other still on your hips. « First you come back after years, looking like a woman and not that kid that I knew. And I know that you are my best friend little sister but hey you keep flirting with me, and you are fucking amazing. » You were speechless, all you could do was look into his eyes, mouth agape. « I know I shouldn’t feel like this. Toward you. But- I can’t help it. The more I speak to you, the more I see you… » Tears were prickling at the corner of your eyes, and you did what you had been dreaming of. You kissed Jaehyun like your life depended on it. He kissed you right back, his arms circling you as you wrap yours around him. It wasn’t a sweet kiss, it was needy and passionate. You couldn’t help it but moan in his mouth. He started to lead you to the bed, you taking steps back until you hit the end of your bed. He pushed you lightly as you fell into the mattress. « You know what really made me see you differently. Fuck… That night where your brother ask me to go see you and tell you that you could come with us to that party a friend of us organized. But when I arrived to your room » He has joined you on the bed, (staying) over your body, caging you between his arms. « I fucking saw you, touching your needy cunt, moaning my name. » You wanted to die, you wanted the earth to split open and swallow you up. But no, you were still there trapped. « Close your door better next time baby » And he kissed you again. With the same passion, but he seemed to be more and more needy. « So tell me Y/n, why would you do this ? » He got on his knees, looming over your body, a smirk on his lips. His hands trailed on your waist, your hips and finally on your thighs. Even through the thin fabric off your clothes you could feel the heat of his skin. You shuddered. « I-I didn’t do it on purpose… -Oh really ?! Because fuck it really seemed like it. -No I didn’t ! I never anted you to know… -Well I know now » His hands gripped your black thighs and took it off in a fast motion. Apparently clothes had to get off. « I always thought you were a good girl, pure and innocent, was I wrong baby ? » Fuck, his words, you were getting so wet by the seconds. « I didn’t… -You didn’t what ? Was that the first time you were touching yourself while thinking of me ? » Your breath hitch as his hands finally made contact with your bare skin, so cold against your hot thighs. You moaned , wanting more of his touch. « Answer me or you won’t get anything. - Maybe... » He nipped at your thigh, his mouth so warm. You were feeling his hot breath against your skin still so far away from where you really needed him. « Maybe ? Common tell me - When we were in high school, you’re the first person I touch myself to… » He stopped his motion, suddenly freezing. « I-I always wanted to be with you, but I was young and you were interested in other girls, more mature, so I stayed on my side » He gripped your thighs harder, making you moan a bit. Jaehyun smiled against your skin, nose trailed along your skin as he inhaled deeply. « Fuck, no one could compare to you… I fantasized about you- taking my virginity a lot... » He groaned letting go of your thighs. « Fuck, baby you are so fucking nasty. I can’t believe this, such a pervert » Your dress was now rolled up all the way to your hips, and he took it as an opportunity to finally touch you. His hand cupped your mount, his thumb pressing over your clit. You whined, struggling to breath as you were squirming to get closer. His fingers were brushing harder, the fabric of your underwear clinging to your soaked folds. « Your soaking wet… » He mumbled something you can't understand before taking of your underwear and tossing them. « So pretty. Fucking » he helped you taking off your dress, you were now completely exposed, « Perfect » You thought you couldn’t get more embarrassed, you were wrong. « Baby I want to eat you out -Yes, please Jae » you needed him to do anything. Really you would beg. He buried his face between your thighs, his hands keeping them as open as you could. You never felt that exposed but at the same time fuck it felt so good. « Jae, fuck please more -Then tell me baby, what were you imagining in that dirty mind of yours ? -No please… -Y/n, baby you know the deal... » You cried out in frustration. « I thought… I thought about your hands a lot… You would feel larger than my own, I would feel better when it’s you who touches me...Fuck please don’t stop… -Your little fingers can’t do anything for you baby, right ? -No ! They can’t ! » He inserted one finger in and your eyes almost rolled in the back of your head. « Jaehyun oh my god- » You moaned hard, completely possessed by the feeling of him stretching you like this. « Yes baby? » He held your gaze and slowly licked his lips. « Please, I want you, more… -Don’t worry baby, I am not going anywhere » You grabbed his sleeve and tugged at it the best you could, trying to make him understand. « You want me to take it off baby ? -Yes please... - Okay, » Jaehyun’s dimples appeared when he smiled and your heart skipped a beat. He took off his dress shirt as fast as he could and you couldn’t help it. He was beautiful. You wanted to touch him so bad. « Can I touch you ? Please… -Yes of course » He kissed you again, and allowed your hands to roam over his body, « Jaehyun... » and it was a whimper at best. « Yes Y/n. » Nothing came out of your mouth as he smirked. You started fumbling with his belt as you were kissing his collarbone, and he let you do it, enjoying your touch, your breast against his chest. He grabbed your legs lifting you in his arms. « I need you, fuck, I need you so bad. » You were in his arms pressed against his body. You were whimpering, trembling from anticipation. Your heart would explode soon. « I need you too Jae, please » He lowered you onto your bed, his arms tight around your body. He bent down licking his lips biting at the skin of your thighs. « Ouch, Jae » Your words sounded more like a plea than an actual cry of pain. « Want you to remember me, remember this.. » He said. « When you’ll go back to the city » He kept sucking at your skin, and you feel yourself drift off more and more. You whispered his name again and again your eyes screwed shut as you struggled to breathe. « Please, Jae ! More ! -You are very demanding » You whined,grabbing at the sheets beneath you. « But don’t worry, I am not going anywhere » He caressed your thighs, appreciating the feeling of your skin. « Since you’ve been good I am going to tell you what I want to do hm ? » You gasped loudly. « First baby, I’m gonna eat you out, hm, because you must be tired of just cumming on your fingers. Do you want me to ? -Yes ! Please ! -Ok, baby, and after » He kissed your core « I’m gonna make love to you, okay ? Because fuck baby, no one is able to make me soft and hard at the same time like you do » You moaned at that, your heart swelling from all the love you felt at this moment. « Jaehyun, please- » He flattened his tongue, parting your cunt, as you couldn’t do anything but moan. A few languid licks later and you were already coming. You thought he was going to stop he didn’t. You fisted your hand in his black locks, admiring his beautiful face. But it was so sinful you couldn’t look for very long. You cried and you heard him chuckle as the devil he was. It didn’t take long before you were greeted by your second orgasm that left you breathless. You started to become so sensitive. « Please, Jae- Fuck, stop… Too much- -It’s too much ? Hm, I don’t know Y/n, how you're going to do for what I planned after. Maybe you want me to stop ? -No ! No… Please... » He smirked , his dimple showing. His black hair were a mess, completely your fault as you had tangled your fingers in them. « You tortured me since you arrived and I can’t even take my revenge a little bit… -I didn’t do anything… -Of course, you’re an angel aren’t you ? -Exactly » You were blatantly lying, obviously. « You are lying angel… You’ve become so naughty. Who Would have thought. Everyone thinks you are such a cute, shy girl. Do they know you’ve been having naughty thoughts about me all this time. » You were speechless, your mouth gaping, not finding anything to answer. He licked his lips, closing his eyes and furrowing his brows. « You taste so good, angel, fuck » You opened your arms, inviting him. He hugged you, tightly, kissing your lips as if it might be the last time. His tongue caressed yours as your legs parted wide, allowing him to rest between them. He finally kicked his pants away and his underwear. You were feeling him, heavy and hard against your thigh. It was maybe the last time you were seeing him like this, so you made sure to look at him with attention. He was beautiful. Something you'll never forget. He positioned himself between your legs, and you felt his hard dick between your bodies, leaking precum on your stomach. You eased your hand between the two of you, finding his cock. You let your fingers toy with his sensitive tip. « I want to make you feel good too… » He moaned as he buried his face in your neck. You nibble his bottom lip between each one of your pecks. You collected the wetness from his dick and you used it to move along his shaft. «You are going to make me feel good angel don’t worry... » He whispered, grabbing your legs. « I need you, Y/n, now » He brought your thighs almost flat against your chest and you felt yourself spread out for him. « I want you so much... » Just before entering you he looked into your eyes and you saw something you didn’t think you would see. Maybe it wasn’t only sex, maybe it was more. With a guttural groan, he entered you slowly, your breath hitching at the sensation. Sinking down inch by inch, his dark eyes carefully watched yours until he was fully seated. You felt him deep inside you, so deep you were already shaking around him. « Angel you feel so good... »
He was going slowly at first, deliberate strokes, in and out, as a regular pace.But you felt him grew more impatient, more needy. His trust were becoming harder and harder, his skin slapping yours, the noises of your wetness almost deafening. His forehead was pressed against yours, his eyes closed as he was feeling so much pleasure. His hips began to piston erratically while his stiff cock repeatedly dragged across your g-spot. You closed your eyes as your vision started to blur. « Do you feel good angel ? Fuck- -Jae- You feel so good » You wanted to scream his name, but you remembered where you were and you simply whispered his name again and again as you were feeling it coming. « Yeah angel, please, let it go » He kept moving, looking you as you were loosing yourself. He felt your pussy tightening around him. He looked at you, promising himself to remember everything of this night, of this moment with you. He finally had you, and even if it was only for a few hours, he will never forget it, always recalling your perfection. « Y/n- He wanted to tell you something, but he didn’t. Instead, he just let himself go diving completely into the pleasure he was feeling. He whispered your name,as he came. It shouldn’t felt this intimate, this meaningful. But it really did. He laid down beside you, his hand caressing your cheek. You were looking into each other eyes. You wanted to tell him, how you felt, but it wasn’t the right moment. So you stayed quiet, simply smiling. He smiled back, coming closer to kiss you again. Jaehyun had to leave soon after, but before he made you promise you won’t leave without saying goodbye. You promised, your heart heavy from just the thought of leaving without seeing him before. He kissed you one last time and left. Maybe you shouldn’t feel bad about what just happened but you did. Suddenly you weren’t so sure about your departure tomorrow. You kissed your mom goodbye, and you cried as she started telling you how much she was going to miss you. You promised her you’ll be back soon, this time more meaningful than last time. Your brother was waiting for you ready to drive you to the train station. « Sicheng ? -Yeah ? -Could we just pass by Jaehyun’s before ? -Why ? -To say goodbye to his parents. I didn’t have the time last night. » He stopped just in front of the house and you got out. Madam Jeong answered the door. « Oh darling you are already leaving ? -Yes, I am on my way to take my train. » You hugged her, and you promised her to come back soon, too. « Hm, is Jaehyun here ? -No sweetie, he is gone in town. » You wanted to cry. You had no time to wait so you simply told her to