#and im a werewolf. im scared of the part of me with claws and teeth and no self control
calamitys-child · 8 months
Hornyposting in tags skip if u dont wanna see
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freakkisser · 12 days
hello im here to get you back for all the asks you've sent me >:3 ooo how evil ooo be scared of me
ANYWAYS!! what do vincent and yours wolf forms look like? is it similar to an existing wolf species or a mix of two or what? can werewolves be sparkledogs? many thoughts!!
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i kinda dont like the way werewolves are portrayed in the btd universe, and to be fair i have only played btd1 & btd2 (and till death due us part but yk) so idk if theres more appearances of werewolves to base my opinions on but i kinda scrapped the vibe for vincents canon wolf form.
i like the idea that vincent is a black wolf, and thats the only thing i kept from canon. i like the idea of in his wolf form him being bipedal or quadrupedal, and i like the idea of him being really fucking big. like at least 8 foot on his hind legs. anyways if i had to compare vincents werewolf form to an existing wolf species it would be the north american black wolf. i like to imagine the werewolves being more monstrous, since their so big it’s obviously more monstrous but also as opposed to being just big normal wolves theyve also got some spookyness to them. i found a reference that im basing their werewolf appearance on but i cant find the artists name so i dont feel comfortable posting it without credit, but think american werewolf in london but bigger and meanier lookin. i also like that vincents scars appear on his wolf form but i dont like how they look, so he still has his scars in his wolf form but theyre less prominent and tend to get covered by his long fur.
(although i still haven’t completely decided if i want him to be a werewolf in out canon of if it would be more like an au for us) sol is a tad smaller than vincent, probably about 7’5 or so. and his wolf form is closest in appearance to a mexican wolf. sol’s werewolf form looks a tad less mean and scary, but dont let the cuteness deceive you hes still a werewolf and he still attacks anything he sees.
some general werewolf x werewolf talk
sol’s tends to use his claws when hunting while vincent tends to use his teeth.
they can be around each other when theyre turned, despite having no control during there is some sort of wolfy to wolfy communication and they recognize each other as another wolf/pack member so they dont try to attack each other.
sadly still can not fuck in their wolf forms no matter how much i want it. (and if my posting lately hasnt gotten it across, i want it)
their snoots do look very boopable but i wouldn’t recommend it.
vincent has very large feet in his wolf form. where as sols looks very proportionate to his body.
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wulvert · 1 year
YEA THE "THINK ABOUT THIS ONE HIGHLY SPECIFIC FACT WITH MY BLORBO" DISEASE IS SO REAL,,,i have an oc who's my main guy hopping around in my brain and i go "yea she cant play the imposter (ඞ) in among us because lying to and killing her friends make her sad even though its a silly online game. she plays an absolutely Killer crewmate detective game though" (MEDIEVAL AGE CHARACTER BTW.) meanwhile any side character ocs i have even if theyre like. semi-important my brain can only come up with. "um. possibly Human idk. could Be"
also omg,,,scarlet and avery,,,KISSING?! 🏳️‍🌈😳WHAT!!! i cant believe there s vampire lesbins in,,,pap er teeth,,,the Lesbian Vampires comic,,,ur gona tell me theres vampires next,,,(very /lh /j etc btw pls do NOT read this as condescending!!!). also yeah one of my favorite parts of making fan content is just. deciding random ass things for the characters and world,,,my brain goes "Whats your source for this Information" and the source is i Made it the Fuck up!!
this ask got very long,,,it will get longer sorry. it is time for the Questioning™️ (same things as always apply!!)
how do paperteeth werewolves work? can they transform at will, or can they only do it under a full moon?
do they still have their weakness to silver? more weaknesses? supernatural abilities?
do vampire hunters not mind werewolves since theyre. u know. not Vampires or do they also not like werewolves?
follow up 2 that,,,do any of the vampire hunter group including her dad know trisha's a werewolf or is she just. chillin'. completely anonymous.
also i just realized. i have NO idea where paperteeth takes place. for some reason ive always just thought it was somewhere in europe. IS paperteeth's setting european??? i have no idea why i was so solid in my belief that theyre in europe up 2 this point,,,
ok so yeah these werewolves r more the ugh terrible curse that ruins ur life flavour, they cant transform at will, no benefits in human form like cool retractable claws or anything. they transform on the full moon & whenever they get extremely angry or scared, & its the gross horrifying painful kind like you get a new set of teeth every month kinda thing. they can avoid turning if they stay out of the moonlight BUT they feel extremely obligated to go look at it, and will get violent if kept from it, so its safer for the person to just turn than to throw themself at a basements brick wall relentlessly, all night- so you cant actually avoid it unless you wanna break all your arms every month, i mean the arms break either way but they heal when they turn back if theyre broken by turning. will eat anyone and anything except vegetables while a wolfh
weakness 2 silver in both forms, similar to a vampire. other injuries heal quickly but if u like killed it hard enough with a non silver weapon itd probably still die? it depends. like if u put a werewolf into a stainless steel blender, and the blender didnt break... itd probably stay dead, whereas if u put a vampire in a blender, i mean its hard to say, what counts as decapitation... if putting a vampire in a blender doesnt count as decapitation the vampire survives just fine. im trying to say werewolves are technically weaker than vampires, but theyre probably in a practical setting harder to kill, bc u cant just stake it and theyre huge. avery wouldnt know where to start with a werewolf.
depends on the vampire hunter! its not in the job description, but the kind of person who decides to become a vampire hunter is probably more likely to have a problem with werewolves. avery doesnt care about werewolves at all & wouldnt go out of her way to find and kill one, she's a little bit scared of them bc they spread their curse much easier than vampires (one bite is all it takes 2 pass it on) & she would find being a werewolf SO embarrassing.
(but she doesnt have to worry about that anymore bc i dont think vampires can become werewolves, i think werewolves can become vampires though. 4 a vampire the bite would heal immediately and i think vampires are a little bit too much of their own creature for werewolfness or whatever to recognise them as a suitable curse haver)
nobody except fish's family knows shes a werewolf!
&yeah! paperteeth takes place in scotland :)
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captain039 · 2 years
PART 2 Force bond
Obi wan Kenobi x reader
Werewolf AU
Warnings: werewolf things, feelings, emotions, light swearing, light gore, hurt/comfort, panic attack
Last part <-
It was hard to leave the shower, you scrubbed your body ten times and brushed your teeth furiously till they bled. You were struggling to stay awake and keep yourself up but you needed to check on your master again. You left the fresher, towel wrapped around your waist before you grabbed some causal clothes. A simple shirt and pants, clean and fresh. A knock came to your room and you frowned opening the door. Your master stood there a smile on his face as you froze.
“What are you doing up?!” You were quick to look him up and down, he stood normal, no pain on his face.
“You should be resting-“ you panicked.
“Padawan” Obi-Wan said firm as he sent out a calming wave in the force. You silenced yourself and let him in, door sliding shut.
“Apologies master” you muttered cursing yourself.
“How long were you by my bed?” He asked after some silence.
“Since you arrived” you muttered looking at the ground.
“Padawan that’s a whole week” he stated and you shrugged slightly.
“Doesn’t matter” you muttered as he stood by you face hard.
“It does matter you neglected simple self care!” he lectured and you cringed.
“You know better than this” he sighed and you felt emotions bubble up.
“I thought I taught you better, what will the council think, did Anakin even try to move you?” You shook your head and he sighed hand running through his hair.
“You were unconscious!” You snapped finally and he looked to you.
“You weren’t moving! I couldn’t feel you in the force!” Your eyes began to water with your outburst.
“I panicked! I didn’t leave your side because I was afraid you left me! I couldn’t care less about me! You only matter!” You snarled feeling pain bubble up as you groaned and toppled over. Your master tried to help but you pushed him away with clawed hands and fell to the ground as you shifted.
You laid on the cool Lino of your small kitchen and huffed trying to shift back. Shirt awkwardly ripped over your fur. You curled in on yourself, wolf body trembling.
“Padawan” your master said softly but you just hid under your tail the best you could.
Someone walked in, Anakin, you looked to him and he froze.
“I’ll come back” he said and quickly left. You trudged to your room, your wolf body a bit too big for the space you had. You shifted painfully, forcing it. You sighed covering yourself with robes and sitting on your bed. You hoped he would leave or comfort you somehow, you don’t know.
Your master sat by you, a sigh leaving his lips as you did. You kept your eyes on the floor, fear leads to hatred, hatred leads to the dark side.
You tried to calm yourself, tried to throw your feelings into the force but they just kept coming back.
“Suppose you’ll say something wise to me?” You muttered and he chuckled quietly.
“No Padawan I’m afraid I don’t have anything wise to say” he said and you smiled lightly.
“I’m sorry for scaring you” he said after some silence making you look to him.
“Anakin was the same, still is though he gives me more space now you’re here instead” he chuckled lightly and you flushed.
“Seems Im almost always going to attach to my padawans more than normal” he sighed voice soft, you frowned at his words though confused.
“The other masters and their padawans keep safe normal bonds, my bonds though seem to go further” he explained though you still were confused.
“You also require a lot of explaining on things” he chuckled and you apologised, but he shook his head.
“When Anakin first arrived here he held a proud stance, head held high his force strong. He wasn’t going to be stopped no matter how much he got challenged, when my master died he offered comfort, it surprised me, but it was that moment I knew I wouldn’t let my padawan be cut off from me, I didn’t feel much pain of my masters death, the connection had gotten weaker but stronger between me and Anakin” you listened intently to his past.
“Anakin grew and kept growing till he decided to be a foot above me” you stifled a laugh at his words.
“He became a general, a great Jedi, the more we worked on missions and real life things the closer we got, even now he projects his emotions to me, knowing I won’t judge like the others” Obi-Wan sighed hand fidgeting on his leg.
“When you arrived-“ he sighed.
“You don’t have to say anymore” you said.
“Attachments are needed” he said and you frowned.
“Healthy ones, ones that make you feel more than just the force, make it worth being with the force” you weren’t quite believing your ears at his words, Master Kenobi saying healthy attachments were needed when Jedi were to have no attachments.
“When you were in classes you would struggle and get this squinted face of annoyance when nothing went right, I watched you look at the teacher silently begging for help but to afraid to say. I wasn’t quite as knowledgeable then but seeing you made me want to learn more to help” you finally looked to him, the calm soft smile on his face as he spoke. He was still young then and so was Anakin, not towering over Obi-Wan but towering over you.
“Your eyes would light up every time you saw me walk through the door though you sat back to let the others ask their questions, you would fidget with questions before I finally got to you” you grew embarrassed indeed you were a little obsessed with him, one of your favourite teachers showing you how to do things.
“As you grew though I noticed you closing off from the bond, closing your emotions and thoughts, I think sometimes you would avoid me if you could” he stated and your stomach clenched. Hitting your late teens you realised your attachment to your master had gotten worse, your thoughts were wild.
“I thought perhaps it was your time to take your path as a Jedi knight, that’s why you focused more on training and completing missions to prove you were ready to the council” he spoke the truth, you were trying to prove yourself worthy of the title than just being a Padawan.
“When we would go out on missions though you would be calmer, more relaxed and the bond strengthened on our missions” you tensed slightly again, did he think you didn’t want the bond? You loved your master, he had done so much for you, but you couldn’t let him see the dark part of your mind.
“I like our bond, I didn’t mean to close off suddenly-“ you sighed, words weren’t coming out right your brain was muddled.
“It’s alright young one” he smiled and your heart sank, it wasn’t alright.
Next part ->
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wilt3d-r0zes · 1 year
Hi I'm like aggressively obsessing over Teen Wolf and I just finished my first fic for it, so here you go
Summary, AO3 link and link to inspired fic "So he knows about that. He knows that he recognizes the wolves’ body language. He knows he can understand their growls and howls and what English equivalent they’re meant to portray. What he doesn’t know is that he started mirroring it." Or, Autistic!Stiles can understand wolf growls, body language, etc etc and starts mirroring it without realizing. It makes communicating a lot easier.(Takes place just after Season 3, ignoring the plot of Season 4 because I haven't watched it yet) Fic Link Inspired Work Notes:  Like I said in the summary- I haven't seen season 4 bc im not emotionally prepared after the end of season 3 fUCKED ME UP uhhhh so just ignore season 4 and the weird hint at season 4 that happened at the end of season 3 Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Ethan, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall, Kira Yukimura and Derek Hale (Stiles Centric)
As per usual, there are a lot of things about werewolves that Stiles doesn’t really get.
Unfortunately, there are a lot more things he doesn’t get about humans than there are about werewolves. If anything, werewolves seem to just click in that weird, mentally ill part of his brain.
One thing he’s noticed is that the wolves in his pack (his? when did he start calling it his pack? he’s just the human. He’s the only human now. Fuck.) is that they have a new, slightly weird way of communicating. One that Stiles understands somehow.
The way they stand, the various ways they flare their powers with claws, pointed ears, fangs, glowing eyes, etc. The way they growl, howl, all of the above, it all has different, specific meanings. Like back off, or my territory. Things like concern and panic, all have their own little flavor of wolf communication.
What Stiles continues to not understand is how he understands it.