greet him for you and you left. « Is everything okay ? You look sad. » Sicheng was looking at you, almost worried. « Hmm, no I am fine. I just- Kinda don’t want to leave. -Well I was not expecting that. » It had always been kinda hard to talk to your brother. Maybe because you were radically different. « You know you can come back as soon as you want. Mom misses you, I miss you, damn even Jaehyun told me he had miss you. » Yeah you definitely were going to cry. « Thank you. -Don’t thank me. You are my sister. » At this moment you didn’t need any words. You smiled at him and hugged him goodbye. If you didn't’ knew your brother better you could swear you saw tears peaking at the corner of his eyes. « Go away now, before I change my mind and tell you to never come back. » You were waiting inside the train station, your luggage clutch in hand, as you were trying to stay warm. You were trying not to think about Jaehyun, and the fact that once again you were leaving without telling him. Your train arrived and you were walking toward your wagon, a strange feeling inside your chest. « Y/N ! » You turned around. Jaehyun was running in your direction. He arrived in front of you, out of breath. « What- what are you doing here ? -You left. -I tried, to come and say goodbye, but you weren’t there. » He just looked into your eyes, and you understood. « I couldn’t. -Couldn’t what ? -Letting you go like this. » You hugged him tightly and he answered. « I wish I could tell you not to go. -I’ll come back soon. -I know. » He kissed you, and you felt yourself leaning into his embrace more. « So goodbye… -Can’t believe you ran all the way here to kiss me goodbye. -It’s not the worst. Sicheng is waiting for me in the parking lot. I am wondering what I am going to say to him. » You laughed. Kissing him again. But soon you heard the speaker announcing the departure of your train. « I have to go… » He didn’t say anything, simply smiling sadly at you. He walked you toward your wagon watching you climb inside. « Good luck with Sicheng. -Don’t remind me please. » You smiled one last time at him before the door closed and the last thing you saw was him smiling back and your departure was feeling less bittersweet suddenly.
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imaginebabygurl · 3 years
Feeling Good Part 3 F.V-Imagine
Hey loves, since I had not posted in a bit This is gonna be a really long one I hope you enjoy the read and music that has been attached. P.s - sorry for any spelling mistakes it should still be a good read.
There were angry hisses and growls from Jacob and your family.  Edward's face grew cold with great concern for you: Bella started to panic "no, No!. There Not taking Her anywhere and she's not going to stay with those monster!... Wh-What if they Kill her because of the last time With Renesmee." " She's leaving, she can't stay here, I won't let them take her. She's going to live with my mom in Jacksonville". As Bella frantically tries to pack her things, Edward stops her "Bella", you know that's not going to work.  They have a tracker Demetri. They could easily find her, your mother, and Phil and Kill all three of them instantly. There's no point in putting others in danger." Carlisle spoke, " Edward is right, we just all need to be calm and there old friends of mine, they will come we'll have the meeting and clear the air, but we should also prepare they can be unpredictable." With that said, your mom still packed a small bag with your stuff just in case everyone started being more alert and wary of their surrounding. As for you. You had to start coming home earlier and stay out late less, which put a damper on your senior your but you didn't mind because you still thankfully have the chance, to even see and hang out with your friends. And coming home earlier wasn't such a bad idea since now it was November 1st, winter was approaching fast, and it started to get darker quicker. But that also meant the Volturi were on there a way you didn't know when exactly. And on the first week of December, they arrived, you were at school when they had come, and you had a group project to complete, which was already completed: you just stayed back at school to finalize the presentation of the slide show and sort out who did what in your project. You said bye to your girlfriend's Lily, Dee, and Kiki and told them: you'll see them when you've returned because you were going on a getaway trip just for the weekend with you and your sister only. Arriving home, you see a strange set of vampires with crimson red eyes. Anyone that saw them would be a fool to think they were normal or contact lenses. They all waited for you to step into the house,  soon as you turned to close the door behind you, you felt a presence standing quite close smelling you.  Remembering that they drank human blood while the Cullen's settled only for animals. "ahh...delicious." the voice quietly whispered into your ear. Quickly turning around facing them, but by the time you had done so, the vampire retreaded standing next to the other kings, the one that had spoken was Aro. The three were quite beautiful, you could tell who wash who and their personality: Aro with life in his eyes was the main king out of the three yes hey shared the same power, but he was the head and looking at you wildly with gleaming eyes. Next on his left was a bored and a perpetually sad-looking man, looking as if he had a sense of longing to end his miserable life and has seen the many secrets and mysteries of the world ad is not tired. On the right was Caius, the pure blond-haired man, which his hair was better than your aunt Rosalie's, not a single strand astray but put together and looked as if every strand is from silk. But his expression filled with such disdain you had never seen such a face, not even when Rosy disapproved of Bella and Edward taking you in the first place she grew to like you and became your second or third mother. As for the guards, you recognized every last one of them: Demetri, the world's best tracker no know can hide from him, then there were the twins' Jane and Alec, Jane could make others feel pain while her brother could take away peoples sense completely, and finally the man towering an over everybody else next to Demetri was Felix, and he was beautiful, and I couldn't resist him. I knew deep down he was most likely the killer of my parents only following orders.  I regained my composure and said "hello" anyway. Aro then grabbed my hand without hesitation and began to look through all the memories that I had lived through, "Interesting, you've had quite the bittersweet life." all the while, Aro still looking intensely into my Y/e/c colored eyes.  Pulling away completely and turning to look at my parents, "She'll be coming with us now." " She Won't be going anywhere!" my mother said while whirling me behind her back, not even realizing. But my body was feeling the after effect.  My dad Edward in front now in front of both of us. Aro looked at Felix, and Felix stared approaching, smiled,  "Edward seems like you've come back for round two."  Hisses were erupting from the room before Esme stepped in." please not in the house. I'm sure there must be some mistake. Y/n has done nothing wrong and she will be turned, in due time when its right Carlisle will take care of her." " Yes I already have the preparations in place Aro" and unexpectedly a "No!" had come from Felix. Aro looked at Felix and took his hand. Felix obeyed,  when Aro was done he laughed like a maniac and turn to me, repeating what he said earlier, " interesting." With everyone in the room at that point confused as to what was going on. I  spoke,  "What so interesting? and why do you keep saying that?" by this point, I was incredibly annoyed.   I just wanted to eat, " I'm going to the kitchen, I'm hungry and this whole dramatic crap, I'm over it." Walking away.  Nessie had made my favorite chicken parmesan with some pasta and salad.  Setting my plate down on the table, everyone was staring at me, but I ignored the burning stare put in my earphones. One of the King's Marcus taps me on the shoulder,  "May I join you?". I paused for a while unsure of what to say and he followed up the silence by saying "I had already drunk so, I won't bite."  Marcus offering me what appears to be a sympathetic smile on a sad-faced man. It was kind of nice to see him smile, " sure." I said plainly and he motioned everyone for us to be alone.  Everyone left, but the tall one hesitated to leave, which then Marcus said" Felix, she will be alright, I promise." The man only nodded and took his leave, "why is he so concerned about me? and what does he have to do with me?". Marcus replied, "Y/n your his mate." the man said point-blank. I looked at him as if he were mad, and he knew what I was thinking. He followed up by saying, " I know you're upset about the death of your parentings, and yes, he was a part of the cause that they're dead. But he simply follows orders if not he will suffer the consequences or maybe a fate worse." "Death." was all I said and a yes was retorted back at me. We sat in silence so I could digest what I have just learned. That the man that I'm supposed to be with: one was my lover and two a part of my parent's death. It was all too much for me to bear and, I ran away as fast as could I ended up taking a nasty fall down a hill and didn't remember a thing about my parent or how they died. All I knew was I falling for a man, I barely knew and I would soon come to know that he sweet but very flirtatious and that would one day get him into trouble and possibly lose all he had with me. He would flirt with everyone including my mother but she doesn't even realize and honestly, at first, I thought okay haha, but when I did decide to leave after graduation to be with him at the castle in Volterra. I was amazed and in awe of the building and come to realize that the rules they enforce I understand but the way they go about it is a little brutal but overall understanding, anyway back to Felix. That's when the boredom started to kick in, after that Felix was on missions constantly and flirting with every dead and living girl that was in sight but the living ones usually became the snack afterward.  it finally came tumbling down when we had a big fight. I was going about my business touring and sightseeing parts of the city I have never been to, one because my Italian wasn't that great and two I was scared being on my own, but boy when I started to speak a bit more fluently be able to get around on my own the sight and places, as well as the delicious pastries and goodies I got to eat, was great. The day was great until Felix angrily approached me, I swear if he still had life in his body his face would be mad with furry, practically dragging me by my wrist and how I know he was angry, Gianna said hello and he did not even bat an eye in her direction and with that, she tried to ask "Hey! Y/n what happened?" and before I can respond Felix picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. "Felix!!!" I shouted because at this point I was angry he was acting like this and he picked me up and headed to the throne room. Aro had looked at me and said "Y/n dove eri?" I responded, "Aro in un Citta in un Caffe". Felix then responded, " If you were in town at one of the cafes!, Why didn't you say anything! or tell someone when you left!". "I did if you had gone into the room to look Smartass! You would have seen It!".  and then the line was drawn " What kind of Girl are you!, You so free-willed, careless, would it kill you to use your head Y/n!?!, you could have been Kill or hurt by some low life!". "But I was-. before I could speak Felix pinned me to the wall and I then felt true fear of what others fate that had suffered at the hand of the great Felix Volturi and worst of all the thing that hurt the most " Y/n we should have killed you when we had the chance, like your mother and father!!." him not realizing what he said "Felix!!!" Aro called "put down the girl, she's terrified...". Once Felix snapped out of it "Y/n I'm sorry." But before he could touch you, you slapped his hand away and made your decision to leave but Caius spoke "What you did and said to Y/n was distasteful and I don't care for humans all the much, but I think some time in the dungeon would do you some good." Without Felix saying anything he simply nodded and took himself in and before he would have come to know you had already packed your things to go home.
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countless-dreamsss · 4 years
Quarantined with Him.
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Summary: With COVID-19 hitting all parts of the country, Team Flash has decided that it’s safest that they stick together, and live 
Warnings: Slight profanity.
Primary pairs: WestAllen, Harrisco, Jecile
Canon/Head: Headcanon
Insight: So initially this was meant to be a fanfic written by a prompt that @catvampcrazines really wanted to see, which was Harrisco being sleep deprived and goofy AF. Tumblr, being the shitshow that it is won't even let me post the entire first part that I have now, so this is going to have a lot more parts than I intended it to. I do apologize for taking so long with writing this, but when covid-19 hit, it gave me the perfect timing and the perfect excuse to get all of Team Flash together to experience Harrisco's weirdness. Anyways, enjoy!
     The members of Team Flash were dispersed throughout the Cortex at S.T.A.R Labs when Joe had entered the room. Iris and Cisco sat at the monitors while Harry hovered behind them, clicking on his pen anxiously as they watched Barry run through the streets of Central City. Caitlin sat at the desk just outside of the medical bay, going over some new material put put by a few of her friends from medical school.      “Turn on the news,” Joe said, worry written all over his face. Everyone turned their attention towards the new presence, puzzled at his expression.       “Dad, is something wrong?” Iris asked, turning her chair in his direction.      “You guys haven’t heard?” Joe asked, his eyes looked to each person. “Central City is closing off all borders because of this whole virus thing.”      “Again with this virus?” Harry groaned. He had been back on Earth-1 since December, when the first case was made public. Every time he heard the name of the virus it always seemed like bad news.     “Got it,” Cisco called out. He hit a button on his keyboard, and just like that live-footage from Central City News was projected onto the main monitor.     “Fast breaking developments in the Coronavirus emergency in the U.S. and around the world. The number of cases soaring just today. More than 700 thousand nation-wide. To decrease the risk of infection, Mayor Van Buren has just announced that Central City is now officially under lockdown. Starting today, no one is allowed to leave or enter the city…”     “Well, it seems like your Earth is no longer safe to stay on,” Harry crossed his arms against his chest. “I guess I should be heading home soon.”     Cisco immediately looked up to Harry. “Do you have to make comments like that?” Though his tone was rather crabby, his eyes screamed ‘don’t leave me’.     Harry’s icy orbs met Cisco’s gaze. The older male clicked his tongue, knowing he had struck worry into the other. “Oh, come on now,” he placed a hand on the meta’s shoulder, his thumb gently tracing the seam of Cisco's sleeve.      "You always do this," Cisco moved his shoulder away from Harry's hand.     "I—"     “Has Earth-2 seen anything like this?” Caitlin intervened in the small quarrel between the couple.      Harry shook his head, “No, and again, my Earth is very much ahead of yours. I’m sure if anything like this was to even appear on my Earth, it would’ve been taken care of like,” he snapped his fingers, purposely right next to Cisco’s ear just to have his eyes on him again.      “Either way,” Joe started, “This isn’t looking good at all. Are you guys sure it’s safe to have Barry still running out there?” he asked.     “I could always make him a respirator to go with his suit,” Cisco said.     “...along with temporarily closing down non-essential businesses, Mayor Buren has also announced a curfew at 9’oclock p.m. for all citizens of Central City. Yes, Flash, this includes you.”     “Problem solved,” Iris looked back to Joe.      “Criminals  don’t care about curfews,” Joe replied. “I’m just trying to make sure you guys stay safe,” he looked to everyone in the room. “Last thing we need is any one of us getting this thing.”      “We’ll be fine, Dad,” Iris grabbed Joe’s hand, squeezing it gently as if she could transfer all of his negative feelings to her. “I’ll talk to Barry once he comes back, and then we can all decide what happens then.”     “If worst comes to worst, we just all stay here.” Caitlin pointed out. “We’re here everyday as it is.”     “Yeah,” Iris agreed. “I can always do my work in the lounge  while Team Flash is doing its thing.”     “That could actually work,” Cisco said, gliding his tongue over his lips after taking a sip of his coffee. “We still have a few empty rooms that we could just set up some beds in,”     “I’m the one that actually lives here, do I get a say in this?” Harry asked.     “No.” Everyone responded.     Harry rolled his eyes at their response. “Fine, but don’t go touching my rum,” he looked to Caitlin.     “What? I never—” “Not you, I’m talking about Frost. Last time I was here, she drank all my whiskey without telling me,” he said.     “Was it the honey flavored one?” Cisco asked.     “Yes,” Harry hissed.      “Ooh,” Cisco sucked his teeth. “Bad call, Frosty,” he said to Caitlin.     “Guys—” Barry interrupted through the comms, “are you guys really discussing staying at S.T.A.R. Labs right after Iris said you guys would wait for me to come back?”     “Decision has been made, Barry. Suck it up,” Cisco called out.     “Since when?” Harry said, looking down at the younger male.     “Just now. I did it,” Cisco affirmed “What? You have something to say?” Cisco asked, ready to retaliate any nonsense that could possibly come out of Harry's mouth.      “Whatever the hell y’all do, just let me know, okay?” Joe said.“I’m gonna go make some calls, see if I can get a hold of Cecile. See you later, baby,” Joe leaned down, giving Iris a kiss on the cheek. “Stay safe,” he said to the rest, giving Harry a pat on the shoulder before exiting.      Taking it upon himself to decide that Team Flash would be staying at S.T.A.R Labs, Cisco and Iris had also taken the time and thought of how things would run during the entire situation. He pulled over the drawing board and assigned everyone a certain task to do during the days of the week.      “...and because we can’t live off of just coffee and candy, this coming Saturday, Barry and I will go out for a grocery run,” he said looking at all of them.      “Sounds like a plan,” Barry nodded before leaning his head down and resting his chin on his wife’s shoulder.     “What about me?” Harry asked, his arms held snug against his torso. “I’m not assigned anything.”     “You can’t even leave the building, Harry. What makes you think I’d put you up here?” Cisco asked, playing with the marker cap.      “Well, I live here,” Harry shrugged. “Something is better than nothing.”     “Fine, fine,” Cisco turned back to the board and wrote ‘mi cama.’     Harry’s cheeks burned with a shade of red once reading his task. “Stupid,” he muttered under his breath, looking to the ground to hide his smirk.      “Oh God, Cisco,” Iris laughed when she read the addition. “Take that down.” “Fine, but I give you props for being the only one to read it,” he chuckled, erasing what he had just written down and changing Harry’s duty to ‘trash.’ “There, you’re on trash duty.”      Barry laughed, “Doodie.”     “You gave me trash?” Harry asked, approaching the board. “You’re really giving me trash?”     “Are you 12?” Cisco asked Barry, rolling his eyes before he turned to Harry. “You said give to you something, so I gave you something that you can actually do. You’re doing trash.”     “You’re trash.” Harry spat, looking down at him.     “No, you’re trash.” Cisco tapped the tip of the marker against Harry’s chest with each word spoken.     “You wish I was trash,” Harry snatched the marker from Cisco’s hand.     “Har—”     “Anyways,” Caitlin interrupted, “How about we go get something cooked up right now?”     “Yes please,” Barry said, “I’m starving,” he grabbed Iris’ hand then started to pull her towards the exit.      “What should we make?” Cisco asked.     “You guys decide,” Iris said, “Barry and I are gonna go set up our room.”     “Liars,” Harry called out as they walked out.     “I could really go for some of your lasagna right now, Cisco,” Caitlin said.     “You’ve made her lasagna?” Harry asked. “After all the times I’ve asked you to co—”     “Settle down, long legs” Cisco patted Harry's chest. “You guys want to help me make it?” he asked.      Caitlin shook her head as she too walked towards the exit, “I’m going to work on my room as well,” she told them, “make it a little more snug,” then disappeared into the hallway.     “What about you?” Cisco looked at Harry.     “Do you want me to?” Harry asked.      Cisco gestured for the other to tag along. “Come on,”
    Surprisingly, Harry had completed everything requested of him without any opposition. When given the chance, he would use that time to get Cisco’s attention and ask him if he was doing whatever he was told to correctly, correctly meaning Cisco’s definition of correctly.      The elder grabbed a half cut onion to mince when his sight became fixated on Cisco. Harry’s thumb and forefinger wrapped around the blade while he made parallel cuts through the vegetable, moving the knife downward and backward motion as his free hand held the onion in place. Spell-bound by a simple glance at the younger, who had no idea he was being watched, Harry had forgotten to return his attention back to the task in front of him. The meta took hold of his soft curls and waves, tying them back into a relatively messy bun. Once his hair was tied back, Harry saw Cisco advance towards him.     “Woah,” Cisco grabbed Harry’s wrist in haste, his grip significantly strong. “What are you doing?” Fear filled his eyes as they gazed at Harry’s hand, the blade had just barely broken through his skin.      “I—” Harry was brought back to reality. How was Harry supposed to tell Cisco that his attention was on him the entire time? “I know what I’m doing,” Harry lied with a scoff.     “Do you?” Cisco snatched the knife out of his hands. “You could’ve hurt yourself,” he placed the knife down, and seized the hand that was almost assaulted, examining the now very light cut on Harry’s knuckles. A rather satisfying sensation overcame Harry when feeling Cisco’s soft, warm touch.     “I’m fine, Cisco,” Harry responded. He tore his hand from Cisco’s hold. “I’m fine.”      “Are you?” his eyes studied Harry’s face, searching for signs to disprove Harry’s statement before quickly gazing around to make sure they were alone.     “Yes,” he nodded, holding Cisco’s hand to his chest. “I’m fine. Promise.” Harry assured him.      Still worried, Cisco quickly decided to swap tasks. “I’ll finish up here,” he grabbed the knife, “can you work on the ricotta cheese mix?”      “Cisco, I said I’m fine.”     “And I said that I’ll finish up here.”     “Fine,” he exhaled an agitated sigh. He knew that even if he protested against Cisco, he would simply end up doing what was asked of him anyways.      