When Scott looks like he’s pissed, like he’s about to rip someone's head off and he growls and all Stiles can hear is that he’s scared, that he’s absolutely terrified, even when every human social cue he knows should be screaming anger, he’s not sure how he knows that’s wrong.
So he knows about that. He knows that he recognizes the wolves’ body language. He knows he can understand their growls and howls and what English equivalent they’re meant to portray.
What he doesn’t know is that he started mirroring it.
With the benefit of the school temporarily shutting down due to some repairs and cleaning needing to be done, the pack spent a lot of the next week after the Nogitsune together.
A lot of the time they’d spend the night at each other's, occasionally Allison’s, houses. At Derek’s loft, all piled up across Scott or Stiles’s room. Sometimes they’d conk out at a park on accident because none of them wanted to face the nightmares they see when they sleep.
It’s a night like that, where they’re all asleep on top of one another. Stiles has Scott draped over his chest, using him as a pillow. Isaac and Kira are both using Scott like their own pillows, Kira on his stomach and Issac practically cuddling his lower legs.
Ethan is off to the side, legs over Isaac’s and snoring loud enough to rival Stiles’s panicked breathing.
Still, it wakes Scott. His eyes blinking open when his pillow starts bouncing him up and down and connecting the breathing to his best friend. He’s up and moving the parts of him not held down by a soundly sleeping Kira and a slowly waking Isaac before he can even process the growling.
Because Stiles is… growling, in his sleep. His face is pinched in sweaty, panic, and he’s growling. Scott’s wolf brain translates it on its own, and all he can smell and hear and see is, Help me. Scared. Panicked.
It scares Scott. How does Stiles know how to growl like that? Growl like a wolf? How does he know that the way his face is scrunched reads like a werewolf baring its teeth when it's backed into a corner, even in his sleep?
“Scott? Is that you?” Isaac’s voice is tired, but he still sounds concerned for his alpha. Concerned about the growling he’s hearing because it sounds like a wolf.
Scott turns back, eyes wide, “It’s Stiles,” he says, borderline breathless in his own confused, slight panic because what if something is wrong with Stiles, what if he’s turning into a wolf? How is he growling like that?!
And then Stiles starts screaming, and everybody is awake within a few minutes while Scott and Isaac work together to restrain a screaming, crying, Stiles. Growls are slipping out between his words, between his yells for help, yelling Hatred, Fear, Anger, Confused in a not-really language he shouldn’t be able to understand.
“What’s going on?” Ethan’s asking once he’s woken up by screaming and being kicked in the face off of Isaac, while Kira is trying her best not to pile the same question on after being essentially thrown onto the grass.
“He had a nightmare,” Scott replies, looking at Isaac and expressing for him to let go, leaving him to sit there with a panting, growling, terrified Stiles in his lap. His best friend is shaking and sweating and panting as he sprawls his legs out and buries his face in Scott’s chest.
“Who’s growling?” Kira, who doesn’t understand the growls for what they are but recognizes that they mean something different to the wolves than they do to her, finds herself looking around at all three of them in search of who it is that sounds like they’re about to go to war.
“Stiles,” Isaac sounds just as breathless as Scott did, if a bit more confused than panicked, “He’s…”
“Terrified,” Ethan finishes.
Stiles doesn’t remember waking up from his nightmare the next morning, and Scott helps him count his fingers until he calms down.
None of the wolves bring it up to Stiles.
Ethan tries, and he almost does, he starts the conversation but then the bell rings for class and Stiles doesn’t care enough to try and figure out what he was so concerned about.
Scott and Isaac can pretend that it was a one-time thing. It’s not some new supernatural terrifying thing where maybe the bite to Void transferred to Stiles somehow. It’s not.
(It isn’t. Stiles has been able to understand the wolves from day one. His running theory is it’s either something to do with being around them so much (No. Because Allison couldn’t. Why can he?), or it’s because of his autism or something that means an alternative form of communication is easier to read.)
It happens again during class. Not in such a similar way, but still noteworthy nonetheless.
There’s a surprise fire drill happening that day. Scott knew Stiles was already having a bad sensory day, even if neither of them brought it up. Knew in the way he jerked away from touch, in the way he flinched at every loud noise and covered his ears when Coach started yelling.
When the alarm rings, the noise that Stiles makes from his seat right beside Scott sounds like a wounded wolf, and it means that he zeroes in on his friend instead of the fact he should be standing and leaving the classroom in a line.
It means that he doesn’t listen to the teacher as he does a head count, because he’s too busy rushing toward Stiles and pulling him down onto the floor where he knows he’ll be more comfortable.
It means he barely hears the way the class shuffles out without them after the teacher yelled at them and neither so much as looked at him, because Scott was too busy helping cover Stiles’s ears and listening to the tiny, wolf-like whimpers that he shouldn’t be able to make so cleanly.
Those whimpers turn into growls of Hurts, Help, Stop, Pain when his hands get free thanks to Scott, flapping so hard he occasionally hits himself or the werewolf covering his ears from the alarms. A pained growl always comes after he hits, something closer to Sorry, Hurts, Scared than anything else, like he’s directing it at Scott.
They sit like that for a while, somewhere down the line Scott started growling back, trying to communicate Helping, Love you, Calm down, on the off chance that Stiles can somehow understand it.
When the alarms finally shut off and the lights stop flashing, Stiles slumps down, and then slowly falls forward against Scott. His head hits the alpha’s chest with a thump, and it’s followed by a quiet Sorry, Thank you, Good now growl.
Scott doesn’t stop himself from answering with a You’re Welcome, Happy, Safe, and pretends it doesn’t terrify him when it makes Stiles relax.
Derek Hale has seen a lot of things.
He’s experienced a lot of things.
A human that can understand and mimic werewolf not-language, though?
He hasn’t seen that.
And yet here’s Stiles, holding a full conversation with him without him saying so much as a word.
It’s been twenty minutes. Sure, Stiles is talking a lot, but when he pauses he turns and he looks at Derek, and if he doesn’t get what he’s looking for his brows will scrunch up until Derek makes some sort of noise.
And then he’ll just respond, like those noises were words!
It’s… weird.
It’s a good weird?
Derek doesn’t know how to feel. He’s never seen this before, but it’s nice to not have to talk when he doesn’t want to. When he can just communicate in the way that actually comes naturally to him as a born werewolf.
Even if it’s nice, he still wants to know how. How does this completely human teenager understand werewolf not-language like it’s a verbal conversation?
Isaac doesn’t get it.
But it sure is helpful, when he’s waking up from a nightmare and straight into a flashback and Stiles is the only other person awake to calm him down. When he only comes out of it because suddenly Stiles is mimicking a growl he’s only ever heard Scott make that means Stop! Calm down!
It drags him mentally kicking and screaming back to the dark room that is Stiles’s bedroom (Sue him for being nervous about leaving the previously void-possessed human in their pack friend group alone again. Especially knowing he still has night terrors.)
“How did you do that?” is the first thing he says, breathless and confused but slightly calmed down.
Stiles, from where he’s in front of Isaac now that they’ve both more-or-less fallen to the floor, gives him a confused look, “What? What’d I do? I just kinda panicked because you weren’t really responding other than trying to hit me and screaming, so.”
He shrugs like it’s no big deal. Isaac assumes it’s because he does the same thing.
“You growled at me,” Isaac breathes, “And it sounded like Scott.”
“Hey, Deaton?”
Scott figured that today might as well be the day he asks somebody else.
Well, he did ask Derek a week or so ago, but he had no idea and clearly didn’t care all that much. So, Deaton it was.
“Yes, Scott?”
“Is it possible for a human to learn and mimic werewolf, uh, language?”
Deaton paused in the injection he was giving the dog on their table, looking up at him with scrunched brows, “Is this about Stiles?”
“Uh, Sorta?”
“No, as far as I know, a human cannot learn nor mimic werewolves,” Deaton allows, turning his attention back to the dog, “It is one of the many downsides to letting a human be part of your pack.”
“But he’s doing it, Deaton,” Scott sighs, running a hand through his hair, “Isaac said he copied one of my growls to calm Isaac down, he keeps growling when he’s stressed or scared and I don’t know how he’s doing it.”
“Perhaps, the bite to the Nogitsune?” Deaton offers, “That was a situation unlike any I’ve seen before, it could’ve had unforeseen consequences.”
“How would that make him able to growl like an alpha?”
“...It wouldn’t.”
“Great, so you can’t help either.”
VI. (+1)
Over the last while, Stiles has realized what he’s been doing. Mostly through Isaac and his dad, who seemed very confused when a nonverbal Stiles started growling at him to tell him Fine, Tired because werewolf is easier than human.
(Werewolf shouldn’t be easier than human. He’s a human, he’s content being a human, so why is it easier to act like a werewolf?)
It’s another nonverbal day, actually, where it all really comes to head. One day where Stiles wakes up and it feels like his joints had been bathed in a concrete mixture while he slept, and like speaking will mean he gets his vocal cords ripped out.
(It’s anxiety-inducing, to even think of talking. To think of making any human-like noise, which is why it’s still weird that he’s making wolf-like noises instead. Whenever everything else feels like too much, he turns into a perfect mimic of his best friend.)
But he still has to go to school, even if he can’t talk and he’ll probably shut down at the first sign of relief. He’s missed too much with all the supernatural problems that he’ll get held back if he misses too much more.
So he drags himself out of bed and out of the house, into his jeep, and through the school doors. Scott’s at their lockers when he shows up, borderline dressed in pajamas. (Jeans were too much and he couldn’t find a shirt that felt right, only the t-shirt he slept in that was soft and overworn would work. He threw on sweatpants and pretended it wasn’t sleepwear.)
He greets his friend, bag half hanging from his locker so he can pick out what he needs for class. Stiles growls in response, Hello, Tired, Happy, it says, even when Scott turns at him with those wide, confused eyes he always gets when Stiles does things like this.
Stiles can’t bring himself to care today. He’s just so tired.
Sick? Worried, Scott responds, shutting his locker quieter than he usually does like he’s expecting it to throw Stiles into a loop.
He stares at his bag for a long minute, trying to think of how to respond. He doesn’t think there’s a werewolf not-language equivalent to what he wants to say, but he tries anyways, Tired, Healthy, Sleepy, and then shuts his locker.
“Are you guys growling at each other?” Lydia’s seemingly always judging voice greets, appearing behind Stiles, “Did you get into a fight or something?”
“Or something,” Scott replies, still staring at his painfully human best friend, who’s holding himself like he did when he was having night terrors every night. His shoulders hunched, head hung low, there are bags under his eyes and he looks like there isn’t a single thought in his head beyond tired.
(Scott and Lydia both pretend it doesn’t scare them to see his face so blank. Only the Nogitsune held his face like that, Stiles always has some sort of expression. A hint of anything emotional. But instead, he’s staring right through Scott’s boots with his lips in a straight line.)
Go, Home, Work, he growls, and Scott can’t help but laugh at the mishmash of English logic applied to Werewolf not-language.
“Seriously, how is he doing that?” Lydia points at the now-leaving Stiles, but Scott just shrugs.
“We haven’t figured it out, Deaton thought it might’ve been the bite I gave the Nogitsune but he mimicked one of my growls at Isaac, so,” he sighs, “No idea. I’ll see you in class, Lydia.”
Stiles agreed when Scott asked him to come along to a ‘pack meeting’. He looked confused, if only for a moment before the tired, autistic emotionless appearance returned, but followed the werewolf anyways.
He still wasn’t talking. At least he hasn’t shut down yet.
The park is where they end up, the park that has trash all over it and is too overgrown for anybody except the weird kids to go to. Most of them steer clear when their pack is there, some still-human instinct to avoid matter they don’t belong in.
Stiles hasn’t ever experienced that feeling. Maybe it’s because this is his pack, even if he is human.
When they’re all sat on that stupid picnic blanket Isaac bought as a joke because Stiles complained about the grass one too many times, Scott addresses them all.
Stiles didn’t realize this meeting was going to be about him. If he had, he wouldn’t have come. He’s cutting Scott off to say Upset, Tired, Stop, before he can get more than five words out.
He’s still too tired to care about the way they all turn and look at him.
“That’s what I wanted to talk about,” Scott says, gesturing toward him, “Stiles is still human, but he’s… somehow figured out how to understand and communicate like a wolf.”
“Yeah, but I thought we already knew this?” Isaac raises a hand, glancing between his alpha and Stiles.
(Stiles isn’t really listening, eyes trained on a random spot on the blanket, one knee pulled up to his chest with his hands tapping out a rhythm onto the knee.)
“Yes, but apparently Stiles didn’t know until recently, so I thought I’d make sure we were all on the same page. This is also an official way of saying that he’s part of the pack.”
Ethan is the only one to double-check this. To feel for the pack bond. To look for that connection he’s lucky to feel with Scott and Isaac.
He finds it.
Pack, Ethan growls.
Pack, Stiles responds, even though he doesn’t look up. He’s starting to shut down, but growling is still easier than words, Tired.
Scott lets Ethan be the one to take him home on the back of his bike, and if the werewolf stays with his human pack member to make sure he’s okay, then that’s his business.