 Once the food was prepared, Caitlin and Iris had set up the coffee table as Barry and Cisco made the drinks. Harry, now being treated as safety priority number one by his beloved partner, sat impatiently upon the round couch while being accompanied by Joe, Cecile, and Baby Jenna, who was sitting in the S.T.A.R Labs baby-chair made by Cisco.      Cisco finally pulled out the steaming dish of saucy red noodles out of the oven. A warm heat kissing his cheek while the heavenly fragrance of juicy seasoned tomatoes combined with spicy ground meat fill the air.     “That smells fantastic,” Barry eyed the dish. He could feel his mouth begin to water.     “I’m telling you, man, no one knows how to make lasagna better than yours truly,” Cisco smiled.     “You guys were going to start without me?” A male voice called out. Ralph had been absent at S.T.A.R Labs throughout the entire day, but he wasn’t going to miss his first Team Flash sleepover.      “Of course not,” Caitlin smiled, holding up his plate. Ralph gave her a smile, throwing his jacket over his shoulder as he made his way through the room.     “Oh my God, the baby,” Ralph cooed as he approached Jenna.      “Ah—” Cecile picked up her daughter before Ralph could touch her.     “What?” Ralph’s smile turned into a pout as he looked between the parents. “I just wanted to—”     “Did you not just come from outside?” Joe asked.     “I mean— I j-just,” Ralph stammered, hearing Joe’s fatherly voice coming out.     “Ah, wash your hands first.” Cecile said.      Ralph gave a disappointing sigh, “I’m not infected.”      “Yes, but she’s still very young,” Caitlin commented. “There’s nothing wrong about staying cautious,” she said. Ralph pouted as he held his hands up then stretched them over to the sink. He washed halfway up his arms thoroughly, scrubbing his skin down with soap for a good 20 seconds. He dried his arms then returned his arms to their normal length.      “May I?” Ralph’s arms eager to hold Jenna.      Cecile nodded, “You may.”  “Finally,” he smiled, taking hold of  the giggling child from its mother’s arms.
    Sighs and moans of pleasure filled the air as each person took a bite from their plates. Cisco’s lips were pulled to a grin, satisfied with the feedback, but Harry was the only one who hadn’t tried it yet. The couple briefly exchanged looks. Harry knew what Cisco was waiting for. He wanted Harry to try it. Harry gave a sly grin as he nudged Cisco gently with his elbow then dove his fork into the layers of delicate pasta. He quickly raised his fork into his mouth, fireworks exploded in his mouth while eating the moist layers. The spices of the sauce complimented the meat perfectly, providing a savory taste rather than a fiery one, and the warmth of the cheese over his tongue just added to the experience. Harry smiled as he took another bite, giving Cisco the answer he was looking for.      “This,” Joe pointed to his plate, “is really freaking good. My compliments to the chef.” He winked at Cisco, whose body was filling up with content and joy. He was glad he was able to provide something other than just suits and tech.     “It wasn’t just me,” Cisco’s eyes scanned everyone. “Harry helped too.     “I did,” The older male nodded, “but it was your recipe, making you responsible for this.”     “I told y’all,” Cisco chuckled. “No one makes lasagna better than Papi Ramon.”      Laughter filled the room.     “Papi?” Harry chuckled, wiping his mouth with a napkin.     “Just let me have it, okay? Just this once.” Cisco requested.      “Anyways,” Cecile spoke, “so when was somebody going to tell me about you two?” She pointed her fork back and forth between Cisco and Harry, which led to their ears and cheeks burning to a shade of red and Harry slightly choking on his food. “How’d it start?”     “Uhm—” Cisco handed Harry his drink and patted his back.     “If you don’t tell them, I will,” Iris said, taking a sip of her wine.      “It’s cute,” Caitlin said softly.     “It is,” Ralph nodded before feeding Baby Jenna a spoonful of lightly salted carrots.      “Dish it!” Cecile incited.      Harry placed his plate down. He kept his eyes down at his hands, trying to avoid Cecile’s gaze. “I mean I don’t really think there’s much to—”     “Uh-uh-uh,” Cecile shook her head. “I want to know. I want to know everything up until the first kiss,” she demanded. The red shade on Harry’s cheeks grew darker. Hearing this, everyone leaned forward so they wouldn’t miss a second of it.     “Well,” Cisco twirled his fork into his lasagna.     “There’s not much to tell,” Harry cleared his throat.      “It was a little after saving Jesse that we started talking,” Cisco looked at Harry, who was nodding along as he spoke.       “After Jesse and I had left the first time, Ramon and I kept in touch,” Harry took a sip of his drink. “Just to get him to come over, sometimes I would ask him to help me with some experiments.”     “So who asked who?” Joe asked, wiping his lips with a napkin.     “Neither of us,” Harry responded, leaning closer towards Cisco.      “No?” Cecile questioned.     “No,” Harry confirmed.     “It was just one of those things where we just knew,” Cisco lightly shrugged with a soft smile.      “And the kiss?” Cecile asked. The two males glanced down at the white tiles beneath their feet. Harry shook his head. “You tell it,” Cisco said.     “Why me?” Harry questioned.  “You have total recall,” Cisco gave Harry a mocking grin.      “Fuck me,” Harry whispered under his breath before being flicked in the head by Cisco. “What the—”     “Baby,” Cisco pointed to Jenna with his fork. “Watch your language.”      Harry gave the parents an apologetic look then proceeded with what he was going to say. “I’ll tell it,” he cleared his throat. “We were over in Cisco’s workshop. The both of us had stayed really late working on the earmuffs for Jesse and I. Cisco had gone out to go get us some ice cream. I had the butter pecan,” he looked over to Cisco, “and you had some sort of brownie sundae, right?”     Cisco nodded. “It was a brownie fudge sundae with coffee ice cream,”     “The one that comes with the dinosaur shaped brownie?” Barry asked.     “Are you judging my dino brownie?” Cisco asked.     “Damn,” Iris pouted. “Now I want brownies.”     Everyone laughed before Harry continued his anecdote.      “Anyways,” the scientist ran his tongue over his lips, “so Ramon was sitting across from me and I had noticed that there was chocolate fudge on his lip. I told him, and yeah…” Harry trailed off.      “Uh-uh” Iris shook her head. “That’s not a first kiss story.”     “What?” Harry scoffed. “I just—” “You have to describe what happens from Point A to Point B,” Ralph spoke. “Point B being the kiss.” “Fine.” Harry groaned, his face was red as Barry’s suit now.      “Go back to the part with the fudge,” Barry teased.      Harry’s teeth gently took hold of his bottom lip as he tried to find the right words. “Okay, so the fudge,” he chuckled. “I had grabbed a napkin, and held it out for him, but his attention was completely elsewhere,” he turned to Cisco, “I don’t know what the heck you were doing, but I was waving it and everything, and he just never looked up, so I leaned forward and used my thumb to wipe it off. Being, y’know so close,” he used his hand to gesture how close he was to Cisco’s face, “I saw the chance and I took it,” Harry clapped his hands in accomplishment of telling the story without running away. He sipped his drink once more before returning his unfinished plate into his hands.     All the women awed at the stories.     “Now that’s a cute first kiss story,” Cecile smiled before finishing her meal.     “I think that’s the cutest first kiss story here,” Caitlin said looking around, Iris nodded in agreement.     “What?” Barry asked. “You don’t think our first kiss-”     “Barry, you erased that timeline.” Cisco butted in.      The speedster wanted to keep his mouth shut, but still managed to say “I still think ours was the cutest,” he muttered.     “If you say so,” Iris said, patting Barry’s shoulder.
    For the first time in years, S.T.A.R Labs had a peaceful night. There weren’t any metas to chase tonight, no one randomly breaking into S.T.A.R. Labs. It was just chatter and joy. Joe and Cecile had decided to retire for the day, taking Baby Jenna along with them, leaving Harry as the designated meta-babysitter. He leaned back against the couch, his arm placed upon the backrest, which left a cavity to his torso which was soon filled by Cisco's body. He invited the pressure and warmth the younger's body provided. Harry looked at Cisco’s cards then back to the deck when Barry put down his card.     "Uno dare #5" Cisco read aloud then leaned forward to read the dare card, “flip the table...”     “Finally,” a wide grin plastered itself along the speedster’s face. He quickly grabbed the edge of the table and flipped it over.     “Good job, Allen,” Harry said looking at the mess. “Now clean it up,” Barry rolled his eyes, but did as told. His golden lightning zoomed around until everything was put back into place.     “I think I’m gonna hit the hay,” Barry stretched.     “Same,” Iris stood up and made her way over to Barry.      "Yeah, I think I'm gonna go too." Caitlin added.     "What? You're all just gonna leave?" Cisco asked.     The three exchanged looks before nodding. "Yeah," they said in unison.     "Add me to that too," Ralph took off his jacket.     "Ope, there's another one." Harry commented before sitting up straight.     "Y'all are no fun." Cisco pouted.     "We'll play tomorrow," Barry said, wrapping his arm around Iris. Cisco held his pout as he watched them exit. Harry tapped the meta's shoulder.      "You coming to bed?" he asked, lifting himself up from the couch.      "I'll be there in a bit," Cisco responded. "I have something I want to work on," he said.      "Oh?" Harry raised a brow. "Mind if I join?"     "I don't mind at all," Cisco smiled. 
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tvfanatic · 4 years
Caramel and Cheddar
She hates O’Hare. She hates landing at a gate in Concourse L and having her connecting flight leave out of Concourse G when she only has a 20-minute layover without delays from her first flight. She hates being stuck there for three-hour layovers, and after sitting at a gate in Concourse K for that entire time, looking up to find the flight boarding at this gate is headed to Atlanta and her flight is now leaving out of Concourse H, causing her to sprint to the other area of the terminal and nearly miss her flight because no one bothered to announce the gate change since she was there three hours early.
You would think it’d be easier to get a direct flight from New York to California. But the holiday prices to fly from JFK to LAX round trip? Not worth it. Flying into San Diego is so much closer to home too. Until she ends up at a layover in O’Hare right before Christmas and she curses at herself for not booking a direct to LA earlier and just driving a rental car the nearly two hours down to Neptune.
Something else she hates about O’Hare? About Chicago? Snowstorms. Blizzards. Yeah they happen in New York, and her California born-and-raised self does not fare well in them there either. But the New York blizzards have yet to leave her stranded in an airport on the 23rd of December. She hadn’t left right after finals because she was determined to get ahead at her internship and get her foot in the door at this law firm after graduation next spring. She’d managed to impress one of the partners, but at what cost? Potentially spending Christmas Eve, and even Christmas if they can’t get the ice off the runways fast enough, at the airport? Or alone in some airport hotel?
Why was leaving sunny, summery California such a good idea again?
Veronica groans inwardly at the thought, standing up to throw away her now empty coffee cup. Her hand brushes against someone else’s at the trash can and she looks up to apologize, not expecting to see him standing there. Let alone him standing there dressed in pristine military whites. The Navy, that’s right, that’s what she’d heard.
Of all the snowed in airports in all of the world, of all the stupid concourses in this damn airport, and he ends up at hers.
“Logan,” she breathes.
He looks good. Damn good. He should wear that uniform and only that forever. Although she wouldn’t complain if he was shirtless.
Stop, Veronica. Don’t go there. Not again.
“Veronica Mars,” he whistles. “As I live and breathe.”
She hasn’t seen him since he was punching out the son of a very prominent mob member in the Hearst cafeteria for her. She hasn’t spoken to him since. But she’s thought about him plenty.
“Are you on the flight to San Diego?” she asks. “The one that I’m 99% sure is about to be cancelled.”
He nods. “Dick and I had plans to avoid the holidays together. I’m assuming you’re going back to spend them with your dad?”
It’s her turn to nod. “Where are you stationed right now?”
“Right here in Chicago. Hence the uniform. Came to the airport straight from a work function and didn’t have time to change. Although now, I guess I could have made time for it. You’re in New York now, right?”
She nods again. “Yeah, at Columbia.”
“Veronica Mars as a lawyer,” he smirks. “I should have seen that one coming.”
“Logan Echolls as a military man,” she parrots back his phrasing. “Not something I saw coming.”
He laughs at that, gestures back toward their gate. “Want to wait out this inevitable flight cancellation together?”
“Sure,” she smiles. “Let me grab my stuff.”
Veronica brings her carry-on over to where Logan has positioned himself at a seat near the window. The snow is coming down in big, fat flakes and the infamous Chicago wind is whipping it around creating white-out conditions. She’s afraid to even flag down a taxi in this.
“It always fascinates me that the weather can manage to do this here and yet California is stuck in a perpetual drought for most of the year,” he says when she sits down next to him.
“I’d barely seen snow until I moved to New York. I’m not sure that I like it.”
He laughs again and she realizes just how much she’s missed that sound.
“A true California girl at heart, huh?”
“Apparently so.”
“Think you’ll move back after you graduate?” he asks, looking over at her.
She takes her eyes off of the swirling storm outside and meets his gaze. She sees their past etched into his familiar features. It hurts. Maybe her feelings for him never truly managed to go away.  
“I don’t know. I’ve been busting my ass at this internship trying to get a job offer from the partners. That’s why I’m traveling so close to Christmas. But if that doesn’t work out, who knows where I’ll end up.”
“What kind of law firm is it?”
“They’re defense attorneys.”
“Huh. Always thought you’d end up at the other table. The prosecution taking the criminals down.”
“How quickly they forget,” she teases. “After everything I’ve done to help clear your name in the past? To clear Weevil’s? Hell, Abel Koontz?”
“You think Weevil and Koontz could afford someone as high-powered as you?”
“Who said I was high-powered? I’m just a lowly law student kissing ass to get a job.”
He laughs again, turning away to look back out at the snowfall. “You look good, Veronica. You seem good.”
Is she though? Good? Is she happy with the way her life has turned out in their years apart?
“I’m okay, I guess. School and work are pretty much all I have time for anymore. I ran into Piz last week, I guess he lives out in New York now too. He asked if I wanted to get coffee after the holidays were over to catch up. I’m not sure that I want to.”
She doesn’t know why she just did that, why she brought Piz up. Is she trying to subtly hint that she’s single? Why would he care? Why does she?
“How long did you two last?” Logan asks softly.
“The summer,” she shrugs. “I broke up with him before I moved to Stanford. I should have done it sooner though. We were never compatible to begin with.”
“Less compatible than the two of us?”
She looks back over at him and he’s still not looking at her. “Compatibility was never our problem.”
He turns his head back to meet her gaze. They stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, trying to read each other in the old way they used to be able to do.
“Right,” he finally sighs, turning away first.
She doesn’t know what he means by that. She also in no way wants to start a fight with him right now.
“You look good too, Logan,” she tells him instead, her voice quiet. “The uniform suits you.”
“Thank you.”
His mood has already shifted. Why did she bring up Piz? Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“I’m sorry,” she says, staring straight ahead at the never-ending blanket of whiteness outside the window. “For everything.”
He doesn’t say anything, but instead slips her hand into his and squeezes before letting go and pushing himself to his feet.
“I’m going to go talk to the gate agent. See if they know how long this storm is supposed to last.”
“Okay,” is all she manages to say before he’s walking away.
It’s not like she expects anything to happen from this encounter. Eventually they’ll both get on a plane to San Diego. He’ll be in first class; she’ll be in coach. Her dad will pick her up at the airport. Dick might give him a ride, or he’ll just take some car service to take him wherever it is he’s meeting Dick. Their paths might across again while they’re in Neptune. But after New Year’s, she’ll go back to her life in New York and he’ll go back to his life in Chicago. Nothing is supposed to come from this chance airport encounter.
But the way she wishes he was the ex running into her in New York and asking her out to coffee sometime instead of Piz – the ways she’s wished on more than one occasion that she hadn’t left Neptune without saying goodbye or without cutting him completely out of her life. They were friends once. They were in love once. And she’s never felt that way about anybody since.
Logan shuffles back over. “So, surprise, our flight is cancelled. They’re just about to announce it. They’re waiting to rebook until the storm passes.”
“So, we’re stuck here for an indeterminant amount of time?”
“Looks that way,” he sighs. “I don’t think anyone’s going to be out driving during this. Or at least they shouldn’t be. At least they’re leaving all the restaurants open. It’s not like the employees can get home any easier than we can.”
Did she mention that she hates O’Hare?
“You hungry?” he asks. “Nuts on Clark has got the best caramel cheddar popcorn.”
“Caramel cheddar?” she asks back.
“Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. It’s a delicious combination. I think you’ll like it.”
“If we’re stuck here for hours on end, I’m going to need more than popcorn.”
“We’ll do a food tour of the concourse, then.”
He extends an arm to her and she accepts it, looping her arm through his.
“It’s probably not the right time or place for this, but uh, I’ve missed you,” he says, guiding her down the hallway of the concourse.