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raven-steinderolo · 3 years
can we get the werewolf reader visiting dream and how would they react.
part 2 of claws and moon
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summary: visiting dream in prison
pairings: dream x gn!reader
warnings: none
genre: angst but not heavy angst
im glad you liked it!! :D
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"When you're ready." Sam glances over to you, hand hovering over a lever.
it's been days after Dream went to prison. You stayed at home, wondering if he really meant what he said all of those time to you. you recalled to all of the 'i love you's and questioning it.
After Puffy came by your house to give you pastries and bake goods to cheer you up, she saw the amounts of holes and claw marks on the walls and floors. She comforted you and suggested maybe to visit Dream. Since you and Dream had known each other for so long, he'll listen to you! well, you had known him.
So here you are, on the platform, staring dead into the lava. you are nervous and scared. Dream would never do anything to make you scared. Dream would never. But this isn't Dream anymore. and it terrifies you.
"I'm ready," you nod in sam direction. His hand pulls the lever down and the curtain of lava in front of split open. the platform move through the walls of lava.
the last veil of firing liquid split off, revealing a square shaped room made out of obsidian, with the familiar man with the broken mask. the last time you saw that mask in perfect shape was the last time you looked at him with loving eyes.
stepping off the platform you walk into his space once the border of obsidian went down. his head hangs low, maybe he feels sorry for what he did, but you're not sure.
"I miss you. . ." he mumbles, lifting his head to look at you. Dream smiles at you, but butterflies don't appear like they used to.
you close your eyes and take deep breaths. "Why. . . Why did you do it."
"I want to protect you. . . from—from these people."
"WHAT PEOPLE?!" you scream at him, the feeling of anger and frustration try to break through the barrier, you fight back to let the won't transformation happen. "They're nice to me. . . they check up on me because you're in prison, they didn't lie to me."
Dream walks over to you and tilts his head, "I. . . I didn't lie to you. I promised you I wouldn't." but he did.
you stare at the man in front of you. the man that you told your dark past and the people that lied to you, that made you do things with those deceptions. you told him how you hated liars. and he told you that he would never do those things.
Dream reaches out to hold you, but you react fast to back up, "Stay the fuck away from me." His smile falters, "Baby. . . I'm sorry. It was the only way to protect you."
"I couldn't control situations if I didn't have the upper hand."
A hand placed on your shoulder, as your mentor's lips curled up into a grin. "You've done well," he said your old name. the name that everyone in your past called you. the name that they praised every time you killed someone. you didn't know why you were still studying under him, maybe it was because of the lies they were giving you. the body fell down in front of you and the guards took him away from the room. the mentor gestured you towards your two other friends, they eyes stared at the stone floor, feeling the same thing you were feeling, nothing.
you realized that they were deceiving you so you were planning on cutting them off. but you should have known that your mentor was the most powerful man and no one could go behind his back without him knowing. he made you go insane and feed lies to you. lies about your family. madness blinded your clear thoughts as you watched the fire. your friends stood beside. the only thing your family left you was the ashes and bones.
"You lied to me. I know you didn't did it to protect me. You know that I can handle myself just fine. . ." Dream crossed his arms, "Well. . ." he chuckles darkly and straightens.
"You didn't when you killed your family, so who knows."
your eyes widen and your heart drops. you can't say anything to that. defend yourself? defend that you did killed your family?
a minute passed. Dream smirks at your silence and turns his back towards you. "So. . . remember when I got the revive book— Oh sorry, I didn't tell you about that. Well I did. So I was thinking on how—" he begins to explain his great escape plan, but you don't give a single fuck about it.
the anger from the pit of your stomach grows and grows. and you can feel your bones stretching and breaking as it snap in place. thick fur grows over your entire skin like waves.
Dream stops his ramblings abruptly. he notices your shadow that is casted in front of him begins to grow bigger and taller.
he turns around at the right time as you lunge at him.
you can't hear Dream screaming for Sam, all you can see is red and white noise blares loudly in your ear. clawed hands gripped his body as your teeth sinks into his shoulder.
you felt something cold and dragging you off him. your claws dig into his skin as they peel you off. And the last thing your consciousness feel is the harsh coldness ground.
"I'm sorry, Sam. . . I—I lost control and—" you stop yourself and take deep breaths. you're still in your werewolf form so your voice comes out gruffy and rough.
Sam leads you back towards the entrance of the prison. "It's fine. He deserves it for what he did, but we still need him for the revive book," "I. . . I know."
You wave Sam goodbye and walk away from the building.
and again, you hurt someone you loved. history does repeat itself. but this time, you don't beat yourself up and blame yourself for hurting him. like Sam said, he deserves it.
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this was so rushed eeeeee i hope you got some enjoyment out of this!! and thank you for all of the likes on the first part!! <3
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lamiasluck · 4 years
Apart of the Pack
(This is a gift for @hostgalli19! I hope you enjoy)
Summary: Yancy, a powerful beast among beasts, roams through the forest. He's an unstoppable force, all his prey cower before him in the quick last moments they have before they're ripped apart. Lately he's sent his eyes on one man that's been travelling through the forest everyday. A man cloaked in a red hood.
Characters: Yancy, Eric, and Derek
AU: Little Red Riding Hood inspired, Yancy’s a werewolf
Words: 3757
Warnings: Referenced abuse and implied character death
Read on AO3!
The forest was quiet, it always was. Only the bravest of souls travelled through the Happy Trails forest. Despite the cutesy name, monsters of all kinds roamed amongst the dense trees. If anyone were to travel too far or stray from the path, their souls would be doomed to be the next meal of some bloodthirsty beast. So only the strongest went through, the bravest of the brave.
Or souls with a chore to complete, apparently.
Yancy has been watching this guy for awhile now. He wore a red hood that covered most of his body, but Yancy could tell that he was one of those frail types. He constantly looked over his shoulder and kept a wary eye on the bushes as he passed. Everyday he walked on the path, not daring to stray for even a second. Yancy could smell the fear on him, almost as well as he could smell the food he always carried.
Alongside the red hood, another constant was the basket of pastries and food. He delivered them to the same house everyday. A family member, maybe? Yancy never bothered with the details. What he did bother with was what looked like an easy meal.
For someone like him, his diet mainly consisted of meats, but he wouldn’t mind a bread roll every once and awhile. Besides, if he couldn’t get what was in the basket he could tear that man apart and use his red hood as a napkin. All it took was a rustle of a bush for the man to start cowering.
“W-Who’s there?!” The man panicked. He held his basket close as Yancy stepped closer.
Now in an approachable form, Yancy held up his arms in a passive manner. “Easy there, pipsqueak. I’m just passin’ by.”
The man still seemed apprehensive. Even in the daytime this forest was dangerous, so he kept his guard up. He looked around for any other signs of life. As far as he could see, it was just him and this stranger.
“What’s someone like youse doing ‘ere? This place is pretty dangerous, y’know?” Yancy got a better look at the man’s face as he stared petrified. Round glasses framed his face, with quirked up eyebrows and a slightly quivering lip to add onto his defenseless attitude. It delighted Yancy to see such an easy target.
“I’m, um, I-I’m giving some f-food to my - to my dad.” The man shrunk further into himself as Yancy looked him up and down, eyes focusing on his food basket. “Wh-What are you doing here…?”
Yancy pressed his lips together. “I’m one of ‘em monster hunters,” he lied, “Just checkin’ to make sure everything’s alright ‘ere. The name’s Yancy.”
Instantly, the man relaxed at his claim. Not entirely relaxed, but relaxed enough that Yancy doesn’t have to worry about him running away soon. Eyes blinded by panic missed Yancy’s oddly strong and clawed nails, and his abnormally sharpened toothy smile.
“I’m Eric,” he muttered. Yancy’s roughed up appearance put him on edge, but he assumed he was coming out of a scuffle of some sorts.
Yancy nodded softly, repeating the name under his breath. “Well then, Eric, youse should pick up the pace there. Youse don’t know what could be lurking ‘round.” He looked at the basket, then at Eric’s face. He was alright looking for a human, though he needed more meat on his bones.
“I try… t-try to be careful.”
“Why don’t I walk youse to ya destination? It’d be safer.” He could wait for his meal. If he killed Eric now then that destroyed his chances of getting more baked goods in the future.
Eric chewed on his lip as he contemplated. He fidgeted with the basket’s handle, and Yancy noticed a yellow handkerchief tied around it. There was still a bit to travel after this. If a monster hunter was here then that could mean there are more monsters about, so he nodded his head.
Their walk was relatively peaceful. Yancy learned that Eric owned a bakery in the nearby town and had to deliver his father fresh goods everyday after he closed up shop. That last fact sounded odd to Yancy, a bit controlling, but he assumed Eric was taking care of his father. Another defenseless person then. Today was really shaping up for him.
In a safe part of the forest, next to another town, was a small lodge house. Eric turned to Yancy.
“Um… Th-Thank you,” he said, smiling shakely at the other. “I-I don’t have any - any money to g-give… ‘M sorry.”
“That’s alright, pipsqueak.” Yancy smiled back, though it was naturally more dangerous. He pointed at the basket. “Say, why don’t youse give me some bread and we’ll call it even.”
Eric flinched as he made his offer, a newfound fear present in his eyes. “I… I’m n-not sure…”
“Why’s that?” Yancy asked with a frown.
Eric looked at Yancy, then to the basket, then finally at the house. He was unaware as Yancy clenched his fists and snarled his teeth slightly. He had something else to be afraid of. “These are for my dad. I-I shouldn’t - he-he’ll be mad.”
“Your dad won’t miss one piece. I’m really hungry from all the…” Yancy shifted in place, “monster huntin’, y’know?”
The way Eric furrowed his brows and shivered made Yancy pity him. It was almost enough to make reconsider killing him. Much to his delight, Eric rummaged through his basket and pulled out a sweet bun. A bit small, but it was something. It was enough to satisfy Yancy.
There was an unspoken off promise that they’ll meet again. Eric was relieved that there was someone that could help him, he doesn’t see many people travel through here after all. Yancy hasn’t spent this much time with a human without tearing them to shreds, he was downright curious of how long this could go.
“Until next time, pipsqueak.”
The next day Eric came by the usual path. However, Yancy could tell this time was different. Eric was off, he could smell it and he could notice a limp Eric poorly tried to hide.
He went up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. “Youse alright?”
Eric screamed and turned around, causing Yancy to flinch back. Once he saw who it was he calmed down slightly and tried to regain his breath.
“Uh… I’m sorry?”
“N-No, no, it - it’s fine,” Eric reassured, more so to himself than Yancy. “Everything’s fine.”
“Ya sure ‘bout that? Looks like youse saw a ghost or somethin’.” In this forest he could have very well have, actually. “Lemme walk wit’ youse again.” Eric simply nodded his head and continued his path. His gaze was cast downwards. Yancy could feel the unease radiating off him, so they both kept quiet for some time. When Yancy spoke again, he bit his tongue and held off on the question plaguing his mind.
‘What happened to youse?’
“Youse make good bread, I really liked the thing ya gave me.”
Eric lit up slightly at the comment, a small smile present underneath his hood. “Really…? Th-That’s good.”
“Youse got a lot of customers, then?” If he had the money and a good reputation he’d definitely be at the bakery everyday. The sweet bun he got was heavenly. Why, he’d kill to have another! And he just might, but he was holding off on that.
“Yeah, p-people seem to - to like my stuff… I think, at-at least.”
“I’m surprised there’s any left for ya pops.”
Immediately Eric’s expression fell at that comment. Yancy blinked in surprise as he hunched his shoulders and shivered slightly. “I…  I make fresh s-stuff for him. He doesn’t - doesn’t like t-the bread th-that’s leftover.”
Yancy didn’t comment on that, only nodding and continuing their path. What Eric said left a suspicious feeling in his chest, but he’s only talked to this guy twice, best not to invade too much. Soon after, they arrived at the lodge house and Eric turned to Yancy, and expression of guilt apparent.
“I-I can’t, um, I can’t give you bread today,” he admitted. “My… dad doesn’t like it - h-he thought I a-ate his stuff.”
Yancy raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. “Youse didn’t eat it though? Tell ‘im that youse gave it to someone.”
“I did… he didn’t - he d-didn’t believe me.” He looked down and fiddled with his handkerchief. Then he looked back at Yancy with a shaky smile. “I-I can make you extra bread tomorrow, I-I swear!”
Yancy huffed, though he couldn’t bare any real malice at the other. “Alright, but youse better promise me.”
“I promise.”
There was a bad taste in Yancy’s mouth as he saw Eric enter the house. If he was any closer with him, he’d wouldn’t let him in that house, but he was he to say what he can or can’t do? He ignored any instincts bothering him and kept quiet. Eric was a nervous guy anyways, maybe he was worrying for nothing.
Oddly enough, he wanted to see him again, and not just for the bread rolls. Curiosity was a dangerous thing for a monster.
Time and time again, Yancy met up with Eric as he walked the path. The next time they saw each other, Eric was faring better and didn’t have a major limp. Yancy assumed that was an accident that he got injured that day.
Except that it wasn’t.