She looks up at him, the cut of his jawline, thinks about the way she used to tease him by kissing her way around his jaw before he’d grab her face and pulls her lips to his.
“I’ve missed you too.”
Maybe she hates O’Hare. But maybe Chicago and blizzards aren’t so bad after all.
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alolanrain · 4 years
Cursed Object
(all true stories, just with characters swapped in for people)
It starts on July 3rd, 2007. Delia is inlisting all of Red’s friends, their parents, Ash, and the Oaks into helping clean out her garage and finally throw away junk from her late husband since he was a fucking Packrat. At this point she enlisted like half of pallet Town in the beginning. The sun was setting and they can finally see most of the garage flooring. Everyone was chugging drinks and eating several boxes of pizza Blue’s mom had ordered because no one was cooking that night. Everything was fine...
Until Red, at the ripe old age of 7, came ambling out of the garage with a large plastic bat that was a horrid Orange color.
“Mama?” Red yelled across the yard to his mom who was talking to Blue’s Grandma, easily getting Delia’s and half the people’s attention as well, “what’s this?” Raising the plastic bat into the setting rays it flashed an even brighter disgusting orange.
“I don’t know, sweetie.” Delia sighed before waving her eldest away. Eyeing Blue who was cooking over 4 year old Ash and Gary who was six months younger.
“That’s a Wiffleball bat, my boy.” Professor Oak scared the living daylights out of Red by landing a hand on his skinny shoulder. “Your father was great at baseball and Wiffleball was his first sport. He wanted to play with you and Ash when you two had gotten older but never found the time with his job.”
“Ah.” Red muttered lamely before ducking out of Oaks grip and trotting over to his friends. Green had his baby brother in his grip that was eyeing the bat. Red gave the bigger end to the boy, allowing him to feel the surprisingly soft playable plastic, and pulling it away soon after when he tried to put his mouth on it. Luckily he didn’t fuss, turning back to his teething ring instead while eyeing at Blue who still cradled Red’s own brother.
“You know,” Green started, that greedy look in his eyes shining brightly and caused a sinking feeling to form in Reds gut, “Wiffleball and baseball sound pretty lame and boring. I would be embarrassed if my dad made me play baseball.” He spat.
Next thing any adult knew Red had Instinctively swung the large plastic bat as hard has he could in his sitting position next to Green directly into the boys face. Causing Green to drop Gary and for both boys to start wailing. Gary because he bonked his face directly into the dry, hot summer ground, and Green because his nose was now bleeding.
“At least my mom didn’t leave me by choice.” He spat before making eye contact with Blue who looked at him with wide eyes and then at Ash who started tearing up from the yelling.
“Alfred Johnston Ketchum!” Delia screeched across the yard. Making everyone, who was in shock because passive, soft spoken, and loving Red had just down that, jump at the women’s sudden scream of rage.
Red immediately let go of the bat and immediately looked between Green, his hands, and then to his mom before repeating.
The next time the bat was taken out of the garage, and Delia had sworn to the police that she had torn the thing up in front of all the rest of adults after the kids were sent home, was next month. Red and Green made their truce yet again for the fifth time since the end of July.
They were playing some kind of ball game out in the back of Greens Grandpa’s lab. Gary and Ash were at some kind of baby appointment so the kids were put under Oaks watch... though he isn’t really doing a lot of kid sitting when he’s staring at the TV half dead basically from the heat.
Red had gone home, while Blue went to hers and Green went down to the Professors basement, to try and find a bat. When he got into his garage, sitting right in the middle of the concrete floor, was the Wiffleball bat. Shrugging he leaped down the two steps and scooped the bat up before charging, much to his mistake, across town and back to the Oak Labs. Both Blue and Green couldn’t find a better bat at their place so they used the one Red brought.
They only lasted an hour until the sun peaked at its hottest and the parents weren’t back yet either. Probably having lunch or grocery shopping since they are in Veridian.
“I’m hot!” Blue complained. Dragging her feet and pulling at her dress. Red chose not to comment at the pit stains that were growing where her dress was pressed between her armpits. “Can’t we go inside?”
“And listen to Grandpa snore the entire time?” Green asked, Shaking his head, “absolutely not. We can’t even change the channel or else he’ll get super mad when he wakes up.” A loud snore echoed from the open window into the living room and made all three kids flinch a little. Lousy old man. “Let’s just continue on playing.”
He tossed the ball to Blue, who had the orange bat that looked even worse out in the sun, who tried to swing it but was to slow.
“I’m tired!” She threw the bat down. Tears pricking her eyes as she continued to stomp her feet like it was supposed to intimidate Red and Green besides being annoying. ”tired, hot, and hungry!”
“Oh stop being a pansy!” Green snarled. Red could only nod his head and murmur and verbal agreement with Green.
“I’m not a pansy!” Blue shouted before stomping off and into the porch. Twirling around and sinking down onto a shaded step. Crossing her arms and pointing while glaring holes into Greens head.
Reds best friend turned to him and pointed behind his back at Blue, “girls are always so weak against guys, that’s why they stay at home and take care of the babies and chores while we men do the real work.”
Next thing Red knew Green had almost fallen into him. Blue standing behind him with the Wiffleball bat raised and an angry rabid look into her eyes. Before Red could do anything to try and placate both or just one of them. Blue descended upon Green.
Hit after hit, Blue didn’t stop. A look Red had only seen in one of those horror movies on the killers face on hers. His little feet carried him into the hose before nearly barreling into Grandpa Oak who started awake with a shout.
“It’s Blue and Green,” Red panted, “their fighting and Blues trying to draw blood.”
“Fucking Arceus-“ Oak struggles to get up from the rocking recliner.
“Grandpa! Make Blue stop!” Green shouted from the backyard. Pokémon from big to small had come out fo their hidy-holes to see what was happening.
“Make me yourself coward!” Blue shouted back before a particular loud Thwak! Was heard.
“What happened to men being stronger then girls!? Where’s your logic now you wet-willy bug-sucker!”
That had ended with the parents rushing home, police called by a bitchy neighbor named Mr. Hickiby, and an ER lady stitching the side of Greens forehead in an ambulance that was also called because Mr. Hickiby had exaggerated every detail over the call.
All three were so grounded.
The Wiffleball bat popped up once more around 2010, August 18 to be exact. No one knew where Ash had gotten ahold of it since the three had set fire to the bat last year. but soon he was charging out of the front entry way with Houndoom hot on his heels, speedy little fucker Ash is, and came speeding past Red who was walking home and Berliner straight for Champion Lance who was walking a bit behind Red to enjoy the view of the country side of Kanto.
Lance has bugged Red to show him his home town, not like there’s a lot to see in little ol’Pallet Town besides fields and farms and more fields. Now that Red was an equal to Lance and also technically Lance’s boss since he’s apart of the aka to Elite Four he had wanted to get to know more fo the soft spoken boy.
The Champion wasn’t expecting him to have such a terror of a little brother.
Ash had planted his feet down and slid in the loose gravel. Sliding by and swinging the Wiffleball bat as much as he could into Lance’s groin. Making the much older man double down and the force swung little Ash aroudn to where the bag had hit Lance’s ass with the same amount of force. This causes Lance to sink to his knees with a high picked whine.
Soul the Houndoom, Red and Ash’s mother’s Pokémon, barreled into Ash and bit into the loose part of a shirt and continued to tug the little seven year old back to the house.
Red had yelled at Ash without any words before turning to Lance. Not knowing what to do. All the while trying to ignore Green and Blue who chased Ash and Soul out of the house and are fucking loosing it behind the two in the grass.
Ash shouted that he was in the right because the strange weirdly dressed man, who must be higher then a kite, looked like he was gonna mug Red. That had sent Green and Blue deeper into hysteria while Red tried not to let his anger get the best of him.
The bat didn’t make a resurface until December 12 of 2012. Ash was nine and Red was twelve. His ass had just gotten dragged down from Mount. Silver by Green, Blue, two kids named Gold and Crystal, and then his hidden affair brother named Silver a year ago and Red was having his first Christmas with his family after two years.
Red was sleeping off a cold and Ash had just coe charging into the living room. Livid and holding the same plastic orange bat from Green and Blues memory.
“What’cha got there bud?” Gold, a fucking year older then Ash himself, asked.
“Someone,” Ash was already nearly yelling as he glare sweeper through the room, thankfully Delia had left to go last minute Christmas shopping and left everyone to watch Ash, “destroyed my snowman with this!” He shock the bat in the air before letting it fa back down by his side, “and not the hole in its stomach is bright red!”
Blue scrambled up from her slouched position on the one person seat to look out the window at Ash’s actually destroyed and fake bloodied snowman with a large red hole in the middle and red flakes everywhere. “Well damn,” she muttered, “He’s right.”
“Well I know it’s no one in here.” Green didn’t look up from his phone. Texting Lance about his orientation of being Viridian’s new gym leader after Red had knocked that greasy Mankey Giovanni down.
The others muttered their agreement, which was a mistake, and Ash raised the bat to grip it with two hands and yelled “Red you big meanie! You killed my snowman!” And then went charging up the stairs to Reds room.
The other kids were left speechless and in shock before there was a familiar loud Thwak! Noise and then a angry shout before Ash’s scream of terror then the two brothers charging down the stairs.
Ash was only saved by certain death by the hands of Red because Red was only in a shirt and some shorts and also obviously still very sick.
It was September 30th, 2015, and Silver had gotten his hands on it this time around. No one really stopped him as he had pinned Gomd down and had beatened him over the head continuously for four minutes before throwing the Wiffleball bat down and storming into the house. Hiding himself in Ash’s unused room, who was in Orange Isles at the time, to scream wordlessly.
Red and Green just dipped their coffee while Blue stomped forward for her own piece.
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Destroyed on the Outside, Cold on the Inside (Sriracha, Part 33.)
Series description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could let you far away from all the trouble.
Part Summary: The time went by really slow. You didn't feel like you. Hawkins didn't feel like Hawkins. And you were sure that it won't ever feel the same again since you were left all alone.
A/N: I am in physical pain bcs of this. My poor baby Jim. And Eleven. And everyone. 😭 Inspired by Fine on the Outside by Priscilla Ahn and Deep by Peter Sandberg.
Word count: 1.5 K
Tagging:  @nemodoren​, @creedslove​, @missdictatorme,
Master list: H E R E 
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Numb. The feeling of being numb. You don't know what does that even mean until you go through that phase. It feels like you can't see anything around you. Every sound is blurry, the world is black and white, the sun doesn't shine anymore. There's no such thing as happiness or laughter in your world. You can't see more places than your bed, sometimes your bathroom when you need to pee - and when your mom was persistent, you even visited the kitchen, where you were staring into the plate, barely touching the food on it. Aiden wasn't there to brighten your mood, Eleven was in Maine and Joyce was there with her. You didn't allow Steve or Julia to visit you; you wanted to be alone.
Numbness feels like you can't grasp the idea of reality or the idea of having to meet other human beings to talk with them, to think about the answers... It doesn't feel right. Your heart is telling you that something is wrong all the time.
And for an unclear reason, you often have panic attacks. You just start crying, shaking and for a while, the emptiness gets changed by pain. By immersive pain that slowly eats you alive and makes the best of you disappear. It usually ended up crying yourself to sleep.
Your mother was destroyed to see you like that. You were in your bed almost every day of November, dressed in his old shirts and nothing more, with your curtains closed watching marathons of Cheers and Magnum P.I. while kissing your engagement ring which you haven't taken off at all. Only your mom made you eat something and drink something every once in a while - that didn't change the fact that even before December came by, you dropped a lot of weight, your skin was not looking healthy and these bags under your eyes... Oh, baby.
"Darling, come on, it can't go like this until... I don't know when." - Your mom mumbled to your door, but you didn't answer; you just hid under the blanket a bit deeper.
Your room was still looking as it did when you left home for Jim... But your essence wasn't there anymore. The room seemed to be without any emotion, faded, without any light shining in. Your clothes were all over the floor, you didn't even bother to throw out the Doritos and Eggos packagings that were all over the place. There were plates, glasses, forks, and knives... It didn't feel like you anymore. The room was empty just like you were. Which was depressing.
"I haven't seen you in days... You haven't spoken to anyone since Eleven called for the last time... And it's okay to feel pain and grief. Especially for a man as great as Jim was. But you have a life to live." - Your mom continued, but you knew she didn't end just with that. - "University professors and Marty are fine with it... For now. But you can't stay hidden in this room forever. I love you, baby."
At that, you sighed. Your mom was probably right... And to be honest, you took a shower for the first time in weeks after that. And for the first time, you came out of safety. You felt like a hurt animal in distress when you met your dad in the living room. And you also felt uncomfortable with wearing pants.
Your mom specifically instructed your dad that he shouldn't say anything about what was going on with. She didn't want him to comment on your weight, on your overall appearance, on your behavior... She just wanted him to embrace you. And so he did.
For a moment, you looked at your dad opening up his arms for you before you slowly slipped in. It was weird to feel human touch, the warmth slipping on your body, hearing someone else's heartbeat. But you just closed your eyes and brought your dad even closer. For a small moment, you felt safe. You felt like anything could hurt you - because it was your dad and you were his small girl.
"It snowed earlier this morning." - He whispered to your ear, smoothing the back of your head. You knew how many words was he expressing with that. Without a word said, he told you that it's alright not to feel alright. He told you that he loves you nonetheless and that if you would want to know it ask anything, you could simply come and ask him.
"I see." - You answered simply, which took your dad away for a second. Anyone heard you talking in weeks probably. - "It looks lovely." - You grinned and went to let Lady laying in front of the fireplace. You sat down next to her, still petting her, looking at the fire. She lazily put her head on your thigh, making you sure that she enjoys your presence.
With all your willpower, you made yourself visit the classes you needed to and you made yourself work the shifts at the bistro. You spoke with your classmates, made careful jokes, but everyone you spoke to could see that you're not quite fine as you put too much effort into every thought.
Julia and Steve from biology asked you out a hundred times - to go to the movies with them or to visit bistro for a dinner, but every time they spoke about that, they could see how uncomfortable you got. That would be too much human contact for you at once. Small steps at a time, you promised yourself again, if I'd go slow, maybe I'd get better by the time.
It was a pretty lazy promise, but it was made nonetheless. Late evening calls with Eleven, telling you all about her daily life in Maine and school, that was all you were about those days, though you couldn't exactly share her excitement. Sometimes your mom spoke to her, sometimes you wrote her a letter, packing in a photo of some random Hawkins spot you found and liked, just to remind her of home.
Oh, what sparked joy inside of you was her planned trip to Hawkins to spend Christmas with you. For a while after a long time, you were seemingly happy and acted like yourself. For the first time in a long time, you were greeting your friends with smiles and waving, as you were simply joyful.
But that didn't mean you'd be hanging out with the people around - even Steve Harrington joined the club and tried to make you go out for a dinner with him, no romance intended. But you politely declined time after time he tried it.
There was a worry in your mom's head - what happens when Eleven leaves Hawkins with Joyce again? Your mom was pumped to have her granddaughter in the household for Christmas, that was for sure. But you won't be OK once she’ll be gone again and you'd have to do is to call her. First, she was afraid that Hopper would fuck you over when he’d stay by your side - now she was worried that this has fucked you up even more. There was always a bit of hope that once, you'd find another guy to make you happy and with whom you'd start a normal family from a scratch.
But that process could take years, maybe even decades. First, you needed to build your courage and to make yourself perceive the reality around again. Then, you needed to build enough trust and will for trying to give a piece of you to a different human being, again. They will be some missed you'd have to go through; men, who would hurt you and leave you all alone, aching once again. You were so young, yet you had some wild experience behind you.
Like loving someone sure that is incapable of falling in love again, making them turn their point of world total 180 degrees. You started an unconventional family life when you were still studying university, making it your priority number once. You felt the loss - such a terrible loss that it made you close yourself from the outside world for two months almost. You had the experience someone was not even lucky to get in the whole lifetime.
How many people your age could say the same? Was there even anyone your age who could say the same?
That was what your mother didn't know - but she hoped so. She just wanted to see you happy again.
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thatcnamomnwife · 3 years
Well, hello!
I really just wanted to check out this app because I don’t know anyone really who blogs here... maybe I could meet new people make friends I can chat with. I don’t work anymore and I have very little company. My ex husbands wife has come to visit and let our youngest boys play together and my family has come in and out to help keep things up in the house. I broke my leg in a car accident in October. I still can’t walk.
I laugh about it now because my two other siblings here have both been in worse car accidents and walked away with scratches. My brother was knocked unconsious and woke up and walked 2 miles home. I hit a tree to avoid hitting the back end of a truck that was stopped in a work zone and when I hit the break popped back and broke my ankle tib and fib... I knew I had broken it but was not aware of how bad it was. My EMT was wonderful in keeping me calm. I heard comments when I got to the hospital about it being really bad but I didn’t want to see the damage. They knocked me out and put me into surgery. I woke up with a fixater on my leg. The next night after I asked for pain meds 3 or 4 times in a row because the Dilaudid didn’t work, my assigned surgeon came in and examined my leg. I had compartment syndrome and needed a fasciotomy asap. so the next time I woke up I still had the fix and then my leg was completely wrapped. Every time I tried to do physical therapy I would. Bleed everywhere. I found out I had two huge gaping cuts in the side of my leg and 2 equally gaping cuts in the top of my foot. In the hospital I tried my best to keep up hope that this would all be over soon. My friends at work (I’m a CNA) got ahold of me and cheered me on the get better and come back to work soon. But here I am. It’s February and I’m still wheelchair bound and not walking. The way my surgeon fixed my leg set it to where my toes almost faced the ground and my ankle is now fixed as if its ready for a stiletto. I have worked hard to get to rotate my ankle and lift my toes a little bit and as my physical therapy has me working on the they are working on lifting this deep scar on top of my foot.
It sucks to have to depend on everyone else to get help. I can do some things on my own. But I can’t cook my own food by myself. I can do dishes actually but it’s really hard. I can move from place to place with my walker. But since I’m on one leg it’s hard and I wear out fast. I can’t go anywhere unless someone takes me. Sitting in a car is hell because I lose circulation in my leg easily. If I get annoyed with my husband or my kids get on my nerves I can’t just go outside.
I spent the first month crying. Every day. I’m not kidding. I cried even harder Every appointment because my surgeon is a straight forward kinda guy. My home health nurse came in and saw that I was cracking and she suggested I act for a low dose antidepressant and I just gave and said yea. I’m tired of crying. Well it’s worked so far. I still get mad and throw fits and cry but I think that’s just me being human and besides that anyone in the medical profession is bound be make a horrible patient.