It was sporadic, but some days Eric would be more nervous and hesitant. Zoning out, scared, easily surprised. Spending every day with the guy made Yancy notice quick. However, he felt as though he shouldn’t intrude, he doesn’t know him that well after all. So he settled with what they had, bread rolls and nice talks about their lives. Or what Yancy made up about his, he can’t really say what he actually was now could he?
“Y-You really k-killed those monsters?” Eric asked awestruck.
A fearsome shadow creature cloaked in red and blue, form cracking with a desire for vengeance and pain, and hulking minotaur deceivingly chipper and colourful.
“Yeah, they’s put up a tough fight, but I got ‘em in the end.”
Yancy had a lovely dinner with them last night. If anything, their meal gave them a bit of a struggle, but that made for a fun chase and a satisfying resolution.
Today Eric was in a rush. Their pace was hurried though Eric never explained why it needed to be. Yancy told his fairytales right up until the last minute, but eventually they stood before that same old house. Eric looked at his father’s house for a moment, pressing his lips together in a tight line. He hesitated much more lately, he couldn’t help it. Snapping out of his thoughts, he reached in his basket and pulled out a freshly baked loaf of bread.
Yancy eagerly took the food, but also cast a concerned look to his friend. “Youse gonna be alright, pipsqueak?”
There were words stuck on Eric’s tongue. He could say so much, but he stopped himself. “It… i-it’s nothing! I-I’m getting kinda… kinda sick!” It didn’t look like Yancy believed his fake cough. Still, he stuck with his explanation, silently cursing his cowardice. “I-I’ll see you around.”
He didn’t give Yancy the chance to say goodbye and left quickly. That same bad feeling was present as Yancy watched him enter the house. He has never met his father, and Eric barely talked about him, so he was in the dark. It was too late to get Eric now, so he was going to talk about his strange behaviour tomorrow.
As walked back the trail, dead set on going back to his cave and enjoying his food. On the path, there was something yellow on the ground. Upon closer inspection, Yancy saw that it was Eric’s handkerchief.
‘Must’ve fell off,’ he thought to himself as he picked up the cloth. ‘I’ll give it to him tomorrow.’
Eric didn’t show up the next day.
It made Yancy restless. Why the hell happened to him? He’s dutiful on his task for his father, and he seemed in perfect health yesterday, so it was unlikely that he wasn’t here by his own accord. Something must’ve got him, but Yancy put in a good word to the other monsters not to hurt him. Hell, he ended up sharing his pastries with them, it couldn’t be them. That left him with very few options.
‘His dad… that fucker must’ve done something. I know it.’
He gripped Eric’s handkerchief tightly in his hands.
What started as him stalking another potential victim blossomed into something he couldn’t predict. Friendship. Yancy ended up caring for that shy bastard and now he wants to find him. His handkerchief was the map he needed.
Yancy’s monstrous curse could help him here. More trained canines had the gift of tracking people down by their scent, all they needed was an object close to their target. Yancy was no different. Even if he wasn’t in his wolf form his heightened senses could track down Eric’s trail. It lead him to the outskirts of the forest in a nearby town. A bakery to be exact.
The town was quiet, night time soon approaching as the sky darkened. Which meant it was near closing time for Eric. Usually he would have went to the forest hours before, but perhaps he was too busy with work. That’s what Yancy hoped at least. Yancy pushed the doors open, a chime above the doorway ringing throughout the shop, still no response. However, he knew Eric was here by his scent.
“Eric? Youse alright?” He began to make his way towards the kitchen. “Youse dropped your handkerchief so I, uh… asked around and found your bakery.”
Again, no response. At this point Yancy felt the pit in his stomach punch him in the gut as he stepped closer to the kitchen. As he opened the doors the atmosphere was off. The air was hot from the ovens working, and the counters were messy with flour and other ingredients.
There were still no sight of Eric in the kitchen, but after a quick search he found him. However, Eric was in a state that made his blood boil. Eric was in a heap on the floor, hiding behind a counter and curled up on himself, barely awake and sobbing weakly.
Quickly, Yancy crouched down. “Holy shit,” he exclaimed, breathless with surprise. “What happened to youse?!” He rolled Eric over on his back and got a good look at him. Sweat matted Eric’s messy hair on his forehead, his breathing was faint and raspy, and tears stained his face. Eric only acknowledged Yancy with a quiet groan and blinked slowly at him.
“Who did this?” Yancy growled. Eric shook his head and tried to curl in on himself again. Yancy wouldn’t allow that, he cupped Eric’s face and made him look at him. “I’m going to help youse, hold on.” He picked him up bridal style and walked out of the kitchen. There was a sitting booth in the main shop, so he laid him down there. Questions of all sorts where thrown at Eric, but he wasn’t in the right mind to answer.
“I-It was - It was really hot and-and I felt f-funny… th-then I was - I-I was on the floor…” Eric slurred through his words. A broken sob interrupted his train of thought, making him groan and clutch his stomach. “It-It hurts… It h-hurts so much…” he mindlessly whimpered.
The shivering and beaten down sight of his friend made Yancy see red. “Tell me who hurt youse.” His tone was stern and seethed through snarled teeth.
Eric whimpered louder and covered his face at the demand. Eventually, however, he raised his shaky form up and sat somewhat upright. Yancy helped support him as he looked around, but then he froze.
“I-It’s night time…?” He stared out the window like the world was ending. “N-No…” he shook his head, “No, no, no! I’m - I’m late! I… I can’t be - I c-can’t-” He tried to get up. Yancy got up too and was quick enough to catch him as his legs buckled and he collapsed. He’s never heard someone cry harder, unfiltered sobs echoed within the quiet night as Eric shuddered in his arms.
“I can’t be late, I can’t…! My-My dad, h-he’s gonna - please le-lemme go,” Eric tried to escape Yancy’s hold on him to no avail. He tried to push himself further away from Yancy’s chest, only showing the pure fear clouding his teary eyes. “I can’t - can’t be late, please s-stop. Please… pl-please lemme go…” He didn’t make sense anymore, but Yancy heard all he needed.
“I can take ya home. Where do youse live?”
“No, I can’t-”
“Eric, you’re not going back there.” Yancy cut him off, eyes stern as his tone. “If youse want, I can give your pops the bread.” There was immense joy in the fact that he was lying. “You’s going home.”
It took a bit of convincing, but with Yancy’s persistence and Eric’s delirious state, Yancy found out where his friend lived. He carried Eric the whole way and eventually made it to a cozy lodge house in town similar to Eric’s father’s. However, this place felt much safer.
Eric could barely unlock the door, but eventually Yancy took him to his room. By the time he hit his bed he was out like a light, exhausting himself by crying. Yancy watched as he curled in on himself as he slept. Guard completely down and incredibly frail looking, Yancy could even see the peaks of bruises as his shirt slightly revealed his stomach. An easy target. Yancy found himself hating that fact. He pulled the blankets over Eric’s form and left with a plan in mind.
The night was quiet for Derek. Everything right down to his silent rage. A part of him hoped that Eric died and that was the explanation for him not being here. Death would be a better fate than what he had in store.
A wolf’s howl sounded off in the distance.
Derek stilled, looking out his window. Any apprehension was quickly shaken off and dismissed, however. There was probably a hunt going on. He continued about his night until there was a strong knock on his door. Immediately, he assumed it was Eric. That boy never missed a day, after all, he wasn’t allowed to.
Slowly, he got up from his chair and went to the door.
‘What a strong knock Eric has…’ Derek shook his head as he scowled. ‘Must be because he’s in a rush.’ He looked out the window and saw Eric completely covered in his red hood. He couldn’t even see his face under the fabric.
‘What a hulky form under his hood…’ Derek blinked rapidly as he reached for the doorknob. ‘The night is playing tricks on my eyes.’
“Hey dad, I’ve got your grub,” a strong, steady voice called out to him. Abnormally confident.
‘What a deep voice he has…’ The door was opened as he pondered to himself. He stood before the hooded figure with expectancy. ‘Has he got a cold?’
Derek gasped as “Eric” unveiled his hood. “You’re not my son?!”
Yancy growled. “Youse don’t deserve the right to call him that.”
Eric had to stay home for the next few days, but luckily Yancy was there to check up on him.
There was a knock on the door.
Yancy got up to answer the door and was met with a frantic messenger.
“Where’s Eric?!” She had widened eyes and was frantic. Yancy had to stop her from actually entering the home in her panic.
“Calm down,” he snapped, placing firm hands on her shoulders. “Eric’s upstairs resting, I’m taking care of him. What’s goin’ on?”
After a few deep breaths, the woman steadied her voice the best she could and spoke in a fearful tone. “It’s his father, Derek. He was killed,” she sounded remorseful. Instantly, Yancy knew that no one knew how Derek treated Eric. “They say a… a-a werewolf did it.”
Yancy expected the crime scene to be found quicker. It wasn’t a pretty one, bloodied and with distant claw marks no other animal could mimic.
“I’ll break the news to him,” he murmured, managing to muster up a somber attitude. Shortly after the woman left, he huffed to himself and paced in the empty room. Eric was upstairs resting, actually relaxing during his slow physical and mental healing process. This news would complicate this process surely.
Did he regret what he did?
His grim attitude instantly turned the atmosphere cold. Eric put down the book he was reading and stared at him with concern. He wasn’t sure what reaction to expect when he told Eric the news.
It was silent. Eric’s gaze was distant, staring at nothing in particular. His lips were parted ever so slightly, but no words were muttered. No tears, no frantic reactions. Nothing. His mind buzzed with questions. ‘What am I going to do? What should I do? Is this real?’
‘Why am I not sad?’
“D-Did… Did they c-catch the-the werewolf?”
Yancy stared at the fear present in Eric’s eyes. He stared at the man that trusted him so much, and he shook his head. “They’s didn’t catch ‘em. Not that I know of.”
“Oh…” Eric brought his knees to his chest and buried his face. Tears began to build up in his eyes as the weight of the situation finally crushed him. “Yancy, wh-what am I gonna - gonna do?”
Eric let Yancy coax him into a gentle embrace. He weakly wrapped his arms around Yancy’s torso as he cried into his shoulder. Never before has Yancy treated someone so carefully, he muttered reassurances as he pet Eric’s head. “It’s alright, you’ll get through this.” He looked at his own hands, the same hands that ripped away someone’s life from their desperate grasps. He could remember the blood, he could remember everything. However, he didn’t feel as though he killed a human. It felt as though he was killing a monster.
“W-What if the were-werewolf f-finds me and… a-and kills me? Or-Or you?!”
“Don’t worry, Eric. I’ll protect youse.” Yancy held the shivering man tighter. He leaned down and buried his head in his shoulder and neck, silently claiming him in a vow in his mind. Other monsters will know to fuck off from this human. “I’ll protect youse.”
Derek will be the last monster to hurt Eric
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xxfanficnationxx · 4 years
Lacuna // Teen Wolf Rewrite
Second Chance at First Line Part 3
Last Part
Pairing: Stiles x Reader (Eventually)
Warnings: Physical Violence
A/N: Part 3 it is, Hopefully you enjoy this, i rewrote this episode about a million times, but now it’s in decent shape. Let me know what you think because I think this is my favorite part yet :) (later note: I am SOOOO SORRY this took so long. NGL I had this in my drafts for a while...) but im writing again now that is winter break sooo here you go. 
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As Derek's car drives away, Stiles makes his way up the driveway. You all get out of the car, the boys grabbed the shovels.
“Wait, something’s different.” Scott says.
“Yeah, that doesn’t smell right, Scott.” You say, the smell of human blood not apparent.
“Let’s just get this over with.” Scott says as he begins to dig the hole.
You were left with the job of looking out and listening if the car comes back up the driveway.
“This is taking way too long!” Scott says.
“Just keep going.” Stiles says.
“If you would let me help Stiles, I do have super strength.” you say, arms crossed rolling your eyes.
“It’s fine! You don’t need to get your hands dirty.” Stiles replies.
“What if he comes back.” Scott replies.
“Then we get the hell out of here.” Stiles says.
“What if he catches us?” Scott says.
“I have a plan for that.” Stiles says.
“Which is?” Scott asks.
“Y/N runs one way, I run one way, and you run the other way. Whoever he catches first, too bad.” Stiles says.
“I hate that plan” Scott says.
“Can the both of you stop worrying so much. I will let you know if someone’s coming okay. You two reek of misery” you gag.
“Alright Stop, stop, stop” Stiles shovel hits something, they begin to search for what it is.
“Hurry!” Scott says
“I’m trying, but did he have to tie the thing In 900 knots.” Stiles says.
“I’ll do it!” Scott says. As they get it to unravel, the head of a wolf is revealed. You’re standing behind them looking into the hole. Both of the boys scream and jump back hitting you making you scream and fall.
“What the hell is that?!” Stiles screams.
“It’s a wolf!” You say, pushing Stiles off of you, so you can see it better.
“I can see that?!” Stiles retorts, “I thought you smelled blood, as in human blood”
“Told you something was different.” Scott says
“That’s what I smelled.” You says covering your nose.
“This doesn’t make any sense.” Stiles says
“Guys we’ve gotta get out of here it reeks.” That’s when you notice, the aura of the wolf, you can still see it. It’s faint and hardly noticeable but you can see that she felt fear, and betrayal. Tears brim your eyes.