I am a lot better now. In fact despite the fact that my leg still doesn’t work, I’m in ok spirits. I miss my job, my residents, and most of my coworkers. I worked through what I feel is the worst part of COVID in my area and I worked while I had it. I was so proud of my self for not giving up in that mess. I miss the hard work. I wanna go back but I know I will never get to run around like I did before. It just sucks.
But in the midst of this whole crap show my husband and I got married in December! It was a beautiful low cost home wedding and my family couldn’t come because they were quarantined but we had our other loved ones there. I won’t lie I looked amazing in my wedding dress and my hair and makeup was gorgeous. Nothing has changed since we got married. We are still bickering at each other but at the end of the day I love him and he loves me. We have been through it all in these 6 years and I wouldn’t have him any other way. He’s lazy. He frustrates me but he is a good man and a good dad to our son. My daughters love him. My oldest calls him dad. And he has pretty much jumped trough hoops for them since he met them. We are all a happy family and I love my life. I just don’t like where I’m at in my life.
I have 3 kids. My oldest is 14 and she’s a type 1 diabetic. Shes a hormonal teen with diabetes. We have blood sugar issues every day. Hormones raging. She recently got grounded for not doing her chores and lying about her blood checks and she lost it over not being on the phone for a few days. But damn she is smart. She wants to be a mortician when she graduates college. She passes state testing like it’s nothing. And she’s a complete music lover. She was the 18th chair in junior all region choir last year. She was the youngest in her group to get in. So I brag on her a lot. My middle child is a lot of energy and she frustrates me. She’s 10 and she’s been stuck in this stage where she acts like she doesn’t have common sense. We’ve taught her how to use the washer and dryer several times and this kid still says she don’t know how to use it. She’s the one who argues even if she knows she’s wrong she will still try to make you think she’s right. She will agree to something one minute and then get mad about it later. She will not brush her hair and she does this on purpose because she claims is a part of her personality. She also recently told me she’s bisexual. She’s a good kid though. Teachers and kids at school love her she don’t get in trouble ever. And she’s also a smart kid! She excelled in school to the highest. I’m very proud of my girls.
My son is 4 and he is a big ball of adhd. He bounces off walls and he’s very violent. We have been trying to get him evaluated so we can get him on proper meds before kindergarten but It hasn’t happened yet. But he’s also a sweet kid. He is very smart too. He knows all of his colors and can count to 10. He knows his name. But he tells you he’s 400 years old instead of 4 lol.
My mom and sister are both life savers to me. They have taken care of me through this. When I need them they are there. My brother prefers to live his own life and visit at moms with me from time to time. But I love him. I miss him.
My dad left my mom when I was 13. He caught up with my half sister. Fell in love with his ex wife and moved away. I have seen him 4 times since he left and the last time I saw him was when I was 19 and pregnant with my oldest child. He’s never met my kids in person and he’s only spoken to my oldest on the phone once. 2 years ago he disappeared after planning to come stay on my moms property to get back on his feet and get proper medical treatment. He asked our side of the family for money (like $1000) and none of us had that. So he tried to make us feel bad and then never contacted us again. I’ve heard fromy step sisters that he’s been spotted here and there but we honestly Don’t know where he is, what he’s doing and if he’s even alive. I hate to say it but it doesn’t bother me anymore. I used to break down thinking about him dying and not knowing. Now I feel different. He’s been gone most of my life now.
I also have this best friend who is more than my best friend. She’s my soul. This girl has helped me through some of the worst parts of my life. She and I don’t get to see each other very often but we are always family to each other. She and I talk almost daily. I just love her.
That’s my family though. It’s a hot mess but it’s mine and I love it. At the end of every day I am blessed because I’m loved and cared for.
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whats-the-story-tc · 4 years
To show you how very not dead I am, here are all my answers! Challenge made by @baeby-tc who is an amazing asset to the community and I'm so glad she's here
1. Describe your TC's physical appearance.
Well, she looks like me.
What do I look like? Her.
2. What was the first thing you've ever said to your TC?
Probably "yes" or "here" as I vaguely remember her taking attendance roll the first time I met her as a substitute.
3. Is your TC single or taken? Or are you unsure? And are you single or taken?
She's taken, I'm single with no real need to mingle rn.
4. Is your TC more of the athletic type, the nerdy type or the artsy type?
All three, somehow. She's incredibly athletic, a huge ass nerd, and a tiny bit artsy, though I don't think I've seen her draw, but I know she sometimes crafts things.
5. If you and your TC were in high school together, do you think you'd be friends?
Most likely. Though I think we'd be constantly pitted against each other, what with our similar strengths, and those are prone to ruin relationships, but... sure. I think so.
6. Name one song that reminds you of your TC and explain why that song reminds you of them.
Oof. What the Water Gave Me by Florence + The Machine. Back in like January-March, when I was probably most head-over-heels for her, I listened to it all the time.
7. Is your TC fashionable or are they more of the simple type? What is one outfit you'd love to see them wear?
Smart casual, I'd say, with a hint of geek. And I'd really love to see her in dresses more often. She kills it.
8. Would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your TC's subject if it meant you two could be together?
I'd do it without her, because if it wasn't for theatre, I'd probably go into literature, but... yeah. Sure. I'm all for confusing students which one of us is which.
9. Does your TC drink or smoke?
Oh, she drinks. I have a feeling the stories she shares with us are the mild ones.
10. Name one item that is always on your TC's desk.
Her bag. She comes in and throws her tote bag on the teachers' desk, first thing. But if we mean the one in the teachers' lounge, where all her stuff is... the stuffed fox on the cabinet next to the desk.
11. Has your TC ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? If so, what did they do?
Oh, she has. Half of it you know. There's one I don't think I've told you about, though, from October of 2018, one month into us knowing each other. I got into an argument with Cynical Twat in class, and V jokingly asked "Are you two dating?" to which I very loudly responded "WITH HIM?". I was super embarrassed about it, and for about two weeks, I was really angry with V and looked for any chance to get back at her for it. Then I just... forgave her, over time, like nothing ever happened.
12. Does your TC have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
Nothing I know of that wasn't teaching.
13. Does your TC have kids or siblings? If so, how many?
I think she might have a sibling. She mentioned it to me once, but I'm not entirely sure.
14. Are you taking your TC's class next year?
If V remains my English teacher next year, which is more than probable, we'll be meeting even more often, four classes a week instead of three, plus one English extracurricular which I'm taking because of my pre-graduation exams, so that's... five classes weekly with V. If she stays, you guys will be spoiled.
15. Has your TC ever met your parents? If you were there, what was the meeting like?
She has seen both of them, and both have seen her, but I don't think either parties remember each other. With my mum was when we briefly met V in a shopping mall in December of 2018, and with my dad in June of 2019 at school. I remember telling both of them "that was my literature teacher", but I don't think they'd recognise her face.
16. Has your TC ever given you detention? If so, what was it like?
Ain't no detention where I'm from, oop----
17. Has your TC ever failed you? If so, how did you react? If not, how would you react?
As in, fail me from English? Bitch, I feel bad if I get a B in her class, if she failed me I'd probably move to Peru or some shit-----
18. What are your TC's hobbies/interests? Are they similar to yours?
Well, we're alike in liking books and watching shows, but she's also a gamer and likes cooking.
19. Have you ever spoken on the phone with your TC? What did you talk about?
Nope, haven't had the chance.
20. If you had your TC's class during quarantine, what were your Zoom calls like? If not, have you spoken to your TC since quarantine?
I did have her class, though they weren't on Zoom, and as you could probably see from my posts, they were a fucking rollercoaster.
21. If you had the chance to go anywhere in the world with your TC, where would you go? What would you do?
I have a favourite park in my city, one that's always really calm and has this insanely magical athmosphere. I'd probably take her there and just... talk. It wouldn't have to be a confession kinda conversation, not at all, just... just us, having time and talking because we can and we want to, about absolutely anything.
22. Does your TC have any nicknames for you?
No specifics for me, but she has called me something that best translates to babygirl/babydoll on two occasions, both of which you can read about below.
23. Have you ever cried in front of your TC? Why? How did they react?
January 24th is all I'm saying.
24. Have you ever walked/drove to/from school with your TC?
Nope :c
25. Do you know which teachers your TC is friends with at school? If so, do you like those teachers?
She doesn't really have friends, per say. She's friendly with her colleagues (my homeroom teacher, for example) and can be seen talking to them, but I don't think she's actually friends with any of them.
26. Why does your TC's voice sound like?
Why? Probably because she's speaking?
All jokes aside — soothing. My next story post is gonna prove that.
27. Do you like your TC as a teacher? Are they a good teacher?
She's bloody fantastic at her job. One of the best I've ever had, and this is not just my bias speaking. The woman scored herself an in-school award for teachers THE YEAR SHE CAME HERE. Believe me when I tell you: she's that good.
28. Does your TC prefer books, shows or movies?
Knowing her, probably books.
29. Is your TC stern or easy going in class?
A bit of both. What she needs to be in that given moment.
30. How would you describe you and your TC's relationship?
Close. Sometimes we get along like a house on fire, other times we don't at all seem to understand each other, but even so, I'd say we're close. And I don't mean to be assuming shit here, but I think we both mean a lot to each other, though on vastly different levels.
31. Do you address your TC by their first or last name?
- Miss, when I'm addressing her directly
- Miss [Last name], when I'm talking about her to other teachers or adults, like my parents or my psychologist
- Last name, when I'm talking about her to my classmates
- First name, when I'm talking about her to my friends
- V, here on the blog
- Either one of the many nicknames I have for her, in my diary
This was a lot of fun to do! If you guys find the time, go ahead and do it yourselves~
~ S ♡
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