“Okay, help me cover this up.” Stiles looks up, towards a flower.
“What’s wrong.” Scott asks. You look up at the flower too and recognize it.
“You see that flower?” Stiles asks
“What about it?” Scott asks. You sigh, he is so clueless.
“I think it’s -“ stiles starts the sentence.
“Wolfsbane” you say together, you glance at each other. The cold air revealing your breaths.
“What’s that?” Scott says.
“Uh… haven’t you ever seen the Wolf Man?” Stiles asks.
“No..” Scott says. You groan.
“Lon Chaney Jr.” you ask “Claude Rains?” Scott shakes his head
“The original Classic werewolf movie?” Stiles asks, he’s getting worked up.
“No, what??” Scott says.
“You are so unprepared for this.” Stiles says. He gets up and grabs the flower, it starts to spiral around the body. When he was done with it, you looked into the hole
“Stiles” both and and Scott say.
“Holy” Stiles says. You see the girl, you feel her pain. Tears start to silently fall from your eyes.
Stiles places a hand on your back. You close your eyes.
Once Stiles called his dad, it was morning already. Mr. Stilinski, leads Derek out of his house. He locks eyes with you, you feel his betrayal.
You and Scott see Stiles make his way to Derek. He opens the passenger seat to the police car. You focus your hearing on what they are saying.
“Okay, just so you know, I’m not afraid of you.” Stiles says. “Okay maybe I am. Doesn’t matter. I just wanna know something. The girl you killed… she was a were-wolf. She was a different kind, wasn’t she. I mean, she can turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can’t do that, and Y/N is a tiger. Is that why you killed her?”
“Why are you so worried about me when it’s your friends who are the problem. When he shifts on the field, or when she leaves this town because she can’t find anyone else who knows who she is, what do you think they’re going to do… huh? Just keep cheering Scott on? I can’t stop him from playing, but you can. Y/N is a whole other ballgame. She needs me. But looks like you guys messed that up for her.” Derek says.
‘L-leave…’ you think to yourself ‘what does he mean?’
You were too distracted to notice Stiles getting pulled out of the car by his dad. You move towards Scott as Stiles and Noah talk it out.
“Scott…” you say “did you listen in to what they were saying?”
“Yes” he says. Looking away from your face.
“What he said about me. About me needing him, what do I do?” You say. You were scared.
He looks at you, with determination “We will figure it out. Okay?” You nod your head. Stiles walks over to the two of you, You all get inside the car and start your journey out of the woods.
“I can’t find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial, or anything for Y/N’s… issues” Scott looks at you, uncomfortable with the subject obviously. You sigh.
“Just keep looking, maybe it’s like a ritual or something, like they bury you as a wolf. Or maybe it’s like a special skill you know, like something you have to learn.” Stiles says.
“I’ll put it on my to do list right underneath figuring out how I’m playing this game tonight.” Scott says
“Maybe it’s different for girl were-wolves, or… were-tigers.” Stiles glances at you 
You begin to breath hard, it felt like that night when you walked into the party, you ad a huge headache. 
You start to breathe heavy, Scott looks at you and Stiles gulps loudly.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Stiles asks “Scott?”
You held the backpack on your lap
“No, no I’m not I’m so far from being okay.” Scott yells.
“You know you’re going to have to accept this sooner or later.” Stiles says.
You felt like you were going pass out, you were breathing so hard.
Stiles starts to lose control of the Jeep as Scott is hyperventilating. You can feel your claws digging into the backpack.
“Pull over” Scott says
“Why what’s happening?” Stiles asks.
Scott grabs the backpack from you and opens it, “you kept it!?” Scott screams. He looks up to you and immediately begins to worry for you.
“What was I supposed to do with it?!” Stiles says.
“Stop the car.” Scott says. Your eyes start to shut slowly, all you wanted to do was sleep, that is until you’re thrown forward from the brakes of the Jeep. You didn’t even notice that your teeth and eyes were changed.
Stiles gets out and throws the backpack into the woods, you were hanging over the passenger seat, you throw your legs over as Scott gets out. You gently fall into a deep sleep. You couldn’t even think about what else was happening in the outside world.
The next thing you remember, you were being dragged out of the car by Stiles. You were still pretty loopy, you lift your head and make eye contact with, “Stiles, woah, what are you doing!” you laugh and snort. He pulls your legs out “Weeeee!” you say.
He smiles, “Come on, lets get you inside.” He puts one of your arms over his shoulders and start to walk to your house. 
“When did we get here?” you laugh. He goes to open the door, though it’s locked.
“Where are your keys?” He asks. You pull your arm away and go digging in your pockets and find your keys and attempt to unlock the door, but you drop them. He grabs them and opens the door, replacing your arm around your shoulder. He begins to take you to your room, though as you were passing the kitchen Stiles stops. 
“Ummm, Hello Stiles” Your aunt says, she was in the middle of making her dinner for work. Her eyes are wide looking at your loopy form.
“Auntie!” you say getting excited. 
“She’s not feeling well, I was just going to take her to her room.” He smiles, awkwardly and stumbles with you bringing you to your room. He lays you down on your bed, and begins to take off your shoes. “I’m going to go see if I can help Scott,” He grabs your keys and take the moped keys off the key ring, “I will tell Scott to drive the moped there.” He takes one last look at you, pulling the cover over yourself as you start to fall asleep again. 
After an hour or two you wake up, headache like you couldn’t believe. everything came flowing back to you, ‘I cant believe Stiles had to take me home.’ you groan ‘Oh god, Auntie.” you go to call your auntie, until you see that she had texted you.
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Dear lord... You’re never going to live this down. From either of them. 
You remember about the big game tonight, you start to pull yourself together. “It’s time to support my boys.”
You felt a little bit extra, so you started to pull things from the back of your closet. Here we go. 
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You walked onto the field, you saw Alison in the stands with Lydia. Stiles looked at you, his mouth slightly open with worry. You smile and wave, and walk towards the girls.
“Hi, my name’s Y/N, are you Allison’s father?” You ask with the nicest smile you can wear.
“Yes, hello, you can call me Argent.” He shakes your hand. You sit in between them.
You can feel that Scott’s changed, his heart is beating out of his chest. You look to Stiles, he’s scared.
Scott calms a bit, then shoots the ball into the net, everyone went crazy, people flying out of the stands. I went straight to finding Stiles.
“Yes! Oh my god” Stiles screamed. You found him and hugged him. Taking in his scent, you were purely focused on hugging him]. He held onto you, then pulled away a smile on his lips.
Noah was on the phone next to us. Stiles looks to him, “Dad, what’s wrong?”
Noah looked at us holding his hand out, telling us to wait. He walks up to us, “The medical examiner looked at the other half, she said the cause of death was by animal. Plus the ID of the dead girl was revealed to be Derek's sister, Laura Hale, Derek's getting released.”
You and Stiles looked at each other, that’s when you realized, Scott!
Both of you ran towards the school into the locker room. As you step in you see Allison and Scott kissing.
“Oh god…” Stiles says. You grab his hand, pulling him back behind the lockers
“I gotta get back to my dad” says Allison she starts to walk away. “Hi Stiles, Y/N.” She looks at you and giggles. You raise your hand up to your ear and mouth ‘call me’. You couldn’t wait to hear the details. 
She leaves and Scott come up so us. “I kissed her” he says with a goofy smile.
“I saw” Stiles says. Scott looks down at our hands. And you immediately pull your hand away and awkwardly smile.
“She kissed me” Scott says.
“Saw that too” you say. “Pretty good huh?”
He looks at you with a smile. “I-I-I-I don’t know how, but I controlled it. I pulled it back.” Scott says. “Maybe I can do this, maybe it’s not that bad.”
“Maybe we can do this” you say to him, grabbing his hand.
“We’ll talk later then.” Stiles grabs you and is about to turn around.
Scott grabbed Stiles. “What is it?”
That’s when you broke the news to Scott about the medical examiner and Derek getting released. Maybe it’s not going to be so easy after all.
Part 3, the last part for this episode! let me know what you think will happen next. 
Taglist:  @bolaurel​ @iclosetgeek​ @cutiepiemimi13​ @stilessarcasmqueen @michellebarista​ @my-suga-kookies​
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arundolyn · 5 years
monster of the week blazblue au nobody asked for!
these lists are what i used for reference even tho the only one i really used out of tome of mysteries is the hex
i got burned out and am stumped on amane bullet and azrael so suggestions are welcome
the chosen
moves: either invincible, devastating, or resilience
gear: handle, artifact, blade, heavy, steel
Look: man, controlled face, urban wear
charm -1, cool +2, sharp +1, tough +2, weird -1 
found out through nightmares and visions
heroic tags: sacrifice and you can save the world 
doom tags: host of monsters and loss of loved ones 
history: waaaay too many choices. ie him and jin being siblings, jubei being destined to be his mentor, jin could have been the chosen one instead but wasn’t there for saya, etc
the wronged
moves: berserk and what does not kill me…
gear: huge sword, big knife, brass knuckles
look: man, angry eyes, nondescript clothes (?)
charm -1, cool -1, sharp =0, tough +2, weird +2
lost siblings and parent
prey: ghost?
couldn’t save them because he was weak
history: jubei showed him the ropes
the professional 
moves: unfazeable, battlefield awareness, tactical genius
gear: flak vest, only weapon that really fits him is big knife?
look: man, young face?, tailored suit
charm -1, cool +2, sharp +1, tough =0, weird +1 
agency: works for a clandestine police team that studies the supernatural
resources: well armed and recognized authority
red tape: dubious motives and bureaucratic 
history: ragna’s on the agency’s watchlist and he’s keeping an eye on him
Noel/Mu (cs era mu is dark side):
the spooky
moves: the sight, the big whammy, jinx
gear: 9mm, hunting rifle
look: girl, blank eyes, neat clothes
charm +2, cool =0, sharp -1, tough -1, weird  +2
the dark side: violence, self destruction, paranoia
history: blood kin with ragna and jin, old friends with makoto and tsubaki
the spell-slinger
combat magic: blast, lightning/entropy, force/wind
moves: advanced arcane training, arcane reputation, enchanted clothing
gear: ritual knife
look: girl, goth clothes, weary eyes
charm -1, cool =0, sharp +2, tough -1, weird +2
history: valk acts are her conscience when her power goes to her head
the mundane 
moves: oops!, the power of heart, what could go wrong?
gear: hockey stick, pocket knife, skateboard cause why not
look: concealed, friendly face, sporty clothes(?)
charm +2, cool =0, sharp -1, tough +1, weird +1
history: good friends with ragna
the monstrous
monster breed: demon
curse: anything holy I guess
natural attacks: claws, +1 harm
moves: immortal, unholy strength
gear: brass knuckles
look: man, powerful aura, stylish clothes
charm -1, cool -1, sharp =0, tough +2, weird +3
history: kokonoe is tied to his origin
the mundane
moves: let’s get out of here!, the power of heart, trust me
gear: hockey stick, nunchucks, fairly new car
look: woman, alluring face, casual clothes
charm +2, cool +1, sharp +1, tough =0, weird -1
history: romantically involved with roy
Literally The Monster but if i had to
the monstrous 
monster breed: slime monster 
curse: feed
natural attacks: magical force, ignore armor
moves: unnatural appeal, shapeshifter
look: mysterious, bestial aura
charm =0, cool -1, sharp +2, tough -1, weird +3
history: litchi and kokonoe are tied to his origin
the mundane
moves: panic button, trust me, don’t worry, i’ll check it out
gear: baseball bat, small handgun, bicycle
look: man, average face, nerdy clothes
charm +2, cool =0, sharp +1, tough +1, weird -1
history: romantically involved with litchi
the chosen
moves: the big entrance or dutiful
gear: staff, artifact, spikes, long, steel
look: man, hopeful face, urban wear
charm +2, cool -1, sharp +1, tough +2, weird -1
heroic tags: secret training, a normal life
doom tags: you can’t save everyone, a nemesis
history:  tenjo was destined to be his mentor i know she isnt here but fuck it i got nothin
the wronged
moves: fervor, safety first
gear: enchanted dagger, 9mm, big knife
look: boy, angry eyes, nondescript clothes
charm =0, cool =0, sharp +1, tough +2, weird =0
lost sibling and parent
prey: shapeshifter (shapeshifter turned into relius and killed ada) or just relius
couldn’t save them because he was scared and weak
history: basically everyone has stood in carl’s way at some point
the gumshoe
code: justice must be done
moves: asphalt jungle
gear: irrelevant
look: ambiguous, blank face, nondescript clothes
charm +1, cool =0, sharp +2, tough +1, weird -1
history: caught ragna committing a crime (being alive)
the monstrous 
monster breed: black beast
curse: pure drive (hate)
natural attack: magical force, ignore armor
moves: immortal, unquenchable vitality
gear: huge sword
look: girl, sinister aura, stylish clothes
charm -1, cool -1, sharp =0, tough +2, weird +3
history:  ragna is tied to her curse
the initiate
moves: ancient fighting arts, mystic, sacred oath (to protect ragna)
gear: sword, big sword, sniper rifle
look: girl, agile body, archaic clothes
charm +1, cool -1, sharp +1, tough =0, weird +2
good traditions: fighting arts, flexible tactics
bad traditions: dubious motives
history: she noel and nu are sisters
the searcher
first encounter: higher power
moves: guardian, just another day
gear: irrelevant except for small knife
look: woman, thoughtful face, casual wear
charm +1, cool -1, sharp +1, tough =0, weird +2
history: found accounts of someone matching ragna’s description from before he was born
the crooked
background: grifter
moves: artifact (amulet,) friends on the force, notorious
gear: .38 revolver, big knife, baseball bat
heat: hibiki is a rival, took advantage of noel
underworld: worked with a demon
look: man, calculating eyes, tailored suit
charm +2, cool =0, sharp +1, tough -1, weird +1
history: terumi saved his life and now he owes him
the flake
moves: connect the dots, see, it all fits together, sneaky
gear: big knife, throwing knives, butterfly knife
look: man, suspicious eyes, neat clothes
charm +1, cool -1, sharp +2, tough =0, weird +1
history: ragna is tied to everything
the mundane
moves: the  power of heart, what could go wrong?, don’t worry, i’ll check it out
gear: baseball bat, nunchucks, skateboard
look: woman, friendly face, sporty clothes(?)
charm +2, cool =0, sharp +1, tough +1, weird -1
history: initially mai’s rival
the monstrous
monster breed: werewolf
curse: vulnerability (silver)
natural attacks: teeth, claws
moves: unholy strength, shapeshifter
look: man, powerful aura, archaic clothes
charm -1, cool -1, sharp =0, tough +2, weird +3
history: clavis tried to kill him and spared him
the spooky
moves: premonitions, the big whammy, jinx
gear: no weapons we die with muchorin like men
look: girl, piercing eyes, ratty clothes
charm =0, cool -1, sharp +1, tough +1, weird +2
dark side: mood swings, rage, poor impulse control
history: jubei taught her to control her powers
the expert
moves: i’ve read about this sort of thing, dark past
haven: lore library, mystical library, workshop
gear: silver sword, blessed knife, magical dagger
look: man, thoughtful face, tailored clothes
charm -1, cool =0, sharp +2, tough -1, weird +2
history: carl is his child
the professional 
moves: battlefield awareness, tactical genius, mobility (stealthy, concealed weapons, obvious)
gear: flak vest, smg, hunting rifle, shotgun
look: man, chiseled face, tailored suit
charm +1, cool +2, sharp +1, tough -1, weird =0 
agency: works for a clandestine police team that studies the supernatural
resources: well armed and recognized authority
red tape: dubious motives and bureaucratic 
history: friends with other NOL soldiers in training im too lazy to list them all. except for makoto obviously
the hex
temptation: vengeance 
moves: force of will, wise soul
look: woman, sharp eyes, trendy clothes
charm -1, cool =0, sharp +1, tough +1, weird +2
history: tager keeps her grounded
the divine
moves: boss from beyond, smite, cast out evil
gear: flaming sword
mission: exiled, but not the rest of that one just the exiled part, sowing evil instead of good
look: man for terumi/asexual for susan, blazing eyes, perfect suit
charm -1, cool =0, sharp +1, tough +2, weird +1
history: haz is the person he goes to for advice on mortal stuff lmao
the mundane
Moves: always the victim, oops!, don’t worry, i’ll check it out
gear: baseball bat, pocket knife, fairly new car
look:  girl, friendly face, normal clothes
charm +2, cool =0, sharp -1, tough +1, weird +1
history: related to nine, ragna is her hero
the crooked
background: assassin
Moves: deal with the devil (skill, add to tough and sharp,) friends on the force, notorious
gear: .22 revolver, hunting rifle, big knife
heat: pissed off haz, who will do whatever it takes to kill him, and jin wants to put him in jail
underworld: target of a job was a vampire
look: man, watchful eyes, street wear
charm +1, cool +1, sharp +2, tough =0, weird -1 
history: jin saw him kill someone
the spell-slinger
combat magic: ball, fire, force/wind
moves: advanced arcane training, arcane reputation, forensic divination
gear: ritual knife
look: woman, stylish clothes, fierce eyes
charm -1, cool =0, sharp +2, tough -1, weird +2
history: she thought celica was dead And Yet, plus they’re related
the hex
temptation: power
moves: burn everything, luck of the damned
look: woman, angry eyes, trendy clothes
charm =0, cool =0, sharp +2, tough -1, weird +2
gear: athame
history: celica keeps her grounded
the chosen
moves: resilience
gear: handle, spikes, blade, throwable, blood
look:  boy, young face, casual wear
charm +2, cool -1, sharp +1, tough +2, weird  -1
found out via some weirdo (Raquel) telling him/by being attacked by monsters
heroic tags: magical powers, a normal life
doom tags: death, a nemesis
history: raquel is destined to be his mentor
the divine
moves: boss from beyond, what i need, when i need it, smite
gear: five demon bag
mission: the end of days approaches, your role is to guide these hunters and ensure it comes to pass
look: woman, placid eyes, casual clothes
charm -1, cool +1, sharp =0, tough +2, weird +1
history: noel should not be involved in this situation, prophecies didn’t mention her blah blah
the initiate
moves: mystic, sacred oath (to protect the azure), helping hand
gear: sword, big sword, crossbow
look: woman, strong body, formal clothes
charm -1, cool =0, sharp -1, tough +2, weird  +2
good traditions: knowledgeable, magical lore
bad traditions: strict laws
history: ragna is described in prophecies, but his role is unstated
the mundane
moves: the power of heart, trust me, what could go wrong?
gear: baseball bat, hockey stick, bike
look: woman, friendly face, sporty clothes(?)
charm +2, cool =0, sharp -1, tough +1, weird +1
history: she and makoto were rivals
the expert
moves: often right, it wasn’t as bad as it looked
haven: armory, infirmary, panic room
gear: silver sword, cold iron sword, blessed knife
look: indeterminate, experienced face, tailored clothes
charm +1, cool -1, sharp +2, tough +1, weird  =0
history: ragna was his student/apprentice
the spell-slinger
combat magic: missile, lightning/entropy, force/wind
moves: advanced arcane training, forensic divination, third eye
gear: heirloom sword
look: girl, stylish clothes, fierce eyes
charm -1, cool =0, sharp +2, tough -1, weird +2
history: rescued naoto
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paragonrobits · 5 years
The two of them - the monster learning to be a man in a heavy coat that hid his lopsided and muscular figure from the view of those whose would have their most vicious aspects shown to the world if they saw him too clearly, and the hunter in an inexplicably adorable sweater so overstuffed it was making her waddle around like a wooly snowman - wandered into one of the more run down parts of town. This was honestly a bit hard to make as a judgement call, since their town hadn’t been doing so hot in a long time.
The big, lumpy shamble-man had been sincerely worried he was the fault of that, though he had a very difficult time explaining to her why he should think so; he struggled to put some very complicated ideas into words when speaking aloud was difficult for him; he said some things about fire within and the world burned with purifying force and things going wrong because of that, and some other stuff that really didn’t make sense, especially not to him.
She contented herself with soothing away his increasingly distressed sputtering with soft, smooth pats on a shoulder larger than her torso. Gradually, he quieted, and when they went onward, he silently walked behind her as he explained that urban decay and gentrification - together with rising rent rates and money being leached out of anyone who could live there - was a force much nastier than anything he had to live with.
She knew the route well. The two of them came to a small home, a large number of opulent dog houses in the yard looking a lot more tidy than the house itself, and from the garbage spread around, the bones in the yard and a large amount of stray cats apparently used to getting food - or perhaps they were just free roaming pets - this was something of a local party scene. The hunter knocked on the door.
Upon the door there was a small sign, he observed. It looked something like a diagonal line, slashed low upon a straight line, and laid over this was an iron trinket in the shape of a solemn wolf’s head.
Marking territory, she had said earlier, and had added, Don’t mess with their stuff.
Werewolves, she had explained on the way, were chill. They weren’t compelled to hurt humans like vampires were, and something that was part way between a man and a wolf could have the very worst aspects of both… but in her experience, they normally didn’t. As long as you didn’t give the werewolves a reason to get irritated with you, she had cautioned him, there wouldn’t be a problem.
He wasn’t too sure what to expect when the door opened; perhaps an incredibly hairy man like a dog on two legs? A wolf with thumbs? Or perhaps a sort of mobile shag carpet. He didn’t expect to see a man and a woman looming behind it, both of them astonishingly tall and wide.
Both of them immediately beamed with delight upon seeing the hunter, and the man of the two - taller than the woman, his skin a deep brown and his straight black hair falling down nearly to his elbows - cheerfully swaggered forward and lifted her off the ground, his huge arms barely working to pull her into a massive hug. “Li’l sunshine!” he boomed, every word a short and sudden exclamation. “I ain’t see you around here in forever!”
The other werewolf, a voluptuous woman with skin the warm brown color of good clay and rather broader even then the man, grinned in delight as well. Over the hunter’s giggling complaints, she slouched on over and gave her a hefty smack to the shoulder and leaned in for her own hug. The hunter made a squeaking sound at this much muscle being brought to bear on her. “Help?” the hunter squeaked.
“Suck it up, buddy,” the second werewolf said, grinning toothily, all full of mischief. Her teeth were long, pointed like canine fangs. “This just what ya get for never dropping by!”
Both of them hugged her extra hard, and she squeaked again, blushing especially hard as both giants engulfed her in their muscular forms. Her friend, still apparently not noticed, watched curiously. “Okay…” she whimpered. “I’ll call more…!”
“Good enough.” The larger of the two let her down with surprising delicacy in someone that large and built pretty much like a truck that ate other, weaker trucks. He turned and glanced at the patchwork man, who froze.
The expression looking at him wasn’t human at all, not even slightly. It wasn’t cold - it was warm, like a fireplace set invitingly with rugs to sit on - but it was different from human. It was too direct, too straightforward, with none of the little self deceptions or walls humans instinctively made in themselves. He’d seen dogs give that kind of look, calmly look at you and think prey, friend or threat and sort you into the proper category.
The woman looked at him too, giving him the same exact look. Calm, patient, and tense with potential activity. He had never felt the inclination to flee from humans, but now his spine (well, at least one of them) felt a cold shiver crawl up it. Like some kind of unwanted insect with very cold feet.
Their eyes did something strange. They turned bright yellow, the pupils contracting, and it was the eyes of wolves looking at him, and they didn’t just see him. They saw… what he was.
They knew. The knowledge sank into him, certain and inexplicable, and he didn’t know how he knew this, but it was clear all the same. There was no hiding the truth of him from them. He wasn’t human, not like how they appeared to be, and not like his hunter friend. He was a, an abomination to the world.
Then the man of the pair grinned, walking forward and hugging him too. Though the patchman was much larger than him, towering even while hunched over, he was still lifted high into the air like he was no heavier than a child. “Any friend of little sunshine,” he said gently. “Is a friend of mine!”
The woman tilted her head, exactly like a dog that was up to something. “And what’s your name?” she said, with surprising gentleness.
“Quilt,” he said solemnly. He liked pretty things. Quilts were pretty. And you made them, one bit at a time, slowly fashioning it into something more complete and better than it was before. Like making yourself into a man. This struck him as a good omen, perhaps.
She considered this, and nodded. “Well, come on in.” She waved a hand towards the door. “Mind the frame, big guy. Don’t hurt yourself!”
It was a bit of a squeeze for him, and the inside of the house was not very well maintained; not in the sense that they didn’t care, but that they were too poor to afford treatments, and perhaps had better things to do. A few cats prowled around, mewing with mild interest at him and clawing at the legs of the two werewolves, even when one of them openly descended to the floor, legs turning furry and clawed, the whole body becoming more streamlined and sleek, jaw elongating and teeth growing, and like water a man had become a massive wolf.
The wolf led him into the living room, cats still doing their best to annoy him, and in the living room, there was a couch. The room in general looked horrifically trashed, and the couch had the worst of it. It looked as though it had been torn in half and roughly put back together… and judging from the broken shards on the window, someone had tried to put it through the wall. Plaster had crumbled from those walls in the shape of someone’s head, and not even remotely human-like head at that.
On the couch there were a few others. Three wolves of varying size, color and shape, looking for all the world like dogs. One gave him a cool look, sizing him up, another bounded straight up to him in a challenging ‘COME AT ME BRO’ sort of way, and another completely ignored him after a brief blink of acknowledgement. Nestled between all of them was a girl that looked very much like the first werewolf that had greeted them but rather smaller and very young, and considered him with a neutral, even gloomy expression, and nodded briefly at him. She returned to watching the television, which looked like someone had tried to break it in half.
The hunter came in after him, looking appalled. “What happened in here!?”
“Bad stuff,” the girl on the couch said, sighing.
The big woman sighed, clapping the hunter on the shoulder. “We got hit a few nights ago,” she said grimly. “This complete fu- uh.” She stopped, the girl on the couch sitting there all innocent and polite. “Bad guys came out of nowhere and attacked us. Broke in, came right at us, tried to kill us on the spot. Couple tried to drag Deppie out before we mauled ‘im good.” She indicated one of the wolf-shape werewolves, who snorted irritably at that. “Scared the hell out of the cats, too.”
The hunter considered this. “How many, exactly?” She said, carefully.
One of the wolves went all fluid, jerkily reforming into the shape of an absolutely massive woman almost as big as Quilt; hair grew thickly from all over her body, not quite long enough to be fur but very close to that, her teeth were long enough that a bite would seriously rip up flesh, and her fingers bore long claws. Even her face was only slightly human, the facial structure decidedly canid in some small ways. “‘Bout a dozen,” she said casually, still sitting the same exact way she had as a wolf. She spoke slowly, like she had to weigh her words to come out of her transformed lips.
“Vampires?” Quilt suggested. He wondered if there was a connection here.
The big wolf on the floor, the same one who had hugged him, turned to look at him inquisitively. Behind the hunter, the big werewolf lady tilted her head as well. “What makes ya say that?” She asked.
“Um. Uh…”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. WAsn’t vampires that hit us.” She frowned. “I don’t know what they were. They were… they were…” Her face wrinkled into an irritated snarl. “I don’t remember. It’s like, looking at ‘em, hurt.”
“Clockwork,” the girl on the couch said quietly. “Clicking hard, not remembering why they were here. Forgetting why, all the time. Ripped out, twisted around, sent our way.”
“Yes,” the near-human shaped werewolf on the couch said, like this was a regular sort of thing. “They were… weird. When they died, they just faded away. And they felt all… confused, I guess.”
The hunter sat down on the couch, with some space still left. “It was feral vampires that attacked us,” she said grimly. “I was hoping you guys might have heard something or been onto some kind of conspiracy going on here.”
Quilt thought, and he thought hard. It hurt a little. “We are attacked by vampires, and these friends are attacked by… clockwork demons?” he shook his head. “Is this… normal around here?”
“It might be a coincidence,” the werewolf lady said, looking delighted to be called his friend all the same. “But maybe not. Listen, I’m waiting on a call from some friends at the freehold, they swear they’re there’s something bad lurking around their place. Think you guys could hang around, see if this is connected?”
Quilt raised an oversized hand. “What’s a freehold?” he said innocently.
There was a long pause. “Wow. He’s new around here, isn’t he?” the werewolf lady said, with affection.
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impala-dreamer · 7 years
Stuck With Me
SPN FanFic
Sam x Reader
818 Words
Warnings: NSFW-ish. Hurt/Comfort Romantical Smuttiness
A/N: I’m on vacation and just came up with this in my hotel room. This was a request from @courtney-elizabeth-winchester , who asked for some “reader almost dying then ‘hey you’re alive’ smut” (I’m paraphrasing). Hope you like it!
Feedback is GOLD ~ My Masterlist
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“I thought we lost you.”
Sam’s voice was so low you barely heard his words, but they were there, hanging like a cloud over your head.
“Not even close,” you replied just as a cough sent pain shooting through your side, pulling at the freshly stitched wound on your stomach. It wasn’t too bad, but you had bled a lot; the werewolf’s claws had dug you a new scar that would be hard to hide should you ever dare to wear a bikini again.
“Y/N…” Sam’s placed a gentle hand on your cheek as his eyes filled with pain that matched your own. It always amazed you how someone so big could be so gentle. Hands like his could surely rip a person apart, but Sam’s touch was loving and sweet when it came to you.
“Sam,” you soothed him as best you could. “I’m OK. Really.”
He shook his head and turned his eyes away. “I saw you laying there…I… I thought…” A hard lump rose in his throat and Sam clenched his jaw, pushing it away.
“Sam, you can’t get so upset. It’s just a scratch, and I’m fine now.” You dipped your chin to catch his eye and gave him a quick smile. “I’m gonna be fine.”
“I can’t lose you, Y/N/N.” He swallowed hard and cupped both of your cheeks in his hands. “I can’t. I won’t.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you told him, trying to smile even though the look on his face was breaking your heart. It wasn’t the first time you’d been attacked, left beaten and bloody by some monster after a hunt, but this time it was different. This time he was different, you were different. This time you were in love.
“You promise?” he asked, not a hint of jest in his hazel eyes.
“Come on,” you teased and bit your lip. “You can’t get rid of me that easy, Winchester.” Truth was, you had been just as scared as Sam, but one of you had to keep it together. It was the unspoken rule between you: only one breakdown at a time.
Sam sucked in a deep breath and his fingers tightened a little more on your cheeks. “Promise me,” he begged in a desperate whisper.
“I’m not going anywhere, Sam. I promise.”
Your vow seemed to be the thing to pull him from his worry, and the tension in Sam’s face and shoulders melted away bit by bit.
His lips twitched with the promise of a smile as he leaned closer and pressed them to the side of your mouth. He closed his eyes and savored the feeling of you there, still real, still warm and whole and his. Caught in his hands, you parted your lips for him, breathing deeply when he did the same, your lips moulding against each other’s, hearts finding the familiar beat.
Sam shifted on the bed, climbing to his knees to hover over you. Your fingers worked at the hem of his shirt, and he broke your kiss just long enough to pull it away, returning to you with a mess of hair that tickled your cheeks and tangled with yours.
He held himself up on massive arms, careful not to fall and press against your wound, but it wouldn’t have stopped you if he had. Your skin was burning for him, your body screaming to be filled by him. You needed the connection, that sacred moment when you stopped being two people and your bodies fused. You needed to feel every bit of him, to remember that you were still alive and there was something to live for.
Sam’s lips met every inch of your body with tender, sweeping kisses and gentle scrapes of teeth where he knew you needed them. His fingertips grazed your delicate flesh, stoking the fire higher and higher with every pass.
He took you there, in that ratty old motel room, upon a creaky bed that was barely made for two. Sam made love to you slowly, drawing out each movement as if he meant to memorize every hitch of your breath, each flutter of your eyes. Sam worked your body until his was at its breaking point; sweat rolled from his brow, matted his chestnut hair, glistened like fire on his firm chest. With heaving breath and biting kisses, you came together in that dark room, and found the peace you both needed so badly.
Sam lay against the pillows and carefully pulled you into his side, holding you close.
“I’m serious,” you said suddenly, wincing as you sat up to look into his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. Ever. You’re stuck with me, Sam.”
He laughed and you joined him in relief. “Good.” He smiled and ran his hand across your collarbone, slowly turning upwards to cradle your cheek. “Because I have no plans to ever let you go.”
Forevers: (closed) @akshi8278 @allinhishands @amanda-teaches @atc74 @autopistaaningunaparte @because-imma-lady-assface @blanketmadeofstar @blushingdean @brewsthespirit-blog @brooke-supernatural16 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @cassieraider @charliebradbury1104 @charred-angelwings @chelsea072498 @chrisevansisdaddy04 @chumi-la-chula @courtney-elizabeth-winchester @crispychrissy @daughterleftbehind @deanwinchestersangel @docharleythegeekqueen @dustycelt @dylanosprayberry03 @emoryhemsworth @emptywithout @erin654 @evansrogerskitten @evyiione @faithfullpanicmoon @fallenangelsneverfade @fandomismyspiritanimal @fandom-queen-of-wonderland @fangirlofeverythingme @fatalcrossbow @feelmyroarrrr @findingfitnessforme @flormolero @frenchybell @fuckyeahfeysand @geekgirl1213 @ginasmith @grace-for-sale @grantsgorgeousgirl @growningupgeek @hair-dresses @hexparker @icequeen6666 @idreamofhazel @ilovebeingjoyful @ilsawasanacrobat @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms @imascreamerbabymakemeamute @impalaimagining @im-super-potter-locked @jayankles @jessilliam-caronday @jesspfly @jocelyn-of-the-jellyfish @jpadjackles @just-another-winchester @katelynbkool @katymacsupernatural @kdfrqqg @kricket26 @lauren-novak @lefthologramdeer @lipstickandwhiskey @maddieburcham1 @mandilion76 @meganwinchester1999 @mery-magizoologist @michellethetvaddict @milkymilky-cocopuff @missselinakitty @mistressofallthingsgeeky @mjdoc90 @mrsbatesmotel53 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @musicgleenerd @myfand0msandm0re @naviwhite @nichtlisax @notesfromalabprincess @obsessivecompulsivespn @ohmychuckitssamanddean @percussiongirl2017 @pinknerdpanda @poukothenerd @purrculiar @queen-of-deans-booty @ridingmoxley @riversong-sam @rockerdestiel13 @roxy-davenport @roxyspearing @samisimportant @saxxxology @sgarrett49 @sireennotsiren @skadi-winterfell @snarkpunsandsarcasm @sofreddie @sonnierae26 @sophiebobzz @spn-fan-girl173 @spnjunky @sumara62 @super100012 @supernaturaldean67 @supernatural-girl97 @supernaturallymarvellous @super-not-naturall @tennesseewhiskey-and-pie @theoutlinez @there-must-be-a-lock @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @thinkwritexpress-official @tmccarney @trexrambling @turnttover @typicalweirdbookworm @walkingkhaleesi @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 @winchesterprincessbride @wordstothewisereaders @wotinspntarnation @xxmizzlexx
Sammy Lovers:
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absyoung55 · 7 years
It's Not Worth It
Part 2 
Part 1
 A/N: I threw the Scottish accent out the window sorry.
The jeep ride was silent both Stiles and Y/N seething with anger. “Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?” Y/n glared at Stiles “I saw you leave Heathers Birthday party. Why were you there?” Stiles kept his eyes on the road but was gesturing spasticly “I was there to protect You” Y/N mumbled propping her elbow on the window ledge and putting her hand in her face “protect me from who!? My friends?!” Stiles screamed at you “Your friends weren’t the only ones there!” You snapped at him. “Yeah I know YOU were there” Stiles looked at you for just a second his expression one of hatred. His comment boiled your blood your fists heated and glowed red hot you held them up to not burn anything. You had saved that fucking girls life. You had allowed Heather to live you could have let the Darach take her. But she was Stiles friend.
At Heather’s party: Y/N had followed Scott and Stiles trailing behind out of ear shot so Scott couldn’t hear you. Or smell you. You observed a short blonde girl kiss Stiles you nearly burned the front door down peeking through the side window. Then they left Scott and disappeared into the house the girl reaked of lust. You could smell Stiles a mile away his chemo signals off the charts. Y/N rounded the corner of the house to peek through a window and there it was. A hideous human being no lips to cover her teeth nor eyelids to cover her bright blue eyes her face mauled and scared. Power rolled off her, supernatural Power, a power you had felt before a long time ago. She was a Darach. Once a druid but was now on a dark path. She started messing with the girl alone in the cellar. A growl ripped through your chest and the thing turned you couldn’t tell if she was shocked at your presence. She waved her arms about; to use her power on you. Y/N crouched and your own power burned bright your eyes glowing violet locked on the hideous thing. Springing forward on your heals you tackled the disgusting thing, wrestling her to the ground straddling her you gripped her forearms and shoved your knee into her wind pipe and incinerated her. Within minutes the Darach was a pile of ash. The blonde girl was released from its spell. Just then Stiles returned with something, and the girl screamed at him and stomped away. Stiles followed after her trying to understand what happened in the 5 minutes he was gone. You kicked around the pile of ashes to make sure there was no evidence of murder. Then you looked around for witnesses thankfully there were none. That’s when you heard it. An Alphas howl. Loud and strong really strong. Curiosity consumed you, Scott could protect the Stiles right? With that comfort you headed to the source of the Alpha cry.
Back To Now:
 “Stiles pull the fuck over NOW” I was furious. My fists burst into flames as Stiles swerved to the side of the road “ What are you gonna do WALK home?! woah.” Stiles was just as furious until he saw my blazing fists. “A-are you okay whats happening?” my eyes glowed violet and I stared at his heat signature “ I dont have control” what is happening I’ve never lost control. Black stripes zig-zagged across my body. I slammed open the Jeep door and fell into the gravel on the side of the road. My claws dug into the cool rocks charring them upon touch. My tail whipped wildly around my legs. I felt pressure on my back and I looked up, Stiles had gotten out of the Jeep and was in the ditch besides me. “ Y/N look at me” I met his eyes “Calm down” like a well trained dog I obeyed, the glow left my eyes and slowly the black stripes receded. God damn what is this boy doing to me? I collapsed on to the gravel, earning a laugh from Stiles. “I have a way with calming out of control werewolves” Stiles looked at his finger nails and pretended to shine them on his hoodie, I rolled my eyes and rose from the gravel. “Im not a werewolf, I’m part werewolf part werelion with a whole mess of complicated” I put my hand on my hip and z snapped my fingers. It was Stiles turn to roll his eyes, I smirked at him. We both got back into the jeep, “Hey um so whats with the flames I mean Scott doesnt have flames… and Malia definitely doesnt have flames..” I looked down at my lap playing with my fingers, I peeked over at Stiles, He was looking at the road then me then the road then back to me. “well its a long story” we just then pulled into his drive way. I pretty much lived at the Stilinski house the sheriff, even though I was thousands of years older, treated me like a daughter, I loved Stiles, I tried to love him like a son, considering our age but its difficult, so right now I’m settling for friends/ roommates, It wasn’t hard to convince the sheriff and Stiles to let me stay with them, I cleaned, cooked, did laundry fixed things, and worked on the jeep. In return I slept on their couch. Stiles shut off the jeep and turned to look at me “Well we have all night” I looked at him in disbelief that he wanted to know. Stiles hopped out of the Jeep and opened the door for me. “Thank you sir” I sarcastically hopped out of the jeep “M'Lady” Stiles pretended to tip a hat. We walked side by side up the side walk and I shuffled to the side so Stiles could unlock the front door. Once we were inside I felt awkward, “I dont know where to start…” I plopped down onto the couch and Stiles sat quietly next to me. “I guess start at the beginning” Stiles shrugged his shoulders. I let out a long heavy sigh “well my father was a bitten werewolf and my mother was a purebred born Lowenmensch- er werelion. My mom was an alpha but she died giving birth to me so I was actually born an alpha. My mother’s sister; who was not a werelion, but a banshee, raised me because my father hated me for killing my mother and wanted to kill me to become an alpha. Anyway Lowenmensch are different we um this is kinda bad, but most Lowenmensch only live on a diet of pineal glands,” I looked over at Stiles to see his reaction but he had a neutral expression “its a part of the brain Stiles..“ I searched his face for disgust but there was none. “I’ve heard of worse Y/N” Stiles slowly reached over and took my hand in his and began running his thumb over my knuckles. “Don’t worry about what I think it doesn’t matter” Stiles attempted to comfort me “ Stiles what you think means the world to me ….” I couldnt look at him so I looked at the floor memorizing the pattern of the wood. “But why?” Stiles sounded concerned “it’s a part if my story if you want me to continue…” I looked up at Stiles and he raised his eyebrows and nodded his head for me to continue “I lived with my Aunt until she passed away when I was 20 years old, she died from a mysterious disease at the time but now I know it was a vitamin c diffidence. Anyway she wanted me to have her pineal gland be my first and it was, after eating it my senses were heightened, my roar was more powerful, and my eyes glowed purple and I came to learn that I could heal the sick and wounded. After she was gone for a few weeks my father came looking for me. When he found me his intentions were clear, he was going to kill me. He never even laid a finger on me my roar scared him into submission, and I never saw him again. I stopped ageing at about 18 so when I turned 50 and still looked like a teenager I knew I had to leave my village before they lit the torches” Stiles laughed and let go of my hand and relaxed into the couch “I left Scotland and traveled to Europe, my first stop was to help the tribes build Stonehenge. Then I made my way to Rome, I fought in the Colosseum and became an undefeated champion. They moved me to Greece to fight their gladiators and beasts. Thats where I met Plato and Aristotle and started studying to be a philosopher. Eventually I had to leave Greece because of the apples.” Stiles looked confused “apples?” He lifted an eyebrow at me and I laughed a little “at the time to throw an apple at a woman was a propose of marriage, I was young and beautiful then so I was constantly bombarded with apples” Stiles looked like he wanted to say something, he opened and closed his mouth a few times searching for words “you still are young and beautiful” Stiles mashed his lips together and looked at the ground “thank you Stiles” I leaned over so my face was under his as he looked at the floor a huge smirk plastered on my face. He thought I was beautiful. “No problem” Stiles smiled crookedly. “After Greece was the renaissance so that was horrible, I spent weeks painting with artists all over Europe specifically I was an assistant to Michelangelo painting the Cappella Magna - er Sistine Chapel. I was the one who would bring him meals and more paint and other disgusting things I don’t want to talk about.” I shuddered and Stiles gave me a look “Chamber pots” and that’s all I had to say for his eyebrows to shoot up. “Anyway I moved around a lot, I never really connected with anyone until my first visit to Beacon Hills. There was a Phoenix here at one time, phoenix are evil creatures they set anything the touch on fire they look pretty much like burnt crispy zombies, I murdered one of the last ones in front of a little boy it was going to kill, after the phoenix died I took its pineal gland. Since then I’ve had a problem with my temper and my animal transformed into a tiger, and I have an affinity for fire.” Stiles hand had settled on my clothed thigh. “You saved someone? From the phoenix?” I felt a sadness weigh on my heart “I only wish I had been there sooner to stop others from loosing their lives, I only saved one boy” Stiles stood up “One boy can make all the difference that one boy could have grown up to do amazing things” you thought about Elias …. Elias wow I am so stupid Elias was the man from your squad in Vietnam “Elias Stilinski” the name left your lips the same time the front door opened. “Hey dad how was work” Noah entered the house “Boring but I’m not complaining” I stood suddenly startling both of them “Noah, … were you named after anything?” The wheels kept turning in my head pieces clicking into place “My father named me Noah after his sergeant that lead him through Vietnam untouched He said he was the most noble and selfless man he had ever met and hoped I would be like him his name was Noah..” “O'Mally” both boys looked at you “the men always called me Ma'am” both boys faces were shocked and their jaws fell slack “Elias. How is Elias I know he’s not dead” I looked at Noah hopeful “He’s.. He’s… growing old effects everyone different” I nodded my head slowly a tear escaped and rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away and sniffled. “He is a good man I ran into him a few times in life, Stiles he was the boy I saved from the phoenix.” Stiles looked at his dad and his dad stared at Stiles. “My father named me after You?” I laughed really hard so hard I crumpled to the floor clutching my gut. I heard Stiles snicker and I looked up to Noah with a grin plastered on his face. 
 I made spaghetti for supper the whole time I was cooking Stiles and I talked I told him all about little Derek and Vietnam with his grandfather how I left the Hales and came back and they were gone and what I had done after to cope then I got to the part with Lydia “Stiles something happened to me that night,” I let out a heavy sigh “have you ever heard of an imprint” I stirred the noodles “You mean like a baby duckling when it hatches?” I giggled “well sort of, a werewolf imprint works differently, it’s kinda like you’ve found your soul mate you would do anything for them you would die for them, it’s an extreme kind of love.” I looked at Stiles he was looking down lost in thought his bottom lip trapped between his teeth with his eyebrows mashed together. “It’s very rare and only happens every thousands of years… It’s happened to me… I- I imprinted … on you.”
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winniethebadbih · 6 years
Afraid (Kouda x Reader)
Is this the first imagine on this guy? Show him some luv. Timeline-During the USJ Attack. Rated PG-13. Graphic imagery, blood. (sum nudity tho) ((not sexual)) Quirk- Wolf/Werewolf. We luv angst.
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"I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your DEATH!" 'Iida pulled uraraka and Satou out and After that most of us were in cased in a dark miasma that sent us in different places in the USJ.' You thought. You landed in the Squall Zone it was raining profusely. You were standing back to back with Tokoyami and Kouda, surrounded by villains. 
"There aren't any animals around so that means we must protect Kouda" you said to Tokoyami. "Right! We'll watch your 6 find the exit so we can regroup with the others." he replied.*Sniff* *Sniff* "C'mon Kouda this way I can lead us out because Rikidou smells like cake and sugar rrrruff" He simply nodded and followed closely. With your claws protruded running of all fours you pounced from villain to villain letting tokoyami and dark shadow take care of them while their dazed. You guys had great quirks but theirs were ones to laugh at either. The rain hitting your snout wasn't helping you lock on to the sugary scent. 'Maybe if I let the wolf take over a little more- No out of the question.' you thought continuing to run. When you turned behind you to check on Kouda you lost him. "Heh ha!" a villain came down from a nearby roof and almost got the jump on you emitting knives from his hands. You jumped out of the way only getting a scratch on the cheek. *Yelp* Another one appeared around the corner he was big & brony and tried to grab you. They backed you into an alleyway. 'I guess there's no other way around it huh?' you asked yourself. "Ah come on, ya scared little puppy?" while the other one joked "I thought I smelled and wet dog." 
With each word your voice grew more hoarse and your H/c fur stood on end, Your eyes reddened as you proclaimed "Im a freaking wolf RRRRrrr!" You grew three times your size, ripping through your costume that had not yet been perfected to grow with you. "GGGGRRRR" *Snarls* you bounded on each of them before they had a chance to attack. You picked up the villain that called you a dog with your mouth and shook him wildly throwing him into a wall. This was it, now you had a taste for blood. "OOOW-OOOOOW-OOOOOOOOOOW!"
Kouda's POV
*Gasp* "Y/n-chan is gone!" I said to tokoyami. "Do you know which direction she went?" I shook my head no. He asked his shadow "Whatever Beats Me" it replied. Listen Kouda Dark shadow is more aggressive when the light level is low so that explains why it's acting this way now. He's stronger as well too, Stay close, we must find y/n she could be in dang-" we hear a loud "OOOW-OOOOOW-OOOOOOOOOW" 
Out loud "I Wonder if the night aggression is the same for y/n-chan." "Only one way to find out" he added. We followed the howling. This was somewhat a good thing y/n was bringing the villains toward her. Hopefully defeating them. Tokoyami was commanding dark shadow to take out the onward villains. We heard a faint "Help Me" coming from the alleyway to the right. We neared the man to see that his arm was pretty much dismembered from his body and he was clearly bleeding out. "S-She was capable of this-s?" I asked Tokoyami already knowing the answer. "This is a little more unnerving than dark shadow catching an attitude." We backed away from the dying villain we currently didn't have the time to save a villain when we had to save ourselves.  
The further we went the thicker the trail of blood got. "The howling stopped" Dark shadow announced. "Y/n?" Tokoyami suggested. "Grrrr" was what I heard from behind as I turned to see y/n-chan leaping our direction. Tokoyami pushed me out of the way as he jumped back to avoid her claws. "It's as bad as I expected! Kouda run I'll try to reason with her!" tokoyami grunted dodging another pounce. I had started to run but memories of y/n-chan flooded in my head~
~Sometime during recess in elementary 
"Why don't you talk?" "How come all your friends are birds and squirrels" "Ahhhhh *rasberry*" 
"Your-r y-your s-scaring them" I finally spoke up. "HA ITS SPEAKS!" They all laughed around me in a circle as I cowarded between my legs. Then everyone directed their attention to a squeaky "HEY!" "Well if it isn't the pipsqueak of the class." "Aren't you a little tiny for a fifth grader?" "Rrrr ruff ruff!" "L/n the runt!" "Another one of your furry little friends?" "Except this one probably has rabies!" "I don't care what you say about me but leave Koji-kun alone!" "Or wha-" without hesitation she pounced of one of the bullies but the rest coming to his rescue, she was gonna get jumped and it would be all because of me. 
I ran to get the teacher. When we returned, we found that everyone was roughed up and dirty. "Now Apologize! Rrrr!" All in unison "Were sorry Kouda!" All of them had scratches and bruises, while L/n just had bruises. The teacher scolded her *whimper* and said she was gonna call home before taking the 4 boys to the nurse's office. "Koji-kun are you okay?" 'Me?! she just took on 4 boys that were bigger than her and won! That girl isn't afraid of anything' "Y-yeah" "You call me if you ever need help again, okay? From now on we're friends!"
~And we have been ever since End FlashBack~
'I can't run away from my friend in need it's my turn to save her.' I turned the corner twice coming back towards tokoyami. 'This can only get worse if they both lose control of their quirks' currently dark Shadow had her in a choke hold. "Tokoyami it might be easier for me to get through to her by talking to her wolf side!" "Sounds like a plan! But hurry!" I run into y/n-chans field of vision, "Y/n can you hear me!" she begins thrashing about trying to get free. "Tokoyami tell Dark Shadow to let her go!" "No it's far to dangerous" he cautioned. "Maybe not for me-" I looked her in the eyes we're friends." Panting she thrashed about again. "She's afraid"  "OOOOW!" "If I must, Dark shadow!" "Ughhhh" it sneered. 
"Y/n why are you afraid?" she hoped from her hind legs to front paws a couple of times claws tapping the pavement. "It's a part of who you are!" she spun around twice "ARRrr." "There's no huge personality difference from the more human you and the wolf!" "GGGRRRR!" 'she didn't like that at all' "Are you afraid of what others will think of you?" *whimper* and she got low and covered her face with her paws. "Y/n" I said walking toward her. "Grrrrrr" 'she doesn't want me getting too close, well too bad' I reached my hand out to pat her head but she bit me.
"Kouda!" Tokoyami screeched. "No! I'm okay she's not biting that hard." "grr." I looked at her eyes that now seemed calmer. "Y/n your quirk doesn't define who you are, your're the one using it, and for a greater good and you always have. Nothing could change my mind about you. It may not be the most innocent thing but the gruesome way fits your personality much better because your both gentle and aggressive. "I'm your best friend, and I will always stick by your side no matter what. I love you." She began to shrink down to her usual self, still biting my hand. She let go with her teeth and grabbed it again with her paws. She said in between sobs "H-how is it y-you knew the exact words I want-needed to hear?" "I told you I'm your best friend, I'm not going anywhere."
You quickly reverted back to full wolf form, signaling for Kouda to get on your back. Tokoyami mentions "We've got more company" "Grrr" We all braced ourselves. But thank god it was the pro heroes!
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